#kanato simps
Dating Kanato simulation a.k.a. watch any episode of ‘Supernanny’
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aizawazbaby · 1 year
Kanato Sakamaki
I'm a stupid simp 😁😅
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He makes me happy
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yuikomorii · 7 months
// POV: You, as a fellow girl, aren’t allowed to compliment the heroine’s body.
First and foremost, I'm literally flatter than a washboard; that size is perfect to me, since I wish I looked like that??
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Secondly, how the heck does Yui look child-like?? She resembles a teenage girl or a young adult. If Rejet had told me she was 19 or 20, I would have believed that.
Take a peek at these official arts and cgs. Kanato appears younger, and Ayato, the franchise's MAIN HERO, looks the exact same age as her or even more baby-faced if you look closely at his features. Does this mean people aren’t allowed to simp for them? NO.
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Thirdly, I doubt you've ever played DL. Yui has sex with everyone (and enjoys it most of the time), and there are multiple sequences in which they rip off her clothing or talk about her body. Besides, if you understood Yui's personality, you'd know she doesn't mind praises on her body. She won't think you're a p3do for complimenting her appearance, especially if you're a girl, but would rather feel flattered.
In the first scene, she even gets happy and surprised when she hears him complimenting her legs, and in the second one, she's measuring her own boobs, claiming that she's not flat.
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The whole thing about her having curves and plushy legs is actually canon. Why are some people so against the fact that Yui looks developed—? It’s as if YOU want her to look like a child, only because YOU have those weird fantasies and are projecting them on others.
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Translations belong to: Dialovers-translations on Tumblr
Last but not least, DL is a Japanese-made game. A lot of girls there are considerably more petite and flatter than Yui, and they treat the whole "Chichinashi" thingy as a joke in order to call them out, since that's exactly what it is. Beauty standards change from country to country. Yui is seen as slim in the healthy way where I live and l can guarantee that she would undoubtedly not be considered child-looking among us.
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Ɓesti- i haven't found an Azusa simp in years i honestly adore Kanato more. He is a cutie to me even tho he would probably stab me—
BUT! I demand fluff. Fluff with Kanato, and if you wish, i wouldn't mind Azusa fluff.
Oh yesssss plz more Azusa requests~
And yesssss I totally see why you like Kanato :3 Cute ones could stab hardest lol
Azusa Mukami
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At first, tenderness with Azusa would be difficult.
Because this man believes that pain is love.
And for some reason you're not that interested in pain.
You should take the initiative.
In the beginning, all intimacy is initiated by you.
Hug him, give him kisses and tell him how much you love him.
Azusa might not learn quickly.
Change would take time.
But Azusa would learn… and he would start showing affection towards you.
Azusa hugs would be really gentle.
He would like to hug you very often.
Azusa would love you a lot.
And he would like to prove it.
Normally, Azusa would be a big spoon.
He would love to hold you in his arms.
Azusa's kisses would usually be soft.
They would be fast but there would be many of them.
In some cases all over the body.
Public PDA would usually be hands pietly.
Azusa would enjoy it.
Kanato Sakamaki
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Fluff would usually happen on his terms.
But it would happen.
And if it didn't happen Kanato would get nervous.
So forget everything you are doing and give him attention.
Kanato would like affection.
Affection that he would never have received.
Kanato would love to be on your lap.
When you stroke his hair.
And you give him ALL your attention.
Normally, Kanato would be a small spoon.
But of course there would also be those moments when he would be a big spoon.
Even if they are a bit rare.
Kanato would easily be jealous.
And this is why PDA is a matter in public.
Kanato would hold your hand the whole time.
He would keep you close all the time.
Kanato doesn't want you to go far without him.
Usually, he would be afraid that if he let go of you, you would just disappear.
Kisses would also be a thing.
Usually they would be surprising.
To begin with, they are possessive.
But they become softer as Kanato trusts you more.
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wonolic · 9 months
My opinion on Sakamaki's bodies, pt.2 ! 乁⁠[⁠ ᓀ⁠˵⁠ ▾⁠ ˵⁠ᓂ⁠ ]⁠ㄏ
A/N: I love New Jeans so much and I'm obsessed with their music, seriously, they're so young and talented, it's crazy. Want to see some simps liking this post. (pt.1 is here!)
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︵ ︵ ︵ ︵ . . . .
𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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Why such a tiny waist if you can't squish it. Talking seriously, just like his twins, he has a tiny waist that simply comes from genetics and every japanese girl drools over it and praises his "androgynous" body.
