paingoes · 26 days
i really struggled w this one for some reason LOL. hope the language isnt too messy.  this part is really heavy on the conditioning aspect 
(Content: living weapon whumpee, conditioning, past emotional abuse, past captivity, implied child abuse, brief suicide mention)
Lun left shortly after that. They’d said it was because of work — Lun had been inexplicably spared any penalty for the Centurion disaster and was not kept on leave the way the others had been — but Delta could not help but feel that it was because of him. 
Apollo still flitted around the house, being a bit kinder than he needed to be. He apologized again and again for having yelled in the first place; it was clear they had different definitions of what yelling meant. Delta would not have resented him for it even if he had. He’d been the one to overstep; Apollo’s reaction seemed subdued, if anything. He felt like something worse should have happened. Was that why he’d done it? 
He was starting to push his bounds, a little, trying to see what would break. It was slow-going, though. He was still afraid, still respectful, still incredibly grateful. It was just unsettling to not see anything delimited. There was nothing to ground him.
“Can I come out?” Delta asked softly from his doorway. He knew the answer, but it made him feel better to ask.
“Can I use the laptop here?” That one was more important to him. He liked being in proximity to Apollo and he was slowly warming to the internet again, but never both at the same time. He still reflexively hid the device whenever anyone came close enough that they might see he had it. He could only use it comfortably in his room — and the room got too quiet sometimes.
“Mm. You can sit on the couch, if you want,” Apollo answered, patiently reminding him. Delta shook his head. One thing at a time. He lowered himself to the ground by the coffee table. The screen was mostly concealed the way he held it so close to his chest, but it was a start.
They still hadn’t caught Paris. The latest CCTV footage showed him light up a spliff as he pumped the ship with gasoline. There was no audio, but the way Paris jumped back indicated exactly what moment the gunshot had sounded off. The bullet had just missed his shoulder. He scrambled back into the ship. The gas pump clanked heavily against the ground as the ship sped away from it.
“Fucking idiot,” Delta muttered beneath his breath.
“What was that?” Apollo called from the kitchen.
“Not you. I’m sorry,” Delta said quickly. He flinched in anticipation of being hit. But Apollo went back to baking without paying him further mind. When he saw that he was making no movement towards him, Delta returned his attention to the laptop.
He’d been following the manhunt with some morbid curiosity ever since he’d learned Paris had survived that night on the airship. He’d never known anyone half so hard to kill. Like a cockroach. 
He remembered how cold Nezu had been. That day had been forever burned into his memory. How satisfied the guards had looked when they had caught him. How he been locked alone in that dark closet, left to dread his own fate. The casual way in which he’d suggested Delta’s limbs be cut off so that he could never escape. Paris had protected him from it. It was the kindest thing he had ever done for him — and Delta had been in the palm of his hand afterwards. A fragment of that sickly loyalty remained. Nezu had not made public what he intended to do with Paris, but he wanted him alive. Despite everything, Delta felt a touch of concern for him. He hoped Paris had the sense to kill himself before he was taken. 
“Concern” did not even begin to cover the atmosphere at Galatea. Even as far removed from it as Delta was, where they were supposed to be off-duty, it trickled down. 
“What’s going on at Uracy?” She had asked just before she left, leaning over the counter. She’d said it low so that Delta couldn’t hear, but he was very finely attuned to that hushed tone of voice. If anything, it drew his attention more.
“Don’t worry, Kitten.” Apollo had just shook his head. He didn’t like to talk about it while they were home. 
Still, Delta could see the way his eyes got distant and contemplative just looking through the mail. He heard the phone calls even as Apollo stepped out onto the porch to take them. Delta could tell there were too many fires to put out.
Apollo didn’t offer and Delta wouldn’t have dared ask what was happening out there. But his curiosity was unkillable. He got glimpses of it through the laptop — crackdowns by the capitol, martial law declared among the harder fought territories, mass executions and exodus among the nobility who had fallen out of lockstep. He knew from experience that the pinhole view that the internet offered was often so far removed from the reality of the situation as to be essentially useless. The dissonance had even been funny once, in the worst kind of way. Now that pinhole was all he had. 
It was late into the night when Kitty finally came home. 
She dragged herself in through the door, stumbling a little, a small bell around her neck jingling. She’d been giggling. One of her hands was wrapped around the arm of the woman she’d brought in with her. Iza moved a bit steadier, a bit heavier, but she’d been grinning too. The both of them were piss drunk.
Delta sank down a bit in his seat. He’d worked himself up to using the chair, gradually, as long as Apollo was in the other room and not looking at him too hard. His hand stilled on the notepad just as the door opened. From the angle he sat at, he couldn’t see them enter, but he still knew immediately that they were wasted. They couldn’t see him from that angle either, though. He held still.
Apollo came out from the back of the house, rushing to meet them in the foyer.
There came a little squeee~ when Kitty saw him again. She tackled him, knocking him back into Delta’s line of sight. He watched as the new person entered the frame along with them. Short cropped hair. A tight and muscular figure that stood out against the black of her dress. Apollo’s face fell a bit when he saw her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, swaying a little. 
“Oh, Ize. You two didn’t drive, did you?” He said into her shoulder.
“We got a ride.” Kitty bounced back on her heels. She had moved into the house enough that Delta would have been visible where he’d tucked himself in towards the corner, but it was dark enough that she did not seem to.
Iza returned the hug, then slowly unbound herself. Apollo led her over by the kitchen. It was the brightest room in the house; Delta had been sitting in near darkness when they’d come in. He watched the way they moved cautiously. Iza still had the bottle in her arms, though by now it was mostly empty. 
He’d seen her only once before, the first time he’d woken up after the rescue. He’d still been stunned and in the aftermath of fever — and she had been brisk, one among many, not paying him any particular mind. He’d seen her once and then never again, but Apollo had spoken of her often. He said she’d taken the rap for everything. She was the only senior officer they could convince to go along with the plan; all of the blame fell on her when it was over. 
“I haven’t even heard that many bad things about Bartuga. I thought for sure it would be Iselin or Kone or something,” Apollo’s voice carried softly through the house.
“It’s the flight conditions; they’re impossible. Bad connections too. You might not hear from me for a bit,” Iza explained glumly.
“What did he say to you?” 
“That I’m getting off too easy proportional to the consequences. He thinks he was premature about it.”
“Then do you think he’ll change his mind?” Kitty’s tail flickered quickly.
“No.” Iza shook her head, “He doesn’t go back on his word. It’s not like being any harder on us is going to undo the damage.”
“I think it was inevitable,” Apollo said, “The end of the war. The bloodline loyalists were already in a death spiral.”
“We thought we’d have a few more months, though,” Iza said, “Sunny, if I’d have known…”
Delta knew what she was talking about. The civil war had been a golden age for the resistance. Nezu and Paris were both getting routed constantly by rebel groups, too busy fighting each other to meaningfully suppress opposition. A divided empire was so much easier to topple. But that was over now. Nezu was in power. 
It gave Delta some bleak satisfaction to know he actually had been holding the line in some ways, some awful guilt to know that was no longer the case. He knew the kind of man Nezu was. He had felt marginally less sickened fighting against his forces than he did anybody else. 
