#// if you know where this came from we are officially homies
fishermcn · 5 months
i see you on the brink of death,
i see you draw your final breath,
i see a man who gets to make it home alive...
but it's no longer you.
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Kozy (NSFW) FT: Karina
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Dating a celebrity was hard. Dating a possessive celebrity is more so. You had known this by watching several friends fall for the honey trap. So you tried so, but God has a wild sense of humor you learned.
You met Karina while in between paleontology digs. She came to one of the seminars you were giving on dinosaurs and she knew then that she had to have you. She approached you after the seminar and said that she really “digs” the info you “excavated” for everyone present. You laughed at her puns and that's when she asked you out. Not knowing who she was you readily accepted her advances and two weeks later the two of you are officially a couple. A week after that you noticed a “change” in her personality. When Karina was on she was the flirty socialite who wowed everyone with her passion and precise performances. When she was off she was kind of a loser. An extremely loveable and hard-working loser but a loser nonetheless. For example, when she first met your black friend named Vladimir she said “Aye what's up homie? You got any fresh stories.” in her most awkward tone possible. It also didn't help that Vlad was the smartest person you knew and was often very at times particular about how he was spoken to, but he laughed it off and Karina was able to ease and relax her awkward speech tendencies. The puns never went away though. She also always had this nervous energy in her that kept her moving and bouncing you see a lot of that in her nonperformance videos. It was endearing and always made you smile. Despite all of her “loser energy” she was so loving and doting…almost overbearingly so, but you were her man and she was going to spoil you as much as you would let her which for your disciplined ass wasn't much. You spent a lot of time traveling and helping with paleontology digs. Which led to what unfolded tonight
You arrived back at your small apartment where you and Karina would secretly retreat to. It wasn't big but considering the price of things it couldn't be helped. You open the door. You chuckle when you see Karina in her undies playing through Kingdom Hearts 2. A couple of soju bottles sit in front of her. She turns when she hears the door open and a smile quickly replaces her focused grimace.
“Oh babe good you're here I need help with beating Luxord,” Karina says to you
“Rina, you started this game a week ago how are you already at Luxord?” you asked concerned
“Well we just finished promotions and I needed something to do. Also aren't you the one who beat Persona 5 Royal in an unbroken marathon of 6 days?” Karina says teasingly. You chuckle as you nod at your girlfriend. Your eyes wander her body her curves look vivacious. You sit next to her and she burps. She turns to you and hands you the controller.
“You know sometimes I forget how sexy you are,” you say to her as you blitz through Luxord’s game boss fight. Karina smiles at you as she begins to kiss you intensely. You make sure to pause the game so you don't lose progress. You also set the controller down away from you. After that, your fireman carry Karina the your shared bedroom. Karina is all giggles as she loves being manhandled by you. When you lay her on the bed her eyes are narrow and hungry.
“You wearing too many clothes.” She says as she rips your shirt and pants off. You groan as you remember how expensive these all were. Karina sees the dejected look and quickly moves to reassure you.
“Oh babe I'm so sorry I got caught in the moment.”
“It's okay I forget you have the strength of gods sometimes,” you say Karina smiles and apologizes again for messing up your clothes. You forgive her as she starts leaving a trail of kisses down your abdomen.
“I'm going to devour you tonight,” Karina says seductively, “our schedules have been so busy and disconnected but that ends tonight. This cock is mine for the night.” you let Karina do her thing as she begins to suck. Before she can get really into though you get a call. Karina's eyes widen mischievously
“Answer it,” she says coming up f94 air. You eye her but she remains firm. As she pushed you onto the bed. “I said answer it,” she says before pinching your cock. To stop the minor pain you do as she asks. She goes back to kissing your cock.
“Yeah, this is Max. What's up?” you say.
“Oh good to hear you Max we just confirmed that the skull you found was a new skull of a dinosaur no one has ever found before. So Danger suggested that you name it.” your friend Galavant said excitedly. Karina excited for you sank her throat down further than she had ever taken it before. She gagged on your cock which was a new sensation you weren't used to.
“Oh well, that eh great. Gally. I'll have to think of a name later because right now I'm a bit preoccupied.”
“Okay well just wanted to let you know fearless leader that your research is going down in the history books with this one.” you chuckle as a feeble attempt to hide your moans. galavant figuring what going on hands up the call then you moan louder
“God Karina your so bad.” you huff as she continues to work your cock. Her cheeks are hollow as she takes another deep breath before throating you. “I need more,” Karina says as she goes deeper and deeper on your cock. You groan as no partner has taken you this far before, and in a second she bottoms out. Her face is reaching your pelvis as she looks up at you with a smile and a ruined face of makeup. She begins to bob up and down only retreating halfway before engorging herself once more. Tears streak her eyes as she takes you in. As she bobs around your cock her pace increases inching you closer and closer to release. Before she gets a call from her business phone. She tries to ignore it but it keeps going. So frustrated she answers it.
“Yeah. Oh, wait I got the deal?” she says as her body language and fine shifts from annoyed to excited “No I'll be there in 30 minutes.” she says. “Great see you then.” she hangs up then says “shit”
She looks at you then apologizes
“So honey that was SM I just got a call confirming I got the Pucci Korea ambassador gig.” you smile and clap for her. Which makes her do a little happy jig.
“So do you want to shower and then head out?” you ask.
Karina sighs and says, “yeah but as soon as I'm done were finishing this.”
you nod and respond, “remember to take your time don't get overzealous.” Karina rolls her eyes and says
“I know.”
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🐀Junkrat (OW I & II) x (gn) Reader💣
(Beginning relationship pt. I Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(My friend @mushygutznstuffz helped me pick out this song!! Thanks again man, love you!!!)
- Boisterous to a fault, Junkrat is the type to want the world for you, him, and his best pal Roadie!
- Could ramble on and on about it for hours, and usually at a fast pace because he’s used to people ignoring him. Extremely excited when he realizes you were actually listening, engaging with him when he’s on a verbal tirade about his schemes.
- Again, he is not used to being in a romantic relationship or really knowing how to express it. But he tries so hard to convey it because he knows how much it means, but it becomes too much at times.
- Telling him to tone it down is probably the way to go— That or I hope you like stolen shit because the second he sees something loosely related to what you like and just goes yoink. Now it’s in your hands. Don’t ask where it came from <3
- Sometimes the gifts are a bit worse for wear— I mean it’s Junkrat what do you expect? Has given you so many bouquets with scorched and wilted flowers. It’s the thought that counts.
- Speaking about thought, he genuinely tries when it comes to you, wants to know and remember so much— Writes (more like scribbled, we all know that mans writing is chicken scratch) and keeps soot smeared sticky notes about things you said and he managed to remember littered about in his work space.
- The first one to say “I love you” like three hours after you guys make it official, why would he wait to say it when it took him so much time to realize his feelings and confess?
- He’s definitely not afraid of PDA, even on the battlefield, smacking you on the ass after a team kill, giggling insidiously as you punch him on the shoulder.
- If you are particularly touchy he has the tendency of wiggling in excitement, squealing all the while.
- So much energy in that lanky body of his, sometimes he gets too caught up in his emotions— Impulsivity is his middle name.
- Just about anything that includes his explosives gets his blood pumping, shaking in excitement like he’s a chihuahua that just gave a blood donation and he’s obsessed with holding onto you in some way as he does.
- His favorite thing to do is scoop you up and give you a bear hug smooshing his face against your hair. I mean, homie’s 6’6, but if you’re like taller— He’ll still do it, doesn’t matter. He’s determined goddamnit.
- If you don’t like it he’ll try to keep that in mind but he does have the tendency to forget a lot.
- Boundaries will have to be established, which will naturally have him pouting like a kicked puppy.
- Affectionate bribery is his go to when he wants to do something highly illegal with you, if you reciprocate it gets his eccentric ass self cackling and giggling.
- Makes you so much shit, weapons included, I also see him naming weapons after you. He just can’t resist naming them after you, you’re perfection in his eyes. Not that he’d ever admit to spare his ‘reputation’ (but let’s be honest, everyone knows he’s whipped for you).
- Loves you so so so much— But it’ll take some time for him to be convinced to take a shower, stinky, greasy, soot covered little fuck.
- Stubborn too, so it’s a legit stand off between you, him, and Roadhog (cause let’s be honest anyone would get fed up with smell grease and B.O mixed in a unholy concoction of death). It eventually ends with Roadhog being able to grab him from behind, with Junkrat fighting tooth and nail to get out of this inevitable event.
- When it’s all said and done after like an hour of struggle, bubbles, and dirty water he’ll just sit angrily on the couch, arms crossed and muttering under his breath as you dry off his hair with a towel.
- Which kinda makes up for it, likes it when you scratch his head with your fingers. Feels nice against his scalp, though, he’ll give you guys the silent treatment for like three hours maximum before he gets right back to his chattering and shenanigans.
(There!! Now, I’ll get back to my Venture bullshit again, stay tuned!)
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nonjewishzionist · 2 months
History of Jews in a nutshell (please correct me if I’m wrong):
Canaanite people like: fk I’m starving, there is no food, but I heard the Egyptians acros the street (border) have tons of food, maybe they give us some
*gets enslaved*
- fk, this did not go as I planned
*fast forward 400 years*
- hey my fellow hebrews, you know what? I’m tired of this shit, I’m going back home, who’s with me?
*jews arrive in the promised land*
-ah nice, im finally home, you know what? I’m building a kingdom here or something
*Israel and Judea enter the chat*
-ah, I love this man, having a country for Jews and stuff, where Jews can more or less feel safe and all, I say more or less because there is constantly war day in day in so…
*Romans enter the chat*
- Veni, Vici and this shit is all mine now
- hey you mf Italians go back to where you came from, tf are you doing in my country?
- like I said this shit is all mine now, you can go and fk off somewhere else
- ima fight you and turn you into pizzas since you like them so much
- hahaha you lost, now fk off outta my land, and as punishment ima name this joint Filistine in honor of your arch enemies the filistines around the corner
*rinse and repeat during 5000 years of Jews trying to come back to their home and being kicked out of wtv the place they are, left with no choice but to spread all over the planet*
*fish and chips enters the chat*
- you know what Otomans, you lost ww1 so this joint is mine now
*brits watching in first row how Jews and Muslims beat each other arse just because*
*ww2 enters the chat*
*jews try to flee to British mandate but get told once more to fk off*
*ww2 exits the chat*
*Jews and Muslims fights in the Mandate escalate*
- you know what people? You can kill your selves all you want now, I’m outta here back to England
*fish and chips exists the chat*
Jews: so, you getting out of here right? Can we finally have, like, our land back, like officially? I know Jews have been living here for 5000 years and shit but I would like an official country where the Jews that have been living in diaspora for 5000 years can come back to, you know? To avoid things like ww2, you know? Yeah that would be nice.
Brits: wtv take this piece and give this other piece to Muslims, at least that way you people stop fighting.
*its 48 Israel is born a second time*
- fina fricking lly, hey Jews you can come back home now
*Arab league and other extremists enter the chat*
- ima bomb your ass off, you mf infideles come here steal my shit?
Countries that did an Expellijews after Israel independence: yeah yeah right these mf come from Europe and steal our land, let’s bomb them to dust (yes I know some of them were expelled by me and my homies but who cares?)
*Arab league and friends start a gazilion of wars with Israel, loose them all and get butt hurt from it*
- ya know what? We can’t beat those mf by bomb let’s beat them with marketing, after all those naz1 did it back in ww2, why can’t we?
*1967 enters the chat*
- yeah so, I got high as a kite last night and I decided that yall people within this line and no longer Jordanians and shit, now yall Palestinians, that will make those mf infideles gtfo… and we can drop a bomb or two just so we don’t loose the practice
*Arab league and friends start another gazilion of wars, and loose them all again*
*Iron Dome, checkpoints and other technology enter the chat*
Arab league and friends: those mf dare to defend them selves? What a nerv! I’ll show them, hey marketing! What’s taking you so long? Start with those dumbfucks in some murican universities…
*marketing works*
Israelis like: dear hashem, wtf Are you doing up there? Taking a nap? Look at this shit! Just send another meteor because… look at this!!! These people are dumber than dumbness! It took me 5000 years to get my fking home back, 5000 years man!!!! And now, I got my fking home back and the neighbors are a bunch of crackheads that only know how to explode shit, act worse than kids in the kindergarten, don’t go to therapy and to make things worse, the people from other countries are getting dumber and dumber by the day. I don’t know what is worse!!!! If you don’t do nothing I’m building a rocket to Mars and leave these idiots here…
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
I feel like I have to keep you updated for these last few days and 70% of that is because I unfortunately made you all aware of my brothers existence and the other 30% is because he bullies me into telling stuff to his new ‘homies’. But also soooo much happened that i immediately thought to myself ‘i know a few people that would like to hear all this’ and my brother shared the same thought. So I apologize in advance for any spam that will happen in the next few days but I will also try my best to put it all into one message.
