#upcoming nft art
ligbi · 10 months
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L3e7 is an upcoming .... ar nft genshin type? With a lot of art that is just overly rendered traces of Dislyte
I just wanted to give a little heads up on this mess- I'm on mobile so my images are limited but I'd like to document what they've said and promoted
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bidentrumprematch · 6 months
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Unveiling “The Beltway Brawl”: A Political NFT Collection with Purpose
In an era where the digital and political landscapes are increasingly intertwined, a groundbreaking NFT project dubbed “The Beltway Brawl” is set to capture the essence of a pivotal moment in American politics. This isn’t just another digital collectible; it’s a dynamic slice of history, immortalizing the extraordinary showdown between Donald Trump, who faces 91 criminal counts, and Joe Biden, the oldest sitting president in U.S. history. At its core, this NFT collection is a vivid encapsulation of democracy’s trials, the intricacies of leadership, and the relentless march of time.
A Snapshot of Our Era
“The Beltway Brawl” does more than just chronicle a historical event; it represents the resilience of democracy amidst one of the most challenging periods in modern American politics. The collection features imagery and themes that reflect the high stakes and intense rivalry of the upcoming election, encapsulating the emotions and significance of this unprecedented battle for the nation’s future.
More Than a Keepsake
Owning a piece of “The Beltway Brawl” collection means more than just holding on to a digital souvenir. It signifies an active participation in the political process, a way to directly engage with the heartbeat of democracy. Upon minting, collectors can choose their allegiance — Republican or Democratic — thereby influencing where a portion of the profits will be directed. Specifically, 5% of the initial collection profits are earmarked to support initiatives and organizations closely aligned with the major issues championed by the political affiliation that receives the majority support from NFT holders, blending the worlds of cryptocurrency, art, and politics in an innovative show of support.
Join the Race, Make Your Voice Heard
The stakes are high, not just on the political stage but also within the “The Beltway Brawl” community. The project offers an exciting incentive: a race for 5 ETH in rewards if the collection sells out within the first 48 hours. This adds a layer of engagement and competition, mirroring the competitive nature of the political arena it represents. It’s a call to action for supporters of both political spectrums to rally, secure their piece of this momentous occasion, and let their political stances resonate within the digital sphere.
A Pivotal Moment in History
As we stand on the precipice of what could be one of the most talked-about elections in recent history, “The Beltway Brawl” offers a unique opportunity to be part of a moment that will be dissected and discussed for generations. This NFT collection is not just a passive investment but a statement, a way to align with a cause, and a testament to the power of collective action in shaping the future.
Stay Tuned
“The Beltway Brawl” is poised to be a significant milestone in the intersection of politics, art, and technology. As we gear up for its release, the anticipation builds for what promises to be a defining symbol of our times. Keep an eye on the horizon for more details on how you can secure your piece of political history and take a stand in the most innovative way possible.
In essence, “The Beltway Brawl” transcends the traditional boundaries of NFTs, offering not just a collectible, but a chance to be part of a larger movement. It’s a testament to the power of digital innovation in amplifying political engagement and a reminder of the pivotal role each person plays in the unfolding story of democracy.
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At my core I’m a hater, and I realized it’s been long since I posted hate about the upcoming rwrb movie, and that needs to change.
I hate it. It hasn’t even come out yet I hate it. I know I will hate it. Idk if I’m even going to see it, putting myself through that pain for around an hour doesn’t seem worth it.
Like, talking as someone who loves rwrb, it’s one of my favorite fictional books, the amount of comfort it brings me is stupid, is one of the books where I truly saw myself.
But like, c’mon. They are changing characters, changing the plot, and also I really dislike Alex’s actor. He looks in his late 30s. And like, this isn’t bodyshaming or anything like that, but Alex is supposed to be 21 at the start of the book, and 22 at the end. He’s kind of supposed to look like, y’know, a 21 year old.
Also the actor is a nft guy, so.
And Nora’s actor isn’t Jewish.
Anyway, I’m pretending it’s not a thing, and than it’s not happening. Instead, I’m focusing all my attention on Henry’s chapter. Henry’s chapter is the only thing keeping me going. It was beautiful. A piece of art. Life-changing. The best thing I have ever read.
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salientgallery · 3 months
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We’re accepting submissions for solo exhibitions for the upcoming season beginning September 2024. Artists of all skill levels are encouraged to apply.
We’re looking for paintings, sketches, mixed media, digital art is OK as long as it looks analog. We are not accepting photography, game style 3D art, AI generated images. Absolutely no NFTs.
More info can be found on the website, including the application forms. There is no costs for showing at our gallery, period. If you want to sell your art through the gallery, we take a 50% commission. You are not obligated to sell, your art can be NFS.
