#undeniably important
blue-mood-blue · 9 months
I can pinpoint the moment that destroyed my life today:
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It’s been a handful of weeks since Murderbot came within inches of having a new, organic governor module implanted in its head via infection - do you think, maybe, that’s also been hiding behind the redacted? Not the way everything else is, just as a deep-seated reminder of what it can’t afford to lose?
What a way to be told “I love you” - to be told “I will not lose you, I will not let go, I will do the hard part of holding on even if you don’t want me to”
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [5/5] motifs -> pain
It still hurt! And that's what keeps you human- pain.
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khattikeri · 5 months
drives me nuts when people treat jin guangyao or wei wuxian like they're socialist revolutionaries like no! they're not!! in fact their respective roles in society and complacency regarding its hierarchies is why ANY of the story even happens to begin with!!!
jin guangyao doesn't hold bitterness just because he was born lower class. he is bitter because others deride him and his prostitute mother in spite of both their intelligence, skills, and efforts to climb the ladder.
why do you think we were shown scenes of other prostitutes in the brothel deriding meng shi for being literate, for "trying" so hard? why do you think we were shown scenes of anxin taunting meng yao and throwing shit at him because he was trying to learn cultivation at his mother's behest?
why do you think jin guangyao arranged for the arson of that brothel, burned to the ground with everyone except sisi inside? that's not the behavior of someone who believes in true equality and the inherent worth of sex workers as human beings!
that's the behavior of someone who thinks he's better than them. the behavior of a man who already came up on top through political games and war crimes, backstabbing and spying for the sake of the "greater good".
i won't rehash his argument to nie mingjue that he didn't have a choice-- he had some choice, but no matter what he does his class will come up and people will always assume the worst and try to hurt him for it, which forces his hand to do whatever will protect him best (hence 'no choice').
jin guangyao did everything he could to secure his own safety and a place among those already higher up. and by that point, he'd won it.
the fact that the temple rebuilt on the brothel site is to guanyin, the goddess of mercy, is even more ironic! the fact that jin guangyao has the goddess's statue carved to look like his own mother is proof that he viewed both her and himself as higher than them. more worthy than them.
of course he cared about the general welfare of others (read: the watchtowers). but consider also that there is no watchtower near yi city, which ended up being one of xue yang's playgrounds. jin guangyao can and will turn a blind eye to certain sufferings if it is convenient to him.
sure, jin guangyao made undeniable contributions to cultivation society and accessibility, but he is not at any point trying to topple existing class structures. his adherence to them is in fact integral to his own downfall in the end.
it brings with it the inevitability of society conveniently ignoring his triumphs and genuine moments of humanity to deride him once more as an evil, disgusting son of a whore once his crimes come to light.
now for wei wuxian. he's the righteous protagonist of the story and he doesn't give a fuck what society thinks, yes, but he wasn't out there trying to cause an uprising so that all the poor servant classes and lower could become cultivators. he wasn't trying to redistribute wealth or insinuate that those who are lower deserve to be viewed as equal to the gentry.
the most critical and non-explicitly stated fact of mo dao zu shi is that wei wuxian has always been resigned to his position in the social hierarchy.
his unreliable narration, especially regarding his own past and thoughts, is so damn important. he doesn't EVER tell the reader directly that people treated him any which way at their leisure because of his parents' differing social classes.
no. instead we are shown how much prestige he is afforded as cangse-sanren's son-- reputation as a talented and charming young cultivator, made head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang-- and how little respect he is given in the same breath, as the son of servant wei changze.
the way he is treated by others is as fickle as the wind. if he obeys and does as told, there is no reward. of course he did that, that was the expectation to start with! if he does anything even slightly inconvenient, there is a punishment. of course he has no manners, what else would you expect from an ungrateful son of a servant?
wei wuxian's righteousness is not a matter of adhering to principles he was explicitly taught, the way nie mingjue values honor or the way jiang cheng always tries to prove himself. wei wuxian does the right thing regardless of what the consequences are to him because his good deeds are always downplayed and his bad deeds are always singled out, no matter who or how many people were doing it with him.
he has faced this double standard since childhood. there are points in the novel where it's clear that this sticks out to wei wuxian, but does he ever fight back against that view of himself? does he EVER, at any point in the story, explain his actions and choices to jianghu society and try to debate or appeal to their sense of reason?