Has the best calves and legs in general, even better than Subaru's. Well, it's self-explaining, his hobby is basketball after all, he's always running and jumping around the basketball court.
He looks like he has a natural concave stomach/belly, but it's actually because his hip bones are prominent and make him look like that.
I think it's so funny how Ayato acts like he's the manliest boy of the house, when he's actually the one that looks physically the most feminine (e.g. small waits, 90° shoulders, slim neck, marked collarbones, etc).
𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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His body is soft, but skeletal at the same time. It doesn't need much stretching for Kanato's bones to start showing, principally his ribcage.
Anyone can pick him up because he's just so light. But, if you do pick him up, already expect an endless cry together with a tantrum and a thin scream for you to put him on the ground.
Okay, this might sound strange, but I believe he has the best skin out of all the Sakamakis. It's so soft to the touch and scarless, looks like he takes good care of it!
Non-related but still related to his physical appearance: I really hate this shota boy aesthetic Rejet gave him. Please, he had so much more potential to be the worst of them all, if they made Kanato a little bit more mature (personality or appearance, doesn't matter), I would be in love with this boy fr.
𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘰 ⤸
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Likes to stay slim but in shape at the same time. And to be honest, he looks really sexy in tight clothes with his slim body.
I would say that he's not slim like Kanato, more like... first place is Kanato, second place is Laito and third place is Shu.
His arms are long and skinny, that's why I put him as more slim than Shu, but I still think he has a sculptural body that can seduce anyone + matches with his face.
Bonus headcanon: Even if Laito isn't the best when it comes to flirting, I think he has the most seductive body language out of the boys and yes, he can seduce people to do what he wants so easily because of this.
A/N: To end, a MtL muscular build list: 1. Subaru, 2. Ayato, 3. Reiji, 4. Shu, 5. Laito and 6. Kanato. See you in the next post! 💗
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bubblespalace · 5 months
My Original Character in Diabolik Lovers//💋🤍🕊️
TW// mentions of not having enough food or rest.
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🩸Name: Bella Wayland
🥀Race: Nephilm: Half angel, Half human.
🌬️Appearance: Bella has super long, curly black hair. She's always super pale and thin because she doesn't have time to eat. She wears a black dress, fit for battle and is always carrying knifes and daggers on her that are marked with runes to help her kill demons. She's tall, 5'9, which makes her intimidating. She has golden eyes, that shine in the light. Strong Italian accent, and speaks Italian and English.
🖤Personality: Calm, Intelligent, Powerful, Cocky, Flirty, Focused, and Caring all at once. She really is good at matching other people's energy. She's an ambivert. She's very closed off around people and doesn't trust easily.
🤍What she calls the diaboys: Shu-Golden Boy/Shoe, Reiji-Four Eyes/Smartie, Ayato-Christmas Eve, Kanato-Puppeteer/Kid, Laito-Christmas, Subaru-Car/Emo
🌹About/Backround: Bella was raised in the beautiful city of Idris until the Circle attacked the Nephilms leaders, The Clave. Her parents died in the battle and she was taken in by a man, who started her harsh training her when she was only two years old. However, her father was a bad man, he was the Leader of The Circle, Valentine Morganstern. She changed her last name to Wayland to separate herself from him.
-Bella and John, her mentor, moved to Milan. She lives in the Milan Institute for Shadowhunters when she is not battling demons. She is one of the strongest Shadowhunters to exist, due to the fact that she has extra angel blood.
-Due to this, she is severely overworked by The Clave. She is used to only getting a meal a week and not getting a lot of sleep. She doesn't know what a lot of things for leisure are, like movies and TV shows. But she knows music because she has had to go to an opera undercover more than once.
-She's been fighting almost all her life. She's very hardcore and doesn't really even know the definition of the word "relax".
-Because she has strong angel blood, her blood is some of the best tasting on Earth. It can also give vampires special abilities, like being able to use runes. It can also enhance the abilities they already have. That's why she is weary of vampires. She doesn't want them to drink her blood and go power-crazy.
-Men fall for her left and right because of her mysterious ways. She's used to having to deal with simps.
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💌How she met The Sakamaki Brothers.
-Bella was on a mission in Japan, trying to kill a wanted demon, when she stumbled onto their property accidentally. She ran into Kanato, who smelt her blood quickly and knew just what she was.
