#uwuthatshit 💓
eyelessdoll-y · 3 years
God knows how much @uwuthatshit ask me for this drawing of Kanato in a style inspired by Lady Dimitrescu of Resident Evil 8!!! ❤️❤️😭😭😭
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I just did in the same outfit of our beauty Lady D, different from what asked me kkkk but i'm kind of full schedule and haven't had time to even be creative soooo I think it's good, no ??
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Please... say yes... say... say princess... yes... say yes... hmm!?
Joke!!! Kkkkk kiss my beautiful, your late birthday present! (and my gift also hihi) I LOVED to draw this!! Hugs and kisses on youur pretty bby cheek muac mnn!!!! 🤗💋💕💕
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Kanato has no boobs like Lady D and seems not very happy 😳☝🏻 I LOVED IT SO MUCH I EVEN MADE A GIF!! I'M SO INSPIRED BY THE LAST FEW DAYS
Dont repost!! Only like and reblog!
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
The Second Bride in the Sakamaki Household: Chapter Two
"Excuse me, Kanato? Why are you in my room?” 
Kanato stood on my balcony, facing away from me. The soft breeze of the night held a sharp piercing bite, like the razor edge of a knife. It was freezing cold, despite it being the middle of spring. 
A burst of wind caught me off guard, and I yelped as I was forced back a few steps away from him. It hurt, as if someone pushed me away from him. My cheeks stung, and they felt red. 
It was late, too late.
 The moon was all the way up in the sky. I awoke and saw him standing there, In my room, without any permission. If any man had done so, I would have screamed and ran. I would've told my Mama, Papa. Anyone nearby. Ran away. Pushed him out the door. Out of the balcony, perhaps, if I was desperate enough.
 But Mama and Papa were dead. Nobody was nearby. I would never actually harm somebody in that way, especially not Kanato. I was an 18 year old woman. Surely I had enough decency to not resort to violence. 
But... this was Kanato in my room. And for some reason, I doubted anything I would’ve tried would have stopped him and his advancements. He crept in my mind like an invasive vine, creeping into my thoughts, desires, and dreams like the Devil to Eve. 
Was this the book of Genesis, in my own story? Was this the beginning of something amazing? I didn’t know. I wished I had brought a bible with me to the new estate. I’m sure I could find one in the Library, after I got Kanato to leave. 
But Kanato never came close to me. He, shockingly, never attempted to talk to me. He just stood outside my balcony, clutching the handrails with a fierce grip. His pale hands were blatantly white and red. I wondered with pity if he was cold. He seemed to be shuddering on occasion, and I felt bad for him. He seemed to be in pain. I wanted to help him, but there was nothing I could do. Not until I knew what was wrong. 
I had been asking him the same question over and over and over again. He never would respond. It was odd. Concerning. Frustrating. If I had ever done something like this with Papa, I would have been in deep trouble. I wouldn’t have been able to have dessert for a week. It was rude to ignore one speaking with you. 
I started to walk to him, and tried again. Yet, no response.
As a young woman, I was taught to be a delicate flower. Walk head held high, back straight, and will like the buffalo. But here, for some odd reason, I started to lose my patience.   
“Kanato, What do you WANT from me?! Why are you here?” If Mama heard me yell, she would have scolded me. Sat me down, made me a cup of tea. Held me in her warm arms. Asked me what was wrong. It brought bitter tears to my eyes. It’s no use thinking of her. Mama was dead. 
Kanato didn’t turn around yet. He stood there, laughing quietly. It added a manic edge to him. His shoulders shook. Whether it was from the cold or the bitter laughter falling from his lips, I’ll never know. His head lolled back and forth, side to side, like a broken bobblehead. 
“You don’t get it, do you?” 
“Kanato,” I hesitated, taking another step forward,  “Get... W-what?” I was sputtering now. I had a stuttering problem when I was 3. It was adorable, according to my mother. But this stutter was not.. Cute. My teeth were chattering. I was filled with worry.  
“You’ll never get it. How can you? How could you know?” He ended in a whisper. “You’re only a little girl, Alice.”  
I put my hands in front of me as If i was keeping a rabid dog away. As if I was approaching a child having a vicious temper tantrum. I wanted nothing more than to calm him.  “Kanato, It’s rather late. You need to leave my room now, so-” 
“I don’t need to do shit, little girl.” My eyes widened. No man had ever spoken to me in such a manner before. It shocked me, truly, to have someone speak to me so harshly. Papa never swatted his hand at me, never spanked me, never raised his voice with me. He taught me how to treat situations with our mind, to control our anger, and to resolve arguments with words. 
Kanato started laughing. He laughed harder and harder, buckling at his waist and leaning forward, clutching his hips. It was not a laughing filled with joy, no. It was bitter. Filled with hatred. He slowly turned to me and grinned. He laughed harder and harder, more and more… It was sickening. He looked as if he was crying too, although it could have just been a trick of the moonlight. He kept laughing. 
“Mommy,” he gasped, “Mommy help me. MOMMY!” 
He was coughing. 