no. because he knows, at his very core, that any explicit deviation from their interests whatsoever will be punished.
slaughtering thousands of people is fine when they want him to do it, and when the alternative is unjust torture, re-education camps, and encroachment upon other sects' lands.
slaughtering thousands of people who are trying to paint him as evil for not going along with their genocidal plans, however, is punished.
wei wuxian knows his acceptance among the higher classes is superficial and unsteady. from the age of 10, when jiang fengmian took him in, he knew subconsciously that he could be kicked out at any time.
he knows that cultivation society doesn't care about war crimes and concentration camps and mistreatment of the remaining wen survivors of the sunshot campaign. but the right thing to do now that they aren't at wartime is to help them, plus they'd punish him either way for it, so he will.
in this regard wei wuxian is more self-aware of his position than jin guangyao. he does care about common people and he does try his best to help them as an individual. even if that ends up with him disabled, arrested, targeted in sieges, or dead.
but is he revolutionary? in the full equality, fight the establishment, rewrite laws, change social structures and people's perceptions of class sense?
no. no. he isn't.
now my knowledge of chinese society and history is fairly limited to my hindu diaspora upbringing and our shared cultural similarities ... but speaking to what i absolutely know us true, adherence to one's social class is expected.
this is rigid. efforts and merits might bring you some level of mobility, but in the end, the circumstances of your birth will always be scrutinized first, and your behavior compared to the stereotypes of where and how you originate.
mdzs is not about revolution, and none of its characters are able to truly change its society. there is no grand "maybe cutsleeves aren't inherently bad" or "i'm sorry for persecuting you and believing hearsay, you were truly a good person all along!" at the finale.
people ignore history and repeat it again with the next batch of ugly gossip and rumors.
wei wuxian, lan wangji, and luo qingyang find peace only by distancing themselves from cultivation society and its opinions.
jin guangyao and wei wuxian both cannot ever escape from others' perception of their origins and actions. regardless of their personal beliefs, they are not revolutionaries.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
saw someone being wrong about kon on the internet again (i know. shocking) and you are all so lucky i'm sick and feverish and lazy because i DID just seriously entertain the thought of writing up a small essay complete with issue and panel citations about why it's simply incorrect to say that kon never really seemed to reciprocate any sort of crush on tim before geoff/tt03. this is just not true. you dont have to actually ship them but to downplay their importance to each other even in the earliest days is simply incorrect. i'm too tired and achy to bother digging through comics to pull up all the issues that have the bits i want to point at but like... they were both very mutually important to each other from early on. it was in no way shape or form one-sided, whether you want to read that as platonic or romantic. man.
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dullahandyke · 5 months
one thing i love about kh 'family tree' diagrams is it rlly drives home how little of the confusing 'who is who and there's two copies of this guy' stuff is related to family, which is i feel where a lot of that stuff comes from in other stories. you don't have a long lost dad, you've been possessed by this old guy. oops! there's no family legacy but you ARE a clone so gl with that! bbs eraqus situation obviously exists but even then it's not blood ties. the fact that blood ties almost universally mean fuck all is actually rlly endearing to me
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houndfaker · 6 months
i know ive touched on it before but it really is just so appealing to me how like, probably what makes me so crazy about kym is just kind of where each of them stands in relation to mitsuru.
you have yukari who is an unexpected match to mitsuru. they are reflections of each other and it takes both of them incredibly long to actually come to terms with that.
and then you have kikuno who is like. an echo of mitsuru. mitsuru's one goal in life was doing absolutely anything in her power to protect the thing that mattered to her the most: her father. kikuno's one goal in life is doing absolutely anything in her power to protect the thing that matters to her the most: mitsuru.
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mitsuru omits important information about shadows that she's aware of for the sake of her goal. she isnt fully honest with her teammates, her eventual friends who she has to trust her life with in battle. kikuno deceives for the sake of her goal. mitsuru is the person she cares most about, and she betrays her for what she perceives to be her own good.
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mitsuru insists on the belief that sees is only united by the goal to eliminate the shadows, despite the love she's come to have for them all she clings to what feels like logical fact because the idea of burdening them with herself when she cant offer them anything anymore is so scary. kikuno insists on the same exact belief, that sees was only united by the goal to eliminate the shadows, and for that reason its foolish to return to them. to return to battle, where she could die just as her father had.
