irvinenewshq · 2 years
SpaceX to Launch Falcon Heavy Later This Month
A Falcon Heavy blasting off in February 2018. Photograph: SpaceX For the primary time since June 2019, we’ll get to see a SpaceX Falcon Heavy take to the skies. The U.S. House Drive has chartered a trip with the heavy-lift launch car, however the particulars of this protection mission are a bit imprecise. The Falcon Heavy is scheduled to launch on October 28 from Launch Complicated 39A at Kennedy House Middle, in accordance to Subsequent Spaceflight. The identical pad was used on Wednesday to launch the Crew-5 mission to the Worldwide House Station, however SpaceX will now configure the Florida facility for the upcoming launch of its Falcon Heavy. No launch time has been specified. The mission, referred to as USSF-44, will try and deploy two U.S. House Drive payloads to geosynchronous orbit (GEO). It was presupposed to blast off in late 2020, however the mission was delayed on account of unspecified payload points, which have since been resolved, as reported in Spaceflight Now. USSF-44 would be the first Nationwide Safety House mission utilizing the Falcon Heavy, says House Drive. And as Subsequent Spaceflight factors out, this might be SpaceX’s first mission to fly on to GEO. Technicians inspecting the TETRA-1 satellite tv for pc. Photograph: Millenium House Programs The smaller of the 2 USSF-44 payloads is thought however the different stays a thriller. The recognized payload is the TETRA-1 satellite tv for pc constructed by Boeing subsidiary Millennium House Programs. TETRA-1, commissioned by House Drive in 2018 and accomplished in 2020, is a prototype GEO satellite tv for pc for testing procedures and ways that can inform the event of future satellites. The prototype will work 22,236 miles (35,786 kilometers) above the floor, in accordance to Millennium House. G/O Media might get a fee The unidentified House Drive payload is probably going a lot bigger than the tiny TETRA-1 satellite tv for pc, because the mixed mass of the 2 payloads is anticipated to be round 8,200 kilos, in keeping with Spaceflight Now. Therefore the necessity for SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, versus the corporate’s medium-lift Falcon 9. Falcon Heavy is a bolstered amalgamation of three Falcon 9 rockets and it stays the corporate’s strongest operational carry car. Fitted with 28 Merlin engines, the rocket generates greater than 5 million kilos of thrust at liftoff and may ship 141,000 kilos of cargo to low Earth orbit. Falcon Heavy was initially designed to hold people to area, however SpaceX has shifted that future accountability to its Starship rocket, at the moment in growth. For USSF-44, the Falcon Heavy will incorporate two newly produced facet boosters and a brand new middle core. That these are new parts will not be essentially a bonus, as flight-proven boosters are more and more being seen as a bonus when it comes to reliability. Spaceflight Now says the 2 boosters will try vertical landings at Cape Canaveral House Drive Station, however the middle core is not going to be recovered. For its inaugural launch in 2018, Falcon Heavy delivered a Tesla Roadster and “Starman” manikin to area. Photograph: SpaceX The Falcon Heavy debuted on February 7, 2018, when it famously delivered Elon Musk’s private Tesla Roadster and its inanimate Starman passenger to area. A second launch was carried out on April 11, 2019, and a 3rd on June 25, 2019. That’s been it for the 230-foot-tall (70-meters) rocket, however this heavy-lift car is about to get busy. USSF-44 is the primary of six Falcon Heavy missions within the subsequent 12 months, with upcoming launches together with House Drive’s USSF-67, the launch of the Jupiter 3 business broadband satellite tv for pc, and NASA’s Psyche probe to research a metal-rich asteroid, the latter of which could possibly be delayed resulting from ongoing {hardware} points. Extra: House Drive Isn’t Fairly What You Suppose It Is. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
@unidentified-starman YEs I want this so much. It would be a lovely way to come full circle
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thesouthernpansy · 5 years
sacred geometry (3/?)
stanford pines/bill cipher chapter 3/? 
ford arrived at backupsmore university ready to put his head down and get lost in his classwork. his new roommate seemed to have come prepared to haul him back out, again.
that, and eat uncooked blocks of ramen.
somehow, that isn't even the weirdest thing happening on campus, and the prospect of strange new mysteries and stranger new friends has ford feeling almost glad to be here.
