#usmnt hockey
davidshawnsown · 2 years
USA HOCKEY TEAM RPF (MODERN AU-Russo-Ukrainian War) - Spies and Combat Shoes (Prologue 2)
(AN: Apologies to all if this chapter has taken time for me to write as I am focused on my baseball fandom while thinking of hockey in the recently concluded NHL playoffs and the 2022-23 season, as well as the USA campaign in the summer World Juniors.)
United States Air Force Academy
1015H MST, January 7, 2022
"MOBILIZATION? Are you freaking me?"
"Major General, that's the content of the letter given to me yesterday," LTGEN Trimbolli has been saying to a Space Force major general who has been visiting the city's local Space Force garrison, which has been active now for months. "That's from First Lieutenant Krieder and the letter has been addressed to the man I have already assigned here for the national mobilization contingent about to be sent to China, Colonel Quinn. This is regarding the fact that CIA and Defense Intelligence, together with their overseas counterparts, have stated that Russia is about to prepare to strike against Ukraine because of Western support for the country and also because of Russia's support for the rebel republics of the Donbass, directly and indirectly. I'm sure the Russian Space Forces are also preparing for that war. This is what that officer recommended I must do for the 892nd with the permission of the Army General Staff and the Joint Chiefs, even if it means that we have to do something about those Russians in the 17th Corps."
When asked by that major general on what should that service do, he stated that the Space Force, already four years old, must be prepared for anything that should come their way, so that the country's space capabilities must be bolstered because of threats from abroad. Motivated by these words, the major general left to meet up with the growing Space Force cadet contingent to the Corps of Cadets of USAFA.
The lieutenant general had already left the Air Force Academy complex earlier after having talks with his Air Force counterparts and is already being driven to the garrison of the 892nd Command HQ in the city.
January 7, 2022, 1245H
Lunchtime's almost over at the barracks of the 37th Brigade Combat Team's camp, wherein the 3rd battalion, made up of Colorado Springs residents and those among family members working in the city from all over the country, has been stationed. They make up the active element of the brigade and is a mixed of motorized and mechanized companies, and a training company as the battalion also serves as the depot battalion recieving mobilization contingents sent by the 892nd Command leadership.
At this time LTG Trimbolli, 892nd Special Command commanding general, has arrived there together with other elements of the command staff. These include a number of veterans of the 17th Corps and its affilated organizations, as well as the affilated 15th Women's Light Brigade, with 6 battalions and a separate company based in Montreal under the Canadian Army soon expected to be upgraded into a battalion. Soon this brigade's organization will expand into seven two-battalion regiments, opting to a future reflagging as a division of two brigades. These officers are:
LTG Kelleher, executive officer
MG Regan, J-1 chief of staff
MG Dillinger, J-3 chief of operations
BG Tobin, J-8 chief legal counsel of the command
CSM Pino, command sergeant major of the 46th and advisor for safety affairs
BG Tummina, commanding general, 15th Women's Light Brigade
BG Carey, executive officer, 15th Women's Light Brigade
COL Haley, 15th Brigade chief of staff
COL Krotz, 15th Brigade PAO chief
Then, as USEC Bettman finished his remarks via Zoom from the Pentagon, the commander spoke to the officers of the 892nd, the 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, and the 15th Women's Light Brigade, as well as select officers of the 17th Corps and the following affilated units of the command:
26th Territorial Corps
88th (Light) Corps
4th (Southeastern) Light Infantry Division
209th Armored Division
Collegiate battalions under college service regiments and brigades affilated to the 892nd
16th Minnesota Infantry Division (Mecanized)
37th Light Infantry Division
12th Mountain Division
14th (Western) Armored Division
His address today is regarding the letter given to COL Quinn by 1LT Kreider of the 26th NY, 1st Brigade Combat Team, under the 17th Corps' 25th (Canadian American) Infantry Division serving eastern North America, the other division being the 46th Infantry, serving the western half. It was regarding the fact stated by US and foreign intelligence agencies that Russia is preparing to strike Ukraine as part of its grand plan to prepare to invade the European Union and the United Kingdom, and soon the United States, over their support for Ukrainian democracy after the events of 2013-14. The advice of the lieutenant that served previously with the 37th Brigade's mobilization company years before: that the command be prepared to mobilize with the blessings of the Pentagon given the circumstances while also advising the same for its Canadian counterparts in the 75th Army Corps and the 14th Brigade, its primary mobilization force. Moreover, the 17th Corps would be advised on what to do with the Russians in its ranks, especially the much loved Ovechkin serving in Washington who has been serving, first as a adjutant, then as a second in command and later company commanding officer, and now as battalion XO for the local regiment there. But before that, he addresses them on the letter, saying that the command knows that 1LT Panarin would be a big asset to expose the huge Russian involvement in the command over the past years with many taking up residence in the country. He suggested that the command would send him a letter in reply to help them and their Canadian counterparts know if the majority of the Russian-born officers, NCOs and enlisted who joined the 17th Corps in the past years have supported Putin or not. The lieutenant will be a huge asset to sway their support and the Russian expat communities in the two countries for the Russian opposition should the country be ready to fight Ukraine in the year.