"Ah, Teddy? Do you smell how sweet her blood is? I'm quite tempted to take a bite... But then I would ruin her porcelain skin... Fufu... What a shame, I might just have to drain you first, then make you into my new doll."
-It was then that Bella realized he was a vampire. Bella fought Kanato off well until Subaru walked out of his rose garden to see what all the yelling was about.
"Tch, found a new prey, haven't you Kanato-kun? She looks like a Nephilim... She better taste good."
-Bella was malnourished at the time. She may have been strong enough to fight Kanato, but Subaru knocked her out in 30 seconds flat. They dragged her inside and brought her to the living room. Shu, who was lying on the couch as always, opened one eye and glanced at her and the other two men. He seemed almost shocked by how pretty she was. He closed his eyes again.
"As long as she's not noisy, but Reiji might take an interest in her, he's always wanted to experiment on a Shadowhunter before."
-Then, Ayato and Laito walked in, probably on their way back from Yui's room. Laito looked at the passed-out woman in Subaru's arms.
"Fufu, she's quite pretty Subaru-kun~ I might just steal her from you~ Her blood smells delicious."
-Subaru blushed and studdered out his tsundere response. and set her down in the other armchair. Ayato looked at her closely, smirking.
"Tch, she isn't flat like Chichinashi, that's for sure. She's at least a C."
-Reiji walked out of the shadows, looking annoyed because of another unannounced guest, but he perked up when he realized she was of angel blood.
"Although she is trespassing, I suppose we can keep her, but she will be on thin ice."
Bella soon learns that these are The Sakamaki Brothers. When she does, she knows better than to run for it quickly. She's buying her time, when she sees the right moment, she will escape.
She makes friends with Yui, who becomes like a little sister to her, she always directs the boys away from her when she can. However, she may start falling for the six vampires in the process, and they might start falling for her.
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roseadleyn · 1 year
if u truly like diabolik lovers (according to ur fandom list anyways) then any diabolik lovers ocs that you like and/or love?? and do you have any dl ocs of your own?
OH MY GOD. i have another ask like this. should probably stop procrastinating and answer all 87 of my asks but procrastination is life 😍‼️
btw this list is not in order at all‼️i love you all the same <333
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1. helen harrison, aurora, and lae'la by @/nutaella-kookie
laila isn't around on tumblr anymore (deactivated) but i actively stalk all blogs that contain helen posts. she's my favorite oc ever created and i genuinely love and fantasize about her all the timeeee
aurora is the BEST person in the demon world alongside devyn and gilbert. shut up. u don't get to argue because omg i love this woman
and lae'la... she's so objectively wrong but oh my heavens she looks good while she's at it. girlboss, love her.
2. keiichirou seong by @gingerall
okay but i am so in love with this man u do not understand!!! he's written well, he's drawn well, and he's so pretty 😭💞 yes he's a red flag but red is my favorite color so what are you going to do about it huh 🙄🙄
(@gingerall's art SLAYS btw. go check it out. i dare you. rn. )
3. devyn kang by @secretarykang
devyn is so beautiful???? so girlboss???? like, genuinely, this is the rare female oc who's a compelling female character who doesn't need to beat everyone up to be empowering and i just. hhhh ma'am i love u pleaseee
4. maya by @summercreolefanfictioner
BABIE!!! mentally traumatized, but babie!!! i found maya a while back and read her ENTIRE masterlist in one setting. istg i love her, she's so complex (in a good way!!) and deserves the world for putting up with kanato like she does
5. gilbert by @summercreolefanfictioner
SIR??? MY HAND IN MARRIAGE IS HERE??? literally simp over him as a hobby he's too well written and way too handsome for me to not do that okay??? and also he didn't need to die miss summer he deserves a happy ending with devyn!!!
6. cyra by @mariicake
is she single??? because i am (/j)
okay but like come on. this woman is so. wjsjd she makes me feel things she's so pretty and she slays literally every interaction with those mentally ill vampires and whatever else cooks in the dl abyss
7. asa, akemi and amaya by @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd
(i'm unable to tag your original blog, my apologies!!)
my go to ocs if i need to laugh??? these girls. i absolutely adore their dynamic and the way they're written, a definite 10/10 for character building
8. malorie by @whitechocolatemochaasblog
MALORIE IS THE PRETTIEST NAME EVER OMG. also i just love how cute she is???? she's so baby, i love her with my whole entire heart and soul
9. makoto by @kirua9
poor girl </3 she just wants some love 😭 come here makoto i can treat u better than he ever could‼️
she's so hurt that it makes my heart ache
as for whether i have my own dl ocs... i have my own ocs, but not dl ones!! i'm considering putting my ocs in dl but i'll probably do it after i've organized this blog a little bit, you know???
currently, the ocs that are out are xander, raymond, roselyn, and caelia, and i'm working on emma (that's her old moodboard) rn <333 seven of my ocs have moodboards but i hated the mbs so i obviously had to remake them all; currently four have been remade, fifth is abt to be done‼️
lots of my mutuals have ocs but none of them are dl, so they weren't mentioned here. they slay nonetheless!!!
