trans-xianxian · 3 months
why. are witch hat two and nine slightly shorter than all of the other volumes.....
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shibarinu0000 · 9 months
learning to love the unneven things in life because i just pierced my ears myself for the first time and its a little unneven and i dont have time to care about the cm off!!!
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amarioe · 8 months
Day 4: Modern AU
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Florist Cole!....with horribly unneven shoulders :')
Oh well- anyway, this one was lots of fun! The idea was inspired by multiple fics where Cole owned a flower shop such as 'meet again' and a few others i cant recall the titles of
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stelar-time · 10 months
Narrator !!!
This will be shorter (maybe) but I just wanna talk about this old man again o(-(
I have been brainrotting HARD over 003 Narrator bc it’s a fun little thing to think about and since I’m one to obsess over the smallest details I couldn’t help but have my interested picked seeing this
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This drawing of a figley, and the name under it with a quirky three with one too many loops in itself, I just cannot stop thinking abt this, and obv this is here bc for me Narrator personally drew it himself
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The handwriting in cursive the letter being unneven it’s just so… I love seeing THIS with that old man, he creates he has a story to tell but can’t gather the words, his wonky attempts at drawing 2s it all just feels so… distant, not in a bad way but I can’t help but think of how he made these things and just how imperfect it is it’s not the fancy signature we know and love, these are thoughts silly little doodles of Stanley attempts at better conveying these things Narrator wants so bad to show to an audience he does not have.
you were never supposed to stop and look longer, ur supposed to be there for the content, for the new and exciting things ! But Narrator can’t help but make these things with imperfect writing, scratches of drawings, personal lonely things he left in places he thought no one would care. The memory zone could be my biggest example, it’s a beautiful small place tucked away where Narrator keeps his memories of how his creation is something beautiful and where he refuses to look at the negatives parts.
This side of him, one of many he has and shows along the story, it never fails to be as interesting as the other.
(wahhhhh thank you sm @shinakazami1 you were the one who inspired me to write these things I always love hearing ur thoughts on these things ^-^)
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miragemirrors · 11 months
it's very annoying being Neurologically Weird bc i feel people see me like a hypocrite or beauty brainwashed idiot for Needing to dye my hair specifically to cover the greys when i say that aging is not a bad thing and like yeah it's not. i don't hate the grey hairs bc "it makes me look old" i don't give a shit about that, it's bc i don't like the unnevenness of it. i'm a compulsive skin picker, i pick at everything in my skin that feels off bc pattern disruption distresses me. hair that doesn't conform to the mass of "my hair" triggers the same feeling but not yet the need to pull it out thank fucking god bc i'm already balding!!! but yeah like. fucking annoying.
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wooteena · 4 years
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whiteboardfox techno whiteboardfox techno whiteboardfox techno
first time drawin him! i. i just really like technoblade :,))
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boycritter · 2 years
torn between if these fingerless gloves are a good texture or a bad one 
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alizrak · 4 years
Dave took Kanan from us even though he said "I'll always come back" and "There's a future for us, one where we're all free". So I curse him with these until Kanan makes it back.
May all his chairs and tables become unneven
May he lose one of all his socks
May his shower curtains stick to him out of the shower each morning
May he accidentally Reply-all every time he sends an email
May the first open parking spaces he finds always turn out to have tiny cars in them
May he always get up from his computer with his headphones still attached
If Kanan makes it back but just as DUME he can be free of *half* of these.
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paolo-filho-de-hebe · 4 years
so after years of craving karukan and never finding any i , at last, attempted to just make it. it went better than expected lol (excuse the unneven shape... i do not have good kitchen utensils to make things pretty. next one will turn out better for sure)
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it is quite good too! great with green tea!!
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itsladykit · 6 years
Why does twist make and then unmake a blanket? Why not just keep making a bunch? Why unmake them?
Good question!
I have a three-fold answer.
1. Resources. Yarn is actually fairly expensive. Nice yarn is maybe $5 for a skein. (And you don’t want to use shitty yarn for a scarf/blanket. Super uncomfortable.)
2. Twist also just...isn’t especially good at knitting? He accidentally slips stitches. The weave is super unneven. He loses count. It’s a bit of a mess. This only gets worse if he’s upset or distracted. It takes him multiple tries to get it right. And fixing the weave while you’re working on it breaks your rhythm. He likes to get into the rhythm of the project to distract himself.
3. It’s very soothing in a way. Unmaking a project is weirdly satisfying—there’s a unique tactile component (you can feel the weave being undone) that really isn’t present when you’re making it.
Hope that makes sense, lol.
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Things about 13x06 “Tombstone” #3
Okay, this episode to me was an all around mess. Don’t get me wrong, there were a few scenes I thoroughly enjoyed - the Jack scenes for example, but overall this episode to me just didn’t work at all pacing wise and also didn’t work in terms of tone and the way it tried to switch back and forth between over the top comedy and drama - it just came off fake to me. Did I smile to see Dean geek out over Cowboy stuff? Sure. But in general this episode completely threw me off in terms of emotion and atmopshere. There literally was way too little time for what imo would have been important to take time to explore with Castiel’s return, Jack’s involvement in his re-emergence, etc. All of that fell way too short and didn’t have any true impact and emotional gravitas at all, to me it just felt fake.