So first of all: MY BROTHER IS OFFICIALLY CLEARED UP TO GO HOME!! His tests all came back amazing so he is officially going back home on Sunday. Ngl the feeling is bittersweet because who is going to wake up half of the neighborhood with Sandstorm now and get stuck trying to climb a fence and force 50-60 year olds into watching qaf with him? And he’s taking the cat with him as well. Rude.
Anyway! I wish you guys could’ve seen him go into his lasy check up, he brought chocolates for everyone and got them each a card with personalized messages to say thanks for taking care of him. He was all happy and sweet, it was like a kid on Christmas. And then towards the end of the check up, one of the nurses was like ‘hey (his name), we actually wanted to give you a little something, to remember us by and also as a goodbye since you’re going home’ and they gave him a gift and guys, this shit was so freaking cute! They first got him some snacks he loves (he always came to the check ups with snacks and was offering them to all of the staff), but they also got him a penguin plushie (context: when he first came for the surgery, they told him to bring his pajamas from home since he will stay for a few days and he rolled up with two different penguin pajamas cause it’s his favorite animal..again this man is a grown 36 year old) And the plushie has the exact same scar on his chest/stomach as my brother does from his accident. And the surgeon goes ‘i made sure that they were identical, that way you’re no longer one of a kind’ because after the surgery when they showed him how it looked he was all high on meds and went ‘not gonna lie, this looks badass but fuck now i really am one of a kind and all alone.’ So the surgeon sewed the plushie to make it look the same. It was actually adorable as fuck! And my brother was all teary eyed about it. And then!!! the nurse goes ‘there’s one more thing inside and you have to check it now.’ And she explained that the nurse who knew about qaf (from when he ripped his stitches) is also a big part of this last gift. And it was a card and on the front it said ‘you’re cool but we really hope to never see you again’ (its kinda like a thing they say there bc it’s trauma department or whatever). Also sidenote: Did you guys know there’s a greeting/birthday card you can buy online that allows you to record a message and design the cover? So when you open it, it starts saying the message or whatever? Me neither. But apparently the nurses knew about it. So he opens the fucking card and Lover’s spit starts playing and all that is inside is a picture of Britin from the end of 3x14 where everyone is celebrating and they hug (Brian is like hugging Justin but he’s looking over him somewhere). And they go ‘you talked so much about that episode we figured it was fitting.’ And then they explained that the nurse who knew about the show helped them find the photos and everything and even fought them to make sure Lover’s spit is used since originally they wanted to put Cue The Pulse. And that nurse eventually won the “fight” because they remembered that my brother went on a whole speech when he watched 3x08 about the reunion scene. And my brother on the verge of tears goes ‘thank fuck cause this is way fucking cooler. No offense’ And that’s literally all there is in the card (well and all their signatures on the opposite side from the photo).
And then after the check up as we are leaving, the surgeon goes ‘well I think I can honestly say, that i will never ever have a patient like you ever again’ and my brother obviously took that as a compliment and went ‘well duuh, every other patient is boring compared to me’ and guys!!!! We were leaving, my brother is almost out the door, I’m already outside the office and the fucking surgeon goes ‘oh (his name), by the way, you were right. That proposal was ridiculous and the finale really did suck. In fact if it was up to me? I’d erase the entire last season.‘ and he’s like smirking at my brother and my brother (and me too ngl) is SHOCKED! And he starts stuttering and goes ‘you..you knew the show this whole time?’ And the doctor goes ‘don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t even know it existed but after your 3rd spiral over it, I had to check it out to see what the big deal was about it’ and then my brother was like ‘why didnt you say anything? We could’ve been buddies over it this whole time’ and the doctor walked up to the door and goes ‘Exactly’ and then he just slowly closed the door while waving to my brother and my brother was just standing outside the door not moving for so long, i had to drag him away. And he walked past the nurse and goes ‘he watched it!’ And the nurse goes ‘oh yeah, he came in one day and was like “you know that show (his name) is always talking about? Well my wife and i watched it and holy shit’
The whole car ride home, we were both in absolute shock. Him more but that’s because only one of us was giving full speeches and rundowns about episodes to the doctor. And as for the card? You know that scene in Easy A, where she keeps opening and closing the birthday card to hear the song? That’s what half of my Wednesday looked like.
Dear sweet anon and brother anon! I am so happy he’s cleared and discharged. That makes me so happy!
I am beyond surprised that the doctors and nurses all got him presents. Admittedly, any surgeries I’ve had have been done outpatient except for when I was 8 and 13, and with follow up only with my doctor so I don’t know what is common these days. But their presents! Those weren’t generic, we give these to all the patients, gifts. The penguin! With the matching scar! The card with the photo and Lover’s Spit! I’m dying.
And. The. Surgeon. Watched. Qaf. Like all 5 seasons. I am deceased. Ofc he didn’t tell your brother until the end. (Your poor brother has all these people doing things behind his back while he’s watching this show. He’s going to develop trust issues.) But he has all correct opinions.
Wait. As I’m typing this I realized. A trauma surgeon (if I understand correctly) watched prom and 201. He must have opinions about Justin’s injury and recovery. Wait. I have some questions. How comfortable does your brother feel calling up the surgeon and saying “so I’m tumblr famous and this rando girl who is equally obsessed with QAF wants to know what you think the long term effects of the bashing would be on Justin.”
I am just as shocked as both of you about this turn of events. What a way to start my Thursday.
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somehowmags · 1 year
also honestly, girl at an all boys school has been such a common trope for YEARS like. i know not everyone is insane like i was and went through a gacha phase but the fandom was literally 1/5 built off a girl mc in an all boys school trope. obviously we were all kids when we made it so gacha mvs weren't the best for the portrayal of nuanced, gendered issues or specifically, proper handling of misogyny for the matter but like. the theme itself definitely not weird as bad as people think. yuu literally got their asscheeks yoinked to an alternate world them being a girl is the least of their concerns. if any thing, it can be more interesting to see how characters differently interact with yuu and come to build positive, intimate and meaningful relationships with her especially as guys who have had limited interactions with girls, so both yuu and the characters learn from each other putting aside the main character development in the storyline. adding onto the feeling of the divide yuu would feel at the beginning as someone who's both from another world and of another gender in nrc. these girl in an all boys school plots often end up as a harem story where the mcs are just a blank slate in the character drama. and i hate it cause most of the times it ends up perpetuating the notion that guys can never be friends with girls due to romantic or sexual interest electing the girls as either someone to possess in a relationship or someone not suited to them at all, just generally being misogynistic pricks, or actually being a decent friend to a girl is humiliating and a sign of inferiority. or girls just aren't as interesting. my best friend is the lesbian to my gay twink and building relationships with people fundamentally different than you can be so, so beautiful and fulfilling. i love seeing girls and guys just being HOMIES!!! seeing fem yuu's learn and stumble and grow with the nrc and just. overall people drawing and writing their yuu's with their favorite character is like fuck, speak your truth man. to be honest i was mainly speaking about the inexperienced first years but just any character. malleus, lilia, vil, etc etc. let's go yuu nation
tdlr its a really intriguing dynamic and allows for a lot of possibilities a fan could think of. masc yuu's are great, gn yuu's are great, fem yuu's are great. some twsties need to LET OTHER twsties just enjoy their whimsical thoughts.
YES YES YES YES EXACTLY AGREEING WITH ALL OF THIS!!!! having a girl in an all boys school or a boy in an all girls school has been a trope for years, and sure sometimes it is used for uh. fanservice. but when it is properly explored it can be a really interesting trope!
i saw someone say once (before yuuka came out) that there shouldn't be an official fem yuu because then the studio would HAVE to canonize a yuu ship which is soooooo. firstly why would having a fem mc mean that you have to ship them with someone, and secondly what about the studio implies that they would ever do that, and thirdly what an ass backwards misogynistic take, and fourthly you have to understand that f/m and f/f ships are not lesser than m/m. please LKAHSDFLKASDHFLKH the lengths people go to to justify not liking fem yuus. i laugh but it sucks going in the twst tags sometimes because people are so mean its depressing.
nyeah i feel like fandom is a bit like. too romance focused. people can do whatever the hell they want forever ofc! i like shipping also! i am known to enjoy an reader insert fic! i buy romance novels and play otomes all the time ajksldfhlakshdfasldhf but it sucks when its all that there is yknow. i love pushing dolls faces together to make them kiss but sometimes i would also like to play something else.
i also wish there was less disdain towards different yuus. like man we're all stuck in disney anime boy hell can't you guys suffer with dignity like the rest of us instead of being mean. we should all hold hands and imagine our favorite characters together.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
4, 19 and 39 for weird writers ask 🫶
ty for sending this in friend!! <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
okay i know this is asking for specifics but here we have a category 5 "i've been asked to recall something so naturally my brain forgets everything its ever known" moment. soooo, i'm going to be pretty unspecific probably lol buuuut
any word that implies something tender is happening is my jaaaaam. i mean, tender itself is a word i love a lot. but yeah anything that implies something deeply vulnerable and intimate is so so good. i go coo coo for cocoa puffs about it.
i also fucking love space words - nebula, constellation, supernova, cosmic, celestial, anything to do with the stars, the moon, the sun. i eat that shit UP.
also same goes with words about water!!!
also shout out to my homies irrevocably (which i still associate with that one monologue from twilight but like it kind of went off using this words soooo sdflkds), petrichor (bc that's a fun word and i LOVE rain and the smell of rain so), and also freckles and dimples bc i fucking L O V E mentioning those in anything i write so they are favorites too <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
ooh so i started writing like officially the summer before my freshman year of college. i had been apart of fandom before that for a while and had definitely been reading fic for quite some time before, and i'd always sort of wanted to do some writing of my own, but i could never like fully commit to anything. which, in hindsight, i'm very glad i couldn't for that first fandom i was in lmfao. let's just say iykyk.
but then i watched skam and i totally and completely fell in love with that show, with that cast of characters, with the stories they were telling. and i wanted to add to it, i wanted to expand that universe, i wanted to put these characters in my own situations and shows how they'd respond! so i did! and i wrote and i wrote and i wrote. to this day it is still the fandom i have written the most fics for (tied with marvel also lmfao, and honestly stranger things is creeping up there, it's getting close and the brainrot has not died, not even close, so it just might pass it up. but the fact that it's stayed number one for like 6 years? crazy).
it absolutely helped that i found a server to join for fans of the show. that was literally the best thing ever. i made so many connections and so many dear friends and, aside from the brief bumps in the road that came with that server (lmaoo), it was such a good environment and it was SO creatively stimulating and SO motivating and SO inspirational. like i had so many people in my corner rooting me on to actually finish writing that first fic!! and i did!! and their support just kept coming and coming for everything after and that was SO integral to my success and my desire to keep writing. so yeah, shout out to skam international, yall were the real mvps and i wouldnt be where i am today if it werent for you all <3
where am i now and where am i going? well, right now im deeeeep in the st brainrot so im riding that wave as far as it will take me for as long as it will take me. and as for the future? i really have no idea! i have no clue what's going to sink it's claws into me next, but i'm excited to find out!
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
really truly it's my friends. whenever i'm feeling down in the dumps about my writing they're always so kind and so nice and so encouraging with me, they know exactly what to say. and a lot of them are writers or artists themselves too so like they understand the feeling too, which makes it easier to like talk about it with them and to take a step back from that ledge.
i also like to look at how much i've done already, and how much i have left that i want to tell and that kind of just helps to put things in perspective. like wow i've done so much, i've made it through so much to get to this point - no way can i give up now.
weird questions for writers
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
First Lady of Private Garden
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AN: Hello my babies! This is the back story for the first lady of PG! Hope yall like this! 💕
Synopsis: How you met the love of your life and came to be the first lady of Private Garden
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Rapper!Reader
Please do not repost my content anywhere
You were 10 when you first started rapping.
You grew up listening to Outkast, Jay-Z, Kanye West, T.I., Lil Wayne, and the list goes on.
That was primarily your older sister's fault.
Anything she did, you followed suit.
That included listening to the same music that she did. 
You grew up in Atlanta which happened to be one of the best places to break into the industry.
Your plans were ruined when your father's job relocated to Louisville, Kentucky out of all places when you were 14 and as far as you were concerned your life was over.
Leaving family and friends behind along with the city that you loved irritated you to no end.
Having to start over was not at the top of your to-do list but you had no choice.
So you decided to make the best of it.
It had been almost a week now in Louisville and you we're still learning to adjust with everything when you met him.
He was your neighbor who lived across the street from you and you had remembered him from your history class.
You were a little shy and didn’t want to approach him first, so luckily he did it for the both of you.
Once Jack had set his eyes on you, it was over for everyone else.
You can admit that those glasses and those pretty blue eyes of his instantly had you hooked.
Once you had showed interest in him, he turned red as a tomato.
You don't know what it was but you two instantly clicked.
You were then introduced to Urban, 2forwoyne, shloob, ace pro, quiiso, and nemo.
Whenever anyone saw any one of them they saw you too.
Of course there were rumors floating around since you were the only girl who hung out with a bunch of guys.
You knew they were just jealous because of how close you were to them and they quickly became your close group of friends.
But, the closest friendship you had was with Jack.
