#unless your heartache is caused by other people or dangerous things like love--in which case I'm not sure I can help
ligiawrites · 2 years
♥ I just released the artbook ♥
All you have to do is head to the game page and download it. Yay!
Here's the post on itch. I think it's easier to download it on this page, haha:
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ANGST KAZUMAJI ANON AND WOOF. FUCK. GOTTA LISTEN TO THOSE SONGS AFTER WORK. EXCITED. Your idea though OW. I haven't seen Y6 yet (I watch playthroughs don't have the console and my computer laughs at me trying to run the games) the streamer thats playing it finally got to Y6 and I am Refusing To Watch It. My heart can't take even starting the VOD.
You’re welcome for the music cc: 
A LOT of people haven’t seen 6 yet, so I did my best to get through that without spoilers ^^; Hope I haven’t ruined anything for you. And I feel that, my laptop and I have constant arguments and I’m not a good gamer anyway ^^; I should try Kiwami 1 someday though... I have it, I'm just Nervous about Being Bad ^^; 
Nice, following one streamer, well done c: I just hopped around to different playthroughs on youtube ^^; My wife and I binged all 7 games in I think 2 months, max. ^^; She crazy tho and a bad influence on me xp She likes to just sit and binge things and I am, understandably, weak for my wife <3 
6 isn’t so bad, I promise. You can do it c: It’s very pretty, you get to stare at Kiryu’s juicy ass the entire game, there’s lots of cute minigames of Kiryu with a baby, uh... *running out of nice things to say about 6* ...did I mention it’s very pretty? Fuck... Listen, I have... Feelings about game 6, but I don’t want to ruin it for anyone ^^; Everyone’s allowed to experience things in their own time and form their own opinions and I don’t want to deprive anyone of that. Please watch it and when you see it, feel free to come tell me about it c: 
And as a reward for all that, another angsty idea: 
The Nishikiyama Opera! 
So I composed the entire thing on a car ride with my wife last week and it’s WILD. Y’all ever see opera? If you’ve never seen an opera you SHOULD, they’re fucking Great. Operas are all about being The Most, comedy or tragedy, they’re all horny as shit and everyone is extra as fuck. If you living for the drama, you HAVE to get your ass to an opera. I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with a relatively robust opera community. And anyway, my point is, The Nishikiyama story? RIPE for an opera adaptation! 
First, you gotta know some of the opera tropes. There are two categories of opera, comedies which are kinda rare and tragedies which is... constantly. And operas are pretty good at telling you almost immediately which one they will be. There’s also a lot of meta about the voice parts themselves: 
Soprano - heroine, ingenue, beautiful. Will win if this is a comedy, will die if this is a tragedy. 
Alto - mothers & witches. Not the heroine. Will probably die regardless of comedy or tragedy. Unless she’s the villain, then she lives in a tragedy. 
Tenor - hero. Given the sexiest parts to sing. Sometimes unbearable. Everything is about Him. 
Baritone/Bass - fathers & villains. Gorgeous voice, never utilized properly. 
Knowing the vocal parts and what they classically represent is key to knowing who will win and who will die in the opera. For example, in Carmen, Carmen is actually an alto, not a soprano, and Don Jose is a tenor. This immediately tells you that shit’s fucked. Tenors are supposed to fall in love with sopranos, never altos. So this story can only end in tragedy because he’s interested in the wrong kind of voice part. There’s even a counterpoint of a soprano who is madly in love with him, and the baritone toreador for Carmen. They’re given their proper voice partners, but Don Jose still pursues Carmen which is a ginormous mistake by operatic tropes. 
So, opera education over, picture this: 
ACT I  Kiryu (soprano) is the loveliest yakuza in all the land! He’s just delightful. The Chorus sings his praises and he demonstrates his impeccable fighting ability. (Forgot to mention, any opera worth its salt has a Chorus and I will die on this hill.) The Audience is assured of his might and grace. 
Kiryu, obviously, does not want for admirers, but has not chosen to court anyone formally. 
Here enters Kiryu’s brother, Nishiki (bass). The Chorus explains that Nishiki is second to his brother in strength, but is formidable in his own right. Nishiki explains to the audience how he longs for Kiryu, how he covets him, his strength, his beauty. How after a lifetime together, affection has turned to love. Nishiki must have him. 
Kiryu hears none of this. Nishiki approaches to make his case when Majima (tenor) sweeps onto the scene. Majima is brazen and glib. The Chorus tells us to beware his charming smile, he is as dangerous as he is flirtatious. Majima has heard of Kiryu’s reputation and calls him into the street to defend his title. Kiryu responds and they do battle. 
In the midst of the battle, Majima finds himself won over by Kiryu’s skill and grace, his kindness and strength. Majima is bursting with love and there and then makes a proposal to Kiryu, offering his whole heart. 
Kiryu is stunned. Majima is not a weak fighter, he is not a braggadocio, despite appearances. He was a real challenge and Kiryu was not expecting the fight to take this turn. He is so surprised he cannot make an answer and politely, but quickly, leaves. 
Nishiki has been watching the entire time and finds his heart gripped by jealousy. He plots to claim Kiryu for himself and hates Majima bitterly, despite the fact that Kiryu has given no answer. Nishiki believes he knows his brother too well not to know that Kiryu returns his affections even if he won’t say. Nishiki leaves, concocting a plan. 
We find Kiryu at his balcony, lamenting his situation. Majima may have been exciting, but Kiryu’s no fool. He has no proof that Majima’s feelings will not waver in time. Majima steals into the garden beneath Kiryu’s balcony and professes his love once more. 
Kiryu is startled and makes to flee, but Majima sings so sweetly, entreats so gently, that Kiryu is compelled to stay. Majima doesn’t even ask again, just sings of his feelings. Kiryu, in his heart, is wooed by this. He may have been ready to answer when Nishiki interrupts. Majima quickly hides in the foliage. 
Nishiki counters with his own confession, his own proposal. Kiryu is shocked and saddened. He begins to sadly tell his brother that he cannot accept. Nishiki flies into a rage, demanding if there is someone else, someone else Kiryu prefers. Kiryu hesitates, but answers honestly that he has always seen Nishiki as a brother, regardless of any other feelings. He cannot accept Nishiki on the grounds of their previous relationship. 
Nishiki was expecting this. He reveals a vial of poison and threatens to drink it unless Kiryu will marry him. Majima gasps. Kiryu pleads with Nishiki not to be rash, but Nishiki only demands his answer, the vial nearly at his lips. 
Kiryu swallows back tears and collapses to his knees. Sorrowfully, he agrees, unable to bear the responsibility of his brother’s death, and the act finishes to the sound of clamoring wedding bells. 
ACT II The lights come up on Kiryu and Nishiki in their home. Nishiki is pacing the floor and making increasingly outlandish suggestions for things to do. Kiryu says yes to all of them, gently and politely. Nishiki’s frustration and annoyance increases with every yes. Eventually he snaps at Kiryu, demanding why he won’t fight him, demanding why he will give no more reaction than a placid yes. Kiryu shrugs helplessly and tries to soothe his brother, but Nishiki won’t be soothed. 
They have been married less than a year and it has been like this the entire time, getting worse by the day. Nishiki can see the pain he’s causing his brother, but can’t stop himself. He loves him too greedily to stop. He departs, hoping to take his mind off things. 
Kiryu is left alone in the house and sings a longer, sadder version of his lament from the balcony. Distantly, we hear strains of Majima’s love song, now broken and echoing. 
The scene changes and we see Kiryu sat down in a busy cafe. At first we assume he’s alone, but people move and we can see he is sitting across from Majima. They do not touch. Their careful, polite space around each other is conspicuous. 
Kiryu is tired, he looks wan, almost sick. Majima sings heartbrokenly, telling Kiryu he needs to take care of himself. He is desperate to take Kiryu away from all this, and asks several times, but Kiryu always sighs and shakes his head no. Majima knows Kiryu will not break his word once given, he is too good and honorable for that. But he cannot help singing for him all the same. He cannot touch, he will not permit himself to touch, but he can sing. 
Kiryu eventually cannot take the heartache anymore and departs sorrowfully. Majima looks after him, just as sad. Nishiki is revealed to have been spying on them the entire time. He confronts Majima, furious and accusatory. He insists that he and Kiryu have been having an affair. Majima simply looks at him and shrugs. Nishiki screams for Majima to admit it, to admit that Kiryu loves him, has always loved him, this whole time. Majima only says that Nishiki knows Kiryu best. He will not confirm or deny anything Nishiki says. Shaken and stymied, Nishiki flees. 
We return to Kiryu’s balcony, where he sits, silent and pale. Nishiki storms in and begins to berate Kiryu with his accusations. He is half-mad now, not seeming to hear Kiryu’s denials. Kiryu professes over and over that only Nishiki is his husband, that he loves only Nishiki. Nishiki cannot accept this as true. Nishiki screams that Kiryu ought to ask him for a divorce. Kiryu cannot claim to want a divorce. He gave his word. Nishiki reveals that he had been watching them in the cafe, that he knows all, the secret contents of Kiryu’s heart. Kiryu manages some resistance at last and asks Nishiki for proof. What proof of his indiscretions? What proof of adultery? What has Kiryu done that has angered his husband-brother so? 
Nishiki has none. Kiryu has not done anything wrong, not in word, not in act. Whatever thoughts he might accuse Kiryu of having are ephemeral and will never be real. Still... Nishiki saw how they looked together and his heart was sore. He knows he has stolen Kiryu from what was rightfully his. Moved to regret, Nishiki withdraws the vial of poison again. 
Kiryu gasps and tries to prevent his brother. 
Nishiki swallows the poison quickly, insisting this will set things right, this will free his brother. He says he did it for love. He falls. 
