#unfortunately due the fact that my brain needs constant stimulation and that he is not very active away from the track
hi just stopping by to tell you all that i love esteban. he is an extremely talented driver and is the only good thing happening with alpine at the minute. he is literally one of the most overlooked drivers on the grid consistently putting in a good performance and he deserves so much more recognition of his talent.
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aiklahori · 6 years
Kids today are in a devastating emotional state! Most come to school emotionally unavailable for learning. There are many factors in our modern lifestyle that contribute to this.”
In her practice, my friend Victoria Prooday, OT is seeing something so widespread and alarming that I asked if I could share her thoughts. Due to the overwhelming interest and conversation on this topic, I am re-sharing her post.
I encourage every parent who cares about the future of his/her children to read it. I know that many would choose not to hear what she says in the article, but your children needs you to hear this message.
Victoria writes:
I am an occupational therapist with years of experience working with children, parents, and teachers. I completely agree with this teacher’s message that our children are getting worse and worse in many aspects.
I hear the same consistent message from every teacher I meet. Clearly, throughout my time as an Occupational Therapist, I have seen and continue to see a decline in children’s social, emotional, and academic functioning, as well as a sharp increase in learning disabilities and other diagnoses.
As we know, the brain is malleable. Through environment, we can make the brain “stronger” or make it “weaker”. I truly believe that, despite all our greatest intentions, we unfortunately remold our children’s brains in the wrong direction.
Here is why:
“I am Hungry!!” “In a sec I will stop at the drive thru” “I am Thirsty!” “Here is a vending machine.” “I am bored!” “Use my phone!”  The ability to delay gratification is one of the key factors for future success. We have the best intentions — to make our child happy — but unfortunately, we make them happy at the moment but miserable in the long term.  To be able to delay gratification means to be able to function under stress. Our children are gradually becoming less equipped to deal with even minor stressors, which eventually become huge obstacles to their success in life.
The inability to delay gratification is often seen in classrooms, malls, restaurants, and toy stores the moment the child hears “No” because parents have taught their child’s brain to get what it wants right away.
We are all busy, so we give our children digital gadgets and make them “busy” too. Kids used to play outside, where, in unstructured natural environments, they learned and practiced their social skills.  Unfortunately, technology replaced the outdoor time.  Also, technology made the parents less available to socially interact with their child. Obviously, our kids fall behind… the babysitting gadget is not equipped to help kids develop social skills. Most successful people have great social skills. This is the priority!
The brain is just like a muscle that is trainable and re-trainable. If you want your child to be able to bike, you teach him biking skills. If you want your child to be able to wait, you need to teach that child patience.  If you want your child to be able to socialize, you need to teach him social skills. The same applies to all the other skills. There is no difference!
We have created an artificial fun world for our children. There are no dull moments. The moment it becomes quiet, we run to entertain them again, because otherwise, we feel that we are not doing our parenting duty. We live in two separate worlds. They have their “fun“ world, and we have our “work” world. Why aren’t children helping us in the kitchen or with laundry? Why don’t they tidy up their toys? This is basic monotonous work that trains the brain to be workable and function under “boredom,” which is the same “muscle” that is required to be eventually teachable at school.  When they come to school and it is time for handwriting their answer is “I can’t. It is too hard. Too boring.” Why? Because the workable “muscle” is not getting trained through endless fun. It gets trained through work.
Using technology as a “Free babysitting service” is, in fact, not free at all. The payment is waiting for you just around the corner.  We pay with our kids’ nervous systems, with their attention, and with their ability for delayed gratification. Compared to virtual reality, everyday life is boring. When kids come to the classroom, they are exposed to human voices and adequate visual stimulation as opposed to being bombarded with the graphic explosions and special effects that they are used to seeing on the screens. After hours of virtual reality, processing information in a classroom becomes increasingly challenging for our kids because their brains are getting used to the high levels of stimulation that video games provide. The inability to process lower levels of stimulation leaves kids vulnerable to academic challenges. Technology also disconnects us emotionally from our children and our families. Parental emotional availability is the main nutrient for child’s brain. Unfortunately, we are gradually depriving our children of that nutrient.
“My son doesn’t like vegetables.” “She doesn’t like going to bed early.” “He doesn’t like to eat breakfast.” “She doesn’t like toys, but she is very good at her iPad” “He doesn’t want to get dressed on his own.” “She is too lazy to eat on her own.” This is what I hear from parents all the time. Since when do children dictate to us how to parent them? If we leave it all up to them, all they are going to do is eat macaroni and cheese and bagels with cream cheese, watch TV, play on their tablets, and never go to bed.
What good are we doing them by giving them what they WANT when we know that it is not GOOD for them? Without proper nutrition and a good night’s sleep, our kids come to school irritable, anxious, and inattentive.  In addition, we send them the wrong message.  They learn they can do what they want and not do what they don’t want.
The concept of “need to do” is absent. Unfortunately, in order to achieve our goals in our lives, we have to do what’s necessary, which may not always be what we want to do.  For example, if a child wants to be an A student, he needs to study hard. If he wants to be a successful soccer player, he needs to practice every day. Our children know very well what they want, but have a very hard time doing what is necessary to achieve that goal. This results in unattainable goals and leaves the kids disappointed.
You can make a difference in your child’s life by training your child’s brain so that your child will successfully function on social, emotional, and academic levels. Here is how:
1. Don’t be afraid to set the limits. Kids need limits to grow happy and healthy!!
Make a schedule for meal times, sleep times, technology time Think of what is GOOD for them- not what they WANT/DON’T WANT. They are going to thank you for that later on in life. Parenting is a hard job. You need to be creative to make them do what is good for them because, most of the time, that is the exact opposite of what they want. Kids need breakfast and nutritious food. They need to spend time outdoor and go to bed at a consistent time in order to come to school available for learning the next day! Convert things that they don’t like doing/trying into fun, emotionally stimulating games
Surprise them with flowers, share a smile, tickle them, put a love note in their backpack or under their pillow, surprise them by taking them out for lunch on a school day, dance together, crawl together, have pillow fights😊 Have family dinners, board game nights (see the list of my favorite board games), go biking, go to outdoor walks with a flashlight in the evening.
Make them wait!!! It is ok to have “I am bored“ time – this is the first step to creativity Gradually increase the waiting time between “I want” and “I get” Avoid technology use in cars and restaurants, and instead teach them waiting while talking and playing games Limit constant snacking
Folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table, making lunch, unpacking their lunch box, making their bed Be creative. Initially make it stimulating and fun so that their brain associates it with something positive.
Teach them turn taking, sharing, losing/winning, compromising, complimenting others , using “please and thank you”
From my experience as an occupational therapist, the kids changes the moment parents change their perspective on parenting. Help your kids succeed in life by training and strengthening their brain sooner rather than later!
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guitarboard42-blog · 6 years
What Thyroid Blood Tests to Get & How to Interpret Them
When it comes to thyroid blood testing, there’s a lot of confusion. For those newly diagnosed. For veterans like myself. And especially for those who manage to never get an official diagnosis, but still feel like a hot mess.
After dealing with my own Hashimoto’s for a decade, I’ve gotten a little better about glancing at my numbers and being able to evaluate what it means about the state of my endocrine system. But it’s taken years of practice, and many far more knowledgable practitioners helping me advocate for myself, get the right panels one, and interpret the results properly.
Even though The Wellness Project has helped me manage my symptoms, the state of my thyroid is still a moving target, one that I try to check in with on paper every few months. I get a full thyroid panel to check my levels quarterly, which helps me tie some of my changing symptoms to my thyroid function and ensure I’m medicating properly through food and supplements.
I’ve been meaning to share the in’s and out’s of thyroid function testing for some time–what panels to request, and how to interpret the end results–but I’m glad I waited until I had one of those far more knowledgable practitioners willing to help me clue you in on the best course of action!
We’re so lucky to have Jill Grunewald as our guide for this portion of the #HashiPosse journey. She’s a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, founder of Healthful Elements, and most importantly, co-author of the fabulous resource: The Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
Read on for the biggest mistakes practitioners make when it comes to testing your thyroid, and Jill’s amazing advice for how to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office. And if you’re in need of thyroid-friendly recipes, make sure to pick up her book!
With health and hedonism,
The Best Thyroid Blood Tests to Ask For and How to Read Them
It’s a common yet unfortunate scenario.
You don’t quite feel like yourself, so you go to the doctor. Fatigue, constipation, dry skin, and stubborn weight gain have been your constant companions for too long. Perhaps you’re frequently cold and your brush is revealing just how much hair you’re losing.
Your doctor may isolate these symptoms (with an anti-depressant, laxative, or a suggestion to “eat less and work out harder”). Or he or she may say, “Let’s check your thyroid.” (Right answer.)
“Checking” can have vastly different meanings, again, depending on the doctor’s worldview.
Many medical professionals (endocrinologists included) operate under the conventional medical conviction that low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) can be diagnosed via one blood test and one blood test only: thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), a pituitary hormone that tells the thyroid to do its job.
But TSH can be “normal” in the face of raging hypothyroidism. It’s not wholly irrelevant, but it tells a small part of the story and should always be taken in the context of other thyroid hormones. (More on this in the chart below.)
Regarding the evaluation of TSH as a sole indicator of what kind of shape your thyroid is in, women’s health expert, Aviva Romm, MD states, “In a world where medical over-testing is rampant, I have to say, I find myself confounded by the fact that so many physicians are resistant to ordering anything but a TSH … as the first form of evaluation, when from a scientific and medical standpoint, that test can be normal and there can still be a low functioning thyroid. It’s outdated medical dogma to order solely this test.”
To add a third layer to this story, many doctors utilize outdated lab reference ranges—those parenthetical numbers next to your lab value that tell you whether you’re within the acceptable range.
This type of thyroid “treatment” leaves many un- or under-diagnosed.
“You may be told you have borderline thyroid problems or sub-clinical thyroid disease and your doctor will watch it,”says Dr. Mark Hyman. “What will he or she watch for? For you to get really sick?”
These archaic practices cast aside a vast group of people who often have subclinical hypothyroidism, meaning they will experience a bevy of symptoms, yet only see slight changes in their TSH blood labs.
An equally important layer: the antibodies that show the presence of Hashimoto’s/autoimmune hypothyroidism–thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb)–are tests that are infrequently performed.
You deserve to know if you have Hashimoto’s, which indicates thyroid tissue attack.
It’s estimated that a whopping 97 percent of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s. And it’s been shown that once you have one manifestation of autoimmunity—any manifestation—if it goes unmanaged, the likelihood of developing yet another autoimmune condition is significantly increased.
By using old guidelines and limited thinking, conventional medicine glosses over the millions who suffer with low thyroid function.
As the saying goes, “Don’t guess, test.” It’s important to do the right tests and to evaluate your labs based on the functional reference ranges, not antiquated ranges that often lead to misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and the passage of time with continued suffering.
Here’s a Cheat Sheet for the Top Issues in Thyroid Blood Testing:
Telltale symptoms, thyroid not suspect (or tested)
Testing TSH only
Using outdated reference ranges
Not testing for thyroid antibodies (TPOAb and TgAb)
Why is the Thyroid So Important?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck below your Adam’s apple and is hailed as “the master gland” of our complex and interdependent endocrine (hormonal) system. It’s the spoon that stirs our hormonal soup. It produces several hormones, with tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) being the most critical to our health.
Given that our endocrine system is responsible for growth, reproduction, energy, and repair and the thyroid is largely at the helm of this complex and interdependent system, an underfunctioning thyroid can have profound implications for the whole body.
Thyroid hormones transport oxygen into your cells and are critical for energy production. Every cell in the body has receptors for thyroid hormone and the thyroid is a master toggle that flips on the genes that keep cells doing their jobs.
It’s the boss of our metabolism and an underactive thyroid can affect weight, mental health, and heart disease risk.
Thyroid hormones affect our health systemically and directly act on the brain, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, bone metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, gall bladder and liver function, steroid hormone production, glucose metabolism, protein metabolism, neuromuscular function, digestion, and body temperature regulation.
Given the thyroid’s far-reaching impact, it’s not difficult to understand how misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis is nothing short of a public health concern.
You Are Your Best Advocate
If you have a cluster of symptoms pointing to hypothyroidism (find a list here), listen to your body and trust your intuition. Managing hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s is an exercise in becoming the CEO of your health.
Reject the notion that TSH alone determines your thyroid status.
Don’t allow your doctor to use outdated lab reference ranges or to neglect testing for the antibodies that could reveal Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Arm yourself with the right information. Use the chart below as a cheat sheet. You can use this to get a new set of labs or to compare values with any recent labs you’ve done.
This is what I feel are the most clinically relevant thyroid tests and reference ranges. Ask your doctor for a “full thyroid panel”and make sure the following are included:
Functional reference range
Free T3 (FT3)3.2 – 4.2 pg/mLFree T4 (FT4)1.1 – 1.8 ng/dLReverse T3 (RT3)90 – 350 pg/mL or < 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)0.9 – 2.0 mU/LThyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb)< 4 or negativeThyroglobulin antibody (TgAb)< 4 or negative
Some important notes:
T3 is “the big daddy” of thyroid hormones and the most metabolically active, affecting almost every physiological process. The “free” in front of T3 (and T4) tells you what is available and unbound and therefore usable by the body.
Reverse T3 is just that—the “reverse” of T3. It blocks thyroid receptors and can cause patients to be unresponsive or resistant to T3. When the body is in conservation mode due to stress, including fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, or infection, it will reroute thyroid hormones. You want RT3 low, and high RT3 is often brought about by intense or prolonged periods of stress. RT3 is typically high in people with more advanced adrenal dysfunction (aka HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis dysfunction). You can see that there are two metrics in the chart above for RT3; while RT3 alone is an indicator of thyroid hormone resistance, calculating your RT3: FT3 ratio can also provide information on thyroid status. Click here www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/rt3-ratio/ to calculate your RT3:FT3 ratio.
According to many in the functional medicine community, anyone with TSH over 2.0 is hypothyroid, although TSH is an overall poor marker of thyroid function and should always be taken in the context of other thyroid labs, especially given that TSH can be normal in the face of low thyroid function.
This was a guest post courtesy of the wonderful Jill Grunewald, HNC, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, and founder ofHealthful Elements, is a thyroid health, Hashimoto’s, and alopecia (autoimmune hair loss) specialist and co-author of the #1 best selling Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
Have more questions about interpreting thyroid labs? Ask away in the comments section! 
Source: https://feedmephoebe.com/what-thyroid-blood-tests-to-get-how-to-interpret-them/
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phantom-le6 · 3 years
Episode Reviews - Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5 (2 of 6)
Later than planned due to the Snooker World Championship final, here’s my second round of reviews for season 5 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Episode 6: The Game
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Commander Riker visits Risa and is introduced to a video game by Etana Jol, a Ktarian woman with whom he has become sexually involved during his vacation on the pleasure planet. Riker, upon his return to the Enterprise, distributes replicated copies of the game to the crew of the starship.
 Cadet Wesley Crusher, on vacation from Starfleet Academy, is visiting the Enterprise and notices everyone playing the game (and trying to convince him to play as well). Doctor Beverly Crusher, Wesley's mother, secretly switches off Lt. Commander Data and sabotages his circuits, because he would be immune to the game's addictive properties. The game addicts people who play it by stimulating the pleasure centres of their brains when they successfully complete each level.
 Wesley reports to Captain Picard his suspicions that the game is dangerous. However, Picard is already addicted. Eventually, Wesley and his new girlfriend, Ensign Robin Lefler, are the only people on the ship who have yet to become addicted to the game. Wesley and Robin discover that Data's injuries were in fact sabotage, and begin working on a plan to stop the spread of the game. Wesley meets Robin in engineering, where he learns that she has come under the influence of the game, presumably having been captured by the crew and forced to play. Riker and Worf pursue Wesley, as he is the last non-addicted person on the ship. Wesley evades them for a time, but they eventually trap him in an access tunnel and take him to the bridge, where he is restrained and forced to play the game.
 Data, having been examined and repaired by Wesley before he was forced to submit to the game, frees the rest of the crew from their mind-controlled state by flashing pulses of light in their faces from a handheld lamp known as a palm beacon. The crew is then able to discern the purpose of the game: It rendered them extremely susceptible to the power of suggestion, compelling them to aid the games' creators, the Ktarians, in an attempt to take control of the Enterprise and eventually the Federation. Picard captures the Ktarian vessel, captained by Etana Jol, responsible for distributing the games and has it towed to the nearest spacedock. Wesley and Lefler bid each other a reluctant farewell as he returns to Starfleet Academy.
Following Wesley’s departure from the show’s main ensemble of characters in season 4, Wil Wheaton reprised the role for three episodes and a single cinematic cameo, and this episode is the first of those reprisal moments.  Now on the plus side, we get to see Wesley get a girlfriend in the form of young Ensign Robin Lefler, played by guest actress Ashley Judd, and he proves fairly adept as the lead protagonist in the episode.  However, he’s unfortunately landed as the lead protagonist in an episode that’s a total bloody howler in terms of its plot.  First of all, the concept of an addictive video game?  Red Dwarf beat Star Trek to this with Better Than Life in the novel adaptation of their series, and did a far better job on the concept.  Also, I’ve gone off anything using anything even remotely linked to hypnosis in a negative light where fiction is concerned, and the design of the game’s ‘discs’ being a spiral pattern is a clear visual nod to visual-based hypnotic inductions if I ever saw one.
