#uuugh i love that first gif
ben-the-hyena · 1 year
James Cameron confirmed Jake Sully won't be the narrator anymore
I think it means what it means
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rachi-roo · 10 months
i have loved reading all of your fics! could you do one that is lee!bakugo and ler!todoroki? hope you are doing well!!
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My Hero Academia: Cooking up trouble!
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Weeeee! Finally, another fic is out! I really appreciate all the support you've given me recently, and thank you, anon, for this request! These two are such a mismatched pair. Their dynamic is so fun! XD
Summary: After Shotos' attempt at potato chopping goes wrong, he's forced to deal with an angry Chef Bakugo his own special way.
Characters: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Bakugo, mentions of other 1A students.
Tw: Swearing
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"Damn it, Icey-Hot! How are you so bad at this!?" A certain explosive blonde snarled as he looked at the miss-shapen potatoes that Todoroki had been peeling for the classes dinner.
The bowl of oddly cut spuds made Bakugo want to cry or hurt someone. Or both. They were supposed to be sliced into thin circles to make chips. Instead, they were odd bolder shapes. He angrily moved Todoroki away from the counter, taking the knife from his hand.
"What's wrong with them?" The raspberry ripple hero asked, tilting his head as he was placed by the door.
"What's wrong with you!? These potatoes are less straight than Deku!"
"Heeeey!" Dekus little voice grumbled from the lounge.
"SHUT IT! Anyway, they won't cook properly if they aren't thin enough. And they're cook unevenly too. Uuugh... Now I gotta get a new bag of them and do it myself and-" Bakugo grumbled on, swearing and fussing under his breath as he stomped around the kitchen, finding an unopened pack of fresh potatoes.
Shoto blinked as he watched Bakugo angrily start cutting up their dinner with his back to him. His flighty little mind thinking over the situation. Angry Bakugo is never nice to deal with. Maybe there's a way he could cheer him up?
Maybe that would work? It always helped brighten Dekus mood.
He smiled, approaching Bakugo quietly as he continued to grumble.
"I'm stuffing you in a box and shipping you all the way to the UK so Ramsey can train you u-HUP!" Bakugo jolted, arching his back away from a sudden tickly sensation. He turned quickly, glaring at Shoto, who stood with two, pokey index fingers, poised and ready.
"What are you doing?" Bakugo asked, setting the knife on the counter. Maybe the airhead just wanted some attention?
"I'm making you happy again. Or the food will taste bad." Shoto said plainly, his expression soft. Still pretty vacant as usual, but with a hint of a smile.
"The food will taste bad if I'm not happy?"
"First of all, my food always tastes awesome. And second of all, I don'tneed to be made happy. I'm fine."
".... You're lying."
"I am not! You just- hey, HEY! Back off!" Bakugo stammered as Todoroki casually reached for Bakugos sides, squeezing ever so lightly.
The light touch already had Bakugo biting back a smile as he tried to lean away from Shotos teasing fingers. His back met the counter, unable to shimmy any further. Shoto used that opportunity to attack!
"Got you." He smiled, suddenly shifting his hands up to Bakugos' worst spot. Below the underarms above the ribs. When it comes to Bakugo, you have to strike hard and fast, or face the consequences!
"GYAHA! N-No! I-Icehey-hyAHAAAA!" The blonde crumbled, his arms immediately clamping to his sides as he leaned against the counter, sliding down the surface and plopping onto the kitchen tiles with Shotos tickling fingers following.
"GEHEet offa meeeEHEHE! AHA! SHIHIT!"
"I do this to Midoria when he's sad too. It seems to have the same effect on you. I'm glad."
Shoto hummed, using very little effort to make Bakugo squirm under his touch. It was just so easy!
He drummed his fingers up and down Bakugos sides, causing the boy to curl in on himself, trapped between Shoto and the kitchen counter.
"Damn ihit! StAAHA! I-I'm n-nAHA! NOT SAD!" Bakugo howled as he made helpless attempts at grabbing Shotos hands. Nothing worked! Every time he thought he had a wrist gripped, Shoto managed to just slip out and tickle him again
"StahaAHAHAP! Y-You- I-IhIHI'M not making you DINNER!"
Shotos hands stilled. What? No dinner? But, Bakugo always helps with dinner! This won't do. No. Not at all!
"No dinner?... Well. What if I keep tickling you until you agree to cook?" Bakugo shot him a glare. How dare he threaten him like that!
"You wouldn't..." A silence fell between the two, staring at each other, a smirk growing on Shotos face.
"Hey... Icey-hot... OI! Don't just stare like that! I'll kiHIHIII! AHAHA! STAHAHAP! Fuhuck!"
"You know very well the rest of us can't cook. You're our only hope." Todoroki deadpanned as he spidered over Bakugos tummy, switching between different tickle spots to keep him overwhelmed and unable to escape.
The fact that Shoto was so calm and expressionless made the situation ten times worse for Bakugo. He couldn't read the situation properly. It was awful! Not that Bakugo could really see much with his eyes scrunched shut, forcing tears of mirth down his cheeks.
He wasn't giving up though!
Shoto smirked briefly, deciding to take things up a notch. He stuffed his hands up Bakugos shirt, using his Quirk to make one set of fingers warm, and the others awfully cold. A cruel and conflicting method.
A shriek left Bakugos' mouth as he felt the icey cold didgets pressed against his bare ribs, sending a shock wave up his spine.
"FFFAHAHACK! Noho! NahahaAHAAA!" He flailed, arching his back as he twisted and turned this way and that to try avoid the relentless, freezing, fingers!
Every time he leaned from the icey coldness, he was reminded that the warm hand was still there, attacking his worst spot whilst the cold fingers switched to another when he was distracted. There was no escape. Maybe he'd have to surrender?
"SHIHIT! N-NooOOHO! Ah! HAHA! IHICEY- SHIII-!" The blonde's laughter fell silent as Shoto latched onto his worst spot again, upper ribs, below armpits. He was going to make sure Bakugo never threatened to leave them hungry again!
"Hmm, Midoria also reacts when I say tickle. Does it affect you, too? Tickle, tickle." Shoto smiled, repeating the word in his near monotone voice, making poor Bakugis face light up like a Christmas tree! A pretty crimson red.
"S-ShuHUT- AAAAHHHH-!.... UWAH! F-FuhuHAHAK!" Again, his laughter went quiet before he gasped for air. His head threw back, mouth agape as the endless stream of laughter flooded forth.
"Is someone dying in here?"
All the commotion had gained the attention of the rest of class 1-A. A curious Sero peered around the island counter, spotting Bakugos flailing legs sticking out from behind. One of his slippers had been thrown as he kicked and squirmed.
The rest of the class stood in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear at the sight.
"I think he's had enough, Roki." Sero continued, chuckling as he watched Bakugo make another desperate attempt at grabbing his attackers hands.
Shoto stilled his hands, giving Bakugo the chance to finally catch his breath, as he looked up at Sero innocently.
"Bakugo said he wouldn't make us dinner." He explained. Missing out the part where it was partly his own fault.
"Ooooh..." Sero nodded in understanding. He looked at the dishevelled Bakugo on the floor tiles, smirking as he made an attempt at glaring. It wasn't very convincing through that veil of happy tears and rosy cheeks.
"Well," the tape weirder shrugged. "We can't have that now, can we?" He shot Bakugo a cheeky smirk. "As you were, Roki. Call if you need any assistance." He chuckled.
"W-Wait! Hey! Soy sauce face! That's not your decision to mAHAHAKE! NAAAHAHAAA-!"
"Let us know when dinners ready, kay?" Sero called back with a wave as he left with the rest of the class. Condemning Bakugo to his tickly doom!
Shoto looked at Bakugo, casually continuing to tickle him all over.
"I want Soba."
"S-Stuff your damn SOHOBA! DAHAHAHMN IT!"
