#under the correct circumstances
ezdotjpg · 2 years
obviously tp sets up a storyline where midna slowly starts to respect link through his deeds which I think is wonderful but I also love to envision that there’s a moment where she realizes under his very real country good boy goodness he’s got a little bit of an attitude. like there’s just a “oh so he’s a BITCH” moment. and that’s when they really bond. he can go toe to toe with her without folding
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vinelark · 1 month
tim rejecting kon as robin because he believes kon already rejected tim and so would be disappointed once he finds out....this is the worst ending yet...i love it....
(this scenario) listen, tim is so smart and strategic and logical and also (especially post-breakup/misunderstanding) would plan for every single outcome except the one where he is actually wanted
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clonerightsagenda · 10 months
This is well-trodden ground but when it comes to the debate about how much Maxwell cared about Hera, I think it's relevant that in "Memoria" - the most dramatic expression of how much she cares and how far she's willing to go to help - she's about to override Hera's desires and delete memories without her consent until they realize what Pryce did. She wasn't actually giving Hera a choice, even after Hera was very clear that she'd rather die.
My take on this is that Maxwell is not attached to very many people, but she does consider AI people and finds them, in general, more preferable to humans. However, she is perfectly willing to betray and kill people - human or non-human - if that's what her job requires. Betraying Hera doesn't mean she never thought of her as a person; it's an indication of how she's willing to treat people.
Double however, though, I don't think Maxwell sees it as a betrayal. The SI5 are arrogant. Maxwell is no exception. ("It's very complicated; you wouldn't understand it." "I never cut the wrong wire.") She's the doctor, and the doctor knows best. Deleting Hera's memories to save her from getting replaced by a dummy is for her own good. Taking control of her and planning to wipe all her memories after the mutiny instead of just killing her is also for her own good! Some people have to be dragged kicking and screaming toward improvement. I believe Maxwell would see her actions at the end of season 3 as proof of her valuing AIs, rather than as evidence she doesn't when the chips are down. And I think it is, in a twisted way. She wasn't nearly as concerned about any of the humans' fates.
Ironically out of the SI5, I think Maxwell might be the least viscerally disturbed by the restraining bolts and Pryce and Cutter's plan to 'perfect' humanity, although she'd be annoyed by getting bolted herself. Perhaps it is for the best she died before season 4 and never experienced the temptation.
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
this is not ship hate but ill muse a lil abt l@wlu whom i dont ship so if you do, you probably won't like this (also talking abt law and SH's)
saw art that i didnt hate cuz they both felt IC to how i see them and law looked so calm and casual it made me think how their rship is canonically like YEA law is absolutely indebted to luffy and YEA he grew to respect him a lot beyond initial interest he had in luffys potential.
and ofc i LOVE when ppl fall in love with luffy when they spend time with him they are fond of him but law keeping reserved because yea sure they are some type of comrades BUT it makes me sooooo 😊😊😊 that law doesnt go beyond that
and its not a ohh but hes bad at making friends ohhh he doesnt know how. naw.
fucking bomb decision by oda to allow law to keep his distance despite him spending a lot of time with mugiwaras (and i know some fans disagree but i wont go into all the opinions i dont vibe with or ill be here til morning) because YEAH he HAS a crew he has a family - and what im trying to say here is that SURE meaningful bonds can be built in a short period of time SURE, no denying that
while it would be SO easy to write him getting attached to strawhats and emphasizing those strong bonds - he did that with vivi didnt he, he did that with many characters mugiwaras save -> but! but but but but but - Heart Pirates WIN so much in value when Law is clearly acting like
"Naw man i got my family, you guys are chill and all, and im grateful to you strawhat, but id like to be back right now immediately.i miss my wife tails i miss her a lot. "
like THAT is sooooo precious to me and im so glad that oda made the conscious choice of characterizing law as somebody who keeps to himself, not jumping the shark on making him grow super close to strawhats
and it is not for any sad and shut in reason, it is not a flaw but a feature - in fact it keeps and builds up further on feeling of law as a complete character and not a luffy accessory number god knows what.
ofc i bitched plenty in my time that law shouldn't have been in wano for that reason that it's none of his business BUT it was to indirectly help mink nation so im turning it into an otp moment (plus theres lawbepo and just excellent bepo moments even if they dont go anywhere im still enjoying being serviced as a fan so im not hating on wano existing as much as before)
ps: still wont read PH/dressrosa - bepoless ass law, who needs him. even law doesnt need bepoless law - i dont think this opinion in particular would change in any way if i have read them since im stressing how important laws family - his crew is to him - and that was showcased post that arc.
