peterjancic · 2 years
Nekdanji državni sekretar, notranji minister in poslanec Vinko Gorenak je na svoji spletni strani objavil komentar vladnih sprememb načina varovanja najpomembnejših politikov. Z dovoljenjem avtorja zapis, ker prikazuje pomembno dogajanje in dileme, v celoti objavljam: “Vlada Republike Slovenije je 29. 07 2022 sprejela »Uredbo o varovanju predsednika Vlade RS«. Nič nenavadnega bi rekli. Toda gre…
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totheidiot · 5 months
acha, arian, kalke shabhabik thaiko. ajob kono kando koiro na. cheletar shathe bhalo bhabe kotha bolba, o jeno tomar shathe friend hote chay. KOTHA BOLAR AGE CHINTA KORBA !!! ETA SHOBCHE BORO JINISH !!!
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just-1-scorpio · 2 years
Mythology nerd reacts/talks about Dislyte part 1.- Djoser
So Djoser is the Esper of Atum. So let's start with introdusing Atum. And sorry for the bad English, it's not my first launvige, and I have troubles with writing even in my own launvige.
So Atum is the primordial God in Egyiptian mythology. In some version he created himself, in other versions he was formed from the primordial waters Nu. In early versions he created the first gods Shu, and Tefnot, buy simply siting them out of his mouth, and in other versions he created them buy his hands. The two of them were corious about the primordial waters that surrounded them, and one time they went to explor it, then they disapeard in the dark ess. Atum unable to acept the loss of his children sent a messenger the Eye of Ro to find them. Luckly they were found, and as Atum reunited with his son, and daughter, he let out tears of joy. And from those tears of joy humans were created. Later on Shu, and Tefnot got married, and started making the other gods. Yes there are other versions but for the sake of simplicity I left them out. But
But a queck history lesten first. Believe me it will be importent for later so bear with me. I try to tell ancient Egypt's history as fast as posible. Ancient Egyiptian history can be sepereted into three parts, with a few transitional ages when it comes to art history, so I will use this. So if the time line is has a few holes in it, it's because of this. The first one is the Old Kingdom that started in approxemetly in 2686 BC and ended in approxemetly in 2181 BC. And is often referd to as the "Age of the Pyramids". It started with rule of Egypt's first pharaoh Djoser, and it's last pharaoh eather being Netjerkare Siptah, or Neferirkare depending on the scholar. The second is the Middle Kingdom, which approxemetly started in 2055 BC, and approxemetly ended in 1650 BC. And it's first pharaoh was Mentuhotep II, and it's last pharaoh was eather Merneferre Ay, or the last pharaoh of the Thirteenth Dynasty. And the last one is the New Kingdom. It started in approxemetly 1550 BC, and ended in approxemetly 1069 BC. It's first pharaoh was Ahmose I, and it's last pharaoh was Ramesses XI. And it was later fallowed by the Late Period of ancient Egyip, which was later fallowed by the Macedonian rule, when Egypt was under the rule of the Macedonian Empire, and this was the time when the Philopator dynasty started with Ptolemy I Soter, and this era ended with the death of Cleopatra. And this is where we usually stop talking about ancient Egyiptian history, because here Egypt become Roman theritory.
So why did I meantiond this? Well for many reason, but for now let's back to Atum. In the Old Kingdom it was believed that Atum lifted the dead pharaoh's youl from the Pyramids to the affter life. And besides all this he was also a solar deity, and was associated by Ra, and was linked with the evening sun. In the Book of the Dead one of the primer,that was writen in around 1550 BC, and most well know sources when it comes to Egyiptian mythology, he was said to ascended from chaos-waters with the appearance of a snake, and the Snake renewing itself every morning. And he had two consorts Iusaaset (who was a genderbend version of Atum), and Nebethetepet (who was probably also a genderbend version of Atu) who are both pretty Obscure.
So this was a lot to take in, but it will all make sense. I promis. But now let's talk about Djoser.
