queenhera1 · 2 months
What a wonderful day to have eyes 😋
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In honor of @iminlovewithpaigebueckers gracing us or whatever🫡😝
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queenhera1 · 3 months
Drake’s heart was broken. It seemed that his secret lover didn’t truly love him. It was only evident with the lyrics he published. Even now, as he gripped the wheel and pressed the gas pedal harder, the lyrics boomed out of his car stereo.
Why you trollin’ like a bih? Ain’t you tired? Tryin’ strike a chord and it’s probably A minorrrrrrr
Drake quickly snapped the stereo off.
Why would Kendrick say such a thing about him? Drake thought that when J. Cole had called them the big three that it was a good thing. But it seemed Kendrick had some things to get off his chest. However, Drake didn’t know why he decided to make his secret burning hatred of him public. Especially after all those sweet times Drake had spent with Kendrick. His favorite being the romantic private dinner cruise on the Seine at sunset. But, as Drake thought about more and more of their dates, he realized that they had never shared a kiss between them. Not even a peck. The closest was always when Kendrick would kiss the top of his hand before and after dates and Drake would go home and kiss the same exact places Kendrick had.
Finally, he made it to LAX airport. He pushed past a crowd of Kendrick fans who had recognized him. Dozens of phones pushed into his face and people laughing at him and singing along to those horrible and untrue lyrics. BBL Drizzy this, A minor that. Still, he tried his best to push past them. Though he could tell that news had already spread that he was at the airport and since his flight wouldn't board for another 4 or 5 hours he would be stuck here getting calledBBL Drizzy and worse.
Drake wasn’t wrong about the news spreading fast. All the way across town, Kendrick paced in his studio. He wanted badly to publish an anti-diss track. One that would show how sorry he was to Drake and for destroying him through the thing that connected them the most, music. However, he knew his fanbase. If he backtracked now, he would be seen as weak and his career would be over. The more he paced, the more he realized he would have to pick between his two loves; rap or Drake. The decision would be one of his hardest yet.
It was in the middle of his pacing when his closest friend, Leland (or more commonly known as Metro Boomin) burst in.
“Yo, Kendrick! Have you seen TheShadeRoom’s latest post? Apparently Drake has been spotted at the airport.” He announced in a quiet tone after closing the door. Kendrick’s face dropped in horror as his head snapped up to see if he heard Metro correctly.
“At the airport?” He asked, clarifying.
“Yea, he had his suitcases and everything. Suitcases looked big. He might be gone for a while. Might disappear to the same island in the Caribbean where Tupac is hiding.” Metro looked at him, serious concern showing in his eyes. He paused and continued. “What will you do?”
“I have to apologize.” He said before snatching up his jacket and phone and rushing out.
Kendrick had made it to the airport in less than an hour and a half. He knew he ran a couple red lights and he would bribe the judges for those later. But right now, he had only one thing on his mind. Or rather one person on his mind. Kendrick rushed through the airport, using fans’ posts as a way to track his love down.
Eventually he found him. Drake was standing in the middle of a coach, glancing over the bags. It was a sight to behold. Kendrick could tell he was crying, but he still looked as beautiful as ever. He slowly walked into the store and called out to him.
Drake tensed up, terrified. Slowly he turned and that's when he saw him. His heart skipped a beat. Even now as he was supposed to be upset and angry and hurt at the man in front of him, he couldn’t. He still loved this man. But the betrayal did sting.
“What do you want, K Dot?” He said, trying to put as much venom in his voice as possible. He watched him up and down, and he could tell he just came from a studio session.
“You.” Kendrick said in a hushed tone, moving closer.
Drake raised an eyebrow and took a step back. “Excuse me?”
Kendrick cleared his throat and spoke louder. “You. I want you. I only want you. I’m sorry for the things I said. It was just the music. I wanted to be legendary. I didn't want to just be the “Big 3”, I wanted to be number 1 and I thought I could prove I was number one by initiating a rap battery amongst us. Before I knew it, J. Cole dropped out and it was me against you. I realize that I hurt you and knowing that I hurt you, agonized me. I'm truly and wholeheartedly sorry. I will even give up my music to prove it to you. Just how sorry I am.”
Drake's eyes started to well up but he quickly stopped them away and sniffed.
