#universi-tea challenge
studypool · 5 years
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(18/30) back to school challenge: what’s in your pencil case? compared to last year, I really don’t carry much in there.... - a basic yellow highlighter  - a highlighter + fineliner corresponding to the color theme of the notes for the class I have that day, and I switch these out every evening.  - whiteout - pencil refills - ruler - eraser - a mechanical 0.5 pencil - a MUJI gel pen and that’s it!
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studysonnet · 5 years
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05/09/19: Day 2/30  back to school challenge: What are you excited about?
Optional classes 
At my uni, the law school’s first year course is comprised of compulsory, foundational modules. Whilst I found the majority of the content super interesting, one of the things I am most excited for about second year is the freedom we have to choose our own modules. We get to choose 50% of our modules which I think is rly generous considering it’s a qualifying degree! 
The modules I chose are Roman Law (coursework), Medical Law (coursework), and Family Law (exam). 
Even though I perform better with coursework, I’ve always wanted to study Family Law so the decision to challenge myself was undoubtable for me.  Advanced Family Law in third year is coursework too, which is great if I end up v much enjoying the course and wanting to continue studying that field. 
My other compulsory modules are Land Law, Jurisprudence, and EU Law. They’re all exams, which sucks, but I have to just tell myself I’m capable and believe in myself! 
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unknownstudyblr · 5 years
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[9/9/19] Day 3/30 Back to school challenge
What's in your bag?
Big pencil case
Small pencil case
Emergency pencil case (in case I run out of pens)
A4 notebook
A4 refill pad
Plastic folder
Any subject books I need
Sticky notes
Sanitary products
Water bottle (if I remember)
(I didn't get a photo of everything cuz I'm not bothered to put it all back in my bag afterwards)
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tiramisu-studies · 5 years
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[270819] back to school challenge [day 2/30]
(my desk has terrible lighting, so i’m going to be experimenting with different places in my house to use for pictures lol)
what are you excited about?
i’m so excited for my creative writing and ap psych classes! creative writing because i love writing but i feel like i never have time for it, and now it will just be a part of my homework, so i’ll always have time for it ;) a lot of my friends are in that class too so it should be fun! the teacher for ap psych was my freshman + ap bio teacher, and i love her so much i can’t wait to have her again <3
this is also my last year with the drama club and my dance studio, so i want to treasure all the time i spend with them :’)
listening to: it’s nice to have a friend - taylor swift
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carotriesstudy · 5 years
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Day 3 - What’s in your backpack
I use a Kånken Big which I have had for many years now I also used it on and off in high school but all through my final year I think? It fits my laptop despite not having a laptop compartment.
School stuff
- notebook/whatever I need for class that day
- my bullet journal and daily moleskine planner
- pencil case
- glasses for class time mainly (also the case but not in photo)
- a small desk top set which has a small stapler, paper clips, tape, exacto knife and a flash drive (didnt come in the set)
Life stuff
- some reusable bags for grocery shopping and a small produce bag (more on the way - plastic free shopping yay)
- sunglasses and a case (that is severly stained with coffee)
- tin of mints that i refill with Fisherman’s Friends
- My oracle cards (I don’t use them outside my room really but I like carrying them with me)
All my Life Stuff and the desk top set fits in the big front pocket so I have a ton of space in the big room for books/notebooks and my laptop if necessary
If I bring my laptop with me or I am out of my apartment most of the day I also bring chargers but not everyday!
What’s in your backpack? What’s something essential?
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prideandparchment · 5 years
30 days back to school challenge
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2. What am I excited about?
I'm mostly excited about working on my thesis. I love the topic I've got to choose, so hopefully I'll enjoy it and I can be proud at the and.
My classes seem very interesting as well. I have one about experimental films and one about documentaries but there are a lot more interesting topics as well.
Also - not uni related - but I'm excited about a course I'll attend besides school about women in politics. This should be very cool and I can't wait for it to start!
(Took this photo at my campus this morning.)
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natsscienceshit · 5 years
30 Days Back to School Challenge
1:30 - Goals for the semester
I thought I'd take part in this too cause why not? 🤷‍♀️
This semester I really, reallyyyy want to stay on top of the work load and not fall behind.
I wanna stick to my study schedule that I planned out too.
Finally, I wanna get As in Maths and Chemistry in the September mocks. 🤞
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queen-studies · 5 years
30 day back to school challenge
11. Favourite subject
My favourite subjects when I was younger had to do with language. I loved learning foreign languages, studying literary devices and writing stories.
This has pretty much transcribed to today, as I start my second Langue/Lettres/Civilisation/Étrangères (LLCE) degree. My favourite class in my English degree was literature, swiftly followed by film studies and civilisation (aka history).
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autumnstudying · 5 years
Day 2/30 @universi-tea Back to School Challenge
day two so What am I excited about?
I’m excited about a lot this year:
Living in a house with my best friends rather than halls
Taking up new societies (I really want to be in the volleyball team and music theatre - I didn’t join them last year because I was too anxious/shy/terrified so hopefully I will this year)
My engineering design project which will be really cool
Moving back to London and visiting all the fab places
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chaoticlifechoices · 5 years
2. What are you excited about?
Good question. I think I am excited about the new modules and the stuff I am going to learn. 