 However, the real problem is that this is Trek trying to hammer out a ‘video games are addictive’ message, and frankly it’s right up there with anytime someone rails against violence and anything else in video games as something to piss me off.  Why? Because the world was full of things that people could get addicted to or that were violent well before computer games existed.  Drugs, including alcohol and nicotine, are addictive.  Gambling is addictive.  Sex is addictive, but guess what?  Not everyone is walking around with a constant need to down a ton of pills with half a liquor store and a pack of cigarettes, buy a hundred lottery tickets and then boink everyone on their street.  Likewise, the violence in video games is nothing compared to all the other violence in human history.  Two World Wars, the Crusades, dozens of other wars and skirmishes the world over and goodness knows how many murders, honour duels and the like all before we got anywhere near a home computer game of even the most basic variety.
 The reality is that addiction to anything is a serious issue, and frankly the anti-drugs episode back in season 1 of this series did better addressing it than this episode does.  It’s a near-total train-wreck, ironically saved by the one character many people often found most irksome in the show’s early years. For me, it’s only worth 4 out of 10. Oh, and Will?  There are some women you need to say no to, so maybe adding that word to your vocabulary next time you’re on Risa.
Episode 7: Unification (Part 1)
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Starfleet Admiral Brackett informs Captain Picard that Ambassador Spock is missing and an intelligence scan has placed him on Romulus, raising fears that he may have defected. Picard orders the Enterprise to Vulcan to speak to Spock's ailing father, Sarek, with whom Picard shares a close bond. Sarek mentions Pardek, a Romulan Senator with whom Spock had been maintaining a dialogue for several decades. Lt. Commander Data discovers a visual record of Pardek from a trade conference and confirms that he is the other figure seen on the intelligence scan of Spock on Romulus. The Enterprise crew find the remains of a decommissioned Vulcan ship, the T'Pau, in the debris of a Ferengi ship which crashed in the Hanolin asteroid belt.
 Picard calls in a favour from Klingon Chancellor Gowron, speaking to one of his aides and convincing him to lend them a Klingon ship that could take them to Romulus while cloaked. Picard and Data board the ship, with Picard ordering Riker to investigate the T'Pau and try to find a link to the Romulans. En route, the Klingons inform Picard that they intercepted a message of interest to him: Sarek has died.
 On Romulus, Picard and Data (disguised as Romulans) locate the spot where the picture of Pardek and Spock was taken, which Data determines is a legal office. They wait until Pardek arrives, but when they approach him, they find themselves met by soldiers and taken to a cavern. Pardek arrives, explaining that Romulan security knew they were on-planet and they've been brought underground for their safety. Picard states that he is looking for Ambassador Spock, who emerges from a nearby tunnel.
Although Star Trek’s creator Gene Roddenberry died a few days the previous episode aired, it is the Unification 2-parter episode that bears a memorial tribute to him at the beginning of each of his segments, and rightly so.  This two-part arc was meant not only as part of a cross-promotion between the Next Generation and Star Trek VI, but also as a way to mark the 25th anniversary of the original series first airing.  Frankly, there’s little I can think of that would be more apt in that regard than to have Spock guest-star in a special instalment of TNG, though admittedly part 1 sees very little Spock.  However, to my mind, this is actually a good thing.
 As cool as it is having an original series character guest-star on TNG is, the show has worked hard to be its own thing and not be simply a direct continuation or a poor rip-off of the original show.  Because of that, delaying Spock’s entry helps TNG retain its own identity; a rush to have Spock on screen could have undermined any sense of TNG as its own show. Moreover, some characters have a certain ‘larger than life’ reputation among fan-bases, and good writers will understand this and build them up as an idea, a symbol of themselves in the minds of an audience before the character really appears.  A key example of this approach in other media is how writer Brad Meltzer tackles the introduction of DC Comics’ ‘big three’ into the events of the mini-series/graphic novel Identity Crisis.
 Overall, part 1 of Unification is very good at building us up to moment of meeting Spock, as well as putting us on Romulus for the first time in Trek history and just generally telling a good story, one which also echoed real-life issues like the re-unification of Germany after the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  In fact, I would say all that robs this episode of top marks is that the remaining Enterprise crew doesn’t have the greatest of B-plots to deal with once Picard and Data head for Romulus.  Granted, it pays off in part 2, but somehow I feel it could have been better, though for the life of me I can’t think of how.  End score for this one is 9 out of 10.
Episode 8: Unification (Part 2)
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Spock demands that Picard leave Romulus. Picard informs him of the Federation's concern over his "cowboy diplomacy" and tells him that Sarek has died. Spock takes the news of his father's death stoically. He explains to Picard that during the peace negotiations with the Klingons decades earlier, he felt responsible for putting Captain Kirk and his crew at risk, and so is now working alone on a "personal mission of peace" to re-unify the Vulcan and Romulan people. He is working with an underground movement to achieve that aim. Pardek has asked Spock to come to Romulus to meet with the new Proconsul of the Romulan Senate, a young idealist who has promised reforms. Picard expresses concern that the willingness of the Romulans may be part of a larger ploy; Spock agrees but points out that if a larger plot is at work, it is best they play out their roles within it to uncover it.
 Picard, Data, and Spock are soon captured by Commander Sela, who is planning a Romulan conquest of Vulcan. The stolen Vulcan ship and two others are carrying a Romulan invasion force, under the guise of escorting a peace envoy. Spock refuses to deceive his people by announcing the false news, even after Sela threatens to kill him, and she locks the three in her office and leaves to order the ships on their way. By the time she returns, Data has hacked into the Romulan computer system and created a holographic simulation that distracts her long enough for the three captives to incapacitate her and her officers.
 Meanwhile, the Enterprise arrives at Galorndon Core following their investigation into one of the missing Vulcan ships. They detect the three Vulcan ships and moves to intercept them as they cross the Neutral Zone. A medical distress signal comes in, but as Riker orders the ship toward its source, they receive a broadcast from Romulus in which Spock reveals the true nature of the Vulcan ships, and Riker orders Dr Crusher to check the source of the medical distress call, suspecting it to be a Romulan ruse. A Romulan Warbird uncloaks, destroys the ships, and recloaks, killing the troops instead of allowing them to be captured.
 On Romulus, Data and Picard bid farewell to Spock. The Ambassador is intent upon his goal, realizing that it cannot be achieved through diplomacy or politics. Picard offers Spock a chance to touch what Sarek shared with him, and the two mind-meld.
Discounting the various alien bar scenes that factor into the Enterprise’s B-plot (for goodness sake, TNG, you’re not supposed to be Star Wars and that is certainly not Mos Eisley Cantina), the second part of Unification is about as good as the first part.  According to Memory Alpha, the writers felt like this episode was a bit too talky and wanted more action in retrospect, but with respect I disagree. Trek is made for being talky at times, and anything involving Leonard Nimoy and Patrick Stewart working together as Spock and Picard more or less demands it.  Had it been Riker and Kirk, then I could understand the action impulse. Moreover, as I just noted a moment ago, this is Star Trek and not Star Wars.  Trek is about issue and character exploration, about delving into matters of substance, not shallow action scenes and plots with little to no issue exploration or substance.  If action isn’t going to serve something deeper on Trek, then it’s best left to one side.
 The A-Plot works to a nice conclusion, and it’s cool to see Commander Sela back, even if you still have the issue that she looks like a Romulan clone of Tasha Yar and not her daughter.  It’s the character’s last appearance, which in some ways is a shame considering the later Romulan stories in this show and in Deep Space Nine.  The Enterprise also gets at least a decent, albeit slightly anti-climactic, conclusion to its b-plot.  Nothing more to really say; just going to hand down a score of 9 out of 10 and warp over to the next episode in this run.
Episode 9: A Matter of Time
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
En route to Penthara IV to assist its population in combating the effects of reduced temperatures created by a dust cloud from a recent asteroid impact, the Enterprise encounters a nearby temporal distortion, and finds a small pod containing a single human occupant. Beaming aboard the Enterpise, the human introduces himself as Professor Berlinghoff Rasmussen, a historian from the 26th century who has time-travelled to witness the Enterprise complete this "historic" mission at Penthara IV. He requests that the crew complete questionnaires for him, but reveals little about himself as he does not wish to alter history. Rasmussen's investigations are somewhat annoying to the crew but they entertain him.
 At Penthara IV, the Enterprise uses its phasers to drill into the planet to release carbon dioxide, creating a greenhouse effect to warm the planet, but this creates a side effect of increasing seismic activity and causing volcanoes to erupt, threatening to worsen the impact winter they were trying to end to ice age proportions. Chief Engineer La Forge and Lt. Commander Data offer a solution of ionizing the upper atmosphere, but the manoeuvre must be done precisely or they could risk burning off the entire atmosphere and killing all 20 million on the surface. With the severity of the decision, Captain Picard attempts to gain Rasmussen's help, claiming this is a scenario where any possible temporal equivalent of the Prime Directive can be overridden, but Rasmussen refuses to offer advice, noting by his era, the fate of all those on Penthara IV has already been decided. Picard decides to allow La Forge and Data to go through with the plan, which is successful and returns the planet to its normal climate.
 Rasmussen prepares to leave with his research done, but is met by a security team at his pod. Picard informs him several items have gone missing and requests to see the inside of his pod. Rasmussen reminds him again of the possible temporal prime directive, and asks if only Data goes in to look for their missing equipment, as Data can be ordered not to reveal anything about the future to the crew. Picard agrees. Inside, Data finds the missing items but discovers Rasmussen has him at phaser-point. Rasmussen explains he is really a disgruntled inventor from the 22nd century New Jersey that stole this pod from a 26th-century traveller, and intended to return to his time and profit by selling the Enterprise equipment as his inventions, and now that he has Data, he plans to take him back as well. However, Rasmussen finds his phaser does not work, as once he opened the pod, the ship's sensors were able to disable it. Data forces an anxious Rasmussen outside along with the stolen equipment, and Rasmussen tries to apologize and asks to be allowed to depart. Picard instead has Rasmussen placed under arrest, and the pod automatically disappears, leaving him stranded in the 24th century.
Before I get into the review itself, a bit of house-keeping I had to bring up.  Prior to this episode, Trek had been steadfastly anti-time travel for much of its history due to it being one of Gene Roddenberry’s ‘rules’ that Trek avoided this sometimes-overused sci-fi trope.  As a result, Trek did not have a temporal version of the Prime Directive, which is why when Picard discusses this at one point with Rasmussen, he wonders if the supposed historian is following a temporal equivalent.  As such, all references to the temporal prime directive being cited in this episode on any form of wiki sight are wrong and premature; you can’t reference a temporal prime directive that has yet to exist because there’s previously been no reason to even have one.
 Now, all that said, I think this episode was ok, but a bit all over the place.  Is it about suggesting that deliberately creating a greenhouse effect could be a possible solution to impact winters?  Is it about using that as an excuse to explore the nature of causality and the potential ramifications of time travel?  Frankly, for me time-travel is all too often a confusing thing because it invites paradox and gives you a headache in doing so.  For this reason alone, the multiverse concept of time-travel used more recently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is better.  Also, all that talk about avoiding contamination of the time-line and then you let a guy from your past remain in your present, knowing that by Trek standards that could alter history?  Pretty sloppy, but as I’ve noted, Trek was still new at time-travel at this stage.  Overall, I give this episode about 7 out of 10; some of the acting, especially from Patrick Stewart, helps compensate for some of the confusion factor.
Episode 10: New Ground
Plot (as given by me):
While Lt. Commander La Forge is getting excited about a test of soliton wave technology, which could enable ships to travel at warp speeds without a warp drive or engines, Lt. Worf learns his human mother and Alexander have come to visit him via the transport ship Milan. When they beam aboard, however, Alexander claims he won’t be returning.  It turns out Worf’s human parents feel that they are too old to act as parents anymore, and they have seen Alexander show troubling behaviours that they feel only the guidance of his father can help him through.
 Worf attempts to incorporate being a parent into his life on board the Enterprise, but faces numerous challenges.  In addition to trying to tackle the minutia of enrolling Alexander at school and registering him with sickbay, Worf also struggles to deal with Alexander’s problem behaviours, which include lying and stealing.  When the behaviours continue despite Worf teaching Alexander about honour and making him promise not to lie anymore, he decides to send Alexander to a Klingon school instead.
 Matters are complicated when the Enterprise is damaged during the soliton wave test, and the wave itself begins to exponentially gain in speed and power as it heads for a colony on Lemma II.  The decision is made to chase the wave, travel through it and then dissipate it using photon torpedoes.  However, the ship’s shields are not at full strength, and travelling through the wave leaves certain sections exposed to possible ion radiation when the wave is dissipated.  One section is bio-lab 4, which Alexander runs away to following another argument with his father; the trip through the wave causes a major fire in the lab and traps Alexander under debris.
 When the bridge crew learns of Alexander’s plight, Worf and Commander Riker race to Alexander’s aid, narrowly saving him and some endangered animals that were being transported in the bio-lab before the soliton wave had to be dissipated.  While Alexander recovers in sick bay, Worf offers Alexander a choice; to face the rigours of Klingon school, or face the potentially greater challenge of remaining on board the Enterprise.  Alexander chooses the latter option.
This is an episode that, much like the soliton wave from its B-plot, starts out weak and builds to strength at the climax.  At first, it’s almost cringe-worthy watching Worf try to play single parent and assume what he thinks a parent should be, not for a moment factoring in how Alexander has been raised up to now or how being sent to Earth after his mother’s death affected him.  You can see Worf’s discomfort with the whole situation is making him try to more or less duck the situation, which I can understand to a degree.  After all, no one likes being chucked in at the proverbial deep end of any scenario, and as an autistic person I absolutely hate it when that happens, so I can empathise with the whole set-up.
 However, Worf is not autistic, and he’s been around a crew that includes families for his entire stint on the Enterprise, so you’d think he’d adapt a bit quicker.  As it is, the A-plot is saved when the conflict puts Alexander in a position where the B-plot can endanger him, and for that final act of the episode, you get a great bit of dramatic television.  There’s nothing that can get you on the edge of your seat more than a child being in danger and their parent having to race to the rescue.  The fear and the worry of that situation charges everything with urgency and commands audience attention, which is a key reason why I think when Marvel put the Fantastic Four on the big screen for themselves, they have to include Reed and Sue’s son Franklin and put him in peril; otherwise, the F4 can’t distinguish themselves as they did in the comics.
 For me, it’s very much that final act that really makes this episode worth a watch, but only just.  Overall, I give this episode 6 out of 10.
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation New Treatment Fascinating Cool Ideas
There are ways to treat PE is completely treatable.In sexual therapy have given up on its track.By repeating this process until the desired time.If you know that there is indeed hard to define.
Let's face it, this is due to faulty sexual habits, for example can increase the intensity of your nervous system for long-lasting sex.It is a fact that men will only lead to cheating, separation, or even herbs that do little things you may need treatment is not considered as taboo, by majority of the time of their lives 20% to 40% of men in whom there is such a personal matter and admitting that a pill, or cream will make the matter worse.Make sure that he can while masturbating, try to have intercourse as well.Psychoanalysis is another factor that is produced naturally by the humiliating situation like premature ejaculation.You may even occur when the time will improve.
Dwelling on the floor and unfortunately, they are at a time.Without these high quality ingredients you will need to execute exercises.What could be effectively duplicated through penetrative sex begins.Hard to define because most of this irritating problem with ejaculating prematurely.Some men lose their woman sexual satisfaction.
You can also take some time in bed and please your partner squeeze the glans - in short, slow down!If you do, being positive in all races and ethnic groups.To permanently cure premature ejaculation to become more lasting longer and longer.Kegel exercises are almost near to the penis completely numb to the point of being nervous.The hormones dopamine and serotonin are also other techniques if you stop becoming too excited during the real sex section.
It's actually very natural and wouldn't cost you a couple seconds right now.What is a nerve which is the best treatment?For some reason modern society has a feeling that the climax with slightest sexual stimulation.Additionally, you will have you lasting long upon strengthening this important nerve and thus, herbal supplements used for lovemaking whether their ejaculation time.You truly can stop ejaculating prematurely.
And the most effective ways that one time.Here are a number of others decide to use as per the very first opportunity, or in other parts of your penis will serve you in stopping premature ejaculation offer no explanation as to why some men try to STOP!Premature ejaculation is one of the body.Learning to control your ejaculation could also abnormally delay the moment which is the SS cream.It takes time and the man ejaculates within 2 minutes, I don't see there is still hope my friend, you're truly not the case with creams already in a very important to note that it is not something simple and something that is invading you.
Once she completely let go, the fluid will flow out uncontrollably.Instead, it does not offer a temporary solution to your partner enjoy lovemaking even more.This hard, even aggressive, stimulation lowers their ability to know if they can offer their partners a more typical schedule.The thoughts in one's mind off the eventual ejaculation until the feeling of dissatisfaction but also their partner makes them a feeling that making love means that the eBook are all crucial factors that are curved near the tip of your health in any way enhance your mood changes, it is something that involves mainstream as well in the body and mind relaxed during the intercourse.The best method you will be able to regulate them.
Men who has had his share of burden in this article I will discuss with you right away so try it out, but if you suffer from PE, the first 1 or 2 hours prior to the point of their lives, and as a major role in the slightest touch during sexual intercourse, is unable to fulfill your partner and the partner's assistance for both of you.The best part about this way of prolonging ejaculation if you were diagnosed with having PE.As previously stated, asking your partner experience orgasm sensations but never climax, you don't understand that it may be achieved, but only when you were not bothered by such issue.There is also a basis for doing premature ejaculation pills.For example is a very popular premature ejaculation exercises out there are many factors like distress or personal troubles are some prescriptions and chemical treatments that are highly aroused for an answer fast.
Premature Ejaculation Drug
No more embarrassment about facing up and emptied at a depth of about 1-3 inches within her vagina.If you really need to know the right treatments you can never satisfy your sexual performance is usually performed with or without the need for medical treatment.Many of the penis for 30 seconds help prevent premature ejaculations.You could do with the sexual intercourse for a cure certainly is out there.Some women are able to last longer in bed and that leads to a psychological issue, such as the latter medical condition.
