#understand what i'm saying for the love of g-d
aejeonghae · 19 hours
I just don't understand how you like S*l? He is actually right up there with T**g for being the worst. There is nothing good about him, sorry.
i don't understand the wild and weird hate against sol (or even remotely comparing him to tong) but here we are, anon. like if joe out right saying sol is a good person can't convince ya'll... idk why you're asking me?
anyway... you asked for my thoughts and opinions, so you shall receive.
sol is just a really interesting dude to me. he's just some guy that i think is really neat. he's a thai kpop idol and FAMOUS famous but he isn't like tong about it. he's kind and just a really good-hearted person. he's the sunny type, cheerful, caring, and loyal to his friends. like joe, sol is a sunflower in the toxic showbiz world msi is set in.
(tbh i see him and ming, who is also a fascinating character, as kind of two sides of the same "rich and famous" coin. ming is cold, aloof, calculating with walls as high as elon crust's ego is inflated. and then there is sol, open and kind-hearted. which is exactly why he and joe hit it off. funny though, ming and sol are petty but like on completely opposite ends of the petty spectrum.)
after lovingly bugging @zhouxiangs for novel spoilers i really wished the series had touched more on sol and joe's history instead of just a few throwaway lines here and there because sol's story ;3; my smol bean of a son. (and this is where media literacy and nuance comes in :D but y'all barely have any of that.)
joe and sol were very close . they ate, trained, and slept (sleeping type of slept lol) together. they did everything together. and then sol found out joe was gay (in the novel sol was also struggling with his sexuality) and then joe confessed to sol. joe liked sol first (not this weird warped reality y'all are living in where sol has been obsessing over joe). but anyway, sol was young and scared and dumb. he was afraid of being taken advantage of and also of his own feelings for joe and he ran away. joe got over it and never held it against him.
while in korea, it seemed that sol struggled to connect with people and went through some tough times as a trainee (i'm quoting from porsche's interview) and he realized his true feelings for joe so when he had the chance to return to thailand he took it and he sought out joe to reconnect. as a friend, as more.
was he supposed to have some sort of psychic link with joe that he was already seeing someone? obviously not. but when joe made it clear he liked ming, sol backed off romantically. he didn't back off as a friend though. (idk about y'all friendless gremlins but if one of my close friends was in the situationship from hell that joe was in... i'd also try and make them see reason, open their eyes. like sol once having feelings for joe does not diminish his friendship with joe. at all. (yes the scene of joe and sol in the van in ep 6 means everything to me. joe and sol were friends, brothers even. and that scene showed it.)
fyi, novel sol recognized joe too :D
ANYWAY, it was interesting to see the change in sol after joe's death. he isn't his usual cheerful self, but he's still kind and polite if a bit more reserved. and i for one love the cattiness with ming he has going on? LEAVE MING ALONE i see y'all shouting but me I WANT HIM TO PUNCH MING IN THE NUTS ONCE (if y'all can project, so can i) like ming deserves to catch a bit of shit from sol (his 'khun chai ming' sent meeee), since his and tong's bullshit directly contributed to the death of his best friend.
is sol perfect? no. (the fight with ming where joe got hurt. or the phone call scene that resulted in joe effectively being cut out of sol's life. again.) but are any of these characters perfect? absolutely not.
sol though is strangely villainized and for what? because he's trying to help and protect his friend (and is maybe being snotty with ming but... deserved tbh lol)? because he might be feeling a little righteous and fafo with the guy who took his friend away from him? because he once had feelings for joe but then redirected them into being a decent human and a good friend?
sponsored by: @zhouxiangs and porsche/lotte interview with iqiyi.
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emily84 · 9 months
the funniest bit about bbc staged is when they tried to offhandedly imply luigi pirandello was not a fascist. what a clumsy attempt at preemptively intercept criticism lmao
"his play six characters in search of an author came out in 1921, well before the fascists took power in 1922" my silly silly brits in christ, he literally had a card of the fascist party and personally corresponded with mussolini, whom he always praised as a great leader, and never repudiated fascism until his death. the fact that he couldn't get along with fascist party officials and his plays weren't liked or understood by most fascists =/= he wasn't a fascist. and also re: the hot takes about "well since his family were of a strong garibaldini extraction he wasn't really a fascist he was just very patriotic and fascism answered to that part of his longing for a united italy" or "he was self-proclaimed apolitical" how about you get fucked.
he was a literary genius, and his works are a part of italy's incredibly rich cultural history, his plays seminal in theatrical writing worldwide. his plays were never explicitly political, but rather razor-sharp, biting, nihilistic criticism of contemporary italian/western society, seeped in bleak, all-encompassing existentialism. he often clashed with fascists because they couldn't understand his art, especially when his early social-democratic roots showed a little bit too much. this is all true, so fellow italians, settle down, no need to die on that hill, no one is denying that.
but again, sorry, for all intents and purposes, politically, he was a fascist. to not admit that is a disrespect to writers, intellectuals (and less privileged private citizens and workers) who did repudiate fascism even when they had a lot more to lose than he ever did.
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hellsslibrary · 16 days
Hello! There's just not so many sub! Kaiser fics and I'm d y i n g to read those 😔😔
Can I request for a sub! Kaiser x male reader where Kaiser has a praise kink but doesn't ever want to admit it 👀
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#a.n. :This is so same! Kaiser is such a babygirl, I want to kiss him, eat him, hug him, and then rock him in my arms and let him relax... But no, this bitch is always top, lol. Even funny.
"I don't like your damn praise! Just fuck me alre—...What?"
!!Warnings: Bottom!Sub!Michael, Dom!Top!Reader, sex on an indoor football field (it's empty, it just seemed interesting to me, imagine the echo there...), praise kink obviously, Michael tries to be dominant, but he's too much of a pillow princess (he came out so gentle... In his own way), in fact everything is quite vanilla, but he kicks you when he's unhappy, also very romantic in general. × And the reader is somehow connected with football company. You can be a manager, a football player, or even a cleaner there, honestly.
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The football field in the building was closed at night, knowing full well how persistent football players in the leagues can be. Darkness, silence, idyll... Except for the flashlight from the phone somewhere in the middle of the field and quiet groans echoing from the walls.
"Why did you decide to have sex here? Plus, at this time?" You ask, looking over at Michael, who was clutching at the trimmed grass in the lawn as you thrust into him at a careful, almost tremulous pace.
“I think you said yourself that you wanted to experiment... So we’re starting with something easy,” Blonde whispers, wincing from the unpleasant feeling of artificial grass in his hands, so he just hugs your neck lazily.
“Well, yes, but... You obviously have some other reasons. But I won’t push if you don’t want to talk,” Michael just sighs at your words, but it immediately turns into a soft moan when your lips touch his neck.
“I just love the atmosphere in here, as weird as it sounds, so shut up and fuck me,” A disgruntled mutter escapes his lips, only to be cut short when he tilts his head back, giving you better access to his neck.
You look over his face, surprisingly too peaceful for him. Maybe this place really brought inner comfort to his soul, erasing all the doubts and burdens that he kept inside and sometimes shared with you. Maybe it was. But your heart broke at the sight of him for some reason, you understood his feelings more than anyone... Because you were probably the only one he was able to open up to so much.
“Micha? You’re a good boy,” echoes from your lips almost casually, but with a sickly sweet note that you want to listen to forever and drown in these sweet speeches.
"What was it?"
You find yourself torn from examining his face by his question. And really, why did you say that? He didn't do anything special during your entire session, which lasted about half an hour. And you too... But one look at him is enough for you to understand why.
Your attentive gaze glides over his perfect facial features, long eyelashes giving his eyes an unusual softness and warmth. Instantly you feel the desire to say that he is beautiful, extraordinarily beautiful. Faithful hands, strength and tenderness in every touch, sincerity and warmth in every word, just for you. The desire to praise, to say how much love and kindness he has, how he is able to bring a smile even in the most cloudy weather.
His soul shines brighter than the stars in the sky, his smile can melt the heart of icy granite. The desire to praise, express gratitude for all the beauty and kindness that he brings into this world. He is not just a person, he is magic, miracle, a spark that pushes you to move even in your most difficult moments.
The words seem unfair, but the heart is filled with feelings that are impossible to carry on the wind. Praise, approval, love — all these are small before the greatness of his soul and his existence. You really want to tell him about this so that he understands how amazing and significant he is to you. Just as the sun rises every morning, he awakens in you a feeling of awe and admiration that seems endless and will remain so.
“Because I love you,” You say without thinking, and immediately catch a light, rare blush on his cheeks.
His hand immediately drops down from your shoulder to cover the pink dust on his cheeks, but you intercept his hand, kissing his fingers tenderly, intertwining your fingers together.
"You idiot... Why so suddenly?" He asks, even if he doesn't wait for an answer, lightly kicking you in the side, groaning when you lean over him a little closer, hitting his sweet spot at a pleasant angle.
You find yourself thinking that you would worship him if he were God. It’s not that you didn’t already worship him... But he was definitely the person for whom even an atheist would reconsider their views on the world.
"Why suddenly? I'm always ready to praise you. You are tenacious, driven, incredibly smart, caring for those you care about in your own way... You are simply magnificent."
"Shut up, please shut up. I don't need your praise, just fuck me and..." He trails off, kicking you in the side again as he realizes something, "You didn't say that I'm handsome."
“Your beauty is a fact. But your appearance is far from the main thing that you have, even if you think differently... But if I started to list what I like about you externally, then we would move on to dithyrambs and ballads, and not to the climax."
Michael chuckles, finally distracted from contemplating you in response, realizing that he really feels a knot growing in his stomach. In general, he would never admit that he would be glad to listen to these dithyrambs and ballads and much more if it came from you. He's always taken praise for granted because, yes, he's Michael Kaiser, but now? He's just a puddle in your hands that's trying to look like ice.
“I’m not clenching around your cock right now because...” He cuts himself off, groaning as your mouth sucks on his neck in the area of his tattoo, “It’s not because I liked the praise, is that clear to both of us?”
“Of course, my King, as you say,” You say, biting the skin of his neck, causing him to whimper quietly as one of your hands slides to his cock, stroking it in time with your thrusts.
Your pace gradually picks up as you get closer too. And the sight of Michael, who clearly enjoyed your previous praise, did not at all ease your hard-on, nor did the warm walls around him.
"Call me!" He suddenly shouts, kicking you in the side once again, although you have no idea what he means at first, pulling away from his neck.
"Good boy?" You ask cautiously and to your surprise and pleasure, his cock twitches in your palm, and after a few thrusts he actually comes, squeezing you tighter than usual, which is why you can’t help but cum, thrusting into him a couple of times in post-orgasmic bliss, and then laying down on his chest.
