#unfortunately I am obsessed with couples who are mutually evil
rosieofcorona · 10 months
Dark Urge x Gortash HCs That No One Asked For:
Murder is the ultimate symbol of love for Durge, so yes, Gortash gradually becomes Murder Target Number One
(And honestly, he’s touched)
He’d rather not be murdered just yet though, so it does become something of an inconvenience
Has to double his personal guard once Durge moves in with him
May even start microdosing common toxins (just in case)
As their relationship progresses, Gortash orders more and more frequent strip searches to ensure Durge isn’t concealing any weapons meant for him
Durge doesn’t mind it because it leads to sex more often than not
But they do get into arguments over whether or not Gortash gets to keep any weapons he confiscates
Once, Durge almost gets away with sneaking poison into his wine, and Gortash is deeply offended
Not because of the attempted murder– he’d expected that– but because it lacks Durge’s usual violent flair
How absolutely pedestrian, to be poisoned via wine
After all, doesn’t he deserve more, given their history? Doesn’t he deserve to be flayed alive and spread across Bhaal’s altar?
This is their biggest fight ever
He’s only (somewhat) placated once Durge swears that the poison is rare and expensive and made just for him
But still
Next time he orders a strip search there had better be an arsenal of knives on Durge’s person
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fuckyeahcharmcaster · 5 years
An Ode to Omniverse!Charmcaster
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OV’s Charmcaster is the non-Man of Action-involved Charmcaster that doesn’t entirely suck, and she has as much good points as bad points, all of which I’m analyzing in this post. 
Sensible progression in her story - Charmcaster’s story in OV went from point A to point B and so on in a logical way, a far cry from how it went in UAF. We understand why she first gets involved in the show to start with (because the Alpha Rune was stolen by Zs’Skayr while she was busy contending with Darkstar trying to steal magic from her realm), why she goes to Friedkin University (to take the family heirloom staff from Hex in order to replace the Alpha Rune as a power source), why she goes for the power of Bezel (she hears about it while trying to get the staff again and decides it’d be an even better power source), and why she seems so much more rational and reasonable in the game show episode (she’s been deprived of power for a while, and this has a healing effect on her mind). It all adds up.
A return to form in villainy and point of character - The original Charmcaster was all about seeking various sources of power for the validation of her own ego (she has a Inferiority Superiority Complex), with the point being that she did so in place of seeking love, which she subconsciously wants but consciously considers a weakness, a contrast to Gwen who is just as ambitious in the pursuit of growing stronger but does so with love and support from others. After UAF’s version of Charmcaster completely dropped this angle, it’s nice to see it restored with the OV version, who is blatantly portrayed as a troubled young addict to magic power that is too hung up on getting back at people she hates, only hurting herself in the process.
A fantastic design - Derrick Wyatt may have not had any interest in Charmcaster as a character, but he knocked it out of the park with her design, combining her OS design with aspects of her UAF design and topping it all off with stitches in her coat, giving the sense of someone broken trying to put herself back together. The purple hair highlights are cool too.
Badass magic powers - I was far more impressed with OV Charmcaster’s skill with magic than I was with UAF Charmcaster’s. The writing also backs this up, returning to the OS fact that Charmcaster was “always the better sorceress” compared to Gwen, rather than the bullshit retcon about Gwen always being the stronger one because she’s “made of magic”.
Kari Wahlgren’s performance - Just listen to it here. Kari sounds like she’s actually having fun with the role again, as opposed to the drab take on the character she performed in UAF.
Great character interactions - Charmcaster got to have some fun and interesting interactions with Darkstar, Adwatia, Zs’Skayr, Ben, Rook, Hobble, Hex, Gwen and Bezel...she even had non-verbal interactions between many of the other female contestants in the game show episode (providing plenty of crack ship fodder as a result). That was highly appreciated.
A far better ending - UAF’s Charmcaster ended on the worst note you could possibly leave the character on: alone, unloved and mentally broken inside of her awful home dimension. It was a slap in the face to her and to any fan who wanted better for her. OV’s Charmcaster ends in the custody of people who love her on Earth and is mentally recovering. Despite UAF’s Charmaster being the one saddled with the name of “Hope”, there’s actually far more to be hopeful about regarding OV’s Charmcaster. Seriously, just look at the difference here.    I am forever thankful that this is where we left the original continuity’s Charmcaster* on.