Black gew was spewing from his mouth, his eyes, his ears. Just like Snow White’s poisoned apple, on the inside. Slowly but surely, he was soon covered in black, the dripping residue smelling of sulfur and rotten roses. It was all over his hands, his chin, his shirt. 
And again, something oddly metallic. Iron? No. 
I attempted to shake the winding bundle of hysteria from my body as I crept closer to him. My legs shook, and my body trembled. It was not just from the cold, no.
 He was terrifying me. 
So this is what it felt like to fear, to feel real fear, true terror. Was he dying, right in front of my eyes? I suppose this was fight or flight I was feeling. I had only heard of it described in books. But.. I didn’t know what to do! Should I run and hide, or run to him and help him? His words crushed my heart. He just wanted his mommy. 
My feet ended up moving of their own accord. I was panicking. 
His black eyes bore into mine. Snarling, once I was in reach, he reached and wrapped his right hand around my throat. I squealed in shock and attempted to scream, kicking and screaming through his hands on me. He was cackling. 
My legs kicked out, in, out, in, around, kick, kick, kick... 
Despite him being mere inches taller than me, he held me up into the air, and hand me dangling on my bare tippy toes across the hardwood floor. His left hand pulled my hair back, his gew stained hands now reaching into my hair. I kicked and flailed with the little strength I had left. 
“K...Kana… No..!” I wheezed, scratching his hands on my throat. He had his jaw set and locked, sneering at me as if I was a cockroach.
“I’ll make it quick. Quit struggling. It’s better this way.” 
 I did the last thing I thought I would ever do. 
God, forgive me!  I swung my leg back and kicked him right in the crotch. 
His grip on my tightened as he roared. 
“Stupid Bitch! You Idiot idiot idiot idiot Doll!” His head was twitching back and forth
 “Fucking SLUT!” If mother heard him, she would have slapped him, no questions asked. 
 I thought I was going to die right then and there from suffocation. He looked like he wanted to snap my neck. 
But no. 
 He threw me across the room with inhuman strength. 
I screamed. 
My back hit the far wall, my head dizzy from lack of oxygen and impact with the wall. I saw white and black dots, my vision was nothing but swirls. 
    I put my hands in front of my face, throat, nose, breasts, flailing arms and violence coughing and wheezing for air. 
I saw nothing. Everything was nothing, and nothing was everything. 
 I flailed around, sobbing, reaching for something to protect me. My knees were crushed into my chest, and I gasped and spewed blood. It hit my cheek, and I started coughing myself. 
“Nonono, no, God, please, no-!” 
 But there was only darkness, only pain, the smell of ichor and blood and iron and rust and roses and death 
and I was losing myself into darkness 
and I begged to God that death would be swift and easy. 
“Alice,” A voice said. I turned my head, hyperventilating. Voices. I was hearing voices now.  Not him again! Not Kanato! 
Wait… Were there voices at the end of the tunnel? 
No… There was no tunnel. The tunnel was said to have light. 
I was… Still in my room.
 Kanato was gone, though. 
But a figure caught my eye. I flinched. 
There was a white rabbit in the corner of my room. He was on his hind legs as he ran to me, gently touching my cheek. He wore a bright blue waistcoat. He was so pretty. 
“It is only a dream. You are asleep. Awaken Alice. Thou meansith no harm.” He wiped the blood from my cheek. He kissed my forehead. 
“Awaken, Alice.”
I gasped and shot up out of bed, panting. There was little light in my room, but I turned the side lamp on as I looked up and saw Reji entering my room. Sweat dripped down my neck, coating me like butter to toast. I brushed the hair out of my face. 
“Oh… It’s just you, Reji,” I panted, “I’m sorry, I-” 
“You overslept.” He snapped, opening the door wider and walking inside. 
“Really, it is your first day at your new school, and you have yet to awaken. I believe I told you to awaken at exactly eight o’clock tonight,” He clicked his tongue, “Such a pity, I had such high expectations for you.” He handed me a garment bag, and said: 
“I ordered three extra sets of uniforms for you for school. There are two skirts, one for spring and one for summer, and one pair of pants for Winter. Please get dressed into your mid-skirt. The Limo leaves in fifteen minutes.” 
Before I could say anything more, he turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him softly.  
I sighed and flopped back onto my pillows. Easy for you to say, you’re used to going to school at night, like some sort of bat. I, however, was not. I rubbed my hands across my eyes and attempted to calm myself down. 
What... in the hell was that? I hadn’t had nightmares since I was a small child. And it was nothing to that extreme. Just black figures, being chased by bears, puppets. I hated puppets. 
I mean, I saw Kanato when I first arrived, three days ago. I haven't spoken with anyone yet. It wasn’t like I saw him much after that, either. Just once again at 2am, night before last, stress baking chocolate chip cookies. He had come down after I finished baking and took a few, ate them with me, and left. We didn’t even speak for Christ’s sake! He just.. Stared at me. 
Maybe that’s what was so unsettling to me. He was lifeless. Like a doll. 
 I reached over and left my covers, taking my uniform into the bathroom with me. Sighing, I used the toilet, brushed my teeth, and put my uniform on. It looked nice on me, I thought, as I gave myself a twirl. I smiled softly. Then I reached over and grabbed my mascara. 