And everyone knew even if there wasn’t an official title to go along with what your relationship entailed, you were Jack’s girl and therefore completely off limits. 
Since you two literally lived across the street from each other there were plenty of times when the both of you would be laying in the backyard looking up at the stars and confessed your goals, fears, or simply making jokes to pass the time.
Especially in the summer time. 
You had known Jack for a year before he officially asked you to be his girlfriend.
Of course you said yes.
Who could resist those cheeks and baby blue eyes?
You figured he was tired of everyone saying that the both of you needed to confess your feelings to put everyone else out of their misery.
Jack had been your first everything.
Your first boyfriend, your first kiss, and you still remember that summer when you were fifteen when the two of you had sex for the first time.
You knew Jack wanted to be a rapper so there were plenty of times when you would help him write songs.
One thing that you both shared was your love for music.
And when you found out Maggie loved Outkast and Public Enemy it was all she wrote.
You admit that the first few songs that you wrote weren't very good, but you got better with time.
After awhile, Jack was getting recognition along with The Homies in Louisville and a lot of people were starting to recognize who they were.
It wasn’t until one day when Jack had taken you out for an ice cream date to celebrate him getting his license (you just knew he was about to hit something while driving there) that you had a revelation.
If he really wanted to do this, there had to be some changes. 
“Yes, mamas?”
“If you truly want to do this and have people listening to your music the way you want them to. We have to move.”
“Move where?”
“Atlanta. I know for a fact someone will recognize your talent as much as I have.”
“But... I’ve never left here before.”
“It’s a risk you have to be willing to take. Whatever happens, I’m behind you 100%. Besides, if it goes left, we can always come back here and I can have my farm like I always wanted.”
“For a city girl, you came down here and we definitely brought the country out of you.”
“We’re going to have horses, pigs, turtles...”
“Slow your roll, baby girl. One thing at a time.”
You two were now walking in a comfortable silence at Cherokee Park which had quickly become one of your favorite places in Louisville. Especially when Jack was with you. He had his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him even closer if that was possible before completely coming to a halt, leaving you confused.
“What’s wrong?” You curiously asked while you finished off the last of your ice cream. The ice cream that Jack ate most of, but anyway. 
“You really think I can do this?”
“Are you doubting yourself?”
“Well.... no... uhh.... kinda.”
“You’ll have me and The Homies behind you. We aren’t going anywhere and as long as I have something to do with it, all of yall are going to be on the charts.”
And you weren’t lying. 
That’s when Private Garden was born.
Jack felt that it was only right to make you first lady seeing how you would always write for him as well as The Homies. 
He wouldn't take no for an answer.
You wouldn't dare let any of them know that you actually rapped too. Any time you did, you made sure you were completely by yourself.
Making you first lady also included him proposing to you in your backyard randomly when you had celebrated your 19th birthday a week prior.
It was one in the morning, cold as shit outside since it was the middle of December, but you wanted to look at the stars and Jack could never tell you no. You were currently laying on his chest as a blanket was wrapped around both of you when you just knew this white boy had lost his fucking mind. 
“We should get married.”
“Jackman, are you high?”
“No, but even if I was my answer wouldn’t change. Every since I saw your cute little self with those braids in your hair when you first moved here, I didn’t want anyone else.”
“Wait... you’re fucking serious? Jack our parents will kill us.”
“Can’t kill us if they don’t know.”
“I hope you don’t expect me to give you an answer with that horrible ass proposal you just did.”
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Jackman Thomas Harlow. Can’t live without you stink.”
“Well, since you’re practically begging me to, yes. Now where’s my ring?”
“About that...”
“Jack, you literally proposed to me without a ring?”
“The thought just popped in my head just now! I didn’t really think this through.”
“When I make my first million, I’m buying you the most beautiful ring that’s pear shaped since I know you love it so much. But I'll get you something else in the mean time."
You simply shrugged.
“I would’ve said yes to you even if you proposed with one of those rings from the bubble gum machines at the grocery store.”
“Damn, mamas. I got more money than that.”
“Jack, we have had to eat at my parents house and your parents house all week because we were tired of eating ramen at our apartment.”
You still remember moving back to Atlanta which Jack knew that you were excited about, working at Chick-Fil-A at Georgia State with Jack and Urban and trying to write songs for Confetti at the same time.
You would often slip Jack’s mixtape in customers’ bags to give him any type of exposure that you possibly could.
He didn’t know that. 
You were going to make sure your man was going to be successful one way or another.
All three of you would be in the back with Jack freestyling as you had your pen and paper to the side to write down lyrics that you actually liked and would be able to use in a song later in order to pass the time.
It was midnight on a Friday when you and Jack came up with the lyrics to Ghost and 2fo made the beat for it. 
Jack ended up recording it in one take.
This is what the days would consist of.
Working during the day and writing and recording songs at night.
And Jack would perform anywhere and everywhere that people would let him.
You don’t know how it happened but sure enough DJ Drama caught on to who Jack was and wanted to meet him.
"Babe... this is huge."
"It is."
"If that's you being excited I'm going to need for you to change it up a little bit for me."
"I am excited for you but I'm not surprised. I tell you every day how proud I am of you and that your time is coming. People are gonna stop sleeping on you."
"And I got you by my side to experience it first hand."
You suddenly got a serious look on your face and looked up at him.
"What's wrong stink?"
"Promise me something."
"Anything for my girl."
"Never ever forget where you came from or who helped you to get to where you're going to go. Don't be like these other celebrities who get a little taste of fame and act as if they're too good for anyone. If you ever act like that I'll tell Maggie to kick your ass."
"That's one thing that you'll never have to worry about. Besides you would probably kick my ass before she does."
"Damn right."
Then there was one night when your secret was discovered as Jack had a late night in the studio recording his album That’s What They All Say.
"I throw that ass back to see if he gon' catch it
Ain't athletic but it's tennis for the necklace, yeah
Ayy where that cash at, I stack it like Tetris
Real gutter bitch, real plugs and connections
First I make him eat it 'til he lockjaw
Give it to him good, knock a nigga socks off, uh
I run it up, they busy runnin' they mouth
I'm a real ass, rich ass, bitch from the South"
As you were saying the last line, you and Jack made eye contact and you wanted to disappear into thin air.
You weren't expecting him for at least another hour and spent that time looking over the songs you had essentially written for yourself.
It was drop dead silent for a good thirty seconds before either of you spoke.
No one had ever heard you rap before and you had wanted for it to stay that way.
"You heard NOTHING Jackman!"
"How.. what... BABE!!"
"Stop it's not even that good!" You quickly threw your notebook to the side that had all your lyrics in it hoping that your husband would drop it.
"Says who!?!?"
"I was just messing around."
"That did not sound like messing around to me. We have to put you on too."
"Absolutely not! I will write, I will produce and that's it!"
"Babe, that was fire though."
"You're just saying that cause I'm your wife."
You responded while rolling your eyes and trying to hide your face in your pillow.
Jack then came over to sit next to you on the bed and pulled you into his chest.
"Stink, look at me."
You did as you were told and he was simply smiling at you.
"No I'm really not. Wait until the rest of PG..."
"No! I don't want them to know."
"But, why not?" Jack was suddenly looking confused. As much as you pushed him and the rest of PG to be their best selves, he wanted the same for you.
"I just... let's just focus on you first."
At this point, Jack knew that there was no convincing you for anything.
But he'll try later.
He was going to make sure everyone knew who the first lady of Private Garden was and how talented she is by any means necessary.
"Fine, but..."
"But, what?"
"You have to promise me that you'll record your songs."
"Jackkkkk." You now hid in the crook of his neck and started to play with his beard. Something you tend to do when you got nervous when he was around.
"I didn't say release baby. Record it. How many songs do you have written for yourself anyway?"
"Hmm at least sixty." You mumbled and he looked at you with wide eyes.
With the success of the release of Jack's debut album, he was on cloud nine and so was the rest of PG.
It happened.
He finally did it.
He deserved every bit of this success and you were just happy to be along for the ride.
It was around 2 am and you and Jack were currently in the middle of a movie marathon. You were only half paying attention since you were so busy kissing Jack all over his face.
He didn't seem to mind, so you kept doing it.
You were now kissing the freckles on the right side of his face and you were trying to soak in all of this one on one time now before you all went on tour.
Where ever Jack went, you went too.
No exceptions.
The first thing he would always let people know is how you were his girl and how he was so proud of you.
You weren't quite sure what he was proud of you for, but you took the compliment anyway.
Simply because only the members of PG knew you were married and were sworn to secrecy.
Your hands started to get cold so you reached under Jack's shirt and rested them on his abs earning not only him jumping but a groan from him as well.
"Got damn baby! Why are you so cold? You have literally been sitting on top of me for the last four hours."
"You know I'm always cold and you're always so warm and cuddly." You responded while scooting closer and he quickly embraced you and kissed your forehead.
"I did a thing..."
You absolutely hated when he started off sentences like that. The last time he did that he had gotten you a brand new car. Even though you still kept stealing the keys to his jeep.
"It's nothing bad."
"It better not be. You stay getting me worked up."
"I'm surprised you didn't notice yet and I mean I can take care of that right now if you're worked up."
"Notice what? And I'm not acknowledging that last part."
"Pull up the credits for my album."
"Uhh why?"
"Just do it."
"What is this? A Nike ad?"
Once you pulled them up, you were scrolling until you got to executive producer: Y/N Y/L/N Harlow
"Listen. I did it for a reason."
"And that would be what!?"
You just hoped no one would notice he put both of your last names on there.
"If... if something were to ever happen to me.."
"No stop. I don't like where this is going. I'm about to cry."
"Seriously stink. Listen to me." Jack grabbed your chin and made you look up at him before kissing you.
"Okay, I'm listening."
"If something were to happen to me, you would still get royalty checks from the album. So when we have kids, you'll be able to take care of them. I just want you to be good and not have to worry."
Your eyes instantly watered and you were trying to do anything that you could think of to keep them from falling.
"But... you're not leaving me any time soon, right?" You sniffed as Jack wiped away your tears.
"Baby, don't cry. Didn't mean to upset you. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Just wanted you to know that."
"You promise?"
"Always and forever, stink."
It was now the final show of the tour when Jack had pulled you aside from everyone else to give you something that you had been waiting a long time for before he went on stage.
It also happened to be your anniversary when the clock struck midnight.
"Yes, my baby?"
"I cannot put into words how much I love you and how much I appreciate everything you do for me. Ever since we were 15, I knew you were something special and that I needed you in my life. You believed in me when I sometimes didn't believe in myself and you never let me quit. I felt like this is long overdue but it had to be just right for my princess."
"I'm always going to be here for you and I love you more." You responded while smiling up at him.
"Not even possible."
"Don't start!"
"Mrs. Harlow deserves to have her ring upgraded. Don't you think?"
He remembered.
You had always told him you thought pear shaped rings were the prettiest and seeing the one Jack just slid on your finger replacing the smaller one had your jaw on the floor.
The only time you mentioned it was when he proposed to you in your backyard after your 19th birthday and you haven’t said anything since.
"What you think mamas? You like it?"
"I love it, but I love the man who put it on my finger even more."
He simply reached down to kiss you as you wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled into his chest.
"There isn't anything in this world that I wouldn’t do for you."
“Right back at you.”
"Okay love birds! Jack 10 minutes before your set." You heard Neelam say since you weren't facing her and Jack had you in a bear hug.
Then he simply looked down at you and smirked.
"It's time that people knew, Mrs. Harlow can do more than write bars."
"Jack... no."
"Naw, baby. You said focus on me first and we did that. Now it's your turn."
"You pushed me ever since we were 15 to make this a reality and now it's here. Time for the queen of the south to debut. Besides Drama and PG are on board with it."
"I might have let it slip the other day." Jack simply shrugged as you felt your heart begin to speed up.
"Just like you told me that day in Cherokee Park. I'm behind you 100% and if things go left we can go back to Kentucky and you can get your farm. But I know for a fact it won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Your last name is Harlow baby. Ain't nothin but winners in this family. So you in?"
"Let's do it."
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Liked by y/ninsta, 2forwoyne, urbanwyatt, shloob, champagnepapi, and 6,397,540 others
jackharlow: yall know her as my girl y/ninsta, but allow me to now introduce the first lady of Private Garden. She's about to show yall why we call her the queen of the south.
saweetie: jackharlow you finally convinced her!! I'm soooo excited for this!
jackharlow: saweetie only took about two years 🤣
y/ninsta: yall know I'm shy 🙈
jackharlow: y/ninsta you ain't shy in the bedroom 👀
y/ninsta: JACKMAN!!
privategarden: all hail queen y/n!!!!
2forwoyne: yall not ready for this fire that's about to come! y/ninsta PG is so proud of you mamas!
y/ninsta: love you much ❤️
urbanwyatt: ayeee go best friend! It's about damn time!
y/ninsta: yall spoil me so much 😘
jackharlow: y/ninsta because you deserve it. it's now your time.
y/ninsta: jackharlow and I'm about to be on they necks. no mercy 😏
jackharlow: my baby about to kill this shit!
