#unreality to be totally clear
melynnwater · 1 year
the first physical object to break the laws of thermodynamics was invented by accident. a regular lithium ion battery that would never need to be recharged.
it was made by a mindless robot in a mindless factory. inserted into a cheap and durable mp3 player on June 5th, 2004.
the unassuming device was shipped to a walmart and bought as an 8 year old girl's birthday present. she happily filled it with mp3s her dad helped her download.
she never noticed the battery's unending lifespan, because she diligently charged it every night. on October 12th, 2004, she unplugged her headphones without pausing her music: Hillary Duff's self titled album, on repeat.
on October 13th, 2004, the device fell out of her pocket while she was swinging on a swingset. It landed in the mulch her dad put under the swingset to stop her from getting hurt. He loves her so much.
she never found the mp3 player. she cried and sobbed, and her mom bought her another one the next payday, October 21st, 2004. the little girl's second mp3 player would fully drain its battery 6 times before she stopped using it, on January 7th, 2007.
Hillary is still singing silently into the dirt, not even an output for the same 17 songs repeating only to the worms. a tulip patch was unknowingly planted over it. the girl died on March 19th, 2073, her wife knew it was coming, but mourned all the same. Hillary had the same repeated lyrics to say.
the last time this woman thought about Hillary Duff was on December 25th, 2056, while reminiscing about music she listened to in her youth with her wife. Hillary Duff was still singing for her as she brought her music up, even if the woman didn't know.
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sunsetsspam · 1 year
"[Tenar] taught Ged the mystery that the wisest man could not teach him" is a beautiful passage but. Let's be real. Statistically speaking there were probably more than a few wise men in Earthsea that could've taught Ged the pleasures of taking it in the ass
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whale-in-that-case · 5 months
If I had a nickel for each set of god-like characters in a video game whose relationship degraded over time before the beginning of the story up to the point that at least one of them tried and/or managed to kill one of the other, where one had a persona that was half-male and half-female used specifically to deceive the player, and where at least one tried to kill the player character to keep their power going, and where the main goal of at least one of these character was to escape the narrative constraints of their game, and where the game in question had an incredibly good soundtrack, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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queers-gambit · 9 months
The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr.
prompt: The Boss passes away, and at the reading of his Last Will and Testament, your lover, Bucky, is named successor - not his older (adopted) brother, John. tension breaks at the funeral.
pairing: Mafia Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 4k+
note: author wants to remind everyone that there are 1,000 different ways to host a funeral; to celebrate a life.
warnings: Mafia AU, cursing, mention of deceased family member, depictions of violence, greed, spoiled brat behavior (not by reader or Buck, you'll see), entitlement, does author ever edit? where is this fic going? author lost sight of the plot but fuck it!
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"The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr.; read on May 16th, after being last revised on January 3rd, - being of assured sound body, mind, and soul - is to divide assets and bequeath inheritance," the lawyer with thinning hair announced to the room, his baritone voice sending vibrations to the glasses of water set before him.
You tightened your hand in Bucky's flesh one, sharing a small glance together as his mother commandeered all attention by sniffling loudly from the middle of the room. It was a lively sort of office; a high rise with floor-to-ceiling windows, painted a light, pale yellow that glowed in sunlight, a long mahogany conference table, plush, leather rolling chairs, and an array of flavored waters to choose from. Both sparkling and flat.
It felt wrong to be there, totally unreal.
The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr., was read from behind a pair of thick-framed glasses by a portly man in a tacky, summer khaki suit. Mr. Happy had been the Barnes' lawyer for years now, someone The Boss, James Sr., trusted without a doubt. He was the only man trusted to see this division to the end and without conflict, fearing it'd upset Mr. Barnes' soul should his family begin feuding over material items.
"First, to my beloved wife, Mary Beth, who I know will succeed me in death. I to her leave our beach house, the penthouse on Fifth, every car in mine and her name is to be transferred solely into her name, the building, apartment leases in Manhattan so she might continue being landlord and earn a monthly, sizable income. In addition," Happy glanced at Mary Beth, "I bequeath a lump sum of 25% of my savings."
Everyone seemed to think this was acceptable, nodding in agreement as Mary Beth sobbed loudly into a crumpled, saturated tissue. However, Happy paused as he scanned over the document nervously. His throat cleared, informing that John was to get his own share - yet there was no mention of the organization's leadership and the entire room filled with tension. Finally, Happy sighed through his reading of Bucky's inheritance as you took a sip of coffee; revealing he had been chosen as Mr. James Barnes, Sr.'s successor.
Coffee sprayed out of your nose to splatter on the table, making you gag and cough instantly; Bucky patting your back in support as he turned rigid with confusing tension. Mary Beth Barnes gasped dramatically, insisting that couldn't be right.
"What!?" John raged, shooting out of his leather chair so fast, it toppled over. "That's impossible! That should not be possible!"
"I assure you, Mr. Barnes, it's - "
"Bullshit!" John snapped, snatching a copy of The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr..
Happy sighed, "Your father did not leave you the business, John, he left it to Bucky, instead."
"How the fuck - !?" Nobody moved as John read for himself what the legal documents said. He grit his teeth and tossed the padded file to the lawyer, glaring at his family. "So," he seethed, "Father's decided to name Bucky over me."
"What does all this mean!?" Mary Beth asked tearfully.
He smirked, "You two couldn't get pregnant. You tried, tried, tried, but just couldn't, so, you adopted me. But just 3 months after I came home, you were giving birth to Bucky - and even better, you gave him Father's name! My whole life, you've all tried to erase me because the adoption was final and there was nowhere to dump me, but then Father started teaching me about the business. He knew I was the eldest - and succession respects birth order!"
"I didn't ask for this," Bucky snapped, his hand flat on your back as you had stopped choking finally but he didn't want to lift his hand from your inviting warmth.
"No? That why you're the one benefitting from everything?" John sneered.
"Benefitting? From our father dying? I understand you feel scorned, but Father made his decision," Bucky reminded. "And I'm sorry he made you feel as if you were guaranteed this job, but this is how it works. Someone's appointed."
"If you were decent, you'd refuse so I could step in and take my place. You know I'm the better fit!"
Happy shook his head, "That's not how this works, kid."
"Excuse me?" John seethed, turning to the lawyer.
"Bucky can't just refuse and you accept," Happy explained. "If the chosen inheritor refuses, then there's a trial to elect a new Boss. You'd have to plead your case to everyone."
John huffed and turned to Bucky, demanding, "Well?"
"I'm not refusing what Father wanted," Bucky decided, making you freeze. "And I'm not useless, John, I know how to do this job."
He scoffed, "Whatever."
"Hang on a second," you whispered, grabbing Bucky's wrist to lean into his side, barely muttering, "baby, are you sure?" He nodded at you, not quite picking up on the question you asked between the lines.
The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr., had been officially read, and after naming Bucky successor, tore apart a fragile family that was barely knit together with frayed string. He knew his decision would cause disruption, yet Senior Barnes made a decision best based on the needs of the organization - not his sons.
Now that John had stormed off, Happy read the rest of the document to ensure there were as little questions as possible; everyone aware of the temper John harnessed - thinking this was his final trigger that made him snap. After hearing the division of assets, you all parted ways with Happy, who promised he'd be in contact with Bucky soon before telling Mary Beth the money would hit her account in a day.
25% of Senior Barnes' savings to Mary Beth. 25% to John. 50% left for Bucky to operate an ever-profiting business.
The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr. had torn apart a mother and (adopted) son; two brothers; and while you didn't want to add to the stress Bucky must've felt, you couldn't hold back. When alone in the car, you lashed out at Bucky - demanding to know how he could make such an important decision without at least consulting you.
"We're together, Bucky, and this is a partnership! One person doesn't get to do everything, we make big-time, life-changing decisions together since it's not just your life you're shaking up!"
"This has nothing to do with you!" Bucky snapped back.
"It's everything to do with me!" You argued. "You're not the only one in this relationship, so you don't get to make unilateral decisions!"
"It's not your job, it's not your family - "
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" You snarled. "Few weeks ago, it was, 'oh, baby, I'm gonna marry you one day. I can't live without you,' and now it's not my family...? What? Not my business? Not my concern?"
"It's up to me to deal with."
"Why couldn't you of just asked for a minute to think?" You asked in a defeated tone. "You could've used a minute or two to talk to me about it before jumping the gun."
"What would you've said?"
"That we could try it out and then if you didn't like it, let it go to trial..."
He nodded, "Not half a bad idea."
"But you didn't think to include me!"
"It's not your life!"
"Oh, go fuck yourself, it's our life. Okay? Like it or not, this is our life we're talking about. Fucking clue me in next time, you irrational fuck."
Bucky took a long breath, "All right, fine, fair enough. I should've included you. I'll do better in the future."
You huffed, crossing your arms, "I doubt it."
Due to the nature of your stress, you didn't push Bucky farther that night. He seemed distracted, and even when you got back to your penthouse apartment, he was sullen and quiet. You spent two hours in bed, alone, tossing and turning, before finally getting up to look for your lover. He was found on the balcony, dried tear tracks left on his cheeks; mutely opening his arm to welcome you onto his lap. Bucky needed you now more than ever, his tears starting again as the funeral now loomed over you all.
Two days later, The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr. was contested on May 18th by... John Walker? Who the fuck...?
"Hi, Happy," you greeted the lawyer at your hotel door, opening it to let him enter.
"Thanks, doll," he smiled. "Where's Mr. Barnes?"
"In here," you lead him to the sitting room, trying to ignore how everyone now called Bucky "Boss" or "Mr. Barnes". When you arrived, the three of you sat to listen to the lawyer speak about whatever he had called an emergency meeting about.
"Who the hell is John Walker?" You wondered softly. "Some rip-off John Wick?
"John, it's John," Happy snickered. "It's John - he's legally changed his adopted name to his birth name. From Barnes to Walker."
"Yesterday. Today, he contested the will."
"Fuck's sake," you sighed.
"This inheritance is iron-clad," Happy assured, "but it's enough disruption to shake the men in the organization. Apparently, John's procured a plethora of followers - all ready to march behind him."
"He has fucking supporters?" Bucky mumbled in angry disbelief.
"Enough to make a small dent in our numbers..."
"Can I ask?" You interrupted. "What's John's issue? Why's he so angry?"
Happy glanced at Bucky and saw there was no answer on his lips, so, he told you, "Years ago, Mrs. Barnes struggled to carry children to-term. Eventually, they were told it wouldn't happen, so, they decided to adopt. It took about a year for them to adopt John, but Mary Beth was surprisingly pregnant - gave birth three months after they adopted John, who was about two at the time and understood he had to share the attention of his new parents. That's where the competition started..."
"So, John's mad...?"
"He's the eldest," Happy shrugged. "But Senior Barnes named his firstborn son..."
"What a slap in the face," you frowned, feeling sad for John. "To learn after his father died that... What? He didn't think John was really his son? Was really family?"
Happy nodded, "He was clear when he stated his firstborn son... They were in a feud when Senior Barnes made this revision."
"So, he was just angry - "
"More than that," Happy frowned. "Have you spoken Mr. Stark yet?"
"Tony? Not yet," Bucky answered.
"He's your father's investment banker, works with your father's accountant. John had an unhealthy habit of asking for more and more money to be bailed out. When your father tried to cut him off, he started stealing the money, leading their blow-out."
You blinked in shock.
Bucky just hummed and nodded, deep in thought. "Perhaps it's time to change the banker," he muttered.
"Tony's good," Happy assured, "but John knows how to manipulate people. Your father never wanted to see it, but when John burned through money, he got frustrated."
"Okay," you waved, "new motion. No more business talk until we lay Mr. Barnes to rest, okay? Just let us bury the man, then y'all can plot and plan and do whatever."
"Mr. Barnes - this, Mr. Barnes," he pointed at Bucky, " - has informed me you'll be present going forward...?"
"He did?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Well, of course, but I'm still asking for a pause," you eased, trying to play down how off-guard you felt. "Let's get through the funeral and we can figure out what to do moving forward."
Bucky agreed and showed Happy out; returning to you not a minute later with his hands on his hips. You cocked your head in question and he answered, "He got rid of the Barnes name..."
"He did."
"He's contesting the will."
"He is."
"He's got supporters in the organization."
"He does."
Bucky took a long breath, telling you, "I'm gonna need your help getting through this, doll."
"That's what I'm here for," you promised.
It was strange, seeing your lover assimilate into such an intense role. You were grateful he had an ON / OFF switch with you, being the kind, sweet, soft-hearted, tender man you fell in love with in private, but the cold, calculating maniac when acting in his newly appointed job. It was intriguing to watch; always content to play dutiful wife when he requested your presence.
You had gone to law school, and because of that, you knew how to take lightning fast notes, so, he liked you being present at his meetings. It was only three days since reading The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr., and in the time, Bucky truly took control. He weeded out most of those who supported John over him, "removing" them from their position in the org., trying to set a precedence for the other men who meant to follow him. He wore suits everyday now, had two different phones, and assigned personal security to you and him.
However, come the 21st, everything came to something of a grinding halt at the funeral. It was a simple set-up: the morning started with a mass, then they'd congregate for a viewing, lastly, transport the body to the grave site. You wore black, like everyone else, and kept a hand on Bucky the entire time - knowing his anxiety made him skittish and prone to his fight or flight reaction. He was quiet, stoic, busying himself by keeping a hand on your form; be it your waist, hip, hand, around your shoulders. To save him from any awkward encounters, you accepted people's grievances with kindness.
The mass was pleasant enough. Short, simple, to the point; offering the death rite prayers Mr. Barnes had designated in his final documents. After that, Bucky kept busy by helping load the casket into the hearse to transport him to the funeral home while you intercepted any conversation. Once at the funeral home, you helped bring in all the floral arrangements as Bucky comforted his mother, no sign of trouble yet.
However, right in the middle of the some 600-person strong memorial, there came a small commotion. You flinched when you saw your security guards hit the floor, John emerging from the stunned crowd with a few men flanking his sides. "Well, ain't this real heart-warmin'," he smirked, eyeing the attending patrons. "Funny seein' you here, Tony, 'cause you always hated Old Man Barnes. You, too, Clint," he pointed out different attendants, "'cause I remember you sayin' you wished you hit The Boss with your car that one Christmas party. Mhm, and you, Natasha, so good to see you here after all the stress you and your little gang caused Father."
"John," Bucky grit, but your hands kept him anchored in place.
"Mhm," John eyed you both, "always restrained by your bitch, huh?"
"What're you doing here?" You deflected. "Why make a scene?"
"Ain't no other way to get y'alls attention," he spread his arms in gusto. "I see you haven't responded to my contention."
"Why would I?" Bucky shot back, taking a more relaxed stance as his arm slung around your shoulders. "It's just the woes of a spoiled brat not getting what he assumes are his dues. Didn't you steal enough from Father when he was alive? What's this? You wanna try again to fuck him up in death by stealing the position he left me?"
John's tongue licked over his teeth, "Strong words."
"You're one to talk. Look, for what it's worth, I am sorry you were short handed, but it's not something we can change. You made a mistake, I get that, but it was Father's money you fucked with, that you stole, and you proved untrustworthy. Why the fuck do you think he'd leave the business to you? Listen, I'd love for you to come into the org officially, but not if you're contesting Father's wishes."
"I'm owed more than I was given," John snapped. "Years I endured his wrath and ruin, years I posed as his perfect and diligent son. To find out now, after his death, that I am not even viewed as family...? I didn't ask to be born, I didn't ask for my parents to die, I didn't ask for your mother to have fertility difficulties, I didn't ask to be adopted, and yet it all happened, but he still, until the end, kept me at arms length. I'm owed more than I was given since he stated in legal documents that I am not his son!"
"This is not the time or place," Bucky warned. "Don't fucking do this."
"No? When, then? Why do it later? When I can get through your security now? You know, you're a tough guy to get close to what with all the security you've hired recently," John smirked, opening his arms in bravado, "and yet, here I am."
"When we are not at our father's funeral, we will talk."
"No," John smirked, shaking his head, "we do this now. Here, and now, at your father's funeral."
You yelped when Bucky shoved you down, ducking swiftly himself to avoid John's swinging fist; launching his own attack, and the entire funeral home erupting in chaos. You gasped when hands grabbed your waist and hauled up - yelping in shock when you recognized Steve's tattoos as he shoved through the crowd.
"What the fuck!?" You demanded when set down on the side of the room.
"Boss' orders," he explained, keeping an eye out on the kerfuffle. "Shit - stay fuckin' here!" He barked, turning for the crowd and disappearing. You felt your panic brewing to a new height as you couldn't see Bucky... In fact, you couldn't see any of the regular men you were used to.
A gun fired, you ducked down.
People screamed, a stampede erupting to empty the funeral home as fast as possible as another shot sounded. You were about to follow the mass of people when Sam became visible, obviously struggling to get to you through the throngs of rushing people.
"C'mere, honey," Sam panted, grabbing hold of you and keeping you close.
"What's going on!?" You begged, a third shot echoing, making the last of the people scream in terror and run faster - pushing people out of their way.
"John's come to play," Sam grit, people bumping into him as he did his best to stand as a pillar to keep you safe. "C'mon," he heaved, leading you towards a side door, opening it to reveal Bucky's mother, Mary Beth, and a few other women - gently pushing you inside and shutting the locked door.
"Fucker," you grumbled, trying to open the locked handle. You sighed, hands on your hips, listening to the commotion outside the door and turning to glare at Mary Beth. "Did you know?"
"Know what?" She asked stiffly.
"That your husband resented John because he was adopted?"
She blinked and lowered her head in thought, releasing a deep, long sigh. "I didn't think it was this bad, I honestly thought things were getting better."
"James wrote John out of the will and now Bucky's the one paying for it," you snapped. "How did you not see this coming?"
"John's always been a good boy - "
"You mean a Mama's Boy. But surely you have to realize, a boy needs both his parents. Especially if he can feel the one parent fostering resentment."
The door rattled and you turned for it, the swinging wood revealing your boyfriend's deranged person. He surveyed the room, a heavy glare on his face, blood and bruising visible through his snarl, and when he locked onto your form, he surged forward, breathing, "Sweetheart."
His hands instantly slid over your cheeks, looking frantic as he took in your appearance - searching for any sign of injury. "I'm okay," you promised him, holding his wrists, "but you're not. Fuck's sake, Buck, you're bleeding."
He scoffed, "John wore rings."
"Pussy boy."
"C'mere," he stooped to scoop you in his arms, "gettin' you home."
"Bucky," you whined lightly.
He readjusted you so you were koala hugging his torso, huddling your head into his neck and insisting, "Don't look. Don't look, baby, don't fucking look."
But you did.
Tears filled your eyes when you identified two dead bodies on the bloody floor, and trailing behind you both, Bucky's footprints - in blood. You tightened your hold on him and whimpered.
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The fire crackled and coughed ash into the air, a comfortable warmth emitting into the otherwise chilly room. Ice cubes sloshed in crystal, the smell of book leather and stale cologne perfumed the air, and four minds all raced with different thoughts.
