#usami yuta
thepixelblender · 10 months
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culminations, liberation, success, joy, unions, optimism, future | reversed : loss, lack of effort, false appearances, uncertainty
VII The Chariot, X The Wheel of Fortune by @thepixelblender
V The Hierophant, VII Strength, XI Justice, XVI The Tower, XX - Judgement by @lordichamo
The Sun appearing reversed indicates a gap between your personal plans and ambitions, and the present reality. It is important to guard against feelings of despondency. [] It indicates a loss of some sort. It is also telling of making rash, impractical decisions and choices. []
The Sun, when it appears reversed in a reading, asks you to double-check all aspects prior to becoming involved or committing to anything of importance. Do not allow others to fool you by omitting or changing details, or through you not paying proper attention. [] When reversed, The Sun still promises some happiness, although this may be clouded due to inner feelings of isolation and/or loneliness.
> source
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Round 54: You ever hear of this guy called Kiryu?
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It's not about who you like more! It's who you think sucks more as a character!
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thatevilenby · 1 year
I wonder how much of a controversial opinion this will be but I really like Yuta, I think he parallels Kiryu in a lot of interesting ways especially showing just how self destructive and harmful to others Kiryu's self sacrificing behavior can be through this parallel. While I still think Yakuza 6 should've been either a much longer game or two entirely separate games (Same thing I felt with 3 honestly) and his relationship with Haruka is extremely underdeveloped, I like him as a character and I hope he gets more development later on in the series
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woundedheartwithin · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dojima Daigo & Sawamura Haruka, Dojima Daigo/Majima Goro, Sawamura Haruka/Usami Yuta Characters: Dojima Daigo, Majima Goro, Sawamura Haruka, Usami Yuta, Morning Glory Orphanage | Sunshine Orphanage Orphans (Yakuza), Kiryu Kazuma Additional Tags: Sibling Bonding, Established Relationship, Post-Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 6 (Video Game), Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 6 (Video Game) Spoilers, Married Couple, Slice of Life, Family Fluff 
Summary:  Daigo hopes to find common ground with his adoptive sister.
Notes: Wrote this in like an hour because I’m sad. I’m a filthy American, so I use freedom units. I did do a little research on the weather in Okinawa and Tokyo respectively, so it’s more or less accurate. This is set about a year after the end of y6, and is technically part of a Majima/Daigo fic I’ll probably never post, though I did write it completely separately.
Okinawa is warm. Much warmer than Kamurocho is this time of the year, still locked in the mid-February freeze as it is, waiting for the chill to inevitably give way to spring. Ever changing, cyclic, reminding all those caught in its flow that the passage of time is as inevitable as the promise of the changing seasons. But the island is warm, sunshine and birdsong making it feel more like early summer than late winter. Unchanging. Immortal. A place caught in time like a photograph.
Daigo can see why Kiryu had loved this place so much.
Beside him, Majima Goro huffs and fans himself, scowling at the sun like it had personally wronged him.
“Too damn hot.” The lieutenant complains. “It’s the middle a’ February an’ it’s what? Eighty fuckin’ degrees out here?” Daigo looks at his phone and snorts.
“Not hardly, Majima-san. It’s 68 degrees.” He replies, grinning when the older man huffs again and waves a hand.
“Humidity’s a bitch.” He grumbles, and Daigo chuckles softly.
“C’mon. Morning Glory’s this way.” He says, grabbing the handle of his suitcase and lifting it.
“Bet they ain’t got a goddamn air conditioner.” Majima continues, grabbing his own luggage and dragging it behind him. “Shoulda booked a goddamn hotel room. They have t’ have AC fer all the damn tourists.”
“Like you?” Daigo teases, chuckling when Majima growls at him.
“Damn straight. This heat’s fuckin’ bullshit.” He replies gruffly, and Daigo chuckles again.
“Tone it down on the swearing, Majima-san. I doubt Kiryu-san would appreciate his kids learning your colorful vocabulary.” He says as they walk along the street.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya shoulda dragged Saejima out on this little field trip. He’s better with kids than I ever was.” Majima sighs. “An’ anyway, Haruka-chan still ain’t a fan a’ me. At least she likes Saejima.”
“Saejima-san’s holding down the fort for us. One of his duties as captain.” Daigo replies, straightening his shoulders. “Besides, I figured you’d want to have me all to yourself out here on a beach where nobody knows who we are.”
“It ain’t nothin’ like that, Daigo-chan.” Majima says, looking at him earnestly. “Ya know I love the idea a’ spendin’ time with ya. It’s just…” He trails off as though he’s unsure of what to say, and Daigo reaches over and grabs his hand, threading their fingers together and squeezing gently.