So let's start with his name. He was named after the first pharaoh Djoser, who united lower, and upor Egypt. Which first makes sense, because like I said Atum was the first God in Egyiptian mythology, it's actually a quet nood to it, and second it shows that the devs cared about it, even if people will not really notice it. Which is a thing that I can aprove of.
Now let's talk about his back story. Djoser was an orphan, and was alon his entry life until the day he meet his wife. Then they had a daughter together. Djoser finaly had a family, he félt complite, and vowed to protect his family. But sadly he could't protect them for everything. His wife soon daid after giving birth to they daughter. After this he become an Esper. His daughter become the sunshine in his life. But she fall ill with a dreadfull sickness. Djoser tried everything that he could to save her, which included joining the Shadow Decree. In the end he had to say goodbye to her. After this he directed his whrath, and anger at the Esper Union, and he become one of the most wanted person in Grandis. But old habbits never die, he still makes too many food because he used to cook for his family.
So there are many similarities, and defrences between him, and Atum. They both were alone in the start, and they both are father who lost they child, and both of them are older then the others (Djoser is 40 by the way) . But the similarities end here. Djoser only had one child a daughter, and Atum had two children a son, and a daughter, and in Atum's case he got his children back, and his tears were from joy, whaile Djoser had to say a finel goodby to her, and his tears were from sarow.
In aapearenc the devs took some creativ liberties. Which in my eyes is not a problem. Atum was usually depicted as this:
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Or this:
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And this is Djoser's character design:
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And this character design absolutly works. He is suposed to be big, and sceary looking, and he looks the part. He is wearing multiple ankhs. And it's just a pretty good character design over all.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
What's up Buttercup? by u/Cat_Woman_238
What's up, Buttercup? https://ift.tt/q5Z8eBc that place TOS works for? Butter Up? Buttercup? Bitter Cup?Button up,Buttercup,the shake-upat Better Upis coming down.Don't butter upat Better Up.The bitter cupof not enoughwill bite your buttand you will belet down.Cough 'em up!Chew 'em up!Give it up!Don't wait for the shut down.Your start upwill wind upas a shake upand you will be the clown.Your cover-upWill undercutYour world corruptand end upyour takedown.In the run upto your break up,you should look upevery hidey-hole in town.You will drown.If you don't sit upand clean upand act likea grown-up,they'll clamp down.Just hold upyour wind upor end upin a line upwhere you won't havethe counselto the crown.Better Upis going down.Buttercup,you're going down. post link: https://ift.tt/6rKwfbY author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 27, 2023 at 10:29PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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whisper-and-tangle · 9 months
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viilpstick · 9 months
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geffenrecords · 2 years
dude i wish i was a fucking calico critter doing some fuzzy shit in a floral print dress or little button upor some shit what the fuck
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444names · 2 years
ancient egyptian names