491 notes · View notes
twirlyeyebrows · 2 years
hey! i love your writing! You are truly talented so don’t ever doubt that! lol may i please request one piece nami x F! Reader girls night out? after winning a fight/battle spending the rest of the day together and ending at a bar where they drink and have fun and help reader get out of their shell more? Fluff/fun! Mainly platonic but can be flirty or a little romantic! I’m excited thanks homie!! 💞💞💖💕💕😍😍💘
ty ty !! i appreciate your compliments aw <3 tysm for the request bestie
A Night With Nami (Nami X Fem! Reader)
♡ Content Warnings: N/A
♡ Word Count: 3,135
♡ Author's Note at the End! ♡
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The praise you always received along with the rest of your crew was still foreign. You’d been inducted to the Straw Hats a little while ago, but you didn’t think you’d ever get over how much you were treated like royalty after simply helping an island out.
To you, it felt like common sense. Go to an island that was in peril, fight for that island, stop the bad guys, and make sure everyone lives. Isn’t that what being a good person was all about? Shouldn’t everyone behave as such? You always tried to see the best in people but some of these enemies had you questioning the world as a whole. Who in the world would destroy cities for their personal gain? You found it appalling, which you guessed is why you joined this crew in the first place.
Currently, the king of this island was throwing a grand feast for you guys, as they often did. You had your fair share of fun but these huge events were never quite your thing. You much preferred bantering with the townsfolk, walking around whichever town you just helped save, or going back to the ship to make sure everything was spick and span before setting sail. Big crowds always tend to make you uneasy. So many people in such a small area never fail to give you goosebumps. Nobody realized this better than Nami.
Since the moment you were officially a crewmate on the Thousand Sunny, you had gravitated towards Nami more than anyone else. You guys were similar in a lot of ways, but very different as well. You felt like she balanced you out, and maybe you did the same to her.
At this point, it was almost weird when you guys were apart from each other. She felt like more than a friend to you. She was someone you always wanted to be around, even if she often charged you for things you couldn’t help. You didn’t mind though, you’d give her all your earnings if it meant keeping such a good friend like her around.
Just as you snapped yourself out of your daze, you were met with a pair of brown doe eyes staring right down at you. You smiled at the familiar look.
“Nami! How’s the party going?” You asked as you picked yourself up off the floor and dusted yourself off. This was something you often did, hiding out in corners of random rooms so you didn’t have to talk to anyone. None of your friends minded, they understood your desire for space and naturally let you be. All of them except for Nami, who always came to find you.
“Alright, I guess. It would be better if even a single person on our crew were able to act civilized.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. You let out a soft chuckle.
You knew how these things went, that’s why you always wanted to be alone. Anytime there was a party, you could tell exactly where everyone was going to be, even without seeing them.
Sanji would be flirting with every woman in sight, Luffy would be eating every ounce of food he could get his hands on, Usopp would be bragging about his 8,000 man crew, Zoro would be drinking dangerous amounts of alcohol, and so on.
Neither you nor Nami was big on these parties (unless there was a way she could make money from them) and you figured that's why you two always found your way to each other.
“I don't know how we do it.” You said with a playful tone. Even just being in the woman’s presence was enough to turn your whole mood around.
Nami simply laughed and shrugged along with you. You stood in silence next to each other for a second when you saw her face light up. You could practically see the lightbulb pop up above her head as her eyes grew wide.
“Hey, you know what? We should get outta here, just us.” She put one hand on her hip and the other against her cheek. “Then maybe we'll actually have some fun on this island before we leave.” She threw a wink at you and you felt your heart swell.
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” You say, earnestly. A light dusting of red spread along your face as you followed her out the door. As you left, you made sure to give Robin (the seemingly only functional member of your crew) a nod to signify you were leaving, just in case. Even though you just saved the town, things could always go awry, you could never be too safe, especially since you were a part of the Straw Hats.
The entire time you’ve been on the island, the people have been partying regardless of the situation that was happening. You figured it was “their thing”, which was great for you now since it took no time at all to find a bar that looked perfect for you and Nami.
“Oooh! This one looks nice! Wanna go in?” Nami cheered and clapped her hands together in delight. She turned to you with stars in her eyes. How could you possibly say no?
“Of course!” You said, equally as happy.
When you walked in you were instantly hit with the smell of pure sugar. Your nose crinkled and you tried to adjust your eyes to the scenery. The entire place was covered in hot pink and black decorations. There were cheetah print table cloths and black leather chairs scattered around the space. Off to the side, there was a huge vinyl floor for dancing, matched perfectly by the magenta DJ booth to the side of it.
This looked like a place right up Nami’s alley, hence making it perfect for you as well.
The pop music blared in your ears as you followed Nami to the bar.
She started chatting with the bartender, a scruffy man about the same age as both of you, maybe a little older. There was no doubt he was checking your best friend out, it was completely obvious by everything he did. You couldn’t blame him, but it made you angry nonetheless.
Not only did you hate when she was sexualized out of the blue, but you also felt pretty defensive when it came to anyone hitting on her. It was out of your control, yes, but for some reason, you felt like Nami was yours to protect.
Clearly, Nami didn’t mind this though. She was talking him up, making sultry eye contact and twirling her long silky hair with her finger. You had no idea what she was saying, you were too busy staring at her to care.
You felt jealousy bubbling in your stomach but it was all washed away when you looked at the woman next to you. You had never seen a more beautiful person in your life and it was at times like this that you were reminded of that.
The next thing you knew, you were snapped out of your daydream. Nami had turned away from the man at the bar and now had two neon orange drinks in her hands. She passed one to you and smiled brightly.
“Here! I was able to get these for us at no cost, isn't that great?!” She laughed maniacally. Her swindling skills were more impressive than anyone else you’d ever seen. You laughed along with her.
“The cat burglar strikes once again.” You said as you held your glass up to clink against hers. She brought her arm up as well and you exchanged cheers as the glasses made a soft “clink”.
“It does happen to be my specialty.” She said in a smooth tone. She put the rim of the glass against her lips and took a sip of the drink as you did the same.
It was delightful. Peachy with a tangerine hint and a slight punch at the end, just like her. You complimented her on her drink choice, even if she always ordered the same thing.
You both sat at the bar for a long while and enjoyed each other’s company. You sipped on your liquor and chatted as the bartender frequently came up to check on you guys. It was made clear that he wasn’t one to easily pick up on hints. At this point, you’d lost count of how many glares you’d shot at him while saying “I think we’re fine, thanks.” Regardless of anything you said, he kept bringing you those delicious cocktails.
As the disheveled man walked away once more, Nami started to giggle. You presented a questioning look and her eyes gained that evil glint to them. She had your full attention, that was for sure.
“Hey, I have an idea.” Her words were slightly slurred because of the drinks but she remained her normal self. If anything, she seemed more herself than she had been the whole trip.
You made a gesture with your hands that told her to continue talking.
“Next time he comes over here, give him your number.” She leaned back on the bar stool ever so slightly and set her drink on the bar counter.
“What? Why would I do that?” You exclaimed in shock. You were never the type to put yourself out there, let alone with a guy who hadn’t stopped hitting on you and your friend all night.
She let out a huff and played with the small pink umbrella in the glass. “Not your real number, idiot,” She said playfully. “Just a random one. We gotta teach this guy what rejection feels like because clearly,” She glanced over at him with a look of disdain as he flirted with another woman at the end of the bar. “He doesn’t get it.” She spat as she took another swig of her drink, nearly finishing it off.
You smiled weakly. Not only were you not the type to give out your number, but you also weren’t even a person who liked to play pranks. Every time you tried, something always went wrong. You either ended up screwing it over or feeling terrible about it in the end. Your face must’ve shown your hesitation because Nami took a hold of your shoulder.
“C’mon, it’s not like we’re ever going to see him again! And I know you’re annoyed at him too, (Y/n), I can see it in your eyes.” Her words were coercing but sincere, devilish but relaxing. You'd never met another person who could speak as she did. Not only that, but she paid attention to you. Analyzing your mood at all times, making sure you were comfortable, all while trying to get you out of your comfort zone.
Maybe there was a reason you didn’t give your number out to people, maybe you had already found your person.
You shifted in your seat and took a big gulp of your drink, finishing the rest of it off.
“If you insist, I guess.” You said with a sharp breath as the alcohol burned the back of your throat. She let go of your shoulder with a small push and laughed.
“Yes! I love it when you get a little daring. ‘Makes me feel like I’m actually getting you out of your shell little by little.” She cooed.
With this sentence, you both paused for a moment. You didn't understand why, but you were enamored by her and her kindness. Apparently, she’s fascinated by some part of you as well. You watched as she met your eyes and stilled her gaze. You shared a drawn-out moment of eye contact, simply appreciating one another.
All of the sudden, “Mr. Clingy” came back and broke the moment. You swore if you weren’t such a people pleaser you would’ve beat him up right then and there.
“You ladies doing alright? Is there anything I can grab for you?” He spoke with a cheesy romantic tone and you wonder who told him that that was ever a good idea. You can’t imagine that it’s worked on many women or any at all.
Nami rolled her eyes and stared at him with hooded lids.
“Y’know, you remind me a lot of someone I know.” She said, dully. You thought for a moment about who she could’ve been talking about before the bartender continued the exchange.
“Oh, really? Well, I hope he’s a charming man! Just not as charming as me or I wouldn’t have a chance.” He said with an overly flirty dialect. It made your entire body cringe.
“Some could say he’s charming but I’d say he’s a lovesick fool who can’t take a hint.” She snapped back at him. He was caught off guard as any words he had were taken from his mouth.
“At least he looks put together, though. Judging by your… everything… I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t even own a hairbrush.” She smiled innocently at the man but her speech was laced with a maniacal bite.
You failed at holding back a laugh as you realized she was talking about Sanji. There was no other “lovesick yet put together fool” you knew of.
The man behind the counter’s face turned sour. He was offended but didn’t have the guts to try to stand up for himself. Nami was one of the most frightening people you knew, especially in times like this. You felt for him but he deserved it, so you didn’t try to interrupt.
She scoffed and turned back to face you, ignoring the man as he stood there in awe and shame.
Suddenly, you remembered what she wanted you to do earlier. What better time than now to get his hopes up only to crush them again? You concluded that there wouldn’t be one. Plus, it was late anyway and Nami needed rest. There was no way you’d let her navigate your ship around the Grand Line while hungover.
“Hey, don’t mind my friend, she’s just tipsy right now.” You said in the direction of the man. Nami looked at you with concern at first but quickly noticed that same look in your eye that she had. She grinned in anticipation and finished off her drink.
The bartender looked at you in disgust as he expected you to act the same as Nami. You wanted to wipe that look off his face as fast as you could, but you knew the revenge would be sweeter if it was slow.
“I actually happen to think you’re quite charming! You wanna go out sometime?” You couldn't believe you were saying these words. You knew you couldn’t have done it without the push from the liquor, or more importantly, Nami. She looked at you with a look of pride. Oh, how she loved being a bad influence on you.
The man stood there stunned and nodded his head. His eyebrows raised to his receding hairline and his eyes bugged out of their sockets, yet he said nothing. You held back a gag envisioning what this man thought he was going to get out of you.
You grabbed the napkin from under your glass and took a pen out of your purse. You smiled smugly as you wrote down a completely random number and handed the tissue to him with a wink.
You were almost sad that you wouldn’t be able to hear this call when it happened. You felt bad for whoever’s transponder snail would pick up on this bastard’s line.
“Well, we should probably head out, it’s getting late.” You wanted to get out of the situation quickly in case he wanted to prove that it was your number. You wouldn’t have been surprised if numerous other people have pulled the same trick that you did. “Have a nice night!” You teased the starstruck man.
You pulled Nami out of her seat by the arm and held her as she stumbled. You began walking towards the door and on your way out, she flipped the man off and stuck out her tongue. He gave her the same rude gesture and you laughed, exiting the noisy establishment once and for all.
As you stepped outside, you felt yourself relax. It was so quiet out here and it felt amazing. You breathed in a deep breath of the crisp night air and gazed at the stars as you held Nami against you. You began making your way back to the ship in silence when suddenly you felt a hand against your own.
Nami laced her fingers within yours and smiled at you sweetly, her face was rich with blush and you wondered if it was only because of the booze or if maybe there was something more.
“I can’t believe you did that, it was great! I wish I could see his reaction when he calls some random person later.” She said through a chuckle. “‘Cause I know I’d be pissed if I was expecting a gorgeous girl like you and got someone else instead.” She spoke in almost a whisper.
Your heart thumped against your chest as her words shot you like an arrow. You’d never forget the softhearted way she had just called you “gorgeous”.
“You mean that?” You asked, reciprocating her chuckle, nervously.
She squeezed your hand a little bit tighter. You ignored how much you enjoyed it.
“Of course, (Y/n)!” She called out into the empty sky. Her words echoed against the closed shops you guys walked past. You could tell you sobered up a lot quicker than she did. That was alright though because that meant you would be there to take care of her.
Your heart fluttered in admiration. You weren’t able to help yourself as you took another gaze at the woman by your side. You were so lucky to be able to call her your friend.
