#v: limbo
zephyrine-gale · 1 year
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this old timer's never catching a break
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Breakfast burgers!
(As always click for better quality)
I’d like to think that Damian is visiting after his Robin shift and they’re getting in some supersons hang out time before school
My emergency commissions are still open with everything 10% off the final price!
Version without lighting effects (+coloured lines) and zoomed in version under cut;
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 4 months
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primordialchoice · 7 months
— 4000 BCE — The Garden of Eden
A chilly breeze has been caressing and dancing upon her limbs and down her spine from the uppermost point at the nape of her neck, leaving in its wake trails of raised goosebumps in spite of the unchanging temperature inside the garden. It swished around her intestines and encased the inner walls of her thoracic cavity in icy coating, which she eventually came to understand that what she felt wasn't a breeze at all.
It was anxiety.
It started after she agreed to help that... fallen angel with the black wings and terrible eyes that bore the cold winds from beyond the wall within her. Was she having second thoughts about it? The apple in her hand was a regular one she picked from a random tree, but the jittery way with which she scraped at the peel made her feel as if she was holding a lethal weapon.
Nothing would happen to him if he ate it. She didn't plan to give it to him anyway. She was supposed to embellish it; boast about its taste and texture and hook him in by playing on his curiosity. If all went according to the plan, then she would guide Adam to the tree Lilith had supposedly plucked the fruit from and have him try them for himself.
But the more she thought about it, the more hesitant she became to deceive him. What exactly would happen once it was proven that he wasn't infallible? What about her? What fate would God bestow upon her for leading her mate into a trap? Their games, competitive as they may be, were, for better or worse, cemented in a foundation of trust. They were tough, exhausting and agonizing.
But they were honest. This game, was anything but.
She peered at her mirror in the polished redness of the fruit. Her anxiety had perforated the peel with scratches and dents in the crescent shape of her thumb's fingernail, which consequently marred the reflection staring back at her. He would quicker deem her a liar and leave if she showed him that apple... so. She dropped it.
And with it, the plan.
Three days later, she found herself running back to the tree where she met the serpent with tears blurring her eyes.
"Angel!!" her cry ripped out of her throat, the air searing her throat and lungs with each heavy breath she drew in and released. She had been running for a good chunk of time. Slowing down meant that her legs would give out from beneath her, so she didn't. Instead, she threw herself against the tree and held onto the trunk as tightly as her limp arms could to keep herself upright against it.
"Angel!" she yelped again between gasps of air, eyes squeezing shut with a dejected whine that escaped the grimace that began to pull her features into another session of incessant sobs. Her forehead pressed against the trunk, somewhat resigned to a helpless fate, somewhat begging for a miracle she didn't believe in. Had she rejected the only olive branch that was extended to her? Perhaps she did.
Perhaps, it was over.
Perhaps... but she begged anyway. " You... crawling.. fallen beast...
"I need you."
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drachliebe · 6 days
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// eisworld's asleep post chaotic children--
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vynegar · 10 months
bustafellows ch 2 questionnaire guide
screenshot of the list of questions in chapter 2, with the responses color-coded per associated LI. there’s also a text version. under the cut for spoilers
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1. I usually point out someone's error. [YES] (Limbo) or [NO] (Scarecrow)
2. I prefer doing things alone without help. [YES] (Helvetica) or [NO] (Limbo)
3. I like choosing a present for someone. [YES] (Scarecrow) or [NO] (Mozu)
4. I am theoretical person, not emotional. [YES] (Mozu) or [NO] (Helvetica)
5. I am prepared for as many contingencies as possible. [YES] (Shu) or [NO] (Limbo)
6. I am curious person. [YES] (Scarecrow) or [NO] (Shu)
7. I like taking care of others or animals. [YES] (Mozu) or [NO] (Helvetica)
8. I consider a question in all its bearings until I understand. [YES] (Mozu) or [NO] (Shu)
9. I am interested in social problems. [YES] (Limbo) or [NO] (Helvetica)
10. I often regret about some mistakes I made. [YES] (Limbo) or [NO] (Scarecrow)
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chipped-chimera · 1 year
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There's a fire in her eyes, and a city ready to burn.
Watch me accidentally draw screenshot parallels to the Cyberpunk teaser trailer that gave me brainworms for this game since before it was even out hahahaha
Finished those eyes I was talking about (after a very inconvinent power outage right in the middle) for my V and I'm super happy with them! Working on her tatt means I've been thinking about backstory and making myself sad and her choice of optics and replacing her 'ganic eyes were kind of a big lore thing so I wanted to give them a personal touch.
