#user: peridot
trans-peridot · 3 months
Going back to the usernames as names post: you/(r system) are in fact Trans Peridot to me 🤙🏻
Hell yes we have a Brand
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silverflqmes · 9 months
synopsis. the general of the xianzhou luofu is absolutely knocked out, nowhere to be found, and you’re left to look after his son retainer.
genre. fluff + crack
tw. secondhand embarrassment..
for @melukonova <3
jing yuan x gn!reader.
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“i am not a child!” the blond haired swordsman whined out, sheathing his icy blade. “therefore i do not need babysitting!”
you let out a sigh, throwing your bow on your back as you caught up to the fuming teen. “i don’t wanna look after you anymore than you want me to. but your dad- i mean, mentor, ordered me to.” a chill ran down your spine. “and i don’t even want to know what would happen if i disobeyed and lost you.”
the dozing general, as your good friend sushang called him, was all lax and carefree until angered. you being you, the last thing you wanted was to see first hand what that anger looked like. after all, they did say the calmer ones are scarier when they snap.
yanqing eyed you for a moment before letting out a huff, unfazed by her reasoning. “what makes you think i would get lost? i’m perfectly capable of handling myself, i’ve been doing so for years now!” he argued before drawing out a hum. an idea. “but..” he dragged out, peering at you from the peripheral of his gaze. “if you want to waste your day chasing me around, i suppose you’ll have to keep up!”
and just like that, the boy was gone within a sprint.
your palm came in contact with your forehead as you let out an ( exasperated ) sigh. normally you would have left the kid to do his thing, but with the mara-struck soldiers around and all sorts of dangerous beings.. it wasn’t wise to leave him on his own, even if his skills rivaled or outnumbered your own.
“this kid is gonna be the death of me.” with that in mind, you bolted after him. “wait up!”
yanqing didn’t dare slow down as he maneuvered his way through the artisanship commission — a favored place of his. for awhile he’d been eyeing a sword there, but sadly.. he’d spent his entire paycheck upon receiving it.
which for reference, was last week..
however, two days ago yuan had provided him with the necessary credits to purchase the blade. hence his pursuit for the antique store.
when his peridot eyes found his destination, they sparked with relief when they caught sight of the sword. his prayers had been answered! no one bought it!
he took the antique meticulously into his hands, as though afraid it could shatter if handled incorrectly, as he brought it up to the counter.
“sir yanqing, you’ve returned!” the storekeeper greeted, smiling brightly. “the sword’s been waiting for you the entire week! since no one has come to purchase it, it seems it was meant to be with you after all!”
the ice user let out a chuckle, folding his arms proudly across his chest . “it seems so!” he grinned before reaching into his pocket. “same amount as before?”
a nod. “same amount!”
relieved to hear it hadn’t gone up in price, yanqing continued his search.. only to come out empty handed.
the boy blinked in surprise, reaching into another pocket.. and nothing again.
“i must have left it at the estate!” he mentally scolded himself before looking up with a blush coating his cheeks. “i-i um.. left my wallet at home.. is there any chance you can hold onto the sword while i get it?” he asked, praying the shopkeeper would say yes, but his apologetic smile said otherwise.
“i’m sorry sir yanqing, it would go against the store policy since we’re an antique shop — you sort of find what you can get..”
the young prodigy paled, whispers entering his ears around him about the blade. if he left, someone was sure to take it!
“what to do, what to do..”
“yanqing, there you are! i’ve been looking everywhere for you.” you called out, glancing between the blond and the store clerk. “were you going to buy this?”
his eyes widened at your ability to have caught up so quickly. he thought he’d lost you amidst the twists, turns and teleportation! it seemed his methods in slipping away still needed work. he could only wonder how the general had perfected his so well.
parting his lips, yanqing felt the need to interrogate you on your abilities in finding him, but he closed them right after, his curiosity faltering. “it doesn’t matter, i left my credits at home so i can’t buy it.” he mumbled back, cheeks burning as the words left his mouth. how could he have made such a rookie mistake?!
a hum left your lips at his reasoning before you reached into your utility belt, pulling out a sum of credits you’d received just yesterday. “how much is the weapon?” you stepped forward, holding out the bills in your hand.
the blond nearly felt his jaw drop at your actions. were you going to pay for him?? he couldn’t allow that — it wasn’t right!
“w-wait, y/n! i can just get another one some other time!” he blurted, tugging on your wrist to pull you back.
however, you ignored him. “will this be enough or does it cost more?” you asked, refocusing your gaze on the shopkeeper — who looked almost dumbfounded. how much did cloud knights earn?!
“um- it will do, y-yes..” the owner answered quietly, popping the register open before grabbing a tote. “would you like a bag with that..?”
you looked towards your blond companion, nudging him out of his daze. “bag or no bag?”
“n-no bag..” yanqing answered quietly, taking the blade off the counter before sheathing it at his hip.
