#until then. yeehaw
bbqhooligan · 3 months
me on my way to spew bullshit under the comment section of an extremely well written fanfic that goes like *ape noises angry ape noises happy chimp noises gorilla roar gorilla roar gorilla roar*
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keymintt · 1 year
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the past will devour you; it will wear the shape of an unrecognizable present
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fatherentropy · 1 year
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Xelzaz's line on Maormer made me chuckle because... y'know. Yorick. Also been rocking a hood w/ his usual face mask so you can't see shit on his head so he could easily pass for whatever which is fun for situations like this??? idk Anyway!!
Playable Maormer w/o needing mods when (never, I know but shh)
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I might be the only person that jokingly threatens people I'm comfortable with but y'know. Never said I was good with people. Said the opposite actually lmao
Also I keep drawing Yorick as super aggro but I think that's just the Nebarra effect because he's a space cadet tbh.
was gonna have Xel and Lucifer say something at the end here but I... forgot what but also not happy with these faces because blah blah argonian hard blah. Same thing I'm always complaining about lmao
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anyway, silly nonsense that's probably funnier in my head but now it's OUT of my head and that's what's really more important tbh. That all of you have to be inflicted with it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
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spectraltenkai · 1 month
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Song: The Wild East
Final five pics for the month! Kicking it off with one of the Feisty Five members from Undertale Yellow- the leader, SHERIFF NORTH STAR!
I remember when I played UTYellow a while ago, I saw fanart of him for maybe a split second and went 'huh, would be funny if that one became a favorite of mine' and uh... yep! FAST FAVORITE! I will not say why due to spoilers as per usual, but he's just great-
In other words please watch/play Undertale Yellow it's an amazing fangame that I swear I know is fanon but feels canon with how perfectly it was crafted! Thank you UTYellow team, you made me remember of the glory days of playing the original Undertale game back in 2015~
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aerkame · 1 year
Dude I am loving this finfolk au of yours with welcome home! I would love to know more, especially how someone might accidentally end up on the island. Like, does home just send puppets sometimes if they think they'd be a good addition or does Wally leave to play matchmaker if someone feels lonely? Is there an economy where they sell or interact with the mainland? And I wanna know more about how Howdy's poison works and hope to see his full finman form, kinda got a crush on him. Keep doing what you do!
Ehehehe- I decided to use Howdy for anatomy practice today since you like him so much, I'll definitely try to come up with a full form for him tomorrow or this week :)
But it's nice to hear more and more people enjoy this AU! (Anatomy notes and some sketches at the bottom if anyone is curious) I'll answer as much as I can for this ask. Right below this lovely picture.
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Usually people don't just end up on the island of Home "by accident". Say that someone were to be on a ship and suddenly a storm forms out of nowhere, sinking what is left and the stranger is carried to Home by a strong current. It's no accident, but it's set up to look like one.
Wally, is usually the one to make storms way out there. He never explains it, but it's already a well known fact that Home probably told him to do this. If not storms though, one or two of the neighbors do leave for the mainland to retrieve the new neighbor. Whether it be by force or deception. Finfolk (much like in Orkney Folklore) are known for kidnapping and deception so it's no surprise that they usually go this route.
However, if a neighbor takes a liking to someone they may take their sweet time on mainland. Disguised as a whole other puppet (they are known to be shapeshifters), they would most likely butter up their darling until it's too late for them to realize what danger they're in. Off to Home they go!
Even if it seems random, there is always a reason why Home might send someone out to retrieve a new neighbor to add. No one will know what reason, but sometimes Wally is the one to set things up as well. And yes, sometimes he will play matchmaker, it makes him smile to see someone in love (even though most finfolk are just borderline obsessed with puppets on mainland). I guess you could call him Cupid The Fish Demon. "That person seemed so sweet...I think Howdy would love them. What do you think Home?"
There is surprisingly somewhat of an economy that they have on the mainland. Like I've stated before, this is a universe where just about any mythical/folklore creature exists. There would of course be a market for all things magical or purposeful. It's pretty much just Howdy on the Mainland that handles his own seafood restaurant, but usually he's away at Home or handling business with an underground potion shop. The restaurant is handled by trusted employees while he's gone (he's like an owner that checks in every once and a while, probably 3 times a month to make sure things are going smoothly).