I stared at myself in the mirror. It was still me. I didn’t look beat up. Bruised. Bloodied. I just looked rather pale, and my eyes wide from the nightmare. I pinched my cheeks to give myself more color. I quickly brushed some mascara on my eyelashes. I looked pretty good for a girl who was just beaten, suffocated, and almost killed in her dreams.  I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed it as I walked out of the bathroom. 
A dream. It was just a dream.
At least, that’s what I told myself until I left the bathroom and stared at the corner of my room, leading to the balcony. I dropped the hairbrush. It fell to the floor with a hollow crack. 
A little bit of white fur, and some black stains. 
Walking down the stairs, I went into the Limo. It was a very nice vehicle, I thought, as I pulled my bag in with me. I smiled when I saw Kanato inside, and I went over to sit next to him. 
“Good morning, Kanato,” I smiled, 
“Wait.. Is it good morning, or good night?” I giggled a bit at my own joke. Kanato gave me a very brief smile as he looked away, staring into space. He did this often. He was mostly in his own head for the most part. I wonder what thoughts went through his brain… 
Reji sat next to me, and the boy… Shuu, I think? Sat in the corner, asleep. Another boy, Subabru?  With silver hair was sitting next to Shuu, arms crossed. He looked angry at something. And then, across from me, was a boy in a fedora and a boy with bright red hair. 
The car started moving as soon as I got inside. We left the house and I looked out the window at the beautiful scenery unfolding before me. 
“Oi… Why’dja choose to sit next to the Hysterical one over there?” The boy with red hair complained. He looked annoyed, since his eye twitched. Next to him, on the right side of him, was the boy with a Fedora. He chuckled and grabbed the boy with the red hair by the shoulders. 
“Ahh, now Ayato, the little bitch can choose whoever she wants to sit next to, hmm~?” He smiled at me, but it just felt… gross. Slimy. I shivered. Gross! I pushed my back deeper into the seat, hoping I could disappear into the seat.  
“Shut up Laito, I wanna have a taste of Chichnashi over here!” He scowled, leaning to grab my hand. A taste? Like... ? Was that a sexual innuendo? I frowned. 
“Come over here, Chichnashi, I can make you feel all kinds of pleasure~” 
I Smacked his hand and flushed red. “Excuse you! Who on earth do you think you are, exactly?! Back off, Ayato!!” 
Ayato pulled his hand to his chest, glaring at me. “Oi, the human thinks she’s better than the rest of us, yeah? Cocky little bitch.” My face flushed. Who did they think they were?! 
Laito chuckled and leaned over to me. “Awww, we have a feisty one, don’t we~” He put his hand under my chin and, before I could react, licked my cheek. It smelled like sticky sweet rose petals, rotted to the core. I cringed and gagged, swatting him away. 
“This bitch-chan is so cute, Kanato~! You’d share with us, yeah?” 
I slapped him across the face. The entire car was silent. Kanato wasn’t even paying attention. 
Reji glared at me. “Dolores, that is enough. Please refrain from hitting anyone in the car.” 
I scoffed, “He licked me, like a dog in heat!” I stared at the ground, red as can be, filled with anger. Papa, please help me. Help me from beyond. I’m starting to lose my composure. 
“Ah, Kanato has chosen a good girl to be with, hmmm~?” Laito said, laughing as he adjusted his sitting position. 
“We had all the fun with the last one, Ayato. Let Kanato have some fun now~” 
“Fun,” Ayato scoffed, “She didn’t last more than a few hours with us around! And that was like, a week ago!” 
I didn’t know what to say to that. I wiped tears from my eyes. I minded my own business, reaching into my bag for my book. The car was silent the entire rest of the time to school. Kanato said nothing, along with the two other boys in the back of the limo. 
Once we got to school, I went to my class. I had been so nervous to meet new people, while I was a 4th year and almost done with high school, and didn’t know how to interact with these people. I felt like a simpleton. A girl of my age shouldn’t be a wallflower in her own classroom! But here I was, worried, anxious, and a nervous wreck. 
All the girls had their own groups. Their hair was put into the most popular styles at the time. The boys were waddling, smoking in the corners, laughing loudly. It was too loud for me. 
Nobody came and talked to me. Nobody introduced me. The teacher didn’t even acknowledge me during class. 
I was just… There. I had no introduction from the teacher. I was, essentially, thrown into this situation without warning. There was no one to guide me during class. I was so lost, and too nervous to ask for help. 
I stayed that way until Lunchtime. 
Quiet. Unseen. Alone. 
I went to the roof of the building, coughing and gasping as I tried to stop a panic attack. There was a wall that separated the sides of the roof. I sat on one end alone, and I sipped a bottle of water. Breathe. In, and out. Repeat. 
 Breathe. In, and out. Repeat. 
 Breathe. In, and out. Repeat. 
 Breathe. In, and out. Repeat. 
It wasn’t until I calmed down that I heard a voice singing in the distance, on the other side of the roof. 
“Are you going to Scarborough Fair?” 