“Thanks, Nami.” You said in a low but caring tone. “Now let’s get you back to the Sunny, you can’t navigate anything if you’re a hungover mess.” You declared, already planning the speech to Chopper that you’d no doubt have to make tonight.
Nami beamed and looked up at you with warm eyes and a clement smile.
“I can if I’m with you.” She whispered, joyfully.
You squeezed her hand tighter as you continued to walk back to the ship.
You found yourself already looking forward to your crew’s next adventure. Not for the action of battle but the aftermath. You couldn’t wait to make your way into a corner alone during that next grand victory feast. You were most excited for Nami to find you once more, insisting on taking you out to a night of fun alone. Because if you were being honest, that was the only way you wanted to end each celebration.
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♡Author's Note: ahh this was request was sm fun,, i adore Nami and i feel like there's not enough for her out there so this was lovely! i hope it was alright that i essentially made the reader have a crush on her.. oops,,, anyways tysm to the requester and i hope you enjoyed ♡
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preemshots · 4 years
johnny + the nomads lore
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alright, i know this is a screenshots blog but i'm going to go ahead and start dropping some juicy lore tidbits as i dig them up. part of what i'm doing outside of just photo diarying is shard hunting, and BOY is there a lot the game likes to hide in those little shards for idiots like me who like to read so we can write unnecessarily accurate fanfiction! 
full disclosure, i know jack shit about the TTRPG/cyberpunk 2020 rulebook except what i read in the wikis. 
so here’s my lore roundup so far of everything i know about johnny joining the nomads
we know johnny likes to narrate v’s quest objectives. here’s the first mention where he says it himself: 
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during the voodoo boys quest "transmission" there's a shard in the maglev tunnels beside the ice bath, presumably from brigitte's research into johnny in the first place:
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okay, so the timeline is this: johnny joins the nomads after trying and failing to rescue alt. johnny hides out in the badlands for some years. then he and rogue come back to night city and nuke arasaka tower help alt escape the arasaka subnet by uploading liberator to their network once and for all.
this ultimately makes sense. in alt’s flashback, we meet santiago, who is a nomad/connected to nomads, joins rogue and johnny when they're trying to get alt back, and eventually becomes the leader of the aldecaldos. 
part of santiago’s TTRPG lore is that he, johnny, and rogue have to lay low in the badlands with nomads after they storm arasaka headquarters (i am aware the game takes many liberties with the original lore so who knows the full accuracy of anything from the original rulebooks)
ENDING spoilers: in the rogue+johnny storming AHQ ending, it's revealed that rogue has a son while they're prepping for the job. if you eavesdrop on her calling him while you're at the afterlife, you hear her tell her son to (paraphrasing here) "pull over and look at the stars", which immediately made my brain go to: nomad, badlands, santiago = dad? maybe. (santiago also canonically has a son according to the TTRPG lore)
this immediately reminded me of another interesting shard that i believe you can find in multiple locations around night city: “"what REALLY happened in arasaka tower?“
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i love this dang shard. at first i thought it was just a cute conspiracy with some juicy gossip (and i love how 99% of the shards that mention johnny in this game are reminding us that he's not a real rebel, he's a poser) but it brings some interesting shit together
one: it tells us where johnny got his hands on the nukes! he and the nomads jumped a militech convoy and jacked some bombs! 
which is never directly explained, even as saburo arasaka is interrogating him shortly before using soulkiller. very nice of johnny to protect his homies like that. 
...or maybe he didn’t. saburo emphasizes that the dead don’t lie like the living do, and we don’t know what exactly arasaka did to johnny’s construct in mikoshi. 
it also explains why the obvious media narrative is that militech nuked arasaka, a nice neat political bow to the end of the fourth corpo wars, which is an entire section of the TTRPG lore that makes my eyes cross when i read it. 
it also makes the star/nomads ending extremely interesting, because i originally believed it was the ending where V’s journey deviates the most from rewalking johnny’s path... which also has weird implications if the johnny’s nomad era is being kept from v. 
(this also leads into my belief that the star ending/the devil ending are narratively two sides of the same coin, but that’s a WHOLE ANOTHER POST for another day.)
TWO, just straight up the fact that they turned the raid where they actually obtained the nukes into an action flick BD that pretty much ANYONE could watch. who the hell was doing that?? 
well, who else other than the guy who johnny (optionally) punched the shit out of for filming alt's death: thompson, media guy, and according to rogue, “bad luck”. because you know, recording your crimes is straight up evidence that can be used against you.
during the alt flashback we meet thompson, and just after that in cyberspace before meeting alt, johnny tells v that he has no idea what happened to him and that they never worked together again. 
oh, johnny, you lying bastard man
this is blatantly untrue, and if V even had two braincells and better memory than a goldfish they'd know this--in the first flashback sequence where johnny and rogue nuke arasaka tower, thompson is on the comms as they ride the AV towards AHQ, questioning their plans and use of violence. 
which leaves me with some questions, like where the fuck is thompson, why does johnny keep lying about this, why doesn't johnny say almost anything about how you interact with the aldecaldo clan nonstop throughout the game when he himself may have been a member of the family for some time?? is he continuing to protect the nomad clan that saved his ass? we know that a lot of his flashbacks are unreliable at best, that johnny changes shit up as desired when presenting V with his memories.
in 2077, you can also find that there’s a remake of “badlands raid” in the shard “new release braindances” that is pretty much everywhere. that shard doesn’t add much, but does mention something along the lines of “many people don’t know the ending of the original” which probably means johnny punched thompson out for filming again, or something. 
my running theories: rogue ditched santiago and the aldecaldos with johnny and thompson to nuke arasaka tower, and when johnny died she was stuck looking for (heavily implied by johnny here:) corpo sellout ways to survive.
adam smasher obviously has something to do with this since johnny/rogue's vendetta against the guy isn't entirely clear beyond the smokescreen of "he killed johnny and he sucks". i have done 0 research into this though i'm tired of typing okay
i obviously cannot be certain i have found everything related to this in the game as i’m not even done with this playthrough where i’m trying to pay attention, but i hope this is fun for someone else to dig into. 
enjoy, fellow silverhand freaks
EDIT: additional findings
there’s a shard called “excerpts from a history of the nomads by bb pires” that goes into detail about how nomads came to be
there’s an interesting quote in it: It's hard to imagine a group less inclined to wandering than farmers, but in fact they were the ones who sparked the age of nomads. Natural catastrophes, crops ravaged by bioplagues, armed conflicts and martial law allowing corporations to speculate and privatize land - all this forced them into a life on the road.
when you ask johnny why he wants to take down arasaka, he begins by referencing this himself!!
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it’s a little awkward to imagine a nomad V doesn’t also know what he’s referencing, but hey, V is the fool because we are as players and that’s only one life path... so sure.
johnny also has unique dialogue during this scene about a nomad origin V, telling them that he’s been trying to understand how V thinks, and came to the conclusion that “their family was a crutch” and essentially made them stupid because they always had a safety net (lmao johnny calling v privileged basically)
BUT this also may reference why johnny would find it confusing as hell that V doesn’t immediately share the views he does when nomads, in terms of values, seem to be more aligned with johnny than V is. but once again V is the fool for a reason and this is all my own speculation so YOU KNOW.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, at the end of chippin’ in, when you ask johnny what he meant by letting down his friends... santiago is named directly
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i thought this was interesting since the only glimpse of their relationship that we get is seeing johnny meeting santiago via the alt flashback for the first time.
so now it’s obvious that while johnny and rogue were with the nomads their friendship developed, and johnny went on to disappoint santiago in some way by being his normal dickhead self
but HOW? how did he disappoint santiago? is santiago even still alive?? did smasher kill santiago and is this why rogue mentions during chippin’ in that she wants smasher to “settle a score” moreso than avenge johnny??
the only additional hints i have are from this shard, which you can find at the aldecaldos camp: “nomads at ground zero”
i’m just gonna transcribe here and bold for emphasis:
It was no secret that Night Corp offered generous pay and, in some cases, free cyberware and biomonitor upgrades to anyone willing to help clean up the crater of radioactive rubble at AHQ ground zero. Some firsthand accounts recall the incessant ticking of Geiger counters, like the loud buzz of cicadas in summer. In retrospect, we can only guess how many "crater cleaners" lost their lives to radiation sickness shortly thereafter. Both the city government and Night Corp have claimed casualties were kept to a minimum, while providing no official statistics to substantiate the claim. That being said, they have never been under pressure to release such figures. After all, most rescue, engineering, and rubble cleanup teams were not local Night Citizens, but nomads. Surprised you didn't know? Don't be. It is a fact many history courses tend to overlook. The city employed hundreds of nomad mercenaries, primarily from clans in Aldecaldo nation. These nomads were hungry for gainful work and the city needed experts who were not only experienced but brave enough to knowingly put their lives on the line - all so Arasaka could one day erect another tower in its place. But history is not without its sense of irony. These nomads, who so deliberately live outside our so-called "system," came to its very rescue. Not for the first time. And not for the last.
a main theme we find in this game is the idea that the system of corps and exploitation cannot be stopped by grandiose rebellious gestures--no amount of samurai songs, assassinating mayors, or even planting nukes in towers will change things. yet johnny, his friends and mercs at atlantis in the 2020s, including rogue, chose to rebel any way they could, thinking it better than not. johnny criticizes her lack of rebellious spirit CONSTANTLY in 2077.
but ultimately, johnny, trapped in mikoshi, didn’t get to see the outcome of what detonating the AHQ nukes did to night city’s fragile ecosystem. rogue, however, did--and likely watched their former allies, the aldecaldos, be forced to take dangerous work at AHQ’s ground zero (from lack of other opportunities as detailed in this shard), then die from radiation sickness throughout the following decades, all as a result of what she and johnny did to try and fight the system. and she also watched all the former mercenaries of atlantis be hunted down by arasaka.
so rogue sees firsthand what the cost of rebellion is and johnny doesn’t. and nomads, considered the most free of any of the factions we encounter in the game, are the cost.
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jaysbestie · 3 years
hello! may i get a friends to lovers! Imagine with jay please and thank you 🥺💗
Songwriting & Ice Cream
pairing ; friends to lovers! band member!jay x reader
genre ; fluff
warnings ; food
summary ; your best friend is in a band and always calls you when he's stuck on writing songs
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a/n : hi I'm rlly excited about this as it's my first request and I'm sorry it took so long, also sorry the pics don't rlly match!!
It was 3 am. Fricking 3 AM. And your phone was obnoxiously ringing as there was an incoming call. You checked the time and immediately realized who was calling at this ungodly hour.
"Are you stuck again?" you inquired, with a husky voice from waking up.
"WHERE YOU ASLEEP?" jay literally scrEAMED at your ear
"Why did you scream though? Is being peaceful that difficult for you?" you heard him chuckle through the phone.
"Bro, homie, dude, I'm in a band, of course it's hard for me to be peaceful" he said with a sassy voice, trying to imitate yours. " But um yeah, I'm stuck again and we have a show this Friday night"
"JAY FRIDAY IS TOMORROW" you were shocked to say the least, jay was usually the person that was very organized and always had back up lyrics for new songs.
You see, you knew jay like the back of your hand and you're pretty sure he knows the same about you too. However it was 10 months ago that you realized you liked jay as something more than friends. You thought that everyone new since his bandmates have seen the way you looked at him on stage. The stage, his almost natural habitat. The place where he shined and was having a genuinely great time. It wasn't only love you felt for him, it was admiration too. You knew you liked him and thought you showed it through your actions, getting him gifts and praising him after performances, picking up the phone at 3AM. Maybe he was super oblivious or incredibly dumb.
"Y/N ARE YOU THERE?!" you heard him scream through the device and you woke from your trance and put phone away from your ear.
"Yeah luv, I'm here" you said while you put your phone closer to your face.
"Thank God, I thought I lost you there hun but can you, like, come over?"
"Jay I'd love to but it's 3AM and if I sneak out I'll get myself in trouble"
"Oh well, will you come to my practice tomorrow evening?"
"Sure, just send me exact time and place and I'll be there"
And after that, you exchanged good nights' and you went to sleep thinking of jay and his band's practice.
The next morning you woke up late. You suddenly remembered that it was Friday and jay's festival was tonight. You thought of his practice before the show and smiled to yourself. There was no point in eating breakfast so you just went ahead and made yourself a tasty cup of instant ramen. A famous person once said, Ramen Never Disappoints. While scrolling through social media you came across an ad about the festival and your eyes fell on jay's band name.
You decided you'd watch two episodes of your favorite tv show and then go get ready for jay's practice and the festival.
Time went by quickly and you realized it was about time you started getting ready. You picked out what you'd wear and opted to go with a simple makeup look. You had just put your right shoe on when you heard a car honk from your window.
Opening your window and looking down you saw a black jeep and hay standing beside it.
"Weren't you supposed to be practicing with the band?" you asked, surprised.
He looked up at you like he had just noticed you were there and instantly smiled. His smile made his face glow and then you took notice of his outfit, it didn't seem like an outfit for practicing but he answered your question.
