#cheating is shitty and not using a condom is shitty and lying about not having had sex in a year or being a virgin when both are untrue and
sluttyten · 3 years
So I guess I'm not happy if Lucas is that kinda person but at the same time, it has nothing to do with me or anyone else who isn't dating him. His personal life is just that: PERSONAL. It's none of our business, all we need to be concerned with is the music and I just hope he doesn't have to leave the group over it. This shit reminds me of the Wonho situation all over again, yeah maybe they had some issues in the past or did things that showed poor judgement but it shouldn't affect their career now because the two have nothing to do with each other. It's more of a commentary on idol culture where these poor people who are still human and just wanna make music get put up on a pedestal and suddenly everything they do, even what they did before they debuted is under a microscope and they get punished for every little thing fans don't like. We don't own them, they aren't our friends, they aren't gonna date us so it's none of our concern and what do you even want them to do about it when the news comes to light because it's not like they can go back in time and not do it. Imagine if dumb shit you did as a teen or young adult like cheating on a partner or smoking weed affected your career later in life? It's so ridiculous.
You’re right that sometimes the actions of our pasts shouldn’t be able to affect our futures so badly (with obviously a few very major exceptions), but I feel like the issue with this Lucas thing is that allegedly he’s abusing the power of an idol-fan relationship to influence fans to sleep with him, which I don’t really see as too big of a problem, like I feel like it’s common knowledge that celebrities around the globe do use their fame and adoration by their fans to get fans to sleep with them, it’s just the other accusations that go along with this, that he lied to these girls, that he allegedly had them buy expensive clothes for him and pay for hotel rooms and things like that, as well as one of them alleging that he refused to practice safe sex with her when she asked him to wear a condom, like that’s the stuff that I don’t agree with, and I know it’s all in his personal life and it doesn’t truly affect any of us, but just knowing that he does things like this, that he might use fans for sex, stuff like that is definitely enough to turn fans off of an artist.
People can separate the music from the artist’s personal life and good for them. I think this isn’t a case as major as like the kr*s w* case or like all the shit that went down surrounding se*ngri and the other guys involved in that, but it’s obviously something that has upset a lot of fans, and I think as I’m someone that’s not a part of Chinese culture, it doesn’t matter if I’m personally offended by this stuff, but if the cfans as a whole are largely upset by this due to the things that have been happening in their entertainment industry lately, then that’s valid and we should listen to them
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brelione · 4 years
And It Felt Great To Be A Liar (700 Celebration)
Ok so I based this off of this prompt:Hi there! I hope you’re doing well. I just have a request for JJ maybank. Would you be able to write one where y/n is apart of the kooks and is dating Rafe and Jj and her hate eachother. One day everyone is at a party and JJ and y/n are fighting with eachother as usual in a bedroom and he pins her against the wall and all of a sudden they start kissing eachother and they end up having really rough sex against the wall or a desk in the room with lots of dirty talk, choking and JJ making y/n admit he fucks her better than her boyfriend and gets her to beg for him If you have any time to write it I would be very appreciative, thank you so much x 
and it really fit with the poll results for the celebration so enjoy this master piece <3
Warnings:Choking, Spanking, Bondage, Sub and Dom behavior, cheating, no condom, degrading, swearing.
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Rafe’s arms were around your waist, his hot breath fanning against your neck as he nipped at the skin. “We should stay here tonight.”He suggested, his hands moving to the hem of your shirt, his hands slipping under the thin material and onto your skin.
 “We cant, we already told Kelce and Top that we’d show.”You reminded him, peeling his hands away from you. He pouted, grabbing his keys. “Fine, we’ll play later.”He winked, opening his door and going down the stairs, shouting a goodbye to Wheezie and flipping off his dad.
 You cringed at his words, not looking forward to coming back after the party. You were getting bored of Rafe, there was really only so much of his drama that you could take. You were hoping he’d get bored of you soon too or maybe even move on to someone else and forget about you.
 But you stayed anyways, hoping he’d become less boring or maybe you’d stay around long enough to truly mean something to him. You followed him, sitting in the passengers seat of his truck. It reeked of alcohol and weed, his hand gipping your thigh. You rolled your eyes, looking out the window as he drove. 
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”He asked. You hummed, not replying. You grabbed his hand, resting your elbow on the arm rest. There wasnt much to look forward to these days. Nothing new, nothing fun, nothing interesting. The kook life got so boring so quick. 
Your only options on most days were to go golfing, shopping or a party if you were lucky. Everything was blurred together, feeling the exact same.He lifted his hand, pulling yours with it before pressing a kiss to your hand. It was a romantic gesture that you werent used to. 
He was like this at the beginning of the relationship, the romance slowly fading away as he became more obsessed with you instead of loving you. He was trying his best to convince you that he still loved you but you knew that you were just holding on to broken pieces at this point, wishing you had something different. 
You could hear the crashing of the waves, lifting your head and widening your eyes for a moment. The party was at Kelce’s beach house that wasnt really a house, it was really just a second mansion. You grinned at Rafe, sliding your phone in your pocket before hopping out of the truck, biting your tongue when he squeezed your ass.
 “Im gonna go look for Sar, okay?”You asked. He nodded, pulling you in for a quick kiss, watching as you jogged up the stairs. You could feel him watching you, slipping into a hallway and hoping for the best. You were sure that Sarah wasnt even at this party, it wasnt really her type of place. 
Sure, she was a party girl but even this was too much. You figured you should just lay low until Rafe was busy catching up with Kelce and Topper that he wouldnt notice if you went ot get yourself a drink. You werent in the mood for him to drag you over to his friend group and start bragging. 
You tested each door knob, searching for a bedroom or a bathroom for you to sit in for a while, grinning once one of them finally turned.      As soon as you were in the room you closed it behind you, locking it because you didnt feel like having your alone time interrupted by some drunk couple. 
As soon as you turned around you regretted it, seeing noone other than JJ Maybank shirtless in the middle of the room. He was staring back at you, stuck in place. You and JJ had problems that dated back to eighth grade. He had gotten into a huge fight with a kook and you were the only witness, watching as the boy hit JJ repeatedly in the ribs.
 JJ had eventually won the fight, blood running from his nose and staining his shirt, a layer of sweat covering his face as he stared at you. Since then he had nothing but anger and hate for you, giving you dirty looks in public and talking shit about you at parties. Of course you always found out about it. 
How he called you a whore, a gold digger and a bitch.  “Get out.”Was all he had to say, tossing his shirt onto the floor in the corner. It made a slight sloshing sound and you could only assume that he had bumped into someone and got something spilled on him. Or maybe he had been a bitch and got something thrown at him. 
“No.”You replied, staring back at him with a glare. He matched your energy, jaw clenching as he looked you up and down. “What are you hiding from, (Y/N)? You maniac of a boyfriend?”He asked, causing your blood to boil. Of course he was right but you’d never admit it. And of course Rafe was an absolute maniac but so was JJ and all of his friends.
 “He’s not a maniac, JJ.”You replied, knowing that it didnt sound right. You had never been great at lying. “Aww, thats cute that you try to stick up for your crazy boyfriend? If hes not a fucking maniac then explain what he did to Pope and I. You think a sane person would do that?”He asked.
 You stared back at him, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to think of something to say. He shook his head, chuckling. “See, you cant even defend him anymore. God, I hope he fucking dumps your ass!”he exclaimed, letting out a sigh. You gulped, staring at him.
 “Shut up!”You shouted in response, only making him smirk. “Face it, (Y/N)!The boy you call your boyfriend is a shitty, disgusting person. You’re so much worse for being with him!”He shouted back at you. “Excuse me?”You asked, somehow surprised that he would say it to your face. 
“Come on, (Y/N). You’re not that fucking stupid. He’s using you and you know it. But you like being used, dont you?”He asked, causing you to go silent. For once you didnt know what to do or what to say. He was getting closer to you, gripping your wrists and pushing you against the door in a swift movement, your back hitting the wood hard. 
His eyes stayed on you, raising an eyebrow. “Answer the question, princess.”He demanded. You stared back at him, feeling his grip tighten. “Sometimes.”You replied, not wanting to give him the satisfaction he craved. 
“Dont lie to yourself, sweetheart. You’re a little maniac that likes to be used.”He spoke into your ear, leaning down and kissing you roughly.You were struggling to keep up, so much happening so fast. His hands were under your shirt, sloppy kisses being dragged up and down your neck. 
“Do you want me?”He asked you, fingernails digging into your skin. You nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of relief when he pulled you over and onto the bed, glad that you werent trapped against the wood surface. He didnt let you lay down, pushing you onto your knees as you stared up at him. 
He guided one of your hands to his belt, making you press against him before letting go, biting his lip as you palmed him through his pants, carefully undoing his belt with slightly shaky hands. 
He let you take your time, grinning at how nervous he made you, watching you struggle with his zipper. He chuckled, pushing you back and undoing his pants, getting on top of you, parting your legs. “Does Rafe make you this nervous?”He asked, seeming pleased with himself. 
You shook your head, not sure you could answer properly. He grinned, kissing you again. He lifted your shirt over your head quickly, tossing it. “Im flattered that I have such an effect on you.”He muttered, tugging your shorts off, his hand wrapping around your neck not soon after. 
His blue eyes were staring into you, squeezing harder for a moment. He was testing how much you could take, his thumb pressing into a spot right below your jaw. His hand dragged from your neck to the end of your hair, tugging harshly and causing you to let out a low shout. 
He chuckled, letting go and unclasping your bra. “There’s so many things I could do to you…. We’ve got four hours until Rafe remembers you…..”He muttered, tugging down your underwear and keeping your thighs open with his hands, settling between them. 
“Can you last four hours?”He asked. You nodded, moaning when his tongue slid through your folds. He chuckled, his fingernails leaving little crescent moons into your skin as he lapped at your entrance. You already already shaking from his tongue alone, your hands going to his hair and whimpering when he pulled away. 
“No, no, princess. You dont get to touch me.”He told you, grabbing his belt off the floor. “Give me your wrists.”He told you, grinning when you put them out for him. He had so much power over you, holding your wrists to the headboard and securing them with the belt. He settled back between your thighs, his tongue darting in and out of you, pressing his thumb against your clit. 
He could feel you were about to get close, pulling away before you could reach your high. You whined, moving against the belt. “What? You dont like that, princess?”He asked, moving up again so that his nose was against yours. “JJ, please.”You whispered, thinking that maybe he would change even just for a moment when he kissed you. 
“Not. A. Chance.”He replied. “This isnt fair!”You exclaimed, moaning again when he licked your nipple. “Not fair?”He asked, beginning to suck. He moved his hand up to pinch your other nipple, rolling his thumb over it. “I think its pretty fair, (Y/N).”He replied, turning you over so that your stomach was against the mattress and you had to turn your head to breathe properly. His palm collided with your ass, sending a shock through your body. 
“You okay?”He asked, moving your hair aside and pressinga  kiss to you cheek. He was only calm for a moment before he smacked you again, making you take a shaky breath. “Anthony hit me twelve times….you get fifteen. Count.”He told you, rubbing your ass before lifting up his hand again, the hit making a loud noise.
 “One.”You whispered, squeezing your eyes shut as he hit you again. You’d never let Rafe do this to you. You didnt like most things Rafe did especially in the bedroom. He just couldnt do what you wanted and if he did he just couldnt do it well. You didnt know when you got to ten, tears streaming down your cheeks. “JJ…. I dont think I can take more.”You sobbed. 
He took in a deep breath, leaning down. “Hmm…. you’re doing so good, princess. Only five more left, promise I wont be too rough.”He whispered, his fingertips grazing over your thighs, waiting for an answer. You nodded, biting your lip as you waited, his palm hitting you again but not nearly as hard as the others. He spanked you again, rubbing the area after carefully. 
You werent too worried anymore, whispering after he hit you the last time. He gave you a moment to recover, his fingers rubbing your thigh and sides, kissing your shoulder. He turned you over a few moments later, staring down at you. He pressed a kiss to your lips, the act much more gentle than before. 
He pulled away after a second, his hand back at your throat as he pushed into you. You gasped, your head falling against the pillows as he bottomed out. He chuckled, tugging at your hair and forcing your head back some more, leaning down and nipping at your shoulder, only letting go when you whimpered. 