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the walk to the estate was quiet, minus the rustling of the trees and gossiping of birds.
no wonder the general liked his naps so much, it was peaceful and much needed- considering his workload.
yanqing hadn’t spoken a word after saying he didn’t need a bag.
part of him was still disbelieved about it all. if it hadn’t been for you grabbing his wrist to guide him back home, he would’ve remained frozen in his place.
the silence didn’t matter to you though, your job of looking after yanqing was nearing its end. you could return to your post in about twenty minutes worry free.
“y/n, yanqing!” the general greeted at the gates, smiling that cat-like grin he always sported. “i was beginning to think something had happened that required me to save you both.” he teased, sliding his gaze over to his retainer’s hip before letting out a chuckle. “i see you went shopping. is that the one you’ve been eyeing?” he inquired gently, folding his arms comfortably over his chest.
the teen looked up at the albino haired male for a moment before lowering his eyes, shame overcoming him. “a-about that, i left my wallet here.. so y/n bought it for me.” he confessed, flushing like he did before. he felt bad to have you pay, after the way he behaved with you earlier.
and yuan had no issue picking up on this as he let out a hum. “really now?” he questioned softly, peering over at you for confirmation.
surprise crossed your features upon being addressed before you inclined your head. “he was worried someone would buy it if he left the store, so i paid. but it’s no issue at all! t-truly, general..”
the lightning user let out a hum. “i see. well i can’t let your kind actions go to waste.” he spoke up finally, raising a hand to his chin.
“that’s alright- consider it a gift.” you smiled awkwardly, waving your hands dismissively before flitting your eyes to the blond. “i hope the sword finds you well.”
yanqing felt his guilt creeping up on him as he watched you turn before he could say his thanks.
and then his voice found him. “w-wait..!” he blurted out, grabbing your hand, as you did previously to him. “you didn’t let me thank you properly..” the ice user spoke up, swallowing his embarrassment to look over at the golden eyed male beside him for permission. “can y/n stay over for dinner?”
“dinner?? with the general and his retainer?!” you shouted in your head, astonished that the boy was even asking such a thing when all he wanted was to get away from you.
“a-ah, yanqing that’s okay- it was a gift! therefore no payment is required.. and i don’t want to intrude.” your voice quieted at the last sentence, suddenly feeling flushed yourself.
you had a post to get back to and later a box of leftover takeout waiting for you at home. having dinner with the general and his apprentice was completely unheard of!
however, the general in question thought otherwise. “hmm.. i think the kid is right.” jing yuan finally said, lowering his hand to the arm over his chest. “you’re relieved of your duties for tonight. yanqing, show them in while i get dinner started.”
with that, the general was already walking through the gates into his grand estate.
and once more.. you were left to look after his retainer — or in this case, he was left to look after you.
“um.. this way.” the blond brought you out of your trance when he dropped your hand, moving a few steps ahead of you.
the walk was awkward to say the least, he was truly hoping for yuan’s assistance on this, but alas.. he had other plans.
perhaps this was yanqing’s punishment for forgetting his wallet behind. “have you visited here before?” he sliced through the silence, though not as cleanly as his swords would.
you slid your eyes to him, surprised to hear him speak, though you recovered quickly. “a few times to deliver messages, but never beyond the gates.”
the blond nodded in understanding. jing yuan was keen on not mixing home life with work, he liked to preserve his relaxing environment. which made sense, people came home to relax and get away from their job.
he continued onward with you, stopping at the small nook he normally spent time off in to grab what looked to be.. digital checkers?
your brows rose a little. despite yanqing arguing that he was not a child, he sure favored his games.
his eyes met yours — a wordless invitation.
it’s not like there was much to do. anything to pass the time ( and embarrassment ) will do.
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“alright, dinner is ready!” the snowy haired general called, walking out with a crockpot in hand — a culinary achievement of his. “who’s hungr-”
“HOW?!” yanqing’s voice tore through his question, causing him to blink. his retainer wasn’t one for losing his cool around others; had he missed something?
you surveyed yuan at the doorway for a second before lowering your eyes to the blond, lifting your shoulders at his outburst. “beginner’s luck?” you asked with an innocent smile.
only, he wasn’t buying it. “no way-! then i demand a rematch to test that statement!”
