#v. and the dead do not think but drink / and a thirst for the sea makes you sink ( drowned man. )
fishermcn · 5 months
i see you on the brink of death,
i see you draw your final breath,
i see a man who gets to make it home alive...
but it's no longer you.
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walkthroughtheword · 2 years
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Reading for September 29th Psalms 107 When I was a kid, on late weekend nights, I would turn the radio dial to 890 AM WLS and listen to Casey Kasem’s American Top 40. The Top 40 songs were the popular songs of the day and I knew most of the words and guitar riffs and would often sing along with my “air guitar.” Even today, if a late-1970’s popular tune comes on the radio, I can usually come up with the words and sing along even though it may have been decades since I heard the song. Diana marvels when I do this. She cringes if I add in an air guitar riff. I guess those songs are “hardwired” into my heart and mind. Music is like that. The ancient Hebrews didn’t have Casey Kasem and his “Top 40,” but they did have their own “Top 150.” The collection we know as the “Psalms” is a curated canonical collection of psalms. There were thousands of psalms and the “Top 150” represents the best and most popular of the thousands written. David himself wrote over 4000 according to ancient manuscripts in the Dead Sea Scrolls. If Casey were an ancient Hebrew, he would be spinning LPs of the songs we know as the Psalms. They were popular and well-known in Old and New Testament times. With this in mind, let’s take a look at Psalm 107. While this psalm is not directly quoted in the New Testament, there are inferences that remind me of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The psalmist (V 9): “for he satisfies the thirsty . . .” JESUS (John 4:14): “. . . but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst,” The psalmist (V 14) “He brought them out of darkness . . . and broke away their chains.” JESUS (Luke 4:18): “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners.” The psalmist (V 20) “He sent out his word and healed them.” (v 20) JESUS (Luke 4:40): “As he laid his hands on each one of them, he healed them.” And my favorite in Psalm 107 . . . The psalmist (V 29) “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.”   JESUS (Mark 4:39): “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Do you think the disciples hearkened back to Psalm 107 as they served with Jesus in his earthly ministry? I believe they did. This psalm was hardwired in their hearts and minds. When they witnessed Jesus’ great acts, they had to have remembered, sang this psalm and maybe even given it a little air lyre riff. They most certainly pondered as they marveled. And so should we. “Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.” (v 43)
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likesugarandcyanide · 6 years
AN: For the life of me I couldn’t write this in 1000 words or less. May not be the last David piece I write. The next on my to do list is a one shot for Ace Merrill; hope it doesn’t melt my brain.
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“Why not ask them? They’re real cute.”
That was an understatement; they were minors. It was obvious to Mia the moment she noticed them – they had a certain inexperience in their stiff movements, like they were afraid of getting caught for staying out too late. She rolled her eyes at her new friends and spun to face them, not concerned about the people she was bumping into as she walked backwards down the boardwalk.
“Trust me, Sara. There are better fish in the sea besides those wet behind the ears brats over there.” Mia smiled. “Bet they wouldn’t even know where to stick it if ya got naked and asked them to fuck ya; no offence Andy.”
Andrew – her date – curled up his nose and flipped Mia off. His friends all teased and laughed at him until Sara brought up her hand and silenced them – the queen bee had spoken.
“What do you suggest then, Mia? We came here to party. Are you going to show us a good time, or do we need to find someone else to do it?” Again, they laughed.
Brats. Mia nearly forgot they were from out of town; students on break. She huffed a sigh of annoyance. “I suggest ya listen to me. This place is a hot spot for tourists, but it’s also pretty dangerous for those who are not from here. Ya go around lookin’ for some fun and ya might just get more than ya asked for.” Ya might just find yerself with more holes to fuck than swiss cheese. Or become the domestic bitch of a Surf Nazi and his lackeys; much to choose from ‘round here.
