#v: grishaverse
miss-polly ยท 1 year
@eclipsecrowned ;
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Polly placed the stack of small boxes on the counter smiling. "I think I've got everything boxed up for you this time." She pointed out each stack as she spoke. "Twelve boxes with two-day old bread, two dozen honey rolls to be given out as you please, and one puff pastry from this morning."
She nodded, though something in her was dead certain there were items missing. "I left a few of them by the oven today to warm up. I hope that they stay hot long enough."
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roseguided ยท 10 months
@mythslove ASKED, โ ๐’€๐’๐’– ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’๐’๐’š ๐’”๐’‰๐’๐’–๐’๐’… ๐’”๐’•๐’‚๐’š ๐’‚๐’˜๐’‚๐’š ๐’‡๐’“๐’๐’Ž ๐’Ž๐’†. โž ๐’‚๐‘ต๐’ˆ๐’”๐’•
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๐–๐Ž๐Œ๐€๐ ๐ˆ๐’ ๐‚๐€๐‘๐„๐…๐”๐‹ ๐ˆ๐ ๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐€๐๐๐‘๐Ž๐€๐‚๐‡ , ๐€๐‘๐Œ๐’ ๐‡๐„๐‹๐ƒ at her sides despite the urge to reach out & place them on nikolaiโ€™s shoulders. just by the weight of his words can she feel how they strain him , her sympathetic heart yearns to comfort but knows that sometimes the best thing to do is allow someone their space ! her father was often like that when he was angry , her sisters when they were in foul moods. not everyone is receptive to comfort all the time & not everyone even wants it when they are upset. they prefer to work through it themselves, but a little reassurance wouldnโ€™t hurt anything would it ? a deep breath is taken into the mermaids chest, a moment to mull over what she was going to say to him. ; ( this darkness inside of him , the result of the shadow monster infecting him , how absolute or controlling is it ? nikolai would never intentionally hurt her . ., ) โ› i donโ€™t want too. โœ ariel is a stubborn one, everyone knows that or will soon. โ› you might think yourself a monster because of this , but it wasnโ€™t your fault. you didnโ€™t ask for this to happen. โœ tone is gentle but holds a firmness. ariel is wants nikolai to bear her. a small step closer: โ› i am here for you, nikolai. if you want me to be or not. itโ€™ll be hard for me , but i-iโ€™ll give you your space. i'll still be here. โœ head gives a small nod as a sense of determination leaks from her final statement.
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whosthatfunkyrat ยท 7 months
Everyone talks about Matthiasโ€™s horny jail but-
Can we talk about Kaz for a second?
That boy looked at Inej for more than 5 seconds and went โ€œNOPEโ€, locking himself in a mental prison for like two years.
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stromuprisahat ยท 13 days
Okay, Alina doesn't feel confident enough to feed Aleksander false information once she knows how the Tether works...
But why not distract him? Annoy him? Tease him?
Randomly pop up, sing a catchy song ten times in a row, and once she's certain he remembers it, disappear.
If she catches him explaining something, repeat "Are you suuuuure?!" after every sentence.
Think about him very hard, when she's preparing for bed, pretend she doesn't realize it and cut him off as she's lifting her chemise.
Hell, if she'd allow herself to admit she's interested in him, she could make a game of guessing his name before he gives it to her.
Yeah, none of that might win her the war, but a distracted mind is more likely to make mistakes.
edit: He's touch-starved! She knows it!
Run her fingers over the back of his neck, before he realizes she's there, and disappear.
Put her head on his shoulder as he's in middle of a council meeting.
Poke him with her finger. Again. And again... Has she never seen a cat?!
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torgwn ยท 1 year
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next month!! s2s coming out next month!!
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firebrand-witch ยท 6 months
"Please, my darling anon, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new gift"
On popular demand, (7 people liked my post; mom, I'm famous) the grishaverse fandom's secret santa is here!
Whether you've participated in multiple or this is your first one, the rules are very straightforward:
You will be assigned a random blog to make a gift for. You must get to know them via anon asks. Ask them about their likes, dislikes and go through their blog to get a good idea of their preferences
Someone will send you anonymous asks to get to know you. Make sure to be prompt and courteous. If you have anon asks disabled, enable it otherwise the surprise will get spoiled!
The gift can be whatever you want: a gifset, an edit, a poem, a fanfic. Everything is fair game
Make sure to tag all your posts with #grishaverse xmas
If you're interested in participating, send me an ask before the 7th of December
Reblog this post if you made it this far๐Ÿ’Œ
No Mourners, No Funerals
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vwritesaus ยท 2 months
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hi. thanks for being the latest book that has singlehandedly destroyed me โ™ก
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krugecrow ยท 1 year
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Kanej plague doctor au for @grishaversebigbang reverse minibang!!