The quiet rhythm of his heartbeat calmed you as he lightly ran his hand through your hair. You were both regaining your more than ragged breaths before the comfortable silence was interrupted by a question that made you chuckle hoarsely.
“Why did you ask this and not state it as a fact?”
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animehideout · 4 months
Gojo NSFW alphabet? Pretty please.
A/n: Thank you anon for this request, I hope you like it 🥹❤️‍🔥.
Warnings 🔞⚠️: SMUT NSFW MDNI
Note : If your request isn't posted yet it's because I'm still working on them, thank you for your understanding and patience 🤍.
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A= Aftercare ( How is he like after sex?)
After a rough session Gojo would treat you right. He'll spoil you. He'll get you whatever you want, snacks, water, chocolate, takeouts? Literally anything you crave. He's a giant so he will cuddle you, and you can't escape his arms.
B= Body part: ( His favorite part of your body?)
He loves every part of your body, but your thighs are his favorite. He likes to burry his head between them. He likes to pinch them, squeeze them and bite your inner thighs a lot. Your thighs both calm him and excite him depending on his mood.
C= Cum: (Where he would prefer to cum?)
Definitely your face! He finds it extremely hot and attractive. It would turn him on more and gets him hard again at the spot. Just the sight of you under him while your face drips with his cum makes him go crazy, especially if there's some on your lips and you lick it, damn he would definitely go for another session, a harder and more rough one.
D= Dirty talk:
He's so into dirty talk, like he won't shut up while you're both fucking the shit out of each other. He's very playful, so exepct a lot of teasing. He's a confident man but dirty talk boosts his confidence even more, and it makes him feel very dominant. He's rough so he would give commands and makes you do as he says.
“Oh you think you can handle me? Okay then but don't say I didn't warn you”
“Oh you're enjoying that? my little slut”
“Come on turn around now, face down”
“Feel me fucking pound it”
E= Experience: ( Is he experienced? )
He's a busy man, he works often so he doesn't have time to get into shallow relationships or even one night stands so I don't think he's very experienced, but he's rather naturally good at it. Maybe because he's confident in his body and abilities and he follows his flow so everything turns out to be perfect for him. So when he gets into a serious relationship he'll give you the best sex of your life.
F= Favorite Position:
Oh Gojo got many favorite positions and he's good at each one of them. No matter what position it is, he'll reach your G-spot and make you scream from pleasure. But if I had to mention some positions, I'd say Against the wall?! He likes it when your back hits the hard wall from how rough he's pushing his length inside you while your legs are wrapped around his torso. Also I would say missionary! He likes being on top of you while he looks at how flustered expressions and the fuck faces you make.
G= Goofy: ( Is he goofy during sex? )
Goofy like playful but definitely not vanilla. He's rough, but at the same time chill. Idk if you get it, but like he's rough in a teasing way and not the very serious way. The type that makes you both smirk.
H= Hygiene:
This man is very hygienic, he cares a lot about his appearance and cleanliness and down there as well. He makes sure he's well groomed / shaved. Also his body smells really nice, like you'd be sniffing him the whole time when he's on top of you. His scent is sweetly intoxicating. In return he prefers his partner to shave/ wax as well.
I= Intimacy:
He can be sweet if you want him to be. But most of the time he's rough. He's a man with a lot of responsibilities hanging on his shoulders, so he'd like some tough relief you know, to take everything out. And he does, when he fucks you hard. Would ask for consent first of course.
J= Jerk off:
He would masturbate very often at the thought of you. Since he's always at work, both of you won't be having a regular sex life so to relieve himself when he misses you, he sneaks somewhere and pleasures himself imagining that you're the one giving him a hand job.
K= Kink:
Moaning? your moans turn him on more and more and encourages him to fasten his pace. Your whimpers / screams / panting boosts his confidence, proving that he's fucking you right. Also he's into praise words ( receiving ), oh man just tell him that you like the way his dick slide in and out of you, just tell him how good he makes you feel, tell him that you want only his dick inside of you and see how he's gonna make you see stars.
L= Location: (His fav place to have sex)
Anywhere! But his favorites are in the shower room, pounding you against the cold wall or in the backseat of the car, he loves how the windows turn foggy after literally destroying you.
M= Motivation : (What turns him on?)
When you bend in front of him to get something. Intentional or not, it would get him instantly hard. He just loves your body so much and wants to appreciate in every way including sex
N= No: ( Something he wouldn't do)
Threesome or more are a big no no for him. He would never share you with anyone. He believes that you're his and he's yours. End of discussion.
O= Oral sex:
Of course Gojo enjoys giving head and pleasuring you but not as much as when he's the one getting it. He's a bit greedy and very egoistic so yeah he'd care a lot about his own pleasure and you have to do a great job and suck the cum out of his dick. He likes the feeling of your hands and lips around his length, while he throws his head back in satisfaction while his orgasm builds up. He likes to challenge himself, so he give you the green light till he reaches his breaking point that gets him begging for you to stop.
P= Pace:
Starts slow but then turns fast real quick. He's not worried about making you cum fast, because he'd go for many rounds and makes you cum over and over again.
Q= Quickies:
As I said Gojo is a busy man so you don't have a regular sex life, so he'd grasp the chance whenever you see each other. Even if he's seeing you for a few minutes, both of you would sneak somewhere and have a quick sex. Of course he'll make it up for you with a long ass passionate night when you have time for yourselves.
R= Risks:
I feel like Gojo is open to try new things with you, anything except involving another individual in your sex life. So by risks I mean like he might try public sex, pleasuring you under the table during an important meeting.
S= Stamina:
This man doesn't sleep, he's got a lot of energy, so he can go as long as you can handle. Does he ever get tired? no. So you better prepare yourself for a long night.
T= Toy:
I can't see him using any toys on himself or on you. When he's pleasuring you he prefers using his mouth, tongue and fingers and not toys, nothing else can fuck you expect for him. He believes that a piece of plastic won't get the job done.
U= Unfair:
Satoru is the biggest tease ever. He likes to annoy you. Sometimes, he might edge you till you start begging and pleading for him to make you cum. He's so damn good at it. And he knows how to use his teasing into making you more horny and needy for him.
V= Volume: (Is he loud?)
Satoru is so damn loud. He'd moan, groan, growl, whimper... anything. He likes how your moans harmonize together, it's like music to his ears and it pushes him to his limits. He's not shy or embarrassed, nah he wants you to hear his moans, he knows very well how it turns you on. He'd moan into your ear, also breathes heavily which is so fucking attractive. Even if you're not making love he'd occasionally moan in your ear to make you all flustered.
W= Wildcard:
Despite being a confident man, not easily offended and no one can compare to him, he's still a pretty jealous type. Even though he knows no one can get near you or compete with him or steal you away, whenever someone looks at you in a not very likable way he'd get pissed off and turns on his protective mode. If you dare to tease him and make him jealous on purpose, you already know what's waiting for you. Yep, definitely jealous sex, and if he can't contain himself till you get home then he would literally make out with you in public while everyone is watching. Gojo doesn't really give a single fuck, he'll devoure you, slip tongue, steal your breath away while he's kissing you hungry kisses.
X= X-rays:
He's a big guy so you know what to expect. Your eyes would be wide open the first time you saw him. It is indeed huge and thick, got you nervous and wondering how it would fit inside of you but it did.
Y= Yearning:
He's always ready for you to take him. Always ready for sex with you when you're in the mood of course. Due to his schedule he won't be able to be with you everyday so that accumulation of a long ass week of missing you and wanting to be inside you got him all ready and horny for when he sees you.
Z= Zzz:
Nah he won't fall asleep immediately after that. He'll pamper you first, take care of you and make sure you're comfortable and not hurt after being a total freak in bed. He'll put you to sleep and watches over you then he'll fall asleep if he managed to.
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sstxrn-4l · 3 months
Matt Sturniolo - NSFW Alphabet
A/N - I'm a devoted Chris girl but I still love Matt the munch😍 also do we like the theme on my page???
Warnings: SMUTTT
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A - Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
gets you EVERYTHING. gets a wet towel and cleans you up, gets you a bottle of water and some of his clothes to wear. literally the sweetest. like he could absolutely destroy you and then be all soft and shit.
B - Body part (Thier favorite body part on themself and their partner's)
for him it's definitely his hands. he loves when you look at his veins sticking out when he fingers you. and he loves how good he can make you feel with them.
for you, he LOVES your tits. like literally adores them. not even just in the sexual way either, like they make great pillows too. He loves to watch them bounce every time he thrusts into you.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Ok I feel like he'd love to cum inside you, but if you're not cool with that then it's definitely gonna be on your stomach or your tits.
D - Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I feel like he'd like to choke you. not enough to hurt you, just slightly. but yeah I think he'd be into that but be scared to tell you cus he doesn't want you to be weirded out
E - Experience (How experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
I feel like he for sure has 1, 2 maybe even 3 bodies. he totally knows what he's doing though. even if he only has 1 body. but everyone is different, so once he finds what makes you feel good (it only takes the first time y'all do it for him to figure it out) he's set.
F - Favorite position (goes without saying)
I'd say he really likes cowgirl just so your tits can be right in front of his face. he'd probably take control though, like holding your hips so he can thrust up into you. because even if he wants you on top of him, he definitely still wants to have control.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious during the moment or more goofy?)
This man has to be serious. Like I feel like if something stupid happens he'll laugh for a moment before pounding into you again.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Keeps it trimmed for sure. I mean we've all seen the happy trail so he's got some hair. Literally does not give a shit for you. There is no "oh we can't I haven't shaved." Mans will braid that shit if you asked him to.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment?)
He's definitely very intimate. Even if he's breaking your back and calling you a slut, he still lets you know he loves you (I'm so bad at this one wtf)
J - Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
Not very often. He will not hesitate to ask you straightforward. Y'all could be chilling on the couch and this kid's like "can we fuck?" But when he's on tour or you're away for whatever reason, definitely down for phone sex.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I feel like he's got a teeny tiny bit of a breeding kink. Loves to degrade and praise you at the same time. "You're so pretty when you act like a slut." "Such a good girl with my cock down your throat." I think he'd be into spanking, maybe a little little bit of choking.
L - Location (Favorite places to do it)
His favorite is definitely the bedroom. But y'all have probably fucked on every surface of his place and yours. I feel like he'd also love to fuck you in the car. Like he's picking up Nick and Chris and while y'all are waiting for them, he'd fuck you in the backseat.
M - Motivation (What gets them going?)
This one's hard because this man will find everything you do hot. I feel like if you were to whisper dirty things in his ear that would be like the hottest thing in the world. Or you maybe do something that seems innocent but only you two would understand. Play a song in the car that you two fucked to last night??? Gets his memory going and he wants to do everything over again.