Then the commander spoke on the need to be ready for mobilization.
Speaking to the 3rd battalion staff and its personnel as well as his fellow command officers and HQ staff, he said, "More than ever in this time we need to be ready for mobillzation because of the letter given to me. Russia as we all know is preparing its army for a war unlike any other - a PLANNED INVASION of Ukraine to be held later in the first quarter of the year. We are already coordinating with our Canadian counterparts and all our reserve and affilated units. Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I am now informing the Pentagon that given the cirumstances of the situation facing the world at large, we are now beginning the mobilization of all our brigade's elements - and the WHOLE of the command towards preparing for such a scenario upon us. We must be prepared now for the day Russia would be given the green light to fight in Ukraine, while also persuading those Russians of the 17th Corps to choose to fight for Ukraine or for their countrymen in Russia. We can't lose this chance! This is for not just the Ukrainian people, but also for all of us Americans and peoples of the free world. I am hoping to inform my fellow commanders regarding the decision to mobilize the command in days."
Lieutenant General Kelleher agreed with his commanding officer stating that the country needs to not just intensify supporting Ukraine and its NATO and non-NATO allies, but also to prepare for the scenario of the armed forces and reserve organizations being sent to the country to help in the possible hosilities against Russia and possibly Belarus. This was also the sentiment of Brigadier General Tummina of the 15th Brigade who also hopes that the women of the brigade are to be prepared for any scenario in the coming weeks. The commander of the 892nd Command replied to her saying that given all the women had gone through, both in units under the 37th Brigade and within the 15th, they have what it takes to take on a determined enemy.
As the lieutenant general heard the statements from those gathered, he later said "Then what are we waiting for? The time cannot run out and we have to be prepared as a nation. Ladies and gentlemen, I now ask all of you one thing: prepare the lads of the 1st Battalion of the 37th. The nation must be ready for war, now. Ukraine is asking for assistance, we will provide the men and women ready to fight with her in its time of need. And regarding the 17th Corps' Russians... I will coordinate with the command in New York City and that Panarin guy. He will be a big help to us in this situation."
@careypricey @linskywords @sophie83540 @greymichaela @hartsyhart @dylanduker @penaltbox @owencanpowermybattery @princesstillyenna @macknnons @midnightsoldier187
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msmargaretmurry · 4 months
watching charlie lindgren play for team usa in this quarterfinal is healing me a little bit..... like sure team pasta is outshooting the us which does not exactly bode well for them but that's HIM. my mustachioed MAN. he deserves the WORLD
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bsaka7 · 8 months
if u have stuck with me through maxiel through cheb charles chesteban through estemadness through maxhating through usmnt world cup through the return of the og obsession (arsenal) through this budding interest in hockey. i love u.
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mikeandikeschmidt · 3 months
Mike you kind of give angry soccer dad vibes , you know the usmnt loses yesterday to Panama ? Must have killed ya
Uh, okay. Idk what to do with this information but thanks? I’m more into basketball and hockey. To watch on TV. But yeah, Abby’s in soccer this year.
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peniswentz · 2 years
Hello, I go by multiple names and idc which one you really use, so you can call me Nico, River/Riv or Loki!
I go by any pronouns, but that could change (I'm genderfluid)
I mainly post hockey things but this is very rapidly changing to be about FOB and probably other bands lol
Hockey teams I follow are: Colorado Avalanche, Toronto Maple Leafs, Carolina Hurricanes, and I'm kinda growing onto the Arizona Coyotes :)
I'm a very very dead baseball account, so uhhhhh yeah.
I will also sometimes talk about the Colorado Rapids (MLS), USMNT, USWNT, and other random shit
I always try tagging players in whatever post I have made or rb'd, along with the sport they play, for filtering
I also like to lb every once in a while! Tags I use are: #avs lb #leafs lb #astros lb #braves lb
I will also tag which sport I'm liveblogging: (hockey lb, baseball lb)
Because I like talking so much about stuff that doesn't fit my blog, I use the tag #dude im rambling in case u wanna filter
If u ever need me to tag anything, lmk!!
Sorry if this was long :P
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thoseboysinblue · 2 years
can you do an imagine with christian, maybe his gf plays for the usa women’s hockey team and he brings some usmnt teammates with him during a gold medal game and she wins the gold medal and he’s like “that’s the love of my life” 🥰🥰
Hmmm....I don't know much about hockey, so I'd have to do some research 🧐 but, yeah, I can probably make something work!
