#unshift isn't even a word
hello [walks in here holding four balls] two of it is for 🟡🟢 hope it makes things a little better (p.s I write what I need the most on balls while I'm having them) it took me a while to write back because(writing doesn't come easy these days). I went and watched all the videos Ron was reading lyrics (I'm glad it was recorded b&w, it's more soothing to watch), through those videos he made me realize I don't need to own singer energy/voice to read my fav lyrics or song( by that i don't mean he doesn't have good voice, personally I love his voice) as a person who never finds their voice good I always shy away to sing anything feeling I embrace myself so it helped me a lot to focus on what I like there rather ponder on what I hate. I owe this Ron Mael, he is cool and has sensei vibe (thank you sir)
can I go further and say one more thing I learned from him? it was his birthday recently so I let myself a go. we all know how Ron has this aloof face and unshifting glare(I never met Ron in person, so I take this is his face), first time I heard about sparks and searched first thing that got me was his face, I didn't say 'why he is so serious? why he isn't smiling' instead my reaction was 'so cool!' before it changes to deep sadness because once I owned a face like this. when I was younger people always would tell me cheer up, to not look serious or glare at them. I didn't know what they meant, I wasn't unhappy or angry it was just my face(I didn't know I have autism then, later realized how some autistic people struggling to show emotions) but eventually their words got me. I thought I have to change it or I'm wrong then without I know I was smiling because that's what I supposed to or mimicking others facial expressions to know how to react. I became good at it tbh, people liked me more but I felt a big lie inside, when pandemic happened I noticed even away from others I couldn't have 'my face', this shattered me. till I saw photos of Ron, and thought if he can live his life fully and be successful by being who he is and everything turn fine then why can't I? there is no wrong in him or me. (insert not that well defined here :) (if this got personal, or irrelevant I apologize. I tried to not mention yet I wanted to share how they helped me in certain way)
Russell workout videos are such mood booster, it makes me feel when I get to that age I can still live good life, I won't be as old as society tells me I will be, by sparks measure we never are too old for anything, are we? there will be still time to live, to do things I love and have more. it always amazes me how they doing what they love when they almost 80 and there is still a lot for them to go(as it should). this reminded me of 'beat the clock' actually. no one should get PhD by afternoon.
I low-key know about sparkstember but not enough, would love to know more about it. maybe I take part as well. where will they share prompt? on their official page? (loved the music video. nice work)
THE RON ESSAY IS HERE AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT!! You get it. 💖 Woo! Two balls! Thank you!
(This will get long. Very long. A million tangents. I saw this ask before going to sleep last night and so I laid awake smiling thinking about Sparks to 3am. (Don't worry, it's a common occurrence among Sparks fans.) Btw you may find the "secret password" among Sparks fans is sensing another person gets it. It's a shortcut to immediate adoption into the family because we know we understand each other, we're wired in similar ways.)
I am thoroughly impressed you already watched all of the lyric reads! Ron *is* cool and has sensei vibes and his voice is amazing! *nods to all of that*! I can't sing for shit myself and Ron is critical of his singing voice as well (maybe because his brother is the best singer in the universe) but yeah I love it on the rare occasion he does sing. I love it when he speaks, he delivers his words very well. (My favourite word for Ron to say is "sensibility".) Every once in a while someone tries to compile a list of all the tracks Ron has vocals on (and then it gets lost again haha). Some honourable mentions though: he's got some backing vocals on Pineapple (they may be hard to notice), he sings on the songs Limo Driver and En Route To The Beverly Hills Hotel (from The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, he's done more vocals on it but those I love the utmost), there's a version of Suburban Homeboy that features a spoken word section by Ron (they performed the song live that way in 2022), The Shopping Mall Of Love is mostly all Ron (which they also performed live in 2022 and 2023), there's a song called "What Was That?" from the unreleased soundtrack for Mai The Psychic Girl (in the late 80's and early 90's they worked really hard for this to become a film but despite all their efforts, it didn't happen). What I think you'll *really* like as well though is the promotional video for Strange Animal, which keeps disappearing from the internet. (I guess I'm going to have to put it on Tumblr because a lot of people these days may not have seen it???)