Kiryu collapses next to him, sobbing. 
The final scene is Nishiki’s funeral. Kiryu kneels next to his brother’s grave, all in black. He sings of his regrets, of his sorrow. Majima stands close by, but still not touching. He does not look at the grave, only at Kiryu. His broken love song is the last thing we hear. 
The End. 
...this opera was a tragedy ^^; 
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spiritmaiden23 · 5 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Templatehere.
mun name: Amber! ooc contact: My DMs are always open for mutuals and non-mutuals alike! In case I’m not here you can always reach my personal which is over @sealilys annnd I do have a discord however that’s only for mutuals, I rarely do drops. That out of the way let’s get started! 
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who the heck is my muse anyway?
Well, for those who never touched The Legend of Zelda in their lives, I’m sure it’s pretty dang confusing to see more than one design of both Zelda and Link, I’ll try my best to explain this! The series follows a very, very convoluted timeline filled with plotholes, as such the Links and Zeldas we see throughout different titles of the game are actually reincarnations (well Link is the only one reincarnating, Zelda reincarnates once... more on that later) who are destined to seal away whatever darkness may threaten the lands known as Hyrule. 
Skyward Sword is the very beginning of that timeline, with Sky Zelda (this Zelda) being the first Zelda and she comes from a place outside of Hyrule, in fact high above the kingdom known as Skyloft. During her time, the kingdom of Hyrule was not yet established so the place below the clouds is known as The Surface to the Skyloftians. As such, unlike the other princesses we see throughout the series, she is not born a princess but is actually just your average, everyday girl who was studying to become a knight! Zelda is well-known for being charming and vivacious. She’s childhood friends with the sleepyheaded Link and the beloved daughter of the headmaster of the Knight Academy. Life was good and while she dreams of the lands below the islands, believing that there’s something down there instead of a barren wasteland like most seem to believe especially since she hears someone calling for her down there, she was content with spending her days with her best friend. Little did the two know that they both had a heavy destiny thrust upon them by the gods themselves. 
Zelda’s story is one that is about awakening. And she wouldn’t have that awakening until one faithful day where she was ripped from the skies by the self-proclaimed demon lord Ghirahim, with his magic spell that broke through the cloud barrier surrounding Skyloft, she falls and wakes up unharmed on The Surface. After being rescued by an old woman who then informs her of her shared destiny with Link to bring Skyloft back to The Surface while defeating the great demon Demise once and for all, this kickstarts her awakening and she begins her journey in purifying her body at the sacred temples on The Surface and praying to the goddess Hylia to retrieve memories of a time long ago. Along the way, she meets with a Sheikah warrior named Impa who acts as an escort and later treasured friend. 
In truth, Zelda is actually the goddess Hylia reborn as a mortal. In her past life, she knew the Gods of the Old, in fact they were the ones who had instructed Hylia to not only look after her people but to also look after the sacred power of the gods known as the Triforce. A golden artifact that can grant the wish of anyone. Gods can not use this power however mortals and even demons can, this would prompt for Demise to rise from the crack of the earth to obtain that power for selfish desires. As such, there was a great war on The Surface against the dark forces, her people were dying and the war greatly affected the lands. During her final battle against Demise, Hylia constructed a plan that would bring an end to his terror at the cost of her own death. The battle ended with her victory where she manages to seal away Demise while succumbing to her wounds from the battle, later she’d reincarnate as the spirit maiden Zelda. Once Zelda remembers her past, this only fuels her desire to end Demise once and for all with Link’s help. 
And sure enough, despite the bumps and heartache along the way, Link defeats Demise. Yet there was a catch. Before Demise passed away he placed a curse on all three of them where his grudge will bound them to the neverending destiny of Link and Zelda fighting off the incarnation of Demise’s hatred. The story ends with Zelda staying on The Surface to watch over the Triforce while helping colonize the lands. 
things you should know:
Zelda is not a princess. Nor does she become one after the events of the game. She remains as a guardian of sorts for the Triforce considering the fact that the Sacred Realm does not exist, therefore there’s no safe place to hide the Triforce someone has to look over it. Instead she’s a literal goddess, albeit human but she still has her divine powers despite it dwindling greatly compared to her form as Hylia. 
I PLAY LINK AND ZELDA’S RELATIONSHIP AS STRICTLY PLATONIC WITH HINTS OF ROMANCE. It is possible for her to develop feelings for Link but to avoid stepping on any toes, she’s happy with being his friend. 
Zelda does not have the Triforce of Wisdom. Considering the fact that the Triforce does not split, it’s whole in this era. While she can now use the power of it since she’s mortal she prefers not to honestly considering she still has her divine powers from Hylia, while weak when compared to her god form she’s far more powerful than the average human (speaking of humans are not yet known as Hylians during her time). 
She can hear the voices of the gods. Very minutely though but she can hear them. Considering her connection with them and the lore behind the pointed ears, I’d like to think she’d have moments where she can hear soft whispers of them. Rarely do they talk to her though. 
While Zelda is very capable of fighting, she cannot fight any of the beasts during her main verse where’s she’s traveling the Surface to find the temples to purify her body. Not only will they outnumber her, not only she is without a weapon, but the monsters let out this miasma when defeated and it’s possible for that miasma to affect her purification process. For the most part, you’ll see her sneak around monsters. If push comes to shove, she’ll use her harp as a bludging weapon...
what she’s been up to:
main verse: Which is during the events of Skyward Sword, as such she’s no longer in Skyloft nor does she have the full knowledge that she’s Hylia but Zelda is suspecting that there’s a connection there. She does not know how to wield her magic as it comes and goes in spurts. She’s seen throughout the Surface so she can be anywhere! Even in other timelines due to using the Gate of Time, we can just say that something screwed up causing for her to end up in another time period or even verse! LOZ series is pretty flexible in time travel. 
where to find her:
Faron Woods:  The place where it all started. Here the Sealed Temple along with Skyview Temple is located, so she can be either wondering throughout the woods or either of those places. She’s currently alone and is sneaking away from monsters yet is also enjoying the sights of the Surface while being mindful of her mission. 
Eldin Province: Neighboring Faron Woods and home to the infamous Death Mountain (known as Eldin Volcano). So what is she doing in a dangerous place? Why, praying at the Earth Temple of course! Here’s where she meets with a Sheikah warrior Impa, so chances of her showing up as an NPC in a thread is pretty high! 
Lanayru Province: Once a lush, green place now became a desert yet far from barren, hidden underneath the sands is a time long lost where hints of the past can be uncovered. There are many caverns throughout the desert. It is around here where she travels to find something known as the Gate of Time. Impa will most def show up as an NPC since she’s traveling with Zelda during this time. 
current plans:
Meet with Link and return Skyloft to the Surface while regaining all of her memories as Hylia.
desired interactions:
I would love for more wacky time shenanigans to happen where Zelda not only meets with LOZ muses from other timelines but also other muses from different universes all together since the LOZ community is pretty dang dead! This can work in post-game verse as well since she has more knowledge of timelines and the like! 
Muses joining Zelda’s journey while she uncovers her past, it’d be fun to do dungeon threads with potential of action happening since Ghirahim is hunting down Zelda along with the monsters that work under him. Protect tiny goddess at all costs!
I want her to make more friends but enemies would be fun too! 
Romance. I am a sucker for fluff and cuteness. 
This is very random but I want Zelda to interact with a Kina or even Kass so that they can do a jam session together! Actually any musically talented muse doing a jam session with Zelda is all I could ever ask for. 
things that bother me:
This doesn’t bother me too much but your muse insisting that she’s a princess despite her constant denial. I can understand this one considering her bloodline is royalty later on so it’s whatever.
Your muse magically knowing she’s Hylia. Yes, she has strong powers that can probably be sensed and yes she more than likely resembles her past life look but your muse shouldn’t make that connection easily on the spot unless she tells you herself and for the most part she keeps that knowledge away from outsiders. Insisting she’s just a humble spirit maiden should they feel something fishy with her.
YOUR MUSE BLAMING EVERYTHING EVER ON HER. This ties in with the one above, having your muse condemn Zelda for the choices she had made during her life spent as Hylia is a bad look dude. It’s hard to put into words and this happened long ago when the fandom was active but just... making Hylia/any Zelda out as the bad guy is just really annoying and just downplays her character. 
tagged by: i pirated it ;v; 
tagging: whomst ever! i recommend doing this since it’ll help a ton with those who still are unsure with your muse but feel too nervous to ask questions.
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missiekatjie · 5 years
Marielle Cartier: Companion of Light
[[ This is a thing I’d been tooling with for a while, basically an “everyone lives” AU where Haurchefant and the Heaven’s Ward were spared their fates, ‘cause I love the Ward and think that they had so much potential for more story and content... only to be thrown away. I think this is more-or-less complete unless there are things folks want to see.
I put it under a read more for length! Note there’s violence ofc.]]
Haurchefant's shout of "Look out!" prompted the knight to shift her shield to her arm and to unsheath her sword. That wasn't his intention, and neither was it his intention to have her violently rebuke him, sending him sprawling to the ground with a very surprised and distressed expression.
She immediately whipped around to meet the danger shield-first.
When that spear of light struck the paladin's shield there was a flash that temporarily blinded those in the vicinity. It was not the impact that Ser Zephirin had expected, nor could he have predicted the result: his own strike being sent back at him. There was no time to get out of the way and the beam cut through him and his armour as if he were wearing paper.
Unbeknownst to the younger paladin's party, as soon as she'd reflected the Archimandrite's attack she'd bolted off to where she was certain he'd be. The man crashed to the stone beneath his perch as she arrived, and all he heard as he struggled to catch his breath was the tell-tale clank of armour. He couldn't see. He couldn't breathe.