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ok so we haven’t even reached the point in the story where this gets explored but i. need to talk about it bc i’ve been Thinking and i cannot fucking get ns out of my brain.
because see, ns thinks that waves really did do the right thing. he thinks they knew better and that they helped him be better, even if it was painful and took so much away from him. he thinks that’s what had to happen. but that does not mean he liked it happening. in fact, he wishes none of it ever had to happen and he never had to go through that and never had to lose everything. on some level, he is actually very mad and upset that he had to go through it.
and that’s exactly why ns is so mad at nwb—the indirect catalyst of it all—even though if you asked ns they would say it’s a good thing that they went through what they did, because it was for the better, right? but they’re still mad. and they blame nwb for it because they don’t know where to even begin with those mixed emotions, and they’re scared of admitting that they’ve actually grown to care for nwb because if they do that then they won’t be able to stay mad at nwb anymore and lie to themself about how he actually deserves all the blame and they’ll have to face the fact how this whole time they have been plain unfair to him.
and they’re scared. they say they’re not scared but they are scared of so much, actually. they’re scared of the truth, and the truth is that if the blame isn’t for wayback, then who is it for? and to ns, the answer is themself. they don’t want to admit they failed, because, well, if they’re not good enough, then what even are they? why are they even here? if nwb isn’t to blame, then it’s just ns. and it’s a truth that will soon catch up with them.
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crocodilenjoyer · 7 months
the incredibly complicated garp-ace relationship is choking me up but unfortunately for the emotional impact of the moment the flashback revealing that luffy could skeletonize a cow in under thirty seconds at age seven is vastly superseding it
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rubensmuse · 1 year
dyou guys think miraluka need screenreaders/other accessibility devices to use the holonet
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
the thing is that i actually am like. incredibly problematically possessive about my Stuff That I Like. i am mean and vile and awful about it sometimes and i know that and i will not change sorry. no none of you are exempt from me acting like this about once upon a time. that’s my show hands off. you don’t get it and you watched it wrong idc who you are or what you think you know
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 22 days
It's funny how my aromanticism has changed my approach to ships.
Back when I didn't know that aro was a thing you could be I was a diehard shipper, especially when there were shipping wars. I looked at the possible ships, picked out which one I liked best, and while I didn't engage in "MINE'S BETTER THAN YOURS" type of posts or comments, I very much stuck with and very intensely shipped the ship I liked best. Pokémon's AshxMisty vs AshxMay vs AshxDawn comes to mind.
And if there wasn't shipping wars I'd go for... not necessarily rarepairs but definitely not the main fandom ships. TWEWY was (still is (complimentory)) full of NekuxShiki and NekuxJoshua, so my brain obviously got hooked on JoshuaxRhyme instead.
Looking back on it, even back then I shipped with a "it's platonic but SO INTENSE, THEY'RE BESTIES BUT IN A WAY OTHERS DON'T UNDERSTAND" filter (big shoutout to qprs), so again I could have realized my being aro a bit sooner, but the point is that I was participating in the shipping fandom. I was very passionate about it.
And I know that I can ship just as passionately today as back then, but the difference is that there has to be only one possible ship. Hello In Stars and Time. (of course there's exceptions to the rule again hello in stars and time but so far that exception has only happened once so does that even count.) If a medium has One True Ship and I care for the characters even a little bit, I will ship them. Intensely. As soon as there is more than one possible endgame ship for a character, I don't care for either. If anything I will most likely end up hitting them with the aro headcanon beam on purpose.
Anyway, today I watch videos or read essays about shipping wars and everytime a point is made about "x ship is endgame/better here's why!" and they list scenes that make me go "Do you guys not bond deeply with your friends?"
Which is funny to me because I used to be that. I still remember how back when KH2 came out and I was a diehard SoraRiku shipper, I myself compared the SoraKairi vs SoraRiku reunion scenes and went "Oh, Kairi gets an apology and a hug, but with Riku he falls to his knees and starts weeping! Obviously he loves Riku!" to my brother.