Look at me go "blablablablabla" haha. Well, you asked for it, and Sparks fans have zero chill 😂 Anyway I'm mentioning all of these because I love that he's making you think differently about your own voice, so that's some more stuff that may be really nice :)
...Btw, don't think Russell minds if we can't sing well, he just loves it when we do. He will affectionately roast us for not reaching the notes though (performance of Equator in 2014 you will always be famous) but the only really disappointing thing would be if we *didn't* sing along. Proof:
(Quick note: great song critiquing American imperialism, while also being a metaphor for Something Else.) I love how Ron at some point is trying to talk, but you know, Russell exists, so... Good luck with that 😂
If you want to see the roasting though, start around 5:55 in the next video (though the whole thing is tremendously beautiful):
Before that time Russell keeps waiting for the audience to start singing and they just... Don't seem to want to start?? And then once he's outright said it out loud, "sing it from here!", and we start singing he soon realises why we didn't start earlier, poor man is *so* disappointed - you can see it in his entire body language, just deflated. (It must suck at times to have a voice no one can match 😅💕) But we keep at it in full force, and he's smiling that big smile of his again! Continuing to tell us off for not singing it right though, which had everyone in stitches 😂 I was at this show and it was the best! (There's more videos of it out there where you may be able to see his face better, this show was performed only a handful of times but to experience the roast from different viewpoints you want Equator from the Barbican show in London from 19 December 2014.)
Okay back to Ron (see, I got so sidetracked 😂). Everything you've said about facial expressions and the effect Ron's face has on you is so relatable. Ron being who he is gave me permission to also go back to being myself again. I've always felt that I was forced to be a certain way, and it meant I was never good enough because I'm just... Not like that. I don't want to smile if I don't mean it and at the same time if I don't smile it doesn't mean I'm not happy. Also I love that he found what he liked and just... Stuck with it. Suit, tie, moustache. And Ron went, okay that's me sorted for my entire life. It's just who he is. And it's so inspiring. It's like seeing him exist made me relax for the first time in my life. (Going to my first Sparks show was the first time in my life I ever felt at home. I'm not going on this tangent but I feel it's important to point out I learned about Sparks before I knew I was autistic and that kind of saved my life.) Back to the face thing though. The pandemic actually helped me to get my own face back. Wearing a mask all the time meant I didn't have to do all the expected facial emotions, no one was going to see them! So in putting on a mask, I dropped the autistic masking. It was a real struggle for me with my face when people expected me to take the mask of again because suddenly my face "existed" again to the outside world. It's been a struggle but I chose to try to let my face just be and my life is so much better now because of that. (It turns out that apart from my family, no one actually comments or minds my face. It's fine:)) (It's not that I never smile, it's just that when I do smile it's because it just happens and I really just feel happy. When I'm among the people who I feel really at ease with and happy around, it turns out I'm actually a lot like Russell and I'm smiling all the time!)
I love that Ron has this set in stone image, and that at the same time he can be "unexpected" - his love for air Jordan shoes, sports, snow globes, rap music, his shuffle, ...I Predict. Just because he's the Boss Accountant (badass term coined by @/archeolatry that I love SO MUCH) doesn't mean he's defined in only one dimension. (I mean we know that, he writes most of the songs and all these albums and songs are different and there's so much humour in it all. Also, see Not That Well Defined.) It's just nice as hell and so freeing.
And indeed we never are too old for anything! Russell is like the real life Peter Pan, and he's also sunshine personified - having a bad day? Not anymore, Russell exists! But anyway, back to what you said about never being too old for anything. Society is so set on telling us we need to have it all figured out at a certain age. Or that our live is over at a certain age. And it's just such a lie! (It Doesn't Have To Be That Way :)) When I was younger I felt so shitty all the time, everything about me seemed wrong and I know I'd never be what society deemed successful. What helped me so much is the constant reminder that at my age, Sparks hadn't even made so many of my favourite albums yet! Nothing is bound to age. And I have every intention to be a late bloomer, continuing to bloom throughout life. I think I'm going to be really happy when I'm 55. (Though I'm not going to be as fit as Russell is haha, it's like he eats batteries for breakfast. (He doesn't. He may have a lot of energy but also he works really hard to keep it that way and to keep his voice in shape, they don't want to perform their songs in a different key. He wants to reach the notes, and he does! I think his voice only has gotten better and better with the years, which is really not the case for any other band that's been around as long as they have.))
... It's just all so beautiful, isn't it? :) They both inspire me so much.
Which brings us to: Sparkstember :)
Sparkstember was created by our very own fellow fan @/newwaveworm (new-wave-worm on Instagram). (I'm not tagging people directly in this post because I don't want to be invasive, but they're all really nice people :)) The first Sparkstember was in 2021, and in 2022 it seemed to have caught on on a bigger scale. Sparks shared the prompts list and shared so much of everyone's stuff! They were loving it. Same in 2023. (If you've seen what Instagram and tumblr looked like on Ron's birthday - that's a preview of how it gets on there during Sparkstember, but then it goes on for the full month!) Sparks have at some point sent newwaveworm a parcel with gifts and signed stuff to say thank you for coming up with Sparkstember, it's really sweet. They've even spoken about Sparkstember in an interview last year! You can read it here. (Both of the art pieces Russell and Ron mentioned in the article were made by @/nedison, who's day was obviously made when they saw this - it was so cool!)