It wasnt hard enough for you to bleed but his teeth left imprints in your skin, a satisfied smile on his face before he sped up. “Does Rafe fuck you like this?”He asked, hitting a spot so deep inside of you that you hadnt even known that it existed. You moaned loudly, feeling him tug your hair again. 
“JJ!”You shouted from the pain against your scalp. “Answer the question.”He told you. You licked your lips, an idea sparking in your mind. “Rafe’s better.”You lied. He looked down at you, fingers pressing hard against your neck. “You want me to stop? You wanna go back to Rafe?”He asked, thrusting in and out of you. You shook your head quickly, wrapping your legs around his torso.
 “Thats what I though, you fucking liar.”He muttered, slowing when he heard a knock at the door. “Anyone in there?”A voice shouted. It was Rafe’s. “Make a sound and im done with you.”He told you, picking up the pace. 
“Rafe, man. Im busy!”He shouted. You bit your lip, closing your eyes and trying your best not to make any noises. You heard a loud groan before heavy footsteps thumped down the hall. JJ chuckled, noticing your relief. “Aww, the poor slut doesnt wanna go back to her boyfriend.”He grinned, biting your neck again. 
You knew Rafe would see the marks but you didnt really care, eyes widening as you clenched around JJ. He let go of you, pulling out and cumming on your bare stomach. He panted, kissing you gently before freeing your wrists, kissing the skin gently. For someone who hated you he was being surprisingly sweet, especially after what just happened.
 It didnt last long before he got up and put his clothes back on, your suspicions confirmed when you noticed a large stain across his shirt. “See you around, kook.”He winked at you before leaving the room. You laid down on the bed, pain running through your body. You felt guilty for feeling so good, your wrists stinging slightly and your heart dropping when you realised Rafe would see.
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Hey L! maybe you could write about the reader being Peter's best friend for a long time and they have feelings for each other. Since they don't act on their feelings,the reader gets a bf, a shitty one, but she starts kinda liking him until his friends start asking about... you know and the reader is a virgin, when her bf says that his friends start telling him to act on it, so he starts pushing her to do it and when she finally says yes,she decides she doesn't want that when they're kissing+
And stuff, she tells him but he doesn't stop so she just pushes him off her and calls Peter telling everything. They're 18 but maybe they're in high school? It's up to you! And rummors start going around about what happened cause her bf starts lying about it, so she gets a really bad reputation especially cause teens are jerks, so she runs away and Peter goes after her, and it's pure fluff cause they finally confess their feelings for each other 🥺🥺 Sorry this is a long ass request lol (2/2)
Hi anon! hope you enjoy! Thank you for sending this in :) please read the warnings!! Just wanted to add that I do not support anything the OC, reader’s boyfriend, says or does. Everyone is above the age of 18 in this one shot. Another note about the OC, Cole, is that I tried to add in some things I know people go through, in toxic relationships. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with any of this note and the warnings! Also the story is sort of changed, but I hope you like it!
Peter Parker x Reader (Angst/Fluff) Warnings: swearing, bad boyfriend, manipulation, bullying/rumors, really upset reader, very small description of cheating, and very small vague mention of cheating (please Do NOT Read if you are uncomfortable) Word Count: 3.3k
You glanced over to Peter, seeing him furrow his eyebrows together as he concentrated on his work in the class. You cleared you throat slightly, making Peter look up back to you with a small smile. You giggled when he made a silly face to you, and you tilted your head back to him, “Pete, you got a little bit of ketchup on your nose.” You giggled, pointing at the tip of your nose to show him where.
Peter blushed, and quickly swiped at his nose, trying to get it off. You shook your head at him, still seeing the smear of ketchup, making Peter groan in embarrassment, “I had hash browns this morning, and its 2 now! This must’ve been on my nose all day,” Peter rambled, rubbing his nose again, missing again.
You leaned slightly forward, placing your thumb on the tip of his nose and wiped off the ketchup stain. “Thank you,” Peter mumbled, gazing up to you. You nodded back to him, smile somewhat dropping as your hand lingered for a few extra moments. Peter made no move away, “You’re welcome,” You whispered back, shaking your head and tearing your hand away from him.
You had a crush on Peter for so long, and you’ve been getting mixed signals from him. Sometimes you thought that just maybe, he liked you back for a time. Then other times, you would get the feeling he completely only saw you as a friend. When you saw him talking to Liz and MJ more, you got the idea that it would probably never happen between the two of you. You couldn’t push yourself to confess to Peter, thinking it would ruin the beautiful friendship you two created. He’s been your best friend for years now, and hiding your feelings wouldn’t harm the friendship, is what you thought. You didn’t want to hurt him as well, thinking millions of ways your confession would change everything. You loved him so much that you didn’t want to do anything to hurt him, in absolutely any way.
When you saw him flirting with Liz, you got the clue to just stop hoping for something that seemed impossible. So, you started to drift away from him slowly. Get rid of your feelings, was your plan, but it felt like you would never stop loving him.
You met your boyfriend now at the field, after bumping into him after he spray painted under the bleachers. You remember thinking, girls like bad boys, right? So, you started hanging out with him more, trying to convert your feelings for Peter, onto him instead. It didn’t really work, but it did cause you to drift a little farther away from Peter, and you started hanging out more with Cole, your boyfriend.
You snapped out of your thoughts when Peter slid his hand in front of your line of vision, laughing at you. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asked quietly, glancing up to the teacher, and seeing she was distracted. You bit your lip and shook your head back to him, “My thoughts are worth more than just a penny.” You retorted, making Peter raise his eyebrows back at you.
“Okay Miss Sassy McMuffin Purple Hat Baloney-” The teacher cut off Peter with a loud scoff directed at the two of you. “No more nicknames or talking. Pay attention.” She lectured, making you stifle a giggle back at Peter’s shocked reaction.  He glanced back at you though, once she turned away and went back to her discussion.
“I would’ve kept going until you told me what’s wrong, I think that’s worth more than a penny.” You smiled lightly at his words.
Later that day, Cole texted you asking him to meet in the quad, saying it was important. You frowned reading it, and you quickly made your way to the quad, wondering what he meant and what he needed to talk to you for. You sat down on one of the benches, gazing around you to look for him. Peter already left school, and you would’ve usually gone with him, but you declined his offer because of Cole.
“Hey babe!” You heard from behind you. You turned around and grinned as Cole plopped on the bench next to you. He slid over and put an arm over your shoulders, pulling you in close. “Hey…” You trailed off, furrowing your eyebrows together, confused at why he did that. “What’s up? What did you want to talk to me about?” You asked making Cole shake his head back to you, rolling his eyes.
“When are we going to have sex? I promised to use a condom and everything…so I don’t get why you’re so uptight about it.” Cole complained. Your face fell at his rant, and you glanced to him, feeling slightly offended and disgusted. You were a virgin, and this was important to you. It made you feel sick that he didn’t seem to care for your feelings about sex.
“Cole…I don’t know. I have to think about it more.” You responded, making Cole mutter something you couldn’t understand, under his breath. He lifted his arm, and pulled away from you, shaking his head again.
“Even my friends think you’re being a prude. What’s so special about sex? Seriously, it means nothing so why are you acting like this?” He pushed you, making you scrunch your face up in disgust and hurt. Was sex supposed to be special? You thought about it for a few seconds, but the fact that his friends knew you were a virgin pissed you off.
You shook your head at him, “Why do they know? And…I don’t really know what makes sex special.” You admitted making Cole grin. He bumped your arm harshly, laughing in delight that you said that.
“Everyone has sex by 18. It’s just weird that you haven’t, and I needed advice from my friends, on what to do. I just want to help you out. You know, I want to be a good boyfriend to you, and show you what sex is like.” Cole ranted, making you slowly nod, trying to grasp his words. Did everyone already have sex? You glanced around to the rest of your classmates standing outside, seeing them lean into each other, laughing and kissing. You furrowed your eyebrows together at that, were you the only one that didn’t have sex?
You glanced down at your lap and bit your lip worriedly. “Fine.” You responded, making Cole whoop out in excitement, making his friends that stood a little bit away from you, laugh. “Finally!” He swore out, standing up and gazing down to you.
“You coming or not?” He snapped you out of your thoughts, and you gasped. “What?” You questioned, making Cole roll his eyes again. “We’re going to have sex now.” He muttered, as you stood up, confused and scared. You shook your head in confusion back to him, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, tugging you to his car.
“In there?” You questioned, feeling a pit of fear bumble up in you. “Yeah…condoms are in there, and I don’t think we’ll need lube or anything. You can just spit in your hand and rub yourself down there to stop the pain.” He rambled, unlocking his car. You shook your head at that, head spinning in confusion and fear as you got in the car, gazing back to Cole.
“Take your clothes off.” He spoke up, annoyed with you. “Uh, can we maybe just kiss a little first? Is this how people usually start off sex?” You questioned back, as your hands started to tremble. Cole rolled his eyes again at you, shrugging a “Sure” back. He leaned in a kissed you deeply right from the start, making you recoil just a bit. Everything about it was nasty, making you want to spit and gag.
You kissed him back slightly, trying to match his pace but it was too disgusting to you, as his hand went to your shirt, making you pull back completely, shaking your head. “No, wait, no.” You panted out, feeling freaked out, and wanting to leave. Cole groaned in annoyance, looking at you like it was wasting his time. “What now?” He pushed out, as you quickly started to open the car door with shaky breaths.
“I don’t want to, it’s just nasty!” You retorted, rushing outside, and slamming the car down. Cole made no move to go outside, instead he rolled the window down, “You’re a fucking slut! Why would you leave me like this? Such a great girlfriend you are…should have stuck with the other bitch.” You gasped at his words, quickly feeling your anger rise over your fear.
“Fuck you, Cole! You’re a piece of shit!” You screamed back, grabbing your phone out of your pocket. Cole flipped you off as he backed up in his car and drove away fast. You shook your head, feeling tears start dribbling down your face and you pressed Peter’s contact, and called him.
Peter answered on the first ring, having a bad feeling hit him when he saw your call. “Y/n? Hey.” He answered nervously, feeling worried for you. When you sniffled, Peter stood right up, a flood of concern hit him, “Where are you?” He asked softly, as you started to cry. “At school…” You trailed off, wiping your tears constantly.
“I’m coming right now.” Peter responded, already out of the apartment and rushing down the stairs. You sniffled again and cursed yourself in your head. Was that how sex went? If it was, you wouldn’t ever want to try it. “Thank you.” You mumbled into the phone, taking a seat on the concrete, under the shade. When you glanced back up, you could see that Cole’s friends had already left, which made you sigh in relief.
Why’d you call Peter? You questioned yourself. He didn’t need to be dragged into this; it’ll only make things worse for you. He was so kind to you as well, making you wish you had never even dated Cole. “No, don’t thank me. I’ll always be there for you.” He whispered back over the phone, rushing over to the school. He was already changed into his suit, making it faster and easier for him to get there.
He swung past everything fast, listening to your sniffles and feeling a deep pit in his stomach. He’s loved you for years, and seeing you upset was hard for him. Knowing it was probably the jackass you dated made him upset too. Cole was never nice to you or anyone else, it made Peter confused as to why you would choose him. You deserved the world, and you picked a jackass that was equivalent to a wannabe Joker kid.
Peter huffed out a few breaths as he landed in an alley, quickly changing back into his clothes and shoving his suit in his bag. He then rushed out, crossing the street to go to the school. When he saw you, he felt his heart sink at your tears. “Y/n!” He called out your name, quickly running to you. When you looked up to him and sent him a small sad smile, he frowned, feeling your emotions in him. You stood up, making Peter wrap his arms around you in a hug.
“Cole tried to…I said no and left.” You mumbled as you hugged Peter back. He dropped his hands in shock, pulling back and shaking his head, surprised. “What the fuck?” He questioned, blinking his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows together.
You shrugged back to him, not wanting to say anything else and wiped your tears again. “Did he hurt you?” Peter asked, looking down at your neck and your arms. You shook your head, “No, it’s…I don’t know. Is sex supposed to be so casual?” You paused, frowning hard as another wave of cries started to build in you.
“Did- are, Peter are you a virgin?” You whispered, glancing up to him, as he leaned in and placed a soft hand on one of your cheeks. “Yeah, I am. Sort of scares me, I just want it to be with the right person.” He mumbled back, feeling his anger at Cole raise to its boiling point.