it's a college au, let's crack some books
read on ao3
For months, now, Ford has been chasing stories, anecdotes from friends of classmates and acquaintances about unexplained lights, disembodied voices, unidentified creatures prowling the quad in broad daylight. He's met with anyone and everyone willing to share their accounts with him—some witnesses have been more hesitant than others, but no one can say Ford has been anything less than persistent. What they can, and have, said has begun to earn him something of a reputation among the student body, though even that has had its uses. Those touched by this nebulous weirdness have begun seeking Ford out deliberately; many of his more close-minded and incurious peers, conversely, have begun deliberately avoiding him.
Both have saved Ford a great deal of time and effort, in their ways.
There's a map that Ford has kept on his person constantly since it was given to him brand new during orientation, now perilously soft where he's folded and unfolded it so many times. It's plotted extensively with numbered red circles, each with their own corresponding entry in Ford's journal, all grouped sparsely along one of three precise, hand-drawn lines. Where the lines intersect they form a perfect equilateral triangle, connecting the building that houses the financial aid department to the Beta Delta Theta fraternity house to the Warbleheim Concert Hall and back again. The shape is clustered so densely with red circles they can barely be distinguished from one another.
“I've been observing the area exhaustively, and all the data I've been able to gather suggests not only that all the supernatural phenomena reported at Backupsmore has a substantial basis in reality, but that the vast majority of it originates in this spot specifically.”
Bill blinks. “I thought we were talking about ley lines.”
“We are!” Ford catches the excited crack in his voice too late to stop it. He clears his throat as discreetly as he can as he turns the map back towards Bill. He taps again at the red triangle, the geographic heart of Backupsmore's crowded campus, and the lines that form it. “These denote the perimeter of the phenomena's epicenter, and they correspond precisely with the mapped ley lines in the area. For all practical purposes, they're the same lines!”
Bill hmms thoughtfully. “A confluence of mysterious and powerful energies at ol' Backupsmore, huh? No wonder so much weird stuff happens around here.”
“Exactly.” Something surges in Ford's stomach, buzzes through his chest and out to the tips of his fingers. Bill gets it.
Gathering the journal from Ford's hands, Bill spins on his heel to glance down at the grid paper carpet still adorning the floor. He looks between it and the equations he's holding several times before waving towards the observatory's open ceiling, mouth slanted sideways.
“So you're, what, trying to figure out if the ley lines are a gemini?”
Astrology. Ford rolls his eyes; some of his beliefs may be unconventional, but they're all backed by known science. Mostly.
“More like keeping track of the correlation between unexplained activity and significant celestial positioning.”
“And?” prompts Bill.
“So far, the data is inconclusive at best,” Ford admits. “But I still believe it's worth recording.”
“Sure, sure,” says Bill, “What's with all this, though?”
Tucking Ford's journal under his arm, Bill twirls a hand over a spot on Ford's star chart where Ford went through the trouble of connecting the stars in Capricornus, one of dozens of constellations that have all received the same attention.
“Let me guess, it's 'a helpful shorthand method for identifying sectors of the sky'?” he asks in a tenor that Ford recognizes, rankled, as an incredibly accurate impression of his own.
“They're not—” Every vector and sector and quadrant of the star chart is clearly, painstakingly, and obviously labeled, which makes it difficult to argue that the additional factor of the constellations doesn't clog it up, make it harder to understand. Still, they're not unhelpful, not for Ford, but to say that would be to admit the full, uncomfortable truth that he's allowed sentiment to infiltrate his otherwise scientifically pristine proceedings.
He settles for “It's complicated.”
“Now we're getting somewhere! What am I sensing here, an old betrayal? A deep, cosmos-related wound?”
“Who hurt you, Fordsy, what fault did they leave in your stars?”
Bill swoons dramatically against Ford's arm, and the sudden urge to laugh gets tangled with the hook of rising anger in Ford's chest.