...and i've rambled way, way too much again, bye bye 😍
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the Sakamaki brothers as break-up or unrequited love songs (plus scenarios / headcanons)
A/N: Before I dove into the world of Dialovers, I actually wrote smut angst fics and I usually listen to sad songs (no, I am not brokenhearted and my love life is doing well). This made me picture scenarios that would fit these bastards (cause as always Yui deserve better)
WARNING: Contains violence and a bit of smut (NSFW in short)
"So sad, so sad, I could never make you stay
Too bad, too bad, I could never walk away"
Hmm a brokenhearted Shuu is like a blank canvas whatever
He basically doesn't want to do anything with his broken heart
I picture him falling in love with a mortal so deep but at the same time he didn't want to indulge in those feelings
Cause the last time he got attached with a mortal, they died (Yuma is still alive but still)
So yeah he be just listening to some sad songs all week
"And now I know I will regret it,
I'd rather keep it all inside"
But in case he decides to pursue this mortal, I think she would be at arm's length
Like he wouldn't indulge deeper than what they have cause someday she will die and boy he has attachment issues
Hence the second song
"I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?"
Hmm honestly Reiji was the hardest
And yes, I had @yourlocaltea to help me on this one
Because I can't see Reiji crying over someone tbh
I picture girls crying over him and this famous Olivia Newton-John song would really work
Cause we all know that Reiji has dated girls for the sake of image so maybe one of them really fell in love w/ him
Too bad, he only sees them for his family image
But if he does fall for them, the second song will fit
"I’m no longer alone when I’m by myself
I can feel you even when you’re not here"
If you have watched the ending of this Kdrama aka What Happened in Bali, you prob know what I mean
Let's say the girl left him and found another man
You might think Reiji is being Kanato here but this man won't let you betray him after all he did
He prob gonna murder you in his own Reiji way 💀💀💀
But if he doesn't go the yandere route, he just gonna give you up... hmm... hopefully
"First you say you won't then you say you will
You keep me hangin' on and we're not movin' on"
I am excited for this one cause as you all know Ayato is my first main diaboy (even before my Kanato simping arc)
I have actually told this to @moonderly and @samsvenn about the possibility of Ayato having an ex who has the fickle heart of Jenny (as mentioned from the same song)
Like at first they're okay, then afterwards they fight over nothing
I even think she's gonna cheat on him w/o him knowing
Or perhaps he knows but decides to think like "oh you want to play then fine I'll play your game and win"
But he is a sore loser
Ayato would prob be the one doing the begging (w/c is unlikely him) and it's all bcos he believes the girl will call him Oresama afterwards
Too bad she doesn't
"Last year's wishes are this year's apologies every last time I come home
I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you off"
Another song that would fit him would be this one
Cause I swear Ayato can be a target of those girls who just like to have fun and dump boys
Ayato be spouting he's an Oresama but these girls would give no sht abt it
If Ayato decides to get a bit serious, it would also be the time they dump him
This fuckboy is a loser in a friends with benefits situation
"Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it"
This one is also hard
Because I have so many scenarios for Kanato
But breakups and unrequited love don't end well for Kanato so he prob would add this poor being to his doll collection
He's actually sarcastic abt it... at first
"Wow, you're smiling now. How shameless of you."
And afterward, he says, "How dare you do that to me? It's unfair, you know? Why isn't it me? Why him?"
Or "I gave you everything you want and now this is how you repay me?!"
"I won't let you betray me, NEVER AGAIN"
"And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone"
But once he comes down from his rage and intense emotions, that's when he really starts to cry and mourn
Kanato actually has nightmares of this person staying for a while, only to leave him crying
Like he would have an internal conflict where he wants you to go leave him, but he doesn't want you to belong to someone else
"This is all your fault! I'm suffering bcos you left me! (uhhh... you killed her???) 🤡🤡🤡
"You should've just dropped dead even before I loved you."
