#using that as an excuse for not wearing a condom is shorty
sluttyten · 3 years
So I guess I'm not happy if Lucas is that kinda person but at the same time, it has nothing to do with me or anyone else who isn't dating him. His personal life is just that: PERSONAL. It's none of our business, all we need to be concerned with is the music and I just hope he doesn't have to leave the group over it. This shit reminds me of the Wonho situation all over again, yeah maybe they had some issues in the past or did things that showed poor judgement but it shouldn't affect their career now because the two have nothing to do with each other. It's more of a commentary on idol culture where these poor people who are still human and just wanna make music get put up on a pedestal and suddenly everything they do, even what they did before they debuted is under a microscope and they get punished for every little thing fans don't like. We don't own them, they aren't our friends, they aren't gonna date us so it's none of our concern and what do you even want them to do about it when the news comes to light because it's not like they can go back in time and not do it. Imagine if dumb shit you did as a teen or young adult like cheating on a partner or smoking weed affected your career later in life? It's so ridiculous.
You’re right that sometimes the actions of our pasts shouldn’t be able to affect our futures so badly (with obviously a few very major exceptions), but I feel like the issue with this Lucas thing is that allegedly he’s abusing the power of an idol-fan relationship to influence fans to sleep with him, which I don’t really see as too big of a problem, like I feel like it’s common knowledge that celebrities around the globe do use their fame and adoration by their fans to get fans to sleep with them, it’s just the other accusations that go along with this, that he lied to these girls, that he allegedly had them buy expensive clothes for him and pay for hotel rooms and things like that, as well as one of them alleging that he refused to practice safe sex with her when she asked him to wear a condom, like that’s the stuff that I don’t agree with, and I know it’s all in his personal life and it doesn’t truly affect any of us, but just knowing that he does things like this, that he might use fans for sex, stuff like that is definitely enough to turn fans off of an artist.
People can separate the music from the artist’s personal life and good for them. I think this isn’t a case as major as like the kr*s w* case or like all the shit that went down surrounding se*ngri and the other guys involved in that, but it’s obviously something that has upset a lot of fans, and I think as I’m someone that’s not a part of Chinese culture, it doesn’t matter if I’m personally offended by this stuff, but if the cfans as a whole are largely upset by this due to the things that have been happening in their entertainment industry lately, then that’s valid and we should listen to them
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