#unordinary valerie
Casually covered in blood
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I hate her
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mashiee · 1 year
meme dump !!
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stingro · 4 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: unOrdinary (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Arlo & Valerie (unOrdinary), Arlo/Holden (unOrdinary) Characters: Arlo (unOrdinary), Valerie (unOrdinary), Holden (unOrdinary), Elaine (unOrdinary), John Doe (unOrdinary), Many many OCs - Character Additional Tags: Angst, Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Past Child Abuse, You will probably love Autumn. i hope, Drug Use, more characters will be tagged!, Post-Canon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Summary:
Holden learns. He learns comfortably. Not with vigor and passion, not like Blyke and Remi were able to do so easily after witnessing atrocities by their own hand, next to their own hand. But he learns, and he’s good enough at not letting any discomfort show, if he ever feels that at all, because he’s good at taking facts and information as they are and analyzing his privilege that comes with it. He’s patient. Arlo thinks that’s a kindness he has never had. He works in the legal department for a reason. He’s an attorney for a reason.
And for all of his logic, his diction pried open in his mind and picked apart and glued together in two seconds, Holden still somehow has the emotional intelligence to not try and find a solution for what Arlo has been feeling. Understands that there isn’t a solution because it doesn’t exist. That despite Aunt Val’s world, there can never be one true solution to a problem no matter how much the few at the top try to squeeze it out.
The days slip by so fast, even with that knowledge.
Valerie dies. Arlo grieves.
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unordinary-diary · 21 days
I think Keon and Kassandra might be related.
... ok hear me out.
first of all, their hair colors are similar, which is often a narrative shorthand for “these two characters are related”, especially in stuff like anime where hair colors are much more unique. Additionally, their speech bubbles are almost the exact same color.
But if you want actual evidence? Keon is the first character in the story to show suspicion of Headmaster Vaughn.
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Much much later in the story, Kassandra also shows suspicion, and launches an investigation on him.
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It’s reasonable to assume that Keon could have planted that first seed of suspicion in her head, if the two of them have some connection. This goes especially since they both work for the authorities, but Keon doesn’t work for a department that could authorize him to launch an investigation like that. Kassandra has the authority to do all the things with Vaughn that Keon is frustrated about not being able to do. If they’re related, Keon probably asked Kassandra to launch the investigation.
It would also explain Keon’s interest in Wellston, considering he used to work in or near New Bostin which is far away, if Kassandra went there.
Keon also looks like he’s old enough to be her dad. He doesn’t have to be her dad specifically, but my age estimate for Kassandra is 24 (assuming I mathed right), and Keon looks like he could be in his 50s or 60s, which is a reasonable age to have had Kassandra. (Kassandra’s age calculation is a maximum btw. She can’t be older than that unless she was held back or sm.)
So basically, it could be true.
[At the time of this prediction, the latest chapter is 345]
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kaizzaphela · 10 months
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zirian · 2 years
out of context screenshots from my colosseum au fic
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unordinaries · 2 months
unordinary 340 spoilers
so i’ve been thinking about it and on one hand, isen suggesting they leave john and run is a pretty sobering moment because he really is just clinging to the first real opportunity he has to protect his best friends who won’t stop getting into situations where he quite literally can’t but on the other hand it is also kinda like. (gently grabs isen by the shoulders) hey man. we saw valerie’s level. i think you’re gonna need that guy later
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Currently seriously thinking of writing an UnOrdinary fanfic that would be just your average "i got isekaied in the fantasy novel i was reading" webtoon style story except the main character wakes up as a lower mid-tier from New Bostin, who is explained they were sent in a coma by John but now they woke up. And then "oh yeah btw your application for Wellston high has been accepted" and there are every possible tropes crammed in it, the "trying to make my fave survive the story", the "investing in the right stuff at the right time" the "making friends with people who will end up relevant", the "trying to set up my otp with each other/trying to date my fave", the "came to the big confrontation location with popcorn so i could watch" etc.
Main character's power would be something completely unhelpful in regards to the story but useful as a narrator, for example ability gauging like the guy from the mall in the first few arcs.
Also they would definitely be a rarepair nut and try to set up, idk, Vaughn and Valerie together or something ("yeah both their names start by v that's got to mean something") (not mocking rarepair nuts it's me i'm rarepair nut)
The end of the fic ends up with them waking up as a character from Cursed Princess Club or another big webtoon and realizing they're cursed to wreck havoc in every webtoon on their reading list before going back to their worlds, OR them waking up as themselves and posting an Ao3 update like "sorry for the wait, i got isekaied" refuse to elaborate, screenshot by someone, put on tumblr, 100k notes world heritage post etc.