I don't know the prompts list yet for this year as so far they usually get posted close to the last week of August, but here's the one for 2022 and the one for 2023 to give you an idea. I'm personally assuming it'll be similar this year (I don't really know that for sure though!) so I've started working on the early albums.
Sparkstember to me is just a really lovely time and people interact with each other a lot, I've shared almost all the pieces people made in 2023 and 2022 on my Instagram page (pineapplefulfillseveryneed) and put them in highlights so if you want, you can see what Sparkstember is like. (Don't worry, I can't see who looks at my Instagram story highlights, so your anonymous cover won't be blown :)) Honestly, to me Sparkstember is near the same level of exciting as a Sparks tour or the release of new material. The entire fandom comes together to tell Sparks how much we love them and it's just a joy to feel so connected to everyone, see so much cool art and make new friends. In a lot of ways it truly feels similar to when there's a tour and people travel from all over the world just to see Sparks. (Sometimes art made by fans ends up in the fanclub newsletter later on as well so that's another exciting thing! I've never made it in though, and it would be a huge honour if at some point I did. So if you do end up making stuff, there's always a small chance that that may happen :))
Don't feel pressured to create something for every day if you partake though, any and all participation is super cool and super appreciated! Picking the days you like best is what I'd recommend because it's supposed to be fun and not stressful :) I consistently truly have a lot more time than most people (because I've been unable to function in society in a normal way) and it's still incredibly challenging to the point it almost makes me ill at times. (I don't sleep well at all for the entire month, both because I'm so excited and because I'm very audhd which means I suck at planning and end up not having anything ready for the next day so then I still have to come up with something. It takes up literally all my time and my brain can't catch a break 😅) ... You've had a little taste of what Sparks fans are like though, so yeah we're just a little bit mad like that because we love them so much. (Sparks is a little bit mad as well though, in 2008 they played 21 concerts over 21 days, playing a different full album every day. I didn't get to witness that but it's one of my favourite things they've ever done, there's quite a bit of footage of it on YouTube and they're some of my favourite concerts! I always think about that during Sparkstember, because who but Sparks and who but Sparks fans would do something like that.)
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rk-ocs · 7 months
As its Desmonds Birthday, I'm going to upload an old fic with him in it, and also a varient if my OC, Red Jordan-Ryan
This one was an AU set in a universe where Desmond was Mechanic, Red is not a time traveler and never left home or changed her name, her cousin is a twin, and oh yah its set in the xman verse, and Desmond has Charles power, Red is Reven, and Aiden is Magneto, at least powerwise if not personality.
Burn like the sun
Sometimes Desmond likes to play hero. Mostly he uses his talent to avoid, to hide. He knows when someone sees him, and exactly what they think about him. He works at an auto body shop in Chicago. Mostly they internally bitch at him over prices.
He's on vacation. Exploring Quebec , and struggling with the pronunciation even if he can find the words he needs in their minds.
He steps into the connivance store to prevent a robbery, to talk a situation down.
He didn't expect anything to come of it.
Carnelian is like him. Her talent is changing.  She is the shift.
She shifts forms as easily as breathing.
Unshifted, she is pale blue, with eyes like silver and hair like gold.
He finds himself helping her. She's a child, and for all her cousin loves her, she doesn't know how to help her fit in.
Desmond does. They sit at the window and people watch , and he tells her about them. Tells her about trends and fashion and how other people blend in.
Before he goes, she decides her main shift. It consists of vibrantly blonde hair, dark blue eyes, tan skin, and it has a scar on her lip.
He's a bit confused that out of any detail that she would use from him, she chose that, but she is notoriously stubborn.
He gives her his email, and they exchange letters regularly.
Until he disappears.
Carnelians main male alter ego, contains traits from her cousins and from Desmond.
If anyone were to ask, she's not sure whether she would claim to be their cousin or their kid.
She has his coloring, with her features.
She's never told them about this male alter.
She never tells them about a lot of things she gets up to.
For all that she  will practice Javelin with Monique, and critique Derek's buildings, and religiously email Desmond, but she has her own hobbies too.
Probably not ones they would approve of, particularly hacking.
She's learning. She has a talent for computers, and its fascinating stuff.
Her contacts build up, lawful and lawless.  She calls this Alias "Ghost", because none of her contacts ever see the same face or persona.
Maybe it will get her killed someday.
She likes to think she is more careful then that.
She has IDs set up if they need to disappear.  She's worried about Desmond, he's being followed. They've never talked about it, but sometimes Monique will insist on being with him, and Derek will "insist" Desmond stay another night, because tonight would be "terrible for driving" .