Abya Abyzicia Acch Achied Ackned Acteds Acypon Adecous Agrate Ahhote Aibra Aleastran Alle Alsan Amacte Amers Amerus Ames Amesset Amost Amtakle Amutnebmi Anin Ankhans Ankhes Ankhkh Ankhmid Annef Anote Anter Anwes Anzuserus Aratestes Aroblines Arre Asancis Asihabani Asomati Assethery Astenamos Astent Atencid Athor Atons Babya Bakopreas Bamuti Bcenemal Beast Behering Bekere Bocling Bodjka Bodulan Bolius Borra Bourdit Buthote Cainted Calle Canalor Cany Centh Chani Chile Chis Chnefery Clamunt Clic Clicent Clid Comainef Comarye Combefats Comby Comming Conds Conq Cons Conto Contred Cophirold Coted Coughtans Cource Cous Coutain Cranet Cred Cros Daybah Dece Dedelinal Deeikel Defece Defer Deftemhon Deri Diahory Dices Diufatend Dive Djed Djednef Djhuyu Djneb Downeight Dron Eatommy Ebty Ecter Eing Eirs Eitasati Eitores Enehay Ephilos Euse Exan Exer Exhing Exilopor Exisended Exped Exper Expulap Falle Fannynum Feret Feryre Ficartal Finak Firge Flun Folis Fore Fores Fouro Fousemos Funyse Gatiri Gice Ginater Gizer Govest Hades Haps Harch Hated Hathriank Havast Heftegrao Helly Hemre Henal Henhorks Hentepyib Heqa Hern Hetah Hias Himet Hists Honquer Horesh Horis Hute Hyseculla Inammuti Inanat Inced Insares Ints Invan Iplai Iplay Ipsesme Ires Istradjed Ited Ithefs Juseneas Kabya Kagaing Kaing Kakbit Karoe Keries Khaf Khente Khepsupi Khere Khkhetive Khotet Khrucce Khtmu Kisord Kiun Knommed Limre Locce Loter Lown Maced Maics Maing Mamet Mang Mard Maris Matatly Matioraty Maye Mayihut Mayintaes Measte Megre Menal Meness Menkheng Mensumos Ment Merksast Merna Mesed Mesheting Metjeres Mincle Ming Mingits Minnef Moseru Mosts Motefem Mucidef Muni Muth Myrousts Naksoupa Nale Namut Narest Nator Nebaf Neban Nebawy Nebed Nedis Nedor Nefa Nefeanzu Nefer Nefnefer Nefying Nege Neherbase Nehut Neifier Neized Nenutyn Nesek Nesh Neshet Nethory Netral Netrecus Nion Nist Nort Nowa Nowleos Nyot Oastaes Offeric Offiryib Oputmis Orged Overion Overt Paaty Pace Pahanhor Pamef Panild Paptomi Para Parna Pasal Patet Patri Patti Pattivel Pearia Peberkho Penced Pereeigns Pertaodu Perudu Peted Peto Phep Pheqen Phies Pibian Pitkar Platentu Polided Ponture Popsh Posere Pred Pricading Pricess Pries Prin Prion Privismed Prockly Proun Pubheb Qued Quer Quritia Raemary Rankhty Rath Rear Reasands Rector Reited Rend Rentur Reper Reshthet Reskaf Rests Retitis Ricter Samaging Sany Sapres Saset Satinced Sciau Sconnes Sconstaka Scuru Seerus Seit Sele Semb Semn Senatawy Send Seques Serts Serus Seske Sesnefeal Sesonow Sevend Sewader Shep Sheper Sherwawy Shisconds Shnet Shweani Sies Sike Sint Siraller Sist Siun Snebegati Soltiviii Somed Spand Spargoved Sper Spore Stand Stred Strere Stropook Supolly Suppold Surivins Sust Taated Tahorul Takle Tandenekh Tani Tara Tarinfl Tenter Teyer Thaell Thersehon Thethama Thetiance Thir Thord Thoubi Thret Throod Thya Tlemars Tnas Topep Traverul Ttlegess Ture Turnef Tuse Ugshef Unly Upast Upor Vanget Verchawy Vinakene Warde Warerth Warka Warmers Watheps Wenubkhs Werpiqar Werres Weruhong Whatjefer Wher Wiymet Wookly Woor Wose Wost Xily Xivatrary Yous Zamenrewo Zenharget
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vamppirev · 2 years
i hate ppl jara onner raag arekjoner upor jhare
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torssi · 15 hours
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Pokorni upor
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ami tomar updesh grahan kare sorbonash karte esechi amake amar upper chhede dao, amake nijer upper chhede dao ami tomar updesh grahan kare sorbonash karte esechi amake amar upper chhede dao, amake nijer upper chhede dao oh ami tomake chhada baanchate badhya hayechhi kintu aami condin bujhabo na, condin bujhabo na aami janmechhi tomake chhada baanchate kintu aami condin bujhabo na, condin bujhabo na amake tomar chirantan bahudore ankde dharo uporer dike takay, bhaye bhara, dubey yawa jhadbatir talay atka pade aami ektu bhebe parda tene dilam amake amar upper chhede dao, amake nijer upper chhede dao apni haleluah bajate bajate aami "dies irae" gungun karlam amake amar sele chhede dao, amake amar sele chhede dao tomake yadi master seba karano hat khola hate bhaya peten, hat dekhle bhaya peten amake ki ekjon prabhur seba karar jonno tairi kara jete pare? aami kakhano bujhabo na, bujhabo na amake tomar chirantan bahudore ankde dharo uporer dike takay, bhaye bhara, dubey yawa jhadbatir talay atka pade amake tomar chirantan bahudore ankde dharo uporer dike takay, bhaye bhara, dubey yawa jhadbatir talay atka pade amake tomar modhye dharo