Also I will move into a single appartment which I am so happy about because my old dorm room was... not so nice. So this semester I am going to have my own bathroom and kitchen. 
Also I want to go into town more often especially the quarter where all the thrift shops are which I only found a few weeks ago when I a friend visited me :)
Then my friends and I want to start some kind of sport together. 
I’m really looking forward to it
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sandwich-party · 4 years
30 Day Back to School Challenge: Day 8!  (actually just tips for a to do list)
Day 8: Before/after?
honestly i have zero idea what this is asking for but i will take this opportunity to pitch my favorite tip: make a to-do list!
before making a to-do list i feel all over the place. i have no structure to my day, and no clue what to do. as a person who needs a routine to function,  i find that the days that i don’t make a to-do list i get side tracked much easier and often complete less than the days that i have a to-do list. 
after making a to-do list i feel more confident in my abilities. there is little confusion on what task needs completed and no lack of structure. i streamline my productivity by managing what is urgent first, and moving on to the less urgent tasks afterward. this makes sure that im not wasting precious time folding laundry when i have an essay due in an hour.
i recommend making a to-do list the night before the day you need it, and revising/ reviewing it the day of about 45 minutes after waking up. i typically do this while eating my breakfast. it allows my brain some time to wake up, and works with my schedule perfectly, (of course you can always draft your to-do list when it best suits you! try different times! what works for me might not work for you, and that is the wonderful thing about humanity!)
if you are a visual person like me, i suggest that you color code your tasks!
 i mark my most pressing tasks in red like large assignments that are due, or late assignments that can still count for points, or chores that oh-so-desperately need done (looking at you, dishes that haven’t been done in three days), signifying the impending danger of not completing. 
i mark my less-pressing-but-still-needs-attention-that-day tasks in orange, like smaller assignments or some laundry (i tell myself i can wear that pair of pants a fifth time, but i am a liar). 
yellow is typically for tasks that could use attention but it’s not essential, like an assignment that isn’t due for a couple days but would be nice to knock of my list or sweeping the hallway. 
green is reserved for tasks that aren’t at all necessary but would be nice to do, like posting my 30 Day Back to School Challenge or reorganizing my drawers or desk or what-the-fuck-ever. 
blue is for tasks that aren’t due for a while. an essay that isn’t due for two months but i could do some background reading, or maybe something around the house like detailed dusting or a hobby. shit that would be neat to do but honestly, fuck it if i don’t get to it.
sometimes if i have a lot of stressful tasks (lots of red and orange) i will take a break from them and move on to a green or blue task, something that is enjoyable. this refreshes my brain and gets me going again, like productivity coffee.
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studypool · 5 years
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(16/30) back to school challenge: shelfie/pic of your books
tbh I don’t have that many books? and I didn’t even read half of these, I will need to give them away and let other people have use of them (but then again I wish I was someone who had tons of classics on their shelf)
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studysonnet · 5 years
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08/09/19: Day 5/30  back to school challenge: Favourite study snack
I don’t like to eat whilst studying, but I can’t live without coffee! 
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unknownstudyblr · 5 years
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[7/9/19] Day 1/30 Back to school challenge
Goals for the semester:
Adjust to life as a sixth former
Keep up with the heavy workload
Make neat and efficient revision notes as I go along
Communicate more with my teachers
Learn from my mistakes rather than beat myself up for them
Hey guys! I just finished my first week of A-Levels and I've really enjoyed so far! My classes are a bit mixed up since I'm the only one doing further maths in my year but apart from that everything's been amazing! :D
Also this was the best photo I could get today since I had to spend the day at my grandmother's place sooo yeah.
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tiramisu-studies · 5 years
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[260819] back to school challenge [day 1/30]
goals for the semester
1. maintain an A average in anatomy, latin, and ap psych
these are my three hardest classes this year, but they’re also the ones that i’m most excited for, and i really want to do well in them.
2. make honor roll both terms
this goes hand in hand with number one. this is my senior year and my last semester before most of my college applications, and i want to be proud of and confident in my transcript.
3. ask for help when i need it
this applies mostly to my math class this year, pre-calc. math is definitely not my best subject, and i often struggle with grasping the concepts. but despite that, i hate asking for help, and my grades have suffered for it. this year i want to do the best i can, and sometimes that will mean asking for help.
4. do all my readings on time
last year i was not exactly punctual when it came to reading the assigned chapters on time lmao. i don’t want to fall behind this year.
5. go to sleep by 10:30pm every night
>going to school knowing you didn’t get enough sleep just makes the whole day harder. especially because of all my extracurriculars, i need to start the day refreshed and energized.
6. post at least every other day!
this is a brand new blog, i don’t want her to die out just yet! i’m also hoping that being able to post what i’ve accomplished will make me more efficient and eager to get my work done!
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carotriesstudy · 5 years
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Day 4 - Study Essentials
For the studying I am doing before Uni starts
- laptop (has my textbook but also for music and ambient videos)
- folder with left over paper to take notes in
- my gender and sexuality reader for required reading
- pencil case with my pen, pencil, highlighter, and most importantly eraser
- daily planner (I find if schedule my studying in I am more likely to do it)
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