*The original Ben 10 continuity before the reboot, known as the Prime Timeline, was a timestream, made of three different branches: OS, UAF and OV.  So the OS and UAF branches and their Charmcasters technically still exist separately from OV, but not as part of the Prime Timeline. The Prime Timeline’s Charmcaster thus started as OS!Charm, shifted into UAF!Charm, and then finally into OV!Charm which is what she is left off as. Complicated, eh?
Mischaracterization - I’m not going to say that I didn’t find the zany, cheerful, energetic, high-on-magic Cloudcuckoolander personality OV Charmcaster had entertaining. I did. But the fact remains that it’s not the personality Charmcaster is supposed to have. Take away all the witchy trappings, and Charm is a “thug life” girl. Strip her of her magic and she’d be ready and willing to throw down with her fists. She’s sarcastic and tough-talking, insolent to authority figures, competitive and kind of tomboyish. Basically, she aspires to be the kind of woman Rojo is: the baddest bitch around who nobody oughta mess with, and she’s constantly frustrated when her own awkwardness gets in the way of this and she is unable to back up this egotistical self-image, though she often blames the likes of Gwen for it instead of herself. UAF’s varying depictions of her as a sultry femme fatale, high school alpha bitch, sadistic and obsessively vengeful murderer, sympathetic outcast and freedom fighter, troubled daddy’s girl, or whatever the Hell she was supposed to be in “Couples Retreat” were not the right characterization, and neither is what was done with her in OV no matter how much more enjoyable than those UAF characterizations it may be. Only the reboot got it right.
Her story hinges too much on UAF’s crap - Just when you’re enjoying OV Charmcaster’s story, you suddenly hear things like “Ledgerdomain”, “Alpha Rune”, “Spellbinder”, “Adwatia”, or “Darkstar” get brought up, and you zone out thanks to the bad memories that are awoken. OV Charmcaster would’ve worked better without all this baggage from her previous self.
Unfortunate Implications - Some of this connects to the previous point, as it exists solely due to the UAF crap (ex: OV Charmcaster’s story means denying the route of Charmcaster becoming a better ruler in Ledgerdomain, sending the message that women aren’t capable of being good rulers because they just aren’t mentally up to the task). Others are just OV’s fault, particularly where Hex is involved - I get what they were going for with him, but to do so they had to whitewash the fact that he and Charmcaster weren’t a loving, mutually evil family; Hex abused Charmcaster in order to drive her to evil. To make Hex sympathetic by having him reformed and upset at his niece’s self-destructive behavior that ends up harming him while dancing around the fact that said behavior was Hex’s own damn fault to start with is gross.
Her relationship with Gwen is a non-factor - OV didn’t butcher the dynamic between Gwen and Charmcaster the way UAF did, but this is mostly because it barely did anything with that dynamic at all. The third act of “Charm School” is the only time the two actually get to interact, and it’s as basic as you can get, with Gwen being all “Charmcaster, you’re not well, stop this so that we can help you!” and Charm being all “How dare you get in my way? I wasn’t even looking for a fight, but now I’m gonna finish you once and for all!” They fight, Gwen wins, Charmcaster retreats, and that’s it. In “Third Time’s a Charm”, Charmcaster turns Gwen into a stone totem right at the very beginning, paying little thought to her for the rest of the episode. Gwen, meanwhile, doesn’t really have anything to do with Charmcaster until the very end of the episode, with her line about hoping to finally make friends with Charmcaster now. For a character who is meant to be Gwen’s foil, Gwen barely mattered to Charmcaster here.
No character development - UAF attempted character development for Charmcaster and did it badly. Once again, OV’s answer was to simply not even try. OV Charmcaster is static to an irritating degree, with the exception of her final appearance, in the game show episode, where she appears to be mentally healed...which naturally happened completely off-screen, since putting it on-screen would mean taking Charmcaster’s mental issues seriously, which OV was not willing to do...after all, it hardly takes anything seriously. I think that this was a missed opportunity, as it could have made OV Charmcaster’s conclusion even stronger.