Anyway, she's a part of his doll collection now so she won't be going away anytime soon
"The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone"
This song would actually be more about the girls he be toying with
Cause honestly loving Laito is like agreeing to be his plaything and there are many of you out there
In short, every single one of you is the other woman
Fvcking perv
Ofc what do you expect
This guy will never be serious and he would prob mess with your mind and heart until he throws you away
But if you manage to crawl deep in his heart and leave it wounded, then...
"You were the mermaid for me
Till one day, you found your feet
Leaving me in the God-awful bottle,
a model of heartache and grief"
I picture Laito drinking somewhere, prob a nearby pub or by himself at the manor
Like he would waste the night away because of a woman he can't mess with
For some reason, this reminds me a tiny bit of Helen and Laito's relationship (shoutout to @nutaella-kookie)
Like what if Helen broke up with Laito and she's like no turning back 💀💀💀
But what do you expect? Laito never believes in love anyway
"I should actually hate you
The more I embrace you, it hurts
Although when morning comes,
I will look for you again"
In relation to my headcanon abt Subaru falling in love w/ his teacher, this is actually a song that identifies his moving on stage
Like he probs like to tell this little lie that he'll move on but he actually doesn't
The type to do anything for a girl to stay even tho she can't give up her humanity for him
This guy gets waaaaaay attached emotionally
But unlike Kanato, he accepts his fate and takes all the blame
He's also actually like Shuu and would prob play sad songs on repeat
Most of them will be really sad, like how Scarlet Heart Ryeo made me cry
But in case he wants to switch things up, he'll prob play this one
"So what if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat
I'll be the fire that'll catch you
And what's so good about picking up the pieces?
What if I don't even want to?"
Like ya know emo hardcore heartbreak ya know???
Actually, in my headcanon, Kanato sang Scarborough Fair to him and he cried at the lines "Remember me to the one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine."
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achy-boo · 8 months
So..what if Yui is a huge simp for one of the girls and didn’t know how to kiss a girl? I imagine her asking Tsukii for these reasons:
Jeanne is pissing off Subaru and repeating it, Dawn is hiding Laito and Reiji’s things while Night is controlling Kanato while talking to her plushy..
Tsukii: You..want me to teach you how to kiss?
Yui: If that is fine with you, Tsu. I would ask the others but they are busy..
Tsukii: *thinks back to how her and Ayato is at each other’s throats because of her bold behavior*……
Tsukii: *smile silently when she realizes that Yui has kissed one of the brothers but not girls.* Aight. But don’t let the boys know, Yui~
Yui: W-Why?
Tsukii: Because Pissing them off while the others are already doing it will kill the mood. I always wanted to kiss their sacrificial bride~
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
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This is Terrence.
He is trans.
Terrence wishes you happiness.
Share Terrence around to spread the happiness.
Spreading Terrence the Trans-Rex for happiness!
@jackplushie @forgwater @kalims @dr3amscap3 @raix-lv @forcebewitht @flick-ren @leonakingscholarship @call-me-aesthetic @wolken-himmel @mydearestpetal @dreamypersimmon @ferns-island @tunabesimpin @themidlibrary @themirrormenagerie @happy-pencil @nanamisflowerfield @l-uvleona @cupids-chamber @beats-7979 @rizavi-m @glamorousruins @bunnwich @mocha-tapioca @the27th @remediesshp @kirayamidemon @akira627 @ice-cream-writes-stuff @sleeping-platinum @frankenhoez @fumikomiyasaki @fuyumi-star @what-nani-ano @thehollowwriter @twstsimp @minteasketches @crispysatan @zeina-is-bored @kanatos-wonderland @hmmmmmm-give-me-your-gender @dance-till-the-death @vilussy @hoohoohaha3000 @windblume-wishes @nuitthegoddess @twstfan-san @momokos-world @forcebewitht @sanctum-of-ramshackle @bestwishes2u @sapphirelakemanor @hipsterteller @paporuii @sinnyrants @meii-yun @sakuramidnight15 @chocogi @i-am-cheese-fairy @b-b-brendans @cherryjkj @simp-kazuki and everyone! 
trans-rex civilisation has begun
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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Hiiii : D
So I know I've reblogged quite a few self-ship/f/o posts, and I've been meaning to post a list of characters that I like, so...
That's what I'm doing : D
I'm sharing my entire simp/comfort list, which is pretty long. We'll see if Tumblr even lets me.