I paused. I waddled my way over to the opposite side of the roof, tiptoeing quietly. The voice was so pretty, like an angel. It sounded like… Kanato? 
“Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.” 
I got near the voice and hid behind a wall, trying to keep my breathing even once again. 
“Remember me to one who lives there.” 
 I peeked over the wall, eyeing the figure singing to the long forgotten moon in the sky. 
“She once was a true love of mine~” 
It wasn’t until the figure turned around and stared at me that I realized I said that out loud.
“Oh... Kanato, I’m sorry. I swear I wasn’t stalking you!” I giggled nervously. 
Kanato glared at me, digging his heels into the ground. I walked over to him quickly, and looked up at him. My hands were fiddling in front of me. 
“Uhm… Y-You sing very beautifully,” I said matter of factly, smiling at him, “I really love that song. I haven’t heard it in so long. You made it seem so sad, so longingly-” 
“Shut up,” He said, grabbing my hand roughly “Don't mock me!” 
“Ouch! I’m not, Kanato, jeez..!” I tried to remove my hand from his but he moved it closer to him, to his mouth. My heart stuttered, and I tried to pull away. 
“What are you doing, Kanato?” 
“This is punishment.” 
“W-what?!” Punishment? I’ve never been punished in such a physical manner. What was he going to do, swat my hand? 
“I’m punishing you. For flirting with my brothers earlier, and mocking me right in front of me. If you’re going to be mine, you need to learn how to behave. I like obedient girls, you see. And I cannot stand you talking to those men. It’s disgusting, really.” 
He bit my hand. He bit. My. hand. 
I cried out, and he pushed me into his arms, contorting my arm painfully so he could bite me. 
“Haaah… It's so sweet… you smell so nice..” He hummed into my skin. It felt as if he was giving me a hickey on my hand. It was so, so weird. I trembled under his stare. He looked at me as if I was a piece of meat, nothing but food to him. As if… I was worthless. He was so, so dark. I meant nothing to him. He was evil. He was the snake, and I was Eve. I was paralyzed to the spot. 
 He kissed my red skin and looked down at me with a small smile. “Have you learned your lesson?” 
I hesitated and nodded my head. He smiled and let me go.
“Such a good girl. I do like you, truly.” He kissed my hand and spun away from me, leaving the roof. 
 “Meet me in the kitchen tonight at three, okay Dollie? We’ll bake together this time.” He started to walk away from me, before pausing and turning around. 
“I like you, Dollie. Behave yourself, and I won't have to kill you. You’ll learn quickly enough.” 
I was alone on the roof.  Shakingly, I looked down at my hand for teeth marks. There were only two. Two red marks tainted my skin, parallel to one another. 
Who… No, What…? What was he? And just… 
What the hell was I going to do?  
@saxxuki @pettyval @papuru666main
Hahahahahahahha pain go burrrrrrrrr XD 
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
HI GUYS!!! I give you all: the fanfic of a lifetime!! This is an art trade with @saxxuki . I can’t draw but oh boy, I can try my best to write~ This is my first fanfiction I’ve posted, ever. So… Be nice QwQ Seriously the last time I did this, I was like, 13 XD 
Word Count: 2.1k 
The Scent of Submission 
The sweet smell of saccharine and fresh baked goods filled my nose, enticing me to walk forward, a vampire by my side. 
I was so excited. It had been almost two weeks since I had left the mansion, not counting the long, draining trips to school around the brothers. There were only so many bickering voices I could hear before I started to lose my composure. And the school was monitored by familiars, and… I was filled with anxiety every time I turned the corner. Who would try to drink from me? How would I escape? How would I call him to save me? 
And here I was, with nobody other than my sweet Kanato. There was a fancy Bakery that had opened downtown, said to only take reservations. It was, supposedly, extremely expensive. Everyone was talking about it at school. It was fancy, and I saw posts about it online. People went inside with extremely fancy dresses, well-done hair, and the most fancy makeup. I never thought I would get to go. It seemed like a dream. Fancy, fancy, fancy.
It was a treat, he said, telling me I had been ‘Such a good Doll’ for him since he took an interest in me. It was so surprising.
Even though he asked me to go with him with a sickeningly sweet smile, his hands running up and down my throat,  I couldn’t help but feel as if I was being pulled into some sort of trap. Knowing him, I probably was. Who knows what he truly had planned for tonight? 
I was lost in thought until I felt the hand I was holding onto pull me back sharply. I stopped walking forward, and turned towards him… My Kanato Sakamaki. 
I turned and saw his amethyst eyes bore into mine, his under eyes dripping with darkness... I didn’t know how deep it ran. Who knew when he last slept? 
His lavender veins were anything but human-like. And yet, it was so undeniably attractive. His smile was small and cute, his hair fluffy and disheveled. His childlike appearance hid the monster that truly lied underneath. My monster. 
I was no idiot. I knew it when I first saw him he could break me within an instant, snapping my neck with no remorse. But I played the game along with him, learning how to live with him. I couldn’t help but think of him as mine though. 