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and while mitsuru is the one who presents the idea that theyre both incorrect in that belief in the first place, its yukari who changes kikuno's mind. yukari is proof that mitsuru is correct to have faith in her friends, to love her friends, to be stubbornly loyal and protective of them despite the present uncertainty of what brought them into each other's lives in the first place. (and yukari is the most active in showing mitsuru that, too! we see as much at the kyoto riverbank.)
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and kikuno has a particular fondness of yukari as a result of that, even if its usually accompanied by teasing, she has gratitude towards her for being the person that opened her mind.
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and yknow. it is mutual. eventually. however brief the moments are.
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idk idk obviously the circumstances for each of their actions are very different but i will never get over just how much the way that mitsuru carries herself influences kikuno whether either of them realize it or not.
shes watched mitsuru tear herself apart to protect takeharu longer than anyone. its no surprise that shes so snappy and intense and protective of her the entire time she's home. she positions herself as the person that takes care of mitsuru where mitsuru doesnt care for herself.
and you have to consider beyond the overall 'she loves her that is the person she would die for' she just watched mitsuru shatter from pursuing and failing what she saw as the meaning of her life. and kikuno takes extreme measures to ensure it wont happen to her next.
and just ohh kikuno finally back to being completely in her element with the reassurance that mitsuru is safe that mitsuru has someone trustworthy looking out for her. its a sliver of faith despite all the risks. its learning what mitsuru had to learn, taught to her by mitsuru and the one who taught mitsuru, too. its insane. i wish they'd all explode. that's all
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themotleymirage · 7 months
Convincing Glass Heart moments as a member of the newly converted:
Suvi writing her name on Ame's hand and taking the time to tell her why she chose her name cloak, forehead to forehead. Choosing to tell Ame about the worst night of her life for the first time in that moment.
Suvi entering the bar and being greeted by Ame and Eursolon, calling Eursolon brother while thanking them but calling Ame by her name. And I know they were in front of people and have been maintaining that Suvi and Eursolon are related, but they were doing this by allowing the wizards to make assumptions and neither confirm nor deny. Both Suvi and Ame repeatedly call Eursolon their brother behind closed doors, to themselves, and each other, but refer to each other as best friends despite having spent more time together that summer than either spent with Eursolon.
Suvi choosing to bring Ame with her to cool down after overhearing other wizards shit-talking Eursolon, when Suvi herself has acknowledged that Ame doesn't always have great impulse control.
Suvi's choice to avoid "she's just a friend" -ing Ame while clearing the air with Silver, and instead explaining it in terms of who Ame is felt very significant to me. "Ame is a witch, and apparently that means witch things can happen at strange moments."
Ame and Suvi's various heart-to-heart chats over the ep at various levels of sobriety mostly consisting of them reassuring each other. Suvi literally walking to her hookup thinking about Ame and wishing she'd had more time to talk (as Ame goes to sleep hugging Grandma Ren's shawl that smells like Suvi's incense) took me out.
Even in the previous ep when Eursolon told Ame that Suvi had been by her bedside, after Ame had already recognized Suvi's presence by her smell???
Hey Suvi girl, I know you're getting great sex from a pretty man but I think you're maybe in love with your girl next door witch friend
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iyote · 1 year
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this :D
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synthaphone · 1 year
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neopet species in the colors that feel like the ‘default’ color to me, + the same image but emphasizing the ones that feel MOST like they are supposed to be a specific color
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1im-perfect1 · 2 years
The continuous misunderstanding of Freddie as an episode and the finale confuses me, the Freddie fiasco was a “sleep in the coffin in the basement because you slept with Lilith", "you're a naughty bloody boy for shipping me off to go to the vampiric council alone", a "you're really leaving me and finding other clubs with Colin", the fandom was a lot more mad at the 2 Freddie situation (than Guillermo was, it was a lot more about him feeling like Nandor didn’t take him seriously and overstepping a boundary than actually being mad that Nandor fucked up THE best relationship of his life), Guillermo doesn't even blame Nandor for what happened after, he just doesn't want to be a familiar to Nandor or ever be perceived as one (it’s clearly not about whatever he has affection for him anymore he so clearly does, I don’t see how people interpret a clearly very emotional “I just don’t know how to quit you” as him moving on, S4 in some way was his version of S3 Nandor, desperate to seem detached and trying to be fulfilled by a relationship with another person).
