#unification theological seminary
whatisonthemoon · 2 years
The Barrytown Property is being sold off for $15 million
The FFWPU USA is attempting to sell the UTS Barrytown location at $15 million. https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/30-Seminary-Dr-Barrytown-NY/27246922/ The fact that the Unification Church in the USA has been selling off some of their most prized properties reveals that the UC has no intention on preserving its history in the US, or sustaining it much further. Hak Ja Han is closing the operation as we know it in the US, as the members who joined in the 70s are passing on leadership, and too many are passing away too. Perhaps the FFWPU in the US will continue to import members from all over the world, and maintain and a mostly American bureaucracy with key Korean leaders at the top as continental leaders, and other similar positions. 
The question is... who is looking to buy a $15 million school in Red Hook, NY? 
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The Divine Principle is a clever construction. Moon’s first edition reveals a big lie.
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Wolli Wonbon was an early version of the Divine Principle “written” by Moon himself in two notebooks in Busan in 1951-52. A few copies were hand-written and distributed. Kim Won-pil had an early copy which he got typed into a computer when he was living in Japan. Park Chung-hwa also had a pair of Wolli Wonbon notebooks. It was largely a synthesis of the work of a number of leaders of small religious groups that pre-dated Moon – Kim Song-do, Lee Yong-do, Baek Nam-ju, Chong Duk-eun and Kim Baek-moon, etc. Kim Baek-moon had studied theology, unlike Sun Myung Moon whose highest education was evening classes on electrical engineering at a Tokyo High School.
Kim Baek-moon devised the basic theological structure of 1. Ideal, 2. Fall of Man and 3. History of Restoration. It was also he who created the Parallels of History culminating in 1917 (400 years after Martin Luther’s theses). 1917 was chosen because it was the year of Kim Baek-moon’s birth.
There is a Korean report that Moon got a follower to obtain Kim’s notes while both were refugees in Busan in 1952. Kim was living in the Dongnae district of Busan when his notes were stolen. He was furious. He eventually got his notes back after about six months – meantime Moon had copied all Kim’s ideas. LINK
In the 1970s one of the 36 Blessed Couples said he knew very well that many ideas had come from Kim Baek-moon. (One of his own relatives had been a follower of Kim before switching to Moon.) The 36 member said the important point was that Moon had got the Divine Principle out to the world.
In the end Sun Myung Moon was elevated by all the early church members, and the Unification Church, and given all the credit for the ‘revelations’ contained in the Divine Principle.
In Wolli Wonbon Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. This was confirmed in 2012 by Dr Andrew Wilson, a Unification Church theologian at the US Unification Theological Seminary. A Sanctuary Church leader recently commented about this major revelation concerning, Wolli Wonbon the foundational version of the DP: “I would think the probable reason was that, in consultation with Eu Hyo-won, Father decided that this was not something that would help Christians to accept him.”
Between 1952 and 1957 Moon changed that DP plot line to claiming that Jesus failed because he did NOT marry!
The first DP book in Korean was published in 1957.
The ‘Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus’ narrative has massive implications for the entire Unification Theology that was later put together. Wolli Wonbon, long kept hidden, reveals the lie.
Almost all the ideas in the Divine Principle came from earlier Korean fringe religious groups, many of whom practiced pikareum womb cleansing.
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Where Sun Myung Moon got his theology
Moon taught that God did NOT create the angels in pairs – meaning that God broke one of his own “creation” laws
“Do you see it? Adam and Eve were husband and wife before the Fall, not brother and sister.”
原理原本 The Original Principle, Wolli Wonbon  (May 10, 1952)
原理原本 Wolli Wonbon, The Original Principle. Moon finished his notes in May 1952
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Divine Principle – the Parallels of History examined
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volumeofvalue · 2 years
The Unification Church Movement
BOOK REVIEWThe Unification Church Movementby Michael L. Mickler 2022 About the AuthorDr. Michael L. Mickler is Professor of Church History and Vice-President of the Unification Theological Seminary, and Director of the Sun Hak Institute of History USA. He is the author of Footprints of True Parents’ Providence: The United States of America (2013), 40 Years in America: An Intimate History of the…
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Urgent appeal to current members, ex-members, prospective members and second generation Moonies of all nationalities.
Of particular interest to the following categories:
Currently homeless or "couch surfing"
Imminent eviction, foreclosure or bankruptcy (Japanese members too)
Illegal immigrants or overstayed or uncertain visa situation
Second Generation orphans or runaways due to abuse, etc
Japanese, Philippina divorcee or human traffic victims
Elderly abandonment widows, medical bankruptcy, etc
Other unspecified, etc, please contact for details
Converge at the following address immediately for mass protest:
30 Seminary Drive Barrytown, N.Y. 12507
Former location of Unification Theological Seminary, presently unoccupied in anticipation of pending sale.
Moonies and former Moonies seeking redress for years of exploitation and abuse will occupy said property indefinitely until Church leadership enters earnest negotiations with each individual party to satisfy demands!
All respondents should coordinate with forthcoming elected committee members for maximum effect. Donations encouraged both financial and otherwise, limited to household, camping gear, food, personal care products including Depends undergarments, etc.
Respondents with legal background required, those with Korean language skills go to the top of the list!!!!!!
Medical background appreciated for elderly assistance!
Former or current Sanctuary church members with legal carry permits and Rods of Iron encouraged to enlist for security detail!
Former UTS grads with Ministerial background strongly encouraged to participate for impromptu counseling, Sunday services and possible organized comfort blessings.  
Bus, RV's and personal vehicles, please pool resources for caravan from West coast locations to be announced. Donations urgently needed for transportation for destitute International participants!
WE ARE FAMILY! Let's pull together for the final mobilization for heaven's sake!
Withhold all Tithes, Ancestor liberation contributions and Spirit World Apartment down payments for this campaigns successful outcome. Get the word out to all former members and contacts including Black Ministers and their congregations.
Volunteers will be requested for future events, including a march on the East Garden property. Be prepared to get involved! God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.......
prepared by Frank Frivilous in cooperation with Don Diligence in consultation with Robert Maynard and supporters.
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dixiechikdigger · 8 years
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Sun Myung MOON, We HARDLY Knew Ye—or Your Church’s FINANCES 💰💰💰! By RICK COHEN | September 13, 2012 MOONIES The leader of the Unification Church died last week at the age of 92. Most Americans know the Unification Church for its mass weddings of thousands of couples at a time at well publicized events at Madison Square Garden in New York City or RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. The husbands and wives (known as Moonies) are generally not introduced to each other until the wedding ceremony and were typically handpicked and arranged for one another by the Unification Church’s SELF-PROCLAIMED MESSIAH, Rev. Sun Myung Moon (who GAVE himself the “reverend” title). Rev. Moon may have died, but his Unification Church remains a MASSIVE national and INTERNATIONAL CONGLOMERATE, known also for its education and peace programs. Other than Rev. Moon, we don’t know of other high-profile religious messiahs that have spent 13 MONTHS (of an 18-month sentence for tax evasion) in a federal corrections FACILITY in Danbury, Conn. Rev. Moon was then ordered to a halfway house in Brooklyn. He often plowed new ground within organized religion. The Unification Church said that he will still function as the messiah despite his mortal passing. There are TEN surviving children of the Moons, though some of them have apparently been at odds with each other and with the messiah himself. Although the late Rev. Moon went to federal prison as a result of a TAX SHOWDOWN with the IRS, the Unification Church in the U.S. IS, like OTHER congregations, a TAX-EXEMPT organization that can receive TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations. In the U.S., the Church seems to raise most of its “charitable” money though tithing and, at least in the past, through sales of materials such as gifts, flowers and books. Unification Church websites (such as http://unificationnews.com/, http://www.familyfed.org/index.php, and http://www.unification.net/) are long on Rev. Moon’s speeches and positive news stories, but LACKING in information about the FINANCES and structure of Rev. Moon’s church. Therein lies the problem. Where RELIGION MEET MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS An IRS spokesperson reached at the National Media Relations Office would NOT confirm or deny the Church’s tax-exempt status. NPQ’s own search turned up the New York City-headquartered Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC), which is the formal name for the Unification Church in the U.S. Because it is a CHURCH, it files NO 990s, bedeviling the ability of the press to gauge the asset value of the religious institution Rev. Moon has left to his wife and various children. The press typically refers to the Church’s assets as worth “BILLIONS of dollars.” For tax-exempt purposes, the Unification Church is more than just the church. There is the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, N.Y., the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International in Tarrytown, N.Y. and other locations, and separate operations of the HSA-UWC in McLain, Va., Philadelphia, and Denver. Additional Unification churches exist throughout the U.S., including one in Kodiak, Alaska. The number of tax-exempt organizations established and run by the Church or by members of the Moon family is large and difficult to identify, but at least some of these organizations are clearly still around and connected to the Church, such as the Universal Peace Federation, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, and