#unfortunately shes not gonna be in the mad mew mew form
98chao · 1 year
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part 23748234182942932 of me spriting things for something that's never going to exist (i don't know how to code)
(more info under cut bc my thoughts were so long i didnt wanna bloat the tags)
so i had the stupid idea to write the "deltarune" and "undertale" logos in each others fonts, and then it spawned this whole other idea of an au game of deltarune characters in the undertale premise.
it would take place around the same time as the actual deltarune, just a couple years in the future (so still the 2000's) meaning humans don't have mages anymore, so rather than being sealed underground the monsters just seek refuge inside the mountain. though, this time the monsters do actually have magic, otherwise the battles wouldn't work :P.
since they were just living in a town, i imagine the monsters don't have a king, but since asgore was the police chief he'd probably be the "leader" of the underground since hes still an authority figure, and the royal guards would just be other characters on the force.
of course because this is DELTARUNE, there's going to be a ton of dark world stuff incorporated into it. i only sprited jevil and spamton (because i Love Them but i think everyone who's been seeing my art recently can tell that), but i plan on adding more darkners X) i just have to really consider who, i don't think ralsei will be here >_> i love him but i'm not sure how it would work since yknow... boss monsters. plus spade king and queen will probably be ruled out because there's no monarchy in this version of the underground.
actually going back to spamton, my idea was that he could take the place of mettaton, since mettaton doesn't have a robot form and alphys isn't a scientist, the idea was that he was a virus noelle accidentally "created" by clicking on a spam link that became self aware. she combined a chair with a monitor to give him a body, because he was trying to take over her home PC lol, but he doesn't have any of the features mettaton had in UT. also yeah he's gonna be in the spamton neo body, probably in genocide, or maybe for EX. idk yet. yeah this is all just a big reference to the fact that mettaton created the spamton neo body in deltarune LMAO. as for jevil... hes, uh... hes there! i don't know what i'm gonna do with him yet.
that's the most i'm willing to share at the moment X) don't get your hopes up though because the possibility of this becoming a real game is 0.0000001%. Coding is a nightmare and i genuinely can't wrap my head around it so that's never gonna happen! but to whoever is reading this i hope you find the concept at least a little bit interesting :]
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thismustbefakeme · 2 years
I Want To Hold Your Hand (END)
The Reader has a surprise for Bucky.
“Oh my god what am I going to do?” You gasped, panic flooding your system.
“I think you’re overreacting.” Sam replied sipping his iced latte.
“I am not!“
Sam gave you a pointed look, one brow arched across the top of his forehead, and you rolled your eyes in response. Sam went back to sipping his latte and you growled, throwing your hands up in exasperation at how unhelpful he was being in this situation.
Would it kill him to be a little supportive?
“OK! Maybe, yes I am overreacting. But what if I’m not? Bucky and I have never discussed this kind of thing. And we’ve only been dating for 6 months. For Christ’s sake! I just moved in with him- What if this is too soon? To much responsibility? What if—”
“Woah woah woah!” Sam interrupted your rapidly spiraling ramblings with two hands on either shoulder. His calming brown eyes focused on yours and he took an exaggerated breath in and then out.
“Take a breath.” He counseled, “It’s gonna be fine.”
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, “I’m so worried he’s going to be mad.”
“He won’t be. Underneath that tough and broody cyborg exterior, lies a real softy. Just tell him when he comes home. It will all work out.” Sam’s irritatingly rational advice started to calm your nerves, but the door opening sent you running behind the kitchen counter with a squeak.
Sam shook his head, retrieving his latte and began to retreat towards the entry where Bucky stood removing his coat and boots.
You watched, hands wringing each other as the two men greeted each other.
“See you both later.” Sam said waving his hand in your direction, and winking.
You flipped him off quickly and he laughed loudly, clapping Bucky on the back.
“Congrats man.” He said then he was out the door, leaving an obviously confused Bucky standing by the door.
“What did that mean?” He asked and you flushed, nerves going crazy.
Deep breaths. You can do this. Just tell him. Everything will be fine.
