cow-wizard · 5 years
kiss 33 or 42, nico/Jolie or dante/mira
you say “or” and give me two prompts with two possible pairingsu know what’s goin’ down >:3c
33.“An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.” feat. Nico/Jolie:
“Flathead,” Nico said, holding up her hand, much in the wayone would expect a surgeon to ask for a medical tool. Jolie grabbed what sheasked for but hesitated as she moved back over to her girlfriend, holding thescrewdriver just out of reach.
When a tool didn’t land in her hand, Nico looked up,expecting Jolie to still be looking for it. Instead, she was standing rightbeside her. Just as Nico registered this, eyebrows shooting up as she tiltedher head up to look at Jolie, her girlfriend swooped in for a chaste kiss,pressing the screwdriver into Nico’s hand as she did. The kiss didn’t lastlong, as Jolie had been smiling through it and pulled away, grinning even moreat the dark lipstick now smudged against Nico’s lips.
“That ain’t fair,” the shorter woman pouted, gesturing tothe work table separating the two of them with the hand that held herscrewdriver.
Jolie mirrored Nico’s expression in a teasing manner,tilting her head to one side and reaching a hand up to gently grasp her cheek.She moved her thumb across the lipstick stain, only succeeding in smearing itmore. “Oh no,” she laughed, then bit her lip.
“You got your lipstick all over my face, didn’t ya?” Nicoasked, screwing her mouth to one side but not moving away from Jolie’s touch.
“Not all over,” Jolie replied, then leaned close again. “ThoughI could fix that, if you want.”
Nico’s throat went dry, and she could do little but stare upat her girlfriend, waiting for her next move.
Jolie’s look was nothing short of hungry as she startedmoving even closer, but just as Nico thought she was about to get another kiss,Jolie tilted her head up, lips landing on Nico’s freckled nose instead.
“Jolie!” Nico protested as her girlfriend hopped back and startedto run out of the van, hiking her skirt up as she fled. Instead of givingchase, Nico lifted a hand to her mouth, then looked at the purple stain on herfingertips and smiled.
42. “Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stopthe other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.” feat.Dante/Mira before they got married:
Dante opened the door to his agency, surprised that the lightswere still on at the late hour, but then looked over to his desk to find his girlfriend at work on her laptop. She gave him a small wavebefore turning to look at him, but as she opened her mouth to greet him, sheyawned instead.
Mira let her yawn turn into a full-on stretch, lifting herarms up and bending them at the elbows, twisting left and right. Dante watchedthis with a small smile as he shed his jacket, draping it on the couch, and unstrapped Rebellion,leaving it leaning against the wall as he walked over to the desk.
“How long have you been sitting here?” he asked, taking noteof how Mira looked up at the clock on the wall and squinted.
“…two hours?” she ventured, looking up at him with anunconvincing smile.
Dante narrowed his eyes at her as he leaned down, placing hiselbows on the desk as he propped his head up on his hands. “Try again.”
Mira sighed, turning her attention back to her computer. “Okay,so it’s been more like six.”
“Six hours?” Dante asked, sounding slightly more aghast thanhe actually was. He knew how hard-working Mira was, and though he normally consideredit a good trait, lately he was worried she might be burning the candle at bothends. His number of jobs had increased since they’d started living together,and that was entirely due to Mira’s influence.
“Someone has to make sure we have enough money to eat,” shereplied, as if reading his thoughts. “And that doesn’t just mean pizza.”
“You know, technically—”
“You don’t need to eat, I know, I know,” Mira waved him off,and then grew silent as she focused on her work.
Dante was not swayed by her ignoring him. He was going toget her to stop working, even if only for a few minutes. “It’s been a whilesince you’ve seen me,” he said, moving around the desk so that he could drapehimself against the same side Mira was sitting on, leaning his upper bodytowards her.
“And?” she responded, eyes glued to the laptop screen infront of her.
“And didn’t you miss me?”
“Ouch, my feelings.”
Mira rolled her eyes, then turned her head to look up athim, eyebrows raised expectantly. Dante took the cue, leaning down to kiss her,but as he moved his head to deepen the kiss, Mira pulled away.
“There, now shoo.”
“I’m hurt, Mira, really I am,” Dante said, faking a pout.
“You’re going to be if you don’t stop bothering me,” she replied,without any real malice.
“Ah, you wouldn’t hurt me,” Dante returned, and when he gotno response, he moved so that his face was blocking Mira’s view.
“I’m considering it,” she said, and then narrowed her eyesas her boyfriend started to grin.
“You can take a break for five minutes, can’t you? It’s pastmidnight! You’ll strain your eyes if you keep up like this,” Dante said, a hintof his true concern coloring his teasing tone of voice. Mira reached up andpatted his cheek.