the Professors World Peace Academy (which basically subsidizes and controls the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut). Others seem to be arms of the various ANTI-COMMUNIST political operations Rev. Moon established over the years to connect to CONSERVATIVE politicians in the U.S. Of interest to NPQ are grantmaking foundations affiliated with the Unification Church, including the Young Jin Moon CHARITABLE Foundation, with all of its grantmaking GOING to the HSA-UWC. Another Moon-affiliated foundation, the UNIVERSAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION, has directed most of its current GRANTMAKING to the KIROV Academy of Ballet in Washington, D.C. and to performances by the Little Angels Children’s Folk Ballet of Korea, which was founded by Rev. Moon in the early 1960s. Then there is the WASHINGTON TIMES Foundation, the charitable arm of the politically CONSERVATIVE daily NEWSPAPER owned by the Moon family. The Church has also undertaken BIG BUSINESS ventures, including the purchase of UNITED Press INTERNATIONAL through the church’s News World Communications, the NEW YORKER Hotel in New York City, the Washington Times, and FISHING and SEAFOOD interests in Massachusetts and Alaska. Overseas, the Unification Church has extensive business relations in a range of countries, including a partnership interest in PYEONG HWA Motors, a small car manufacturing plant in NORTH Korea, one of several relationships (including ownership of the Potonggang Hotel in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang) between the closed, communist society of North Korea and the reportedly fiercely anti-communist Rev. Moon. According to many sources, businesses owned by the Unification Church are the largest supplier of fish for sushi in the U.S. Most intriguingly, the Unification Church has its own South Korean “CHAEBOL ” called the Tongil Group. A chaebol is a South Korean form of multinational business conglomerate, often a family-linked investment vehicle. The Moon chaebol, named for the concept of Korean unification, owns or has ownership interests in a number of manufacturing, travel, sports, and communications businesses. Tongil also supports or has interests in a number of non-U.S. nonprofit ventures in the areas of evangelism (Unification Church entities, mostly), peace and education (the Korean version of the Universal Peace Federation and the Professors World Peace Academy), performing arts (the Universal Cultural Foundation), and sports (including the Sun Moon Peace Soccer Foundation). In addition to its religious and charitable operations, Rev. Moon’s Church has been quite well connected to certain politicians. In the 1970s and 1980s, the public’s attention to the Unification Church was often associated with its engagement with political figures. Its advocacy for the election of Richard Nixon was not too subtle, and President George H.W. Bush appeared with Barbara Bush at a Unification Church event. The Unification Church was also connected to famous people such as civil rights leader Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Neil Bush (George W. Bush’s brother), Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Illinois), who co-sponsored an event crowning Rev. Moon the “King of Peace,” and Rev. Al Sharpton, who had his marriage officially blessed by an official of the Unification Church in the late 1990s. Moonies can tithe to support the Church, and are guided by a tithing manual published in October of 2010 titled Why and How to Tithe - An Educational Guide for Members of the Unification Church. Like Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s well publicized tithing to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), otherwise known as the Mormons, the tithing as a form of charitable donation to the Unification Church is tax-deductible. While few would overtly compare the Moonies to the more established Mormons, Romney’s declaration that he is uncomfortable with disclosure of his persona tax returns due to his tithing to the LDS raises questions about church secrecy regarding tax-exempt donations and assets. The Time for Disclosure Will the Unification Church suffer due to the passing of its living messiah? South Korean professor of religion Tark Ji-il suggests that “The Unification Church will continue to be in good shape even after Sun Myung Moon’s death.” However, Tark described in-fighting among the Moon scions for control over the various parts of the Unification Church empire as a “rebellion of princes” that could be destabilizing. Another Korean religious professor, Kim Heung-soo, warned, “There is a high possibility that internal discord will deepen.” More than likely, the hopes for the future of the empire rest on Rev. Moon’s wife, Hak Ja Han, the surviving half of the Church’s “True Parents,” who was seen as something like a co-messiah with Rev. Moon. Messiah or not, Rev. Moon leaves behind a vast domain that is all but unknowable to the American public that, in a way, subsidizes the Unification Church and its affiliates through federal tax exemption and charitable donation deductibility. It was the congressional investigation of Rev. Moon and the Unification Church that, according to the IRS, “brought the IRS 501(c)(3) exemption for non-traditional churches and religious organizations before the public eye,” based on findings such as “evidence that [the Unification Church] had systematically violated U.S. tax, immigration, banking, currency, and Foreign Agents Registration Act laws, as well as State and local laws relating to charity fraud, and that these violations were related to the organization’s overall goals of gaining temporal power.” That was the IRS’s conclusion—back in 1979—in an official report on the religious tax exemption, but more than three decades later, in the wake of Rev. Moon’s death, the temporal power and assets of the Unification Church remain shrouded by the confidentiality of the same tax exemption. Set aside debates concerning how much or little connection there might be between Rev. Moon’s Church and mainstream Christianity. Set aside the degree to which some might see the Unification Church as a cult. The fact is the public has no specific rights to examine what the successors to Rev. Moon are going to do with the millions or billions of dollars of assets controlled by the Unification Church, and that is a serious issue of current standards of disclosure. Even if, as some Unification Church adherents have suggested, Rev. Moon is still overseeing Church activities from his new posthumous celestial abode, the Unification Church should be compelled to disclose exactly what it owns and controls that is currently cloaked behind its tax-exempt status. The time is over for allowing churches operating as multinational businesses to hide their finances from the public. The time is over for allowing donors who give or tithe to religious institutions to use that as the reason for keeping their charitable donations secret—even if the institutions in question are run by messiahs. ABOUT RICK COHEN Rick Cohen Rick joined NPQ in 2006, after almost eight years as the executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Before that he played various roles as a community worker and advisor to others doing community work. He also worked in government. Cohen pursued investigative and analytical articles, advocated for increased philanthropic giving and access for disenfranchised constituencies.
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Eclipse Miracles And Loads Of Them.
I mean that depends, if I have some time off I constantly take some time for songs therefore, for me this is actually other I think yet when I am actually travelling daily, I have in fact even more routine than when I'm not visiting day-to-day. Through contrast, a goal moon can easily exist thus near the planet concerning practically touch its plane. August Moon has actually crinkled, heart-shaped, cupped, as well as big fallen leaves so that are going to certainly stand apart in the garden. In its most practical sense, the moon was a great time for historical Pagans to meet; especially when they were actually being actually maltreated by specialists of more prevalent faiths. In Japan, the face of the moon is viewed as portraying a bunny mashing rice on a mortar and pestle to create the cake-like treat phoned mochi. Goldman Sachs launched a document on Thursday that revealed Actavis is actually the most preferred supply with mutual funds that it tracks, more preferred in comparison to Apple. Tattoo designs from these concepts are actually incredibly popular along with stars at the same time, which indicates that several youngsters are going to want to possess the very same tattoo concept when they see their idol with that design. Refers many significant bookstores in their online bookstore customer reviews, a popular option being AbeBooks, which provides visitors enjoyable benefits like buying signed stories by their favored writers. The second moon from July wowed skywatchers all over the world - or even precede - on Friday, using the lunar reward from a supposed Blue Moon that won't be actually viewed again until 2018. While the moon circles the planet monthly, there are actually commonly no forms of eclipses at all. Candlelight dinners, gentle songs, sluggish dancings, late evening strolls hand in hand due to the light from the moon on small windswept coastlines - every thing is feasible, and this performs not quit there, Aries will certainly proclaim undying love for their precious - a guarantee they are more than likely to maintain. In this position, the moon blocks out sunlight, the sunlight casts bobbyforyou.de the moon's shade in the world. When Reverend Moon established the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) in Barrytown, The big apple he selected David S.C. Kim to be its own 1st head of state. The moon might look constricting as well as growing, mercurially relocating with stages from crescent to moon with mythological speed.
Mike Scott is informing all of them that, then, when they did that trait, they observed the larger picture - the entire from the moon - certainly not simply the bow, which is the considerable amount of nearly everybody each and every single time. Our team must consist of current idea of how deep space, the galaxy, the solar system, the earth as well as other worlds, and also the moon transpired. Yes, this moon placement is typically discovered in spiritual innovators, as the religious facet is heavily highlighted here. Yes, I wish to receive a bunch of assistance and also support off Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, especially on smooth issues," he pointed out on Wednesday, when inquired if there might be a location for Ban in a Moon Jae-in federal government. Moon on Monday stressed the value from collaboration along with Japan in efforts to denuclearize North Korea and Nikai conceded, the South's governmental workplace stated, while Suga mentioned both confirmed the value from putting pressure on North Korea.