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nhlists · 5 years
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usahockey Rewriting the record books 📝
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jennamacaroni · 7 years
being in pacific time has been really convenient for the olympics
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davidshawnsown · 2 years
USA HOCKEY TEAM RPF (MODERN AU - Russo-Ukrainian War) - Spies and Combat Shoes (Prologue 1)
(AN: Team USA Hockey fans, it has been a fun few months following our hockey boys and girls who made the country proud in the World Juniors and the Winter Olympics. Now, in the midst of this unfolding conflict, and to celebrate both the 80th anniversary of the country's national hockey governing agency under the USOPC and the 130th anniversary of ice hockey in the United States, it is with great pride that I present this brand new RPF, my first USA Hockey - and NHL - teams RPF, an AU set in the context of the events before and during the ongoing war in Ukraine, set in the same universe and setting as my USA Baseball 2nd RPF. I send once more my support and prayers to the Ukrainian people and Ukrainians abroad, as well as to the men and women of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, and the International Legion of Territorial Defense. This fic features many of the athletes and alumni of the national team programs, including many NHL and PHF players, in the context of this year marking the 33rd year since the first Russians played in the NHL in 1989. As of this writing their loyalties to their teams are now coming into question, even as many of them are mum about the conflict that has affected their families back home. Team Hockey Canada will also be featured as well.)
0900H MST, January 6, 2022
"... Colonel Quinn, we know that the CIA and military intelligence sources have been saying that these past few months, the Russian Armed Forces have been preparing to invade Ukraine from its own borders and from certain parts of Belarus. Now things are about to begin to turn worse in this part of the globe. These Russian officers and NCOs of the US and Canadian units of the 17th Corps, a presence felt for over three decades now, is starting to be either a danger for the majority of the American and Canadian personel of the Corps, as well as those of many European countries, and the joint task force of which the 892nd Command is a member of.
Many of them, especially MAJ Ovechkin, XO of the 1st Battalion, 74th Washington, are openly pro-Putin because of the many decorations they earned in domestic service while also serving as friendship ambassaors, but now they are few in number as a growing number are given this current situation, the situation werein both Russia and Ukraine are gearing up for war, are questioning what he is doing, preparing to wage war over the two rebel territories in the Donbass out of the gratitude and support Moscow has shown to them over these past years after the events of February 2014 - recognizing their independence and determined to destroy Ukraine and later on, the Baltics. One of my fellow officers, 1LT Panarin, one who spent first his years as a senior NCO in Chicago and has been a commissioned officer first in Columbus and now in New York, has a clear hatred of Putin and is one of a few of these Russian servicemen who we can trust regarding the attitude in Russia and how the armed services are being trained and prepared to destroy Ukrainian democracy because of the country's growing move to the European Union and NATO and the fears that they might soon turn their eyes to destroy both organizations in Eastern Europe because of our support and that of other countries for democractic principles, something Russia stands against. Having been supportive of the Russian democractic opposition, he knows too well how the country has disrepected those fighting for democracy and progress over these past years.
As my former superior, Colonel Quinn, the situation in Ukraine and that facts that it may spill into a global war deserves all the attention the country can get and thus the armed forces must be ready at all times, together with the National Guard and our state defense forces and naval militias, for the day this crisis evolves into an all-out war against the West and against global democracy. Colonel, the 37th Brigade Combat Team and the whole of the 892nd Special Command, with these new intel reports coming from the Pentagon and the CIA, as well as from other intelligence agencies overseas in light of these new developments, need to be ready for whatever may happen and for the worse case scenario of a Russian invasion of Ukraine supported by the Belarusian Armed Forces, thus I therefore recommend that Lt Gen Trimbolli, overall commander of the 892nd, be advised once and for all to begin mobilization."
This was part of the long letter written to COL David Quinn, now placed as second in command of the 37th Brigade Combat Team with BGen Boxer as brigade commander and MGen Vanbiesbrouck as command representative, by his one of his former officers during his tenure as commandant of the 26th New York Infantry (dubbed the Rangers), 1LT Kreider. It concered the need for the 892nd Command, under the overall leadership of Trimbolli and based in Colorado Springs, to plan for the mobilization of his forces. This included a number of regional brigades and the USA units of the 17th Corps, under USEC Bettman, who in 2014 retired from the armed forces to become undersecretary for international cooperation. He serves as the official in charge of the Corps, with ASEC Daly as his deputy and LGen McArdle as Corps commander, assisted by Major Generals Parros and Campbell as deputies, Campbell being the highest ranking Canadian Armed Forces officer (in particular a Canadian Army general officer) assigned to the Corps as the deputy commander for Canadian units and overall deputy commander while Parros is commander for USA units and its chief of staff .The council of colonels in chief lead by Mr. Jacobs from Boston, colonel in chief of the 24th Boston, serve as the corps' advisory board, with now LTGEN Fehr as chief of personnel.