“You can't just assume—” he falters, feeling Bill shift to look up at him. What is he even talking about, surely they're both wondering it, now. Can't just assume that he knows Ford, that he can read what and why and how like even Ford's most private and embarrassing motivations are a simple study of reacting atoms; can't assume that Ford wants him to know, wants him to understand, wants him constantly hanging off Ford like Ford's invited the physical contact or even permitted it.
Ford screws his eyes shut, inhales sharply and scrubs a hand under his glasses. He feels the loss of heat when Bill moves away.
“That bad?”
“I know them well, that's all. The constellations were my, my gateway to the rest of the universe, I suppose. I've known them like the back of my hand since I was a kid. The whole back of my hand,” he adds, almost conciliatory. “They were meant to be of a more practical use, eventually.”
“Little Fordsy, still thinking big?”
“I thought so,” replies Ford wryly. “We were going to use them for navigational purposes.”
Panic churns briefly through Ford's stomach. He should've anticipated this possibility; he has the barest scraping of experience keeping secrets from anyone who isn't his parents, which is really such a dramatic connection to make, he thinks. It isn't as though he's intentionally been keeping Stan a secret. Still it's reluctant and strangely, fleetingly guilty when he can finally get the words out.
“My, ah, my brother and I. We found this dinghy one summer when we were...who can remember, now, but we spent the season patching it up and making plans about traveling the vast oceans, seeing the world and solving mysteries, exploring the unexplored.”
Ford glances sideways at Bill self-consciously. No one else at Backupsmore knows that Ford has a brother, not even Fiddleford, and honestly Ford has preferred it that way. Every part of their lives was shared until Ford left, no inch even of his impossible childhood dreams left to Ford alone, and if it had been up to Stan that's how it would've stayed.
Somehow, the Stan O'War remains an island in the mess it all came to, surrounded and yet untouched by the anger and resentment Ford's twin precipitates in him. A simpler time, when the whole world was still open to him and he knew with his fierce child's certainty that it he would one day make his mark on it.
Ford sighs heavily. “We were going to find Atlantis,” he says.
“Ugh, Plato again.”
This time, Ford does laugh. Bill curls long fingers around his wrist.
“Aw, look who's got a warm, gooey center underneath all those big brains. You're the full package!”
“Don't mock me,” says Ford.
“I'm not mocking you,” insists Bill. “I'm teasing you. There's a big difference.”
From the corner of his eye, Ford can see Bill's head angled to meet his gaze. He looks down at his hands, instead.
“Where's your brother now?” Bill asks.
“Who knows,” says Ford, venom in his voice. “He was one a one-way street to nowhere the last time I saw him. As far as I'm concerned, that's where he belongs.”
“Sounds like there's a story there,” notes Bill.
“No story that's worth telling. Let it suffice to say that it's his fault I'm wasting my talents in this sad excuse for a school instead of at West Coast Tech, where someone of my intellect and ability ought to be. No offense,” he adds quickly, remembering.
“None taken! I'm here because I want to be.”
Ford's attention snags on this detail. “Really?”
“I know, I know, my intellect and abilities are atrophied and depressed, it's very tragic. Hey—“ Bill points up through the observatory roof at the familiar axis of The Big Dipper. “Tell me about that one, Starman.”
Ford wrinkles his nose at the new nickname. “What about it?”
“Anything! Everything, all the news that's fit to print.”
“Something tells me you already know anything I could tell you.”
“Sure, but I want to hear it from you. What's that one?”
“Which one?” Ford squints to catch the pattern in the cluster of stars Bill indicates without success.
“That one, right there. It's a perfect triangle, look—those three, right next to that reddish one.”
“There's no constellation there,” says Ford.
“That you know of,” says Bill cryptically.
“Because you're making it up right now?” asks Ford, charmed despite himself.
Bill grins, tightens his grip on Ford's wrist just a fraction, his thumb pressed against the soft curve Ford's pulse.
“Humor me,” he entreats. “What's it called?”
Ford knows a vast amount about the heavens, their movements, configurations, and effects, their secrecies and the awe they open up inside him—suddenly, ridiculously, none of it seems like enough. Certainly none of it helps him floundering to find a satisfying answer against the nervous, noisy background radiation of his own heartbeat, of which he is currently all too aware.