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Thank you for reading~ ✨️
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
I know you might continue it anyways but just in case, can you please write a part 6 for Sweet Dreams? I’m so invested in their story now and need to know what happens with their relationship! Thank you and I love all your stories by the way,
*Me writing this series:
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Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Cw: blood, needles, medical supplies/procedures, violence,
“Uuugh,” Villain grimaced, peeking through their fingers at the dramatic blood splatter speckling the tv screen. “How about I choose the next movie?”
They both lounged comfortably against the headboard of the bed, barrier still set firmly and conveniently down the center. The hotel staff probably thought they were crazy for asking for so many extra pillows, but the results were worth it. It had definitely made these last few days inside the hotel room easier. Henchman was certain their pounding rabbit heart wouldn't have been able to handle being so continually close to Villain otherwise. Yes, it was just feathers stuffed in fabric, but the principle of it was much stronger.
“Are you queasy?” Henchman said in disbelief, offering the skittle bag over the barrier.
Villain took a generous handful, though still shielding their peripheral vision with one hand. “Slashers are not my film of choice. They’re so gory.”
Henchman held back a scoff and crossed their arms on top of the mountain of pillows to peer over at them. “Don’t you kill people, like, all the time?”
Villain's head remained fixed downward, but Henchman still picked up on the little furrow between their brows as their entire face scrunched up with distaste. “First off, ‘all the time’ is a massive exaggeration. Second, when I do kill people, I don’t leave a mess. It's very different."
They had already begun pushing all the grape skittles to one side of their hand, cutting a tiny gap between them and the other colors; once they were finished, they waved for Henchman to extend their hand to them, and poured the little pile of purple into their palm.
Henchman had only mentioned in passing that grape was their favorite, but now Villain made a point of picking them out for them every time.
"I like strawberry best anyway," they'd insisted when Henchman tried to protest. It still felt strange. Villain didn't need to share anything with them, and they'd certainly never seemed inclined to before, not unless it was to their benefit, at least. But by now, after so many snacks and movies, Henchman just accepted it.
“What sort of movies do you like?” Henchman asked, clutching the handful tight at their side and ignoring the sticky stains coloring the inside skin.
No hesitation: “Romantic comedies."
Henchman barked a laugh and then hastily covered their mouth with both hands.
"I-I'm sorry,” they mumbled through their fingers, “I just...wasn't expecting that."
Villain shrugged, completely unabashed. "They're simple. People meet, they fall in love, they fight, they get back together. You never have to worry about the conflicts getting too big because you know there's always a happy ending. I think there's enough stress and fear in life; it's nice to escape into something optimistic once in a while."
"That...makes sense," Henchman nodded slowly.
It still came off as a little surprising. They'd learned a lot more about Villain over these past two days, but the revelation that they didn't crave violence was definitely one of the most eye-opening. They knew it didn't change the fact that Villain was willing to resort to such tactics, or that they were very, very good at them, but it definitely soothed some of their more fearful apprehensions over them.
A sudden blood-curdling scream blasted from the tv speakers, sending an electric jolt through Henchman's body that made their arms flail out to either side. Their fist slammed into one of the barrier pillows, making a small chink in the top layer and ending with their hand on the other side.
Villain seized on the balled fist as if they'd been laying in wait all along for such an opportunity, spreading their fingers tightly over Henchman's knuckles.
"Wait," they said after a couple seconds. "Are you still holding the skittles I gave you?"
Henchman blushed, wriggling their hand free and popping the entire handful into their mouth at once. That could have been the end of it. They'd had a real excuse to come back to their side. They could have folded their hands under their arms, turned staunchly back toward the screen, and pretended it never happened. But no, they had to immediately offer their hand back, purple dye and all.
Henchman registered the sweaty stickiness probably a couple seconds after Villain did. They blushed even more furiously.
They tried to draw back, but at the same time, Villain clapped their hand down onto the grapey mess, twining their fingers together without hesitation. Their skin clung together like adhesive as soon as their palms touched, but Villain barely reacted beyond a sly smile.
Henchman forced their eyes straight ahead and tried to keep them there for the remainder of the movie but, they couldn't help but steal a few harmless glances. Not that it told them much. Villain was too hard to read, and honestly, they weren't really sure what they were even hoping for.
However, they did notice that Villain treated the rest of the movie much more calmly than they had everything previous.
It was that very observation that still had Henchman's thoughts captive hours later.
They glanced at the red numbers blaring off their alarm clock. 5:15 a.m. Usually, they’d be dead asleep by now, but the questions kept itching at them. Did they really have a power? And if so what was the extent of it? Apparently, they could soothe nightmares, some pain, and, maybe, fear. Though there was still always the chance that it was all a major coincidence. They really wished they could know for sure. They knew only vaguely how the test worked and even less about how detailed it was, but they had enough information to know it was fairly simple and very accessible.
Maybe…they should check it out.
If you go, and it turns out you don’t have a power, Villain won’t want you near them anymore.
Henchman wasn’t sure if that was a pro or a con. They really didn’t want Villain to get close to them simply to use them, but then again, the possibility of the criminal dropping them was terrifying.
You don’t have to tell them the results, their inner scoundrel convinced them. Not right away. In the meantime, you’ll have time to decide.
That plan seemed reasonable enough. Though for it to work, it required Villain not to know they were being tested. They were supposed to lay low--they'd been ordering food by delivery this whole time precisely for that reason-- so Henchman would have no excuse to leave later. Meaning they needed to go before Villain woke up.
They needed to go now.
Henchman let their hand go limp in Villain's grip and with a little light, back-and-forth shimmying, very carefully slipped free. They waited a moment to see if Villain would stir, but when they simply let out a long exhale and tossed the other way, they swung their legs over the mattress and rose slowly to their feet.
They didn’t bother with their hair or their face, simply changing out of their pajamas into jeans and a hoodie and grabbing their shoes by the heels as they padded toward the door. When they turned the handle, the hinges let out a long, high-pitched whine that made Henchman wince, but once again, Villain didn’t awake.
Henchman plopped down on the nasty hallway carpet to yank their shoes on, and about 15 minutes later they were outside a pharmacy, though it didn't open until 8. Hopefully, Villain would sleep in.
Henchman gathered their legs up against their chest and rested their forehead on their knees. They must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing they knew somebody was tapping them roughly on the shoulder.
"You can’t sleep here," a tall, bespectacled man with a pinched mouth said, looking down at them from over their glasses. "Please move elsewhere."
Henchman blinked several times, eventually registering the keys in his hands and the slight way he angled himself toward the pharmacy door.
All sleep suddenly fled from their eyes, and they leaped to their feet. "Wait, no, I was just waiting for you guys to open!"
The man winced a little at their too-loud voice before shooting them an odd look. "In any sort of emergency, you should visit a hospital."
They must have misread their desperation.
"I'm not sick, I um..." Suddenly it was hard to say aloud. "Do you do...power-ability tests here?"
A new wave of understanding washed over the man. That sort of thing wasn't life-threatening, but it definitely could feel like it to some people.
"Yes." The door let out a little chime as he pushed it open. "You can go take a seat by the back counter, and I'll be right there."
Henchman stepped hesitantly into the building's sticky warmth. The air conditioning must be out, or maybe it just hadn't been turned on yet, maybe that was where the pharmacy man was going first.
Sure enough, a little chair was pushed into a far corner near the back counter, the seat all maroon and cracked leather. It wasn't exactly comfortable to sit on, but at least it was a distraction from the unknown ahead of them.
A P-A test costs about $150 dollars," the man said as he approached, a little square box in hand. "Do you want to pay that up front or fill out your insurance information?"
"Uh, upfront," Henchman said, fishing the leftover cash from their last paycheck out of their jeans pocket. They separated a couple hundreds, knowing they probably looked crazy suspicious, but if the man was bothered, he didn't show it. He disappeared around the counter for several moments and returned with two twenties and a ten for change.