She's not stupid.
She doesn't know what "They" want with Desmond,  but she does know she is in the best position to do something when "They" come.
She can be anyone, after all.
She will be anyone, to help Desmond get away. She owes him, after he helped teach her to blend enough to be around people.
He's sort of family at this point, and there isn't a lot she wouldn't do for family.
It's one of Carnelian's contacts in Chicago that tells them Desmond has disappeared.
Derek and Monique are going to have to have a chat with Carnelian, about just what she gets up to in her spare time, because contacts..? When did she get contacts.  What Does she need with all these connections, and fake IDs.
Just because she can shift, doesn't mean she needs to use it for this. What is she planning? 
But first, Desmond. Where did he disappear to?
Carnelian already had people on that.
Aiden Pearce was a fixer, who Carnelian had never met, but heard was talented and willing to work, but also extremely antisocial. He also occasionally fancied himself a hero, and Carnelian was hoping this trait would work in their favor when she agreed to meet him in person to exchange information.  Or maybe Brenks would be useful at least.  He was good when paid
Derek was going to meet these fixers with her. It was going to be expensive, but there was no way they were going to let their friend be kidnaped.  Particularly not a mutant. Not in this kind of environment. Would anyone else even look if they knew?
"I can be intimidating enough, Derek," Carnelian complained again. She shifted into a tall muscled man. "I can be anyone and everyone.  I could probably be Aiden, and get the information myself, provided I do a job. I hear he gets a lot of leeway to be rude, because they are aware he's talented, and hope for him to owe them one."
"You're not doing that, Carnelian."
"For the last time, I'm coming with you. You can be a scary looking man if you want, but I'm still coming."
She went and sat in the driver's seat, and shifted into a man.
"You're not driving. You're too young to drive. "
" I have a license."
"What lunatic gave you a license?!"
"Hey! This one is legit. I went to school for it."
"This one is legit?" How many forged licenses does she have!
"Just get in the car."
Derek got in the car, for lack of any better options. He could spend the ride asking her what other highly illegal activities she has been up to.
Damien had to admit, It was strange to be involved in a missing persons case.  Normally, they went through proper channels for these, but Ghost was known for paying well for quality work. And Aiden had insisted on meeting him.  Which was unusual.
There were several mismatched descriptions of his appearance, and while ghost was known as a decent hacker, his disguise abilities were why he was hired, when he took Jobs anyways.
So what did he want with Desmond Miles?
Desmond's Id was fake. Oh, he had no doubt that the guy's name was real, but a bit of digging revealed a lot of holes in it. For Ghost to reach out to so many people about his disappearance, had to mean something important.
He had asked for a face to face meeting to talk.  Face to face encounters could be very informative. People were easier to read these days, and he wanted to see Ghosts disguise skills in action. He might be someone worth working with in the future if this went well. 
He frowned at his coffee.  It was running low, and Aiden still wasn't here. What the hell was he even doing?
He got up to get more coffee. Aiden could pay for his own damn coffee when he was this late.
When he got back to his table, Aiden was there with two unknown men.
One was a tall skinny blond ,  where the other was short, muscular , and darker than his companion. They both wore jeans and cool gray hoodies.
Aiden was frowning at the taller one. Aiden is fingering a metal memory stick,  and the last thing Damien wants is for a fight to break out between them in a public cafe. So many witnesses.
The shorter male turns around, and fingers an envelope, before tucking it back into his sweater.
"You must be Damien."
"And you are."
"I am Ghost. And this is Interceptor."
'Interceptor' shot him a dark look. Apparently they had failed to talk this over before arriving.
"Now ,what happened to Desmond Miles."
Ghost was unexpectedly blunt. This was not how he was used to information drops going.
Aiden, however, laughed. He waved a memory stick at Ghost. Ghost in turn waved $500 at him.  Interceptor offered a laptop, and Aiden inserted the memory stick, and snagged the bills.
Ghost and Interceptor watched the footage they had gotten of Desmond's kidnapping.
"What do you know of Abstergo?"
Ghost asked.
"Officially they are electronics and entertainment. Gary  once told me that he once was writing a book on the CIA, and mentioned that Abstergo has interests in every large company across the  planet."
"Can I talk to Gary?"
"Gary died in 2004, and all his notes disappeared ."
"That seems suspicious."
"It does, doesn't it."
"So, officially Desmond was kidnaped by the TV company."
"Perhaps they needed a cheap mechanic."
"Haha. Very Funny." Ghost told him Deadpan.
"Why is Desmond so important to you anyways? He's a mechanic, and beyond his fake Id, he doesn't seem to be particularly interesting"
"He's... Talented alright."