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Exciting news from Sony this evening, with the announcement that not only is a new Sly Cooper game at last in the works, it will be the first video game created entirely by AI.
The move was unveiled by Sony CEO Robert Sony Jr., who is battling ongoing accusations from shareholders that he is running the company his father founded into the ground. No journalists were invited to the press event, with Sony instead speaking the details into an automatic speech-to-text tool which was then improved with Grammarly(r) and emailed out to outlets that his Microsoft Outlook account considered to be relevant.
"AI has made impressive strides in muscling living, breathing humans out of various artistic fields permanently. With these programs now handling your dumb hobbies, you don't need to waste your time churning out paintings or poems or whatever and can now focus on your office job sixty hours a week," Sony reminded us.
To that end, every element of the upcoming Sly Cooper game will be procedurally generated from aggregated data pools. The series' famous art style will be briskly assembled via machine learning. Sly and friends will speak in recreations of their original actors' voices, uncanny both in their undeniable recognisability and their stilted, inhuman cadences. Their dialogue will be generated based on neural-network analysis of their previous adventures. Given the relatively short length of the series, however, Sony will also draw from other sources to fill out this last dataset, primarily Marvel movies and Sonic the Hedgehog games. That just happened - way past cool!
"Granted, that's the easy part," conceded Sony. "AI tools can easily replace writers, artists, and voice actors, but gameplay is another question. How hard could it really be, though? Code is code."
It's been a rough year for Sony financially, as the media and electronics giant only made a net profit of eleven billion dollars - far, far short of projected potential earnings of eleven and a half billion dollars. Sony has admitted this shortfall is unacceptable, firing seven thousand employees as a corrective measure. He hopes this experiment could turn his fortunes around.
"Nate Fox. Dev Madan. Kevin Miller, Matt Olsen, Chris Murphy, and whoever voices Carmelita," said Sony. "All of these are people we no longer need to pay. Hell, we didn't even pay the robot. What does it care? It's not like it's in a union. 100% of the profits will be going to the true backbone of society: faceless men in suits who used their pre-existing wealth to buy the legal rights to things. Like me!"
Once the AI generates the script, gameplay, art assets, voice lines, and any new characters, it will then blend these elements together in what Sony assures investors will most certainly be a video game.
"Just buy the damn thing," he concluded, prematurely loosening his tie. "If you love Sly Cooper, the only way to show it is to give me, the current rights holder, money. Do you kids still like NFTs? We can put an NFT in it too. That's not worth its own press conference though."
Sly Cooper: A Thief is a Person Who Takes Another Person's Property or Services Without Consent will be on sale, like, next week.
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scottuminga · 2 years
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Hello to my Fans, Family, Friends, Followers and Fellow Artists.
I appreciate that you all are still with me. Though my social media has been quieter than usual. I hope that you'll be able to still see inspirations, stories and aspirations in my past and upcoming works. This year’s best is sort of a mix. Some of the works was made in 2021, middle of 2022 and maybe just a few days before this post. In past years I made a piece each month to sort of summarize how that month felt. But since I didn’t really document what I did this year, I have mixed feelings. I think I did a lot. Though many days I wish I did more.
On the bright side there were definitely notable moments. I found interest in family, that have creative endeavors which very much surprised me. And I hope this comes into fruition as another outlet for me to create things. 
I got a little bit into 3D and particle effects, and it was weirdly second nature to get back into it again after so many years of not doing it. You’ll probably see more pieces with some of these nuances coming 2023. And with so many changes regarding art this year especially with AI art, NFT’s and the change of subscription based licenses. I find myself a little at odds. So I’m going to be moving at my own pace, and I hope to stay true to what feels right to me and that my art resonates with all of you. 
Importantly a highlight for me was working with NSG and its art and narrative teams. And partaking with the Netrunner community both on socials and in person at Toronto Worlds 2022. I truly was feeling super stressed and anxious during that time, but overall excited for things to be more tangible this year. Even right now with the release of Parhelion, that excitement still feels the same when System Gateway came out. And it feels really relieving to have the art finally come out. 
I say I’m going to be a bit adamant in making more things for 2023. But remember to go at your own pace and it’s ok to take breaks and do something new.  
Always sending you all positive vibes and mellow moments <3 Scott Uminga
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bookoflibrary · 2 years
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Event Summary.
The five of them are summoned and the dolls say they're gonna do Halloween in the future, and they're transported to some ugly run down place and they all realized the dolls lied to them. But then they give all five of them headsets and tell them to put it on and they're physically transported into the metaverse by accident.
They all get transported and into costumes and they're confused and little nightmares are going up to them asking for candy before they can really figure out what happened. Snow says they don't have candy and need to get some and Hameln says it's rude to just expect things for free from people.