A variety of bizarre and irrational people inhabited the boardwalk after dark; some harmless and some that even Mia wouldn’t dare cross. She promised the college students a night to remember and she’d be damned if she went back on her word. Her dull green eyes swiftly combed through the busy crowd – her guests needed dates, yet no one really struck her fancy. No one seemed good enough.
Until he surfaced – a platinum blonde that came to the amusement park every night – sauntering from the metal bowls of the radiantly lit roundabout. He was a handsome creature, always dressed in black and always in the company of others. Mia thought he’d be fun to hang with; his friends were an active bunch. She had seen the fat security guard, Ed chase them through the park a couple times. It couldn’t hurt to ask.
“How ‘bout them? The guys near the carousel; mullet and his friends. They’re cute, right?”
Sara took a look – nice catch. “Will they bite though? Looks as though they won’t … guys like them have a certain taste.”
“They’ll bite – trust me.” Mia bobbed her head. “Look at you. Good enough to eat.” She licked her lips to emphasize her point.
The queen bee was satisfied. She sent Mia and one of her own – Lauren – to reel them in. The sassy brunette returned minutes later, dragging Lauren behind her. Sara knew the guys had agreed; both girls were bouncing in glee.
An hour later, the troupe was set up on the beach. Andrew made a fire between them with pieces of dried wood and each of them paired up, resting around the pit like a mass of witches. The loud uproar from the boardwalk was drowned out by the pleasant music playing from the ‘rock box’ laying in the white sand – Paul, the blonde with the teased hair called it that.
So far, it had been a good night.
Mia was buzzed. She took a deep swig from her beer and burst into a fit of laughter; 2nd bottle in. “Don’t tell me … I wanna try again. Almost remembered this time.” She nearly tumbled off Andrew’s lap and would have if not for the tight grip he had on her waist.
The curly haired male – Marko was his name – urged her on, rolling his wrist. He and Paul had been playing a game with her; music trivia. Mia was losing. “Ya get one more try, little sister. Get it wrong and ya have to chug the rest of yer beer.” He laughed as she whined in defeat.
“It’s Love Bites,” Andrew answered for her. “You know; Def Leppard.” Obviously she doesn’t know it. He leaned down and whispered the lyrics in her ear, inciting a shiver from her.
Paul quickly accused her of cheating; Marko agreed. “Ya have to do it. Help is against the rules, so bottoms up.”
Mia whined again. “Do I have to?” She hated the sharp taste of beer; it didn’t exactly slake her thirst, but she couldn’t exactly tell Marko no when he offered her bottle after bottle. Her eyes drifted over to David for the first time that night, blaming the bonfire for the heat she felt as he stared at her. Don’t disappoint me, she imagined him saying. Even with Sara glued to his arm, Mia felt like his attention was on her alone. She smiled and toasted him, tossing back the remainder of her drink. Some of the amber colored liquid trickled down her chin, but Andrew helped her clean it up.
“Bravo,” Marko cheered. He happily took up his date’s limp arms and like a marionette forced her to clap too. Kayla had passed out between his knees in a drunken sleep, ignorant to the world around her.
Mia laughed and faked her best bow, leaning back against Andrew’s chest. His warm scent was almost too much for her. She nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck and sighed in relief.
“Not bad, Maria. Not bad at all.” David applauded her. The entire group seemed to quieten down. He curled his lips up into a teasing grin. “Have to admit, for out-of-towners you guys have major balls to party with strangers you barely know, considering the rumors coming out of this place.”
“Rumors? You mean the whole ‘murder capital of the world’ thing?” Sasha – the girl with Paul – gave a nervous laugh. She noticed the bold declaration on her way into the city; it was brushed in all capital letters on the flip side of the ‘Welcome to Santa Carla’ sign. Welcome my ass, she remembered thinking. White hot dread burbled in the pit of her stomach, but once the beach came into view, all undesirable thoughts about the sunset colored words faded away. Sasha hadn’t really thought about them until David mentioned it – the fear began to burble in her stomach again.
“No ‘fraid not. He means monsters; things that go bump in the night.” Dwayne, the quiet one voiced.
