#unpopular opinion I know
jazeswhbvault · 2 months
Okay y'all don't jump on me too much for this, but I think I'm literally the only whb fan that doesn't like the little standees for comiket lol
To me the peens are just abnormally large to their chibi bodies and I think that's what's not working for me.
I think they look adorable with just their booties showing though and if there was a way to detach the peen I would (there probably is tbh).
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meldy-arts · 1 year
I kind of dislike how chill Ahsoka seems about being trapped on Peridea. She's not really taking into account how Sabine feels about the entire situation right?
Sabine spent all that time and effort to find Ezra. She never meant to just send Ezra home. Her goal was to find and be with him but Ahsoka seems to have just assumed Sabine got what she wanted...
Not to mention the guilt Sabine probably now has having allowed Thrawn back to their galaxy, PLUS Ezra was on his star destroyer. How does she know Ezra hasn't been captured by Thrawn? Because Ahsoka said so?
Ahsoka's 'It's time to move on' Really has me frustrated because Sabine hasn't really accomplished anything she wanted. Yes, she reunited with Ezra. But now she's apart from him again. All she wanted was to be WITH him and now he's gone. She put her galaxy in danger because of her own feelings and Ahsoka is saying 'To move on?'
Nah. Not liking the Ahsoka vibes this episode
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silverlininghills · 1 year
me listening to american rock band twenty one pilots: you know what, i am stressed out
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loooresloveletters · 3 months
Kinda felt bad for Ronaldo 😔
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I think I've figured out why people can't get obsessed about the dragon prince as they used to. S1 left me intrigued, I thought about where the story was going all the time as I waited for s2. After s2, I couldn't wait for s3. I was constantly making theories and checking for the next release date. After s3, I was so obsessed with the story I basically spent an entire weekend screaming about it with the fandom. It was such a fun time to be in fandom.
And then the three year hiatus happened, and instead of a new season, we received books. Novelizations of the seasons, graphic novels of stories that are meant to happen between the seasons, short stories on their website. And I read none of them.
Then came season 4, which I KNOW was meant to function as foundation for this new arc the characters are going on, but that meant that it was slow compared to what came before. Which should have been fine, but I couldn't connect to the story anymore.
Because so much happened in the extra content that it feels impossible to create interesting theories that even might be correct unless you've read all the extra content. I don't feel equipped to theorize on where Callum and Rayla's relationship is going because I didn't read Through the Moon. It's lucky I have spoilers for that graphic novel because otherwise I wouldn't understand rayllum's relationship in the season at all without them.
And then there's Callum's spell book, which to my understanding lays out the different locations in Xadia, talks in depth about some characters in ways the show and novelizations don't, and talks about the different types of elves in ways that show is most likely never going to. For example, that the horn cuffs some elves wear most likely means they're married.
And so I see this show now, and I realize that unless I literally spend money on the 5+ books they've published so far, I cannot actually fully understand the story season by season as they're presented to me on Netflix anymore. I can't theorize about parallels in my own otp, I can't theorize about the world building, I can't even theorize about the literal Mystery of Aaravos.
And so I watch the show season 5, sure. But will I ever feel that deep obsession I feel towards my other fandoms again? No, probably not. Because in this fandom, the supporting material is essential to understanding the full arcs. And the show from season 4 on is less likely to be able to stand on its own.
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wutheringmights · 1 year
there is a korok/blupee sweatshirt I have been trying to irresponsibly buy for months now that is going on sale again today and if I do not get one I will riot
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Now s4 is confirmed last season, I better see Marianne Roy/Hirsch again at least once, preferably at the Conwilla wedding. Jesse pls.
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baronessblixen · 8 months
Gillian still pretending that she’s a raging feminist. Yawning 🥱
Not really a fan of that video either. I think it's all for her "brand".
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ravenkings · 11 months
i have to say, i really feel in my element in November when it’s cold and grey and windy and gets dark at 4pm
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hotd-daemyra · 2 years
I feel like an announcement about a Jon Snow sequel is imminent
And I feel like I’m the only person who could care less about a show all about him, I can think of a half dozen other ASOIAF shows I’d rather see first
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arialityy · 1 year
Unpopular opinion, but most of Hi3's designs look better than their Hsr counterparts (and in general tbh)
I think that hsr Seele's design is one of the better ones, but I'd choose Stygian Nymph over it any day. It flows better and has way less unnecessary and confusing details 😭
Not to mention what they did to my girl Natasha... they absolutely could've made her look gentler without making her look like THAT.