“You really, REALLY, hurt me, Baka.” He said softly, the tears coming back to threaten to fall down his cheeks.
“I know and I'm really sorry. But I will do everything in my power to prove to you how sorry I am. And if you never forgive me or want to talk to me again, then that will be fine. I deserve it.”
The world seemed to pause as neither of the two continued to talk. They stared at each other for a while. There was no movement in the Coach outlet. Everyone seemed to have been holding their breath and holding up phones. Then suddenly, Drake dropped his luggage and Kendrick took that as his cue. The dark skinned shorter male stepped forward and took the other's face gently in one hand and snaked the other around his waist. He pulled him closer and hesitantly pulled his face closer, giving Drake ample opportunity to pull away.
He didn't, and so Kendrick closed the gap, his lips locking with Drake's soft juicy ones. A burst of applause and cheer erupted in the airport, but he didn't care. All he cared about was the kiss. Oh, how long did he want to do that? Since he first met him.
He felt Drake deepen the kiss and so he opened his lips partly and caught Drake's bottom lip in between his teeth. He softly played around with it before pulling back and gazing into his love’s eyes.
“I love you. So much. I'm so sorry for everything. I hope one day… one day you can forgive me.” He whispered.
Drake smiled and whispered back “I already do.”
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queenhera1 · 3 months
Nah lemme stop. I accidentally sent a draft of the fanfic I'm writing to my mom
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queenhera1 · 3 months
I'm not sorry... for what I'm about to do
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queenhera1 · 3 months
I keep forgetting I can be unhinged here no one will know. What are they gonna do, luck me up? Wait-
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queenhera1 · 1 year
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imagine if plagg just revealed his true form on a whim whenever he felt like it
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queenhera1 · 1 year
Links to my Stories
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queenhera1 · 1 year
Why are you so hot
Thank you, but kindly reconsider
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queenhera1 · 1 year
I Can Be A Better Boyfriend(NSFW)
AniraWattsonxOliviaJacobs(FxF)(Pillow Princess)(Oc x Oc)
Word Count: 3,538
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I leaned against the wall and scanned the room. The music was pounding so loudly that I could see the vibrations in my cup. 
Sweaty bodies littered the dance floor and it sort of annoyed me. It was worse when someone would come up to me and try to strike up a dry conversation only for it to lead to them asking me if "should we find a more quiet place to get to know each other better."
I must've changed places about 5 times before I finally ended up here, next to the punch bowl which was probably, no, more than likely spiked on my way out the backdoor and to my jeep to leave. The party seemed to have been getting slower anyways. I wasn't even there for more than 2 seconds when I heard a cough. Annoyed, I looked over but that annoyance soon melted away when I saw who it was.
Olivia stood there on the other side of the room with a red cup in hand looking out at the sea of hormonal teenagers.
I have had a crush on Olivia since 6th grade. She was nice to everyone and at first, I wasn't buying it until she saw me at school by myself one day an hour after school and clubs were leaving. Olivia decided to sit on the swings with me and we talked about a show I was in love with. She listened to me ramble and right when I was beginning to feel guilty for being the sole one talking, she continued my rambling. Ever since that day, I've been admiring her from afar. 
Now here she was, at this house party seemingly alone. Her eyes were glued to her phone, but I could see that she was just aimlessly scrolling on her phone. 
Seeing my chance, I sat up straight, fixed my clothes, and walked over. She didn't even notice me until I spoke up. 
"Hey, Olivia." I spoke up. She jumped and looked up at me. The anxiety that was painted on her face quickly disappeared and she smiled sheepishly at me.
"Oh, Anira." She quickly stuffed her phone in her jeans pocket and turned to face me, the fake butterflies in her hair bouncing along with her curls.
I felt my heart skip. You see, I and Olivia weren't necessarily normal friends. She was popular. Popular as in being the girl who is kind to everyone and helps people out when they need it. Of course, it helped that she was dating the star basketball player, whom I just noticed that I haven't seen at all at this party, which was weird because he always knew how to make his presence known whether you liked it or not.
"I didn't know you were here." I stated as nonchalantly as I could. "Is Nathan here as well?" I began to look towards the pool of dancing teens, searching for Nathan. 
“Yea, he is…” I heard her say, although her voice was very soft, I wasn't sure if I really heard her.