Snow glares at him and they get some, and then they are walking around fascinated by the metaverse. It felt like more people than reality were here.
A bunch of people immediately go up to them and introduce themselves and Alice mumbles why should they go through all this for such a loud and busy place. Then something attacks her.
After they defeat the nightmare that attacked Alice, a coin dropped from it. They are all confused and Aladdin is like 'Aha! I smell business! This is virtual currency!' and goes on about how it's the innovation of the future and will replace real currency in thirty years or less. And Dorothy says 'I don't know about that.'
Hameln is actually interested and wants to know more, so the dolls explain how the metaverse connects people together and people can make a lot of money through it with art and NFTs and stuff. The dolls say they could probably be rich if they make an Alice NFT and Aladdin is on board with no support until Hameln is like 'Yes.... ' And everyone else is surprised
Snow doesn't think this is a good idea at all and has a gut feeling. But the guys ignore her and he tells Alice to make a pose so he can create a photo and they can sell it. And he's like complaining all the time about her posture. And finally he is like 'Yes, just like that, but cross your legs. It will make you look more beautiful.' So she does and the photo is made.
And with that, Alice's NFT birthed the SINoCOIN.
all of them became millionaires in the Metaverse. Aladdin is like promoting it, and Hameln, Dorothy and Aladdin himself go crazy and have a photoshoot together trying to earn more but Alice was just weirded out by the entire thing & Snow can't shake the sinking feeling something is off, they do it anyway just to see what its really about, thinking it's just some scam or publicity stunt.
Aladdin tells Hameln there's a place he wants to show them and Dorothy grabs the girls and is like 'we're rich now so let's go shopping!' And the three of them run off. Dorothy is like 'That's a store where you can get the tools needed to summon demons!! That store is a black metal and voodoo store!!!!!!!' And Snow tells her to stop trying to make them go into suspicious stores. Dorothy is like foaming at the mouth trying to go into random stores when Alice pauses at a clothing one, and they all agree to go in that one.
Dorothy finds cool glasses and Alice and Snow find some other jewelry that match.
They all stay in that store for awhile and Dorothy is spazzing around in it, when Snow finds something on display that catches her eyes; its a beautiful costume based on butterflies and fairies. She tries it on and asks if she looks good and the girls say yes and she starts feeling all shy.
Meanwhile Aladdin takes Hameln to an art museum and they start to stare at the gallery, and Hameln is just so blown away and on the brink of tears at the art. And Aladdin is like 'Yeah, I think this is where upcoming artists put their work on display from around the world' And Hameln is just going on about how beautiful it is and Aladdin agrees and says maybe there's some kind of innovation here.
And they wind up walking around because it was like an endless gallery and talk for so long they get lost
But then they hear something and look and it's a concert hall and they agree to check it out. Someone passing by tells them to go because its the biggest event ever: Metaverse Live. They go in together and see the girls grabbing their own tickets, so they decide to stick together as a group again and go in
The five of them go in and people were floating over a seamless twilight night sky, battling things and having fun. So they agree to try it. While they're doing that, Dorothy has an epiphany. 'Everything you need is here. What makes them have hope and hold on?' And everyone looks at her and goes 'Well then what's YOUR offline life like, then?'
Everyone is circling around her like a rabid animal pissed. Snow grabs her hand, telling her they should leave as soon as possible. it took forever to get away from them and they all hide in an alley and she's like 'What did I say? All I did was ask about their real world. I don't get it.' And notices they were mad, too.
There's something connecting these people to stay here. Financial pressure. Aging. ect. The world was made an escape for the young people but overtime they turned into zombies and couldn't move their bodies and became stuck in this world.
Then Hameln talks about much ugliness is in the real world and they overhear and the zombies all lunge at them, with tears in their eyes
People also notice Alice from the picture and Snow tells her to stay back. While they're all fighting, the zombies tell them they'll destroy their reality and have been fighting for so long that they are losing their sanity and dropping from exhaustion. They manage to defeat them but then they are cut back into their world. The headsets broke and their bodies transported back setting the zombies free. The dolls tell them they should consider the feelings of people more, and they punch them in the faces. End.
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rarebitslab · 1 year
Welcome to RareBitsLab: Unleashing Digital Art, NFT Swag, and Mind-Boggling Merchandise!
Yo, what’s poppin’, fam? Welcome to RareBitsLab, where we’re about to blow your mind with our wicked digital art and mind-blowing NFT collections! We’re not your average art nerds, folks. We’re a crew of boundary-pushing rebels redefining digital art like it’s nobody’s business. Picture this: a lab full of artistic geniuses cookin’ up the illest creations that’ll have you goin’ “WOW!”