You sighed in relief, but also felt more disappointed that Cole did that to you. You felt almost disgusted with yourself for even listening to him. “Me too…I can’t- fuck. That fucking jerk,” You muttered back, tears rushing down again. Peter wiped them away softly with his thumb, shaking his head back to you.
“Cole is an asshole. I- I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m going to kill him! Or at least just scream at him.” Peter bit back, letting his anger show slightly. You pushed back a sad grin to him, finding it comforting, and you pulled him into another hug.
You breathed in deeply, feeling right in Peter’s arms. He was always so warm and soft, and loving. You squeezed your eyes shut, shuddering out another silent cry as Peter squeezed you tighter into the hug. “Peter…” You trailed off, feeling unable to hide your feelings anymore. What were you supposed to do? In this moment, right here, you felt safe, and you wanted to just get it out. It felt like a splinter, trying to come out.
Peter hummed back to you, feeling his heart start to race as you kissed his shoulder softly, fast. He squeezed his eyes closed as well, trying to calm himself down, “Penny for your thoughts?” He chuckled out, feeling your head settle against him. You giggled back, feeling a bump of happiness after what happened. “I think my thoughts are worth more than pennies, Peter.” You paused, sniffling a little.
“But I’ll tell you for free this time.” You finished, making Peter chuckle again. He ran a hand up and down your back, softly to comfort you. “Good, because this time I would’ve kept using those stupid nicknames.” He responded, pressing a small kiss onto your head.
You smiled at his action and squeezed him harder. Your smile dropped though, as you nervously spoke up, “Promise me that our friendship will stay the same?” Your words made Peter confused and worried, as he furrowed his eyebrows together. “I promise,” He responded softly, wondering what you were going to say.
“I- I’m in love with you. I’ve had feelings for you, for so long, Peter. I thought you might’ve maybe cared for me too, but fuck, uh, I just, I understand if you don’t. Just please, I don’t want this to hurt our friendship. I just wanted to get this out, and uh, please ignore it if you don’t see me the same.” You rambled, nerves building up with each word.
Peter gasped. He pulled away from you quickly, with a bright smile, “What?” He questioned, stunned at fist. “I love you too, oh shit. I’ve been in love with you for years, and I always thought you just didn’t like me you know, with Cole and that other guy before, and fuck! Shit, you love me? I love you, no way!” Your eyes widened in shock and happiness, completely changing your mood away from Cole, and you quickly shouted out, “Yes! I love you!”
Peter pulled you closer and you gasped at the small proximity from him. He smiled, and gazed down at your lips before looking back up, “Is this okay?” He whispered softly, to which you nodded, “Yeah,” with a small smile. You closed the gap, by stepping on your tippy toes as Peter leaned his head down, lightly kissing your lips. You smiled into the kiss as your hand drifted to the back of his head, kissing him more. You felt amazing and on cloud 9.
Peter pulled back slowly, catching his breath as he smiled back to you, happier than ever. “I love you.” He whispered again, making you brighten your smile even more, “I love you too.”
The next morning, you woke up still feeling amazed. Peter and you? Together? It was a dream come true. You guys spent the entire day together, after confessing. It almost made you forget Cole, but he still lingered in your mind. You couldn’t believe you let him do that to you, you felt nasty by it. He was an asshole, now that you remember all the things he did wrong before. When you confronted him about them, he just shrugged them off, saying it was nothing or that you were just overreacting. Now you knew you weren’t overreacting, instead it was because he just didn’t want you to find out everything. You scoffed, as you got ready for school. You sent a small good morning text to Peter, “hey! good morn, just a small reminder, ily.” You giggled at the little text, hoping he would like it.
He quickly texted you back, “good morning, i love you too” and then another one came through, “and another reminder…ily again” you laughed loudly, feeling happy from the advancement between the two of you.
When you got to school, you were prepared to have a normal day, with Peter this time. Instead, here you were with people laughing at you, and calling you a whore. “You slut! Slept with Cole and a few teachers, huh? I knew you were up to no good.” One person yelled at you. You flinched back in confusion and hurt, “What…?” You asked back confused.
“Whore” “Slut” “Bitch” etc., they called you everything as you slugged yourself into school, looking around for Peter. You started to cry when you saw your friends roll their eyes at you, scoffing, and pushing past you.
“Y/n?” Peter rushed to you, quickly giving you a hug as he heard all the names, they were calling you. “Hey! Stop it!” He retorted back, scoffing at the nerve of some people. One of Cole’s friends stepped close to the two of you, rolling his eyes. “She is a slut, look! Right after Cole, it’s Peter.” He pushed out, making you shake your head in Peter’s chest. You pulled away from him to look at Cole’s friend.
“Shut up! You guys and Cole called me a prude, remember that? I’m a virgin! Cole is a sick disgusting mess, and so are all of you. Pushing people into having sex is fucked up!” You retorted back, furiously wiping the tears off your face. Peter gazed at you, shocked at the new information he was hearing.
The crowd mumbled in unease, glancing at each other, as some people started filming. “He…He got me in his car, and told me to take my clothes off, said it was normal. You guys said it was stupid that I’m a virgin still… You are a horrible person.” You directed the last part to the guy. He shook his head, laughing back at you and defending himself, “It is stupid that you’re a virgin still! Prude bitch.” He shot back to you.
The crowd said nothing, instead they stood in violence as you sobbed out, feeling overwhelmed. You pushed apart the crowd, rushing away back outside, and away from people. Peter shook his head at the guy, stepping forward with a frown. “Fuck you, she’s not stupid. You are a piece of shit, man.” Peter bit back, throwing his fist back, and powering it forward into the guy’s face.
“Ooooh,” Voices called out in the crowd, as Peter shook his head again, down to the guy who had fallen from his punch. Peter rushed forward then, trying to search for you as the crowd cheered. “Y/n?” He called out, getting outside and seeing you slouched against the wall.
“Hey,” You mumbled, looking up to him. He shook his head again, angry by the crowd and upset, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He mumbled, sliding down the wall, and sitting next to you. You let out a small laugh, “No it’s alright Pete, don’t apologize.”
He grinned back to you, slowly placing an arm around you. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asked quietly, kissing your forehead slightly. You smiled softly back to him, “Boys are dicks…you, know. Except for you. I love you.” You responded, whispering.
Peter kissed your cheek this time, “Boys are stupid, and I love you too, sweetheart.”
Marvel Taglist: @lozzypoz321 @peepeeparkerr  Peter Parker Taglist: @itscaminow @belleknows (All taglists are open!)
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Pretty Girl
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A/n: A commission for my girl @jooheonbee​, I hope you like it, Biker Mechanic Sehun is somethin else. I might do like a smut sequel because I have ideas that just didn’t fit into the storyline, so....look out for that, too.
Summary: You go for the bad boys, every time. This time, you’re determined to run. Sehun has other ideas.
Warnings: some smut, dirty talk, mild choking, I guess? not actually written out smut though? I know, right, weird for me, but that’s just how it went, talk of some public stuff 
Word Count: 3150
"This is stupid," you mutter. "You're stupid."
You're talking to yourself at 3am in the worst part of town in a ratty apartment elevator and for what?
Because of the way his shoulders filled out that leather jacket? The scar on his eyebrow, the way it quirked up when he smiled at you?
"You gotta stop thinking with your pussy," your roommate had told you when you'd told her you'd given your number to this hot guy with slicked back hair and a weathered leather jacket.
"Because it's stupid?" You'd asked.
"No, dummy, because it's connected to your stupid heart."
She was right, you always did this, fucked these guys and then got attached because they cuddled you after or texted you some sweet shit when they were drunk and this guy has fuckboy written all over him.
Do you ring his doorbell anyway? Yes.
"Sehun?" You call when he doesn't answer.
"Hey, pretty girl," his voice right behind you makes you jump. 
Shit fuck Jesus Christ he looks good, in a pair of grey sweats, chest bare, feet bare, holding a basket of laundry.
His hair looks wet like he's just out of the shower and it's oddly domestic for someone who'd whispered about how he'd suck your clit between your teeth while kissing your throat after your shift three nights ago.
He raises that scarred eyebrow. "Wanna come in?"
You nod, throat dry, trying not to stare as he kicks open his door, banking on you to close it when you follow him in, apparently.
And you do, because you're an idiot, a sucker for bad boys who'd inevitably break your heart, and this one had already bent you over his motorcycle and pressed his dick against your ass, saying all the wrong things into your ear that made your panties flood.
Despite the domestic look, he sits down on this cracked leather couch and smirks at you, pats his thighs. "Have a seat, pretty girl."
He probably calls you that because he doesn't remember your fucking name but you didn't wear a skirt and no panties over here at 3am to help him fold his laundry.
Half an hour later he's got your skirt bunched around your hips and he's rocking you against him and your head is spinning because you'd expected him to at least have his fingers inside you by now.
"Sehun," you whine, and he chuckles against your throat.
"Needy baby," he croons, kissing more softly at the base of your throat, and then his hands clamp down on your ass, rocking you forward again.
He stiffens his hips so that his cock presses right against your cunt and the pressure is too much and not enough at once.
"Are you gonna fuck me or are we gonna keep dryhumping like teenagers for another week?" You snap, frustrated, but he just drags his teeth along your skin and pulls back, lips turned up at one corner.
"You liked it last time, yeah? Liked me pressing into your ass, my hand around your throat, telling you how pretty you'd look begging me for my cock?"
"Oh, fuck you," you say irritably, and he moves his hands to your hips, sitting back against the couch and watching you lazily as you writhe against him.
"Gonna beg me, pretty girl?"
"Never," you snap, and he laughs again.
You do beg, though, in these breathy little whimpers, on all fours on his bed which is just a mattress on the floor and your cunt so wet it's dripping juices down your thighs.
At least he didn't complain about the condom, you tell yourself as you do the walk of shame back to your apartment and your roommate gives you a wink.
"Don't fucking judge me," you mutter.
"Never, just don't fall in love," she shoots back.
"Please," you scoff.
But do you go and do that too? Of course you fucking do.
It's not the second time or the fourth or the sixth, you've lost count by the time you realize it.
He rolls over on his stupid mattress and smiles at you, eyes puffy from sleep and his hair mussed and your heart seems to fall out of your asshole.
"Wanna get breakfast?" He asks in that husky morning voice of his and you can't vault out of bed fast enough.
"Gotta go, stuff to do," you mutter and you can't find your panties so you just leave them there and bolt out the door while he's staring after you with that dumb cute confused puppy look he gets sometimes.
You ignore his texts for a week and then eventually when he starts calling, block his number.
You refuse to have a repeat of your last disaster relationship, another bad boy you'd just known you could turn good and who'd cheated on you with almost everyone you knew.
But hot guys in motorcycle jackets just keep showing up at your job, and you end up chatting with another one two weeks later. He's bigger and sweeter and he's got this laugh that shakes his whole body.
"I used to see a guy with a bike," you comment as you hand him another beer, and he grins. 
"You ever ride?"
You shake your head.
"I'll have to find my extra helmet." He leans across the bar, eyes sparkling and you can't help smiling back.
You don't let it get as far, though, trying to feel him out first without feeling him up and you leave with his name and number scrawled on his receipt.
"What the fuck?"
You hear a familiar, low voice behind you on your walk home and you freeze.
He looks sulky, bottom lip poking out, arms crossed over his chest, leaned up against the brick of the building.
"Are you drunk?" You ask, a smile threatening at the corner of your mouth. He's cute like this, all pouty.
"Kinda," he confesses. "You got a new boyfriend now?"
You roll your eyes. "Trying to tell me you're jealous, Sehunnie?" 
He frowns and stands up straighter. "What, you're saying I don't have a right to be?"
You blink at him. "Why the fuck would you have a right to be? You fucked me on your bare mattress twice a week."
"Sorry I wasn't fancy enough for you, princess," he drawls, but something like hurt flashes across his face.
"That's not-" you start, but he's already striding away and straddling his bike, revving the engine and your heart is in your throat.
The next time you see him he's got his hands on some blonde's ass and your skin is on fire and there's something acid in your mouth when he winks at you as you stalk by to take a pitcher of beer to a table of frat boys and you delete his number from your phone in a rage.
"Whatever happened to that girl?" Minseok asks and Sehun bumps his head on the engine in surprise, cursing.
Minseok laughs as he hands him the ratchet he was looking for, sitting on the bike like a fucking slug as usual while Sehun does all the work.
"Should worry about how hard you're riding this bike instead of girls," Sehun mutters.