The Corps coordinates with the 75th Army Corps (Mobilization Reserve) of the Canadian Army, under its commander LTGEN Smith and deputy commander MGEN Renney, as well as its chief of staff MGEN Brind'Amour from Quebec, for the deployment of units across Canada - both Army Primary Reserves and those perpetuating Supplementary Order of Battle formations, as well as university battalions affilated to the Royal Military College of Canada and the RMC Saint Jean, while being assigned to the primary reserve formations nearest to them. The university battalions or regiments provide much of the manpower of the officer corps and those continuing military service after college as enlistees, while those Primary Reserve and in addition Supplementary Reserve formations are aligned with the motorized brigade groups which are all Primary Reserve formations assigned to Army divisions. It's primary force, the 14th Mechanized Brigade Group, is the only active reserve mechanized unit structured similarly to the Army regular mechanized brigades but with personnel from the reserve units composing it with the remander being seconded officers and NCOs from regular formations. The brigade is made up of 3 M113 and 1 Humvee battalions each, with a mixed battalion of Leopard 2s and US-made M60s (named the 15th Canadian Tank Regiment), the four infantry battalions organized into two regiments, the Ottawa City Light Infantry and the Western Ottawa Foresters. One Royal Canadian Artillery field artillery battalion, named a regiment in keeping with British parlance, is also part of the unit.
Thus, given the circumstances of the ongoing Russian military buildup, the bi-national Corps was preparing for what Washington and Ottawa, at that point, were to do in case Russia invades Ukraine from the south west, Crimea, the Donbass and the Belarusian border, and what to do with the Russian officers and NCOs assigned to the Corps and its ready reserves, a tradition that began following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demobilization of millions who served in the armed forces and the Internal Troops of the dreaded MVD (the Minister of Internal Affairs) as well as reservists, but it all began in 1989 when in a shock announcement, Pentagon recieved a telegram from Buffalo regarding the successful defection from the Soviet Army of a young 19-year old student of the Moscow Military Higher Command Training School named Mogilny to study in the United States Army Officer Candidate School, given the local regiment's invitation to serve as an officer, the first Russian born in many years, while also being primed to be training a contingent of Russian Americans. He graduated a 2LT and served with distinction in the early 90s, and his courage inspired others to change their loyalties to the US and Canadian Armed Forces and the elite 17th Corps' multinational reputation. Now some of these officers and NCOs have lived in the US and that current batch of these personnel as well as new recruits from Russia, as well as Finland, Slovakia, Belarus and Latvia in addition to Sweden, the Czech Republic and many others (majority NATO countries) have made the corps one of the more multinational formations of the reserves. Now, however, many of those currently serving from Russia have been, in the words of many in the Corps of American and Canadian descent and those from western and central Europe, unknown of what their family members and relatives in military service in the Russian Armed Forces and by extention the National Guard and the Border Service of the FSS (Federal Security Service) where preparing for: a full blown attack on Ukraine in support of both the Russian forces in the Crimea, which the country had annexed in 2014, and the Russian backed republics in the Donbass - the Donetsk and Lugansk's People's Republics, both of these with Russian majority residents who broke away from Kyiv following Euromaidan and the historic Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity, as well as the increasing repression of the democratic opposition in the country, a concern now 1LT Panarin of the 1st Battalion, 26th NY, has been sharing to the Pentagon and to authorities in both Washington and Ottawa as well as the intelligence agencies. That veteran officer, now a full blown lieutenant after a long service record as a direct entry NCO with the Chicago and Columbus regiments, knew personally the situation of the opposition and how the Russian security services and law enforcement have increasingly acted violently against opposition leaders and those holding anti-government rallies in the past months.
On the USA side, the 892nd Command is responsible also for a number of collegiate ROTC regiments and battalions stationed all over the country, which have been training both officers and NCOs in the active and reserve ranks. It is also responsible for a number of independent city militia regiments and the reserve second line regiments and battalions affilated to the 17th Corps. All of them are partnered units to the command's primary combat formation, the 37th Brigade Combat Team, which is a fast mechanized formation equipped with M113s and Bradleys, with a company now fitted with the turretless version of the Bradley IFV that will replace the former. It also has a M60 Super Patton tank battalion and a field artillery battalion manned with personnel using the M777 plus a self-propelled artillery battalion made up of M109s and M110s, as well as air defense, combat engineers, signals, CBRN and other service support formations.
COL Quinn had already been in Colorado Springs for weeks now since being appointed as part of the international mobilization contingent for this year by the Pentagon, but now with the letter from one of his former officers, he knew that it would only be a matter of time... before the 892nd Command is preparing to mobilize its forces.
He then called his commanding officer, LTGEN Trimbolli, on his cellphone, making the crucial call to him and the command leadership: "Time's running fast. It's now time, prepare the men for mobilization. And USEC Bettman has to be informed on what to do with the Russians in the 17th Corps. The United States must be ready at all costs for a war that would change our world forever."
With the Russian Ground Forces growing their presence in the Ukrainian and Belarusian borders with Russia threatening the armed forces of NATO countries indirectly, there was no time than now for the ever-ready servicemen and women of the 892nd Command to prepare for their mission for the country, and for the allies in Europe, the Ukrainian people, and for global independence. For the lieutenant general commanding this formation, the nation had to be ready to answer the call of its allies abroad.
@careypricey @linskywords @sophie83540 @greymichaela @hartsyhart @dylanduker @penaltbox @owencanpowermybattery @princesstillyenna @macknnons @mitchluvr
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footballfansunited · 7 years
BREAKING: The USMNT Ice Hockey Team officially joins the USWNT Ice Hockey Team in boycotting the Olympics and Worlds over equal treatment, wages, and working conditions.
