#uwah;;;; i
werewolf-artfriend · 2 years
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their cuteness
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tianhai03 · 3 years
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happy 20th anniversary, devil may cry!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 can't believe it's been so long already...
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Hi there! Love your work! Your edits are amazing!! I have a question; what flowers did you use for each Fairy Gala edit you made? I'm curious to know if you chose a specific flower for each boi to represent them~
Hi there lovely one,
Thank you so much I'm truly glad you think so!
Ah what a good question, yes I actually tried "something" while trying to make something aesthetically pleasing~
Sorry for my bad english....I'll try to explain.....
Malleus Draconia
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White roses: Do I need to really explain why roses..... Being part of "the twisted version of Sleeping beauty". And thorns go with roses and vice versa. Kind of cliché but I couldn't consider any other flowers for our so perfect dragon fairy (that fangirl inside me is screaming). Hm hmm.... well white rose represents pure love, pure feeling, soft emotion and some kind of shyness.
Thorns: As the next king of the Briar Valley (Valley of Thorns), I guess thorns pattern are related to the royal family. Also it's the very essence of (my favorite disney character ever) Maleficent's vibes! As for the meaning of it: actually it has multiple meaning but I'll give more details about it with others design I did. But thorns mean benevolent protection and in my country ironically it repulses thunders (minus with potatoes lol).
Vil Schoenheit
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Vines: I'll be very honnest I chose it for being so supaaahhh asthetically pleasing, at first.... But vines mean strong bond, it was used as wedding seal in some old fashion folklore and it's still know as something strong and "beautifully" looking~
Wisteria (Glycine): In my country I don't know around the world (or maybe it's just a fact in my family hn) but it's considered the most elegant flowers among others! The flower means tender friendship, I'm sorry but can we all just remember our Evil Queen (as the best mommy vibes ever) in the 6th arc. so perfect~ Also fun fact but wisteria's seeds are poisonous but not the plant and flowers which grew out of it...... Isn't it the perfect image of Vil related to The Evil Queen himself~
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilium (Lys): Yes he should have hair ornament at first but I wasn't very sure about it~ Anyway it's literrally his name, I was meant to give him that sort of flowers. Liliums do also have various meaning:
-white lilium means purity, noblesse and devotion, also maternity and having faith and in certain extent mourning (please spare us during arc 7)
-pink red one means love, passion also giving those to someone means "come and get your love if you're able to, love me, love me it'll be fun to watch" ....litterally ... (I don't understand ...he's not at all a troll on some point... that fairy)
Also speaking of bouquet lilium goes perfectly with rose~
Thorns and wild berries: Same as Malleus, Lilia being a famous General in their country and being devoted to the royal family, I can only imagine him wearing those patterns! Thorns and wild berries also have numerous meaning:
-in past Greece it was considered as "Titan Blood", despite being able to go through, it would leave some stains no matter what (the famous war General back then), it could also means "envy" (related to Maleficent tragic story it could fit).
-it was also used back then to scarred children to not leave the road to eat those looking delicious berries as some mothers would tell them it's poisonous! Temptation is never good and children shoudn't be attracted and gave their trust easily. It's also related to injustice as thorns get grips on everything never letting go! Very heavy meaning to those related to Briar Valley.
Azul Ashengrotto
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Magnolia: In my head....only in my head but when they bloom...they're looking like some octo tentacles..... The texture of them are also veryyyy squishy...(I'm out please leave my brain alone). It does exist flowers growing under water and in the sea, but bringing them back to the surface they would suffer the" unfair" injustice of our great "blob fish"!!! Anyway magnolia mean fidelity and respect (signs his contract first please....), it could also mean beauty as our crybaby fought very hard to have his glow up growing up (pat pat good job)~
Sebek Zigvolt
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Mimosa: I give "our waka-sama fanboy bodyguard whatever you want" mimosa! Yes you'll be able to see his design more later! Mimosa are very solar, the meaning is tenderness, elegance, magnificense, loyal friendship and security! Also some kind of tender feeling towards our elders. And it smeelllllls so good that our croco boy would attract any fairies to brag about Malleus for hours!