“I’m almost done,” she said, and tried to scoot the deskchair over so she could see her work again. Dante, however, had other ideas,and grabbed the arms of the rolling chair, pulling it back towards himself.
“Dante Spardason—” she began, before being cut off withanother kiss. “I have work to mmnf—” she tried to speak against his mouth,before giving up and biting his lower lip – hard.
“Ow!” Dante recoiled, but only for a moment, licking theblood off his lip before reaching for Mira, who squealed as he liftedher out of the chair. “That’s it,” he said, placing her back down on top of thedesk and trapping her there with his arms, “you’re officially on forced leave.”He grinned and waited for Mira to sigh again and say ‘fine’ before leaning infor another kiss, which she now returned eagerly, hooking her legs around hisand looping her arms around his neck.
After a moment, she pulled back, looking up at him with agrin. “You’ll be disappointed when I pass out before we make it to the bed.”
Dante put one hand to his chest, wearing a mock painedexpression. “Madam, do you truly think me so callous?” he asked, shaking hishead at her. Then he leaned forward again, forehead resting against hers as hesaid, “I’m just trying to distract you, baby.”
“Don’t call me that,” Mira said in a dry tone.
“Yes ma’am, boss lady,” Dante replied, earning a grin fromher.
“Better,” she said, before pulling him into another kiss.
After all, it was sweet of him to worry.
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
@ghoulghoulneighbor sounds legit. you see female presenting nipples aren’t allowed. The rest of the boob is okay just no nipples
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masseffecting · 7 years
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Our winner is ghoulghoulneighbor!
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ifeelbetterer · 7 years
openthedooritschip replied to your post: please pass this along to any ace/aro peops you...
(i’m not ace or in academia so this is just my 2 cents but) tbh heteronormativity sounds right to me, with the amount of “oh how long have you been roommates” “you must be such good friends” etc etc same gender couples and especially lesbians and bi / pan women get from straight people + there’s always potential persecution when the relationship IS recognized. straight ppl pairing up is normalized, not so much the rest of us.
pornosophical reblogged your post:please pass this along to any ace/aro peops you...
het coupling is het normative, end of that storythere is no social expectation for anything other than het pairings....
ghoulghoulneighbor replied to your post: please pass this along to any ace/aro peops you...
I’ve only seen heteronormativity because, as we all know, only the heterosexual relationships count. And then they all have to involve The Sex. /s
unofficialbuffalobeauts replied to your post: please pass this along to any ace/aro peops you...
heteronormativity is more accurate because if an ace person was nonbinary and refusing to lie and act like that made them straight or binary person was dating an Nb person or a person of the same gender as them, like their relationship isn’t seen as valid or vaulable by the straights
I mean, I agree on all counts that heteronormativity is the ultimate evil, like the glowing red eye in Lord of the Rings is the ultimate evil. But I was trying to explain to a married friend the other day about how frustrating it is that people in couples don’t understand that I don’t have a second income, that I will never *have* a second income, that there’s no possibility of having a second person to share bills with etc etc. And, yes, this is all related to heteronormativity, but it applies to all couples (of a certain socioeconomic bracket, of course). And it would also apply if I was a single mom, you know? It would be infinitely harder then and the hetero- part of the heteronormative would not apply in that alternate reality. So I’m looking for the metaphorical equivalent of that king-dude who is being mind-whammied in Lord of the Rings, a dude who is a Bad Dude but not anywhere near as bad a dude as the glowing red eye. 
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Researching something about autism and getting autism speaks as the first link causes hella autism
it also causes a scream to ring through the house, probably your own
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Danse tells Shaun the truth about what Shaun is before Sole is ready to. Danse doesn’t want Shaun to live a lie like he did.
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help-mypartner · 8 years
help, I love my partner’s voice and laugh even though they hate them??
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ferryghost · 5 years
url change
ghoulghoulneighbor -> ferryghost
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cow-wizard · 6 years
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hey which one is u
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u Fool, I am All of them. the ultimate Jonas
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masseffecting · 7 years
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Our winner is ghoulghoulneighbor!
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ifeelbetterer · 7 years
ghoulghoulneighbor replied to your post “Anybody else find that they’ve accidentally trained their dog with the...”
My dog sometimes used to go in the backyard and act like she peed and come back in expecting a treat for going pee. So we've taught her that "let me see" means "roll over so we can check and see if ur wet so we know u did pee so u can get a treat". She still tries to lie sometimes though.
Yes EXACTLY. And you don’t even mean to teach your dog this very specific, very weird thing and now your dog knows it and it’s just so fucking funny. 