“Ok before you get mad at me!” You started, words tumbling out, “I am fully aware we have never discussed this kind of eventuality. And if you really--really aren’t happy, I’m sure I can figure something out. But you need to know, I have thought about this a lot.”
Bucky’s face was becoming more and more confused and concerned as you babbled, and you thanked him silently for letting you get it all out.
“And I know this is something we should have discussed as a couple, but….” You bent down, hands shifting in the cardboard box you had placed on the floor of the kitchen. When you stood, you held a tiny white kitten in the palm of your hand. It blinked blearily, shaking it’s head in annoyance at being awoken from its nap.
“You should know she and I have already formed a very profound bond.” You all but whispered, scratching the tiny kitten's head as you awaited Bucky’s response.
Bucky’s face was a blank canvas, showing zero emotion or reaction and you felt the anxiety inside your chest build. The ball of fluff in your hands let out a pitiful ‘mew’, and you shifted her to your shoulder. She deftly perched herself atop and nuzzled your ear before blinking back at Bucky.
“Please say something.” You begged.
“I love you.” Bucky laughed coming forward, around the counter in the kitchen, so he was up close to you both.
You looked up at him as he watched the kitten tilt her tiny head at him, and when he reached out his Vibranium hand she gracefully hopped off your shoulder and onto his with zero hesitation. Bucky chuckled, his grin lighting up his whole face and you felt relief flood through you.
“You aren’t mad?”
“Of course not, Doll.” Bucky replied, automatically. He bent down to kiss your forehead and went back to giving the kitten all his attention.
“God. Sam was right.” You muttered leaning back against the counter.
“Unfortunately, he does that sometimes.” Bucky replied absentmindedly as soft purrs filled the kitchen.
“You should name her.” You spoke up reaching out to stroke her soft fur as she continued to nuzzle against Bucky’s neck.
Bucky’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store, “Can I?”
“Of course! I’m the one who rescued an abandoned kitten and brought it home without asking. You should get the honor of naming her.”
Bucky was quiet a moment and picked her up beneath her front legs; holding her up so her could stare into her shining grey eyes. You couldn’t contain your smile as the two of them stared, unblinking.
“You’re seriously having a staring contest with a kitten.”
“I’m not! I’m trying to get a feel for her.” Bucky protested weakly.
“Sure.” You replied dubiously.
Bucky scoffed and rested the feline in the crook of his right arm, using his metal digits as a toy for her to swat at.
“I love it.” You responded, stroking her tail that rested over his arm.
“What are we going to do with her when we go on missions?” He asked and you gasped, not having thought about that. After a moment’s pause a sly grin spread across your face-
“Maybe Redwing has a cat-sitter setting.”
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pandadoesawrite · 6 years
retrouvailles: the happiness of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation. - panda. panda. write good family time with ghost cousins. do. it please.
ok this feels. very haphazard and i’m sorry for that but i’ve had this ghost reunion planned FOREVER. i just. mad mew made changed the game a little u gotta forgive me.
“Say, have we checked down this street yet?”
As if to answer his question, Napstablook phased out of a building down that particular road, and shook their head; Mettaton tapped his cheek in response, and the soft ‘clang!’ that followed seemed to echo throughout the Ruins. “Ah. Right… well, I suppose that’s it for this district.”
“You think we should go back over what we already covered?” As if to herald her arrival, Furi stumbled through a different alleyway, tripping over some long forgotten trash cans. Those crashes most definitely echoed in the empty town, and Mettaton had to wince from the sound. “You know how she is. Once she gets going, she could be anywhere!”
Mettaton sighed. It was poor manners for ghosts to question their own about their corporeality choices, and really, he was glad dear sweet Furi found a form she truly loved! He really was! He just… didn’t understand why it was THAT one, in particular. “Well, if nothing else, she’ll most definitely hear you, where ever she is.”
Furi squinted her eyes. It seemed slightly wrong, given how anime the eyes were. “Uhhhh. What’s THAT supposed to mean???”
“Darling, you’re tripping over everything.” He wasn’t trying to sound disproving--it wasn’t as though Mettaton hadn’t been there himself, years ago--but Furi was pushing herself too hard. That statue was so different from the dummy she’d been testing out before, and it was fairly clear she wasn’t allowing herself the proper time to grow into it.