“Uh,” he offers lamely. “William?”
"...William?" Bill seems genuinely thrown by the suggestion.
Heat creeps up the back of Ford's neck. "Bill isn't short for William?"
A beat of silence, and then Bill laughs, harsh and loud and bright. “Ha! Well played, Fordsy, nice try. I said it's a nickname, I didn't say it's an abbreviation."
“I see,” says Ford carefully, but his looming humiliation has no time to set in; Bill snaps Ford's journal shut and gestures towards him with the spine.
“What do you know about Lemuria?”he asks. The expression Ford makes in response must be telling. “The Polarians? The Hyperboreans? The lost civilization of Mu?”
“Is this more Plato?” asks Ford.
In response, Bill chucks the journal at him, but he's grinning all the same. “Getting fresh on me! Okay. If you chicken-and-egged the room you'd know that Lemuria came before Atlantis, thank you very much. Those water-logged chumps sank Lemuria like the bag of crystals it was, but you know how it is—a whole bunch of the Lemurian citizens escaped to the far corners of your primitive earth and taught the wide and varied indigenous peoples how to make calenders and build the pyramids and all that mystic stuff. Or maybe they were aliens, were the pyramids aliens?”
If he rolled his eyes any harder, Ford thinks, he would probably sprain something.
“What,” says Bill, “you don't believe in extradimensional intelligence?”
“Of course I do,” snaps Ford. “I also think it's disrespectful to assume our ancestors needed aliens to figure out that a pyramid is the best shape to build for structural impact and endurance.”
Bill beams at him. “When are you done with classes tomorrow?”
“I—what? Why?”
“We haven't had a game in a while. I'd say we're past due for a rematch, wouldn't you? Or we could skip to the inevitable and you could just treat me to pizza.”
Chess, Ford realizes. Bill is talking about chess.
“A rematch,” he says slowly. “You know, I have been practicing.”
“That so?”
“I think I could beat you this time,” Ford tells him. He and Fiddleford have been playing nearly every morning before ecological statistics, and it diminishes the difficultly of Fiddleford as an opponent not at all to acknowledge that the lion's share of the victories have gone to Ford.
Bill tugs at Ford's tie, mussing it before he tightens and straightens and smooths it neatly along Ford's chest.
“We'll have to see about that then, won't we?” He pauses to adjust his sunglasses. “I take it you know where the concert hall is, so meet me there, five o'clock sharp.”
“Are you a music major?” tries Ford.
“Hmmm, getting warmer,” Bill tells him.
“You play an instrument,” Ford guesses.
Shrugging, Bill responds, “I've been known to tickle an ivory or two in my day. Maybe if you're good I'll play for you sometime. You like Vera Lynn?”
“Yes, actually,” says Ford. Something stirs in the pit of his chest.
Bill taps his chest, once, twice, fingers lingering this time.
“It's a date.”
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ruler-of-scientists · 5 years
Questions: End
"I..I don't understand," Larzen admitted, looking at Grimwere with a mix of disbelief and bewilderment; "How....why would you do this? Put yourself at risk like this? You know I've been looking for an excuse to arrest you for years..."
"I happen to be very fond of Elphas," Grimwere replied with a sharp-toothed little smile, not getting up, but leaning back a little; "I just had to get involved. His research is very important, you see, and certain parties would see that it is appropriated for their own use." "Certain parties?" Larzen repeated, sounding agitated now and bringing the gauntlet back up, keeping it pointed squarely on Grimwere, who raised his hands up with an even bigger smile; "What certain parties? What are you talking about?!" "Oh, you are so very easy to wind up..." the other tittered, before lowering his tone to something more serious now. "But truly, if you want answers from me, you'll just have to arrest me and get them out of me later. I'm not telling you anything at present." Larzen clenched his fists, feeling a strong surge of indignant anger rising mixed with his overwhelming surprise- he was just trying to make sense of what was going on here, Grimwere had totally disrupted his focus and mental organisation! He realised this pretty quickly, realising that his logic was clouding, and remembering his virtues, he closed his eyes for a moment, forcing himself to take a breath...then opened them again and raised his gauntlet. Calm. It wasn't that hard to achieve if you just focused.
Arkans were better than all that, anyway.