"Do you know how this works?" he asked, popping open the tabs of the little cardboard.
"N-no," Henchman said, staring intently as the pharmacist pulled out a little needle and stiff, translucent piece of paper. "I know it's something that can be tested in the blood, but...no, I don't know much else."
The man crouched down and began wiping their index finger with a cold alcohol wipe, every once in a while fixing them with that serious gaze that had been unsettling earlier, but now suddenly brought comfort. "Basically, I take a few drops of blood from your finger, and let it land on this card. The card then changes color depending on whether you are positive or negative for powers or abilities. Red for positive, blue for negative. However, I won't be able to tell you what ability you might have or what level it is, for that you'll have to go to one of the institutions; they're all over the place."
Henchman nodded. They didn't really care about that part, powers or not, they were sticking with Villain's team, supposedly there were counselors and trainers available.
"What's your favorite color?" the man asked suddenly.
"What does that have to do--"
A sharp prick stung their finger, and they nearly yanked back with a loud yelp.
"That's the hard part done," the man said, unfazed by the outburst, and drew their hand over the translucent card. Three drops hit the center in quick succession, each one rippling a strange shimmer across the entire square.
"H-how long does it take?" they asked.
The man rotated the card up and down in a circular motion. "A couple minutes or less. Ah, here we go."
The color struck all at once. One moment, Henchman could see straight through the card, the next it bled a deep crimson.
"Look at that," the man said. "Powered after all."
Henchman stared with their mouth half-gaped open. They weren't sure why they felt so shocked; they'd come here because of the possibility that they had powers. Perhaps it was because they'd gone so long in their life not knowing, not even suspecting. Or perhaps it was that deep down, they really had been expecting Villain to be wrong. Because how could something like this ever happen to someone as average as them.
"Th-thanks," they finally managed.
The man nodded, seeming sympathetic but also ready to continue with his day.
"D-do, I keep that?" They motioned to the card.
"If you like," the man said, handing it off to them.
They stared at it for several more seconds before sliding it into their pocket with the cash.
"Thanks," they repeated and numbly walked out the door.
Once outside, they walked a couple blocks before finally stopping to look at the card once again. This was real. Really real. They had a power. And they possibly already knew what it was. Should they start testing it out to find the limits? If the mentioned it to Villain, would they have to tell them about the test? Would they even be able to keep that to themself?
With a grimace, they realized they had no story in case Villain was awake when they came back and asked them where they had been. Maybe a quick trip to the bakery would be enough. They'd be upset, but no too upset with a cheese danish in hand.
They only got a block before they were suddenly slammed to the ground.
Their head smacked the earth with an explosion of ugly stars. They twisted blindly, feeling the scrape of gravel against their cheek and tangling into their hair. This wasn't the sidewalk, this was somewhere else. Their fingers scraped toe either side, tips touching the leg of something cool and metal on one side.
They pressed past the throbbing pain beneath their skull.
A...dumpster perhaps? An alley?
Abruptly, both hands were pinned against their sides, gruff hands gripping their wrists so tightly Henchman wouldn't be surprised if they bruised. Warm breath blew across their throat and then warm skin pressed into their hair. The person inhaled deeply through their nose.
A shiver ran down Henchman's spine.
"You smell like them," a raspy voice whispered. It was one part curiosity and two parts self-satisfaction.
Henchman blinked as hard as they could without making the ache in their temples worse, and as the bright spots in their vision dissolved, they made out a long, wind-tossed hair and a crooked nose. The hair was a deep chestnut and it tickled their face as the man leaned over them, a sadistic grin plastered from ear to ear.
"You dear thing, why don't you tell me where you came from?"
"Jer!" a woman's voice said, followed by the crunch of footsteps. "You can't take off like that! What are you--"
She cut off, taking in the scene in front of her. Henchman could hardly see her around "Jer's" head, but they did glimpse the toes of a pair of long mint boots.
"Who are they?" she asked.
"Our way to Villain."
Henchman had already begun to suspect, but that sentence dropped their heart into the pit of their stomach, churning it into heavy nausea. These were heroes.
"I smelt them from a mile away," Jer said, emphasizing his ability with another long sniff, this time in Henchman's neck. "The scent of Villain is all over them."
Some heroes had the power of enhanced senses, usually only one, though some ended up with a combo. This man seemed to have been gifted with an extremely sensitive nose.
The woman stepped up closer, cheeks puffy and ruddy from running, but eyes sharp and glittering as blades. "Where is Villain?" she said, smiling pleasantly even as every nerve in Henchman's body began to writhe in agony.
Henchman bit back the brunt of their scream, but it still escaped through clenched teeth loud enough to echo back to them off the building walls.
Completely unnecessarily, nose-man punched them in the ribs. "We asked you a question."
"I...don't know what you're talking about," Henchman gasped.
They couldn't break; they couldn't let them find out where Villain was.
"Your scent begs to differ."
Another punch to the exact same spot.
"I don't know!" they cried, almost a plead. "I've been all over the city! I could smell like anyone!"
"But you don't smell like anyone, " the woman said. "You smell like Villain."
By this point, their nerves felt stretched and stringy, maybe to the point of snapping.
"I don't know who that is," Henchman said. The ignorance card could probably only take them so far, but they needed to cling to it for as long as it worked.
"Come on," she said. "Just a few little words, and you'll be free to go. I'm feeling generous so I won't even report your involvement with Sun Agency's biggest thorn in the side.
"I don't know what you want!" Henchman begged, finding real tears streaming their cheeks. "I just want to go home! I want to go home."
The woman sighed. "They always choose the hard way."
Henchman wasn't sure how long they spent in that alley. They couldn't quite tell where the pain began or where it ended either. Every bit of them felt like one big wound, so excruciating, they could barely breathe. To their credit, they didn't give up Villain, but they thought about it with every blow.
It might have gone on like that forever if not for Hero.
The terrifying bag of muscle lumbered in and caught sight of Henchman's face, the bruises from the other day's run in a dull yellow across their nose, though it probably paled in comparison to the colors painting their face now.
"Hey, hey, hey!" he said, waving both heroes off of Henchman. "What is going on here?"
"They know Villain," Jer piped up defensively. "They smell just like that scent bottle you gave me to track them with."
Hero blinked a couple times then sighed heavily. "They smell of it because they ran into me the other day. I had it on me to give you and some of it got on my hands during packaging. I probably rubbed it all over them. That stuff is concentrated; it can last for days.
"Crap," the two minor heroes said in unison.
Jer looked over at Henchman with, not horror, but apprehension.
"What do we do?"
"There's nothing to do," Hero said. They paused, looking almost regretful. "Leave them. You can't get another strike on your record."
Jer nodded, and as Hero waved at them, the two heroes scampered off.
Hero crouched down by Civilian for all of three seconds. Their index finger traced a gash down their hairline, sending a crawling chill through their entire body.
"Sorry about this," they said, observing the blot of blood that now stained their skin and rubbing it between their thumb and index finger. And then they were gone too, leaving Henchman flat on their back, too injured to move and staring up toward the sky.
The building tops blurred together with the cerulean blue, twisting kaleidoscopic and sickening. They were so nauseated that eventually Henchman had to close their eyes to fight the acidic burn at the back of their throat.
Once closed, the dark took them quickly.
They awoke they didn't know how long later to soft fingers dragging gently through their hair and caressing their face with the delicate touch of butterfly wings.
Henchman suddenly became aware of the agony shooting up every muscle. They groaned pitifully.
"Hey, hey, hey. Dreamcatcher. Henchman. I'm taking you back. It's going to be ok, alright? You're safe now. I'll take care of you."
Yeaaah, this is one is definitely rough, another case of wanting to finish it even though I was super tired. I'll fix it up tomorrow.