"That what happened? You ride her too hard?"
"Maybe. What's it to you?"
"Just thought I saw her on the back of Junmyeon's hog, that's all." Minseok's voice is so casual that for a second it doesn't register and then Sehun cracks his head on the engine again.
"Fuck!" He slides out from under it and sits up, wiping grease on his jeans. "Junmyeon? Not Chanyeol?"
Minseok blinks. "Oh, is she a biker babe?"
"Don't you fucking start." It's just another word for biker slut and he fucking knows it and Sehun wants to push him off his shitty bike.
Minseok holds out his hands as if in defense. "Listen, no offense meant. They do the Lord's work." 
"That's not what she is." Sehun insists, but in the back of his mind he's seeing the way you smiled at Chanyeol.
Are you? You'd never even asked to ride his bike, he'd never even considered….
"She gonna run again or what?"
For a moment Sehun is so stuck in his head which is swirling with all these panicky thoughts about you that he thinks Minseok is asking if you'll run away from him again.
"Yeah, just needed an oil change," Sehun mumbles and goes inside to wash up. 
He bangs his head against the mirror, trying to clear his head.
It isn't as if he'd thought much past your curves and that sexy half smile the first night, or even the second or third.
You started ghosting him and he figured you were just busy, tells himself he doesn't care, it doesn't matter, but he finds himself lurking around the bar you work at, but even though he's been balls deep inside you on several occasions he can't bring himself to approach you when you make a beeline for your car.
At least not until he saw Park Chanyeol chatting you up across the bar, sees you smiling down at the receipt he left and Sehun couldn't stop himself from following you.
And of course, he fucked that up, being too jealous and stupid and half drunk to make any sense.
You were right, anyway, it wasn't like he'd ever taken you to dinner, just one half assed offer of breakfast and he doesn't know how to do this, anyway. He's never had anything approaching a real girlfriend, just one night stands on various road trips and a friend with benefits in high school. 
Is that what he even wanted? A girlfriend? When he thinks about your easy laugh not being directed at him, about what Minseok suggested about you being true, that maybe you're just using him...it makes his stomach sick.
He tells himself not to text you, not to call, but he does both because he doesn't have a shred of self control, and realizing you've blocked his number is like a punch in the throat.
Sehun doesn't even know where you live, has never asked you, and no wonder you're ghosting him. He groans, lying on his stupid bare mattress on the floor and he remembers the first time he'd seen you on it, as up and your thighs trembling.
He feels his cock twitch in his jeans and he sits up, frustrated. It's been three weeks since he'd last seen you and he hadn't been with anyone else, hadn't even thought about it.
Minseok had invited him out, a going away party of sorts since he's about to go on the road, and he figures fuck it, time to get back on the horse.
But of course they end up at your bar and all he can do is look for you, every shot making you more present in his head instead of further away. It's hours before you come in for your shift and it's busy, everyone he knows and several he doesn't there asking for your attention. You sling drinks and smile and laugh and he can't take his eyes off you.
Everything takes a turn for the worse around the fifth shot and he catches you leaned over the bar grinning at Junmyeon.
It's nothing, really, it's your job to flirt with customers but it's how you'd met and with Minseok telling him he'd seen you on his bike…
He fucking hates it, the way he feels, like there's suddenly no space in the bar, his chest tight, skin hot.
So he keeps drinking and when a blonde asks him to dance, tilts her head up to kiss him, he takes a dark pleasure in the flash of anger in your eyes when you stalk past.
It's all so fucking empty, later, when he fucks the blonde and she's nothing like you, all hard lines instead of soft curves, she even sounds wrong, too quiet and breathy.
She leaves and he's never felt so alone in his shitty apartment, keeps looking over at the counter where you'd hooked your legs around his waist the last time you were over and he feels tears prick at the backs of his eyes.
"Fuck," he mutters, and curls up on his mattress, staring at your contact name in his phone.
It takes another week before he can't take it anymore, not being able to talk to you, and catches you coming into work.
"God, what, are you stalking me now?" 
You unlock the bar and he feels small and stupid but he's full of all these things he has to say.
When you turn to look at him all angry dark eyes, it takes his breath and everything he wanted to say dies in his throat.
"Are you seeing someone?"
It isn't what he meant to say and it certainly doesn't help the anger in your eyes.
"So what if I am? It's none of your business."
"What if I want it to be my business?" He shoots back, and it's stupid but there's something clawing inside his stomach.
"Oh, fuck you, Sehun. The last time I saw you, you were a foot down some blonde's throat. I'm not doing this again."
"It's not…. she's not…" He can't get it out, whatever it is clawing up his throat.
"I blocked your number. What else do you want? Fuck off." 
You turn your back to him and he wants to hate you, wants to feel something more than this void in his chest.
He wants to tell you that everything feels shitty and empty without you but you're throwing bottles onto shelves and your shoulders are stiff.
When Minseok invites him on a week long ride, he says yes without a second thought, wanting to be anywhere else but in his apartment, where he saw you around every corner.
"Oh my God just call him," your roommate groans after you pile three pints of ice cream into the fridge.
"No. And don't fucking touch my ice cream." You slam the freezer shut and glare at her.
"Maybe he's just wilding out because you've ghosted him for like a month," she offers and you open the freezer again, taking out one pint of ice cream.
"Three weeks and four days," you correct.
She rolls her eyes. "Not that you're counting."
"Not that I'm counting," you agree. "Hand me a spoon."
She obliges. "He wasn't your boyfriend, right?"
"Hell no!" 
"So…. he's a free agent." 
"No!" You protest immediately, and then sigh. "I guess."
"You can't be mad at him for making out with randos in bars, then."
"Who says I'm mad?" You ask, mouth full of ice cream.
"Okay, clown, but he's probably at home moping over you." Your roommate stands and starts toward her room.
"He is not." Your heart skips a beat. "You really think so?"
"Call him!" She yells from her room, and you huff out a breath.
You are not going to call him.
You call him, you’ve memorized his number because you’re an idiot.
He doesn't answer and you wait a whole three minutes before texting him.
You home?
It feels like an hour before he texts you back even though it's only a few moments.
"That's it?" You grumble, but you head to his apartment anyway, waiting for the whining elevator and having flashbacks to the first time you'd come here.
When he opens the door in those same gray sweats, wet hair, just like the first night, words stick in your throat.
"Hey, pretty girl," he says, but it's softer somehow and it makes your chest ache.
Before he even steps back from the door you lean up to kiss him and he makes this little moan in the back of his throat that sends a spear of heat through your belly.
You've got your top off, straddling his hips on that stupid mattress of his, when he breaks apart from your mouth, breathing hard.
"Y/n," he says your name low and serious, and it doesn't help the way your skin is heating up.
"You do know my name," you tease, latching onto his neck instead, and he makes a sound almost like a growl, pushing you away gently.
"Of course I know your name. Y/n, wait. I want to talk to you."
"You want to talk? Now?" You say incredulously.
He huffs out a breath. "I wanted to talk when you walked in. I got distracted."
You can't help but laugh, and he's looking up at you with this half smile and something so soft on his face it makes you want to run again.
"I could distract you more." You rock your hips against you and he lifts you off him, planting you on the mattress and sitting up, staring into your eyes.
"Do you even like me?" He asks, tilting his head like a dumb puppy and your mouth drops open.
"I mean, do you like me, like would you consider going on a date with me? Even though I live in a shitty apartment and don't have a bed frame…"
"You don't have to answer right away, I just wanted to ask you how you felt because I'm kind of losing it-"
"Sehun!" You yell, and he startles, his cheeks slightly flushed.
"Yeah, I like you. I'll go on a date with you or whatever."
"You will? Really?" He grins and you hide your face.
"Don't be stupid," you mutter, but he tackles you, almost knocking you off the mattress and you can't stop laughing until his teeth drag along your hipbone and then you're gasping instead.
After, you trace the scar on his eyebrow. "Did you get this in a knife fight or something."
He laughs. "Dropped a wrench on my head while fixing a bike."
"I take it all back, I can't date an idiot," you say solemnly.
"Too late," he shoots back, pulling you on top of him and kissing your nose.
"You gonna ever give me a ride on your bike or should I call someone else to do it?" You ask nonchalantly, and he bites your shoulder, making you squeal.
"I'm riding to Florida  tomorrow with some of the guys."
You choke on air. "Riding to where?"
He grins. "Come with me. I'll buy you a bikini."
"I am not riding 3,000 miles on a motorcycle with an idiot," you insist.
He buys you a red bikini and your thighs are so sore after the trip that you can barely move. You swear to never get back on a bike again but of course, you do, when he fixes up a small one with "pretty girl" emblazoned on the side.
You're definitely not crying, it's just that you have allergies, you insist, as he's kissing along the bridge of your nose and putting on your helmet.
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volturialice · 5 years
Spork Haven chapter 24: fucking blinds and curtains
welcome to spork haven, where I spork the EL James fic you’ve never heard of
previous chapter | next chapter | contents
previously on Spork Haven:
panic! at the awards ceremony! the mafia tried to kidnap poor little orphan celloist rich bitch murder witness hotel maid!Bella! they were foiled by Jasper! actor!Edward looked into Jasper’s luminous hazel eyes and had a Moment! Bella dumped Edward’s ass! el james was transphobic!
it may seem like it’s gonna be all downhill from here after the thrilling emotional highs and lows of last chapter, but don’t worry, gang—chapter 24 has Esme! just bear with me until we reach The Part With Esme. there’s also a dog.
we open exactly where chapter 23 left off, seconds after Edward has been blindsided by the dumping of the century.
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the first thing he does is grab Taylor and announce that they’re going to go get drunk. the second thing he does is shake Emmett’s hand and bid him a fond farewell. the third thing he does is say “Hale,” and walk out the door. wow. not even gonna look him in the luminous hazel eyes, huh? rude.
then we cut to the next morning, when Ed wakes up hungoverdrunk.
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don’t ask me why the chapter couldn’t have just started here, because there is absolutely no reason.
Edward shows back up at the hospital stumbling drunk, looking like regurgitated roadkill, and asks the receptionist which room Bella is in. She tells him the room number, but Ed’s not really digging the look she’s giving him
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ah yes. she should totally be rolling out the welcome mat for you, the unstable, visibly drunk ex-boyfriend of a patient who told you to leave and not return.
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Emmett is outside Bella’s room and 
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he refuses to let Edward enter, telling him Bella doesn’t want to see him and he’ll use force to keep him out if necessary. the beautiful feminist himbo we DESERVE! not even erika can ruin Emmett.
Edward leaves, feeling “so fucking impotent.” no word on what this means for the Dicksona.
then we get a nice disorienting time skip! it’s also a location skip. Edward is now in London, walking around a park with his parents and “Pansy my westie.”
Carlisle, Esme, and a dog? sounds too good to be true. 
it struck me immediately that having a dog—and a dog with a name—is WAY more of a personality trait than anything else Edward has displayed thus far. and “westie” seemed like a suspiciously specific detail, considering the general detail-less-ness of this fic. my first thought was “erika definitely has a westie named pansy,” so I googled “el james dog.” 
but of course erika doesn’t have a westie named pansy! she has a westie named max.
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Esme and Edward have a heart-to-heart where she asks him what’s wrong.
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you mean you don’t tell her about how “little Bella” makes your dick do the rumba? or about how you like to throw used condoms on the floor when you bother to use them at all? good choice, IDIOT.
Esme is consoling, but doesn’t really weigh in on the Bella situation except to say
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which leads him to conclude
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Edward goes to chill in his old room at his parents’ house for a bit, calling it a “safe haven.” but wait, I thought the safe haven was Bella’s vagina? not anymore, I guess. while he’s lying around in his room, Edward fills us in on all the much more interesting events that have been happening...oh, offstage left. just out of frame. 
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note that there is no word whatsoever on who Bella’s mysterious drag queen kidnapper was and whether or not they survived being shot. because why would we be interested in boring shit like that when we can read about Edward staring at the Arsenal posters on his wall instead? riveting.
then there’s a knock at the door—someone’s here to see Edward! 
is it Bella? 
it’s...Alistair. hi, Alistair.
in this fic, Alistair is Edward’s “old school chum” and they go out and get drunk together. there is absolutely no reason for the inclusion of this scene except that erika wanted the fakeout in the beginning where we think it’s Bella, and then she decided to really commit to the Alistair thing for some reason.
the next morning, Edward wakes up in his own apartment with another hangover, and erika delivers another classic Pulitzer Worthy™ sentence:
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“light pierces my eyelids with...light.”