SPN has of course always been a show to swing wildly in its tone from episode to episode, but after the past couple of episodes this one just to me felt absolutely tone deaf in any regard and that is a shame, because Jack’s identity crisis and fear of hurting the only people he knows and cares about and how that is something all of them, Sam, Dean and Cas can deeply relate to would have deserved more screen time than any silly notions that took the biggest chunk of the episode.
So yes, I’m afraid this episode was a total let down even though I hadn’t any expectations really, but it all was just rushed and cut short and basically exactly like S12 again in how this kind of approach rips the show off its core: emotion. Because they didn’t take the time to actually explore those emotions.
That said, Jack almost breaks my heart as much as Dean does. Maybe also because they are so alike in how they see themselves in relation to others and the ending scene when Dean once more proves his emotional maturity by admitting he was wrong and that he is sorry, etc. was a really wonderful scene. The entire ending scene was powerful, but like I mentioned before just absolutely rushed and with that not half as good and strong and emotional as it could have been imo.
I’m sorry to say it, but this episode didn’t work for me at all. It’s a classic case of the writers putting too much stuff into one episode when they could spread it out over multiple ones and stretching other things unnescessarily long when it is absolutely not needed. And the MotW in itself was kind of blahh to me too, of course the whole “zombie/undead”-aspect, etc. related to the main arc, but to me the characters felt very card-boardy. So yeah I’m afraid despite eye candy and some “Dean as a christ figure”-moments and good Jack+TFW scenes if I had to rate the episode due to it’s unnevenness and predictability I would only give 4 points out of 10 tops.
Edit: Oh and also, I absolutely despise how they are pressing iconic SPN lines into every episode. It DOES not work, it just cheapens the moment, because it seems the writers seem to think if you throw one of those lines out there it immediately gives the same weight to a scene as it did in original context and that’s just not the case.
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I think the curse of thorn was a good backstory, reason to explain what Michael Myers was even though the popular opinion was to keep him a mystery but I feell like with all villains and mysteries the fans need and want to know I just think it could have been executed much better by having the cult of thorn be an actual cult that believed and worshipped the sign of thorn and not just some black ops thing.
When it comes to Curse of Michael Myers it always depends on the cut of the movie, because they’re both so different. The producer’s cut is way more of a full-blown cult movie than the theatrical cut. There are robes and runes and Celtic paganism all over that movie. For me, I think the thing that made Michael scary from the very beginning is that he’s this completely unknown thing. He’s the shape. He walks like a man, but there’s very little–if any–humanity left in there. 
I think it’s terrifying that you have this kid who killed his sister one night for no reason. Who sits and stares at a wall and then breaks out fifteen years later and nobody knows why. Nobody knows why or how or what he is. That’s really creepy to me. It doesn’t work for everyone. 
There are definitely Halloween fans who don’t rank the original anywhere near their favorite in the franchise. I’ve had people be really nice about “Yeah, I don’t like that first Halloween but I still like your blog” and it’s fine. Nothing works for everyone. The producer’s cut of Curse of Michael Myers especially is a very different type of movie, and that’s cool, it’s perfectly allowed to be that and I’m glad it works for some people. 
What I love about the theatrical cut of Curse, for all its unnevenness, is that it doesn’t really wind up contradicting the original. At the end of that movie, we still don’t really know the origin behind Michael’s evil, because the cult turns out to be wrong. They don’t actually have any power over him, as is made clear when he slaughters the whole lot of them. That basically turns them into a bunch of conspiracy theorists who have projected this belief onto Michael and I honestly am kind of into that approach. 
Even in the producer’s cut, where the cult’s power is very clear and it’s all true, they still don’t know everything about Michael, because he manages to break free of their power and escape at the end. 
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almaclara · 5 years
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Just for the sake of your own focus, play, flow, exploration, have a sketchbook and a paintbox on hand, and come to it without expectation. Like life. Hold space, bring intemtion, Throw down the blobs of color but ALLOW whats meant to come into the space, to come. Try to welcome what comes out, notice your reactions to it, but forgive it....... what happens if you don’t judge it, Amd only feel it........? What if there was no ‘Ugly’, what beauty can you see in it? In its honesty. Its humble presence Its unnevenness, its unnervingness Its wobbly, its bumpy, it’s perfect truth IT DOESN’T habe to “LOOK LIKE” anything!!! It....IS. As it IS. AHHH ....feel it in your body, accept its gift, and bless it. What if its always a gift, ( a metaphor for life again amd all its tumbles amd spills amd joys) what if you are always creative, and you are always okay...... try it on! Love Laura #journalling #visualjournalling https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQDFTsg1qw/?igshid=1v2m6z6bjl4so
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specters · 7 years
me, a cis person, making a short film about transgendered men: i look into the mirror with a sorrowful expression. everything is black and white. scissors chop my hair short; the layers unneven. i take out ace bandages and wrap them around my chest. theres tampons on the counter
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