“Where is he?” I asked, getting more concerned. I turned to look back at her and noticed her face had fallen into sadness.
She shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know. He said he was just going to go say hi to his basketball buddies, but that was almost two hours ago. Honestly, if he wasn’t my ride home, I would’ve already left.” She sighed sadly.
I stuffed my hands in my pocket, mentally preparing myself for my next step. “Well, I could drive you home.” I offered. She looked up at me but her eyes stopped on my red solo cup. “Oh this is just water to get people to leave me alone.” I explained and leaned it forward for her to smell it. She did and even made sure to look inside.
“Are you sure it’s alright? I wouldn’t want to ruin your night or your fun.” I waved her off.
“Don’t worry. I was about to leave anyway. I stopped when I heard your cough and decided to come check on you. You didn’t seem like you were having much fun either.” I reassured her. Her smile returned to her face and she nodded. 
"Well, then let's go." I returned her smile and led her out to my jeep.
The car ride was a bit entertaining. She sang along to the radio as she gave me instructions to her house. 
"You're such a dork." I told her at one point and she just laughed in response. 
However, the fun didn't last long. Olivia's phone started to ding incessantly. She looked down and the way her face dropped told me everything I needed to know, but I still wanted to check on her.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I gave a quick glance in her direction. She shook her head before furiously typing into her phone and throwing it on the dashboard like it was a flaming piece of coal.
"Nothing." She said simply, crossing her arms. She didn't speak again for the rest of the drive unless it was giving me directions. 
I knew it was Nathan. No one knew why, but we all knew there was some trouble in paradise. Of course, there were rumors. He was cheating. She was lackluster in bed. He was gay. She was too kind to everyone. He was a lizard alien sent from a different planet to invade planet earth and she found out.
I finally turned down her cul-de-sac and pulled into her driveway. It was quiet for a second as she just sat there. I didn’t know what to do. I had already asked if she was okay and she didn’t want to tell me. I needed to respect her privacy and stay out of it. 
After what seemed like a lifetime, she heaved a sigh and turned to me. 
“Thank you again for dropping me off.” She said and unbuckled her seatbelt and before I knew it she was out of the car. I was planning on waiting until she was in the house, but she had paused right in front of my jeep and stood there for a second before turning. She came to my side of the car and knocked on the glass. I rolled down the window for her and asked what was up.
“Would you maybe, I mean you don't have to, but would you want to come in? I don’t really have much to do and I would like to just hang out for a bit more. The night is still young after all.” 
I thought about it for only a second before I turned off my car and unbuckled my seatbelt. Smiling, Olivia opened up my car door and I stepped out, following her to the front door and then inside. 
Walking into the foyer, I noticed that everything was nice and neat. Nothing looked out of place. I whistled as I noticed a tall vase right next to the staircase.
"This is nice! It don't smell like roaches or anything." I joked, causing her to burst into a laugh. I smiled as she did, glad that her negative mood was fading.
"Here. Up this way is my room." She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.
We walked down a long corridor until we came across a door that was decorated with wrapping paper and a whiteboard along with other deco. She opened the door and ushered me in. 
"Wow, this is-" I started but she cut me off, smirking.
"If you say the meme again, I am seriously going to throw you out the window." She warned and plopped down on her bed. I followed suit, however, when I did, it caused her to fly off the bed a little and land next to me. I saw her blush momentarily, though it was hard to tell from, the dim light and melanin-filled skin.
"I was going to say amazing." And it was. She had a platform bed right next to her window. It was littered with fiction books and notebooks. Her walls were cluttered with posters of cartoons and animals. And her ceiling? Her ceiling was my favorite part.
"You like the galaxy lights on the ceiling?" She asked when I was staring up at them too long. I nodded and she smiled. "Yea, me too… Nathan says they are childish though. Like a night light, mainly because I leave it on when I'm falling asleep. I quite literally can not sleep in the dark by myself anymore because of it." She laughed but it sounded strained. I was slowly getting annoyed the more she talked about Nathan. I wasn't annoyed with her. I was annoyed with him.
"Man, honestly, I know yall are dating and shit, but fuck him. He honestly and truly do not deserve you. He left you at a party in the corner by yourself and is criticizing your likes. He is doing less than the bare minimum of being a boyfriend. It's ridiculous, even I could be a better boyfriend than him." I ranted off.