Part 7
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @last-ditch-entry @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @ghostfacepepper @vuvulia @inkbirdie
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arziaisfrench · 9 months
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 180 : Admiting and almost confessing
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Someone is waiting for his girl hehe ! I love their soft moments so much!! Uuuugh and this episode is full of them !! 🥰
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He wants to know if she has put his bangles haha he's so cuuute !! 🙈 She knows he's staring at her for this reason, she won't let him see and get satisfied, she needs to confirm he's the one who gave them to her !
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Look at his smart handsome dude finding a way to oblige his (almost) girlfriend to show she's indeed wearing his gift !!
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Uuuuuugh so adorable, he's so happy she chose to wear them immediately after he gave them to her !!! Khushi adores his smile just like he adores hers !! MY BABIES ARE SOOO CUUUTE !!
The way she said "choodiyaan" was so adorbs!
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" -Please tell me … did you buy it? -What did I buy? -… bangles -… I … I don't know what you're talking about" It might seems like Arnav is trying to tease her but I really think he's very awkward and shy to admit it.
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"Did you buy them them for me?"
He gets irritated by her not willing to give up on making him admit he bought those damn bangles haha ! But he also find it amusing. "Ugh my weirdo won't let me be" hahahaha !!
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"- Where did you buy it?" asks Nk to Khushi - Arnav-ji … doesn't know that !" The way she teases Arnav and the way he loves when she does is making my heart flutter so bad !!
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UUUUUUUGH this episode is the cutest one !! I keep screaming EVERYTIME !!!!!!
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Khushi pretends she hates his bangles as a way to get her revenge since he doesn't want to admit he bought them. Arnav couldn't wait 2 freaking seconds before following her in pool side hahaha he's so childish !! (thanks Anjali for that delighful countdown and thanks for creating the occasion for them to meet again !!)
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" -If you don't like these bangles at all then why didn't you throw them away? -So much love for someone else's bangles?!" [I love that line haha ! Khushi is so funny lmao!]
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Arnav lets her use the excuse of the bet reward to admit that indeed he was the one who gave it to her !!! "Yes, I did buy these bangles for you!"
Khushi isn't suprised by him buying her bangles (she already fainted for that reason lol), she is shocked to see him admitting this gesture of affection. And he's very pleased by her reaction. 😏
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" -If you hate these bangles so much then remove them. -And if I like them ?! -Then why did you say first that … -Because I wanted you to confess that you bought them for me !
Since Arnav confessed, Khushi doesn't care to hide her reason for wearing the bangles he bought for her, she's so cute, she just wants to give back what he just did. Uuugh he told her about his feelings (through that gift), so she will of course run to tell him as she feels too (though insinuation tho loool) !!
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-I have confessed! -It's good that you did it! -Fine then, keep wearing it ! -Maybe you're not seeing it properly, but I'm already wearing them!"
Khushi is telling him through insinuations how gladly she'll accept his love if he confesses it, after saying that, she is stuned by what she herself said lol. And I think Arnav did understand the insinuation !
She wasn't talking only about the bangles, but about their love.
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Even when they say affectionate words to each other, they have to mask them by pretending to argue to deal with the embarrassment and the tension !! Haha sooo cuuuuute !! Why are they soo shy !! 🙈
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"Why? Why did you buy these bangles for me" Khushi asked a second time and her tone is so sweet. "Arnav-ji, please tell me now, I can't take it any longer, let me love you." Arnav was definitely about to imply something but he stopped. But it's not a matter of not willing anymore.
It hasn't been about that for a little while now. It's about feeling ready. He's not yet fully ready.
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hyperfreaksating · 3 months
Personal headcanon that I had since you overhauled Red to be more of your personal oc than a Y/N stand in and thus probably isn’t completly canon to the fic writing you did for Y/N in the beginning: I don’t even know how this would work but time wise but I’m convinced that in my weird brainfart au Kureha was actually the one to deliver the triplets. Mostly because I think the idea of Buggy being unnerved at her would be extremely funny and also because I think Red would just be … in awe…. The coolest woman she ever encountered in her life.
“The bad news is that there’s more than one of those little buggers in there. The good news is that I have been the first and the last thing in life people saw around here for a million times now, so this isn’t new to me.” “Uuugh… Madame …you’re everything I’ll aspire to be in my life.” “You’ll get there.” “Th-that’s all fine and good ladies but does the reindeer have to be here during all of… that?” “Don’t question the midwife!!” “Yesmadamesorrymadameillbequiet.”
Damn the x reader fanfiction already feel like an eternity ago... NGL I buried it in the depth of Tumblr since I fell way more for the anime than I thought and now I'm completely in love with the whole universe and lore! Feel a bit self conscious about it aha
When I wrote the og fanfiction I didn't know much about one piece and now I'm at whole cake.... So yeah Red, redbomb, the triplets, the AU, the timeline are totally different than in the x reader fic, even rewrote Bugs and Red lovestory to fit my new timeline, that's. A whole new work? The fanfic was kind of, a draft? Didn't plan to attach this much to the gremlins, too.... They're my comfort zone to draw really.
Anyway! I love your headcanon. Yeah Kureha would TOTALLY be the kind of woman Red would want to be. And I would love to see Buggy being scold by her lmao
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I don't know if chopper would be there, if I'm not wrong he's the same age as the triplets 🤔 I however think that would be funny for chopper to recognize Red and the kids years later...
Many potential here.
Law, chopper, Marco, kureha... Doctors in one piece are quite a thing! I'll chose the tanuki.
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stormxpadme · 1 year
AO3 has been kicking me out for around 10mins bcs of pages loading too slow on wifi and data both so it wont let me post a comment on ch 7 (i think) SO HERE IT IS i will not go to sleep till i send it to you PUBLICALLY ! (gonna also paste it into ao3 tmrw but i need to send it now and then pass out for at least 3 more hrs xD):
REMYYYYYY AAAA i literally firgot everything i was gonna say when i figured out its gambjt j'fucking adoreeeee 🥰🥰🥰
one bad mutant for eric one food mutant fir charles. theyre just playing chess at this point. assholes. also with the like killing and mystiques comment abt another talk between erik and charles i had a thiught there... hmmmm.... i wish i rmbrd what kt was. OH YEAH. it hink i said this a while ago somewhere that its like. Its a draw, and impasse, and until either one of them crossed any of the arbitrary lines they drew in the sand nothing will change
Also scott is a dumbass and katja is so extremely like. Idealistic. I love that for her bcs she still has enthusiasm amd has that righteous anger that comes off as either annoying or hopeful to someone whos been fighting a war for so long such as scott. And i love that part of the convo where scott is like we cant save the whole world. It made me think of schindlers list and that quite - the man who saves a life has saved a world entire. Which is ironic given that its eriks goons doing this, which AGAIN brings me to erkis hypocrisy this time and like. Him and charles are just two sides of a same coin arent they?
The encounter with that girl yesterday had left him more confused than he had experienced in years. - side eyeing you for this 👀🤨😤😹❤️
With this weapon, we can turn all of New York into mutants in a few days and all of humanity in six months - oh i rmbrd now! (I cooy some quites to clipboard not to forget to comment on them xd) - what i wanted to say here is that i have all the love and none of the respect for cartoonish villain plans ised to attract the attention of your ex boyfriend xD "imma turn the whole new york into SHARKS and i'll be the SHARK MASTER" like dude chill ffs just text him its okay its cool xD.
It sent, actually! But yeah, everything's lagging there right now including my answers to you and I'm getting unnerved bc AO3 GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. So I will answer here :D And then I will send you to bed BECAUSE REASONS.
And hey, there's a definite advantage to posting here: You can include visuals :D.
I needed my red eyed Cajun baby in there :D. I mean obviously, since the team is what it's like in the 90s cartoon plus one additional weather-witch, but also because Remy is too fucking cute (and Taylor Kitsch was too fucking hot playing him).