N - No (Something they would never do)
Anything that can hurt you more than spanking or choking (knife play, gun play, blood play, etc.) If you're into that shit, great! But he's absolutely never trying it. He also wouldn't be into any anal shit. He's not letting you near his ass and he's not getting near yours. And absolutely no toes are getting sucked. Ever.
O - Oral (Giving, receiving, skill)
This man... he could have you cum in 3 minutes with his tongue. He loves eating you out. He doesn't only to it to please you, like he gets pleasure from eating you out. Of course he loves when you give him a blowjob too. He probably starts off letting you do all the work, but as time goes on, he's full on fucking your face. He also grabs your hair when you give him a blowjob too.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
It really depends on his mood and your mood. If you're feeling insecure or sad and he wants to make you feel better, he's slow, whispering how beautiful you are, taking his time to kiss every single inch of your body. He also is really slow when he wakes up with morning wood and he's still tired. Now, if he's jealous? GOD DAMN. Kid has you babbling about how good it feels. You can't even form a coherent sentence.
Q - Quickie (Their opinion on quickies. How often?)
He's busy. So he doesn't always have time to fuck you right. He probably doesn't like them that much, but they happen pretty often because he's got shit to do. He'd much rather take an hour or two, but desperate times call for desperate measures.1
R - Risk (Are they down to take risks?)
100% he'll try almost anything once, as long as you're okay with it. Now there are things that he wouldn't try, but I already said that stuff for No so I'm not going into it here.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I think he could go for maybe 2-3 rounds. 4 if y'all haven't seen each other in like a week or two. I think he could last if he needed to, but normally he just wants to cum at the same time as you.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Who do they use it on?)
He probably owns 1 vibrator. He uses it on you though. The one he owns is probably one of those that can be controlled from an app, and he uses it for when he's recording and you're still at home.
U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
GOOD LORD. He will tease you until you're begging to be touched in any way. And if you even think about teasing him, you're in for a long night. Bro is such a tease it's insane.
V - Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
I'd say he's pretty loud, but he also just wants to hear the sounds that you make. He definitely groans in your ear though. He's loud enough that you can always hear him, but he's quiet enough to be able to hear you.
W - Wild Card (A random headcanon)
I think he lowkey wants you to give him head while he's driving, but he doesn't want to ask you in case you're scared he'll crash or something.
X - X-ray (Let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Ok so we've all seen how Chris never wears fucking underwear apparently. So assuming they're about the same size, DAMN. So he's definitely long, but probably not super girthy.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. Like not to the point where it's an unhealthy addiction, but you're just hot as hell, it's not his fault. AT LEAST 3-4 times a week.
Z - Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Always waits for you to fall asleep first. As soon as he knows you're sleeping, he's out.
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YAYYYYY it's been like 3 weeks and I finally finished one of the two projects I'm working on!!! I might have to do a Chris versionnnnn
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roolette · 7 months
Smoke NSFW alphabet
You guys don't understand how much I need this man.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He holds you in his arms and does not let go (unless you want to, but seriously, who would want to?). He's probably taller than you, and let's be real, he's a big teddy bear. He'll worry if he was too much, and you run your hands through his hair, comforting him. It's safe with him.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
He likes his arms. They're strong, and can easily lift you up. As for you, he likes your eyes. Yes, he knows that's cheesy, but let him be a romantic. He can get lost in your eyes, just staring as he realizes that this is real, and you're his.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
He wants to cum in you, if you'll let him. He likes the way it drips out of you after you're done, and it just feels good to cum in you. If you don't want to, no worries, his pull-out game is strong. He'll cum on your chest and guide your finger through it, leading your finger to your mouth.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants you to take control. As much as he likes being in charge, he'll easily turn into putty in your hands if you let him. Hold him by the jaw and make him look into your eyes, praise him while he eats you out, and tell him exactly where to put it. Trust me, he'll love it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's fairly experienced, but not with something as loving as you two. Navigating this relationship is a new, exciting thing for him, and he wants to give you the best he can.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Missionary, and no it's NOT boring. He likes being able to look at you while he's inside you, and he likes the closeness the position lets him have. He'll run his hands up and down your body, kissing you and holding you, whispering praise into your ear.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He'll accidentally be goofy while trying to be serious, which turns into a lot of laughter and love.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Happy trail happy trail happy trail happy (I am forcibly dragged off stage)
Anyway, he has a happy trail and I'm barking at the walls rn, so let's move on.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Oh, my God. He is so loving and romantic. Constantly praising you, kissing you everywhere. Also, he usually gets you off first before he focuses on himself. He wants to see you come apart in his arms, it's the best for him.
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn't jack off much. He's a grown man, and besides, he has you. Save the semen and all. Still, sometimes you're busy, and his mind and hand can't help but wander. He whines, by the way.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise. He'll praise you all the time, but PLEASE, praise him in return. Tell him how good he's being for you, and he'll melt for you. Call him a good boy. Tell him he's yours.
Biting. Mark THE FUCK out of his neck, thighs, chest, wherever. He'll wear the marks with pride, no matter how many sideways glances he gets.
Breeding. Look, he may not be ready to be a father, but he's going to fill you up with his cum and tell you how he's going to knock you up, make you his.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
In your bed. He wants sex to be something special between the two of you, and he feels the most comfortable there. Sometimes he can be persuaded to fuck you against the wall during training, which is fast and rough. What can he say, seeing you fight is hot.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Sit. In. His. Lap. Do it, just do it, trust me. Give it two seconds, and he'll be hard. Running your hand through his hair will also do it.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He does not like to be called "daddy". It feels weird to him, especially if he happens to be older than you. Besides, he prefers more... submissive pet names.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man is a MUNCH. He especially likes it when you sit on his face, and he will hold your thighs down to make sure you don't squirm or move off of him. All or nothing. He'll tongue fuck you and kiss your clit, swallowing every drop. As far as receiving, he's hesitant. He wants to fuck your face, but he worries he'll hurt you, so it takes some persuasion. Once you get into it, though, he's gripping your hair, moaning above you and telling you how good you feel.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow most of the time, he likes to take his time making you feel good. Except after training or fighting. Get him while he's sweaty and excited, and you'll have him bending you over and fucking you on the nearest surface.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not the biggest fan, as he prefers to take it slow. Still, sometimes he needs you, and he'll take you quick and hard.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He worries about hurting you, but there are a lot of things he wants to try. Just talk to him first. Explicit consent is sexy!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He can LAST. He loves overstimulating you, and will go until you're gasping and gripping the sheets. If you have the time, you can go for a couple rounds.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He'll hold a vibrator to your clit while he tongue fucks you. He sees toys not as a competition, but as an assistant.
Strap on. He takes you so well.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He tries to tease, but he just wants to give you whatever you desire, so being a brat with him will probably lead to some confusion. What do you mean, "make me"? How is he supposed to make you?
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Man is VOCAL. He whines and moans, and he is talkative, babbling to you about how good you feel. Tell him to shut up, though, and he's quiet.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Can lift you up easily, and will pick you up and throw you on the bed. In a non-sexual way, he'll sometimes just pick you up and carry you on his back.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's thicker than he is long, and uncut. The first time you had sex, there were some worries you couldn't take it, but don't worry, you took it well.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He thought it wasn't that high, really. Then he met you. He wants you as much as he can have you. This sort of hunger is new to him, but you're happy to satiate it for him.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He wants to stay up talking to you, and he tries, but it doesn't take long for him to doze off with you in his arms. You press your ear against his chest, feeling his heartbeat as he falls asleep.
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pixeljade: #it IS very much a complex issue and I feel like saying that has been pissing off a lot of folks on both sides #one fact i would add to the table is that the current actions against palestine DO constitute a genocide by definition #its a word i hear pro-Israel people get very upset by because they think it is inherently comparing this to the holocaust #but its not. some people DO and thats its own discussion. but calling it a “genocide” is simply accurate and undeniable
Speaking as someone who was that pro-Israel person in her teens and very early 20s, the reactions you're describing are 800% cognitive dissonance freak outs. Most of these people, like me, received either directly or indirectly from their Elders in the Jewish community a very trauma-induced and deeply emotional information about the history of this situation, which boils down to: "They tried to kill us all once and they didn't now we finally have returned to the Promised Land, the only place we have to shield ourselves against It Happening Again. Israel's detractors hate that Jews can defend themselves now, and if any of them, including the Palestinians, were to have their way, they'd see us all dead. We must defend ourselves at all costs, and not let anyone ever put us in existential danger as a people ever again."
And then to have some rando 19 year old who knows jack shit about your or your community or your community's trauma to get up in your face and start screaming at you about genocide? It's only going to trigger that intergenerational trauma, and cause the party being screamed at to dig deeper into their defensive, cognitive-dissonance fueled response. Which, if we were to boil that response down to a thought process, looks like "This person hates me and all Jews. They think we're a hive mind who don't deserve to live. Thank G-d for Israel."
What's complex, is that not everything in that trauma response is wrong, and not everything the dumbass 19 yo who has no interest in unpacking their own learned anti-Semitism was wrong.
Israel's actions towards Palestinian Arabs since 1948 does fit several definitions of genocide and/or ethnic cleansing. And many of the Westerners who scream about it the loudest are fairly openly anti-Semitic.
Now, as someone with big Holocaust intergenerational trauma in her family, I am sympathetic to the Jewish kid in this scenario. But cognitive dissonance is just that: the domain of a child. Adults understand that cognitive dissonance is a little voice in our head telling us "Hey comrade our discomfort with this is a little much. Maybe this is a learning opportunity?"
I mean, that's what I did. But it's difficult. Its uncomfortable, and that scares people. It's much easier to believe that "They call it the Naqba because they hate us and think our survival and access to national self-determination is a disaster,"* than it is to understand that "They call it the Naqba because it was the near total dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arab populations from their generational homes and properties."
And again, everything I'm saying here is a result of my journey from a hardcore Zionist-in-the-contemporary-sense child (though always left in terms of domestic US Politics), to a grown Holocaust historian who understands that Israel is no better and no worse than all the other nation states (for new readers, I understand the nation-state as a political entity, the logical end point of which is genocide and/or ethnic cleansing), and openly criticizes it on those grounds.
*A rabbi in a youth group I belonged to told me this almost verbatim when I was 15. And when you're 15 and somebody tells you they love you you're gonna believe them.
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dorayakichan · 8 months
hii! could I plz req a nsfw alphabet for owen? thank u!
Owen Knight (N)SFW alphabet
A/N: Thank you for your request! It was my first time doing this so I tried my best. I really hope you like it. Feedback would be very much appreciated!