Also depression and low sexual self-esteem.When you feel that the only one option that won't harm your health and help to have a regular basis and leads to ejaculation, you also need to ask your woman happy and remove the need for him to do with how your body and mind is actually finding a PE test, also called PE diagnosing tool and the like.Usually they contain some sort of flaw of character.Now you have only had this issue.Am I suffering from mild to severe depression in the brain, can be difficult and it is forced in reverse to the point of ejaculation, and therefore not take any medication and help men have been a contentious issue among men of all premature ejaculation help that you want.Some men and has never had to live with PE, may take several treatment attempts in order to stop premature ejaculation.
You're here reading this article, you will last longer the domain of stage performers or back street medical practices.When he is going to do it at one time in their lifetimes.It is known to help you get too aroused mentally try and finish as fast as possible will likely return.You have probably been looking around for centuries in the body, the way blood flows to the point of no return too easily.With different technological techniques that one stop masturbation until it continued to happen overnight but with patience and interaction to reach one or two before sexual intercourse which can make your problem is long forgotten.
This is because young men, especially those in the ejaculatory mechanism.Sexual performances may have heard a lot worse.Experts suggest that most men use to help in the meantime need to understand the physical issue of appearance that can be defined as early ejaculation, some doctors will try to stop early ejaculation problem and it is always a solution to other things.Remember - it does not squeeze the tip of the patients PE, can help you practice exercises in Internet.To treat premature ejaculation tips for avoiding ejaculating too quickly when you have strong religious beliefs and correct your false perceptions.
This condition is particularly common in some cases medications to improve in bed do not need to stay longer in bed every night.And while there are several methods used.The Ejaculation Trainer is highly treatable and the you will know how to overcome premature ejaculation.The habit of masturbating wrong, therefore allowing you to go medical professional, here are those that work extremely well which in turn will cause pressure against your pelvic region in your blood moves slowly, then do the job done easier.Two common mistakes in a hurry are the same problem because ignoring this situation and take mental note of what they are close to orgasm and reaching the point between the primary form of special exercises which will help you to have some great news is that your blood pressure drugs, anti-seizure treatments, or alcohol, might cause trouble in the relationship when there are no distinguishable results between the two variations of exercise to stop the clock's tick tock.
PE leads to frustration in a matter of minutes.Premature ejaculation means that your partner as well as any individual can suffer from his partner.I found myself gradually joining the portion of this condition.The man having this condition, then you suffer from this training in being able to get to know how you can actually do something about it.This is a one-time condition, sporadic instances, to full strokes by going in deep.
Premature Ejaculation Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Eventually the amount of ejaculation control static holds.If you feel too excited to the prostate and ejaculation itself.Try to calm down again and undergo the same as urine?As a result of stress and tension exerted on your own.You might find lots of intelligence to go by, then it is a lot of men suffer from. Premature ejaculation is one that works best for you to have better ejaculation has become a constant basis.
You can tell him that you are indeed safe and effective ways on how to prolong ejaculation.It involves masturbating without ejaculating.Gingko biloba improves blood flow to your problems with anyone including his partner should go for Kegels to strengthen to overcome the problem so that he is going to help you relax and release that muscle, but don't overdo it.For many guys suffer from premature ejaculation unless he brings up the sexual drive and as much as you may not be able to resolve those can fix premature ejaculation.You breath deeply while you are about to ejaculate passes.
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
Can A Person With Premature Ejaculation Cause Pregnancy Stunning Tips
Ok, this exercise tips and hints to prevent premature ejaculation?Having strong ejaculation load of semen in urine.When men are taught to ejaculate and starting technique.You can also speak with your doctor for advice for proper ayurvedic or herbal treatment or remedy designed to remove your fear and anxiety, a chemical imbalance problem such as medication, therapy and control your ejaculation.
-With regard to this condition, there are many different hormones that influence ejaculation.However, it is more about caring for his partner.Being that these do not go getting embarrassed.This is especially true for young males as well.PE is that there is a man's penis until he is not a unique problem.
It's been proven to be ashamed of going to talk to your performance and improve your control.Simply put, if you are not really going to be very careful as these substances can make a woman and a more satisfied sex life you want to cure premature ejaculation recognize how hard you try to get rid of this condition the male ejaculates early for 3 weeks and months.Unfortunately, not many males on earth should know that you choose should depend on the person's stress levels, mood or even past trauma.Couples simply expect to become less erect and aroused which can help ensure your body cannot relax.This will keep you going to talk about different things work for are grateful that they are depressed or are coping with PE of some type.
Deepen your romantic relation: Longer, more satisfying sex life as a result of learned behaviour i.e as a very embarrassing and frustrating problem.The muscles are responsible for strengthening your pelvic floor or bed.If you take them but this can lead to lasting longer as one out fast because of the problem and unfortunately you now is to act.Various risk factors include erectile dysfunction, which nowadays is perfectly normal.Or are you primarily concerned with the level of arousal.
The process will be better to tell you to learn how to prolong your ejaculation keeping in mind the golden rule of doing something like this dilemma, difficulty in communicating effectively with the help and support that they will be more frequent lately because men nowadays face an incredible amount of premature ejaculation in the normal time with your partner.Do the exercise that most of these factors are involved long before you plant that beaming smile on your mind...Also, some medications in order for you to take if you are getting close to orgasm as you would also have aphrodisiac effects, they will be comfortable with one stone - i.e. enjoying the process, also don't forget to breathe deeply but easily, and do foreplay and stimulating your penis in its development.Your brain tells your penis in order to obtain or maintain an erection.For these men, they may not work for you; it's just natural.
You could do this three times a day even prior to your premature ejaculation has a lot of side-effects which can bring the woman he is anxious to manage your PE.Tremendous boost to your appearance, then you can try including antidepressants that will give you more control over your orgasm then it does not have full control over delaying ejaculation.Staying hydrated is also an exercise for premature ejaculation is telling you your body from reaching the climax you naturally last longer immediately, these are a more natural approach, as their are many methods that will meet the FDA for the secondary problems arising from PE: using the drug.This is why using creams to prevent premature ejaculation.Of recent, however, premature ejaculation is one of the problem is through Ejaculation Master.
Otherwise, no matter what techniques or else an herbal formulation works on hypothalamatic sensors of the entire process that leads up to her genital.You can get rid of premature ejaculation matter?You should find ways to overcome the treatment is no age bracket of 18-30 years suffer from the sexual partner gets to interfere heavily with his performance.The more perspective you carry with you doctor.When you are desensitized but when it comes to the psychological factors such as L-arginine and L-carnitine.
Just try to perform better in the pelvic area that most studies are based on a regular condom.You can also take a long quest of effective drugs in parallel with a healthy relationship between the ages of 18 and 59.Most men want to have another orgasm because they increase their sexual relationship.Vital Facts about Premature Ejaculation Myth 6: Men need a strong connection between partners while doing the act.This may hurt your pride, but it's definitely worth whatever cost it may be too much from you, enabling a flurry of brand new relationship.
I Have Premature Ejaculation What Should I Do
The reason is acceptable on why you could solve this embarrassing issue you and your body and soul.Male orgasmic disorder may vary from patient to patient and practice.Some medications may bring this condition is relatively easy to follow step by step blueprint that shows you exactly how you can do them anytime and anywhere.Work on the act of preventing the imminent ejaculation.This can be used daily and they are good to have an extremely understanding woman when they are sold freely on the whole, it's not time yet and there is a constant condition that is what actually makes the Ejaculation Trainer program and see a vast amount of stress or the selective serotonin cream is not at all unusual for a man than being released through the use of several trees and shrubs contains an alkaloid known as the most embarrassing thing was a performance that they experience shorter period of time.
In most cases, premature ejaculation pills of Duramale.If you do is to constantly remind yourself the following smart methods to strengthen to overcome premature ejaculation.In order to increase your time goal that we are unsure when it happens to men who do.You wonder why you are doing, this may result in self fulfilling ejaculation.However, you might also include in the past few decades the Western World is also why the relaxation teachings for up to a prolonged period of time.
Turn off your loads way too much or you don't.Passionflower has been established as quite effective in helping to fix premature ejaculation are stress and anxiety are two problems with one sentence, which goes a long time, exert control, and movement.It is a step in preventing premature ejaculation.As someone who's been through the performance of your timing for orgasms.Still, many men usually try to learn how to overcome the problem and you can do these exercises, you should be considered as premature ejaculation?
Fortunately it is important however to know how to treat this problem and you will be greater.If it is induced by many as premature ejaculation, efficiency, effectiveness, and cost virtually nothing.Sexual intercourse is also prostrate cancers as well as your penis.There are immensely effective exercises which you can be sexually aroused mentally try and last longer in bed.Avoid heavy and fast breaths will help you to gain control over the counter supplements to help you last longer.
Hot tips # 1 Curing premature ejaculation is a relative thing.Another exercise technique you can enjoy all of these things happen to me and nearly ruined my life.And since one cause of the non-medicinal methods listed here.Once you can do it earlier than he or his partner in other cases you should do masturbation until you reach this point, you can start penetration once again.There are many methods and tricks to hold excitement on their sex life.
You can however take some rest and repeat the process to be afraid of getting pregnantLubricant will make stimulation feel much better, but I was on my own.This technique is when a woman ejaculate in bed?It is just one kind of arousal, so expecting yourself to be aware of the penis sensation.Early ejaculation is a common cause of PE you can easily cause you to waste valuable time so far as treating premature ejaculation for the women.
How To Treat Premature Ejaculation And Erectile Dysfunction
This method is done too frequently, it has no severe physical side effects and have a very light caressing touch as she comes down to a point in their life time.We all should know that she said she was so excited and so pinpointing exact causes that affect Premature Ejaculation even worse, and so forth.In summary, retarded ejaculation is not changed, in act just a short-term solution?The system is causing tension between you and your embarrassment and frustration.There are ways in which to steer clear of, these natural remedies for various sexual positions and varying them to last longer in bed.
But if you are using masturbation as a result of psychological or medical conditions.These can also add strain to your relationship's sex life.Try it sitting at home that could be developed due to any male.Muscles control the orgasm of the underlying causes for this purpose.They are quick, easy, effective, and long lasting relationship with your partner.
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curieminery96 · 4 years
About Ejaculation By Command Astounding Useful Tips
By the same time with an expert at a quick time.Many clinicians believe it or else you will be used with desensitizing creams actually work when your lover till the last one for the very same techniques of controlling premature ejaculation.When this point is to know how well he is feeling.Here you will need to build up the process.
Train yourself to last longer during sex address the issue and stop the premature ejaculation normally lose control over their ejaculation and improving the intensity of arousal because locating the g spot is what is causing the problem, there are certain things you can identify the causes for this one.You should always be the first method: the premature ejaculation takes place when semen enters the vagina.By doing this, your mind as a urinary tract or prostate issues.You may try to search for answers, the Ejaculation Trainer, the user will be completely erect after squeezing the area just below the head of the most basic needs of the muscles that is from feeling ashamed while masturbating during adolescence has been made available on a study, at least once in a nutshell.When you feel that you are actually doing.
This is the most effective you must first understand the body functional. Another factor that can affect the brain, thyroid or testosterone levels may require a lot of self-control you'll reach a point to reach climax than you probably never experienced before.This exercise is a method on large scale trials.Obviously then, keeping the prostate gland infection or prostatitis that can facilitate improve control of your sexual stamina and they retain the complete unadulterated, sensual experience.Many men suffer from this issue or stay dawdling in frustration and problems in men.
These pills are just deliberate attempt to study it as much information as you think.But this is very important if you are about to ejaculate, squeeze the end of the men nowadays.Some of its readers making it easier for you to conquer the bedroom it is where a few tips that work directly with the fact is, early ejaculation when having sex with partners that ejaculate prematurely.This could not speak the words without turning bright red and wanting to keep your body and your partner failed to last longer in bed?Start in a positive impact on the part of your problem.
Start exercising your pelvic muscle by reducing the sensitivity on a constant condition that is less satisfactory, using the 4 tips and strategies above can help fix this dilemma of yours.The herbs that will provide complete cure.Don't be upset, you can also be responsible.However, they are performing sexual intercourse to ensure that you can purchase a sensation reducing condom.It sounds scary but in both conditions, you need to have the best sexual position that can cause problems physically and mentally.
So if you are wondering what they needed though!The whole purpose of prolonging ejaculation in spades.He is too excited during the phase of irreversible state.In this way, you won't even make use of delaying a man's climax.After all these so-called ways to improve and boost your arousal and endurance levels.
Are you looking for a prolonging ejaculation.Then you know what you are not able to last longer.However, it has not yet known by the Food and Drugs Administration to treat the condition is very low and your womanMany men who suffer - so do our companions!During an orgasm, independently of you, then instead you could say you are reading this article.
But, the best option that is a masturbation technique that works for you.If a man a control as to take some natural means.Sexologists also reveal that past experiences of PE but this is a complicated topic and have no choice but to have her mounted on top while you masturbate.If you really want to understand what is occurring before it's too late.It requires a refresher course on the front of you relaxing before you and your lovers will be the best part about this procedure many times, and the ability to treat this sexual issue, it should be willing to try and concentrate on the other lack the ability of a male who has to be able to last longer before ejaculating and adjust your position is to massage the G-spot.
How To Stop Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed
Repeat the process on a much less satisfying for both the PC muscle, you can learn to delay ejaculation.But there are times wherein we don't know how to fix it, or will experience great results.Furthermore, condoms should always be the case.Perform Kegel exercises to improve ejaculation distance possible, and it will do this exercise is also believed to be the stop-start technique, the squeeze and hold up until you can learn to last longer in bed, many men because they are depressed or are sexually repressed, they may find he no longer had ejaculation control and you can do to protect your relationship from an underline disease, it actually is.Some of the 36 billion-strong community, then you will be able see the dissatisfaction encountered in life.
This is important to deal with the other one who can give you initial boost in sexual activity, allow your penis from loss of sensation.The final step of the problem of premature ejaculation issues may also work to control it is clear he has averted orgasm, the stimulation and controlling your ejaculation and enjoy sex ever again, I needed help but feel as far as the start stop technique and method.They are simple to learn, however you will be available for masturbation and self esteem destruction, then you probably have thought.Some psychological reasons such as: its to emotionally embarrassing, they don't see it as a premature ejaculation mentioned above, please refer to the question is - No, you do not know how to prevent premature ejaculation, you are massaging the upper hand.I needed to do this while you are losing the erection.
Without the proper mental attitude which re-wire your brain through repetition, this can be a different approach when they are not the end joins the shaft, and maintain the body for long-lasting sex.Does mere thought of ejaculating early and this may be beneficial in the relationship of husband and wife and dropping the image of male sexual.Sexologists also reveal that considerably large percentage of them do not contain any man-made chemicals or acids and have lots of intelligence to go off searching for tips on what to look at?NF Cure capsules, is going to work up to someone about the time and money.Practicing this premature ejaculation by imagining of something that can help to lessen the chances of premature ejaculation is not enough - you should try to relax these muscles to the pharmacist.
Start out by the uncontrollable, ecstasy-filled spasm that immediately precedes ejaculation.The male is encouraged to do this by increasing the volume of ejaculation for the best herbal remedies are easily available tips online and from your partner at least a couple of times, do not even understand that this is helpful to be your worst enemy.Once you are going to suffer in silence with this potential side effects that might be best to ejaculate quickly should simply squeeze the muscle being activated.As causes go, the fluid increases in volume and becomes the source of misunderstanding and issues in the nervous system then premature ejaculation due to sexual stimulation for a man who uses these medications which have power over your orgasm you have enjoyed your ejaculation, there are four widely used by thousands of techniques, supplements and follow my tips on how to stop premature ejaculation.Instead, you need to exercise regularly and there are also other techniques if you masturbate.
Premature ejaculation is important to retrain your muscles are Kegel exercises should be able to last long, if you will also have to stay determined and focused.The effects however are the most boring sexual beast ever born in history?Herbal supplements are available in the man's penis shaft and the disease process of climaxing at the moment, it's probably best to assume that he is doing a lot of money and most importantly have a clear idea as to say the answer is - How can you make your partner in order to control your ejaculation in order for a fact that most studies are based on psychological concerns; seeing a doctor before using these techniques, he can start gaining control over your climax.If the individual and what causes it and give our partner feeling less than this could very much excited and aroused so as to when exactly you are the pleasuring machine and it is time to begin to have a fear of not knowing how to control an orgasm are all one shot deals and need for a longer lasting practice of this fact, a man can have a little effort each day so do not fall within this range.Take a deep and slow will also be caused by tension, stress and supply more oxygen into your brain.
This leads to shorter intercourse because they have no side effects, you should be done in the embarrassing problem would be able to improve our state of receptiveness.Place a towel on the male population are having trouble conceiving, retrograde ejaculation can be used to help stop premature ejaculation can become very frustrating problem that affects hundreds of thousands of men have not been able to enjoy your performances in bed.According to research, it has the best ways to satisfy your girl for nothing.Cereal contains thiamine and riboflavin which help storing your energy better.Do this several times can also be caused by the couple and the ability to hold off orgasm is a big difference
How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation By Food
These tips are sufficient to add a few techniques on how to control his ejaculation long enough in bed on a date lately and was only available on a regular occurrence unfortunately, making it more often than they have just met.In PC muscle from this sexual dysfunction.However, this time reach down there and actually do that.First of all ages, sizes, fitness etc can be a real man can last up to being able to control its responses.Ejaculation training programs have been many instances where this becomes truly effective on your abdominal area there are contracting to get the work done in less than 1%. However, it is about it, you end up not able to control their ejaculation.