Horribly paced, minimal appearances - Charmcaster appears in 5 out of 80 episodes in OV. Worse still, her first appearance is a brief cameo toward the end of episode 42, showing up afterward in episodes 47, 63, 75, and 78. This means that Charmcaster and her story is primarily a factor in the episode 61-80 period, which is considered by many to be the worst period in the whole show!  It is transparently clear that the people behind OV did not have any real interest in Charmcaster whatsoever, she didn’t fit in with their preferred focus on Ben, Rook, the Plumbers, and stupid shit like “harem” antics and Blukic/Driba shenanigans. 
The spin-off that never happened - A justification as to why Charmcaster was so underplayed was that Gwen was not a regular on OV and thus too many Charmcaster appearances without Gwen would feel weird. As it stood, an OV spin-off focused on Gwen at Friedkin University was being planned, and Charmcaster would have been a regular character on that show. The problem is that this spin-off didn’t happen due to OV bombing and the franchise getting rebooted, so Charmcaster having few appearances and no character development in a story arc dedicated to putting her in place for her role in that spin-off just ends up feeling like a total waste. As painful as it is for me to admit this, even UAF Charmcaster ultimately felt more meaningful to UAF than OV Charmcaster does to OV thanks to this misguided decision.
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briidunviing-a · 6 years
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[ May is BPD ( Borderline Personality Disorder ) awareness month, & I wanted to drop this here, for my followers — & whole tumblr — to see. Why am I posting this ( again ), you might ask ? Because yes, I have BPD, & BPD awareness is close to my heart. I’ve had it for at least 10 years in various levels of severity. BPD isn’t the only personality disorder nor mental disorder I have either, & I’m not scared to admit it.
As I said, BPD awareness is important to me. I see myself as an unaffiliated BPD advocate — I educate people on BPD matters, I defend & support fellow survivors. I try to make sure I tell to every single person I plan to become a closer friends with that I have this disorder, & ask them to try to understand me the best they can if my emotions get the best of me. Hell, even I sometimes don’t understand myself. Because of this ( or these ) disorders I have always been more or less misunderstood, & I have never really “fit the norm” how people should behave. I just didn’t understand how emotions work, like many other BPD survivors. I didn’t know how to voice my emotions out in other way than anger or over-reacting, that stems from neglect & trauma I had to endure ever since I was a toddler — that is how I learned to survive in the middle of abuse, that is how I learned to defend myself — by attacking back when I feel threatened, like an abused dog. I am not saying this as an “understand me because I am a special snowflake”, no, everyone should try to understand  each other regardless.
How can you become better at understanding BPD survivors ? By listening. By asking us questions & not second guessing. I dare to say, we survivors actually like to enlighten our disorder to those who are curious & want to  learn, to make people try to understand us better. Educate yourself on the subject — if you have a friend, a family member or anyone close to you that suffers from BPD, or, educate yourself even if you don’t, the more knowledge the better. Knowledge counters stigmas.
Some people are confused what ‘personality disorder’ actually means. In short, it’s as simple as this: personality disorders are disordered  versions of normal & common personality traits. Most people meet at least some kind of symptoms of any personality disorder at healthy levels ( because many traits are normal ), but when these traits become overwhelming & severely disturb one’s functionality in life, then it becomes a problem – a disorder. If you meet the symptoms it doesn’t necessarily mean you actually have a disorder. Many of these traits are fine at healthy levels, but the keyword is “overwhelming” when figuring out if any of the traits are literally disordered, & meet personality disorder criteria. For example, fear of abandonment. I dare to say that nobody wants to be completely alone, humans are social creatures, & the fear of losing someone we care about is completely normal — but when you obsess, get excessively jealous, possessive, & use hundreds worth of money in a month on someone to bribe them so they won’t leave you, that’s when it becomes — you guessed it — overwhelming.