"Then be one." She said softly. A surge of emotions ran through my head. Anger soon melted into surprise, astonishment, confusion, and finally hope.
"H-huh?" I asked. I wanted clarification. I needed her to confirm what I had hoped she meant. 
"Be a better boyfriend to me than him." I searched her eyes and I couldn’t find any humor in them. They were dark and they burned into me. 
Slowly, I nodded and reached out for her. My hand immediately found her wrist and I pulled her into my lap. Instantly, her arms wrapped around my neck and my hands wrapped around her waist. I saw her eyes dart from my eyes and down to my lips and I took that as my final invitation. I closed my eyes and leaned in, meeting her lips halfway.
Straight away, she pressed her body into mine as we kissed. Her lips tasted sweet like strawberries or honey and were soft and plump, almost like I was kissing two marshmallows. Her kiss was hungry and almost starved but still gentle. I tried to pull her even more into me so that there was no space between us.
Her taste wasn't the only sense that allured me. Her scent was all around me. The smell of something like syrup or brown sugar filled my nose. My fingers traced along the soft and smooth skin of her midriff and stomach. It made me want to hold her even more and feel her all over. Even the sounds she made enticed me more and more. She moaned into our kiss. They were soft and sweet to my ears and confirmed that this was alright.
A few minutes into the kiss, I picked her up and turned us around to where she was laying on her back and I hovered above her. In the whole flip, our lips never left each other. As soon as I had changed our position, Olivia’s legs wrapped around me and I pulled her closer to me. Her hands left their position behind my neck to start combing their way through my locs. Just the way her fingers felt in my head turned me on even more.
I sat up and started to take off my shirt. As I tossed it to the side, I looked back to Olivia. During our makeout, her fluffy hair had come out of her two space buns and was now messily spread around her like a halo. She watched me intently, her eyes full of lust and admiration. Her eyes scanned me from my hair, which fell messily around me, to my eyes and face, then down to my breast and then my waist.
I leaned back down to start leaving a small trail of kisses along her cheek and then her neck. I had reached a spot below her ear and a soft hitch in her breath let me know that she loved that spot so I continued to focus on that spot. I only paused when she started to take off her top and throw it to the side.
I gave a small whistle to say how absolutely perfect her breast looked in her lacy pink bra and she blushed in response. Olivia turned her head to look up at me and I leaned back in to kiss her lips softly before going back to the sweet spot on her neck. One hand went around her breast and softly squeezed and groped while the other hand hesitantly made its way to her skirt. Flipping the skirt up, I held my fingers right before her core, unsure if I had permission to continue.
I didn't need to ask, however, as she pushed herself against my fingers. I gave her what she wanted and started to play with her.
First I ran my middle finger over the dip in her panties slowly, letting the wetness slowly spread before pulling the annoying fabric out of the way. My fingers quickly found her clit and I started to play with it. Her moans were gradually getting louder and louder the more I did. I could see her reaching for something to hold before gripping the sheets.
I continued to rub her, slowly and gradually Speeding up. Eventually, she got so wet that my fingers just slipped in. This elicited a gasp from her. This excited me and caused me to Start pumping my fingers in and out of her. Although I started off slowly, My movements inside of her still made a lot of noise. The wet noises mixed with her moans were like music to my ears. I wanted her and I wanted her to know that I wanted her. I eventually added a second finger.  Me pumping two fingers in was obviously heavenly for her. Her moans were now ringing throughout the room and quite possibly the house. Her inner walls started to squeeze around my fingers.
"Are you already so close?" I asked, intentionally making my voice lower and more seductive. I looked up at her and saw her sweating and biting my lip. I let out a loose chuckle and kissed her cheek. 
"It's alright, Olivia. You can finish in my hand." I cooed into her ear. As if she was waiting for my permission, a burst of fluid rushed out of her and into my hand. The fluid coated my hand nicely and I slowed down, eventually stopping. I pulled my fingers out and held them between us. The mess coated my fingers and left strings when I pulled my fingers apart. Watching her, I opened my mouth and placed my fingers inside. I started to suck the stickiness off my fingers, moaning at how good it tasted. 