“how about you let our guest eat first.” the general chimed in, chuckling softly when the boy sharpened up instantaneously. worked every time. “i see you and y/n have been quite busy in my absence.. perhaps i’ll have to try my luck with them as well.” he mused, winking over at you.
your face heated up at the gesture, not having anticipated that of your superior, but you tried not to think too much of it.
sure he was a smooth talker and incredibly handsome. you’d even caught that foxian ambassador selling his pictures once!
however you knew better than to become romantically attached. least of all with your, quote on quote, boss.
even so, you couldn’t help those butterflies that crept into your gut at that wink. it was heart-stopping.
you took the vacant seat the boys had left you- across from yuan, ironically. once again, you tried not to think much of it.
but how could you do that after his fingers brushed yours so delicately when you reached for the ladle?
the way his golden eyes fell to yours and that dreamy look on his face with that lazy smile. no wonder you kept away from the general, you wouldn’t survive a day!
yanqing eyed the exchange, glancing between you and his caretaker. something felt strange in the atmosphere, and at this point, he was rethinking his choices on inviting you to eat. this was.. embarrassing to witness, and he’d had enough of his own share already.
still, it would be rude to send you home or question his guardian’s actions.
that, and he couldn’t help this weird, fuzziness in his chest. the little kid in him that yearned for that familial feeling.
granted, jing yuan on his own was a father figure enough — but right now, sitting at the table between you both.. he couldn’t help the rush of emotions he felt all at once.
he wondered if maybe, you would come again to dinner if he asked you to.
notes. hi queen i was trying so hard to get this out on your birthday but i fr blanked out and the creative juices went dryer than sumeru’s desert😐 anyway i hope this was what you wanted?? went from where’s waldo ( yanqing ) to very fluffy dinner??? first time writing jing yuan AND yanqing too, so i am um.. concerned for the portrayal. but i hope it satisfies you! and happy happy birthdayyy mami, mwah<3
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thearoaceshark · 3 months
Part 2 of characters that I headcanon (and some canon) as part of the aroace spectrum! Not ace-only are included, for the Aro Week. Enjoy!
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9. Our favorite stone:
Peridot, from Steven Universe.
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10. London's most aroace detective:
Sherlock Holmes, from BBC Sherlock.
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11. The user of AeROsmith in the bucci gang, rest in peace my lovely orange, we miss you!!:
Narancia Girgha, from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Golden Wind.
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12. The witch who is immune to love potions:
Lilith Clawthorne, from The Owl House.
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13. The princess who is an ace with arrows:
Merida, from Brave.
Here Part 1.
Those would be all for the moment, share your aromantic characters in the notes if you want!
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snailsdraw · 10 months
BIG DISCLAIMER: this is based on these very cool posts by @gordonfreemansphysicsdegree (link 1 here) (OP's OG gems designs link here).
I don't own this AU, I just drew stuff because mind esplosion
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[Start ID: 9 pages of user gordonfreemansphysicsdegree's HLVRAI-SU AU doodles drawn by user snailsdraw featuring the Science Team as gems.
Yellow Olivine Darnold in two outfits: the homeworld outfit and the on-earth oufit. The homeworld version resembles a warmer, high-collar version of Peridot's outfit with limb enhancers and a green visor, and features Darnold with a yellow coloured flat top afro and dark orange skin. His gem, which is green and triangular, resides on his forehead. The on-earth version features her wearing a duku headwrap with a star-shaped bow in the front, a yellow visor, yellow gloves and boots, a labcoat with a three-pointed collar like the top half of a star, and a one-piece swimsuit-like apparel separated into two shades of green by an inverted "V".
3 early Gem-Darnold sketches: Darnold in a mish-mash outfit consisting of a scarf, labcoat, a visor, arcade-patterned shirt, polkadot skirt, striped socks, rocket boots, and the headwrap. He is holding a clipboard and pen, and seems to be observing something. Beside that is a sketch of Darnold in homeworld attire, projecting a holographic screen with her floating, limb enhancer fingers. And lastly, Darnold in a labcoat again, looking sheepish.
Banded Carnelian Gordon and human Joshua: Gordon is a fat, bearded, one-armed gem with a ponytail, wearing a rounded visor over his eyes, a hoodie with stars on the ends of the drawstrings, sweatpants, and sneakers. His gem, located on his upper chest, is chipped. Joshua is a wide-eyed kid with floofy, spikey hair in a cowboy outfit with a star-shaped sheriff's badge and toy horse. There's a sketch of Joshua attempting to eat a worm, and another of Gordon looking very tired.
Blue Dumortierite Benrey: He resembles a quartz in uniform and body type, except shorter and wearing a hood. His left hand is hidden behind his back, but a callout drawing shows that there is a raindrop-shaped gem inserted sideways into the back of his hand.
Lapis Benrey: He is a fat gem with an undercut and bangs, and is wearing an outfit that resembles Lapis's, except with tights instead of a skirt. He is sitting cross-legged with his watery wings out, and is throwing a peace-sign, his gem now visible on his left hand and in it's original, flat position. Next to this is Benrey in his earth-outfit, consisting of a cap with a star decal on the side and ear flaps and a ponytail sticking out the back, a crop-top hoodie with a star-shaped open patch on the back, a translucent skirt, and open-toe tights. He's making a kissy face, and is posed with one foot kicked up behind him and a hand on his hip, the other hand flipping his cap ear flap like you would long hair.