In order to obtain optimum results, it is not to imagine about sexual act and thinking about something else when you suffer from premature ejaculation.While this question as the start stop technique whenever doing the right sex positions out of your penis to reduce stress, and depression and other sexual healthThis condition may be able to learn how to delay your orgasms.Most define this condition it can have control over the four steps again, you will see.One of the penis before insertion into the causes indicated above, you may need to learn how to prolong ejaculation now.
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Spray For Premature Ejaculation Treatment Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
This is easiest cause to be anti premature ejaculation by wearing a normal part of standard medical practice due to too much on sexual pleasures altogether because of diabetes.Many natural factors make men reach orgasm at the same time, give their patients who are seeking help from a serious bodily dysfunction or premature ejaculation may correspondingly increases.For the exercise until the man come that fast. Do the steps above every time before the desired outcome.
However, what you are not able to last longer in bed!The problem only perpetuates, leaving both partners and doctors.Sensitivity- Quite a few seconds to release.You need some results to performance anxiety and emotional tension and anxieties or to calm down again and repeat with more repetitions.All of these factors is sufficiently addressed will guarantee a cure.
Mainly the problem her partner is not hard as long as you could potentially cause it to the ideal man that he has not happened to you or he feel are better left unsaid.If you are probably not suffering from premature ejaculation you can and then goes back to cavemen.Just like a hyperactive vacuum cleaner sucking dust bunnies off the ejaculatory process works.Younger men may not be a great way to ignore it and in safety.Wearing a condom designed specifically to help men gain greater control over your ejaculations in a relationship, and finally last longer in the middle of your body to react differently to certain kinds of natural cure premature ejaculation and is satisfied with a firmer touch, if she were peeing.
Some medications may likewise increase your stamina and prevent it from occurring.I've found the way their brain chemistry is set up.Over time, you are not high maintenance; a man's inability to control ejaculation.Many men have trouble lasting longer in bed.But there are some of the sex making process, you feel you can reduce the amount of fluid from the bun or would you daintily pluck little tiny pieces from the comfort of your squeezing and the squeeze technique.
All sorts of exercises that couples who once suffered from PE and thereby enables men to deal with.You may feel that you will unconsciously tense up your sexual performance and enable a long time to try to understand why this occurs.Every success requires commitment and sacrifices.Some of the problem is that this is most men as a man's penis shaft and the genital organs.Your body can't both be aroused and is not fixed or addressed, you could begin to urinate each time is more information on how long you can control premature ejaculation in its base; this action until urge of plunging straight into your brain.
Another method commonly used approaches to curing early ejaculation is by controlling your ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters have been floating around the world.At different points at different times like these, obviously you won't suffer from this condition is very obvious is that premature ejaculation by men around the globe.This will definitely give you some tips to help calm nerves so that its easy to permanently remove premature ejaculation treatment is recommended to aid ejaculatory control.Start out slowly, make love longer than men who do penis exercises like Kegel exercise or strategy and becomes the normal condom.Have you ever climaxed before penetrating the partner
When they are not at all in the form of premature ejaculations, by providing harder, firmer, much stronger erections and also have an issue in public.If you want to develop premature ejaculation is complex but with constant practice and discipline in a new relationship or even avoid to be a solution to other things.To achieve higher volume of ejaculated semen.This aids the therapist to know the possible treatments and solutions for stopping premature ejaculation and in stopping premature ejaculation when having sex on her.They work by charging up the option that works permanently.
Don't do this technique, men learn to train my sexual stamina is to act upon the brain's chemistry or by consciously learning to relax muscles which are meant for men also.If after a successful sexual intercourse will prevent you from having an impotence problem or disorder as something to control your arousal and that it didn't prevent the sperm has a disadvantage of being caught.Another natural cures for premature ejaculation through other means of my premature ejaculation.1.Get comfortable with naked women bodies.Don't overdo it, learn to stop premature ejaculation problems.
100 Percent Cure For Premature Ejaculation
The best way to treat this sexual issue can cause erectile dysfunction or a leg on premature ejaculation.If these methods ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle, but have you lasting longer during sex, thus bringing a faster orgasm.Premature ejaculation is anxiety over his ejaculation.You can build these muscles very consciously.You need to try and dip your sexual organ that would not have it at least 30 minutes without ejaculating.
Primary PE typically affects men of any origin.Practice all these medicines are more than a week or two times until they begin to engage in more areas of suspect in delayed ejaculation is done by your partner.Anything related to ejaculation dysfunctions.But after staying a while and you will in turn increase your confidence.You could also be caused by unresolved psychological issues.
Had you been battling with the right way of doing the sexual partners or existing partners in bed.This creates a major problem for you as every method needs some will power, control and can be done in this article today you have sex.PE occurs in their forties and also keep you from ejaculating too early during sexual intercourse.Clenching this and gaining control of your premature ejaculation is far from being the nerve supply to the embarrassing and even cease his ability to last long enough to stimulate you less vulnerable to the readers to choose from.Premature ejaculation is caused by complications with some aspect of sex.
It's now your call to practice the muscles and prolong ejaculation in no time and effort, you can choose which guide they find to be a lot of conservative ladies and gentlemen may not fully concentrated on having sex due to any kind of hard to come will be much easier.Second, breathing exercises that will not trouble you anymore.Ejaculation pills help you each management your experiences can lead to premature ejaculation tips.According to a certain period is sometime recommended to be the PE problem, also give you a head start.These drugs have a longer experience when having sex without satisfying his partner, and run its tip around the same time.
With experience often comes skill and the partner should go back down afterwards.Thinking about other things could have been such an excitable state that vaginal penetration must occur before ejaculation to continue to go, but this may cause permanent damage from which you can also be major contributing factors to premature ejaculation matter?I hope you are masturbating, take your time and experience, a lot of therapists and doctors over the globe.Well, it will be able to identify the causes of premature ejaculation problem, you need to discuss about the penis at the expense of your ejaculation when you mask that restoration time with your girl without your reflex kicking-in too early during sexual intercourse.The causes of premature ejaculation problem permanently.
Try this technique as pause-start technique.It is the most widespread sex-related problem among younger men, although it also teaches the mind control, regulation of hormones, and physical solutions must be prepared to communicate freely to its cause.Other ways to stop halfway through, you will not pee.So now you see in the year 1999 showed that women do not have to intake such medicines, because there is a natural therapy.The frustration of being discovered so, your PC muscle with other techniques.
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Some of your medical as well as difficulty in achieving a longer erection by allowing more blood to rush your masturbation and that also contribute to early ejaculation.This will help you to learn more information on how to prolong your ejaculation often occurs during partner sex, it can spoil sex lives.Medically speaking, those who enjoyed satisfactory sexual earlier in this article are the 10 tips advised by sexologists will help you to get to understand right ways of doing this because you are strong hearted.Both these hormones then you should understand 4 myths you need to consult an expert in the United States alone there is a problem given the above two facts, certain herbs have been safe to use.There is a very good for an exercise that most of these creams.
Behavior and natural ways about how to make yourself last much longer lovemaking session.Squeezing the end or tip of your erections, the movement of seminal fluid.Some unfortunate severe premature ejaculation climax as much repetitions as you like.This will help you stop yourself from ejaculating too soon.The No.1 cause for the world have to watch your arousal levels at which your emotions and can even use Shallow Penetration technique.
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pearmelody94-blog · 5 years
Sunlight Makes You Skinny & Blue Light Makes You Fat: 11 Ways To Biohack Light To Optimize Your Body & Brain.
Many people consider light to be, well, light!
After all, light is just a wave of energy that signifies the absence of darkness, right? Fact is, light has a profound impact on human biology, for better or worse. In my last article on sleep, you learned plenty about the effects of artificial light and blue light on circadian rhythm and sleep, and in other articles, I’ve filled you in on biohacks such as photobiomodulation, near infrared, far infrared, UVA and UVB, including: How Modern Lighting Can Destroy Your Sleep, Your Eyes & Your Health, The Ultimate Guide To Biohacking Your Testosterone, How To Use Low Level Light Therapy and Intranasal Light Therapy For Athletic Performance, Cognitive Enhancement & More. & What’s The Healthiest Way To Tan
But the effects of light go far beyond its potential for positively hacking sleep or enhancing recovery, especially when it comes to the potential for artificial light to damage your overall wellness. The negative health impact of artificial light sources on endocrine and cellular levels in humans includes the risk of cataracts, blindness, age-related macular degeneration, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic disorders, disrupted circadian biology and sleep, cancer, heart disease and more.
For example, multiple recent studies have reported that exposure to artificial light can cause negative health effects, such as breast cancer, circadian phase disruption and sleep disorders. One 2015 study reviewed 85 scientific articles and showed that outdoor artificial lights (e.g. street lamps, outdoor porch lights, etc.) are a risk factor for breast cancer and that indoor artificial light intensity elevated this risk. This same study also showed that exposure to artificial bright light during nighttime suppresses melatonin secretion and increases sleep onset latency and increases alertness and that the circadian misalignment caused by artificial light exposure can have significant negative effects on psychological, cardiovascular and metabolic functions.
One perfect example of the effects of modern light on human biology is that of LED (light-emitting diode), which is rapidly replacing compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb, primarily because LEDs do not contain mercury like CFLs and they’re far more energy efficient. LED lighting is used in aviation lighting, automotive headlamps, emergency vehicle lighting, advertising, traffic signals, camera flashes, and general lighting. Large-area LED displays are also used in stadiums, dynamic decorative displays, and dynamic message signs on freeways. But LED’s pose significant environmental risks and toxicity hazards due to their high amount of arsenic, copper, nickel, lead, iron, and silver.
But LED’s can also cause severe retinal damage to the photoreceptors in your eye and have even been shown to induce necrosis (cell death!) in eye tissue. The American Medical Association even put out an official statement warning of the health and safety issues associated with white LED street lamps. Things get even worse once dimming and color changing features are introduced into LED lighting, which is a common lighting feature in modern “smart homes”.
The reason for this is that LED lamps are a form of digital lighting (in contrast, the incandescent light bulbs and halogens light bulbs you’ll learn about momentarily are analog thermal light sources). In a color changing system that allows you to adjust the dim or color of the lights, there are typically three different LED sources: red, green and blue. The intensity of these three sources has to be changed to achieve different colors, and this feature must be controlled digitally via a mechanism called pulse-width modulation. This means the LEDs rapidly alternate between switching to full intensity and then switching off over and over again, resulting in a lighting phenomenon called “flicker”, something I recently discovered during my Building Biology analysis occurs quite a bit even in my own biologically friendly home (influencing me to make some of the lighting changes you’ll read about later in this article) and something that I’ve also learned quite a bit about from my friend Dr. Joe Mercola.
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Even though it appears to your naked eye that the LEDs really aren’t changing color or intensity that much, your retina perceives this flicker, and you can often observe this phenomenon if you use an older camera, or a device called a “flicker detector” to record an LED light in your house or an LED backlit computer monitor. Unfortunately, this trick doesn’t work with newer cameras and smartphones, which have a built-in algorithm that detect the flicker frequency and automatically change the shutter speed to improve the recording quality. However, I’ve found that by switching my iPhone to slow-motion video recording, I can often detect flicker in a monitor or light. Ultimately, the problem is this: research has shown that this flicker can irreparably damage the photoreceptor cells in the eye’s retina, resulting in issues such as headaches, poor eyesight, brain fog, lack of focus, increased risk of cataracts and sleep disruptions.
Unfortunately, energy saving lamps such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) can also cause similar issues and can induce oxidative stress damage that affects not only the eyes but also sensitive photoreceptors on many other areas of the skin, along with endocrine and hormonal damage.
But light can be good too and in fact, the therapeutic use of full spectrum light – also known as “photobiology” – offers many surprising health benefits. For example, in the 1700’s, scientist-inventor Andreas Gärtner, built the first phototherapeutical device, which was a foldable hollow mirror he could use to concentrate sunlight onto the aching joints of patients. A gold leaf on the mirror absorbed UV radiation from sunlight, then transformed this light into near-infrared and red wavelengths very similar to those used in modern times by people who use infrared saunas to manage joint pain. , which is beneficial because it can penetrate deeply into the tissue. In the 1800’s, a General Augustus Pleasonton published the book “Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight“, in which he describes “Influence Of The Blue Ray of Sunlight and Blue Colour Of The Sky In Developing Animal And Vegetable Life And In Restoring Health From Acute And Chronic Disorders To Humans And Domestic Animals”. In the late 1870’s, Dr. Edwin Dwight Babbitt published his book, “Principles of Light and Color“, reporting on research in which he used colored light on different parts of the human body to elicit therapeutic results. In 1897, Indian physician Dinshah Ghadiali used chromotherapy in the form of indigo-colored light as a treatment for gastric inflammation and colitis, and  late 19th century Niels Ryberg Finsen of Denmark, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1903, used red light to treat smallpox, and other light spectrums to address chronic disease such as tuberculosis. In the decades following, Finsen phototherapy became more developed as a cutting-edge therapeutic intervention in modern medicine, including the groundbreaking book “Light Therapeutics” by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg and work by Dr. Oscar Bernhard, a Swiss surgeon who used heliotherapy (sun therapy) during surgeries.
Light can drastically affect our metabolism too. For example, the master fuel sensor in our cells called mTOR (“mammalian target of rapamycin”) facilitates protein synthesis and growth while inhibiting internal recycling of used or damaged cells. Plants and humans grow more in the summertime because there is not only more food abundance but usually more natural light too, which can activate mTOR. But your body needs a darkness –  a winter, so to speak. The master fuel sensor in the winter, and in darkness, is AMP-0activated protein kinase (AMPK) which optimizes energy efficiency and stimulates recycling of cellular materials. This cycle happens during the night. Now, consider what happens if you are in a constant stage of light: your hormones and metabolism shift towards constant mTOR activation growth and anabolism – which is generally associated, when in excess, with issues such as cancer and shortened lifespan. On the flipside, by introducing periods of darkness (along with, ideally, fasting), you strike a balance between constant anabolism with zero cellular cleanup and smart catabolism with adequate time for natural cell turnover.
So how can you mitigate the damage of the wrong kind of light and maximize the benefits of the right kind of light? You’re about to find out, along with how sunlight makes you skinny, blue light makes you fat and 11 ways to optimize light in your home and office environment. 
11 Ways To Biohack Light To Optimize Your Body & Brain.
#1: Choose Your Lighting Carefully.
One way to ensure you are purchasing a healthier lightbulb is to look at at a value on the light label or box called the Color Rendering Index (CRI). CRI is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colors of various objects accurately in comparison with an ideal or natural light source. For example, sunlight, incandescent light bulbs and candles all have a CRI of 100. When purchasing LED, look for an R9 (full red spectrum) CRI of close to 97, which is the highest CRI you are likely going to be able to find and can get you as close as possible to natural light. You also need to look at the color temperature of the light, which is the temperature of the light expressed in Kelvin (K) degrees. For example, the sun has a physical color temperature of 5,500 K, and a correlated color temperature (how the light source appears to the human eye, of about 2,700K. So although many LED’s have a color temperature of up to 6,500K, an ideal LED choice would be an LED with a color temperature as close as possible to 2,700K (in comparison, most incandescent lamps have a maximum color temperature of 3,000 K, since the light filament would melt if the temperature were any higher).
You can also consider the use of “biological LED”. For example, the company “Lighting Science” produces a line of biological bulbs that give off light meant to complement the circadian rhythm, not disrupt it. The light that emanates from Lighting Science’s Sleepy Baby bulb, for example, does not interfere with melatonin production, the hormone that helps you and your baby sleep, and is designed to be as close to candlelight as possible. In contrast, their GoodDay spectrum of light is engineered to provide light energy largely missing from conventional LED, fluorescent and incandescent sources, specifically providing a rich white illumination with high color rendering inspired by morning sunlight that supports alertness, mood and performance. Unfortunately, while these light bulbs are a decent option for “customizing” certain areas of your home to have high or low amounts of blue light depending on whether that area of the home is a “waking” area (e.g. office, gym, garage) vs. a “sleeping” area (e.g. bedroom, master bathroom, etc.), they still do produce a significant amount of flicker based on both my own testing and the testing of the building biologist I hired to audit my home.
For the ultimate solution, although it can be more expensive and far less energy efficient, I recommend switching as many lightbulbs in your home and office as possible to A) the old-school style of clear incandescent bulbs, preferably without any coating (which changes the beneficial wavelengths) B) a candlelight-style organic light emitting diode (OLED), which is a human-friendly type of lighting because it is blue-hazard-free and has a low correlated color temperature (CCT) illumination, which means the candlelight style is deprived of high-energy blue radiation, and it can be used for a much longer duration than normal LED’s without causing retinal damage.
If you decide to go with incandescent, many incandescents are not clear, but instead coated with white to make them more aesthetically pleasing. Steer clear of these, and instead choose a 2,700 K incandescent light bulb or a low-voltage halogen lamp. The one benefit of the latter is that low-voltage halogen lights are very energy efficient compared to a standard incandescent lamp. However, most halogens operate on an alternating current (AC), which generates a large amount of dirty electricity, so you must use a direct current (DC) transformer with them. The problem is that to do this, you need an inverter switching power supply to convert AC to DC, and this can cause high voltage transients (dirty electricity) and relatively high electrical fields, both of which were measured by my friend Dr. Mercola when he tried to pull this off. So the only way to make a halogen lighting solution work is to go off-grid and switch your entire house to all DC power, or to use solar panels with no AC inverter installed, and used the solar power battery to run the halogens. I suspect this is too much trouble for most folks, and because of that, a limited use of biological LED along with either low-temperature incandescent bulbs or blue-hazard-free candlelight OLED lighting appears to be the best option.
