arcadiahub · 26 days
Borderlands: A Complete Franchise Overview
Since its debut in 2009, Gearbox Software's Borderlands has evolved into one of the most beloved franchises in modern gaming. Its distinctive blend of first-person shooter mechanics, role-playing game (RPG) elements, and a uniquely styled art direction has captured the hearts of millions.
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years
Hope this is ok to ask since you said you study biology and seem to really love the subject, but do you have any recommendations for books, videos or any other media about vertebrate biodiversity? I study something related to biology and I've found my biodiversity professor lacking this year but it's a really interesting field and I would love to actually learn more about it!
HMMM.. i'm afraid i'm not the best to answer this question, i'm much more of a taking classes guy than a reading books guy, but thinking of which books helped me most, the only one that comes to mind are the textbook/dissection guide i used in comparative vertebrate anatomy! but they're REALLY good. the textbook is available online as a pdf, but no pdf exists of the dissection guide so if you want those nitty gritty muscular and vascular charts you'll have to fork out a bit (was lik ~$150 at my campus bookstore, but looks like there's ones about half as pricey floating around, especially if you go for earlier editions (i needed edition 8 for my class))
if those interest you, the names are:
the textbook: Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution by kenneth v kardong (this one is available online as a pdf, i'd check zlibrary and libgen)
the dissection guide: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: A Laboratory Dissection Guide by edward j. zalisko and kenneth v kardong
of course i'm not sure if this'll actually be up your alley- i never took a biodiversity class so these are from CVA. they mostly go into the trajectories of vertebrate evolution using a shark, a salamander, and a cat as the big benchmark examples to compare the evolution of skeletal, muscular, vascular, digestive, and nervous systems.
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dorkydiaz · 1 year
You make me insane in the best way possible
heheheheh well you me me insane in the best way possible :P
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walking-circles · 9 months
good night 🫶 merry christmas
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gummmy · 1 year
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There just lil babies. Some little guys
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piastree · 18 days
The Art of Us
oscar piastri x reader
— Part 4
Previous Part | Next Part
Summary: Oscar and Y/N's relationship has been gaining more attention. As they spend more time together, their growing closeness is becoming increasingly noticeable to fans and the public.
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hiii! sorry for late updaate. Hope you enjoy this one and there's another special update, you can read the next update here.
t. @maplesyrupsainz @coriyaps @hwalllllllelujah @sssib007 @delululeclerc @ririyulife @agmoon03 @bachsite @sarx164 @lucktales @imcinnamoons @eloriis 
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Hey, pssst... You know what time is nearing? October! And with it, our sign-ups too!
We hope everyone's been doing well and staying strong this year. 😄 We're slowly preparing for the 2024 Solenoid too, you'll be seeing some changes and an updaated FAQ soon.
Can't wait to see everyone again! See you guys in a month (ish!)!
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jellyaibo · 4 months
UPDAATE on my little radio clock fellow.....TURNS OUT IT ISNT COMPLETELY BUSTED!!! i got some new batteries today and he works! tho i havent gotten the keyboard and screen to work yet...the keyboard has a diff kind of battery for it so ill probably pick one up tmrw and ill see how it goes ^_^
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butternutsquash28 · 11 months
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Putting on one of his shirts? Lou is THE siren on RC this updaate.
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''But I'm not dead'' XD. Of course you're not ;)
Meanwhile Ivo be like
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How cute and adorably domestic. Also, 40 minutes?!
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Lou, baby I love you but if this man proposes and you say no????
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He's always careful to feed her after. A king. We have to stan. Lou better get that ring.
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kiwicam · 6 months
Since the pod is going off the channel i've updaated the drive and now all the pod eps are here
I'll record the react and TT later and hopefully have it all done by Mon
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draamaaaalert · 9 months
Grumblr user @indig0b100d waas recently doxxed aand culling drones were sent aafter him, aafter vaagueposting aabout his recently discovered mutaation. Aafter aa brief period of silence, they aannounced they remaade to aa blog thaat is currently unknown. I'll updaate this post with the blog's URL once I find out whaat it is!
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life updaate :
kissing on peoples hot mouth 😅😅 anyoone else ever tru it???🤭
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a-cat-in-toffee · 25 days
chat im gonna try to draw a lineup for pd space. will updaate if i die violently
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prophecyofgray · 3 months
the fucked up thign about resumes is that you have to keep making them u dont just make one and then never have to worry about it again u have to keep updaating it and shit. super fucked up and evil world we live in
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bubbykat · 26 days
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friday updaate!!
update link || read from the beginning
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scumscuttlers · 3 months
. updaated tier list dropping aas soon aas i get fired & caan leaave
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