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Tracks From The Second War Of The Nations.
The ship bring the gadget likewise included jars in the Rhodian style, bring about a hypothesis that this was constructed at an academy created through Stoic philosopher Posidonius on that Classical island. If your Moon resides in Water or even Planet, nevertheless, you could be actually more of the smoldering style, revealing anger in manner ins which are much more excruciating since they're just weighing down and dimming the atmosphere. Exactly what is actually being without, the rocketeers state, is an impressive goal, an encouraging pressure, like just what the purpose of touchdown on the moon provided for mouse click the up coming web site Beauty project. That is actually as simple as this: Our company should have a rapid consider what you're making use of to locate design websites. Moons take place every 29.5 days, and when that happens two times in a month it is a blue moon. Rahu only amplify the mental attributes of the Moon, Moon is the womanly planet, caring, affectionate and also beneficial planet, Rahu boost all these top quality from the Moon.
The exception is when the Earth, Moon and also Sunlight are lined up - as takes place two times each month during the complete and also brand new moons. Whichever occurs to become the situation with your ex-spouse partner, these huge recommendations are going to create that occur quick. A vital sticking point in the speaks is actually the argument over providing financial aid to bad as well as establishing countries to assist all of them make their economic situations environmentally friendly and also tolerate the impacts from a warming weather. The noticeable magnitude of the Sunlight is − 26.74 (brighter), and the method apparent enormity of the moon is − 12.74 (dimmer). When that component Sunlight it going to assist Sunlight as well as the person obtain great partner, Moon is actually welcoming to Sunlight yet in conjuction this carries out certainly not assist yet. In Astrology that is felt that along with a Pisces moon indication you could have a sixth sense in a lot of circumstances. am a Gemini with a Sagittarius Moon and also this describes me well but I have attributes from others like in some situations I try to find financial gain (all-natural business woman) and also my emotions could Abe outrageous. One of the lunar stories abundant off Asia to South America is actually that the trace of a bunny appears on the surface from the moon; profit from this by using your attendees some rabbit food (a veggie plate), too. Therefore here that is, my small gift to those from you who cannot find very easy tracks to play on guitar. When Reverend Moon founded the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) in Barrytown, New York he decided on David S.C. Kim to be its first head of state. Explored their booth at Center Isle a handful of weeks ago as well as they were actually quite helpful at the same time!
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(via The Voice of the Earth, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and Wantok, the Red Scout of the Cinders; Squaw of the Great Spirit)
THE ”JESUS CHURCH” of KOREA and Sun Myung Moon“
Sun Myung Moon’s parents joined the Jesus Church Yesu Kyohoe when Moon was about 10 years old. The Jesus Church was born in Korea in the 1920s. The Jesus Church was founded based on the divine oracle of Ms. Yu Myong-hwa and Ms. Lee Yoo-shin. 
Ms. Yu Myong-hwa was the central figure in the new Jesus Church.
She claimed Jesus was incarnate in her body and leading the Jesus Church through her.This proclamation took place in 1927. Ms. Yu Myong-hwa began to prophesy to her followers to have saintly children for God. The male leaders of the Jesus Church knelt down in front of her, worshipped her and listened to Jesus’ words through her. 
The most important male leaders of the new Jesus Church were Lee Yong-do and his seminary fellows Lee Ho-bin and Lee Hwan-shin, and Paek Nam-ju and Han Joon-myung. 
Officially the Jesus Church was founded in Seoul on January 3, 1933.Throughout his high school days in Seoul Sun Myung Moon attended a local chapter of Yesu Kyohoe.Sun Myung Moon lodged at the home of Ms. Lee Kee-bong and briefly at the house of her sister Ms. Lee Kee-ha.
These women were members of the Jesus Church. Sun Myung Moon was given the job of Sunday School teacher for about thirty children in the Jesus Church.Sun Myung Moon graduated from the high school in 1941, and entered an engineering school at the junior college level in Tokyo in April 1941. 
Moon graduated in August 1943 and moved to Seoul.Sun Myung Moon and Ms. Choi Sun-kil were married in 1943 in Cheolsan, North Pyong-an Province.One of the cofounders of the Jesus Church, Rev. Lee Ho-bin, came by train from Pyongyang and conducted the marriage ceremony in the courtyard of Choi Sun-kil’s family house.
So Sun Myung Moon’s first marriage was blessed in the Jesus Church.
Sun Myung Moon joined the Israel Sudo-won ‘Israel Monastery’, led by a minister called Kim Baek-mun, in October 1945 in Seoul. Rev. Kim Baek-mun had joined the Jesus Church some time after Rev. Lee Yong-do had died. 
So the ‘Israel Monastery’ was an offshoot of the Jesus Church.It had the same doctrines and ritual practices as the Jesus Church.Sun Myung Moon’s work under Kim Paek-mun was mainly to minister to a local chapter of Kim’s group at Sangdo-dong in Seoul. 
It lasted for about six months.Kim Paek-mun, on March 2, 1946, had a psychic experience, in which the Holy Spirit came down and Jesus appeared to him. 
After that experience he began to have continuous revelations concerning Korea’s role as the new chosen country.Kim Paek-mun’s mission was that of the Holy Spirit in a new age that was to follow the New Testament Age.
Kim Baek-mun, who was influenced both by Ms. Kim Nam-jo, “Prophetess of Chongjin”, and by a cofounder of the Jesus Church, Rev. Paek Nam-ju in Wonsan, held that the virginity of Eve in the Garden of Eden was taken by a being described as “the serpent” in Genesis.
Kim Baek-mun wrote two books, Theology of the Holy Ghost and The Basic Principle of Christianity. Kim included in his book “Theology of the Holy Ghost” a chapter titled “Principle of Restoration” which was a theological basis for yongch’e or pigarum ceremonies for changing the blood lineage.Through ritual sex the primeval fornication in the Garden of Eden could be reversed. 
Kim Baek-mun’s books are viewed as summation of the theology of Hwang Guk-ju and Lee Yong-do. Kim Paek-mun’s spiritual group practiced yongch’e ‘receiving a new spiritual body’ or pigarum ’change of blood lineage’ ceremonies in order to reverse the Fall and engraft fallen people into the blood lineage of God.
Grandmother Pak Wol-yong in Pyongyang was also a leader in the Jesus Church. 
Around 1945 she began to claim to her followers that she was the wife of Jehovah (Yahweh). 
She told she had sex with God and received a new spiritual body from God through their sexual intercourse.
So she became divine and God’s spouse in flesh, a goddess incarnated.Ms. Pak’s messianic group had a local chapter in Seoul. 
The leader of this church was Kim Baek-mun and his group was called the “Israel Monastery”.Sun Myung Moon was a member of Israel Monastery from October 1945 until the summer 1946.
Sun Myung Moon left Seoul for Pyongyang together with Kim Baek-mun and some of his followers in June 1946 in order to meet grandmother Pak in Pyongyang.Sun Myung Moon arrived at her place on June 4th 1946.Ms. Pak’s messianic group was called Kwang-ya Kyohoe “Wilderness Church”.“Israel Monastery”, led by Kim Baek-mun, was in reality a branch of Kwang-ya Kyohoe. 
So Kim Baek-mun knew Pak Wol-yong.
Sun Myung Moon decided to stay in Ms. Pak’s spiritual group in Pyongyang. He was serving and obeying her completely. 
Rev. Moon’s work under her lasted longer than his previous work with Kim Paek-mun in “Israel Monastery”.Rev. Moon’s work under her came to an end sometime in mid 1947, when she refused to accept his declaration that she should obey him from then on.
Ms. Pak got angry and demanded that the leader of “Israel Monastery”, Kim Baek-mun, must be brought to her to replace Sun Myung Moon.‘The blood lineage exchange ceremony’ pigarum or ‘receiving a new spiritual body’ yongch’e is based on the idea that a divine being with pure blood can pass on his or her sanctity to another person through a sexual intercourse. 
Children who were going to be born through the yongch’e or pigarum ceremonies would be without original sin.
Sun Myung Moon and his associates practiced their blood lineage exchange ceremonies in private homes in Pyongyang and later in South Korea.Sun Myung Moon had ritual sex with Ms. Pak; they had a pigarum ceremony ‘change of blood lineage’ in June 1946 in Pyongyang. 
It was believed that he became purified and one with God through this ceremony.
After that Sun Myung Moon had ritual sex ceremonies with his female followers.Sun Myung Moon’s understanding of the Fall was in no sense theologically original but was in fact highly derivative from the interpretations suggested by his Messiah predecessors during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s in Korea. ‘The blood lineage exchange ceremony’ pigarum or ‘receiving a new spiritual body ceremony’ yongch’e was adopted from his predecessors, too.The leaders of different messianic groups in Korea had adopted their interpretation of the Fall from the Jewish pseudepicgraphic literature which consists mainly of apocalypses. 