“Aww, is my little Dolly so excited to go inside~?” He purred, reaching the hand that was holding mine into my hair, tucking my loose strands back into place. He had done my hair before we left, curling my hair in a way that I never could myself. He did it with such ease too, tying ribbons and hair bows into a gorgeous look that reminded me of Victorian times. I reached and put my hand on his own, slowly intertwining my fingers into his, intentionally attempting to avoid his long, sharp nails. I smiled. 
“Very much so!” I insisted, “It’s been too long since I’ve been alone with you outside of the household and school. Your ignorant brothers make such bad company. They don’t know how to have a good time.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 
“If I had to listen to Reji bickering with Shuu, Reji telling me what to do… Ayato calling me Titless… Or have any of them try to put their hands on me..” I shivered. I looked up at him with puppy eyes. 
“It’s too much to bear, Kanato.. I missed you, I needed to see you alone.. Just the two of us..” 
Too much. I was talking too much, I could get in trouble for that. I bit my lip, looking down. I had to be so careful, you see. Anything could set him off if I wasn’t careful enough. I had started to learn his patterns, his desires, his sense of self. But I still had to tread carefully. 
I was lucky enough to be important to him.  At least, that’s what I told myself. I couldn’t help but yearn for him, in a way I never had before. Not for any man, or any woman. 
“I know, you poor dear, missing me so much… It’s pathetic. Hahaha, you’re so weak to be scared of such men like my brothers as well, you know?~” He took his hand and pulled me in by my waist, pushing me against him, chest to chest. I gasped at the sudden contact. He hummed. 
“It’s very human of you,” He tilted my head up and kissed me on the forehead.
 “Please, behave yourself while we’re inside. Be a good Doll for me, would you? I think she can be good, right, Teddy?” He turned to Teddy, who was wrapped in his left hand. Teddy did not respond. 
I nodded my head, closing my eyes. I felt the ghost of a kiss on my forehead. It hurt and was heavy, sticky like syrup. 
“Good Doll.” He reached and grabbed my hand once more, his nails digging into my flesh. I shivered at the content, but I knew better than to cry out. This was a test, to prove I could handle whatever he threw at me inside. 
“I love the way my dress looks on you..” He whispered in my ear. I flushed lightly. 
Kanato insisted he made a dress especially for me for such a special occasion. The dress fit me snugly at the waist and went all the way down my legs. It looked like black flowers and vines wound their way up my shoulders, holding the dress in place. It was unlike anything I have ever worn before. It was dark and black.
 “Its dark. Just like your soul,” He had whispered earlier as he put it on, licking the back on my neck as he tightened my corset roughly, smiling as I struggled to breathe 
“And as soon as I’m done with you, it’ll be even darker~”  
We entered the establishment. The scent of sweets got even heavier, deeper. There was a quiet chatter of people in the establishment, and the whole place screamed “rich people.” I felt out of place, even though I was next to a child of one of the richest vampire’s in the area. 
The host immediately perked us as he saw us enter. He rushed to grab two menus, babbling incoherently as he took us through the establishment. I felt the stares etch into my back as I walked forward, hand in Kanato’s, back straight. Kanato’s hand briefly left my own as he put his hand behind my neck and squeezed. I bit back a sigh.   
A waiter took us to our seats, in a corner. It was a very private table, far into the establishment, with only one other table in view. There were two men there, and I felt their eyes on me, even as we sat down. Tea was brought to us, before we could even place an order. “For you, Sakamaki Kanato.” The waiter had said, placing two teacups down. He left quickly. 
Kanato turned to me and smiled. It seemed fake, as I could feel the aura around him get darker.  “It’s my absolute favorite tea, you see. It pairs perfectly with the Macaroons.” 
“Have you been here before, Kanato?” I asked as I reached for my cup on the table. 
“Of course I have,” Kanato snapped, reaching to take his own cup for tea, “I’ve been here several times you know. Hold your tongue, would you? Our treats will be here soon. They better not make me wait more than 5 minutes.” 
“Okay,” I said quietly, “I’m sorry, I..” my words died down as I saw his eyes glare at me. What did I do wrong? Why was he so upset?
Kanato grabbed the cup out of my hand, poured the tea, and gave it back to me.
"Drink it." I quietly sipped my tea. It tasted a bit strange, unlike anything I had tasted before,, but good nonetheless. I nodded my head with a smile. "It's good!"
The waiter came back and placed treats on our table, along with a card. He left without saying a thing, sweat dripping down his chin. 
Kanato reached over and put some treats on a plate. “The card tells you the type of sweets on the tray. I ordered only the best sweets in this establishment. They know what I like here, you see.” He bit into a cake, smiling wickedly. 
I nodded quietly, keeping my head down. I reached for a treat at the top of the tray, my mouth watering. They looked so, so good. I could imagine feeling the sweet frosting of the cake on my tongue- 
I felt a sharp pain in my hand. I gasped and launched my hand back, a fork embedded into my skin. My eyes watered, and my heart raced with the adrenalin flowing through my veins. As I pulled my hand back, the fork dislodged from my hand, blood running down my hand.  
“K-Kanato, what the-?!” 