❤️ = Simp 💗 = comfort ✨️= Platonic
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden:
💗✨️Shikamaru Nara
❤️Neji Hyuuga
❤️💗Denki Kaminari
❤️Shoto Todoroki
💗✨️Shota Aizawa
❤️💗Hitoshi Shinso
💗✨️Izuku Midoriya
Danganronpa (1, 2, and 3):
❤️💗Chihiro Fujisaki (1)
❤️Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (2)
❤️💗Kokichi Ouma (3)
Yona of the Dawn:
Twisted Wonderland:
❤️💗Malleus Draconia
✨️Cater Diamond
❤️Ruggie Bucchie (sp?)
❤️💗Idia Shroud
❤️Riddle Rosehearts
✨️Lilia Vanrouge
✨️Divus Crewel
💗Leona Kingscholar
❤️💗Deuce Spade
❤️💗Epel Felmier
Assassination Classroom:
❤️Karma Akabane
❤️💗Nagisa Shiota
❤️Itona Horibe
Snow White With the Red Hair:
❤️💗Keith Kogane
💗Lance McClain
💗✨️Takashi Shirogane "Shiro"
💗✨️Hunk (he's just a giant teddy bear)
Full Metal Alchemist:
❤️💗Edward Elric
❤️Envy (I don't know how)
💗✨️Alphonse Elric
Demon Slayer:
❤️Inosuke Hashibira
❤️Tokito Muichiro
❤️💗Rui (Imma wait for questions and concerns for this)
❤️💗Tanjirou Kamado
💗✨️Nezuko Kamado (precious sweetie)
❤️Kurapika Kurta
❤️✨️Killua Zoldyck
❤️💗Itadori Yuuji (sp?)
❤️Sukuna (don't judge-)
❤️Gojo Satoru
Diabolik Lovers:
❤️💗Subaru Sakamaki
❤️Kanato Sakamaki
❤️Azusa Mukami
Harry Potter:
💗Draco Malfoy
Yu Yu Hakusho:
❤️Kurama/Shuichi Minamino
💗✨️Sleepy Ash/Kuro
Dance With Devils:
Black Clover:
Yugioh DM:
❤️💗Yami Yugi/Atem
The Royal Tutor:
❤️Heine Wittgenstein
💗Kai von Glanzreich (sp?)
Ensemble Stars:
💗Makoto Yuuki
❤️💗Mao Isara
❤️💗Nazuna Nito
💗✨️Mika Kagehira
❤️💗Natsume Sakasaki
💗Tsukasa Suou
💗Ritsu Sakuma
❤️💗Leo Tsukinaga
Pretty Boy Detective Club:
❤️Sosaku Yubiwa
❤️Samon Gokuu
Hazbin Hotel:
❤️💗 Lucifer Morningstar
❤️💗 Sir Pentious (also known as Sir Precious because y e s)
💗✨️ Angel Dust
I will be accepting questions and any concerns you guys may have about any of them, so ask away. I'm not much of a self-shipper but I do get little fantasies from time to time sooooo *points to the self-ship and f/o ask games I reblogged* feel free to send anything from any of those with any of them~
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Ayato is slowly turning into the new “Yui” (she still gets hate too but yk less than other years) of the Diabolik Lovers fandom and I really thought the fandom was healing -jokes on me-
The way they complain about Ayato being too caring now inducing that he’s turning into a simp reminds me of the same people who complained about Yui for not fighting back and calling her weak for that. Let’s just let everyone enjoy whatever characters they want WITHOUT TRYING TO RUIN THEIR FUN ‼️
Also, why did Ayato even get so hated anyway? He was always one of the least horrible ones and right now, after all his development, I don’t find anything so unlikeable about him. He tries to see the good in others despite having such a past full of suffering. If I hear anyone say “because he’s too caring/dumb/immature” I will riot because why would it be bad to be caring with your girlfriend? He isn’t even as immature as people say. Isn’t this the same guy who took responsibility for things that were none of his business but he did so just to help others?
And don’t get me started on the fact he isn’t dumb at all. He’s an idiot because he’s uneducated but his brain power is above average. I played Reiji’s route awhile now and there was this chapter where Reiji helped Yui study for her math test but only after a timeskip she managed to get a right result while in Ayato’s after story, there was the same scene but with different characters and Ayato was able to learn very fast after Yui explained to him and even she found that amazing about him because he started getting all answers right. After I got interested in young blood, I came to the conclusion that he was the only Sakamaki brother who found something suspicious about the ceremony and planned to investigate it. I recall a few other moments but I’m curious to hear if you got a favourite one.
