romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 12: At the Wrong Time
AUTHOR’S NOTE Part 1: (Hey everybody!! Finally got this part out. It was very difficult to write just because this is where Everything goes down for real. It gets super crazy in this chapter. There is way too much to explain in this story all at once, so everyone might be left confused for a little while. I didn’t get to the parts I badly wanted to write for this chapter, which I’m really sad about, hopefully they will make an appearance in the next chapter though. So look forward to that. I apologize for the lateness of this chapter. As always, if you have any questions or I just didnt explain something well enough, please leave your questions in the comments below. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this crazy ride!! Thank you for reading! :D)
(WARNING: Angst and Puking)
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 – Chapter 7 – Chapter 8 – Chapter 9 – Chapter 10 - Chapter 11
5:08 p.m.
THUD! Anxiety’s chair fell over backwards, startling the people around the seemingly empty table. Thomas watched the whole predicament from the corner of his eyes, badly wanting to go over and make sure his sides were okay, but knew he would just make matters worse for his anxious side. He did not understand why Anxiety fell when the waitress bumped into him, or what was even going on at the sides’ table. But if there was one thing he knew for sure, it was he felt sick to his stomach. His insides twisted as if it were trying to fight off a nasty bug, but no parasite or vicious virus had called his body it’s home. So…why then did he feel like he was going to throw up all of a sudden?
5:08 p.m.
THUD! Anxiety’s chair fell over backwards, startling the people around the seemingly empty table.
“It was me Logan. I stole your notepad.” Virgil stood there watching the complexions of his fellow sides change with the confessions he had made. Roman and Logan’s eyebrows both raised in surprise while the moral aspect’s whole face drained of what color was left.
   Through the awkward silence, Patton coughed in his tears. “K-kiddo…you didn’t…you didn’t have too-”
   “Yes. Patton. I did. Now before ANY of you decide to talk or accuse me, let me accuse myself!” His voice slightly raised as he dried his eyes of what could have been tears had he let his emotions spill over. “Logan, Patton took it upon himself to lie to you for me and I didn’t say anything. I hoped it would blow over, but now that I know that something is happening to the copy I-”
   “Copy?” Logan’s head slightly cocked, now more confused than ever.
Anxiety rubbed his nose in irritation at being interrupted by the logical side. “Look. I can duplicate things ok? I stole your notepad because you had told me during the Outfit war that I…that I represented more than just my job. I didn’t believe your words, so I stole the notepad that held all your notes and theories, to see if you were actually telling the truth. I copied it, gave the fake one back to you and kept the real to myself.” Logan glanced down at the real notebook on the table then back up at the anxious aspect, keeping silent so he could continue to speak.
“And…you were telling the truth. I didn’t trust you, because I’ve been told by all of you at one point that I only was Anxiety. And nothing more. Why the sudden change Logan?! Why?” Logan’s neutral expression transformed itself into frown, but the darker aspect gave him no time to speak. “You know what!? Don’t. Don’t answer that. I don’t need to know and I don’t wanna know. Just take the real notebook and toss the copy in the garbage. I’m sorry I lied, just…keep talking about me behind my back like I’m the villain still. It’s better than being accepted as a friend.”
Patton choked back a sob. “Anxiety…”
“No dad. Just make up with Logan and slap some sense into the prince of ignorance over there. I’ve got better things to do than stay here. Night.” He sank out, before Logan or Patton could have convinced him to do otherwise.
5:10 pm
Anxiety rematerialized in his room, collapsing on his bed sheets overwhelmed by the amount of self-hate and anger he had placed upon himself. He was not sure if it was true, but it was felt by the owner of the feelings regardless what the others thought. The sigh that protruded from his mouth was strained and raw reflecting the emotions that hung over him like a black cloud returning to haunt him once more.
He lay there unable to move painstricken by sorrow and weighed down by his own hopelessness. No matter how he tried to suppress it however, there lay a tiny spark of trust that time will pass and this whole situation would be dealt with soon.
He gave a tiny grieved smile as the thought passed through his mind. The ticking of the clock was the one thing he could always count on to solve his problems. He did hear Logan say once that time was the best healer and in many ways it cleanses problems, pushes away past mistakes, and puts distance between those who are unhappy with their earlier versions of themselves. Because of these facts all Anxiety deduced he had to do was let time pass then perhaps his mistake would be fixed.
He grinned wider as he let his grasp on time slip, the ticking of the clock soon quickening before his own eyes and ears. His body remained as his consciousness phazed through time itself, refusing to pay attention to the ever slight shifting of his room as time flew by. For the most part it remained the same, save for the imaginary spider he thought he saw running across the room or the sped up knocks of most likely Patton or any of the other sides trying to check on him.
He took a second out of his processes to thank the lucky stars that he locked his room door, but it was in that second that he heard a tiny knock. One that hadn’t rang in his ears for a long time. Not as steady as Logan’s. Not as boisterous as Roman’s. One that resembled Patton’s sweet knock, but higher pitched and placed closer to the floor. For a moment, Virgil believed he was hearing things. From past experience, he knew time-travelling had it’s side-effects on him and illusions were quite common things to experience, but after hearing it for a second time, there was no mistaking it.
He relapsed slightly, rewinding his position to a minute before he first heard the knock, and then stabilized his mind back into the mindscape. His consciousness suddenly existing in the future time he had picked and in the same position that he had laid down in. Eyeing the clock on the wall, the hands told it’s reader everything he needed to know.
7:08 pm
It was a little later than he had wanted, but he knew for a matter of fact that Thomas would be home from the Sushi place, or at least getting home if nothing else. Anxiety arose from his bed and rubbed his eyes, already feeling the spark of hope begin to nag at the back of his mind again as he slumped towards the door. He brushed it aside knowing full well that it was the last thing he had wanted to think about. At least he knew the knock would distract him.
7:09 pm
The small knock sounded, cutting through the silence and in turn his thoughts. He turned the knob and peeked out slightly, his breath caught in his throat as he saw who was standing outside his door.
“Hey Virge. Dad’s freaking out for some reason. Mind if we hide in here with you?”
5:09 pm
It took the logical aspect one whole minute to let the situation sink in. He was unable to move as he processed all the events that had led up to this point. He now realized his words to the moral aspect were much more insensitive than he had intended. Especially if he was just trying to protect Anxiety, from whatever harsh words Logan was going to give him. But, that was just it. Logan felt no anger at the anxious aspect for stealing his notebook. Maybe embarrassed since his small crush on Patton had been exploited, but even that bit of information in itself meant Patton hadn’t exactly seen his drawings anyway. But Anxiety had only wanted to confirm the words he had said during the Outfit War, but was too embarrassed to ask him to his face, which was understandable, considering how he and Roman had treated him in the past.
Logan felt his body relax slightly, as the miscommunication laid out clearly in front of him. He really did wish Anxiety had stayed so Logan could explain his thoughts on the matter. Instead, Anxiety just had to jump to conclusions once again, thinking everyone hated him for this simple act of mistrust. However, Logan couldn’t have been angry even if he wanted too. By taking his notepad, Anxiety had most likely gone through the other theories in his notepad and now he had another person to converse with about his thoughts. This whole ordeal was most likely just a rocky start to a companionship that should have been established ages ago.
Shaking himself back into the real world, Logan crept a hand cautiously towards his notepad, checking for any slight differences between the copy and the real sitting in front of him. Grasping it quickly, he flipped through it, pulled out a pen, and drew a small heart on a random page. To his relief, the ink came out of the pen and wrote like it should. This meant that only the copy was having issues performing it’s primary function. He shoved the pad inside his pocket before analyzing his surroundings.
Anxiety’s outburst had done more than surprise Logan, Patton, and Roman. Three other groups of people were now currently staring towards the sides’ seemingly empty table, but this was not what Logan was mostly concerned about. Turning towards the table where Thomas’s friends sat, everyone was talking normally, but Thomas himself had vanished. The logical facet gave a thorough scan of the restaurant, but could find no trace of their human anywhere. He blew a sigh of slight relief as Roman and Patton began to understand the gravity of the situation.
Speaking of the moral trait, Patton had broken down into even more tears after seeing Anxiety leave on such a sour note. Roman had been doing his best at comfort, but he didn’t seem too keen on how to properly help him.
“Logan! A little help over here!” Logan instantly turned to Morality and laid a gentle hand on Patton’s shoulder.
“Patton? I am sorry for what I said. I realize now you were only protecting Anxiety from my anger, but I assure you I am not in the slightest bit. It was wrong for my words to attack your ability to perform your occupation as Thomas’s morality, but you were not acting so far out of a range that Thomas wouldn’t decidedly do for his friends. Will you accept my apology?”
The moral aspect turned to Logan and threw his arms around the logical aspect’s neck, much to Roman and his own surprise. “Oh yes Logan! I forgive you. I knew you didn’t know what happened, but we need to go after Anxiety. He can’t just sit in his room thinking this is all his fault for a long period of time. We’ve let him do that enough.”
Logan nodded in acknowledgement, thankful as the moral aspect dried his tears and withdrew his arms. “Yes, I for one agree, however Anxiety’s absence is not our only problem. Thomas is gone and nowhere to be found. We might have to split up and solve both problems at once. Roman!” The fanciful aspect had been surprisingly listening to him, his phone away and eyes attentive.
“I’m awake with my so called head out of the clouds, nerd. You don’t need to shout at me. I’m staying here and looking for Thomas, though. You two can go look for Anxiety.”
Patton frowned. “He needs your apology too, Princey.”