"You taste amazing. Allow me to clean you off." I pushed off of her and went lower. Lifting her legs onto my shoulders, I moved closer and gently breathed on her core. She shivered with delight and I took that as my cue to start.
Teasingly, I pressed my nose into her and inhaled her scent. She smelled as sweet as she tasted. I stuck my tongue out and pressed it against her clit before capturing it between my lips and sucking softly. 
"You are going to make me cum again." Olivia moaned out. I gained control of myself and started to lick the sticky mess from her thighs and labia, occasionally going inside
as well. Pretty soon, She was cleaned up for the most part and I climbed back onto her bed next to her and pulled her into a cuddle.  A small gasp escaped her lips and I looked at her.
"What's the matter?" I asked. She turned to face me.
"Well, what about you?" She asked, her voice incredibly soft like a blanket. I shook my head and kissed her forehead.
 "Next time," I answered. "You needed stress relief and also an example of how a boyfriend should treat you. You deserve to be treated like an empress."  she nodded and buried her face into my chest.
It was quiet for a while. The only sound was our soft breathing as we lay there in the dark holding each other. Everything was right and peaceful and I didn't want this to end.
But sadly, it did.
After a couple minutes, Olivia's phone lit up and her ringtone started to play. Curiosity got the better of me, so as she turned to see who was ringing, I took a small peek. I instantly regretted it as I read the name. It was Nathan.  It wouldn't have upset me so much if I didn't realize the lime green heart next to his name.
As she read the name, I heard her groan. She turned to face me and her face had her apologies written all over it.
"Sorry, I have to take this." She said before sitting up and answering. I just laid back and watched as she began the conversation.
"Hello?" She asked. Nathan was so loud that I heard his responses.
"Where are you?"
"I'm alright. Thank you."
"I'm glad to hear that, but I asked where you were. I'm back in the kitchen and I don't see you."
"That's because I'm not there."
"Therefore, I am asking for your location, Olivia."
"I went home Nate."  I could hear annoyance seeping into her tone. She was angry. I didn't blame her. He did ditch her immediately for his friends, and from the way she told me earlier, it sounded like it wasn't the first time either.
"Bullshit. I'm your ride. Who gave you a ride?" He asked, a bit too aggressively for my taste. I sat up and crawled behind Olivia. I pulled her into my lap and rested my head on her neck. I could feel the tension slowly escape as she continued to talk. 
"It doesn't matter who, all that matters is that I got home safe. Thanks for asking by the way."
 A loud groan came out from the phone and I instinctively glared at the phone.
"I'm sorry for being worried about my girlfriend when I suddenly couldn't find her where I last saw her when I was expecting her to still be there. These guys are sick. There's no telling what one could do. They could've kidnapped you and… I don't even want to think about it." His voice had softened and I could sense Olivia's guilt. I squeezed her a bit to ease it.
"Sorry… One of my girlfriends wanted to go home and offered to drive me. I'm safe in my bed."
"Okay. I'm just happy to hear that." There was a pause before he continued. " You're in bed, you say? Are you lonely? Would you like some company?" He asked, his tone turning flirty in a second. I rolled my eyes and slightly loosened my grip on Olivia. She immediately reached back down and made me wrap her in a hug again. At that moment, I felt secure. I gratefully placed a kiss on her cheek and then her neck. Her eyes fluttered close and I could see her trying to remain neutral.
"Mmmm. N-no, I'm alright. Just tired.  We need to talk tomorrow. For now, I need to get back to bed." 
"But Oliv-"
"Night, sweet dreams." With that, she hung up and tossed her phone on her windowsill. she sighed and turned, and buried herself in my chest again. I laid back, causing her to be laying on my chest.
"You okay?" I asked her, rubbing her bare back. She groaned and shook her head.
"No, not really. I'm going to break up with him tomorrow. Maybe, only if you'd like… maybe we could… try something out?"
I chuckled at her sudden shyness. I lifted her chin to make her look up at me and then I leaned in to kiss her lips gently. "I would be honored to be your girlfriend." I assured her and gave her a next kiss. "If you want, then I can also be there with you when you talk to him tomorrow." 
She shook her head and gave me a small smile. " Nah, I need to do this by myself.   I would be a coward if I had you there. Probably look like a jerk too. "
I nodded, understanding. "Well, I'll be nearby then." She nodded and then yawned, which caused me to yawn as well. "I'm tired. Can we sleep now?" 