This Jewish literature originates from the 3rd to the 1st century BCE.This Jewish literature suggests that a fallen angel, Satan or the ‘Serpent’, seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden to have a spiritual sexual relationship with him.Satan polluted Eve and she transferred this pollution further to Adam when she seduced him to have sex with her physically. Satan and Eve had a son, Cain, as a result of their sexual union. We thus have a Jewish doctrine of inherited corruption, which, derived from Satan, was transmitted by Eve to all her seed.”As an aside; “Kirsti L. Nevalainen :
Marriage with God : Shamanistic Rite of the Unification Church
. [Tampere :] Mediapinta, 2009.”
{…..Inasmuch as the shamanic sexual activities described occur purely in “dreams” (p. 64), this fact alone must vitiate any direct likening of shamanism with Unification Church sexual activities, which (as described in this book) do not so occur.The Unification Church is more alike to the Family of Love (Children of God) than it is to shamanism, in this regard……}
The Arrival of Lord Siva within Salvation Rose; and the divine creature called the “Dabbat al-Ard” from Sura 27:82 of the Qur’an on October 24th; 2007; arriving at the filling of the 144,000 Baktun of Pacal Votan, who arrived in Central America in 631 AD, Palenque’s founder; arriving as of the Spirit upon the death of  Mohammed in 630 AD…..at Medina….as Ishmael’s body buried next to the empty grave of Issac his brother; who rose first…at the 7th trump; at the Voice of the Earth.The Sura of the Verse of LightOnly the Holy Spirit of Allah can explain who Jesus of Nazareth was; the one Muhammed knew as “The Blessed Olive Tree” mentioned in the Verse of Light in the section on the Lamp of Allah; which is the Creation of God; as the Elect all know; and only my Father Jesus can reveal the fulness of the Holy Spirit who was sent in his Name after he Ascended. As one who died in Christ standing in the position of the least in the Kingdom of heaven I was given the Seal of the Living God; and with it I do Baptize in the Holy Spirit all who come to the River of Fire where Haight became Love; ……..for in this New Pentecost the tongues of flame which came down on the inhabitants of 1226 Masonic in that Time and Season….
 Even as the Song of our Moses was “We  Shall  Overcome!”
Does anyone recall the 430 years of time-indemnity we paid in the New World? It began in 1492; and then 430 years in earnest from the year 1500, when Christopher Columbus returned; thus started the beginning of what was to become the Third Israel in the West, for the Black Race in it’s Captivity in the West in that 430 years…..And then in 1929 was Dr. King born……our Moses…..
It is this 430 years which was the foundation on which the Black Race stood in their overcoming in the position of the 430 years of Israel in Egypt; as all who find the emegence of these modern Children of Israel will attest; we who walked with Servant King and gave ourselves to the southern Voice of Prince Aaron indeed left the Racist Egypt America had as it’s Egyptian shadow. 
This was the legacy of My generation that Rev. Moon squandered as he made us a money making engine to steal our blessing and become rich,,
… It was said; “For It must needs be in the last days, that evil shall come; but woe unto them through whom it comes!!!”
Rev. Moon forgot all about that….
Yet we did not drown the young first born black men in the Nile: we sent them to die in Vietnam; much easier; and just as effective.  All who heard were baptize as of the English tongue of fire itself; and in that Music of Universal Love we see the Trumpet of the Archangel Michael himself; thus the English “tongue of Fire” became the one that swept over the earth to prepare the earth for the lifting up of the Horn of the Archangel; the Horn of Salvation; though which alone would come the Song of the Lamb: the Destiny of the True Rock!
“…but that which ye have; hold fast; that no man take thy crown…”
But we all know who the Black Moses and the White Aaron were; seen in our Servant King and our Prince Aaron as they were working together unbeknownst to themselves. For those who doubt we were walking out of Egypt I suggest you take a long hard look at the Golden Calf of Elvis where he fell as an Idol we worshiped with the Gold Cadillac Hollywood had him dance in front of: and on.
Yet before Prince Aaron fell and became King Elvis of the Golden Calf, as that golden one before which our Generations parents gambolled and imitated; and of whose self-idolatry My Generation rebelled as we rose up against our elders: yes, I would counsel the reader to see in our Aaron the Voice that was given to our King to bring his message of racial unity to the North from the South; for this was as when Aaron was given to Moses as his Voice; but then the 430 years the black christian race suffered in America was on the foundation of the 430 years of the House of Bondage of that first Israel. 
What then happened in the Street of the City of St. Francis was of a baptism in which the English tongue can alone of the languages of the earth define the Signs in the Sun and the Moon and reveal them to be seen; even as the Sun represents the masculine principle and the Moon the feminine principle; so did Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon get married in 1960; the Signs in the Sun and Moon being in the Unification church’s declaration that Sun Myung Moon represented the True Parents; which would have been their attempt to begin the restoration of the Creation by taking the Original Positions of Adam and Eve as those of the Sun to rule the Day and the Moon to rule the Night; as long as they both kept the Commandment and thus kept their respective position.
This was restoration as of themselves in the two original positions in Paradise of man and woman in the Cosmic sense of the Word; though few would believe it of the English revelation; except those who awakened all know that for Hate to become Love requires Fire; as of the Altar; which was in the City of St. Francis; just as Haight as a street of Babylon transformed by Love then changed into a Street of Pure Gold; clear as transparent glass.
Thus was the Path of the Just revealed before our Holy City fell into Sodom spiritually. And both Dr. King and Aaron Presley both died in Memphis; the name of the ancient capital of Egypt; the only major American city named after a city of Egypt in the USA; the City of My Generation’s destruction; both for our Black Moses; and our White Aaron. Thus is the Baptism of Love the Baptism of Fire; for do you not recall the word of John: to wit;
“……for he will baptize with Fire; and the Holy Spirit….”
And the Fire was of Love; as we now know; but where did see that Fire again:
……..was it in the City of St. Francis?
I say it is So.It was this that was the Fire of the Altar; the “burning coals” of “fire” on the Altar are the “essence” of “divine love” on the Principle of Divine Love which is the Altar itself; and it was this that Jesus sprinkled on those who came close enough to him; to catch fire; to find the Rapture of the Lamb: the Mercy of God Himself. Did not John the Divine say that God is Love?
What little child entered the Golden gate in 1967 in the name of Love?
Only he who could be said to therefore stand in the Name of Jesus Christ himself; as the only Name of God in which there is Salvation.As I found when, at the last, beaten to my knees; I called upon the the name of Jesus Christ as having the power to save me.
And it did.
But there’s a little more to the story.
The Glory that sent me is that the name of “Christ Jesus” means “Day Light”; as “Jesus” himself  was “the Light”; and as seperated from “darkness” in his 40 daysof temptation as divided from his “shadow” the devil; he thus became as that Original “Light seperated from Darkness”: as then “the Day”, or what is called the “Christ”.
Thus the name of “Christ Jesus” literally means “Day Light:
the “Light of Life” that has now been revealed:
….and I am that Path of the Just; the Path of Salvation 
“Rose Up from the Street”.
The name of Jesus Christ became for me in 1986, back when I was saved, as the very Word of Salvation; and as I discovered years later, in my instruction from my Father’s servant John, it is that one who finally arrives as that little one at the End as he who died in Christ, as it is revealed now to all who would believe and be saved at this Last Hour; of this Last Day; in which the Door now stands open…. I so now reveal that glory I found which sent me, and that it would be this:
That the name of Jesus Christ be “glorified again”;
….and that is my wish and my dream: and now it has come true:
……in the name of  “Christ Jesus”:
(From the Song of the Lamb;by this band of God and His Christ; Thee Unicorns)
“...Well in the name Christ Jesus.,,” True Light of life”;…and in the Name of Love; it’s the new Love Light,…and well the name Christ Jesus: well it means “Day Light”;  and in that name: “This Rose Burns, and Shines”:
..... the “Virgin ( In Her )  Inner  Light,,”;
And the name Christ Jesus; well it means “Day Light”;… call upon that Name:you’ll see Salvation’s Might ;And well as One you say that Name:…you’ll both make Love Right; and the’ll be no more Shame:
One in His Blood: “wash white”.
It is God’s Justice that one dead in Christ thus “rose first”;
…and thus that being the one with the Seal of Christ Jesus,
….. is “Blessed; is he who comes: in the Name of the Lord”….. Jesus Christ.