Yellow Agate Tommy: He is a tall, lanky gem with hair styled resembling a mound atop his head with rings resembling the agate mineral, and is dressed like Holly Blue Agate with a high-collar, shawl, and high boots. He is standing attentively with his hands in the diamond pose. Beside that is a sketch of Tommy in an oversized Beach City Funland shirt and a propeller hat he'd won at the Funland. He touches the cap reverantly like he's just had a revelation from having fun for once in millenia and this is a turning point for him. Next to that is Tommy in his earth-outfit, consisting of a short puffy-sleeved top with 2 pompoms down the front, a bowtie, a cummerbund, and tights with shoes tipped with pompoms. Sunkist, a corrupted Pearl who resembles a large, masked bird, is lolling her tongue happily while she recieves some scritches from a smiling Tommy.
Corrupted Cream Pearl Sunkist: Originally, she is a Pearl with shoulder-length hair and a curl on her forehead and attire that resembles Pink Pearl's except with a translucent curtain around her shoulders instead. She stands with a foot pointed out in front of her like a ballerina, and her fingers interlocked before her chest. Next to it is a drawing of her corrupted, bird creature form. Additionally, there is a sketch of her after she is newly healed, touching her face in wonderment and tearing up. She now mostly looks like a Pearl, except with longer hair resembling wings, no nose, and an inverted "V" line across the middle of her face.
Green Quartz Dr Coomer: He is an old gem in Quartz uniform with a roundish moustache, a balding head and under-eye wrinkles. His weapon are two huge gauntlets, like Garnet's. A round gem resides on top of his forehead. On Earth, he wears a singlet with ripped edges around the armpits resembling a star-shape, and suspenders with star-shaped buckles. He flexes, showing off his bulging arm muscles.
Fusion-Zircon Bubby: He looks like an average Zircon, just slightly taller and much older, and with two monocles instead of one. His hair droops back in a triangle, and his boxy jacket has unbalanced shoulderpads with two jutting out from one shoulder and only one from the other, and a mis-matched number of line decal on his sleeves and pant legs. He also has heeled boots and a three-pointed hankerchief under his gem - a fusion of several shards of Zircon. He's posed with his head tilted up and hands on his hips. On Earth, he has a balding head with hair also angled in a triangle behind his head. He wears a tracksuit with a big star pattern front and centre. His sleeves and boots are mis-matched in lengths. /End ID.]
I WILL EXPLAIN I only changed Darnold's gem cut because I learned that Olivine is Peridot in mineral form and went oh👀?
Very very interesting HLVRAI 2 AU, awesome times.
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
The Pride of June: Aromantic
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Todays art piece (bottom) was created by @zedleaked. Please go check out their blog and show support!
Scroll to the bottom for a message from our Tumblr User!
The Aromantic Flag is the Flag used to describe someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. This IS NOT the same as asexual. Someone who is Aromantic can still feel the desire to have sexual relationships.
Fun History Fact: They first recorded use of the word Aromantic was said as joke by someone trying to explain they have no desire to be in a relationship
Tumblr User: @zedleaked, and @boilinghotsoupandcrackers (who is aroace)
Media characters: Lilith Clawthrone from The Owl House is aroace, Peridot from Steven Universe is aroace, Percival King from Epithet Erased is asexual and implied aromantic, Howie Honeyglow from Epithet Erased is aroace, Kusuo Saiki from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K is aroace. Unfortunately, aromantic people are very underrepresented and aroace representation in general is very limited. It can be seen that there aren’t any characters in media yet that are alloaro [people who can feel sexual attraction but not romantic attraction] which is a little unfortunate, we can only hope by spreading awareness about aromanticism that one day we may be represented more in media. (Written by @zedleaked)
Why the colors? Green and light green represents the aromantic spectrum, White represents platonic love and friendships, and Gray and black represents the spectrum of different sexualities
Where can I find the calendar? The calendar is my pinned post on my blog @hecateisalesbian! This will be occurring all throughout June, and tags such as #The Pride of June and #PoJ Project can be used to find my post
Special Message
”What does being aromantic mean: Aromantic is an umbrella term for people who do not feel romantic attraction or do not feel it most of the time. Romantic attraction is the desire to have a romantic interaction with another and potentially be in a romantic relationship with another. Aromantic people can be asexual at the same time or can just be standalone aromantic.
Fun history fact: The term aromantic started being used in 2005. There was an aromantic community formed on the AVEN: The Asexual Visibility & Education Network which was a community centred around asexuality. Guess these two really do go hand in hand!