But now I look at Sora and Riku and go "They're such good friends, they elevate each other, I could cry, they're so good! TTATT"
All this to say! I really went from "These characters are obviously in love!" to "They are friends and dedicated to each other, and if you make it romantic then you are diminishing their relationship. Look over there, there's a canon romantic relationship! Go play with that one, leave these guys alone." huh
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
lmao was JUST feeling better after the mental health blip of the last few days and then got misgendered publicly in a difficult-to-edit format by somebody i thought knew better so actually i will be peeling off my entire skin thank you
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alfredolover119 · 1 year
jjk manga spoilers slash 219 leaks in tags bc i am feeling things :((
#jjk spoilers#jjk 219 spoilers#jjk leaks#so. whyat is gege doing to megumi this is sososososososo much worse than death wtf#i was like 'ill stop reading when megumi dies bc he is my fave and i cant take it' THIS IS WORSE. JUST PUT HIM OUT OF HIS MISERY#i know sukuna is trying to kill his soul or whatever but GODDAMN#its so unfortunate because he is obviously a very strong-willed person and its going to take so fucking much to kill his soul and obviously#seeing himself kill tsumiki with no way to stop it hurt him a lot hence that heartbreaking panel of him CRYING#but it didnt kill him and i am obviously screaming hoping for his torture to stop soon but. i feel like this might awaken something#within him#lets take a look back at previous lore#ten shadows technique users have killed like all of the six eyes technique users#meaning ten shadows users have the capability of being stronger than six eyes#which puts megumi > gojo#now if we remember from like what? episode 2? 3? of season 1... yuuji asked gojo if he was strong enough to beat full-powered sukuna#and gojo was like hmm yeah#so gojo > sukuna ?#which under the correct circumstances would mean megumi > gojo > sukuna#so maybe if he gets pissed off // emotional enough he can break through some layer and take control back#i do agree with some people who think this might be a sort of villain origin for him unfortunately though if he does manage to power thru#narratively speaking it would be very satisfying for him to be the one to kill sukuna tho#anywho. can ya'll tell i'm in denial abojt all this lmaoooo
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reactionimagearchive · 10 months
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nobuverse · 11 months
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@loyaltyloved “I still think he was a K-Pop star. I’m going to try and look him up.” (mori @ nobu)
Out Of Context Sentence Starters ll Accepting
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"That would make sense - she's been getting into that stuff lately"
She probably could have used an easier tactic to figure out what kind of music Kicho was listening to, but then - when would the surprise in this gift be? ( Trying to piece it together from bits of information they'd overheard was much more fun anyways. )
"But- how are you planning on doing that? It's not exactly like we have an internet connection in the void sea."
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dankovskaya · 2 years
The hardest part I think is deciding which of the 300 possible interpretations of Red Hood Jason I want to go with
#It's like... Red Hood Jason is inherently fucked but only a lunatic would take his canonical behavior at face value and him actually doing#genuine good with the identity does NOT preclude him from being deeply thoroughly fucked but I also don't want him to be completely#morally sanitized because I think it's hot when he is wrong.#I'm thinking a heavily edited interpretation of utrh with essentially the same outcome under different circumstances#Followed by a limbo state where there are Heavily Mixed Fucking Neighborhood Opinions of the red hood because he is doing#some genuinely good and helpful shit courtesy of classism correction but he is also very much still executing the occasional#Broadly Abusive Person possibly in the streets possibly in broad daylight with no um. Oversight. so.#I would like to think whatever harm he causes (there must be some harm.) is due to self destructiveness and biting off more than he can#chew AND like. Attracting attention in ways that make things worse even though he knows better i.e. getting pissed off and killing a cop#Or just generally openly targeting powerful people and assuming he can wholly handle the consequences on his own even though#that cannot always be the case.#On top of you know. Just generally being an asshole interpersonally and severely antisocial and therefore failing to actually make or#maintain any sort of relationship with the community he is attempting to protect etc#You can't have relationships with people if you're dead. Haha... ENTER KIANA.
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
@ anyone familiar w it. please,,, i beg you please tell me how to make epub files that aren't reliant on it looking pretty. all im looking for is how to make it a chunk of text that i can put into my screen reader. please,,, i want to cry
#shut up danni's talking#i have a few fics that i have to read exclusively via desktop or on a google docs copy bc i use a text replacer#to even out some quirks in how people are referred to and a few grammatical tweaks and such#so downloading an epub version of the fic from ao3 won't keep my corrections/tweaks#but i need that epub for my screen reader however i cannot under any circumstances find a way to make an epub file#that has chapters so that i can skip to chapters like it's formated in the ao3 epubs#this might be highly specific and niche but i cannot find ANY information on it#and while my screenreader can read pdfs the chapter function doesn't work and instead just marks individual pages#WHICH DOESN'T HELP WHEN IM GONNA BE READING A FIC THAT'S 300+ PAGES#not to even mention when i want to read a series??? if each installment is only 2k+ words and there's like 30 i want to just compile them#so that i can just load the whole series into it at once and not have to switch every ten minutes#i am v near to tears trying to find a way to do this when i have ZERO coding skills#and almost zero knowledge on computer formats esp when google only gives me 'writing the book' things when i search#for ebook makers like sobs that's not what i need and the things that i CAN find all have flowery-image heavy templates#BITCH I JUST NEED THE TEXT AND THE CHAPTER FUNCTION THIS SHOULDN'T BE THAT HARD#i am fully aware that there are other screenreaders that you can just copy/paste things into#but i've done those before and they were INCREDIBLY annoying to use and i'd like to not go back to that#sigh#any help will be greatly appreciated thank you
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say what you might about the NATO military industrial complex but they really popped off with the MP7
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