“You didn’t ask permission, Dollie!” He scowled, his anger imminent, “And not to mention that the men here are staring at you, I know you’re doing it on purpose. Shut your mouth, please. You’re ruining the atmosphere. ” 
“D-doing..? Purpose?” I glanced around. Men were staring at me, two of them, in fact. Both at the same table, whispering. 
I could tell when I looked them in the eyes they were not ashamed of looking at me. One of them smirked. I saw a pointy tooth sticking out of his mouth. The other grinned maniacally. His teeth were also sharp, like daggers. 
And now, they were smelling my blood. Oh fuck. 
Looking at them was a mistake. Kanato’s lips started to tremble, holding Teddy closer in his lap. “Y-you dare have the gought to stare at other men in my presence?! What is wrong with you, you Idiot little girl!!” He started to cry softly. His hair started to puff up a bit, and it slowed around him,, like seaweed at the bottom of of ocean.. and I flinched. My breathing quickened.. This only happed when he was very, very upset. (Credit to @papuru666main this is their headcannon)
“I went out of my way to come here, bring you with me, for you to hurt me in this way. You pathetic human, fucking bitch!” He slammed his hand on the table, smashing a macaroon into pieces.
"I aught to fork or spoon your eyes out, punish you with everyone looking. You would like that, wouldn't you? Yo be fucked with and stared at for all men to see? You are only a DOLL after all. As if your voice matters. Why must you disobey me?" He whispered, crying more, his hands going to destroy more of our treats, ripping the tablecloth.
“Kanato, I..” I started to panic. This was going to end badly for me. “I didn’t mean to look at them like that! They’re creeping me out, I don’t know who they are!” My eyes were begging him to understand, to listen to me. 
He wouldn’t even look at me. His hair swayed more, along with his hands, destroying all the treats one by one. Like a child having a temper tantrum.
I decided to go the non-ladylike way. I had to make his pain stop. I needed to protect him. To protect me. 
 I did this. I hurt him. This was my fault. I needed to take responsibility.   
I turned to the men and flipped them off. They stared at me in shock, truly surprised I would react in such a way. The man on the right snarled at me, bearing his fangs. The man on the left held his friend back, glaring at Kanato. He mouthed the word “bitch” at me, trying to stop a fight from happening in such a place. 
Kanato snapped his body forward, and growled. He Growled at them. They growled back.
This had to stop, now. 
Without thought, I went over to Kanato’s chair and I sat in his lap, moving Teddy onto the table. If I wasn’t screwed already, I sure as hell was now. Kanato’s eyes widened, and he instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist. 
“Drink,” I whispered, pushing my hand to his mouth. “I don’t want anyone to smell my blood or drink it but you. Please,” I begged, “I want to please you. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry Sir, Master, please..."
He took my hand into his mouth and bit hard. I winced and made a low noise. His right hand pulled my leg tighter around his waist. I was now fucking stradling him, in a restarant, with the two men staring at us.
 He licked my wound and by god, the look he gave me was almost my downfall. 
He pulled me closer and licked my neck, burning his head into my skin. I felt light marks sprinkle onto my skin as I closed my eyes, head tilted up, back arching. His hand went into my hair as he forced me forward to him.  
Time felt slowed as he continued to bite and suck onto my skin. I knew he was sending a message to the two other vampire men. I couldn't even see them, hear them. There was only Kanato, with his hands covered in frosting and crumbs.
“This is mine” he’s saying, as he’s biting my skin. He’s forcing myself to focus only on him. He bit me again on the neck, once, then again, then a fifth time… I felt myself becoming faint. I was dizzy, in a weird high state. The only thing keeping me grounded was his hand around my waist, with the other running up and down my thighs, legs, breasts… 
He pulled back, tugging my chin down. 
“That’s a good Dollie. We can’t have you fainting here, now can we? Those idiot men are gone.” He slipped a piece of cake into my mouth with his fingers, getting frosting on my cheek. He leaned forward as I chewed, and licked my cheek and lips, catching me into a kiss. 
“My good Doll… You’re such a good girl for me. Now, eat. Say aaa,” He said, finally allowing me to eat. I chewed my sweets as he fed me, and drank tea when he put the cups to my lips. He never let me go back to my seat. I stayed seated, on his lap, as he fed me. Teddy, forgotten on the table, watched as Kanato fed me from his mouth, kissing me softly and claiming me as his own. 
Who knew? Maybe he would make my soul darker. Maybe I was already screwed. 
All I knew is that I needed him. 
Okay I edited this because it was a bit rough but yeah UwU @saxxuki I hope you like it 🥺🥺🥺
EDIT NUMBER TWO IM SORRY u need to add something else.... The ideas about Kanato-kun's long nails and some of his appearance is @pettyval 's headcannon, NOT my own idea. They made an AMAZING moodboard post and has an entire collection and thread of what Kanato would look like, bit by bit. Thank you Pettyval for making Kanato's description easier for me. Qnd go follow @pettyval if you like more visual-based analysis. Sorry, I didn't give you credit before 🥺 it slipped my mind and I forgot 😔
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
So, Kanato Sakamaki. 