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I’d like to pierce Edward’s eyelids with a good sharp stick.
the light is there because 
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lol fucking dumb. he’s awakened again in the late afternoon by someone pounding on his door. is it Bella? no! it’s
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hell yeah! oh, and Esme. Esme is also there. jackpot!
Edward instantly jumps to the most horrible possible conclusion, of course—that Bella must be dead.
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a+ characterization, for once. but Emmett “cuts to the fucking chase” and assures Ed that Bella is fine. Edward’s reaction to this is to “double over with his hands on his knees.”
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okay then. 
Esme and Emmett ignore him. Esme goes to the kitchen to make tea and pretend like she’s not listening in on Edward and Emmett’s conversation. she’s gonna have a hard time with this task because
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meanwhile, Emmett delivers another infodump full of events ten times more interesting than any of this chapter’s actual contents:
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why? because!
Edward admits he thought that Bella would come find him. Emmett says that’s not gonna happen, and Edward’s resulting confusion is conveyed thusly:
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then Emmett drops the least interesting ““plot twist”” of all time:
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oh gee, really? after getting rawed 24/7 and repeatedly nutted in without a condom? WHOEVER could have PREDICTED such a groundbreaking TWIST??
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hey, this means that those of you who voted “she’s pregnant and she’s been poisoned” in the ol’ poll are our Winners! slide into my dms and tell me your favorite part of Safe Haven and I’ll make you a meme or something. in fact, slide into my dms if you voted in the poll at all! special shoutout to the person who specified “pregnant and roofied.” a+ predicting skills! alice is shaking.
of course, Edward handles the news very well
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but perhaps a more interesting twist than Bella being pregnant is Emmett knowing about Bella being pregnant:
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oh ok. so you came all the way across an ocean without her knowledge in order to share information she hasn’t told you and doesn’t want you to know.
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but how does Emmett know about the pregnancy if Bella didn’t tell him, you ask? because he went through her trash and found the stick she pissed on, of course!
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I take it back. maybe erika can ruin Emmett.
when Edward asks why Bella hasn’t contacted and told him, Emmett’s answer is
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lol, women be shopping!! they sure love to gossip, apply makeup, and hide their pregnancies!!
Edward absorbs this information with the grace and maturity we all know and admire
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hello child protective services i’d like to report a shitty author? her characters are too goddamn stupid to be trusted around fictional children of any kind and one of them is a legit psychopath. ma’am? ma’am? oh she hung up
Edward asks where Bella is now, and Emmett tells him she’s back in her New Orleans mansion. but it’s ok, she’s not alone! Jasper is also there as her security, keeping a luminous hazel eye on things. Edward is totally fine with this, by which I mean he immediately throws a screaming rage fit.
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ugh, Jasper. what a dick. quick recap, once again, of everyone’s Crimes:
protected Bella for six months
risked his own safety to heroically save her life
cheated on Bella with Tanya
refused to take no for an answer when she broke up with him—twice
showed up at her hospital room drunk, angry, and uninvited
fantasized about beating her as recently as ten seconds ago
Edward jumps up and resolves to go to New Orleans right now, and there the chapter ends abruptly. Like, really abruptly:
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and that’s it, that’s the last sentence of the chapter. multiple sets of ellipses, but not a full stop in sight.
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throwback to the very first meme I made for this series! 🤪✌️
best “fucks”
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“I don’t fucking believe it”
“all the fucking madness”
“I stop fucking breathing”
“fuck knows what”
“fuck-off grin”
“so fucking flat” (edward)
“so fucking unnerving” (esme)
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next chapter: gone with the fucking wind
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omenapologist-moved · 4 years
I think I have to tread carefully when watching cooking shows bc if there’s a lot of like.... stuff in the kitchen of a restaurant I get flashbacks to one of my abusers now lmfao
I remembered this one time where my ex (the one that worked in an italian restaurant and got the gig bc of his parents being relatively rich and having connections) was having a pizza night after his work closed at the job, and around this time I was extremely depressed because of living with someone that emotionally and sexually abused me on the reg + burning out + working at a job I fucking hated for a manager I fucking hated, so I was taking off a lot of days from work because I genuinely wanted to kill myself (he knew this btw. I told him repeatedly that my mental health was tanking, that I wanted to die, that I might need to go to the hospital again etc because I didn’t have the time or energy after work to look for a trans-friendly therapist in a small and kind of shitty town) as well as struggling with constant, genuinely debilitating pain from the birth control implant I got put in because he didn’t want to use condoms. 
anyway he yelled at me either earlier that day before he went into work or the day prior for taking off a lot of days even though I repeatedly told him that I was not able to handle working as much as I was and told me I needed to go to work every day for the rest of the week, but this day I was in so much pain I could barely stand, let alone bike to work and remain standing for 6 hours straight (my manager literally refused to let me sit down and got mad if I took a break at all, she’d always cut my breaks short) so I called into work and told them hey I am in so fucking much pain I cannot come in. and then took an ibuprofen and spent the majority of the day in bed under the heated pad I had to steal bc my ex refused to buy me virtually anything if he could help it despite the fact that we lived together!
much later in the day is when the pizza thing was, and my ex expected me to be there so I biked to his work and showed up and it all went fine but instead of like. telling him that I took off the day of work, because if I was honest about that he would yell at me and throw a complete fit, so I told him I had misread my schedule and that I actually had the day off, which he was clearly dubious about but it was seriously whatever.
later we got home and I was in my craft room (we were renting a 2-bedroom apartment, we slept together and I got to use the other room as a craft room, which looking back at he was REALLY weird and sort of mean about? I was giving you my entire fucking paycheck I am at LEAST allowed to use one of the 2 rooms. you used the entire living room and kitchen for all of your stuff and most of our bedroom so shut up????) and he storms in and starts yelling at me because he went through some papers I had in the living room on the kitchen table and he saw that I did not, in fact, have that day off and I tried to explain I was in a LOT of pain literally all day and extremely fucking depressed and I was scared he would get mad at me if he found out I had taken the day off for that but he literally didn’t care at all lmfao.
then his mother called to ask about thanksgiving plans and the first thing he told her was “yeah [boyfriend] lied to me and I’m really mad about it, he lied about calling into work today”
after I got fired for stealing food and hygienic supplies from my work in order to survive, bc again, this man was taking my entire paycheck from me so I literally couldn’t eat but I made too much money to be able to get EBT, we still had thanksgiving and his parents came over for it, and he HADN’T TOLD THEM I lost my job or under what circumstances, and I really didn’t want to fucking explain “yeah I got fired from my job because I was stealing food and other stuff because your son had been taking all of my money so I couldn’t fucking BUY anything legitimately” and so his mom asked how work was going and I just sort of went “Oh, it’s being going okay. It’s pretty busy” or w/e because like again... I really didn’t want to bring that shit up AT THANKSGIVING DINNER.
my ex acted totally normal (for him) for the next couple of days, and then we were laying in bed and he got weirdly distant and snapped at me like “I don’t like that you lied to my mom. You lied to her so easily, what else are you lying about?” n I explained that I didn’t want to have to explain to his mother at the thanksgiving dinner table that I had been fired and why. he was like “well you could’ve taken her aside and explained it to her privately” as if we were not 1) in the middle of dinner and 2) his parents, him, and myself were literally the only people therre and 3) as if I was not actively panicking and didn’t know what else to DO under those circumstances because I was actively just shutting down emotionally and mentally and was depending on them not asking about it and 4) as if it is honestly any of their fucking business????? they don’t live with us???????????
anyway it was really funny because he constantly acted like I was cheating on him and would go through my phone and accuse me of lying about all sorts of shit that I flat out was not lying about and he used these two times as like. a way to “back that up” but later on I found out that he was the one who was cheating on me and lying to me about almost everything so <3 that projecting tho! but that’s all fucking abusers DO is project all their shit onto their victims rather than getting therapists or even just doing the most basic introspection so *pretends to be surprised*
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criminalhotch · 6 years
Ok so slemthing came to my mind idk why but I like the idea of the guy ( in this case gray bc hes my daddy’s SKSSKSK) to cheat on the girl and then they make up and so the devils tango bc that shits so hot To me lol?
I’m making this breakup sex SORRY NOT SORRY
A/N: I seriously don’t EVER see Grayson (or Ethan) ever cheating on someone but I really like angst so I wrote this and I really like it so I hope you guys do too. Don’t be like Grayson in this fic. Cheating is hella shitty, please don’t EVER do that to someone. 
Grayson’s POV
I walk into the house. It’s dark and Y/N is asleep. I toss my shirt off and wiggle out of my pants leaving me in my boxers. I quickly change them and throw it all in the hamper in hopes she doesn’t notice anything. “Hi, Gray where were you? I missed you” she asked softly. “Out with E” I lied. No, I was out being unfaithful and fucking some girl who means nothing to me because I couldn’t fucking control myself and now I hate myself for it. “Did you guys have fun?” she asked. “Yes but go back to sleep, babe. I’ll get in bed in a minute” I told her. “Ok, Gray. I love you” she said sleepily. “I love you too, sweet girl” I sighed. I had to tell her in the morning. I can’t live like this. I can’t hide this from her.
It’s the next morning, Y/N is not in bed and the laundry hamper is missing. Fuck. I go searching through the house as I make my way to the laundry room. I find Y/N on the floor with my clothes and my phone. “Y/N” I whispered. “Do I not make you happy Grayson?” she asked. God, I’m such a shit person. “God, no. You make me the happiest guy in the world, Y/N” I said. “You’re lying. You’re lying because you wouldn’t have slept with whoever this bitch is” she said. “This isn’t your fault it’s mine. I’m such a piece of shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry. Please believe me when I tell you that I love you and you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me” I said as a tear rolled down my face. “No, Grayson!” she shouted. “You don’t get to fucking cry, only me. You cheated on me! On me! When all I’ve ever done is love and support you. You made the decision to be unfaithful. You built your bed and now you have to lay in it. You don’t get to cry because you hurt me, Grayson, it’s the other way around” she yelled. She was right. I chose this. I shouldn’t be crying. “Y/N, I’m sorry,” I said. “You’re sorry you got caught Grayson,” she said as she pushed past me in the doorway. I followed her back to our room. She had grabbed her suitcase and was throwing stuff in it. “Where are you going?” I sniffled. “Anywhere but here” she answered. “Y/N, can we talk about this? I was going to tell you this morning. I really, truly was” I admitted. “Were you really?” she seethed. “I promise you. Last night when I came home and you told me you loved me. My heart broke. I slept like shit and you must have woke up at a time that I finally fell asleep. I was going to get up and sit you down then tell you first thing this morning” I explained. “Are you seriously telling me the truth?” she asked. “I seriously couldn’t lie to you right now,” I said. “Fine then tell me about her” Y/N deadpanned. “No” I scoffed. “Tell me now or I walk out and never look back, Grayson” she threatened. “Y/N, please don’t do this” I sighed. “If you don’t tell me in the next 10 seconds, Grayson. I swear” she said. “What do you want to know?” I asked. “Is she pretty?” Y/N asked. “Not as pretty as you” I answered. “Not the question” Y/N deadpanned. “She’s pretty but not like super gorgeous or anything” I admitted. “Mhmm, did she make you cum?” she asked. “Yeah” I said blankly. “Better than I do?” she asked. “No, not even close” I answered truthfully. “Did she kiss you? Suck your dick?” she asked. “We kissed like once and I made her stop but yes she sucked my dick” I answered her questions. “Why’d you make her stop?” she asked. “I don’t know. Guess it didn’t feel right” I replied. “So your subconscious knew you were fucking your life and my life up?” she answered. “Do you want to know anything else?” I asked wanting this to end sooner rather than later. “Did you eat her out?” “No” “Did you wear a condom” “Yes, Y/N” “Did you enjoy it?” “I thought I did but the more I think about it, I don’t. I hate that happened and I hate myself” I admitted. “Do you truly feel bad that you fucked her?” she asked. “I’ve never regretted anything more in my life, baby girl and I hope you believe me” I sighed and she nodded. “Are you staying?” I asked. “No, I just wanted you to answer those questions” she admitted. “Y/N, please. I’ll tell you whatever you want if you just don’t leave” I begged. “I can’t be here Grayson,” she said as she headed towards the door. “I really fucked up, didn’t I,” I thought as I watched her car exit the driveway for what could be the final time.