“Yes I know. I’ll give it to him when I’m ready.” The reluctant face Roman portrayed told both bespectacled aspects that he didn’t plan on apologizing to him anytime soon. Before Logan could do so much as frown or rebuke the prince for this, the same waiter that Anxiety had bumped into began to make her way over to their table after seeing Anxiety’s fallen chair. Logan quickly drew in a breath about to reset it with his gravity powers, when he was restrained by Roman. A quick shake of his head brought Logan back to the reality of the situation. Anxiety had interacted directly with Thomas’s plane of existence unintentionally. Heaven knew if Logan’s forces could do the same.
Time seemed to stop as she sauntered over to the table and slowly set the chair upright, her face suddenly snapping to stare at the facets in front of her as all four chair legs hit the ground. Logan started, beginning to feel a sense of dread overcome him as her eyes swept along the exact position of all three of them. For a moment he feared as if she could see them sitting there directly in front of her. Movement caught his eye beyond her hair however as he spotted the same exact waitress three tables down. His eyes widened further, taking in the positions of the two identical waitresses. The one glaring at them from Anxiety’s seat, and the other who was currently walking back to the kitchen.
Two waitresses. Two Notebooks. Logan felt himself gulp and saw out of the corner of his eye the other sides had already noticed the impossible occurrence standing before them. In no way could two of the same person exist in the same time, but from the research he had gathered it said nothing about the same person existing in different dimensions at the same time.
It hit him like a truck rushing a building at full speed. The copy waiter standing before them did not exist in the dimensions of the real world, but the dimensions of their world. She smiled, seemingly noting the look of total shock on their faces as Patton and Roman glanced at Logan, trying to make sense of the situation.
“You know its not necessarily nice to take food without paying for it.” The waiter gestured to their empty plates. “How about I take you to see my manager so they can sort this predicament out?” In a flash, she reached out grabbing Roman by the wrist. The royal yelped in surprise, but it quickly turned into a scream of anguish as she gripped him. This version of the waiter was clearly stronger and more agile than other ladies her same age.
Logan acted quickly, jumping out of his seat to rush to Roman’s aid, but found himself being death gripped by the waitress as well. At first, it hurt and he could feel a wave of paralysis overtake his body, causing his body to freeze in it’s awkward position. And then a similar scream to Roman’s forced itself out of his mouth as an excruciating pain was felt traveling up his arm. He whipped his head over to Roman and then to his arm finding the same thing happening. His body was becoming transparent, leaving only the outlines of his clothing and body visible. He watched with horror as Roman’s screams continued and his own transparency spread, leaving Roman’s body looking more like a suspended, lined drawing by the second.
Before Patton could do so much as yell or scream or react to the situation at hand, Roman fell. He fell through the floor, as if it didn’t even exist under his feet. Logan stared mortified and soon after felt his body losing it’s solidity, the floor’s stability vanishing suddenly from under his feet. His stomach jumped to his throat as he felt himself follow suit of Roman, sinking down with a speed more forceful than anything Thomas had ever experienced. He plummeted down, only catching another glimpse of the outline of Roman’s body, before all consciousness slipped from him.
Patton froze with mortal terror as he watched all of this happen, unable to explain, breathe or save them from whatever was happening. His mouth opened, but no sound came out, watching the transparent forms of Roman and Logan just plunge through the floor as if it didn’t exist. Through this, no one around seemed to notice. Not Thomas’s friends, Nor people around them. Just them and the copy waitress who had power beyond any of their comprehension. As Logan fell, she retreated her hand and smiled coldly towards Patton, giving him a heartless wave, before turning transparent herself and falling through the floor.
The room grew quiet. Quiet in Patton’s dimension. People chattered all around him, but he couldn’t hear any of it. He hardly even felt the tears as they dripped off his cheeks, finally understanding the meaning of numb. He subconsciously sunk back into the mindscape, landing on his stomach which forced some of his food he ate to resurface into his mouth. He spit, a strained sound protruding from his mouth as all physical and mental pain hit him at the same time. Anxiety. He had to find Anxiety.
Patton staggered to his feet and stumbled to Anxiety’s room door. He pounded, fist after fist, the tears becoming a shower of rain, followed by strangled sound of shear sorrow, as he continued to beat, begging him to open up. After five minutes of constant beating, Patton threw himself on the ground, wailing for someone to help. Thomas. Anxiety. The Others. Anyone. Just someone, so he didn’t feel so alone.
His strangled cries soon began to dwindle into softer whimpers as he curled up on himself, in the middle of the hallway. He didn’t know how much time had passed before he had picked himself up and crawled to the darkest corner of the mindscape, choosing there to sob the rest of his overloading emotions away.
5:10 pm
Thomas puked into the toilet for the fifth time, panting, whining, and wishing his stomach would just stop being upset so he could join his friends again. He felt the pain rise in his throat as he gagged and coughed up the bile once again. He knew there were people in the restroom with him, listening to him make these pathetic sounds and it caused his stomach to wrench even more with embarrassment.
Suddenly though, from within the depths of his soul and within the depths of his mind, he could feel a pain searing grasp stripping away two sides of his very being. He screamed. A blood curling scream, enough to frighten all the other men inside the bathroom with him. It was too much. It hurt too much. Thomas felt his body begin to pass out with pain, only vaguely hearing the stall door being broken into behind him. The two voices behind him gasping with extreme disturbance at what they saw. Thomas only barely heard a voice, before he too lost all consciousness, his head plunging into the murky depths of the toilet.
“…oh my god….”
Taglist:( Let me know if you wanna be tagged): @mewsicalmiss @tinysidestrashcaptain@here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue@storytellerofuntoldlegends@cookieartcannon @thagrinbery@ts-sideblog@protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal@justanotherpurplebutterfly@remmythepegasis@leesacrakon@kitsuneprideleader @dolphin-squirrel@evilmuffin@petunia9402@greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable@withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous@allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up@evanisonfire@fandomsandnonsense7 @novagalaxy4real @colie770 @demonickittykat @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @bbcanimefangirl @bubblycricket @v-blue-writer @loganpatton @michealawithana @fandomsandanythingelse @amazable01 @llamaly @i-covet-for-you @roxiefox23
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 7: The Outfit War Part 2
Hey guys. Still on Hiatus and will be until next Tuesday. Got a lot of crap to do. :/ School comes first ya know? But, this is a thank you to everyone who is being patient with me and my studies. Love y’all! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this. Fall break is next week and I hope to come out with some new chapters of Surgery as well! :} Most of you will like that. Alright back to afk I go... (Quick note: I wrote these two parts of the Outfit War BEFORE Accepting Anxiety parts 1 and 2 were released. I was so surprised how many similarities there were in terms of references and information.)
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 -- Chapter 6
10:59 am
Roman was finished with his last outfit. Well...almost finished.
"Ugh. Where is that vile, accident-causing piece of cloth?" Roman heard Anxiety snort behind him. "What are you laughing at goth boy?"
"Pff. That's a new one." Anxiety had already finished his last outfit and was writing his label on the piece of tape. "Are you looking for that shirt I accidently flung on top of the dresser?"
Roman turned back to the area he was searching in. "Perhaps. Do you know where it went?" He was answered by a soft, but firm object hitting him soundly in the back of the head. "Oof!" His head jerked forward in response to the impact. Roman looked behind to see a rolled up version of the shirt he was trying to retrieve when the dresser fell down. He unraveled it and put it on the outfit hanger. "Why thank you Anxiety." Roman gave the darker trait a smug look, which Anxiety didn't see because he was too busy fiddling with his last outfit to care.
"Mhm." Was the only reply Anxiety gave.
Roman made a sour face and waited for Anxiety to be done with the Sharpe.
11:00 am
Logan checked the stopwatch. "They have two minutes left."
Thomas nodded his head up and down halfly listening to what Logan just said.
Patton was too busy eating a bowl of mashed potatoes to care much, but he just nodded his head up and down excitedly in agreement with his mouth full. That is, until the door to Thomas's room opened about a second later.
All heads turned as the two aspects walked out and stood at the top of the stairs.
Thomas chuckled at the sight of his two sides. Both looked like they had traveled to hell and back. Their hair was messed up. Prince's sash, crooked; Anxiety's jacket, wrinkled. Nonetheless, they looked as if they were done with life all together.
"Finished early?" Logan couldn't help but crack a small smile at their current state either.
Anxiety and Roman didn't look each other in the eyes as they nodded. Confidence resounded in their eyes like they knew who was going to win already.
Logan made his way around the banister and walked upstairs to meet them. "Please wait there Thomas. I will be back shortly."
Thomas stayed where he was, gave him a thumbs up, and continued spacing off into the middle distance.
Once Logan made it up the stairs, he walked into the room with Anxiety and Roman following close behind. The first thing he noticed, is how tidy the room looked. There was absolutely no evidence that a dresser had fallen. His eyes then focused on the coat rack and the six outfits hanging there. For the most part, he was pleasantly surprised.
Four of the outfits hanging were combinations of clothes that Thomas had worn before. His Steven Universe shirt with a pair of jeans, the gray shirt with red and white circles with another pair of jeans, a dark blue jacket with white shirt and a third pair of jeans, and last a shirt he hadn't worn in awhile with a pair of khakis. Just looking at these four outfits, he couldn't tell who had arranged them. The other two, however, were a different story.
One outfit had black pants, a black shirt, a black leather jacket, with a black beanie. The other had white jeans with holes in them put together with a white shirt. Logan rolled his eyes, strolled over to the coat rack, and began to shuffle them. Once he was finished, he did a last minute tape check to make sure no names were showing. After that, he turned to the other two traits.