Lauren thought he may be joking, yet his eyes held no humor in them. In fact, none of the four guys were laughing. She knotted her brows together and shot them a bemused look. “You guys are just trying to get a laugh out of us, right? Scare the out-of-towners.”
“Ignore ‘em. The natives here do this sometimes,” Mia interrupted, rolling her eyes. “They claim Santa Carla is infested with vampires. Every year people go missing and their bodies never turn up, but it’s not true. Vampires don’t exist.” She was beginning to feel uncomfortable – Andrew had tightened his grip on her waist. His skin was pebbled in goosebumps.
“But it’s true. Vampires do exist,” Marko argued. He laid his finger against the thin, pale skin beneath Kayla’s chin. The nail on his pinkie was long and looked razor-sharp in the flickering light of the bonfire. “Keep your eyes here and don’t look away.” No one expected what happened next. Marko slid his nail along the length of her neck; a wet spurt of blood spilled out and ebbed into the v cut of her blouse. Kayla didn’t even wake up. She wheezed, slumped her head, and died.
Andrew’s blood ran cold. His mind couldn’t process the facts; she’s dead. He killed her right in front of you. What will you do, Andy buddy? Panic – that’s what he did. A terrified scream tore from his throat. He nearly tossed Mia from his lap trying to fool his body into believing that he didn’t just witness his friend being wrung like a stuck pig.
The fear was infectious. Lauren lurched forward and vomited on her shoes. The queen herself was speechless; she didn’t feel the icy hands of death on her until it was too late.
“Why? God Why?” Sasha grabbed Paul by the arm; her only relief being one of the four responsible for Kayla’s death. Yet as she took a look at his face, her stomach knotted in repulsion. His lively eyes were sunken in, cheekbones high and bulging from his skin. Paul was a monster – no a vampire. Like a fish, she opened and closed her mouth, unable to form words. The vampire leapt onto her and sank its fanged teeth into the junction of her neck and shoulder. Sasha was knocked backwards onto the sand, but all she could remember before her world went black was the look of fear on Lauren’s face as Dewayne tore her head from her body. There was so much blood.
Across the fire pit Mia was in awe, bound by the limbs around her waist and the fierce yellow eyes that stalked her; David’s beautiful eyes. She noted the amount of blood trickling from his mouth – the honey bee no doubt – splashed across his human face and in his blonde hair. It brought more questions than fear; a tinge of arousal that made her nipples harden beneath her blouse. Her hand reached for him, begging silently to be touched. However, it wasn’t David that brought her to reality; it was Andrew. Her name on his lips sent a shiver through her body that felt like ice water on her skin. Mia shot him a look of shock and released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding.
“Snap out it, Mia. We have to run – don’t leave me alone – we have to get up and get out of here.” Andrew shook the tiny girl in his lap. He was thankful that her eyes had focused, staring at him instead of through him like a pane of glass. She gave a brief nod and Andrew took it as the push he needed to yank her up and go. He pulled her behind him and away from the horrifying sound of his friends being bled dry.
Andrew could see it – the boardwalk – in the distance. How far had they wondered out? It shouldn’t be this far, yet it felt like he had been running for hours. He was too sacred to look over his shoulder, afraid that he’d see the vampires closing in; his hand was still attached to Mia’s wrist. If not for the soft wheezes of exhaustion coming from her mouth, he might of thought she had already died.
“Andy … please. I can’t keep up.” Mia could hardly breathe. She struggled to keep up and missed a step, dropping into the sand with a loud oomph. The weight nearly pulled Andrew down on top of her.
He turned to her with annoyance in his eyes. Almost there … almost and you trip. Damn drunken sow. Andrew tore his hand from her like he’d been burned and thought about stomping onto her back – the same cute ass that had been in his lap earlier was sticking right up into the air. He was too afraid to make a rational thought; too scared of being torn apart that he circled around and left her. Better her than me, he thought hoping that they would be satisfied with her alone. How wrong he was – Mia sat up in anticipation.