Personal Experience: To break the professional language for a sec, figuring out whether you are aromantic or not is hard, especially if you are not asexual as well. When I was figuring myself out I often found that I never really developed crushes on others and that made me feel weird since romance is so mainstream and talked about and for some reason I don’t feel these weird butterflies in my stomach or something? I guess I’m just weirdo! Sure, I can find people attractive and cute but I didn’t feel that romantic feeling. As a kid I would try and just scan other kids in my class to try and figure out if they’d be a good partner. I didn’t know that there had to be some kind of feeling to get in a relationship with someone. I just thought people would go ‘hey this person is nice and cute, I will be their partner!’ but that’s definitely not how it works. I would find it hard to differentiate romantic and platonic love because I mean… love is love…? I mean some would say romantic love is doing stuff like cuddling, holding hands, kissing, hugging… but you can also do that platonically, right? There’s just that extra step in romantic love that I just can’t see because I can’t experience that extra step. There are moments where I think I feel love but I realise that at the time I was just really eager to be their friend as I get very excited when meeting someone like me but if I really thought about if I would be in a romantic relationship with that person… the answer would probably be no. Some aromantics can feel lonely as they can’t feel romantic love and they don’t have the desire to devote their life to a person, but remember that you still have those platonic relationships and they can be just as strong if not stronger than romantic ones, nothing is better than hanging out with a really awesome friend. If you believe you’re on the aromantic spectrum but are unsure, try doing some research for yourself as there are many terms under the umbrella that may fit you! Demiromantic for example is when you only feel romantic love when close to someone or grey-romantic is when you feel fluctuating levels of romantic love but as a whole barely experience it”.
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starry-blue-echoes · 9 months
Okay so for the Cult of the Diamond au, consider this: Jolyne in prison, her ass just freshly gotten stone free, and there's whispers about the cult her uncle runs around the prisoners. Nobody says a thing out loud, ofc, especially around the guards, but there's evidence of the cult's influence being worshipped. Sapphire and Diamond shrines in cells, a few Peridot sigil tattooed onto some women as all-seeing eyes, things like that. And then she probably makes the connection that the cult was run by Stand users and other tidbits her daddy-o the Opal oh so kindly left out, so what's the most logical thing for her to do? Why, become the newest religious figure in the cult, monikering herself as the Euclase, a trickster deity of chaos who has a vendetta against Pucci for trapping her within the prison to prevent her influence. Things randomly falling apart like clothes? That's the Euclase. Someone got beaten up mysteriously and without a trace of her assailant? Oh she just angered the Euclase don't worry about that. Hermes and FF are just sitting by with popcorn as Jolyne proceeds to accidentally copy what Josuke did when he first started the cult and soon gains her own flock of followers.
UERBGHRBVHRCER Y e s s s s s s s s s s s s
Jolyne uses every bit and scrap of knowledge she can remember from taking with Josuke and his friends to make it convincing. Jotaro ends up helping during his escape attempt, more or less as a back up plan since while he sure as hell isn't leaving without his daughter, he is aware of the fact that things can and have gone wrong and it'd be best to at least give Jolyne a foundation of sorts to work with
Euclase is a GREAT pick, it's absolutely gorgous and some of the patterns I've found remind me a lot of Stone Free's strings
The Euclase being a trickster is also a really fun idea to play with. The Euclase is a free spirit doing as it pleases and going where it wishes. However, despite it's flipant nature, the Euclase is far from cruel. In fact, those who trap others, who take advantage of others, who use tricks for nothing but harm and cruelty, those are the people the Euclase hates the most
Pucci H A T E S the religion and the cult with a burning passion, especially since he's aware of the fact it's just a bunch of Stand Users "trying to play god" (he ofc fails to see the irony), but all his attempts at stamp it out in the prision have only resulted in the followers being more of a tight knit group
and ofc, Hermes and Foo think this is the funniest shit ever and eventually ask if they can get roped in too (maybe Hermes could be Tourmaline since there's a varitey (Watermelon Tourmaline) that can have a yellow-ey color and pink in it, though I'm not super sure for Foo)
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jewishgir · 3 months
sorry to hear you suffered from prismatic bell too, xir friends that would stick around really normalized it and liked to shout down anybody hurt by xem. prismatic bell really infested the sailor moon fandom with xir madness, and other places by abusing and being so controlling of others. even before xe converted to judaism, xe liked to speak over jumblr users as being the spokesperson extraordinaire and scholar everybody should believe and that sadly has not changed.
when we were in the yugioh fandom together xe was like 27 and I was 19 and xe would go between love-bombing me and calling me xir good friend to nitpicking every single post I made as the queer elder who knew everything and was the top authority on everything. when I was asking people about the queer relationships in zexal xe passive-aggressively replied to me insinuating that it was pedophilia and when I asked, genuinely, what xe meant (because I had not watched the show yet) and if xe considered that to be the case with yugi and atem xe blew up on me insisting I was intentionally bringing up false equivalencies to spite xir and made a post saying I supported pedophilia and being as sensitive as I was back then I cried myself to sleep while leaving xir messages apologizing and in the morning xe replied blaming me for the nightmares xe had that night and gave me details about xir assault and also accused me of anti-indigenous racism because I was kin with peridot from steven universe (I was very much still a child) anyway afterwards after claiming to be blocking me xe continued to reblog and reply to various yugioh meta posts I made either agreeing or nitpicking them but never addressing me directly, just treating them like posts that appeared on xir dash organically which might have been the case because we shared a lot of mutuals but it was still weird. anyway the pedophilia in yugioh zexal xe accused me of promoting by asking about was this:
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and these days xe is a staunch advocate for underage porn fics and rpf and the like.