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Well, well, well...
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yolowoho · 8 years
I can't seem to find how much the men's hockey team are paid by USA hockey do you know how much it is?
I couldn’t find it either, but for them it doesn’t matter bc they all play in leagues that pay them far above a living wage and they don’t need the money, while the women do need it bc they either don’t get paid, or they get very little (less than 26,000 per year) in addition most of the men’s team has sponsorships with various companies that pay quite a bit, the women either don’t have any, or get much less. Outside of maybe three players, nearly all of the women can’t play hockey as a full time job, the men can. 
tl;dr idk but it’s not important and not what should be focused on in this issue, the women are asking for equity and for that they need more money from USA hockey than what they’re getting 
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queernuck · 5 years
Ignorant Americans: On Irony and the Aesthetics of the US Women’s National Team
Megan Rapinoe has displayed two threads throughout the Women’s World Cup: that of the Proud American, and that of the Neoliberal Individual, in a fashion that makes her recent discussion of American celebrations against teams such as the outmatched Thailand or the nearly-too-even French and English teams. The latter has, for some time, been outspoken about the brashness of the USWNT, known for showy celebrations to an even greater extent than usual during this past tournament.
When the United States scored against England, taking the lead back after an equalizer, a tea-sipping celebration spread around social media, a bit of mockery at Britishness, Englishness, the concept of properness as a part of sporting and football culture and how these all relate. However, that the mockery in question is by an American team is rather vital. This is the same American team that celebrated goals in a 13-0 drubbing of Thailand, to the consternation of Canadian (and English) commentators. A team that has not been unafraid to celebrate, one whose self-chosen spokeswoman even rejoices in a certain fashion in this role. Within the World Cup, the American team has taken on the role of the heel, the character to be rooted against, and the transition has been vital to realizing what exactly is so compelling about the USWNT, the role of America as the heel, and American imperialism as part of the character of American sporting culture.
Two of the best-known NTs in American history were the 1980 Miracle on Ice team, a team that captures the height of Cold War American Exceptionalism (and as a result, filtered through the medium of hockey, a certain white supremacist anticommunist libido) and the Dream Team, perhaps the best basketball team ever assembled and a fitting response to the way in which the post-socialist West looked toward Yugoslavia, the Balkans, and its own role in Balkanization as a process, as a kind of discursive space of potentiality as well as a political process. Given the status of several Balkan states as looking toward allegiance with NATO and the growing influence of NATO powers on the aesthetics and doctrines of military deployment (even within Russia itself) a look at what exactly the former Yugoslavia’s role in the sport of basketball (as well as in hockey) is vital to eventually turning toward the USWNT properly. Each of these teams has their own character, their own mythological place in American sports, and while there are marked differences the similarities in looking toward American anticommunist, imperialist fantasies must be noted.
The 1980 “Miracle on Ice” is one of the best known hockey stories around, and is in part possible due to settler-colonialism. This is, of course, true of all American institutions, but the emphasis on college hockey in the mythology of the 1980 team is vital. American colleges are built on settler land, institutions for settlers, institutions which codify the bourgeoisie and its ideology (as seen in the creation of the Chicago Boys, another famous team of American origin) along with representing it. American colleges widely generated their wealth through slavery, and the institutions themselves keep their wealth through investments in private prisons, companies that manufacture weapons systems for the American war machine, and the export of various intellectual products for the consumption of the petit-bourgeoisie in various other colonial assemblages. The importance of American colleges in retaining the cultural hegemony of a relatively united bourgeoisie ideology even across lines of national division is itself part of what makes the college system productive, part of what makes it possible. Institutions that are as apparently-hegemonic as Yale and ones that seem to go against it (Reed, Bard, and Oberlin being great examples) are just as much a part of different, neoliberal articulations of the same hegemonic ideals. Hegemony is simply a description of a state of affairs, the maintenance of a proletarian hegemony, dictatorship, whatever language one wishes to use to describe it, is simply a means of looking at which ideological turn dominates at a given time, in a given situation. Laclau and Mouffe describing hegemony do a phenomenal job of discussing how the turn toward post-socialist society, evoked by the 1980 Miracle, the idealization of it as a turning point in the Cold War, involves a turn from hegemony and counter-hegemony in the warring powers to a single neoliberal hegemony which involves the dissolution of the welfare state, the weakening and neoliberalization of Unions, and the dominance of American ideology means that states criticized for being too conservative were, in fact, now being defended for the few ways in which they had upheld even a vague sense of New Left reforms. That a bunch of “college kids” took on the Red Army hockey team, faced it down and won, before the actual act of winning the medal, in what was effectively the second-to-last in a series of semiotic victories before the eventual gold medal is symbolic of the exact kind of neoliberal victories that are most important to contemporary neoliberal order. It is a team that has been built up through mythology, rather than their own play. Their myth is bigger than them.