I hope this ask wasn’t too long ;w; I tried to fit my thoughts in but it’s ok if you don’t have time to answer it soon ^^
// So many languages in this word, but you decided to speak FACTS!
The reasons why some people start hating on certain characters, are incredibly embarrassing. Just tell me you didn’t pay attention to the story, without actually telling me that you didn’t pay attention to the story.
They had previously complained about him being too bratty and arrogant, but now that his true side has been revealed, they are still dissatisfied since he is not the "edgy and complex" vampire boyfriend they wanted him to be. Do you like such characters? Good for you but only because you have a preference towards those, doesn’t mean you should tell others how much their bias sucks… it’s just so uncalled??
As you said, something I have always found admirable about Ayato is his ability to be pure-hearted, despite his background. I can’t say anyone got much love yet… Beatrix was strict but she canonically loved both of her children, Christa was mentally ill and had her crazy episodes but it was shown that she still loved and cared for Subaru, and then there’s Cordelia, who truly didn’t show or feel any sort of love towards any of her children. In DF, I’m sure she regretted her actions but saying that she loved Ayato, Kanato and Laito would be an exaggeration. It’s no surprise that the triplets turned out so twisted when they didn’t get a taste of affection or kindness AT ALL. And Ayato’s side goes beyond that, since he literally was the piñata of so many characters.
In YB, he was used as bait, betrayed, and brutally knocked down by ghouls, as well as beaten up to the point of almost getting killed.
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In Ayato’s character book, it was confirmed that Cordelia threw him in the lake every time he didn’t study. He had several near-death experiences as a result of her, and she frequently whipped and beat him up.
In the DF prologue, Carla and Shin sent the wolves to especially attack Ayato, not Yui, but Ayato thought they were going after her, so he sacrificed himself for her and used himself as shield so as she wouldn’t get hurt. He got severely injured that in some routes it takes a lot of time until he wakes up from the coma.
In Kino’s LE route, he burns Ayato alive and beats him up afterwards.
Last but not least, he got the Adam curse when he was a child and that’s so painful because it basically means drowning in a state of despair and insanity, until getting to taste something similar to that fig.
final YB chapter
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Didn’t count the emotional and mental abuse but the physical one was INSANE. Despite so much torture, even if some of his actions were wrong too, most of the time he continued to value his life and to be empathetic and forgiving to those who mistreated him.
Let's not forget that we're talking about vampires here, who will always be more wicked than humans because, although not inherently evil, they still have a predator instinct, but what's truly fascinating about Ayato's character is that he has such a good soul in spite of learning from an early age that there is no kindness in this world. It's no surprise that Karlheinz was taken aback.
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Moreover, I thought everyone was aware that Ayato isn’t actually stupid?? A bunch of his dumb moments are merely used for generating laughter and they’re not meant to be taken seriously. People also need to understand that the Japanese audience loves this kind of characters. They consider him an idiot in the affectionate way, because the lack of knowledge and gullibility make him endearing in their eyes. They don’t think of him as a genuine idiot. After all, nobody would like a character who’s completely dense.
It’s true that he’s impulsive and uneducated, which leads to him making dumb choices but I agree that his brain works faster sometimes than the one of other characters.
One of my favorite scenes is the one in which he eavesdropped on Cordelia, hearing that she only gave Karl children for attention, and he was the only Sakamaki who rapidly succeeded in connecting all of the dots, regarding all of Karl's victims and him being the root of all evil, which was the best revelation reaction in DL. I also enjoyed how, while all of his brothers rushed to kill Karlheinz (except for Laito, who had no battle scene in his route), Ayato was the only one who was like, "I won't kill you because I'd lead your plan to success in that case," and he only killed him after Karl wanted to harm Yui. If you haven't played DF, I recommend saving Ayato's route for last because it provides the most satisfaction.
Don't be concerned about the length! I believe I wrote a lot as well haha, but that's because your ask was so interesting to read! You made some excellent points, and I'm glad you're one of those people that can comprehend a character! 🥹🩷
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Can you tell us your top 5 husbandos?
Yeah sure. My list rarely changes, but now something has changed.
Kanato Sakamaki #5
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guys I really don't know how to say this….
But Kanato is kind of relatable.