"No," he stated firmly, "you're going to give me answers now. Starting with this: where is Elphas, and how did you change your ID tag to match his?" Grimwere sighed, shaking his head a little before doing an exaggerated eye-roll while still smiling, stating in a drawl, "Oh, well, if you insist. I'll begin with the latter. I am higher in rank than him- than anyone else who isn't on the council, very much like you, Larzen. I have executive powers which allow me to change and rewrite the data of my direct underlings as I please, so naturally all I did was erase his ID tag so he couldn’t be tracked, and changed mine to match his." He sat up more properly now, snapping his fingers once for emphasis; "It was all to draw your attention away, and I knew it would, because as far as your people are concerned, Elphas is a high-security target who cannot be allowed to escape while under investigation. So all, or at least most, of your attention would be turned to me and my accomplices..." A pause, before his eyes glowed again and his tone took a more sinister tone, "Allowing the real Elphas to escape by ship."
Larzen's calm, previously so easily regained, cracked ever so slightly as his eyes widened, then he opened up a communications channel with Security command; "Control, have any unidentified ships entered or exited the planet hangars recently?" "Yes sir," replied the Starman on the other end of the line, "but given our resources were diverted to monitoring and recapturing the escapee, our ability to respond to the ship's presence in this sector was very limited. It was about the size of a corvette, and very fast. It warped away upon exiting the atmosphere."
"What...? But that shouldn't be possible..." Larzen breathed, looking back at Grimwere who was still smiling that sinister little smile of his; he had a feeling in his heart now that he couldn’t banish, it was like a dreadful, distinct sinking feeling that accented the mounting feeling of wrongness surrounding this entire situation. "No unauthorised ships can warp out when in the system, let alone just after leaving atmosphere..." "The warp signature left behind was unlike any other, sir," the Starman supplemented; "It was less like a boosted acceleration across the stars and more akin to a bending of reality itself. I can only hypothesize that it was wormhole technology, sir." Now Larzen was just stumped, his free hand just hanging down as his no longer composed mind once more became disorganised at this revelation; he shook his head. "...that's....no, that can't be...wormhole technology was erased during the fall of the Infinium..." As he said this, he turned to fully face Grimwere now, and demanded of a sudden, "Infinium technology? You have access to that?" "I can neither confirm not deny anything at this juncture," Grimwere replied smugly, causing Grimwere to hiss a little, before readdressing his communication window:
"I want a force dispatched to investigate the site of the supposed wormhole entry point now, Control, and give me an update when you've detained the other perpetrators..." "Sir, I just got an update on that situation," the Starman beeped almost immediately in reply; "Cercil was not present at the site and only one of the frozen perpetrators was captured. We can only assume the cyborg escaped with the other. Shall we persue?" "Yes," Larzen grunted, "do so. The cyborg's to be apprehended too, after all. Get it done." The communication cut, whereby Larzen focused on Grimwere now, fists clenched again, teeth grit a little as he tried to return to himself his bearings; Grimwere himself looked quite pleased now, assuring in a sweetly voice, "Well at least you have me as a consolation prize, hmm?" Larzen didn't dignify him with a response, except to subject him to the same fate as his accomplices and freeze him over, before stopping to regard the frozen Arkan. Looking at the crooked, razor-sharp smile that had been on the verge of spreading before the freezing. Even in the face of being put into instant cryostasis, Grimwere had taken it in his stride with confidence and satisfaction, to the point that Larzen found himself looking at the floor with his fists unclenched and arms hanging loosely in a kind of slouch.
Had....Grimwere planned for all of this...?
Even his arrest....?
[ Askbox is open! ]
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alegriavida · 7 years
Tagged by @remindmeofthebabe
First Rule:  Bold or place an * at everything that is true. 
Second rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I tag: @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @writerofthought @glamrock-lizardman @queenofthegoblins @unidentified-starman @yourfluffiestnightmare @cidermoon @gothicpagantrash @iezalelensamhet