Meanwhile, nothing is bigger than the 1992 Dream Team, the first Olympic basketball team from the US to feature professionals. The Dream Team hangs as a kind of imaginary Real, a hyperreal assemblage that almost stands as a what-if specifically because neither before nor since has any squad assembled matched the vibrancy, the sheer talent of the team at hand. Some of the best players of all time, best at their own position, a squad uncompromised in effectively every way, the Dream Team represents a kind of new 90s Americanism that involved the extension of its cultural hegemony on a global scale due to new technologies of ideological dominance, the way in which a kind of hyperreal space is implied by the extension of the Dream Team into the “Real” of the Olympics, a space of national and international competition predicated on the sharing of a certain concept of national identity (noting, of course, that the Americans happily attended Nazi-held Olympics while boycotting over the Soviets) which, by the 1996 Olympics, had specifically been constructed and maintained through the interruption of Yugoslavia, the way in which America contrasted itself against the fall of the Soviet Union as well as the breakup of Yugoslavia and the resulting process of Balkanization. Yugoslavia was one of the few nations with basketball traditions that matched that of the US, and most European players in the NBA come from Balkan nations specifically because of this looming influence. The way in which Balkanization impacted basketball during the 90s is enormous specifically because of how liberalization lead both to the proliferation of East European Big Men throughout the NBA, and the beakup of the one power that could really contend with the US on the big stage. Meanwhile, to emphasize a difference within neoliberal shows of force, the sort that the USWNT are now making, the growth of basketball in Yugoslavia had still not reached that of the United States. The 1992 Olympics had been an enormous influence on basketball culture in Yugoslavia as well as other former Soviet states, as shown by the efforts of the Lithuanian basketball team, themselves a bit of a story of Western influence in relation to neoliberal processes of development. The way in which the Dream Team remains as a dominant power, averaging 40-point margins in victories on their way to a Gold medal, showed how America saw itself moving forward.
Now that there has been an establishment of the previous grounds for the ideology of American sport in international play, the politics and ideology of the USWNT can be discussed. Previously, the USWNT has been a kind of forgotten counterpart of sorts until Olympic or World Cup competition comes up: the USMNT is an underwhelming-at-best squad most years, and was kept out of the 2018 World Cup by Panama, who themselves went winless in the World Cup. The Women’s team, comparatively, are defending World Cup champs, have visited the finals multiple times, and boast multiple gold medals as well. The Women are a squad embroiled in American workplace politics, of course: the women are forced to deal with less promotion, lower pay, and fewer resources than the American Men, despite the Men’s team being a far less successful squad. The American Men are playing for the Gold Cup on the same day as the Women are playing for the World Cup, and that CONCAF is an order of magnitude below FIFA in prestige is not to be ignored, despite attempts at equal billing by networks like FS1 in order to raise the brand stock of the USMNT during the go-around before the next World Cup. While the USMNT has enjoyed great success in the past, its current status is one of depletion, of attempting to identify itself in relation to failures at a vital level, while even through challenge involved in being a genuinely viable National Team, a symbol of a soccer culture that exists in strange pockets and idiosyncratic expressions in America. Meanwhile, everyone loves a winner, and ironically enough for such a misogynist nation, the Women are the ones carrying the mantle at the moment.  
There is a great deal of irony surrounding the USWNT, the way in which their status as not only best in the world, but best in their nation has lead to an emphasis on their secondary status comparatively, and how some victories in gaining equal recognition have lead to their current status tending toward one of being recognized for what they are, for who they are. And of course, the irony involved requires the completion of the Ironic Return, the rabattement to use the French (to defeat them by a kind of American, Anglicized theft of their term into the American philosophical jargon). Rapinoe has been a relatively outspoken prominent athlete, kneeling during the Anthem in solidarity with Kaepernick's protests against police brutality and antiblackness as well as drawing from her own experience as a lesbian. A sense of unity beyond lines of identity, of a greater identification, would be a catalyst for class consciousness. However, sublimated by the neoliberal individualism of our contemporary age, she instead becomes the Ignorant American, the one who accepts the way in which she lives as a settler in a nation that literally creates so much waste that it must pollute entirely different countries to stay livable, a country tied up with acts of identification through consumption like Nike's expert advertising with Colin Kaepernick involved. The deepest irony is when the psychopolitical transfiguration of the cop in your head has become your own vision of yourself, not the cop in your head but the brand. And the USWNT is a phenomenal brand, I must admit. I wear it proudly myself during this tournament!