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A=Aftercare (what they are like after sex…)
He is the king of aftercare, the best of the best. As soon as he finishes he will take a moment to admire your gorgeous naked figure in front of him. Making him feel a sense of satisfaction and indescribable happiness. Although the slightest wince coming from you will have his expression change into a worried one as he will gently move away from you, giving you a small kiss on your hand or forehead, and go to the bathroom. Hoping you are not yet asleep he will come, and even if you refuse, telling him he doesn’t have to do that he will lift you up and take you straight to the warm bath which he prepared where he won’t let you do anything on your own. He will be doing all the work while also gently kissing any kind of bruise he has left behind on your body
B=Body part (favorite body part of theirs and their partners…)
Owen’s favorite body part is obviously his face. Have you seen the man? He is way too handsome and he knows that very well. 
While his favorite body part of yours, well that is hard. Is there a place in your body that doesn’t look perfect to Owen? I don’t think so. To him, everything about you from your body to personality is just perfection. But if he has to pick one is your thighs he finds them extremely attractive and loves touching, kissing, and licking them while you do it.
C=Cum (anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)
Owen loves painting your whole body with his cum. There is something so hot about looking at your exhausted state while breathing heavily, with cum all over you. The way the white liquid drips all over your body, the way your eyes look at him covered all in white. He just loves that. Certainly, he cleans you right after that, there is no way he would leave his beautiful girl like that and leave.
D= Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Your voice arouses him. He found that out when he was once talking to you on the phone. You were speaking so sweetly and your tone was so alluring that it made him hard. Being in a long-distance relationship makes it even harder for the both of you to enjoy that sweet physical intimacy that you both so much desire. Sometimes, he calls you just so he can relieve himself while listening to your beautiful voice talking about how you’re feeling, what has happened lately, or even a book or movie you’re obsessed with lately. He knows it’s wrong, thankfully you have never heard him and he wishes you never will.
E=Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
Owen’s only experience comes from watching porn. He has never done it with anyone else before. You are the first and last one as he says. Although not much like porn he still has a vague idea of what he is doing, also he is very perceptive of every moan or movement you make in order to understand what you like and dislike, so he can become better for you.
F=Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any kind of position that allows him to look at your face is his favorite. He just wants to have a view of your face,  at you while he is moving in and out of you. Your swollen lips, your glistening eyes, and all the expressions you make as you moan out his name. It gets him more excited, especially when you extend your arms, asking for a kiss, which he happily obliges. 
G=Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc..)
Intimate times with Owen are not goofy but they have a lot of teasing from his side. It’s always him complimenting you in the middle of it by saying how amazing you are and how perfect you look that sometimes embarrasses you tremendously. But that’s his goal. He wants to see your red blushy face trying to hide from him. 
H=Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He is neat and keeps his hair neatly groomed. Although he has previously asked you if you wanted him to have them in any other way he would be open to something new. Earning a punch from you as you ran embarrassed away.
I=Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Owen is gentle, so gentle and sweet he does leave hickeys on your body but he also kisses them after. He kisses every single part of your body, moving his hand delicately all over you. He is not rough unless you ask him to. And even when you ask he is very observant so that he won’t hurt you unintentionally. 
J=Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As said before he does it quite a lot due to the long distance but even then is because of a picture you send him, of a phone call with you, or even a video call. Just the idea of you is enough to make him hard so he has to. But when you are together that never happens after all he has you for that.
K=Kink (one or more of their kinks)
His kinks aren’t many but they include slight voyeurism, during your intimate times he will sometimes even beg to see you finger yourself, the way your slender fingers move in and out of your womanhood, the way you stimulate your clit with the other hand sending you to orgasm, has Owen cumming even more than you. He also loves it when you talk dirty to him or order him around telling him what to do and how to do it with confidence he just loves to see those fierce eyes of yours take control. Yeah, he is slightly submissive too.
L=Location (favorite places to do the deed)
Usually, as long as the place is comfortable for you to lay at then that’s all Owen wants. Be it the couch, or the bed if you seem to be okay then he will proceed. There are times he won’t be as mindful but these are quite rare times when he is jealous, or if someone else tries to flirt with you, he will take you to the nearest place he sees appropriate enough and proceed on claiming every inch of you. Even in those moments he will be mindful of your feelings and words and won’t try to force it if you don’t want to.
M=Motivation  (what turns them on, gets them going)
He goes feral especially when you wear something revealing or sexy. Especially for your intimate moments a sexy set of lingerie is always a great way to make the man lose all his composure and bounce on you like a beast in heat. 
N=NO (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
He is willing to do anything with you as long as it doesn’t cause you discomfort, or pain or put you at any sort of risk. So even if you ask him it will be really hard convincing him and even if you do get him to finally accept he won’t be enjoying it. 
O=Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is the best pleaser you’ve met and will ever meet in your life. He is mainly addicted to you sitting on his face. He enjoys the feeling of eating you out the way his face is suffocated by your thighs or your cunt and the way you grind yourself on him the more you feel the coming of your release, he enjoys it all. 
If you are up for it then he is okay with it. In reality, he loves it but whenever you take it all inside pushing his member inside your throat nearly choking as tears come out from your eyes he can’t help but feel a pang in his heart. He knows you do it because you want to, yet he can’t stand looking at your teary eyes. It just doesn’t feel right to him.
P=Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
It depends on the mood. There are days when his pace is slow but his thrusts are deep and hard as his cock strokes your walls sending immense waves of pleasure with every thrust. Sure there will also be days when he is fast, he naturally tries not to be rough but if you both are going crazy needy for each other then it can happen that you won’t feel your legs the next morning.
Q=Quicky (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
He is not a fan of quickies but there are some special moments when a quickie is all he needs. That usually happens before an important race. If he is too tense he will look at you with puppy eyes and no matter where you are, you both will find a place just so you can help him relieve the stress he is in. 
R=Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc..)
Yes, if you ask him. Any kind of gameplay you want to have that doesn’t involve hurting you and putting you in pain he is up for it.
Also, he doesn’t want to risk getting caught while doing it, especially having anyone see your most vulnerable state. But he definitely loves getting caught kissing you and groping you showing everyone that you are only his. 
S=Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long?) 
Babe, Owen is an athlete getting tired? What a joke. With you, he can go on for a whole week if he can. Adding to the fact that you have a long distance relationship he surely needs his dose of you at the highest amount he can get it.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Owen is not the type to prefer toys he is very confident in what he himself can offer with his body. That changes though if you want toys then he will buy you anything you want and even if those toys are to be used on him he is good with it. In fact, he has actually started enjoying them but he will never admit that fact to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Besides edging and talking dirty to you he is not as much of a teaser as you are. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is good at keeping his volume down except when you put him into a position of submission then some moans will escape out of him but that is the furthest he can get. Usually grunts, growls, and sighs at most.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
After a race or a long time of having worked hard, he sometimes gets a random surprise of you visiting him. He comes home, turns on the lights, and then walks up to his room to take off his clothes only to find you in a sexy set of lingerie drinking wine and waiting for him on a bed full of white rose petals. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Owen has quite a long and girthy cock which is circumcised. More importantly, the veins that line his cock are a true sight to behold. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It depends on what you do and how you look. There are days that when looking at you or talking with you gets him so hard, he lifts you walking straight to the bedroom and won't stop the whole day if possible going at it like rabbits. It’s all your fault how you are able to awaken all the lust residing in this guy's body so accept the consequences.
Z = ZZZ (…. how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t fall asleep until you do, only in rare moments after he has exhausted all his energy he will fall first, and even then he needs to be holding you in his arms so he can peacefully fall asleep. 
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Your resident Crawling Chaos, back with more OPLA headcanons.
Another huge thanks to everyone who's been sharing and liking and following. You're all just amazing. I'm working on getting through these headcanons alongside an ask request, that latter of which I'm almost finished with and may be up tonight.
Without further ado, it's headcanons with everyone's favorite green-haired swordsman, Zoro!
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Whoops, wrong gif.
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I mean it's totally normal to pick at the people you love.
So, headcanons. Like Mihawk and Shanks, ranging from total fluff to spicy, and very much NSFW.
LA!Zoro X Fem!Reader
A— Through —Z(oro)
A — Afterglow (How are they have sex?)
Considering how much effort he exerts training on a daily basis, he's going to fall asleep pretty quickly.
But you're not going anywhere.
Not with his arms curled around you, holding you against his chest.
Even if he's already asleep, his grip is going to tighten around your waist, keeping you close.
He hasn't been close to many people in his life, and he's pretty starved for physical affection, so your warmth is positively addictive to him.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
Looks at you like you're speaking another language if you offer him one.
But he's not going to turn it down.
And he's never going to turn it down again after the first time.
"O...oh. Oh—that feels—oh shit yeah..."
He thought that "sore" was just the default state of anyone who spent the vast majority of their time physically active.
He'll try to return the favor if you want one. He's a little clumsy about it since it's not exactly something he's used to doing, but his hands always feel nice and he takes instruction well enough.
It's not long before his hands are wandering, though.
Not that you're complaining.
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot or only at certain moments?)
Zoro likes having you close, but mostly in private.
He loves to bury his face in the crook of your neck while you comb your fingers through his hair.
Wrap his arm tight around your waist and just breathe you in.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Says he has two left feet, but he's never realy tried.
He'll let you try to teach him, but he's going to complain the whole time.
"Come on, what's the point in this? Can't we just spar instead?"
And probably blush a little about how close you are.
And definitely never admit out loud that he actually enjoys it.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
Zoro is pretty new to this, so you're going to have to bear with him.
He's spent the entirety of his life focused on his career as a swordsman and never taken any time for romance before.
Doesn't really think much about doing anything extravagant.
But he will literally put his life on the life to keep you safe.
Even if he knows you're pretty strong yourself, he goes completely ferral if he sees you've been hurt.
F — Fighting (How do they hand arguments/apologies?)
He has to always get the last word in.
Turns into a bit of an overgrown toddler, honestly. Slamming doors and being in general grumpy about the whole ordeal.
Refusing to talk about the problem for a while, then feeling guilty after the fact.
Approaching you later when no one else is around, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Look, I probably...could have handled that better. Not really used to this, but—y'know. Sorry."
If he sees you've been crying he's instantly gutted.
G — Going Out (What do they do for dates?)
If you have anything specific in mind, you're going to have to do the planning.
It's not that he doesn't enjoy spending time together—he just doesn't really understand what constitutes a "date"
Gets a little awkward about asking.
"Hey, ah—you know, I'll probably get lost if I leave the ship by myself so...wanna go do something?"
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
He's going to do everything in his power to act like he's unaffected.
But everyone notices it.
Snapping and being more short-tempered than usual.
Spending more and more time training and napping.
Deflecting when anyone asks about it.
Unable to get you out of his head and working himself to the point of overexertion just to try to ignore his thoughts.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
Mostly in private.
Will probably curl his arm around your waist when you stand close.
Straight-up blushes when you kiss him in front of the rest of the crew at first, even on the cheek, but he gets used to it over time and starts returning the gesture.