Also the fairy gala event got two categories for me:
the sun related one Leona, Kalim, Ace and Ortho
the moon related one Jamil, Ruggie, Silver and Jack
According to the traditional related meaning of the sun and the moon (masculine, feminine bla bla you know the good stuff), I also tried to fit my design in the same vibes. I gave them flowers related to moon or sun energy~
Phewww such a long post sorry for my bad grammatical sentences and so on, hope I did answer your question!
Again thanks for asking~
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radarchives · 2 years
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hools · 2 years
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t4tails · 2 years
Yknow that chart that's like girls who say uwah!!!! girls who say tch.... boys who say uwah!!!! and boys who say tch.... ("yknow" being rhetorical because you made the post about it) I feel like tails transcends that chart in the sense tha he is every square at once. Girl and boy who says uwah!! AND girl and boy who days tch.. . Tails is both.
youre one of the only people that truly understand him. tails is a boy who yells out kyaaahhh!! when sonic startles him in his lab and shes a girl who mutters tsk.... after being apologized to
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shounenaiheaven · 3 years
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sm-baby · 2 years
The Blaire Witch
Mmm little ficlet... I miss Lawrence so much... Finna make Lawrence and Witch doodles in the morning<3
Word Count: 4, 084 words, 22,435 characters
A little fast paced but ayyeee, Im vibin ~w~ just more brainrot for me that I wanna put out there and I wanna put into practice, very much for fun and wasn't the more editted!
Havvee funnn imma go sleep now 😴
The grounds of the Athena battlefield weren't the most peaceful in western Europe. A war-filled wasteland, smoke and blood polluted the land. The sky was covered in gray. Planted bombs and mines activating one after the other the more the battlefield worsened. Soldiers dying for what they lived for, witches trying to keep them alive, ravagers trampling homes and sectors, taking captive the enemy healers for forced resources.
The screams and orders of dying soldiers filled the air, some slowly passing after healers failed to see them. Some died from a complete freeze response, shell shock filling their eyes and blurred their ears; they barely processed the arrows in their stomach seconds away from killing them. Normally stoic soldiers hugging their men goodbye on their last breath; one last cry of sentiment that will never be heard. The loneliness, the anger, the desperacy, your passion for a cause meant to kill you. Your will to live returning seconds before death. Your story that you know will never be told. All the love and compassion you have for your cause or the people with you bottled down and objectified to a statistic.
No one was safe from the trauma of war. Everything was unpredictable. Ones who came out as brave heroes in the last fight, might have been the first to die in the next.
The spies, the traitors, the sabotage, the ones who you think you could trust… You would do anything in your power to stay alive. But no living being could make it without a piece of them dying.
Yet, somehow, amongst the midst of it all, the lady Athena seemed to lose all the survival instincts of one who's been alive. Even after being told to take cover by her most trusted ally, she stood idly by as lives lost their light. Eyes wide open, almost like she was taking everything in. The mortality, the life. She felt alive. In the most terrifying way possible.
"Athena!" Yelled the General under the shields of a foxhole, refilling his crossbow.
No response.
"ATHENA!" He exclaimed! He wanted her to get down, to take cover, he was aware of how weak her body was! But after the total silence, the quiet, the lack of snark or plan, he came to his own conclusion.
The woman he was with turned to him slowly, eyes empty yet filled all at the same time. She seemed speechless, the way she turned to him felt mindless and dazed, and she looked like she lost control of every part of her body.
The general knew that look in her eyes. He's seen it time and time again with his own men and himself. The trauma, the full stop their body reverts to. He was furious at how irresponsible she was being, but he couldn't get too angry at her.
He completely pulled her down shortly after her hesitation. The woman was lucky no aim damaged her during her little stunt. But her daze still seemed to have stayed even after being tackled into the hole.
" God damn it!" The general cursed under his breath trying to stay calm. His partner was in no state to fight for the time being. It was up to him to carry both of them in the meanwhile.