“It’s hard for me, too, you know.” He murmurs, smiling when Majima looks at him again. “I’m just as out of my depth as you are.”
“Maybe moreso, yeah?” Majima concedes, squeezing his hand in return. “Maybe he weren’t all that much older than ya, an’ maybe he only knew ya in fits and starts, but Kiryu-chan was just as much yer father as Patriarch Dojima was, huh?”
“Moreso.” Daigo agrees with another smile, wan and tired. “I loved my dad, but he was a piece of shit. But Kiryu-san… hell, I idolized him. As far back as I can remember.”
And that’s true. Daigo still remembers the emergency meetings between Kazama Shintaro and Dojima Sohei, when the captain would have no choice but to grudgingly bring his de facto sons with him because they simply wouldn’t leave him alone. Kiryu and Nishikiyama would take a very young Daigo out into the courtyard of the Dojima estate and play baseball with him to pass the time, while the boring adults talked about boring business. And while they had been teenagers, they’d always made time for the child who had looked up to them with stars in his eyes.
Hard to believe they’re both gone, now. Hard to believe how much time they’d wasted.
Daigo squeezes Majima’s hand and sighs.
“Sorry fer bein’ a whiny bitch.” The older man murmurs, bumping his shoulder with his own. “Y’don’t need that. I’ll keep my trap shut.”
“I don’t know what I would do with myself if you weren’t whining in my ear all the time, Majima-san.” Daigo retorts warmly. “The silence would drive me crazy.”
“Yer such an ass.” Majima growls, laughing as Daigo waves a hand dismissively. “But if ya insist, I’ll keep pesterin’ ya ‘bout that AC.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Majima-san.” He says, then grabs the older man’s collar and pulls him into a sweet kiss. Majima sighs and sinks into it, lifting one hand to curl at the side of Daigo’s neck.
“Awright, Daigo-chan, we better get th’ lead out.” The older man murmurs after a moment, pulling back and grinning.
They continue down the street, walking toward the sound of laughter echoing in the relative silence of the beachside, and suddenly Daigo is nervous. He hasn’t seen Haruka in years, not since she was a little girl, and he’d been a lot different back then. Wild, angry, consumed by unresolved issues that had sent him spiraling, so completely done with everyone and everything that he hadn’t particularly cared if he’d lived or died.
He’s so different now. Not wiser, but certainly smarter. More controlled. More calculated. In many ways, less a man one would want to call a brother than he is a man one might simply bow to and hurry away from as quickly as possible. Haruka had been kind to him before, in that sweet, soft, yet very mischievous way of hers, but the world had changed the both of them, and Daigo wonders if the thread that ties them together now will be enough to find common ground. He hoped it would be enough at least to bridge the gap between the different worlds the Tojo Clan had made for them.
The palm trees obscure their approach, and Daigo hesitates before breaking free of them, tugging on Majima��s hand to stop him and pull him back into the safety of the fronds. The older man looks at him curiously, a hint of sympathy coloring his gaze, and Daigo looks away, frowning deeply.
“Talk t’ me, Daigo-chan.” He murmurs softly, squeezing his hand, and Daigo huffs.
“Ten years of heading the largest criminal organization in eastern Japan, countless wars and conflicts, being hunted, nearly killed, and arrested, but the idea of meeting a bunch of children is making me fucking nervous.” He gripes, frowning again when Majima laughs. “It’s not funny, Majima-san.”
“Sure it is, ya fuckin’ dope.” Majima coos, reaching up to pinch his cheek. “Yer gonna be fine. Just a buncha brats and Haruka-chan. Who’s a mama, now. And Kiryu-chan was her dad, so she’s prob’ly pretty damn fierce these days, actually.”
“You’re not helping.” Daigo hisses, and Majima laughs again and pats his face, something more sincere overtaking his features.
“Hey, Kiryu-chan was yer dad, too, huh? That’s yer common ground. Trust that connection.” He murmurs, echoing Daigo’s thoughts as though he’d read them, then steps away, tugging Daigo after him and breaking from the cover of the palm trees. “Heya Mornin’ Glory!” He crows, not an ounce of subtlety in him, and Daigo cringes internally as every child in the yard freezes and turns to stare.
A man stands up from the engawa, the cigarette in his hand forgotten as he glares at them, every inch of him rigid and ready for a fight. He’s wearing a t-shirt, the edges of a tattoo peeking out from his sleeves, and Daigo is immediately on guard, grabbing Majima’s arm and yanking him back to his side.
“Who the hell are you?” The man growls, less menacing perhaps than he’d probably meant it, and Majima shrugs off Daigo’s hand and steps forward again.