The majority of his potions are made at Home, the only place he feels his work is safe at. The potions aren't like that of Wally's work or any of the neighbor's, instead he focuses on more deadlier concoctions. Need someone to go into a never ending sleep? He's got a potion for that. Need someone to get mysteriously sick and die over a long period of time? He's got you covered. Most of his ingredients come from exotic and unknown fish native only to the waters surrounding Home. Though sometimes he will use himself for some potions that are non-lethal.
His scales and fur are usually coated in a thin layer of a slick substance. It is a neurotoxin, affecting the nerves and causing a range of symptoms depending on how much is touched or consumed (usually it's worse if you consume it). Most common symptoms are tingling, numbness, burning sensations, paralysis and sometimes loss of consciousness (though it's short unless you really take in a lot of it). He usually uses this in potions that are meant as a sort of tranq or sedative. Some potions made for causing specifically paralysis (he uses other ingredients to make it last a long while.), sleeping death (sleeping, but it outwardly appears like the person is dead when they're not), severe pain, or a potion for a long and painful death.
No matter what he makes, Howdy is proficient in it. He prides himself in his work like no other.
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Some Notes
I know it may sound boring to most, but the best way I did this was looking at muscles for a good 30 minutes and drawing out different shapes that look similar to each muscle. A lot of the muscles look like stretched out diamond shapes or oddly shaped pancakes stacked on top of each other. As for the arms, you can use the chain method on them even with Howdy, it's just at an angle.
You should practice on paper first, but if you are struggling with proportions then try it digitally. Select areas (like a limb) that might seem out of place and resize it until the proportions look okay. This way you can learn how to fix the proportions and later hopefully not need to resize anything in the future.
A note for drawing buff dudes is that the muscles tend to stack on each other like misshapen pancakes or balls of dough. It's not exactly an oval or diamond, but it's shape is stretchable and changing. As for the legs, Men tend to have very square-ish hips and more blocky looking thigh muscles.
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freakshowcowboy · 2 months
i waas literally about to make a post saying that i will not believe the bi buck speculation until he is on my screen bisexualizing but "Buck grows envious as Eddie forms a close bond with someone else" and theres circus music emanating from within me
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gayestcowboy · 2 months
i have to register for next year’s classes at 8am tomorrow and the only thing going through my head is registrationpilled classmaxxer
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
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Happy horse pack release day, darlings! 🐎
Well, despite the runaround I gave you all, I may have known for quite a while that we were going West. More specifically, I knew that we were going to the American Southwest to make Antoine’s cowboy dreams come true and weather the storms of the 1930s.
So whatever anyone says I will forever and always believe this pack was released at exactly this time for Antoine and all of our Darlingtons. We’ve still got a couple of posts left of the 1920s next week but for now, please have this snippet of the yeehaw Antoine days to come.
(In another moment of serendipity, I actually took this screenie a while back to test @moon-simmers marvelous new upcoming collection that I cannot wait to use on our 1930s gentlemen. So my many thanks to you Matt! 😘)
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Can you tell any info or HC you have for Rex Marksley?
Oh, in my hc he had the fattest ego. How could he not? His parents let him do what he wanted, he invented the coolest thing-a-ma-jigs, all self-taught, everyone, and their mother was in love with him, and he literally didn't know what fear was. What else would he think? He's the coolest guy in the whole world.
Now, when Ravaxis inevitably makes his rounds, that will humble him reallll good. He wouldn't know whether to feel pride in his bloodline or jealousy. Probably more jealousy. He'll hold back because it's not like he flaunts his ego. He takes pride in not being super annoying about how great he thinks he is, which makes him think of himself as even greater.