If Galatea asked him to do it again, he would. The thought startled him, but it held firm even as he turned it over in his mind. It was his absence that had ended the war and allowed for Nezu to secure his position. Because he had asked them too. Because he had wanted an out. That debt would not go unpaid. If they asked him, he would. It was the least he could do. Of course he would. Why else would Levon have kept him alive? 
He clicked the pen a little, a nervous habit. He realized their conversation had faded out. When he looked up, they were all looking back at him.
“Oh hey,” Kitty laughed nervously. Her eyes were huge as she looked into the darkness that surrounded him. “Were you there the whole time?”
Delta nodded slow, like any sudden movements might get him hurt.
Apollo was looking at him strangely. Delta had received it plenty of times before, but never from him. It was the look people gave him when they realized he was listening — that he’d been listening the whole time. There was less suspicion in Apollo’s face, but just as much surprise and puzzlement. There was something irrevocable in it. Delta knew that once he’d seen him like that, it couldn’t be undone. He got the killer sense that he had shown his hand too early.
“Hey. C’mere.” Iza grinned drunkenly, “Got something for you.”
Something in her voice had done it. He had already stood up just as soon as he heard C’mere. He crossed the threshold and knelt in front of her, immediately, without resistance.
“Ize,” Apollo had said in warning just as soon as he’d seen Delta lowering. He couldn’t have held any sway over it, though. Delta was tethered. He was okay, too. He could do it. It wasn’t fear he felt, really. At worst, it was numbness. At its best, it was familiarity, the kind of binding he’d been desperate for.
He couldn’t tell if her expression was of confusion or exasperation, but he recognized the hand sign. Up. He rose obediently, forcing himself to keep his hands still. He didn’t know what to expect with her. It didn’t matter. He’d do it. Or take it, if he needed to. He wished dimly that the other two weren’t there to watch.
She fumbled through the sleeves of her bag. He stared blankly as she produced a silver key from inside one of the pockets. She pinched it in between her thumb and forefinger, holding it out to him.
“Here. Yours.” She tapped her neck a few times. 
Oh. He felt at his own gingerly, the place where the collar pressed up against the skin. His finger drifted over the cleft of the keyhole. The old collar didn’t even have a key. This new one was so tame and commercial that he could’ve broken it off with his fingers if he had wanted to. He never would’ve dared. He turned the key over in his hands. The meaning of the gesture was not lost on him.
“Thank you,” he said, genuinely.
“Mhm. I mean, I wouldn’t actually…”
“No,” he agreed. The powers were strong enough to burn his body up if they weren’t hemmed in, not to mention everything else. He wouldn’t actually unlock it. But she’d given him the key. It didn’t belong to anyone else. 
He played with the key in his hands, trying to look at her without quite staring. He realized he was still waiting to be dismissed. Apollo seemed to realize it too, gently calling him back. He pulled out one of the kitchen chairs for him. It still felt incredibly wrong for him to be doing it. He wanted to sink back onto his knees and to beg their forgiveness, for all of it. For all the complications his existence had caused. It wouldn’t do any good. He had to rationalize Apollo’s gesture as an order. He sat down in the chair.
“Isn’t Bartuga the one with the surfing?” Kitty pulled herself up onto the counter, lightly kicking her legs back and forth.
“It’s the one with the ennui, too,” Iza frowned.
Delta listened to their speech carefully. Their conversation had definitely lightened since they’d realized he was there. It made him feel like he’d gotten caught. But there was nothing reproachful in how they treated him. He stayed silent, watching out of the corner of his eye. 
“Delta?” Apollo caught him the next afternoon. He’d been on the living room floor again, still working at the notepad. He liked writing — and he liked that none of them could read Latin, so his annotations were kept safe. He looked up from the page.
“Yes, sir?” 
Responsive. Still respectful. Apollo didn’t correct him for it this time, which he’s grateful for. It was so deeply ingrained that it was hard to stop — and even the gentle reminders made him feel like he was being scolded for it.
“Do you want to sit outside for a minute?” He’d phrased it as a question, but Delta sensed it was not. He closed the notebook.
“Yes, sir.”
He followed him out onto the back porch. The air was kind of wet and sticky, like it might rain at any second. But when the breeze came, it was pleasant. It carried the smell of the magnolias that had been planted in a ring around the house. 
He sat down on the wooden steps while Apollo hung back by the railing — not facing him head on, which would’ve been a lot more intimidating. Not getting in his face, the way everyone else had always insisted on. Delta twirled his own hair between his fingers; it was another childhood habit he’d thought he’d outgrown. His early handlers had punished him for fidgeting until he learned to suppress it altogether. He understood why; if he looked nervous, it cast doubt on the whole operation. But it made him feel better — and so far, they hadn’t said anything about it, even though he’d been doing it almost constantly since he arrived. It hurt his heart how patient they were being with him.
“Are you comfortable here?” Apollo asked, like he had read his mind. Delta blushed; he didn’t know why. It embarrassed him how soft he had gotten.
“Yes, sir.” He nodded. 
“Are you just saying that?” Apollo tested.
“No, sir. I’m…really grateful.” He’d meant it the first time. Grateful was the right word. He might’ve said happy, had he not been told over and over again that his feelings did not matter. Had be not been made to repeat it until he believed it. He worked a small braid into his hair. 
“Okay. I just wanted to check in with you. I can’t really tell what you’re thinking, most of the time. I don’t want to assume and be wrong. Remember you can talk to us — not just when you’re spoken to. If you have questions, you can ask.” 
Delta nodded, feeling guilty. He’d gotten caught — really early on, too. Apollo’s expression softened. He came off the railing a bit, standing closer to the opening where the steps led down.
“Is there a reason you haven’t?” 
Delta did not know how to express just how compulsory his silence had been. His throat often felt like it was physically cutting him off from speaking. Even when he was asked to, given permission to, he sometimes had to force himself. The thought of doing so unprompted made his chest tighten. He looked at Apollo apologetically, at that exact loss now. Apollo seemed to understand.
“We weren’t trying to keep you in the dark. You have a right to know what’s going on out there. Levon just really wanted you to take the time to recover, so we didn’t volunteer it at first.”
“…Recover from what?” Delta asked.
His nose had mostly healed from where it’d been broken. His ribs were less sore and the cast around his arm could come off soon. And he never even needed any of those healed to use his powers. He could still work.
Apollo looked very sad. It was his turn to be stuck finding his voice.
“Maybe ‘readjust’ is the better word?” He settled on. “You’ve been through a lot and you’re in a new environment. We didn’t want to put too much on you. But if you really want to know, it’s your choice. You just need to tell us.”
Delta nodded. That was much easier said than done, but the instructions were clear. He hadn’t been punished for eavesdropping — and Apollo had made it seem like he wouldn’t need to. He undid the braid from his hair.
Iza departed that night, having slept over the night before. She was leaving for real now, off to the new post she’d been assigned to, returning to work. Delta leaned against the arm of the couch, watching her search through her bags. making sure she had everything. She caught him looking and winked.
“Good seeing you again,” she said from around the edge of the pen she had in her mouth.