“Finding Kazaa is important, of course, but don’t you think you should have… you know.” Mettaton gestured his hands helplessly. “Practiced a bit more?”
“UGH!!” Furi was angry, but that wasn’t different from any other day, so Mettaton didn’t take it to heart. “We can’t ALL be so MASTERFUL with a body we aren’t bonded to yet!!!”
“Hey, don’t you get snippy with me! I’m worried about you!”
“Oh yeah??? What are you gonna do if I DO?”
“I’ll tell Alphys you stole that statue from her lab.”
“! You wouldn’t DARE!!”
“Oh, I dare, sweetheart. I do a dare everyday of my life!”
“I’ll you know I SAVED this body from… REALLY TERRIBLE EXPERIMENTS!! ...PROBABLY!!! And I don’t need you telling me how to--”
“you guys…”
It was a talent, in its own right, how quickly just a word from Napstablook could get both of them to clam up, but clam up they did. It had been a while since he and Furi had sort of… gone ham about it, Mettaton supposed; they must have had a lot more pent up in their systems than either of them realized.
“Ahh--yes, Blooky. Sorry about that.”
“Yeah, uh--” Furi poked sheepishly at the bell around her neck. “Our bad. Um. What’s up?”
Napstablook, ever the gentle one, floated quietly out from the street they’d been watching from, and pointed down a different road; this one in particular looked like it lead into the old shopping district. “i...i think i heard something...in one of those old stores.”
Mettaton looked to Furi, and he must have at the same expression she did, hope renewed. “Do you think it’s Kazaa? Or just…”
“We haven’t seen any more of the Froggit clan this far in.” Furi said. “This… look, I don’t wanna get our hopes up, but this is the best lead we’ve gotten in… forever??”
“So long as she had the common sense to stay in the Ruins? ...I’d say you’re right.”
“i think she has to be here, still.” Napstablook added. It was a rare day when they sounded so sure of themselves, but when that downer-mindset had been changing for them, recently. “she… sent that letter with the spiders around when frisk came, so… that makes sense.”
Mettaton nodded in agreement. “Kazaa has a terrible sense of direction, but she knows somewhat how to stay put. And we won’t find her any faster standing around… so shall we?”
The store Napstablook had heard the noise from wasn’t exactly what Mettaton would call a department store, but it was certainly the size of one. There was a lot of architecture in the Ruins that didn’t quite match up with what they had in the rest of the Underground; all of this had been before his and his family’s time, and it was, in its own way, humbling to see how far monsters had come and advanced, even with their (then) limited space.
But they weren’t here for beauty; they were here for darkness, or at least, they were now, because this store was entirely pitch black. Not even the soft, blue-tinted glow of Napstablook’s spectral self penetrated the inky black in front of them.
Furi drummed her knuckles on one of Mettaton’s shoulders; her pinky on that hand popped out of its joint as a result, but she caught it before it was lost. “Don’t you have some kinda flashlight in there?”
“So rude. But I do have… something.” Mettaton closed his eyes a moment, when they opened again, the pinks of his irises shone like floodlights, bathing the empty store in a bright magenta hue.
Furi made a face that was too much like Undyne’s for his liking. “Ohhhh, wrow, I don’t like that at ALL.”
“i… yeah.” Napstablook didn’t look or sound entirely thrilled about this, either. “mettaton, that’s… really, really bad.”
“It’s a work in progress.” Mettaton was also not a fan, if he had to be honest--blinking was a rather considerate thing to do for everyone around him, even if he didn’t technically need to do so--but if you’ve got it, flaunt it, or so they say. And he did.
“Could you at least, like. Make it a different color??”
“Brand loyalty, Furi, hush--now, where did you hear the noise, Blooky?”
“over here.”
Napstablook led their cousins past old grocery shelves and magazine racks, and Mettaton did his best to keep them in his light of sight. (The pink of his eyes gave Napstablook a rather interesting periwinkle hue that made them hard to miss, but it just wasn’t their color.) The trio passed into room after room, with only dust to greet them. “Blooky, are you sure you heard something this way?”