Bucky, still bruised and sporting cuts on his face, clenched his jaw as he weighed options in his head. Across from him, on a matching leather loveseat, Sam sat beside Steve, handing the blonde a refilled glass of his desired alcohol. You were pressed to your lover's side, everyone replaying the events of this evening.
Sam and Steve filled you in on what went down, Bucky not making a single sound as his men spoke. The details made you feel lightheaded but you wanted to know, and now, more than before, you understood your new reality. Sam told you the names of the two men killed, names you didn't recognize, before wrapping the story up by explaining there were getaway cars waiting outside for John and his men. You spared a glance at Bucky, then asked the two men across from you, "So, what now?"
"Now..." Bucky grit his teeth, speaking lowly and evenly, "I do the job I was given. No successful leader ever wanted their position of influence and power, being a reason I know John's the wrong fit for this job. If I step down, he'll slither in..." He nodded, "Time to be the boss, finally."
Your heart cemented and throat constricted, only able to listen to Sam and Steve agree with Buck, then instantly start planning their next move - not wanting to wait til morning.
The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr., was meant to be something clean, peaceful, and fair, and yet, it was anything but. A family without their patriarch, two confused sons sans a father, millions of dollars worth of inheritance left to be fought over, a wife off the deep end and a mother unavailable to the world; a feud brewing and sides being chose.
It wasn't supposed to come to this, James Barnes, Sr., wasn't a vindictive man. He didn't anticipate this kind of reaction, he just wanted to do something "right" without contest. He was incredibly wrong, though he'd never know it; leaving a mess in his wake that Bucky was responsible to clean.
You listened to the men devise the beginnings of a plan before whispering to Bucky you were going to sleep. After bidding Sam and Steve a goodnight, you left Senior Barnes' home study - you and Bucky moving in basically after The Last Will and Testament of James Barnes, Sr.. It was a gorgeous home, lost in time; inviting guests into her many halls; to discover all her secrets.
You found the bedroom you and Bucky had claimed, trying not to overwhelm yourself with reality. Truth was, you loved Bucky more than life but you started dating years ago - when he was a different man. When his father's wishes were different. Where different circumstances seemed plausible to your future together. However, this wasn't what you signed up for; and never did you (or Bucky) anticipate for him to be named heir.
You went to bed that night frazzled, rattled, alone, cold, and with severe heart palpitations; wishing to God your man would back down, but knew it was foolish to waste hope on the inevitable.
So, you fell asleep wondering if life with this "new" Bucky was worth living... Did you truly want to be with a man with such a dangerous job? A job that caused a crowd-fight at a funeral before creating need for more funerals? A job that would steal his time, money, effort, attention... A job that would affect you both in ways you couldn't begin to fathom?
Was loving Bucky worth this kind of conflict?
Of course, he was!
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knavesflames · 2 months
Childhood friend Arlecchino and Reader that Arle never truly found her to be a friend, despite the reader saying they are and Arle did kinda ditch em during middle school. Until college rolls around, the newfound (or unrealized) sentiments towards Reader become more clear to her - infatuated.
I feel like I kind of strayed from this because I’m totally into angst rn but if wanted it to be sexual I can indeed make another part OR I can also make an even angstier ending. Anyway!! Here it is.
Contents: just sad reader, Arlecchino is lowkey mean in middle school, one (sexual) slap.
Word count: 1672
Writing (kind of NSFW at the end) under the cut!!
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You skipped up to the small girl who sits reading on a bench, holding a small pile of rocks and a wide smile on your face. You don’t have many friends, you’re too quiet, too ‘weird’, so when you befriended Arlecchino, you actually began looking forward to school each day. It was almost too good to be true. She’s been a bit distant with you the last couple of weeks but that’s fine, right? She’s probably stuck into that book of hers, her nose has always been in a book or playing with insects.
“Look!! I found rocks that matched your eyes and I thought they were cool, you can-“
“Stop it.”
“..huh? Stop what?”
“Stop bothering me. Can’t you see I’m busy?”
You pause at that. In a sense, she is busy reading, but can’t she put her book down for two seconds? You haven’t properly spoken in weeks.
“Yeah but I was excited about the rocks. I can never find any that remind me of you and now I have.”
“Okay? I am still busy.”
“But we’re friends.”
A sigh leaves Arlecchino’s lips, and she finally looks up from that book.
“No, we aren’t. When did I ever say we were friends?”
You feel your shoulders sinking, a frown tugging at the corner of your lips. Your hand falls to your side, the rocks held tightly within the constraints of your fist.
“No, I.. you didn’t, but I just assumed that.. I don’t know. I thought we were friends.”
“You assumed wrong. I don’t like you anymore, you’re weird, and you never stop talking. I don’t want to talk.”
Your cheeks puff slightly before you let out a puff of air. Your teeth graze your lip, biting down firmly as you stand there in silence, processing. Weird. There’s that word again, no? You feel a sort of pain rise in your chest, but you swallow it.
“Okay. I’m sorry. You can keep the rocks.”
The rocks are placed onto the table beside her, an assortment of black and white and grey all decorating the rocks. And one, one black one with a red cross on it, clearly drawn. You just wanted to make her feel included, everyone was finding rocks that matched their eyes. You keep staring at her for a while longer, but she doesn’t look back up, so you turn.
“I’ll tell my mom you can’t come for dinner, then.”
Arlecchino finally looks up when she hears that. God, she hears the hurt you’re masking, the tears threatening to spill over your lashes. She shouldn’t have been so crass with you, she knows that, but that’s who she is. Blunt, and she was sick of having to pretend. She watches as your figure shrinks towards the school library, where she first met you. You didn’t have any friends, so you ate there. It was better than sitting at that dreaded buddy bench and waiting for someone to ask you to be their friend. As you walk, you pass said bench, a feeling of slight dread rising. To the library, then.
It’s then that Arlecchino notices the rock you drew on, her face softening for just a second. She brushes the rocks off of the table, pocketing the one you drew on before continuing her book without a word. She moves seats in class after that, and she’s not unaware of your eyes that burn sadly into her as she picks up her books. They’re rimmed red and slightly glassy, and it stabs her heart. You two never talk again after that. She goes back to being the girl at the back of the class that enjoys being alone, that enjoys the misconceptions people make about her. You sit in the middle of the class, staring down at your textbooks, silently yearning to be part of the conversations the kids around you have.
Each year passes and both of you grow older. She kept that rock, it’s in her pocket always. It’s become some sort of lucky charm for her, and god she can’t help but stare at you in class as you become more beautiful with every passing year. By senior year, you’re the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen. She can’t stop thinking about you. She finds herself stalking your social media when she’s at home, her finger always hovering over the like button, her fingers always hovering over the send message button before deleting the entire paragraph. She knows you’re both off to college soon, she’ll most likely never see you again, and yet she still can’t bring herself to admit her feelings. She can still see the hurt in your eyes from that day, the way you dismissed it like it was nothing only to cry in secret after. She dreams of you at night. Dreams of how she regrets what she said and the way she said it, dreams of her holding your hand and looking at rocks together, dreams of your whimpers as she fucks you. She hates that last dream. The dream that gets stuck in her brain constantly, so much so that she nearly failed her biology final. On graduation day, she makes a promise to herself that she’ll never think of you again.
But she does. Fast forward to junior year of college and you’re walking with your headphones on, looking down at your phone until you collide with someone, a harsh “watch it” in your ear.
“Sorry! I’m sor- ah. Sorry.”
You look up into the same red and black eyes you once considered a friend. How stupid. Out of all the colleges she could have possibly chosen, she chose the one you chose too.
“It’s fine. Just.. Watch it. You’re as clumsy as you ever were.”
“I’m sorry, I just wasn’t looking.”
Arlecchino swallows the nerves rising in her body and finally makes a conversation with you, her voice blunt, awkward.
“How have you been?”
“Fine, thank you. You?”
She scowls slightly as your dismissive tone reaches her ears. You were never like this before.
“Good. I’m good. What are you majoring in?”
“I’m going into geology.”
Of course it’s geology. She didn’t expect anything less from you, really.
“Fun. I’m going to study insects.”
“Go figure.”
“I’m sorry. For what I said back then. I know I hurt you.”
“You didn’t.”
“You cried.”
She has you there. She saw your eyes when she moved seats in class, it wasn’t exactly easy to hide the redness. You pause, not saying anything for a while.
“We weren’t friends. We aren’t friends. What does it have to do with you?”
“You were lonely and it made me rethink.”
“Weird people are meant to be lonely, don’t you think?”
You’ve carried those words with you ever since. It didn’t really matter when other children called you that, but the one person you considered a friend.. well, it hurt.
“I just.. didn’t appreciate the eccentricity. That’s all. I miss you.”
“I dream about you.”
“It isn’t like you to be this emotional. Do you feel guilty because I was lonely afterwards or because you want to clear your conscience?”
As honest as ever. You take a deep breath, the music still playing in your headphones that now hang around your neck.
“We can talk in my dorm room.”
You turn on your heel, walking straight to the block of dorms. At least she’s not in the same block, she thinks. She can at least avoid you if this goes bad. The thought of going to your room though.. her dreams of fucking you have only come back, and stronger. Your room is cozy, so very you.
“Is that.. KISS?”
She points to the poster on your desk. She hates that she’s familiar with them, because she hates that she’s more like you than she could ever want to be.
“I like them too.”
She gingerly sits on your bed, letting her bag drop with a thud. As you walk over to join her, in all your clumsy glory you kick the bag by mistake as you stumble over it, watching as the rock you once painted on tumbles out. Silence.
“You still have that.”
“I never got rid of it.”
Her heart beats faster. So does yours. Your face, so beautiful in the light of your room, the way your hair shines, the way your eyes have a mix of sadness, anger and happiness in them, all of them fighting to take over.
“You’re beautiful.”
Her words cut through your thoughts. You look up at her and you can’t deny the way your heart flutters as you look at her. You suppose you’ve always felt the way you do about her, that it’s why it hurt you so much when she said you weren’t friends. And once again, your mind is brought out of your thoughts by a sudden crash of her lips on yours. A surprised sound comes from your throat, but you don’t fight against it.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“It isn’t.”
“You’re here now.”
Hands wrap around your waist, tightening and pulling you closer to her as her lips leave yours and pepper kisses on your jaw, trailing down to your neck, and then your shoulder. And you don’t stop her. Your hands entangle themselves in her hair. What the hell has gotten into you? And her, for that matter, as her hand slides under your shirt and you feel the coldness of her skin on your stomach. Your own hands shed her jacket and she whispers against your skin.
“Let me.”
“Let me do what I do in my dreams.”
“What’s that, then? Dissect insects?”
A gentle, sensual, almost desperate and loving slap of your face as she grips your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes, those ones you avoided for so long. You wonder how she knew exactly what to do to turn you on.
“Let me fuck you and show you how sorry I am. How much I missed you.”
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delululand · 8 months
could u pls do txts kissing styles ?? <33
soobin - gentle kisses: soft, delicate kiss like way to show love, respect, and affection
you agreed to have dinner with soobin together, but he had to stay late for rehearsal. this was not the first time, so this situation upset you. arriving home and seeing you in the kitchen clearing everything from the table, soobin came up to you and gently put his hands on your waist, looking with his big puppy eyes. looking at him you said “stop looking at me like that, I’m angry” but after he sees your barely noticeable smile he leans closer and whispers “well, I know that you can’t stop yourself in front of my eyes, hm?” and gently touches your lips with his lips, after which you finally give in and kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck
yeonjun - intimate kisses: intense, deep kiss that expresses unconditional love
yeonjun had been on tour for almost two months and hearing the front door open on the day of his return made your heart flutter. when you saw him in the doorway, you immediately ran to hug him. seeing him after such a long separation seemed unreal. you looked into each other's eyes for several seconds, not believing that you were together again. you’re felt how hearts racing and breathing quickening. your lips automatically reached for each other. a kisses started off slowly, but grew more intense with each passing second. you ran hands through each other's hair, caressing and kissing way down the neck, shoulders, and chest. you totally couldn't control yourself, losing yourself in the moment and giving in completely to yours feelings
beomgyu - teasing kisses: playful, flirty kiss on the neck or ear
you spent lazy weekends at home because you didn't want to go out. everyone around was talking about some new super popular movie and beomgyu suggested watching it. he stares at you the entire movie. you feel his gaze on you and without turning away from the tv you say “stop staring at me like that” and he just grins, moves closer to your ear and whispers “or what?”, burning with his breath while simultaneously touching your thigh with his fingertips. he’ll move your hair to the side and begin to slowly run his nose along your neck, moving you closer to him, placing his hand on your waist. you sigh in surprise and he just turns down the volume on the tv, leans closer to you and captures your lips in a hot kiss
taehyun - romantic kisses: a long, passionate kiss on lips
you are cooking breakfast, your throughs make a gentle smile on your face. you are pouring milk into a cup, beating eggs in a bowl, and chopping veggies on a cutting board. suddenly, you feel a pair of arms around your waist and a soft kiss on your shoulder. taehyun puts his head on your shoulder, gently hugging you from behind while you stand dressed in his shirt. his hair is wet from the shower and the smell of his shampoo fills your nostrils. he nuzzles into your neck saying “in the morning you look even more beautiful than at night”. he turning you around kisses you on the lips while sliding his fingers along your thighs making you want more
huening kai - healing gentle kisses: tender, healing kiss that soothes and conveys support
after a long and tiring day, you were so happy to see your boyfriend home. he was lying on the bed and only his smile already warmed your heart so when he called you to lie with him it seemed like a heaven sent as a reward for all the hardships of that day. you lay sprawled on the kai’s chest, talking about your day. he listened to you attentively, stroking your hair and kissing you on the face and top of your head. a gentle breeze from opening window brushing against yours faces. he continued to kiss your face and hands until you fell asleep. you felt so comfortable and relaxed as everything bad that happened to you during the day just evaporated in his arms
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livlaughloveluke · 7 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧’ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝- 𝐣.𝐜
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: jack says something stupid at an oscars afterparty
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: very jealous jack
𝐚/𝐧: inspired by the song “somethin’ stupid” by frank sinatra (great little oldie) also lmk if you can spot the community reference!🤭
(can we talk about how good olivia rodrigo looks in that dress?!?)
p.s - im sorry this was so short and if you requested something im working on it right now
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your makeup artist finished her final details, and you slipped into your gorgeous shimmery dress. 
you were going to the oscars, for a new hit rom-com movie that you stared in had been nominated multiple times. the whole cast stayed in the same hotel, and were riding in a limo together to where it was hosted. 
jack played your love interest, and lets just say you had grown very fond of him during filming. truth was, you had a massive crush on the boy. he had ignored your many obvious hints, so you assumed he just didn’t like you back. 
however, jack was just oblivious to your signs. he had convinced himself that you just had a friendly personality, and that you would never like him like how he liked you. you could have anyone, so why would you choose him? 
you were a talented and attractive actress, so it was no surprise that you had a couple fanboys. well, a little more than a couple. millions of people worshiped you, and although you loved being popular, it could be a lot to handle. 
the sound of someone knocking interrupted your thoughts, and you went to go open your door. 
it was jack, looking as handsome as ever. he greeted you with a smile, and you mirrored his actions.
“you ready? everyone is about to leave.” jack asked, and you nodded and grabbed your purse. the car ride to the venue was filled with laughter and excitement. some rumors were spreading about you winning best actress for the movie, and you were overjoyed. 
jack was shockingly disappointed. he wanted you to win, and you deserved it for your incredible performance. however, he knew this award would only increase your fame, which meant his chances with you only lowered. 
the show went on, and not only did your movie win best romantic movie, but you also won best leading actor. it was amazing, and you felt so honored. after the whole ceremony, you and the rest of the cast headed to an afterparty that was hosted by another celebrity.
it was gorgeous, very elegant and formal. hundreds of famous actors and actresses roamed the large building. 
“care for a dance, m’lady?” jack asked, and you giggled at his expression.
“why of course, m’lord.” you respond back, and he grabs your hand, leading you to an empty spot on the tile floor. you danced together as a vintage song played in the background.
even in this ethereal situation, jack still was disappointed. he put on a smile, but in reality, he knew there was a chance you be leaving with another man. he pushed passed his dark thoughts, and tried to enjoy this dazzling moment. 
the evening only got later, and a guests starting clearing out. a few still remained, but the once lively house now seemed much more empty.
you and jack had an excellent night, and the both of you decided to start exploring around the mansion. you spotted a gorgeous isolated balcony, and hurriedly opened the glass doors to outside.
the view was unreal, and the cool crisp air added on to the spectacular sight. jack stood next to you, and was caught in a haze by your beauty.
he knew he had to confess, and soon. your perfume fills his head, and all his negative thoughts crumple as words start to spill out.
“i love you. or-uhm im in love with you.” 
you looked at him wide eyed and shocked, unsure of what to say. you try to form words but all that comes out is a stutter filled jumble of incoherent nonsense. 
“i’m sorry, oh god that was so stupid. I totally spoiled this night for you. i can ju-“ jack starts, but you cut him off.
“i’m in love with you, too. just was a little caught off guard.” you giggle, and the whole mood lightened. jack smiled, a true genuine smile, for the first time in a while. 
“you know, i’ve been practicing my confession every day for weeks now, and i totally forgot to say it.” he says, cracking a laugh.
“maybe another time. how about we head back to the hotel?” you respond. jack links arms with you, and you leave, happy jack said something stupid.
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taglist-@nowitsmissing, @nikoschrissis, @lvndryyhoe, @ieattoesforbreakfqst, @sevenheavxns, @wonderstruck4llthew4yhome, @imkillmyselfxoxo, @lumaxstans-blog, @ilovejackchampionnn, @hyeyulove, @jackchampiongf13, @sebastiansallowsgf
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levmada · 4 months
//TOTAL PWP, male!reader, subby levi, humiliation, daddy kink, overstim | 1k
Levi is so wet and warm inside, you could melt. The same as his mind since the last time you fucked him through another climax and bent him into a tight kneel. Guttural moans dissolved into whimpers for more without knowing what for, and his fist tearing into the greyed sheet next to his head.
You grip the nape of his neck as a moan is punctuated by hips slapping his ass. You're hypnotized by the subtle bounce with each thrust. You grip and squeeze, and watch his back arch tighter.
“Daddy...” Levi gasps. Sloppy wordless murmurs bleed into the pillow under his head.
“Feel good, honey? You like being my toy?”
You lean back more on your knees and grip his hips, watching slack-jawed each time his hole stretches around the thickest part of your cock, so relaxed and wet and giving. You're tempted to just kneel in place and use him like a cocksleeve. He loves every second of it.
“Mmph…! Fuck! A-Ah—mmn—”
“Daddy’s pretty fuck toy,” you moan. Your palm falls and slaps his round ass. “Daddy’s good fuckin’ boy.”