“…Thank you,” Delta said quietly. He messed with the sleeves of his hoodie, finding it difficult to look at her head on. 
“Apollo tell you to say that?” She asked. 
“No, miss,” Delta answered honestly. He didn’t have to. “Just me.”
He was oddly calm. He took in her appearance, remembering just how quickly she’d been able to get him entranced. She didn’t look like Paris, not really. She was just more battle-ready than any of the others had looked, angular, more haughty. The alcohol had helped, obviously. She reminded him of Paris when Paris was good. Unbelievably, he found himself dropping his guard around her.
“Yeah, well.” She shrugged, “You’re welcome.”
His gratitude was clearly an inadequate consolation prize. She held up a finger gun to him, pretending to shoot him with a soft pew noise. He did not react.
“Be good,” she said. He watched her go.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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temp0raryw0unds · 26 days
accidentally wrote uracis instead of uracil and now it looks like I'm making fun of tRNA molecules for not being transgender
0 notes
ilearhmajeste · 1 month
So do megs mumps and mostly megs mumps whimsical moto lake alabastef it's sayings juice for brain. Esf spinal fluid empirestat fire owed to a great other rodent all together gi fly your uWy ok I see inferior.onmon. WEBREcrodrd oo oi iol porting
I'm only here to see the hygenjat for the whimps
Did the door open for youputr8b
Wiah careful are your golds Mercury I kno but hu xee Raleigh shhvGamg Grssn Mallory bug oration starts with clap clap sloOkvamptat itleTdbTenerts
Strawberry Pickens cosmowstrawberr park
I wall to where.gth rain brakes to stencil police copter staggerd inmarone onez right of wYstill to close in talent but if to hear for your joe hears ele give a surgical sponge or something ime just what good spumdz icing glitter chips somenext midi
You see I thought it was the panglounin but loaf boat bunched brands to death saisln by the seas still blue takis since blue salts of course why have vexology session at our places for
Wnys the drones in getting hold Google tale sate brahd strap tugd were tgat! Guys don't hav3 powers anymore
This woman tries the slide up a hood you see you can always catch the ones thinking well must be gravity
I was wondering if you could come and nod a little closer to me buster
What the fuck! I there fore with eased the e,xo dia
What are waiting for a bill to come in for something saltiers
Ok do tomb
I'm a cheer leader now we want to see buffys dics
Disc she meN.
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If I do I'd only do for Barron's cashe
Tar tars the fish flips
Wedge Edgar gonna go
Who else noodle arm
Fipo Lotta by a cd blueterts orange k uraci c9l9nies
Banshee right who says wookie
The entire songs I'll sing if Hearne i also like your car
Also helpful is to realize all the Human individuals you could possibly see were selected from a pool of possible human sources of which none were. The "possibility that I had been one before finalizing my title"
And currently statuses as: self improved
See me hand my calf out to someone
Little girl runs away crying
So the reality you were to be concious in was basically split and folded to thedgs of about 5 titled I individuals. As in. Professional conversation stayyers still could woth nope they're just going to have a couple ambulances start whirlpool in that parking lot.
I Don't want to know yet fir sure that's not a working other iris I'm joking over here.
He laughed
Someone somewhere said the welcome mats a fine addition to the good poll
*Marie nods*
Add TAPE!red blue color doesn't matter
*marie nods*
And dict tape sets a a an other are yoh wearj f glassea! .
Thanks to ehoopi they all got dancers in their pupae. You'd never know it unless you have ice wine.
So no color on the pole
Remember the k from Krueger and the sidewalk
That's the suburbs
Oh right we have the floor board heater s smell that turning on
It's popuris , if wishes could be on swiffer sticks.
Let me finish my cu4
Sqd warble did I wait....
Let's see it
Goodnseatv my memory held the aren't with memory and thersx no SD dendritic stickers witch.
Yeah a gun fell out
0 notes
acheiquera-iss04 · 2 years
1 setting e atores produção com pessoas negras
7-      Bandidos ou mocinhos deverão ser ebitadps – não me interessa heróis e bndiido
8-      Privilegiar o negro comum brasileiro
Nem n marqeus Sapucaí nem no maracanã
Mulheres negras
MÃES nos filme ópaio, mães de meninos que morrem cidade de deus, m
Questão da esteriotipoia – se  começamos com o esteriótipo e terminamos com ele, é uma forma de desumanizar o outro. Se a gente complexifica é uma forma de recuperar essa identidade.
Reconexão com aanscentralidade redescpberta reconexã ocom a religoes de matriz afro
 O filme viaja no silencieo, nai nercia, nesse corpo parada do protagonista que se aproxima do corpo morto. Ele se mistura. Rede que ele constrói a dificuldade de mergulhar no universo do Mauricio... um silencio de solidão desse corpo m
Difucldade dos não negros de entender essa complexidade, até onde elas podem ir...protagonismo do Allan rocha
A mãe respeita o silencio do filho.....o silencio como processo interno
0 notes
7oji · 2 years
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━━ same deep water as you, first part.
toji fushiguro is an unstable private investigator that takes on a case for an equally unstable family. when you have decided to throw everyone in your life away, you meet someone at the dinner you work at.
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◞⁺⊹ 💭 toji fushiguro/fem!reader. no curses au, slow-burn ish, reader has a family, angst, age difference, grieving, eloping, protective toji, pet names (bunny/princess), eventual comfort.
╭ cw for light-voyeurism and stalking (not yandere), toxic families, alcohol use, mentions of organized crime, eventual nsft. 1.3k word count.
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The old furniture in the office was uncomfortable. The place felt cold and reeked of cigarettes, which made people stay for short amounts of time like Toji preferred.
“After finding her, I just need you to follow her around and tell me what her routine looks like.”
Toji sat across an impatient-looking woman that looked out of place.
He loved desperate clients. Worried husbands, estranged fathers, or cunning wives were all dollar signs to him. And this time it was an obtrusive sister.
“What are you looking for, exactly?” His sharp eyes never left her when she pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.
“Well, we talked from time to time, but after the notice for the funeral, no one can get a hold of her,” the woman paused to take a long breath off the cigar, polluting the air with her anxiousness. “The school could only give me what I gave you. So, my guess is she got together with someone, got knocked up or something.”
Toji nodded at her summary, focusing on the discharge forms from the college she mentioned.
“Okay. Just know, if you are going legal, I can only take evidence on public spaces.” He leaned back into his chair to start his usual spiel. “That's the reason I asked. I try to cather to all needs, so if you’d like more, it’ll be a little bit more pricey for you, but out of record.”
“I know, that's why I came here,” she barely avoided rolling her eyes. “Our dad is just so worried, you know, with his own dad dying too. It’s his little girl and he could never be tough with her. I want to give him something before deciding what to do with her.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry for your loss,” Toji muttered in an attempt to skim over the sob story.
“Thanks. I know you knew him, but his friends better. You come... recommended,” she gave a critical glance across the neglected room.
“You mentioned that on the phone.” Toji flipped through her contact details to find what else to discuss. Both of them knew to keep that topic brief.