The realization of the season is to put himself first, that he can't keep waiting for Nandor to decide what's gonna be of their relationship, like my man said “What’s next?” to him, he was genuinely waiting for his and Nandor’s next adventure (what made him decide that he wasn’t gonna wait was Nandor saying “idk lol”) but this time he’s the one choosing what’s next for them, that he can be in control of what’s gonna happen; THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT HE’S NOT TIRED OF HIM. HE’S TIRED OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP BEING CONTROLLED ONE-SIDEDLY BY NANDOR FROM A FAMILIAR TO A BODYGUARD TO A BEST MAN IT WAS ALWAYS NANDOR’S DECISION EVEN HOW AND WHEN HE WAS GONNA MAKE HIM A VAMPIRE. HE’S CHOOSING TO CHANGE BECAUSE HE WANTS CHANGE AND WANTS TO BE THE REASON THINGS DO CHANGE 
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spacedlexi · 7 months
you said that you "need 2 characters to deeply care for each other and positively impact each other for me to want to ship them" so which of the twdg canon ships do you actually think work/make sense? and by canon ships i mean like actual established relationships, implied relationships or perhaps a character that was crushing on someone else before death.
me immediately blanking on every relationship in twdg upon reading this ask
the only one i stand behind with conviction is clemvi. idk if you need me to explain why i feel like ive done it a million times by now 👀 but yeah theyre the only relationship i "Ship" in regards to the quote where i see them as a match for each other and think romance makes sense for both parties
as for some "in defense of"s
i'll defend javi and kate. my only Real problem with them is how they handle david in it like girl can you at least take off the wedding ring before we kiss 😭 my brother still thinks youre his wife (plus they did push it Really hard.. but like.. narratively i understand why they did. family is a running theme of the series and javi and davids relationship is like the main conflict). but like. kate and javis relationship Makes Sense. she had a shit husband (who wanted to go back to the army anyway). her and javi already had the beginnings of Something before the outbreak even happened. she was left with javi to take care of 2 children that werent even biologically hers (i enjoy the complex family dynamics in twdg as a whole). and together theyve been surviving for years as a family unit. i think javi having feelings isnt up for debate, its more just will he act on those feelings or will he respect his brother? and like.. fuck david am i right? kate was Not happy in that relationship and deserves better, and javi cares about her. but also the pressure from their dad to get along after hes gone. it all works for me even if it couldve been executed better
and i .... sigh .... Understand gabe and clem. BUT!!! i think they have different feelings towards each other and its an important distinction. gabe definitely has a huge crush on her, shes cool as hell, but i think her feelings in return are fueled by hormones and the fact that she hasnt been around anyone her own age since DUCK (sarah was 15 at the time). like. does she think hes cute? yeah. but he can also be kind of a huge jerk sometimes and acts recklessly. i think its those moments that snap clem out of it lol. seeing this response in S4 felt vindicating im taking it as sad loner clem having a hormone induced crush. like girl yes or no?? this is the most direct option??
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personally i dont like them together because i Hate tropes where the more mature girl half has to teach the immature boy half to grow up and be capable and thats somehow romantic. ESPECIALLY in clems case where she is literally already raising someone like her hands are full ok. her assuaging his ego makes me 🤢 girl you dont have to take that second gun just because he was gonna cry about it if you didnt. its just not romantic to me. also i think its soooo funny that clem uses the same tactic on gabe that she does on aj in S4 with the "i need you to watch my back" to stop him from complaining about being left behind at the gate LOL. also i just think he loves his dad too much who clem hates more than anyone on earth so like.. theres that
uuhhh who else... alvin and rebecca are fine. like i have nothing to say about them but i believe their relationship and think they wouldve been good parents to aj. hmmm.... i guess thats it for the ones i have defenses for?? the others just like.. exist. like im neutral
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dieinct · 1 year
me chanting to myself not everyone has to care about the bible
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agneswarda · 3 months
hey golden girls enjoyers/moots :] could mamma mia (2008) be golden girls inspired? discuss
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cryptidmomochi · 4 months
did you know?
the insistence by commentary creators on treating children the same way as adults has caused ridiculous amounts of harm.
over and over i would see drama about various artists, and so many of them were just kids. some of them were younger than me, but i didnt know that. i thought they were all much older than me, because that's how they were treated.