He keens as you fill his tight ass. Half his face is pushed into the pillow, letting you see where sweat has dripped and his open mouth drooled. You can’t remember at what point you fucked him dumb, but you’re not about to stop savoring Levi in this wrecked state.
“Daddy…” he moans. “Daddy, Daddydaddy…”
You hiss through your teeth, your cock twitching caressed by his heat.
“Fuck, Levi.”
You slide out of him, but before he can register the emptiness, you haul him onto his back, his legs folded for his ankles to dangle helplessly, then pinned in place by your hands gripping the backs of his thick thighs. You're sitting up.
Levi’s hazy eyes inch open and seem to register his own helplessness with an ease that's painfully sweet; they’re soft, completely submissive. You might even ask him to say love right now and he’d do it.
"Beautiful, beautiful…"
You rub your shaft up against his hole, to his shiver, before sinking back in. You jolt when your tip first dips past his rim, followed by a groan punched from your chest. You completely fill him in one thrust.
“God, fuck right there—” he moans, both his legs shuddering. He rips one out of your grip and digs his heel into your lower back, pulling, begging.
With a groan, you let him drag you forward into a kneel, bending his knees by his shoulders with his feet dangling, propped up by your own shoulders. This unreal flexibility in the heat of the moment makes you hiss through your teeth.
“Oh”—your fingers clench in the pillow by his head, breaths beating—"this is much better, right?—I can watch your pretty face when—ah—you come, baby…”
For your words, or the passion from your stare boring behind his eyelids, he plants his cheek in the pillow, whining your name as he scrambles for you to hold onto. You dip your head and taste his sweat on your teeth.
"I can't I can't—"
"Fuck..." You rest more of your weight on top of him, grinding deep inside and allocate all your attention to watching Levi's terse expression gape and twitch as he gets close. "Are you gonna come again?"
"Daddy," he whines, his blunt nails digging into the side of your thigh. The answer is clear.
"Oh no... So pathetic, aren't you, baby.”
"F-Fuck." You feel a shiver shake through his whole body.
Not enough.
You're practically eye-fucking the pretty tears beading on his lashes as you ease your pace to devastating, slow, deep slams.
You grunt with every one as he keens, miserably. And like a rubber band, his body utterly pinned underneath you yanks tense and tight when your balls smack his ass, then regrettably loosens, only longingly arching, when you leave. Even with nothing separating your bodies. You feel it all.
"No please, daddy fuck, please..."
"Awe... that's so cute." You rest on top of him, like none of it affects you at all.
That's even better, actually.
"So cute," you mutter, chuckling as he moans underneath you. "You tense up when you beg, you know? Then I praise you, and your ass gets even tighter."
"Shutup," he really sobs, his face pushing for your neck out of shame. "I can't when—ugh—too..."
"You're gonna come 'cause I'm talking to you."
"Please pleaseplease—"
"Say it." You take his throat like a loose necklace and pin him back, exposing himself to you. Your thumb crosses his plump bottom lip and dips into his mouth. He licks, mindlessly.
You feel your self-control beginning to melt.
"Say it."
"'m..." His eyes close. "'m pathetic. Ah."
You groan, a pleasant shiver up your spine. Close enough. For a moment you fuck him faster than you mean to, and he latches onto your unraveling quickly.
“Daddy.” Smack. “Daddy.” Smack. “Come on, don’t fucking—stop, faster, fucking faster—”
You groan with a bright sting dragging down your back—Levi’s nails. The pain adds to your surging orgasm. He's so tight inside, quivering around your swelling cock, you can’t keep up this game anymore.
Your lips dip below his burning ear, fist roving down and taking his firm cock. “God, why don’t you come for your daddy?"
Before you’ve even finished the beckon, his muscles lock, his head falls back, and his cock pulses between your fingers. His legs flail at random, trapped beneath you as they are, as his whole quaking body is.
As a euphoric moan explodes out of his chest, you shudder in the throes of his pleasure, 'daddy' being cried in your ear, and fuck him through it.
“Daddy, fuck!”
“Good boy good boy, Lee…”
Like you promised you'd do, you watch all the tension melt off his expression, only leaving bliss. Without his hair to obscure, his delicate features are even more pronounced, sharper, somehow even more beautiful. His cheeks glow bright red, his jaw dropped and wobbling around whimpers.
You kiss his burning forehead, slippery with sweat, as his legs start to shudder past his climax, and you feel your own closing in on you.
His voice is all flimsy and touched by tears. "Come in me, fuck, fill me the fuck up."
“Ahh"—he’s doing it on purpose, squeezing, rippling, throbbing, practically sucking your cock back inside—“Levi.”
You slam in, sloppy thrusts so shallow you can barely consider it fucking. Only a few seconds. When you tip over the edge, your balls clenching, you slam in and still, whining. It's so powerful, only a few heavy strokes are enough for you to release. Levi still moans under his breath with each spurt pumped into him.
So it's not just calling you daddy...
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twiceinadream · 11 months
“I Want You.”
Requested: Nope
Prompt: Alpha! S/O is an up-in-coming Rookie artist who meets Omega! Sana at the after party…things get interesting from there.
a/u: Hey, everyone! I’m back again and I finally have my first Omegaverse fic for the first time in forever. I hope you all enjoy and I just want to thank you all for the continued love and support. I love you guys!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
Word Count: 4.1k
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The venue was nice, more extravagant than you had been expecting, but it was a nice surprise nonetheless. This was a big deal for you, this had finally been the big break you had been waiting for your entire career. But all you could focus on was the Omega sitting - strangely - by herself at the bar.
Don’t get it wrong, you were completely and utterly respectful of all people at any given moment and time, but there was just something about her that made you want to abandon all your morals and take a leap of faith.
You made your way towards the bar, in your opinion, everything about the Omega was breathtaking. Her dress was a mix of blues and greens, that had flowers patterned within, it exposed her shoulders and dipped devilishly at her cleavage, and the slit that ran up her thigh would have made your eyes wander if you didn’t have any self-restraint.
It also didn’t help that the woman was: Minatozaki Sana, a longtime crush of yours. Before you knew it, you were beside her, all your Alpha confidence and vibrato seemed to evade you as you cleared your throat. Sana looked up from the glass of wine she had been nursing since the beginning of the evening to take in the stranger before her, “Is this seat taken?” The question was simple but you felt like she could practically smell how nervous you were, since your scent was coming off like a scared pup.
“No, all yours.” The idol’s eyes trailed over you, studying you, as realization filled her. “You’re L/N Y/N, I watched your performance, it was quite the show. Very impressive.”
You felt like you choked on air as your eyes widened and you fought the feeling of your jaw dropping, “Wow, you actually know my name.”
Sana giggled and you knew you wanted to hear that sound for the rest of your life, “Of course, I do. You won ‘Rookie of the Year’, that’s all anyone can talk about, you’re a pretty big deal.”
“Well that’s extremely high praise especially coming from someone like you. You’re part of Twice, you just debuted in Japan with MISAMO, and your stage presence is unreal! The passion and talent you exude is extraordinary and…” You suddenly cut yourself off as you looked shy, “I’m sorry, I’m totally gushing over you. I really admire your work and it’s such an honor to meet you. Nonetheless, you know who I am.”
The Omega smiled kindly as she placed a hand on your forearm, “Well I appreciate your kind words. Would you like to join me for the rest of the evening, these things can get quite boring without the right company.”
You smiled, your Alpha confidence filling you once more, “The pleasure would be all mine.”
Suddenly the bartender appeared before you, “What can I get for you?”
You looked over to what your new companion for the evening was drinking, “I’ll have what she’s having and refresh her glass as well please.”
“Right away.” The bartender quickly poured you a glass as they refilled the brunette’s before leaving to tend to the other guests.
You took a sip of the wine before scrunching your nose slightly, Sana couldn’t help but giggle at your reaction, “If you’re not a fan of wine, why’d you get what I was having?”
You laughed bashfully, “I wanted to sound romantic. Wait! Um, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like…”
Sana held up a hand, “Please continue.” The brunette leaned forward, giving you quite an eyeful of her breasts, “I’m very interested in what you’re offering, Alpha.” Her voice was sultry and you felt your alpha-hood stir to life in your pants. The music of the party began to pick up as the lights dimmed, “Join me?”
The Omega held out her hand as you took it immediately, “Of course.”
The music was pounding as one thing led to another and Sana was grinding on you. The smell of you and Sana was slightly heavy in the air as there was an undeniable spark between the two of you. Your hands found their way to the Omega’s waist as no room was left in between you.
Sana pulled you close as she whispered in your ear, “Let's get out of here, my room isn’t too far.”
You were practically beaming, “Lead the way.”
You both giggled like teenagers sneaking off for the first time, Sana held your hand tightly as she pulled you towards her room. As soon as you got in front of it the Omega began fishing for her room key in her bag, but you didn’t make it any easier on her as you began kissing her neck as your hands roamed her sides. Your senses filled with the scent of a needy Omega as your teeth scraped where a mating bite could be placed, causing Sana to groan as she finally found her room key and swiped it against the scanner as the two of you pushed your way in.
You both laughed lightly as you kicked the door shut and brought the Japanese woman into another kiss. This time, you allowed yourselves to get lost in it as you swiped your tongue along Sana’s lower lip asking for permission before slipping your tongue into the brunette’s mouth. You had turned so that the Omega had her back to the door, which was perfect as you pushed her slightly into it. You made sure that your hand was behind her head to cushion the impact as you moved in to kiss her again but stopped right before your lips could meet and pulled away.
A smug smirk adorned your face as Sana’s chest heaved, her eyes dilating with lust as she chased after you as you walked further into the room. Her lips were slightly swollen from your rough kisses as she pulled you back towards her and repeated your move back. She pulled you in so that your lips were a breath away from a kiss before pushing you back on the bed.
You quickly rose to a sitting position as Sana stood before you, your hands found their way to the Omega’s hips once more as you stood up to reach behind the Japanese woman to grasp the zipper at the back. “May I?”
Sana smiled at the politeness, “Please do.”
You smiled as you brought the zipper down the sinfully tight dress that hugged the Omega in all the right places. Sana helped by shoving the dress down leaving her exposed in her white lace underwear. You felt your mouth go dry as all your blood seemed to pool between your legs as you felt your alpha-hood harden. You walked Sana back till she was once again against a wall and dipped your head down to capture her lips.
Your hands wandered up as you finally moved to cup the Omega’s breasts. They were just as soft yet as firm as they looked as you kneaded her breasts. Her tits fit perfectly in your hands as Sana moaned aloud as you continued to toy with her chest. Trailing kisses and sucking a few hickies into the idol’s neck, you reached behind her as you slipped your index finger behind her bra clasp and pushed it against your middle finger, quickly unhooking it.
Sana’s eyes widened as you chuckled against her neck, “What can I say. I’m full of surprises.” The cocky smirk was not lost on the brunette as she let her bra fall, revealing her bare chest. In an instant, your hands were once again kneading the flesh like dough as the Omega moaned aloud. You smirked as you bent down to take a nipple into your mouth. your teeth grazed against the bud as your other hand pinched and pulled its twin before switching and doing the same to the other.
The brunette felt like her white panties were probably see through with how wet she felt. Her body was buzzing with sensations as you played her like a finely tuned instrument, knowing exactly where to touch her to make her go wild. After a particularly rough tug at her nipple, Sana pushed you away as a seductive smirk adorned her face. She made you sit back on the edge of the bed as she sank to her knees in between your parted legs.
You sucked in a nervous breath as the pressure in your lower belly threatened to burst as Sana reached for your belt. You were harder than you had ever been in your life as the Omega unbuckled your belt and unbuttoned your pants, but before she could continue you put your hand atop of hers, “Are you sure you wanna do this?”
Sana paused as she looked into your eyes, “I do, a million times over I want this.” She smiled as you looked shy, “I want you, I promise.” With all that said and done, Sana continued what she had been doing and hooked her fingers into both your slacks and your boxers. As she pulled them down she was nearly hit in the face with your impressive alpha-hood. The Omega could barely contain her smile as she looked up at you once more, “You really are full of surprises.”
You couldn’t help but puff out your chest slightly as pride filled it. Your eyes wide as you watched Sana bend down and take you into her mouth, the slightly salty taste of your precum made the idol hum as she took more of your cock into her mouth.
You threw your head back as the warm confines of her mouth enveloped you as you resisted the urge to buck your hips and sink your cock further into her pretty throat. Sana reached a hand up to pump the base of your cock as her lips met her fist halfway. The Omega squeezed lightly at the bottom of your shaft as she worked the growing knot at the base, every squeeze brought out a steady stream of your precum was coating her tongue as you grunted above her. Your hands tangled in her hair as you used it to guide her, thankfully not pushing down and choking her.
After a few more minutes of sucking you off, Sana released your dick with a pop as the shaft pulsed with unreleased tension. “W..what?” Your head was jumbled with thoughts that you could barely articulate since all your thinking was centered in the wrong head.
“I have an idea.” The Omega licked her lips, “I think you’ll really enjoy it.”
At this point, you were horny enough to trust Sana with your life as you nodded, “I’m sure I will.”
The brunette gathered her breasts in her hands as she enveloped your dick between the two soft pillows of titty flesh. You groaned as Sana pushed her breasts together tightly as she moved up and down on your alpha-hood. The soft mounds felt like heaven as you felt like you were about to cum from all of the teasing.
“Oh god, Satang, I’m gonna…” The image alone of Minatozaki Sana between your legs with her breasts wrapped around your dick with the head of your shaft peaking out from in between them, felt like a picture straight out of a Playboy magazine.
“Come on, Y/N-chan, come for me.” The sultry lilt to her voice was your undoing as you moaned aloud and blew your load all over Sana. Covering her breasts and her neck in your cum.
You were left panting as Sana took a finger to the top of her right breast and scooped up some of your cum. She made sure your eyes were on her as she sucked her finger into her mouth, moaning at the taste. You felt your eyes widen at the sight as your alpha-hood swelled once more, “Holy shit, that was so hot.”
Sana smiled as she placed a kiss to the top of your cock, “There’s still a lot more if you’re up for it.”
“Fuck, yes.” You breathed out a sigh as you regained your composure. Trying to calm your racing heart as you let the Alpha timbre slip into your next words, “Get up here.”
The Omega bit her lip as she smiled and climbed onto the bed beside you. You motioned for her to scoot back onto the bed, then you surprised her by reconnecting your lips into a heated kiss that overwhelmed her. Before she knew it, she was on her back with the you above her, your hands moving to toy with her breasts once more.
When you pulled away for air, Sana couldn’t help but feel the urge to tease, “You really love my boobs, don’t you?”
You chuckled as you licked a line up the valley of her breast, “I don’t think ‘love’ even covers how I can’t get enough of you. All of you, not just your tits.” The younger of the two smiled wryly, it was filled with an extremely Alpha charm, as you sucked a hickey onto the top of her left breast, “However, they are still a very welcome addition.”
Sana shook her head, but the playfulness didn’t last long as you made it to the hem of her thoroughly soaked panties, “Look what we have here. I’ve never seen anyone get as wet as you, Sana-ssi.” It was now your time to turn up the charm as you ran your index finger over her clothed center, “I have to say, I’m very pleased with what I see.” You leaned down to kiss along the inside of her right thigh, inching closer to where she needed you but you decided to kiss up her left thigh instead, ignoring where she wanted you most. “Beg.”
The command was simple, but Sana blushed all the while, no one had ever made her feel this way before. “Please.”
You lifted your head as you clicked your tongue, “If that’s the best you got, I can leave. I already have enough bragging rights that Minatozaki Sana sucked my dick, fucked me with her tits, and I came all over her.” Your words were harsh and the Omega couldn’t help but squirm at how vulgar it all sounded. She wanted to close her legs to get some friction, but with you between them, that wasn’t happening.
“Please, touch me.” You shrugged as you continued kissing and nipping at her inner thighs as your hands roamed over her stomach, “No, please, touch me.”
“I’m already touching you.” The brunette pouted as she balled the sheets in her fists, “Oh, you don’t want me to keep kissing up your pretty thighs? Then where do you want me to touch you, baby? You gotta tell me, I can’t read your mind.”
Sana rolled her eyes, getting more and more worked up from your teasing, “I want you to touch my pussy. I want you to ruin me. I want you to make me cum so hard I forget my name.” The brunette breathed out hard as she looked her partner in the eye, “I want you to fuck me until the sun comes up and I can’t walk tomorrow!”
You swallowed hard as the words sank in. This woman would be the death of you.
That seemed to do the trick as your reaction was immediate, you licked a line straight up her center adding enough pressure so that she could feel the press of your tongue on her clit through the fabric. Next, her panties came off as you hooked your finger into it and pulled down, briefly moving out of the way so Sana could raise her legs to get rid of them before flinging them somewhere in the room. Then you came face-to-face with Minatozaki Sana and all her naked glory, “Holy shit, you’re gorgeous.”
Sana didn’t even get a chance to respond before uou dove into her weeping folds. Her pussy was already slick with arousal as her lips flowered open to reveal the treasure beneath. You loved the way she tasted, sweet with a little tang that felt like ambrosia on your tongue. The Omega’s hands found purchase on your shoulder as she urged you closer to where she needed you.
Your tongue teased along the outer folds running just high enough to nearly touch her clit but avoided it and repeated the pattern on the other side. You lowered your head to tease Sana’s pulsing entrance, you slipped your tongue inside and you felt like it was being sucked in by her desperate inner muscles. You retracted as you finally moved up to her aching clit, the hood was pulled back to reveal the reddened bud as you took it into your mouth. The reaction was immediate as Sana moaned loudly, her grip on your shoulder tightened as she shoved your face closer to her.
You brought a finger to her entrance as you slipped it inside, testing the waters before adding another. Sana’s voice grew louder as you formed a hook with your fingers and rubbed against a rough patch along her frontal wall that made her scream, “Shit! I’m gonna cum!” But before the Omega could be brought over the edge, you stopped. You retracted your fingers and pulled your lips away from her clit, letting her orgasm die. Sana’s eyes were wide as she stared down at her partner, “H..hey! I was…about to..cum!”
“I don’t want you to cum just yet, that was just the warm up.” There was a playful glint in your eyes eyes as you moved back to sit on your thighs. “Do you have a condom?”
Sana shook her head, “No, but I’m on the pill and it’s been ages since I’ve been with someone.”
You briefly broke the scene that you had built up to check in with her, your eyes softening, “If you’re not comfortable with having me inside you, I can keep eating you out, I don’t mind. You taste divine.”
The Omega laughed at the sincerity, “I want you. Please.”
“Do you want me to pull out before I…?”
The idol shook her head once more, “No, I want to feel it, I’ll be fine.”
You smiled as you fell back into the scene, “Alright, then.” You hooked your arms under Sana’s thighs and pulled her close. The Omega gasped as she was suddenly turned so that she was now on her hands and knees, her ass in the air as the you rubbed a hand over the swell of her ass, “Damn, you’re built like a goddess.” The compliment was spoken under your breath but the woman beneath you heard it loud and clear, no matter how deep you both were into the “Dom/Sub” dynamic you guys had going, the true attraction was undeniable.