Memories from the past year played out in his mind's eye, from his promotion to the day he found out about the Paragons. His memories stopped soon after that, and as he finally managed to take a deep breath he found himself realizing that something horrible had happened. He'd been asleep, perhaps, and suddenly he was violently awake. Awake and dying. Dying. The realization hit Zephirin as he choked and vomited blood.
Marielle slipped her arm behind his back, supported his head against her shoulder, and sat him up partway. Zephirin couldn't understand what she was saying. His head was swimming, and when he dared to look down and he realized the extent of his injuries he felt his heart drop. He did not want to die. Not like this. His shoulders shook, and he raised his hand to the young woman that held him.
"Please," he rasped.
The Duskwight took hold of his hand. She squeezed, and whatever she said had a soothing quality to it. When she let go he let his hand drop, he felt suddenly so, so tired. Her other arm drew around him and she brought her head low, he heard her whisper in his ear, "Just a little longer, Ser Zephirin. You aren't going to die. I won't let you."
Haurchefant arrived just in time to watch the pair get enveloped in light. He heard Zephirin scream and he froze, sword and shield ready, uncertain. Marielle hadn't made a sound. When the light faded, both knights had fallen, and the Wildwood choked back a cry as he bolted for his prone companion.
Though blood covered Zephirin there were no signs of his wounds. Marielle was unharmed. It took several moments for Haurchefant to reach that conclusion, and to pry her from the unconscious Ward Knight. He'd known for years that she looked up to Zephirin and his men, but he never thought she'd--
No. She didn't betray him or her other companions. She didn't betray anyone. This was just... her way of solving a problem.
As Haurchefant scooped up his friend he turned partway to call out, "One of you take the Archimandrite. They will both need medical attention. The rest of you, you know what to do!"
He didn't need to look up to know that the Archbishop had escaped, but he couldn't help but think that this was simply the beginning of something else.
Marielle awoke to find the blue-haired knight sitting by her side, elbows propped on his knees as he quietly waited for her to stir. She softly cleared her throat, which startled Haurchefant into looking at her. His expression brightened considerably and he was soon kneeling by her side, grasping her hand in both of his.
"Marielle, you finally come back to us! How do you feel? What happened?"
The duskwight knight slowly shook her head and asked, "Zephirin, is he alright?"
With a single nod Haurchefant confirmed, "Yes, though he is still unconscious. What... what happened? What did you do?" He squeezed her hand and leaned close, resting his forehead against hers, his voice lowered. "I genuinely feared I-- we had lost you, Marielle. I beg of you, do not do anything like that again."
She softly laughed and replied, "I wish I could promise you that. I... did as the paladins of old and I protected the innocent. ... Don't you try to get between danger and I ever again, by the way." She gave him a look and the other young night chuckled, shaking his head. He kissed her cheek, prompting Marielle to blink with surprise, and he quietly asked her again: "Please, what happened back there?"
"I don't entirely know," Marie admitted. She shifted a bit, gazing absently at how his hands engulfed hers, and all she could think about was the look on Zephirin's face and the terror in his eyes. She closed her eyes while she spoke. "My soulstone reminded me that I can reflect a lot of magic with the techniques I was taught, so I... tried it. I didn't expect to hit him, I didn't realize--"
Marie paused as she worked at regaining her composure, and then: "-- they're tempered, or brainwashed, or something. Every last one of them. It was as if, when I got to him, he was just waking up from a dream. He didn't know what had happened or where he was and-- Haurchefant, I can't let them all be slaughtered. I know that's what's going to happen. I cannot let those men die! What do you wish to bet that not a single one of them has any idea-- what do you want to bet that the first day they were brought into the fold was the last day they had free will?"
That caused Haurchefant to fall deathly quiet. It was his turn to absently gaze at how his hands engulfed hers, and when he looked to her face again he was surprised to see just how desperate she appeared. He knew she'd known some of those men before they'd become Knights of the Heaven's Ward. Guerrique had been among her most steadfast companions, and his sudden abandonment of their friendship had upset her greatly.
Perhaps this was the result of that heartache, Marielle seeking any possible reason for what had been happening.
He opened his mouth to speak, closed it, then tried again. Gradually he managed to string together a sentence: "If this... is true, what do you intend to do? You cannot save eleven men against the wrath of all of your companions."
"I need to try," Marie quietly informed him, and she buried her face against the other knight's shoulder as he drew her into his embrace.
It was likely the inner fire of that young Knight of Ishgard that convinced her companions to see things her way.
Alberic, a Hyur Warrior a handful of years Marielle's senior, placed his hand on her shoulder as they paused on the approach to the Singularity Reactor. She glanced sidelong at him and offered a faint smile.
"You and Haurchefant are still going to try to take on the Ward themselves, are you?" He asked. "You're absolutely sure you want to try this?"
Marielle nodded. "I am," she replied. "I have to. I owe it to them not to give up on them. What sort of knight would I be if I simply abandoned my comrades to their doom? I cannot let them die, Alberic. I can't."
Though he wasn't fond of the men from their interactions with them, he couldn't fault her for wanting to save some of her own. People she'd known for years, in some cases, and people she'd admired. Even he knew that Marielle didn't have many left in her life, he just feared what would happen to her if everything failed.
Thordan had become a primal.
Alberic threw himself at the former Archbishop as Marielle and Haurchefant taunted the knights. It was Marie that sought the most punishment, who purposely needled and crashed into those she could while Haurchefant kept the others busy. Alberic's initial balking at the Fortemps' knight's participation had been soundly quashed by his paladin companion -- either the blue-haired knight had the Echo or Marie knew something he didn't.
The warrior stopped paying attention as the fight against Thordan heated up. What was not expected was how Marielle's power manifested during that battle, as if she had been blessed by Halone herself. Poor Haurchefant had to take a blow from another knight's shield before he could shake off his awe and return to the fray.
"Do not strike to kill," Marie shouted. "Disable them. Force them to turn!"
The Ward's mages were targeted first.
It was poor young Noudenet that dropped initially after being worn down and bashed around enough. He hit the floor, and Marielle guided the fight away from him as best she would, turning her shield next to Haumeric. Haurchefant found himself fending off the blades of both Adelphel and Janlenoux, and one of the party's other paladins drove back Ignasse and Hermenost from heading to Thordan's aid. As it was, Alberic's group was doing fairly well at whittling the man down.
When Haumeric finally fell under the concentrated onslaught of an empowered paladin and her entourage, the most troublesome of the knights -- other than Charibert -- turned their fury on her. Guerrique, Paulecrain, and Grinnaux were even more of a threat in their empowered forms. While Marielle held her ground she shouted for the former Inquisitor to be brought down -- quickly.
Neither Haurchefant nor the Roegadyn paladin that had aided him had a chance to intercept the mage. A wave of his hand and Thordan ripped the man's power from him to further strengthen himself. Charibert fell to one knee, and upon seeing the state of his comrades and the arena in which they fought, he rasped, "What in hellfire is happening here?"
He wasn't conscious for long. Suddenly it happened again: the remaining knights were robbed of their power and dropped, one by one, with Marie only pausing to catch Paulecrain before he could break his head open on the floor. Grinnaux had the fortune of falling on the Roegadyn monk, whose swearing at the sudden impact of Large Muscular Elezen against her back prompted the party's pair of Scholars to laugh at her expense.
"Cram it!" She snapped, and was soon bolting across the floor to deliver an uppercut to the Archbishop-turned-Primal.
Marielle and Haurchefant didn't join in that part of the fight. Together they worked at moving the knights away from the battle, and checking them over to make sure their wounds weren't too dire. As Marie examined Charibert, the mage's eyes suddenly snapped open and he snatched her wrist.
"Where--" he spat, "Where are we, what did you do to us!?"
The outburst didn't last and he sunk back to the floor, groaning. Marielle sighed and bent down to quietly speak close to his ear: "I'll explain everything later. Rest now. Thordan fucked you lot over."
Words he really never wanted to hear again.
Of the Ward Knights, it was the trio of troublemakers, Charibert, and the eldest knight, Vellguine, that were worst off. The entire lot was mostly kept under sedation while they were transported -- not to Ishgard, as Haurchefant had initially thought they would be, but to a large home on a private lot in Limsa’s Mist subdivisions.
Marielle’s memory of the entire battle was muddled, as if she wasn’t entirely herself when it was going on. This worried Alberic considerably. Yet, as he watched her tend to the men she’d fought tooth and nail to save, he realized that everything was going to be okay. The Duskwight knight was going to be fine.
Several days after the wounded men were set up in that sizeable Limsan estate, Alberic found himself standing in the basement where an infirmary of sorts had been set up. He was watching Marielle flit about the fellows’ cots, checking in and occasionally scurrying back to Zephirin to encourage him to just bloody rest. Zephirin was mostly able to be on his feet again, though he walked with some difficulty and he was still in great pain.
The hyur was startled by a hand on his shoulder and he turned to find Haurchefant smiling warmly at him. “Something on your mind, friend?” He asked, and Alberic grinned crookedly.
“Friend? Come on, now.”
The knight laughed. “Not now, no, that wouldn’t be proper,” and Alberic lightly shoved the man’s shoulder. Haurchefant’s manner turned a little more serious after a moment or so and he lowered his voice to address his companion.
“Marielle’s journey stops here,” he said. The hyur looked surprised.
“What do you mean? Is she not going to continue on with us?”
Haurchefant shook his head. “She feels the men of the Ward need her. She has pledged herself to their protection, she’s quite certain they’ll need it until they’re well again -- especially if Thordan’s state gets out.”