“Anyway, after finding her, which I hope will be no issue for you,” she puffed the smoke in his direction. “I'd like you to be with her for up to a month, depending on what comes up.”
He kept nodding mindlessly, getting ahead of himself to daydream about how easy this would be.
“I would prefer that you only focus on this and drop any other case, if possible. Money is not an issue.”
Oh, he’d almost squirm at that.
“I can imagine that,” he agreed, failing to contain a grin. “I do charge hourly and you’ll have to cover the expenses of my current projects to drop them, but we’ll set the payment details later on.”
They were done after the woman insisted on starting that same weekend.
“Have you ever gotten involved with the people you investigated?” was her last inquiry.
“That blows my cover, so, no.”
“But would you be willing to act? Like if someone needed to test if their wife was faithful?”
Toji had been offered similar deals a handful of times, easy to imagine with his looks, but the only one that went through was for a store owner looking to see if the girls at the counter would steal for him. Which they did.
He grinned after giving it a thought.
“Sure, for its right price.”
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A chime filled the dimly lit dinner in the last minutes of your shift. It was dark outside when the cooks handed you a plate of tomato soup from the small kitchen.
The two tried some small talk when they held the door open for you, only to receive the usual quiet smile.
You couldn't bring yourself to be mean to them, but this way, it would be easier when you finally disappeared from the face of the earth.
Letting your hair down you exited the restaurant and walked over to the bus stop. Moving through the dark streets was easy now with your pepper spray gripped inside your pocket.
Your edge had gone down a few weeks ago, but the hairs on your neck were up that night, even though nothing seemed out of place.
The first sight when you finally opened the motel's door was of a full trashcan. Room service hadn't passed by that day, but you figured it was better if no one was snooping around your stuff when you weren't there.
When you found a place cheap enough in the next town over, it was too good of an opportunity to let it go. It made sense when one of your sisters called to let you know grandpa had passed away. Your grandfather wasn’t a good person and had always treated the kids and the wives roughly. For him, a man of questionable ethics, there wasn’t any sadness from you and you wouldn’t bother saying goodbye. So, you took it as fate and paid for a whole month in cash.
The urge of flopping face-down into the bed was great, but a reflection in the mirror caught your attention.
The hair color so unnatural to your own popped out in front of you. You inspected that your look was as unrecognizable as possible, like you had intended, before resuming your routine.
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There was something specific about people who came to a private investigator for personal affairs. Toji would argue it was either craziness or lack of character.
When taking on a case for crazy, one had to be careful of them interfering in the jobs, so he would make sure to provide juicy information here and there, but not enough for them to know what his next move was.
Cheating husbands were his favorite. He was skillful at consoling a grieving wife, exclusively the ones that could afford him. For lack of excitement and transparency, he would not take any insurance claims or child custody cases. He was careful enough to avoid people from looking too deep into his practice.
Missing people were unusual cases, mostly because if the police couldn't do anything, those were people that didn't want to be found.
And for a moment he thought finding you would be harder than he thought. When he helped your sister file the missing person's report, he could go to the school but with no luck. You had dropped out with all necessary forms signed.
He moved over to the side of campus where most of your classes would take place, but asking around casually for you wasn’t giving him anything either. It seemed that you were hermetic enough.
“Excuse me,” he had heard a small voice when he was close to giving up. "Are you her family?”
Toji turned to find a girl too embarrassed to look him straight in the eye, but the mention of your name was enough for her to approach him.
“Yeah,” he said with a little smile. “Are you friends with her?”
“We were,” she hesitated. “At least I thought so, she didn't really talk to anybody, but we were in most classes together.”
“Did she say anything about where she was going?”
“I was going to ask you what happened to her,” she had finally seen him for a whole sentence, eyes full of surprise. “She… didn't really talk, and the last day she came to class, she was pretty nasty to everyone.”
Her slight lip quiver made Toji realize the girl really meant everyone. You were a little brat, weren't you?
It took a lot from him to not giggle at the thought.
“Sorry to hear that,” he gave his honest attempt at an empathetic smile. “How about we go to the cafeteria and you can tell me more about what my cousin did?”
Her fluster was all the answer he needed. That was his way in.
After that, it didn't take him more than a week to be at the front of a makeshift motel on the side of the road.
“Hi, little bunny,” he whispered to himself when he got his first glance at you locking your room's door. Seems like you changed your hair and wore some glasses, but you couldn't fool his sharp eyes.
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note. ahhh this is inspired by a dream i had with this man. i plan this to be a short-chaptered series and to update in 1+ week. thank you for reading 💗
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
Sci Fi Month Robinson Crueso on Mars
An astronaut is stranded on Mars ,where he befriends an alien ,must escape alien slavers and just survive.....This movie...This...I just .OK it isnt bad ,I can see why this became a cult classic , the monkey sidekick is cute ,the effects and matte paintings are damn impressive,I didnt mind and in fact found it kind of neat that we never see the Slavers ,just their fast threatening looking ships which gave them an air of menace (EVen if the ships them selves areobviously modified versions of the War of the Worlds ships ,except Silver,a few more lights and no cobra head ) .I wasnt even botheres by the accuracy (I dont really watch old Sci Fi for accr=uracy ,just entertainment ) or the fact the alien looks like ahuman (They wanted to make him loook more alien but it wasnt in the budget )......But the big problem I had was the main character .Now the actor is fine ,the character isnt too annoying ,but I just couldnt connect with him .......And it didnt help that in a very small part the film had ADAM WEST ,one of the most charismatic pop culture figures .....And I kept thinking "They dropped the ball not casting him as the lead " NOw yes this is me looking back with 57 years of hindsight ,and this was before Batman ,but even in his few minutes on screen he is so charismatic and it's a shame he is stuck in the role of "Friend who dies " .Also while I started liking this movie it quickly became a chore .Not a bad movie but I couldnt get into it
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark
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dlthrack · 6 years
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Councilor Zulf The Bastion Teyr Lefty,
   Hey old buddy, how are things with you? You’ll never believe who walked in the door of the Notched Axe last week: a young kapak! I haven’t laid eyes on a draconian since you headed back to Teyr to help lead their trade council. It was a good sight, although the lad seems a bit quiet and I haven’t pressed him for details. It seems like he had worked as a scout for the city, but all I heard is there was some political nonsense in the ranks and the boy is out to find his way as a merc like you and I did all those years. I wonder if you ever crossed paths with him there? Name’s Vutha-Uraci.
   It’s a whole new world out there for adventuring parties since we all retired! Me and Gwen have been running that inn and adventurer’s supply we always talked about going on a year now, and it seems like we’re finally hitting our stride. Teamin worked so hard to help us get it up and running, and then just up and announced he had found Reorx and was taking the good news to help the blighted kender in Kendermore. I wish he’d been able to see this place finally open and coming into its own. At first, I wasn’t sure if partnering with the newfangled Adventurers’ Guild would work out, we didn’t see any referrals to speak of until recently and now we’ve got a whole party of newly setting out folks here.