"For the most part, I am pleased. Great work you two." He dipped his head in satisfaction.
Roman and Anxiety's eyes slightly widened at the compliment. It wasn't often Logan gave anyone good feedback.
"Thomas! You may come up now." Logan yelled from his bedroom.
"Alright!" Came the answer from downstairs. Shuffling, then thumps as two pairs of footsteps could be heard bounding up the stairs in excitement. Thomas skidded into the room, closely followed by Patton who was still eating mashed potatoes.
It took a second for thomas to process the six outfits that hung a few feet in front of him, but once he did his breath had left him. He didn't know what to choose. They were all good choices.
His heart rate quickened. His breathing sporadic. He was feeling anxious.
Logan noticed this and turned to Anxiety, who in turn was feeling the same way as Thomas was.
He didn't want to lose. He couldn't let up his facade. He was so nervous. Anxiety was staring at the ground and fearing the worst.
"Anxiety." Came Logan's calm voice. The darker trait's head shot up and looked Logan straight in the eyes. Though Anxiety was doing a good job of hiding his -well- Anxiety, he was still noticeably shaking.
"You alright kiddo?" Patton.
"Anxiety! Stop making Thomas anxious. You're already prolonging the results of our competition." Roman.
The voices came one after the other. While Morality and Roman went to help Thomas who was having a mild panic attack, Logan walked to Anxiety.
"Anxiety look at me."
Anxiety looked up at Logan with fear and fearlessness commingling in his eyes. "Yeah? What do you want?" He snapped at him.
Logan blinked obviously unphased. "Stand up straight."
Anxiety was slightly taken aback, but did as he was told. They were now seeing each other at the same level. The fear left Anxiety's eyes, and so did his nervousness. He found he wasn't shaking anymore. And neither was Thomas.
"Perspective is everything Anxiety. Perhaps if you stood up straight more often and looked more out and around than down at the ground, you would see that."
Thomas stood up in the background. Roman and Patton were using the deep breaths technique to get him to calm down.
Anxiety avoided Logan's eyes for a minute and went back to his laid back position against the wall. "That's not my job."
Logan frowned. "Is that all you define yourself as? Your job?"
"Well yeah. All I am is Thomas's Anxiety. It's MY job."
"But, that is where you are incorrect. Logic is my job, but I also represent efficiency, focus, and perserverance. As we talked about back in Chapter 4, we believe you encompass much more than just Thomas's Anxiety."
"Then why do you all treat me like I don't!?" The words just kind of came out. A small amount of hurt that Anxiety had been holding in for quite some time, now of all times decided to surface. He didn't cry. He wasn't sad. He was just angry. And the fact that no one else besides the side standing in front of him heard the conversation just made matters worse.
Before Logan had a chance to reply or even react, Morality tapped him on the shoulder. "I think we should all leave the room. Maybe it will take the pressure off of Thomas, so it will be easier for him to choose between the outfits."
Logan looked back at Patton and nodded. He stole one more glance towards Anxiety who was already walking out with Roman, before following Morality out of the room.
11:03 am
Thomas was still in his room choosing an outfit while everyone nervously waited in the living room. Roman was describing to everyone the outfits he picked and how he might win. Morality was still eating mashed potatoes and Anxiety was in that state of mind where you just don't care about anything. He had a shown a bit too much of his real feelings, that he needed to force them back down so they didn't resurface. One of the ways he did this was being complacent to everything and everyone around him. He knew he did care, but he didn't want anyone thinking he did. At least, not yet. He still didn't feel comfortable enough with his fellow sides or Thomas to reveal his name, or who he truly was.
His thoughts shifted to Logan who was leaning on the banister looking off into the middle distance. He was making a face of complete concentration. Anxiety suspected he was contemplating their earlier conversation and its meaning.
He shrugged the thought off and continued to scroll through tumblr. Then, something caught his eye. Logan's notepad. The pad of paper sat next to the banister on Anxiety's side. Logan's gaze was aimed away from it making it fairly easy to snatch if he was quiet enough.
In that notepad, was Logan's theorizings on Anxiety. He remembered Logic had referred to it when they were explaining the science of the Mind Palace to Thomas. No one had bothered to look through it before, but now Anxiety's curiosity was sparked. If Logan really believed Anxiety was more than just Anxiety, he would say so in there. After all, Logan was a very good note taker. He wrote down everything he thought about.
Anxiety's gaze switched between the notepad and Logan. He was about to reach for it when the door to Thomas's room reopened. Logan turned his body away from Anxiety to look up the stairs. The notepad was now in his blind spot. It was at this moment, Anxiety swiftly took it and shoved it carefully into his hoodie so that it was out of sight. Whether anyone saw him, he never knew.
Thomas walked out of his room wearing the winning outfit. "Hey guys!" He reached into his shirt to pull out the piece of tape.
"Outfit Thomas Might wear"
It was the outfit with the dark blue jacket, white shirt, and jeans.
"I picked this one because it looked nice and it might be cold in the restaurant. Congrats Anxiety!"
Lets just say...Roman's face...was priceless. His jaw dropped open as the reality of the situation hit him. For a whole month, he would now have to wear what Anxiety picked out for him.
Logan turned Anxiety's way with a smile on his face. "Well done."
"Yeah good job kiddo!" Morality cheered. "Aw. Its alright Roman. You'll do better next time. I'm sure of it!" Morality comforted the fanciful trait.
"But...but..." Roman stammered.
"Sorry Roman. But this is what happens when you bet. You win some. You lose some." Anxiety smugly remarked with a grin before he leaned back against the wall. Winning against Roman had improved his mood somewhat.
The fanciful aspect was at a loss for words. He mainly looked around, dazed and in disbelief. Mostly because he almost didn't feel he had a right to speak, especially after Anxiety 'saved' him.
"Thank you so much, everyone! Both Anxiety and Roman did very well. I actually almost picked one of Roman's outfits. It was so close!"
At those words, Roman felt slightly better.
"I think the only reason why I didn't pick it was because we were going to a fancy restraunt and the jacket looked nicer than that grey t-shirt with the red and white circles. Plus, the shirt seemed to have been rolled up. Any ideas why?"
Roman glared at Anxiety.
"What? I'm not the one who lost track of it." Anxiety defended himself.
"Does this have to do with the whole dresser incident?" Thomas asked.
"Ugh. Yes unfortunately." Roman groaned and put his hands on his hips.
"Why don't you tell 'em Princey?" Anxiety smiled wanting to hear Roman recite the whole thing in front of the others.
Roman continued to glare at Anxiety. "No."
"Alright how about this. We make a compromise. You tell them the story, we won't start the bet until tomorrow morning. You can still wear your 'Prince' costume to the restaurant tonight." Anxiety was feeling a little generous, especially since the bond between him and Roman had slightly strengthed during the Outfit War.
"ARGH! Fine! Fine! You have a deal." Roman looked at the ground and wiped his mouth with his hurt pride.
Everyone got comfortable as Princey began to relay the whole story of what happened in Thomas's Room.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue@storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery@ts-sideblog@protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal@justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon@kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin@petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable@withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket (Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 6: The Outfit War Part 1
*evil smirk*
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3 -- Chapter 4 -- Chapter 5
10:48 am
Once Thomas and the two other aspects materialized in Thomas's room, Princey was still trying to finish the Mulan song he had started in the mind palace.
"...to defeat! The H-"
"Not right now Princey." Thomas interrupted him.
"Thank you Thomas." Anxiety gritted his teeth.
"Oh, you just don't like the fact that soon, you will be singing them with me." Princey flashed a toothy grin at Anxiety who just ignored him and looked at Thomas.
Thomas clasped his hands together. "Okay, I was just going to have you guys pick out one outfit each and have me choose between them. But because I find this situation incredibly amusing, I'm going to make this contest into a bigger deal." Thomas smirked at both traits.
"Oh great...more rules." Anxiety rolled his eyes, slightly wondering if he should back down now while he still had a chance.
"Oh yes! I'm glad you like my idea Thomas." Roman threw a sh*t eating grin Anxiety's way only making the darker trait more nervous than he was before.
"Okay so this is how it's gonna go down. Both of you will pick out three outfits from my closet and you will divide them up equally between the following three categories: The outfit I would definitely wear, the outfit I might wear, and the outfit I most definitely won't wear. You both have ten minutes to choose from the variety of clothes that I have in my wardrobe. You also can't use the same articles of clothing for multiple outfits. In other words, first grab first serve."
Anxiety shrugged. "Sounds legit."
Roman agreed. "Fair enough."
"However, I won't know which outfit falls under which category so it will be completely random. Also-"
Logan suddenly materialized in the room bearing a coat rack with six hooks, parchment tape, and a Sharpie. "I am sorry, but I couldn't help but notice how unorganized this contest was." Logan looked at Thomas, set down the coat hanger in the middle of the room, and added six outfit hangers to each hook.
"Wha-well...Logan does have a point. This whole 'Outfit war' could be more organized." Thomas sided with Logan.
Anxiety snickered at Logan's remark while Roman felt slightly violated.
"Um. Excuse me Logan, but I helped Thomas make the rules. They are fool proof."
"They can't be fool proof if it was a fool that made them." Logan adjusted his glasses towards a very offended Roman.
"Ooooh!!!" Thomas covered his mouth in surprise and Anxiety pulled up an air horn app on his phone and fired it about 10 times.
"Besides, in every competition there is always a third party ensuring both sides stay within the guidelines." Logan straightened his tie and turned to Thomas. "Thomas. May I add in some rules?"