Now to the stigmas. I’m tired of people stigmatizing this disorder, & I want to debunk the following stigmas from a fellow BPD survivor’s perspective. Sometimes we stigmatize without even realizing we’re doing it, which we should try our best to break free from. Stigma 1: We’re not selfish. Being selfish isn’t an inherently evil thing — sometimes it’s good to be healthily selfish, to put yourself first & take care of yourself. I, & many other BPD survivors, have too many things we need to deal with every day, so we might not be the best people to put other people’s needs first as well as someone that isn’t dealing with extreme mood swings that can last from literally 15 seconds to couple of hours. We do care about you, we promise. We just sometimes don’t have the strength to carry both of our burdens. We won’t & shouldn’t sacrifice ourselves, sabotage our own mental well-being, & set ourselves on fire so you’ll stay warm — that is called healthy selfishness. Stigma 2: We’re not manipulative. We’re afraid you’ll abandon us in a blink of an eye, throwing us away like we’re trash, just like we feel everyone else in our lives have. We just don’t know how to voice our excessively strong emotions right without sounding hostile or pushy. We’re not down-right abusive & evil, we don’t mean to be abusive & lash out at you, but what can we do when we’re on the edge all the time, scared, when we’re constantly being tortured by our own minds ? What else can we do than scream from pain ( sometimes unfortunately at you ), if we simply don’t have any other way to cope ? Stigma 3: We’re not attention seekers. Once again, we just might not know how to voice our emotions out early enough before we’ve bottled everything up, then everything just explodes because we become so overwhelmed, & it seems like we’re making the situation a horrible shit storm of drama. Due to the abuse we had suffer, we don’t feel like we’re anything, our self-esteem is extremely low, we just need someone to love us, we crave the validation we were deprived of before. We’re desperately crying out for help, unfortunately most of the time in a very inappropriate & overly dramatic way. Stigma 4: We’re not treatment resistant — from a personal perspective: I thought I was, but my medications are set & suit me — actually I feel so well I’m working on weaning myself off of them. I attend CBT trauma therapy, & have for 2.5 years, & it helps so much. I do not abuse alcohol, drugs, or sex, I am actively combating self harm & suicidal thoughts every single day. I will never be completely cured, but I will get better. There is recovery. Stigma 5: Only thing in this list I can agree with is BPD people being difficult, because being difficult is subjective. We as humans don’t have an “one size fits all” base for our tolerance — all of us tolerate certain things to certain extents. Some tolerate yelling, swearing, & lashing out fairly well, & some don’t tolerate it at all. Neither are inherently wrong.
I am not a monster.
Unless you really know me & we have a mutual understanding between each other you have no right  to even try to determine what kind of a person I am. So many people start to abuse me, hurl drama, & tell how horrible person I am because I’m behaving in a certain way — because I just might not know better. I might not know how else to behave. & I know it’s wrong when I behave badly, I’m not perfect — but neither are you, & you still have no right to verbally abuse me. You have no right to do that to ANYONE.
My disorders do not determine me. My disorders are not ME.
Stigmas just make everything worse, for everyone. These stigmas surrounding us make us BPD survivors AFRAID to admit we have BPD. We are AFRAID to seek for help. We’re AFRAID to even talk about the subject in any way & we keep suffering, feeling alone in this hellhole of a world that might never understand us.
Don’t succumb to the stigma. Don’t be afraid of someone with BPD, because some of us suffer in silence & struggle internally, & some of us voice our emotions out in a very immature way — we’re not all the same. Imagine someone whose most outer layer of skin has been peeled completely off. You are red & raw. Even a soft breeze of wind hurts, even the smallest touch can make anyone scream from pain. That is what BPD emotions are like. We know how we behave is not right, but most of the time we just can’t help it. We learned these ways to behave from trauma — we had to do SOMETHING to survive, & now we are stuck with a certain way of behavior, a survival method that might get triggered by even the smallest things that remind us of the abuse we had to endure. We feel like we are in serious danger & we need to defend ourselves at least somehow. We know how we have learned to survive doesn’t work anymore, some of us are in so much better place than we were before, but we just can’t break free without professional help or dedicated self treatment, such as mindfulness, yoga, betterhelp.com, & meditation.