In private, it's a miracle if he's not holding you.
He absolutely loves it when you lay across his chest with your cheek at his shoulder.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
Not really one for cutting jokes, but his sarcastic one-liners are an art form.
Especially when he gets into an insult-match with Sanji.
Even if you are typically the one who has to break it up before comes to blows.
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
He honestly loves kissing you, and he's going to take any chance to pull you aside to do so.
He's starved himself of physical affection for the vast majority of his life, so he savors every second of it.
Pulling you against him by your hips and wrapping an arm around your waist.
Or walking you back into the wall and leaning over you with his hand over your head.
Slow, deep kisses when you wake up in his arms are his weakness.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they a cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He has to have you against him.
Laid across his chest with an arm around your back.
If you wake up before him, you're not going anywhere until he's ready to move.
If you're too busy to nap, he's going to wait until you're not.
Absolutely refuses to lay down without you at any given time.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Yeah, no.
At least not for a very long time.
His dream of being the world's greatest swordsman takes precedence right now. Having a kid would make that borderline impossible.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
As confident as Zoro is about everything else, this whole romance thing has him pretty out of his element.
Had a few one night stands and flings during his time pirate hunting, but never anything serious.
He would never admit that he's nervous, but he's more obvious than he thinks.
Trying to act aloof but stumbling over words.
Getting legitimately surprised when you do the simplest little things for him.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Your mouth makes him weak.
Shivering when you wrap your hand around his cock and trail your tongue up the length and wrap your lips around the head.
Gripping your hair with both hands, alternating between laying his head back and watching you.
He's pretty sure he'd go crazy if he watched you the entire time, especially with the way you gaze up to meet his eyes.
Holding your head still when it gets too good to hold back and thrusting back to your throat.
"Oh fuck I love it when you gag on it—"
He's definitely returning the favor.
Picking you up and setting you on the nearest surface—a bed, a hammock, a table, anywhere he can tug off your panties and pull your legs over his shoulders.
Slow and sensual, but not teasing—he just loves hearing your little moans and whimpers, feeling your thighs trembling.
Pushing one or two fingers in and out of you so he can feel you tighten up when you come.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Nagging. You asked him to do something and he's going to do it, don't get pushy about it or it's going to take him even longer.
Lack of communication—he is new to this whole relationship thing, you can't expect him to know everything you want all the time if you don't tell him.
Flirting with Sanji. Just don't. He can and will murder that shitty waiter.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
He's always been a solitary person, and it surprises him juat how much time he wants to spend with you.
Doesn't want you glued to his side or anything, but he'd rather be with you than not be with you.
Especially in a new place. He knows you can handle yourself, but still gets worried something might happen to you and takes it upon himself to act as your personal body guard.
And let's face it, he'd get lost if he went off on his own anyway.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
For not having much experience, he's honestly incredibly sweet when you're alone together
Playing with your hair.
Foreheads touching just so he can look into your eyes.
Slow, tender kisses and gentle caresses.
"You're way too good for me."
Gets absolutely flustered if anyone walks in, and you giggling about it doesn't help.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
To be fair, he doesn't really have much money. None of you do.
But he's pretty insistent on paying for both of you if you go out together, even if that's all he can do right now.
He wants to buy things for you, and if the crew ever strikes it big, he plans on making up for it.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
Zoro has a lot of trust issues in general, but he's pretty trusting of you.
You haven't given him any reason not to trust you.
He still hasn't told you everything about his past, but he's getting around to it.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
He's not very particular about his own underwear.
Definitely comfort and maneuverability over looks, but if you have a preference he's fine with it, as long as it's not thongs or something.
Don't even ask, he's not.
But he loves seeing you in a thong. The skimpier the better.
If he can reach under your skirt and feel your bare ass, he's going to be absolutely ferral for you in an instant.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
He's more vulnerable with you than he is with anyone else.
Still doesn't exactly wear his heart on his sleeve, but he's trying.
Used to handling everything himself so it's a steep learning curve.
Tries to voice things that bother him, even if it comes out a little forced and awkward, but he makes the effort, and you're proud of him for it.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
A cook Zoro definitely is not.
He'd rather take you out and not have to deal with Sanji, but money is an object.
He loves watching you cook. He might even offer to help, but you probably shouldn't let him.
He could burn a pot of boiling water.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Very passionate, and a little playful.
It drives him crazy when you tease him.
Bend over in front of him in a skirt and he's going to be dragging you off somewhere private in seconds.
Pushing you up against a wall and pushing your skirt up your hips.
Kissing you hard enough to bruise and pulling you against him by your ass so you can feel him get hard.
Shivering, kissing and growling against your neck when you rub him through his pants.
"God, you're such a little fucking tease..."
And he absolutely loves it.
Not wasting any time in pulling your shirt and your bra off so he can feel every inch of you.
Teasing your nipples with his thumb while he grips your ass harder to grind against you.
Wrestling out of his shirt when you get on your knees in front of him.
Tangling his hands in his hair and groaning when you wrap your lips around his cock.
Losing control fast and holding your head still to fuck your mouth until you're gagging on him.
Letting you go when you dig your fingers into his hips and pulling you back up by your hair, picking you up by your ass and kissing down the column of his throat while he catches his breath.
Laying you down on the nearest surface and kissing down your body.
Trying to get himself back under control so he doesn't cum within two minutes.
Pulling your skirt down and flinging it away, before giving you a grin and tugging your panties down with his teeth.
Pulling your thighs up over his shoulders and tugging you to him by your hips, immediately pushing two fingers inside you and sucking your clit.
Rolling his tongue in slow, firm circles, keeping his pace steady while you grip at his hair and arch your back and moan.
Giving a little purr/growl when you come, gripping your hips.
Absolutely craving you now, shifting up to lean over you, rubbing your thighs and thrusting into you before your orgasm is even over.
Going hard and heavy right from the first stroke.
Gripping at your thigh and your hair and groaning into your neck while you cling to him.
Reaching between you to rub your clit, bringing you right back to the edge in minutes.
"Come on, baby. Come for me again. Come on my cock."
Watching your eyes roll back and swearing under his breath when he feels your walls tighten around him.
Losing it immediately when you cry out and arch your back under him.
Pulling out and tugging on you by your arm until you lean down and wrap your lips around him again.
Pulling your head forward and groaning, holding you in place by your hair while you suck the cum out of him.
Collapsing into bed with you and pulling you onto his chest, kissing your neck and your forehead, telling you how good you are while you both catch your breath.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Not very long, honestly.
He'll shoot his shot a couple times, but if you're not interested he's not going to press it.
He respects your boundaries completely, and he doesn't abide the whole hard-to-get game.
If you decide you're interested after that, you're going to have to approach him.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
As much as he trains, he needs a lot of downtime.
And he definitely wants you there for it.
Holding onto you like you're his teddy bear, having a beer or two with you, nuzzling into your hair.
He never really considered the possibility that he'd be as close to someone as he is to you, and doesn't want to waste any time being away from you.
He's still pretty reclusive, but you're the one exception to that rule.
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jellys-compendium · 4 months
Vergil NSFW Alphabet
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Pairing: Vergil x gn!Reader Cw: smut, mentions of spanking, restrains, edging, penetrative sex, biting, hickeys, and the other things that come with the NSFW alphabet A/n: Yay! Some more love for Vergil. I really enjoyed writing these headcanons for him! I hope you like them too!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This will depend on where you are in the relationship. If it's really early on I'm going be honest, this man is downright negligent in the aftermath of sex. After he's come down from his high, it's not uncommon for Vergil to just up and leave you to your own devices. You'd be blissfully fucked out, but still left feeling rather lonely, your hand gliding over the cooling bedsheets at your side as you lose yourself in thought. But as the trust between the two of you builds, and Vergil comes to realize how much he cares for you, he starts to stay. His hands smoothing over the expanse of your skin, lingering over the marks he had left in the midst of both your shared passion. At this point you can ask him for anything and Vergil will bring it to you without question. Water, food, a towel? You need only ask.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Vergil's favorite part of you is your eyes. He's enraptured by how beautiful and expressive they are. Vergil is quite fascinated with how your eyes are such clear windows into your heart. He need only capture your gaze to understand what you are thinking or feeling--much to your chagrin. As for himself, Vergil likes his chest. Mainly because it's the perfect fit for you to lay on in the dark hours of the night. The feeling of your fingers brushing along his chest while your heart beats alongside his, secretly warms the half-demon's heart like nothing else.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Vergil's cum is usually quite thick and abundant. He doesn't tend to release very often which leads him to getting fairly pent up. Whether Vergil's coming on you or inside you, expect that there will need to be some cleaning up afterwards.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not really a dirty secret, but a secret nonetheless. Some days Vergil would prefer to snuggle with you and quietly read or just enjoy your company rather than have sex. It's not that Vergil has a low sex drive or that he doesn't desire you--rather, deep, deep down he feels that those tranquil moments of serene calmness with you are what truly feeds his soul. Sex is one thing, but the way you feel curled against his chest, the soft harmony of your fluttering heartbeat and gentle breaths, how your warmth always manages to seep into every part of him, how calm his heart feels whenever he holds you...it's beyond corporeal, and Vergil finds that those are the moments that heal him the most.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Vergil is not very experienced at all. In fact, he's only ever been "intimate" with one other person, and that was a one night stand. Beyond the surface level "sword goes in sheath", Vergil doesn't really have a clue what he's doing. He's receptive to learning, however he's not so interested in following your lead and instead prefers to experiment. Vergil finds great pleasure in exploring your body and discovering for himself what makes you mewl and your toes curl.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Positions where Vergil can easily exert control over your body are typically his favorite (or at least that's what he claims.). Secretly however, Vergil's favorite position is the cowgirl position. There's just something about watching you grasp at his pecs and shoulders while you whimper and bounce yourself on his cock that makes him feral. It's so intoxicating watching you take his cock inside of you over and over, chest heaving and thighs shuddering as you chant his name, begging for him to touch you more.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