Two days later there’s a knock at the door. I slowly make my way to the door. I open it to see Y/N. “I came to get the rest of my stuff,” she said softly. “You have a key” I said. “I didn’t want to use it, didn’t feel right” she admitted. “You don’t have to leave, Y/N,” I said. “I can’t trust you, Gray. Maybe one day we can work it out but right now I can’t trust you. You broke me” she said. “I never wanted to hurt you and I’m so sorry I did,” I said. “I know you never wanted to hurt me and I’m sorry you did too” she agreed. “Can I at least help you pack?” I asked. “I guess,” she said. 
We began getting the rest of her clothes and sorting what was hers and what was really mine. She found a shirt of mine that I always let her wear. I hadn’t worn it in months. “You can keep it,” I said as I caught her staring at it, tears filling her eyes. “I wore this the first time I ever stayed over” she whispered. “Yeah, you did” I smiled at the memory. “It’s your favorite sleep shirt so you can keep it if you want to,” I said again. “It’s your shirt, Gray,” she said. “It’s more yours now than it ever was mine” I argued. “I can’t” she whispered as a single tear streamed down her face. “Hey, why don’t we go have a water break and calm down?” I suggested and she nodded. We walked into the kitchen. I made us both glasses of water then handed her one. “Thanks, ba-I mean Gray” she corrected herself. “You don’t have to torture yourself like this,” I said. “It’s torture, either way, Grayson. I thought we were going to get married and have kids one day” she admitted. “We still can Y/N,” I said. “How will I know you won’t do it again?” she asked. “Because watching you hurt like this absolutely destroys me Y/N. I rather fight a lion than ever watch you cry because of me ever again” I told her. She grabbed my face in her hands and slammed her lips against mine. “I need you, Gray. Please” she whimpered. “Y/N, are you sure?” I asked. “Grayson, please. You owe me this” she begged. I couldn’t tell her no, could I? 
I kissed her again passionately. “Jump, baby girl,” I said and she did as told. Her legs wrapping around my waist and my lips reconnecting with hers. I made our way back to my room. I dropped her softly onto the bed. I pulled her leggings down her legs and took my own shirt off. “I’m going to miss you,” she said. “Don’t” I whispered reuniting her lips with mine once more because who knows if I’ll ever be able to do it again. I released her lips to shimmy my pants down my legs and take her bra and top off. “Your body never fails to amaze me. It’s absolutely gorgeous and never let anyone convince you otherwise” I said as I started kissing her chest, in between her breasts, down her tummy, just above her panties. I pulled her soft pink panties down her legs. “Always so wet and sweet for me, huh baby?” I asked. “Only for you Gray” she admitted. I went back up to her lips. I kissed her once more before wrapping my lips around her nipple and sucking softly. Her hand immediately found it’s way to my hair. “Mmm, yes. Just like that, I love when you do that, baby” she cried out. The more I heard her moan and enjoy what was happening the more I hoped she would stay after all. I brought my hand to her free breast rubbing her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. “Oh, Gray” she whimpered. “Feel good, princess?” I asked. “So good” she agreed. After a few more moments she spoke up again. “Gray” she said. “Yes, darling?” I asked. “I need you, please” she whined desperately. “Ok, baby. I’ll give you what you want in just a second” I said. “No, now” she demanded. “Alright, alright,” I said reaching down to rid me of my boxers. “Fuck, I’m going to miss your cock” she whined. “You don’t have to do this y’know. This doesn’t have to be the end” I said. “Gray, don’t do this” she sighed. “Are you sure about this?” I asked. “Yes, Gray. I’m sure now please” she groaned. “Ok, ok, ok” I chided. I slowly guided myself into her, both of us sighing in pleasure. “Always so warm and tight for me, like you were made just for me” I sighed. “Oh, Gray” she moaned. My motions were slow and deep. I was going to love her like I’d never loved her before. “Go faster. Gray” she begged. “No, I’m loving you. I should’ve done this more when you were still mine” I said as I lowered my forehead to hers. My thrusts were slow and deep, they were passionate and full of lust. I was so lost in the moment I never felt her hands make their way to my face. Her eyes staring up into mine. Her eyes were searching mine deep down trying to find answers. Her thumbs sailed softly over my cheeks. “You’re not a bad person, Grayson,” she said. “Yes, I am. I hurt the person I love most in the world” I said. “You made a bad choice that doesn’t make you a bad person,” she said. “Don’t” I said and she nodded then looked away. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. “I love you so much” I groaned as I started thrusting just a little bit harder and a little bit deeper. “I love you too, Gray,” she said. “Don’t say things you don’t mean?” I said. “I do mean it, stop for a second and get on your back” she instructed. “No this is about you,” I said. “Ok, and I want you on your back now do it” she ordered and I did as told. I laid on my back as she climbed on top of me. She slowly slid herself down on me until she bottomed out. “Fuck you feel so good” I groaned. “Shh, just enjoy it,” she said as she began bouncing up and down on my dick. “Fuck, Y/N. Just like that, baby girl” I groaned. “Ugh you fill me up so well Grayson” she groaned on top of me. “I’m close babe,” I told her. “Me too” she replied. She bounced up and down a couple more times then grinded herself down on me making my hit her g-spot just right. “Fuck, Y/N. I can’t I’m-” I started but she interrupted me. “It’s ok, Gray. Cum, baby. Cum for me, please. I need you to cum” she begged. “Fuck, Y/N. Mhmm, yes baby just like that” I moaned as I hit my high. My cum filling her up. “Fuck yes, baby” she groaned as she hit her own peak on top of me. She laid down on my chest but she never removed me from her. “Can we stay like this for a moment?” she asked. “We can stay like this for as long as you want,” I said and she nodded.
After a few moments, she got off of me. “Stay, Y/N, please. This can’t be the end” I said. “I’ll stay for a little bit, Grayson but I’m leaving. I can’t do this to myself, it’s not fair” she said and I nodded. At this point, I’ll take whatever I could get. She crawled into bed and cuddled into my side. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep in the comfort of her arms. The comfort quickly turned into sadness when I woke up alone in my bed. I look over to my bedside table where there was a note.
I’m sorry, I left while you were asleep, Gray but I knew I couldn’t see your face when I left. I love you so much Grayson Bailey. Give me some space and maybe one day we can work on this but for right now, I need to just be on my own so I can think.
Love,                                                                                                                  Y/N
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g-on-ef · 5 years
Pretty Little Liars
A/N: So idk if Imma continue this, this is just a prototype story to see what people would think of it
Summary: They were all friends, they all promised to have each other’s backs; swore to one another that they would never betray each other and that they will always be there for one another…was it all a lie? Did every promise they made to one another was just a false hope to gain trust and then stab each other in the back? A group of friends who thought they knew each other are slowly realizing that they all lived a lie and were friends with strangers, now the question is can they be the friends they once were, or will they refuse to listen and leave one another bleeding on the ground?
Momo Yaoyorozu wiped her face with some random napkin she found lying on the ground. She placed her hand on her baby bump and tried to soothe her baby that was moving. Her baby could sense her distress and was trying to calm her down in any way it can…at least that was what she was telling herself, she was certain the only reason her baby was being active was from all the stress she was feeling.
How did this happen? How could this happen? Years of secrets that not only she but everyone kept were coming out of hiding and being brought into the light for everyone to see. Secrets that everyone thought they would take to the grave; sadly, everyone saw that the truth could not be hidden, as Mark Twain once said,
“A lie can travel around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes,”
As a child she never understood what that meant now, as a young woman she finally understands why her mother would always tell her that whenever she tried to fib her way out of trouble.
While you tell the world your lies, the truth will just sit patiently, waiting for the right time to reveal itself and once it does people will have trouble believing your words for you’ve told the lies so many times you have officially lost the truth you once had.
And that is what happened today, everyone’s lies resurfaced, their secrets were revealed and now…now no one knew who was who, they were all questioning if the friends they knew; the ones they claimed to always be there for them were nothing but liars or worse strangers to each other.
“Hey, you okay?”
She jumped a little at the sound of his voice. Turning her head, she saw Katsuki Bakugou walking over to her.
She quickly tried to compose herself so that he wouldn’t see the state she was in, the last thing she wants is his pity. She did not need it, nor did she want it.
Once he reached her he could see that she was crying, despite her acting like she was unbothered by everything he could see right through her, he could always see right through her.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to check on you, everyone else is either pissed or like you and Round Face ran out of the room before anyone could say anything,”
“Can you blame Uraraka? She just found out the love of her life was cheating on her with someone she considered a friend, Todoroki might not have been her best friend, but he was still her friend,”
“Tch, you already know how I felt about that,”
“Yeah, you were the one telling Midoriya to not marry Uraraka,”
“Because the idiot was still in love with Todoroki, he was only marrying Round Face because he was afraid to be with the bastard,”
“That still doesn’t excuse the way he treated her,”
“You mean like how it doesn’t excuse you from hiding the fact that you were pregnant with my baby?”
Momo turned her attention to Bakugou who was glaring at her, Momo’s soft features went from upset to furious, how dare he? How dare he call her out for not telling him the truth about her baby when he made it very clear that he didn’t want any part of her life?
He made it very clear that what they were, was a mistake, that them dating one another should never have happened. Hell, he even said that he didn’t want anyone to know.
“How dare you?!” she stood up and stared him right in the eyes, thankful that they were both the same height so she can look him directly in his crimson orbs.
“How, fucking dare you?! I never told you about my pregnancy because it was none of your business!”
“None of my-Ponytail it is my business especially when its my kid your carrying!”
“It’s not your kid! Being a sperm donor doesn’t automatically make you a father!”
“And you carrying a fetus for nine months doesn’t make you a mother!”
She glared at him, she knew what he was trying to get a rise out of her, get to say something anything to prove that she was in the wrong and he had every right to know.
This was a fight she could not win, and she was not going to keep going around in circles because she knew better than to fight Bakugou, he was never to back down. No matter how difficult the fight would be. She placed her hand on her belly and rubbed her hand in soothing circles. Ignoring Bakugou’s gaze on her belly.
“Look, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you were ready to be a father,”
“No one is ever ready to be a parent Ponytail, not even you. You can make all the plans you want but the little guy will always find ways to keep you on your toes and throw whatever carefully laid out plan you have out the window,”
“I know, and your right,”
“Tch of course I’m right, at least I know you didn’t do it on purpose like headphones did with Pikachu,”
“Jiro only did that because she was afraid that she would lose Kaminari, she didn’t do it to be spiteful,”
“She did it cause she was jealous, and you know it,”
Momo didn’t say anything because he was right, Jiro and her relationship with Kaminari was going downhill, hell everyone could see it was going to end the minute Kaminari was reunited with Shinsou. As soon as those two saw each other it was over for him and Jiro.
So, what did she do? She found a way to make sure Kaminari would never leave her by poking a hole in his condoms and her throwing out her birth control as well as all her plan B pills and boom! She was pregnant and Kaminari felt he needed to stay by her and their daughter’s side, no matter how badly he didn’t want to leave Shinsou, he also couldn’t abandon his new family.
“You’re right, the only reason why Haruhi was born is because Jiro didn’t want to lose Kaminari,”
“And now that he knows the truth he’s pissed, hell I don’t think he even wants to be around her or Jiro,”
“Kaminari would never abandon his child,”
“Would you rather he stays and hate his kid?”
“Of course not! But he can’t blame his child for something that wasn’t their fault,”
“You’re right, but in the back of his mind some tiny part of him would blame Haruhi and Jiro for losing a chance with someone he truly love, would you rather he stay with them, be miserable, and resent them both for losing his chance at love?”
“Well no, but…Jiro did not deserve to be call those awful names,”
“And Denki did not deserve to lose the love of his life to someone else,”
The two stayed silent for a moment or two before Momo looked to the ground.
“What happened to us? Where we always like this? Did we intentionally set out to hurt one another?”
Bakugou looked at Momo, he never told anyone but he actually loved Momo, he wanted to be with her for as long as he could.
Yes, he never told anyone about them, but that was because he didn’t want anyone to put doubts in her head.
He knew how he was, he also knew that the majority of their friends didn’t consider him dating material, a one-night stand yes but for one of them to have him as a boyfriend? Never gonna happened.  
