#v soft today
xbasement-baitx · 3 months
Head in his lap reading while he plays video games>>>
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teal-fiend · 8 months
A while ago you were eaten by an eldritch creature who you thought was just a regular person. 
You thought it was going to all be over, but instead of landing in a stomach, you found yourself in another world. A peaceful land made up of forests and meadows. Plentiful, full of nuts and berries that were easy to forage. 
One day you hear a voice, it’s your friend. The one who ate you. They ask if you’re doing alright. You say yes. They let you know that you are actually in their stomach. But they aren’t going to digest you. 
You don’t know when you’re going to get let out, but you choose to accept your new life. You live peacefully, foraging in the day, and at night sleeping under stars that don’t quite match the ones you’re used to. 
Over time the environment grows more hostile; there’s less food available, and the landscape is more harsh and uninviting. You wonder if it’s because your friend is getting hungry, and you wonder if they’re going to take back their promise about not digesting you.
Not long after that thought, a huge beast seems to drop out of the sky, landing in front of you. Many eyes lock onto you. It’s bigger than any animal on earth, it’s horrifying, and it’s angry.
You scream. Luckily, your friend can hear you.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something here” you reply
“Oh, sorry,” your friend says, “that’s my lunch.”
That is a big lunch.
“It’s not bothering you, is it?” they ask, concerned. “Hold on, I’ll try to digest it faster.”
Suddenly the earth opens up under the creature. In the cracks are a molten kind of liquid. Hundreds of vines grasp over it, dragging it down into the soil. Covering it up mostly, until it looks like a mountain that keeps twitching and wriggling.
You thank your friend for the help, and they tell you it’s no problem (with a strangely satisfied tone in their voice). 
Over the course of the next few days (or longer? You’re finding it hard to keep track of time), the bulge in the earth that was lunch is gradually flattened out. As this happens, the landscape improves; berries start growing for you again. The sun is less blistering. The lakes and streams are clearer. 
You’re happy things are better. But if that creature was lunch, you’re scared to think what will happen when it gets closer to dinner time.
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bishicat · 1 year
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wakey wakey, asshole
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mordremrose · 4 months
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Enjoy ur bees, give magic swords to little girls and baked beans to slublings— and be wary of rogue noodles
EU doodles: my own Mehndra, Hey Barbie, Tai of the Order and their cursed snack choices, the never ending bench, Strongessst, Necrotechnician Fip, Soft Skunk, Ruárn and Lux Pyrefaith
NA doodles: Khynain (ft a very tiny goofy version of my lad Draikôs) Wet Gunk, Harley Vuong, Tine of Nice Dreams, Kimber Truthspeaker, Zuutes and Master Dokks
As always, if you would like to be tagged with your toon, please let me know!! Otherwise, enjoy ur mischief
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mysticcomfort · 1 year
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Day 7+8= Griff does what Griff wants
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Hair was still wet but i felt cute ✨
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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beansnpeets · 3 months
Not sure what the plan was here, but he was having fun so 🤷‍♀️
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ltsmoving · 10 months
aw man, time to project onto kinks already? let's go!!
autistic preds <3 preds that dont know how to ask to eat a prey because they've never been told how. preds that repetitively stroke over their teeth because they like the texture. preds that struggle to feel empathy for their prey. preds that have to eat prey in specific clothes or else they feel sick at the texture as it passes through their mouth and throat. preds that eat prey so they can have somebody to talk to idly about what they're thinking about, taking about their interests.
psychotic preds <3 preds that eat their prey friends when they need grounding during an episode. preds who become lost in delusions, believing they've digested someone when they haven't, believing they're a prey themselves, etc. preds who hallucinate prey they remember from the past.
physically disabled preds <3 preds that have impaired dexterity and have to adapt situations to their surroundings, like hoisting up a prey against a wall rather than doing so with their hands. preds with impaired vision but intensified hearing, or vice versa. preds having to get reinforced mobility aids because of just how much gulping down a prey weighs them down.
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philicheesecake · 11 months
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mariejordans · 11 months
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teal-fiend · 25 days
hungry, first time pred going into a haze and eating someone. Then coming to, and they're confused about what happened, but not horrified with themselves or the situation. Mostly curious.
The new pred pokes at their belly curiously, tries to stand up and walk but finds it difficult, so they sit for a moment to figure out what to do.
They consider trying to spit up whatever they ate... because it does seem to be still alive... but
The pred was so hungry before. And now they were full. So really, for whatever reason, this is what their body needed. Might as well leave it be for now.
soon the adrenaline of hunting starts to wear off, and the pred becomes lethargic. They really need to take a nap.
thankfully there's a spot nearby that is somewhat hidden. They're still in a public area though... but the pred can't do any better at the moment.
They have a feeling that things will work out fine after they get some rest.
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vorish-wonderland · 11 months
Idk if you’re full on requests right now, but mayhaps you could write something with one of the ignihyde folks? Sorry for the bother ‘^-^
Includes: soft/safe vore, unaware/accidental, a bit of a short one
★✦Better Get Used To It✦★
You were relaxing in a bowl of gummy candies. Why? Because it's soft and comfortable, duh.
Of course it's somewhat dangerous, since a good friend of yours who is much, much, much larger than you is eating the candy while he focuses on grinding EXP in his MMO RPG, buuuuut you assume he's able to recognize the texture differences between your body and a gummy candy, so you aren't too worried.
Every now and again, he'll talk to you, complain about something in his game that you don't understand... but you try your best to empathize with him anyways.
Things are pretty boring... but it's nice.
Then, you suddenly get grabbed.
You look around, as you realize you're being lifted into the air.
"Eh? Wha-?! I-Idia, wait-!"
But it was too late. He'd already tossed you into his mouth and swallowed you down like the rest of the candies he's been eating.
Well, now you're relaxing on a bed of half-melted gummies, and other such snack foods.
You lay there a bit confused and surprised. To be honest, you didn't expect him to be that engrossed in his game...
You try to get his attention, but it doesn't really work.
Oh well, time to make a fuss. Make him really regret it and realize what he did wrong.
Well, you do exactly that. You punch, kick, scream, squirm, struggle, anything and everything to get him to realize what he did.
"Eh? (Y/N)? Why aren't you in the candy bowl anymore? Where'd you go-?" Idia asks, as he finally realizes you're not where he remembers you being. Then, he seems to finally put together the pieces in his head. "Oh... oh damn it... I ate you, huh?"
"Took you long enough!!" You yell out, a bit frustrated.
"I'll get you outta there soon dw, just gotta finish up this raid boss and this questline, which shouldn't take too long. Just chill out in there a bit longer ig, I'll get you out eventually."
And with that, he goes back to focusing on his game.
You sigh, and lay your head against the pulsating walls. Looks like you're gonna be stuck in here for a while... better get used to it...
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gauntlings · 3 months
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haha what do you mean the mc awakens feelings not felt in centuries. haha but like what do you mean by a human, who you see as weak, weakening something absolute in you???
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depravedangelbaby · 4 months
i think it's very important for u all to know that i shaved and am v v soft <3
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Lace with little chain detail 🥰
Treat me ~ Tip me
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