So, is there a genuine irony to the homophobic, nationalist brand of the USWNT being lead by Rapinoe in-herself, as a kind of stand-in for certain becomings, identities, acts of identification and so on? Well, of course, there's a great deal of irony in it: that the team is lead by an incredibly visible lesbian, one who has been relatively politically active in the past and still discusses these matters, one who as I mentioned, I genuinely admire. It is a team of WOMEN representing the interests of American Empire here, and the foremost voice amongst them gay woman no less! The team that most categorically represents the true American libido post-9/11 is one like this, which allows for Americans to flaunt their own neoliberal sensibilities, while still holding hateful views, ideologies, so on. Americans will talk about homophobia and misogyny without reference to colonialism and colonial structures of violence, and that itself is part of the discourse around Rapinoe. My own joyful commentary on Rapinoe’s two goals against England on Deadspin, where I used the admittedly mauladin phrase "gay little heart", received numerous responses were about "straight little hearts" that I myself had no interest in hearing about much more than the site’s quick preview of the remark, but it certainly encapsulated part of what American ideology, American becomings mean in a hegemonic sense. Americans want the becoming-woman, becoming-gay, becoming-lesbian (three intertwined yet not identical becomings) without the full becoming, a kind of mirrored dominance over them.
Only in America, as Rapinoe might believe to some degree, can these becomings be fully realized, is there then that hegemonic freedom to be as one wishes, only in the imperial center can that be achieved. And, for many, this is specifically true due to the way in which colonial violence makes certain becomings first colonial ones, first ones that are dominated by colonial experience, that are supported by American acts of violence, American in character or influence, American by virtue of America as colonial power or American by virtue of previous colonial regimes becoming-American by the implementation of American advisors within neocolonial regimes. French, English, Portuguese, Spanish colonizers have all been replaced by American counterparts, either outright or in community with Americans. The way that the Israeli intelligence community specifically blackmails gay Palestinians comes to mind, but the way in which allies of America create asylum systems that reject gay refugees, that specifically operate by creating or rejecting specific bodies as insufficiently queer by Western standards, operating in a kind of space of strange, alienated affinity with those oppressed specifically for the ends of American colonialism, the creation of the USWNT is inextricably tied to the violence of American colonialism.
The irony of the Americans playing the Heel, doing so in such a strange way, with such new and divergent aesthetics of doing as much, is not to be lost specifically because it involves a kind of awareness of their role that Americans are supposed to be incapable of. The Ignorant American sees itself, becomes itself, exceeds itself. This is what is most compelling about the USWNT: they are awful, they are ignorant, they are reprehensible, and they represent exactly what American identity is at this postmodern moment.
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lowermanagement · 3 years
Away Goals
The UEFA Champions League will no longer be using away goals as a tiebreaker.
When they are down to 16 teams remaining, they play what they call the knockout rounds, which is simply a 16-team tournament. Each round in the knockout stage is played in a two-legged format, meaning each team plays one game at home, one away.
On the face of it, this concept is weird to American sports fans who are probably thinking why wouldn’t they play an odd number of games like we do here, most famously the best-of-seven series used in baseball, basketball and hockey?
I guess one of the answers would be soccer has the potential for ties so you don’t necessarily need an odd number of games to decide a winner.
So the teams play the two games, if you win both, that’s easy, you advance. If you win one and tie the other, that’s also easy, you advance.
If each team wins one game, that’s not as easy, but it’s doable. Whichever team scored more on aggregate advances. For instance if you win one game 2-0 and lose the other 1-0, you advance.
Now, whenever the two teams are tied on aggregate--which could happen after teams each win a game or they tie both--that’s harder. They use a tiebreaker called away goals.
Whichever team scores more goals at the other team’s stadium advances. So if you win 1-0 at home and lose 2-1 on the road, you advance. The aggregate score is 2-2, but you had one away goal and the other team had zero.
I guess this is sort of arbitrary. If the tiebreaker was home goals, you wouldn’t have advanced, the other team would have. And I guess there is some thinking that scoring away is more difficult than scoring at home. But I am not really interested in that.
I am interested in the impact of the away goal tiebreaker because I think I am going to miss it. It brought something to the sport in fleeting moments that other sports get all the time: flipping a game from win to loss in a single moment, not just flipping from tie to win/loss.
There was magic in the away goal tiebreaker. Some of the most memorable moments in baseball, basketball or football come from this flip:
In baseball if you trail by a run with a man on base and you step up to the plate with two outs: strike out, you lose; hit a home run, you win
In basketball if you trail by two points and you attempt a three-pointer as time expires: miss it, you lose; make it, you win 
In football if you trail by four points and you throw a pass in the end zone as time expires: drop it, you lose; catch it, you win
Individual games of soccer don’t have these flips. If you trail by one goal and score, you tie. If you are tied and score, you win. If you are tied and the other team scores, you lose. Games can only flip from win/loss to tie or tie to win/loss on a single goal. They can’t flip from a win/loss to a loss/win without two goals.
But at the tournament level, games can flip on a single goal. If you lost the first game on the road 1-0 and are tied in the second game at home 1-1, you are in a losing position. But if you score one goal and take a 2-1 lead, you have flipped to winning position with a single goal because of the away goals rule.
It’s arbitrary but everyone knows it’s arbitrary before the game starts, so I’m not sure that’s a good enough reason to eliminate the rule. Because this arbitrary rule gives us large swaths of time in the second leg of knockout games where one team plays knowing if they don’t score, they’re out. And if they score, the other team is out. Those instances are so rare in soccer and are about to become even rarer.