He's mentally ill, desperate for love and attention, yet can't accept it, and needs the feeling of being wanted and needed. 
Imagine what he would be like as a regular human being... well... What would he be like????
I imagine him, being 17 or 18 years old- leaving his abusive household, leaving his other 7 siblings behind. They were so cruel to him, picked on him, and called him crazy. Judged him for his fashion phases. In his mind, they can rot in hell. Packing his clothes into a suitcase, he would escape by either...
 A) going into art school or
 B) moving into a city by himself OR with one close friend. 
C) Heck, I even see him moving in with a stranger at this point. 
He just wants OUT.  
He is depressed, anxious, possibly bipolar or borderline, and downright dangerous to himself and others in the beginning. I don't believe he is a sociopath or a psychopath, but rather him having some other sort of personality disorder that would make it hard for a human Kanato to thrive in any sort of situation. 
He would have a hard time being in social settings, and an even harder time making friends and reaching out for help.
 I fear that the only way Kanato would be able to get help would be in a true  crisis situation.
Kanato could be pushed over the edge in a public setting, where he has a breakdown and starts crying. A passerby would help him, and drive him to a Hospital, where he is moved to the mental hospital. 
Or he would threaten suicide, being forced to go into the hospital. 
Or, worst of all, he would attack someone that would make a nasty comment at him. Or Kanato would be seen as weak, and get attacked. He'd end up in a hospital, after proving he was only defending himself, but scaring the sh-t out of the police officers, who claim he's "Insane." 
Then, he's admitted into a mental hospital. Nobody visits him. He stays in his room for the most part. He is scared, walking around with a teddy bear and a frilly outfit, one that fits with the hospital's attire code. 
He would have to stay in a hospital for a few weeks, at the very least. He is misunderstood, and is very scary to those who don't know his true nature. His mood swings are violent and aggressive, he is cunning and manipulative, and his interests are morbid and weird to the normal population. He dresses like a girl, with frilly socks, button up shirts, Mary Jane shoes, makeup, etc. His fashion sense is Alternative, Gothic, Lolita, and his. And he likes being that way. He likes being original and unique. 
In the hospital, he would hate socializing with the other people. He would often fight the staff to spend the day away in his room, attempting to stay awake only at night. When he does sleep, however long it ends up being, he would 100% have nightmares and night terrors. He would end up staying in a room by himself, unable to have any roommates. They complain about his colored drawings and the way he cries and screams with anger in the middle of the night. He doesn't mind; he likes being alone. 
 The only way he leaves his room is for Art therapy, and for being in the group area. He would slowly open up to people around him, and would still have hard walls up. He'd absolutely play video games, just to prove he's better than everyone else around him. He'd 1000% do things JUST for the sole purpose of scaring the other patients... And that has gotten him into huge trouble. 
 Once he is proven to be 'stable', and no longer a danger to himself and others (However the hell he'd be able to pull that off), they give him medication and send him on his merry way. 
They tell him he needs to go to therapy, and continue with "self care." After seeing his art, they insist he follows it for a career or a hobby.  But really, they'd probably be *SO* happy he's gone. Kanato, human or not, would be scary to f-ck with. 
Well, while medication will help alleviate some of the issues related to mental illness, it won't solve them. But it would be a first step. 
He would have a hard time talking to a therapist, with the fear of being judged and mistreated. By going in, he'd feel as if he were so lowly by trying to get help. Remember, he is a man that dresses and acts like a child in some cases. In society, he would already be targeted for mistreatment and judgment. Kanato would hate the feeling of being out of control, as that (Along with being unable to control anything outside of himself) would make him very fearful for the future. 
 If he was to find the right one, however, he would be f-king BEST FRIENDS with that therapist. I feel like he'd enjoy trying to scare them, which is the motivation of going in every week. By telling them all the morbid things he enjoys doing, his creations, his artwork, his dark thoughts, his stories of killing, he'd like to see his therapist squirm in their chair. But eventually, he sees her as a means of self-validation, and as a person who loves him for who he is. A person who actually wants to help him. 
Another thought: His therapist would *have* to be a female. A Male? No f-king way. He would be even MORE concerned with judgment, comparison, alpha male vibes, whatever. Man pissing contest would take place, involving with a possible murder attempt XD sooooo no, f-king no way. 
Kanato would live by himself after the hospital visit, until he was to be in a relationship with someone. 
Now, Kanato would have stolen money to survive by himself for a few months. He would rent an apartment, paying a one year lease up front. He doesn't want to get a job. He HATES people, and hates the idea of working for someone else. If he decides he doesn't want to go to college, he needs some other way of supporting himself. So, what would he do? Be his own boss, of course! 
He would start his own Etsy or Online Shop. He would make art and put it on Buttons, Pins, Decal and Vinyl stickers. Key-chains. He would also make his own Lolita, Doll-core, Dark Fashion. I also see him selling his paintings and other craftsman work. Maybe Pottery, dismemberment pieces, horror type items. Maybe even make Dolls. His online store would be a hit, after a hard few months of work, trial and error. I also think he'd peak from September to October, since it's the Halloween season, and Kanato's work screams Spooky-horror-scary elements. He would make BANK with his online shop, even getting special, expensive custom orders that could pay his rent for three months straight! Think like wedding dresses, Bridesmaids dresses, Family Portraits, custom jewelry design.  Things like that. 