Andrew barely made it a few feet away before David swooped down in front of him. They can fucking fly? He shrieked in horror, but found that his vocal cords weren’t generating a sound. A wet and warm liquid streamed down his shirt, almost like he’d pissed himself. However, before he understood that his neck had been tore open like a dressed pig David shoved his razor like nails into his stomach and ripped them up and through the teen’s fleshy tissue. His large intestine spilled out and hung like a length of rope from the slit in shirt. Andrew’s body doubled over and landed in the mucky red sand with a heavy thump.
Mia cried in mock fear. “Please … please don’t hurt me.” Fat, hot tears soaked her face. She was too caught up in her act to notice David narrow his eyes.
From down the beach she heard Marko laugh. He came down from the air, nearly falling on his ass – Paul and Dewayne landed next to him. “Gets better every time I hear it.”
“Ya think? The scream needs a little work, honestly.” Mia could never seem to get it right. She smiled as Dewayne dipped his head; he agreed with her.
“A little late considering he was dead before hittin’ the ground – David really did a number on ‘im – but no doubt better.” Paul helped Mia stand, avoiding a punch to his side from her. “Come on; wasn’t even the best part. Yer dolly took the cake, leavin’ ya to die. Wasn’t expecting ‘im to run off with ya though.”
Dewayne brushed his fingers through his windswept hair. “Me neither. It was split second.” He watched David nudge the body with his boot and smiled. Out of David’s control; he’s not happy.
The blonde in question moved over to them and stood in front of Mia – Paul backed out of his way. He slid a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up to meet his. The uncertainty in her pale eyes was almost cute. “What have I told you about playing with your food?”
“Sorry David,” she uttered. Mia wanted to promise him she wouldn’t do it again, but even she knew it wouldn’t be wise to lie to him. His stained thumb rubbed at her cheek; she had no doubt he was smearing blood onto her skin. It smelled delicious. “I did good, didn’t I? Tricked them into going along with us, just like you asked.”
Some habits were hard to break. For Maria it was her obedience; she was something of a pet before David turned her and even now she was expecting a beating for going against his plan. Sometimes he wondered if she liked it a little too much. He sighed and dug his nail into her bottom lip, drawing a thin line of blood. “Yes, but don’t disobey me again.”
Mia smiled. Of course, she thought. What she did was kiss the pad of his finger, sinking her mouth down on it. The metallic taste of blood flaked off onto her tongue, urging her to moan. She was right, Andrew was a good choice. Had he not been, Mia was sure Sara would have. So bitter; her blood must have tasted like honey. Her lips made a sharp pop as she moved off David’s finger.
“Was she good?” Mia was curious. Her lips pouted as he smiled – some of her blood was still around his mouth.
“I’ve had better,” he admitted. Pompous ass, Mia thought. That smirk he gave her knotted her stomach in the most wonderful way.
Mia could only think of one way to find out. She leaned forward and kissed him. A satisfied moan left her mouth as David moved against her, allowing her to taste the blood on his tongue.
Just like honey.
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bts7writings · 7 years
BTS When They See You Hungover
“Did I or did I not tell you to control your alcohol intake” he scolded you, early ing the morning, carefully placing his freshly made soup on the nightstand next to the bed.
You were covered in wet towels as the heat became even more unbearable for you when you woke up. You groan remembering how you rolled your eyes at the warning Jin made yesterday morning.
One drink turned to 3 and those doubled and so on. Your friend, and also designated driver for the night, drove you home after calling Jin over so he could carry you to your apartment.
Jin played along with your antics yesterday night - endlessly dragging you back into bed, insisting that you sleep before you could hurt yourself.
He comes over to lean against the bed frame beside you and puts his arm over your shoulder. You slowly sink into his arms and begin to fall asleep when Jin shakes you a little.
“You know the lady that sells Bungeo-ppang?”
You open one eye to peer at him, “yeah, did you bring me one?”