 It is then “the One” who arrives as he who “is not”; the one who dies in Christ is consumed, a living sacrifice, like Enoch was “dead” or said to have “walked with God”, as being  “annihilated” or “taken over” by God; this one who writes this is then “dead in Christ” in exactly the same way; as the bride; the Lamb’s Wife: “Fana” The Lake of Fire is exactly this: the Uncreated Spark which sets the Veil of ISIS hiding the Marriage of Heaven and Hell on Fire; it’s smoke “going up forever”. 
But in 1967 we thus saw the Visitation of God; is this little figure:
“…and a little child shall lead them….”
Only in the Name of Love is that possible.
But now there is nothing that is impossible; for My Generation hath been redeemed; the Lost Sheep of Israel are Ephraim; the Lost Youth of our Nation; the Prodigal Son themselves: Solomon; the Lost Sheep of Israel himself in his Individual Stature…….known as Ephraim in his National Stature…..the Silly Dove who is the Kingdom that was Lost; but is now found…. ….. but here we would speak of the 12 Names of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb which were hidden in the 12 Bands which gave our Generation their 12 “reports” of the Kingdom “within”, that the Lamb told us was the actual Kingdom itself. .
The premier band of Our Generation was the one who first mentioned it’s arrival, and this was said by the Who in their song “My Generation”; carrying in that name the first foundation stone of Peter the Apostle of the Lamb; on Peter Townsend himself! The “Substitute”.
 It was within our own minds, as Stevie Winwood once said, as in the song “Heaven is in your Mind”, that must be discovered in it’s Truth as we become cleansed within before it can be manifested to the world without in it’s Love. Thus we did not care too much if we looked a little ragged; arond the edges ( which now we pay $120 a pair for carefully “ripped” jeans..), or scrubbed cleaner than a shiny new toy; or have each fingernail polished and burnished along with our Florsheims; we were about our Father’s business….
We then did as he had once said;
“Clean  first the inside of the Cup; and then worry about the outside”
But the hard lesson we discovered was like this:
“Truth without Love is too dry; and Love without Truth is too green.”
The Man who did marry his Sheba; the queen of the South….in the church of California called the Church of Synanon where came I from: as he who “….emerged..” As Chuck always said: “….It will Emerge…”
Because of the failure of Rev. Moon and the Unification Church in bringing the 144,000 Virgins to the Lord and not married couples it was this undoing of the Will that Moon ignored written in the Revelation as written of at chapter 15 and tried to take the position of the Messiah by force; which ended in disaster.
Thus it was due to the Unification Church’s denial of my mission, and their refusal to let me help them that we ended up at the current moment so that no one in the Unification Church knew that the 12 Bands who had the 12 names of the 12 Apostles hidden in them were the 12 spies on the Global level,
…..who came to scout out the Kingdom of God as the New Promised Land: in California..
………the Golden State of the 50……
Of the Who carrying in that name the first foundation stone of Peter the Apostle of the Lamb; on Peter Townsend himself!
It was thus in the Experience that the name of James the Apostle of the Lamb written; carried on the second stone: writ on James Marshall Hendrix himself.
And of course we had Doubting Thomas the Apostle of the Lamb as that Tommi Iommi we found later, in Black Sabbath: with Tommi Iommi and the third stone; a doubter from way back: but “the day dawns Black over the Prophets”; yes: even a Black Sabbath.
Why did no one see in the name of Dave Bartholomew is where that Name of Bartholomew the Apostle of the Lamb was hidden on the fourth stone? He was the writer of the songs and was Fats Domino! 
Some say rock and roll began with him; and for good reason! 
And that name of Simon the Zealot the Apostle of the Lamb in that band of Simon and Garfunkel on the fifth stone? 
Or the name of Phillip the Apostle of the Lamb in that of Michael Phillip Jagger of the Stones on the sixth stone? 
Or that name of Matthew the Apostle of the Lamb in our own Matthew Fisher of Procol Harum on that seventh stone? 
And for Judas or  the name of Jude the Apostle of the Lamb ( not Iscariot; and surnamed “Jude” ) look no farther than  Paul McCartney for “Hey Jude“, …in his band Wings after the breakup of the Beatles on the eighth stone; …. 
,,,and even yet for Matthais the Apostle of the Lamb we have Marty Balin of the Airplane; though none knew where that name of the Apostle of the Lamb was hidden on the ninth stone. 
And the other band the Doors had the stone on which was written the name of the other James the Apostle of the Lamb; on James Morrison himself as that tenth stone! Look and you shall see! 
Look at Free; you will find the nane in the eleventh stone of Andrew the Apostle of the Lamb; with Andy Fraser. 
Finally look at the Beatles: there you will find the stone of John the Apostle of the Lamb; written on John Lennon as the twelveth stone. 
That Paul was there for Jude in his song “Hey Jude” written for Julian Lennon the son of John Lennon was known later; that was no coincidence: it was providence: but no one knew it:
And none except the other James; the one James Morrison referred to these hidden 12 spies of the Kingdom when in one of the songs of the Doors was said:
“I am a spy in the House of Love…”
Thee Unicorns Rock with a Vengeance …… for the Song of the Lamb is the Destiny of Rock …… Amen!
Now we begin to see that the Revelation begins in the Tongue by which every tongue shall become unifed: just as at Pentecost in Jerusalem which unified all the tongues of man just as at the Tower of Babel they had all once been divided: thus the Tower of Pentecost was the the Tower of Salvation: which began in a House in Jerusalem; just as it did in the House of David as the House of God seen at Beth-El men called Woodstock; where began that Exodus on the internal level which culminated with our Black Christian First Couple in the White House of Equality. 
This began in a dream I was given in the Haight in 1977; though few are still living who were there; for it was there that I met that holy child who would end up leading them all; though little did I know that my angel had found him: the inner Christchild himself. 
Thus the Spirit of the Lord Jehovah in the Form of a Dove which came down upon the Son of God in the Jordan was the Holy Spirit; but John the Baptist did not call him the Messiah; he called Jesus the Lamb of God. 
This meant that Jesus was coming as a Consecrated Sacrifice; something not seen since Samson; whose sacrifice was accepted to lay the foundation to overcome Mystery herself; the Veil of Isis which hides the Mystery of God; for in blinding Samson we see the coming Vengeance of God for touching the Apple of His Eye; for Samson was a Nazarene; and his hair was tied in 7 plaits; which foreshadows the 7 horns of the Lamb; who “was called a Nazarene”; just as “the Lamb with 7 Horns and 7 Eyes” is “the Resurrection and the Life”: and having seen him in Truth as dead in Christ I arose last of my entire Generation. 
Some might say that this sounds too obtuse; too prolonged in explaining all the particulars; but in truth I have only barely touched on it; for to reveal the mystery of the Holy Spirit is to reveal God in the Act of Creation; which is to know our Creator; for in the Holy Spirit did God move on the face of the waters; thus it is the Creator who is God in the Spirit; as the Lover. 
For all those who read this shall know this is to have been seen the Act of Love; as the Creator creating the Light; which the living waters brought forth: as the Sun of Righteousness the Son of Man was the Light divided from the Darkness:
……for Jesus was then this Light; and was Light “divided from darkness”,
by defeating the devil in the wilderness;
…..and became called “the Day”;
……which is then “the Christ”.
Thus Jesus was “the Light” who became “the Day”; who is “the Christ”;
The Name “Christ Jesus” means then “Day Light”;
the Light of Life itself;
….. for all who will walk the Path of the Just shall have this Light to not stumble,,,..and I have the Seal of Christ Jesus; as “he who comes in the name of the Lord: Jesus Christ”.…….the Day of Christ Jesus which comes to Glorify the Name of Jesus Christ: Again; and that is the Glory which sent me.
0 notes
17:13 JST, September 30, 2023 The government is arranging to hold a ministry council meeting on Oct. 12 to discuss a request for a court order to dissolve the Unification Church, according to sources.
The government intends to promptly seek for the Tokyo District Court to issue a dissolution order for the religious group, formally known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, based on the view of the Religious Judicial Persons Council, an advisory body to the education, culture, sports, science and technology ministry, the sources said.
Since November last year, the ministry has exercised the right to ask questions under the Religious Corporations Law seven times, seeking the Unification Church to report on more than 600 items, such as matters related to its organizational management, its income and expenditures, and donations.
On Sept. 7, the ministry submitted a notice asking the district court to impose an administrative fine on the group for failing to properly answer questions from the ministry by citing “freedom of religion.”
The Religious Corporations Law stipulates that a court may order the dissolution of a religious corporation in case the corporation commits “an act which is clearly found to harm public welfare substantially” in violation of laws and regulations. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has said the government will “make final efforts to reach a conclusion” on the request for a dissolution order for the group. The government is accelerating work to gather evidence showing that the acts were committed in an “organized, malicious and continuous” manner — the three required factors for the request.