Now with his newly refilled bow, he perched himself back up against the foxhole to continue defense, but for a split second, at the corner of his eyes, the woman who had suspect to be in complete and utter shell shock, sat loosely in the hole, her body fully relaxed and taking in the sounds of the environment. She smiled in a way that the illager didn't recognize. It was common for soldiers to be manic during shell shock, but she looked so calm that it confused him.
The general didn't ask questions, because in a split second, he was already back to his battle. Everyone grieves differently. And he didn't have a reason to question hers.
It had been two weeks or so since the two generals made it back home, and it had been a few nights since the last battle.
Athena seemed to have completely lost her head during that time. She completely lost control of her staff, had forgotten the sign language of war, and the spells she could conjure, even the way she walked and talked to her people was strange. She seemed to be a lot more unsure of herself and vague with how she spoke, even if it's not seen by passer bys at first.
The longer she's been home though, the more it felt like she was …back to normal. She had been talking normally, walking normally, laughing normally… For all the soldiers know she was acting strange for a short amount of time before recovering.
The General, however, knew better.
She may have been acting like herself again, but there was something about her that didn't feel like her.
From an outside view, She hasn't been making the effort to touch anyone. her remarks and jokes, sure, executed in her voice, are ones she normally wouldn't make. She never sent any letters or kept the ones sent to her.
At a personal level, She had been distant with one who she would call her friend. She had no filter when speaking to the general, never correcting herself, no understanding of his triggers, his cues, and never used his name ever since he came back.
This Erma wasn't as clingy as she used to be. Instead of hugs, calming shoulder touches, headpats, and hand squeezing, he got compliments, smiles, and declarations of greatness. She would flirt, but this time it didn't feel like she didn't mean it. The general would usually take those as jokes to her sarcasm but this time it didn't end with her laughing or taking it back…
It was just at the dead of night, a few weeks after the incident on the battlefield. Most of their soldiers had already fully healed thanks to their allied witches. The soldiers were each finishing their scraps of dinner, taking lines to clean their plate in the local sinks, as some spoke to their fellow men and women.
The Athena witches had been teaching the soldiers how to keep morale up in times of war, some experienced the culture shock of the other having too much or too little freedom. Either way, they have made quite a bit of progress as a sector, witches are a one of a kind infectious ally.
They taught the soldiers to dance, and sing, and play games that didn't waste too much energy, and it helped. The soldiers themselves have been dangerously attached to their fellow men, but their trust towards eachother got stronger because of it. And maybe, perhaps, it encouraged their will to live for another war.
The witches practically hosted the dining tables outside that night. They clanged their plates and made instruments with the tables.
" I don't know what I've been told!"
" I don't know what I've been told! "
sang their rhymes, shared their culture and listened to theirs!
" Boy, marines are mighty bold!"
" Boy, marines are mighty bold! "
The soldiers cheered and were encouraged to let their beasts out not just with anger. They partied, they gathered, they celebrated a win.
This behavior has been allowed by the General for quite awhile now. After a long while of convincing by his dear friend, he noticed how much happier his men were starting to be. He can hear the cheering and parties from the 2nd floor of the mansion. He took a short look from the window and saw them putting up the outside tables to gather around each other. It was a sense of community he never had when he was their age. And he was relieved he didn't ruin them beyond repair.
He walked the hallways of the second floor. This was the part of the mansion where his and Erma's rooms were. They have been a little distant these past few days. They haven't had an intimate conversation for a while, and ever since the incident on the battlefield, he wanted to check up on her.
The walk through the hallway was quiet, the laughter from the outside was slightly muffled, while the sounds of his shoes stayed silent against the hardwood floor.
He just thought about what he wanted to talk about with her. She has been there for him in his episodes of shock, he sure as hell wanted to be there for her. But even then, he wanted to ask what she had been doing, why she was acting strange, that she could talk to him.
He… missed her… and he wanted to make that clear.
" Blaire?" He opened the door to her room, wanting to speak, but was later baffled by the confusing sight before him.