"Heesung canceled it, said we are perfect so don't need to practice and be anxious" he simply said.
The look he had on was different from other days. His eyes were glowing and he looked happier that usual but also a bit?? nervous??
"Wait I'm coming!!" and with that you closed the window, put on your left shoe and headed to the door to leave. As soon as you looked the door you went to jay and he extended his arms out to go for a hug which you accepted and then returned.
You opened the car's door and sat at the passenger's seat while jay did the same but on the driver's seat. You turned your head to the side and caught jay smiling while looking at you and there it was again, that look from before. You stared for a good minute and then jay started the car.
"Should we go to the festival now or a bit later?" you asked, actually confused with the fest's program.
"Would you allow me to take you out for ice cream first?"
YOU FROZE like literally, you thought that wOW the balls this man has.
"Is thE park jongseong asking me on a date?"
"Yes actually", he started while driving to your favorite ice cream shop, "I've liked you for the last 10 months, didn't say it for the 'famous reason' , I thought you'd reject me and I would ruin our friendship."
"Why would you think I'd reject you though? Are you that oblivious?" you sighed playfully and continued, "I've liked you for the past 10 months too and honestly I thought you knew since I made it kinda obvious?" you finished
"I mean, you were the only one to praise me after every performance and honestly, you were there every night to help me with my lyrics even if sometimes, I had finished writing" he admitted
"So is that a 'yes y/n, I'll be your boyfriend and take you to an ice cream date'?" tou asked while laughing softly, honestly loving the atmosphere that had been created in that very car.
"Well, yes y/n I'm officially asking you to become my girlfriend and let me take you on an ice cream date" he said while laughing and trying to look at you from the side of his eye.
"Well, jay, I officially accept you as my boyfriend and I'll let you take me on a date" you said trying not to laugh.
"You literally have no idea how happy I am right now, LIKE LITERALLY, I could fly if you asked me to" he said while he put a big smile on his face. It was a smile of pure happiness, he looked genuinely happy and enthusiastic, excited even. You were honestly fascinated by the look on his face right now so you opened your phone's camera and quickly took a photo of him.
"Oh believe me, I can imagine how happy you are" you were feeling ecstatic like you could snap your fingers and make a rainbow
"Tell me you didn't just take a photo of me" he said sarcastically and you responded, "This is our first memory as a couple jay!!"
After that, a thought popped in your brain.
"Did heesung really cancel practice or did you make him cancel to ask me out?" you asked but he didn't answer, instead he muttered a
"You're too cute for this world, oh god" and pulled over next to the ice cream shop, ready to share some pistachio flavored ice cream with one of his favorite people on this world, you.
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apollostears · 4 years
boyfriend | k. bakugo
anime: my hero academia
pairing: katsuki bakugo x black!reader
creator: maya
warning(s): swearing
headcanons on bakugo as your boyfriend. it’s a sfw vrs. there will probably be a standalone nsfw vrs. coming out soon. xx also these were not supposed to be this long💀
* photo not mine*
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bakugo was not someone you really associated with.
when you first transferred, you acknowledged his presence and thought he was mighty fine, but then he opened his mouth and you were like 🤨
dealing with him takes a lot of energy and it was not energy you were willing to spend, so you kinda just avoided him.
but as usual, niggas can’t keep they mouth shut, and it wasn’t long until you had ended up on his radar.
it was after a sparring session, your first official one with the class, and that’s when he got to see you in action.
after seeing you fight, mans was hella intrigued by you.
when you first came, bakugo didn’t understand what made you special enough to join the hero course.
and since you didn’t talk to him, he didn’t bother you.
until you made your official debut and he was 🤩😯🤯
that made him want to fight you, to see who was stronger seeing as he officially saw you as a worthy opponent.
so long story short, he quickly found out why it was best to leave you alone.
by no means were you scared of him, but he didn’t know that and when he started fucking with you, all bets were off.
bakugo literally had no idea what he was getting into and he was not prepared for the moment you dished his shit right back to him.
japanese was still a little difficult for you, as you had a tendency to forget some words, but you understood and spoke it well for the most part.
and when you were hype about something, both english and japanese words would be flying out your mouth.
after he, and the rest of the class, experienced your semi-irritated side first hand, bakugo was definitely hooked.
it was like a moth being drawn to a flame, he would not leave you alone.
he would try to be subtle about it, but to you and everyone else who knew him (i.e. izuku and kiri) they knew that he had a crush.
y’all were literally day n’ night. most of the time you would be minding yo business and then here he would come, talking shit.
eventually, that changed and y’all were just talking shit just to talk shit.
atp, everybody either wanted y’all to fight or to fuck.
so how did y’all start talking??
easy. with a little game of spin the bottle: 7 minutes in heaven style.
both you and bakugo were competitive and not one to back down from a challenge.
so when the bottle landed on him, kiri knew exactly what to do to push his friend into confessing his feelings.
he said that bakugo would be too pussy to kiss you.
my god did that work.
after mina also betted against your ability to carry out the task at hand, the two of you went into the closet to prove your classmates wrong.
because you guys are psycho’s, y’all went in there angry af at each other to mask the obvious embarrassment you both were feeling.
“you’re such a fucking dumbass” you cursed, arms crossed and a glare on your face.
bakugo scoffed and mocked your stance. “me? says the one who landed on me, shithead.”
you rolled your eyes. “ain’t nobody told yo bobble headed looking ass to sit there.”
cue bakugo looking shook af because he knows he did not just hear you call him a bobble head.
after that, all bets were off.
“you know what, you got a lot of fucking mouth.”
you smirked, knowing full well he was right and that he just couldn’t handle you. “sure do. what the hell you gonna do about it?”
at the time, neither of you would realize it, but y’all were most definitely horny af.
bakugo, now closer to you and his arms uncrossed, held a devious glint in his eyes.
“let me show you.”
and BOOM! y’all was kissing.
it was a little rough at first, with you in shock and bakugo kissing you like a rabid dog.
but once y’all got that rhythm, y’all GOT that rhythm.
the kiss was aggressive passion. like feelings of bottled up desire lit on fire (bars 🔥)
homie did a little boom boom pow on yo ass with his firecracker hands when he was caressing yo shit and that was a top tier move right there.
y’all were definitely in that closet for more than seven minutes until iida came and broke y’all up.
after that, you guys were somewhat dating.
neither of y’all wanted to admit the feelings you had for one another, so you guys just did relationship shit without the label.
kissing in private was a big one because hormones. sometimes y’all would hold hands or cuddle, but v rarely.
bakugo would always carry your bag during school and he’d also carry your lunch tray. not that you asked but he’s such a manly man that he had to do it for the sake of his ego.
instead of holding hands, you guys would link arms and you would lightly press into him. bakugo highkey liked that shit but wouldn’t tell you.
eventually, you guys escalated to seeing each other at night for longer periods and that turned into you spending the night in his room for the first time.
it was also the first time you guys cuddled frfr and bakugo ate. that. shit. UP!!
but because he’s a shy baby, he began to distance himself from you and that made you hurt ngl.
so, figuring that y’all were ‘done’ you did you and hung out with other people.
one of those people was todoroki. the two of you had a platonic relationship, but a strong bond and when bakugo caught y’all akikik’ing, he ain’t like that shit.
that was the reason why he had asked you out rather aggressively in the common area on a thursday afternoon.
once you guys had officially established your relationship, it was like nothing ever happened. he was still carrying yo shit and kissing you in private, but the vibes were different.
the two of you were more gentle to each other.
more loving.
he was still an asshole and you as well, but in an endearing way. bakugo became more open to loving you and more open to claiming you.
he would mainly call you ‘his girl’ or ‘his person’ (you let him watch GA one time and that was the outcome) when referring to you in person to someone else.
gone with your actual name and in were those nicknames. you’d call him ‘su’ ‘katsu’ ‘suki’ ‘honey’ (if you want something) and ‘baby’
bakugo would crucify you if you called him by his real name and vice versa.
your man is a lowkey spoiler. meaning, he spoils you on the low low and in a very subtle way. you don’t really like people buying you stuff nor are you the type to ask anyone for anything, so bakugo does what he needs to do without your permission.
he doesn’t make a big deal about it, but whenever it’s your time of the month and you feel extra shitty, he dials back on being an asshole a bit. or he’ll use his palms and pop little firecrackers on your stomach/lower back to help with cramps.
if you wearing his clothes helps (even if it actually doesn’t and you just say that just to get them) he’ll let you wear his stuff, no problem. he tried to get them back once when you were done but you almost bit his hand off so that didn’t work.
he hates whiners, but he loves when you whine for him. whether it’s for attention or for cuddles or kisses, he lives for it because period you is the only time he’s gonna see that shit. once you’ve figured out that you can get away with mostly everything if you whine, you start doing it a little more when you’re off your period.
besides being on your cycle and taking care of you, bakugo does little acts of service for you as well.
being black in a country that is predominantly not black, is hard and finding hairdressers is even harder.
somehow, with the help of his mom, bakugo was able to find a hairstylist that would do well when doing your hair and that was one of your favorite surprises from him.
like you deadass shed some tears and he was highkey confused but proud because he’s that nigga.
best believe he goes with you to every appointment just to make sure she don’t fuck shit up with his baby’s hair. he don’t got time to watch you cry and commit a crime.
as we all know, mans can cook. you love his food but he (and class 1-A) is absolutely feral for yours. anytime you cook, whether it’s soul food or any other type that you learned to make, he falls in love all over again.
since you love his food, sometimes he’ll make you some meals or snacks. especially if you’re stressed or sad.
this actually turned into him cooking for you + bakusqaud cause they complained about how he never cooked for them. then it turned into him being one of the cooks for the class when you guys alternate cook days.
he was pissed about it but was a little excited to A) woo his classmates and B) make sure they get the right nutrients to be strong and worthy heroes.
bakugo cares okay...
anyways...dates for y’all are planned out when bakugo takes you out, but if you take him out? he never knows what to expect.
once, y’all went to a zoo but it was a petting zoo and bakugo bought lost his shit when the sheep came up to him for food. you definitely have pictures of him angrily riding one of the adult horses.
and he totally rode the bull to prove a point. he won and you unlocked a brand new fantasy.
y’all are so in sync, it’s fucking insane.
there was one time where someone had said some slick shit to you, bakugo was not around, and somehow this man had popped up hella quick like his spidey seneses was tingling, to put that person in they place.
you were like 😦🤪
another time is when you both do/act similarly. bakugo can be v chill and reserved and sometimes you are the same way. the entire day, y’all move as if you’re one.
and honestly, bakugo loves the idea of you being a female version of him. it makes him so proud to see you act like him.
but don’t get it twisted, mans definitely acts like you too. he’s picked up a lot of terms that you use and he uses them like it’s natural.
not too much and not too little, but just enough that it fits and has the right impact everytime.
now, onto the more softer shit
i don’t see bakugo as being the type to automatically share his deepest, darkest secrets with you. nor is he the type to be openly vulnerable.
you weren’t the type either and two hard-ass people were not going to make a healthy relationship. but....shit changes.
the first time you guys saw each other’s vulnerability was when the attack against the camp happened. y’all were only dating for four months, but had started to form a bond.
you weren’t there when he was taken, having to be forced to stay in the classroom with the others. you were unbelievably worried when it was announced that bakugo was the target of this attack.
you tried not to worry because bakugo can take care of himself, but he shouldn’t have to. and after waiting for what felt like hours, you found out that they had taken him.
you didn’t remember collapsing on the floor and crying your eyes out with kirishima comforting you. every moment up until you and the others had went to rescue him, were a blur.
after you guys had got him back and after all might’s fight with all for one, you broke down again and gave bakugo a bone crushing hug.
“i’m so sorry.” you had whispered, that being the only thing able to come out of your quivering lips.
the others had continued to walk ahead to give you guys some space, but you figured bakugo didn’t want to talk since he didn’t hug you back. just as you had went to remove yourself from him, he had wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace.