I was trying to ride the very fine line between obviously fake but still organic enough that they might pass as only slightly modified at first glance. Inspo for these was actually thinking back to piercing stores I’ve been in and the jewellery I like, which is usually anything with a synthetic opal in it. This took a stupid amount of passes despite eyes taking very little time for me to make, just trying to hit that exact right middle point. A lot of this is excessive blending of opal and iris textures + effects plus some hand painting.
MASSIVE credit to Kala for her Pupil Glow Ring Eyes which I used as a base for my personal edit!
Now I just gotta make sense of the unique eyes framework myself so I can make more than just overrides ... [Edit: CRACKED HOW IT WORKS HAHA! Think I'd been reading it with jello brain or something before I guess]
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juraorbi · 2 years
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how long has it been now?
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ebonyforged · 2 years
It has been maybe two hours since she’d been rudely shoved into a holding cell, but Ebony is already beyond fed up. She has done no wrong, of course, entirely a misunderstanding, but her attempts to explain that have so far only fallen on deaf ears. The true kicker is that although she could easily slip away through Limbo, she shouldn’t. There’s yet more work to be done in London, and she would like to go about it without being wanted. The ideal course of action would be to clear her name, if only anyone would listen.
A man passes by the cell, a little too close. It’s obvious that he belongs there by the air about him. She sees an opportunity and takes it, catching the stranger by the hand through the bars. She wants to drag him by his collar, bruise his nose on the metal bars, but controls herself.
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“I’m sorry, but could you tell me when someone will come to release me? I’m here by mistake.”
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
So like
Is Raine even aware they're being possessed rn?
How aware are people (aside from Hooty because he's Hooty) stuck in puppet form of anything going on? Of even being puppets? Are they like, essentially asleep? Or are they fully aware of what's happening to them and are powerless to fight back?
Compounded on that, now Raine is being possessed by Belos too. If Raine is aware of what's going on this has got to be one of the shittiest days of their entire life
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tacticalgrandma · 3 months
Today in things I’d be searching on JSTOR if I was still at a university: every protest/resistance movement started by migrants held in US detention
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noritaro · 1 year
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2022 is almost ending so alas... I haven't made an art summary before actually lmfao, been slacking off with art this year imo and it's weird looking at this cause you can tell what shit I've been watching/have been hyped for throughout the year
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lanternsong · 8 months
@stygicniron / starter call (accepting!)
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." A rustle in the trees overhead reveals not the craftily perched girl the voice implies, but a bluebird, giving its body a fierce little shake that ruffles its feathers. When it looks at the boy, it doesn't move like a bird — doesn't twitch, doesn't bob. It is too still, too slow in its movement. The manner, like the voice, uncannily evokes a human. "I mean, I'm not you. And you can do what you like. But if it were me," she says, gesturing with a wing toward the grove of gnarled, weeping edelwood trees ahead, "I'd want someone to tell me how stupid I was about to be."
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primordialchoice · 6 months
he looked around nervously. "w-what are you doing here????" wasn't there anyone with her? someone who could explain all this to him? his inner alarm bell rang upon feeling her aura. "you are not supposed to be here? y-you are supposed to be in Eden!"
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Frost set in her inner cavity upon feeling her stomach drop from the edge of a cliff. The tension in her locked limbs steeled her in place as the harsh pointing of fading green saucers sussed her encounter with the celestial while feeling very much like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck.
She'd done a marvelous job at slipping out of tricky situations so far. Something told her that there wasn't anything to worry about here either if she continued to play her cards right. Did this angel know who she was? What she's done? It might be dangerous to rest in the thought of his ignorance, but the way he was stumbling over his words disengaged her muscles enough for her shoulders to lower her defenses.
"Oh... silly me. No wonder I couldn't find the waterfall. Say, could you point me in the direction of it?"
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drachliebe · 5 days
anyway , a break from the depressing stuff lets talk bears :
i know i said that i'm making the lines between main! and cartoon!v more defined , but if limbo will be written in cartoon!v , he'd be moreso a recognizable part of arktos' cast of lackeys--- such as james and the vulture . rather than the young , goofy underdog who's COMPLETELY out of his element as a soldier , this limbo mirrors the role of that one polar bear in the albums as one of arktos' main lackeys . albiet still pretty goofy .
despite his loyalty to the crown and no short tendency to push others around from time to time-- lilli brings out the softie in him . saw this strange little cub and thought " y'know , someone oughtta be looking out for her . guess that's me . " lilli sees him like a big brother and confides in him when she doesn't feel confident enough in a.rktos or james because the latter's a snitch . he's like a stressed out baloo .
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cutie-pinay · 2 years
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An autumn meeting 🍂🍂.
I suppose this is a continuation of this 🤔.
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