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freakinhorse123 · 2 months
I really want the negative parental/parental adjacent relationships in the cast of unordinary to be explored more. cause like. at the moment it seems a lot like God-Tier families are absolute shit. Like John’s mum ran away from home because they wouldnt let her be with William. But also. 2 of them are physically abusive.
We see Sera’s negative relationship with her mum explored when she gets suspended. Her parents cut her off from the outside world and from her friends so she is forced to do what they want, and just in general her mum treats her horribly.
But also, i want to draw your attention to the similarities between this panel:
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and this one.
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Sera’s mum and valerie are the same type of shit
I desperately want to see Arlo free himself from val, like how Sera managed to get her parents to leave her alone. She treats him horribly to get what she wants and despite how some people think, she doesn’t care about him. If i could find the panel where she says ‘i have other nieces and nephews’ then that would prove it.
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serlinesstuff · 2 years
━ ❝ UnOrdinary Headcanons [2]
Except this time its probably gonna be 90% isen
Sera does not know how to cook because she's always had other people (e.g chefs, butlers, maids, literally anyone else) make her food so she could spend more time studying and practicing other extracurriculars
As a kid, Arlo used to take whole onions peel off the skin, and eat them like an apple. He, to this day, still has no idea where he even got this habit from, and Valerie sometimes teases him for it
Isen's mom used to play the piano, so he grew up with a piano in his house. Because of this, he gradually learned how to play the piano, and can actually play very nicely, yet he's never showed anyone this
William is actually very good friends with the parents of Claire and Adrion, despite everything John has done. He sometimes does a little coffee catch up with the parents of the neighborhood, and the entire thing makes him emotional because no one ever included William when he was younger
Blyke's parents are divorced, but Blyke hasn't seen his father in years and barely remembers what he looks like. He has a strong sense of family, and would do anything to protect his mother and younger sister.
Isen's two other siblings are his twin older sister and brother. He used to be really close with them when he was younger, watched shows with them, played, went on trips, but as thry grew older they faded away and now he barely even speaks to them
Rei was actually a very rebellious teen. Around his second and third years, he got a piercing, drove without a drivers license, skipped class, and even stole a couple times from small stores. After a while he started feeling bad and began maturing, if not for his sake, then for Remi's, because he wanted to be someone Remi could look up to
Illnesses (both small and big, e.g the flu and things like cancer), exist in Uno. Many diseases can be cured and healed by modern technology and some abilities can aid as well, but there are still some incurable diseases. Low-tier cities and areas also don't receive treatments very later after the higher ranked areas, or sometimes don't get medicines at all
Elaine is actually very obsessed with tea (the liquid,,). she has many different types of tea and ingredients in her drawers, and her favourite kind is chamomile
Even though he is very terrified of real things like ember, spectre and stuff, Isen loves crime documentaries and shows. He often stays up late watching them, sometimes Blyke and Remi will join, even though they don't feel as strongly about it. When Remi first started asking Isen to research Ember's attack patterns, he (secretly) got very excited because it reminded him of a crime documentary
Blyke likes American football. He would also like basketball, but is salty of the fact that Isen is better at it because he's taller than him
Arlo very much enjoys to bake, and his favourite thing to make is cupcakes. After hearing about Rei's death, his kitchen was filled with everything he baked
Arlo's family owns a beach house. Once, when visiting it as a kid, Arlo was attempting to learn how to swim, when a saw a pile of garbage that looked exactly like a plastic bag. So, he swam away, but got caught up in the currents and ended up swimming closer to the garbage "shark". He then started to start flapping his legs in the water, and his shin touched a jellyfish. Needless to say, he never swam in the ocean after that
Adrion was the first one to introduce mango boba (and boba in general) to John and Claire. While Claire didn't really prefer it (she prefers smoothies), John absolutely fell in love with it. He got gift cards to every boba shop within a 50 mile radius for his birthday after that
Also, while mango is John's absolute favourite fruit, he refuses to eat it unless it is cut up into squares. He also once tried to grow a mango garden, but didn't learn that mangos grew on trees before Sera told him
Remi prefers white chocolate over every other kind, while Blyke prefers dark, and Isen doesn't like any, (he only likes things with chocolate in them, like chocolate cake, not chocolate by itself)
Arlo has a shellfish allergy, Blyke has an allergy to dust, and Isen has a nut and dairy allergy
When he was a child, John said he was allergic to dogs and cats so he wouldn't have to go to some field trip to an animal centre (he actually was just afraid of animals back then). He kept this lie for 2 years. Once he sneezed beside a dog, and believed he got an allergy from lying, and continued to swear to never lie again (haha-)
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flourdove · 1 year
please please please recommend me unordinary fics i am begging u. arlo / blyke centric ones i particularly like. especially blyke vigilante arc (top tier) + arlo & rei/valerie shit. Though i’m cool with any character as the main focus really. i’m not really fond of stories with OCs as mcs or self-insert mcs (there’s this one exception to a certain fic on quotev i have but that’s it LMAO)
i LOOVE angst, it doesn’t even need to be the tear-jerking kind it can just be. melancholy i will take ANYTHING. i also think time travel/time loops r p cool w any character in general. i love murder mystery stuff (and paired with TIME TRAVEL ?? top tier oh m god) i love aus too !! not necessarily fandom crossovers (+ the only setting crossover). magical realism / no powers aus are cool as hell.