Brace yourselves, peeps! Our NFT collections are the stuff of legends. We’re talkin’ rare gems that’ll make your jaw hit the floor. From psychedelic pandas on hoverboards to intergalactic kittens rapping in space, we’ve got the craziest concoctions you’ve ever seen.
Alright, listen up! We’ve teamed up with Redbubble, and together we’re droppin’ merch that’ll make you the flyest cat on the block. Picture yourself rockin’ a t-shirt with a sassy llama, sippin’ coffee from a mug with a space-monkey DJ. It’s like a party on your body, yo!
So, here’s the deal: this blog is where we spill the tea on all things RareBitsLab. Expect behind-the-scenes shenanigans, artist interviews that’ll make you LOL, and mind-blowing tips for aspiring digital badasses. We’re gonna keep you in the loop on our upcoming collabs, events that are hotter than the sun, and mind-blowing releases you won’t wanna miss. Get ready to have your mind blown, my friends.
Yo, follow us on the ‘gram, subscribe to this blog, and let’s get this party started! We wanna keep you in the loop, so don’t miss out on the dope content we’re serving. Hit us up with your thoughts, questions, or even your favorite pizza toppings. We’re here to chat, laugh, and spread the creative vibes.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr for sneak peeks of our mind-blowing creations and behind-the-scenes hilarity. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date with all the artistic madness!
Oh, and if you’re lookin’ to own a piece of RareBitsLab magic, check out our exclusive NFT collections on OpenSea. Trust us; these bad boys are gonna make your digital wallet do a happy dance!
Curious to explore even more inspiration? Swing by our Pinterest page and get lost in a vortex of awe-inspiring visuals and out-of-this-world ideas.
And for those craving some tangible RareBitsLab swag, head straight to our Rarebitslab online store for the coolest merch around. From t-shirts that’ll make you the talk of the town to phone cases that’ll make your device a work of art, we’ve got it all.
Thanks for rollin’ with us, fam. We’re stoked to have you join the RareBitsLab squad on this wild ride. Get ready to witness art that’ll make your eyes pop and your heart do the Macarena. We’re about to blow your mind, one masterpiece at a time!
Now go ahead, buckle up, and let’s dive into a world where art meets humor and where creativity has no limits. Welcome to the wild and wacky universe of RareBitsLab!
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geracaoalpha · 2 years
Artist Spotlight: Ryan Frame
Alphaa.io is pleased to welcome visual artist Ryan Frame to our network of creatives!
Frame was born in South Africa and is based in Los Angeles. He incorporates body paint, human subjects, water, and photography to create surreal yet intimate portraits.  Learn more about Frame in our interview below and check out his works on Alphaa.io.
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Where are you from? 
Ryan Frame: I was born and Raised in Johannesburg South Africa, then lived in Cape Town from 18-24 and then moved to LA where I have lived since 24. I am 30 now.
What is your background?
RF: I have been working in the motion picture industry throughout my entire professional career, which led me to move to Los Angeles. There, I studied for my MFA at UCLA's School of Theater, Film, and Television.
How did you get started in your artist career? 
RF: As I became more involved in the motion picture business I begun feeling frustrated at how long things take for a creative vision to materialize. It was through this creative frustration that I searched for more immediate ways to express myself. I gravitated towards body painting because I have always been fascinated by the originality of how this medium combines naked skin, paint and photography. The immediacy of this art form gave me an emancipation from the long drawn our process of making films.
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Any exciting upcoming projects in 2023? 
RF: I’ve been experimenting with underwater photography and testing paints and powders that will enable me to achieve it.
What excites you the most about technology (NFTs, Web3 blockchain etc) right now? 
RF: I think the promise of NFT technology is well suited for fine art for three reasons. First is that it provides provenance for these works as a certificate of authenticity that cannot be manipulated. Second is the ability for the creator to participate in secondary sales in perpetuity which I find most exciting. Third, I believe NFTs should ideally be accompanied by the original works. Although some can exist on their own, the value of art is the ability to appreciate it in person.
What inspires you? 
I get inspired when I observe life's contrast through witnessing my hopes and dreams against another person's pain and suffering, or my own pain and suffering against another's hopes and dreams. Seeing creation and destruction both in a natural context is another source of inspiration. I like to choose locations for my photoshoots in places that highlight the beauty of natural landscapes or places that carry a heaviness to them through political or religious affiliation. 
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How did you get in touch with Alphaa.io and how would you see the relationship growing this year? 
RF: I met Manu at an event several months ago where she saw my work and invited me to apply. I would like to see our relationship become one where Alphaa.io represents my work to its clientele for sale.
What are you currently working on?
RF: I’m currently in Cape Town until the end of February. It’s summer here so I’m using the opportunity to create a series featuring local muses and landscapes. We’ll see how it comes together.
Anything else you want to add?