She laughed and nodded. "Yes, We can… does that mean you want to sleepover?"
I sat up and went to grab a shirt for her to sleep in. I pulled it over her head and started to head under the covers, pulling her with me. "Does this answer your question?" She nodded and reached for her phone. I closed my eyes to rest as she started scrolling through her phone. After a few minutes, some soft instrumental music began to play and she huddled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her as I listened to her hum softly until I fell asleep.
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queenhera1 · 2 years
My OCs
Hey, this will be edited a lot over time as I add more and more, so don't forget to check back from time to time. Descriptions are coming soon.
Anira Wattson Olivia Jacobs Joseph Malloy Nathan Jackson
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queenhera1 · 2 years
Heyyy mamas how u doin
Heyyy, im good and u babes?
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queenhera1 · 2 years
Late Night Bake(NSFW)
Futa!Luisa(top) x Reader(bottom) Word Count: 2028
Warnings: mommy/baby girl kink
I stood silently in the kitchen, letting the heat of the oven wash over me. Everyone was already asleep for the night and I should've been too, but I was craving a late night snack. I had made sure to not wake Luisa when I snuck out of the bed. The strawberry bread I was baking filled my nostrils gently and I found myself closing my eyes. 
A couple minutes had passed when I felt arms slowly wrapped around my waist. I jumped, but a soothing familiar voice shushed me. I looked up to see Luisa and immediately a tired smile formed on my lips.
"What's mommy's little girl doing down here all by herself?" She cooed softly in my ear. I moaned softly and turned to face her. 
"I was hungry, so I'm making some strawberry bread." I answered her, reaching up to kiss her chin. She chuckled softly and the sound was enough to have Niagara Falls delivered to my underwear. Still, I hid it.
"You know, I'm pretty hungry too," She stated and I piped up, glad that in my sleepy state I had accidentally made more than enough for me.
"I made enough to share," I smiled proud of myself, but immediately it fell slightly as she laughed again. 'What's so funny?” Does she know I had made extra on accident?
"I don't mean hungry for food," She said, her tone dropping low and gravely. I pouted, confused as to what she meant. However that confusion soon left when, in one quick motion, I was picked up and placed on the counter. My eyes went wide as her hands immediately found their place around my neck and she squeezed gently. She knew her strength so she made sure she was always extra careful with me. I let out a small squeak as I was suddenly wide awake and present. She chuckled almost mockingly at my stature and it seemed to turn her on. My eyes darted down to her sweatpants, the imprint of her bulge clearly visible. 
She leaned in and slowly started to kiss my neck, moving her hands to my waist. My eyes fluttered close and small moans began to fill the air. In an instant, Luisa covered my mouth with her large strong hands and as I opened my eyes in confusion, I saw her place her finger on her own lip before slowly putting it on mines.
"Don't wake up mi familia~" She whispered, her smile half twisted in a smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing and I didn't hate it. No. I loved it.
I gave a gentle nod and her smirk turned into a sly grin. Without giving me time to respond or even blink, her hands were in my pajamas pants. I felt as her fingers lightly trace over the line of my mound, repeatedly going up and down. She was treating me to my very core. Quite literally too. Shivers run down my spine and I wanted so badly to moan her name out, but her kiss was muffling the sound. 
I was too distracted by her magic finger, that I hadn't even noticed that my pants were missing and Luisa had stopped kissing me to stoop lower. I only noticed when she slowly and gently pushed me back so that I was laying on the counter. 
She caressed my thighs before pulling my panties down to my ankles and dragging her middle finger down my slit until it reached my entrance. Instead of inserting it all the way, Luisa inserted only the tip of her finger in and slowly pulled in and out. It forced me to think only of that spot which drove me wild. 
"Y-you're doing this on purpose," I whispered, my teeth gritted together because I knew that if it wasn't, I would be moaning this house down.
"Mhm? Oh am I, cariño? I'm sorry, I didn't notice. I was too distracted by how beautiful your sounds are," I didn't even need to look up at her to know that she was grinning. I felt as she placed her thumb on top of my clit and I immediately bit my lip. She pressed gently into it and started to massage it as she continued to finger me with only her finger tip. "Is this better, my sweet Y/N?" She stood up, still teasing me effortlessly, placed her knee up in the counter next to me, and watched me intently as I squirmed with pleasure under her. 