But Sana wasn’t given a moment to relish in the sweetness as she felt the blunt tip of your cock inbetween her folds, you thrusted forward as you gathered wetness along the shaft before you once again grabbed the base of the alpha-hood and aimed it to the brunette’s blossoming entrance. “Ready?”
“God, yes!” The response turned into a moan as the head of your cock sank into the tight cavern that was Minatozaki Sana. You moved slowly as you felt the Omega’s inner walls part as you continued to push forward. Before long, you were all the way inside, you fought every instinct telling you to just throw caution to the wind and thrust. But you knew that stretch must have been intense as you allowed Sana to adjust. “Okay, you can move now.”
That was all the reassurance you needed as you pulled out till only the tip of your cock remained inside before thrusting back in, eliciting a moan from both of you, “Shit! You can go faster!”
You picked up speed as the sound of your bodies meeting echoed throughout the room. The wet slaps of you bottoming out inside of her made the Omega go wild as she moaned into the bed, not wanting to be too loud and alerting the surrounding guests, “Oh, god, fuck! Take it!”
You moaned as you fucked Sana into the mattress.The combination of both your scents were heavy in the air and you figured that anyone passing by could probably smell what was going on inside - if they hadn’t already heard them.
The brunette felt like she was being given the best and last fuck of her life, you held onto her hips with a bruising grip as she clutched at the comforter beneath her. Her body was covered in a light sheen of sweat as it flushed with arousal. The feeling of you pounding into her was like lightning running up and down her spine as it drove her closer to the release she so desperately needed, “Oh god, Y/N-ah, it feels so good!”
You redoubled your efforts as you reached a hand around in search of Sana’s clit, she nearly screamed as you pinched the sensitive bundle of nerves between your fingers. Circling the nub before rubbing hard. She felt like she could barely catch her breath as all of the combined sensations coursed through her, “You’re such a slut for my cock, aren’t you Satang. Tell me how much you love my cock.”
“I..I love it!” Sana’s words were clipped as she fought to make full sentences, “Feels so good…I’m your..oh god…your slut!”
Your pride swelled as you landed a hard smack onto Sana’s left ass cheek, the flesh jiggled slightly as if reddened. The addition of pain made the Omega clench down hard on your alpha-hood as you felt your partner’s inner walls ripple around them as she clenched down harder on your cock. You smiled with sadistic glee as you tangled your fingers into brunette locks and pulled slightly so Sana was forced to lift her head from the sheets, “Are you gonna cum for me, baby? Are you going to take my knot like a good little Omega? I can feel your walls squeezing me so hard.”
Sana was biting her lip in fear of screaming as she was a touch away from the orgasm she so desperately wanted, “Yes! Yes! Please!”
You grit your teeth as your knot bumped against the opening of her entrance, parting it more with each thrust. It had already swelled to its full mast so the only way it was going in was with brute force. You continued toying with Sana’s clit to ease the pain as your thrusts grew harder, “Breathe, Sana-yah, almost…there!”
With one last thrust you were able to sink your knot into welcoming walls as the Japanese woman’s inner muscles squeezed down hard. Sana screamed at the fullness as she fell forward, “Y/N!”
Your scent was almost feral as you lunged forward to stake your claim on her neck, “Cum for me, you slut!” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back as Sana wailed, her voice was undeniably beautiful and it was even better as your name was on her tongue.
The feeling of her convulsing inner walls brought you to your release you came with a loud groan, “Oh fuck!”
You shot your release deep inside of the Omega as your hot load filled Sana’s womb. It had been a long time since the brunette had someone inside of her, much less cum in her. But she couldn’t help but muse at how cute you were as you grabbed her around the waist and fell to the side, spooning her in your grasp. Your knot still swollen and keeping you both tied together.
“That was amazing.” Your voice sounded almost wistful as you reached up to tuck the stray pieces of hair behind Sana’s ear.
“Tell me about it, I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm like that in a long time.” The idol mused as she played with your fingers that rested on her abdomen. “Thank you for tonight.”
You grinned as you nuzzled into her hair, “I should be thanking you, everything about this was amazing. You truly do have the body of a goddess, I can’t get over how gorgeous you are.”
Sana laughed shyly as she was showered with compliments settling into your hold as she carefully stroked her slightly swollen belly. This felt good, it felt right. Before she could catch it, Sana let out a yawn and heard a soft chuckled from behind her.
“Get some sleep, Satang, I’ll be here when you wake up.” Your voice also sounded heavy as you pulled her impossibly closer to you.
The Omega reached down to grab one of your hands that was resting on her abdomen as she placed a soft kiss to each of your fingers then to the center of your palm, “Goodnight, my Alpha.”
You smiled as you nuzzled into Sana’s neck, “Goodnight, my love.”
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lbxbx · 5 months
Cockpit 4 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood, anal play
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You managed to slip from underneath him and wear the tank top you were wearing earlier today, you rush to collect his pants and throw them in the washer. After all, it was you who spilled the wine.
You rush to the kitchen and open the fridge, you’re starving, and you’re very thirsty. You grab a bottle of water and unscrew the lid, you drink almost the whole bottle in one go to quench your thirst.
“Y/N?” You hear Namjoon’s footsteps coming closer to you, “Yeah?” You close the bottle and look at him when he enters the kitchen wearing only his boxers.
“I can’t find my pants.” This man looks like a lost puppy all the time.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind.” You take out a water bottle and hand it to him. “I put it in the washer, I spilled some wine on it earlier.”
“Thank you.” He grabs the bottle and drinks, his throat bobbing to every gulp he swallows. “Is it going to take time?”
You turn and look at the washer. “95 Minutes. Do you have somewhere to be?”
“No, but it’s getting late.” He puts down his bottle, you cross your arms and look around for a second, should you ask him to stay?
Of course not. Your brain is still working after all.
“Are you okay?” He squints his eyes trying to read your mind, you need to say something quick and not stupid.
“I’m hungry, are you?”
He tilts his head and his eyes still search your face. “Yeah.” He says unsurely.
You feel like he’s going to pull the words out of you, so you decide to turn and open the pantry and take out a couple of cup noodles.
“I really like your place.” He makes small talk and leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
“You do? Thank you.” You turn on the kettle to boil water. “I was really lucky to find this apartment on sale.”
“You’re not renting?” He asks and you shake your head. “I was going to, but the owner put a last minute offer and I had some money on hand, so I just went ahead.”
He nods and looks around the kitchen, you look at him and follow his eyesight, “You wanna look around? Food needs a couple minutes.”
“Sure.” He uncrosses his arms, and you show him around your apartment, you really adore your place and take pride in it, you decorated it the way you wanted, painted the walls the color you liked, you even showed him your wooden poker table you had and he’s really amused by it.
“You can play poker?” He asks touching the table with his fingertips, you nod and just now it hits you, you have a man you just met in the club a week ago in your place, wearing only his boxers and touching your poker table.
“We should play sometime.” He looks at you when he feels your eyes burn his back, you wish you could kiss him all over it, down his spine and his broad shoulders, this man is big.
“We totally should.” You smirk, he walks closer to you and tugs a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You tease and look at his lips, not bothering to look into his eyes. “Hm? Like what?”
He licks his bottom lip and clears his throat, sealing the space between both of you, your chest now brushing against his, he looks down at you eyeing his lips and his brain recalls your face when you’re being fucked by him, that alone made him want you all over again.
“Like you wanna be fucked again until you can’t walk.” He spits out which makes your heart skip a beat and your breath to hitch. “Cause I’ll do it.” He even continues.
This man will be the death of you.
You stare at him with your orbs widened and your jaw slightly open, his lips twitch, he wants to say more but he hesitated for a second, “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” Your hands fall on his chest.
“Tell me about your sexual fantasies.” He speaks. “I have so many things I want to do to you.”
“You do?” Your face is heating up and your insides are clenching around nothing. “Gosh, I need to sit.”
“Let me help you.” His hands reach the back the back of your thighs and he carries you up, he puts you down on the poker table and gets down on his knees, you’re not sure where he’s going but you shut your knees closer to each other, he looks up at you and forcefully spreads them apart, revealing your bare cunt under your tank top.
His eyes locked onto yours, he prints soft wet kisses and bites on your inner thighs, all the way inside until you can feel his breath coming out from his nose on your pussy.
You struggle to stay in the same position, your core is too weak for this position and you’re already shaking, you need to hold on to something or change the position.
He cuts to the chase and he devours your pussy with his eager mouth, his tongue flicking your clit and sucking on it, you throw your head back and you feel yourself getting weaker by the second, your hand reaches for the back of his head and you hold onto his hair for dear life.
“You taste so fucking good.” He slides a finger into your clenching wet pussy and licks your clit once with his hot wet tongue, your eyes close partly when he curls his fingers inside you. “Holy fucking shit.” Your grip gets tighter on his hair, your legs close around his head which makes your core rest for a few seconds.
Namjoon’s hand again moves to the back of your knees and he pushes them towards your torso all the way, which makes you hold on to your own legs for support, his tongue moving down to your entrance and he pushes it in, his fingers spread your lady lumps apart, you stiffen when you feel him move further down to your puckered butt hole, he licks it with his tongue and prints kisses around it, it’s your first time ever and it feels..
You sit up and eye him very carefully, almost anxiously, his tongue flicking the hole and making it glisten with his spit before he rubs it with his index finger and slowly pushes it in.
You whimper and one of your hands moves to your mouth, “Namjoon.” He looks up at you with lazy eyes, his finger pushing further inside you, you cover your mouth with the back of your hand when you feel the pressure of his finger inside you, it’s extremely tight and a little weird for you, and you’ve never been a big fan of change.
“You’re so tight.” He wets your hole again and the slickness makes everything feel different and good, you throw your head back when he starts moving his finger in and out of you, his tongue licking long lines from your ass up to your clit, he even prints kisses on your inner thigh and bites it harder than before, then goes back to sucking your clit.
It was the sloppiest head you’ve ever had.
You’ve received head before but it was only men doing it weirdly and not even remotely close to making you satisfied. But Kim fucking Namjoon does it to make you enjoy the process and solely to satiate you and make you feel good. He made sure every single cell of your body is drugged with pleasure.
He’s doing things that you’ve never even thought about doing with anyone.
Hell you didn’t even know you were into, but he gives it to you like he knows you for years and knows what you’re into.
“I’m gonna cum.” You announce, he pulls back and takes his finger out with a subtle pop, your shoulders sulk in disappointment, you even stare at him for a second, he’s probably up to something and in fact, he is.
He carries you and you wrap your legs around his torso and pull him in for a heavy make out session while he walks to your bedroom again, he puts you down on your feet near your full body mirror, he turns you so your back faces him, and so you can face the mirror.
You can feel his bulge pressed against your ass which makes you panic for a second, you two just got to know each other and he’s already going to fuck you in the ass?
He yanks off your tank top and you hear a breath escape his lips. “Fuck, Y/N” He grunts, his lips hovering against your ear.
“Hm?” You’re already out of breath and you feel your wetness running down your thigh, you just want him to pound you endless.
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you since day one.” He whispers into your ear and pushes your hips back into his, his cock is rock hard like you didn’t fuck just 20 minutes ago. “I’ve been wanting to do things to you..” He continues, then buries his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. He finds your natural body odor insanely arousing.
His finger tips run up both your arms, then to your hair to run his fingers through, he smells your hair and pushes your hair aside to reveal your tattoo, he prints a kiss on the nape of your neck and licks your tattoo, the taste of your skin sits on his tongue, fuck he could easily bust a nut right now.
You feel goose bumps through your entire body and you shiver when you feel his finger tip running down your spine, he smirks in return and looks into your eyes through the mirror. “You want to see yourself getting fucked?”
You gulp and look at his reflection, standing behind you with his lips next to your ear, the constant clenching around nothing isn’t giving you a break, you nod slowly with your eyes locked into his. “Good.” He whispers and goes down on his knees. “Eyes on the mirror.”
You gasp when you feel him spread your butt cheeks and devour your pussy again, but this time from the back. Continuing what he couldn’t finish on your poker table earlier. “Fuck, Namjoon.”
Your hands struggle to find support again, you need to lean onto something or you will collapse. If not now, you’re only seconds away.
The only thing in front of you is the mirror and your palms lean on its frame, your back arches and your legs close when he shoves in two fingers inside you, his left hand sits on your lower back and he puts light pressure to get you to arch your ass back out for him, and you do, to which he delivers a spank to your ass and he grips on your ass cheeks and squeezes hard on it whilst jiggling it.
That alone makes you clench around his fingers, your cheek is pressed against the mirror, and your quickened breath fogs the mirror, the heat from your breath felt on the side of your face.
He can feel you close to cumming again, he pulls back and again you sulk and whine in frustration. “No not again.”
He audibly laughs before sitting up and pressing against your ass again, his hands working to pull down his boxers. “You can’t wait to feel my cock in your little tight pussy again huh?” His cock is into his hands and as he strokes the tip, you can feel his knuckles brushing against your ass and it drives you insane.
You push yourself with your palms away from the mirror to look at him through it.
“How hard do you want me to fuck you?” He asks.
Your fogged and high on sex brain doesn’t function out an answer, no matter how hard you want to tease him with something, you can’t.
Your insides are already missing his addictive touch and your body feels like utter inferno.
You look at your reflection in the mirror, Namjoon did fuck you up, your hair is messy and frizzy, your face is heated up and flushed red, sweaty too. The arousal in your body caused your lips to turn dark red and they’ve never been this plump, Namjoon aches to kiss you on the lips over and over. Your breasts are swollen and your nipples are hard and sensitive to the touch, even sensitive to room air.
Your entire body is glistening with sweat and your inner thighs have Namjoon’s bites printed on them and your arousal is coating those dark spots, your hips and your ass have Namjoon’s fingers marked on them and bruises from his palm.
Namjoon looks at you through the mirror and he’s totally satisfied with the way he made you look, but not fully satiated, he wants to do more to you and fuck you until you beg him to stop.
His eyes meet yours and you feel his dick rubbing against your folds, grinding and spreading your wetness all over your cunt, your hands sit on his for support and you hold onto them for dear life. He grabs your hips tighter and teases your entrance with his bare cock which feels insanely good for you, but it’s totally wrong, you can see his dick peaking through your thighs in the mirror.
“Fuck, No..” You moan in return and your hand moves down to cover your pussy, and you subtly push him, it hits him right away and he pulls back, he searches around the room for a second, trying to find his wallet.
He didn’t even bring his wallet to your bedroom, which makes you think his brain is fogged up too.
“There are a few in the night stand.” You spit out. “The first drawer.”
He lets go of you which you immediately lose your gate and your legs feel loose, he grabs you back almost immediately and smirks. “I haven’t even fucked you properly yet.”
You look back at him and your noses hit. “Oh fuck you Namjoon.” You hit his chest with your elbow playfully. “Go get a condom before your dick goes soft.”
He doesn’t hesitate to print a soft kiss on the side of your face and he whispers. “I’m gonna let go of you now.”
You lean your palms on the mirror frame again for support and he lets go and turns to take a condom out of your drawer, he rips the silver packaging open with his teeth and spits it out of his mouth before grabbing the condom and putting it on, all you see is his face focused on the task between his hands, the rest is blocked by the reflection of your body in the mirror.
He walks closer and grabs both of your palms away from the mirror and into his hands. “You want me to eat you out again?” He asks, his dick brushing against your ass which makes you roll your eyes at him. “Just fuck me already.”
You get weirdly impatient around this man.
“Alright alright..” He hooks his wrist with both of your arms behind your back and holds you still before rubbing the tip against your entrance, you even wiggle your ass down and try to land on his dick, but he clicks his tongue and whispers against your ear. “You’re hungry for my dick aren’t you?”
Your jaw drops slowly when he pushes his thick cock inside your wet pussy, and like a missing puzzle piece, your insides welcome his dick again and your bodies become one.
His other arm wraps around your neck and he pushes more of his cock inside you, you gasp when you feel him reaching that spot again, you throw your head back into his arm and clear your throat. “Slow.”
And he stops for a second letting you adjust and stretch around his throbbing cock, your legs can’t hold you anymore and you feel yourself not being able to stand up anymore, he grabs you by the waist tightly to support you which makes his cock unintentionally push more inside you. “Oh my god-“ Your voice came out loud and your back arches. He panics for a second because he thinks you’re in pain, he even grabs your waist tighter and looks down at you. “Fuck, sorry.”
You take a few breaths and put a hand on his wrist that’s wrapped around your neck, you look at him through the mirror and watch how he looks at you like you’re a fragile piece of glass.
He feels your eyes on him and he decides to look back at you through the mirror, his lips kissing your ear and neck softly, which gets you to relax around his dick and he’s able to push more into you until he’s ball deep.
“Go.” You nod, and he pulls his dick out of you throbbing pussy, keeping the dick in, before he pushes back into you, doing it multiple times before his speed goes up, with every thrust he knocks a breath out of you, you press your knees together and close your eyes shut. “Keep going.”
And he takes it as a sign to pound even harder into you, your tits bouncing to every thrust, he lets go of your waist and grabs both your elbows, pulling his dick fully out of you, he rubs your clit with it before slamming it back inside you all at once, he presses his lips against your ear and you can feel every breath that escapes his lips mixed with moans.
You always wanted to hear a man be vulnerable in bed and Namjoon gave it to you on a silver platter.
“F-fuck, ah..” His eyes close, “You’re gonna make me cum.” He slams harder into you, with each thrust he presses hard on his teeth. “Ah.. I love the way you make me feel.” His fingers wrap around your neck. “You make me feel so good, fuck.” He almost loses control with his thrusts but still manages to fuck you hard, the loud sinful noises of your skins hitting fill your room again. “Do you want cum around my dick? Hm?”
“I’m gonna cum.” You look at him through the mirror which wakes him up for a second, he looks back at you through your reflection with fire in his eyes.
He pulls his cock out and pushes you onto the bed, you land on your hands and knees, he puts his hand on your lower back signaling you to stay like this and you do, you put your ass up for him and he stands behind you, your hips in his hands, he spanks you on the ass once before pushing his dick back inside you and your hips meet again.
He goes back to pounding your soul out of you, both of you breathless, he gathers your hair in one hand and pulls you closer so your back meets his chest, the angle change making you near your high, the knot in your stomach is so close to snapping, he bites your ear and whispers. “Tell me how much you like being fucked like this.”
“Keep fucking me, don’t stop.” This barely makes it out of your lips, his hand reaches to your breasts and he pinches your nipple with two fingers, “Cum for me.” He says and in a click of a button your knot snaps inside your stomach and a heat wave goes through your entire body and down your back, you’re squirting against his dick which you never realized you could do, you gasp and look down at your pussy gushing out cum. “Fuck-“
Your muscles relax and your chest heaves up and down, It takes Namjoon seconds before he bursts his nut into his condom while throwing his head back. “Fuck.” The muscles on his chest tense when he fucks you through his orgasm, he falls down beside you on the bed, both of you collapsed next to each other, he’s on his back breathing fast and you’re face down on the sheets.