RF: Just that I recently started becoming more public with my work in the past year. It took some courage to come out because I wanted to build up enough works before I shared with whoever might find them pleasing.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Anna Delvey Is Speaking With Harvard MBA Students Anna Delvey is going to share her scammy secrets with business students at one of America's top universities. According to a new report from Page Six, the convicted "SoHo Grifter" — real name Anna Sorkin — is preparing to address a class of Harvard MBA students. That said, it's still in the planning stages, meaning that it's currently unknown what exactly her lecture is going to be about, though most people can only assume it's going to have something to do with con artistry and defrauding investors.After all, some would probably say Delvey is the perfect person to address a bunch of future business execs and hedge fund managers, which is why the outlet said she's also been asked to chat with students at Oxford University in the UK. Notably though, these planned talks at two of the world's most prestigious schools won't be her first collegiate lectures, as she's already talked to a few people attending NYU — despite still being under house arrest.Back in 2019, the faux German heiress who inspired Netflix's Inventing Anna was given four to 12 years in a New York state penitentiary after being convicted on multiple charges of fraud, including several counts of second-degree grand larceny and theft of services. However, she was released after three years, only to be detained by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for overstaying her visa. While still trying to fight deportation to Russia, Delvey's also been busy making other big career moves, such as getting into the NFT game and organizing a big art exhibition featuring pieces made during her time in prison. She also recently made headlines for what was dubbed an "arresting 32nd birthday party," as well as her upcoming unscripted reality show dubbed Delvey's Dinner Club, where she will host for a group of "esteemed guests" at her East Village apartment.You can read Page Six's entire report on the scammer socialite's planned lecture here.Photo via Getty / Mike Coppola / AD https://www.papermag.com/anna-delvey-harvard-lecture-2659344753.html
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d20-network · 2 years
Hello friends! The D20Network is a new and upcoming platform where all are welcome and there's a little something for everyone.
Whether you want to try something new or already love it, the D20Network has something for you.
The D20Network is a service that combines blockchain technology and machine learning to create immersive game environments for players of Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Warhammer 40k, table top war games, Magic the Gathering, and Pokémon-style card games.
By using blockchain technology, the D20Network allows for secure and transparent tracking of game assets,, catalogs of game events, awards and in-game transactions, as well as enabling players to truly own and trade their characters useing the power of web3.
Machine learning is used to create rich and dynamic game environments that can adapt to the actions of players.
For Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder players, the D20Network allows for both single player and multiplayer game play, and also provides tools for dungeon masters to create and run their own campaigns.
Warhammer 40k players and table top war gamers can use the D20Network to create detailed virtual battlefields and to simulate battles, while also being able to manage and trade their in-game assets.
For players of card games like Magic the Gathering and Pokémon, the D20Network offers the same level of security and transparency when it comes to tracking card ownership and in-game transactions. Additionally, it enables players to deck build like never before! This is something totally exclusive to our shop owners.
Cosplayers can also benefit from our network the use of web3 technologies like blockchain and IPFS, allows for the creation of unique NFT domains. These NFT domains are similar to websites, but are instead powered by blockchain, this means the owner of the domain has full control over it, and can use it for whatever purpose they see fit. Like no kidding. We won't dismantle your website for content violations.
These NFT domains can be used by cosplayers to showcase photo shoots, fan art work, and can be used to mint and sell t NFTs to fans
You even create interactive experiences that allow fans to see and interact with them virtual setting.(we do not supply this augmented experience)
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ontapon · 2 years
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© 2022 Gadeton, All Rights Reserved [HAPPY NEW YEAR 23]
This is my final illustration for 2022, and this is kind of a simple on to say.
I didn’t have enough time to do my 2022 Art Sumary since I registered my account back two months after I moved from my old one, and I don’t want to add my old illustrations through my new account under a new name, so I decided to do another illustration in which it is a reference to the Congratulations Screen for Mario in the 1999 Fighting Game known as Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64. 
Let me give out my final verdict for this year. So honestly 2022 was kinda below average to say the least, with most of the flaws surrounding the war in Ukrainie and the fact that a ton of NFTs and AI Art are on the rise and there a ton of drama with many of the flames being fueled on Twitter, though I don’t any opinion to say on 2022, and of course I was very busy for the majority of year because I’m having a massive development trouble with my first project and it’s really tough to figure out as I need to elaborate much on my own ideas regarding around my first project, other than that. This wasn’t pretty much of a great year for everyone, but for me, I find this year to be below average at best, not technically the worst year like 2020, but pretty far from it. I’m hoping that 2023 would be a better year and hopefully will get better when 2023 arrives.
Happy New Year Everyone and stay tune for other projects coming in the way.