Not all of our bad behaviors are BPD based, but it’s very likely most of them are. Try to remember, that our bad behaviors stem from intensive pain. You don’t need to understand us & you never fully can unless you’re in our shoes, but just at least try to. Sometimes even trying is more than enough.
We are not perfect. You aren’t perfect either. We all make mistakes, some just more than others. Deep down inside we BPD survivors are just like you, just more sensitive. We are human, we are flawed, & we feel emotions. We are trying our best to be “normal” & not hurt anyone.
To other BPD survivors — there is hope. You’re not a sufferer — you’re a survivor. Someone loves you, & you should love yourself, too.
This has been a PSA. Thank you for reading. Thank you for trying to understand.
Still got some questions left ? Need support from a fellow BPD survivor ? Feel free to IM me. ]
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daebakbaek · 7 years
Question Tag
nobody tagged me but i wanted to do it so here i am (took it from @baxngtan )
1. What time is it where you are ?
00:37 my sleeping schedule is the best i know
2. Current energy level ?
70% don’t ask me why i have so much energy late at night
3. Song that you’re obsessed with at the moment ?
taeyeon - cover up shinee - gentleman shinee - melody there’s actually quite a lot and i can include the whole shinee’s latest album in here
4. Other kpop groups you stan that aren’t BTS ?
exo and shinee
5. Bands outside of kpop that you stan ?
i do not actually stan any groups outside of kpop but let it be panic! at the disco
6. Cats or dogs ?
cats forever
7. Favourite sound ?
rain, thunder, sea waves, music
8. Something that made you laugh in the last couple of days ?
i joke around a lot and stumble upon funny things also a lot so i really do not remember anything in particular i’m sorry
9. Favorite thing about your bias ?
everything, but if i have to pick he really does have an amazing personality
10. Apps/Websites that you use often ?
11. Where are you from ?
12. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert ?
i’m an introvert but i love attention to some extent
13. Since when have you been into kpop and how did you discover it ?
i discovered kpop in november 2016 by randomly stumbling upon hey mama by exo cbx and i loved the quality of an mv and handsome guys
14. Who was the first kpop group you got into ?
15. Do you have any pets? If yes, which one(s) ?
most of the time i live with my brother and he owns a cat which is annoying to be honest
16. Tea or coffee ?
tea really not into coffee somehow
17. Day or night ?
night, i feel the most inspired and productive
18. What kind of movies do you prefer watching ?
no scary movies, dumb comedies or anything including kinky jokes, i love aesthetically beautiful things that also have some meaning or interesting ideas
19. What is your biggest wish for the future ?
this one really includes a lot but my biggest wish is just to have a great time in my life and not waste it on nothing
20. What’s your way of being creative ?
i’m an artist so yeah drawing
21. What’s our dream job ?
i want to work as a concept artist for computer games
22. Which country/countries do you desperately want to visit ?
i would actually love to visit every country, but for now it’s south korea, japan, the us and europe
23. How many languages do you speak ?
two: russian and english
24. What was your favourite subject in school/college/university ?
i didn’t really like any subjects in school but now i really love sculpture in my academy
25. Do you play, or have you played, any musical instruments ?
unfortunately no but i would really love to learn to play the piano
26. Do you believe in horoscopes/zodiacs ?
i do but not the ones that are posted in newspapers
27. Is there anything you really want to learn to do ?
learn how to play the piano, speak korean
28. How many times in your life have you moved house/city/country ?
i changed the city three times not the country though unfortunately
29. Would you rather have no children or a lot of children ?
no children they’re evil
30. Are you religious/spiritual ?
31. Do you drink alcohol ?
no it’s gross
32. If you got to spend a whole week alone with your idol, what would you want to do ?
i would love to get to know them better and do as much different things as possible so maybe some traveling would be awesome