“Could ask th’ same of you.” He growls, his voice low and deep and truly menacing, and the man hesitates. “Yer yakuza, yeah? Where’s Haruka-chan?”
“What do you want with my wife?” The man retorts, finding his nerve and squaring his shoulders, and Daigo sighs and lets the tension out of his own body. This must be Usami Yuta. Date-san had told him Haruka had married her child’s father, but even though he’d also mentioned the young man was ex-yakuza, somehow the notion had seemed so absurd to Daigo that it had slipped his mind.
“It’s alright, Majima-san.” Daigo murmurs, pulling the older man back again. “My apologies, Usami-san. We didn’t mean to put you on your guard. Please, allow me to introduce myself.” He continues, stepping forward and bowing deeply. “I am Dojima Daigo. My companion here is Majima Goro. We were… close to Kiryu Kazuma-san.” Yuta narrows his eyes, as though gauging whether or not he should believe them. Then, before he can make a decision either way, Haruka emerges from the house, one hand on the door frame, the other fisted over her heart, and a look of such fear and apprehension on her face that it breaks Daigo’s heart.
“What do you want, Daigo-san?” She asks, her voice strong like it hadn’t been when he’d known her a decade before. “There’s nothing else you can take. Uncle Kaz is gone. You can’t call him back to the clan. And you won’t take Yuta-kun. I won’t let you.”
“Haruka, that’s not—“ Daigo starts, but she cuts him off.
“Usami-san.” She corrects sharply, a fierce look on her face that mirrors Kiryu’s so much it takes his breath away. Related not in blood, perhaps, but certainly related in spirit.
“Usami-san.” Daigo concedes, letting his shoulders sag. “I’m here to see you.”
“Her? Why?” Yuta growls, stepping in front of her, and Majima steps in front of Daigo in turn.
“Maybe it’d be best if Kiryu-chan told ya why.” He says, his voice low and serious. “Daigo-chan, give her the letter.”
He does, and she reads it right there, her husband moving to read it over her shoulder. Her hand creeps up to her mouth as her eyes move over the page, tears collecting in her lashes as she hears the words in her father’s voice, just as he had.
“I just want to talk to you, Haruka. Not as a yakuza. Not as an enemy.” Daigo says, and her eyes find his right as her tears slip down her cheeks. “But as a brother.”
“Okay.” She whispers, dropping her hand to her heart once more. “I’d like that… onii-san.”
Notes: I know Daigo probably keeps his distance to make sure his little adoptive family stays safe, but I just really like the idea of him wanting to be a big brother, and moreover, wanting to talk about Kiryu with someone who understands the sort of parent-child relationship they had. Everybody else knew Kiryu as a friend or brother, but Daigo and Haruka and the Morning Glory kids knew him in a very different way, and I really wish we saw that explored a little in canon. I also really like mama bear Haruka, and I adored that little taste of it we got in the y6 post-credits scene, so I gave her some of that fire back that she had when she was a kid
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helioshellion · 5 months
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aleksikesa · 9 months
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▸Games Played in 2023
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (2016) dev. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
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himemina02 · 9 months
Yuta's favorite color
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danielladigitalbunny · 2 months
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Yakuza 6 / Ryu Ga Gotoku 6
The Song of Life
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spenpy · 2 years
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doodles requested from instagram of just the most weird people to ever exist!!!!
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danganfixationronpa · 2 years
The purest cinnamon rolls of Danganronpa who must be protected at all costs
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Round 35: You've babygirled for the last time
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It’s not about who you like more! It’s who you think sucks more as a character!
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torajira · 1 year
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nebjamin · 1 year
These are some of my favorite screenshots I got while playing Yakuza 6.
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daily-rgg-posting · 11 months
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The way Yuta flopped in my game was so funny.
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partylikemajima · 2 years
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I participated in tojoctober for the first prompt "Sun" i think i burnt my eyes with how bright it is Haruka, Yuta and Haruto at the beach outside Morning Glory orphanage. Watermark is my ig account.
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Tojoctober Day 3 - Safe 
(I would defend my precious, I would reach to the top)
Alt title is from Reign
Yuta protects the orphanage from some wannabe looters.
(not really any spoilers, since the summary is the spoiler lol)
Cheer and laughter echo from the area of Morning Glory Orphanage, as the residents there enjoy a day off from their responsibilities. The boys, led by Yuta Usami, are playing with Mame in the front area of the building. The girls sit on the porch, while baby Haruto practices walking between them. It's a peace often seen in this place, this sanctuary from the horrors of their world.
That is, until Mame runs away from the group of boys, into the middle of the road, and starts barking. 