   They’re definitely an odd assortment of people: that young kapak lad, a funny little gnome from out your way in the Great Moors, a half-ogre if you can believe it (who’s unusually blue for some reason), an elf (who’s also blue!), and kindly half-kender who came to the city looking for rumors about missing kender. I’m hoping Teamin will know something. A couple of them came with critters, so we’ve got a big black housecat and a big barn owl hanging about the place. The first night the just stared each other down, but they seem to have worked things out well enough. I think if Suska could see the inn in the evening it’d make her smile.
   I miss winding down evenings with you over a cup of spirits or a horn of ale. The brewers here in Palanthas do good work, their district just keeps expanding and there are even some dwarves doing distilling nowadays. Since the closing of Thorbardin, there’s no authentic spirits to be had no matter the cost anymore. But the distillers have been partnering with the university here trying to cultivate the right mushrooms. They’re not quite there yet, and the first batch was mostly only fit for degreaser, but they do seem to be getting closer. And hopefully once the barrels have a chance to age some it’ll take off the rough edges.
   By the way, out in Teyr have you had a chance to try that new Ergothian whisky stuff? It’s a wonder they’re trying to distill at all, let alone making it out of grains and corn, but it’s not half bad! I wonder how many times their gnomish stills exploded before they were able to get a passable barrel. Nothing beats good old fashioned dwarven still design. I wasn’t sure if you’d had a chance to even hear about it, even with your trade connections, so I’ve enclosed a bottle for you to try. Lift a glass to me, and maybe come visit your old pal so we can share a bottle one of these years.
Cheers, and I hope to see you someday soon, Barsal
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virtualdevkit · 2 years
Aura Kingdom: ядра для зброї (weapon core)
P.s. не розумію чому при створенні гри частина самих гравців не враховує що потрібно створювати гайди для гравців на їхній власній мові. Бо досі мало чого корисного з цього приводу взагалі є.
Під час створення ядра зброї характеристики, які ядро отримує, є випадковими. Тож, по суті, це лотерея, який ефект ви можете отримати. Щоб отримати потрібне ядро, вам доведеться або створювати його кілька разів, якщо вам не пощастить, або купувати його в інших гравців.
Однак придбання певних ядер може бути дорогим, тому був створений список рівнів (ранг C, B, A, S), де C є найнижчим рівнем (за якістю), а S є найвищим з точки зору спільноти (не брати офіційний сервер результати враховуються, тому що вони нічого не знають, крім Destroyer і Nocturnal).
2% DMG - Barbed (B) 2% CRIT - Eagle (C) 2% SPD - Quick (C) 2% HP - Bloodstained (B) 2% DEF - Simian (C) 2% EVA - Ghost (C)
ПРИМІТКА Ядра з нормальними характеристиками є найгіршим типом ядер, і лише Barbed (для пошкодження) і Bloodstained (для танків) є альтернативами для наступних ядер.
10% HEAL - Restorer (A) 15% CRIT DMG - Deadly (A) 15% ACC(uracy) - Fell (B)
20% chance of target’s DMG -15% for 8s - Protector (A) 20% chance of target’s CRIT -40% for 8s - Holy (C) 20% chance of target’s SPD -25% for 8s - Crippling (C) 20% chance of target’s DEF -10% for 8s - Destroyer (S) 20% chance of target’s EVA -25% for 8s - Binder (C)
3% Lifesteal (0.3% VS Partymode bosses) - Nocturnal (S) 20% chance to Knock enemy backward 5 meters - Breaking (B*) 20% chance to stun target for 2s - Shocking (B*) 20% chance to slow target for 5s - Stealth (C)
*лише B-Tier, якщо використовується належним чином як змінна зброя, C-Tier, якщо використовується постійно.
Усі перераховані вище ефекти (крім ядра характеристик) також часом можна знайти в зброї синьої якості. Рекомендується використовувати підзброю синього кольору як нічну (nocturnal) зброю, оскільки вона впливає як на основні, так і на допоміжні навички. Крім того, це досить дешевше, ніж будь-яка саморобна зброя.
Однак на рівні 80+ вам знадобляться дві виготовлені зброї через нещодавно доданий шар захисту (defence layer), який можна пробити лише зброєю ПРОНИКАННЯ (penetration) (зброя, виготовлена на рівні 80).
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Igreja Universal passa vexame e é obrigada a se desculpar
Um vídeo publicado no Youtube onde durante um culto da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, onde Nossa Senhora é chamada de “desgraçada” é retirado do ar após repercussão negativa e obriga instituição e bispo a se desculparem, nesta segunda-feira, 11.
Nas redes sociais a Universal foi amplamente criticada pelo vídeo e na tentativa de reduzir o dano causado, o Bispo Rogério Formigoni gravou vídeo pedindo perdão.
Já a Universal emitiu nota dizendo repudiar tais ações.
“A Universal repudia a ação imatura do Bispo Rogério Formigoni, que durante um culto deu voz a uma entidade manifestada, a qual sugeriu que várias igrejas e religiões estariam sob influência demoníaca”, disse a igreja.
Entenda o caso
No vídeo um homem que “aparenta” incorporar uma entidade demoníaca ataca várias igrejas evangélicas e também a católica.
Diante do bispo Rogério Formigoni, um dos homens fortes da Igreja Universal, o suposto endemoniado diz que é o diabo e que está em várias denominações.
Questionado pelo bispo Formigoni, o homem acaba citando as igrejas Mundial do Poder de Deus, Assembleia de Deus, Adventista do Sétimo Dia, Batista, Presbiteriana, Plenitude do Trono de Deus, entre outras.
Além das igrejas evangélicas, ele cita a igreja católica e chama Nossa Senhora Aparecida de desgraçada.
Veja a repercussão nas redes sociais:
E viva os isentões da Universal/Record. Igreja e TVs de diabU! Deus me livre.#Tvrecord #Igrejauniversal https://t.co/SRGy2DwGEj
— Careca barbudo (@marcelo91981580) March 11, 2019
Mas a que ponto chega esse Formigoni da Igreja Universal . Esse vídeo planejado com esse cara fingindo de endemonihado. Falando mal de todas as igrejas e exaltando só a Universal. Que falta de vergonha!!!!! Que montagem. Que mentira.
— Uracy (@Uracy1) March 11, 2019
A Universal é a Igreja do demônio na Terra. Esta desgraça deveria ser fechada e seus líderes (todos milionários) presos. https://t.co/4WvM7V9cxC
— Felipe Cracco Gomes (@FelipeCraccoGom) March 11, 2019
A universal é a única igreja que entrevista o demônio
A Record é a única emissora que entrevista o presidente
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— Emanuel Saraiva (@saraivaCRF) March 11, 2019
Fui da igreja Universal por 4 anos. Pura enganaçao! Só falam em dinheiro. Deturpam a biblia afim de transformar td em finanças eiro. Como a prova de Jô, o scrificio de Isaque etc. " Saia dela , povo meu"!. Eles estão agora marcando uma cruz na mão das pessoas. Sei nao! pic.twitter.com/lKEUz5xlPA
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Talquei?Grande dia (@Flaviaferrero40) March 11, 2019
Veja também: Em vídeo da Universal, Nossa Senhora é chamada de “desgraçada”
Igreja Universal passa vexame e é obrigada a se desculparpublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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mentalnahigijena · 3 years
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Besramne laži Borisa Malagurskog
Portal Faktograf.zadnjih je dana izložen napadima od strane potpredsjednice Srpskog privrednog društva Privrednik Olivere Radović i kontroverznog proruskog propagandista, notornog falsifikatora novije povijesti Borisa Malagurskog. Povod predmetnim napadima je tekst koji smo objavili u utorak, problematizirajući činjenicu da Privrednik u Zagreb dovodi jednog od vodećih proizvođača lažnih vijesti i toksične propagande na Balkanu.