"Incredible, skillful, handsome, humble. That's you Rex Marksley" (He would say to himself in the mirror thinking that knowing how to keep your trap shut = being humble)
One thing that he was verrryy envious of was Gidget. He always wanted to build his very own human-ish robot, but he always failed. It tore him down for a little while, but eventually, he just accepted that it was just not in his skillset. But then he sees that Ravaxis has got his own robot pal and now Rex CAN'T accept that it's not in his skillset. Now, I don't think Ravaxis built Gidget, but it doesn't matter because Rex thinks he did. He doesn't want to ask him for help because he's super determined to be able to do it on his own. Spoiler alert: He can't. Another massive hit on his ego.
But no worries! Because there's a certain titanium robot out there that is more than happy to reinflate his ego. He'd even volunteer to become his personal robot if Rex really wanted that! (Rex never wanted that)
Now I did some digging and found mostly fan content, especially with The Spine just melting over the guy, but then I found something REAALLL interesting (Tw)
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The color difference between him and the house suggests it's just the window. Unless they opted to use the window to cover it up.
But could you imagine how crazy that would be if it was real? How would that change his character??? His lore????
Either way, something bad happened, or something bad's been happening and HOOOO boy
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butchfalin · 8 months
realizing that a p5r false reality bad ending fic could be nearly indistinguishable from an ooc "akechi never did anything wrong" no metaverse high school au and amusing myself about it
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dahldahlbills · 3 months
just hit 50k in cryptids wip :’)
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mephileswhisper · 1 month
funny little idea I have in regards to western aus is that mephiles' place in those kinds of aus is explained because of his time travel interference. in that he got stuck in that era, and since he was there a while trying to resync his abilities, he came back to the present with an accent which people in the sonic cast definitely questioned him for
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nim-lock · 8 months
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thanks me friend for saving me $3k in damage restoration company costs
I must still spend $2k in refinishing the floor but that is a non-negotiable amount after the sewer backed up into my carpet
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solradguy · 9 months
This isn’t Johnny discourse but it is kind of discourse about the discourse about him balding (which he isn’t).
What would it matter if he took off his hat and he was a shining beacon?? The dude canonically fucks (well not canon-canon but I feel like there’s implications of fucks-ing)!! At the most, he would be a Pitbull reference and that would be cool because good for Daisuke. Listen to Timber by Ke$ha (feat. Pitbull).
It kind of felt like they were making jokes at the expense of people loosing hair. It’s like that thing where you shouldn’t make fun of people for ‘X’ because then your friends who ‘X’ will know you think that about them.
John E is cool. I think he’s lame but he’s cool.
-A concerned Jellyfish Pirate
Idk anything about Pitbull, to be honest, but my GOD does he look like he's having the time of his life in the Timber video hahah Been a while since I heard that song...
Anyway, Johnny totally fucks. There's no way a man that toned, running around shirtless all of the time, with that slight yeehaw accent, couldn't find someone DTF with the tiniest bit of effort. He's absolutely gettin it rofl He could still get it if he was bald too, or receding.
I've complained about it on here a bit already, but yeah I don't think people making fun of Johnny because they think he's losing hair realize that a lot of people in real life are going to lose their hair as they age, and their jokes at Johnny are also jokes at these people. It's not even just an issue cis men can have either, everyone's hair thins with age, some just more (and sooner) than others. To make fun of someone, fictional or otherwise, for losing their hair is digging a trench to fill with future self loathing at one's own hair loss. And hair loss in >2023 isn't even that bad anymore!! There are so many ways to manage and style it now.
Johnny's a babe. Big fan of his "dad trying too hard to be cool but is actually somehow still really cool despite that" energy
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pennyserenade · 4 months
i’ll watch anything if you tell me there’s gay subtext. i ended a decade’s worth of fear surrounding the saw franchise bc someone said it was little gay. nearly every burt lancaster film i’ve consumed i’ve done so because of the gay vibes. my first big western movie (the big country)? loved it because it was a little gay. certainly turned on the x files for lgbtq purposes. i’ll go anywhere if you tell me it’s a little gay
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freakshowcowboy · 1 day
can i be real w yall for a minute. i actually Hate in fics when the whole 118 have like a bet going on behind buck and eddies backs about when theyre going to realize theyre in love w each other. my brother they are not doing that.
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