“No” He smiles and points at the bowl, “drink your soup.” You groan again, but this time in refusal; rolling away from him, but his hand keeps you beside him. “I ran into her while shopping and she gave me some medicine for you,” he sees your eyebrow raise and his laugh begins to form.
“Apparently you went to her shop last night and asked her to set all her fish free.”
You push your head back in annoyance with yourself as Jin rubs your shoulder in comfort.
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He looks over at you still sleeping; you were 5 drinks in when he offered to be your black knight (drink in your place). Fortunately you didn’t put up much of a fight. Unfortunately, 5 drinks was enough to make you a sleeping mess. His alcohol tolerance was fairly good, but after carrying you all the way back home in the cold weather, his memory began to fade.
You shuffle in your sleep and he instantly reaches out to push your hair out of your face.
The action makes you open your eyes slowly to look up at him, “how’re you feeling?” he asks rubbing your cheek.
“Like I’ve been dragged through the streets“
“I may have hit your head in the corners a couple of times.” Your eyes widen at him and he smiles down at you. “I told you when you bought this apartment that the corners needed to be child proof.“
“I’m not a child“ you whine, “How is it that you’re in one piece?“
Before he can answer your question his phone beeps with a text, he takes his hand off of your cheek to get his phone. He looks down at the text really quick before looking up and giving a sympathetic smile.
“Hungover cure is waiting for you on the kitchen counter, babe. I have practice now - call me if you don’t feel okay.“ he gets up to grab his leather jacket and halts to lean over to feel your lips on his.
“Nasty morning breath“ he playfully teases before going in for another peck, “I’ll let myself in tonight so don’t stay up and rest.“
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J Hope
“Hyung I think she might be dead” you open your eyes slowly at the sound of Hoseoks voice, “She’s not even mumbling things in here sleep, just dead”
You’ve becomes a black rose since hoseoks tolerance and taste didn’t suit alcohol. You slowly sit up in your bed, putting your hands on your face, not wanting him to see you like this. Your cheeks feel hotter than usual and your throat dry.
“Never mind she’s alive, i’ll call you later then, bye.“
He comes over the bed with a glass of water and some pills “Here you had me worried, i was about to call a doctor over? do you know how much you drank ? you could have gotten alcohol poisoning!” his mouth turns downwards as you sit up slowly and take the pill and raise the glass to your lips.
“Hobi, I’m just tired - I feel like crap“
“I know, I’m sorry. Maybe we shouldn’t have...”
You finally see his tired face as well, he must have stayed up the whole night worrying. A sudden guilt hits you seeing him like this.
“Come here,“ you extend your arms towards him and he goes towards you resting his head on your chest and his hands wrap around your waist. “It’s just a slight hangover, i’ll get over it soon. I’m sorry for making you worry, I don’t think going out for drinks is us.”
“Staying at home is nicer.“ 
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Rap Monster
You shuffle around uncomfortably for a few moments before realizing you’re not on your mattress, rather you have your bed sheets wrapped around you tightly inside your bathtub.
“Yah!” you call out, knowing full well your boyfriend promised to stay the weekend with you.
A loud bang followed by smaller bangs assure you that he’s somewhere in the kitchen making his way towards you.
He appears before you in only his loose boxers and messy hair, and it takes you a good minute to remember the position you are currently stuck in, “You awake?” He laughs as he leans in the door frame.
You narrow your eyes at him “Why do you have me here? Why am i tied up?”
“Do you know how stubborn you get when you’re drunk?” he goes over to you, “You kept assaulting me both sexually and physically” he jokes pulling the ties he made with the bed sheet. “I literally had to wrestle the whole way here”
You finish the knots and free yourself with his help from the sheets, “Why the bathtub?” you take his outstretched hand, sheets still wrapped around you, pulling yourself up and out of the tub.
“Babe, you made yourself heavier when i tried to carry you - the farthest i could make it was here.” he takes the remains sheets out of the tub and turns to you.