“I won’t let it,” Alberic’s response was sudden. The elezen smiled warmly.
“You know how this sort of thing goes. As soon as a rumour starts, the people will cling to it and spread it about, it’s what they do. She’s simply not meant to be part of the greater narrative of the great Warrior of Light and his companions, that is all.”
The hyur frowned and glanced off toward the Duskwight woman. “I can’t fault her,” he finally said. “Leaving her behind is going to hurt.”
Haurchefant’s voice was soft when he replied, “I know. It will be difficult for me as well, but we can and will come back to see her.” There was a sparkle in his eye that Alberic knew all too well, and he could feel the heat of his blushing spread down his neck. Haurchefant’s response was a sweet smile as he asked, “Is something the matter?”
“I know exactly what you actually mean by that and it’s way too early after a rough battle to be thinking with your dick,” Alberic said. The elezen’s laughter was almost musical; he flung an arm around the hyur’s shoulders and whispered something in his ear.
Something that made the poor man’s eyes go wide as saucers before he elbowed the laughing Fortemps knight. The pair disappeared from the room soon after, leaving Marielle to her own devices for that moment -- and giving them some time to themselves.
Marielle would not join the Warrior of Light in the battles to come. She would not stand with him on the battlefield against the Empire to free Ala Mhigo, nor would she be there with him to face down Zenos yae Galvus.
Oh, but Haurchefant would be. He would stand by Alberic in her stead, and when the pair would return to Mist to visit, they would have all sorts of stories for the young knight: tales of triumph and loss, of distant lands and grand accomplishments. They would tell her of the Garlean Prince whose power even made the Warrior of Light falter, and they would tell her of the Doman Prince, too -- perhaps in the hopes of getting her to accompany them once more, even for a little while.
But, as far as she was concerned, her place was that estate with those men.
The Knights of the Heaven’s Ward had a stalwart defender in the former Companion. Zephirin himself was quite the handful: he felt himself responsible for the fate of his men, though he never had the chance to rise against their captor. He was tempered earlier than he’d realized.
Most of the Knights seemed to adapt to civilian life, with the oldest of them being quite happy to retire, and the youngest being keen to pursue new opportunities. Marielle would have her hands full between Grinnaux, Paulecrain, and Guerrique, with each of those knights believing she needed to spend more time relaxing and less time worrying about them. They were, after all, grown men.
They would all fade away into the history of the world and become as fallen heroes who, when all seemed lost, were given one final chance at life by an agent of Halone Herself.
Even Charibert could accept that ending to their story.
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starkatana · 6 years
Both Sides of the Story - A
Your relationship with Dabi isn’t what it used to be and you want to break up. But there's always two sides to a story.
Dabi x Female Reader
You and Dabi were always together. Whether it was grocery shopping, going for a walk, going out on dates, even just sitting inside curled up with movies. You two were always together. He'd be in your apartment when you got home from work, he'd let you know he'd be over late but was going to bring home dinner. The only time you two were apart was when you guys had work.
Yet the longer you two were together the less time you spent with each other.
It started with going out. He would much rather stay at home which was fine with you. You guys didn't need to go out but the evenings you wanted to go out drinking with your friend he chose to stay home but told you to go enjoy yourself. It's almost as if a flip switched and he never went out with you anymore. He'd always be in bed when you got home and he'd spoon you.
As time went on you saw less and less of him. He stopped coming over every night. Instead, calling you saying he wasn't going to make it over. Calls then turned into texts. He'd drop by once or twice a week to sleep. Conversations happened less and less.
You tried to talk to him about it but he said there was nothing to talk about. It was work things. He had just started a new job and he was just getting used to it. You knew what was really happening, you two were drifting apart.
All the signs were there. Short answers. No conversations. Distance. Space apart. Refusing to go out. It was obvious, he was getting over you and the distance was to make the break up easier. You decided it'd be best if you broke up with him.
You: can you come over tonight? We need to talk.
Dabi: sure, I'll be over soon.
You: thanks
Dabi: want me to bring dinner?
You: no thanks I made dinner
Dabi: nice. What'd you make?
You: spaghetti
Dabi: can't wait
You felt bad. The kind of bad that weighed your heart down. Break ups were never easy, no matter how much you 'prepared' for them they were always bad.
"Hey."  Dabi greeted walking into the apartment.
"Hey." You respond. He walks towards you instinctively reaching for your side, pulling you close to giving you a kiss on your cheek. You feel half of your heart into the embrace and shrug off his kiss.
Dabi cocked an eyebrow, "What's up?" He asked.
You knew Dabi wasn't a man of many words but he definitely had more words than what he's been giving you.
You get out of his arms and taking a step back you avoid eye contact, feeling yourself getting smaller. There was no need to beat around the bush. It was coming. He had to have seen it coming.
"I want to break up." You state looking back at him.
"What?" You saw his face drop. Did he not see this coming?
"I feel like this isn't working out between us and I want to break up."
He simply stared back at you with drooped eyes. You desperately wished you could read his mind.
"Y/n." He grabbed your waist gently and leaned his head onto your shoulder, "Please, don't do this." You heard his voice shake, "I need you."
You felt your chest get tight and you gently hug him. You didn't want to say you could still be friends. You loved him more than you could explain. You didn't want to be friends you wanted to be his. "Let's talk. About this." You respond.
He doesn't move.
"What's going on?"
You feel his body move from his breathing.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
He stands up and looks at you behind tear-soaked eyes.
"I-I can't say."
"Dabi,” you take his cheek in your hand, looking deep into his blue eyes. You found yourself searching them, hoping this was your answer not to break up, “are you in trouble?" You ask, "Cause if you are, tell me and whatever it is you owe or need, I can help you."
He shook his head, "It's not that, Doll Face."
You missed your nickname, but you shook your head. You almost wished he needed help getting out of a bad situation. Everything would've made sense then. But if that wasn't the case and unless he had an actual reason for ignoring you, you were set on ending things with him.
"Y/n, I am trouble."
You roll your eyes.
"I'm serious and the things I'm getting involved in...I’m scared to rope you into."
"What are you talking about?"
Dabi took in a deep breath and the powerful and confident Dabi was back. "Remember on the news about the League of Villains attack on the USJ?"
"Sure." It was fuzzy but you remembered it.
“And then the news about the capture of the Hero Killer, Stain?”
You nod slowly, remembering the recent news events coming back from the storage of your memory.
"Well, I joined the League so I can help turn this damned hero glorified society into a righteous society based on Stain’s values to show people the true meaning of the word hero."
You knew Dabi hated heroes and that was whatever to you. You were indifferent, maybe a bit spiteful that you wouldn’t admit. You saw first hand what heroes did to your family. And yes this society was hero crazed and relied too heavily on heroes and glorified them more than they should.
"This is my fault.” Dabi deflates. “I'm not going to beg for you to forgive me or to even keep me. But I've been trying to keep a low profile, the boss is a man baby and is keeping tabs on us, and I grew distant because I didn't want the others to know about you. I thought I was keeping you safe but I was pushing you away and that's my fault.” He shook his head seeming to come to terms with his actions. “I just wanted to keep you a secret. If anyone knew, they’d come after you, to could get to me and I didn't want you getting hurt or used against me. I’d do anything to keep you safe. I just thought it’d be easier if you didn’t know and I'm so sorry y/n. This is all my fault.” 
Dabi wasn’t like himself. He was always so sure and so confident. He always knew what he needed to do, except for this, he wasn’t sure if he should’ve told you or not. All the time he spent keeping this a secret from you finally took a toll on him. He had broken down now. His head hung low.
You hug him. "Come here you big dumdum." You try to turn him around "Let's just forget about what I said and be better."
"No!” Dabi yelled, “Break up with me, y/n!” he cried, “Please! So, I don't have to think about you! So, I don't have to worry about you!” he grabs your hips and cries into your neck, “Please. Please, break up with me.” You heard him muffle, “So I don't have to do it."
"Ah, so we are dating."
You feel him pause. He looks up at you and cocks an eyebrow at you. You always managed to keep him on his toes.
"We never really did put a label on it." You shrug, giving him a light smile to lighten the mood.
He shook his head, "What the fuck?"
“I’m sorry.” You pause, “I didn't know the whole story, I only knew half of it and now that I know everything. I understand and I don't want to break up with you anymore."
You know you tried to bring it up before and he said there was nothing to talk about, but if you were in his situation, you’d be on the fence on letting him know the truth too. You felt bad putting him on the spot to tell you everything, ready or not.
He looked back at you in disbelief as if he couldn’t believe what you were saying. "I want to keep dating you, Stitches.”
"Doll Face." You could see a smile of disbelief appear on his lips, “You’re not listening to me.”
“I am and I’m saying, I take it back. I don’t want to break up. I want to stay together and to go through this with you.”
He shakes his head as a smirk appears on his lips, "You're fucking ridiculous. You want to stay with me after learning that your life could be in danger and that you could potentially get in trouble being associated with me?"
"Babe, you are trouble and I don't think anything bad can happen to me as long as you're around. I've seen you swoop in out of nowhere when someone even checks out my ass. Plus I'm a big strong girl, I pick fights with you all the time."
"I fucking hate you." He growled pulling you into him.
"I know." You give him a kiss on the cheek and he gives you a passionate kiss on the lips, you two then rest into a hug.
"I promise I'll be better." He sighed into your neck. "It's such a relief, getting that off my chest."
"You're using your quirk aren't you?"
"Yeah...” you laugh rubbing your hand against his back, “I figured you could use it after the heartache I just put you through."
He nuzzled deeper into the crook of your neck, "Never change Doll Face."
“I won’t.”