Kad je novinarka Faktografa nazvala Oliveru Radović kako bi je upitala je li svjesna da je Privrednik odlučio ugostiti dokazanog lažova i propagatora srpskih nacionalističkih stavova, potpredsjednica Privrednika obećala je da ćemo dobiti pisani odgovor putem e-maila. Vrlo brzo se pokazalo da je Radović lagala; nakon isteka roka u kojem je odgovor trebala poslati, više se nije javljala na telefon. Ali se zato naknadno očitovala tekstom naslovljenim “Sloboda mišljenja i teror jednoumlja”, objavljenom na P-portalu, glasilu koje Privrednik izdaje, a Radović uređuje.
U svom pamfletu Radović najprije implicira da gostovanje Malagurskog u Zagrebu uopće nije tema kojom bi se Faktograf trebao baviti, iako je naš temeljni posao upravo suzbijanje dezinformacija u javnom prostoru. Pa nam zatim u logički neshvatljivom obratu zamjera da nismo nikad pisali o svim dobrim stvarima koje Privrednik radi kako bi olakšao neosporno težak položaj brojnih pripadnika srpske nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj, iako je koji redak ranije sama ocijenila da bi se Faktograf “trebao baviti provjerom istinitosti tvrdnji političara i javnih osoba”. Time je Radović efikasno dekonstruirala svoj prvotni “argument”, očekivano tražeći priliku da zauzme poziciju žrtve i optuži Faktograf za latentni nacionalizam. Radi se o optužbi koja je toliko evidentno lažna da se od nje ni nema potrebe braniti. Ali, uzimajući u obzir mogućnost da je Radović samo neinformirana, a ne i zlonamjerna, iskoristit ćemo priliku da joj ukažemo kako smo u više navrata, upravo zbog toga što inzistiramo na javnoj komunikaciji utemeljenoj na činjenicama, prokazivali neistinitost šovinističkih ispada usmjerenih protiv srpske nacionalne manjine i njenih pripadnika u Hrvatskoj, o čemu može čitati npr. ovdje, ovdje, ovdje ili ovdje. Za daljnjim nabrajanjem nema potrebe, a ako Radović i dalje nije uvjerena, može se slobodno poslužiti Googleom i dodatno izučiti Faktografovu arhivu.
Toksična propaganda protiv logike i istine
U nastavku svog teksta Radović tvrdi kako “Privrednik u svom radu neguje kulturu pluralizma u skladu s vrijednostima demokratskog društva”, uz dodatak da su “gosti Privrednikovih tribina i predavanja ljudi s različitih strana ideološkog spektra”. Dok Faktografov tekst o Malagurskom, s druge strane, opisuje kao “upozorenje o tome o čemu smijemo, a o čemu ne smijemo govoriti i pisati”. Sugerirajući da Faktograf pokušava ugroziti njenu Ustavom zagarantiranu slobodu govora, Radović zapravo demonstrira izostanak sposobnosti logičkog promišljanja i zdravorazumskog razmišljanja. Jer, potpuno je pogrešna teza da sva mišljenja i stavovi imaju jednaku težinu pa time i jednako pravo javnosti. Srž je to poznatog “paradoksa tolerancije”, definiranog od strane filozofa Karla Poppera još 1945. godine. Paradoks, čiji nastanak nimalo slučajno koindicira s godinom završetka Drugog svjetskog rata, glasi ovako: ako društvo želi biti istinski tolerantno, ne može tolerirati netoleranciju.
Upravo zbog toga većina zemalja Europske unije, uključujući i Hrvatsku, predviđa zakonsku mogućnost sankcioniranja govora mržnje. U Hrvatskoj je ta mogućnost sadržana u 325. članku Kaznenog zakona pa bi se Radović, kao organizatorica priredbe u Privredniku, ako je film o Kosovu koji Malagurski predstavlja u Zagrebu na istoj nacionalističkoj liniji kao i njegovi raniji uraci, potencijalno mogla naći u situaciji da stavove svog gosta obrazlaže pred pravosudnim institucijama. Možda bi joj to pomoglo da shvati kako Malagurski – baš kao i ona sama – ima pravo na slobodno izražavanje svog mišljenja samo u onoj mjeri u kojoj time ne ugrožava tuđa ljudska prava, npr. prava kosovskih Albanaca. Jer, daleko od toga da je film “Kosovo: Momenat u civilizaciji”, koji Malagurski predstavlja u Zagrebu, sporan samo kosovskim vlastima, koje su ga opisale kao rasistički. Kao što smo već pisali, prikazivanje filma zabranjeno je i u Stockholmu, glavnom gradu Švedske, jedne od demokratski najzrelijih zemalja svijeta. I tada je Malagurski cvilio da ga pokušavaju cenzurirati, slanjem protestnog pisma većem broju švedskih medija. Nitko mu to pismo nije htio objaviti.
Isto tako Malagurski pred svojom sljedbom na društvenim mrežama sada cvili da ga cenzurira Faktograf, jer smo odbili objaviti njegov odgovor na naš izvorni tekst. A odbili smo ga objaviti iz vjerojatno istog razloga zbog kojeg je Malagurski dobio odbijenicu od urednika u švedskim medijima: jer pravo na vlastito mišljenje ne znači i pravo na vlastite činjenice, odnosno jer nam standardi profesionalnog novinarstva ne dozvoljavaju da distribuiramo klevete, laži i poluinformacije. Malagurski takvih etičkih problema nema pa je odgovor izvorno poslan Faktografu objavio na srpskom portalu ruskog Sputnika, koji mu je inače i poslodavac. Iako se predstavlja kao medij, Sputnik je zapravo propagandni alat u vlasništvu ruske države, financiran iz ruskog državnog proračuna, specijaliziran za distribuiranje lažnih vijesti i širenje mržnje. O kvaliteti i kredibilitetu njihovog sadržaja dovoljno govori činjenica da ih portal EU vs Disinfo, osnovan na inicijativu Europskog vijeća, identificira kao jedan od glavnih kanala za širenje ruske propaganda u Europi. Na stranicama portala EU vs Disinfo tako se mogu pronaći nebrojeni primjeri činjenično dekonstruiranih Sputnikovih laži. Drugi važan ruski propagandistički “medij” na čiju štetnost upozorava ovaj europski portal je televizijski kanal Russia Today, gdje je Malagurski također rado viđen gost.