"And almost family.  So, where do you think he has been taken?"
Aiden stared hard at Ghost.
"Pay up the rest. "
"Yah, yah."
He handed over the envelope , and Aiden checked it, before handing over half to Daimon.
"Kent, Ohio. I have a map of the route they took on this stick."
Ghost took the memory stick.
"Thank you."
Interceptor packed up the laptop.
Aiden caught Ghost before he left the booth." I assume you are going for a plan with infiltration, first, but would you say no to backup?"
Ghost smiled. "At what price."
"Warren Vidics . I'll get you a password, if you can get his card, and a good disguise."
Ghost gave him a thumbs up. "Hell yeah. You've had us covered, right?"
"Just who do you think you are talking to?" Aiden asked, mock offended.
"Where shall we meet up later?"
"Remember that Coffee shop in Fort Wayne."
"Sounds like a good place to switch cars."
"See you there then."
Ghost and Interceptor left, and Damien stole Aidens hat to get his attention.  While Aiden glared at him, Damien asked his question.
"What the Hell is going on?"
Aiden Pearce had a way with metal.
It wasn't something he went out of his way to show off.  Mutants were not looked on favorably , to say the least.
It had interesting uses in his line of work. His shots were more accurate, he wasn't in the habit of getting hit by bullets, it did some interesting things to cars, and it made locks impossible or open without his say-so.
He didn't use his "Talent" more creatively, unless he was off camera.
That's when he met Carnelian.
He had  frozen his pursuers in place  by dropping their pants by the Zipper, stolen their  guns and shot them with them, when he heard a voice comment on it.
"Hey that was pretty cool? Are you some kind of telekinetic?"
He had turned his gun on the man, and he had been pretty sure he was alone, and was not about to have the secret blown now.
"Woah buddy!  I'm not bulletproof! watch where you point that thing. "
He hadn't been amused."
"I am the last person in the world who would talk about something like that."
The man had insisted.
The man was now a woman.
"I think we can work something out", she insisted, before she became his doppelgänger.
"This ought to be suitably confusing, right." She had insisted, in his voice.
Well, he had no intention of shooting him after that.
Once he was back in the safe house , he turned to the unknown, whose zipper was not real, or so his metal "sense" told him.
"So, let's work something out." He told the man.``
Desmond was working on the Abstergo scenario. He knew Lucy had orders to eventually get him out after he gave them what they wanted, though he was not sure where her loyalties lay. He was also aware Viddic wasn't kidding with his coma threats. He was working with them, hoping to get out of this situation with everyone intact, and disappear again.
He was dubious of his ability to last that long. It was bad enough hearing everyone's thoughts in the present. All the time in the Animus has given him access to the thoughts of people in the past.  What's more , his ancestors " talent" was showing up in the present. Sometimes his eyes would glow gold, and show him secrets. Sometimes he thought he heard the Animus talking to him.
Sometimes in his waking moments, he was Altaïr.
Some days, he thought he heard Carnelian asking him to get Viddic's Wallet for her. She told him she had a plan to get him out of there. She kept asking him to log into a Runescape account she had set up, and go onto a chat with her.
But Carnelian was supposed to be in Quebec.
And her voice in his head kept telling him how to Log into Vidic's computer.
Something had to give.
So, after a particularly long session, when he was supposed to be asleep, he went to the computer, and Logged in
"Des, what the Hell Kept you?" RockinRed4012778 demanded.
No really Dude, I've been calling out to you for days, and you weren't doing anything about it. I've been in the chat for days, you should be able to hear me.
Did whatever they've had you doing ,scramble your brains completely?
"Your in" he types
-"Yes" she thinks. "Send me a face so  I know you comprehend me."
:  (
-"She thinks.
-"Not tomorrow, but the day after,  Viddic and Lucy have a meeting, at seven PM. I'm going to get someone to delay Lucy long enough that I can come in as her, get you, and Go. "
:  )
"Do you think you can get me Viddic's bank cards?
"Why" he typed
"I promised someone a favor for this."
It probably won't be hard to get that with his pick pocketing skills, if Viddic has it on him.
"If he has it." He types
"He will," she assures him.
She keeps expecting something to go wrong. For someone to demand to know what she's doing.
Nothing happens.
She gets Desmond, he holds up the cards, and off they go.
It's bizarre.
Not even her bank Robbery, where she takes the bank card Desmond got her, goes to the bank as Viddic, and withdraws everything with the password Aiden got her, goes off without a hitch.
She gives Aiden most of the money, and they Drive off to meet Monique at Hell, Michigan.
She supposes This is Monique's expressing displeasure at staying behind for this adventure.
"Remember How you wanted to live in New Brunswick, once"
Derek looks over at his little cousin in confusion.