I am 5′7 or taller

I wear glasses 

I have at least one tattoo

I have at least one piercing

I have blonde hair

I have brown eyes

I have short hair

My abs are at least somewhat defined

I have or have had braces

I love meeting new people [sometimes]

People tell me that I’m funny

Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me

I enjoy physical challenges

I enjoy mental challenges [depending on what it is]

I’m playfully rude with people I know well

I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it

There is something I would change about my personality

I can sing well

I can play an instrument

I can do over 30 pushups without stopping

I’m a fast runner

I can draw well

I have a good memory

I’m good at doing math in my head

I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute

I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling

I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch

I know how to throw a proper punch

I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else

I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else [past tense because I’m not in school anymore]

I have learned a new song in the past week

I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months

I have drawn something in the past month

I enjoy writing

Fandoms are my #1 passion

I have done martial arts

I have had my first kiss

I have had alcohol

I have scored the winning goal in a sports game

I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event

I have been in a taxi

I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year

I have beaten a video game in one day

I have visited another country

I have been to one of my favorite artist’s concerts

I’m in a relationship

I have a crush on a celebrity

I have a crush on someone I know

I have been in at least 3 relationships

I have never been in a relationship

I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them

I get crushes easily

I have had a crush on someone for over a year

I have been in a relationship for at least a year

I have had feelings for a friend

I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”