"What is it, boy?" Koji runs up to where Mame is still barking, and sees a group of thugs walking up the path, incredibly close to the building. 
"Oh.. crap, crap, crap!" Koji scoops up Mame and sprints towards everyone. Yuta and Taichi run to meet him.
"What's going on, Koji-kun?"
Koji stops, places Mame down, and pants heavily, speaking between breaths.
"People… a lot of them… they look like bad news!"
Yuta's face hardens. "I'll figure out what's going on. Koji, get Mame," He looks over to the girls as Koji bends down and scoops Mame up again. "Haruka, keep Haruto close to you. Ayako, get everyone inside!"
The kids start scrambling, faces showing worry and confusion, as the older girls usher everyone inside.
"I'll stay with you, Yuta-san."
"I'll put Mame inside and get Mitsuo. He'll want to help you two. And I do too." Koji shouts as he runs off, dog in tow.
Yuta hesitates "Guys, you don't have to-"
"You don't have to defend the orphanage, yet here you are." Taichi retorts.
"I'm not trying to stop you." Yuta responds. He knows if he lets the kids get hurt at all, Kiryu would not let him rest once it was his time. "Just, promise me you'll fall back if you get hurt?"
Taichi nods grimly. "If it comes to that."
Koji and Mitsuo emerge from the building, and together, the boys walk into the middle of the front yard, assuming a defensive position.
The looters turn into the space, 6 muscular people wearing face masks.
"What are you trying to accomplish?" Yuta's voice booms, trying desperately to hide his fear. There were a lot more guys than he thought.
"What are we trying to accomplish?" The person in the front responds, their voice muffled slightly by their mask. "Ha! We have a gut feeling that there's something precious inside there, and we want it!"
"Yeah? And you think we'll hand it to you?" Taichi yells back.
"Judging by your attitude, this is going to get messy. Get them!"
The party of looters starts charging at the defensive line. 
"We're protecting our home!" Yuta yells, followed by the shouts of the other guys, as they meet the looters charge.
A large fight commences, and while the looters have the number advantage, Yuta and the kids were heavily underestimated. Taichi wrestles one of the looters to the ground while Koji punches another in the diaphragm. Yuta comes up from behind, throws a haymaker into a looter, and picks Mitsuo up off the ground. As the fight continues to progress, the looters begin to gain an upper hand. Thankfully, the kids keep their promise to Yuta, and retreat into Morning Glory before receiving too much of a beating. Soon enough, Yuta is the last one standing, squaring off with the leader bandit. The looter slams a fist into Yuta's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He goes to follow it up with a punch, and Yuta prepares to brace himself.
Yuta gasps instead, as the last opponent is hit with the hilt of a blade. He crumples to the ground, and behind him stands another, way more intimidating figure. This one, a man, is wearing an eyepatch with a snake adorned on it. His outfit of a snakeskin jacket and black leather everything would make Yuta raise an eyebrow, but right now, he's regaining his breath and scared shitless.
The man walks up to Yuta, sheaths his blade, and sizes him up. Even though he's only a few inches taller when Yuta stands upright again, it feels like Eyepatch Man is towering over the young one.
"Yer the one keepin’ em safe?" The man speaks in what Yuta registers to be a Kansai accent.
Yuta swallows. "Y-yes."
The man scoffs, his eye wandering the space around them. Yuta wants to see where he's looking, but he can't bring himself to move. He doesn't want to remember what it feels like to get stabbed. His brain runs wild, trying to think of something to do other than stand here.
The eyepatch man brings him back to his senses by grabbing his chin, tilting his head around, seemingly inspecting the younger man. Yuta winces a bit.
"Good head on yer shoulders. Definitely can handle yerself. You…"
The man trails off, distracted by something, Yuta can't fathom what. He hears the man clear his throat, and makes eye contact with Yuta, his gaze softening ever so slightly. 
"Take care of her."
And with that, the man turns around, grabs the unconscious intruder by the arm, and drags him away. 
Yuta glances around and now notices the rest of the looters are gone as well. Was that Eyepatch Man's doing?
"Yuta!" Yuta whirls around, and sees Haruka, near the front step of the entrance, her expression creased with worry.
"Haruka!" Yuta runs up to the entrance of the building, enveloping Haruka in an embrace. "Are you okay?"
Haruka makes a sound of agreement. “Everyone’s ok, Yuta.”
Yuta puts his head on Haruka’s shoulder and sighs. "It's OK. You're safe now. I promise."
He holds her for what feels like forever, and eventually, the other kids emerge from the building and join the hug. 
On the front step of Morning Glory sits a mess of people clinging onto each other, some carefully making sure their bruises aren't touched, but they're locked in a moment of reprieve and newfound peace.
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