Dabi was true to his word. He communicated with you better and if he needed to be at the league, he'd let you know. Texting was kept to a bare minimum so it wouldn't seem like he had someone outside of the league. He showed up at your place more often for sure at least 3 times a week, he didn't go out with you anymore but it was hard since he was so easy to pick out in a crowd, but he did spend more time with you at home whether it was a bath, dinner, or a movie. He made sure to make one night a week special for you two.
A/N: I made this and when I went to post it I thought about writing the “Other Side of the Story” from Dabi’s POV - depending. We’ll see what happens. Sorry if it feels a little OOC for Dabi or even a little rushed. I didn’t really want them to break up and I thought not knowing the full story is a good reason why not to break up and idk why but I’m a sucker for powerful leader characters to have moments of weakness where they can feel like they can break down because they know/care for you enough they feel like they can show this part of them to you. I hope how I wrote it comes off that way.
Also! Thanks for reading <3 
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ladyoftheshrimp · 7 years
Psst... Percival Graves as a closeted snuggle lover and Newt finds out from Dougle because Dougle like cuddles as well and soon there are snuggle parties in the case and all the creatures and Newt love it *gives you the offering of a pig cause I don't kill cows* *runs away to hide*
The pig has been gratefully accepted. He’s now called Kevin, has his own bed, blanket, and a box of toys. In return please accept this humble offering which took way too long to get to you and may have deviated a little from your original idea.
Like a Flower in Bloom
Every morning Percival would rise when his alarm clock rangshrilly at 5am. He’d sit up, switch it off and get out of bed. He’d stretchbriefly then turn to make his bed with army precision before heading into thekitchen for a quick breakfast – toast with some jam, a hot cup of coffee and aquick glance over the morning newspapers. Over the course of the years he’dmastered the useless skill of reading several of them at once to be moreefficient with his time. Breakfast done with, he’d get changed into workoutclothes and go for a run before finishing off with a few more exercises athome. By then it would be 7am and he’d go for a shower, a quick and cold thing,warm water was a luxury he just didn’t indulge in, saw no point it wasting sucha precious resource when cold water worked just as well. After a shower he’d doa few more cooling down stretches before dressing and getting to work for 8amsharp. Being a soldier in the Great War had taught him efficiency, order andthe need to get things done. His whole life was centred around appearance,presentation and regime. Even as a child he was expected to be prim and properat functions, a child to be seen not heard. There was no room in his life for aluxury, only a sense of duty and accomplishment. He held no pride in hisarrests, no joy in his role deciding people’s fates. It was his job, his dutyand what was expected of him and he’d do it to the best of his abilities for aslong as he could continue.
Others’ lives never really interested Percival, they livedhow they wanted but he had his own standards to live up to. At work he waspolite, to the point and sometimes ruthless but it got results. His departmentwas achieving record level efficiency, they were treated fairly, rarelyoverworked. Perhaps Percival did pride himself a little in the fact that he wasable to look after his subordinates and notice who needed a break, who could bepushed and who needed to be reprimanded for their sloth. But mostly he put itdown to steady and reliable leadership, he tried to set an example and hopedthat most people would fall in line.
It was almost the norm for Percival to work long hours,nobody questioned him when they left and the light in his office was still on.Other than the night staff nobody knew just how late into the night he stayed,depending on the case and his workload. He always went home, he had rulesagainst sleeping in his office but that didn’t mean he left at a sociable hour.After all, there was nothing to go home for other than a bed and sleep. So that’sall he did, he’d work for as long as he could or until he was done, returnhome, get ready for bed and sleep. At 5am the next day his alarm would ring andhis cycle would start all over again. At the weekends he’d take files home withhim and quietly work at the dining table in the corner of the kitchen. For mostof the two days the only noise would be the scratch of his quill on paper andthe clink as he dipped it into an inkwell for more ink.
He was happy with his existence, he didn’t know what otherpeople did. Some nights as he walked home he’d see people in bars, spilling outof clubs roaring drunk and he’d wonder what they got out of it. People weren’tso much a mystery to him, more of a foreign concept. Nobody ever wanted to befriends with him unless it would elevate their station in society and he had nodesire to play such games. All he wanted was to work and be the best he couldbe.
So when Newt turned up in a whirlwind of colour, a strangemix of apparent shyness with an underlying current of dangerous cunningPercival did what he always had. Run through the department’s policies, hisusual welcoming speech and cut him loose to be someone else’s problem. Theaurors on the whole were good at welcoming new members of staff, of guidingthem through their first weeks. It wasn’t his responsibility and as long asthey fell into place with relative ease and pace Percival was happy to leavethem be. However Newt was different. There was an energy about him that pulledpeople along with his hare-brained shenanigans. Things worked out around himbut never by the book as Percival had come to expect from his subordinates. Itwasn’t anything he could write them up for, or even issue a verbal warning forbut it still grated. On top of it Newt would just drop by at random times for achat. Usually he had questions for him but they were the kind that anybody inthe department could have answered for him, he didn’t need the Director toanswer such inane questions. Despite his grumblings Percival found he overalldidn’t actually mind Newt’s presence in his office. It was an almost welcomedistraction at times. Part of him wondered if this was what having a friend waslike before he dismissed the idea. He was Newt’s boss in a roundabout way,probably third boss up the chain but still. Newt probably just wanted to make agood impression and nothing else. People like Percival didn’t get the luxuriousdistraction of friends. He didn’t need them either, he was happy in his ownsolitude.
The thing with Newt didn’t quiet down and Percival slowlycame to look forward to the little interruptions to his day. There were coffeebreaks which he’d never before indulged in and quick exchanges of pleasantriesin the corridors if the ever passed each other. Lunchtime was occasionallyspent swapping tales of their travels rather than a sandwich in one hand and areport in the other. It was one such pleasant lunch with Newt for company whenout of the blue Newt spoke.
“I was in the war too you know.” The bite of sandwich turnedbitter in Percival’s mouth and he fought to swallow it down despite the risingbile. He never talked of the war and his part in it. Never wanted to think ofthe friends he had lost there, the reason why he found making friends so hardnow. He’d been relatively young in the war, not the youngest by any means butstill impressionable. The impressions the war had left behind weren’t the oneshe’d expected of great heroic deeds and a cheered welcome home. No, they werethe memories of fear, the stench of death and screamed begs to make the agonystop. Of friends who fell next to him not to rise again or even worse beg himto end their misery with mangled jaws and broken bodies. To become close tosomeone in the war meant to have repeated heartache when they didn’t return andto keep an ever growing collection of dog tags on the chain around his neck. Itgot to the point that Percival almost lost his own identity to the number ofpeople he’d wished to keep alive by carrying the final bit of them around hisneck.
“I just want you to know that I understand.” Newt’s softvoice drew him out of his spiral of memories. He couldn’t say anything to that,just nodded mutely and shoved another bite of the sandwich in his mouth. Therewas nothing to say, he mused. They were both survivors of horrors untold whichdidn’t bear repeating. Moving on didn’t mean forgetting, it meant not dwellingon things they couldn’t change.
Not long after that one evening Newt asked him to dinner. Itwas phrased so delicately Percival almost missed the implications. He almostsaid no out of habit. He didn’t want a friendship, he didn’t want anything otherthan to live his own life. Yet somehow he found himself agreeing. Newt’spleased little hum at his eventual acceptance soothed any worried he may havehad – there was no gloating of being the one to perhaps ensnare the Directorfor a date, no cruel laughter at the culmination of a long joke where his heartwas the punchline. Instead, as promised Newt accompanied him to the mostpleasant dinner he could remember having in a long while. They didn’t need tospeak much, their silence a comfort rather than awkward. When they bid eachother good night Newt smiled sweetly and reassured him he’d had a good time.Percival returned the sentiment though it sounded wooden to his own ears. Itdidn’t seem to deter Newt.
A week later Percival found himself wanting to return thefavour, he inexplicably found himself summoning Newt to his office, where on companytime he asked about a very personal matter. It was wholly unprofessional butever so satisfying, he’d done something that broke the comfort of his routineand sent a thrill down his spine at breaking his usual code of conduct. Thefact that Newt accepted his offer without hesitation was a bonus. Like theprevious date, they were more quiet than most would have figured two people onan early date to be. Percival wondered a little when they’d ended up socomfortable with each other that it didn’t matter. That night he walked Newthome and was given a peck on the cheek for his efforts. If he hadn’t been so quietlyecstatic he might have cared about the dusting of a pink blush that bloomedacross his cheeks – another first in a long time.
The first time he invited Newt home for a cooked meal wasnerve wracking. In the morning before he left work he made sure everything wastidied away, straightened up the chairs against the table, tucked his creasefree sheets on his bed tightly away and swept away even a hint of dust from theshelf which housed his books of statutes. Admittedly he didn’t usually readthem at home but it was worth having a copy there as well as his office. Thatevening he showed Newt in who took a moment to look round his living room. Aquick tour of his home and Newt looked torn between a weary sadness and worry,it wasn’t a good look on him but Percival chose to ignore it.
Looking round Percival’s home left Newt feeling hollow.Everything was minimalistic, militaristically bare and devoid of the creaturecomforts he’d surrounded himself with after all he’d gone through. It was likewalking through an officer’s barracks or an office. The more he thought of itthe more he realised that Percival’s office wasn’t as barren as it was becauseof regulations but because the man didn’t fill it with personal knickknacks.The tightly made bed with crisp sheets, the set of almost uniform clothes hungprecisely in the wardrobe, Newt would have bet that even his union suits wereneatly folded in the drawer, tucked away in an ordered line. Everything wasdevoid of colour, blacks, whites and greys. The next time Newt invited Percivalinto his case to perhaps show the man that there was a world of colour to behad.