Kako Malagurski laže i manipulira Naravno, sama činjenica da sadržaj distribuira putem kanala poznatih prvenstveno po lažnim vijestima, nije i konačni dokaz da Malagurski laže. A lagao je i u svome demantiju, kojeg nismo objavili upravo iz tih razloga, o čemu je on obavijestio svoje pratitelje na društvenim mrežama. Kako bismo dokazali da je lažov, osvrnut ćemo se najprije na njegov napad na Faktograf, a usput i na njegov lik i djelo, u nadi da će činjenična argumentacija odgovornim osobama u Privredniku poslužiti da shvate koga su zapravo odlučili dovesti u Zagreb. Svoju objavljotinu na Sputniku Malagurski započinje neutemeljenim klevetničkim ad hominem napadom na novinarku Faktografa Anu Benačić, inače dobitnicu HND-ove nagrade Marija Jurić Zagorka za internetsko novinarstvo. Malagurski ovaj detalj iz njene biografije izvlači kako bi primijetio apsurd nazivanja nagrade za internetsko novinarstvo po osobi koja nije doživjela internet. Iako sadržajno nebitan, ovakav uvod daje vrlo jasnu ilustraciju kapaciteta kojima Malagurski raspolaže; Zagorka je, naime, umrla čitavih 46 godina nakon smrti Josepha Pulitzera, čije ime nosi svjetski najpoznatija novinarska nagrada, koja od 2008. godine u svih 14 kategorija prihvaća radove nastale i isključivo na online platformama. HND je ovu praksu usvojio tek pet godina kasnije.
Ovu mentalnu egzibiciju ističemo samo radi lakšeg razumijevanja razine suludosti rečenica koje slijede: “Naime, u samom naslovu je Ana pogrešila — ja se nikada nisam bavio teorijama zavere, već činjenicama pojedinih zavera. Zavere nisu neka izmišljotina — one postoje i zato postoji reč za njih”. Na stranu sad bazično nerazumjevanje procesa nastanka novinskog teksta, u kojem je novinarka odgovorna za sadržaj, a urednik za opremu pa tako i naslov, Malagurski je citiranom tvrdnjom zapravo potvrdio da doista jest teoretičar zavjere. Tvrdnja da zavjere postoje zato što postoje i nazivi za njih zapravo sažima osnovni komunikacijski alat efikasnog propagandnog djelovanja. Na istom takvom gnojivu nikla je u Hrvatskoj i nedavna histerija oko tzv. rodne ideologije, sintagme koja je školski primjer praznog označitelja – apsolutno ništa ne znači zato što u stvarnosti ne postoji, ali je njeni propagandisti najprije imenovanjem pa onda i opetovanim spominjanjem pokušavaju prikazati kao stvaran problem.
Malagurski u svoju obranu zatim ponavlja više puta dekonstruiranu tezu, koju je iznosio i u svojim dokumentarcima “Težina lanaca”, da se raspad Jugoslavije dogodio uslijed globalne neoliberalne zavjere. Činjenične netočnosti kojima Malagurski u predmetnim dokumentarcima barata već su temeljito raskrinkali Stefan Gužvica i Bartul Čović u četverodijelnom eseju za Novi plamen, pozivajući se, za razliku od Malagurskog, na relevantne povijesne izvore. Navedimo samo neke od skandaloznijih laži i manipulacija kojima se Malagurski služio izrađujući svoje “kapitalno” djelo: kao relevantne sugovornike pred kameru je doveo obožavatelje četničkog krvnika Draže Mihailovića i “eksperte” koji tvrde da je u logoru Jasenovac ubijeno 600.000 Srba, što je barem šest puta više od stvarne brojke. Ne može se reći da ta brojka ne varira kod Malagurskog, ponekad raste i do milijun.
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Nadalje, potpuno je ignorirao događaje iz osamdesetih koji su doveli do raspada Jugoslavije, a u svrhu pokušaja da minorizira krivnju Slobodana Miloševića za ratne sukobe devedesetih; u istu svrhu Malagurski pokušava krivnju za ratove u kojima se raspala Jugoslavija ravnomjerno rasporediti između Miloševića, Franje Tuđmana i Alije Izetbegovića, ignorirajući činjenicu da je Milošević postao predsjednik Srbije još 1987. godine, dok su Tuđman i Izetbegović rukovodeće pozicije i njima pripadajuću moć zauzeli tek tri godine kasnije; kao krunski dokaz da je Jugoslavija pala kao žrtva zapadnih velesila Malagurski prezentira dokument američkog Pentagona, izvorno objavljen u New York Timesu, u kojem se Jugoslavija uopće ne spominje; u više navrata pogrešno u vremenu smješta događaje iz ratnih devedesetih, jer bi mu se čitav narativ u suprotnom urušio; svoje islamofobne teze pokušava poduprijeti netočnom tvrdnjom da je Bosna i Hercegovina 1992. godine bila većinski kršćanska, iako ga u tome demantira popis stanovništva iz 1991. godine; za snimku iz sela Vrhbarje koja je nastala za vrijeme rata tvrdi da je snimljena nakon potpisivanja Daytonskog sporazuma; Miloševićevu propagandu o sukobima između Srba i Albanaca na Kosovu tretira kao povijesne činjenice koje ne treba propitivati… Za one koji žele znati više o manipulacijama kojima se Malagurski služi da bi izgradio svoj nacionalistički narativ, preporučujemo analize Zijada Burgića na E-novinama i Amira Telibećirovića na portalu Tačno.net.
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plaguedpumpkin · 6 years
ulhar darastrix, woari isk
sia iteshk ui skaeren lae coi wielgic ekess sia uraci
lae si ulnot vi niarhaanin, si mi zulf lae ehis
woari, kiri molmonsore ekess stir, kiri tesantamaso ekess thirku
si mi ti jikmadator, si shilta ti qe.
si jinthil wer drisi svern yoweth, filki yoweth aurthon
si tira batobot ihk vi dril
coi jeers sva ve
si mi ti jikmadator, si shilta ti qe.
sia dastudr ui gethrisja, sia mitne ui dim
si mi zaja di slathalinir, di drekim beli
si tir ti tepoha wer bekir ekess nakta sia sepa itmen
si mi ti jikmadator, si shilta ti qe.
spurn sia simethoti, si jalyur tir coi
majak ve loerchik, si jalyur tuor coi
visp ve si mi ehis, si jalyur kiwieg coi
si mi jikmadator. si mi inloilfreyi. si mi tesantamaso.
sia ominak ui ulhar, ihk si mi jaciv.
vur jaciv ui ve, ihk jaciv ui vi woari kiri
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Children, Crime, and Family: CANDIDATE STATEMENTS GOVERNOR As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most Mobilizes and state departments and agencies, and appoints judges. emergencies. e Proposes new laws, approves or vetoes legislation, and submits the annual state budget to the Legislature. John H. Cox I REPUBLICAN I wa sn't supposed to make it into this run-off for Governor. I'm not part of the political Cass wasn't born rich, no family with political connections. My name is John Cox, and I thi ink what the political class has done to working people in California is a crime. They've ans have been left behind. We have sky-high gas prices and vehicle fees, with the ountry. Where millions commute to cities they love, but can't rigged the game, trading favors and enriching themselves, while millions of forgotten highest poverty rate in the c afford t o live in. So, they commute on roads that are a mess. They send their children to failing schools. abundant water supply into the ocean. Our friends and family are moving out of Sacramento politicians ration water in our homes, while emptying our California not because they want to, but because they have to. Where for too many Californians, it's a choice between buying gas to get to work, or groceries to feed the family. That's choice none of us should have to make. The good news-we don't have to put up with this, because help is on the way. We can stop the water rationing, repeal the gas tax, fix our schools, and make housing affordable again, but only if we're willing to hold our failed political leaders accountable. I'm John Cox and I want to be your governor. E-mail: [email protected] JohnCoxforGovernor.com Twitter: @TheRealJohnHCox Gavin Newsom I DEMOCRATIC No candidate statement.Wow e order of the statements was determined by randomizod d uracy, Fach CALIFORNIA CENTIPEDES! TOMORROW IS OUR DAY TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD! VOTE RED AND SHOW THE DEMS THEY DON'T OWN OUR STATE!