“Naps has the best hearing out of all of us.” Furi pointed out. “Even with your fancy-shmacy robot ears, if they heard something, they heard something. You know that.”
“Mmm, fair point.” It was at that moment he realized that he and Alphys actually forgot to give his body ears, but he’d just keep that to himself. “I just hope it wasn’t just something falling down. This place is so old…”
“it might have been.” Napstablook admitted. “but i just… i have a feeling.”
“Far be it from us to doubt your sixth sense. It’d be hypocritical.”
“Isn’t that just a human thing, anyway?” Furi asked. “Ghost sensing??”
“Mmm… sort of?” Naturally, Mettaton had looked into how humans reacted to ghosts--you know, just in case the body thing never happened but the barrier thing did--and what he found… varied. “I can’t say anything without actually having spoken to one, but human ghosts? Super messed up.”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“It’s a mixed bag; a good lot of them either don’t realize they’re ghosts, or are just trying to make the best of it, but there’s a small minority that seems willing to possess literally ANYTHING in order to just be a general terrifying pain in the neck. Bridges, entire towns sometimes, dolls are really big--”
“Wait, dolls?” Furi cut in. “Like… like US???”
“No, I’d say we’re in the minority for that.” Wasn’t there a horror story on some blog somewhere about an anime figure coming to life? It’d had been so long and so not-child friendly that Mettaton had pushed it from his mind. “It’s more in the, ahh… the Raggedy-Ann line of dolls, I suppose.”
“you mean like that one?”
Mettaton and Furi dropped their conversation, and looked on ahead down the hall, to where Napstablook was looking.
At the corner of one door, a ways away from them, was a doll. It couldn’t have been more than three feet tall, with long, red yarn hair tied into two braids, and wearing an elegant, green dress. There’s was rough, patchwork stitching all over its body, like it had been something different from another time, and its two, big polymer eyes seemed to look on past them blankly.
Then it blinked.
Napstablook flinched from Furi’s sudden scream, but Mettaton was quick to action, and slammed his hand over her mouth. “Furi, would you--stop screaming, you idiot! You’re a ghost, remember?!”
Furi pulled his hand off her to speak, but a least she wasn’t screaming anymore. “YEAH, I’m a ghost in a CUTE, NORMAL BODY, you nerd!! That’s different!!”
“How in the HELL is the body you’re currently in NORMAL?!”
“Well how the hell is YOURS normal?!”
“It’s not conventional, but it’s definitely better looking!”
“You take that BACK, you glorified waffle iron!!”
“guys…” The two of them were being so loud now, and their voices carried to much in the closed space of the store; being loud was not Napstablook’s forte, unfortunately. But thankfully, they didn’t have to be.
“Well, I’m glad to you’re both still lively as ever.”
Mettaton and Furi were at each other’s throats by that point, Mettaton actually holding his now smaller cousin off the ground--the marvel of opposable thumbs, ladies and gentlemen!--but the sound of a familiar voice called them all to still. Mettaton dropped Furi as the realization settled in, and Furi, in that same daze, hardly registered the fall.
The doll, speaking in a woman’s voice, stood up, a bit straighter, and levitated itself up and over to the three. It floated in the very same manner Napstablook did, albeit perhaps a bit more susceptible to gravity--and when it finally came close enough, it regarded them with a warm, familial smile.
“About time, too!”
“KAZAA!!” Furi scrambled off the floor, and scooped up her now rag-doll cousin up in the tightest hug she could muster. It was not tighter than Mettaton’s, who picked up the both of them together, and looped his arms multiple times around them. And finally, Napstablook, with the tiniest, sweetest smile on their face, floated over, and pressed their ghostly self against Kazaa’s cheek.
“Kazaa, I--!” Mettaton tried his best to suppress his sniffles, because if he sniffled, it meant he was going to cry. Didn’t mean he really succeeded, though. “I-I was so worried, I wasn’t sure we’d ever find you!!”
“Tell me about it! How long has it been since I went on vacation? And none of you remembered to give me the map!”