They’d agreed that Newt would take his case to Percival’shome and they’d go down there together in the evening. It was Percival’s firsttime in the case and the man was certainly taken aback by everything he saw. Themyriad of creatures the swarmed the case were overwhelming in their cacophony.Newt simply smiled at him, took his hand and led him through makingintroductions as he went. Their dinner was a simple affair of food Newt hadcooked a little earlier while Percival finished up the case he was working on.Dougal had decided to join them and sat by Percival’s feet, an arm slung aroundhis calf in a cuddle. Once Percival got over the initial discomfort of aninvisible weight against his leg it was quite nice. A warmth that seeped intohis very core and helped loosen something in him which he never realised hadcoiled so tight over the years.
At the end, when Newt needed to return home they left thecase, Percival in front and Dougal mournfully staring up at them. Newt clutcheda little potted plant of exquisite colours which he put on Percival’s table.
“A little something to bring a bit of colour into your day.”Newt had shrugged and Percival straightened the pot so the sides ran parallelto the table’s. He missed the fond smile Newt shot him as he aligned the plant.It wasn’t something he’d have picked out for himself, it felt superfluous andsomething that needed care and attention. Yet every time he glanced at it hefelt a glow, it reminded him of Newt and the fact that the other man caredenough to give him something he’d grown from a seed in his own case. So theplant stayed on his table, he watered it every morning, drew the curtain solight would reach it during late afternoon when the sun wasn’t too hot anymoreand watched the plant flourish and bloom. His trips into Newt’s suitcase becamemore frequent, on occasions at lunchtime they’d go down together and eat in thepeaceful racket of creatures around them. Dougal would usually find them andlatch onto Percival. If they were sat on the ground the demiguise would pushunder his arm until Percival relented and put an arm round slender furryshoulders but if they were seated on chairs Dougal slowly rose from clutchinghis leg to sitting on his lap. Newt never commented on their lunch companionand instead just smiled enigmatically before offering them both some fruit andthen taking some for himself.
The more time Newt spent at his home the more chaos wasintroduced. The first night Newt slept over Percival had turned his alarm offat 5am and much to his surprise cuddled back to Newt under the blanket. He almost ran late to work that morningand found his cup and plate from breakfast in the sink that evening. Over timeNewt trusted him with his case and on days would even leave it with him when heknew he’d be too busy to look after it or was going somewhere his case wasn’twelcome. It was the fourth lunchtime that week Percival spent alone with thecase while Newt consulted in the field. Surreptitiously at lunchtime Percivalcracked the case open and crept down. He wasn’t doing anything wrong as such,Newt had often told him to make himself at home in there, but not once beforehad Percival taken him up on the offer. Yet there he was, standing in the shackwith his packed lunch in one hand, uncertain of just what he was doing. The airshimmered in front of him and Dougal reached for his hand. Together they walkedout into the sunlight of the case and settled on a little mound where Percivalshared his lunch with the demiguise.
His bed was no longer crease free. It was in fact adifferent bed as Newt had convinced him that the small almost cot he’d had foryears was too small for two grown men to sleep in, let along do anything moreintimate. They found out that like everything else Percival fucked like helived. It was meticulous, thorough and steady. Like a metronome Newt hadgiggled mildly tipsy once, sated from their earlier activities. That’s how theydiscovered that Percival never really explored much in the ways of the bedroombefore. He’d fucked to relieve pressure on occasion but it was nothing morethan a night of almost required pleasure, pleasant but meaningless in the grandscheme of things. So Newt had taken it on himself to find different ways ofshowing Percival how someone can be thoroughly taken apart and also dismantlesomeone else in return. After one such adventurous night was the first timePercival almost fell asleep at work while Newt drank potions to try and hidehis mild limp.
Quiet lunches in the case were almost the norm by that pointeven without Newt. When Percival was by himself it wasn’t just Dougal who cameup to him for a cuddle. Various creatures would join them for as long as theywanted to and there’s be a constant ebb and flow of beasts who sought outscratches, tickles and just some company. Life at home became more varied too.Pictures went up on Percival’s wall, his alarm was turned off with a grumblemore often than not and getting ready for work was an affair filled withinnuendo, groping and filthy promises between even dirtier kisses. Percival wasno longer the first in the office at 8am sharp, neither was he the last toleave. His house had become a home more than anything else had ever been onefor him before. There was a warmth to it and it had nothing to do with turningthe heating up or enjoying longer showers under the scalding hot water Newtalways set the temperature to.
It was towards the end of a tiring week when Percival wasonce again left with instructions to look after Newt’s case while he was out.Lunchtime rolled around and Percival meandered down the steps into the shackwhere Dougal was already waiting for him. Hand in hand they wandered out onto agrassy knoll and settled down, Percival passing him the sliced apples and melonpieces he’d taken to packing in his lunch just for the demiguise. Their usualcrowd of cuddlers approached and settled quietly around them in a peaceful heapand Percival closed his eyes in quiet contentment.
“Room for one more?” Newt’s voice jolted him out of hisquiet basking. Percival turned and smiled sheepishly before Dougal got up fromhis lap and led Newt into the centre of the pile. Gracefully Newt sank downinto Percival’s lap and stole a kiss.
“Always room for you.” Percival rumbled. “Didn’t think you’dbe back so soon.”
“Cut things short when it turned out a creature wasn’tinvolved so I wasn’t needed.” Newt shrugged languidly. “Didn’t think I’d findyou down here quite like this though.”
“Well, you asked me to take care of your case so I did.”
“And it took care of you too by the looks of things.” Newtlaughed gently. Percival hummed then nodded.
“That it did. That it did.”
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I Need You - Newt Scamander
Warning: None? It’s kinda sad at first. Oops. Fem!Reader tho.
ALSO, I had a different idea of how this would go like an alternate version. I could write it if someones wants me too?
Disclaimer: I could not find a scene of Newt’s trial anywhere so I got the conversation part(?) from this text. I felt bad for using it without mentioning it’s not mine. The conversation part I used is used for completely different plots. Obviously, I wouldn’t do this unless it was necessary because I couldn’t find that specific scene anywhere.
Requested by @imfuckin-gcrazy: “Could you write an imagine where Newt”s girlfriend is a veela, and he keeps her in her case most of the time in order to keep her safe but when Graves’ seizes the case he finds you and the rest is up to you 😉 thank you, I love your writing ❤
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You’d been messing around and ticking the niffler when Newt and Jacob had come down into the case. You meet Newt when he worked together in the Beast Division in the ministry where you fought for justice for veelas like yourself. He feel in love with they way you would stand up for veelas and fight for justice just as he did with his creatures, and so did you. You met Jacob along with Tina and Queenie when they had come down into the case with Newt to explore his case and learn more about Newt’s love of work.You instantly took a liking to them because you felt like Newt only let people who he trusted or felt like they had a kind heart and an open mind into the case, much like you were.
With Newt’s feet touching solid ground, he made his way towards you as the most important thing on his mind currently was that he had to tell you to take care of his creatures and the case in case he didn’t get back to you. When he told you so, tears started to form in your eyes.
“What do you mean ‘In case you don’t get back’? Newt, what are you planning on doing? Please don’t leave them or me. They’re practically your children. They need you Newt. I need you.” By then you were crying hysterically. Your face as red as your raining red eyes. Newt seeing the state his words caused you to go into. He instinctively pulled you into his chest hugging you into him. He didn’t want to let you go but a knock called their attention which mean Newt and Jacob had to leave.
“I know. I need you too, but just please. Please.”He stuttered over his words. This could possibly be the last moment with his beautiful girlfriend. ”If I can’t come back, take care of them. And no matter what happens out there, no matter what you hear, don’t come for me. Please.”
“No. Newt, I can’t just leave you- “ You were cut off by Newt roughly placing his chapped lips upon yours. You both could taste your salty tears, but they were not a huge deal compared to the situation you were going through.
“Please.” Newt begged against your lips. You could not speak in fear of crying so you nodded in response. Newt blinked away the tears before turning away with Jacob turned to walk up the stairs that lead to the outside of the case when you ran to Newt pulling on his hand making his turn to face you where you meet him with one last kiss. Pulling away you cried out one last time, “I love you Newt.”
“I love you too Y/N.” Slowly he detached himself from your embrace and began to leave when he turned around and advised her to hide. He turned around sad hoping this truly was not their last moment together and began to climb up the wooden ladder with Jacob behind him.
The whole room was filled with auror wizards and other highly ranked wizards. All of them watching the trial of Newt Scamander, Porpentina Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski. According to what MACUSA understood, Newt Scamander’s case filled with magical creatures were let loose causing havoc around the city and Newt had help from Porpentina Goldstein, ex-auror and Jacob Kowaski, a muggle.
“You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander?” Auror Graves questioned Newt who was on his knees on the floor. They all looked at the soul embodiment of the dead studying it, including Newt.
“This was an obscurus.”
“You’ve gone too far, Mr. Scamander. There is no obsucurial in America. Impound that case, Graves.”,Madame Picquery ordered. With a a wave of his hand, the man Graves had Newt Scamander’s case in his possession.
MACUSA felt threatened and betrayed, mostly threatened as there was now a dead body which they believed was killed by one of Newt Scamander’s creatures and they were blaming Newt. Through out the whole trial you heard everything and it hurt your heart.
“Arrest them.”
“Please you don’t understand. Nothing in there is dangerous.” You heard Newt plead. You could hear the heartache and pain in his voice as he continued to plead.
“We’ll be the judges of that.”
“Take them to the cells.”
Everything everyone was saying was making it hard to concentrate on the promise you had made to Newt.