"What does this have to do with anything?"
"I think you guys should go there. You have the money, after all."
"What are you getting at?"
"I'm thinking you should marry Desmond, have him take our last name, and more importantly Canadian citizenship, and have him add our new fortunes to your accounts, under his temporary false name. Because the two of you are afraid aunt Eleanor and Uncle David won't be understanding of your Sexuality, the two of you eloped and went to New Brunswick."
"I'm not Gay, Kiddo."
"I know. You don't have a type.  
"Why did you even suggest this then," Derek asks, looking back at the sleeping Desmond drooling on the window.
"He's family. I want the world to know it. I want him to be a cousin. "
"He already is family."
" I know. It just seemed to be a pretty good idea. No one could question it that way."
"They always will kiddo. Why didn't you suggest Monique. She actually likes Men."
"And have her give up Javelin, to go into hiding?"
"Do you think even that would get in the way of her  Javelin training? Or throwing sports in general."
"Might make it hard for her to be the world champion."
"We will figure something out kiddo."
We spent the rest of the drive talking about plans."
When Monique saw Derek and Desmond walk into screams Ice cream, she gave them each a bear hug .
"I still don't understand Why you didn't take me?"
"It was a stealth mission, Monique"
"I can be stealthy. "
"Sure you can."
"I brought the stuff. "
"We've switched cars a few times. Let's drive this one somewhere else to drop it , and then stick to your car.  How does living in Ontario sound Desmond  Ryan?"
"You're going to be a cousin. We will work out the legalities."
"How does Sudbury sound?"
"I can be a mechanic in Sudbury. Just so long as it doesn't require me to fake an accent. "
"Keep your nose clean."
"Carnelian, we have a lot to talk about, in that department, regarding your hobbies."
"Yes I have some useful hobbies, don't I."
"Kid. Quit while you're ahead."
Desmond Advised.
"You have some explaining to do."
Monique insisted.
"First off , I'd like to ask why you never outright let me be involved in the plans about "the people who follow Desmond."
"Nope, we asked first. Start talking Kiddo."
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goodnight-islanders · 2 years
I woke up at 4:30 am with an insane headache and in my half asleep, miserable state my brain was like okay but what if Asher had the opposite problem of Milo and he couldn't un-shift
And as I was trying to go back to sleep I was thinking of all the angst potential until I was just like nah fam this is actually a comedy
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
this isn't smut but I had this ideal so choose either Izuku, Shouto, Kirishima, or Kaminari for the werewolf. whatever happens after or during when my request takes place is up to you. all I really want is any of these boys as werewolves and me (reader) casually inserted in that life. 0/2
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midoriya izuku x reader
a/n: I CHOSE YOU, DEKU! okay but like this has great potential to be an actual multichapter story.... i dont think i could do it.... but someone out there. this idea is great!!!!!
Midoriya Izuku was not one who liked to follow the rules when his instincts told him to do something.
Ever since he was young, he wanted to know what lay outside of the marked boundaries of his world. The thickets of trees and forest was all he was able to see. The only thing he was able to go near was the large boulder with the enscribed words of the elders. DO NOT PASS!
Even when he wanted to, when he was mere millimeters from passing the boundary he always hesitated and pulled away in a panicked sweat. He wasn’t much of a rule breaker. 
But after a midnight hunt, Midoriya found himself on the wrong side of the boundary. His eyes wide as he looked around trying to figure out where he went wrong. There’s movement by a tree that alerts him of another’s prescene, and he takes off in hopes it’s someone he knows.
Instead it’s a girl. Her clothes are dirty, torn, and shes desperately trying to climb a true. So, Midoriya was confused. Why was a lone wolf out here? Especially in an unshifted state so late at night?
He bounds over, and her necks snaps in his direction, and a frightened scream escapes her lips as she falls off the tree trunk, passed out cold.
Not wishing to leave her on the ground, Midoriya raced over and checked her pulse. A lot lower than it should be, but there was a pulse. The question was now, what to do with her, and there was a feeling in his gut that Midoriya should take her. So shifting out from his form, he scooped her up and walked back in the direction of which he thought he had come from.
When he entered the village, everyone was surrounding him. Apparently he had been lost for days, and the mysterious girl still passed out in his arms made his entrance even more dramatic.
Whispers and murmurs surrounded him as he continued walking down the pathway. The elders awaiting him at the tent.
“Is that???”
“No! It couldn’t be!!!”
“It’s a human.” The elder speaks well before Midoriya is close. The shocked gasps echo around the village, and Midoriya stills.
Humans were legends. Myths. The monster under the bed used to frighten children into behaving.