"Sure Logan. Hit me with what ya got."
"Alright. The total number of outfits that will be hanging on this rack are six. Three for both of you. On the inside of each shirt, you will put a piece of tape with your name on it and what category the outfit falls into as explained by Thomas earlier. These pieces of tape must be hidden from view, to make sure that identities are kept secret." Logan put the roll of tape and Sharpe on one of thomas's tables.
"Um...name?" Anxiety looked at Logan.
"Just put something on the tape so that we can recognise its your outfit." Logan assured Anxiety.
Princey huffed. "Fine. I guess that is more organized."
"Thank you Roman." Logan nodded at Roman's semi-approval. "Once your ten minutes is up, I will re enter the room and switch up the order of the outfits, so that when Thomas walks in, he will have no idea which outfit is whose. He will only be allowed to look at them until he decides on a winning outfit. Then he will take said outfit off of the hook and-"
"Yeah yeah. We get it Logan. No need to go through every little detail. Can we get on with it?" Anxiety cut Logic off, wanting this whole challenge to be over already.
"I-uhm...ahem...if you insist." Logan regained his composure and walked towards the door. "Princey. May I have a stop watch please?"
Roman materialized a small stopwatch in his hand and tossed it to Logan. Logan caught it swiftly. "Thank you."
Thomas nodded and walked towards the door with Logan. "Remember. One outfit per category. Oh! And one more last minute rule."
Anxiety and Princey exchanged small worried glances.
"If I pick an outfit that is labeled as "the outfit that I would definitely not choose", the other aspect automatically wins." Thomas grinned and saluted to them. "Good luck."
Logan held the stopwatch in his hands. "Right now it is currently 10:52 am. Counting down from 3. Ready?" He glanced at the other two traits who looked as if they were about to run a 100 meter dash to the closet. They looked at him back as if to say "duh".
Logan rolled his eyes and counted down rather quickly. "3. 2. 1. Begin!" He started his stopwatch.
Before the rivaling aspects could reach the closet, Thomas and Logan had quickly left the room and closed the door.
10:54 am.
Patton materialized into Thomas's apartment and stood right in front of the curtains like always. The surroundings were tense and a bit louder than normal, considering all the thumping and muffled shouting that was coming from upstairs. In front of him next to the banister stood Logan. He was busy jotting on his notepad, while Thomas to the right of him, sat on the couch being silent. Either they had not noticed his appearance or just didn't want to break the peace between them, unlike the warring pair upstairs.
Morality opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it when Logan looked up at him.
"Do you have something to say Morality?" Logan inquisited looking at Patton.
The cardigan-clad trait looked down sadly and shook his head.
"Are you sure?" Logan asked him for reassurance.
"Well...it's just...I don't like it when we fight. There's no reason for it. We are all part of Thomas. Can't we just get along?"
Logan was about to reply when Thomas interrupted singing a song. "Why can't we be friends!?"
Morality returned to his happy self and quickly joined him. "Why can't we be friends?"
Logan rolled his eyes. At least Morality wasn't sad anymore. He couldn't stand it whenever Morality did not act like himself. Granted, he didn't understand feelings, but he knew enough to know that if dad was happy, then everyone was 'happy'.
Logic was about to ask them to stop when a VERY loud thump from above silenced them all.
Patton, being the caring trait he is, ran upstairs and knocked on the door to Thomas's room. "You alright kiddos?!" Logan heard him yell from above. The responses of Anxiety and Roman were muffled by the door, the distance between them and where Logan was standing, but Patton's side of the conversation could be heard clearly.
"Yikes! Is everyone okay?"
More murmurs.
"Well alright then. Just make sure to clean up after yourself. Ahehehe!"
The next bout of murmurs seemed to form itself into a question.
"Okay I will." Patton turned from the door. "Logan!?"
"Yes Patton?" Logan called up to him.
"They want to know how much time they have left!"
Logan checked the stopwatch. "Five minutes."
"Five minutes!!" Patton repeated.
There were a couple more murmurs heard from behind the door. "Alright see you all later then!" Patton turned from the door and trotted back down the stairs back to his spot.
"What happened?" Thomas looked slightly worried.
"Your tall dresser just toppled over. No biggie. They said they'd clean up the mess."
Thomas groaned. "Ugh. They better."
Logan turned to Thomas slightly amused. "Remember Thomas, what you see happening now is only a mental projection of reality. If you were to 'snap' back into the real world, you would see that their outfit war had no effect on the current state of your room."
"Because all synthetic objects in the real world are only affected by what happens in the tangible realm?"
"Correct." Logan smiled.
"Welp! Now we wait." Morality interjected obviously excited about the results of the Outfit War.
2 minutes earlier...
"Roman? Roman. Roman! ROMAN! Watch out!"
THUD! Anxiety knew that the others heard the noise, because a worried pair of feet came running up the stairs. About five seconds earlier, a shirt that Roman needed was accidently flung onto the top of Thomas's tallest dresser. In an attempt to retrieve it, Roman climbed up the drawers, but his weight surpassed the leverage of the dresser causing it to tip over. Had Anxiety not yanked Roman off the dresser, the fanciful side may have been injured.
Anxiety let go of Roman as soon as the dresser fell down causing them both to wince from the sound it made. Before the dresser fell, the room was kept decently neat (contrary to popular belief), but now there was clothes everywhere. Both traits stared at each other in complete shock at what just happened.
The moment was cut short, however, when they heard a knock on the door.
Knock knock knock. "You alright kiddos?"
"Yeah. Thomas's tall dresser fell down." Anxiety answered as calmly as he could.
"Yikes! Is everyone ok?
"Yes. Somehow we are both alive." Roman brushed himself off and looked toward the door simultaneously facing away from Anxiety
"Well alright then. Just make sure to clean up after yourself. Ahehehe!"
"Yes. I will clean up the mess." Roman looked at the ground, his voice slightly dying off.
"Patton. Can you ask Logan how much time we have left?" Anxiety was still slightly shaking from the tense moment that had just occurred.
"Okay I will. Logan?
Logan's voice was barely heard.
"They want to know how much time they have left!"
The response was too muffled to decipher.
"Five minutes!!" Patton repeated for them.
"Really? Wow." Anxiety and Roman turned to look at the coat rack. Both of them had been very quick in selecting their outfits that they were on their last ones when the dresser fell. Knowing they both had some time, the once tense atmosphere loosened its grip on the muscles of the two sides.
"Have Logan come up when the five minutes have passed. We will both be ready." Roman spoke for himself and Anxiety.
"Alright see you all later then!" Patton's footsteps could be heard bounding back down the stairs confirming his leave.
For a moment, neither aspect could speak or move. Anxiety took the first step toward the dresser that had fallen and bent down to start cleaning the mess, but Roman stopped him.
"Wait." Anxiety froze, stood back up, and eyed Roman suspiciously.
Princey clapped his hands twice. Suddenly, all the objects and the dresser began to move on its own. Clothes flew through the air. The dresser stood back up. All objects that had been misplaced by the accident walked back to their original spot. It looked as if the dresser never fell in the first place.
"Ta-da! Bet you forgot I could do that." Roman stood proudly waiting for a response.
He didn't get one. Anxiety just walked over to the closet once more to find the combination of clothes he needed for his last outfit.
Roman's eyes lowered to the ground. He knew what he had to do, but he did not want to admit it. He bit his lip and clenched his fists as he fought himself in an attempt to swallow his pride.
He succeeded.
"Thank you...Anxiety."
Anxiety stopped dead in his tracks, still facing away from Roman. After a moment of pure silence, he replied.
"Don't mention it. You would have done the same."
Roman's gaze shifted to the dresser that fell. He imagined a similar scenario where the two sides' positions were reversed. A climbing Anxiety and him. Would he have done the same? Would he have cared enough about Anxiety to do the same? Replaying this reenactment in his mind twice brought him to the answer.
"You're right. I would have."
Had Roman been in front of Anxiety when he said those words, he would have seen the tiniest of smiles begin to form on the darker aspect's lips.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 3: Restraunt Restraint
250 FOLLOWERS!? WHAT!? You guys are too good to me!! I love each and every one of you. And to celebrate I thought I would put up the next chapter I wrote. I hope you all enjoy! (Taglist at the bottom. Yes. I’m manning up and making a gosh darn to stay taglist. Gotta go through and find everyone again.)
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2
8:10 am
Thomas had sat down on his couch waiting for his aspects to spring up from the mind palace. He had sent the summon about a minute before and expected a quicker response.
"You called?" Princey sprung up striking his fanciful pose.
"Hey Princey! I'll talk about what I called everyone for once they all get here."
"Alright. As you wish Thomas. Patton is just turning off the stove, he will be up soon."
Thomas gave a bewildered look. "You guys eat breakfast too?"
"Well yes of course. We need energy same as you."
"What did Patton make for breakfast?"
"Bacon and Waffles."
"And you didn't invite me!?"
"Well it seemed as if you had your breakfast under control."
"But that sounds much better than Oatmeal and a granola bar." Thomas whined slightly. "Did he make it for all of you?"
"Yes. Patton usually makes breakfast. I create lunch for everyone. Dinner is quite random. It really depends on the night." Roman scratched his head thoughtfully.
"Has Anxiety or Logan ever cooked?"
Roman's face fell slightly at the mention of the trait he had hurt earlier that morning. "Yes. Logan does cook. His meals are exquisite. Anxiety, on the other hand, has only ever cooked once and it wasn't anything fancy, not that he really is fancy."
"I heard that." Anxiety popped up on the stairs.