The room was littered with her letters scattered everywhere, the ones she would keep treasured in their little boxes were pulled out and thrown to the side. Her journal on the table wide open as well! The room-- was a mess! He knew his friend wasn't the most fond of cleaning, but she knew better than to leave the place like that! She always wanted to set a good example to her people! What was this??
In his search to find answers he only found more questions. Questions that he could no longer take unanswered. As her friend and closest ally, he didn't like the secrets that she's keeping from him.
He walked down the mansion stairs. If she wasn't in her room already, perhaps she was still outside.
Flush~! The witch walked outside the bathroom stall. The unisex rest room for the soldiers, was surprisingly clean for who the users were. She does remember a weekly general cleaning that takes place for the soldiers to encourage proper hygiene, but still. She, as second in command, didn't have to participate in those ordeals other than her own room. A grand honor truly.
She chuckled mentally. She didn't know where this little attitude came from, but it felt right to who she wanted to be. Looking at the mirror, The way she learned to droop her eyelids down in a relaxed or seductive way made her feel calm yet confident about herself, like a woman wearing heels. She can very easily go back to old habits, the bug eyed look she and her mates had that felt more comfortable, but it's easily seen as out of place by the strangers around her; she's reverted to using it when she was alone.
The body wasn't too bad either, good curves, charming freckles, beautiful lavender eyes, no wonder everyone expected utter confidence from her. She felt confident. This was a version of her that she loved.
Her stay in the mortal world had been incredibly curious so far and she loved every part of it. The soldiers were curious about her and her companion when they came back home, which first started the questioning about how strangely she acted. The general however, shut down any sort of gossip as they both just came out of a traumatizing experience. But other than that, the people were fine. The illagers, though passive, welcome her like she's the life of the party. The witches speak to her like she was any other friend. Yet there was a clear respect on both sides.
It wasn't all the positives that she loved however. A few days ago? The moment she felt sand on her feet or dirty soil? The way she coughed and felt sick when she inhaled the pollution? The adrenaline she felt when danger came? She would not trade it for the world.
Even on the battlefield, it was exhilarating! The screaming, the death, the blood! The reminder of mortality! The emotions the wasteland made her feel! Negative or positive, it was painful but she loved it! She was alive! God, she was alive! And that day truly emphasised it in her head that it paralyzed her!
She was still riding the high to the day! She was still processing what she could do! She is still learning and loving the thought that one day the high is going to wear out, and the effects of the battlefield might actually eat at her! What a time to be alive!
She felt herself bite her lip as she gripped the sides of the sink. That man who was with her in that hole. She didn't know what to do with him. It didn't take a genius to understand that he and that witch were close. But she knew nothing about how to act towards him. The best possible move is to grow distant, leave him to his own devices, slowly break apart the bond between him and what he thought was his friend. No witness, no suspicions. But despite that…
She loved how much he's grown on her.
He made her feel the most accepted and comfortable in the whole entire camp. He spoke softly to her when she was in distress, and protected her in the battlefield. He made her feel all the positives that came with living, and it was sort of addicting. How could she not praise a man like that? How could she stop herself from telling him how he made her feel? She was a fool. She was a fool and she loved it.
" Blaire" he called her. Her person seemed to go by many names. "Erma" from the villager they came home with, "Athena" by the soldiers, "Lavender" by the letters she's read… and… " Blaire" by the captain.
The lip bite softened to a smile. How sweet. How special. Her last name. And he never uses it when they are around anyone else. Oh, she felt special. And it felt like a great disconnect to what everyone else called her. He was the only one to call her this. She was not Erma. She was Blaire.
" Blaire!"
She flinched and turned to the voice at the entrance.
" There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."
" Oh! Captain! " She stuttered, embarrassed, and gathered herself up again. " Oh sorry, did I worry you?" She clicked her teeth and started speed walking to the entrance. She didn't know if she could handle a conversation with this man at the moment, she felt like she was a little out of her element that night. " I'll go to my room immediately."