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i usually put cups over spiders and take them outside, and the other day i did this to a really big spider and when i put it down it raised its front legs at me, trying to be scary. how many autisms is getting threatened by a spider worth?
you get an autism for the amount of legs the insect or whatever a spider is threatening you has
don’t ever upset a millipede
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koichou · 8 years
Well shit, six facts about me
I was tagged by @ghoulghoulneighbor 1. I've lived in Alabama for about 4 years, I'm originally from Oregon. 2. I want to be an animator when I get older, its one of my main goals. I practice art everyday. 3. I love any movie that's animated, (except those shitty low budget ones, very few actually have a good story line) my favorite movie since I was a baby is Treasure Planet. 4. I was born on September 11, 2001. I hate it but it makes me feel a little special sometimes because people say I'm a symbol of hope. 5. The perks of being a wallflower is my favorite book, I relate a lot to Charlie. 6. When I get older I want to travel around the country and when I get done outside of the country. The first place I would go would either be Sweden or Costa Rica to see the land of the strays. I tag @m-gawain @mcsiggy, and @scotchtapeofficial I guess because I don't have any mutuals on Tumblr that haven't done this.
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ferryghost · 7 years
ghoulghoulneighbor -> spookyattas
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cow-wizard · 6 years
1, 11, 21, and 27 for any/all of Saeris, Finn, Nydha c:
I’ll put the questions here and then answer them under the cut!
01.  Whatdoes your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did youjust like the way it sounded?
11.   What is somethingthat would make your character fly into a rage?
21.   What is oneof your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with thisfear?
27.   If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likelyreason for it?
1. Her name means “unending dream”, and I picked itmostly because of how pretty it is, but secondly because she has a recurringnightmare and I’m a dick.
11. Saeris is super calm so itwould take a lot to get her angry, let alone to induce rage…probably anyoneattacking her clan, especially if they targeted the children.
21. Saeris’s #1 fear is beingpossessed, or more generally, demons. Her time in the Fade at Adamant is! Notgreat! (More generally, she would run away from the demons, if possible. Ifnot, kill them.)
27. arrested for being horny on main foregg uhhh well she’s an elf in Thedas so…pre-Inquisition, apostacy?
1. Her full name is Fionnula which means “white,fair”. I picked it because it’s Scottish, like Fergus, and because it can beshortened to Finn which I think is cute.
11. Rendon Howe’s face. More generally…injustice.Anything that’s cruelly unfair, especially if there was a way for her to stopit.
21. Rendon Howe’s face uh, during theBlight her biggest fear is that Fergus is dead, and after that year, that anything badmight happen to him. Since it’s canon (assuming you recruit him and he livesthrough Awakening) that Nathaniel Howe saves Fergus from bandits, Finn gets thechance to react to this fear, albeit after the fact. Probably punches Fergus inthe face for being careless and then hugs him for a really long time.
27. Punching a random nobleman in the face.
1. Her name means “night blade”! I picked itbecause she’s a dual-wielding rogue and because it’s pretty.
11. Livius Erimond opening his garbage mouth. And like Saeris, if anyonewere to attack her clan (especially if they went after her adopted kids or anyof the other children/younger people in the clan) she’d wreck shop.
21. Being powerless. Nydha has trained for nearly two decades not onlyhow to be a hunter but how to be deadly with her daggers so that she doesn’thave to face this fear. However, when her own hand/arm turns against her twoyears after defeating Corypheus, Nydha suffers from severe anxiety.
27.Punching a lot of random noblemen.
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sigurdjarlson · 7 years
attention: neurotypicals would u like to donate your serotonin to me pls
skullkind said: yesssss i get what you mean!!! I just wish i could be neurotypical sometimes.
Me too. :( 
boudiccandestruction said: finish it! finish it! *cheerleads*
One day I will finish someth-
unidentified-starman said: tlg deserves to be called a “classic”. it is truly classic literature
TLG is a classic and deserves to be recognized as one
ghoulghoulneighbor said: I believe Ye Olde Fandome term for that is “squick”.
Yeah I think that’s the term i was looking for. 
lady-windrunner said: I mean…we won’t know until we see the cinematic. But…but I /think/ he doesn’t die. He’s going to be a glorified jailer for X. And if that means actually acting how Maiev once was, or if it means something more like….body becomes a vessel for said X…….I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure he don’t die. He just….exists to return when we’re level 150 probably 8) ‘
OH THAnk god. You have no idea how happy this made me.
Also I would love to see Maiev and have their roles switched in a way. *rubs my dirty little shipper hands together*
doitsuki said: wow-fake.com/achieve… thats for you, got me deceiver’s fall by faking AOTC
omg that’s amazing xD
lady-windrunner said: I see u also have The Big KJ and Velen feels /lies back face down on the floor
ughjhghhhhhhhh all it took was one cinematic for me to fall in love with them
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