“Hey, that wasn’t OUR job, that was all on Bravi!” Furi nuzzled herself into Kazaa, but pulled back a second later in surprise. “Wait, I remember this fabric! This is what the DUMMIES are made of!”
“Yeah. I hid out in one of those for… a while?” Kazaa sounded unsure, but it was easy to see how someone so prone to getting lost might lose track of time. “I thought it’d be safer to possess something. Can’t really leave a place if I can’t go through walls, right?”
“Certainly made our work here easier.” Mettaton said. “But why is it a doll now?”
“The queen found me in the dummy. She changed it for me to look a little nicer.”
“that’s… really awkward.”
“Tell me about it.” Kazaa stopped here for a second, and then glanced to Mettaton. “Actually, no, YOU tell me about it.”
Mettaton blinked. “I--About what?”
“I heard something about you attacking a child? On television?” Apparently, it did not take long at all for Kazaa to resume her role as the Blook family matriarch. Mettaton’s already pale face paled even more. “What’s up with THAT, Mettaton?”
“That!! Well! Y-You see--Furi stop laughing at me you did it too!”
Furi’s snickering immediately ended, and she looked between all her cousins, panic beginning to rise. “I! T-That was different! I didn’t do it on TV!!”
“You fought them TWICE!! They weren’t even antagonizing you!”
Kazaa cast Napstablook a glance. “...Did she?”
Napstablook paused and glanced up, as if weighing the pros and cons of telling the truth, but they knew where their loyalties lied. “she did do it twice… and mettaton did do it on tv. i got it on dvr.”
“I see.” Kazaa’s tone was… authoritative, as she slipped out of her cousins’ holds, and began to float off towards the exit. “Well, the two of you were grounded to begin with, but now you’re both SUPER grounded.”
“Wha--no!!” Mettaton dropped Furi again, and this time Furi responded with a yelp, but it didn’t matter in the long run. “We were we grounded?!”
“Um. Leaving Napstablook to run the farm by themselves? That ring a bell?” Kazaa kept going off--slowly, though, because she still had to make sure she wasn’t going to get lost again. “So everyone but Napstablook is grounded now. That’s just how it has to be.”
“It does NOT!!” Furi leapt up from the ground, and chased after Kazaa, with Mettaton not to far behind. “Kaz, we can TALK about this--”
“Honey, this is an offence?? You can’t ground Mettaton! I’m worth so much now!”
“Super duper mega ULTRA grounded, then.”
For a moment, Napstablook watched them walk off, almost a little in awe that they all fell back into their family dynamic so easily: Kazaa, their reliable eldest; Furi, the snappy second; them, the softspoken third; and Mettaton, the fourth that youngest for individuality. And as Mettaton and Furi wailed and fought their eventual punishment, they had to smile when they began to follow.
For the longest time, they’d had the quiet worry that even if the four of them came back together, it wouldn’t be the same. Each one of them had changed so much through the years, done so many things alone, that a family reunion almost seemed impossible. But impossible things had been happening so often lately--the barrier was gone, the snail farm was thriving again, and the surface was their oyster--they supposed it was silly of them to think that miracles didn’t extend to ghosts, too.
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Mod Mew Reads! “Don’t Trust Anyone, Not Even Yourself” (PART ONE)
Hihi, guys, and welcome back to Mod Mew Reads! And it only took eight months! Today, we’re gonna be reading something special. It’s gonna be big, it’s gonna be huge, and it’s gonna be personal. Why? Because today, we’re looking at the first three chapters of a fanfiction. 
A fanfiction that I wrote.
That’s right! Today we’re looking at Chapters 1 and 2 of Forbidden Magnetism, my GakuKai fanfiction I wrote three years ago! Is it as bad as I’m making it out to be? Well, let’s not stall any longer. Let’s dive in HEAD FIRST!
Kaito and Gakupo both have new girlfriends, they both love them so much. However, when they meet each other in a practice studio, an attraction that shouldn't be forms between the two. How long can this magnetism last before they are caught? Rated M for later chapters containing smut. Yaoi, boy on boy, KaitoxGakupo. UPDATED FROM MY TUMBLR WITH CORRECT SPELLING.