Now the only way remaining for these flips to occur is the last game of a round robin competition. That is, the last game of a group stage in a tournament or the last game of the regular season. In these instances you need a particular result to advance or win the league, you can flip that result from a win/loss to a loss/win with a single goal.
For example, on the final day of the group stage in the 2010 World Cup, the USMNT needed to win to advance. They were tied in the waning moments, a tie effectively being a loss as that would have resulted in elimination. Landon Donovan’s goal in the final moments won the game, flipping the broader result from the game from failure to success.
Or on the final day of the 2011-12 English Premier League season, Manchester City needed to win to clinch the league. Tie and they finish 2nd. Sergio Aguero’s goal in the final moments flipped the game from a tie to a win, but the broader result flipped from failure to success.
So maybe to some, this is better. We will have drastically reduced the instances of these flips, but we’ve eliminated the arbitrary ones and kept the truly meaningful ones. We’ll see I guess.
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uswnt5 · 3 years
No shade but that’s because the country don’t have any history. Joking but seriously, both national teams suck here but the our men’s team is still significantly better than USMNT. Makes up for the serious disadvantage on the women’s side. But your right, club football started super late in the US compared to Britain, it’s like our main sport where as you got at least 3 above football right? But that’s where that club/national team divide comes from. And a lot to do with the patriotism point.
I guess I don’t totally agree on the patriotism thing only bc I don’t think soccer fans specifically use it as a symbol all the time. Like Olympics, yes, but game over game, not really. This might also just be who I interact with in the soccer world but a lot of supporters of the sport are more liberal leaning. Like soccer is looked at as the “hipster” thing here. My family ribs me all the time for liking it. 
And yeah, Football, Basketball, baseball, hockey... all have a more ‘common’ following. But it’s slowly changing. 
But you’re totally right on the history thing. We really have zero history with the sport. MLS is just now gaining traction as a mainstream league. NFL is to us as a country what the Prem is to you guys. Diehard fans that runs through family trees. 
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soccerdrawings · 5 years
The Seven Secrets That You Shouldn't Know About Olympic Tournament Schedule | Olympic Tournament Schedule
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The United States men's civic aggregation accept been handed a difficult condoning accumulation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics football clash afterwards actuality fatigued adjoin Mexico and Costa Rica. 
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Tokyo 8 Women's Tournament final qualifying round groups .. | olympic tournament schedule The trio—CONCACAF's top three ranked sides—will additionally face the Dominican Republic in Accumulation A.Honduras are the top-ranked ancillary in a abundant weaker Accumulation B:U.S. Soccer aggregate the USMNT's abounding group-stage agenda for the condoning tournament, which will be hosted by Mexico in Guadalajara:
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News - Rio 8 rumbles closer as men's volleyball .. | olympic tournament schedule Per Caitlin Murray for Pro Soccer USA, the top two abandon from anniversary accumulation will beforehand to the semi-finals, and the two semi-final winners will defended accomplishment for Tokyo afore adverse off adjoin one addition in the final on April 1.The United States, behest to ability the men's Olympic clash for the aboriginal time back 2008, will accept been acquisitive to abstain Mexico.El Tri exhausted them 1-0 in July in the CONCACAF Gold Cup final and 3-0 in a September friendly.
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PR N°8 - Twelve teams qualified for 8 Rio Olympic Games .. | olympic tournament schedule However, the anatomy of the condoning clash could assignment out for both sides:The USA will still acceptable accept to exhausted Costa Rica to ensure they advance to the semi-finals, but they exhausted them 2-0 in their best contempo affair in February aftermost year. They'll additionally accept a convenance run back they face Los Ticos afresh in a affable on February 1.Former USA all-embracing Stu Holden additionally appropriate the draw could assignment out in their favour:
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Women's National Team Competition System - FIBA | olympic tournament schedule As Holden noted, Gregg Berhalter's ancillary will be alert of Honduras, who exhausted them 2-0 in the semi-finals of the condoning clash for the 2016 Olympic Games.The U.S. again exhausted Canada in the third-place bold to face Colombia in an inter-continental play-off, but they absent to Los Cafeteros and absent out on the tournament. There will be no third-place bout this time around.The men's Olympic accident is for under-23 players, though—aside from three chief picks by the manager—so it's absurd there will be abounding veterans of that 2015 bout complex for either team.
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Draws confirmed for FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments - olympic tournament schedule | olympic tournament schedule Another abeyant semi-final adversary is Canada. The Canadians won 2-0 back they met in the CONCACAF Nations League in October, but the Americans ran out 4-1 winners adjoin them the afterward month. The Seven Secrets That You Shouldn't Know About Olympic Tournament Schedule | Olympic Tournament Schedule - olympic tournament schedule | Allowed for you to my personal blog, in this particular occasion I am going to demonstrate in relation to keyword. Now, this can be a primary impression:
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Winter Sports. Using Olympic Games Clipart to Illustrate .. | olympic tournament schedule Read the full article
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