Both of you fucked and tired.
It’s only seconds later, you look at him and he looks back at you, both of you let out a soft laugh, he closes his eyes. “You’re fucking amazing.”
You grin at that compliment even though you should be the one giving it to him. You lay down on your back and turn to him, he sits up and rolls the condom off of his dick, before twisting a knot into it and throwing it in a bin, he leaves the room for a second, then comes back to the bedroom with a pack of cigarettes in his hand, he sits on the bed again, elbows on his thighs, he puts a cigarette between his lips and lights it up.
All you see is his carved back and his head leaning back to blow smoke, you watch him carefully for seconds, you can’t seem to take your eyes off of this man.
You sit up on your knees and wrap your arms around him from behind, printing a few kisses on his shoulders and back before grabbing the cigarette from his hands and putting it between your lips, you turn to straddle him and sit on his thighs, he seems startled for a second, you take a drag and blow out smoke away from his face before offering him back his smoke.
“Stay the night.”
“What?” He heard you the first time but he’s just making sure.
“You heard me.”  You smirk. “You can leave in the morning, it’s too late now and your pants aren’t even done.”
He stares at you in the eyes, and he sees that you genuinely want him to stay and there’s no harm. It’s just one night.
He grabs the smoke from your hand and takes a puff, blowing smoke away from your face and lifting an eyebrow at you, “Okay.” He nods.
You get up from his lap and almost lose your balance, his hand reaches fast to grab you but it lands on your ass.
“I can’t tell if you’re helping or if it’s an excuse to touch my ass Namjoon.” You turn to look at him, he stands up and takes another puff from his smoke before offering it back to you. “I don’t need an excuse to touch your ass, Y/N.”  His chest brushes against yours, you take the cigarette and put it in between your lips, taking a long drag.
You did have friends who smoked back in college, you took occasional puffs here and there, but you don’t really like it that much.
You blow smoke into his face. “Go shower. We totally forgot about the water we boiled for the noodles.”
“Hmm..” He puts a finger under his chin and pretends to be thinking. “Noodles or sex?”
You giggle playfully and hit his chest, turning to catch your tank top you throw it on and turn on your bathroom light. “I have everything you need in here.” You guide him into the bathroom. “Shampoo and conditioner are by the shower head, I have extra toothbrushes in the second drawer, and the blow dryer is in this closet.” You point at the closet under the sink before you hand him a towel, he nods and scratches the back of his neck, shifting awkwardly in his spot.
“I have nothing to wear.” He looks down at you.
“Oh, you can stay in your towel if you want to.” You shrug nonchalantly, he crosses his arms and says with a hint of a pout. “Of course I can’t.”
“Unless you want me to lend you a thong.” You offer him. He squints his eyes. “I’ll choose the towel thank you.”
You leave the bathroom and go back to the kitchen, the water you boiled earlier has gone cold, you boil it again before picking out side dishes from the fridge, cup noodles were enough earlier, but not anymore when you’re past two rounds of heavy pounding.
It’s minutes after, both of you seated on your kitchen table and eating like you’ve never seen food before, you admire this guy even more, he’s not like any of the guys you slept with.
He has manners when he’s eating, he doesn’t chew loud, nor with his mouth open, he wipes his mouth clean after every bite, he doesn’t even speak with food in his mouth.
“You know what I find weird?” He asks, scraping the last of his ramen into a spoon. You look at him and wait for him to finish. “We slept together and we don’t even each other’s ages.”
“Oh yeah.” It hits you now too, you put your chopsticks down and take a sip of water. “I think what matters most is that we’re both adults.” You shrug.
“Mhm.” He agrees, then eats the last spoonful of ramen.
“But really how old are you?” You contradict your previous point which makes you earn a subtle laugh from him.
“I turn thirty in September.” He says right after he swallows his bite. “You?”
You nod, he actually does look thirty.
You lean your elbow on the table and put your chin into your palm. “Try to guess.”
“That’s a very risky game.” He shakes his head. “I refuse to guess.”
“Come on, at least try.” You whine, you’re genuinely curious to know how old he thinks you are.
“Hmm..” He leans both his elbows on the table and leans closer to stare into your eyes, tilts his head and squints his eyes for a second. “A gorgeous face with an insanely hot figure.”
You clear your throat, he leans closer and his nose hits yours. “With your beautiful ass and a tight pussy like yours?”
Your head is spinning, your mouth opens but you pause for a second.
He blurts out your exact age and guesses right, but something tells you that he knows that before and you look at him suspiciously. “How’d you know?”
“You have your medical degree hung up on the wall.” He smirks. “It has your birth date on it.”
“Such an idiot.” You hit him on his chest and get up to clean the table. He laughs and helps you discarding the empty ramen cups.
“I’m just messing with you.” He stands behind you while you’re cleaning the only dish you used, “But I was serious about your face and your body, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He presses against you cornering you against the sink, you shiver when you feel his breath down your neck. “You’re going to be the death of me, Kim Namjoon.”
He bites the skin on your neck softly and whispers. “I’d fuck you again but I would kill for some sleep now.”
You won’t even try to refuse if he offered more sex, you can’t get enough of him.
It’s almost 3 in the morning, the room is completely dark and it feels warmer than usual even when the air conditioning is turned on. You blame it on your dreams and what happened earlier with the man lying next to you.
You turn to look at him, sleeping on his side and covering just his lower half, he slept naked considering his clothes weren’t dry nor comfortable enough to sleep with.
He looks incredibly alluring even when he’s asleep,  you were sucking his cock in your dreams just a couple second ago and it felt amazing to be in control and pleasure him. The heat between your legs makes you whine in frustration, you have to wake him up.
No no.
You Need to wake him up. Now.
You take the covers off of you, sit up and straddle his hips, not fully landing on top of him, the blanket still covering his lower half. You bury your face in his neck and kiss him there softly, once, twice, thrice, then up to his ear, you lick it and blow air softly into it, which makes him shift in bed. “Mmm.” He groans and opens one eye. “Y/N, are you okay?”
Now you fully land on his lower half, the blanket is still stopping you from touching his cock with your cunt. You grab his head into your hands and kiss him on the lips softly, he’s still half asleep so he hardly kisses back. “We have to get some sleep.” He mumbles.
You’re totally unbothered by his statement, so you kiss him again and go down to his neck, licking a long line from his collarbone up to the back of his ear, then kiss him there, moving down to his neck and giving him soft bites.
His hands land on your hips and he hums in return. “Are you up?” You ask him, he nods, his eyes half open. “Good.” You say sternly.
You move down to his chest and kiss him, sucking on some spots here and there, then moving down to his stomach, you print a few kisses on it then gaze at his trail of pubes, the excitement in you is indescribable, you’ve never wanted to blow a man this much.
He feels you moving down and he knows what you’re about to do, he sits up on his elbows and looks at you, his hair messy and his lips pouty, eyes half open. His hand reaches for your hair and he tugs it away from your face and behind your ear.
His mind is still foggy from being in deep sleep, but his body is already on fire, he can’t remember the last time he got his dick sucked.
You pull the blanket off of him and grab his hardening dick in your hand, trailing a few wet lines of saliva on it to make it wet, you stroke it slowly and kiss his upper thigh while looking up at him. He’s fully conscious and alert.
“I’ve been wanting to taste your dick.” You tease him with your sleepy voice. “Will you please let me suck your dick?”
That alone makes his dick fully erect in your hand, and it even twitches which makes you giggle sexily at it, you stick your tongue out and slam his dick onto it a couple of times, making it completely wet.
“Fuck, Y/N.” His bottom lip sits between his teeth and he takes a long exhale when he feels your tongue licking his dick from the base to the very tip slowly but repeatedly.
The leaking tip finally sits inside your mouth and you wrap your lips around it, and like you’ve never eaten a dick before, you devour it, you want to feel his dick on every taste bud, and he tastes fucking good.
You’re hungry for him and eager to pleasure him, you want him to feel your mouth and cum inside it.
“You look so fucking beautiful with my dick in your mouth.” His hips move up to push more of his dick inside your mouth. You’re soaking wet for him.
You were lucky you’ve never had issues with your gag reflex, it’s hardly even there which is what makes you give the best blow jobs ever.
Your head bobs lower and to take more of his enormous dick inside your mouth, you will have terrible jaw pain in the morning, but he’s fucking worth it.
You can feel the tip of his dick tickling your uvula which makes him tense and sit up for a second, you land even further down and his dick is now fucking your throat. “Shit your mouth feels so fucking good.”
You pull back from his dick and stroke it again, coughing a couple of times and looking into his eyes.”I want you to cum down my throat Namjoon.”
He has the look of the lost puppy on his face again, he cannot believe you just said that, his jaw even drops and his eyes move back and forth between your left and right eye.
You lick his balls once which makes him spread his legs a little wider. “Will you?”
Your question snaps him out of his thoughts, he nods slowly and you’re more than satisfied with his answer. You took the man off guard what were you expecting.
You stroke his cock again and suck on his balls, hallowing your cheeks and running your tongue up and down his sack, you move further down to his ass and you lick his hole once which makes him flinch and almost close his legs, he grabs you by the head and gasps. “What are you doing?”
Your eyebrows form into a clear frown. “Rimming your ass clearly, do you not want me to?”
“It feels weird.” He shakes his head in denial.
“You fingered my asshole earlier.” You shrug, your hand still stroking his cock. “It was weird too.”
“But it was good weird, wasn’t it?” He asks, out of breath, he’s already about to cum.
“And does this not feel good weird?” You raise an eyebrow and look at him challenge, most men do enjoy their ass eaten but won’t even admit.
It takes him a few seconds to think, he clearly enjoyed it but he’s denying it.
“Fine, I won’t do it again.” You lick his balls again and suck on them, before putting his dick back into your mouth, his tug gets harder on your hair and he starts moving his hips up to fuck your face, slamming into your throat roughly until audible gags are heard, his balls slam against your chin and your tears are already streaming down on your face.
“I’m gonna cum.” He announces, out of breath. You pull his dick out of your mouth and try to catch a breath, you kiss his dick a couple of times and look at him in the eyes. “I wanna feel your cum down my throat.”
“Come on baby let me fuck your mouth again.” He runs his thumb on your bottom lip, you stifle a grin at the pet name and put his dick back into your mouth, his hand goes back to pull your hair, and he slams into your throat again, sloppy gagging sounds fill your room, your nails dig into his thighs, you need to catch a breath but he’s already close to cumming, so you decide on holding your breath longer.
“Fuuuck.” You can feel his cum down your throat and he fucks your face through it, releasing a loud breath with each ribbon he shoots. “Oh my fucking god.” He lets go of your hair and throws his head back into the pillow, you pull his dick out of your mouth and kiss his lower stomach and thighs while catching a breath.
“You’re fucking incredible.” He leans his wrist on his forehead and clears his throat. You crawl up to him and catch his lips into a soft kiss, he kisses back immediately and pulls the cover over both of you, and you sleep in his arms, which you normally would refuse to do because it feels intimate, but you’re both too tired to think.
You turn in bed, your joints all feel loose and your back hurts, your head even feels heavy and you’re craving more sleep.
You’ve always been a morning person, you like waking up early and working out at home or even taking a jog around your block, take a shower and grab a bite before planning out your day. Even if you slept really late, you’d wake up early and just nap during the day.
You let out a gasp when you finally open your eyes, your vision still blurry. There’s a man next to you.
You must’ve been in deep sleep to even forget he spent the night here. Although the reason you’re in deep sleep is because he pounded you hard last night he just knocked you to sleep.
He opens his eyes and looks up at you, a lazy smile on his face, he rubs his eyes and crawls closer to you, leaning his head on your chest and hugging your body closer, his hands tugging on the short silk dress you’re wearing.
You hesitate a second before wrapping your arms around him, hugging his warmth closer to you.
He looks up at you and his eyes shift between your eyes and lips, before he gives your lips a soft kiss. And the moment his lips land on yours, your phone starts ringing, you kiss him back quickly before reaching to grab your phone, it’s Hoseok.
“I need to answer this.” You look at him, he nods and lazily buries his head in the crook of your neck, you swipe your phone screen and answer the phone. “Hobi?”
“Are you still asleep? It’s 10 in the morning, are you okay?” Hoseok knows you wake up early so he genuinely thinks you’re sick or something.
“No I’m fine, I went to bed late.” And you’re trying so hard to focus but the man in your arms won’t let you. His lips are kissing behind your ear and down your neck, licking some spots with his warm tongue, and his arms are hugging your waist closer to his, his morning wood felt as it is against you.
“I found you the screws you were looking for, you know for your pantry shelves. Do you want me to come over and install them?”
It’s totally not the time, and the man you stated your fear of to Hoseok is in your bed. Now your body tenses because Hoseok knows the pass code to your door and he could come any minute.
“Of course, but I need to shower and finish a few things first, okay?” You see Namjoon’s head disappear under the blanket and he’s kissing your thighs and spreading them apart to sit between them, he pulls your panties to the side and kisses your cunt lovingly like he didn’t fuck it the night before.
“Okay, I’ll get breakfast too, I just got off work and I haven’t eaten anything.” At this point you could agree to anything because you just want to end the call before you get busted.
“Cool, okay.” You sit on your elbows. “I’ll see you later Hobi, thank you for the screws.”
“I’ll see you.” He finally hangs up, you throw your phone down on the mattress next to you and throw the blanket down on the floor.
Namjoon looks at you ever so innocently before he shoves his middle finger inside your hole, which makes you whimper and bite on your lips. “It’s still morning.”
“You’re allowed to suck my dick in the middle of my sleep, but I’m not allowed to eat your pussy when I wake up?” He smirks and kisses your clit softly. “I’m just saying thank you for letting me stay the night.” He curls his fingers inside you and you hold onto the sheets while throwing your head back. “Oh Namjoon..”
“Hm?” He spreads your pussy open and sucks onto your clit, flicking his tongue against it which makes you wet in a snap of a finger.
“Sucking your dick in the middle of your sleep was fucking worth it.” You look at him and move your hips with his fingers, creating a slow grind on his face. He laughs at your words and climbs up to kiss you on the lips, his fingers sliding out of you. “You liked sucking my dick didn’t you?”
You sit up and push him down on the mattress, before reaching for your nightstand and grabbing out a condom and putting it on your pillow. You climb on top of him and straddle his thighs, slowly but gently landing on his erection.
“So you’re into morning sex, Kim Namjoon?” You grab his hands into yours and lean down to kiss the corner of his lips, slowly grinding against his bare cock, his grip tightens around your hands and his eyes scan your bodies. You go down to his long neck and satisfy your urge to kiss it, using your teeth to bite on his skin gently, what grabs your attention is his necklace.
It had a barely noticeable heart chain, with the name ‘Jay’ engraved on it.
“Who’s Jay?”
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kingofpopmj · 3 months
hiii, can i request a story where y/n is Michael's babies nanny and she is in love with him but she thinks he is totally out of her league, a bit of angst & smut if its okay pls 💗
Y’all are so damn naughty. 🙈🙊 I support it! lol
Here you go hunni! I hope you enjoy!
Hallway Handsy
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I stood off to the side watching over Michael’s photoshoot with his beautiful baby boy. He’s so happy to finally be a father. It’s truly a special sight. Michael’s wearing a white crystal covered blazer with pearl accents, black slacks and a black fedora. His hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, a few stray curls lying across his soft skin. He looked phenomenal— as always. His eyes sparkling more than ever before. And, his smile, when he smiles it feels like the entire world stops along with my heart. He’s everything I’ve ever imagined the perfect man to be, I never thought I’d find a man like that, I never thought they were real— until I met Michael. I didn’t realize how deep in my daydream I was until...
“Y/N!” Michael raised his voice, waving his hand in the air.
“Yes, Michael, what can I do for you?”
“Can you take the little one? I’m going to do a few solo shots.” I nodded, quickly making my way over to him and carefully lifting the baby from his arms.
“I’ll be in the nursery.” I stated, excusing myself quietly.
I gently rocked the baby, trying to get him to fall asleep, but he only stared back at me, making funny noises with his mouth. I decided to walk out to the backyard. He loved being outside. He would giggle uncontrollably at the sound of birds chirping. He enjoyed chasing butterflies and admiring all the flowers. The small water fountain was his favorite, it always put him right to sleep. It’s very calming on the ranch. I grew to fall in love with it myself— more so its owner.
Michael caught my attention immediately. It’s impossible not to fall in love with how kind, sweet, thoughtful, caring and handsome he is. I often found myself daydreaming as I roamed about his home. He’s my first thought when I wake up in the morning and the last when I fall asleep at night. He crossed my mind more than I care to admit— I couldn’t control how I felt. I was completely head over heels for him— and he had no idea. He didn’t see me, not the way I saw him. I wasn’t even on his radar and I couldn’t blame him. When I first started working for Michael, it was easy to lock away my feelings, but that all changed when he insisted I move in. It’s been about three months since Neverland became my home. It’s been a fairytale— for me at least. I spend everyday with Michael. It meant everything to me— yet so little to him I’m sure. I’m the nanny. I’m his employee. He’s my boss. There’s no changing that.
Once the baby had drifted off, I stayed outside, admiring the view. Everything is breathtaking here. The green grass, the clear blue sky, and butterflies constantly gracing the space. You can’t help but feel happy here. Neverland is unreal. It’s like a dream.
“There you are! I thought you ran off with my kid.” I turned around seeing Michael jogging towards us. My breath got caught in my throat when my eyes scanned his body, now he’s wearing a blue button down shirt. I admired how handsome he looked without even trying.
“I’m so sorry! I was trying to get him down for his nap. I got a bit distracted. It’s lovely here.”
“Relax. I’m joking.” He smiled taking a seat beside me. “I love it here too. I put thought into every little thing. I’m happy it all came together.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“Mhm.. very beautiful.” I felt Michael’s eyes on me as I tried to focus on his baby boy.
“The carousel seems to be coming together.”
“Yes! It will be ready to go this weekend. Maybe you can be the first to ride it with me?” He smiled sweetly, I mentally kicked myself for thinking ‘yes, I’d love to ride you.’
“I’d be honored.”
“You’ve got beautiful eyes.” He pushed a strand of hair out of my face, his palm grazing my cheek, causing my face to heat up.
“Thank you. You’ve got lovely eyes as well.” I giggled softly, playing with the baby’s tiny hand.
“Has anyone ever told you how stunning you are?” My eyes shot up, falling on Michael with a longing expression on his face. “Your beauty alone can inspire someone to write songs— love songs.”
I could barely process what Michael was saying, responding to him proved to be a challenge, the beating of my heart clouding my thoughts. Michael stared at me with anticipation, leaning in, I could feel the warmth radiating off of him. He’s so close. The baby began to stir just as Michael was about to— well I’m not entirely sure what was about to happen. I guess I’ll never know.