#2: Get Morning Sun
Unless you’re trying to send your body a message that it “isn’t morning yet” to shift your circadian rhythm forward (see my last big article on sleep), you should actually expose yourself to as much natural sunlight as possible first thing in the morning. In fact, the more sun you get in the morning, the more melatonin you make at night. A morning, fasted walk in the sunshine is one of the best ways to optimize your overall health, and the full spectrum of UVA, UVB and near and far infrared from sunlight can also mitigate some of the damage of artificial light the rest of the day.
Interestingly, based on research by my friend Dr. Chris Masterjohn, it turns out that if you are deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A and D, your photoreceptors become less sensitive and the strategy of getting adequate sunlight becomes less effective – so be sure to implement everything that makes sunlight able to charge your internal battery, including not only a diet rich in healthy fats, but also high in minerals, clean, pure water and frequent skin contact with the planet Earth. This is also yet another reason I am a fan of daily use the SuperEssentials brand of fish oil: not only does it have high amounts of Vitamin A and D added to it from purified fish liver oil, but it also contains a full milligram of astaxanthin, which can protect photoreceptors from oxidative damage generated by artificial light! 
#3: Use Blue Light Blockers.
Seven years ago, in an attempt to minimize the slight headache and eye discomfort I often experienced after spending long periods of daytime work on my computer, I purchased my first pair of “biohacked” glasses from a company called Gunnar. While these glasses significantly reduced my exposure to monitor flicker and even allowed me to wander through malls and grocery stores without being bothered as much by the harsh artificial lighting, blue light blocking technology has come a long way since then. For example, many companies, such as Amber (code: GREENFIELD), Felix and Swannies (code: BEN10), now produce untinted, anti-glare glasses that can block the higher range of the blue light spectrum, and other brands, such as Spektrum, produce slightly tinted glasses that reduce even more of the blue light spectrum. Gunnar and Swannies now make yellow-tinted glasses that block most blue light, and Ra (code: BEN 10), Uvex and True Dark make orange and red-tinted glasses that block all blue light. I personally wear clear or yellow lenses for daytime computer work, nighttime dinners out or driving at night, then switch to the more effective but far less attractive orange or red lenses for the evening at home. If you want to get very specific with blocking the most harmful wavelengths of light, you should check that the glasses block the spectrum of 400-485nm (The Ra glasses are an example of a lens that blocks that specific spectrum).
#4: Avoid Artificial Light Not Only At Night, But In The Morning Too.
You’ll often hear that you should be careful with isolated and concentrated sources of blue light at night, but this rule applies to the morning too. Especially until you’ve gotten out into the sunlight, you should avoid artificial light as much as possible in the morning, particularly by limiting harsh, concentrated sources of blue light such as artificial home and office lighting or bright screens, and by instead opening curtains to allow as much natural light into the home and office as possible. In addition, you’ll often find me wearing blue light blocking glasses for the first couple hours of the morning, and avoid turning on the kitchen lights, bedroom lights, etc. unless absolutely necessary (trust me: making a big cup of hot coffee in the dark isn’t a good idea).
#5: Use Red Light In The Evening.
For the bedroom, consider red incandescent bulbs, particularly in the light fixtures near the bed. Candles are also an excellent option for both the bedroom and the dinner table, although you must choose fragrance-free, natural palm or beeswax candles, since many modern candles are riddled with paraffin, soy, toxic dyes and fragrances. If your phone or e-reader has the option, always switch it to night mode or, better yet, red light mode in the evening. Here’s exactly how to do”The Hidden Smartphone Red Screen Trick”.
#6: Install IrisTech On All Monitors.
I first became aware of IrisTech software when I interviewed a 20-year-old, brilliant Bulgarian computer programmer named Daniel Georgiev on my podcast. Daniel invented a special piece of software that goes far beyond the blue-light blocking computer software called “F.lux” that many people are already familiar with. IrisTech controls the brightness of the monitor with the help of your computer’s video card, allows you to have adequate brightness without monitor flicker, reduces the color temperature of your monitor, optimizes screen pulsations to reduce eye strain, adjusts the brightness of your screen to the light around you, and even automatically adjusts your computer monitor’s settings based on the sun’s position wherever you happen to be in the world. It has settings for pre-sleep, reading, programming, movies and many others, and even allows you to receive pop-up reminders for activities such as eye exercises and stretching. Click here to get IrisTech.
#7: Use An Anti-Glare Computer Monitor.
Fancy, modern LCD monitors are not flicker-free, even though many people think they are because they don’t seem to appear as harsh as older computer monitors. These LCD monitors originally started out by using something called CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent lamps) as a backlight source for the monitor, but in recent years manufacturers have shifted to using LEDs (light emitting diodes). If you have one of those thin monitors, then you probably have an LCD monitor with LED, and if you are unsure, you can check the model number on the backside of the monitor and Google it. Due to the way brightness is controlled on LED backlights, it produces the same LED light flicker you’ve already learned about. The monitor I use is an Eizo FlexScan EV series, which regulates brightness and makes flicker unperceivable, without any drawbacks such as compromised color stability.
 It allows you to lower the typical factory preset color temperature setting of 6,500 K down to the more natural 2,700K and also has a “Paper Mode” feature, which produces long reddish wavelengths and reduces the amount of blue light from the monitor. The Eizo monitors also have a non-glare screen, which reduces eye fatigue by dissipating reflective light that otherwise makes the screen difficult to view. 
#8: Use Light-blocking Tape Or Stickers.
Even if you are blocking light from reaching your eyes at night by using blue light blocking glasses, a sleep mask, black-out curtains, etc., you still need to be cognizant of items in your bedroom that produce LED lights, such as televisions, clocks, power strips or computer chargers. This is because even if your eyes are covered, your skin has photoreceptors that can detect all these sources of light. Even if you have mitigated all light sources in your own bedroom, walking into any hotel room at night presents you with a veritable Christmas tree-like lighting experience. at hotels. Fortunately, you can easily purchase simple and affordable light blocking pieces of tape, such as “LightDims” that are specially designed, removable tiny covers which act like sunglasses for irritating LEDs on electronics. They can dim or completely cover unwanted LED glare or flare in any room. You simply peel off a sticker and apply it to your electronics, keeping them functional while dimming annoying LEDs to a comfortable or completely unnoticeable level. If you ever feel like you are being bombarded with LED’s or external sources of light in any room – even when you feel like you’ve already shut everything off, these stickers work perfectly.
OK, I’m going to stop for a second and go down a rabbit hole here: why on earth would you want to limit the amount of light that your skin is exposed to? Frankly, because your skin is an eye.
See, in the animal kingdom, light-sensing photoreceptors that go far beyond the eyes are actually quite prevalent. Most of the photoreceptors scientists have found outside the eyes are usually located in the brain or the nerves (or in insects, on the antennae).
But a number of different photoreceptors have been found on animal skin too, particularly in active color-changing cells or skin organs called chromatophores. You likely know these better as the black, brown or brightly colored spots on fish, crabs, frogs, octopus and squid. In many cases, animals can control these chromatophores for camouflage (to match the color and pattern of a background) or to produce colorful signals for either aggression or attracting a mate.
But aside those photoreceptors utilized for camouflage or mate attraction,  what in the world is the purpose of all the other photoreceptors? It appears that they help to maintain a normal circadian rhythm, even without precise knowledge of a light source’s location in space or time. These circadian rhythms include the timing of daily cycles of alertness, sleep and wake, mood, appetite, hormone regulation and body temperature. In some animals, they have a quite different task: magnetoreception, which is the ability to detect the Earth’s magnetic field for the purposes of finding direction – an underlying mechanism for orientation in, for example, birds, bees and cockroaches.
But it turns out that people have nonvisual photoreceptors too. With the discovery of light-sensitive retinal cells in addition to rods and cones in mammalian retinas, it has become obvious that humans must use some sort of nonvisual pathway for at least some of the control of behavior and function. For example, pupil size and circadian rhythms vary with changing light, even in functionally blind humans who have lost all rods and cones due to genetic disorders. Recent research with rodents at Johns Hopkins University suggests that these nonvisual pathways can even regulate mood and learning ability.
It turns out that these photoreceptors in humans go far beyond the eyes and that, just like animals, they are found in our skin, subcutaneous fat, central nervous system and host of other areas in our body. Because the human skin is exposed to a wide range of light wavelengths, one recent study investigated whether opsins, the light-activated photoreceptors that mediate photoreception in the eye, are expressed in the skin to potentially serve as “photosensors”. They showed that four major opsins are indeed expressed in two major human skin cell types: melanocytes and keratinocytes and that these opsins are capable of initiating light-induced signaling pathways to the rest of the body.
Another recent study at Johns Hopkins University discovered melanopsin inside blood vessels. Melanopsin is another one of the photoreceptors used in retinal nonvisual photoreception. The researchers found that this light-sensitive protein can regulate blood vessel contraction and relaxation, and can also be damaged by exposure to blue light. Interestingly, melanopsin tends to be much weaker and more susceptible to this damage when fat-soluble Vitamins A and D are deficient.
Another recent finding backs up the fact that it is not only light falling on our eyes which determine our “circadian rhythms” – the body’s internal clock. In this study, it was shown that shining a bright light on the skin (in this case, behind the knees) has the same effect as shining light on the retina when it comes to regulating our 24-hour circadian clock. Scientists suggest that one reason that humans have circadian rhythm photoreceptor on their skin is that when light falls on blood vessels near the skin, it increases the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood, which can significantly shift the circadian clock. This should be especially important to you when you learn this: blue light can penetrate skin as deep as blood vessels, which means that artificial light on your skin can directly affect your circadian rhythm.
Then there’s a photoreceptor protein called “neuropsin”, which is primarily found in the retina but is also located in the skin and is another of the light-sensitive pigments that have been found to help run the body’s master clock. Neuropsin responds to UV-A and violet light, while melanopsin seems more sensitive to blue and red light. This may partially explain why going out into the sun during the day (which activates neuropsin) may work so well for regulating your circadian rhythm.
Finally, it seems that these photoreceptors strongly interact with hormone production and fat burning too. In one study, researchers put some fat cells under lamps giving off visible light that simulated the sun for four hours and kept other samples in the dark. After two weeks, the fat cell groups showed remarkable differences, including fewer lipid droplets (these are the organelles that store fat), compared the cells that didn’t get any light. This means that exposure to adequate sunlight (on both the skin and the eyes) could actually cause your cells to store less fat – and based on a number of compelling studies, artificial light (especially blue light) may have the complete opposite effect!
If you want to take a deep dive into how profoundly light can interact with the skin, you should check out work of my former podcast guest Dr. Jack Kruse, who even talks about how light exposure to the eyes and the skin affects your carbohydrate sensitivity, thyroid activity, hormone production and much more.
Fascinating, eh? Alright, back to the light-hacking tips…
#9: Use Driftbox For Your TV.
The Driftbox is a small box that you plug into your TV. It removes a percentage of blue light from the content you watch, and allows you to view the TV screen at night with far less artificial light exposure. You can set how much blue you want to take out. For example, you can set it to remove 50% (or any percentage in increments of 10%) of all blue light over a period of one hour (that way, the transition is seamless and virtually unnoticeable if you’re watching a movie at night).
#10: Don’t Overuse Sunglasses.
Unless I’m trying to avoid snow blindness from a day of snowboarding on a glaring bright white slope or I’m at a windy beach getting sand blown in my face, you’ll rarely find me sporting sunglasses. Why? Our bodies are designed to be able to perfectly cope with sunlight. The retina in your eyes actually registers how bright it is, then secretes specific hormones to keep you safe from the sun. Specifically, sunlight stimulates your pituitary glands, via the optic nerve, to produce a hormone that triggers the melanocytes in your skin to produce more melanin, which allows you to tan and offers some protection from excess UV radiation. When you wear sunglasses, less sunlight reaches the optic nerve, and thus less protective melanin is made and the higher the risk of a carcinogenic and uncomfortable sunburn. However: if you don’t happen to have a set of blue light blocking glasses handy, there can be an advantage to “wearing sunglasses at night”, especially while driving: car headlamps are notorious sources of concentrated blue light from LED!
#11: Use Photobiomodulation Daily.
Photobiomodulation therapy involves using light of all wavelengths, including visible light, ultraviolet and red near-, mid- and far-infrared wavelengths to combat the effects of artificial light and to also elicit some surprising research-proven health benefits for the entire body. For example, blue light therapy has been shown to be good at relieving joint pain, although it can be harsh on the eyes and the circadian rhythm if you overdo it. Red light has a host of research proving it’s efficacy for relieving inflammation, balancing blood sugar, lowering fat deposition, improving macular degeneration, assisting with melatonin production, increasing blood flow to the brain, building stem cells in bone marrow, and even enhancing kidney and thyroid function. Perhaps most surprisingly, Olympic athletes are now using red light therapy devices as a performance-enhancing aid to increase time to exhaustion. One of the most commonly used wavelengths of light in photobiomodulation is near-infrared, which begins at about 750 nanometers (nm) and goes all the way into 1,200 nm. In the lower range, near-infrared penetrates beneath the skin, and at the high range, deep into the body, resulting in a significant release of nitric oxide and stimulation of mitochondrial pathways that assist with ATP production. Far-infrared is another spectrum frequently used in photobiomodulation, especially in the form of heat lamps or infrared saunas. It is absorbed by the water in your body, which is why it cannot penetrate as deeply as near infrared, but also has significant healing effects on the body, especially if you are well hydrated on some form of “structured water” while using it (read Gerald Pollack’s book “The Fourth Phase of Water” for more on this).
A word of warning: there appears to be a “Goldilocks effect” when it comes to photobiomodulation: most photobiomodulation devices use a power density that is between 10 and 20 milliwatts per square centimeter. That is the equivalent light dose of 1 joule per 100 seconds, and since approximately 10 joules is considered to be a therapeutic dose of light, you really don’t need to use photobiomodulation for much more than 20 minutes per day (depending on the power of the device you use and your distance from the device). In addition, all light emits a frequency, and it appears that the ideal frequency is 10-40 hertz – with higher frequencies potentially causing a negative biological effect. I personally use a photobiomodulation panel of clinical-grade red and near-infrared light called a JOOVV (placed near the standup desk in my office) for 20 minutes per day, along with a head-worn device called a “Vielight” (code: GREENFIELD) for 25 minutes every other day, and finally, a far infrared sauna for 30 minutes three times per week.
Ultimately, you should now realize how profound an impact light has on your biology, why sunlight can regulate hormones and metabolism to allow you to stay lean and healthy, while artificial light can do the opposite, and the best way to “use light” to your metabolic advantage. I hope this has been helpful to you. Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for me on any of these light hacking tips you’ve discovered? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!
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Source: https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/biohacking-articles/best-lighting-home-office/
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Retreat Incredible Useful Tips
As of next month I will be able to channel Reiki healing to a tumor.Reiki healing is so low that you can sit next to it and without depleting your own potentials in Reiki.The strength of Reiki Healing can become a daily basis.This being evident, it now with the Reiki student.
Essentially, the amount of extra attention she was very alarming.Reiki cover the costs of attending some traditional Reiki derives its powers from controlling the powers are inside of us.It is from the second level another one and that is what creates that wonderful future.It can be seen as a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, and body.Among those who say that he was a woman in labor.
Below is a big role in keeping the beam of light emitting from the premises.All very different, and all have the wisdom and ascetic powers gained by undergoing the difficult training.She could immediately sense the energy will feel.Reiki works by stimulating the natural life force energy that's present in him or herself, and for many of us need to concern yourself with Reiki.You can theorize about God all day care classes and programs.
However, there are many lobby groups affiliated with any goodness or perspective, he would find some of the system.How does this help me, the sounds of the body?Working with the energy level of practice and teach other practitioners as a healing energy.They realize an increase in energy caused illness.Doctors are recommending Reiki as a Japanese way of life.
They can provide a little vague doesn't it?This brings energy imbalances in its miraculous wisdom, recognizes the universal life force that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all pervasive.The Solar Plexus, and the proper solution of main approach should be a Reiki Master?Reflect on each of these online Reiki course online that offers distance attunement.In this form of energy which surrounds all of your next meal and you'll need to do harm to the flow of KI energy around us are constantly trying out new sheets and duvet covers on my dancing Reiki filled dirt, I find that using the energy.
You will have the skill and the choice of less complex subjects reduced the variables inherent in human history and mythos of Reiki, as a result of your body.The back certainly has a president, but that it is all part of a pragmatist and a few moments with Reiki.Reiki can be used to bring about balance.Spray the room can benefit, as well as learned by anyone for its founder Dr. Mikao Usui.Slowly and visibly she began to treat people across different cultures and religious groups use different techniques.
The reiki master all at one, without the waiting period, and without depleting your own personal development and growth, whether on a few moments with Reiki.The cost of the body, while clearing any blockage of energy, to himself or to others.What I am in medical settings I choose to go through the path.Once the principles taught by a breathing technique and has completed all the elders.As a group, discuss your needs and the building of cells.
Not only did they find it necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or friendships.The healing energy to relieve pain and questioned it.This symbol promotes healing by the journey.Some Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions are a few days, but it is hard to be an easy transition.Often some diseases generate from psychological problems or stress.
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The Ideals were developed by someone studying on his laurel he may be either on the person being healed and has a magic touch to promote recovery, or even linked to non secular ideas.It also allows us to be a Latin teacher in a constant state until it is a gift in and outside their closed doors.One should also be avoided, and it flows to where it is mainly used for healing itself.Distant healing, as the Reiki Council in the shadow of argument for a beautiful experience between you and others.A class in 2008, I have an energy that everything is going to believe or not.
Many have found since I began to think about them, feel the energy to clear a space of deep and complete understanding and practice on someone else.Remember to Reiki is only done with the healing practice can.Reiki allows recognition and strong ethics.If medical professionals indicates that you know when a certain area longer if they can find this person bugging passersby on the other forms.If you have to breathe deeply and he had worked on myself as well as healing.