Before you ask yes I'm mentally fine and no I don't need professional help lol. (If you don't know what this means, good luck reading the fanwiki.)
So I am an autistic person. And Kanato has small traits that make him relatable. His obsession with certain things, aversion to places with a lot of people, the assumption that everyone assumes the worst about you and difficulty dealing with changes.
These traits are not true for all autistic people, but they are true for me. So that's why I find Kanato relatable. And that's also the reason why he attracts me like a magnet.
And that's why he's so high on this list.
+ Hes kinda canon yandere lol. I love write for those.
Malleus Draconia #4
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Malleus Malleus Malleus Definitely one of my favorite characters from twst. Maybe also a bit in the canon yandere category.
I really like the Malleus character desing and backstory. It hits me. He is also a character that is really nice to write.
And every night I cry because the Malleus figure was the only one that never went on sale in the country where I live :(
Leviathan #3
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Definitely my second favorite character. Originally the reason why I got to know Otaku culture. I really like the way the character is made.
I also apparently have a thing for characters with tails. I have no idea where it comes from.
But Leviathan is also really relatable and moody.
Douma #2
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Same thing that with Kanato. I'm fine and I don't need professional help XD
Not even I find Douma relatable lol
Listen, everyone has their own character through which they got to know the fandom, and for me, Douma is that character.
I really REALLY REALLY like how he's done. His backstory is good as is his desing and pasta god bless the person who handled his Japanese dubbing.
This just works. Hits just the right spot and I can't wait for us to get more screen time for him.
Azusa Mukami #1
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I have been an Azusa simp since 2018. This man was perfection in my opinion at the time and I have had no reason to change my opinion over the years.
I LOVE this man. Everything is perfect. EVERYTHING.
The dubbing of the character is perfect, I like his backstory and his appearance.
And I am one of those people who have read game translations. In them, if you make your choice correctly, Azusa is a wonderful cinnamon roll… Aaaaaaah
I just love him... And its pity we no have Azusa merch ;(
Plz send me Azusa requests...
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diabolik-boys · 2 years
Can i request Kanato with a S/O who is obsessed with him? Like hardcore simp. Making him sweets 25/8, following him around, extremely clingy, LOVES his punishments,maybe even sews Teddy outfits? Just obsessed and really nice to him lol
Also your blog is so fucking nice and your writing is everything💖💖
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"You are absolutely disgusting. Do you hear me? No, I am not happy with how you are such a suck up. And no, I am most definitely not happy with how obsessed you are over me. Ugh, honestly I can't even get any time to myself anymore with you constantly following me around and annoying the hell out of me."
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"Ugh, I can't even insult you without you getting all bashful and acting like you enjoy it. I really am going to have to turn you into a doll so that I do not lose my sanity even more concerning you. What are you, some idiot that will do anything I say?"
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"You piss me off! You don't deserve to make Teddy anything! You are absolutely not even worth my time! Get away from me this instant, or I will choke the life out of you here!"
Kanato is frankly really disgusted with any S/O or sacrificial bride/groom who would act this way towards him.
He would find it unflattering, annoying, and quite bothersome for him. He wouldn't be flattered and would hate the idea of anybody obsessing over him too much.
Don't get him wrong, though, he would still use this to his advantage whenever he'd want. He would be fine with making them make him sweets whenever he wanted, told them to bow down and worship him in a certain way, or be downright cruel and mean to them on purpose for his own amusement.
Kanato is very sadistic. He'd be fine with making them go on their hands and knees, begging for him and his attention, and overall embarrassing the hell out of them, if he can achieve that in any way. If he can, he will do so.
Would most likely go above and beyond to make them suffer and face his wrath and anger, as well as how much he would use them for his own sadistic gratification.
Will take as much blood from them as he wants. Chokes them, threatens to make them a doll while they're still alive, a lot of other mean things.
Kanato will feel really bothered if they continue to be really obsessive over them, though. He would want his own privacy and own space often. If they refuse to cater to that, he wouldn't think twice of tossing them off the balcony.
However, he doesn't mind sometimes if they act this way towards him. It must be on his terms, though.
Will probably eventually kill them off if he can't grow accustomed to their behavior.
(Thank you so much for thinking so. I am glad you enjoy my blog. - Admin Azusa)
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celiapoststuff · 2 years
Leave angel alone. If you didn't like kanato when you were younger, you had no taste.
You know what fine mom
I'll leave you alone
On one condition
Don't make a kanato theme and don't simp for him online or else
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