I’m okay with a lot of ships as long as they aren’t illegal proships, smut (because its weird. they’re [the protags] highschoolers), and shit yk, no jemi or isen x cecile (what is THEIR ship name again) . non-romantic fics are really nice though !!! 
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unordinaryquotes · 3 years
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mashiee · 6 months
rei plays rhythm games and thats final
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stingro · 2 years
hi!! so @kaizzaphela 's new arlo art got me to write something small and new. Experimenting with horror writing, which I generally do through dreamscapes.
Y'all should check out Kazz's art btw https://kaizzaphela.tumblr.com/
Tw // blood , gore , body horror , death
Don't cross the line.
In discarded block letters, those words appear in his dream.
Then, one, two. One, two. Pulse stagnating, there is nothing behind him. There is nothing behind him. It's okay. It's okay.
He sees her back, sees her head crane to him until her neck is twisted completely in one half circle. She looks at him like the cat who got the cream, the man who won the lottery, grins until her cheeks must hurt. It's so different from her small smile and half-lidded eyes that never betray anything. Her eyes here are fire-lit, fire-blackened, goring holes into his body right at the heart.
Bum. Buh-bum. Buh--
She points a gun. She points a sword. She points the knife. She points something. She points a gun. BANG! He doesn't fall backward. There's blood on his neck. Blood on his stomach. Blood in his eyes, swallowing his throat, metal that tastes like rust and gore. It's covered. Dull blood that isn't his styles her hands. She grabs his wrists and grips them tight until it slips from her hands to his. He can't wipe it off.
"Oh Arlo," she says. She caresses his cheek. "You will be so wonderful. We'll catch the bad guys together."
(Her fingers turn to talons and ignite and she drags her nails down, down, down to his neck. Leave scratches there like a tally mark on a wall. He starts to bleed. He always bleeds. He's on fire. He's always been so cold before.)
She yanks him forward and he falls to the floor and it swallows him up. He's bleeding and dying and he's okay. He's okay. He's below the line.
Don't cross the line.
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kaizzaphela · 1 year
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purelovesolos · 4 years
Thinking about how if Isen, a literal high school student, is able to find people’s info (John & Claire) w/just some dedicated time on Google then how easy would the authorities have it to track down Blyke? Like what if they survey the schools in the surrounding area (most likely schools that have strong students), sift through everyone & pick out red heads w/golden eyes, & then look @ the abilities of these kids to see who has a ability that can propel them, then boom Blyke ends up being the result of all that “hard” time researching.
(oof got to thinking, pure speculation below~)
Valerie was transferred to this area for a reason that we don’t know of before Blyke was caught on the news. What if they were creating a file on him & trying to figure out where he operates from & the best way/time to strike (aka kill him)? Also we don’t know if the people that were rampaging in these low tier districts get questioned by the authorities but if they do, an interrogation of them can lead to more info on this vigilante. An interrogation can go like: “Yo, why do you have holes in your legs?” “A fkn red headed kid shot me w/lasers!” “Lasers? Red hair? A kid... inch resting 😏” (or smth of that length idk). The news footage could just be added info to put on his file since they now know definitely that he:
1. Has red hair & golden eyes
2. Young, most likely a student
3. Has a propulsion type ability (which can be seen in the video as red lasers)
Although I don’t think Valerie ever saw him, she did acknowledge that Remi was young so why not infer that the person shooting lasers at her is also young? She was also hit by these lasers so seeing them on screen could strengthen the idea that “Nobody” & the person that shot her w/lasers is the same person.
This is just me spitballing (once again). I want more EMBER this season & from what we got so far, it’s not enough.
EMBER don’t be shy pull up to the plot again 🙈
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