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Yeep, exactly. Charles and Erik love each other far too much still for their own good. This whole thing would long have been over with everyone dead if they didn't hold their respective people back. With how it's going, there's just more and more collateral damage on the way, and those two still will just fuck it out and cry on each other's shoulder in the end, and they deserve all the shade thrown at them for it.
Uuugh now I get emotional about Schindler's list again, never managed to rewatch that, it broke me so much the first time already. I think it's really the hardest part about this job? Getting to terms that you can't be everywhere at once and that making as much of a difference as you can is what counts and not saving everyone because that simply won't work. And my girl is still at the beginning of learning that sigh. It's really chilling seeing Erik walk around killing off random people in this franchise just because they're normal people bc like. This is what happens when someone's been on the receiving end of this and then gets the power to turn the tables on the fascist assholes. The moral dilemma of the whole thing ugh.
Oh god, I'm so sorry for this storyline already LOL. Poor Ororo really needs better taste in men …
thanks, now I can never take that plan seriously again LOOOL. I mean, when Erik finally gets up to get this plan up and started, Charles will indeed be there in person, so I guess in the end the plan worked? :D
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I posted 122 times in 2022
That's 103 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (14%)
105 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#miraculous ladybug - 49 posts
#ml - 22 posts
#bakery enemies au - 14 posts
#marichat - 13 posts
#writing - 11 posts
#ml spoilers - 9 posts
#fanfic - 8 posts
#scarlet lady au - 7 posts
#adrinette - 7 posts
#miraculous - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#i hate been so busy that i had to get through the entire work day to finally watch the episode
My Top Posts in 2022:
Exaltation literally revived me. I am literally sitting in front of my computer, furiously writing. I’ll be damned if I don’t have at least 90% of this chapter done!
18 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
“Yes!” Ladybug punched the air. “We still have ten minutes left!”
Chat Noir landed behind her, barely catching his breath.
“We missed a whole block back there,” he panted.
“We did?”
“Uuugh, we need to go back.” Chat Noir threw his head back as he said it. “I don’t wanna.”
“Wait!” Ladybug had grabbed his tail, right as he had turned around to take a running jump.
Chat Noir looked over his shoulder, giving her a stare that sent goosebumps down her spine. She bit her lip, trying to think of a justification for her decision, but couldn’t find one.
“Let’s stay,” Ladybug resolved to say. The truth was easier anyway. “I don’t care right now. Paris will survive one night we don’t do a full sweep of the city. I wanna rest. With you.”
Chapter 6 of Rattled is up. Check out my contribution for the @mlbigbang, updated every Saturday.
20 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
I have so many questions about the trailer. Like, is Master Fu DEAD? Did she just find the earrings on the FLOOR? Why does the yoyo have a mind of its own? How does it fly? Did they just break a centuries old window?
25 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
You are the Music in Me: Lukanette Fan Zine
We can finally share our pieces! The Lukanette Fan Zine has finally been shipped and we are allowed to share our pieces. I had the honor to write a story in art collaboration with the awesome @edendaphne, who made gorgeous artwork depicting a scene from it. Show her some love! And thank you to the team behind @youarethemusicinme-lukanette for letting me be a part of it. Enjoy some Lukanette goodness!
Wedding Magic
No one said seeing Luka in a well-tailored tux would make life—and a confession—so much harder than it already was. But alas, there Marinette was, doing her best to not drool on her own sparkly Maid of Honor dress. Just as she let out another wistful sigh, said man tucked a stray hair behind his ear.
Oh yeah, because the handsome suit wasn’t enough, he also had his hair slicked back. For the first time in his life, according to Juleka.
The sigh turned into a noise more akin to a whimper. When did Luka become so handsome? How long had she been away for? How long had she been fantasizing with confessing her feelings for him, that he suddenly seemed ten times more attractive?
“You’re doing it again,” a voice sang next to her.
“I can’t help it,” Marinette whined, turning to Rose. “I’ve never seen him like this before. He looks so good. And the way he’s laughing…” Her eyes turned soft. “I’ve never seen him so happy.”
“He better be,” Rose laughed. “He would be a terrible Best Man if he wasn’t happy for his own sister.”
“That would make him a terrible brother,” Marinette agreed, gaze still locked on those irresistible silky strands that made her want to brush her fingers through it.
“Marinetteeee,” Rose sang again.
The lovestruck woman whimpered once more. “I need a distraction. Yup, that’s what I need.”
Marinette pushed her way through the crowd until finding a waiter carrying glasses of wine. She grabbed one and made a round around the room, stopping to chit-chat with several old classmates.
But in less than ten minutes, she was already back merely three meters away from the Best Man. She watched for a moment, as Luka laughed at something Mylène had said. Marinette let out a resigned sigh, ready to give up and leave it for another time. Yet, just as she was turning, Mylène left her spot, leaving Luka on his own.
This was it. It was the perfect moment. Marinette stood straight, squaring her shoulders, chin up high. A deep breath filled her lungs, giving her the needed confidence to take large strides to him.
“Luka, I—”
Marinette slipped on the skirt of a table, tripping her enough to spill some of her wine on the very man she was calling. Her eyes almost shot out of her eyes, as the shirt and vest of the gorgeous suit became tainted in plum.
“Marinette, are you okay?” Luka asked, his hands holding her elbows.
“Your suit,” she breathed.
“My suit is fine,” he insisted, attempting to catch her gaze, which was focused on his chest. “I’m more worried about you. Do you need anything?”
“I-I…” Marinette sighed in resignation, all confidence gone. “I’m fine. Let me help you with that.”
She lightly pulled on his arm to lead him to the doors next to the bar, into the kitchen. Once inside, Marinette sought out the first aid kit her parents always took to events they catered. Something they had learned to do after one too many accidents that ended with several scrapes on Marinette’s knees.
“I’m not hurt,” Luka said, brows furrowed.
“It’s for the shirt,” Marinette clarified. “I can mix this with dish soap to clean it up.”
She took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, along with a teacup, a spoon, and the soap. As she did a small chemistry experiment, her eyes remained focused, refusing to look at the object of her current embarrassment.
“Marinette,” Luka said quietly, lightly touching the hand that was furiously mixing the ingredients, making it stop. “I know I never ask you to tell me what’s wrong, but I can’t help but feel this is about me.”
Her lips pressed together. How is he always so perceptive, she thought. Shoulders slumping, Marinette let go of the spoon.
“I was gonna talk to you about something. But I lost my nerve,” she admitted. “And now I can’t find it again.” The hand that was on the spoon moved to pick up a cloth napkin instead, and dip it in the mixture. “This should help with the shirt.”
When Marinette was about to start scrubbing away the stain, Luka’s hand was back on hers, this time with more strength. As she looked up, she was startled to see how close he was. So close, she could make out the light pink color on his cheeks.
“You know you can trust me with anything, right?” he said, with a husky voice she had never heard come from him. 
See the full post
249 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what the craziest part of Elation is? Suddenly, a whole lot of the people I have been following for years, who had moved on to other fandoms, suddenly just showed back up. Screaming Marichat at the top of their lungs.
265 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deimcs · 3 years
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All of this is Envy: people, places, power. If you keep going, Envy stretches. It takes strength to make more. Being one person is hard. Being many, too many, more and more, and Envy breaks down, you break out.
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bisexualbuddie · 5 years
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Best of Schmico in ‘Girlfriend in a Coma’
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orange-cocoa · 6 years
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Shiro loves you, Baby.🖤 And Baby Keith knows.❤️
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painterofhorizons · 4 years
I think i would love Surviving Mars. If there weren't FIVE whole tutorials you're supposed to play first??? D: I mean, five! Come on. It's awesome that they're there but... Where do you think I take the concentration for to do five different tutorials first before actually playing the game?
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honoringthehorrific · 2 years
I watched the new scream movie finally and I have some big thoughts!