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For a little context, I based this entire fanfic off of this video. The video is five years old and the creator has not updated in three years, but just watching it brings back memories. Hot tip for high school me; don’t make a name for yourself critiquing fanfic and then write a shitty one yourself. Anyways, enough stalling. 
Fate is a bitch.
I still think this is my best opening line of anything ever.
This is the conclusion Gakupo came to after the events that happened. First, he had finally asked Luka out, and, to his suprise, said yes.
Oi, past me, have you heard of this hot new tool called SpellCheck? “Surprise” still gives me trouble, but good lord.
However, he couldn't kiss her, not at the school. Luka had told him her best friend, Miku, also got a boyfriend not too long ago. He had decided to stay after in the school's expansive practice school, to write her a song.
Why was fate a bitch?
Because as soon as he stepped in, his eyes fell on a beautiful person.
He knew immediately who the person was. It was Kaito. He was part of the 'Big Five', the most popular kids at the high school. The most popular of them all was Kaito's new girlfriend, Hatsune Miku. If you were associated with them in any way, you were considered 'popular', or at the very least, 'known'.
The ‘Big Five’ in my mind were Miku, Luka, Rin, Len, and Gumi, if I’m remembering correctly.
Kaito was 16, but he looked around 20. He was tall, with dark blue hair. He always wore his scarf, no matter what.
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OH YEAH I FORGOT I MADE THE CHARACTERS TEENS. Spoilers, but they have sex in later chapters, so I wrote underage smut when I myself was underage. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I know age of consent laws are very iffy, and the AoC in my state is 16 years old, but to me the AoC always will be 18.
He was beautiful.
And staring right at Gakupo.
The events that followed were a blur in his mind. He remembered walking towards Kaito, and the next thing they knew, they were kissing furiously, unable to stop.
Fun fact, the inspiration for this scene was a seen in Brokeback Mountain.
What had lead up to this? 
Well, first off a thirsty 15 year old girl who had an unfortunate habit of fetishizing gay men, but that’s a story for another day.
Gakupo remembered talking to him, remembered him being asked to practice a duet with Kaito that he was going to do with Miku. His memory fogs up, then clears up around the time he hit the wall while making out with Kaito. They didn't want to break the contact, not even to breath, as of they feared that if they did, they could never kiss each other again. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, but it was becoming painfully clear that Gakupo was the dominate one.
The tall one isn’t always the dominate one open up your eyes sheeple.
Finally, the need for air overpowered their want for each other. 
There’s this funny little thing called your nose, try breathing through that.
They broke apart, gasping for air. Gakupo could feel that just the kissing had made them both half hard. He wanted to continue, so badly. However, the sudden realizations that both of them had girlfriends hit him like a bullet train.
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He pushed himself off of Kaito, and, without another word, left the studio.
What school has a professional recording studio? All I had at my high school was a shitty photo room we used as a storage closet.
If the two boys had been smarter, that meeting would have been just a little fling, and nothing more. 
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However, nobody could even begin to guess how far out of control this situation would get. And it all started thanks to a magnetism that shouldn't have been felt.
Kabosoi hi ga kokoro no hashi ni tomoru Itsu no ma ni ka moehirogaru netsujou
... What? Once a weeb always a weeb.
(AN: So, yeah. That 's the first chapter. More to come! By the way, if this seems like déjà vu, it's because I've posted this on my tumblr [URL HAS SINCE CHANGED]. I've fixed the spelling errors in this version. Enjoy!)
Sure you did.
And that’s it for chapter one! Sadly, I’m a masochist who loves inflicting pain on myself and we still have chapter two to read through tonight, so let’s fuckin do that shit.
(AN: Alright, still going! On tumblr, I mentioned that I didn't want to write smut. Well, I will soon, I promise you. Enjoy chapter two!)
Here’s a tip for anyone writing smut; let your inhibitions go. otherwise, it’ll be so obvious that you’re uncomfortable.