“Don’t hurt these creatures. There is nothing dangerous in there. Nothing. Please don’t hurt my creatures. They’re not dangerous. Please. They are not dangerous.” Newt’s voice echoed into the case where you hide. His screams and pleads slowly faded away making you want to run to his aid, but you couldn’t. Could you?
The case was given to two aurors to inspect. As soon as the shorter, chubby one of the aurors got to where you hid near the occamy babies, you quickly attacked him with a wand less spell and with a punch to the face just to be sure he was out of it. You were a half-veela which meant you could do wand less magic and you had your own magic.
“Well, looks like your not a no-maj like I had expected.”
“And why would you expect that?”
“Because a women as beautiful as yourself is not capable of doing that and touching a man like that.”
“Well, you’re wrong either way. I’m not a no-maj, but guess what I am?” The man, Graves said nothing.
”I’m a veela,” you revealed slowly stepping closer to him. Blinking you’re eyes turned black “An angry veela. You want to know why I’m angry? Because you have my boyfriend and my friends locked up, yet you don’t know the story as to why this case has all these creatures in it. Nor do you care right? As long as somebody is there to take the blame for your stupid mistakes. Well guess who’s blamed. The boyfriend of a veela. Really not a good thing for you mate. Not at all, but I believe you should run before you turn out like him.” You stopped to point at the small unconscious auror. “Or worse.” You ended with a sickly evil smile to warn the auror.
As soon as Graves, started running you were read to release you wings, but ended up not having to do so as soon as Graves disapparated.
Quickly and carefully you took the body up the stairs that lead to what you believed was the office of the auror. You let the body drop to the floor, not knowing what to do with it. You went to grab the case when the door was suddenly kicked open. Behind the door stood a proud Jacob and a smiling Queenie.
“Oh. Hello Queenie. Hello Jacob. He’s not dead just unconscious.” You turned around with the case and left running with Jacob and Queenie by your side. Panting in between your words you say,“You will not believe what I just did.”
“You did not?” Queenie laughed as she read your mind.
“Did not what? What did she do?” Jacob asked confused.
“Never mind that for now. We’ve got to find Tina and Newt.” Queenie jumped his question in order to continue their quest.
After a few more minutes of running around the MACUSA headquarter looking for your boyfriend and newly found friend, you turned around a corner to be meet with a wand in your face. Quickly it fell. Looking up you realized, you finally found them.
“Oh thank Godric you’re alive Newt.” You exclaimed happier than you should have been considering your current situation. Happily, you pulled his hand into your’s intertwining them.
“I thought i told you-I, I only did it to keep you safe. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mad right now. I’m glad you’re okay.” Newt pulled you into his chest, placing kisses all over the top of you head as he wrapped his arms around you. “ Oh what about the babies?”
“We’ll had a bit of trouble in the case, but I was able to handle myself. And the babies are alright.”
“She’s pregnant?” asked a dumbfounded Jacob.
“She meant the creatures.” Tina stated.
“Well I’m glad they’re fine too. Thank you so much for that” He thanked you and placed a kiss to your forehead in which you closed your eyes trying to savor the gentle touch,”but we have to something else on our plate.”
“Now come on, we’ve got to save New York.” You state as you all started to walk out of MACUSA headquarters already planning you’re next move.
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Loners Vs Loneliness...
Written in response to the below article and then some, touching on the strengths and curses of being alone for a long period of time (subject to opinion what a long time is, but in my case, at the time of writing this, almost 7years. I’m a monk!)
Credit: Angela @ MindVsBrain
Now, I agree with a lot of what this article has to say, however that is only to a degree and it makes a number of absolutions and assumptions, like “A loner is a person who prefers to be in solitude” which isn’t strictly true or can be misinterpreted to mean we don’t like company. From my own perspective, we’re incredibly social, in fact more so than couples, having the freedom to take full advantage of what to do, where to go and who to hang with, without any conflict or pressure to decide otherwise. Many loners have the independence to go out alone and do the things many company-dependant people could never attempt to do alone, like going to the cinema, eating in a restaurant other than a fast food one and travelling aboard. Yes, of course there are many loners who DO prefer to be in their own company, but others, like myself prefer company, it’s just we’re fully capable and quite happy to do things on our lonesome.
It’s having this ability to rely entirely on oneself for your own source of happiness, rarely being dependent on needing others to provide it for us and that gives us a certain strength and happiness, and in turn, tolerance and understanding. Where as you might have been disappointed, or even hurt by someone letting you down, for whatever reason; when you have this strength, this ability to simply rely on yourself, you’re empowered to go without them regardless; you suddenly become fine, “it’s cool, no worries, next time” And that’s said with a truthful smile because should it happen again, and again, you’ll be quick to move on without having sacrificed any experience of losing out. You very quickly suss out who the real people are and decide just as quick which people you want around you which enforces the article’s statement of “They select their friends carefully in order to avoid fake people.” Good people attract good people! Fact! and we will always cherish genuine friendship above all else.
Yup, I do have firm boundaries, a moral high ground but I’m guilty of falling from that pedestal now and then. We all make mistakes, nobody’s perfect. Yet I’m quite open and honest. Having these firm boundaries doesn’t mean we’re closed off, defensive or restrictive; just that we might be very much set in our ways and can be very stubborn with it. We are loyal, probably because we live by the code of treating others how you expect to be treated; which I actually believe isn’t enough. I practise treating others better than I expect to be treated and the dividends always pay off. I love my friends very much and it’s that mutual loyalty that forms the basis of any good friendship. They’re always there for me so I’ll endeavour to always be there for them. However, it wrongly assumes loners aren’t craving attention like some people and I think she’s describing an introvert more than a loner. Some loners strive for attention, some being perfectly skilled in getting attention without causing too much of a distraction. Their appearance, their attitude and behaviour, the way they walk, talk, everything are all hooks for attention. I’m a loner but I’m far from being shy or keeping a safe distance. I’m the loner that’ll strike up conversation with a bunch of strangers at the bar or on the train and say bless you when someone sneezes. But this is a difference that’s not easily noticed to the untrained eye. There are loners that go to a bar and find a table to sit at, reading a book or paper, making themselves harder to approach, which might well be a conscious choice; and there’s those, like me that’ll stand at the bar and purposely catch the passing traffic and make friends with the bar staff. I’m a loner that is happy with his own company but even happier when mingling.
This does make us open-minded, free-thinking people that’s not easily swayed by public opinion. We actually enjoy our often isolated opinions but also enjoy debating them. I feel we suffer less from peer pressure and follow our own path, actually not wanting to affiliate with groups or ideas so to keep our individuality and enjoy the freedom of being able to dip into all of them without committing to any full time membership. This makes us well-informed, easy-going people of the world who want to learn everything about everyone. This can sometimes make us hard people to judge, as it confuses people when we agree with one party’s ideal but also being able to go along with the opposition on something else. Being alone can sometimes force you to try and understand the world better by allowing yourself so much more experience instead of being opinionated or group/couple/family affiliated. Loners will often support what they are truly most passionate about and not because their parents or loved ones do so; not making their support any less real, but it does enforce a loner’s belief, making it more genuine. There’s nothing stopping you from trying out new things and having that independence gives you the strength to do it alone, not having to wait for someone to go with. In fact, some of us will actually go alone so to get educated before going with the group or partner, making us look even more well informed about the world around us. I’ve scouted my own pub tours on my own, so that I can confidently tour others around looking like the London expert that I am *wink*
It does make us tougher, especially when facing hardship or rough times. We’re able to retreat into ourselves and push ourselves out the other side because, who else is going to do it? We’re normally the first ones to figure out that the world can be an unforgiving place and that only the strong survive. Again, not relying on others to provide support makes us keep our wits about us, many of us actually steering clear of other lethal retreats like alcohol or other dangerous slippery slopes. We tend to hit our fears head-on as oppose to trying to ignore them or escape them with drink and other out-of-character behaviour, often dwelling on our emotions in solitude, cocooning ourselves to help us digest what’s happening to us. But, we’re fully aware our core friends/family are always there and their support is a tremendous bonus. But as oppose to leaning on those friends/family entirely, they help prop up the foundation you’ve already established yourself. They know not to pester or smother you as that can be too claustrophobic when we’re trying to process what’s happening to you on our own first; it can sometimes feel like we’re being pushed or pulled into a direction we’re not comfortable with which is a big no-no with loners. Let us know you’re there, but keep your distance and don’t poke us every ten minutes. We’ll come to you when the time is right and that we need you, but chances are we’ll come out wearing a little more armour, a little tougher than before, maybe with a slight smile on our faces saying “it’s cool, I’m okay, honest” and we wouldn’t be lying. It’s having that self-awareness, knowing oneself that get us through, and no one can emotionally slap us better than ourselves.
I can’t wholly agree on the time aspect, only because I am mostly late and it’s again, a bad assumption that loners are mostly perfect time keepers. I’m a perfect contradiction of this, as whilst I really value time, appreciate and respect time as a forever ruler of all things, I’m rarely on time, unless it’s an important occasion or appointment. But anything outside of those, I’m generally late and is totally expected of me by those who know me well. I’m normally late to work, last to a party and it’s even a dying wish is to arrive late to my own funeral and have “back in 10 minutes” on my tombstone. I think it’s partly my rebellious nature to not conform to the clock, everything else is on my time, and being a loner makes me solely responsible for that, so what the hell, I’ll get there when I get there, as Gandalf the Grey once said, “he arrives precisely when he means to.”
Now the biggest statement from this article I really can’t agree with is “Loners never feel lonely” and it’s again, this absolution of “never” that first nagged me to write this response. There is a divide between being a loner and suffering from loneliness, but there’s a fine line between them both, and it’s so easy to slip from being an independent, super strong loner to being a soppy, miserable mess and I’ll get to how that happens later.