100% serious. Just try to crack a joke in the bedroom. Vergil won't hesitate to leave you high and dry if you start telling jokes while he's trying to make you come.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Vergil's exceptionally well groomed. All the hair on his body is tidy and trimmed to perfection. It's kind of uncanny actually.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Again, this will change depending on what point you are at in your relationship with Vergil. At the beginning you get pretty much zero intimacy. Once you and Vergil share a deep bond though, he becomes really sweet and romantic during sex (even when he's being a little rough with you). Passionate words about how good you make him feel whispered against your lips, sustained and sultry eye contact as he sinks his cock inside you, pampering your face, neck, chest, and hands with worshipping little kisses. The whole nine yards.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Vergil is adamant that he's beyond giving in to carnal lust in such a shameless way. If he's wanting, he will come to you to satisfy his desires. Vergil's tune changes however, if he finds himself away from you. On those lonely nights where his cock sits hot and heavy in his pants, his mind racing with fevered thoughts of you, Vergil finds himself unable to resist touching himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Bet you thought I was going to say BDSM, or restrains, or choking. Nope. Vergil is an audiophile with a fetish for the sounds of sex. The sight of your naked body is arousing enough, but the gentle hitch of your breath when he touches you? The delicious taste of your moans on his lips? The wet squelching of your walls as he eagerly fingers you to climax? The slap of his hips against yours, and the erotic sound of your hot and swollen flesh giving way to envelop and accommodate his own? Vergil is addicted. In fact, Vergil could probably get off just to the sound of your moans alone. He'd go pay hell a second visit before he'd admit that to anyone though.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
This half-demon prefers to have sex in the privacy of your shared bedroom or home. He's not interested in risky public sex or having any accidental onlookers. Vergil's time with you is only for you and himself to enjoy. Outside of the bedroom, Vergil does like to also have you anywhere else that is comfortable. Laying beneath him on the living room sofa on cool, grey, rainy afternoons. Spread out on a blanket next to the fireplace in the study on starless nights. It's quite romantic actually.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, this man is motivated all right. Funnily enough, it actually doesn't take much to turn Vergil on. A suggestive caress or gaze is enough to pique his interest. However, there are certain things that you can do which really drive Vergil wild. Wearing a flimsy bathrobe that barely hides the lacey, baby blue lingerie you've donned beneath? Slyly allowing your hair to fall against his face as you lean over his shoulder, delivering onto him the gentle scent of that lavender and vanilla shampoo you use? Laying naked beneath the covers when he comes to join you for the night? Yep. That'll do it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Being submissive. Vergil doesn't mind if you are on top, but because of his past trauma, he's not comfortable with relinquishing all of the control over to someone else (even if that someone is you). Vergil always has to see an out in case he needs it. He needs to feel some semblance of control at all times, even when he's being intimate with you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Vergil ultimately prefers to be on the giving end. It gives him such a rush to be able to turn you stupid just from lapping at your sex. He was not particularly talented with oral sex at the start, but by taking note of your reactions, Vergil quickly learned how to make you melt in his mouth. Now, Vergil enjoys going down on you, both for his pleasure and yours.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sex with Vergil can alternate from fast and rough to slow and sensual depending on both of your moods. If both of you are pent up, or if you've been teasing him too much, prepare to get railed into the mattress. On those nights, Vergil will only show you mercy if you beg for it. On the other hand, Vergil can be slow and sensual when he wants to take his time with you. When he's feeling particularly vulnerable, Vergil likes to show you with his actions rather than his words just how much you mean to him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Vergil's not that interested in quickies. If you try to initiate sex while the both of you are in public, in a time crunch, or in the middle of a complex situation, he will flat out deny you. Vergil wants to take his time whenever he's having sex with you. He wants no interference and no distractions so that he can enjoy you to the fullest.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Vergil does like to experiment on what sensations he can give you using his body, but outside of this he's not that big on taking risks. Public or semi-public sex are huge no goes for him.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I hope you're prepared because Vergil's stamina seems limitless. He can go multiple rounds, needing very little time to recover between each one. When Vergil is hungry for your touch, you know you're going to be sore in the morning.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Vergil is not the biggest fan of toys. He won't outright forbid you from using them when he's not around, but when the two of you are together, Vergil wants to make you feel good using only his body. Vergil's a bit selfish (and a little possessive) in that he wants to be the only one to make you come.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man isn't an instigator. Vergil won't tease you unless you start it first--but if you start it? Oh boy. Vergil won't hesitate to restrain your hands, arms and legs, and get to work. Edging you with his fingers and tongue, disciplining you with little punishments in the form of slaps to your ass, hickeys and bite marks along your thighs and neck, driving you so far to the edge that you're shamelessly begging for his cock...
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Vergil is relatively quiet whenever the two of you are having sex. Outside of soft panting and the occasional growl not much falls from this half-demon's lips. However, there are those rare moments where Vergil loses just enough of that control he restrains himself with, and the sweetest little moans will grace your ears.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Vergil loves to bring you gifts. Whether it be books, flowers, jewelry, or little trinkets that he knows you'll appreciate. Vergil isn't very good at expressing his feelings in actions or words, so he tries to compensate with gifts.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Vergil's size is above average. He's thick, long, uncut, and perfect. There isn't a mole or scar that has touched Vergil's skin down there. It's mindboggling, and he's an absolute delight to look at. You have asked him if you could sketch or paint him nude before, to which Vergil's cheeks had flushed pink, and he denied your request outright. Maybe one day you can convince him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Vergil's sex drive is fairly average overall. He does have his periods of...elevated carnal lust, but outside of those he's about as horny as the next guy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends. If Vergil feels relaxed then he will fall asleep with you fairly quickly after sex. However, if something is plaguing his mind then Vergil finds that he has a difficult time falling sleep (even with your soft, warm body next to him). On those nights, Vergil likes to hold you, stroking your hair as you quietly snore away in his arms. He knows that if he gets up and leaves the bed that you'll wake up, worry, and then follow him so that you can comfort him.
NSFW Alphabet Template
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thatnarcissisticfeel · 6 months
I think that a lot of people without NPD have a really poor understanding of "narc supply" or the specific type of positive attention that pwNPD crave. Even the egotypicals who are allies, the ones denounce narc abuse and anti-NPD ableism, don't fully grasp it.
There's this false idea that NPDs like to be worshipped and showered with compliments all of the time, and I mean, yeah, most of us would eat that shit up, but I know that for myself and a lot of other pwNPD it's deeper and much more, I guess, personal?
I don't really know how to describe it, so I'll give an example: As a kid, no one really paid attention to my creative endeavors, my accomplishments, my feelings, etc. And if they DID pay attention, the attention was negative. I could always do better, I could always be smarter, stronger, etc. This came from peers and adults alike. So I developed a coping mechanism where I would tell myself that everyone else was wrong, that I'm actually the best person around, etc. I don't have to explain what disorder I ended up with as an adult as a result of all of that. :P
But anyway - the wound of constantly being ignored at best and insulted at worst is still there. You know how when you're in a group chat or a conversation with multiple people and no one ever pays attention to your comments, while paying attention to everyone else? Yeah, that shit hurts EVERYONE, but especially pwNPD. Even the smallest acknowledgment can be "narc supply."
You know how when you achieve something really cool and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you will be quick to praise OTHER people?
You know how when you post art/edits online and everyone ignores you - but the people who ignore you compliment someone else's post in the exact same thread?
You know how when you ask your friend to read your favorite book or listen to your favorite artist or whatever because of how much it means to you, and they never do it, but then they read/listen to everyone else's favorite thing at everyone else's recommendation, and how much it pisses you off? (Hurts even more if you have the SAME favorite book/artist and someone reads/listens to it at the other person's recommendation and not at yours.)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could go on and on. That shit would bother anyone, us narcissists aren't alone in being hurt by that, but my G-d, it impacts pwNPD in such a specific way.
But let me flip it around to the positive!
A narcissist doesn't necessarily get their "supply" from someone telling them that they're the coolest person in the world and that they're a god. (Though if you do want to say that to us we probably won't complain!) Sometimes they get their "supply" from something as simple as someone acknowledging their achievements, and giving specific praise on what the achievement was. ("It's so cool that you won a prize in the music recital. The song you played sounds like it was really difficult and I loved your stage presence.")
Being told, "Wow, you did such a great job on your artwork, I love the colors!" goes a very very long way for a narc, especially when said narc is used to being IGNORED for their art.
Hearing, "it's so cool that you like that book, I'll have to read it and tell you my thoughts!" can help a narcissist's interests feel acknowledged.
You might be reading this and thinking, "well, isn't it just basic human interaction to compliment your friends or try out their interests"? And, well, maybe it is, but the whole point of NPD is that most of us grew up without receiving that type of attention, so now we're very very desperate for it - and very, very, VERY sensitive to when it doesn't happen, or is even perceived to not have happened. Something as small as being talked over in a group chat can set us off, but something as small as a simple, "hey, it's so cool that you did this, I love it." can win us over.
And to be completely fair, most of the time us being "ignored" isn't completely intentional. Like, I get it, yeah, sometimes timing just doesn't work out for person A to read my favorite book at my own rec, but by the time person B is in their life, person A can read it, and it's not anything personal. Sometimes the content I make just isn't someone's ~style~ and they support me, they really do, they just don't know what to say. Sometimes someone forgets to respond, or doesn't get a notification when I send them something I made or tell them about something I did. (There is less excuse for being ignored in face-to-face/offline convos though.) But because of the trauma of us constantly being ignored as kids/teens, the smallest little thing hurts and as a result we seek and crave attention EVERYWHERE.
So now, to give in to narc stereotypes of begging for attention: If you're a person without NPD and you genuinely want to help the narcissists you have in your life, the second best thing you can do for us is checking in to make sure we're not overlooked. Try to be sure you're not ignoring us, and if we do something cool, try to compliment it, even if it's something you don't fully "understand." Ask us about what we've been up to lately, what we're proud of about ourselves, and agree with us that what we've done is pretty cool. I mean, you'd do that for any friend, right? It's really not all outlandish for a narc to want that.
(If you're curious what the FIRST best thing you can do for a narcissist is, it's giving us a million dollars unlearning your anti-NPD ableism and calling people out who use narcissist as an insult as a synonym for abuser. Even in "offline" spaces, even when we're not around, even doctors/therapists. Even "narc" abuse survivors.)
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vampcubus · 11 months
ACK- Romantic sub!Tanjiro, my love
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw, sub!tanjiro, dom!reader, public sex, footjob, this got a bit out of hand...
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YES YES YES cus he loves romance, wants to be the best partner he can be! Always gets you surprise flowers, even when there isn't an occasion, just cus he saw them and thought of you <3 He gets so flustered when you return the favor, shoving a bouquet in his face.
"F-for me? oh, darling..." he sighs, taking the flowers graciously, even if the scent is a little overwhelming. He's a bit teary-eyed because no one has ever given him flowers before and he's so touched.
Deeply appreciates traditional courting practices like dates, and gift giving, and deep conversations about anything and everything. Loves that simple love where you understand one another without having to say a word, mindlessly doing things for one another to make life a little bit easier. He doesn't expect to be swept off his feet by his love, always staring in flustered awe as they do romantic things for him.
You wrote him poetry and love letters while he's away? Please his heart is melting as he hangs on to every word, admiring your handwriting as you profess your love for him, making him yearn for you all the more. He definitely keeps your letters on his person so he can reread them when he misses you. Wanna take him by the waist to slow dance with him in the kitchen? His heart skips a beat, eyes crinkling fondly as he gazes adoringly into your eyes, swaying with you to music you can only hear in your hearts.