Not saying that the hsr designs are bad because a lot of them are pretty good and some I actually prefer over hi3, but I feel like people are only saying that they're better than certain hi3 designs because the art style and models are higher quality and more refined. I think my problem with hsr designs is that most of them have way too many meaningless details. Most hi3 designs have fewer details, but enough to make the design look good. And usually they have more meaning too. (Not always ofc (*cough cough* HoFi)
Take Cocolia, for example. I'm not too big of a fan of her hi3 design, but god is her star rail design, HIDEOUS. There's way too many unnecessary details and the colors clash too. At least I can actually look at hi3 Cocolia without feeling like I'm gonna get a sensory overload. A prime example of people only preferring it because the model is better if you ask me.
I can get that people may prefer them because they're less fanservicey, but personally, fanservice doesn't bother me so long as the design flows well and has even a little bit of meaning.
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pardonmydelays · 1 year
the archer last...
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hshshshsh im sorry, i dont hate the archer, but i was never a fan of this song and i usually skip it
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dykejugheadjones · 2 years
Tis’ the season to rewatch bojack horseman for the 50th time tra la la la laaa la laa laa laaa
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thetriangletattoo · 2 years
ooms is everything to me
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
I finished reading The Well of Loneliness yesterday and I think it will haunt me for a while. I read two articles about Hall and one on Woolf for my research (finally cracking into it!) and it only gets worse. I have read into psychology too which means I have the bad, bad habit of trying to find meanings and patterns in behavior of the authors I read as well as their characters. There was a lot of self-loathing which was brought on by the extreme homophobia of the era (Hall lived from 1880-1943 so late Victorian era to mid-WWII; she died of cancer two years before the Allied victory in Europe). 
She may have also had a major martyr complex (or at least issues with her faith since she was a Catholic). Her character was even named Stephen- for the Saint of sports and generosity- martyrs herself at the end in a bizarre ploy to make her girlfriend Mary hate her and ‘save her from the miserable life of being gay’ by letting her live a ‘straight’ life with Martin (who sucks btw). 
Martin keeps going after Sapphic women- both Stephen and Mary- and is like ‘golly gee, I sure wish these girls would like me’. (Get a clue seriously?) He freaked out on Stephen earlier in the novel when she wouldn’t marry him. I do not know why Hall was trying to make us feel bad for him, because I don’t. She’s even framing him as ‘a good man’ which I really, really don’t like. There are good men in this novel but Martin is not one of them. Stephen’s father is probably the best man in the novel because he actually loves and cares for his daughter (unlike Stephen’s mother who is scared of her and later wishes her daughter dead upon learning of Stephen’s failed affair with Angela). 
I guess I did not remember this book at all or else (I suspect) I read two different editions from this year and my first reading in 2012. This time it seems like a longer story but again, I did not connect with it last time. But maybe it was like when I reread The Bell Jar I had to be old enough for it to emotionally effect me. Or more unfortunately, I had be able to connect to some of the content because that usually is a sure-fire way for a book to fuck me up. The Bell Jar fucked me up after I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder- the book horrified me to my core. Similarly, recently realized I’m most likely a lesbian so of course Hall’s book is fucking me up now. 
Also I don’t know why Stephen’s character (and unfortunately Hall herself) insisted on chasing women who most likely weren’t gay or bisexual? Una was bisexual, but after reading more about her obsession with the nurse Souline it doesn’t sound good (I’m sure other articles I’m going to read will also cover it). She knew full well that there were gay bars with real lesbians in her time (she writes about the various gay bars in her novel) and I’m sure she had several social connections and could find other sapphic women, if she really wanted to.
It made me feel really bad for Hall that she felt she needed to try to persuade another woman to love her? The horrible scene with Stephen freaking out over Angela’s betrayal (which was warranted) probably happened in real life. Girl, don’t do it. I feel like that’s lesbian rule number one: DON’T FALL FOR A STRAIGHT GIRL. 
My heart hurts for her even though she lived like a hundred years ago. Ugh. </3
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ess-presso · 15 days
if you actually think kitt is going to end up with paedyn ur delusional as hell
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