I live close to my school/work

My parents are still together

I have at least one sibling

I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live

I have hung out with a friend in the past month

I have a smartphone

I have at least 15 CDs

I share my room with someone

I have breakdanced

I know a person named Jamie

I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce

I have dyed my hair

I’m listening to one song on repeat right now

I have punched someone in the past week

I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone

I have eaten a waffle today

I know what I want to do with my life

I speak at least two languages [sort of]
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paravillintiniay · 7 years
@jenaebatman Tagged me to put my music library on shuffle and list the first 30 songs that pop up! 
Disclaimer: This is my itunes library and honestly has a lot of stuff I don’t listen to anymore + a lot of the stuff I currently listen to I listen to on spotify but *shrugs* I don’t really know what’s a more accurate representation of what I like to listen to honestly
1. Can’t Complain - Relient K (lmao how fitting for the first song to be RK)
2. There Was No Thief - Relient K (seriously tho how much RK do I listen to..)
3. Blue Comb ‘78 - Five Iron Frenzy
4. Turn It On - Hawk Nelson (gross why do I still have them on my itunes)
5. I Saw My Twin - Hop Along
6. Caught In The Middle - Paramore
7. The Goat - Showbread 
8. The Bureau - Gerard Way
9. Surf Wax America - Relient K (AGAIN???????)
10. Steady Hand - Buried Beds (I LOVE THIS SONG/ALBUM SO MUCH)
11. One Man Army (Intro) - The Classic Crime
12. The Secret - Emery 
13. Hold Me Twice - FM Static
15. In Shallow Seas We Sail - Emery
16. Quicksilver - Roper
17. Slow - Starflyer 59
18. Don’t Stop Your Heart - The Lassie Foundation
19. Wlwycd - Polar Bear Club (I can honestly say I’ve never listened to this, the album was a gift on vinyl haha, but I kinda like it now that I am)
20. Up and Up - Relient K (sigh...)
21. Not Funny - Starflyer 59
22. One Headlight - Relient K (DEEP SIGH)
23. Supernothing - Streetlight Manifesto
24. You Belong Here - Anberlin
25. Wonder English - Eisley
26. Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been - Relient K (ITS MOCKING ME AT THIS POINT)
27. There Is No Mathematics To Love And Loss - Anberlin
28. Kick The Can - Starflyer 59
29. Come On - The Almost
30. Unbelievers - Starflyer 59
tagging @citrustower @ravios-scarf @undeadnecromancer @lesbiansandpuns @eggelyn @unidentified-starman @mariosbrother @tinycharmander @calamityy
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I was tagged by @almostviolentlydelightful
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag nine people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Single 
favorite color: Red
lipstick or chapstick: liquid matte lipstick 
last song you listened to: Dearly Departed by Shakey Graves
last movie you watched: Samurai Cop (Rifftrax Live Event)  
top 3 characters: Bojack Hoseman, Kermit the Frog, and Ursula (Little Mermaid)
top 3 ships: Finn/Rey/Poe, Kermit/Miss Piggy, and Katya/Trixie
books you are currently reading: Currently rereading Watership Down for inspiration for a book themed cake decorated contest next week & the Jim Henson biography for fun.
top 5 musicals: Little Shop of Horrors, Book of Mormon, Phantom of the Opera, Sweeney Todd, and Singin’ in the Rain
I’m tagging @unidentified-starman @swingshiftsallie @there-was-a-starman @boogedyboogedyboo and anyone else who wants to do this
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alltheyoungdudes10 · 8 years
20 followers I would like to know better  (Ok, eu não tenho 20 seguidores então serão menos. Se puderem traduzir.... Obrigada!) I speak Portuguese, so excuse my English.
Was tagged by @surreal-sloth thanks :) 
Name: Letícia 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I still have doubts about that.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Animal: Cat ( I have three)
Time Right Now: 14:32 PM
Average Hours of Sleep:  Usually 6
Cat or Dog Person: Cat. I still have some dog phobia.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Ok, I will cite just a few:  Wednesday Addams, Jareth,  Severus Snape,  Edward Scissorhands etc....
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: 1, in wintertime 2 or 3 ( I live in southern Brazil, a really cold region almost most of the year, unlike most of the country). 
Favorite Singer/Band: David Bowie and Rammstein <3
Dream trip: Germany, England, Rio de Janeiro and  Foz do Iguaçu. 
Dream Job:  Advocacy, I'm a law student.
When was this blog created?: December 2016
Current Number of Followers: 11 ( Yes, really few still :P )
When did your blog reach its peak?: Sorry, this translated question in my language is confusing :( 
What made you decide to get tumblr?: Because of some twitter friends, I found it interesting and I created this one just a short time ago.
If anyone wants to respond too, feel free :) Abraços! @bowieakajohn @jaggerbowie @wingedbelievereagle @ibelieveinjohnlockbitches @ bevviefromthelevee @the-spiders-fr0m-mars @unidentified-starman 
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I was tagged by @unidentified-starman to do the music tag thingy
Rules: Write the ten first songs that come up on shuffle and quote your favourite lyric from each song, then tag some people.
One: “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”- Elton John
“Maybe you’ll get a replacement, there’s plenty like me to be found.”