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
Shocking video of UC of Japan demanding money – English transcript
Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
The Bizarre Story Behind Shinzo Abe’s Assassination
Japanese woman recruited by the Moon church and sold to a Korean farmer
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
Bard College has officially announced it is purchasing the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) property in Barrytown, NY, US
Boston UC Mansion at 46 Beacon Street purchased in 1976 for $475,000 now sold for $20.5million
The Fall of the House of Moon
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drbenandmoon-blog · 11 years
Operation: Save Barrytown College & UTS
Facebook has just recommended I join the group "Operation: Save Barrytown College & UTS."
"About" description:
Hello brothers and sisters! This group was created in support of our school, Barrytown College, and the grounds it is located on at UTS (Unification Theological Seminary). After only three months of classes at Barrytown, it looks like we might not last even a year. Here I will post links to surveys and other ways which you can help out. I am not necessarily asking for financial help-- I am asking for your advocacy. The Board of Trustees determining the future of the property will have a meeting this coming Wednesday. Time is short--every voice helps. Our True Father invested so much in these 250 acres--let's do him proud! Despite the years of hard work behind this campus, the school and UTS property may be closed, sold, or have its funding greatly reduced after only three months of classes at Barrytown. This is heartbreaking for the students here, after they have invested so much in it, both financially and emotionally--not to mention the investment of the faculty, parents of students, and UTS graduates. As truly the first Unificationist college in America, Barrytown College has set a standard of excellence, and has proved in these three months to be an incredibly supportive, God-centered, loving, spiritually nurturing environment and community. It offers something rare and precious--a shining opportunity for our 2nd gen here in America, to educate the whole person: intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. Please support both UTS and Barrytown College.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Not exactly a fixer-upper: Unification Seminary in Barrytown up for sale (2018)
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Got a spare $20 million on hand? Ready to finally fork over for those 260 acres with nine buildings, gorgeously overlooking the Hudson River and distant Catskill Mountains? For a cool $16,750,000, down from the original asking price of $17,995,000, you can have the former Massena estate in Barrytown, originally owned by the illustrious Livingston family, later bought by John D. Rockefeller so he could build a monastery for the Christian Brothers there, and still later sold to the Unification Church, then led by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, so he could start a Theological Seminary for his huge enterprise in the 1970s. That’s who is selling it now.
And an extra $2 million could go a long way towards making it into whatever one wanted.
“We have to find someone wealthy. We’re thinking in terms of museums, wellness centers, schools,” said Victoria Fischer of the property, being one of two brokers at Marcus & Milchap in Westchester County handling its sale since late Spring. “The place is in great shape; they’re still using the building.”
Fisher spoke about other large properties in the general neighborhood. Edgewater is a storied estate overlooking the Hudson that’s regained its old glory in recent years, after being owned for a spell by a much-younger Gore Vidal. Rokeby, also known as La Bergerie, is the former Astor estate a little to the south, run by the Aldrich family for years as a shared creative bastion where, among other things, New York City’s annual Halloween parade through Greenwich Village gets plotted out each summer and fall. Sylvania, smaller than the rest, remains in a storied family whose name shall go unmentioned; George and Susan Quasha maintain their long-running Station Hill compound for publishing and other artistic endeavors in what could be construed as “downtown” Barrytown (a crossroads of buildings, as it were).
“I’m not one to look behind I know that times must change/ But over there in Barrytown they do things very strange,” sang Steely Dan in their song “Barrytown,” off their 1974 album Pretzel Logic.
“The Banks are lined with elegant villas — thought it was the consummation of Earthly Bliss to live in one of those palaces, on such a Noble River, under such a Government,” wrote a young poet named Davidson in the early 19th century, who later grew Edgewater into a grand mansion while some of the old money was running from the area once a railroad was put in right up the banks of the Hudson, breaking their fabled views (and quiet).
When asked about the Unification Seminary’s largest neighbor, Bard College in nearby Annandale-on-Hudson — which recently bought the historic Montgomery Place estate just to the north of what was once Massena, to be used for events and environmental studies programs, among other things — Fisher said her company has reached out to the college. She added that they said they “were not interested at this point.”
What the realtors have been getting to date, she added, were “nibbles and bites, basically from people who want to make sure they have the money to do what they want.”
She mentioned the recent sale of a large convent, formerly the Kenwood Academy and Doane Stuart School in Albany, that sold to developers looking to create condominiums (Doane Stuart moved to a new location within the past decade). What she didn’t mention was that sale ended up one third under its original asking price.
In Barrytown, meanwhile, the Unification Church property includes a 120,000 square foot main building, shaped like an “H” with an updated “upper” half and older, mid-century-style dorms on the lower half. Ancillary buildings add up to another 150,000 square feet. There’s a chapel, library, dining halls, kitchens. There are offices, classrooms, guest rooms, an infirmary, a two-story gym, a 400-seat auditorium, and a 100-seat lecture hall.
“The Unification people feel as if they’re cutting off their left arm, selling the seminary,” Fisher added. They want to keep it but already have a lot of expensive real estate in midtown Manhattan.”
The Unification Church was founded by Rev. Moon in South Korea in the 1950s, following the Korean Conflict. It began spreading in the United States throughout the 1960s, after which Moon moved stateside in 1971. The Barrytown property was bought in 1974, and eventually the church and Rev. Moon bought numerous other properties, including the old New Yorker Hotel on 34th Street in Manhattan. They founded the conservative Washington Times, started matching couples and marrying couples from his followers in mass ceremonies at Madison Square Garden and other arena venues, and Dr. Moon was jailed for tax evasion for several years. He died in 2012.
Back in 1994, when the 25th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival took place in Saugerties, a number of key acts staying on the east side of the Hudson, including Bob Dylan, were flown by helicopter to the Winston Farm concert grounds from a landing area at the seminary.
It’s official - UTS has been sold
Psychosis and Mental Illness at Barrytown - Moon and Salonen should be held responsible
The Barrytown Property is being sold off for $15 million
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
It's official - UTS has been sold
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June 13, 2023
Dear UTS Alumni and Friends,
Thank you for your steadfast encouragement and support for the mission of UTS.
I write at this time to announce that the Barrytown property is now under contract with a buyer.
As some of you may know, the UTS Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Founder, the Board of Directors of FFWPU USA, and other stakeholders of UTS resolved to place the property on the market for sale on
February 3, 2018. See the following letter from then President Spurgin, dated May 15, 2018, and an article from the Daily Freeman, dated December 9, 2018. It was also in May of 2019 that the main campus of UTS moved from Barrytown to 43rd Street in New York City.
At that time, there were a few offers to purchase the property, but none were considered acceptable, and the property was taken off the market. During the covid period, beginning in 2020, some alternative uses of the property were discussed. As the covid crisis continued, however, neither the sale nor the re-purposing of the property gained traction.
In the summer of 2022, as the epidemic was fading, a discussion about the property's future was re-opened. In
November of 2022, a real estate broker agreement was signed, and the property was placed on the market once again. In early 2023 we received several offers to purchase the property.
After serious vetting of the various offers and proposals, the UTS Board of Trustees resolved to accept what is believed to be the best option for UTS. Following the decision of the Board, a confidential contract for purchase and sale was signed. It is anticipated that a closing on the sale of the property will take place in late August.
The decision to sell the property was made with deep respect and love for the life and legacy of our Founders, and for all those who have been part of the truly remarkable history of the property. Several discussions with our Founder, as well as with the FFWPU USA leadership, both the previous and current administration, took place prayerfully and openly. Before making their decision to approve the current purchase agreement, the UTS Board of Trustees gathered at the Cheon Shim Won in Las Vegas for prayer and deliberation.
Our determination going forward is to build on the victorious and providential foundation that has been secured at Barrytown, carrying it forward to ever greater achievements, while also revering and honoring the legacy and history of all that has been accomplished at Barrytown.
Sincerely yours,
Thomas G. Walsh, Ph.D.
Unification Theological Seminary
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Sep 14, 2023 Updated Sep 15, 2023
Bard College has officially announced it is purchasing the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) property in Barrytown, which has been on the market since at least 2018, for $14 million. College President Leon Botstein confirmed to faculty Wednesday, September 13, that the college is buying the 260-acre property, which was the American home of Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church beginning in 1975. On Thursday, Botstein spoke exclusively with the HV Pilot about the announcement.
According to Bard officials, the initial uses for the former seminary will include new studios for the Center for Human Rights and the Arts and administrative offices for the Open Society University Network (OSUN), of which Bard is a founding member. Other instructional facilities uses are anticipated as well.