 Eventually, I see Kanato starting to feel a bit better. Sure, some days would be better than others, but Kanato would reach a sense of self support and pride. 
Sure, he would still struggle. Everyone with severe mental health issues will struggle, and people with extreme trauma can take a long, LONG time to heal. But I see a human Kanato that, while still very introverted, shy, and quiet, is a super creative artist and fashionista. 
And after a certain amount of time, I know Kanato, a healing one, would be able to not only love himself, but others, too. 
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
Dolores's Limbo
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When Dolores died, she did not go to heaven. She was floating, etheric, light as a feather. Her beauty followed her through life into death.
She died wearing a lace nightgown, with her hair in white ribbons and frills. Her long black hair was pined to perfection. Her eyes, black like her hair in the living world, became pink once she died, matching her aura.
She went to her own personal limbo.
But she fluctuated back and forth between her own personal heaven and the hell that was the Sakamaki Estate.
For her work in the living world was not done. She was still connected to Kanato Sakamaki, and the doll she became once her living body died.
In her heaven,, It was always raining. The forest was beautiful. Although Dolores could no longer feel the wet dew drops drip upon her skin, she still loved the scent in the air.
The creatures of the night did not fear her, nor did she fear them.
She visited old rotting buildings that contained books she would read until her soul desired. She was never hungry, never in pain. She was at peace.
Balancing between the veil of the living world and the dead, she stayed in the mansion whenever she wished. For the first decade, she could only return to view the world through her dead body- which was now a doll, rotting amoung the old men Kanato's mother had broken, along with others brides that were soon to follow. It brought her pain, so she was barely cognizant during that time.
But, after a little over a decade (un human terms), she was able to appear as a whole human person, walking around the mansion. The edges of her body was physical, while the centere of her body was see through and hollow.
Dolores was always Kanato's favorite Doll.
While her portrait was left to rot in the Doll Room, Kanato never had another portrait made for any of his dolls. Kanato's heart was broken once Dolores died. He was never able to feel quite the same way.
But, despite her discomfort, Dolore's soul cried out and empathize to every woman who were forced into the mansion... Despite the bitterness she held to her human life, the vampires, and the church that crushed her body, mind, and soul.
Despite her hollowing heart, she continued to flow through the veil of time, helping every human bride she could.
She came through dreams.
Made herself appear as an apparition in their room.
Walked among the garden, sharing a smile with Subaru as she passed.
She did not force her help unto anyone, nor did she help women who did not deserve it.
She did not want any woman to die the way she did. Dolores had a crushing guilt if she did not share her survival tactics with the fellow girls who were left to rot on the Sakamaki Estate.
And, until Dolores was able to make one human girl survive for her wedding day, she would never achieve lasting eternal peace in her soul.
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(I made a picrew of Dolores, along with many others for... other purposes 😏)
Ahem... @pettyval @papuru666 @saxxuki @akumacaron @ask-ryoteioccultgirls @dixbolik-lovers
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
Just a video I took and never posted because it's me and my best friend being d u m b.
I really enjoy spending time on the bus with him. He listens to me rant about Kanato, we watch critical roll together and anime (we just binged The Rising of the Shild hero UGHHH IT WAS SO GOOD 👍 😭 😫) and you know what? These kind of moments reminds me that everything will be okay. Not everything is awful all the time. The darkness isn't what we fear, it's what is inside the darkness. (A quote I got from Nyx and a tarot card reader talking about her)
Btw I'm Omnisexual and he's Bisexual I can call him a fag don't come at me people
@saxxuki @papuru666main @pettyval @ask-ryoteioccultgirls 😉
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
Omg I turn 18 tomorrow I'm so excited
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
Guys advice for how to ask my family members to officially call me age and use my prefered pronouns more often... guys... help please?
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eyelessdoll-y · 3 years
Why are you so amazing I love you 💞🛐💞💗💟💅💅💅💕💞💟💜💜💜💟💞💟💞💞💟💗🛐💗💟💜
You're so sweet to me... what leads you to be so adorable with me and everyone?? 🥺💗💗
Do I really deserve it?? Kkkk kisses to you, angel 🤗🤗❤️
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uwuthatshit · 3 years
Update 12/21/21
Why hello there people how are we doing today? I have red hair now. Its... an interesting look.
Okay 1- I'm not dead (obvi) and I'm spending a few days with my grandparents UwU they have 2 dogs- Stella (the one I showed in the video) and Jimmy Cricket Cavano (NOT shown in the video, but was also snoring at my feet lol)
2- I have been trying to take better care of myself I promise and 3- thank you all for the support recently, I really appreciate it and 4- I JUST HIT 60 FOLLOWERS. GUYS WHAT THE HELL. thank you so much QwQ and 5- I'm just uploading sad songs I relate to a lot lmao Kay that's all from me bye
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