“I should take him inside.” I said sadly, Michael quickly jumped up next to me.
“I’ll join you.”
We walked in a somewhat comfortable silence, our arms brushing against one another as we traveled through the halls of his home. Every few moments we looked at the other quickly sharing a kind smile. My mind was racing, trying to think of something to say, but I was at a loss.
“What are your plans for Thanksgiving?” Michael asked, breaking the silence. Bless this perfect man.
“I’m not sure yet. My family is out of state, I don’t want to travel back home this year. Besides, I’m the one that does all the cooking and baking. I think I deserve a break.” I laughed, Michael quickly joined in. Goodness, his smile could clear up a rainy day. His laugh is the reason rainbows exist, I’m sure of it.
Michael held the nursery door open for me, I walked in thanking him, standing in front of the crib. I gently laid the baby down careful not to wake him.
“You can spend it with me.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Thanksgiving. You can spend it with me.” Michael coughed, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “With us. I meant spend it with us.”
“Oh, that’s sweet, but I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Y/N, you’re family. No intrusion I promise.”
“That’s sweet. I’d love to. Thank you.”
Walking out of the nursery and shutting the door behind us, there was a shift in his demeanor. He became more playful, if that was even possible. Michael winked, holding his arm out for me, I gladly linked arms with him, trying desperately to hide the effect his touch had on me. We began walking down the hallway with no destination in mind.
“You can teach me a few things. I’m not the best cook.”
“Ah-ha! Mr. Jackson, did you invite me to thanksgiving to do all the work?” I questioned, pretending to be offended.
“No, no, I like you. I’d like to have an excuse to spend more quality time with you.” He spoke quickly, shaking his head.
“I like you too.” I said with a smile, hoping that he couldn’t sense how nervous I was around him, or how honest those words felt coming out of my mouth. I meant those words with all my heart.
“Maybe, we can spend time together, alone, before Thanksgiving?” He asked hopefully, stopping in his tracks to face me.
“Is seeing me everyday not enough?” I teased.
“No. It’s not enough.” His tone was so serious it sent chills down my spine.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Well..” He began, closing the distance between us, slowly gliding his long fingers down my arms. “I can take you out for dinner, just the two of us, then bring you back home.. for dessert.” his overly flirtatious tone, catching me off guard, I never thought I’d be on the receiving end of this side of Michael.
“That sounds—”
Michael cupped my face with urgency, shutting me up in the most tender way, but with just enough roughness to make a girl weak in the knees. His lips were like nothing I’d ever felt before, they were soft, but strong. This is really happening. Michael is kissing me, his breath tasted like mint and his hands had a firm grip on my backside.
“Michael!” I loudly whispered, breaking apart from his sweet lips, his lust filled eyes were focused on me. It felt incredible. He held onto me as if I’d run away from him if he let go.
“What is it baby?” Michael’s voice came out deep and seductive. I couldn’t control myself any longer, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into me. I’m not sure how we got to this point, but I certainly wasn’t going to waste it.
My back collided with the wall as Michael clutched my wrists, pinning them to the wall above my head. I’ve never felt this kind of passion, I never knew it existed, but now that I’ve tasted it, I’ll never be able to give it up.
We hungrily went after each other, bumping into a tall end table, knocking off everything on it, an expensive looking glass lamp shattered all over the floor. Michael laughed against my lips as he lifted me onto the table. Confidently, I held his hands in mine, placing his palms against my bare thighs, with my hands resting on top of his, I guided them toward me, pushing my skirt up painfully slow in the process. Michael groaned in my mouth, without skipping a beat he tore my panties off, shoving them in his pocket.
I unbuttoned his slacks, finding myself extremely needy, I was desperate to get rid of his clothing. I’ve never wanted something in my mouth more than in this moment. He was glorious.
“Can I? Is this okay?” Michael asked, against my neck, I nodded eagerly wanting him to continue. “Baby, I need words.”
“Yes, I want this.”
My words ignited something in him and it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Michael didn’t waste any time pushing through my entrance, feeling every inch of him made my entire body tingle. He paused for a moment, looking into my eyes full of desire, he continued, overwhelming pleasure spreading throughout my body.
“I love the way you look at me.” He whispered into my ear, lifting up my leg, resting it on his shoulder, pushing into me deeper. “I’ve wanted to feel you around me for so long.”
“Oh my—”
“I’ve wanted you so bad.”
“Michael!” I whimpered as he kept his steady pace, my core aching more with each passing second.
“Oh, the things I’ve dreamt of doing to you.”
“I’m so close.” As the words fell from my lips, the ache in my core was replaced with a strong wave of pleasure.
“Baby, you’re perfect.”
“Oh, Michael.” My head fell back as I fought to catch my breath. Michael didn’t halt his movements, causing my high to drag on, making me whimper his name profusely.
“I want to taste every inch of your body.” Michael spoke against my breasts as he covered me with wet kisses, the pounding into my sweet spot being amplified by the table repeatedly crashing into the wall. The pounding was accompanied by the cracking noises of the table, breaking furniture has never been so satisfying. Suddenly, we heard a loud voice along with footsteps, the intoxicating feeling of ecstasy was nowhere near wearing off. We choose to ignore our surroundings. We choose to live in the moment.
“Michael! It’s me. Where are you?” A female voice carried through the halls. Michael stepped back, quickly pulling his pants up, dragging me into a nearby room and shutting the door softly. He was visibly panicked as he tried to make himself look presentable. I began brushing my hair with my fingers, fixing my top and adjusting my skirt to cover my legs.
“I should go check on the baby.” I muttered, reaching for the doorknob, too embarrassed to look at him. Michael stopped me, taking me into his embrace and kissing me passionately.
“It’s not like that. I’m not seeing anyone. It’s my sister Latoya. I know that irritating voice anywhere.” He chuckled, leaning his forehead against mine he continued. “If I don’t go out there she will just keep screaming until she finds us. And, as much as I would love for her to meet you, maybe in the middle of our—.” He paused, clearly thinking of the right thing to say and how to avoid hurting my feelings.
“Quickie in the hallway?” I asked innocently, trying to lighten the mood.
“Well, that’s one way to put it. I was going to say, impromptu love making.”
“What a gentleman.”
“Only for you beautiful.” He left a lingering kiss on my forehead. “I really don’t want to, but I gotta see what my very annoying sister wants.”
“It’s okay.”
“Wait.” He shrugged off his button down shirt, leaving him in a tight white undershirt, goodness his chest is perfect. He draped his shirt over my shoulders, his hands traveling down the length of my back, squeezing my bum one last time. “Just so you don’t go on missing me too much.”
“Is that so, Mr. Jackson?”
“Well, I’ll definitely be missing you.” His breath causing my lips to tingle, needing to feel him again, I could feel through his pants just how much he wanted me too. The look in his eyes, making me want to tear his clothes off and pounce on him.
“Little brother!” The loud high-pitched voice was moving closer causing me to jump, Michael sent me an apologetic smile.
“Fine, go.” I playfully rolled my eyes. “Don’t be too long. Please.” I smirked, batting my eyelashes at him.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He gulped, his eyes growing wide. “I will gladly disown my whole family to avoid future interruptions.”
“No!” I laughed, pushing him towards the door. “Go see your sister.”
“We will be finishing this tonight.” He winked. “I am nowhere near done with you.”
Michael left the room, leaving me to overthink his last words. I regretted letting him leave, call me selfish, but I didn’t want to share him, especially, when I just got him. I could still feel the electricity from his touch.
“What happened? The floor is covered with broken glass! I heard loud pounding!” Latoya’s voice pierced through the door. I quickly covered my mouth to muffle my laughter. Michael was right about her voice.
“It’s none of your business!” I heard Michael say loudly. “Now, stop with the yelling I got a baby napping.”
I couldn’t wait for tonight. I couldn’t wait to feel Michael.
He was right.
I missed him so much already.
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hyunsvngs · 3 months
For Hyunjin’s birthday I wanted to take what I did for his insert of “Noona/oppa kinks” I did a while ago because why not?!
content warnings: bf!hyunjin, hyunjin posing on the chair @ Versace is his outfit in this!!, birthday sex, switch!hyunjin (kinda?), switch!reader (kinda?), you call each others perverts, doggystyle, hair pulling (fem rec), oppa & noona kink (!!!!), overstimulation (fem rec), brief ass play (fem rec), pull out method (DO NOT DO THIS!! please practice safe sex!!), lovey-dovey stuff (my attempt at it anyways), lil surprise for reader @ the end, there may be typos 🤷🏻‍♀️ , i’m dyslexic so 🤓☝🏻… i feel like im forgetting stuff.. hmm
“Did you enjoy your birthday dinner, baby?” You asked from the right of him, his right hand on your upper thigh. Down the street from the restaurant you both ate at, Hyunjin steers the car in the direction of your shared home. A small smirk finds its way onto his face and he gives you a quiet mhmm. Your eyes scan over his side profile and butterflies awake in your stomach, the ones that remind you of all of the small touches and loving stares he made toward you from across the restaurant booth. You feel him squeeze your thigh.
He looked (and still does) absolutely unreal tonight. Of course anyone with eyes can say that about him every day... but tonight. Detailed in intricate designs, his shirt sits tucked into his faux leather styled jeans, adorned with a belt with a flashy belt buckle. His right wrist wears a beautiful black watch, and the left wrist is complimented with two colorful bracelets. Hands decorated in gorgeous rings. Two necklaces; one chunky and one a little thinner, hangs from his neck. He definitely took a few minutes to style his hair- most of it pushed back with little product, allowing strands to fall forward onto his forehead. Your left hand falls to his, still placed on your upper thigh.
Hyunjin knows you’re staring, he knows you’re checking him out. If the roles were reversed and you were driving, he would totally do the same. You look ravishing, your makeup compliments your features- eyelashes fanning out with mascara on, blush, contour and highlight in their respective places, and lips bare with some peppermint chapstick. Hair left completely undone, just some styled curls smoothed out with hair oil. Wrists and neck also adorned with simple jewelry, and to pull it all together, a simple pair of black heels on your feet.
Throughout the night, Hyunjin’s eyes naturally drifted from your face to all the curves your body has to offer. The square-neck, flowy black dress does nothing to hide the tops of your breasts. He remembers you clearing your throat to grab his attention. He knows he looks good, but he knows you know you look good too. Everyone knows those two things can create some tension.
Conversing with your boyfriend of three years still makes time fly by, 45 minutes of driving quickly come to an end when he pulls into the garage. Your hand reaches for the car door handle and Hyunjin doesn’t approve. “Seriously? Can’t even wait a second…” He scoffs, and you quickly look to him on your left and find him out of the car already, beginning to hurdle the hood of the car. You gasp then a chuckle leaves your lips. He opens the car door for you and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t give me that look, you haven’t touched a door in how long? And it’s still a habit? C’mon sweetheart.” He shakes his head in disappointment. You move around him and begin your walk towards the door that leads into the laundry room. Hyunjin is quick to follow your footsteps to open the next door, smacking your ass as you enter the threshold. “Sexy ass woman.” He whistles and eyes you up and down.
You wait for him in the connecting kitchen, the countertop digging into your ass due to your added height. “What are you thinking about?” He asks as he rounds the corner of the laundry room. He unbuckles his belt with one hand, ready to get comfortable and spend the rest of his birthday in bed (of course in a way more than lying down).
His head is tilted slightly as he looks you over; pink muscle poking out from between his lips a bit. When you don’t answer as fast as he’d like, he cages you in with his arms by gripping the countertops. He hums questioningly. “Noona,” he purrs. Your eyes shoot to his instantly. “Did you hear me? What are you thinking about?”
While maintaining eye contact, your right index finger finds the belt loop closest to his zipper and tug him towards your body. “Why don’t I show you what I was thinking about instead?” You whisper, and his surprised face pairs wonderfully with the hard-on that’s poking your hip. His lips part with a gasp. “You’re a fucking pervert- already hard like some loser!” You laugh at him, and just as he was gonna lean in and kiss you, you’ve gone and pissed him off.
His hand flies to the back of your head and tugs harshly at the hair. “Me? The pervert? Says the woman who was eye-fucking me from across the table not even an hour ago!” He’s spitting back, lips so close to yours. Your hand found its way to his waist, pulling him even closer just to feel his body on yours. He wins.
“Mhm.. oppa, please.” You look up at him through your lashes and when his hand moves from your hair to sit at your throat, lips collide. His other hand comes to the side of your face to aide him in tilting your head to deepen the kiss. He’s waited all night for this, impure thoughts flooded his mind the second he saw the dress you were wearing for dinner. For him, this was building with every look, every smile, every touch that was yours given to him. He feels like he’s on fire and while you fuel him… at the end of the day, only you can put him out.
Hands begin wandering on both accounts, Hyunjin’s begin to trace your breasts over the dress and yours are gripping his arms and back. A moan slips out of his mouth when you take things further and tug at his bottom lip with your teeth. “Mhm, fuck” He gasps. You push him away, trying to keep yourself together- almost like a competition; who can keep their sanity the longest?
“Where-where to? Couch? The bed?” He’s mumbling, his hands are starting to unbutton his pants when you grab his thick chain and lead him to the bedroom. What have I gotten myself into, he thinks.
You open the door yourself, Hyunjin too busy looking at you like a lost puppy. He kicked the door closed after you let him go, he’s almost caught off guard with your assertiveness- he’s standing there like a virgin, too scared to move.
“Noona.. wow.” He’s flustered, his pants are just barely hanging on his hips, belt and zipper undone. His hands are fishing out the shirt that remained tucked throughout the recent events. He takes in a deep breath to pull himself together and steps to you. His hands reach for the bottom of your dress, tugs it over your head and your secrets are out. No underwear, no bra, nothing but bare inspiration for his hungry eyes and artsy mind. Your nipples pebble due to the air in the room and your cunt is getting wetter by the second under his gaze.
He scoffs. “Again, talk about a fucking pervert.”
Your hands are quick to shut him up; it’s your turn to tug and pull at the fabrics covering his build. Pants thrown to the side and shirt on the corner of the bed somewhere behind you. His boxers are being pulled at by you, and he’s panting. You stand up after helping him out of his underwear, a quick kiss is exchanged.
“How do you want me, loverboy?” You ask, fingertips rest on his stomach. His bottom lip is stuck between his teeth, and when he releases it, you notice how red it’s gotten. He’s so ready for you, cocks pulsing between his legs
“Doggy, noona. Please. Bend that ass over for me.” He whispers. His hands find your waist to turn you away from him and walk you to the foot of the bed. His right hand pushes at your upper back while his left hand finds itself at your hip and pulls them back. Your knees sit on the edge of the bed, pussy and asshole on display for him. In almost every moment you find yourself like this for him, you’re embarrassed- you’re so hot and bothered that you couldn’t care less this time.
“Oppa,” You start. You’re looking back at him over your shoulder. You snake a hand to your clit not just to tease yourself, but also him. He watches your fingers circle your bud from between your thighs, and he cant help but just watch as you smooth your slick over yourself.
“Fuuuck me, baby.” He’s stroking his cock, one, twice three times. “You drive me insane.” A slap lands on your ass.
“Oppa, come on-“
“Shhh. I’ll take care of you, noona.” His cock head is poking at your entrance, there’s so much wetness, and he feels hot all over. A moan is ripped from your throat when he begins to push in, your gummy walls giving in so easily. “Holy shit, noona! You’re so tight.. all for me, huh?” He says with a teasing tilt to his voice. You nod so eagerly.
The hands on your waist grip a bit harder, and his thrusts speed up. The squelching from your pussy is almost as loud as the moans and gasps coming from you both. Hyunjin slows the pace enough to run a hand from your waist up your back to between your shoulder blades and push down, forcing your elbows to buckle under you.
“Noona, arch your back more, theeeeere ya go… what a good noona.” When your chest makes home on the bedsheets, his front meets your back and his hand finds its way back to your waist. He begins a trail of soft kisses from your right shoulder the middle of your back. He raises his right leg to place his foot next to your knee on the bed, allowing him to reach further into you.
“Oh my god! Oppa, you’re so deep!” You gasp, your legs begin to shake from the pleasure. This new angle allows his tip to ram directly into that gummy spot, and he knows it too. It’s hard to miss when you’re gasping and moaning in quick increments, body shaking like it’s a newfound pleasure, and your hands have found themselves buried in the sheets.
“Right there? It’s there, huh?” Hyunjin’s becoming cocky, your body giving in to the pleasure he’s giving you. And he’s aware that soon, very soon, you’ll cum. “Give me your cum noona, play with your pretty little clit- oh shit, you’re squeezing me so hard!” He borderline growls at you.
Your fingers are making quick circles to work your climax out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You’re barely conscious, too overwhelmed by the white building heat… and his spit-covered thumb coming to rest over your puckered asshole, massaging the muscle does you in.
“O-Oppa! Cum-I’m-Fuck!” Your body pulses, and Hyunjin is holding you like you may actually fall apart. He just about let himself go too, the way you look as you cum is so beautiful, surely another inspiration for his sketchbook.
“Damn noona.. that was a big one, huh?” He quips. Your hips are being held up my his strong arms, but his thrusts are still relentless. You’re moaning and twitching from overstimulation, but he knows you enjoy it more than you let on.
“Give me your cum, oppa! Please!” You moan into the sheets.
The closer he gets to cumming, the harsher his inhales get. His hands become twitchy; one second he’s got a handful of tit, the next he’s digging his fingering into your ass- nothing seems to keep them at bay while his body experiences one of the highest forms of pleasure. “Oh fuck- oh fuck!”
He pulls out and the first rope lands on the back of your thigh, the rest stretching out over your back. He strokes himself to ride out his high, afterwards looking over you. You’ve got a soft smile on your face, a nice flush to your skin, and hair in a tussled mess. You look beautiful, he thinks, no amount of artwork can equal the amount of the beauty of you.
“Feeling good, baby?” Hyunjin takes a step back. After you hum back to him, he makes his way to the linen closet in the master bathroom. He’s quick to grab two towels, one dry and one damp. When he walks back into the room, you’re already standing up.
“Here.” He hands you the damp one first, allowing you to wipe what you can reach while he grabs undergarments. He tosses your underwear onto the bed before quickly putting his boxers on. “You did so good baby.” He whispers as he takes the damp cloth from you, and cleaning off what was left. He tosses that one into the bathroom and reaches for the dry towel to wipe and dry you off further.
“I hope you had a great birthday, Jinnie.” You smile. He can hear the smile in your voice. You put on your panties and turn to him. “I love you so much.” You grab his face and plant a kiss on his lips. He can’t help but chuckle.
“I love you even more, sweetheart!” He tackles you into the bed where you cuddle and watch tv for the rest of the night. Though, not long after resuming a show you began the other day, he can hear and feel you lightly snoring from your place on his chest. He turns the tv off and rests on his phone for the meantime, until he hears you mumbling in your sleep. Only then, when it’s just him and his thoughts left to admire you at your most vulnerable state, does he remember something.