"Hey Anxiety." Thomas half waved to him.
"Hey Thomas." Anxiety greeted him with the same amount of enthusiasm.
"Well, its true you aren't that fancy. I mean all you made was Mac n' Cheese."
"Yeah, but its better than that carrot cake you 'attempted' to make."
"Logan liked it."
"Yeah. And only Logan."
"Speaking of the teacher, where exactly is he?" Thomas inquired. "He's usually one of the first ones here."
"Having a mental breakdown in his room." Anxiety stated while looking at his fingernails.
"What?!" Thomas was shocked and Princey looked down at the ground feeling very guilty.
"I'll let Roman tell you why. He still needs to apologize." And with that Anxiety sunk back down.
"Roman. What happened?" Thomas looked sternly at Princey.
Suddenly Morality entered the conversation. "Princey was singing this morning and played a really funny prank on Logic, but Princey took it too far when he said that it didn't matter because Logic couldn't feel anything anyways."
Thomas gasped. "You said that?!"
Roman looked at his feet. "Yes."
"And you didn't even apologize?"
"I also thought that didn't matter because he wouldn't understand the mushy 'I'm sorry' business. He hasn't understood it in the past." Roman assumed his fanciful pose.
Thomas rubbed the bridge of his nose in disbelief.
"Then I told him to do it anyway. Logan may not understand feelings, but he does understand when someone says something mean and means it. He understands logical emotions such as trust, honesty, and loyalty. I know that's more of my department, but Logic is always included in building friendships. He understands the cause and effects of people's choices." Morality stated.
"Wow. That...makes sense. Okay Roman. When Logan gets up here you will apologize."
"Oh alright. I suppose I should." Roman clicked his tongue in obvious regret for his mistake.
"That was a fun movie night last night though." Thomas changed the subject to get Princey's mind on something else.
"Yes it was fun! It was too bad those two fell asleep so early. That was the first time I saw Logan ever sleep out in the living room. He must have been tired." Patton scratched his chin.
"His sleeping position was hilarious." Roman pointed out.
"It was almost as if he was sleep reading." Morality giggled.
"He's such a nerd I swear." Roman chuckled.
"An important nerd though." Thomas pointed at Roman warningly.
"Yes yes alright. You do need him Thomas."
"And so do you Princey." Morality teasingly and playfully punched prince in the shoulder.
"Yes I suppose I do need him too."
"What was that Roman?" Logan appeared and gave Roman a slightly haughty look.
"Hey Logan!" Thomas and Morality both said at about the same time.
"Salutations." He waved back.
"I was just saying how you were a nerd and-" The looks Roman got from Morality and Thomas slightly destroyed his ego.
"Okay! Okay! Fine. Logan I am sorry. Yes I played a silly trick on you and I am not sorry for that. But what I am sorry for, is pretending that I knew who you were and how you would react."
"Yes. Your apology is accepted Roman, but you said something else right before I appeared."
"Ugh! Fine. I and Thomas both need you." Princey huffed. He had been defeated.
"'Thomas and I'. But, thank you for apologizing Roman. So often we sides tend to hurt each other's... "feelings", because we hardly know anything personal about our counterparts. Perhaps if we spent more time together, that wouldn't be the case." Logan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
The room went silent. Morality, Roman and Thomas were obviously thinking about what Logan had just suggested.
"We have spent time together. That's when everything goes downhill and we get hurt." Anxiety reentered. "This morning was a perfect example."
"I don't think Logan is just talking about movie nights and board games, Anxiety." Morality chimed in.
"Yes and we wouldn't be rolling down hills either Anxiety. That practice is very unsafe."
"Ugh. Again with taking me literally." Anxiety slinked back and leaned against the wall.
"I love that you're all trying to think up of ways to get to know each other better, but I kind of need some help right now." Thomas slightly butted in as he wanted his situation dealt with asap.
"Oh yes of course, Thomas. That is what we are here for." Princey's ego had resurfaced.
"What can we do for you Thomas?" Logan added.
"I'm just nervous."
"Because you're going out with friends today and they told you to pick the restaurant this time. I know because I saw it on Logan's to do list. Yeah, you should be nervous Thomas. What if you pick a place only you like? They will think you're selfish." Anxiety attacked.
"Nuuuuuu! That's not true!!!" Thomas began to worry.
"Calm down kiddo. Let's not jump to conclusions here. We all know what your friends like, so we can make a judgement based on that." Everyone turned to Morality.
"Since when have you become Logan?" Roman scoffed at Morality.
Anxiety threw up his eyebrows in surprise and Logan had his hands over his mouth in utter shock. "I am very proud of you Patt-"
"We all know your friends like bagels!"
Everyone sighed in disappointment.
"I'm pretty sure only you like bagels Morality." Thomas responded.
"Dang. So close." Logan put his hands down and on hips looking very disappointed.
"But I did like Patton's idea." Thomas thought. "Logan?"
"Yes Thomas?" He turned his head toward his 'host'.
"Could you give me a list of all the possible places we could go that my friends would enjoy?"
Logan snapped and his writing tablet and pen appeared in his hands. "Give me a half an hour and the list will be ready." Logan motioned to Thomas and he sank back down into the mind palace.
"I guess you will call us in a half an hour then?" Princey asked.
Thomas shrugged. "Unless you want to stay and we can start a disney movie together."
"Don't you have chores to do Thomas? You haven't even done laundry in like three weeks." Anxiety huffed in disgust.
"Ugh. Oh fine. Might as well do that before I go out today. Thank you for reminding me Anxiety."
"Welp! I'm gonna go put the leftovers away. Haha!" With that Patton sank down.
"I too believe I have some unfinished business back in the mind palace, anyways. Toodles!" Roman followed Morality's lead leaving Anxiety and Thomas alone.
"Are you...doing okay Anxiety?" Thomas broke the awkward silence.
"Why does it matter to you?" Anxiety snapped back at him.
"Because whenever you aren't feeling okay, neither am I. I just wanted to empathize with you...even just a little?" Thomas asked sheepishly.
Anxiety looked around at all the places his fellow traits would be, looking for lingerers.
"Ugh. Fine. Look, it wasn't a good morning for me or Logan. I am just really annoyed at everyone right now. Can I go?" Anxiety pointed downward with a very irritated look on his face.
Thomas threw his hands up in the air in defeat. "Sure."
"Thanks..." Anxiety quickly left the real world leaving Thomas alone to do Laundry.
8:32 am
Logan was finishing up his list that Thomas had asked him to write when he heard a knock at his door.
"Who is it?" Logan asked in his normal voice.
"It's your dad, kiddo." Morality sounded as chipper as usual from the other side of the door.
Logan rolled his eyes, stood up, and opened the door. "Is there something I can do for you Morality?"
"Oh nothin' really. I just wanted to let you know I did the dishes for you." He smiled wide.
"But...it was my turn to wash the dishes." Logan was slightly confused.
Morality laughed. "I know Logy. I knew you were busy on Thomas's restaurant list, so I thought you could use one less thing off your mind. Right?" Morality held his arms open wide as if asking for a hug in return.
"Its just Logan." Logic blinked not moving a muscle.
Princey teleported next to Morality.
"Now what I believe Morality wants you to say, Logan, is thank you."
"Thank...you-?" Logan was now very confused.
"Your velcro!"
"Morality it's your welcome." Roman looked at him about as confused as Logan now.
"Oh I knew that. I was just thinking velcro might hold your tie in place better, Logan. A small sticky patch that can be put on and removed easily from your clothes might do the trick. I know you hate it when it's messed up." Morality motioned to Logan's necktie.
Logan looked down at his tie and then back up at Morality. "That...is actually a very useful tip. I might just do that Morality. Thank you."
"Darn it Morality. You ruined the moment. It was a good Disney joke too."
"After this morning Princey, I don't think anyone wants to hear anymore Disney jokes."
The three aspects turned to the opposite, protruding corner of the hallway to see Anxiety leaned up against it.
"How would you kn-"
The door that Logan was holding open was now shut and locked from the inside.
"Just saying." Anxiety pushed himself off the wall and made his way to the living room.
Princey and Morality followed him.
"Was Logan's mental breakdown really that..." Once they rounded the corner to enter the living room, Princey's voice trailed off as he realized that Anxiety was no longer there and he was just talking to empty space.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402 (Alright I’m sure I’m missing people. Sorry for doing this so late guys I promise to do better in the future. Please either message or reblog on this post directly if you want to be tagged in future installments or you can send me an ask. I will not answer it though just so I can keep a record of who wants to be tagged easier. Also let me know if you don’t want to be tagged anymore. That’s it! Can’t wait to write more!)
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 9: Coincidences?
I’m bored and hyped up and cannot study for the life of me, so have chapter 9 everyone! Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 – Chapter 7 -- Chapter 8
2:45 pm
Anxiety could not believe his eyes. Everything that Logan had theorized about him were real situations that he could testify to. From the Fight or Flight response, to the feeling of nervousness, and even the butterflies in Thomas's tummy. Logan had even gone so far to say that Anxiety could quite possibly represent Thomas's body as a whole. Involuntary functions included. Some of the descriptions the Logical trait gave, made Anxiety slightly sick to his stomach, but at least he was giving a thorough description of his investigation.
Logan even referenced a curve. Something about relating productivity to Anxiety and that he is needed in performing everyday tasks. Anxiety didn't fully understand it, but it wasn't his job to.