But just then. He blocked the entrance with his arms to stop her. " I do need to talk to you. "
" Oh, this is no place to speak, captain!"
" I know. Wait for me in your room. I'll join you soon. " She just always managed to slip away when he wanted to talk to her about something, and he at least wanted to get a word out.
The witch mentally sucked in air through her teeth. GREAT. She has no excuses when they're in private! What does she do NOW. And this didn't seem like he takes no for an answer either. "Yes. That sounds. Great." She said with a forced smile.
Lawrence sighed, happy that she said yes. By then he already cleared the entrance for her to walk out. He would gladly give her the time that she needed if she wasn't ready, but her saying yes must mean she was doing better. " Alright. I haven't been able to talk with you one-on-one and I… miss you." He whispered to her.
That sent shivers down the witch's spine! He had that voice again that made her feel safe...She could feel her body melt just by hearing it, she barely noticed that her mask was breaking.
" Blaire?"
" Huh? What?" She said coming back to her senses "Yes! Yes. I will see you there." She walked past him and started speed walking through the hallway " U-uh! T-Take your time! I need a moment.. to... do-- Woman! Things!" She laughed nervously and started walking faster.
Lawrence sighed at her acting strange again. He really didn't like the fact that she was hiding things from him.
While alone in her room, The false Athena hastily gathered up all the letters she had been analyzing for the past few days. She wanted to know how Erma was like around people. From what she gathered, she seemed witty, smart, quick and capable, but her look-a-like was a little unqualified to pull that off… She's only been alive for a few weeks! She couldn't possibly replicate someone so perfectly like that! She did so much and she's still not done! What else could she possibly look through??
Erma seemed to keep her letters organized no matter how old they were. She had three boxes worth of letters from one named "Shells" with its color being green, "Cath" being blue, and " Papa" being red, with a drawn heart at the end of the name. Everyone else seemed to be in one big box.
The witch didn't care which letter came to which box however. She simply just shoved whatever letter to whatever box, not even caring if she made creases. It's not like it mattered, she wasn't planning on contacting anyone any time soon.
She flinched at the sound of the knock on her door and the creek coming from it. This led her to just messily shove random letters in one box and throw it inside the closet!
" YES???" She said leaning on the closet door, acting as if she didn't just completely invade someone's privacy.
" Oh good, you're here." The captain walked in closing the door behind him. He looked at her again just noticing the stance she was in " What are you doing?"
" NOTHING." She laughed.
the captain sighed at her response. Things feel a little different now that he was sure she was keeping secrets from him.
Silence filled the room for just a few moments. The witch didn't know why the captain was here and Lawrence didn't know how to start the conversation either. What could he even say? His heart was a little heavy; he felt like he was holding his breath!
" Erma-"
She mentally flinched at being called that. She hated it, she hated it so much. "Blaire." The witch interrupted him. "Call me Blaire."
Lawrence looked up at her strangely. He rarely called her by her first name, but he would think she would appreciate it if he did! " What?"
" I'm just not used to you calling me by my first name." She looked at him normally, shrugging. As if she was trying to play it off.
This… worsened the thought that she was lying to him. He can't help but think she was hiding something from him even at that small exchange! This brought more questions to his head and it distressed him! He didn't like feeling unsure when he was with her!
"… Did I do something wrong??" He blurted out, like a breath that he held on to for too long. He thought he might as well have said it outright, the atmosphere was unbearable!
The witch was a little stunned at first! That was not a question she expected a man like him to ask! " What?" He looked like a hard man, why would he ask something so vulnerable??
The captain started pacing around the room trying to find his head. His hands momentarily shake, to self-stimulate and help him think. "You're the one who told me that I should communicate with you, and you like it when I communicate with you- but now- you're not talking to me." He said, looking at her with the most confused look in his eye. "I'm new to this and I feel like I did something to you that's making you distant from me. "
Expected or not, it pained her to see the man blame himself! She saw the distress in his voice and wanted to take it all away in an instant! " Captain! Of course not, you did absolutely nothing wrong!" She had the instinct to move closer to him to-- comfort him?? To reassure him??