A sincere, gummy smile appears at the thought of a beautiful velvet box sitting at the back of the linen closet.
AHHHH tell me why hyunjin has been plaguing my mind lately!!! he’s such a loverboy. I hope you enjoyed this one!!! <3
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madara-fate · 5 months
I recently came across a post that triggered me a bit, and I wanted to talk about it.
In essence, the points raised were that:
Women are more inclined to ship Sasuke and Naruto because they have chemistry and share a lot in common.
Shipping Sasuke with Sakura makes no sense because they are too different, and she doesn't understand him.
If BoruSara were to happen, it would imply that their fathers are a thing because of the parallels.
Sakura is a poorly written character, and people can't relate to her because she's too unrealistic.
Sakura is poorly written because, essentially, she's different from Sasuke and Naruto.
First of all... SNS exists not because of the supposed chemistry between them but because they are two attractive white guys sharing a lot of screen time together and so, the perfect combo for fujoshi shipping. Justifying this expedition is like justifying the fact that the frequent depiction of partially naked women on car racing posters has no relation to the intended audience.
If Sakura shouldn't be with Sasuke because she doesn't understand him, does Naruto understand him? Seriously?
Naruto understands Sasuke's loneliness, that's it.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm not bashing their connection, but let's be honest, nobody really understood Sasuke there -yet it didn't stop them from wanting to help him-
Furthermore, what does this imply? That you can only be in a relationship with someone who has a similar background?
Saying Sakura doesn't understand Sasuke at all is superficial on so many levels that I won't even bother dwelling on it.
Next, the idea that people think the parallels they cling to justify their ship is just... bizarre.
If BoruSara were to happen, it wouldn't prove anything about SNS because the biggest difference between these two ships would be the author's intention.
SNS would have happened if Kishimoto wanted their relationship that way, but that wasn't the case. It has been repeatedly emphasized in the manga that their relationship is not romantic.
If some interpret it that way, that's fine, but they shouldn't tell the author how he wrote HIS own manga. And no, it's not heteronormativity. I don't even understand why some fanon ships seek canon validation for their shipping.
Not to mention that every time they talk about these parallels, many seem to deliberately forget that these two children are not mirror images of their fathers but their own individuals.
Yes, they have the foundation of their personalities, but that's just it, the foundation. Apart from that, they differ on so many levels that it's not even funny.
Sarada also shares a lot of her mother's personality, and it's as clear as day. So, if I follow this logic, does BoruSara also imply that NaruSaku could have been a thing despite Sakura's total absence of romantic feelings?
Boruto can indeed be like his father, but he also tries to be like his mentor, so sometimes, he resembles him too. And he can be as calm and focused as his mother, not to mention he has personality traits unique to him. All this makes him someone too different from the "Naruto carbon copy" label stuck on him. Saying that is really downplaying his character.
Moreover, the relationship these two have is also different from that of their fathers: it's normal and not built on a heap of negative feelings and deadly fights that led to a vitriolic friendship.
As for the last two points, Sakura is less unrealistic than Sasuke and Naruto, yet not many bat an eye at that. Maybe because it's a shounen manga about ninjas, and unreality is actually expected...?
In fact, Sakura is the most realistic character in this series.
Regarding the identification question, just because you can't identify with her doesn't mean everyone can't. I do, and many others do too because, for once, in the whole history of shounen, we have a female character with authentic and not-so-likable flaws, approaching more the human being without the need for a traumatic event or a horrible childhood to justify her behavior.
Her character development is incredible, not just because "she was weak at the beginning and became strong," it's more than that.
Sakura has shown me that no matter how you start, you can reach the destination you want if you work for it. Her transformation is phenomenal: throughout the manga, she radicalizes in ALL aspects. She removes her blinders, starts seeing people for who they really are, becomes more understanding and attentive, learns —and sometimes in the most brutal ways— that everything is not black and white and that you sometimes have to make horrible choices to protect others.
She changes in so many ways, and the best part is that Kishimoto didn't make her some perfect Mary Sue. He made her evolve despite her flaws, for which I will always be grateful.
Sakura is not a poorly written character. Yes, she could have been more explored, and sometimes her author did her wrong, but that doesn't make her a bad character. She could have been better —all the characters in this series could have been— but that doesn't mean she's "worse."
She is fundamentally the reason why I'm in my last year of college today and intend to persevere in my studies (and it's not even a joke).
I never had a family model I could identify with, and all the characters (fictional or not) I love or admire have always seemed out of reach, just an ideal to idolize but unable to imitate.
With Sakura, however, it has always been different; every time I look at her, I think, "if she could do it, then why not me?"
Her importance in my life in terms of motivation and emotional development has been crucial, so it's really frustrating to see people deduce that just because they can't identify with her, no one can, and she's a bad character.
She's not poorly written; she's just different.
Kishimoto once said that his goal with Sakura was to create a realistic female character that little girls could identify with and despite all the controversy surrounding her character, he actually succeeded in this challenge.
Many of us, little girls that we were, saw ourselves in OG Sakura (whether we admit it or not) because the way she was written is how a lot of pre-adolescent girls behave (minus the rapid character development).
It was nice to grow up with her because it showed me that I didn't need to be perfect or have incredible motivations or be "cool" from the start to become someone exceptional. She taught me that my future is not set in stone. And most importantly, she taught me to be myself, to be authentic, to accept and love myself as the imperfect human that I am.
The weirdest thing about this is that these statements came from someone who claims not to care about SNS and doesn't hate Sakura. How can a person claiming to be neutral come to such a conclusion? Honestly, it baffles me; this kind of pseudo-analysis is on the same level of nonsense as what antis spew.
If some can't be bothered to understand a character, then they should simply say nothing about her.
I'm sorry for bothering you with this, but after reading this thing, I just couldn't let it pass.
I don't know how you guys manage to tolerate this fandom, let alone respond to all the strange and stupid takes you receive day after day. In any case, you have my utmost respect.
Thank you for listening, and I wish you a beautiful and happy new year.
First of all... SNS exists not because of the supposed chemistry between them but because they are two attractive white guys sharing a lot of screen time together and so, the perfect combo for fujoshi shipping. Justifying this expedition is like justifying the fact that the frequent depiction of partially naked women on car racing posters has no relation to the intended audience.
I agree apart from two things.
Naruto and Sasuke do have chemistry, but there's just nothing romantic about it.
I wouldn't bring the colour of their skin into it, that opens up a whole other can of worms.
If Sakura shouldn't be with Sasuke because she doesn't understand him, does Naruto understand him? Seriously? Naruto understands Sasuke's loneliness, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Naruto understood Sasuke in some ways (loneliness, being high level shinobi who could read each other's thoughts through fighting etc), and Sakura understood him in other ways (his likes/dislikes, how his mind works and his decision making processes etc).
Furthermore, what does this imply? That you can only be in a relationship with someone who has a similar background?
Yep, that's one of the things that's always irked me the most from their points. It's like they think that just because Sakura couldn't empathise with Sasuke's tough upbringing, that makes her an unsuitable partner for him, which is just all kinds of stupid. It's also one of the reasons the SK fans prefer that ship, since Karin also had a relatively tough upbringing, she'd be able to "understand" Sasuke better than Sakura. As if being able to empathise with a tough childhood is all there is to understand about a person.
If BoruSara were to happen, it wouldn't prove anything about SNS because the biggest difference between these two ships would be the author's intention. SNS would have happened if Kishimoto wanted their relationship that way, but that wasn't the case. It has been repeatedly emphasized in the manga that their relationship is not romantic.
Agreed. This silly idea that BS's canonisation would somehow serve as proof that SNS should have happened, is one of the 4 main reasons why I do not want BS to happen. Although it is the least important to me out of the 4 of them.
If some interpret it that way, that's fine, but they shouldn't tell the author how he wrote HIS own manga. And no, it's not heteronormativity. I don't even understand why some fanon ships seek canon validation for their shipping.
Not all interpretations and opinions are valid. I'm sorry but I'm sick of people hiding behind this false idea that just because they say it's their opinion or interpretation, it's just as valid as everyone else's. No, opinions and interpretations can be wrong. Authorial intent dictates how the narrative is supposed to be perceived and understood. Therefore, if Kishi says that something is a certain way, then that's the way it is, end of story, no room for further interpretation. If Kishi says that Naruto and Sasuke are platonic, and that they were never meant to be anything more than that, then that's the way it is. Other interpretations are wrong, because Kishi's word is gospel.
Not to mention that every time they talk about these parallels, many seem to deliberately forget that these two children are not mirror images of their fathers but their own individuals.
That too.
Sarada also shares a lot of her mother's personality, and it's as clear as day. So, if I follow this logic, does BoruSara also imply that NaruSaku could have been a thing despite Sakura's total absence of romantic feelings?
Agreed, I'd say that in terms of personality, Sarada is a closer parallel to Sakura than Sasuke, and NS obviously didn't happen.
Boruto can indeed be like his father, but he also tries to be like his mentor, so sometimes, he resembles him too. And he can be as calm and focused as his mother, not to mention he has personality traits unique to him. All this makes him someone too different from the "Naruto carbon copy" label stuck on him. Saying that is really downplaying his character.
As for the last two points, Sakura is less unrealistic than Sasuke and Naruto, yet not many bat an eye at that. Maybe because it's a shounen manga about ninjas, and unreality is actually expected...? In fact, Sakura is the most realistic character in this series.
To be honest, I have no idea what they could be referring to when those people label Sakura as apparently being unrealistic.
Regarding the identification question, just because you can't identify with her doesn't mean everyone can't. I do, and many others do too because, for once, in the whole history of shounen, we have a female character with authentic and not-so-likable flaws, approaching more the human being without the need for a traumatic event or a horrible childhood to justify her behavior. Her character development is incredible, not just because "she was weak at the beginning and became strong," it's more than that. Sakura has shown me that no matter how you start, you can reach the destination you want if you work for it. Her transformation is phenomenal: throughout the manga, she radicalizes in ALL aspects. She removes her blinders, starts seeing people for who they really are, becomes more understanding and attentive, learns —and sometimes in the most brutal ways— that everything is not black and white and that you sometimes have to make horrible choices to protect others.
Unfortunately, many people just don't see any of that. They see an annoying, selfish person who treated Naruto poorly (despite that only being applicable to before the Forest of Death), "obsessed" over Sasuke (when she really didn't, and that criticism is far more applicable to Naruto anyway), broke off her friendship with Ino over a boy (showing how they missed the entire point of that fight), and was essentially useless (despite among other things, saving many important people's lives, multiple times).
Sakura is not a poorly written character. Yes, she could have been more explored, and sometimes her author did her wrong, but that doesn't make her a bad character. She could have been better —all the characters in this series could have been— but that doesn't mean she's "worse."
"She could have been better —all the characters in this series could have been" - Yes, I'm glad you highlighted this. This is by no means a Sakura exclusive criticism. It's just more of a problem for her since she was a main character.
She is fundamentally the reason why I'm in my last year of college today and intend to persevere in my studies (and it's not even a joke). I never had a family model I could identify with, and all the characters (fictional or not) I love or admire have always seemed out of reach, just an ideal to idolize but unable to imitate. With Sakura, however, it has always been different; every time I look at her, I think, "if she could do it, then why not me?"
Yeah I get that, I said something very similar about her during this post towards the end, where I described the primary two ways in which I found Sakura to be an inspiring character.
Kishimoto once said that his goal with Sakura was to create a realistic female character that little girls could identify with and despite all the controversy surrounding her character, he actually succeeded in this challenge. Many of us, little girls that we were, saw ourselves in OG Sakura (whether we admit it or not) because the way she was written is how a lot of pre-adolescent girls behave (minus the rapid character development).
I'll take your word for it. Personally, towards the beginning I did indeed find Sakura very irritating, for several different reasons, but I grew to appreciate her for what she brings, rather than continuously judging her for how she was at the very beginning. But apparently, "character development" is either a foreign concept to these people, or can only be applied if the character in question moves on from her initial feelings. Because if not, then her entire character automatically "regresses", regardless of the reasons why she retained her feelings.
The weirdest thing about this is that these statements came from someone who claims not to care about SNS and doesn't hate Sakura. How can a person claiming to be neutral come to such a conclusion? Honestly, it baffles me; this kind of pseudo-analysis is on the same level of nonsense as what antis spew.
That reminds me of a video that Swagkage made on YouTube, which I talked about in great depth during this post, regarding how he tried to lie and say that he didn't hate Sakura and that he was impartial to her, yet the vast majority of the video was him hating on Sakura.
I don't know how you guys manage to tolerate this fandom, let alone respond to all the strange and stupid takes you receive day after day. In any case, you have my utmost respect. Thank you for listening, and I wish you a beautiful and happy new year
My general tolerance for people's bullshit is honestly inhuman, lol. But many thanks, and happy (belated) new year to you as well ^_^
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 1 year
Oh my god okay I’m so fucking excited for literally any fic you write from this little prompt challenge.
My prompt for you: Slytherin!Harry getting Ravenclaw!Draco to tutor him on potions or the subject of your choice; lots of flirting and tension and dijwbdjdjdns.
(TOTALLY get it if this doesn’t inspire. Go with your muse. I’ll eat up anything that comes from your brain)
Draco was completely mental to be doing this. The very idea was preposterous but to be actually proceeding with it?
I mean, it was Potter.
Draco stood outside the classroom they had agreed upon, clutching his books, practicing the script he'd spent three hours on, over and over in his head.
'"There you are, Potter",' he murmured on repeat. 'It's "There you are, Potter", not "There you are, Potter". Spit out the "Potter", you sound positively giddy with happiness otherwise. And for heaven's sake don't let him kiss you this time. What a menace, honestly. "There you are, Potter. There you are, Potter"...'
He stepped into the classroom. It was nearly dusk and the room shone violently orange which was rapidly darkening. Potter hadn't lit the torches. He was sitting - no, lounging - on a seat in the first row with his feet propped up on the table, arms crossed, wand tucked behind his ear.
He smirked when he saw Draco, an indecent twist of the lips made even more worrying by the promise that gleamed in his eyes.
'Here I am, Potter!' said Draco shrilly and dropped his books.
Potter let his chair fall forward with a thud, the tips of his hair gleaming orange in the sun. He got to his feet and made his way over to Draco, who just stood there.
Potter stopped, waved his hand, caught Draco's books as they floated up.
'Here you are, Malfoy,' he said sweetly.
Only twenty minutes later, Draco was sure he was about to be violently sick.
Potter smelled incredible. He was also extremely warm which was definitely why Draco was so warm and also sweating everywhere and it felt unreal to even be sitting next to Potter, tutoring him for their Potions N.E.W.T.
'So, before we add the hellabore,' Potter frowned down at the bird-scratchings that were his notes, 'we need to simmer for eighteen minutes because otherwise the scorpion venom will curdle?'
'That can't be what you've written down,' Draco said, aghast. 'Why in heaven's name would a venom even curdle in the first place?! It's a venom! Class 7 substance! Non-reactive until it touches blood! This was covered in fourth year!'
His voice had gotten higher and louder with each word and by the end of it, Potter was grinning at him.
'Show me that,' snapped Draco, wrenching Potter's notes to himself and shoving on his glasses.
He squinted down at word shaped scribble. He could read five languages but this wasn't in any one of those. On the top right corner of the page, Potter had drawn a plump heart.
Inside the heart was written "DM".
Draco's face suddenly felt hotter than the setting sun. He pushed the sheaf of parchment back at Potter.
'I can't even decipher that atrocious rubbish,' he muttered, his glasses slipping down his sweaty nose. 'Venom can't curdle. We simmer to let the fairy wings dissolve completely. Next.'
Potter cleared his throat delicately, hunching over his notes again.
'So, once we've added the hellabore,' he said, voice full of something that made Draco's face grow even hotter, 'we stir clockwise--'
'Counter clockwise.'
'Right, counter clockwise, and then we add the moon salt and the Ogden's?'
Draco nodded along as Potter read, his knee bouncing uncontrollably next to Potter's solid thigh, his mind filled with absolute chaos.
'Yes, yes, right,' he said. 'Moon salt and two measures of Og-- Wait, what?! Ogden's?!
He ripped the notes out of Potter's hands but Potter was already laughing. Draco shoved the sheaf back at him, glowering.
'Look, Potter, I told you,' he shouted. 'I warned you that I don't have the time nor the inclination to put up with any of your nonsense! I knew you--'
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Potter laughed, holding up his hands in surrender.
'--only to mess around with me but I agreed because everyone knows you're a giant dunderhead who can't even brew a simple Sleeping Draught if his life depended on it--'
'Now now, is that fair?' Potter said calmly.
'--told Hermione that you would faff about, I don't even know why she's friends with you, I've tried to understand why for seven years--'
'We're friends because she actually gave me a chance?' drawled Potter.
'--but I am done. I tried to do the right thing, the good thing, but you're just absolutely beyond incorrigible with your abominable hair and your untucked shirts and your revolting fan club--'
Draco had years worth of spewing left to do but suddenly he just couldn't.
Because Potter had dragged him in by the tie and kissed him, this time square on the mouth. Harry Potter was kissing him, Draco Malfoy, right on the mouth.
There he was. Potter.
(Part 1)
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pensbridge · 11 days
This is a thought I had before that I'm rethinking a bit since they decided to drop the trailer yesterday (bless! Oops buried this in my drafts and never got around to finishing til now)
Warning: Long post! (I'm sorry or you're welcome)
I've been trying to stay away from spoilers, so I could be totally off base here, but
Thinking about how Colin will react to Whistledown
I've already talked about Colin having to be needed, but surely there will be layers...
Colin has that line in ep. 1, where he talks about ruining LW and how she ruined his family, yeah after she rips him a new one in the paper - it's a clear deflection. This was never going to be about Marina, or his family. This is about Penelope seeing through the very real facade of Colin, and the fact that he'll believe she thinks those things of him. Because he's insecure if he'll be good enough for her. He needs to be needed, but also I assume Colin will be hurt at the deceit and mindblown at what it means when he puts the pieces together. Replaying certain moments/events, as well as oh, that's why that was so weird. moments that make him feel pain about the sincerity of their romantic relationship right ahead of their nuptials. Because up until the carriage, Colin thought Penelope couldn't see through him. That him trying to be someone else was working. That he was concealing his obvious feelings well. (And he was right; when Penelope "is this a ploy for attention" Whistledown couldn't see him foaming at the mouth and about to pass out on dance floors to know that something had changed.) The carriage was his moment of admission to everything he's been hiding from himself. And she's Whistledown! She's the one who first pointed out those things about him. She even said "does Mr. Bridgerton even know, himself?". He is going to be hurt for what he perceives is her looking down on him. He is going to feel betrayed, because it will seem like a joke he wasn't in on about himself. He's probably going to cry from that, because it will all feel unreal (maybe even like their relationship is fake and she was playing him; he's still insecure about how he's perceived and fearful of getting hurt, especially with Penelope). And the carriage will probably feel meaningless to what he believes her to view it as. like: "what do you mean you saw me pretending all this time for weeks?" Colin was on a different timeline in his feelings and when they sprung into action, they really sprung to all feel like it happened all at once for him. For Colin, it was like they spent all this time together now, he saw her for who she really is - to be less concerned for how she appears to him - and it was like something had really changed between them. And then, to know that Penelope's got an inside edition to how exactly he is maybe feeling, before he fully knows himself.. It's like he gave a full speech on that part of himself (how he portrays himself), and she already had an idea!