I was just getting used to it when she tsked and paused, causing me to open my eyes. I looked up at her confused, but she just leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Its adorable that mommy's baby girl is content with that. Let's see what happens when I do this,"
Before I could question anything, her finger slipped all the way. She began thrusting her finger into me, letting it curve and then straighten out as she pulled her finger in and out. Before I knew it, another thick skilled finger joined, curling and uncurling in alternating turns with the other finger. Her thumb was still pressed on my clit which moved along with the two fingers. I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming out her name. 
Luisa soon changed from my cheeks to my neck. Delicately, she ran her lips and nose over the skin of my neck until eventually she found my favorite spot. I tilted my head to give her more access and immediately, she took that as it's rightful invitation.
Instantly, loose skin was held tightly, yet carefully, between her teeth. She let it go and went back for it again, this time sucking softly and then a little harder, all the while still pumping her fingers into me. I could feel- and hear- how wet I was down there as Luisa continued. I didn't even know one could get that wet. However, that thought didn't last long as I felt something build up in my lower abdomen. I bit my lip and reached up to hold on to Luisa. 
"I-i'm about to..." I started but she kissed me softly. She didn't give up or even slow down. Instead, she continued on a little faster and rougher until eventually I felt myself start to quiver. It started with my thighs and soon spiraled to the rest of my body. I held on tight to her as finally it all came crashing down. My legs instantly wrapped around Luisa and my back arched as my orgasm finally came. My vision gave out for a moment and I felt my mouth open wide. My toes curled and my grip around Luisa tightened. Bounds of pleasure shot through my body starting with my pussy and reaching outwards to my stomach, fingertips, toes, and all the way up to the crown of my head. My fluids shot out around Luisa's fingers, coating them in a warm and sticky mess.
Eventually, my orgasm finished but Luisa kept on. Due to me already cumming, I was already extremely sensitive. Luisa's sly smirk soon dropped and she slowed down slightly. She looked at me, her voice filled with concern and worry.
"I-is this alright?" She asked and my heart immediately melted.  I nodded and looked up into her big beautiful brown eyes. Her gaze seemed to soften and she sped back up. Immediately, my legs begin to quiver again and my eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy. Luisa's lips took their place again on my neck, but this time they traveled down to my collarbone. Small moans escaped my lips and it was taking everything in me to keep them small. 
I was only able to get a break when she pulled away. I whimpered softly and looked up at her only to realize why. Luisa stood in front of me, slowly stroking her member with one hand as she watched me and a red long ribbon in her other. My face heated up and as soon as she saw me flushed, Luisa gave off a soft chuckle. She came closer, lifted me into a sitting position, and wrapped the ribbon around my eyes.
I bit my lip as my entire vision was now blacked out. I couldn't see a thing, but I could feel Luisa moving around. I felt as she gingerly placed her hands on either of my shoulders and slowly dragged her fingers down all the way to my palms. I felt as she intertwined her fingers in mine. And I felt as she quickly lifted my hands up. I let out a small surprised huff as a smooth silky texture wrapped itself around my  wrist.
"Luisa..." Something, I'm assuming her finger, pressed against my lips and she shushed me.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll be really gentle with you." She said in a soft voice. So I waited. She laid me back down and rested her hands on my thighs and began rubbing them. She paused for a moment and it seemed like a lifetime of anticipation. 
Eventually I felt her pull me down from the counter and turned me around, laying my upper body across the counter again.  Excitedly, I spread my legs further apart for her. She grabbed my ass before rubbing the tip of her dick along my slit. I took a deep breath before slowly she allowed herself to slide into me. We both let out a sigh at the same time before she slowly started to pump her thick shaft into me. Soon enough, however, she sped up and soon our quiet and soft moans mixed together, as did our fluids.
She ran her hand down my spine before stopping at my ass and giving it a good squeeze. I felt her lean down and leave kisses all over my back.
My sense of sight being gone caused the others to heighten. Especially my feeling since I was still so sensitive down there from orgasming. I could feel each inch of her as she slid in and out, rubbing against my g spot and hitting my cervix. Each thrust caused a new sound to leave my lips. Each thrust caused a new sound that I didn't even know I could make. 