"Then why have you been acting so strange?" He asked. " I saw your room earlier, everything was scattered about. What was that then? "
The witch fell silent. He saw her room. She was a fool, how many tracks did she leave wide open??
She hadn't noticed how her arms wrapped around herself, and the way she progressively lost eye contact. She was stunned in a way where she was terrified. Now that was a direct question that she can't answer, though she wished she could. She wished she could tell him everything that she felt, but she knew that would happen if she did. No one would be happy in that situation.
"…Captain, everything that I'm doing right now is for the sake of you and me. " She said softly. Her voice got quiet and hesitant. " I don't want to lose you because you might learn something you're not allowed to know."
Lawrence looked at her, now worried. He felt the protective bone in his body after seeing her wrapping her arms around herself. She looked distressed and that..wasn't what he was here for. Was it really that important that he shouldn't know? " …It's for a mission, isn't it? Am I not allowed to know about it?"
" I don't know what…" she cut herself off. " Yes. Yes, it is."
Lawrence sighed in an almost relieved way. If only he had known…it was so like Erma to protect him like that… "Is that what it was this whole time…" he took a deep breath and tried to straighten himself again. His friend seemed distressed and he didn't want to add to it. " Alright. If it's for the sake of a mission I won't ask for more. But can you at least tell me how you're doing? "
And as if she hadn't noticed, she leaned into him and held both his hands together with hers. " I am… the happiest I have ever been, captain.." she said softly with a smile. The eye contact she made was direct and warm, soft, but nothing like how they would look when she tried to act like Erma. " You made this so easy for me and I could not ask for anything else."
Lawrence went silent, looking back down at her, eyes filled with sympathy, and guilt. His friend must be going through so much… if only he could help her. She sounded like she was in pain keeping these things from him.
She didn't know why, but she had a strong instinct to press their noses together in the most tender way. Her eyes trailed their way to his lips, which then she slowly leaned in and close her eyes… before Lawrence pulled her in to completely wrap his arms around her.
He buried his head on her shoulder as if not wanting to let her go, wanting to protect her and keep her safe. She was the closest he's ever been to anyone in… his lifetime and he didn't want it to change, so he trusted her little plan for the time being. His grip was tight and protective. This man really missed his friend.
The witch was completely startled by the hug, but she didn't at all complain. She didn't know what came over her just now, but this was just as lovely to have. His body was as warm as thought it was, and it almost felt like his heart and Erma's, the body she inhabitted, beat in sinc. This was an amazing experience to her… it wasn't exhilarating, it didn't make her excited, but it kept her calm. And it felt warm.
"You're so brave, you know that? "
Blaire, wordlessly, wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't pretend to be modest. She really was brave for pulling these foolish little stunts. She only chuckled and nodded her head, which Lawrence felt in the hug.
"That's all I really wanted to ask." Lawrence's grip calmed down. " I'll come to you if I have more questions, but it's getting late and I'm losing enough sleep already. " He sighed and tried to pull away, but was quickly brought back into the hug from the emotional false witch.
"No.... no, just a little longer. "
That was funny... He gladly accepted the hug again for a longer few minutes. Finally, after so long, his friend craving touch again.
There's his Erma...
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi good afternoon!!! take care of yourself, if you see this! <3
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muthaz-rapapa · 2 years
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DeliPa Pre ~ Ep 6 Food Shots
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aquapede · 4 years
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thinkin about thos snax!!!!!
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Did not know griskall was something i needed in my life... how does your writing always make me fall in love with new tropes/characters/pairings! You're like magic <3
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hol d on. i will Cry at you
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fluttershiesworld · 2 years
don’t want to cancel dinner plans with friends vs i have literally no spoons rn and ow
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moonslinger130 · 3 years
i think about “we are moon knight and we never needed you” every single day of my life btw
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pastel-rights · 2 years
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
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Just wanted to show my appreciation for your work, so have a quick coloured sketch
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