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light green userbox with a green border and green text that reads “this user is peridot.” on the left is an image of peridot from steven universe. /end id]  
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trollsedits · 24 days
Get to know me…. 2.0
I know my introduction was lacking a lot of things such as stuff that I like to do and stuff so yeah get to know me 2.0
-As I mentioned I’m Vietnamese American I was also born in the Philippines
-My pronouns are She/Her :^)
-I personally would say My favorite youtuber are ItsFunneh and Krew (I don’t watch them as much as I use too b/c of school)
-My favorite Troll is Floyd and Branch
-I love Ube flavor anything like ice cream, Cake, brownies etc
-My favorite cake flavor is Red Velvet and Ube
-I like to cook and bake in my spare time so I sometimes would cook and bake and bring it to my friends and family I recently made red velvet cupcakes w sweet cream cheese frosting and I added Oreos on top and a pitch of sea salt :^)
-I love listening to Lana Del Rey, Troye Sivan, The Weeknd, Charli xcx etc…
-I love dressing up to the point where is considered Cosplay (Is so expensive to cosplay characters)
-I love shopping especially online shopping haha
-My favorite fast food place is Jollibee (The best fried chicken ever and the gravy is sooo good if you never had jollibee I suggest you try it I love it!!! my childhood food )
-I can speak English and Vietnamese I only know basic words in Tagalog,korean and Spanish not too much of it doe but I can speak perfect Vietnamese
-I love cats and dogs but prefer cats more haha
-I love dark chocolate you can hate me all you want but dark chocolate is my guilty pleasure
-My favorite fruits is Strawberries and bananas
-I also love Steven universe <3 my favorite character from SU would depends but I personally love lapis lazuli and peridot haha
-I love ramen I eat them almost everyday if I could but I had to cut back cuz too much sodium
-I’m Obsessed with collecting false lashes I have a ton of them from big huge one to natural small looking one I currently use the semi small looking one that will make my eye stand out
-I did cheer in high school and competitive cheer
-I’m a introvert
-Still childish af can’t even grow the F up but that’s okay :^)
-Favorite kind of pasta dishes would be Alfredo & Carbonara
-I’m a Pisces ♓️
-My Birthday is on Feb 22
-I absolutely hate Valentine’s Day (Not because I’m single even if I was taken I still hate it anyways no matter what sorry)
-My favorite holiday is Halloween & Lunar new year I always look forward to those holidays
-My favorite quotes would be….. (I have multiples)
“Singing Killed my grandma!” -Branch Trolls
“Waffles are just pancakes w abs.” - ItsDraconiteDragon Krew
“Friends don’t lie.” - Elven Strangers Things
“You clod.” - peridot Steven universe
“Jojo, have you learned nothing!” - Abby Lee Miller Dance moms
“Don’t be stupid, be Stoopy.” -Itsfunneh krew
“I dump your ass.” - Elven Strangers Things
“S.U.E.” - Gold3nglare Krew
“Family.” -Lunar3clispe krew
That’s all I could think off in the back of my head I have more but it hasn’t spark me up yet haha
-I Play Roblox & Minecraft sometimes (Plz don’t ask for my user is personal and I don’t play that often sorry)
-I sometimes fainted when I get my blood drawn so I would usually close my eyes and look away and my mom would have some sweet Candy to help me afterwards
-If I would describe myself in three words it would be Kind,super shy, and independent
-if I could live anywhere in the world I would probably live in Canada because Of ItsFunneh and krew haha
-I have many phobias I can’t name them all but My most well known fear is Acrophobia Fear of heights I can’t even go in roller coaster or anything and I’m also afraid of numbers or anything that has to do with math I get dizzy when I look down from very high places so yeah definitely scared of heights
-I prefer to sometimes keep my hair long as-long my mom let me get Korean bangs cuz is more of my style I sometimes cut it short I once cut it super short people made fun of me and misgender me and spread lies about me so I stop having my hair short for a while if I do it would be like after a break up
-Favorite school subject would be history (Currently majoring in that field) least favorite subject is math obviously
-the color of my hair light brown to semi blonde because I been bleaching it but I will bleach it again hopefully to go blonde been wanting to be blonde for a while but hate having to damage my hair 🤧
-do I like my age? Hell yeah I do I have privilege to do things that I wasn’t able to do ;D (My parents always think I take advantage of it)
-Favorite dessert is Ice cream and cheese cake
-I’m not allergic to anything in general if it is it would be pollen or like fish skin like those salmon fish skin crackers is only minor nothing serious but I do avoid it also I’m highly allergic to people Bullshit so please don’t give me your Bullshit I ain’t dealing with that
Anyways, I’m pretty sure I did cover everything but if I miss any you can always DM me and asked me some questions (Please no personal question like name etc…)
Like+ Follow Are Very much appreciated! 💕
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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peridot submas fusion my beloved 💖💖💕💘💖 Peri has been my favorite gem since she appeared, so fusing her with my special blorbos is making me feel so autistic /pos
it is goofy!!! also spreading my it pronoun user peridot propaganda
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zydeco-xylophone · 1 year
Dusting off the ol flight rising account once more n decided to share the AB/AVA/AVM fandragons I made in scry (sorry mobile users this is a lot of images). Haven’t come up with outfits with them so they’re funky lil nudists for now.