Sorry that there is no Christmas related illustration, because I was six days late to make it and had to illustrate this in order to make up for Christmas illustration that I was planning to draw for this year, but maybe next if I have more time, I could illustrate that Christmas illustration for the upcoming year.
© 2022 Gadeton, All Rights Reserved
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blfn · 1 year
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a strong viking in his best years is one of the upcoming drops on opensea by nonanon which is available as limited nft as well as available as art original on paper 24x32cm, price on request
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blockchainx · 8 days
How to Customize Your Pump Fun Clone Script for Maximum Engagement
In crypto, keeping hold of attention and grabbing is utmost for overall success. It shows that a jovial coin can have influences under the right angle as evidenced by popularity increase of meme coins alongside those pump projects. Customizing your Pump Fun Clone Script for maximum engagement is one of the most critical steps in building a thriving project. This article will delve into how you can modify your clone script to attract more users, keep them entertained, and create an engaging environment around your cryptocurrency.
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1. Unique Branding and Design
Although your clone script has a basic framework, it is important that customization begins with giving your project a unique identity. Make this currency one of a kind by using its own logo, interesting color patterns and creative graphics. What story or character does this meme coin tell? To distinguish oneself from other numerous currencies on the market, one should use a playful and memorable design complemented by strong branding.
By working with designers, you will create a unified style for your website, social media platforms as well as the coin’s logo which will lead to immediate recognition.
2. Customize Tokenomics to Match Your Community’s Expectations
The way your coin’s future is seen by investors can lead to their engagement. Therefore it is important to tailor tokenomics according to what people want. This means modifying total supply, rewarding system, burning rate and inflation control mechanisms.
For audiences who enjoy greater returns the advisable mode would be integrating staking mechanisms or distribution models which favor holders of the coin. For enhancing deflationary appeal one might consider including periodic combustion events that increase scarcity and hence value.
3. Integrate Gamification Features
The process of gamification has been a major component of several successful meme coins. Thus, it would be more engaging for users if you customize your pump fun clone script by including elements such as ,reward systems, badges, challenges and leaderboards.
Make sure that there are rewards for holding coins during specified periods of time.
Create daily or weekly challenges enabling users earn additional tokens.
Use leaderboards to indicate the highest investors or most active members in the community to win unique NFTs or other rewards.
4. Incorporate NFTs for Added Value
The exciting addition of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) will make your project more valuable. You can include options for NFT minting in the customized clone script where users can create and trade their own unique digital assets that are tethered to your coin. Additionally, you could further engage the community by offering exclusive NFTs as a reward for the devoted holders.
For users that possess a specific quantity of your coin over a long period or promote it through marketing channels such as memes and fan art, make limited edition NFTs specifically for them.
5. Build a Strong Community Platform
Typically, a feeling of togetherness is central to coupling. To foster these connections one can use clone scripts that have such features as forum applications or social media communities therein or even through chat rooms created via these sites. If conversations are managed well by the community around a project then this can increase user retention and engagement.
Alternatively you could integrate platforms like Discord or Telegram directly into your web page so that people can easily get involved in the discussions, contribute their thoughts and pose questions.
6. Interactive Voting and Governance Systems
Let your community have a say in the governance of your clone script through a DAO-style decision making process. This would entail users voting for upcoming upgrades, new functionalities or any desired changes to the tokenomics. With this feature, you would empower your users while keeping them active since they partake in shaping the course of the project.
Give users the chance to suggest and vote on proposals such as future rewards distribution plans, possible partnerships or even fresh meme themes for the coin. By so doing, you would create an impression of belongingness and increase loyalty among its members.
7. Keep It Fun with Regular Meme Contests and Events
For meme-related currencies, the heart of the project is all about fun and jokes. Personalize your pump fun duplicate to hold competitions for memes, rewards programs and community gatherings. Set up these contests via your social network or on your webpage giving prizes such as tokens or special non-fungible tokens to those who take part in them.
Start a meme challenge every week rewarding the best performing or hottest meme with a given number of coins. This ensures that users remain involved as well as serves as a viral marketing strategy since they will be sharing their memes within their circles.
8. Incorporate Real-Time Analytics and User-Friendly Dashboards
It’s crucial to maintain user interest through providing them with explicit visibility of their investments and project growth. Right here on the platform happens real-time portfolio monitoring, market analytics, and transaction history provision – so tailor your script accordingly. This way, users will remain hooked by getting as much information as they can get from different angles rather than just the monetary one.
Offer tailored dashboards indicating profits, losses, and future rewards in correspondence with their actions.
Your Pump Fun Clone Script customization is not a mere technical issue, it is rather an avenue for developing an interactive and attractive surrounding for your users. You can come up with a meme coin or pump project that seizes people’s attention and earns their loyalty by incorporating personalized features, community-driven aspects as well as entertaining gamification.