You see his tongue pass over his lips, your eyes travel towards his face and become immediately trapped by his eyes as you become aware that your are naked under the sheets.
“Let’s take a shower, last night was enough self control to last me a lifetime,“ he jokes.
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You whine into your sheets as an alarm clock goes off early in the morning, you completely forgot you had a job last night as you drank beer like water. You shove your head in your pillow and kick off the bed sheet to only cover your torso.
You hear footsteps and the alarm shuts off. You wait a few seconds and feel the bed dip down under someones weight, looking up you see your boyfriend leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
“I called your coworker to cover the first hours of your shift. What happened last night?”
“I have no idea, i was just drinking and went to close the window and felt my whole body on fire.”
“You drunk called me last night, you know“ he looked at your wide eyes and decided to carry on “You said some pretty dirty stuff baby“ he smirks down at you as you put you head down on the pillow unable to contain the blush coming on your cheeks “said you wanted me to undress you and cool the heat in your pussy with my cum“ you bring your legs together to try and stop the contraction around nothing. “Your drunk logic is beyond me, If anything we’d get each other more heated.“
He gently pushes you head to the side to face him, his breath hitches as he sees your flushed face with mouth slightly open from thirst.
“Jimin“ you whisper as he lays down on top of you, pushing you more into the bed under his weight.
“Don’t look at me like that and not expect some retribution for it.“ He rubs your naked back softly and leans over again to kiss down your spinal cord making you hum happily for what’s to come.
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“Kim Taehyung” your eyes narrow, not only from annoyance but also from the killer headache. He got home yesterday eager to try out his skills as a bartender.
he made a total of 8 cocktails ready for you to try. you happily obliged drinking all of his inventions and recipes as you finished your assignments and move over to search Netflix.
you didn’t get trough one full episode before you felt your eyelids heavily handing down. the ability to keep them up was forgot and Taehyung ended up with a stiff body not wanting to move and wake you up.
His arms are still around you tightly as you sit on his lap with your head on his shoulder.
“Y/n they’re all virgin - don’t worry” you lower your tone to mimic his voice remembering how you easily feel for his lie.
He gives you an innocent box smile and kisses your forehead, “At least you finally got the 11 hours of sleep you needed.” You cuddle back into his embrace unable to keep your anger.
“Oh no - we’re both going to cuddle properly on a perfectly good mattress.“ You yelp and begin laughing as he carries you bridal style to the bedroom
“Ow my head!“ you cry out from the sharp pain “Taehyung!“ you shout again as he hit your head with the door frame
“I’ll get you some Advil.“
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Going out for drinks and chicken was one of his favorite things to do with you. The way you completely brought down your guard and said everything he wanted to hear was his type of fun. He smiles down at you for all the confessions you made to him last night; confessions that he was sure to keep for the rest of his life in his heart…and his computer hard drive once he transferred them out of his phone.
He leaned down next to you and pulled you into his chest not intending to wake you up.
“Remind me never to drink ever again” you murmur into his chest.
“The worst”
“You were having the time of your life last night, jagi” you look up at him and scrunch your eyebrows. He smiled down at you and brought his phone above both of you sliding through live photos of you making faces, dancing, and singing horribly. He stoped at a video and played it.
“Jungkoooook” you hear yourself call in the background of the video.
You close your eyes and make a pain expression as the screen turns to you and your sad attempt at aegyo
“I love you this this this much,” your hands spread out knocking over a glass of water next to you, “Did you see that? My love is so strong it knocked over the sea, honey”
“I love you too. Y/N how about we go home?”
“What? No way handsome, call my boyfriend to come pick me up. Jungkook oppa!” you cheer out the his name in the video and you laugh a little at how ridicules you sound.
The last thing you see is jungkook bunny smile ending the video.
“Delete it, Jeon” you sigh and cuddle into his chest, not strong enough to
“Don’t think i will” he laughs putting his phone down.
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fishermcn · 6 years
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tag dump.
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