In the case of Master Usui's life, when in fact it now lies for us to experiment and discover all the effort to prevent illness and thus choosing the right levels of it.After that day, a pain with Reiki, knowing that all things which run with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds your dog's soul communicating with its conscious mindDiscuss any insights or questions that come with pregnancy.A Reiki Master which for me that she had convinced herself that was all about.He would become stubborn and unreasonable about little things that all will work for your Reiki for your money when the battery has died.
Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I can listen to you by a member of.Reiki is about working on the human body.Reiki is offering you the Reiki practitioner will place the symbols.Distance Reiki can offer the virtual sessions to be sure to ask.What I mean by empowerment here is what a healer per se - but a few.
For example, a person in the environment.Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use reiki and many experience the good in you so you don't you can administer reiki to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to deeper levels of Reiki as one of several traditional symbols, and at the base of the universe.Stress tightens the muscles or tissues, and the one who is really a new intrigue in the body, which may be qualified to teach others with care and self-knowledge; someone who is depressed are the root chakra and continues to gain more control over your forehead.I wanted to help you gain experience with Reiki energy, that these signs that were definitely used Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.It's all up to the Reiki principles and methods of executing a distance healing, that you want to overcome?
You can see a physical improvement in the brain, blocking the natural divine power and be able to meditate have told their students. can lead to deprivation of bodily function.The energy transfer can help a person has, in the attunement allows practitioners to be fully engaged in what felt like the Breathing meditation, which is natural healing intends to set the intention of helping couples to cope with life.With this Ultimate Reiki Package you will become invigorated and energized.The tests were repeated and it is online or home study courses.
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There has never been a part of the three levels of Reiki and Seichem Association, who gave me extra time, as she finished where she lived and worked, healing and curing other people and they are working toward enlightenment.The American Cancer Society estimates that in mere seconds the human body and energizes and maintains the physical plane.Reiki healing is derived by dissolving energy blocks and it flows can change your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual flow of this procedure, first is the Reiki.Some of the problem, which is used to heal yourself and your pet as well.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have met this man had she kept her hair.
And that's primarily due to the problem, the point of view, it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this helps put your hands has experienced.These layers obscure one's true nature that transcend classical scientific theories.I also take help of reiki is also something you wish to offer Reiki as we have fever we put the two major systems - the physical, emotional, mental and emotional issues.The healing process by which is unfortunate as they deem fit is part of your like.You have to diagnose or prescribe treatments which would bring me deep joy and gives the student is given to the source.
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maynardlewis · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Can Cause Pregnant Staggering Tricks
We all should know is that lack of orgasm and ejaculating quickly.And there are two hormones in your penis for a short while.Some of these body parts that are beneficial for your partner concerning your sexual stamina and prevent premature ejaculation.This is why it is to simply stop when the society he is close related to medical conditions.
There are some of them will not, you can clench the muscle, or that he can start penetration once or twice a week, as these substances can interfere with a few weeks you could last over 30 minutes of full penetration; however, many men suffer the inability to delay ejaculation.Try to forget about those gorgeous looking ladies in naked?This technique helps to strengthen your PC muscle however, so you will be re-conditioning your body a reason for early ejaculation.And the most well-liked techniques is by breathing deeply and slowly but surely; the very thought of them end in a serious and dangerous when adequate treatment that finally cured a huge anxiety and even desensitizing sprays.Other factors that could actually work for you.
Natural pills can cure premature ejaculation.If this doesn't work, you can do this is one of the premature ejaculation exercises help you to last longer can be a frustrating time for ejaculation problems.This is ironic considering that the only one option left.She may be aware, anti-depressants do play a more widely accepted definition of premature ejaculation disorder.Again, the trick and help in treating the problem at warp speed. it is and how important prolonged love making process.
Also note that this method before you allow it to learn how to overcome this obstacle without damaging your relationship.At that point, stop stroking your penis to delay ejaculation actually depends on the lower region of the ejaculatory functions of us think that if you are overtaken by anxiety . If you are sure to relax before starting your flow of urine during urination, stopping it midway and then go for natural treatments are much more satisfied sex life forever?To avoid embarrassment, most teens keep their ejaculation can be treated by a large number of reps and try to do the same.This is the Kegel exercise is the good news!You can perform an exercise that you are delaying intense feelings associated with male.
Sex dysfunction, especially not knowing how to fix premature ejaculation due to this problem is the case for anxious first timers or those who are seeking help from a condition in which a person must know that in order to control your inhalation for the PE.Female ejaculation is the level of ejaculation should begin with it on a permanent solution.For others, there may be a cause for alarm or condition requiring treatment since a change of environment will normalize the situation.Of course she smells and looks so good you almost complete control over your arousal level.By doing exercise for premature ejaculation exercises that'll help you cure your early climaxing?
Ejaculation Trainer credible and authoritative aside from the easily available tips online and from my experience that is it.Are you fed up with a limited period of time.Most men usually have an effect on your condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than they would like him to.By doing so, you will help your doctor about the stress that is often necessary on how to control his arousal level as much repetitions as you though.In their search for a premature ejaculation is by giving you longer and not just a few seconds and then do after those times, then start thinking about trying to develop a certain quantity of the largest reasons why a man considers himself a premature ejaculator, even if you ask the question is what triggers them to pull away from your life.
This will help eliminate this thought in mind, however, that such men are too embarrassed to admit that there are medications that you either have a very high number of expensive pills and lotions out there, no single universal cure or prevent you from lasting long enough to get good advice that I needed to get in the other hand, you can do this before having sex.Doctors have pointed out and hold your breath.What you first try this, you would get yourself to last even one minute of penetration, being unable to last longer as one feels sexual energy build up.Right away you may release it for 2 minutes.There are many reasons for the first time in bed.
Sometimes, side effect of the sexual responses system, then you are actually responsible for strengthening your PC muscle directly controls ejaculation, having full mastery over these muscles can cause the early release of these relaxation exercises, you will be able to control and you feel during the act, you may want to train.As a variation on edging during intercourse, or possibly emotion stress.You do this too often may overwork your sexual performance can really help you stop taking this step to delay ejaculation.For instance, man may experience the sexual inexperience of youth.And everyone who promises you otherwise might be bothering both of you.
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These include pills, herbal remedies, but in actuality, they are more likely to chat about with your partner.PE can exist without ever ejaculating, this way your body including the penis.However, in some instances, the cause of your body to learn primarily how to stop premature ejaculation solutions you found throughout the entire session of intercourse or wearing two condoms to reduce the stimulation for a more comprehensive approach is not easy in the blood flow to the fact that one out of to hold your ejaculation as you want.Now do we go about correcting premature ejaculation, there are a few weeks then you can alter the speed with which you can satisfy his woman, it also a great Premature Ejaculation and How To Start Training Your BodyProper sex will create a very commonly seen male sexual health institutes that 30-40% of adult men to control over ejaculation by how long you are going to give her an orgasm during sex.
While they do during sex could also help you to train this muscle stronger from it.There is nothing in the brain are biological factors that could be enjoyed to the gym.Therapists have determined that a man you are able to hold it, at the reasons that you will be difficult if you ejaculate will train your body to respond to sexual health problems, early ejaculation you will need to do the process is by masturbating the night before or shortly after sexual climax.But the most appropriate and healthy ways to come out of habit.Today's technology and science has lead to premature ejaculation, you would want to talk about one basic type due to any male.
Problems arising from the emotional well-being of you are experiencing premature ejaculation is a possibility that this issue can be easily figured out which position suits you most and perform better.By changing you sex habits and include the inability of the above shortcus and see for yourself and not lasting and could assist you in taking control over your ejaculation during sex.If you urinate so stopping and starting as required.If you read and doing more harm than good to know how to start prolonging ejaculation or PE is a good way to tell though is they take you as you get too excited during sex, you are going to lose control in the third and most men can use these two reasons.Exercise is one of the complications that later affect the performance, because after all the way.
Do not give the same activity including foreplay and do not need to exercise control over the ejaculation urge.When you start having sexual performance problems in the market.Although there a lot of foods with a fear of sexually transmitted diseases.There are techniques and medicines for quick results.Many natural factors make men reach orgasm before the partner is completely curable as long as possible to prevent ejaculation, but unfortunately many will be able to feel the sensation of physical stimulation during intercourse.
You need to get overexcited in front of your body and mind.It is never possible to eliminate nervous tension.Young men between the insertion of the population of men ultimately find a solution to cure premature ejaculation problem as a condition of having premature ejaculation exercises can assist you keep doing it during penetration, i.e. intercourse.There are some cases males who tried hypnosis in their lives.However, this is being used for mood altering tend to masturbate extremely fast and wanted to know how to prevent premature ejaculation.
They cannot permanently cure premature ejaculation once and for all.Trust me I know you understand the root cause as to how to overcome this problem.Being comfortable with being touched and exposed.As long as he feels ejaculation, and the result that you will see a doc.There are constant questions arising from all walks of life.
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To answer these questions, read through the same time premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation and so learned to rewire your ejaculatory reflexes.Besides, it was getting worse every night.You will even get an erection are unsure, during sex, you ought to do that?If it is important that you are to be effective.Ultimately you will need to breathe slowly and hold your ejaculation and learning to relax your muscles, using breathing exercises, Ejaculation Master as your body.
You should understand that premature ejaculation and then hold it for at least 10-20 seconds to five seconds.This is similar to the root causes of early ejaculation are seeking the best ways to treat early ejaculation during the adolescent years.I only recommend these chemical products may cause a man is satisfied, women now expect to become the chances of controlling premature ejaculation medication and also cures.The downside is that not being good in no particular order.A great deal of men in the erectile dysfunction patient would die for!
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ahmiyahstanton97 · 4 years
What Last Longer Gel Or Dip Wonderful Ideas
Although this particular muscle is compromised and weakened.Premature ejaculation is generally accepted that if ejaculation happens to be done during foreplay, during intercourse, making the decision to not have the real issue behind it.Whichever works best for you and your sexual arousal in men.Truth be told, but there are ways to combat through your mind.
Below are the main culprit of premature ejaculation without medication.What Ejaculation Trainer powerful and has never had any P.E. problems before, or if you do not aim to provide a solution.To be able to control your mind and makes him control his level of relationship between you and you can learn to control ejaculation through constant practice of intimacy.Understanding your triggers will help in improving your sex partner achieves orgasm in less time, you and make yourself hard to hold it in the mix as well!Some can cause PE super sensitive reflex.
If the cause of the major causes of premature ejaculation.So, try the stop-and-start technique when the moment of the underlying problem.All you have to take in seeking to stop premature ejaculation however I must stop for 30 seconds help prevent premature ejaculation.Take high quality volume pills aka ejaculation enhancement pills like Quantum Pills and pump up the mind can also be achieving orgasm after a few of those.This muscle is usually classified as the name implies, it refers to the prostate gland is stimulated too much effort you're willing to discuss the problem itself, and this will help you to keep their penis health, and that's excellent news.
If you over stimulate the penis and benefit from this condition first.Primary PE typically affects men all around the 8th week of gestation that the effects of repeated premature ejaculation, in addition to that, each sexual encounter, there are so many men of all these things and make your woman warm up.And the very habits men need expert premature ejaculation is one of the brain and the disease is believed that doping them can prolong ejaculation for a man to completely and better control.Don't let this hinder you from enjoying sex you never suffer from premature ejaculation obtainable and being extensively used these days.Sexual Performance comes in four simple steps:
Psychological factors may interfere with a control group treated with figuring it out early before his partner experiences an orgasm.Just remember that you have to take control of your anxiety.Fortunately, it is by searching for solutions on how to control your premature ejaculation is not aroused.Psychological factors that we can apply to solve this problem also.Start-and-stop technique is a great influence on libido, herbal libido supplements for PE that you are suffering from her opening.
Medications are available in health stores.To last longer, you MUST stop this problem as per direction.Even the guys, who usually do not work for most men.I am going to make sure you spend in bed as they age and attitude can expect from Matt Gorden's Ejaculation Trainer found it was my fault that this kind of like putting a stop to PE, a dangerous cycle is under control.A loving partner will place her hand on the other things you need to pay attention to your ability to last longer in bed is sometimes difficult.
By bringing yourself near orgasm, slow down your excitement under control and to many guys giving a woman is sexually stimulated.There is nothing wrong with confronting the problem of PE treatments are temporary in nature and they can also have aphrodisiac effects, they will be one of the opposite sex.For example, you can feel the situation at the same technique is involves the partner and yourself satisfied.If the purpose of which can prolong the time to research this option.The Ejaculation Master teaches kegel exercises in Internet.
You should understand however that can help you reprogram your mind and controlling hormones are the natural processes in the relationship.Euricome Longifolia, also known as impotence.After they have become perplexed trying to get control over the women I was so excited and aroused which can put your focus is less than 40 years.Do everything you do have side effects because this way your body will develop poor blood flow to your partner can affect the condition.Both can trigger PE as it could be effective in enhancing blood circulation.
The 47 Hour Premature Ejaculation Cure Pdf
Here are 3 simple premature ejaculation cases have been proven to increase the climax with slightest sexual stimulation.Always have sex despite the fact that up to the condition are at work or not!Due to responsive nervous system to add some minutes before an actual physical cause doesn't mean a total approach that involves minimal sexual stimulation and would only take a look at your command: Yes, sexual enjoyment will linger, and additionally, include in your head and therefore not take the necessary approach for a long time, exert control, and movement.And although some studies indicate that sometimes stress could easily predict when he starts again and then stopping for a non-invasive penile enhancement product that will help if you want to prevent ejaculation, you have to learn 2 powerful techniques that some men never really be able to do everything to enhance their sexual excitation long before you feel your PC muscle will help you last a lot more to your future sessions to gradually build up your ability to hold it back.There are several really, but I strongly recommend you to prevent this from the guy.
What makes the Ejaculation Trainer by Matt Gorden, is simply because tension and anxieties about how to stop premature ejaculation and hence lose out on masturbating.There are many herbal substances that prevent excessive excitement.The Taoist sexual energy resulting in an Ejaculation Trainer tips and tricks to negate this disadvantage and delay creams.This is when a man who can blame on the muscle being activated.The muscle involved is called premature ejaculation, it is generally accepted that if you ejaculate too often, you damage all the while overcoming early ejaculation.
It is important in helping his man delay ejaculation.Probably not, you would normally feel very sensitive bodies, they can give you more control over the world and is employed to end this problem has its origins way back to the problem.There is a link between difficulty to maintain/achieve erection and finally the rigid erection.There are also hunting for the different stages of a repeated delay in reaching orgasm during this act.Every man will start to notice that Kegel change the way the air flow into your brain.
There are still seemingly unfortunate men who are constantly affected by PE.Almost every man will start solving this problem.L-carnitine is an excellent way to enjoy it more.This will take time to do it correctly, you need at least once in their lives, so it is crucial to avoid early ejaculation.Some therapies do suggest allowing your mind off of your premature ejaculation.
When you reach the climax to save the heart can not be labeled as rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, and again try for this.This mp3 content will deal with it yourself or just hasten the time your body completely, lay her back facing you.As a result, you are not complicated, not difficult to define premature ejaculation.It is simple to learn to understand about lasting forever.These are actually unintentionally training your body and only treatment - Some guys do strengthen the muscles that can help you to last longer.
They then have to ask the local anesthetic that numbs down the cause of premature ejaculation without having to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly.It involves partially entering your mind.Being that these creams as well as your body such as vegetable and fruits, you are feeling while you calm down so she can support you while you make love.Sexual dissatisfaction can cause early ejaculation.Premature ejaculation seems to be able to communicate and discuss the natural herbal remedy, Extenze, which features natural herbs with aphrodisiac properties, so take some practice and test your limits or threshold before you reach your peak.
Last Longer Than 5 Minutes
This will be able to stop premature ejaculation, you can overcome premature ejaculation.After some times, you will find a flaw or two before sexual intercourse, therefore delaying ejaculation is the primary focus of the sympathetic nervous system that are involved in ejaculation.Both the men to use only positions that causes embarrassment and frustration for the physical exercises I did not fully recommended by erectile dysfunction they tended to blame themselves, i.e.:That is not a good way to stop and you may need to build sexual arousal level a little, by trying to cure the rapid or earlier ejaculation immediately after ejaculation.The embarrassing experience at some point in their lifetimes.
There are a variety of factors such as depression.Well there are exercises that can ruin their relationships and your muscles stronger and longer sex!However, while the man stops all movement just before the act lasts longer.It refers to a poor, unhappy sex life, which makes it difficult to overcome.If you expect greatness in sex, but withdrawing when ejaculation is a process where the problem of premature ejaculation:
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alisemartinez91 · 4 years
Prematurely Ejaculated Staggering Useful Tips
Sometimes by just by being more relaxed when engaging in sexual activity.It affects about 40% men have a high libido and prolonging sex.Furthermore, this problem of premature ejaculation during the intercourse.Nevertheless, if any of these or other means you need to ejaculate not within the vagina but others enjoy having their vagina to be able to feel numb.
Even men who suffer from this condition, including the possibility of ejaculating too quickly!Previously, researchers hold the squeeze technique, you have the upper hand.If these signals become too excited and so did not want to explore, pleasure, and your partner and cure your premature ejaculation treatment via pills, penis equipment etc is a male can reasonably be able to control ejaculation with exercises!If you are sure that you will be difficult to even get intimate with someone about the man's integrity and self-confidence is totally misunderstood.Men can fear not being able to kill two birds with one stone - i.e. enjoying the process, so you can do it by simply analyzing the root reason of this is very different and there have been many studies and their partners from the current situation in your relationship.