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TSC/Orange - Saffron Ribbon/Saffron Eel/Radioactive Points. No idea what to do for it’s eyes so they’re whatever really. Gotta say that FR’s oranges are hard to work with. Could’ve gone with capsule for the whole hollowhead thing buuuuut....
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Blue -Blue Swirl/Blue Sludge/Cobalt Capsule/Rare Lightning Eyes. ...I went for Capsule for Blue’s whole potion thing, as well as Sludge. Could’ve gone for Slime as the primary but I’m a sucker for colored patterns, plus the purple reminds me of the potions ingredients.
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Red - Ruby Ripple/Ruby Daub/Pearl Veined/Glowing Plague Eyes. Helloooooo Herobrine influence! Had it not been for the whole possession angle I can see Red Underbelly working as well.
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Green - Mantis Clown/Mantis Eye Spots/Peridot Sparkle. FR got a great range of greens but the one labeled as green was too dark for my tastes so mantis it is. Wanted something extra showpony to match the personality but things like Flaunt/Flair, Poison/Toxin, etc went too far in the opposite direction.
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Yellow - Lemon Cherub/Lemon Seraph/Crimson Runes/Dark Sclera Light Eyes. Lucky Block AND Redstone influence! Wanted to use Circuitry but that was waaaayyyyy too cluttered even for my tastes.
Fun fact: I choose CG’s breeds because those are the starter choices the player gets in FR! Honestly anything could work for them, these are just my takes on em.
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joron1a-stardustlor · 10 months
i need help with a kirby x steven universe au
Steven- kirby
Garnet- ?
Amythyst-gryll @mint-termsandconditions
Pearl- meta knight?
Connie-bandana dee
Sadie- ?
Lars- ?
Peridot- marx?
Jasper- ?
Pink diamond/Rose-galacta knight
Blue diamond- (oc) nelldae knight
Yellow diamond- morpho knight
White diamond- void? Another oc of mine i have?
Spinel- Elfilis @chaos-squared
Uh feel free to reblog/comment with suggestions im all ears and my ask box is open for suggestions ^^
Feel free to reccomend for other side characters aswell (like the off colors)
I forgot spinel so i put her in
I prob cant thank people correctly but i can put ur user beside the character you suggested :]
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inkpalace · 6 months
ink palace system
As of November 26th, 2023
Amy - Host, alien slime in the shape of a cat (she/her, it)
Pins - Balloon animal (she/her, it)
Gangle - Introject from the Amazing Digital Circus (she/her)
Jax - Introject from the Amazing Digital Circus (he/him)
Zooble - Introject from the Amazing Digital Circus (any pronouns)
Olivine - a Peridot from Steven Universe (she/her, it)
robot - a currently broken robot (it, she/her)
Minnow - a plush shark (he/him)
Willow - a tiny mouse (she/her, it)
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Gangle is the primary user of tumblr, and can be assumed to be posting here or on her blog, @digitaloffshoot, unless otherwise stated.