34. If you could be the best in the world at ONE thing, what would it be ?
35. What are your passions ?
complaining, yelling about bts, drawing
36. What are your pet-peeves ?
uhm i really do not like small dogs they’re dumb and loud
37. Favorite anime/manga movies ?
all of the movies ghibli studio has ever made especially spirited away and the wind rises also five centimeters per second is amazing
38. Favorite anime/manga TV shows ?
fullmetal alchemist and probably evangelion but i’m not sure on this one
39. What is your favourite season ?
late spring and summer i live for the warm sunny weather not too hot though
40. If you could have whichever nationality you wanted what would it be and why ?
i’m fine with my own but i would prefer to be born in actual europe like germany, the netherlands, italy and etc because they have some privileges and a warmer weather
tagging my recent jimin squad: @jiminssi @kvths @jiminvy @cowjimin @sonshinejimin @dreamjeongguk @safesins @yoongkitty @pjminnies @ultimated @parkjimnin
and other mutuals: @pinkjiminn @jiminiefloof @jungkookio @taesberet @taetaescutiepie @hoseokloved @forpjm
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underabr0kensky · 8 years
This is fucking long but people seem to like when I do these like surveys
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Honestly I’m not sure. It’s been quite a while. Probably Lila, but we don’t even talk anymore thankfully lol
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing normally. Sometimes I’m shy if I’m out of my element.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? OZGE. Fucking plane tickets are so expensive.
4. Are you easy to get along with? For the most part yeah, but if our views clash I can get kinda opinionated.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? She’d probably tuck me in and lie down with me and stroke my hair tbh. And maybe force me to drink water :P
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Anyone who is intelligent, artistic, creative, open-minded, inquisitive, and likes to have conversations.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Probably not an “official” relationship, but hey. :)
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Ahaha, she knows who she is.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope. I’m so open about it some people get uncomfortable though.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Ozge :). It was about serial killers haha
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Sammy burgers lol”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? I can’t pink really. But there’s one song by Takeo Ischi about yodeling to chickens that I’m pretty obsessed with.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Fucking yes. It’s really relaxing.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Luck, yes, sort of. Miracles not so much.
15. What good thing happened this summer? Well, the past summer was easily the worst of my life. But hopefully this one will be better.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Nah.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I think the universe is too fucking huge for us to be alone.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nope, but I still remember her name.
19. Do you like bubble baths? Nah. Gimme a nice hot shower.
20. Do you like your neighbors? I don’t know them. But they have cows that I moo at sometimes.
21. What are you bad habits? Drinking, eating/drinking shitty food, and driving like a fucking maniac.
22. Where would you like to travel? Europe. Specifically Germany. Specifically Berlin. <3
23. Do you have trust issues? Holy shit, yeah.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Getting off fucking work.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My smile, I suppose. I don’t like it.
26. What do you do when you wake up? Curse god for giving me a job that gets me out of bed at 5 AM.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m cool with my skin tone.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Phil, Trey, Ozge, and Sasha.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yeah, usually after they cheated on me. Bitches.
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yes I do.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yep. It’s tied into a half-pony right now.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Emma Stone and Emma Watson.
33. Spell your name with your chin. cvolnnberrt
34. Do you play sports? What sports? I’m into boxing, that’s really it. I like watching football though.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV. I barely watch TV anyway, I’d kill myself without music.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yep, a couple of times.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? I usually just let them go, silence is nice.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Reference the earlier question that asked what my “type” is or something to that effect. Lucky me, I know someone like that :)
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I don’t really have a favorite, but I go to Kroger a lot.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I haven’t been in high school since 2011, but back then I just wanted to go to college.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? No, not everyone.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Probably that I’m tired, pissed off, or just sad.
43. Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes, if I’m in a good mood.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? That’s actually hard. Outer space, but I’d love to go to the ocean floor.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My alarm. And a certain person. :)
46. What are you paranoid about? Being alone/being replaced/someone getting bored/tired of me.
47. Have you ever been high? Yeah. I’m not really a fan.
48. Have you ever been drunk? I get drunk a fucking lot.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Nah. I haven’t done any super secret spy missions or anything.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black and red plaid.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yeah, a few times.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My fucking LOCATION.
53. Favourite makeup brand? I don’t wear makeup, son. I’m too cheap for that shit.
54. Favourite store? I dunno. Probably Hastings.
55. Favourite blog? @am-i-evil Seriously she makes really cool gifsets.
56. Favourite colour? Black.
57. Favourite food? Lasagna.
58. Last thing you ate? Mac and cheese.
59. First thing you ate this morning? PB+J.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Yeah, I’ve won several spelling bees.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? I got in-school suspension a couple of times for skipping detentions that I got for skipping class. I skipped a lot. Fuck the po po.