It had been a couple of days since their 'meeting', and both boys had become a bit restless, unable to shake the memory of each other out of their minds. They couldn't really see each other during the day, and they felt as if they were slowly going insane. They hoped their girlfriends didn't notice.
They did.
Oh, they noticed that you two fucking CHEATED ON THEM huh?!
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Luka decided to keep silent about the situation, and not inquire Gakupo. After all, if the problem was truly bothering him, he would've told her by now. She chalked it up to nerves.
Kids, if you’re having relationship troubles, just talk it out with the person, it’ll be so much better in the long run.
Miku, on the other hand, was the talkative type. 
Speakin of which, if this goes up on time, happy 10th birthday, Miku!
She expressed her emotions through many words. Including her concern over Kaito.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Miku asked one day between classes. She needed to know. Otherwise, it would drive her nuts trying to figure it out for herself.
Kaito smiled sweetly at her. "It's nothing, Miku," he lied. He was a performer. He could fake any emotion at the drop of a hat. And no one could see he was faking.
No one, that is, except Miku.
I want to re-write this but like, not have the guys cheat on the girls??? Polyamory, it’s a thing.
"Don't lie to me, Kaito," Miku said sternly. "I won't be mad. I promise." Her puppy dog eyes seem to be staring right into Kaito's soul.
No, trust me, you’ll be pissed.
"I'm just nervous. You're my first real girlfriend. I don't want to mess this up."
I actually ship KaiMeiko more so LMAO @ past me.
Miku grinned. "Was that all? Well, that's a relief! I thought it was something seriously bad. I'll try not to make you nervous."
Kaito was relieved that she believed him. There were truth to his words; Miku was his first girlfriend, and he didn't want to screw up too badly. However, in his mind, making out with your girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend (try saying that three times) qualified as 'screwing up', and was in the subcategory of 'screwing up pretty damn badly'. 
The warning bell rang, and Miku gave him a quick kiss goodbye, before rushing to her classroom.
Kaito always felt a spark when he kissed Miku. He always felt like it was right, like she was the one.
But no matter how hard he tried to deny it, he had felt that same spark during that meeting with Gakupo.
See, this is something that I liked; Kaito having feelings for both Miku and Gakupo was super interesting to me, and I want to expand on it one day, but maybe in a format that’s... well, less shit.
Also, looking back, this might’ve been me working through the fact that I’m bisexual...
Because of their concern, the girl decided a double date would set everyone at ease. They planned it out, and didn't tell the boys about it until the day of. The boys didn't have any choice but to say yes.
For the girl, the date went just as planned. The park they chose was close enough so everyone could walk there and back, yet secluded enough for them to enjoy the day in peace. They had a nice day, and things felt right.
For the boys, it was a totally different story. Every time they saw the other's girlfriend kiss them, they wanted to say "No, he's mine." But they knew they couldn't. It was as if the girls were trying to make them envious. Envious of a love that they wanted to share with each other.
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After the date had ended, and both girl went home, the boys arrived at Gakupo's house. They decided to make a promise: whenever they could, they would meet up at one of their houses, and leave when dawn came around. No one would know except them. It was the perfect plan. As soon as they agreed, they began kissing.
Hey past me, if you actually took time to develop scenes instead of acting like you’re Sonic The Hedgehog and speeding through them, maybe your writing wouldn’t be as shit.
Of course, anyone with half of a brain could see this promise was idiotic and flawed in so many ways.
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No, really? I can’t see how cheating on your s/o with their best friend’s s/o is a bad idea, not at all!
(AN: The next chapter is just going to kind of be a filler. I'd still read it, but hey, it's just gonna be a filler. Don't kill me. Thanks!)
A lot of these chapters were filler, don’t lie to yourself.
Overall reaction:
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Me @ my past self CATCH THESE FISTS.
Oh god oh god that was so bad. Maybe if I snark all of it, we can all heal together. I could see where I was going, I really could, but GOD it’s so bad.
And to all the fucking obvious cheating going on?
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Well, thank y’all for reading, and I’ll see you next game!
~ Mod Mew 
*Who’s currently cringing oh god why the hell did I think that was okay at all*
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