Spoilers under the cut
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Firstly the references are completely on point. I wouldn’t expect anything less from such an iconic series. Off to the side in one of the shots of woodsboro you can actually see a sign that says elm st, an obvious nod to Wes’s other famous franchise!
There are so many little red herrings and nods from the original that while I was very disappointed Matthew lillard didn’t reprise his role in any form you just have to sit in awe at the dedication to their trope. It truly is always someone you know.
I like the name drops of modern horror and the acknowledgment that it’s progressed to much more artistic means than films of horrors past. Another thing I love is that the stereotype of the black characters dying first is lifted. I love the attention to modern horror’s progression and nods to directors such as Jordan peele famous for his black horror. Also our main characters are two poc women! Subverting all sorts of expectations in this bitch!!!
I loved seeing skeet ulrich’s 5 o clock shadow as he pretended to be a teenager again in the form of psychosis and I like that while her psychosis is sort of dramaticized she’s never outright villanized (that I remember) for being “crazy”
The blood….I love this style of blood. It’s dark and just thick enough and just runny enough and as an effects lover this couldn’t have tickled me more! The effects…there’s a scene where a knife goes partially though a neck and I adored it and another where we see a knife go through both cheeks and see it in their mouth and just….uuugh. Beautiful. My girlfriend teased me through covered eyes that all of this was in fact not cool but gross 😅
I loved the parallels between Halloween, screams of the past, and classics like psycho. I loved when Wes was in the kitchen all the fake outs that they did! And while I could go on and preach about everything I loved let’s talk about things I didn’t love…
The motive. We saw the crazy fan motive sort of in the last movie and while this one is mildly different I didn’t care for it. The Reddit name drops and the fandom lingo really took me personally out of the movie. I didn’t like it and maybe my bitterness is amplified by the lack of stu macher.
I didn’t like that Dewey died,,,,but I don’t think anyone cared for that. It was almost out of character how careless Dewey was. He couldn’t have waited to double tap our masked murderer and couldn’t have even done it from a distance…. An unnecessary death of a deeply loved character…in my personal opinion.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Girls! P25 Just Playing With Kings
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"really?" Benny sighed as he got back throwing the stuff on the kitchen side noticing the state we were in, 
"You got the girls, it's only fair" Harry smiled taking a cigarette from Beth 
"So you three had fun without me?"
"Just so it was fair Benny" Beth smirked 
"You girls are evil" he sighed 
"Indeed we are" I smirked 
"Fuck it" Benny sighed locking the door and coming over "Harry come here" Benny smirked stripping off his shirt 
"What is it watts?" he smirked sitting up slightly and smirking at him 
"I think the girls have had enough attention for a while" Benny smirked leaning over harry a little "We can be evil too girls..." Benny smirked winking to us both forcing Harry down on the airbed, I smirked pulling Beth to me as the boys started kissing hard benny being very forceful be harry doing his best to like the kiss was them arguing like the kiss was them playing a game together to see who could come out ironically ok on top. Harry tried to wrap his arms around Benny's neck but the moment his hands touched his skin, Benny grabbed his hands pinning his wrists onto the makeshift bed either side of his head, "tell me beltik? Did you like your time with the girls?' he asked kissing down harry's neck and chest never letting go of his wrists
"I did, they were good to me. They even… where dirty for me"
"Were they? How dirty were they for you beltik?" 
"They were bad girls"
"Oh I bet they were," he smirked, his kisses getting lower and sloppier "what did they do then? I missed the show"
"They kissed and… stripped each other" he gasped as benny had reached his v overstimulated already from everything we had just done with him 
"Yeah they like doing that, to wind you up" Benny smirked 
I held Beth's arm tightly watching as benny licked up harry's cock 
"And they uhhh"
"They spanked each other. For me to watch"
"Did they now? They didn't do that for me"
"You didn't ask" beth smirked 
"Would you have… spanked each other for me if I had?"
"Maybe" I shrug
"Beside I like spanking them myself" he smirked "maybe I should spank you and make our little girls watch?"
"I think you were submissive" harry smirked sitting up pulling in benny's long hair to pull him into an intense lustful kiss 
"I am. With girls. With you… lay down, and open your legs I'm gonna make the girls watch as I make you do something they can't make you do" he growled pushing harry flat on the pillows harry blushed and opened his legs wide as benny told him, and benny began again kissing and licking at harry's shaft "beth, be a dear darling fetch me the bottle of lube from my shopping" Benny smirked between kisses 
"Okay" she nodded 
"What about me? What should I do?" I asked 
"You just stay there looking so beautiful" Benny winked to me and beth returned throwing him the bottle of lube he took the lid off with his teeth and spat the lid across the room he put a little of on his fingers coating them in it before kneel down and kissing all over harry's shaft gently sucking in him as his fingers rubbed gently on harry's entrance. Harry gasped as benny's fingers slipped inside 
"So tight. The girls must have been teasing you bad" Benny smirked before taking every inch of Harry's dick in his mouth, sucking hard as his fingers moved back and forth slowly and harry… well he grasped benny's hair tightly his head thrown back in pleasure
"Uuughhhhh uughhh uuuuhhhhh!" Harry moaned till Benny pulled away without a second of warning Benny turned harry on his stomach bending him over like both he and benny had done to us. Benny got the bottle back rubbing it all over his cock before pushing inside making harry grab the pillows digging his nails in "uuugh fuck watts ease in! Ease!" Harry yelled at him 
"Sorry, I got impatient" Benny argued 
"You have to go slower then that I'm not as use to it yet"
"Ohh please I've been doing this to you for what… nine ten months?"
"Since ohio"
"See, plenty of time to get use to me" 
"When you use enough lube, we do lubricate like the girls do" 
"I know, I just don't like slavering you in it, I like you a little… rougher, uughhh your almost as tight as y/n'' Benny groans getting faster and faster I bit my lip watching it hearing harry groan loudly grinding a little against the pillow he was rock hard again 
"Uuuuhhhhh Benny! Benny I'm-"
"I know come on show the girls what they can't do" Benny smirked getting faster again almost ponding poor harry until
"Uuuuhhhhh uuuuhhhhh uughhh uuuuhhhhh uuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhh!" Harry screamed his eyes rolling back and seeming in another universe Benny smirked and pulled out rather enjoying the sight of what he had done to harry "your a dick"
'yeah, well you still love me" Benny smirked slapping harry's butt 
"Yeah… your turn" harry smirked sitting up grabbing Benny and pushing him face first of onto the pillows "you won't need winding up you never do watts" harry smirked spanking his butt hard and getting the lube bottle "y/n, be a sweetheart and… grab benny's belt for me" Harry said 
"Okay" I giggled a little going and getting benny's belt from his discarded jeans handing it to harry and going back to being sat with Beth noticing she had been touching herself while she watched and I couldn't deny watching as harry used benny's belt to restrain benny's arms behind his back was… extremely hot, I mean just watching them together was hit but the thought of what harry was about to do to him made me wanna squirm in my seat Benny was gasping already
"So you don't try to flip me back over, I know how much you like being in your stomach watts. Maybe you just wanna show off for the girls" harry smirked tightening the belt a little 
"No" Benny argued "I just wanted to wind then up for playing around without me, and torcher you for touching my girls"
"Our girls, they love me as much as they love you" 
 as harry covers his fingers and shaft in the lube at first he pushed his fingers in with no problems making Benny bite his mouth and shut his eyes he clearly enjoyed it "just because you've for a hard on for y/n"
"And you don't for beth? And y/n? And me?"
"Yeah but I just have a hard on in my pants… you don't"
"And… where exactly else am I meant to have a hard on?"
"You know what I mean watts. You've for a heart hard on for y/n" harry smirked and benny didn't answer avoiding my eyes hard smirked harder taking his hand away and slapping benny's ass 
"Uhh not so hard!" 