62. Been arrested? For what? Nope. We almost got arrested for arson once though because we were tossing Lysol cans into a bonfire and watching them explode.
63. Ever been in love? Yeah, I have.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I liked her for like a year, she moved to another county and another school, we randomly ran into each other in Wal-Mart, and we went back to the garden section to talk and ended up kissing. I was 14.
65. Are you hungry right now? Nope, I just ate.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I like them as much as my best friends.
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook, but I don’t really like either.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr motherfucker.
69. Are you watching tv right now? Nope.
70. Names of your bestfriends? Phil, Trey, Ozge.
71. Craving something? What? A trip to Germany and a shot of vodka.
72. What colour are your towels? Tan or grey.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yeah, I have a stuffed Grim Reaper and two stuffed cars.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Like 5.
75. Favourite animal? Cat. Or maybe snek.
76. What colour is your underwear? Right now I’m just wearing pajama shorts. No underwear, you pervert.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Heath bar.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black.
80. What colour pants? Dark blue.
81. Favourite tv show? House M.D.
82. Favourite movie? Goodfellas.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 Jump Street.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? I don’t remember names. I’m not THAT big a fan.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Crush.
87. First person you talked to today? Ozge. :)
88. Last person you talked to today? Also Ozge.
89. Name a person you hate? Logan.
90. Name a person you love? Ozge.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? There always is.
92. In a fight with someone? Nah, not currently.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? None actually.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? I think 4.
95. Last movie you watched? The Rookie.
96. Favourite actress? Emma Watson.
97. Favourite actor? RDJ, Johnny Depp, or Leo DiCaprio.
98. Do you tan a lot? I do.
99. Have any pets? Nah, unfortunately.
100. How are you feeling? I’m good :)
101. Do you type fast? Yeah, 200+ words a minute last time I checked.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Yes, a few things.
103. Can you spell well? I have won spelling bees. I told you this.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yeah, of course I do.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yeah! They’re fun as fuck.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? I have, unfortunately.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Mhmm. It was interesting.
108. What should you be doing? Getting ready to pick my dad up.
109. Is something irritating you right now? Yes. It’s fucking hot.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? I do right now.
111. Do you have trust issues? You asked me this. This is why I have trust issues you piece of shit.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I honestly have no idea.
113. What was your childhood nickname? “Bob-o”
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yeah, many many times.
115. Do you play the Wii? Nope. I hate Nintendo.
116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes. The chicken yodeling.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yeah!
118. Do you like Chinese food? Sometimes. I’m picky about it.
119. Favourite book? Bag of Bones by Stephen King.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope. I like it.
121. Are you mean? I can be if I’m pissed, but usually I’m nice or so I’m told.
122. Is cheating ever okay? Fucking no.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Hell no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really, but I definitely believe in mutual attraction/chemistry at first sight.
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.
126. Are you currently bored? Nah :)
127. What makes you happy? Music, Ozge, food, alcohol.
128. Would you change your name? Nope.
129. What your zodiac sign? Libra.
130. Do you like subway? It’s okay.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Well, I mean. I like her back. Soooo. I guess I’d do that.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Ozge. You asked me this too, fuckface.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? THE CHICKEN YODELING, DUDE
134. Can you count to one million? Yes, but fuck me I’d get bored.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Some stupid shit about my friend having a bad dream when he was rolling around drunk and being loud.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed. Fuck open doors.
137. How tall are you? 6′
138. Curly or Straight hair? Wavy. Happy medium.
139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? Summer. I fucking hate cold.
141. Night or Day? Night.
142. Favourite month? October.
143. Are you a vegetarian? Hell no, I am damn near a carnivore.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? White.
145. Tea or Coffee? Those are both gross.
146. Was today a good day? Yes it was.
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote? “I choose to live rather than just exist”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? I’d like to, but I’ve never had any proof.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “The Russian prisoners who had been incarcerated in this open-air camp were given no food or water.”
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