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nft2envelop · 2 months
Upcoming NFT Mints to Watch: What’s on the Horizon
NFT mints offer a thrilling opportunity for collectors and investors to get in on the ground floor of new and innovative digital assets. From generative art to gaming assets, the NFT space continues to push boundaries and create unique experiences. Here’s a roundup of some of the most anticipated NFT mints coming up soon:
1. Psychedelic Dreams: Interactive Art Series
Overview: Psychedelic Dreams is an upcoming NFT mint featuring a series of interactive digital artworks that respond to user interactions. Each piece in this collection is designed to create a unique experience based on the viewer’s engagement.
What to Watch: This mint promises a blend of artistic expression and interactive technology, offering collectors unique experiences with each piece. Look for opportunities to explore and engage with these dynamic art pieces.
Mint Date: August 15, 2024
Platform: Art Blocks
2. Galactic Guardians: Space-Themed Collectibles
Overview: Galactic Guardians is set to mint a series of space-themed NFTs that include rare collectibles and avatars for use in virtual worlds and games. Each NFT will feature intricate space designs and exclusive traits.
What to Watch: This mint will appeal to fans of sci-fi and virtual worlds, with potential benefits for collectors in the form of rare assets and future utility within gaming and metaverse environments.
Mint Date: August 22, 2024
Platform: OpenSea
3. CryptoDinos: Evolution Series
Overview: CryptoDinos is launching a new series of NFTs centered around digital dinosaur collectibles. The Evolution Series will feature various dinosaur designs with unique attributes and evolutionary traits.
What to Watch: Each NFT will offer collectible value and potential for evolution within the project’s ecosystem. This mint is aimed at collectors and enthusiasts of digital collectibles and gaming.
Mint Date: August 29, 2024
Platform: Rarible
4. MetaWear: Virtual Fashion Line
Overview: MetaWear is preparing to mint a new line of virtual fashion NFTs, featuring exclusive clothing and accessories for avatars in virtual worlds. This collection will showcase designs from top virtual fashion designers.
What to Watch: Virtual fashion enthusiasts should watch for this mint as it includes limited-edition items that will enhance avatars and contribute to the growing metaverse fashion scene.
Mint Date: September 5, 2024
Platform: Decentraland Marketplace
5. Aether Realms: Fantasy Creature NFTs
Overview: Aether Realms is set to mint a collection of fantasy creature NFTs, including mythical beings and magical creatures. These NFTs will come with unique abilities and features for use in the project’s upcoming game.
What to Watch: Collectors and gamers will find value in these NFTs as they will play a role in an expanding fantasy world. Look for unique designs and special traits associated with each creature.
Mint Date: September 12, 2024
Platform: Enjin Marketplace
6. Sustainable Art Collection: Eco-Friendly NFTs
Overview: The Sustainable Art Collection is an initiative focused on minting eco-friendly NFTs. Each piece will be created with environmentally sustainable practices and will support green causes.
What to Watch: This collection emphasizes the importance of environmental responsibility in the NFT space. Collectors interested in supporting sustainability will find this mint particularly compelling.
Mint Date: September 19, 2024
Platform: Foundation
7. Mythic Warriors: Legendary Hero Series
Overview: Mythic Warriors is set to mint a series of NFTs featuring legendary heroes from various mythologies. These NFTs will come with unique backstories and special attributes.
What to Watch: Fans of mythology and collectibles will find this series intriguing. Each NFT will be a piece of a larger mythological narrative and may offer future benefits within the project’s ecosystem.
Mint Date: September 26, 2024
Platform: SuperRare
8. Quantum Pixels: AI-Generated Artifacts
Overview: Quantum Pixels will mint a new collection of AI-generated art artifacts that showcase the intersection of technology and creativity. Each artifact will be a unique creation generated by advanced algorithms.
What to Watch: This mint will appeal to those interested in the latest developments in digital art and AI. The artifacts will be one-of-a-kind, offering both aesthetic and technological value.
Mint Date: October 3, 2024
Platform: Nifty Gateway
The upcoming nft mint is continuously evolving, with new mints offering diverse and exciting opportunities for collectors and enthusiasts. Whether you’re interested in interactive art, virtual fashion, or fantasy collectibles, these upcoming mints present a range of unique assets to explore and acquire. Make sure to mark your calendar for these dates and stay tuned for further details as the mint dates approach!
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tokenlauncher · 2 months
Bitcoin vs. Ethereum vs. Solana: Which Cryptocurrency Will Dominate 2024?
As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana remain at the forefront of discussions about which digital asset will dominate the market in 2024. Each of these cryptocurrencies has its unique strengths and use cases, but as we look to the future, Solana is emerging as a strong contender, often preferred over Bitcoin and Ethereum for several key reasons.