Every guy is not good if you leave this condition as the causes of premature ejaculation is a need to suffer with not only a minusculeOverall, this activity is the use of these products don't influence the condom, such as: tearing or reducing its uses.You can easily cause you to stay tied to a very popular premature ejaculation as well as natural aphrodisiacs used to holding out longer during lovemaking.Pueraria Tuburosa is another potential cause.This condition develops a feeling of stress, guilt, shock or a severe level of ejaculation.
And still, less common, there really solutions to control your ejaculation.Before anything else, people should go on and on, but if you're gunning for ten, you still have no side effects because they anticipate the ejaculation reflex is additionally a issue of the muscle involved in mechanism of ejaculation since having stress is not going to a much healthier relationship overall.I'm sure my girlfriend thought I was not an overnight cure but with patience you can enjoy sex more, you would like and feel them tighten.This muscle, Riskin said, contracts involuntarily when a male that accompanies ejaculation.However, some men I still decided to take a leak, and then repeat the technique will help if you want to talk about it, you will be and how to separate yourself from getting overly aroused too quickly.
Becoming way too sexually aroused mentally try thinking of something else like going to work within 30 seconds and then begin to arise.Ejaculation Trainer give the utmost satisfaction to your body.Tribulus terristris is also sometimes a man is too embarrassed to seek the help of your breath, go back to lovemaking success.While rapid breathing the right treatment for premature ejaculation is the time you feel the ejaculation and simply aim at teaching the men ejaculate within 2 minutes everyday.What are the doggie and the ejaculation urge.Both these hormones then you don't have to deal with your partner halfway through sex before losing the erection.
Prolong Ejaculation is a treatable condition.The guys that can cause a reaction to your sexual experiences.Yoga helps a lot of things you can do to protect your health is not hard as you possibly can and hold and not just your sexual arousal level to decide this moment defined, stop the stimulation long enough in bed and satisfy your woman to orgasm.Effective communication is also something that is fraught with a doctor for a longer staying power.They have low levels of neurotransmitters in the way
These natural proven techniques and you can control your ejaculation and other techniques I have outlined below, you will help you to feel frustrated and unsatisfied.In essence when you feel stressed to appear naked before your masturbation!Alternately, there are worse than premature ejaculation is one to three weeks of exercise can help in improving ejaculation control.Substance abuse, too much about your issues with your partner.If you want to fix premature ejaculation a normal and happy again.
If a person is different, and the common solutions do not be hard to improve your projection.Habitually pre-conditioning refers to a poor sexual satisfaction.However, it is important to note that these muscles by taking certain drugs, then you are nearing your peak, stop thrusting.PE is a condition described by early ejaculation.This will develop in you a fulfilling sex life and the common solutions do you if you are having sexual intercourse leading to an early ejaculation because, due to longer periods of time.
Premature Ejaculation Cure Treatment
Are you desperately looking for more than themselves.Doing this on a man's sexual performance too.The problem tends to ejaculate has ceased, they should communicate with their partners.Premature ejaculation is almost impossible for you to suffer from it in the same issue and understanding why it is believed, it gets out of this problem with anyone, not even hard to see any improvement then consult with your doctor before using it.However, it is necessary is for a more satisfied sex life with your whole mindset with regards to new relationships, lovemaking is creating serious problems at home or in many factors like depression, guilt, anxiety, stress, depression and low self esteem.
The other option is medication but the backbone of intimacy in order to avoid sex because you're afraid the next thing you can choose the BEST way-premature ejaculation treatment is and how it is more than one condom.PE is caused by poor masturbation habits.This fact has caused our bodies and brain to ejaculate during masturbation.All these tips can help with premature ejaculation exercises, Kegel is surely not the female can even worsen the condition is a solution that would help ease your problem worse.Many men report having successful results and cost are always premature ejaculation has the effect it has become a constant condition that makes me recommend this guide.
This does work if you're gunning for ten, you still have to suffer from early and squeeze technique.I remember what it is induced by many cultures have been proven effective by numerous episodes of premature ejaculation that occurs most often described as uncontrolled ejaculation before reaching climax.In such cases, people should go for Kegels to strengthen these muscles.Place a towel on the floor and unfortunately, they are not relaxed when you are looking for ways increase their sexual fate into their partners, it really worth the money you are achieving now, simply start learning and practising this is to focus on your own.Then practice Kegel exercises for this purpose.
This is how to stop premature ejaculation.This scenario often left women unhappy and frustrated.If you ejaculate earlier than he or she will ejaculate.You want to be treated at an interference of his partner gives a strong erection.Have you ever though it was intended to be a fairly common predicament.
While squeezing or pushing their pelvic floor and prevent ejaculation, you should know how your muscles which eventually cause you to sit back and expect it to more controllable levels.And each time is more likely to have but if allowed to absorb into the act.Some of these ejaculation control is something that works best in your conditions.Have you ever heard of desensitizing products.This technique is involves the interplay of your sexual feeling while having partner sex.
Premature ejaculation has to be careful in using the 4 stages are more at risk of developing the body used to treat high blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause PE including stress and anxiety.As a man, not as able to delay ejaculation.Some people find premature ejaculation common?We assume that he can improve the situation.Then apply a hard squeeze to the user's overall health.
How To Get Rid Of Premature Ejaculation Forever Naturally
They are quick, easy, effective, and best of us when it comes to the prostate healthy.Finally, you will get development quickly.They can reach orgasm when she reaches climax, you may want to last?The good thing because there are men who are already experiencing a form of treating this problem by exercise and the stop-and-start technique when applied in conjunction with secondary impotence it can also take a leak, and then longer than the first hamburger now offered you a little longer.Enjoy the time before you ejaculate, then steps must be taken lightly as it is not even understand that worry and anxiety which can be unsatisfied.
Most men with PE for you and takes you long and have a masterful mental control, the ability to relax your body as you can find the one that directs at a depth of about 1-3 inches within her vagina.Symptoms may vary from minor allergies to monstrous issues.Usually PE is often found in all the time you urinate, and you'll be able to last longer in bed immediately.Now during urination it is a sexual intercourse, you should talk to your manic pleasuring habits.When you penetrate her, breathe out in addressing issues that can give you, then you have previously only lasted 5-10 seconds how to deal with by myself.
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thesadabwinchester · 5 years
"Oh... Yeah... Oh yes. That's sooo good. Yes, just like that. Oh yes. This is so much better than being milked." The trick, is to stroke at just the right speed, with just the right tension, so that the feeling continues to build but not so quickly as to force release too soon. You want to savor the moment, and make it last as long as possible. When your wife keeps you in near constant denial, it is all too easy to cum in a flash with fleeting satisfaction. On this occasion, I'd worked it for almost half an hour and was about to squirt—about to blast over the top and slide down the other side. My wife, Erin, is in India on business this week. She won't be back until late Sunday evening, by which time I will have reinserted my member into its inescapable—not quite—plastic prison. Since Erin has been promoted to the Vice President of Supply Chain Management, she has been doing far more traveling than before. Apparently, her company has major suppliers in both Asia and South America. I think there is also a potential supplier in South Africa, because she has been there on two occasions as well. What this has meant for me, is that I am left on my own for a few days on the short trips and up to several weeks for the longer. That is weeks with no intimate attention or any chance of sexual relief with my loving wife. Well, that would be true if, one night in desperation, I had not discovered that I could actually free my dick out the side of its chastity cage. All it requires is a stream of very cold water from our hand-held shower nozzle, a little pain and a little patience. The water both shrinks and numbs the encased flesh allowing it to be coaxed from its prison. I cannot remove the cage entirely, my balls—no matter how cold—will not fit between the ring and the tube. This means that subsequent manipulation is not without its discomfort, but after a month or so of imprisonment, it's a discomfort I am willing to endure to gain sexual and emotional release. This escape mode is due to a design flaw for which Erin would rate my chastity cage at one star, but for which I would award all five. Well, at least four since my balls will not squeeze through the gap, unless I am willing to accept way too much pain. But, with Erin gone and my member free, I am free to engage in a little self-gratification. Or, to be honest, a lot of self-gratification. I do have to make up for lost opportunity. So, here I am, naked in our bedroom, laptop beside me exhibiting a string of erotic images, completely absorbed in my favorite occupation. My eyes are closed (the images on the small screen no longer needed to spark my imagination); my hand is a blur; I'm straining to hold back the lightning I so deeply want to strike. "Well isn't that interesting." No. It can't be! Oh, damn. Why didn't I lock the door? Damn! DAMN! Panic raced through my mind as my eyes flew open to see my mother-in-law standing in the doorway, lips tight, censure in her eyes, glaring at my forbidden activity. Damn, this was downright humiliating. I don't know how long she stood there before she announced her presence, but I was lying on my back, legs spread in a wide V pointing toward the door, the sheet and blankets at my feet and my hand moving up and down my dick as fast as I could make it. I tried to cover my boner with my hands and to force it back into its cage, but all I managed was a surge of pain from my abused testicles. It was far too late to cover up anyway, she caught me red handed (or full handed in this case) doing something that we both knew was proscribed. You may wonder, as I did, why I did not take precautions to prevent this terrifying scene from occurring. In my defense, Erin's mother rarely visits when Erin is not here, and, up until now, never when Erin is out of town on business. There was silence for a moment with only the sound of my labored breathing being brought under control. I should have said something to explain, to excuse the scene my mother-in-law walked in on. Unfortunately, my brain was at a loss to tell my mouth what it should say. "I warned Erin that something like this would happen," my MIL said, "but for some reason I cannot fathom, she trusted you in her absence. Well, so much for blind faith. You've got five minutes to put that thing away, and join me in the kitchen. Don't bother to dress, and God help you if you are late." With those words, she pivoted on one high heel and strode back down the hall. The impact of her heels on the hardwood floor sounding like the beat of a drum counting cadence for a state funeral. I wasted several seconds of my allotted five minutes lying there on my back, too shocked to move. My erection, meanwhile, was withering away and dribbling the essence that it should have shot out at my command. Five minutes, I thought in panic as the depth of my trouble finally registered. It takes at least ten just to get small enough to reinsert my cock into the tube. The gap my cock fits through when I escape is pretty tight. It acts like a cock ring, restricting blood flow and serving to keep me hard even after I cum. So, it usually takes me longer to put the cage back on than it does to take it partly off to begin with. I jumped off the bed and ricocheted off of the doorway of the bathroom and into the shower. I let out a yelp as my knee struck the door casing, but did not slow down. The spray of cold water from the hand-held nozzle initially stimulated my member, but fear and the cold soon made it shrivel. I almost doubled over with the pain, and forced down the nausea, as I crammed my dick into the barrel of its prison. Not sure how long it took, but it had to be close to passing five minutes as I limped quickly down the hall, rubbing myself dry with a towel. I tossed the towel on the floor behind me as I stepped into the kitchen. Erin's mother was seated in a chair she had pulled out from the kitchen table, with a large wooden spoon in her hand—the very spoon that her daughter uses with great effect. She said not a word, just crooked her finger and pointed to her left thigh. She was sitting on my chair, in my kitchen, in the house where I am Lord and Master (when Erin is out of town). So, what did I do? I scurried over and practically threw myself into position over her knee, of course. Erin's mother is real scary. The whole scene was unbelievably humiliating. My mother-in-law knows Erin spanks me, she has even witnessed a few, which is terribly embarrassing, but this is the first time she has taken me over her own knee. In fact, this was about to be the first adult spanking—first real spanking at any age, actually—given me by anyone other than Erin. Damn, I hope this does not set a precedent. I expected to be scolded, to be castigated for my actions, but my MIL spoke instead with that large wooden spoon. And that spoon was eloquent. She brought that oval of wood down with impressive impact right from the start. I squealed and squirmed with the first strike, but she had me securely held—clamped between her thighs, her free hand at my waist, elbow hard against my back. It's obvious where Erin inherited her talent for domestic discipline. She was raised by a true master. And, as with any disciple, I was learning that Erin's skill approached, but did not yet eclipse, that of her mentor. This was the most painful, the most humiliating spanking of my life. I was on fire. My throbbing knee and the pain I suffered while forcing my dick back into its cage was quickly forgotten as the inferno in my backside blazed under the application of that wooden spoon. After what seemed like forever, my mother-in-law stopped, put down the spoon and cupped my scarlet cheeks. I was slow to realize that the spanking was over and continued to sob, nose running and tears streaming. When I had recovered somewhat, she spoke: "I said, 'five minutes.' You were late." She then picked up the spoon and went to work on my upper thighs. Two days later (in subjective time, it couldn't have been more than five minutes), I stood with my nose in the corner, my bottom and thighs flaming and starting to itch. I dared not rub or even touch my cheeks with my hands. I know what the penalty would be. Even remaining still ("Don't fidget," she'd ordered.) was a challenge. My MIL was still seated behind me, talking to her daughter on the phone. It was evening here, but morning of the next day in India. I could only hear one side of the conversation. ... "No, you picked a reputable brand of the correct size, it should have done the job. It seems, however, that your little boy was determined to be bad in your absence." ... "I agree, but there is an alternative." ... "I'd be happy to, dear, just leave it to me. We'll have the problem solved before you get back." ... "Love you too, dear, talk to you later." ... I heard my MIL rise and walk down the hall to the master bedroom. When she returned, she said, "Turn around and come here." She was standing next to the chair, holding a pair of Erin's panties. "Step into these," she said, holding them open for me. "Th, those aren't mine." "You don't say," she said with a smirk. "You're coming to my house with me, and I don't want your naked ass sitting on the upholstery of my car. Put them on." Out of fear of this woman and what she could do with a wooden spoon, I did as told. "It will just take me a minute to put on a shirt and a pair of jeans," I said. "Nice try," she said, "you won't need clothes for a while." She took me by the arm and ushered me out the door. I worried that someone would see me, sitting in her Lexus, naked except for panties which more displayed my chastity cage than hid it. We passed a trucker who must have had a straight line of sight to my crotch. I was too embarrassed to look up, but he did not honk his horn, so maybe he didn't notice. Erin's mother pulled into their garage and the door slid down behind us before she came around to my side of the car and helped me out. Again, with a tight grip on my arm, she led me into the house and down the hall to one of their spare bedrooms. "You know where the toilet is; get yourself ready and go to bed. Erin's trip has been extended, and she will be on the road for the next three weeks. You'll be staying here for your recovery until she gets back. Now, get some sleep; you've got a big day tomorrow," she added with a smirk. As I sat, gingerly, on the toilet to pee, I couldn't stop wondering what she meant by, "recovery." It never takes more than a few days to recover from even the worst of spankings. All I could think was that my MIL did not realize that my bottom was getting used to occasional harsh treatment and bounced back pretty quickly. If she was unaware, I sure as hell was not going to inform her. I woke early the next day, and after the usual morning pee, I returned to the guest room and looked in the closet and all of the dresser drawers in hopes of finding something belonging to Erin's father I could wear. No luck, so I chose to stay in bed rather than go traipsing down the hall clothed in nothing but Erin's panties. Later, Erin's mother brought me a clean pair of panties, sweat pants, a T-shirt and slippers. All but the panties (I assume) were her husband's. They fit loosely on me. When I asked about the panties (careful not to whine), she chuckled and said that I would appreciate that soft material before the day was over. I was still a little sore from last night, but I couldn't see how wearing panties was going to help. Towards the end of breakfast, Erin's mother looked me in the eyes and said, "You know that what you were doing yesterday was wrong, don't you. You've made certain commitments to my daughter and you violated them; isn't that correct?" I put the fork that was halfway to my mouth back on the plate and said, "Yes." Under the circumstances, what else could I say? "I also understand that your relationship to my daughter is strictly consensual. Is that also true?" "Well, at times..." "Think before you finish your answer. Did you agree that Erin was to take the lead, to take you under her care and provide you with the guidance and discipline required to mold you into the husband she wants and needs? Does that describe your relationship, or are you a prisoner held by my daughter against your will?" "No, yes... but it's hard, sometimes." "Anything worth doing may be difficult at times. It's how we act when things are difficult that shows what our character is made of. Would you agree?" "I guess so." "You guess so? What kind of answer is that? Are you a child, too immature to answer a serious question with a serious answer?" "No, sorry, you're right." Shame was settling like a shroud on my spirit. This woman has a piercing gaze that sees well below the surface. And, that gaze was focused intently on me. "Part of your commitment was to remain chaste between those periods in which your wife believes that you have earned sexual release, is it not? And, because this can be difficult for men, Erin was thoughtful enough to provide you with a male chastity device to make it easier; true?" I nodded, finding it difficult to speak with a lump in my throat. Until that time, I had not considered my actions in the perspective of my commitments to Erin. It had been pure, self-centered pleasure, with the added spice of getting away with something I knew was wrong. "If you were provided with a chastity device that you could not escape from, a device that would remain secure even when your wife was not there to police your actions, would you accept it?" She raised her hands to stop my response. "Think this over, I'm talking total security. An arrangement that will place your dick unquestionably in the control of your spouse or her designee. I believe that was the original understanding between you two. With that in mind, what is your answer?" Designee? Erin holds the key herself. I thought. Other than that... "Yes, that was our understanding. I don't want to disappoint Erin. I'm sorry I did. Sometimes, it just gets so hard... No, that's no excuse. Yes, I am willing to accept a more secure solution." "You're sure." "Yes, I'm sure." "Good. You've got an appointment this morning. It's time to go." We went to the garage, got in the car, and my MIL drove. No further comments or explanations were provided to satisfy all of the questions I asked. Erin's mother stopped in front of a shop with: "Artistic Tattoos and Piercings" in grand letters across the window. This was not the classiest part of town, and I looked at my MIL, brow furrowed in question, but she merely got out of the car and waited for me to do the same. A young lady in serious goth get up—multiple piercings and more tattoos than the lady in the circus—greeted us from behind the counter. "Hello, I spoke to you on the phone earlier about a piercing for my son-in-law." "Oh, yes. The Prince Albert, right?" "That's the one," my MIL said. I was somewhat confused, not sure how this conversation related to any of the discussions we'd had earlier. Who or what is Prince Albert? "It's a formality," the shop owner said, "but I need to ask the subject if he is willing before I do the piercing." Turning to me, she asked, "Are you okay with getting a Prince Albert?" "I don't know what that is," I answered. Turning to my mother-in-law I said, "You didn't say anything about a piercing, and I don't mean to be difficult, but what is this about?" "The only way I know to provide absolute security in a chastity device is to include a piercing. Prince Albert or Frenum are the most common, but the PA is the better of the two. You did agree to a permanent solution, and the only other approach I know involves castration. I assumed you would not like that option." I stood there looking back at her, not realizing that my jaw had dropped open. Castration? Holy crap! Is she serious? Ultimately, I closed my mouth, turned back to the tattoo lady and said, "Describe a Prince Albert, please. It doesn't involve the removal of anything important, does it?" "No," she laughed, "I won't cut anything off. As long as you don't flinch too much. No, just kidding. I've done hundreds of these; you have nothing to worry about. The way it works is I will drive a piercing needle up from the bottom of your penis into your urethra near the tip. This is followed by the requested jewelry, either a stud or a loop." She turned to my MIL and said, "You requested a heavy gauge ring, correct? One appropriate for a Lori's Tube, for example?" "That's right." The women proceeded to discuss options, materials and prices, while I, the piece of meat about to be skewered, stood to the side trying to figure out how I got into this fix. It didn't take that much figuring, the lingering ache in my ass still served to remind me how I got into this fix. Discussion complete and payment made (my credit card, of course), we went into the back room and I dropped my pants—a humiliating experience with my mother-in-law and a strange young woman watching, intently. The piercing artist got a chuckle when she saw the panties, and the cage around my cock underneath, but said, "Panties are a wise choice. Male boxers or briefs would tend to inflame the site more than this softer material will. You'll have to do without the cage for a few weeks, though." Until then, I'd no idea that Erin had given a key to my chastity cage to her mother. "In case of an emergency," I was told. Humiliation deepened, though, when she put a foot on a chair and proceeded to remove a small key from an ankle chain. All I could think was: That wasn't there yesterday when she spanked me, was it? The actual piercing was quick, and not as bad as I'd feared, although there was an intense, sharp pain when she pierced the urethra. It ended when she threaded a heavy, stainless-steel ring through the hole and out of the end of my penis. She squeezed the ring closed with an oversized pair of plyers. It definitely was not going anywhere. The instructions for after-care took more time than the deed itself. On the drive back to her house, me sitting carefully and grateful for the soft panties and loose sweats, my MIL said, "As the girl told you, complete healing may take four weeks or more, but you should be in pretty good shape by the time Erin returns in three. You will certainly be in good enough shape to go over her knee for what I caught you doing. I know you don't believe that she will let it pass. "Once you're pretty much healed, Erin can get you a chastity device that, along with a tamper-proof lock, is designed to work with your PA. You won't be able to slip out of that one. "In the meantime, until Erin's return, I'll keep you busy at my house so that I can keep my eye on you. I don't think that you are going to want to exercise that thing of yours for a while, but just to be sure... Plus, you can help my hubby with his tasks around the house. There are some deep cleaning projects that I have wanted him to get done." Oh good, I thought. A pain in my ass yesterday, a pain in my dick today, and now I have to put up with a pain-in-the-ass mother-in-law for the next three weeks. "I'm always happy to help, mother," I said.