The property includes the main seminary building, a number of outbuildings, and grounds laced with bucolic trails that UTS kept open to the public over the years. The original home here, called Massena, was built in 1796 by John Livingston. The iconic home, once visited by a young Theodore Roosevelt, was destroyed in a fire in 1885, and was rebuilt in a stark gothic style. In 1928, it was purchased by the Christian Brothers, who turned it into a seminary for Catholic youth education. The Unification Church bought it in the '70s and ran it as a theological university and venue for religious activities. The Unification Church’s founder, Sun Myung Moon, died in 2012 and the school became unaccredited in 2015. The property has been for sale since 2018. UTS has since moved its American headquarters to Manhattan and recently changed its name to HJ International. 
UTS’s ownership of the property was not without its own controversies over the years. Botstein said the Unification Church was not the best neighbor. 
“We were no friends of the ‘moonies,’” Botstein said, using a term for Unificationists that they consider pejorative. “Let's get that straight. Early on in the 80’s their presence was an irritant and a danger to us. That was when they were accused of kidnapping people, and this was a kind of detention center before it became a theological seminary. We had troubled relations with them because of their proselytizing activities. But as their popularity receded, it became more like a ghost town. As it disintegrated we looked at it again.”
Now the storied property enters a new chapter. With the acquisition of both Montgomery Place and UTS, Botstein has dramatically increased the footprint of Bard College during his long tenure, but he says he doesn’t see his legacy in brick and mortar or even the money the school has been able to raise, but rather in the ideas Bard had fostered during his time at the helm. The new facility, he said, provides more space for those ideas to germinate.
“… New Haven Advocate, January 7, 1976, at 3, col. 2 (visitors to Unification Church training camp in Barrytown describe “security measures” that include guard houses, walkie-talkies, and shotguns);  …” Cited in The Assassination of Representative Leo J. Ryan and the Jonestown, Guyana Tragedy: Report of a Staff Investigative Group to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives
Mad About Moon
Assault at Barrytown: James J. Sheeran and the Unification Church drop charges against each other. (1975)
A visit to Ann at Barrytown (1975)
At Barrytown all members must continually strive to lose their identity and become one with Moon’s will (1976)
Ken Sudo and the secret Barrytown 120-day training manual and Unification Church fraud
Physically restrained against his will at Barrytown
The Unification Church in AD magazine – by Jane Day Mook
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
On David Kim in the Inter-War Periods
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▲ Pictured: Michael Warder, Young Oon Kim, and David Kim
David Kim’s Background (according to UC sources)
Kim, David Sang Chul was born on November 9, 1915 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Came to the United States, 1959.
Bachelor in English Literature, Chosen Christian College, Seoul, 1939. Postgraduate, University Wales, 1954—1955. Postgraduate, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, 1959—1961. Postgraduate, University Oregon, 1962—1963. Master of Arts, University Oregon, 1965. Postgraduate, Pacific School Religion, Berkeley, California, 1965—1966. Doctor of Philosophy, Pacific Columbia University, 1988.
Staff Chosen Rubber Industry Association, Seoul, 1939-1945. Fin assistant United States Military Government, Kunsan City, Republic of Korea, 1945-1948. Government official Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Republic of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1948-1959. Charter member Unification Church, Republic of Korea, since 1954, 1st missionary to England, 1954-1955, missionary, evangelist, 1959-1970. Counseling supervisor Clearfield Job Corps Center, Utah, 1966-1970. Founder, president, owner The Cornerstone Press (now Rose of Sharon Press), 1978-1985. Charter member, trustee World Relief Friendship Foundation, Inc. (now International Relief Friendship Foundation, Inc.), since 1974. President International One World Crusade Inc., since 1975. Founder, United Faith, Inc., Portland, Oregon, since 1970, Global Education Research and Development Fund, Inc., 1981-1996. President Unification Theological Seminary, 1974-1994. Charter member, trustee National Council Church and Social Action, 1976-1996. Advisory finance supporter Global Congress of World Religions, Inc., 1978-1996. Charter member International Religious Foundation, Inc., since 1982. Vice president Unification Thought Institute, 1989-1997. Founder, president Marriage and Family Institute American, since 1994. Chairman inauguration The Family Federation for Unification and World Peace, Netherlands, since 1996. President emeritus Unification Theological Seminary, since 2000.
David Kim's background consists of many of the UC's highest administrative, business, and evangelistic positions, as well as military and government positions, both prior to and after joining the Unification Church. 
David Kim (Sang Chul Kim) grew up descended from nobility, attending Chosen Christian College, run by western Presbyterian missionaries serving the children of Korea’s most elite families. According to David’s testimony,
I went to Chosen Christian College from 1935 to 1939. It was established by missionaries of the Presbyterian Church of America. I attended the College when I was 20 to 24 years of age, a pure virgin bachelor. I was the source of pride and envy of my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, because I was the sole heir of the entire Kim clan birthright and I was studying at an American missionary college. Even in Japanese colonial days, Chosen Christian College, along with Ewha Christian College (a women’s college established by the Methodist Church of America), were the most prestigious colleges amongst the educated Korean elite. This American missionary college produced many Korean leaders not only in the fight against Japanese domination, but also in the years following liberation from Japan in 1945.
It should be noted that it is known that this school had deep connections to the U.S. military. 
Horace Underwood II was the founding president of Yonsei University. At that time, Yonsei was called Yonhee College by Koreans and Chosun Christian College (CCC) by Americans. As the top adviser to the commander of the U.S. Forces in Korea (1945-48), he was the key person for Korea’s modernization.
From 1939-1945, he experienced relative privilege working for Chosen Rubber Industry Association. According to Kim, this was a Japanese-run company. In one account, he wrote that he was well-to-do in these years. He wrote in his testimony:
Even in Japanese colonial days, my wife and I lived well, since I was an employee of a government-controlled industrial organization. I had a good position and was well paid until the end of World War II in 1945, when Korea was liberated from Japanese domination.
Many Western-educated Japanese collaborators became U.S. assets following WWII, such as Helen Kim. 
In the 50s-70s, many of South Korea’s most wealthy and influential figures had been collaborators during the Japanese occupation, including much the political and military leadership. Many of them actively erased their past as a traitor from public memory, at times with the assistance and support of the U.S. government.
Many believe that it would be fair to describe David Kim as a Japanese collaborator during their occupation.
He, like other early Moonie missionaries, had a liaison position between the U.S. military and the South Korean government following World War II.
From 1948-1959, Kim worked for South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which undoubtedly would have had strong intelligence relations. 
When he met Moon in 1954, he wrote that he was a "third-tier rank official of the Korean national government." Kim joined the Unification Church February 1954, and the Unification Church was officially named and founded on May 1 (May Day), 1954.
Kim had even spent time in Europe after joining the church, having been sent there by his own government as a “UN scholar,” burdened with the mission of bringing the Divine Principle to European Christians:
Not long after the founding of HSA-UWC in Korea, I was selected by the Korean government to study in Britain for two years as a UN scholar, along with other under-developed nations’ representatives at Swansea College, Uni­versity of Wales. Externally I was a UN scholar, but internally I had a mission to spread True Father’s message to Chris­tians overseas and around the world.
While I was in Wales I never neglected my heavenly mission and duty. Whenever I had spare time, I vis­ited many churches and small groups to look for people, and spoke many times at churches as a guest speaker. On those occasions I would introduce our Korean group and preach based on the contents of Divine Principle, which was available only as handwritten notes exchanged among the early members. Near the end of my stay in England, I succeeded in contacting a conserva­tive Christian organization called the Apostolic Church International, which was holding a World Convention in South Wales at that time. I was allowed to speak for 30 minutes, appealing to 3,000 participants at the World Conven­tion about the situation of Teacher Sun Myung Moon, our movement and the Korean government persecution.
More articles on early UC history below
How Young Oon Kim Allegedly Recruited Bo Hi Pak
Young Oon Kim and Bo Hi Pak were both employed by the Korean Military Advisory Group (KMAG)
The Moon Organization and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action
Thoughts on South Korea (R.O.K.) - United States (U.S.) Relations
The Unification Church and KCIA: Some Notes on Bud Han, Steve Kim, and Bo Hi Pak
On Young Oon Kim’s Relationship to Butterwick
Rev. Moon Aide Concedes KCIA Sent Him $3,000 (1978)
Bo Hi Pak - Did you join the Unification Church in February 1957 or February 1958?
1964-1965: Young Oon Kim’s Missing Year
More Questions about Young Oon Kim, and What is Clear
Young-oon Kim joined, but it ended in tears and flames
Programmed to Chill - Bonus Episode 07 - the Korean War, Biological Warfare, COMINT, and MKULTRA, feat. Jeff Kaye
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Official: “UTS Barrytown to be Sold” Hugh Spurgin
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                                      This article has been updated.