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ISLAVE SACOM Iphones, Ipad, Ihome, Islave four words and two separate worlds. As the need for more and more advanced apple products the harder the slaves at Apple have to work. In workers, I mean in the factories that are inhumane to extreme measures.A shocking statistic that I found on Statisica was how rapidly the demand of iPhones grew within the last eleven years.  In the last eleven years the unit sales of Iphones have gone up dramatically. In 2007, 1.39 million Iphones were sold. In 2017, 216 million units were sold. The demand of Iphones went up and the workers have to pay with their lives. Some workers, even think that taking their own lives is the only way that they can escape these miserable work conditions . I found some disturbing information while reading ISlave.” New Internationalist.“Last year a startling 18 Chinese migrant workers attempted suicide at Foxconn production facilities located in Guangdong, Jiangsu and Hebei Provinces. Fourteen died, while four survived with critical injuries. All were between 17 and 25 years old"(Chan). While many people are aware that union regulations are not as in favor for the workers compared to the strongly regulated United States, many still choose to turn the other cheek. While bringing up my project to some people who were asking me what I was writing, I told them about the conditions that workers have to go through in order to produce an Iphone. A vast majority shrugged and walked away while I continued to conduct my research. I admit that I once felt the same way when I was younger. I didn’t think that anything that I did could possibly make a change. While reading ISLAVE BEHIND THE IPHONE, I learned more about how the workers at Foxconn are actually treated. Many workers get hundreds of hours of work go undocumented due to the errors of management. I still beat myself up for thinking as an 8 year old that designed in California meant made in America. What a lot of people fail to do is get past the oblivious “ I can’t do anything about it” stage. Are the newest and trendiest apple products worth the slavery of others? If we all look into the factory conditions of the brands that we support before giving our money, we can make a change. “Workers frequently endure excessive and forced overtime in order to gain a higher wage. If they cannot reach the production target, they have to skip dinner or work on unpaid overtime shifts. Even worse, they are threatened by potential harm from occupational managers in various departments. Additionally, military-style management practices are still in place, characterized by “military training” for new workers(SACOM)” Many workers endure miscalculation and withholding wages,forced and unpaid overtime, exposure to irritating chemicals, harsh management, and an uncaring care hotline. Workers are forced to live in, work in environments where getting basic needs for survival are shut off or restricted. Hair dryers and washing clothing is against policy. The workers make so little that it is often a challenge for them to get nourishment from the canteen during the day while they are working endlessly until the requirement of products are met. “We have to pay CNY 150 for dormitory and about CNY 200-300 for food. After these deductions, our basic salary is only CNY 950,” said a female worker who had joined Foxconn 2 months prior(SACOM)uracy with beginning and end times. If a production target isn’t reached workers will be kept over time, often unpaid until the work is done. Supervisors yell and use insulting language in order to make workers become more like a production line. If a worker isn’t efficient enough, they will receive criticism in front of everyone else in the assembly line. This tactic is used to put fear into the workers in order to work quicker. “Apart from scolding by Frontline supervisors, other forms of punishment include being required to write confession letters and copying the CEO’s quotations(SACOM)” Many students in China are required to do internships at Foxconn facilities. Many students confess that they were forced to do these internships due to fear of being punished by their schools. Many workers are scammed into working for Foxconn with the hope of a high salary and prestige. “The labour department made false promises to us about the salary at Foxconn. It claimed we could earn over CNY 2500 per month.” Zhang only knew about the real basic wage when he signed the contract(SACOM)” The big CEO’s pry on the dreams of the workers that they suck into their slave circle. While reading Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition Jack Qui took me more in depth with his personal witnessing the misery and evil first hand. A quote that really stuck out to me was said by a protester. “You think that the authorities and the tycoon's respect you?You think they listen to you? No, they see you as slaves!” Qui then compared the slavery in China to Twelve Years A Slave. A question that was brought up and made me think about is the question of if the advancement of digital media is making humans freer. Someone once made me realize something great when I forgot my phone one day while commuting on the train to school. Everyone was glued to their phones ( all Iphones) and ignoring the world with their ear buds blocking the world out. Are we really free if we have to pay a bill each month to have a cloud that stores all of our information that can easily be tapped into? Apple gets people to pay for their overpriced devices and they are only supposed to last a year. According to Motherboard.com the link is posted below.Apple locks customers in with their new Iphone every year program. It still bothers me that the new Iphones have facial recognition. The government can easily track everyone's new Iphone user’s face. I fear that one day the freedom of peaceful protest can be destroyed if the government has the access and is able to track down everyone by their faces who were protesting. I feel as if technology is making users more needy. Siri can answer almost any question for you while you don’t even have to type your question into a google search. I fear that the iPhone will create the next generation of ICants. Original Memes: https://imgflip.com/i/272lyu (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. https://imgflip.com/i/272ljs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. https://imgflip.com/i/272l4v (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Work Cited: SACOM. “ISLAVE BEHIND THE IPHONE.” SACOM, SACOM,  Sept. 2011, www.bing.com/cr?IG=F7B8CCD278614206A1CFCFB68F9C681D&CID=0998AC01726364051E45A7BC732C659C&rd=1&h=ld-hkBF73GTnHb8A2mAxNC_Z2QTRkWYTqBVAumLEC0A&v=1&r=http%3a%2f%2fsacom.hk%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2011%2f09%2f20110924-islave-behind-the-iphone.pdf&p=DevEx,5064.1. “Apple IPhone Sales by Year 2007-2017.” Statista, www.statista.com/statistics/276306/global-apple-iphone-sales-since-fiscal-year-2007/. Chan, Jenny. “ISlave.” New Internationalist, 1 Apr. 2011, newint.org/features/2011/04/01/islave-foxconn-suicides-workers/. Koebler, Jason. “The IPhone Is Guaranteed to Last Only One Year, Apple Argues in Court.” Motherboard, 12 Sept. 2017, motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/j5geby/the-iphone-is-guaranteed-to-last-only-one-year-apple-argues-in-court. Qiu, Jack Linchuan. Goodbye ISlave: a Manifesto for Digital Abolition. University of Illinois Press, 2016. In class citation: Twenge, Jean M. “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 19 Mar. 2018, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/has-the-smartphone-destroyed-a-generation/534198/. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
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