Still, what Momo asked made him wonder if they really were hurtful people, did they all tried to harm each other on purpose? Did they set out to bring pain to one another because they hated their own shitty lives?
Maybe they did, but that did not change the fact that they cared for one another, maybe it was time for them to stop acting like assholes towards one another and start treating each other like friends…that is if they even wanted to do that…only time will tell…
A/N: like I said this is just a prototype story so let me know what you guys think ^^
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Taking Chances live blog Chapters 8-12
After cheating on Brandon with Chase, Harper sure went back to being a happy loving girlfriend quickly 
I JUST REALIZED I AM THE SAME AGE AS HARPER. HOLY MOTHERFORKING SHIRTBALLS. and now back to our regularly schedule programming of dumpster fire
This relationship is built entirely off lust. They never do anything except make out. And as much as I dislike both Harper and Brandon, I like that Brandon respects Harper’s boundaries and never tries to pressure her into doing anything she doesn’t want
Prediction: Brandon is gonna get hurt real bad at this fight. Because plot
The pacing is a mess. There was maybe 3 pages between going to the fight, getting his shoulder dislocated, going to the hospital, and getting home again
College is expensive. If you’re paying to live there, why the hell are you spending all your time at Chase’s house?
How does she have only one class a day? What is this? 
None of these people care about medical issues at all
Send help she wants to marry Brandon. I have nothing against people who get married young, but they have known each other for 6ish months, and the entire relationship is based on lust and nothing else
Guess who’s pregnant? And this kiddos, is one reason you should always use protection. Not only is it a good way to avoid STDs, but using a condom prevents pregnancies
Her dad is seriously shitty
Abortion is an option here. This baby was in no way planned for, and Harper doesn’t seem to want it very much. This is why we as a society need better access to birth control of all means, and abortion 
Harper broke up with her very serious boyfriend, and it wasn’t on page??? either that or this book has caused me so much mental damage that I just missed it
no, she was just ghosting him and telling everyone else they broke up
I find it very weird the way Bree and Chase’s mom is asking, saying that this is all so exciting and fun. Harper is 18, shouldn’t the parent figure be more concerned about whether or not she wants this baby or is prepared to care for it?
“if he finds out YOUR pregnant...” how did this make it through edits?
“Regardless if he’s ready for a child or not, he’s the father, he has to help you”
Ummmmm, WHAT??? No. Just no. This is super toxic and bad and how you end up with neglected kids because the parents didn’t really want them
Communication is still clearly not happening
This author is about as subtle as an elephant in china shop, so by mentioning the ultrasound pictures and pregnancy books, I just know that Chase is going to find them
Guess who fucking called it
You should never be afraid of your partner. Ever. Even if their anger is directed away from you, you should never be afraid of them
She’s having this guy’s baby and they’ve both professed love for each other but they’ve never been in a relationship. Chase has “always” thought about having a family with her, but they’ve known each other for 8 goddamn months
Having a baby has completely reorganized her priorities! Who needs college when she has a child and a lover! I am very close to throwing my laptop out the window! Feminism? Not for her. Equal pay? I don’t think so!
In case you’ve forgotten, every other girl is a mindless ho, her only motivation to take Chase and/or Brandon away from Harper
The queer... rep? got even worse. The newest girl trying to steal Harper’s man was outright hostile towards her, said she’d “take care of [Harper’s] boyfriend while [she’s] not around” but she told Chase she’s gay. And when Harper found out, she said that Trish is lying
So, it appears that Brandon thinks Harper needs a baby to be complete as a person
Jumping to conclusions at the speed of light! And vilifying all women! 
Getting pregnant isn’t punishment from the universe, it is a natural consequence of having unprotected sex, you dimwitted turnip
this scene with Chase is so so bad. He’s trying to explain his side of the story, and Harper isn’t listening at all. She makes everyone else listen to her melodramatic ass and bullshit justifications for her actions, but she won’t even consider what her... boyfriend? is trying to tell her
Previous chapters here,  there, and over here as well
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sweetpeatrashxo · 7 years
2 + 1 = 3: C.G**
So I forgot to put this one on the list, but this one is a basic smut that turns bad a couple months later. But hope ya enjoy. Requests are still open click here so now onto the warnings and shit.
Warning: Sexual content, swearing, and more Gallagher stuff I can’t think of.
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You and Carl have been quite the duo since as long as you can remember, yeah you two argued but fuck what friends don’t. But today was different, Carl broke the news that your current boyfriend Harry was cheating on you. You didn’t believe it, until Carl dragged you over near the L where you both saw Harry and Holy basically fucking on the park. Your body filled with rage as you walked over there, you yelled “You fucking lying, cheating, small dick, shitty personality cunt.” Carl walked behind you with a distance knowing what’s about to unfold in front of him. You said “What the fuck.” Harry laughed “About time.” You didn’t let him finish, you swung at him hitting him in the jaw, you watched as he fell to the ground, Holly looked up in horror as she knew she was next.
You grabbed Holly by her hair throwing her to the ground and started hitting her, you heard Carl yell at you to stop but you kept going. You soon felt a pair of hands pull you away from her, you looked at her then Harry and spat “I hope you two rot in hell.” You felt Carl dragging you away, once you two got a safe distance from where the drama unfolded you felt yourself fall to the ground, you started crying not knowing how to feel. You felt Carl’s arm wrap around you, you laid your head into his shoulder and continued to cry. After 20 minutes of crying about it, you got up, brushed yourself off and said “Lets go drink.” Carl being well Carl he didn’t turn down the offer.
You both headed back to your house which was only a block away from the L and about 3 blocks from the Gallagher home, Carl asked “Aren’t your parents gonna be angry I’m here?” You smirked “They’re on vacation to Fiji for a month they won’t be back till like the 3rd of next month.” You grabbed your keys out of your pocket, unlocked the door and let yourself and Carl in, as you closed the door you locked it as you know your drunken as would leave the house if you didn’t. You walked over to the fully stocked mini bar in the lounge room, you grabbed two beers and sat down turning on the TV as Carl sat down next to you. You said passing him his beer “What do you wanna watch?” He laughed “Throw something on that’s on Netflix.” You opened Netflix and chose the first movie there which ended up being Blue is the warmest color, you’ve already seen it, but it was a good movie so you didn’t mind watching it again.
You sat there beside Carl sipping your beer when the first sex scene came up, you watched and giggled to yourself as Carl started squirming, by the 3rd beer you felt yourself become confident, as the movie proceeded you noticed Carl getting more and more tense. You turned off the movie because by this time you couldn’t read the stupid subtitles, you loved the movie but why couldn’t there be a fucking English one. You turned to him “You okay C?” As long as you can remember you’ve liked this guy, but no one knew, he spoke up “Yeah, just hard not to get a hard on when watching movies with sex scenes in them.” He chugged his 5th beer down as I finished mine, he continued “And well all I can think of is you naked.”
You felt your drunk self move over towards him and sit on his lap, god you disliked yourself drunk, Carl said “Ah, Y/N you sure you wanna sit there?” You stuttered “C, I um have a crush on you.” Before you could continue he crashed his lips into yours, your lips were mixing perfectly together, you felt his hands creep up your back then back down. You started slowly grinding on him, he had his hands on your waist guiding you, you pulled back lifting his shirt over his head as he done the same to you, you looked down at his as he picked you up and walked to your room, he placed you on your bed softly before pouncing above you faster than a Lion going for it’s pray.
You felt his hands go up the side of your body, you lifted your back up allowing him to unclasp your bra with one hand. He took it off throwing it somewhere, he sat back and admired your torso are, you went red as he said “You’re... You’re beautiful.” He leaned down connecting his lips with yours, he kissed his way down to your jaw line, left sloppy kissed then attached his mouth to your neck finding you sweet spot almost instantly, you gasped as he sucked on your neck and fondled with your boobs. He pulled back pulling down your shorts and panties, after they were thrown away he went straight for your inner thighs. He connected his lips with your heat, kissing and sucking, you moaned “Fuck Carl.” You grabbed a handful of his hair forcing him more into your inner thigh area. He added a finger and started pumping as he sucked on your clit, you pulled him back and pulled him up to have his lips meet yours.
You pulled back and ordered “Lay down my turn.” He obeyed, you pulled his pants down along with his boxers and watched as his dick sprung up and hit him in his stomach. You let your hand guide up and down it before you connected your lips with his tip, lighting touching it with your tongue Carl grabbed a fist full of your hair and forced you down causing you to gag as you deep-throated him. He moaned “Fuck.” You started going faster when he pulled you off and flipped you two over, then he lined himself up, he looked up at you to make sure. You both knew it wasn’t either of your first times but Carl has always been a caring kid. You nodded as he thrusted in causing a gasp to leave your mouth, within seconds you were moaning Carl’s name, as he was picking up his speed hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
You screamed his name, then moaned “Carl, I’m gonna cum.” You felt him slightly twitch as he said “So am I.” You both let your highs go, you rode off your highs. Carl flopped down beside you out of breath “I, um, have a crush on you too Y/N.” You rolled over and put your head on his chest, you wanted to make him yours but after Dominique you knew he wasn’t ready for another relationship. You two fell asleep like that.
It’s been a month since you and Carl fucked, it hasn’t changed anything, it was odd that the friendship just kept going as is even tho you two remember what happened and what was said. You were walking around your house waiting for your parents to arrive home, when you felt like you were going to vomit, you ran to the bathroom as fast as you could and leaned over the toilet bowl vomiting what you have for dinner up. You sat back and realized that your period was due 2 weeks ago. You mumbled “Fuck I’m late.” You didn’t think much of it till you vomited again, you thought ‘Did we use a condom?’ You mind went back to that night and you realized Carl didn’t put one on.
You reached over to the cupboard that was under your sink to grab the emergency pregnancy tests. You pulled on out, you flushed the toilet letting your vomit go down the drain, you peed on the stick and sat it beside the sink. You were pacing around the bathroom when you heard your parents walk in yelling “Y/N, we’re home.” You yelled back out “Yeah just using the toilet be out soon.” You looked at the test after what felt like 5 minutes and noticed the two lines indicating that you were pregnant. You instantly called Carl, he picked up after two rings “Hey Y/N what’s up?” You said “I need to talk to you can I come over?” He said “Yeah, everything alright?” You sighed “I’ll tell you when I get there.” You walked out shoving the stick into your pocket, you walked out greeting your parents, you said “I’m going out with friends for a bit, I’ll be back in a couple hours.” Your mother said “Alright be safe.” You walked back to your room and changed out of your pj’s, threw your shoes on and walked towards the Gallagher home.
You walked in as if it was your own house, you were greeted to no noise, you walked upstairs and into Carl’s room to see him looking at his phone. You sighed and shut the door as his head snapped up to look you, he stood straight up and hugged you “Are you alright? You look like you just vomited your guts up and saw a ghost at the same time.” You sighed “Sit down C.” He sat down, you sat beside him pulling out the pregnancy test out of your pocket and passing it to him. Silence fell the room as Carl examined the stick, he broke the silence “You’re pregnant... With..” You stuttered “Yeah with yours.” He stood up and paced a bit trying to figure out what to say when he blurted out with a huge grin “I’m gonna be a dad.”
You said “Carl, think for a second, two 16 year olds with a kid.” He sighed “I know but like I want a baby, I don’t care if we’re 16 or 30. I want a kid. With you.” You were shocked at what Carl was saying, but also happy that he is fine with it. He said “Fiona is gonna kill us and so are your parents but oh well. I’m happy with it are you?” You smiled “As long as you are I am.”
All I gotta say about the whole telling Fiona and my parent was a lecture off both as we expected, but well my parents killed me out and the Gallaghers took me in. At least Fi had more faith in me and Carl then she did with Debs, but she knew I was responsible and Carl was still working at Patsy’s. So we were able to fund for out baby.
So, you’ve made it to full trimester and everything was going fine, you and Carl were gonna welcome you little baby girl to this world soon. But you and Carl were still wondering when that was gonna be, her due date is in a week and you didn’t think there was any signs of her coming out soon. You yelled out “Carl.” He ran in “Yeah what’s up babe?” You smiled “Be a sweetie and run your girlfriend and princess a bath?” He rolled his eyes entering the bathroom filling up the bath as you grabbed your clean clothes and a towel. You opened the door to see Carl sitting in the bath, he smiled “I was making sure it was warm enough now get in family bath time.” You laughed, undressing yourself and hoping in. You and Carl sat there talking to your baby girl about how excited you two were to meet her.