Two: “How You Gonna Get Used To This”- Shaw Blades
“Now and then in the back of your mind, you get the feeling you’ve been left behind when it’s me you’re hearing: blasting on the radio.”
Three: “Golden”- Lady Antebellum
“The day you strolled in, my heart was stolen, cause you are golden, lovely, oh so hard to find.”
Four: “Whipping Post”- The Allman Brothers Band
 “Drown myself in sorrow, as I look at what you’ve done. But nothing seems to change, bad times stay the same, and I can’t run.”
Five: “Rhiannon”- Fleetwood Mac
“Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? Will you ever win?”
Six: “Fred Bear”- Ted Nugent
“The spirit of the woods is like an old good friend. Makes me feel warm and good inside.”
Seven: “Down That Highway”- Shaw Blades
  “Little baby crying for attention, let me tell you I could use some too.”
Eight: “Us and Them”- Pink Floyd
“Down and out. It can’t be helped, but there’s a lot of it about.”
Nine: “Yer So Bad”- Tom Petty
“My sister got lucky, married a yuppie. Took him for all he was worth. Now she’s a swinger. dating a singer. I can’t decide which is worse. But not me, baby, I’ve got you to save me. Oh, yer so bad... best that I ever had... in a world gone mad. yer so bad.”
Ten: “Sentimental Street”- Night Ranger
“Still I noticed your urgency, and recognized the pain, well I’m sure it’s the same you feel again and again. And I wish I could get us that second chance, but you’re having too much fun with your sudden romance.”
I don’t know who to tag, but if you want to do it, say I tagged you and I’ll check out your answers = ) 
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andruwminyrd · 8 years
May I ask how do you make the "[blank] meets social media" edits?
i made a short turtorial here, i hope it helps and makes sense!!
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the-empire-of-dirt · 8 years
Once you get this, share 5 random facts about yourself. Then pass it on to 10 of your favorite followers. 💕💕
1. I am the second of four children 2. Oh thank heaven! I was born 7 lbs 11 ounces 3. I am terrified of monkeys, thanks to a night terror I had of them in kindergarten4. I want to keep bees when I’m older5. I milked my friend’s cow on SaturdayThank you!!! 🐝🐝🐝
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ladystardustcity · 9 years
I was tagged by @unidentified-starman to put my music on shuffle and write down the first ten songs. Thanks babe 💋 1. I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, The Ramones 2. Little Girl Blue, Nina Simone 3. Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen 4. J'ai demande à la lune, Indochine 5. White Riot, the Clash 6. Rock the Casbah, the Clash 7. Suck It And See, Arctic Monkeys 8. Feel Good Inc., Gorillaz 9. Me And Bobby McGee, Janis Joplin 10. Skinny Little Bitch, Hole I’m not tagging anyone because I think most of you have already done it and I’m to lazy to tag on my phone. However, consider yourself tagged if you want to do it 💕
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
attention: neurotypicals would u like to donate your serotonin to me pls
skullkind said: yesssss i get what you mean!!! I just wish i could be neurotypical sometimes.
Me too. :( 
boudiccandestruction said: finish it! finish it! *cheerleads*
One day I will finish someth-
unidentified-starman said: tlg deserves to be called a “classic”. it is truly classic literature
TLG is a classic and deserves to be recognized as one
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I believe Ye Olde Fandome term for that is “squick”.
Yeah I think that’s the term i was looking for. 
lady-windrunner said: I mean…we won’t know until we see the cinematic. But…but I /think/ he doesn’t die. He’s going to be a glorified jailer for X. And if that means actually acting how Maiev once was, or if it means something more like….body becomes a vessel for said X…….I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure he don’t die. He just….exists to return when we’re level 150 probably 8) ‘
OH THAnk god. You have no idea how happy this made me.
Also I would love to see Maiev and have their roles switched in a way. *rubs my dirty little shipper hands together*
doitsuki said: wow-fake.com/achieve… thats for you, got me deceiver’s fall by faking AOTC
omg that’s amazing xD
lady-windrunner said: I see u also have The Big KJ and Velen feels /lies back face down on the floor
ughjhghhhhhhhh all it took was one cinematic for me to fall in love with them
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gothic-goon · 9 years
Have a wonderful Christmas!
you too! ^u^
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When you get this you have to publicly say 5 positive things about yourself and send this message to your 10 favorite followers. (Non-negotiable because positivity is important)
I did this already today, I don’t have any more positive things about myself that I can think of
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the-empire-of-dirt · 9 years
When you get this you have to publicly say 5 positive things about yourself and send this message to your 10 favorite followers. (Non-negotiable because positivity is important)
This was really hard to think of lol
I’m kind to children and strangers and to waiting staff
I take good care of my belongings and realize the value of the physical things I’ve been given
I always eat my veggies
I’ve kept my aloe vera plant, Mr. Vera, alive for a solid two years and still going strong
I call my grandmother just the right amount
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