It's a complicated scenario, because on one hand there's this conflict between them of the secrecy and certain level of deception (Penelope having this information he's unaware to when they're supposed to be getting married), but on the other side of it Penelope sees him and knows him better than he knows himself (and I don't even think she's aware of it) - it's really the soulmatism aspect of them.
But the carriage won't be ruined. Because Colin and Pen at the core are meant to fall for each other due to seeing the sum of all their parts. Colin now sees Pen, which as I was saying before was not possible without Penelope dropping her crush veil and acting unnaturally around him. Like, right now, he's sure he loves her, because the pieces clicked in the past few weeks. Pieces clicked that he's not even fully aware how or why they come together, and there's a subconscious feeling to the things that can't be explained. I mean, when he goes to see Penelope outside her house and she's like "Whistledown did not want to seem suspicious;" (girl, wtf ), that's a piece to Penelope that he doesn't have the answers to, but he senses. It's all going to make sense once he has time to process and be privy to the hidden pieces of why they are compatible. But, sometimes things just fall perfectly into place without the why.
And he still doesn't know about her feelings prior to the carriage. Like, he thinks, "we both got closer over the past few weeks and we fell for each other through that" (he knows Penelope has always been a constant and that his feelings go back far deeper although he can't pinpoint an exact moment, but up until she reveals it, he's not gonna think she feels that (he probably thought they both fell through the kiss); like they were just good friends and somehow those moments in the past weeks have awakened something in them that neither has realized until this moment).
But that obviously won't last for long. Same as a fight (most likely) won't extend into this long drawn out thing of actual opposition.
And back to the Marina vs Pen debate, the answer to the difference is as simple as this: he didn't love her; he loves Pen! There's nothing more complicated about it; it wasn't real and that goes beyond just the willing deceit of Marina. I could talk about the rose- colored glasses romance/love idealization trope and how that's important to the development (*cough how the change to the show makes sense*), but the crowd isn't ready for that. [I love Marina, therefore her slander will not be allowed here]. But I'll just say the illusion of someone vs knowing someone is going to be the biggest difference [and the greatest catalyst (more on that later)] for how this plays out. Despite not knowing the Whistledown secret, Colin knows Penelope.
It's funny how similar they really are. They're both over-romanticizers. They're idealistic and they both idealized someone and had the pedestal knocked down. We already saw Pen's moment for this, the vital poor declaration moment at the ball. Now, I'm thinking Colin is going to have to battle this idea. He loves her, we know this! We also know that Colin can be impulsive for all of it's good and bad qualities. He is going to have to fight this idea where he acts towards his deepest insecurities. He's sitting outside the bedroom, so it looks promising (lol)! He's angry, but he's ruminating and he's internalizing all of that confusion and fear (I know they'll fight ofc, but for the little moments like that..). He thinks love is a thunderbolt in the sky, not that he fell for her like that, but that love is grand, fairytale-ish; he is a true romantic. His proposal shows as much for his his gestures of grandiosity. He's over the moon about the engagement and he's in a happy bubble after the swift timeline of the realization of their feelings. He'll have to break this idea. Because Colin didn't know love before Penelope. In the conflict of the Whistledown reveal, he'll see that love isn't always this gradiose thing. But that it's moments, being fully understanding of one another, wanting the person, seeing them, and (very important for his development) having them see you. Because that's what REAL love is. He'll actually see the real her and the full picture. Thus, we can actually get the real love confession where he says it. His perfect love idea will be shattered, but the end point will be sweet and more worthwhile than actually not knowing someone. They'll have a deep, dork bond, full love connection for life!
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bathomet-writes · 1 year
prom (blue edition)
summary: Your date for the school dance bails on you. Who better to come in and sweep you off your feet in their stead than the leader in blue himself?
relationship: Leo x GN!reader
warnings: romantic, fluff, humor, kissing, sfw
word count: 3,031
author's note: here's the first part of the prom!! i'll be posting the rest soon...thank u for reading!! part two, part three, part four (thank you @/cherryp0p224 for the request)
“This is so sad,” you sigh. Staring into your cheap plastic drink cup, you scowl at the punch you poured. 
You had been waiting for Tyler to get back from meeting up with all his douchey friends. What was once promised as ‘a minute or two’ had turned into over forty-five minutes. Nearly an hour of standing by yourself at the drink and snack table. You were starting to get pissed off.
Taking a quick glance at your phone is the last straw. You gulp down the last of the punch and wipe at your mouth. “Screw this noise.”
As you start to make your way to the big exit doors, you look around to make sure none of the chaperones were nearby to bust you for leaving early. You saw a few staff members standing watch at the doors, keeping an eye out for any unsavory activities on the dance floor. Once the coast is clear, you sneak behind the bleachers. It was nice to get out of the crowd for a second, even if you did accidentally step on a piece of chewed-up gum. 
“Oh, shit.” You lift your foot up, and your shoe decides to stay on the ground. The force of your movement causes you to nearly topple over, but you catch yourself at the last minute. You shakily exhale. 
“Woah! Nice.” A confident, airy voice calls out. 
You turn around to see an unfamiliar guy leaned up against the wall. Where did he come from? There wasn’t anybody back here with you a second ago. You quickly try to stabilize yourself, smoothing over your clothes. 
“I’m…usually a little more coordinated than that.”
“I know,” he purrs. 
You finally look him in the eye, confused by his previous statement. He didn’t look familiar, but you weren’t that great with faces anyway. He was wearing a nice, form-fitting tuxedo, complete with blue tie. Your eyes travel up to his face. A lazy smirk and lidded eyes were what you found, making you gulp. 
Whoever this was, he was hot. 
“Uh, did your date ditch you too?” You chuckle, all of the sudden feeling nervous. 
“Oh– Yeah, totally. They just bailed on me as soon as we got here. You know how it is.”
You shuffle back to your abandoned shoe, still stuck on the dirty floor. As you bend over to pick it up, the mystery dude swoops at the last minute to stop you. 
“Please, allow me!” He grabs your ankle with impressive reflexes and slips your shoe back onto your foot. He quirks his eyes back up to you, a roguish smile beginning to form on his face. 
You think in any other situation you would feel like some kind of Cinderella, the slow, romantic music playing in the background and the multicolored lights dancing across your faces. But, there was just something off about this guy. You can’t quite put your finger on it though. 
“You wouldn’t want to, y’know…” 
You wring your hands together anxiously. You’ve never really asked anybody to dance before. 
Taking your sweaty hand in his, he leads you back onto the dance floor. You’re a little dumbfounded by his bold demeanor. Like in slow-motion, you watch as he walks you out to the dead center of the gymnasium. He places a gentle hand upon your waist as he sways you to and fro. It feels almost unreal, like out of a cheesy 80’s movie. 
You look at his hands, then back up to his face. That same confident look. It was almost a little smarmy, under a certain light. You don’t know if you should be flattered or suspicious. 
“I don’t know where I know you from. Do you go here?” You venture. 
Then, his cool facade drops. If only for a second, he looks hesitant. 
“I’m, uh…new! Just transferred from a private school. It’s funny, I also feel like I know you from somewhere. Maybe we’re like lovers in a past life finally coming together.”
Your eyebrows furrow. What the fuck was he talking about?
He notices your bewildered expression, and quickly tries to pivot the conversation somewhere else. “Sorry, that was weird! I dunno where that came from, ahaha…”
Spinning you around, he leads you back into a different position with your back against his chest. 
“Oof–!” You exclaim. 
You’re unable to see his face, but you hear his smile return as he goes on. 
“I’ve never been to a dance like this before. I was half-expecting everyone to be awkwardly standing on opposite ends of the gym.”
You allow yourself to smile a little. This was actually pretty nice, dancing with a total stranger. There was something about his voice, his presence. It was a bit disarming. 
“Yeah, then they’d break out into dance-fighting like West Side Story or something. That’d be a lot more fun than this.”
He chuckles in your ear, causing a blush to creep into your cheeks. That voice…you knew that laugh from somewhere. 
“That would be pretty sick. But I won’t lie, this is nice.”
The music was still slow and melodic, threatening to lull you into a trance. You want to ask this guy his name, but you found your mouth unable to move. Your brain feels foggy, clouded. You spin around to face him, your noses inches away from one another. 
He’s a bit caught off guard, but he settles into another calm smile. Slowly, he inches closer. Your breath hitches, thinking that he’s trying to go in for a kiss. 
Then, he murmers lowly in your ear. His breath tickles your skin. 
“Can I keep you?”
You blink, speechless. 
Looking down at his jacket, the glint of a shiny object catches your eye. It’s hard to tell from this angle, but you could swear that it looked like a broach of some kind. 
A cloaking broach. 
“Oh, goddamnit.”
You reach up and snatch the cloaking broach right off of his lapel, and a swirl of mystic energy consumes him. You know for a fact that this was no mystery guy, it was– 
“Leo!” You shout, holding the broach above your head. 
A flabbergasted turtle stands before you. With his suit and tie replaced with his belt and arm wrappings, he looks like his normal, annoying self. 
You almost let your victory last a little too long, suddenly remembering that you both were standing smack-dab in the middle of a crowded room, surrounded by humans. Confused-looking humans. In a flash, Leo grabs the broach out of your hand and secures it back on his upper plastron. Once again, he reverts back to his disguise. 
“Are you crazy? You’re gonna cause a scene!” He whisper-screams, calmly trying to escort you out of the crowd of people. 
“Me? Cause a scene? You’re lucky I don’t turn you into a bloody, green pulp right here!”
As you shake your fist at him, Leo attempts to wave off the worries of the unfortunate onlookers. “One too many trips to the punch bowl!”
He continues to cart you away from the gym, busting through the doors that lead out into the hallways. In your rage, you dig your heels into the ground.
“Stop! Enough.” You turn to glower at him. 
Leo, taking note of your obvious anger, decides to go on the defensive. “Okay, there’s a very logical, reasonable explanation for all of this.”
“Do tell,” you hiss. 
Right behind Leo was the door to the principal’s office. You knew there were always a couple of stragglers who liked to sneak out to drink and smoke out in the hallways, so you both needed somewhere to talk. You bust through the doors, which were somehow unlocked, and drag Leo in by the back of his jacket. 
“Oh-ho-ho! Here we go, schlep me into the principal’s office” he quips, tapping his fingers along his folded arms. “How’d you know it was me anyway?”
“Who else would use a fucking Casper quote as a pick-up line? I mean, honestly?” 
Leo tosses his head toward you as you continue to pull him along. “That obvious, huh?”
You narrow your eyes. “Is this one of those improv games where you can only speak in the form of a question?”
“Uh…no?” A bead of sweat forms on his brow. 
Sighing, you throw him into the chair in front of the principal’s desk. A seat reserved for trouble-makers, ne'er-do-wells, general tomfools. That was Leo to a tee. 
For once in his life, he remains quiet. Silently, he watches as you circle him like a hawk. Now that the two of you were finally alone, without any distractions or the enchanting, vaseline-covered lens of the dance floor, you could really get a good look at his human form. Damn, even like this he was handsome. It makes you even more mad. 
“You look so different. But…not different at all, now that I think about it.”
Chuckling, Leo sits up a little more in the chair. His keen eye definitely caught the way you were eyeing him up and down, scrutinizing his new physical features. 
“I could say the same about you. You clean up nice.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Nardo,” you scoff, moving over to sit at the head of the desk. The rolling chair shifts as you plop yourself down. You felt more in control, more powerful as you sat glaring at him. 
Leo meets you with his own indignant smirk, leaning forward in his seat to place his elbows on the edge of the desk. “Then, do allow me to go on.”
You tent your fingers, setting your elbows on the desk as well. “You will be graded on this, so don’t mess up.” 
“Or what, you’ll expel me? I just got here!” He laughs light-heartedly. 
A dark shadow descends upon your face, your eyes narrowing. “Or worse.”
You knew Leo had no problem with talking, or laying down compliments. But you weren’t about to let him get out of trouble that easily. You give him a small nod, signaling him to begin. 
Of course, he starts to ramble. 
“Well, let’s start with the obvious. You look stunning, and I’m not just saying that. You’re a total knock-out. Even I felt a little out of my league back there! Those shoes totally compliment your…eye color.”
You give a noncommittal nod, but nothing more. 
“And you’re not a half-bad dancer. The way you cut a rug, it was– muah!” He purses his fingers together and bestows upon you the Chef’s Kiss of approval. 
“How kind,” you utter. 
You’ve been fed lines like this plenty of times before. Your date Tyler had done the exact same thing. Just because it was Leo who was saying them this time made no difference. Not one bit.
He swallows dryly, feeling pressured by your unimpressed glare. Leo flounders a bit, trying to think of more praise. Finally, he tosses his hands up in defeat, rising from his chair in a huff.
“Fuck it! I can't keep doing this!”
Your hands lower. “Doing what?”
“Butting in on your life, and…Leo-ing it up!” He sighs, leaning against the desk. “April texted me after you texted her, about your date bailing on you.”
Your lips draw into a fine line. Not that you were mad at April for spilling the beans, you were just confused that Leo of all people was the person to come to your rescue. 
“I had this brilliant idea that I’d come in and sweep you off your feet. We’d go egg your least favorite teacher’s car. Y’know, the one that gave you that C on your physics test last week?”
You place your hands upon your lap, feeling a little less filled with rage. Why was he being so surprisingly thoughtful right now? So sweet?
Leo glances down at his human hands, splaying them out and wiggling them around. He was still getting used to the fact that he had ten fingers now. 
“And then we’d laugh. Like we always do. But, you would accidentally fall into my arms, I'd catch you…”
He trails off, going uncharacteristically quiet. You try to covertly roll your chair closer to Leo, the squeaky wheels cutting through the silence. 
“And then what?”
Leo spins around to face you, giving you a meek pout. “We’d kiss.”
His voice was so small and quiet, it was unlike him. Whatever he said was barely audible, so you edge yourself forward. 
He tucks his head into his chest, looking down at the ground. He didn’t know why he was feeling so bashful all of the sudden. 
“We’d kiss, or whatever…”
As long as you’ve known Leo, you’ve gotten fairly used to his brash personality. He was charming, charismatic. But right now, his behavior was unusually very shy. It was strange. You almost prefer him this way. 
Smirking, you feign innocence. “Sorry, didn’t catch that.”
His head shoots back up, a furious blush coloring his face. “Nothing! It was stupid!”
Groaning in annoyance, he throws his hands up and walks away from the desk. You sat dumbly watching him stroll away. In your brain, a mix of confusion and joy rendered you speechless. To your surprise, you accidentally let out a howl of laughter. 
He gasps, profoundly offended. “Shut up! How is that the reaction you have to me just confessing that I’d like to kiss you?”
His incensed sulking shouldn’t be so downright adorable, but it is! The way his hips jut out, arms folded. You nearly fall out of your chair.
“BAHAHAHA!! Your face—! Stop looking at me like that!”
Suddenly, you feel the chair start to slide out from under you, and you go tumbling down. It only makes you laugh even harder. 
Leo frowns, having half a mind just to walk out of the office. But, looking at you rolling around on the ground, giggling like an idiot, made him pause. It was the first time tonight he’s seen you smile. Not smirk, not sneer, but really smile. 
He sinks down to the carpet, sitting down cross-legged to watch you let out all your pent-up emotions. 
You wipe a tear from your eye, your voice still shaky. “How is it that you’re so funny, but only when you’re not trying to be funny?”
Leo rolls his eyes, fiddling with his shoelaces. “Guess you don’t take me very seriously.”
Quickly, you scramble up. “That's not what I meant and you know it. It’s just…it’s so hard not to get swept up in all your—“
You gesture vaguely to him, trying to communicate your nebulous thoughts. “Leo-ness, as you put it. You’re always so quick-witted and sharp, I have to consciously stop myself from smiling around you. And it’s annoying.”
It was an honest struggle not to give into Leo's constant attempts at humor, and even when he wasn’t, he was just so effortlessly charming. You didn’t want to inflate his already overinflated ego. 
But looking up at his upside down face, his face that was strangely very genuine, it made you fold. 
“I know we joke and bully each other a lot but…” You bite the inside of your mouth, trying to find the right words.
Leo anchors his head over yours, perplexed. “But?”
“You’re a nice guy, and I don't mean that condescendingly. You’re sweet, and I just didn’t know how else to react.”
You beam up at him, eyes crinkling from your wide smile. A warmth starting from the tips of your toes begins to move up your spine.
“That’s…better. I suppose,” he sighs, his cheeks still flushed. 
“Just take that cloaking broach off and kiss me already.”
You grab at his chest and knock the broach from his lapel, revealing Leo’s true turtle form once again. 
“Much better,” you hum. 
His signature crescent moon markings are a pleasant sight to see. You would never tell him, but you loved Leo’s face. You loved his personality, his humor. You cared for him more than he’d like to know. And that was fine for now. 
Leo’s eyes search yours, almost in complete disbelief. How was it that you were looking at him with so much kindness, and your lips were right there, inviting him closer. Unconsciously, he angles his head to the side and lowers down. It would only be a small kiss, he thought to himself. A secret between two friends. 
But, it’s more than a kiss. And it lasts for more than a couple of seconds. 
You feel your cheeks begin to heat up as well, your collective body heat warming up the room. Sighing into the kiss, you don’t miss how expertly Leo seems to move. He’s done this kind of thing before, evidently. You aren’t too surprised, or concerned for that matter. You felt lucky just getting to know what a kiss from Leo felt like. 
It was…not bad. 
Finally, he moves away, ending your passionate exchange. You would be sure to remember this moment if you ever had to go into the principal’s office again. 
As you move to sit back up, you mimic Leo’s body language and sit across from him cross-legged. He gives you a brighter, if not slightly embarrassed, smile. 
“Well, I hope I made your prom a little less boring at least.” He scratches the back of his head. 
“You certainly did,” you sigh. “You’re a lot of things, but boring is not one of them.”
The two of you sit, finally just enjoying each other’s company. After a minute or two of joking around, Leo finally stands up. His legs were starting to go numb. 
“Let’s end this night on a high note.” He gives you that classic smile you’ve come to know so well. 
Not to let this interaction end so saccharinely sweet, you decide to take a page out of Leo’s book. Smirking, you let out a high-pitched falsetto scream. 
Your voice grates against both of your eardrums, but Leo breaks out into laughter anyway. How could he let such a brilliant joke go unrewarded?
“There, like that?”
Leo slaps you on the back before pulling you into a tight side-hug. “Perfect.”
You smile back at him. You couldn’t agree more. 
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