“May 14, 2018 ... After considerable prayer, thought, discussion and due diligence, the UTS Board of Trustees has directed the Seminary administration to sell the Barrytown campus. UTS is no longer able to pay what it costs to maintain the property, while simultaneously fulfilling its educational mission in a changing world. Therefore, in consultation with the Family Federation (FFWPU) leadership, the Seminary has decided to place the Barrytown property on the market for sale.”
“...a huge building that is empty for most of the year ... The funds required to maintain a 125,000 sq. ft. building are overwhelming for a small school....”
“The Barrytown property is owned by UTS. Proceeds from its sale will be used solely to benefit our Seminary. Priority needs to be placed on ensuring the well-being of UTS as a fully accredited educational institution. Given recent reductions in funding from our sponsoring church, it became clear to our trustees that there is no other option than to sell Barrytown – if UTS is to remain viable. ...”
Hugh Spurgin
In May 2016 HWDYKYM apologized for publishing a ‘UTS Barrytown Sold’ message which we had received and posted without confirming the story with other sources. Now it is official – Barrytown is to be sold.
In May 2016, Dr. Hugh Spurgin, UTS President, issued a communiqué clarifying the then situation, which he said was ‘not sustainable’.
May 26, 2016
Let me assure you that, contrary to a rumor being circulated, Barrytown has NOT BEEN SOLD. However, it is clear that the current status of Barrytown is not sustainable. The future of the campus has been under study for 15 years in an effort to explore options for long-term sustainability.
It costs a huge amount of money to maintain Barrytown’s buildings and grounds…. more than $600,000 per year. Additional money has also been needed for capital improvements required by New York State. These costs fall fully on the shoulders of the larger movement. Income from conferences and rents covers only a small portion of the expenses to maintain the facility.
... For more than a decade, the leaders of UTS have been in discussions with various groups about how to ensure that the property is protected and sustained for generations to come. Ten years ago, True Father himself approved one proposal. However, because the interested party would not agree to our terms, the UTS Board declined the offer.
We have not been idle. We have been actively searching for partners who are interested in utilizing or developing the property. Ideally, that will be a person or organization with a vision that resonates with that of our Founders. Some investors have shown interest in the property and have presented their ideas. However, at present, there is nothing on the horizon that fulfills our desire that the property will continue to serve the founding vision.
For UTS, 4 West 43rd Street in NYC is the center of education, providing all of the Masters level programs. No students reside or study at Barrytown. The Doctor of Ministry intensives are held at Barrytown for a total of four weeks per year. The UTS locations in Manhattan and Maryland together with online learning suffice for our current accredited programs.
The 40th Commencement Ceremony will be held at Barrytown in the recently renovated chapel at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 28. Everyone is invited to attend.
On another note, the Generation Peace Academy will have its graduation ceremony at Barrytown on June 18. Blessed Culture and Sports Festival will take place from August 10 through 14. Hopefully, other events will also be held this year, like the workshop for FFWPU District 2 members that took place last weekend.
This is a serious matter which needs to be dealt with prayerfully and in a timely manner. We welcome thoughtful feedback that is not anonymous.
I will continue to report developments affecting UTS, as they occur.
Hugh Spurgin Ph.D. President, Unification Theological Seminary [email protected]
May 2016 comment from Patricia H.
Well, it’s happening before our eyes. I’m sure there will be an “outcry” amongst current members when the news is known about Barrytown being sold. I’m sure we’ll hear all the quotes from “Father” about how Barrytown is a precious historical site for the church and should be preserved forever. It’s “historical” just for the fact that the Lord of the Second Advent walked its halls! And spoke in its auditorium! And probably prayed on its grounds!!!! Yet, there it goes. Maybe it will be torn down and something else erected in its place.
Can Belvedere and East Garden be far behind? They are even more historical, because the Lord of the Second Advent and His Family actually LIVED there. A good friend told me that he visited Belvedere several years ago. He used to be the bookkeeper there and worked in “the vault” in the basement. It was actually his office. The current staff couldn’t open it and asked him for help, so he went down to help them. He happened to look in some of the rooms in the basement and there were all these “coffins” there made of steel or some other strong metal. He asked what was in them. The brother proudly told him there were scores of “Father’s” clothes. His suits, his shirts, his shoes, even his underwear. All being preserved for future generations to see in some far-off museum. I wonder what will happen to those coffins if they sell Belvedere??? Will anyone be left to build that museum? Will anyone care to visit it to stare at Father’s empty clothes? I think the handwriting is on the wall. The UC is dying. The money to fund it is drying up. The membership is dwindling and what members are left cannot prop it up much longer. Someday books will be written about how it all went so wrong. Then again, maybe no one will care. Time moves on and religious movements that were once “new” and “different” fade away. Buh-bye Barrytown. I guess your time is over.
Survey Monkey from 2014
What is the Future of Barrytown College of UTS in light of  the HSA-UWC November 25, 2014 mandates?
QUICK FACTS about Barrytown College and UTS in the Fall, 2014 semester: We have: • 35 enrolled and on campus undergraduate students this Fall, • 45 Masters students • 16 D.Min. students who took courses this semester • 3 second gen in the Graduate degree programs • 33 second gen enrolled in the undergraduate program
This semester UTS achieved 75% of the enrollment goal for the undergraduate college that was set up for us by the HSA leadership.
This enrollment already brings in twice as much income as the entire graduate program.
The CFO estimates that even with tuition income based on this actual level of enrollment growth, within 1-2 years the undergraduate college can begin to help pay for the graduate seminary and Barrytown property expenses and thus to reduce HSA subsidies to UTS.  
In the Summer - Fall of 2013, UTS, in response to HSA demands, cut its staff salary expenditures by 25% and froze all construction on the Barrytown campus. Its sale of riverfront property in Barrytown in July, 2014 allowed UTS to resume construction and put back missing windows in the East Wing of the Main Building where the college campus is located.  
On November 25, 2014 the HSAUWC board of directors voted to reduce the current level of funding for UTS by 32% effective next month, January 2015. This level of funding will only be available if the UTS board agrees to 1) close the undergraduate college in Barrytown at the end of the current academic year in May 2015, 2) remove the current president of UTS, 3) form a joint committee with HSA after 1) and 2) have been done to figure out what the future of UTS should be and the level of HSA funding going forward. 
There were nine questions in the survey.
Washington, DC, Church congregation to leave the building by June 1st
The congregation of the Washington, DC Church on Columbia Road has been asked to remove itself from the building by June 1st. According to the letter from Rev. Richard Buessing, there are a multitude of safety issues.
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The sex obsession of Sun Myung Moon is revealed at the holiest site of the Unification Church – Cheongpyeong
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▲ Two views of the Prayer Hall with statues of sex organs and the Cheongpyeong tower.
The “sex relay” providence of Sun Myung Moon
Hong Soon-ae, the mother of Hak Ja Han, was in a sex cult
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
The Korean background of Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church
Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest
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God’s providence of salvation is to “end the journey of God’s sperm” through cleansing wombs from original sin.
Hyung-jin Moon explains his father’s sex rituals and the Six Marys
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
Sun Myung Moon’s Immoral “Divine Principle” Author Ruth A. Tucker (PhD, Northern Illinois University) has taught mission studies and church history at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Calvin Theological Seminary. She is the author of dozens of articles and eighteen books. Here is an extract from Another Gospel: Cults, Alternative Religions, and the New Age Movement.
Womb decorations at Sun Myung Moon’s mass weddings, symbolizing “womb cleansing”
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han worship phallus and vagina
The Unification Church is a shamanistic sex cult. It worships phallus and vagina as real representations of God and Goddess. Phallus and vagina together symbolise fertility and creative and regenerative forces of nature. God and Goddess created the whole universe through their phallus and vagina. In Korean countryside you can find numerous sacred groves where people can worship stone sculptures of phallus and vagina. This worship included indiscriminate sexual intercourse of village people. These sexual orgies were thought to improve the fertility of people and animals and crops.
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▲ Stone sculptures of phallus and vagina in Korea.
The ancient shamanistic cultures of the Far East, including Indonesia, India, Korea and Japan, used phallus and vagina as a symbol of fertility in motifs on their temples. The worship of phallus and vagina has existed since the Stone Age, and was particularly prevalent during the agricultural Neolithic period and the Bronze Age.
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han have wholeheartedly adopted this tens of thousands of years old shamanistic belief. Stone sculptures of phallus and vagina stand in front of their Cheongpyeong Prayer Hall. The form of male trinity of penis and two testicles represents Sun Myung Moon and the vagina for Hak Ja Han. The pikareum sex rituals of Sun Myung Moon and the early Unification Church were simply old shamanistic sexual orgies celebrating phallus and vagina as representations of God and Goddess.
Ritual Sex in the Unification Church – Kirsti L. Nevalainen
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