Мин һинең кәңәшеңде ҡабул иттем дә емереклектәргә килдем Мине үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ, үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ Мин һинең кәңәшеңде ҡабул иттем дә емереклектәргә килдем Мине үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ, үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ Эй, мин һинһеҙ йәшәргә мәжбүр булдым Әммә мин бер ҡасан да аңламаясаҡмын, аңламаясаҡмын Эй, мин һинһеҙ йәшәргә тыуғанмын Әммә мин бер ҡасан да аңламаясаҡмын, аңламаясаҡмын Мине мәңгелек ҡулдарығыҙҙа тотоғоҙ Өҫкә ҡараны, ҡурҡыу менән тулы, аҫҡа төшкән люстра аҫтына эләкте Уйлап, пәрҙәне һыҙғырҙым Мине үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ, үҙемә ҡалдырығыҙ Галлелуджала уйнағанда мин "Дис Ираэ"ны мыҫҡыл иттем Мине камерама ҡалдырығыҙ, камерама Әгәр ҙә һеҙҙе оҫтаға хеҙмәт итеү өсөн эшләнһәләр Асыҡ ҡулдан ҡурҡып, ҡулдан ҡурҡыр инең Мине оҫтаға хеҙмәт итеү өсөн эшләй алырҙар инеме? Хәйер, мин бер ҡасан да аңламаясаҡмын, аңламаясаҡмын Мине мәңгелек ҡулдарығыҙҙа тотоғоҙ Өҫкә ҡараны, ҡурҡыу менән тулы, аҫҡа төшкән люстра аҫтына эләкте Мине мәңгелек ҡулдарығыҙҙа тотоғоҙ Өҫкә ҡараны, ҡурҡыу менән тулы, аҫҡа төшкән люстра аҫтына эләкте Мине үҙегеҙҙә тотоғоҙ
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dadduu70 · 2 months
Poem - Fuqoff
Even the best of relationships end. It doesn’t help when they’re built on manipulation and passive aggressive bullshit. Feeling melancholy and unsure whyAm I missing things I’ll never getMore likely confusing it for wishesStill paying for that childhood debtNo, I don’t need cheering upOr to pull myself togetherDon’t act like you actually give a damnI know this is a storm only I can weatherYou…
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The way I've almost already gave up on Taran's livefeed updates. Maybe I'll get backinto them after tonights episode and RHAP recap. As soonas I miss one I'mlike should I watch them all to catch upor just the most recent one
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keylyrics4u · 2 months
Hater Upor Hater Porosh Lyrics | হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ
Hater Upor Hater Porosh Lyrics হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ Hater Upor Hater Porosh Lyrics হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ রবে না রবে না হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ রবে না আমার বন্ধু আমার বন্ধু হবে না হবে না ।। (২) হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ রবে না রবে না হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ রবে না শিশির ঝরুক সকালবেলা আমাকে তুমি করবে হেলা ।। (২) আমাকে ভালোবাসবে ঠিকই ।। (২) কিন্ত আমার হবেনা হবেনা হাতের উপর হাতের পরশ রবে না রবে না হাতের উপর…
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tourporlaindiaseo · 3 months
Tour Triángulo Dorado 3 Días By Tor uPor la India Company
Three Days of Tour Triángulo Dorado By Tour Por la India Company With the Tour Por la India's 3-day Golden Triangle Tour, you may grasp the spirit of India's colorful culture and rich history. Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur—three famous towns renowned for their breathtaking architecture, rich cultural legacy, and vibrant markets—are included in this painstakingly planned itinerary.
The Golden Triangle Tour is a triangular circuit that highlights India's varied landscapes and cultural mosaic, traveling through Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. From the busy streets of Delhi to the magnificent Taj Mahal in Agra and the royal palaces of Jaipur, every city has something different to offer.