Check out @nugget-hater โ€˜s fic Crotchety Remedies on AO3!! (Tumblr post)
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feilien ยท 7 months
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{โ™š x @thiefofcrows x}
โ€ƒStakeouts had never been Mattโ€™s strong suit. They were boring, tedious and required far too much sitting still and being attentive for long periods of time. It wasnโ€™t that he couldnโ€™t do it, or that he wasnโ€™t any good at it, he just simply hated them and had always pawned it off on someone else whenever possible. Which was easier said than done when working as the Reaper for the Dregs. It had essentially become part of his job description, and no whining and complaining ever seemed to change Kazโ€™s mind about it. Matt couldnโ€™t count how many times heโ€™d had to listen to the speech of just why exactly they were so important; all he knew was that it had been enough times for him to be able to recite it word for word if he had to listen to it again.
โ€ƒToday, however, didnโ€™t feel half as tedious as usual. Which probably had a lot to do with the fact that he wasnโ€™t alone. No, Kaz was standing mere inches away from him as they both observed their markโ€™s movements. A lawyer with some seriously deep pockets, as well as a safe filled with kruge and all sorts of jewels. But the money was secondary. Apart from the kruge and jewels, he also had a list of names in that safe. Clients. But not just any clients โ€” they all were affiliated with the Bronze Vipers. They wanted that list, and they were going to get it. All they had to do was establish his routine, then find a window of opportunity in which they could get in, get what they need, and get out. All unseen and unnoticed, of course.
โ€ƒAnd while Matt was focused and on high alert, his gaze did tend to drift over to Kaz more often than not while he was distracted with the binoculars. Matt was highly aware of just how close they stood next to each other while they shared the window in one of the Dregโ€™s safehouses. They were so close that he could feel the body heat radiating off of Kaz and all he wanted to do was close the gap between them; an urge felt an awful lot lately. Most of the time he could resist, other times, howeverโ€ฆ
โ€ƒAnnoyed with anything and everything, including himself, Matt let out a sigh and stretched in an attempt to shake off whatever he was feeling. This wasnโ€™t the time and place, and there were more important things that needed his damn attention. โ€œHeโ€™s been in his fucking office for hours now. He has to be going to bed soon. If he doesnโ€™t, I might just lose my saintsforsaken mind.โ€
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sargentsblu ยท 2 years
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i don't even have the words for how much i love the
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smiletimeisrunningout ยท 5 months
@gccdstories x Genya
"See, this is a power I could've welcomed with a lot more grace," Emma commented after being able to move again, since Genya's job on her face was done, "Rare, but so useful. Not that we need lots of effort, look how pretty we are." She was half joking - Genya was indeed beautiful, but she wasn't that conceited - and impressed, and gave her a wide grin to let her know so, before checking herself in the mirror again.
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"Thank you. Say, why don't you stay with me for breakfast today? If you are not in a rush, of course. I have shared meals with so many people, but never with the first person I see in the morning, it will not do." She was curious about her, but there appeared to be division among Grisha there, which she couldn't even begin to understand. And Genya was even more of a mystery.
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miss-polly ยท 10 months
โ›ย  whatย  doย  weย  haveย  here ? ย โœ matthias : )
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Polly smiled, hoping her nerves didn't show. The boxes in the back of her kitchen were visible from the front, and, though she'd hidden the labels carefully, a close inspection would give her away. But everyone did what they could to survive in the barrel, even little bakers like her.
Still, stowing the goods for the Dregs had given her more than enough to afford ingredients that weren't as easy to come by.ย  "Barley-and-cinnamon waffles, with maple syrup baked into the batter." She held up a steaming plate, proud despite the fear of being found out. "I made a batch for myself this morning, and I think I might have made the most delicious breakfast item in all of Ketterdam."
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mossytrashcan ยท 1 year
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caracarnn ยท 2 months
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It wasn't exactly the fact that he had asked him that which made him somewhat insulted. No, it was the way that it had been spoken. He stared at the prince with a touch of agitation before he stepped back, swallowed down the insult, and gave a nod of his head.
"Not embarrassed, your Highness." He answered simply, easily before looking into his eyes. "Just simply wondering why it's important."
cont'd from here - @beznakosta
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stromuprisahat ยท 5 days
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 19 (Leigh Bardugo)
This started off as sinister, except it turns out pathetic little meow meow is just lonely.
How am I to take him seriously as THE villain, when there are rapists, genocidal mass murderers or cult leaders running around unpunished? This loser just wants some peace and company.
He isn't even really messing with Alina!
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faultyconscience ยท 16 days
@unbeleveable (baghra) said: "you're the last person I wanted to see, actually."
He releases a breath of laughter, eyes darkening immediately thereafter. People are always wanting to live forever, live longer, fuller lives; they never stop to think of the consequences. If everyone can live so long, that means enemies too. And maybe they're not enemies per se, but people become harder to stomach after a few centuries or so. Despite what they once had, there is little but disdain left.
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"Now, now, dearie, is that any way to greet an old friend?"
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