“It can’t be...” Midoriya states out loud, and the elder locks eyes on him
“It’s real, even from here I can tell. Do you see how low her body heat is? She’s an ice demon!”
And Midoriya can only stare at the girls unconscious face, and it just seems too pretty to be a demon.
This can’t be real.
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aredites · 3 years
I do not accept the Terms of Submission
Your eyes are affixed to a screen. As you scan the screen with your eyes, patterns become visible to you. Your mind starts by searching for familiarity. This particular collection of words here is formed by lines your brain has thoroughly memorized, and they appear to retain some kind of meaning behind them, but they don't. These words, they are lines made of pixels, there is no objective meaning behind them at all. It's 100% coincidence that that these lines retain any semblance of order signifying any kind of meaning, quite literally, they are coinciding incidents, two separate pressurized systems with conflicting values, surging into each others in a desperate and violent need to fill the vacuums which our nature so clearly abhors.  You're reading static right now. This is the epitome of chaos, but the limits of your finite perceptions create the illusion of unshifting permanence, as though reality were some cosmic flip book animation. No matter how thoroughly you try to showcase evidence of infinity to those who are trapped inside finite systems, all they will ever experience is finite measurements. To the finite, there is no difference between the limits of their personal perceptions and infinity, everything beyond their perceptions can only be engaged with through abstractions and caricatures which create bastardized images which profane the true nature of the infinite. What you know as information is merely matter in a formation, a pattern. What you think of as yourself, your body and mind and the chain of memories you've built with them, these things are all finite, they're constrained and have definitive values which separate them from the rest of reality. This Universe is a place of patterns, a place where anything that can happen once, can happen any number of times, and in fact probably already has.  The law of conservation of energy is one of the central pillars of scientific thought and insight. The materials don't ever go anywhere, they just change form and formation for a while. This is troublesome because all human societies are ruled by a pervasive lie that implies you only live once.  Your body may fall apart in death, but its pattern isn't unique, and the materials will still exist afterwards. Even if it takes a trillion years for your parts to regain the pattern they have now, whatever, it's not like there's anywhere else for the materials to go, there's only one, infinitely layered Universe, For better or for worse, all of us are trapped here, together, forever, with zero possibilities of escape.  The only choice is to submit, the only choice is submission. Even to grasp hold of fate and destiny through furious and bloody struggle will bring no hope. The salamander falls apart, for the word is now it's perfect burden, and its only chance to save Face. 
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ryvxn · 3 years
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ — #𝐫𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐦 ; personal inscription.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 , 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐥, 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 — 𝟓𝟕𝟗
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠. mention of blood, infant murder
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the silence raised from unwatered graves. hand clenched tightly, nails leaving the small crescent shape on the thin skin of her palm. the anger she had, held all those years — cool, blue and unshifting became red, so red, she felt like it would explode soon. the one that she was so used to cool down burnt her soul, created a state of delusion that it alone could destroy the palace that tried to cage her. she stood there, her anger creating an act so bad that she struggled to move. — and that devourer wrath reminded her once again how to be her was to be the daughter of deserts. at best a mirage and at worst a massacre.
she opened the eyes that she closed so tightly. two eyes the colour of anger, a ring of cold, a belt of blood. her gaze wandered on the stone stairs that stood tall — the one every monarch climbed as a part of the enthronement ceremony.
she took a delicate breath — like the dawn that did not begin to break. like the darkness that begun to relent, promising that later on the darkness would slowly, utterly slowly, be sifted through with light.
— then, the silence grew with noise.
“ your highness. ” she heard someone call her. even from the way the other chose to address the hidden and forgotten, she understood the other was her person. someone who swore her loyalty and proved it years ago. “ your highness hwajoon and hwarang lee sun left the palace just now. they were sent to baekje frontiers by your majesty. ”
yihwa acknowledged the information with a nod of her head. she was already informed by her brother's trip to the frontier — he wrote it as a reply to her letter on which she engraved a small lotus. a sign for only them and no one else. then, she turned to look behind, to the chamber of hwajoon's mother as the older woman's words echoed in her ears.
yihwa noticed how confident she sounded. as if she had something planned, as if she was so sure that her son would be the next possessor of the throne. — and she was so confident that she did not even bother to pretend she was worried for the king's health. her attitude alone made yihwa understand there was someone else that carried the same purpose with her and that person was not her brother but his mother.
yihwa had to do something soon. — and she would do it simple. a small breath filling the world with tremendous thunder.
“ go check the army, ” yihwa commanded, “ be sure that they are prepared. we have to move fast when hwajoon isn't here or the queen might act before us. ”
yihwa turned on her heels to leave, only to be stopped by the vigilant question of the other.