"oh this person was a groomer" they were a child. if a child is exhibiting groomer-like tendencies, they don't just get that out of nowhere.
"oh this person pretended to have mental illness or s/h for attention" that is not a thing that normal people do. you look stupid when you say that. just because someone is doing something "for attention" doesn't mean nothing's actually wrong.
"this kid was racist" im from an extremely white, quite cishet, and very able-bodied town (or, at the very least, the town is inaccessible enough that you just don't see that many disabled people, who knows). sometimes you learn bigoted rhetoric, then have to unlearn it. sometimes you say stupid shit because other people around you say that exact stupid shit. kids in particular do not always know better. just because theyre 16 doesn't mean they're exempt from being stupid.
can we stop hatemobbing fucking children. i have at least lingered online for almost 10 years. kids are one of the most likely groups to get harassed, often by adults. im glad i never developed a sizeable following before i turned 18. i wouldnt have been able to handle it either.
but im just shouting to the void, really. commentary creators dont fucking learn. they just hop onto the next bandwagon and ignore it.
do you ever wonder why so many commentary types keep getting into trouble? hopeless peaches, creepshow, daftpina, turkey tom, omnia, prison mate luke, im sure i could think of more given the time and given a little bit more research to track down some old creators i used to watch. good people don't go online and talk about kids like they should be killed. the art commentary community as a whole is rife with toxicity, seemingly always searching for small prey nobody's heard of. I remember a very long time ago there was a "drama" because an artist on deviantart didn't want their art being favourited (they misunderstood what it did) and that was a big enough deal to start making videos about. playlists upon playlists preying on kids being stupid.
if not kids, then any other vulnerable group will do just fine, too. if you remember the "tumblr art style", youll know it had a few main "characteristics"; ambiguous race, hairy legs, character depictions that weren't conventionally attractive, bandaids, s/h scars, drawing the characters with different body types, depictions of mental illnesses and disorders, the works. the "tumblr art style" was, in reality, a dogwhistle. it wasn't about the art. it was about the fact that it wasnt a white, cishet, able-bodied, neurotypical man or woman. that was a topic for a few years. "the problem with the tumblr art style", "tumblr art style cringe", i only knew of tumblr from those types of videos when i was in middle school.
commentary rarely if ever cares about justice. its just another dime in their wallet, and if they have to harass kids to get it, well, that's just fine.
#ive on and off watched commentary videos for years.#birdie's recent apology has also left me with a few thoughts yknow#i can think of SEVERAL kids that were labelled as groomers#who were in reality being groomed themselves#or were otherwise surrounded by dangerous and harmful behaviour#i hate the refusal to see kids as kids#'oh well they should just know ebtter theyre old enough'#as if they have any real experience with the world#shit like this is why i have an extremely dicey relationship with whether or not kids should be allowed online#i wouldnt have most of my friends if i wasnt allowed online as a kid#but its undeniably hurt me too#and im scared to think what wouldve happened if id had the kind of presence some of these other kids had#because the internet LOVES to scream and bitch and moan at autistic kids in particular#the minute people realise youre disabled you become an easy target for mockery#anyway#cw grooming mention#muffle#ive watched people forget that this shit has happened#people treat it like tiktok invented this problem#but they havent#these are old wounds that the internet refuses to let scab over#ive tried to grow a presence for years so that id have enough people interested in my art to commission me#ive had accounts since i was 13#ive had beef with people. people have stolen my characters#people have lied about me.#and its a good thing none of that was in the hands of the wrong people.#this is such an important topic to me. its so important it makes me sick.#these situations are why internet safety matters so much.
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partner send me few job list from assistiveware
me: even if somehow hired, me as someone who open mouth close mouth “as NONVERBAL autistic!” “am nonverbal NOT NONSPEAKING!” “SEVERE autism!” “LEVEL THREE autism!” “so my autistic friends who like FUNCTIONING LABELS—” “some people not able FUNCTIONAL COMMUNICATE ever even with lots help best support!” am going raise roof and get immediately fired
(even better, job postings are about social media manager, so people on autism twitter & nonspeaking twitter will probably petition me get fired lol)
(whether can work with lots disability employment support or not aside)
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ripclaudia · 1 year
just saw a post where someone tried to downplay the importance of roman and gerri's relationship just because it wasn't initially scripted. ngl that made me kinda mad :)
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