“don’t be sorry shithead. okay? don’t be sorry.”
his voice was muffled a bit from his lips being on your shoulded, but you heard him and a short sob escaped your lips at the fact that he was comforting you when you should be comforting him.
but your hug was enough comfort as it allowed the boy to feel safe since getting taken and he had shed a few small tears.
after that, things were different. bakugo wouldn’t tell you, but you knew that things were different. he was more aggressive and driven to be the best, but he moved as if he had a weight on his shoulders.
you didn’t know it then, but it was guilt. guilt because all might lost his powers trying to save him because he wasn’t strong enough to get away. after finding that out, you reprimanded him so hard (lovingly).
he needed to know that he was strong but that what happened with all might had nothing to do with him. and after you all got your provisional licenses, but he didn’t? that’s when he really broke.
it hurt you to see him this upset and you knew then that you would do everything in your power to prevent him from ever feeling like that, again.
you guys really grew closer those two months. at that point, y’all really were inseparable.
okaaa out of the sad shit!
he pushes you at the same amount he pushes himself. bakugo wants you to be successful and he knows that you do as well. your ambition almost the same as his, if not higher.
you guys train together a lot after hours. most of the time kirishima joins in and that leads the rest of bakusqaud to do the same.
anything that you ask him to do, bakugo will do it. mans is so whipped for you!!
you get him to do sheet masks with you every other night. and you’ve got him on a skincare routine that was good at first, but now bad for you. because when you wanna be lazy, bakugo will scold tf outta you before you give him the pouty face. at that point, he’s washing your face for you and wrapping your hair up as you fall asleep in his arms. 🥺
bakugo is definitely on your ass about your hair. especially if he paid for it? oh yeah baby, you keepin that shit in til he sees it getting raggedy. but he actually loves being apart pf your wash day routine.
you didn’t have to teach him, he just observed you and one day, when your arms were getting tired, he casually swooped in with a kiss of his teeth and did your hair.
you absolutely went to sleep and the sight alone caused bakugo’s heart to melt. that was one of the times he knew that he loved you.
speaking of love, there were several times bakugo knew that he loved you but he didn’t say it.
he knew that he loved you when you made him breakfast one morning over the summer, during the time he was working himself in the ground to get his provisional license. the bright smile on your face gave him energy despite being drained. that was one time he knew.
the second time was when you had met his mom. y’all were dating for seven months at the time and you really wanted to meet his parents. so, with a permanent scowl on his face, he took you and it was something.
“oh suki look at you!!! you were such a smiley baby!! why you so grumpy now?!” you cooed, gushing over the baby picture of him at ten months.
bakugo frowned, sitting across from you with his dad on the other side of him. “i’m not grumpy.” he gritted out, looking like a complete grump.
“he wasn’t always this way. katsu used to be a very happy baby. you wanna see him at his second birthday? oh it was so cute!” mitsuki exclaimed, flipping the pages in the book to get to where she needed.
seeing you bond so well with his mom made bakugo feel some type of way. despite their dynamics, he respected his mom and definitely held her in a high regard. that was the second time.
and the third time was on your one year anniversary.
it was something simple seeing as you had started your period that same day and were feeling like absolute shit. you felt so bad for being the reason why you guys had to stay in, but bakugo wouldn’t hear it.
“but suki we could go out and sit on the roof!” you whined while simultaneously curling into him for comfort.
just from that action alone, he knew you wouldn’t have the strength to actually move around just to go on the rooftop. your body was hurting and you felt like you could die, no way were you moving.
“relax princess. no need to get your blood rushing anymore than it already is.” bakugo teased, a knowing smirk on his lips.
with squinted eyes, you pinched the skin on his ribs causing him to flinch away from you. “fuck you katsuki.”
“love you shithead.”
*record scratch, pause* wait what?!
bakugo looked calm af but on the inside, mans was wilding. he deadass couldn’t believe he said that shit. like who tf?
you had a look of surprise and awe on your face. completely taken aback by his abrupt confession that you couldn’t really process it.
but you definitely felt it.
with a smile and kiss on his cheek, you drew even closer to bakugo and nuzzled into his side. “love you more suki.”
yeah...he definitely loved you
*join our taglist:* @sweeneyblue1 @knjkitten @simplyskz-maya
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psychewithwings · 4 years
heyy can you do a shikamaru x reader where they smoke weed and they like shotgun and stuff and then they just end up fucking lol
Dude, I’ve been thinking about writing this fic for a hot sec so I’m really glad you requested it <3 I will always write for this man, hope u likeee it haha!
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WARNINGS: drinking, smoking weed, ownership kink, dom Shika
It was Choji’s birthday party and you sipped on your drink nervously, talking with a few of your other friends and colleagues, trying to keep you eyes away from where Shikamaru was standing. He was talking and joking with Ino and Choji. Why had you made things so complicated?
It was a few weeks prior and Shika had been assigned to a mission with you. It had just been the two of you and you’d spent a lot of time talking together. It had started with simple things, about the mission mostly, but then it grew into asking about favourite foods, childhood memories, and questioning things about the world as you knew it. You’d developed inside jokes and started to really enjoy each others company. So much so, that you two had slept together on the way back from the mission. 
It had happened so naturally, you’d just been conversing before going to bed as usual except you somehow ended up underneath him, as he pounded into you instead of sleeping. “That was...” he’d started to say, stroking up and down your back. “I know,” you’d responded. You didn't want him to talk about it. It was good, so good, but you knew he had feelings for someone else, that girl from the Sand Village. You didn’t want to become just his fuck buddy and you certainly didn't want to catch feelings for someone who was not emotionally available to you. So you’d got dressed and chalked it up to being a one time thing. Until he’d called you the night you returned to the village, and yet again a few days after that. 
The one time thing, was become something of a habit and while you loved it, you’d hated it equally. So tonight was the night you were going to show him how much of a bro you were. Drinking beers, you’d even worn your baggiest jeans and a T-shirt from a Ramen shop from the Hidden Mist that you’d had to buy when a rogue fireball jutsu destroyed your clothes (long story). 
   You wanted to break the ice, get him back to seeing you as “one of the guys”, so naturally... shotgunning challenge. “Ayo, homie, wanna shotgun?” you punched his shoulder lightly for good measure. He accepted, eyebrow raised in confusion but sauntered after you to the back garden. He watched, a smirk on his face while you shook the can, poked the hole, then downed the beer rather quickly. “Now you,” you tossed him the pocket knife so he could poke his can. He repeated your movements exactly until he came to the drinking of the beer. He spit, and choked on the carbonation. He wiped the remnants of the alcohol that dripped from his chin and then looked at you a little embarrassed. He was so cute and the buzz of the alcohol through your blood was just making him cuter. You bit your lip remembering how his hands felt gripping your hips as he whispered for you to cum around his length. “You’re a baby,” you teased trying to push the image from your head. He was amused with your attitude but still tried to defend himself. “Listen, I’m not a big drinker,” he produced a small tin from his pocket, “but I know how to smoke.” 
You watched as he pulled a joint from tin and lit it with his lighter. He inhaled deeply, and you watched as his body relaxed.  When he exhaled, the curls of smoke framed his face and he looked at you with darkened eyes. “Here,” he offered you the joint. You stared at the red hot end and then the tip, the paper slightly wet from his lips. “I guess I’m a baby too then,” you started, “Yeah, you are,” he agreed as his fingertips met your waist. His fingers trailed down to your hips and his grip tightened. Your eyes grew wide and you turned away, “I meant, I was a baby because... I don’t know how to smoke.” He chuckled and placed the joint between his teeth again. “Oh,” he said as he exhaled, “well... do you wanna learn?” You turned back to him, seeing his familiar lustful expression. The alcohol was crippling your already weak resolve. “Yes, teach me.” 
He smiled devilishly and inhaled the joint once again. You were waiting for him to give some sort of instruction but instead, he traced his thumb on your bottom lip which caused you to relax your mouth. With that, he grabbed you by the back of the neck and kissed your open mouth. You felt him exhale the smoke into your mouth and you groaned in pleasure. You sucked the smoke that he gave you and then quickly pushed him away as you choked on the hot, dry air. “Now who's the baby?” he rasped as he watched your crouched form trying to stop coughing. You stood up, far too quickly and stumbled slightly. He caught you arm and pulled you into him. The high was settling in as you noticed his face looked brighter and his eyes more intense. “You’re my baby,” he said as he smirked down at you. You swiped the joint away from him and inhaled deeply. You started to choke again but you held it down. “Don’t say thing like that,” you mumbled. He came behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “What? You don’t wanna be my baby?” He took the joint back and inhaled. He spun you around and kissed you again, blowing the smoke into your lungs. You sucked the smoke willingly, trying to ponder what he was getting at. “You wanna be my kitty cat?” You scrunched your face in confusion. He puffed the joint once more and thoughtfully blew out the smoke, “ah, I know, you wanna be my good girl.” You froze. He only called you that when he was balls deep inside you. Your resolve was officially broken as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, your tongues tangling together. “Yes, God, yes, please I wanna be your good girl Shikamaru.” He laughed and pulled you back in the house, winding his way to the guest bedroom. 
“This is the-mmm- last time this happens...” you tried to get out between kisses. He laid you on the bed, “yeah, okay,” he retorted and went back to kissing you. You grabbed his head held his gaze to yours, “I mean it this time.” He sighed and wiggled his head from your grip, moving his kisses to your neck. He kissed up your neck, “but why?” he bit down on your earlobe, “when it feels so fucking good?” He was right, it felt amazing, and the combination of drunk and high had your nerves tingling with every brush of his lips on your skin. His hands trailed down to your thighs and slipped under your dress. His fingers were slipping below the waist band of your panties, your breath hitched in anticipation but he stopped. “If you want this to be the last time then we should stop now.” He sat up, his legs hanging over the bed. “We’re both kinda fucked up and I want you so bad but, if you wanna stop then we should stop now.”  You sat up and crawled into his lap. “I don’t wanna stop... it’s just that, I-I” you high was gonna make you say it. “I like you, as more than my friend and so it’s just hard to do this with you if you don’t-” He stopped you by pulling you on top of him, his hands rubbing up and down your back. “You’re my good girl right?” he asked. You nodded, unsure where he was going with this. “You’re my good girl. All- Fucking- Mine.” 
You moaned at his words which just encouraged him further. He unbuckled his belt while he spoke, “see, the real question right now, before we do anything is do you want to belong to me, because the second I slide my cock inside that tight little pussy, you’re mine, and I am yours, and theres no going back.” He pulled the leather out from his belt loops and tossed it to the floor. You were sure your panties were soaked, the relief you had felt at knowing that he wanted you too had melted down into pure desire. “Make me yours, Shika, please,” you begged reaching for his shoulders. You pulled him closer but he broke free of your grasp. He moved lower before slipping your panties to the side. He plunged his middle finger into your core, “fuck you’re so wet... so what was it hmm?” he growled, “is it cuz’ you’re high? Cuz you like how it feels when I touch you like this?” he was stoking against that one special spot. “Or is it because I fucking own you now?” You groaned in response. “Mmm,  yeah I knew that was it, you wanna be fucking owned don't you?” You mewled in response to the emptiness of him removing his finger. He rubbed small teasing circles around your clit. “I wanna hear you say it,” he growled.  He unbuttoned his pants with his other hand and stroked up and down on his shaft. You could see his dripping cockhead in the low lighting of the room, a small whine of need leaving your lips. “I-I you own me, Shikamaru, I’m yours, all fucking yours.” “Good girl,” he praised as he plunged into your core. 
His cock was thick and it bordered painful as he didn’t give you anytime to adjust to his size, but as he started to thrust your body turned to fire, your high feeding the flames. The white hot orgasm washed over you suddenly and Shikamaru had to hold your leg against his shoulder to steady your shaking form. “Such a good girl, cumming for me so soon, but I know you got more for me,” he growled down at you. His holding of your leg, deepened his thrusts, and each time his cock hit your cervix you were propelled towards your second orgasm. Your mouth hung open in pleasure and drool started to pool on the mattress below. “Gonna milk my cock for me sloppy girl?” You couldn’t respond with full formed words, but instead a series of whines and moans. He moved his thumb down to rub at your clit. “Cum again, right fucking now, I own you now and you’ll cum when I say.”  You came hard around him, crying out, your cunt squeezing around him. “That’s it, that’s a good fucking girl, I’m gonna fill you to the brim as a reward, ” he growled.  His thrusts slowed as he shot hot ropes of cum deep inside you. “You’re all mine,” he cooed as he laid on top of you, kissing your neck softly. “All yours,” you replied sweetly, then cupped his chin with your hand, “and you are mine.” Now, all that’s left to do was leave this party... you were both hoping that everyone else was more fuck up than you both were and hadn’t noticed the sounds of passion coming from the guest room. But the knocking at the door made you both think that was unrealistic. At least you were in it together. 
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incorrectsnkships · 3 years
So at first I just thought he was a really confident and comfortable heterosexual, y'know? BUT NOW! NOW!? oh no, no, no!
Reason numbrero uno! He has feminine hips. Straight boys don't strut like that, straight boys don't fucking be flexible like that.
Reason numbrero duex! He says bitch waaay to much. So if you don't know the history of the word bitch, bitch was also used a a gay slur for y'know twinks. You don't see Jean or Levi OR EVEN EREN going around going bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking crazy bitches. Sure maybe once in awhile, but Connie use it like a sister y'know?
Reason numbrero drei! Look at who the fucking hell he's hanging 'round with! Ymir; the fucking bitch lesbian. Christa/Historia; the lesbian or bi girl dude. He's the fucking second lesbian protector (next to Eren). You see that gay ass gay homie grab in like what season 3? Or was it 2? He's friends with Sasha, who does she hang out with most of the time!? Ymir and Historia! Sometimes Jean and Mikasa. Speaking of Jean, he ain't sleek either! Connie hanging 'round with a fucking bi-saster a bi disaster! Not to mention Reiner and Armin! We see him worry about Reiner and Bertholdt when they “missing” asking someone to check on them to see if there alive! Man looking out for his gay homies! Also in one of the games he asks Armin why he spends so much time with Eren, to which Armin shoots back with one of the most gay awakening responses, “Hm well what about Ymir and Historia, or Reiner and Bertholdt?” Like yo.