"Luisa~" I moaned, but she tsked. 
"Not my name, sweetheart. You know what to call me." She huffed out. I nodded and corrected myself. 
"Yes, sweatheart?" She asked softly, her pace still the same.
"I-it feels so good." I answered.
"I'm glad. Continue making those sexy sounds and I'll give you a treat." She promised and I nodded. 
My moans and grunts resumed. The pleasure was so great and overwhelming that after a few minutes I felt myself  get ready to orgasm again.
Luisa must've known too because she immediately stopped right when I was ready, causing me to lose it. She tsked and when it seemed I had calmed down, she lifted my right leg up on the counter and continued pounding into me. She reached around and covered my mouth with one of her hands and I could tell it was the same one that was inside me mere minutes ago.
"Not too loud, cariño. We wouldn't want Delores to know what was going on down here, now would we?" I shook my head and she laughed. "Good girl. Your prize is coming soon."
After a few more minutes of feeling Luisa's thick shaft pounding and exploring every inch of me, my quivers returned. I began to start panting. I gripped the edge of the counters until my knuckles were taut around the bone. In time, my orgasm came and again arrows of pleasure shot through my body. Just when I thought that was the end, Luisa grunted and gave me a quick shoulder kiss before saying:
"Here is your prize. Take all of it."
In that instant two things happened. 
1. Her thick warm cum shot through me, coating my inside in her thick seed. It didn't bother me since I was taking the pill.
2. The rooster timer dinged, telling me that my strawberry bread was done.
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queenhera1 · 2 years
Fandoms I Am In
Gravity Falls
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Owl House
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian
Market Of Monsters
She Ra
On My Block
Demon Slayer
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Big Mouth
Total Drama Island
Camp Cretaceous
Umbrella Academy
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queenhera1 · 2 years
bury a friend
Warning: contains implied self harm
I sat down in a chair in the dark room. The only light was that of the full moon. I glanced over to the bed and saw the Halo of blonde hair sprawled out on the pillow. The owner snored lightly.
I got up and got a closer look at her. Jezzie Adams. I reached out and brushed a lock of hair out of her face. She stirred and sat up. I took a step back, worried.
She glanced around her room and finally her eyes landed on me.
"Jacob?" She muttered. Her silver eyes glittered softly... Wait... We're those tears.
I moved closer and sat on her bed. I reached out to her. She rested her cool head in my open palm.
"I-I... They said I can't see you anymore. That i-its not safe or allowed." She muttered. I instantly pulled my hand back. Her eyes fluttered open and she glared at me. "You can't leave me again!" Her face soften, however, when she noticed I flinched. "I'm shitty. I'm sorry. Just stay with me right now." She begged, tugging on my shirt sleeve.
I nodded. "Just until morning. After that..."
"I know, I know..." She smiled softly and moved closer to me. For a split second, I saw the marks on her wrists and I stifled a sob and looked away, but she was oblivious.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked and she just shook her head.
We sat in silence for a while with her laying her head on my shoulder. She finally sighed and I looked down.
"Sleepy?" I asked. She shook her head.
"No... Just... Aren't you afraid of me?" I looked to her and cocked my head.
"What do you mean?" I asked. She looked at me sadly.
"Before... I dragged you into of a lot of stuff... I even almost got us killed multiple times. You said so before. That you was terrified to be with me... Why... Why are you here now?" She asked. I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from crying.
'Does she really not know?' I thought to myself.
"It's complicated." I answered. I looked out the window and noticed the sun slowly creeping up. She noticed too. She sighed once more and looked at me.
"Well, I guess it's time to go." She muttered. I smiled sadly down at her.
"Can I have one last kiss?" I asked and shook her head no.
"It's not going to be emotionally right for us." I shrugged.
"So?" I challenged. She just chuckled and looked me square in the eyes.
"Alright." We both leaned in until our lips barely touched each other's. I closed my eyes and let myself dissolve into the kiss... Until I couldn't feel her soft cool lips anymore. I opened my eyes to an empty bed.
Sighing, I got up and walked out the door where my friends were waiting for me.
"So... How did it go? You saw her?" One asked.
"Yea..." I said and both of my friends raised their eyebrows. "She didn't know she was dead..."
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