Only then is it depressing asking for a table for one, getting “just the one?” ticket for the cinema or even food shopping for yourself where “serves two” is just too much and each time it hits you with pangs of heartache but this only occurs when you’re crushing on someone. All the strengths we had before are quickly pulled from under us and it’s a hole that’s impossible to fill. We might act brave at social gatherings like parties and weddings but deep down, when we go home there’s nothing more sadder than an empty house and an empty bed to come home to. And we can’t have anyone else feel sorry for ourselves, we’re not a pity case which means we do feel sorry for ourselves because we won’t let anyone else do it, it only amplifies the hurt. Festivities, Christmas, New Year’s, Birthdays and of course, Valentine’s day are normal days to many of us. That’s what some of us pretend anyways and contradictorily to popular belief, or the image I have projected, most people, including those most closest to me think I hate my birthdays, don’t celebrate Christmas or new year, but I actually love them, and would want them to be the special days that they should be, but no amount of good company, presents or wishes can equal being in a loving relationship. So it’s best to try to forget those days actually exist and let them drift pass and hopefully nobody notices. When the shit hits the fan, it’s now doubly worse, not having that someone to be there for us, your soulmate, that many couples take for granted because it’s the norm to them. It can be awful having so much to say but having no one to say it to, so instead we grief alone with loneliness looming over like a nasty shadow.
We are fiercely Independent; we do what we want and answer to no one, never having to compromise with anyone apart from our bank balance and time itself. We have a particular freedom that people in relationships don’t have, and we’re not prepared to give up that freedom so easily, so we can be a right challenge to get with. We don’t waste other people’s time by going on a few dates looking for flings or one night stands, we don’t understand the point of it apart from fulfilling a sexual desire; something I don’t practise myself, being free and single doesn’t automatically make me a player or someone who takes advantage of “no strings attached.” I actually take relationships very seriously, and though we might appear to be frigid, unadventurous or unromantic, we’re actually fiercely romantic, impulsive, passionate and will bravely go the distance many relationships won’t. We have never wanted to settle for ordinary and have always wanted extraordinary, the stuff movies are made of; and in exchange we pour absolutely everything into giving the extraordinary in return. We certainly don’t want to waste our own time on flings and if someone’s not interested, ignores us or attempts to tease us, they will be quickly dropped and deemed not worthy of our time, effort or love. In a nutshell, and this might be quite a scary revelation to some, we’re these hidden gems just waiting for the right person to come along; essentially looking for that perfect life partner and not some part-time lover. And don’t think we’re not looking or not interested, our eyes and ears are continually wide open, but they’ve got to be someone quite incredible and fantastic to prize us away from our independence, actually being someone we want to make all the sacrifices for, share our time and experiences with and should you manage to catch a loner (sounds like we’re a rare Pokemon!) they’ll cherish and love you passionately because when we find someone worthy of our time and love we grip with both hands and don’t let go, not in the clingy way, we understand personal space and time better than anyone else. It’s sharing because you want to and not because your obligated to because you’re partners. Another plus about snagging a loner is that they’ve normally been there and done that, lived a life, travelled and done most of the things they have always wanted to, because their independence has afforded them to; so we’re more likely to commit once we made that decision, there’s minimum resentment or regrets of “wish I travelled more or did this and that before getting into a relationship” because chances are, loners come fully loaded with experiences and are probably very thankful of the life they’ve had making us more prepared to settle down when we find someone we want to be with.
And this is the cliff edge many loners sit on, quite happily so, admiring the view, learning about the world and loving life until someone does come along. Now, could be magical and you live happily ever after... or... it doesn’t happen. The worse thing that can happen to a loner is falling for someone who doesn’t feel the same, or it being unreciprocated love. And the more creative a loner is, (a trait that runs strong with them because hey, we’ve had to keep ourselves entertained for all this time) the worse the heartache is. Having a good imagination all of a sudden becomes a curse, because you envision all those lovely scenarios of going out, doing romantic things and then we start to notice all the couplely things that would normally slip pass our radar. Before, we would look at couples handing hands, or snuggling next to each other in the cinema, and think “aww that’s sweet.. but I’m not ready for that and I’m actually happy with that decision” but then we quickly crave it and yearn for those things like dinner dates, holidays and even the negative tripe that comes with it, like the arguments and compromises! Some couples have no idea how lucky they are and that’s what annoys loners the most. Some people in relationships complain about being in a relationship, and then sob and cry when it’s all over only to jump straight into bed with someone else all too soon whilst us loners hold the drinks knowing the grass is never greener on the other side, we just tend to whatever patch of grass we’re standing on at the time. That’s the trick, I’m on my own (not lonely) great, I’m gonna enjoy my independence, I’m in a relationship, awesome, I’m gonna make this the greatest relationship eeeeva! The hardest place is when we want to be on that other patch of grass.
Though I know loneliness effects many people of all relationship statuses, single, complicated, married... it’s not something I’m au fait with and can only imagine being in a relationship and still feeling lonely being a sad situation. Something is obviously lacking but who’s at fault is never clear, probably 50/50 or maybe 60/40? It’s not something that can be formulated. I would be scared of being in a relationship and not feeling like we’re a team, or if there’s an itch you can’t quite reach, an urge to find something else. I don’t think that’s healthy for everyone involved and I would only suggest some alone time, some space, because I’m a firm believer that you can’t really work anything well until you really know yourself. You have to be able to love yourself before you can expect anyone else to. Though there’s never a text book answer that works for everyone. And that’s an absolution that’s true.
So yes, being a loner can be awesome, incredibly fulfilling and peaceful, until you like someone, want to be with them and then it goes to pot. And this isn’t even the worse of it! Oh no, I’ve not finished yet. The curse of being a loner is that you become so use to it, even when you want to be with someone you somehow reassure yourself, knowing you’ll be okay no matter the outcome, you become complacent; comfortably numb to your own existence and honestly, that’s a sad place to be. To not even feel the urge or want anymore, when the imagination fades and you could potentially be giving up on an incredible opportunity all because you’re fully aware you CAN survive on your own and leave all the decisions to fate and time to steer your destiny.
Being a loner is great if you don’t fancy anyone, so it’s wrong to say Loners... never get lonely.
[Edit] there’s something else quite fundamental that I realised about being a loner at heart.
There’s a question of self worth, and I can only assume it’s nice having someone providing them with purpose, outside of parenting and marriage. Someone who needs you as much as you need them. But how does that make someone feel when that’s taken away. Is Loneliness the automatic element that fills the void? With many coupling people fearing being alone, there can be a number of damaging effects. One, forcing a person to stay in a toxic relationship thinking this is it, this is all they’re gonna get or worse, deserve. Another result is jumping from one relationship straight into another; yes, the sometimes inevitable rebound, or worse, making a nest elsewhere before leaving the previous. I’m not blaming these people entirely for this fault, as some people can be in an abusive relationship where fear-mongering is rife, a nasty partner embedding insecurities into them. It’s only natural to do these things which is why it’s so common. Loners don’t suffer this, when we’re not with someone, we simply revert back to loner mode and almost immediately take advantage of the freedom given back to us against our will. I know saying freedom insinuates being in a relationship is like being captured, but with a loner is very much a personal choice. Being a loner, we rarely give up our freedom unless we meet someone who we believe is worthy of our love. Otherwise we simply remain, alone. No loss there.
I’m just trying to outline the importance of dating a loner’s Heart. You can be fully assured they’re spending time with you purely for the reason of them wanting to and not even for their own wants or needs. There’s none of this self worthiness involved. It’s like when some people want to get a dog, I want a dog, but I’m not ready nor in a position to give a dog the happy life they deserve. Some people will just get a dog regardless, because “THEY want one”. It’s selfish and it applies to the above insecurities, they fall into another relationship, move nest, not because their smitten with this other person or because they actually want to be with them and make THEM happy, but because THEY don’t want to be alone, THEY don’t want to be the only person sitting at the table without a partner. THEY want a relationship purely for their own desire to be in one and thus get involved with the first, or maybe second or third person that comes along that shows interest because it’ll get them out of the rut of being alone. This is a dangerous and often toxic position to be in.
You see, there’s a greater love that’s actually more than just wanting to be with the other person, it’s way more than being in the ideal of a loving relationship. And getting down to the nit and gritty, the physical part of the relationship has a big part here. For my own personal opinion, sex is overrated and making love is something else on a different level; and being able to differentiate between the two is absolute key. Casual sex can be like a drug, it’s recreational, addictive but short lived and mostly serving a selfish desire whereas making love is more about shared passion, wanting to please one another more than yourselves. It’s not about what you want, but more about what you can give your partner, placing their happiness above all else. Why is this so fundamentally applicable to Loners in general? It’s because we are already self reliant on providing our own happiness which is why we might appear to be easy-going, agreeable and willing to do the things you want to do. It falls back to relying on someone else to provide such happiness yet if you’re capable of keeping yourself happy and grateful with what you already have, you can focus much of your time and energy into making your loved one happy, but this of course needs to work both ways.
Loners tend to have a clear vision of what they want in a relationship and seldom drift from that ideal, and whilst compromise is very much on the table, they tend to have uncomplicated lives so the decision to complicate it with a relationship and all that belongs to it, is a massive leap for a loner to take. Should the leap be considered too much they tend to allow reality seep in and discourage the idea. Especially if loners are loners purely for not meeting the right person. You got to think, a loner either wants a serious relationship or nothing at all, otherwise they wouldn’t be on their own in the first place. Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean they’re broken, bad or ill; though being a fully capable loner can stem from a damaged background. So to prize one away from their independence might not be an easy task and can really take some alluring. Either way, we can all hope that everything will work out fine, and loners have the added tolerance if things don’t.
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