The darker aspect continued to skim his theory. All the information was there. Logan truly did believe that Anxiety was more than just anxiety. He had described it all so well that even Anxiety himself was beginning to believe that he was more than what his name suggested. The darker trait found himself slightly smiling as he read more of the information on the page, but suddenly his face fell as he realized what he had done.
He hadn't trusted Logan's words. Anxiety needed proof, but sometimes in friendships proof is what breaks the bond more than strengthening it. But, there were times Logan was just as mean to him as Roman was. Maybe, Logan deserved it. Anxiety closed the notepad and looked at it sorrowfully lost in his own thoughts. Now, no one could trust him. Not even Patton.
He had let down the one aspect that actually believed in him. And now...he might lose a potential friend. He knew what he had to do, but surprise surprise! He was anxious. Don't get me wrong, Anxiety is no coward. But when it comes to facing challenges, it takes him awhile before he musters up enough strength to own his actions. And facing Logan? Granted he was the logical trait and he couldn't feel much anger, but you never wanted to be on his real bad side.
Anxiety shuddered. He thought about the different ways he could approach the situation, but they all seemed to end at the same place: complete loss of trust. In frustration, he gently tossed the notepad to the other side of the bed and was about to go back to his music, when he gave the notepad one final glance. In the end, he was very glad that he did. It was not only his saving grace, but everyone else's.
From that one glance he gave, he noticed the notepad had opened to a page that lied in between the blank pages towards the back of the pad. Written on that page was one single word. A word that spoke volumes to the one reading it.
Anxiety's eyes widened. He was only a second ago trying to comprehend why Logan would write something completely out of the ordinary in such a random place, but then something struck him.
It wasn't Logan's handwriting.
It was his own.
A half an hour earlier...
Logan roused slowly. He had taken a short rest after opening Patton's presents and putting them in their proper places. Now that he was awake, he could begin to get ready for the dinner tonight. He thought about the tie that Patton had given him in one of the gift boxes. It was a deep blue with pictures of all breeds of puppies and dogs on it. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he really liked that tie. Now, would he ever wear it would be the next question to ask.
He thought for a moment. Patton gave him the tie and the fatherly aspect was probably expecting him to wear it tonight. Logan's thought process was as follows: he was given a gift, it is impolite to refuse a gift or not use the gift for its intended purpose, and because they were going somewhere somewhat fancy, it was acceptable to dress occasionally. There. He had reasoned with himself that it was ok to wear the gift.
Logan got dressed into his normal 'teacher' outfit, but instead of his signature blue tie, he replaced it with the gift tie. He straightened himself up and looked in the mirror. The dog tie didn't look half bad on him. It was very eye catching though and Logan was slightly nervous of the comments he would receive from Roman and Anxiety. But as long as Morality was happy, it shouldn't matter too much.
In letting his mind wander, Logan had not realized that he was smiling into the mirror. When he saw his lips curving upward, it scared him so much he hopped backward an inch. He shook his head in disbelief and reaccepted his straight face. After combing his hair, he sat down at his desk and reopened his notepad. He had already looked through it once before he fell asleep, but he just wanted to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Seeing it out of his possession this morning had really nerve-racked his brain.
He flipped through the Theories section and opened it up to a page with no label. This was something that he had begun writing this morning before the Outfit War. The events of the previous night like his encounter with Anxiety and the spilled milk had caused him to ask a question that many overlook in their day to day lives. Wanting to remember where he left off from earlier, he began to read quietly to himself so he could regain his train of thought.
3:03 pm.
"The human being can be divided into roughly four parts: the mind, the heart, the spirit, and the body." Anxiety read.
"Each has their own, unique role and are very different from each other. But there is one thing that they all have in common: they can all be affected by the same outside sources."
"These outside sources could be mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual in some scientific cases. Here is an example of a physical outside source. If someone were to be punched by another person, a bruise would appear and their body would be noticeably affected, but so would the person's mood and thought process. The person then will have to think of a way to respond to the situation they are in and decide if they will fight back, run away, or take an alternative course of action." Anxiety scratched his head thoughtfully.
"An emotional outside source could be hurtful or encouraging words. When heard, they either build or tear down one's ego, affecting the mood, thought processes, and eventually the productivity of the body for usually the remainder of the day."
"All four sides of the human being are needed every second of every day and often work together like a team. There are times, however, when it is not an outside source, but an internal source that affects the person. These sources are but not limited to: negative thoughts, internal injuries, disabilities, sickness, and the list goes on. When these occur, it normally has a larger impact on the person, because it puts a strain on the relationship of the four parts. When uniting to fight an outside source, the human has a better chance of survival because the foundation is holding strong. The same cannot be said when fighting an internal source because if just one of the four is acting up, the results could be damaging to the human. Or even fatal if one of them happened to no longer exist."
Anxiety let his mind rest for a second as he turned the page. This was a lot of information to take in. Logic certainly owned up to his name.
"The human brain is built to learn, gather information, and rewire itself accordingly to its surroundings and the situations it experiences. It does this through the different problems it encounters. Normally, the problems that happen outside of the human being are the experiences that shape them into who they are today, however; This is only true if all four sides are considered one human being. If, for some reason, the four parts are 'allowed' more leeway, they can begin to explore their limits on their own without needing the other sides' help or approval. Essentially, it just means it is easier for the human to break apart inside because harmony is not as easily obtained."
"In the case of Thomas, we are still Thomas and he is still us. We only figuratively gained a conscience because he personified Roman, who was able to work inside of Thomas's imagination and create the mind palace. The mind palace is the loop hole inside of the pocket dimension. Roman was not able to expand Thomas's imagination directly to accomodate us, but the mind palace had already existed between the fourth and fifth dimensions. (see chapter 5 for explanation on this part) Patton's, Anxiety's, and my parts of the brain registered the mind palace not as imagination, but as a bridge to the fourth dimension and to other unknown areas of Thomas's mind. This is why we he can summon us voluntarily, or we can 'pop' in on him when he leasts expects it."
"But because we can do all of these fascinating things, we need to be careful. I have been able to find no sources that state that other people were able to achieve this sort of understanding. Thomas must be a special case. His decisions influence the real world on a very large scale, but now ours can too. We can act unbeknownst to Thomas, even though he is involuntarily controlling us. This means that everything happening inside the mind palace can be considered an internal source. Not only that, but outside sources also affect his sides more than they would have originally. It is undeniably important that now more than ever we practice good teamwork and be responsible for everyone's-"
The writing stopped there.
Anxiety felt as if he had ridden a roller coaster that just stopped working half way up the drop-off. Be responsible for everyone's...what? Wait. No.
He rummaged through the blank pages of the notepad until he found the one page the pad had opened to earlier.
Instead of tossing the notepad in frustration like he did earlier, he chucked it at the wall in complete bewilderment. Thump!
1 minute earlier...
"It is undeniably important that now more than ever we practice good teamwork and be responsible for everyone's-" This was where Logan had left off. Satisfied that he remembered where he was going with his newest theory, he picked up a pen and wrote the last word of the sentence.
"...choices." He was about to write the next section when he noticed something odd. The ink hadn't come out of the pen and onto the paper. There was no evidence he had even tried adding another word. He raised an eyebrow, tried shaking the pen, and then preceded to write the word again. Still nothing came out. This was a pen that came from one of Morality's gift boxes, so it should be very new and easy to work with, unless it was a prank.
Logan rolled his eyes and grabbed a random sheet of scratch paper from his desk. In the corner of the paper, he drew a heart with the pen. To his surprise, the ink came out perfectly fine. Logan scratched his head.
"Strange." He whispered to himself. Again, he tried to write the same word on his notepad. Again it didn't work. His gaze shifted between the pen and the notepad.
"Is this a joke?" His mouth slightly agape as he stared at the page in utter disbelief, but was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard a muffled thump.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" It was Anxiety's muffled shout coming from his room. As expected, Logan could hear Patton's door swing open and his footsteps while running to the darker aspects room. The conversation between Anxiety and Patton could not be heard clearly, because Logan was still in his room. Patton was more than likely just checking to make sure Anxiety was okay.
Logan refocused on the notepad in front of him. He had to get to the bottom of this new mystery. He checked the clock in his room.
3:16 pm.
Logan grumbled. He didn't have enough time to do a thorough research process on the notepad before dinner, but at least he could get started on it. After pulling out several things he needed from various places around his room, he began the process of deductive reasoning. He tried to think of all the possible probabilities that this effect would have been caused by. But little did he know, he was still missing one important piece of evidence. Anxiety still had the real one.
4:17 pm.
Thomas was sitting on his couch when a car pulled up into his drive way and sounded its horn. He jumped off the couch, grabbed his wallet, grabbed his keys, and walked out the door making sure to lock it behind him.
"Hey Sanderstorm!" It was Joan. "You ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!" Thomas walked up to the car and got into the back seat with Leo.
"Where we going Thomas?" Talyn looked behind the passenger seat at their friend.
"Mahzu Sushi and Grill!" Thomas said confidently.
"Alright. Here we go!" Joan drove off and the friends laughed all the way to the restaurant.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends@cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly@remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader@fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402@greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up@evanisonfire @fandomsandnonsense7 @novagalaxy4real (Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
P.S. (I’m very proud of how this chapter turned out!)
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important’s Theme Song
Hey Everyone! Thank you so much for your wonderful messages. And I think I’ve tagged everyone that asked to be tagged. If I missed you, please comment down below and I’m terribly sorry for missing you! If you are just seeing this as your first time and have no clue what Undeniably Important is, it is a fanfiction that is written by me about the Sander’s Sides. If you would like to read it, the newest chapter just came out a couple days ago with all the links to the previous chapters in order! I suggest you read it before you watch the video. Otherwise thank you for reading!