Reason numbrero shi! He mom picks out gay ass fucking names! Sunny, Martin, Connie. Fucking gay dude. (everyone seems to think Sunny is a girl but judging by there titans I actually think Sunny was a boy dude. That’s just a hunch tho~)
Reason numbrero five! He seems like the kinda guy who would wear jewelry. Not really necessarily gay BUt~ I think earrings would so be he thing, and if he we’re to come out he’d probably start wearing one earring!
Reason numbrero six! Look at the kind of shit this man does! He fucking carried Armin princess style, put him down like a prince, bruh he fucking CHOSE to he CHOSE to. He knew what he was doing. And that one official art where he’s wearing that blonde lopsided wig with makeup on. That dress with the fake boobs in it!
Reason numbrero 7! My mama always say, that if a boy is best friends with a girl he will almost always usually fall for her. Connie is close as HELL with Sasha. And while I LOVE springles. This know discovery is D A W N I N G on me! Connie don’t really seem to show that much interest in women. But not necessarily to men either. And that factor being. I think bby Connie is shy!
Overall I think he’s a great fucking character! I love Connie, but this just made me open a whole new chapter for him. I’m currently rewatching AOT with my mom ‘cause she done wanted to watch it and I couldn’t let her watch that cringey dub so yee. I’ll be paying attention for other Easter eggs and clues. I never researched Connie to much but now that I have I’m made some pretty interesting discoveries! In conclusion Connie Springer is probably fucking gay. SO in other words you were RIGHT! ATTACK ON TITAN IS FUCKING GAY! 😍
( j u s t l i k e m e l o l )
srry for the late reply, but you’ve actually convinced me
mans comes across heterosexual but he definitely had a crush on every single male member of the 104th. literally every one. and like many others, one of the older scouts was his gay awakening. and im not saying that connie had a crush on them or anything, and this is definitely not a ship post between connie and any adult in the show, but im just saying that he admired them. a lot. too much. and had to look away when they got changed in front of him.
“connie why do you offer to go kill titans with captain levi whenever we have a mission?”
“i admire his skills!”
“connie, you do realise that erwin doesn’t have time to have tea with you right?”
“no i know i just wanted to talk about stuff with him. professional stuff. as a soldier.”
“connie, you know that moblit doesn’t need an assistant right? he is the assistant”
he’d simp for armin so hard. every week he has a crush on someone new, and then it goes in a loop. and he’d “practice” kissing too. like he’d occasionally bring the topic up in conversation and then go from there based off of the persons reply. “hey uh, jean, so like- have you had your first kiss yet?” and then jean would tell him no and connie would go full internal gay panic. “o- oh yeah, thas- thas cool, um, well, i havent- had mine either so like- would you wanna practice? it doesn’t count-“
connie would have his first everything with jean and it would be so funny because it just happens all at once. like hed get asked if hes ever kissed someone and hed just glare at jean and be so flustered
connie finds it so difficult to tell romantic and platonic feelings apart and thats why hes fallen for all of his friends
armin: oh, connie, thanks for doing that favour for me! i dont know what id do without you!
eren: wait! hurry, where do they keep the extra blades?!
connie: in the cellar!
eren: great- connie, i love you!
marco: see connie? if you just fold the paper a little more, youll get there :) youre a pleasure to teach and i love spending time with you :)
also why do i feel like connie and marco dated for a little while? not even dated then, had a thing going on for a bit. like besides from jean because he doesnt count, but connies first romantic encounter was with marco, fight me
and i definitely feel like connie went to hange for some advice about his sexuality. he was so confused and liking everyone at the same time, so who else better to go to than the person who tried to convince erwin to start an lgbtq+ youth club right?
but when eren and armin announced that they were officially dating, that was an eye opener for connie and it made him realise that its okay to be yourself
and it took him a while to actually realise that he was gay. hence the fact that hed physically gag whenever someone suggested for him to date sasha, and all those times in the boys changing room that hed have to turn around or leave completely
so yes, i can see where youre coming from, and i agree with you. but if we were to list the people connie has simped for from most-least?
levi (not really simping, more fanboying/celebrity crush)
moblit (same as levi)
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Hey,you guys it’s Selly here. Sorry you haven’t heard from us in a while... I just haven’t been in the mood to tell you guys about the bet but you know I’m in the mood now. SO LET’S GET TO THE LAST PART OF ME AND JORDAN BAKERS LOVE STORY or sex story however wanna interpret it.
“Why don’t you guys just fuck already?” Olivia says with a smirk. “Oh wait you can’t!” Olivia says laughing hysterically all the way to her car. “Yo wassup,Jordan...”Spencer coming down the stairs as Olivia leaves. “Oh and Selly.” Spencer says looking a little confused. “I thought y’all was doing that bet bullshit..so umm y’all to a L already or?” Spencer asks eyeing us. “WHAT?!?!FUCK NO!”Jordan and I say in unison. “Oh shit my bad,well in that case Sells you riding with us.” Spencer asks me making direct eye contact as he said it. “I mean sure I j-doggy dog don’t mind.” I say humorously. “Nah, I don’t mind having my princess ride with me and my homie.” Jordan says winking at me. “Jordan,shut the fuck up and let’s go.” I say walking out the door as Spencer and Jordan are laughing behind me.
At school.
“Today,class we will be discussing the reproductive system and how to prevent pregnancy.” Mr.Porter says enthusiastically. When sudden I get a piece of paper thrown at my head. “What the fuck?” I whisper as I pick it up. “Meet in the lockeroom in 10-J.Doggy Dog” I make eye contact with Jordan and nod. “Mr.Porter,My I use the restroom?” I ask innocently. “Can it wait 5 minutes?” Mr.Porter says as he slides the condom of the banana. “It’s lady stuff.” I say batting my eyelashes. “Alright,yes go but hurry back you don’t wanna miss when I start talking about female and male ejaculation.” Mr.Porter says sending me a wink. “Yes,Sir I won’t be long.” I say getting and making eye contact with Jordan.”hey, mr.porter can I go to?” Jordan says anxiously. “Yes,go right ahead but hurry back.”Mr.Porter says flipping the slide to pictures of the uterus.
“So what made you crack daddy?” I say smirking. “You,idiot. Now come here.”Jordan says blushing. Then we start to kiss and he takes my shirt off and coach baker walks in....WAIT COACH BAKER WALKS IN! “Jordan!” I exclaimed trying to put my shirt back on. “In my locker room? Wow in my locker room?” Coach Baker says while shaking his head. “Son,did you even have a comdom?” Coach baker says rolling his eyes. “Yeah,dad I did but umm boners gone so there’s no point.”Jordan says back trying not laugh. “Well umm next time lock the damn door,and on that note I’m out.”coach baker says walking out of the locker room and locking the door behind him.
“Now,where were we?” Jordan says smiling at me. “I think my shirt was off.”I say mockingly. “Yeah,me too.”Jordan says taking my shirt off again.
A few moments later.
“Fuck,right there.” I exclaimed as Jordan slammed into me I could feel his cock pulsing inside of me with every thrust. “You,like that shit.”Jordan says continuing his brutal pace. “Daddy,I’m gonna cum.” I yell louder then I should have in a school locker room. “Then cum on this cock then,baby girl.” Jordan says in between breaths.”fuck, Jordan.” I yell. Shortly after he came too.
“Selena Sophia Oakland,will you be my girlfriend?” Jordan asks as we walk back to class. “Only if your Jordan “Jordumb” Baker will be my boyfriend?” I say voice laced with excitement. “Well in that case hell yea.” Jordan says smiling making me laugh. “Same,bro same.” I say mocking him. “I don’t sound like that, smelly” Jordan says smirking. “My pussy wasn’t smelly when eat though right?” I say putting my ear to his mouth. “No.” Jordan whispers. “EXACTLY,JORDUMB!” I say smiling thinking I won. “This dick made you go dumb didn’t??” Jordan says smirking down at me. “ I distinctly remember you not being to even form words.” Jordan says laughing as I hit him. “Ok,ok your right damn.” I say in defeat.
In class.
“Omg, your glowing.” One of the girls shouted out when Jordan and I walked into the classroom. “Take your seats you two.” Mr.porter says clearly upset that we missed have the lesson but I mean clearly we understood what the fuck to do but whatever. “So are y’all together now or what?” Mr.porter says smirking. “Yeah,everyone in the school knows about that bet y’all made.” Mr.porter says smirk turn into a smile. “So?”Olivia says from her seat next to me. “Yeah,we’re official.” Jordan and I say at the same time.
I hope you guys enjoyed Smelly and I’s story it was long awaited and we both really appreciate you guys waiting up on us-J.doggy dog
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disjoineddisc · 3 years
Teen Beach Movie Inspired Eremin Au Because Why Not
This will be my second time writing this AU because tumblr decided to crash mid-way through attempt number one. If we crash again I will be going bonkers.
Cruisin for a Bruisin came up on my Spotify liked songs today and then this AU was made. Basically, if you’ve ever seen the movie Teen Beach Movie you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, all you need to know is that there is a Capulet-Montague-style rivalry between the Bikers and Surfers in the town. It’s set in the 50s. It is literally the same thing here. Just some funny teenagers who like biking and surfing. 
SO. Eren and Mikasa are bikers. We already Knew this. The two of them do fun tricks together, even though Mikasa outshines Eren by a mile. Eren has always thought the rivalry thing was stupid. But, biking was fun! Mikasa just kind of followed Eren along with everything because. Eren + Bike is just asking for him to get hurt. And he does, a lot.
Armin works at Carla’s Cafe, the cafe owned by Carla Jaeger. It serves as the neutral ground between the Bikers and the Surfers. He’s about the only employee there. He’s pretty close with Carla (but not Eren.) In addition to that, he also surfs on the down-low. He isn’t officially affiliated with the Surfers and he doesn’t want to be. Armin thinks the rivalry is dumb, but surfing is fun. Most of the time he brings his board to the cafe and hides it in the back. 
It all starts out after Eren gets into an argument with his dad (all my homies hate Grisha Jaeger.) He just dips and decides to go out biking because he needs to blow off steam. Doing something is better than letting his anger sit. One time he let that happen and by the end of the day there was a hole in his wall. Eren decides to go down to the beach. It’s around the evening and he assumes nobody that would give him any trouble would be there. Plus, he knows a spot. It’s secluded and great for him to just,,, do donuts and whatever he wants in the sand. Off-roading has a danger that he loves. 
Turns out- that same place is where Armin surfs. It’s secluded and the waves there aren’t all that bad- it’s perfect. Eren sees Armin, Armin sees Eren. At first the two of them are apprehensive about one another because of the whole Surfer Biker thing. Eventually they figure out that one another is chill. Armin earns the nickname “Beach Boy.” The age-old “Ar” and “Min” eventually come into play, too. Armin just sticks to calling Eren Eren, sometimes using “Er” and “Ren” if the time feels right. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it, though. 
The two of them talk for awhile. Eren figures out that Armin goes to that same spot almost every night. Eren keeps making up excuses as to why he shows up. At first Armin is like “ah, okay. Well, hi :)”. But, it takes next to no time to figure out that Eren is just lying and pulling things from his ass. The excuses get more far out each time. It isn’t all that hard to put together. Ofc he doesn’t mind, though. Eventually Eren convinces himself that Armin just has to meet Mikasa. I’d imagine the exchange would go something like this: “Eren, who is Mikasa again?” “My sister. Look, Min, you guys will get along great!” “Yeah but isn’t she also a Bik-” “She doesn’t give a shit about that.” “I’m the most boring person kno-” “Stop making up excuses I’m bringing her here.” “Then why did you even ask me?” “Felt like the thing to do. Anyways. Me, you, Mikasa, here tomorrow at 7. ‘Kay?” “I-... Yeah? Sure...that’s fine.”
Mikasa and Carla are the best wingmen Eren could ask for, though. They’re preceptive. They Know. Armin comes into work with more energy than he ever has. Eren keeps dipping on certain things to go to that small spot on the beach. Mikasa talks to her mom, her mom lets her know how a certain employee has been more chipper than ever. Mikasa shares her reports. They figure out whats going on before Eren and Armin figure out whats going on. Mikasa and Eren visit Carla’s Cafe one day. His mom walks up to him and is like: “Eren :) guess whos on shift today:)” “Literally who?” “:)” “Don’t you just have the one employ-” Out walks Armin in his lil uniform. Eren is once again swept off of his feet. 
I just Really Like this AU idea. Imagine Eren taking Armin on bike rides. Armin trying to teach Eren how to surf. Eren being cheesy whenever he visits Carla’s cafe and Armin has to serve him. Armin gives Eren bigger slices of pie, extra of his favorite food, whatever he wants. I just. At some point in time Armin starts bringing the books that he’s brought up in conversation so often to the beach. He reads to Eren when neither of them want to do much of anything (although I imagine that Armin still brings his surf board and Eren brings his bike but both things just sit there, unused.) 
If anyone wants to discuss this AU please hmu I have so many thoughts. Or, if you want to add on, please feel free to and lmk because just. 50s Biker and Surfer Au go brrrrr.
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