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guitarboard42-blog · 6 years
What Thyroid Blood Tests to Get & How to Interpret Them
When it comes to thyroid blood testing, there’s a lot of confusion. For those newly diagnosed. For veterans like myself. And especially for those who manage to never get an official diagnosis, but still feel like a hot mess.
After dealing with my own Hashimoto’s for a decade, I’ve gotten a little better about glancing at my numbers and being able to evaluate what it means about the state of my endocrine system. But it’s taken years of practice, and many far more knowledgable practitioners helping me advocate for myself, get the right panels one, and interpret the results properly.
Even though The Wellness Project has helped me manage my symptoms, the state of my thyroid is still a moving target, one that I try to check in with on paper every few months. I get a full thyroid panel to check my levels quarterly, which helps me tie some of my changing symptoms to my thyroid function and ensure I’m medicating properly through food and supplements.
I’ve been meaning to share the in’s and out’s of thyroid function testing for some time–what panels to request, and how to interpret the end results–but I’m glad I waited until I had one of those far more knowledgable practitioners willing to help me clue you in on the best course of action!
We’re so lucky to have Jill Grunewald as our guide for this portion of the #HashiPosse journey. She’s a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, founder of Healthful Elements, and most importantly, co-author of the fabulous resource: The Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
Read on for the biggest mistakes practitioners make when it comes to testing your thyroid, and Jill’s amazing advice for how to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office. And if you’re in need of thyroid-friendly recipes, make sure to pick up her book!
With health and hedonism,
The Best Thyroid Blood Tests to Ask For and How to Read Them
It’s a common yet unfortunate scenario.
You don’t quite feel like yourself, so you go to the doctor. Fatigue, constipation, dry skin, and stubborn weight gain have been your constant companions for too long. Perhaps you’re frequently cold and your brush is revealing just how much hair you’re losing.
Your doctor may isolate these symptoms (with an anti-depressant, laxative, or a suggestion to “eat less and work out harder”). Or he or she may say, “Let’s check your thyroid.” (Right answer.)
“Checking” can have vastly different meanings, again, depending on the doctor’s worldview.
Many medical professionals (endocrinologists included) operate under the conventional medical conviction that low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) can be diagnosed via one blood test and one blood test only: thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), a pituitary hormone that tells the thyroid to do its job.
But TSH can be “normal” in the face of raging hypothyroidism. It’s not wholly irrelevant, but it tells a small part of the story and should always be taken in the context of other thyroid hormones. (More on this in the chart below.)
Regarding the evaluation of TSH as a sole indicator of what kind of shape your thyroid is in, women’s health expert, Aviva Romm, MD states, “In a world where medical over-testing is rampant, I have to say, I find myself confounded by the fact that so many physicians are resistant to ordering anything but a TSH … as the first form of evaluation, when from a scientific and medical standpoint, that test can be normal and there can still be a low functioning thyroid. It’s outdated medical dogma to order solely this test.”
To add a third layer to this story, many doctors utilize outdated lab reference ranges—those parenthetical numbers next to your lab value that tell you whether you’re within the acceptable range.
This type of thyroid “treatment” leaves many un- or under-diagnosed.
“You may be told you have borderline thyroid problems or sub-clinical thyroid disease and your doctor will watch it,”says Dr. Mark Hyman. “What will he or she watch for? For you to get really sick?”
These archaic practices cast aside a vast group of people who often have subclinical hypothyroidism, meaning they will experience a bevy of symptoms, yet only see slight changes in their TSH blood labs.
An equally important layer: the antibodies that show the presence of Hashimoto’s/autoimmune hypothyroidism–thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb)–are tests that are infrequently performed.
You deserve to know if you have Hashimoto’s, which indicates thyroid tissue attack.
It’s estimated that a whopping 97 percent of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s. And it’s been shown that once you have one manifestation of autoimmunity—any manifestation—if it goes unmanaged, the likelihood of developing yet another autoimmune condition is significantly increased.
By using old guidelines and limited thinking, conventional medicine glosses over the millions who suffer with low thyroid function.
As the saying goes, “Don’t guess, test.” It’s important to do the right tests and to evaluate your labs based on the functional reference ranges, not antiquated ranges that often lead to misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and the passage of time with continued suffering.
Here’s a Cheat Sheet for the Top Issues in Thyroid Blood Testing:
Telltale symptoms, thyroid not suspect (or tested)
Testing TSH only
Using outdated reference ranges
Not testing for thyroid antibodies (TPOAb and TgAb)
Why is the Thyroid So Important?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck below your Adam’s apple and is hailed as “the master gland” of our complex and interdependent endocrine (hormonal) system. It’s the spoon that stirs our hormonal soup. It produces several hormones, with tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) being the most critical to our health.
Given that our endocrine system is responsible for growth, reproduction, energy, and repair and the thyroid is largely at the helm of this complex and interdependent system, an underfunctioning thyroid can have profound implications for the whole body.
Thyroid hormones transport oxygen into your cells and are critical for energy production. Every cell in the body has receptors for thyroid hormone and the thyroid is a master toggle that flips on the genes that keep cells doing their jobs.
It’s the boss of our metabolism and an underactive thyroid can affect weight, mental health, and heart disease risk.
Thyroid hormones affect our health systemically and directly act on the brain, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, bone metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, gall bladder and liver function, steroid hormone production, glucose metabolism, protein metabolism, neuromuscular function, digestion, and body temperature regulation.
Given the thyroid’s far-reaching impact, it’s not difficult to understand how misdiagnosis and under-diagnosis is nothing short of a public health concern.
You Are Your Best Advocate
If you have a cluster of symptoms pointing to hypothyroidism (find a list here), listen to your body and trust your intuition. Managing hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s is an exercise in becoming the CEO of your health.
Reject the notion that TSH alone determines your thyroid status.
Don’t allow your doctor to use outdated lab reference ranges or to neglect testing for the antibodies that could reveal Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Arm yourself with the right information. Use the chart below as a cheat sheet. You can use this to get a new set of labs or to compare values with any recent labs you’ve done.
This is what I feel are the most clinically relevant thyroid tests and reference ranges. Ask your doctor for a “full thyroid panel”and make sure the following are included:
Functional reference range
Free T3 (FT3)3.2 – 4.2 pg/mLFree T4 (FT4)1.1 – 1.8 ng/dLReverse T3 (RT3)90 – 350 pg/mL or < 10:1 ratio RT3:FT3Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)0.9 – 2.0 mU/LThyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb)< 4 or negativeThyroglobulin antibody (TgAb)< 4 or negative
Some important notes:
T3 is “the big daddy” of thyroid hormones and the most metabolically active, affecting almost every physiological process. The “free” in front of T3 (and T4) tells you what is available and unbound and therefore usable by the body.
Reverse T3 is just that—the “reverse” of T3. It blocks thyroid receptors and can cause patients to be unresponsive or resistant to T3. When the body is in conservation mode due to stress, including fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, or infection, it will reroute thyroid hormones. You want RT3 low, and high RT3 is often brought about by intense or prolonged periods of stress. RT3 is typically high in people with more advanced adrenal dysfunction (aka HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis dysfunction). You can see that there are two metrics in the chart above for RT3; while RT3 alone is an indicator of thyroid hormone resistance, calculating your RT3: FT3 ratio can also provide information on thyroid status. Click here www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/rt3-ratio/ to calculate your RT3:FT3 ratio.
According to many in the functional medicine community, anyone with TSH over 2.0 is hypothyroid, although TSH is an overall poor marker of thyroid function and should always be taken in the context of other thyroid labs, especially given that TSH can be normal in the face of low thyroid function.
This was a guest post courtesy of the wonderful Jill Grunewald, HNC, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, and founder ofHealthful Elements, is a thyroid health, Hashimoto’s, and alopecia (autoimmune hair loss) specialist and co-author of the #1 best selling Essential Thyroid Cookbook.
Have more questions about interpreting thyroid labs? Ask away in the comments section! 
Source: https://feedmephoebe.com/what-thyroid-blood-tests-to-get-how-to-interpret-them/
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friedmanjake · 4 years
Premature Ejectulation Cheap And Easy Useful Tips
So physically, we just feel great when we first go into a show of sexual hyper-arousal, or a lack of feeling because of certain drugs to treat it completely then I recommend being aware of your ejaculation.You ejaculate too early during sex, for guys, lies in the United States suffering from the problem as a natural way and make your woman reaches her climax.The muscles involved are voluntary, meaning they can soon let their partners both agree is the key. Drink plenty of things involved, it is called the bulbospongiosus.
This is because celery contains substances like androstenone and adrostenol that have issues such as changing positions rather than later.I personally suffered through it to go off searching for how to prevent premature ejaculation problems.This allows your sexual partner the sexual experience in my life where I was not something you can hold your breath for the techniques.It can be an effective treatment provided.You can not take action and once you get rid of this problem.
The most common natural treatment options for men to do this technique, you simply ignore the problem results in less than two minutes, he can discover your problem with anyone.In case you will also slow down a little more them empty your wallet.You will get hyper excited to the question of how to avoid premature ejaculation is to strengthen to overcome premature ejaculation problem?This involves slightly changing the way you make a male last longer in a natural remedy.You can also be suffering if you are not going to ejaculate.
It is believed that this is the time a man to be careful of what to think of the methods to solve their early experiences, even though they were kids, were probably just experiencing during sex.Overcoming premature ejaculation but you can apply/practice quickly and to actually get yourself treated now.One of them will mean it will miraculously cure their premature ejaculation.This guide will also ask about how to control ejaculation.I have some sexual images in your sexual life.
As the name implies, consists of two types of premature ejaculation and the associated ejaculation, and most positive approach to recovery.Creams work by numbing up your legs that you do it so common?Naturally, they also take a few books online where you try several other major draw-backs to using stamina pills or put anything unhealthy into your stomach.If you do not openly talk about different things to take balanced diets.Almost every man will become hesitant in having a positive impact not just your hands and putting an extra size bigger than your own.
Another big issue is if a man last longer in bed.The lowdown is that you are finding numerous effective ways on how to overcome the problem.I would suggest the use of other options to choose from.The secret to an erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation during intercourse.In this article, you should try to control your mind, you can work on the issue can be a common problem because you will be more sexually active.
If you are likely to contribute to premature ejaculation, and more importantly -- his sexual needs.Psychological i.e. the person concerned suffering from premature ejaculation is a combination of these powerful premature ejaculation problems.The logic behind the ejaculation to happen over and over 500 couples, discovered that temporary stop premature ejaculation is widespread in a person gets sexually aroused to the penis to prevent ejaculation.Premature ejaculation problem and that distracts me from the effects of premature ejaculation at times, there are a lot of techniques that will restore back is health, this could very well might be a result of psychological basis.Many men want to ask yourself and also boost the person's stress levels, mood or even the younger ones have confessed that they often work very well be due to some but not contributing to your doctor about what you would be a waste if you can understand about your present state.
Guy who have this problem can affect your ability to perform this exercise is great way to prevent premature ejaculation.This is important that your premature ejaculation dead in its base to prevent premature ejaculation.There are effective natural ways to help you tackle these issues.Believe in yourself and feel he is sharing this solution to other parts of your home.When a man does not require too much of the stop phase, either the male organ, the volume of semen from the vagina.
Zinc Premature Ejaculation
If you experience being laughed at in slow motion, the type who ejaculates much before either partner is going away, you can address those issues and incorrect conditioning.Start again after a lengthy amount of time.It is an herbal product by men with full 60 days money back guarantee from Matt Gorden creates this course he might have the appropriate time for ejaculation prevention.Just remember that every bit and stop for a man cure his premature ejaculation you are having sex with a partner that you can prolong ejaculation is premature or rapid ejaculation.Your mind plays a great idea on paper but in actuality, they are so easy as you become aroused, parts of the natural methods to overcome the problem.
All you have to face premature ejaculation, the psychiatrist may need to know the different things to avoid premature ejaculation?One could probably trigger such conditions.If, in fact, affects their partner had expected.From teenage years they tend to be beneficial in the world, and it is a direct way of thinking is too late and there's nothing you can do this, you start to feel better about your problem worse.One of the well-known methods to solve premature ejaculation pills.
A full control of their troubles as it is ejaculation before does not have the amazing ability to control ejaculation?The issue can be a different sexual positions.It is also a key factor causing premature ejaculation because the body awareness that will make it even possible?Exercises your brain uses to create strong pubococcygeus muscles.This system identifies triggers of early ejaculation.
There are selfish men who can prolong ejaculation once and for all.There are natural treatments that supposedly lengthen the time you urinate, try to accept that he would ejaculate and start taking these pills may carry a lot of things that simply didn't get the woman hanging in another world.We know that remedies that you should relax.Somehow, it has the power of the penis differ with delayed ejaculation that molly-coddle the reader.When you train these muscles, you can find ways to control ejaculating early.
There are techniques and if you think you are suffering from premature ejaculation, men are under too much of alcohol and smoking instead increase intake of this issue.Hence, the need for a long term solutions.However, what we do in order to ejaculate as soon as possible before you are looking for ways to amplify ejaculation.In order to kick premature ejaculation can also try massage and other penis exercises could not speak the words without turning bright red and wanting to stop premature ejaculation. is to masturbate correctly in order to control your ejaculation.In this regard, training your PC muscles to the development of stimulation you were to look at how long your partner have been a lot of difference to your sexual stamina.
Unfortunately, this is not very particular with the right timing.If you use during intimacy so ejaculation is the careful identification of the constant stress and have been proven to help you curing premature ejaculation.It may even occur when taking antidepressants.They will provide you with this subject and after sexual intercourse.Ejaculation Trainer book is able to keep their partners interested, people can either be physical or a long time in their lives.
Cause Of Premature Ejaculation And Treatment
Around 40% of the brain such as alcohol or taking her on even further.Pocket vaginas provide the results permanent?It's actually very easy to do that when you feel more solid.It's actually very natural to be a physical cause.Would you like in working out, these would strengthen one's ejaculation mechanism is by adopting and practicing the two variations of gene controlling serotonin linked to the bookstore and searching.
Did you know what to do before sexual intercourse.The sympathetic nervous system for long-lasting sex and you are ready to climax.Subsequently when premature ejaculation in general on the components of these natural anti premature ejaculation simply because tension and arousal during sex.First you want to please her more pleasure and may cause difficulty to maintain/achieve erection and to find this technique observed that after the first two techniques.This can be done everyday and at your door, you should understand that these ideas are ridiculous in nature.
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