You stood up to get out of the bath after Carl hoped out, he looked back making sure you were ok, once you stood up straight to felt water flush out then pain. You shut your eyes tight and mumbled “Fuck.” You said “Carl help me out of the bath and get dressed we may have this little. Ow! Coming today.” He started rushing around grabbing your towel, then grabbing your clothes. He dressed you and helped walk you out, then walked you down the stairs as you laid on the lounge having contractions for what felt like ever 5 minutes. Carl yelled “Fi!” Fi ran down the stairs “Is it Y/N? She having the baby?” Carl nodded as you yelled in pain “What the fuck.” Lip said “I’ll get V.” 5 seconds later V, Kev and Svetlana came in, you said “Why am I getting contractions so many times?” Svet said “Let me look.” She removed the clothing in the way showing that you have already dilated 9cm, she announced “Baby come soon.” You punched Carl and he winced in paid “What was that for?” You growled “Don’t let me get drunk with you again.” Lip and Ian laughed, Lip said “Or at least have contraception.” You threatened “I’ll punch you too Phillip.” You yelped as a contraction hit you again, you watched as Svetlana looked and V looked “Oh well, you may as well push.”
Svet yelled “Get towels.” You watched as 3 guys scatter to grab towels and lay them in front of you. You grabbed Carl’s hand as you started pushing, you screamed and Fi done exactly what she done when Debs was giving birth which was scream too. Moments later, you heard crying, Kev said “Father of baby Gallagher come cut the cord thingy.” Carl walked over and said “Scissor please.” He grabbed the end of the cord and cut, you sat up and watched as your boyfriend wrapped your kid in a blanket. You leaned back on the lounge as Carl walked over to you and passed you your newly born daughter. Carl sat beside you, you leaned your head on his shoulder.
It was a peaceful silence until you and Carl said at the same time “She’s beautiful.” Carl said “So babe what are we gonna name her? Annabella or Isobel?” You smiled “Which one did you want again? Isobel?” He nodded as you continued “Isobel Louise Gallagher.” Fi said “Are we gonna call an ambulance this time?” You sighed “As much as I’d hate to go I guess you’re gonna have to.” 
Request are open, the link is at the top of the imagine. But here’s the masterlist too :))) Masterlist
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gotgifsandmusings · 7 years
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with your stance. Condoms/diaphragms and most forms of protection don't protect against syphilis and herpes and other STIs that are passed via skin to skin contact and not just bodily fluids. Meaning if you cheat on your partner, you're not only lying to them, but you could be exposing them to physical pain and illness. Which trumps just "lying". Because it's lying plus endangerment. And, if they've ONLY consented to monogamous sex... I would argue rape
Well your argument has no legal basis. It’s shitty, sure, but it’s not rape. Which yeah, I know marital rape wasn’t legally a thing until recently so it’s not like that point is infallible, but this the concept of “rape by deception” being completely misunderstood and misapplied. I hear where you’re coming from, but this is a case where there actually is a slippery slope argument, since you could literally apply it to anything. 
Though you are right about herpes, and thanks for that, since that’s good to know. Which is why I’m publishing this ask. Either way, use condoms when appropriate.
Let’s say you lied to your partner about taking the car to the shop and getting something wrong with it fixed. In that case, you’d be endangering them. Lying about getting the flu shot could expose them to pain. (Thank you for these, Gretchen.) In fact, your partner physically safer with you if you’re cheating on them with someone thoroughly tested than if you’re lying about washing your hands after peeing.
Cheating being elevated as this OMG UNFORGIVEABLE thing is like, not at all subtly derived from the societal practice of controlling women’s bodies (and yes, the way we’re shamed for it is specifically gendered). The way we talk about it, therefore, weirds me out. That’s my only point here.
Anonymous said to gotgifsandmusings: I’m a little confused by the discourse on your blog right now. Your position is that cheating is no worse or better in principle than any other violation of your partner’s trust, not that cheating is fine, right?
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redheadedwhat · 7 years
Visitation pt III
Thanks to everyone that has been reading/replying/reblogging/etc both here and on Ao3! It really means a lot to me. And a super extra special thanks to @kijilinn for beta-ing and helping me out so much. In case you need a refresher: Part I and Part II. And here’s the last chapter: Part IV.
Title: Visitation
Pairing: Negan x OFC
Rating: SFW (Major Negan language in this chapter. Cursing, discussions of sex and violence.) 
*Spoilers for TWD comics post All Out War*
A few days later Tallulah was finally headed to her first visit with Negan. She was escorted to his basement cell by Rick and Michonne, both of whom were carrying guns, and was surprised to see two more armed guards already down there. Apparently, they weren’t taking any chances. “To what do I owe the fucking pleasure, Rick?” Negan asked with a grin. Tallulah was still hidden in the shadows behind Rick, so she got to see Negan before he saw her.
“You’ve got a visitor.” Rick told him coldly. He still felt a bit iffy about this, but after a lot of discussion and debate it had been decided that there would be no harm in letting Negan get supervised visits with Tallulah and their eventual child as long as he behaved himself. As much as Negan could possibly behave himself. That didn’t mean Rick trusted the guy. Hence the armed guards that would be in attendance even though Negan wouldn’t even be exiting his cell. Tallulah knew that was her cue to step into the light and get this visit on the road, but she was surprisingly nervous. She hadn’t seen him in months and now here she was, about to give him life-changing and personal news in front of an audience of his enemies. He was not going to like that. He was a loud mouth, but he liked to keep personal shit personal especially anything that could be perceived as a weakness and used against him. Taking a deep breath she stepped into his line of sight. “Lulu!” Negan greeted her, surprised, but not unhappy. “Did you come to fucking visit me?” “Hi, Negan.” She smiled, stepping closer to his cell. She decided to give him a few moments to notice that she was pregnant before saying anything, knowing that his eyes always lingered on her breasts for a good while before taking in the rest of her. “Holy shit!” There it was. “You look like you swallowed a fucking basketball!” he laughed. “And you look like the Brawny paper towel guy, but you don’t see me making fun of you, do you, Grizzly Adams?” She replied tartly. Of course he’d make a fucking joke. “I’m just fucking with you, darlin’, don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He smiled at her somewhat apologetically. “You look good, really. Who’s the lucky fucker?” Tallulah was taken aback slightly. Did he really just ask her that? He noticed her confusion, “What? I’m happy for you! I’m glad you were able to move on and while I’m sure your new man is nowhere near as fucking badass as me, he’s probably alright in his own way.” “Negan, you’ve only been gone for five months.” She said simply. “Yeah, so?” He shrugged. “I’m seven months pregnant.” She pointed out. Negans eyes widened. “Oh.” “Yeah. Oh.” Tallulah shook her head. How could he be so dense? “Fuck no.” he suddenly exclaimed, almost looking like a trapped rat. “That ain’t mine.” “What?!” Tallulah gasped as Rick stepped forward to intervene. “You’re denying that this is your child?” Rick asked. “Fuck yes I am!” Negan responded forcefully. “There is no possible fucking way that I’m the father!” Rick was confused to say the least. “Wasn’t Tallulah one of your wives?” “Yeah, she was.” Negan confirmed, crossing his arms over his broad chest defensively. “And the two of you were, um…” Rick searched for the least embarrassing way to put it. He so did not want to be having this conversation. “Intimate?” Negan smirked a bit while he watched Rick squirm. He may have been in a shitty situation, but seeing Rick so uncomfortable made it all a little better. “Yeah, we fucked.” he shot a wink over at one of the female guards who also looked extremely uncomfortable. “But I also fucked the rest of my wives and none of them turned up here fucking pregnant. Besides, I was always careful.” “Oh like fuck you were!” Tallulah exclaimed, marching up to the bars now more pissed than hurt. “Have you forgotten all the times you’d conveniently forget to put on a condom until I was too distracted to care? Not to mention that every time I did bring it up I’d get, ‘Aw come on Lulu, I’ll remember next time’ or ‘Sorry baby, my dicks too hard for me to think straight’?” Negan couldn’t really deny that, so he decided to deflect instead. “Ok, so what? Did any of the other fucking wives get pregnant? No. If I’m dropping fucking loads into half a dozen women, I would have gotten more than one knocked up.” “How very eloquent.” Rick muttered, stepping closer to Michonne. He really didn’t want to be here anymore. “Sure, let’s talk about the other wives shall we?” Tallulah countered, a wild glint in her eyes that made Negan a bit nervous. “You do know that women talk, don’t you? Compare notes?” she was right in front of him now, staring him down without fear. “I know for a fact that you were usually a pain in the ass about contraception with most of the other girls. Amber told me that you went so far as to wrap your dick in saran wrap once when you ran out of condoms.” “That’s just because I knew that bitch was cheating on me!” Negan exclaimed. “AHA!” Tallulah stood before him with her hands on her hips, her smile triumphant. “So you wouldn’t have sex with her without protection because you knew she cheated, but you constantly had unprotected sex with me, meaning you knew I wasn’t fucking around on you.” She kind of had him there, not that he was going to admit it. “It’s not fuckin mine, Tallulah! Stop trying to pin this shit on me!” “What possible reason could I have for lying to you?” she asked incredulously. “There’s no such thing as child support anymore and even if there were, you’re in fucking prison! You aren’t the big bad leader of The Sanctuary right now. I’m not going to get any perks. I won’t even get any help with childcare! How is pinning my pregnancy on a man that’s imprisoned for life going to help me out at all?” Tallulah knew she’d said the wrong thing the moment the words left her mouth. She also immediately understood why Negan was acting the way he was. He wasn’t the nicest guy in the world and he loved to portray himself as a vicious motherfucker, but he did actually care about people and he secretly loved to be needed. Having a woman out in the world carrying his child all by herself while he was locked away and unable to do anything to help or protect her must be a huge fucking blow to his ego. It’s probably one of his worst nightmares, actually. And she had just ripped open that wound for a room full of people. Great job, Tallulah. Negan looked pretty pissed and maybe even a bit hurt, but he didn’t want to act out on it in front of their current audience. “Just go back to the Sanctuary, Tallulah.” he gritted out. “I can’t.” She replied softly. She may have understood his motivations and even felt a bit bad, but she wasn’t going to back down. “They don’t want me there. No matter where I go, there’s going to be someone that knows me and knows whose baby this is.” “Allegedly.” Negan grunted. “Well I’m sorry Negan, I tried to call Maury so we could get a paternity test, but it turns out that his schedule is chock full of eating peoples faces.” Negan reluctantly chuckled, apparently finished with the yelling for now. “This is not the place for you, Lulu. The people fucking hate me here. You are not gonna have an easy time making fucking friends.” “So? I’m in reality-tv villain mode. I am not here to make friends.” She smiled, walking up to the cell and putting one hand on the bars while the other rested on her belly. She felt a little better now that he was showing a bit of concern for her. “This is not America’s Next Top Best Friend.” “I forgot how fucking weird you are.” Negan shook his head and walked up to place his hand on top of hers on the cell bars. “I missed that about you.” “I miss that about you, too.” She told him, looking into his eyes and allowing herself to have this little moment. She had been telling the truth when she told Rick that she and Negan weren’t in love, but they were fond of one another. “So,” Rick coughed, once again feeling extremely uncomfortable, “You’re admitting this child is yours?” “Fuck no.” Negan responded immediately, dropping his hand and moving back from the bars. “Oh for fucks sake, Negan!” Tallulah exclaimed. “What do I have to do to make you admit that this baby is yours?!” “I don’t fucking know!” he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Maybe if the kid fucking looks like me or acts like me or some shit?” “So unless this baby comes out wearing a leather jacket and trying to bash the doctors brains in with its umbilical cord, you won’t admit that you’re the father?” Negan only shrugged, completely done with this conversation for now. Tallulah sighed and looked back at Rick to let him know that she was ready to leave. “Fine, but this isn’t over.” Rick escorted her back upstairs with Michonne taking the rear. Before Michonne reached the staircase she turned to look at Negan in his cell. “You’re an even bigger asshole than I thought.” Michonne told him. “Yeah,” he grumbled, sinking down onto his cot. “I know.”
Once again, feel free to send me comments/questions/critiques! This is the first story I’ve written in awhile and I’d love some feedback.
@blueco16 is the first person to ask to be tagged for this fic! Thank you so much! 
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