"Why? I thought you liked it?" He laughs doing it again, and again, and again spanking Benny over and over 
"Uhh uughhh! Uughhh! Beltik! Stop fucking working out your spank fetish and fuck me already!" 
"Impairment little pirate aren't you" harry laughed before slipping inside and starting to move
"Uughhhhhhhhh! Harder!" Benny groaned and harry complied "uughhh! Harder come on beltik!" He groans moving a little all but wrapping his legs around harry's, harry instantly began pounding as hard as he could which drive Benny crazy moaning and groaning struggling against his restraints often biting his lip and grinding his ass against harry and thought all of this his eyes never left my own like he was watching me, like he couldn't take his eyes away, I giggled a little blushing hearing him moan like that gently rubbing on myself secretly in a way knowone could see, Benny began getting close his cock throbbed and his moans got throaty his eyes still never leaving mine I knew I was close too unable to stop my fingers secretly rubbing, and suddenly Benny bit down on the pillow hard his muffled screams only just audible his eyes directly on me and as he did I hit my own unable to take my eyes away ethier doing my best to stay quiet, harry pulled out and collapsed against the wall under benny's bedroom window beth went helping him up taking him to the makeshift sofa in the corner for a cosy cuddle so I went letting Benny out the restraints letting him collapse on the floor I giggled helping him up and sitting him in the leather chair as he gasped sweaty and in his own world still after all that had happened beth and harry fell asleep almost immediately and I smiled laying my head in benny's chest which he smiled at wrapping an arm around me and kissing my head 
"Benny?" I whispered
"Ummmm?" He mumbled 
"Why were you looking at me?"
"I like looking at you" he shrugs 
"Did you know?"
"Know what?"
I giggled and moved his hand to feel how wet I was 
"Ooh.. no. I didn't know that. When were you doing that?"
"While… you where you know" 
"Ohh come on you're not one to go all blushy about this stuff come on"
"When you where getting fucked"
"Yeah? You liked watching harry have sex with me?"
"Now you know how I feel when I watch you and Beth. It's fine touch your to me all you want sugar" he smirked "what do you think I was biting in the pillow for?"
"I'd I hadn't maybe I would have screamed for you rather then for harry as… you where the one I was staring at" he smirked gently running his hands across my skin in some ways it was barely even sexual just a cuddle with his fingers tracing the lines on my skin like he would the lines of his chess board 
"Benny?" I spoke up
"I need to go home soon"
"What?" He asks sitting up holding me closely
"I can't stay here in new york with you three forever, I need to go home to call I have stuff to sort out" I said 
"... You're gonna go home?"
"Benny, you knew Id go home at some point"
"I know I just… nothing, go home. Sort stuff out in cali, maybe next time I come visit you"
"Yeah, and until then I'm only a phone call away" 
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arziaisfrench · 1 year
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 104 : Doing what she asked him to do, making sure the lights are still on
Arnav doesn't try to hide Khushi's influence on him anymore in front of others, and most importantly he doesn't feel ashamed of it. "She can do whatever she wants to me. She can tell me what to do, she can touch my stuff, break them too. I don't mind, becauses she cares for me."
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Remember the lights symbolize their feelings. He's the one who turned on the switch, indeed he realized his feelings first. He helped her get free from fom the entanglement (her denying of her love).
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And now, he comes downstairs to help fix the lights. I think it represents Arnav's determination to not let the lights (their feelings) d'e out ! (again the details, the symbolisms are insanely well put together !!)
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I love how the writers gave us hints (that I only get after the 4th watch lol) of the upcoming eps : Arnav's reaction to Khushi's engagement
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While hearing Anjali's words about marriage to Khushi, you can see the almost begging stare Arnav is giving to her lol. He knows she has feelings now, but he still doesn't know if she loves him like he do.
Their eyes are asking/begging confirmation of their love!
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You can also feel the change in the way they react to their very close proximity. As always, the attraction is intense but now, you can see them not hiding the way it affect them, there is so much love in their eyes. And they don't try to hide it anymore to each other.
They look so soft, uuugh of course they so badly wanted to kiss hehe!
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To me, their hands gesture was always a way for us to see when Khushi and Arnav trust each other. At this moment, Khushi really trusts him. Too bad, he's gonna ruin everything soon lol 🙃
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Notice how Arnav makes sure she doesn't misunderstand him for not wanting her to touch him hahahaha soooo cuuuuuuute !! He can feel she's finally openly receptive to him, he doesn't want her to get the wrong idea again (that he hates her). And I feel like Khushi understood his action here. 😏
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plaidcladjuno · 3 years
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I’m hoping to contribute to the event with some fic and/or meta later on, but I don’t have the time for it right now, so I’m just going to go with a good old reaction post.
I’m putting the rest of the post under the cut because it’s much longer than I anticipated, but the TL;DR version is that I enjoyed that first episode even more knowing everything that happens next. I did remember it very well, but rewatching it now, I was truly impressed by how much they managed to pack into it. It’s a very solid series premiere and I’m so, so excited to rewatch the rest of the show and see it all unfold once again.
Also, I’ve watched a lot of other BL since (can you believe that MoD was my first???) and yeah, MaxTul are still Kings 🙏🏻👑👑
I haven’t even put the episode on yet and I’m already so fucking excited.
I had forgotten the show opened with the crime scene and not with Bunn arriving in Viangpha Mork. Love how it grips you right away.
Well, that, and Inspector M’s tight uniform. Here’s to the costume department.
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I still really like the opening theme, with its film noir sounds/visuals 👌🏻 (At least that’s what it reminds me of, but I’m not a specialist of the genre at all.)
Those landscapes 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
They really did throw some big ass clues at us right away, uh:
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Aww look at Inspector M being all friendly and welcoming with Bunn:
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Dare I say he even looks a little... smitten? I mean, I’m sorry, but Bunn wasn’t being that funny. (It’s my personal headcanon that M would totally have gone after Bunn if things had been different.) (But then Bunn wouldn’t get to be so sassy later on and that would be a tremendous loss.)
Also: Gun 🤬🤬🤬
Bunn’s conversation with Jane hits so differently knowing everything that’s happened / is about to happen at this point. “She’s my student... Yet I couldn’t even help her a little bit.” And The Little Mermaid! “She died. She died for love. [...] Can’t there be a better ending?” Jaaane 😭 You fought so hard for that better ending 😭
And then Jane remembering Natty in the classroom 😭
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Personal headcanon: Tan doesn’t recognize Bunn just then, but something about him is familiar. He steals several looks at him from afar at the club, but it’s only later, when he’s got Bunn in his arms, that everything suddenly clicks and he has that “Oh.” moment.
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And what kind of fun do you have in mind exactly, Inspector M? Mmmh?
Ugh. That drink looks disgusting.
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Uuugh I love the whole aesthetic of the scene but I especially love that shot. The way they’re framed, Tan’s hand against Bunn’s back... 
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This! This is the “Oh.” moment!
THE K I S S ! ! !
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Can’t believe the fucking CHEMISTRY between those two. DAMN.
(I may or may not have just rewatched that scene alone more than once. Or twice. Or—)
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Also adding this to my “M had a thing for Bunn at the beginning” headcanon:
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BTW that was a totally gratuitous shot of Tul Pakorn and I, for one, am very grateful to the director of MoD for it.
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PUED 🤬🤬🤬
Can’t believe I ever thought he was innocent / that the signs pointing to his guilt were red herrings.
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Another one of my favorite shots from MoD: Bunn literally walking into the belly of the beast.
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OMG Oat giving it his all in the dance scene with his dress and his flower crown <333
The way Tan teases Bunn about drinking 😂
And then the way he slowly approaches him to remove the petal from his hair... NGL, it still gave me flutters.
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Can’t help thinking about Jane sitting alone at the table with her abusers at the same moment though 😭😭😭
Damn those punches are even more satisfying to watch now.