Chapter 11
So I found a song that fits Undeniably Important so well as a whole!! It definitely gives a whole bunch of foreshadowing to what ‘might’ happen in the future. Ignore the pictures in the background, they don’t have anything to do with it. Credit to the original creator and the arranger. The characters in my story sing the different vocals, some of whom you have not met yet. The subtitles are whats important so, Pay attention to those. Also the fact that this song is a good Analogical song helps as well, because UI does focus on their BroTP! You can hear bits of Roman and Patton’s parts scattered throughout too though. Tell me what you think after you’ve listened and read the subtiles Please! Enjoy!
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue@storytellerofuntoldlegends@cookieartcannon @thagrinbery@ts-sideblog@protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal@justanotherpurplebutterfly@remmythepegasis@leesacrakon@kitsuneprideleader @dolphin-squirrel@evilmuffin@petunia9402@greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable@withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous@allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up@evanisonfire@fandomsandnonsense7 @novagalaxy4real @colie770 @demonickittykat @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @bbcanimefangirl @bubblycricket @v-blue-writer @loganpatton @michealawithana(Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 4: Playful Banter
Chapter 4 is here. This one is much shorter compared to the chapters after this however. After this chapter the setting really begins to be shown. It’s a long setting but I wanted to get a feel for the characters first before plunging them into a foreign exciting angst-ridden story. I hope you all like this next chapter though. Once again taglist is at the bottom.
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3
Anxiety quickly teleported to his room and locked the door. After taking a deep breath, he yawned and trudged lazily to his bed. Pulling out his phone, Anxiety checked the time.
8:37 am
He groaned and fell face first into the black sheets of the covers. He just wanted to sleep the rest of the day away and forget that he had a job to do. The fact that Thomas was going out with friends only put more stress on him. He had to find an outlet, stress-reliever, or something to get everything that was happening off of his mind. His thoughts immediately trailed to the guitar sitting in his closet. Anxiety did enjoy playing the guitar, but he rarely ever did because he was afraid one of the other aspects would hear and then he would have to answer a thousand questions pertaining to his 'hidden' talent.
Anxiety struggled to unbury his face from the bed and turned to look at the Fender, the strings gleaming from his closet. Part of him badly wanted to pick up the string instrument and strum his worries away, but he decided against it.
"I'll play you later tonight." He whispered in the direction of the guitar as if it were a person.
Anxiety climbed up on his bed so his head was on his pillow and surfed through his playlists of music. Evanescence will always be his favorite band, but he had recently been getting into other bands such as Shinedown and Skillet. Anxious to listen to a new album, Anxiety searched his bedside tables for his head phones, which after moving a couple articles of dark clothing, he found them. Darn, the cord was all tangled up. Anxiety groaned in irritation.
After a minute or two spent unraveling the wires, he plugged in his headphones and listened to Haunted by Evanescence to see if they were working correctly. He sighed in relief as the familiar sounds rushed at his ears drowning out the world around him. He stopped the song midway through to change the playlist to the new album that had just come out. Once he pressed play, Anxiety felt his body relax the same way it did when the milk hit his system last night.
With eyes on the ceiling and music in his ears, Anxiety sunk into his bed. He felt better.
9:45 am
Anxiety had just finished the tenth song of the album, and was about to play the next one when he heard a knock at his door.
He pulled off his headphones. "Who is it?" he yelled. He wanted to finish his album before anyone interrupted his peace and quiet.
"This is Logan." Whenever Logan knocked on anyone's door, he always had something important to say.
Anxiety whined slightly. "Can it wait like 10 minutes?" He yelled back from his bed. Getting up was the last thing he wanted to do.
"We aren't on any sort of time frame, so I don't see why not. Thomas will be appearing in the mind palace about 10 am though. He expects everyone to be there. You have until then."
"Thanks mom!" Anxiety yelled back and quickly plugged his ears back up with his headphones so he didn't hear Logan's response. He chuckled to himself and began to listen to the last few songs of the album.
10:01 am
Thomas materialized in the mind palace. "Hey everybody!" He stretched and made his way towards the center couch in the living room.
Logan was waiting for him, sitting in the same spot that he had fell asleep in last night, holding the list in his hands. "Hello again, Thomas."
"Morning Logan!" Thomas flopped on the center couch and slapped his own thighs zealously, ready for the day.
Princey teleported to the couch facing away from the kitchen. "Good morning again Thomas! How was laundry?" He clapped his hands and a personified tea set teleported in front of him. Princey daintily sipped tea as he waited for the other aspects to arrive.
"I got most of it done. Hey Princey. Are you and Logan on better terms now?" Thomas asked eyeing the two aspects respectively.
Seeing that Roman was too busy drinking tea, Logan answered for him. "Affirmative. But, I cannot deny that my trust for you was halved." Logan motioned to Princey and then continued scribbling on his notepad.
Roman flinched at his words. "Yikes. Well, I deserved that. Heh heh...heh..." Princey's voice trailed off as he scratched his neck in regret.
Morality suddenly appeared next to Princey on the couch. "Heya kiddos! I don't know about you but I'm feeling SOFAbulous today." Patton chimed.
Only Thomas laughed.
"No offence Morality, but you have made better puns in the past." Roman sipped some tea.
"Ugh. If you continue telling jokes Morality, I will have to punish you." Immediately Logan clasped a hand over his mouth.
"OOOHHHH!!! Good one Logan!" Thomas laughed at the unintentional pun that slipped out from Logan's mouth.
"And what form of punishment would it be, Logan? A parent teacher conference?" Anxiety had just appeared to the right of Logan, giving the snarkiest smirk he could muster. When he said that though, something flashed across Logan's face almost faltering Anxiety's current facial expression. It was almost as if Logan was embarrassed? This sparked his curiosity.
All the aspects laughed at the joke except Logan, who just looked defeated.
"Alright. So back to business since we are all here now." All eyes were now on Thomas "I had a private chat with Logan over here,"
Logan waved.
"And he says the best place place to go is Mahzu Sushi Bar and Grill. What does everyone think?"
"Ooh! You'll have a whale of a good time! If anything can krill a diet, seafood can." Morality agreed
"Seafood! An excellent choice." Roman assumed an epic pose.
"And it's perfect, because if anybody doesn't want seafood they can order something from the grill!" Thomas was obviously excited.
"Sure. Not a bad choice. What could go wrong? Oh right. Everything." Anxiety's suddenly chill attitude turned dark but was soon undermined by Logic.
"I am sorry to say that You are once again, outnumbered." Logan haughtily replied to Anxiety who just angrily groaned.
"Of course I am. *cough* because mother knows best *cough*." Anxiety whispered the last part under his coughs so only Logan could hear him. Logan just gave him a death glare at which Anxiety chuckled.
"Aww...its ok Anxiety. Maybe we can get sushi with Thomas and his friends tonight! We can all get our favorite dishes." Morality interjected.
"Well, don't you guys technically come with me wherever I go?" Thomas questioned.
"We do! But, we don't usually 'act' like we are with you in the real world." Princey explained.
"Real...world? What are you guys talking about?"
"Oh thats right. We never officially explained to Thomas the science behind the Mind Palace. I guess this is a job for the smartest guy in the room: Logan." Morality smiled at Logic.
Logic dipped his head and smiled proudly. Anxiety swore he saw the same flush in Logan's cheeks slip by quickly before he began to speak.
"We are mental projections of your personality, but there is so much more information about us than we let on." Logan began.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue@storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog@protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing (Let me know if you want to be tagged or if I should remove you from the taglist. Love you all!))
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 5: Necessary Information?
This is where the science and more setting comes into play. I hope you all understand what is going on. This is one of those chapters that I just had to get right or everyone was gonna go... “wha?” Time for dimensions and powers and what not. Hope you enjoy! :)
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3 -- Chapter 4
"We are mental projections of your personality, but there is so much more information about us than we let on." Logan began. "We definitely do not have all the answers, but I will tell you what we do know about ourselves."
Everyone in the Mind Palace made sure they were comfy as they continued to listened to Logan's explanation.
"Every human in the world has an imagination based on their experiences, thoughts, beliefs, etc. But, It's through that imagination that ideas are produced to manipulate the real world in many different and unique ways."
"In other words, dreams can come true in the real world, but only if you have the motivation and the mind to pursue them?" Thomas asked wondering if he was correct.
"I guess that is one way to put it, but yes. Everything that happens in the physical world starts with an idea. An idea that is not tangible at first, but with hard work, can end up changing the world for better or for worse. Now in the case of regular imagination, little children might play make believe to pretend that the world worked in completely different way than what reality suggests. They might imagine a unicorn or a dragon, both of which are creatures that do not exist in the real world, but they do exist in the child's mind." Logan stopped for a second allowing Thomas to rest his brain.
Thomas took a deep breath. "Okay...so though all four of you do not exist in the real world, you exist in my mind. That makes sense."
"Because humans can create alternate realities for themselves psychologically, question their existence, and problem solve, their brains function on a higher level of thinking than what the physical world entails. The alternate realities are actually pocket dimensions that you have unlocked and they reside on a completely different plane of existence."
"My imagination is a pocket dimension?" Thomas looked at him slightly dumbfounded. "Does that mean the mind palace itself is a pocket dimension?"