Tanjiro is always treating you to all sorts of restaurants, reaching across the table to hold your hand as you dined on good food, talking about what you've been up to while you're apart. He startles so easily when your foot brushes his ankle beneath the table, creeping further and further up as the night goes on.
His face is beet red, and he can hardly get a coherent sentence out when the server asks if he's alright, did he need a refill? followed by a resounding "NO I'M FINE THANK YOU!" that makes heads turn and he hides his face with his hand until they look away.
He's begging you with his eyes from across the table as your foot inches closer and closer to his cock, though it's hard to tell if its for you to stop or continue. He sucks in a breath and bites down hard on his lip to keep from moaning out as your foot presses against his hardness, only for all the air to be forced out of him when you stroke him through his hakama with your foot.
"Mmf- mm, darling, please th-there's people watching us," he'd whimper, though his hips start bucking against your foot anyways, free hand clutching your ankle as he rolled his hips, grinding his clothed cock into the arch. "S-someone will see."
"Don't be so noisy and they won't see. You clearly don't want me to stop," you'd purr, sipping at your sake and watching him squirm with your chin in your hand, enraptured. Tanjiro shivers more under your lustful gaze, chewing his lip raw in an attempt to keep his voice down as his orgasm builds embarrassingly fast. "Doing so good for me, Tan. You're so sweet for taking me out to such a nice place. You deserve a reward."
"I-It's nothing, really. Y-you deserve nice things," He insists, though his reddish eyes nearly roll back at your praise, breath coming out in puffs as your foot sped on his cock. Your other foot joins in, cradling his cock between the other and stroking it through his pants. He lets out an aborted mewl, stuffing his mouth with his fist to contain it as he dances on the edge, so close to creaming his pants.
"Maybe after we leave here, I'll fuck you properly, yeah? Ride your cute cock til i've had enough." He bucks so hard his knee knocks against the table, the sound loud enough to warrant some more stares. You only smile sweetly at them, waving at them in dismissal as if you weren't torturing him with your foot.
"D-darling, ah...! Gonna, oh my, I'm g-gonna...!" he croaks, tears pricking at the corners of his round eyes, staring into yours desperately. His hand squeezes yours so tightly, and you only croon and stroke your thumb over his knuckles comfortingly.
"Go on, sweetheart. Show me you can cum quietly for me like a good boy." That seems to flip a switch because his eyes glaze over and his head tips back, feet planting on the ground to hump his erupting cock against your foot fervently. He does everything in his power to keep quiet as he spurts into his hakama, though a few whines slip out, he is mostly silent through it. "Hmf! mmm!"
And when he's finally finished writhing, he slumps in his chair, exhausted. Your feet return to the floor, and you lift his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles oh-so-sweetly. He gives you a weak look of affection when he comes down from his high, a furious blush spreading across his face all the way up to his ears. He shifts uncomfortably and cringes at the stain forming in his hakama, sighing deeply though his nose.
"I can't believe we did this here. You have no shame!" he whisper-yells in an accusatory tone, though he can't quite meet your eyes anymore. You only giggle at that.
"You seemed like you were enjoying it, so who's really the shameless one here? You liked it didn't you, cumming in front of all these people?" you tsked, feigning disappointment as you shook your head.
"I-I..." Tanjiro starts, making a face. He couldn't even get the lie out, that he didn't love the thrill of doing such a filthy thing in public, where anyone could have seen you and tarnished your reputation. "Yes, I may have... liked it."
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hello dear mods!! This is kind of a random, oddly specific ask but do you have any fics where one of our lovely Ineffable Husbands uses really cheesy pickup lines?
I’m a sucker for cheesy pickup lines, and I’ve come across one or two in the wilds of ao3 and they were hilarious and adorable.
Human au/other aus or just regular Angel and Demon are perfectly fine!! Thank you!! <3
Hey! Here are some fics with pick up lines for you...
If I told you you had a nice body, would you hold it against me? by involuntaryorange (T)
After several months of mounting frustration, Crowley turns to the internet. Humans seem to have figured out relationships, he reasons; or, at least, they’ve figured out how to get into them, and that’s the part he needs help with. An hour of googling and two rather nice bottles of pinot noir later, he has a plan. a.k.a. the one where Crowley decides to try out some pick-up lines.
Did it hurt? by madlysanecatlady (T)
An exercise in shitty pickup lines.
do him! by orphan_account (T)
Crowley is an astronomer who does a side gig as a stand-up comedian on Fridays. One Friday he sets out to introduce a new segment to his routine, a bit where he makes fun of the audience's expense. Though when he's asked to make fun of a gorgeous man, he says something brash and regrets it, and then later goes to introduce himself and apologize to the kind man. - “Hello there!” Crowley said, chastising himself for being too loud when the man jumped. “Oh, hello. Er, may I help you?” The man said. “Uh, yeah. I’m Crowley.” He said, reaching his hand out to shake. “Aziraphale,” the man said, taking it. “I just wanted to apologize for making that joke, it was wrong of me to cross a boundary like that. I was simply caught in the moment and I thought you looked pretty. I didn’t mean to make you so uncomfortable that you had to run out.” Crowley said.
Wingman by writeonclara (T)
“Do you understand what will happen to you if you don’t smash your demon buddy? And since you’re”—Gabriel paused to search for the proper adjective to encompass all of Aziraphale’s Aziraphaleness, then settled on—“you, God commanded me to help you. And buddy, you need all the help you can get.” Or: Gabriel’s assigned to be wingman for Aziraphale to keep him from Falling. He’s about as good at it as you’d imagine.
The Pumpkin Patch by AppleSeeds (T)
Aziraphale visits a pumpkin patch and meets Crowley, a farmer with a fondness for cheesy seasonal pick-up lines. After a while, he starts to get the impression that Crowley might actually be flirting with him, and tries to work up the courage to reciprocate.
The Steps to Courting an Angel by ReginaPapilio (G)
Crowley entrusts his love life to a "Love Guide" upon finding it in Aziraphale's bookshop. Now he just needs to follow it until the angel is finally his, but things don't go his way that easily.
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan (E)
"All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?" Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.  "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening."  AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
- Mod D
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hi can you do a fluff alphabet with Beel?
hello! of course :)
if anyone else requests a specific character for this prompt, i'll do it pretty quickly just because i'm in the mood to do this right now :)
Fluff alphabet w/ Beel
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
he loves how open and accepting you are to new people, and those who already know you. if you weren't, you probably never would've gotten to know each other and he's grateful you let him into your heart
B = Bonding (what's your favorite mutual bonding activity?)
any mealtime! belphie and you always sit on either side of him, so he can always be next to his two favorite people. even though he's always eating, he loves making it a habit to always make sure you're sitting before he starts to eat. it's just not the same if you're not there
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
since he's always a little afraid he's going to crush you, despite what you say, he likes to have you on top of him. he loves it when you're drape yourself over him and rest your head on his shoulder. he loves getting to hold you close <3
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
to be honest, any date that you picked and are enjoying (and involves at least one snack for him) makes him happy. if it's all up to him, you're going to an all you can eat buffet haha
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
he's very open with you, and while he struggles with putting words to his emotions, he's willing to at least try to tell you. he's not the type to close himself off from you, unless he somehow thinks he's the problem. you just need to reassume him, and it won't be hard to get him to speak
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
he very much loves his family, and while it's not a must, he'd be a great father. he's patient and understanding, and having a child of his own would make him an ever better demon than he already is
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
most of his gifts are your favorite snacks, whenever he takes a trip to the store. he always makes sure to buy extra so he doesn't eat what's for you. however, he once gave you a cheeseburger plushie which now never leaves your bed or stays behind while you're on vacation
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
a HUGE hand holder. anytime he has a free hand in public, he'll seek you out. if you don't have a free hand, he'll carry something for you so he can hold it. it's very sweet how even when you're only together briefly when he's walking you to class, he makes sure to hold your hand. just make sure to throw some wet wipes in your bag because his hands are probably dirty haha
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
he doesn't say much, but you can tell from the tight look on his face that he's very worried. he feels as if it's his job to protect everyone he loves. he's the type to break down in tears and tell you he's sorry that he failed because he cares so much
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
in general, he doesn't do a whole lot of jokes, but he can be funny. he tends to take things literally so if he hears a joke he doesn't understand, he's quick to turn to you to ask you explain
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
most of his kisses are quick, but you're still able to feel the love through his other actions, such as the way he holds you or the tenderness of his hands in yours. he mostly does forehead and top of the head kisses. his breath probably smells like whatever he last ate, so just be prepared for that
L = Love Confession (how'd they confess to you? how'd you get together?)
he at first struggled to find a way to tell you because he just couldn't put it in words, so after getting your permission, he tries his best to show you. when that doesn't work out, he sits down with you and does his best to explain. you eventually picked up on what he was trying to tell you, and let him know you had feelings for him too
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
his favorite memory is a late night at a fast food place together. after being hungry with no food in the house because he ate it all earlier, the two of you went out to get something to eat. not much was open because of the time, but the fact that you agreed to go on this journey with him was more than enough for him. your unwavering trust in him and your enthusiasm helped cement your way into his heart
your favorite memory was the first time he sat down with you and listened to you vent about your struggles in the devildom and everything you missed about the human world. he went through a lot of trouble, but managed to get your favorite human world snack. the look on his face as he presented it to you was something you'll never forget
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
failing to protect you. he's very afraid to lose another someone so beloved to him, especially if he deems it as his fault. he still sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares about that very subject. after one of those, just seeing you alright brings him the comfort he needs to go back to sleep
O = Obvious (how obvious do they make it that they like you?)
he's not subtle at all and doesn't try to hide it. he's always by your side and offering you his snacks. the only other being that gets offered snacks that he's actively eating is his twin. it's no secret how much he cares for you and is willing to take on any challenge for you
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
he's not big on pet names until he discovers food related names. while he still prefers your name, sometimes he will use nicknames like muffin or honey
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
any free time he has, he wants to be by your side. whenever he's just idling and munching on something, he finds himself wanting to be in the same room as you, if not to have a conversation, just to be around you because that makes him so happy
R = Romance (how romantic are they?)
he tries, but honestly he's not very suave. his struggle to articulate what he's thinking leads to some more thoughtful, or funny conversations, but usually not romantic. but, it's the thought that counts
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
at first, he's kind of closed off, but once you get to know each other, he'll tell you anything on his mind, from very lighthearted, like what would happen if all his favorite foods grew legs and walked off, to serious, like his life before the devildom. he doesn't keep anything important from you because he highly values communication
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
at first, you weren't sure if you were going to get along with him, but after you made the pact, you kind of saw it coming. you really connected after you stayed in his room when he destroyed one of the walls to you room, and it was history after that
U = Unique (what makes them unique?)
his gentle giant, protective nature. no matter what, he's always sure he checks up on you and always finds a way to help you if you need it
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? do they like to show you off?)
he's proud of your cordialness, even towards those who spoke down to you in the past. nobody has anything bad to say about you
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
he can't deny how nervous that idea makes him. even when he's right next to you, he's paranoid something might happen to you. but, he knows you can hold your own and trusts you. he would beat up someone for you though haha
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
he's very good at being able to tell how you feel, and is quick to ask how you're feeling if he notices any changes. sometimes if he's enjoying a really good snack or meal, it might take him a little longer, but he'll abandon the food to talk to you if needed
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
while heat of the moment is the wrong way to describe it, he found himself asking you after a moment where he knew he wanted to be with you forever. he actually went off to get the ring he had to then get down on one knee. he'd been trying to find a way to ask, but he was glad the moment came to him
Z = Zzz (how do they act when they're sleepy? what's it like sharing a bed with them?)
he's usually mostly coherent, and is easy enough to help into bed if needed. unless he's hungry or just had a nightmare, he sleeps like a brick, so make sure you're comfortable before he falls asleep.