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Uuugh I can feel my heart breaking 😭
“You will know the truth soon.”  😭😭😭
Aww I had forgotten about Bunn thinking about Tan (and the possible relationship between Tan and Jane) just before going to sleep. He’s already got it so baaad~
You know how when you rewatch something you hope against hope that things are going to turn out differently this time around? Yeah...
Let’s just imagine Bunn going to that restaurant with Jane and asking her questions about Tan, and Jane seeing through it right away and reassuring him that there’s nothing between her and Tan, and then the three of them standing together to take down Viangpha Mork’s trafficking ring... Just, Jane remaining alive and getting justice.
Understanding dawning on Bunn as he walks into Jane’s bedroom... And then the discovery of her body... Uugh.
AAAND SCENE! Can’t believe I managed to watch MoD week after week and survive those cliffhangers.
Bonus scene: Aww, poor Oat <3 And still he’s gonna help Bunn in the end!
Can’t wait to rewatch episode 2 tomorrow!!!
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ I’m A Sap For You ]
  ↳ March 2018
       ↳ Yeosu and Johnny eat dinner. They talk about their exes. Johnny makes a promise to Yeosu.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yeosu is the member of BTS least likely to have an emotional breakdown because she knows how to handle her emotions. She’s not afraid to talk about how she’s feeling. She’s not afraid to admit she doesn’t know how she’s feeling. She’s not afraid to ask for help or for a shoulder to lean on, even if she doesn’t need it very often. But something she is afraid of? Trusting someone wholly and that person breaking her heart.
Yeosu and Johnny have been dating for nearly three months. Yeosu really likes Johnny. She... loves him? But that’s literally terrifying to her because she’s loved other people before and it hasn’t ended well. Trusting someone with her heart is terrifying because they can choose to break it. And people have chosen to break hers.
Yeosu has always been kindhearted, caring a little too much about others, and while most people are kind in return, a few have taken advantage of her. She could close herself off, never allow anyone else to even get close to her heart to avoid being hurt again. And yet she allows herself to be open to that vulnerability constantly. For her, feeling pain is better than feeling nothing because the good outweighs the bad. But with Johnny, it’s a different vulnerability she’s opening herself up to.
And it’s terrifying.
Yeosu looks up at Johnny across the table. They sit at Yeosu’s kitchen table across from one another, chicken alfredo on either of their plates. More often than not, the two will have dates in Yeosu’s apartment where, each time, Yeosu makes a new dish. Johnny has a habit of showing up too early so he can help her cook, which usually includes actually helping but will occasionally mean just bothering her as she tries to cook.
“Have you ever had a girlfriend before?”
“Yeah,” Johnny shrugs, “I know it’s an American thing to not think of all relationship as super serious but they really weren’t. There was a girl named Kayla in middle school. We dated for a week.”
Yeosu laughs, “Does that even count?”
“I don’t know, you asked,” Johnny teases. “I had a girlfriend in first grade named Isabelle.”
Yeosu kicks Johnny under the table lightly, “I’m being serious.”
Johnny laughs, “Okay, okay. In high school, there was Lizzie. We dated for eight months when we were fourteen. Then I started dating a girl named Danielle a few months later. We dated for a little over a year. And... Jocelyn in 2012, but I was training at that point so it was long distance. She broke up with me after five months and started dating some guy named Darin a week later.”
“Americans,” Yeosu rolls her eyes.
Johnny laughs, “What about you? Am I your first time?”
“You literally could have phrased that any other way and it would have been better.”
“Bold of you to assume that’s not why I said it that way.”
“If you must know,” Yeosu sighs, “You’re not my first boyfriend.”
“Ooh, scandalous. Bae Yeosu has dated before? Do tell.”
“Um, okay, well, boyfriend number one was named Ryubin and-“
“Wait, Ryubin like the name of the friend I supposedly am?”
“Ryubin was the name I gave Yoongi so he wouldn’t murder you the second you came offstage from performing at the Golden Disc Awards. Whenever it comes up, I usually tell them I’m going to hang out with some random name of a friend that they’ve heard me mention before.”
“Speaking of which, when are you going to tell your members-“
“Do you want to know who I dated or are you going to keep interrupting me?”
“Sorry. I’ll shut up now. Please continue.”
Yeosu glares at Johnny playfully then continues, “Anyway, I dated Ryubin when I was a freshman in high school, so... sixteen or so. We dated for about six months when he broke up with me. Apparently, I was ‘boring’ and ‘too much like his mom’ and he told me he’d been cheating on me for a month. I had confessed to him and it just always felt like he never actually had any interest in me.”
“He sound like an asshole.”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“I mean it. Like, major asshole.”
Yeosu laughs.
“I’m just glad it wasn’t anything worse than that.”
“Oh, we’re getting there.”
“There’s another one?” Johnny asks possessively.
“You had five girlfriends!”
“The first grade one does not count!”
“Okay, sure. But yes, there is another one and he’s even more of an asshole.”
“Why do the best girls always have the worst track records with guys?”
“I don’t know, bad judgement?”
“Okay.” Johnny breathes out and lays his hands flat on the table, “Lay it on me.”
“So, boyfriend number two was named Chan. I met him in college. He’d gone to the same high school as me and approached me in a class we shared and was all ‘I’ve always had a thing for you’ and he was cute so I gave him a shot. We started dating and became official. It all went really fast and I fell really hard. He was so bad for me but he always knew just what to say to make me not leave. I trusted him fully and I was in so deep. Then I walked in on him and my friend.
“It... really messed me up. I’d put everything I’d had into him and it’s like he didn’t even care. He made it so hard for me to trust people again. I went to therapy for a little while training and I got over him eventually but it just hurts to think about it. And I know I’ve been kind of hesitant to commit to our relationship and to you and... I wanted you to know why. It’s not you; it’s just... hard to trust someone like that again. I want to. It’s just hard.”
Johnny doesn’t respond right away and Yeosu keeps her eyes on her pasta after she finished. Wordlessly, he sets his fork down and stands. She knows he wouldn’t, but she thinks that he’s just going to walk out. But of course he doesn’t. He walks around the table and kneels on the ground beside Yeosu’s chair.
“I know this is where I’m supposed to be like ‘you can trust me’ but those words won’t mean anything,” Johnny finally says.
Yeosu looks at him, confused.
“But I’ll prove it to you.” He takes her hand before he continues, “I want you to be able to trust me fully, so I’ll treat like royalty. Not because of your pop star status or whatever but because you are the most amazing, selfless, kind, beautiful woman I have ever met. You are my queen and I will stay loyal to you until you tell me to go.”
He kisses her hand and Yeosu’s heart flutters. She tugs Johnny’s hand toward her and leans down, kissing him properly. They part slowly, staying close enough that their noses brush one another’s.
“I never want you to go,” Yeosu says softly.
“Then I’ll stay by your side.”
Johnny pushes himself up to kiss Yeosu again but she cuts him off before he can.
“I love you.”
The apartment is dead silent for a moment.
When Yeosu risks opening her eyes to look at Johnny, her boyfriend is grinning from ear to ear. He pushes himself up further so he can kiss her again, getting to his feet and pulling Yeosu up with him.
“I love you,” he says against her lips in the midst of kissing her.
Yeosu laughs.
He kisses the corner of her mouth, “I love you.” Her cheek, “I love you.” Her jaw, her chin, her other cheek, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“Oh my god, stop!” Yeosu whines while trying to push him away, her uncontrollable grin giving way to her true feelings.
“Never!” Johnny says, kissing her nose then her lips. “I love you, I love you.”
“You’re such a sap!” Yeosu protests, attempting to push him away when he starts pecking her neck.
He rights himself and looks at her, “I’m a sap for you.”
“Uuugh,” she groans loudly, “You’re so cringey.”
“Anything for my queen.”
“What? Would you prefer goddess divine?”
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