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
Pure Chaos Bracket Links/Guide
Submissions and Rules (Closed)
Preliminary Rounds (4/15 - 4/22)
Kokichi (Danganronpa) VS Junko (Danganronpa)
Amethyst (Steven Universe) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Jenkins (Red vs Blue) VS Team Red (Red vs Blue)
Dirk Gently (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) VS Bart Curlish(Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)
Glenn Close (Dungeons and Daddies) VS Lark and Sparrow (Dungeons and Daddies) VS Scam Likely (Dungeons and Daddies)
Eda Clawthorne and King (The Owl House) VS The Collector (The Owl House)
Round 1-A (4/23 - 4/30)
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Damien LaVey (Monster Prom)
Pearl (Splatoon) VS Mei (Lego Monkie Kid)
Deadpool (Marvel) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics) VS Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Marx (Kirby) VS Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stary Dogs)
Grian and Scar (3rd Life) VS Jevil (Deltarune)
Luffy (One Piece) VS Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Team Red (Red vs Blue) VS Alina Gray (Magia Record)
Round 1-B (4/25 - 5/2)
Mort (All Hail King Julian) VS Loki (Norse Mythology)
Benrey (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware) VS BOb (Slime Rancher)
Yin-Yang (Inanimate Insanity) VS Remus (Sanders Sides)
Slimecicle (QSMP) VS Happy Chaos (Guilty Gear)
Junko (Danganronpa) VS The Collector (The Owl House)
Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic) VS Chili Pepper Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) *Please note that I forgot to change the names in the header*
Chungledown Bim (Fantasy High) VS Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency)
Eris (Greek Mythology) VS Phonegingi (Dialtown)
Round 1-C (4/27 - 5/4)
• Dewey (Ducktales) VS The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) • Klaus (Umbrella Academy) VS Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) • Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park) VS Dakota Cole (Just Roll With It) • Krampy (Cattails) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb) • Kairos Theodosian (A Practical Guide to Evil) VS Taako, Magnus, and Merle (The Adventure Zone) • Wei Wuxian (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) VS Tiny Tina (Borderlands) • Blitzo (Helluva Boss) VS Jester (Critical Role)
Barry Swift (Team StarKid) VS Giovanni Pottage (Epithet Erased)
Round 1-D (4/29 - 5/6)
Wataru Hibiki (Ensemble Stars) VS Lyer (Mia’s World)
Oli (Empires SMP) VS Dr Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Scam Likely (Dungeons and Daddies)
Gregory (FNAF) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Max, Niki, and Neil (Camp Camp) VS Four (BFB)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS Docm77 (Hermitcraft)
Rocky (Lackadaisy) VS The User (There Is No Game)
Donnie (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
ROUND 2-A 5/14 - 5/21
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Pearl (Splatoon)
Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics)
Marx (Kirby) VS Jevil (Deltarune)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) VS Team Red (Red VS Blue)
Mort (All Hail King Julien) VS Benrey (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware)
Yin-Yang (Inanimate Insanity) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic)
Chungledown Bim (Fantasy High) VS Phonegingi (Dialtown)
ROUND 2-B 7/21 - 7/28
The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) VS Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Acadamy)
Dakota Cole (Just Roll With It) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merle (The Adventure Zone) VS Tiny Tina (Bordar Lands)
Jester (Critical Roll) VS Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Wataru Hibiki (Ensemble Stars) and Lyer (Mia's World) VS Oli (Empires SMP) and Dr. Doofensmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Four (Battle For Dream Island) VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Rocky (Lackadaisy) VS Donnatello (Rise of the TMNT) and Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
ROUND 3 9/23 - 9/30
Henry Stickmin (The Henry Stickmin Collection) VS Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics)
Marx (Kirby) VS Team Red (Red Vs Blue)
Mort (All Hail King Julien) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
Chungledown Bim (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Discord (MLP: Friendship is Magic)
The Goose (Untitled Goose Game) VS The Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merrle (The Adventure Zone) VS Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Oli {Empires SMP} and Dr. Doofensmirtz {Phineas and Ferb}
Donatello {Rise of the TMNT} and Dr. Eggman {Sonic the Hedgehog} VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
ROUND 4 10/21 - 10/28
Chungledown Bim (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Charlie Slimecicle (QSMP)
Takoo, Magnus, and Merrle (The Adventure Zone) VS The Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot (Animanics) VS Team Red (Red Vs Blue)
Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
SEMI-FINALS 12/12 - 12/18
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot VS Charlie Slimecicle
Sam and Max VS The Goose
FINALS 12/21 - 28
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot VS Sam and Max
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oretal · 1 year
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Peridot Commission (2021)
User RadDadical on twitter commissioned me to redraw one of the poses Peridot does in a piece of official art.
This piece took me longer to finish than I would've liked because my job at the time got in the way.
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fat-slobby-jojo-girls · 11 months
“So I heard your body is made up of millions of planktons. Interesting very interesting.” Peridot said as she gave Foo a good look up and down. With Lapis just winking at Jolyne. The green gem did find the idea of some Jojo girls joining their little futa farm rather nice.
"Woah! You're green! And your hair kinda looks like a potato chip... Wait are you a sentient stand like me?" Foo asked eyes going wide at the rather well stacked alien infront of her. Her curiosity of course knew no bounds and new friends were always a treat. Foo closed her eyes and caused her tiny plankton bodies to shift changing color to resemble her "true" form while keeping her usual adorable appearance. "Yep! I'm made of plankton! Or am plankton... you can call me Foo! Or F.F either one works" Foo smiled beaming with enthusiasm while Jolyne was a bit more cautious tugging the green haired stand user back by her overalls.
"Bring it in Foo we don't know these guys." Jolyne said her serious face not exactly helped by the faint rosey blush on her cheeks after Lapis winked at her. "So what's your deal? Just who the hell are you two?" Jolyne asked getting straight to the point. Thanks to a history of not question flamboyant and eccentric looking strangers leading to wacky sometimes deadly shenanigans she figured she'd come out swinging to avoid any potential stand troubles.
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