Day 1: The Heart of India, Delhi
Delhi, the capital and culturally diverse city of India, is where your journey starts. After arriving, you will explore Delhi's rich past with tours of the country's largest mosque, Jama Masjid, and the Red Fort, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites. Explore the lively streets of Chandni Chowk while indulging in some street cuisine and taking in the vivid energy of the city.
Day 2: The Taj Mahal's home is Agra
Proceed to Agra, the location of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Mahal, from Delhi. Admire this architectural wonder as the pink and gold light of the dawn falls upon it. Visit Agra Fort, a red sandstone stronghold with a view of the Yamuna River, to learn more about the intricate details of Mughal construction.
Third Day: Pink City - Jaipur
Proceed to Jaipur, also referred to as the Pink City because of its terracotta-colored buildings. Explore Amber Fort's splendor, perched atop a hill and providing sweeping city views. Discover the magnificent City Palace, which combines Mughal and Rajasthani architectural styles, and be amazed by the Hawa Mahal, also known as the Palace of Winds, which features exquisite lattice windows.
Cultural Insights
Savor authentic Indian cuisine on the trip, which includes everything from flavorful curries to mouthwatering desserts like gulab jamun and rasgulla. Initiate a frenzy of purchases in the vibrant marketplaces of every city, renowned for their jewelry, textiles, and handicrafts—an ideal way to bring home mementos and presents.
Housing and Travel
Tour Por la India guarantees a pleasant stay by selecting hotels that provide contemporary conveniences and genuine warmth. Whether traveling between towns in an air-conditioned car or on a cozy train that offers breathtaking views of India's landscapes, the experience is smooth.
Customization of Tour Itineraries
You may customize your experience with the tour since it is flexible enough to accommodate unique interests. Tour Por la India customizes the program to guarantee an unforgettable experience, whatever of your interests in history, architecture, food, or shopping.
In conclusion Combining history, culture, and architectural grandeur, the Tour Por la India Golden Triangle Tour captures the spirit of India's Golden Triangle. From the busy streets of Delhi to the ageless monuments of Agra and the royal legacy of Jaipur, every part of this tour is intended to make a lasting impression on your travel memories.
Spanish reality TV personality Marta Peñate rose to fame after participating in a number of reality shows. Originally from Mallorca, Spain, Peñate rose to fame as a contestant on "Gran Hermano 16" (also known as "Big Brother 16") in her native country.
Peñate's career in reality television started with her strong personality and charismatic presence on "Gran Hermano," where she immediately made a name for herself as a contestant who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and create controversy. Her participation on the show won her a devoted fan base and opened her more reality TV prospects for her.
Peñate's career in Spanish television was further developed after her initial success. She participated in series like "La Isla de las Tentaciones" (Temptation Island), showcasing her personality and her readiness to face emotional obstacles and confrontations. She established herself as a fearless and vibrant television personality with her appearances on these shows.
Outside of television, Peñate is active on social media sites like Instagram, where she interacts with followers, reveals personal moments from her life, and works with businesses. Her expanding fame and impact in Spanish entertainment can be attributed, in part, to her social media presence and capacity to engage with a wide audience.
Beyond her television roles, Marta Peñate has had a lasting influence by using her position to support causes and spread uplifting messages to her fan base. Her transition from social media influencer to reality TV participant highlights her adaptability and skill in navigating the changing media and entertainment industry.
In brief, Marta Peñate has emerged as a notable personality in Spanish reality television, acknowledged for her noteworthy cameos on hit programs and her engaged social media presence. She is becoming a well-known figure in Spanish pop culture today as her path continues to change.
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7ooo-ru · 3 months
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Боец ВС РФ чудом увернулся от шквала шрапнели FPV-дрона в упор
Вражеский беспилотник подлетел к российскому военнослужащему и взорвался.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/17/297-boec-vs-rfchudom-uvernulsya-ot-shkvala-shrapneli-fpv-drona-v-upor-grss-317128552.html
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