Roman cut in as he knew this bit of information. "It did not used to be, it was just a part of your imagination," He gestured to himself dramatically. "It grew to be that way because you personified the different aspects of your personality: Logic, Creativity, Anxiety, and Morality. By personifying your creativity, you gave me control over your imagination, thus giving me control over the mind palace and everything in it. Basically I expanded the mind palace outside of your creativity, so that these three can have their fun. The bad thing is I don't have complete control over the mind palace anymore."
"Who said that was a bad thing? At least it doesn't look like a castle anymore." Anxiety interjected.
"Again. Who asked for your opinion Tim Burton? Because I certainly didn't."
Thomas silenced their banter. "Okay. So...this personifying thing, do you all have consciousness of your own then?"
"No. Thats too weird and creepy. We are still you." Roman shook his head.
"The point that we are all trying to get at is you have split yourself neatly into four different parts. Your mind: Logan, Your heart: me, Your spirit: Roman, Your body: Anxiety. In doing so, you allowed each part to work separately. So often, people use all 4 parts of themselves together, not allowing each side to grow individually." Morality steered the conversation back on track.
"We believe that the effect of this is you are unlocking different parts of brain, since you have been able to single us all out in your mind. I'm not sure how correct it is, but that is just my theory. After all, humans only use 10% of their brain so it very well could be true." Logan adjusted his glasses.
Thomas thought. "Wow. So if I'm getting this right, I could compare this whole situation to a computer. So like, if a bunch of files are saved on a computer, they are all just meshed together, but if I organized those files into 4 different folders, thats basically you guys. Did I get that right?"
"Correct Thomas." Logan beamed. "Now what exactly is in those folders is what we are trying to figure out. Sure I contain your facts and knowledge, but because I'm half of your left brain I am beginning to learn more about what I can do. All of us in the mind palace have the ability to teleport objects and ourselves, but I've recently found out I can control the laws of "nature" in the mind palace. For instance, I could change the course of gravity if I really wanted to." He made his note pad hover above his hands as a demonstration and then grabbed it out of the air.
"Isn't it Princey's job to change things that happen in the mind palace?" Thomas scratched his head.
"That's the thing. I do not have complete control over the Mind Palace anymore, because it houses the other three aspects of you as well, not just your imagination. It's almost as if the mind palace has become your brain itself. Figuratively speaking of course. If you took an X-ray, it would still look like your brain." Roman took a sip of his tea proud of what he said.
"Then what do you have control over in the mind palace Princey?" Thomas looked back at him.
"I can personify and summon objects. I also can decorate and shapeshift rooms to a degree. And that's about it. For now at least. We seem to be discovering more and more each day." Roman took another sip of tea.
"I can control the other three aspects and make sure balance is maintained." Morality exclaimed happily.
"Oh right. His infamous, 'dad mode'." Logic cocked his head sideways in slight annoyance. Thomas looked at him as if expecting an explanation. "He has the ability to null our abilities and reset the mind palace to default if we argue too much. Or, he can withhold our abilities if we...'act up'."
"I call it a timeout!" Morality crossed his arms and looked defiantly at the other sides, fully remembering how he had to punish each of them.
"And I have no clue what I do." Anxiety leaned back and acted like not knowing didn't bother him one bit.
"It's true. Anxiety's role in the mind palace is still a mystery to us. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough." Logan looked down at his notepad and flipped through the pages obviously trying to find something.
"Morality mentioned something about Anxiety representing my body." Thomas inputted.
"Yes. That is also one of my theories, but in order to test it out, you would have to be in a very dire situation." Logan found the page he was looking for and took a couple more notes on it. "One so dire that some involuntary functions would have to..." Logan took out a flash card then showed it to everyone else. "...'kick in'."
"Pfff." Anxiety and Roman stifled chuckles at Logan who just rolled his eyes as he knew that he was serious.
"Hm. So we will worry about that later, but how does all this play a role in you guys coming along with me to sushi tonight?" Thomas still wanted all the information he had learned to tie into the previous discussion.
"Ah. This is what I've been meaning to get to." Logan closed his notepad and set it on his lap. "Levels of consciousness/thinking are not unrelated to the different dimensions of reality. As you know, the real world reverts between the third and the fourth dimension. Well, imagination or pocket dimensions are actually parallels of the fourth, fifth, and sometimes sixth dimension that occur in the natural world. Are you familiar with the Path of Enlightenment?"
"Not really. It's like conscious, unconscious, deep sleep, then transcendental...right?"
"Somewhat. Anyways, your Imagination, Princey, resides in the fourth and fifth levels of the Path of Enlightenment which are Transcendental and Cosmic respectively. The Mind Palace itself lies right in between both of those levels, which is unique considering the fact that most other people have imaginations that lie in the Cosmic level and not lower."
"Is it because I split myself into four equal parts that my imagination is closer to the Transcendental level?"
"Yes. We believe that to be the case." Logan shifted positions slightly.
"Good job Thomas. You level headed the royal pain." Anxiety commented, smirking at Prince who was now having a hard time swallowing his tea after hearing that remark.
"Now about 'walking around' in the real world, we can do that. But only to a point where we would be in the same dimension as ghosts and spirits if they existed. Many other 'imaginary friends' can do that too, but not to the extent that they could be seen by animals with very strong senses. We can also use the objects you see in your day to day lives."
"Oh like frying pans?"
"Yes! Except you would not see us use them as there are many different versions of that particular object that exist in our dimensions."
"But that's what we will be doing when we go with you guys. We will make our own sushi and food using versions of what you see around you." Morality was ecstatic.
"And nobody will ever be able to see you?" Thomas asked enthusiastically.
"Nobody 'cept you, kiddo!"
"At least, nobody should." Anxiety added his two cents of uncertainty to the conversation.
"Well that's great then! How will you all travel, though?" Thomas scratched his chin thoughtfully
"The same as we always do when you travel." Princey stirred some sugar into his tea. "We just come with you. Don't you remember what Logic said? We exist in both the 4th and the 5th dimensions. The laws of the real world don't affect us." Princey blowed on his tea before taking a sip.
"Ah. That makes sens-"
"Ewwww!" Everyone turned to look at Roman who had the most revolting look on his face. "Who dares to switch my sugar with salt!?"
Morality and Thomas couldn't hold back the laughter that was bubbling out as they watched Roman's face.
"Obviously someone who thought you needed a taste of your own medicine." Anxiety remarked with a smirk on his face.
"Ugh!" Roman wiped his mouth in disgust and cleaned up after his small spill while Morality and Thomas continued to laugh.
Logan just sat there smiling smugly at Roman whom he managed to catch eye contact with. "I think it's safe to say we're even now."
Roman's jaw dropped open as he realized it was Logan who had played the prank on him.
Morality continued to chuckle, but replied. "Hehe! What are the odds?"
Logan's smile immediately turned straight faced as he turned to Morality with irritation.
Roman sprung at his chance. "Wow Logan. I would have never been able to figure out who pulled the prank if you hadn't said anything." The smug smile was now upon Roman's lips as he watched the logical side almost flip out of his skin.
"Roman!" Both Morality and Thomas were surprised.
"And now it's safe to say that your days are both numbered...dang." Logan face palmed at the pun he just made.
The room roared with laughter. Roman and Morality both threw their heads back while Thomas just sat giggling pretty hard. Anxiety even had to cover his mouth for fear of sound coming out.
Logan rubbed his temples with his left hand in utter embarrassment and sighed. It took about 5 minutes for all the giggling to end, at which he was very glad when it did. During the slight pause that everyone was catching their breath, Logan regained the upperhand of the conversation.
"Now that that fiasco is over, what are you going to be wearing tonight Thomas?"
Thomas's face immediatly fell. "I have no idea."
"Oh do not worry Thomas! I can help with that!" Roman assumed his fanciful pose pridefully. He dematerialized the tea set in front of him.
"And tell him to wear something that will make him look like a fool? Yeah thats definitely something you can help with." Anxiety sarcastically remarked.
Roman shot Anxiety a detesting look.
"Alright break it up you two. How about you both help me choose an outift?" Thomas proposed.
"What?" Roman was taken aback.
Anxiety shrugged. "Sure. Not like I got anything better to do."
"Anxiety, you have no fashion."
"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" Anxiety glared at Roman smugly.
"Oh yes I will. I bet on the winds of change Thomas will pick the outfit I choose for him."
Anxiety scoffed mockingly. "Fine then. What happens when you win?"
"For one month, Whenever I sing a Disney song, you must join in with me. And you will sing the specified part I give to you." Roman outstretched a hand in Anxiety's direction. "And I mean actually sing because I know you can. You just choose not to."
Anxiety cowered at the thought. Oh was Princey going to get it. "...Okay. Then, if I win I get to control your fashion style for one whole month. All of your clothes you have now? Gone. Whatever you wake up to, will be what you have to wear for that day. Because I will have demonstrated that I do have fashion and that I was right." Anxiety was basically doing the z-snap with his shoulders.
"Hahahahaha!" Princey mockingly laughed. "Bring it."
Logan and Patton looked at each other and exchanged worried glances as if to say "how did this escalate so quickly?".
"Alright." Thomas was extremely amused. "Us three will go back to my room and we will see what we are up against when we get there." He nodded uncertainly.
"Fine by me." Anxiety looked at his fingernails.
"Let's get down to business!!" Princey began as the three of them dematerialized from the Mind Palace and into Thomas's Apartment.
Logan looked at Patton unsuredly. "What just happened?"
"I don't know. But one things for sure-"
"No puns please. No more."
"Alright Logy."
"It's Logan. Just...Logan."
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue@storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog@protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon@kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin@petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable@withoutfandomsiamnothing (Let me know if you want to be tagged for future chapters. :) Love you guys!)
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