“ will you be safe? ”
she paused abruptly.
there was no safe place for her. to trust such place and sentiment existed at all was to be vulnerable. if she ever believed that her heart would certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. yihwa locked that sentiment up safe in the casket and coffin of her selfishness. – safe, dark, motionless, airless. that was the advice she followed soon after someone told her: the only place outside heaven where she could be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of fallacy was hell.
“ i will. you just focus on the army preparation. ”
— to be sure that they were ready to bring to the place the silence of the hanged and massacred.
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the wound was the place light entered one. however, the light that leaked through her wound was not the light of salvation but of the one that brought greed, lust and wrath. it seemed naturally part of her, such that yihwa failed to notice what made it vicious. after all, humans made love, and ate, and killed with the very same hands. — why would she think the light was any different?
“ have you thought long enough before accepting my agreement? ”
his warning stayed in mid-air. the reflection of hell's fire brightened his eyes as he wore a sinister smile, whereas yihwa only nodded her head. she thought enough, long enough to notice she could never understand why a demon like him would want a child. — she almost scoffed thinking ironically, her father as well, wanted a child before she was born. then the scouring griefs surrounded him, encompassing the kind of love he could feel.
“ why do you want a child? ” she still asked, eyes searching his. — the fact was that she did not trust the demon was inevitable but she still wished to hear an answer.
“ everyone wants someone to continue the lineage. ”
his words were adorned by the finest lies, however, did not manage to veil his antithesis. — yihwa felt bad for the child that was yet to be born but whose fate was already shaped. perhaps different than hers but still caged by the very same sentiments.
— no, she wanted to say, you just want to create the monster you couldn't be.
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grief was an eclipse, it came and it went. soon after her father's death and her brother's departure, yihwa stood in front of the army, the spirit of the bengal tiger covering her fragile vessel. she held the burning arrow between her fingers and recalled the last words the demon said before they parted the ways:
“ do not let their dead blood stain the palace. you need to burn them to kill their death odourising souls. ”
she drew the bow, let the key of inferno burn the edge of the arrow and then, freed it.
the crimson coloured blood did not let the palace grounds rest that day. — and mercy walked away. the small army took the chance to surround the grounds and took the life one by one. as if the cloud of death visited the earth once again, this time to take not only the firstborns but everyone born with the cursed blood of royals. — and even of those that chose to follow them.
“ you highness, please. she is just an infant. ”
yihwa, herself was once an infant when her father found her worthless. it was his biggest mistake.
yihwa was a couple of years older than an infant when her mother placed a dagger on her palm and ordered her to destroy what made her weak, what she adored. — she killed the puppy that made her feel more human than ever when she was a couple of years older than an infant.
she was still a child when the palace stood against her. — and now, she was strong enough to not make the very same mistakes.
yihwa rose the sword and allowed it to cut the cotton-like skin of the unfortunate baby. — and she did not cry or showed any kind of reaction. not until she entered the throne hall, noticed how cold and empty it was.
her body trembled as she stared at the phantom of the blood that covered her hands. whispers of apology slipped from her mouth to cut the silence of the hall as she leaned against the throne and realized she did not win as much as she believed. — she lost something there. like a path she was walking that dead-ended, and now she was alone and lost in the forest, and she was here and she did not know where here was anymore.
“ your high — your majesty. ” the same maid she talked just a few days ago asked for permission to approach her. the way she addressed yihwa was always so accurate, she sat beside yihwa and began to clean the blood on her face hastily with a wet cloth.
“ you should never leave blood on your skin, your majesty, ” she spoke, cleaning yihwa's face. “ the scent might pull nightwalkers here. ”
yihwa was too tired to ask who nightwalkers were. she was too exhausted to remind the other water was too pure to clean her sins and blood was now engraved on her skin.
“ why are you so scared of them? and not from me? ”
the maid smiled at her painfully, “ i'm scared of you, ” she admitted, “ but compared to them, you're still a human. ”
just like the words of queen that brought nothing but confusion to yihwa, the maid's explanation behaved in the same manner. she watched the older woman clean her face before the other excused herself to leave — abandoning yihwa in the darkness of her realm.
pushing her body to stand up, yihwa slowly approached the window to look up at the sky. the moonlight once again showed itself, breaking free from the shadow of the eclipse. however, instead of admiring the beauty of it, yihwa looked front — to the shadows of the garden where pair of crimson coloured eyes stared at her.
the night offered silence.
then, those pair of eyes pained it with noise, with screams and with blood of others.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ i hold
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ thousands of dreams
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ behind my eyelids,
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ and myriad glowing desires
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ within my heart.
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disclaimer. thank you so much to zorian, park hoon and sage ambrose for allowing me to mention their muses and / or parts of plots we planned. every mun had permitted for them to be mentioned.
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