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Bitcoin: The Original Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin, created by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. It was designed as a peer-to-peer digital cash system, aiming to decentralize finance and offer an alternative to traditional banking. Here are some key points about Bitcoin:
Store of Value: Often referred to as “digital gold,” Bitcoin is seen as a store of value due to its capped supply of 21 million coins. Investors view it as a hedge against inflation and a safe haven asset.
Security: Bitcoin’s network is highly secure, thanks to its decentralized nature and the extensive computational power backing its proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism.
Adoption: Bitcoin enjoys widespread recognition and acceptance, with numerous merchants and institutions accepting it as a payment method.
Despite its strengths, Bitcoin faces challenges such as scalability issues, high transaction fees, and energy consumption concerns, which could hinder its ability to dominate in 2024.
Ethereum: The Smart Contract Pioneer
Ethereum, launched by Vitalik Buterin in 2015, introduced the concept of smart contracts — self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. This innovation has led to the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and a booming ecosystem. Key points about Ethereum include:
Smart Contracts and dApps: Ethereum’s ability to host smart contracts and dApps has revolutionized industries ranging from finance (DeFi) to digital art (NFTs).
Developer Community: Ethereum boasts a large and active developer community, continuously innovating and expanding the platform’s capabilities.
Upcoming Upgrades: Ethereum 2.0, set to fully transition to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, promises to improve scalability and reduce energy consumption.
However, Ethereum’s current issues, such as high gas fees and network congestion, remain significant barriers. While Ethereum 2.0 aims to address these problems, the transition’s complexity and timeline leave room for competitors to gain ground.
Solana: The Rising Star
Solana, launched in 2020 by Anatoly Yakovenko, has quickly risen to prominence as a high-performance blockchain. It aims to offer fast, scalable, and low-cost transactions, making it an attractive alternative to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Here’s why Solana is poised to dominate in 2024:
Scalability: Solana’s unique proof-of-history (PoH) consensus mechanism allows it to process up to 65,000 transactions per second (TPS), far exceeding Bitcoin and Ethereum’s capabilities.
Low Transaction Fees: Solana’s high throughput results in significantly lower transaction fees, making it more cost-effective for users and developers.
Developer-Friendly: Solana provides robust development tools and resources, fostering a growing ecosystem of dApps, DeFi projects, and NFTs.
Energy Efficiency: Solana’s consensus mechanism is more energy-efficient compared to Bitcoin’s PoW, aligning with increasing environmental concerns.
Why Solana Could Dominate 2024
Superior Technology: Solana’s technological advancements, particularly its PoH consensus, give it a competitive edge in terms of speed and efficiency. This scalability positions it as a more viable option for mass adoption.
Growing Ecosystem: Solana’s ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with numerous projects and partnerships enhancing its utility and appeal. This growth is attracting developers and users looking for alternatives to Ethereum’s congestion and high fees.
Institutional Interest: Solana has garnered significant interest from institutional investors, validating its potential and providing the financial backing needed for further development and adoption.
Community Support: A vibrant and active community is crucial for any cryptocurrency’s success. Solana’s community is passionate and engaged, driving innovation and adoption at a grassroots level.
Comparing Use Cases
Bitcoin: Predominantly seen as a store of value and medium of exchange, Bitcoin’s primary use case revolves around its deflationary nature and security.
Ethereum: Ethereum excels in smart contracts and dApps, making it the go-to platform for DeFi and NFT projects.
Solana: Solana combines the strengths of both Bitcoin and Ethereum with its fast, low-cost transactions and robust support for smart contracts and dApps, making it versatile and highly adaptable.
Challenges Ahead
While Solana shows immense promise, it faces challenges such as:
Network Outages: Solana has experienced several network outages, raising concerns about its reliability.
Security Risks: As a newer platform, Solana must continually prove its security and resilience against attacks.
Competition: Both Bitcoin and Ethereum have established user bases and developer communities, which Solana needs to convert or complement.
Conclusion: Solana’s Path to Dominance
In the battle for cryptocurrency dominance in 2024, Solana stands out due to its superior technology, low fees, and rapid growth. While Bitcoin and Ethereum have their established roles and strengths, Solana’s innovative approach to scalability and efficiency positions it as a formidable contender.
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As the cryptocurrency market evolves, it’s crucial for investors and developers to stay informed and adaptable. Solana’s trajectory indicates that it could very well lead the charge into a new era of blockchain technology, offering solutions that address the limitations of its predecessors.
Whether you are an investor seeking opportunities or a developer looking for a scalable platform, keeping an eye on Solana could provide significant insights and advantages in the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency. As we move forward, Solana’s potential to dominate 2024 becomes increasingly apparent, making it a cryptocurrency to watch closely.
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