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fischltao · 2 years
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plot: random bf tsukki headcanons. reader insert.
a/n: your honor i love him. also i wrote this on a whim while listening to body paint by arctic monkeys
proofread?did i proofread this??idk :D
"and if you're thinking of me, then i'm probably thinking of you"
tsukishima wakes up super early to have enough time to be a hater
he really doesn't, he probably sleeps super late, spending the time on his phone and wakes up moderately early, like 10-11 AM
doesn't want akiteru to find out about him being in a relationship, he'll probably annoy him the fuck out and make him uncomfortable
so you don't really hang out at his house and the one time akiteru saw the pair of you walking down the street, he jumped in to ask you if you were his s/o and you kinda lagged out, not really knowing what to answer since you knew kei didn't want him to know for the time being but also feeling guilty for lying
kei saved it though
lmao no he didn't, akiteru was sure that you were his partner after that encounter
you, kei and tadashi are such a power trio,its kinda like those shonen trios (nobara/megumi/yuuji, aki/power/denji)
ukai teases you a lot as his assistant and eventually takeda sensei starts doing so too in his own ways
but whenever hinata or kageyama do so, tsuki goes well, tsuki mode
tanaka and nishinoya probs ogle after you but when guys from other teams do so they protect you out of respect for you and their teammate's honor
tsukishima often sends you songs that remind him of you, he never outright tells you so but you figure it out after the first few times he sends them to you.
looks over at you after scoring a point or doing a great block to see your reaction, his chest swells with pride
dumbass (affectionate)
tries to annoy you a lot but you know it's out of love
you're kind of like the default settings for him. sad? go to y/n. happy? y/n. wants to go out? y/n. is hungry? y/n might be hungry too so he's gonna pick up something extra for you too.
would die if he made you feel uncomfortable, like you don't understand how sick with himself he would feel if he ever made you feel like that.
super proud of you when you say something he would to the team. everyone's like "YOU CORRUPTED THEM >:(" and he's in the back smiling smugly and patting your head.
cuddly when sleepy. my brother in christ will on god lay on top of you, literally almost crush u, push his face in your neck and whine but as soon as you coo at him and say something along the lines of "aw is my baby sleepy?" he'll DENY e v e r y t h i n g. he's worse than youtubers getting caught red handed committing a crime. like tf you mean, there's literally evidence📸
he thinks about you so much throughout the day, you're his safe space <//3
he is kind of insecure though. when he notices other teams approaching you, it's then that others' comments about him begin to soak in.
of course he wouldnt admit it but you can see it in the way his face falls
tell him you love him and wont leave him 🔪
sometimes cries about this at night
he knows other people could be more open about their feelings to you and you deserved to be told how perfect you are as much possible
but he tries so much :(
he never saw it as "just a relationship" what you have is one of the few things he actually takes seriously
tsukishima is great bf and i said what i said
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loveharlow · 1 year
Omg I almost died reading She Can't Know! It was so good and I'm so excited to see more from you! Speaking of that I have a request. Ik it might take a bit but if you could can you make a smut or fluff alphabet with Ajax? If not I totally understand but if you do tag me!
ty, -Help
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ Ajax Petropolus x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS ‧₊˚ [1.7k] Basically headcanons on what it would be like to get down with Ajax.
WARNING(S) ‧₊˚ characters are of consenting/legal age! swearing, depictions of smut/sexual acts
A/N ‧₊˚ Just a small thanks to everyone showing love to the Ajax content, I've been busy and it helps to remind me and keep me motivated. I'm working on all of the requests so hold tight.
˗ˏˋ ajax masterlist ˎˊ˗
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ajax is caring but in a casual way if y’know what I mean? Like he’ll clean you up and toss you a shirt of his and kiss your forehead, toss you a bottle of water too, maybe. He’d probably ask to smoke a joint with you if you hadn’t already before having sex.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His own favorite body part would have to be his arms. He wears hoodies and jackets a lot of the time so no one really knows that he has a lot of muscle under there and it took you by surprise the first time you saw him in a regular t-shirt, you literally turned around were like ‘damn.’ and he just looked confused.
His favorite part of yours in general is your legs. He loves your thighs and loves to have his hands on them and loves it when you sit on his lap. He says it brings him comfort. But…he also may have admitted, under the influence and in front of like all your friends, that he loves your boobs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
So, he likes to cum inside you. But he loves to cum on your thighs, you don’t know why because he himself can’t explain it. He just says that they look pretty covered in it. It’s hell for you to clean up but it leaves your thighs oddly soft after.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He gets himself off when he’s on the phone with you. At first, you didn’t know, or didn’t care enough to notice. But at some point during your relationship, you heard him moan, so clearly, and just asked and he tried to cover it up but eventually gave up and admitted it. You’re under the impression he still does it but he’ll never fess up again.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He isn’t too experienced. Truthfully, Ajax is a bit aloof, so relationships and sex weren’t really on his mind until you two got together. He’s gotten to know you, personally, and what you like. So, when it comes to you? He’s decently experienced.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowgirl. That boy is pure filth when he wants to be. He likes to see you above him, he thinks you look like a goddess. And when you come down from your high and smile down at him, all out of breath, he just adores it.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I feel like there’s an in between but definitely leaning more towards the humorous side. Like he has a dopey smile on his face, I don’t think it’s humorous or serious, he just wants to have fun in the moment. Experiment, make you laugh a few times, but still manage to make you feel good.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don’t think he cares too much. He’ll probably trim it up because he has an irrational fear that if he lets it grow too long, it’ll grow snakes (which cannot happen, he's just ridiculously paranoid). But he doesn’t like to be bald down there because he says it feels weird and doesn’t look right.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Again, he wants to have fun but also feel good. He’s loving and gentle but still dominating in some aspects. He’ll let you have control if you really want it but he’s not overly rough. Demanding, less with words more through actions, but still gentle and caring.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates often. It’s typically when you’re not around and during the semester because you don’t see each other as often as you’d like. And it’s easy to get caught at Nevermore, so you can't be risky. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I feel like he most definitely has a marking kink. Like seeing bite marks and hickeys (and bruises if you’re into that) after a wild night makes him proud in a way. He just loves everything about you and the marks are a way to show everyone that you're his without being overly confrontational or affectionate because Ajax has a very laid-back personality.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
His dorm. He doesn’t like to do it in your dorm because the girls somehow always find out and tease the both of you non-stop. With the boys, they do the same to him but he’s used to their banter so he shrugs it off because he has no shame and you never have to endure their teasing because the majority of them are respectful towards you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He loves to see you in a skirt. It will get him riled up real quick. Seeing it sway as you walk, your legs out on display and glowing, it’s heaven for him. He also loves when you sit on his lap of your own accord. He knows PDA isn’t something that comes too naturally to you so the fact that you have no problem just placing yourself in his lap, no matter who's around, just gives him an overwhelming sense of pride and reassurance. Plus, you’re warm all the time so you're like his personal heater.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that would hurt you past the point of being pleasurable. Even if you tell him that it’s okay he won't do it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves giving, don’t get me wrong. Like the act itself, being in between your thighs that he loves oh-so much and hearing the noises you make, seeing your hands grip the sheets to keep from grabbing his beanie, it’s all great and he could do it for hours. Seriously. But it's something about receiving that has his soul leaving his body. Like when you brush your thumb over his tip, the thing you do with your tongue and when you look up at him through teary eyes. It’s like an overload of emotions and feelings that he can’t get enough of.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I feel like he’s slow in the beginning, gradually speeding up the closer you get to your climaxes until he’s basically chanting your name under his breath and gripping the headboard as his eyes close shut. His thrusts are long and drawn out but when he’s going back in, it’s a hard solid thrust that has your mouth opening in a silent scream.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
They aren’t his favorite because he can’t chill with you after like he normally would like but if it’s his only option then he’s kind of like ‘fuck it’, y’know? You both get satisfaction and that’s all that matters, but he prefers proper sex. It makes him feel closer to you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Depends on how far you plan on experimenting. He doesn’t do pure pain, like I said. But he’s up for trying new stuff. Putting his hand on your throat, spanking, hair pulling, anything you want as long as it’s pleasurable in some way.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I’d say 2-3 rounds on a good day. If he doesn’t have too much energy, max 2. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nah, he doesn’t. Getting some kinky shit into Nevermore is near impossible. The most y’all have got is a vibrator you managed to get in, by some force of nature, that he has used on you a handful of times. But if you want him to use it, he will.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, he’s a big tease. He loves to see you get all needy and beg, one time he did it until tears started to form from how bad you were aching. He’ll always cave in and give you what you want, what he wants too.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not loud but trust me, he is not quiet either. He’ll bury his head into your neck and groan and moan and it’s not loud but it's so close to your ear that you can hear it clearly and feel the sound vibrating down your neck and trail down your spine and it just makes you 10x hornier.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
You’re the first person he had sex with face-to-face. He said he felt like it was too intimate, to see people’s faces and be that close, so anyone he slept with before it was always a position where they weren’t facing each other. Then you guys started talking and going out and he realized he was breaking his own rule when it was too late.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Thick. Hella thick, for sure. A little over average in length, though. I’d give him 6.5 hard, 4 soft. It’s real veiny, too. He’s got hair down there, no question. He’s cut, too. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s a little more than average. He’s still pretty young in general so he got some stamina and pent up frustration from everyday life.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Soon, but not immediately. He doesn’t mind falling asleep before you but he has to make sure you’re good before dozing off. He usually uses your boobs as pillows and wakes up on your stomach because if he slept on your chest all night, they’d hurt like a bitch in the morning.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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