#vademons pocket dimension
koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the eighteenth day, Koushiro dropped {Koushiro}'s “e”s. Tentomon no longer had a name.
Although {Tentomon} welcomed whatever made Koushiro happy, Tentomon felt somewhat uneasy about the entire thing. There was no mistake that Koushiro's face grew more serene with each passing day. But {Koushiro's} eyes… {Koushiro's} eyes looked so blank. Nowhere in them could {Tentomon} find that bright sparkle they once had, like at Andromon's factory, when Koushiro was typing into his laptop with engrossed excitement, or within the empty well in the desert. Before it had met Koushiro, Tentomon had always thought that "thinking" was a pain. But meeting Koushiro made {Tentomon} come to feel that thinking wasn't so bad after all.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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izzyizumi · 8 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 31 (J.P.N Ver.) ~ Character Traits & Character Development ~ Important Dialogue + as Adopted representation (Izumi Family)
{Koushiro and “Thank You”} (Koushiro, in the J.P.N. version, is known for using overly-“polite” speech in most of Koushiro’s wider canon. [at the very least, up until the beginnings of the 02 Epilogue timeframe]; (However, we see hints of that changing a little throughout the {+early} series too) {i.e. “Arigato[u] gozaimas[u]” (Formal) vs. slightly more informal {to Izumis, as they’re Koushiro’s family} “Arigato[u]”, which he slowly begins to start using more often by late 02′s World Tour arc} This is right after Koushiro’s returned home the first time, so the Izumis are bemused by Koushiro saying “Thank You” so openly)
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{“Even if {Koushiro} is [hiding something], We can’t blame {Koushiro}. We’re [hiding something]* from {Koushiro}, TOO.”}
* = Koushiro’s Adoption backstory, which Koushiro continues to show clear awareness of Izumi Parents knowing & keeping the secret from Koushiro, including throughout this entire episode. (After Koushiro just got back from being stuck in the Digital World for over two months in Digital World time, maybe NOT counting the time Koushiro spent trapped and isolated in Vademon’s ‘pocket’ dimension...)
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
OK gang here we go, episode 33!
It was better than last week, which was better than the week before, so... make of that what you will.
Pic of the week!
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A look of steely Dan determination.
More below!
Like I said, this episode is an improvement on the last one, by virtue of plot stuff actually happening, a few big happenings, and references to the other kids that suggest they haven’t been completely forgotten about (only mostly). Don’t get excited though - it still leaves much to be desired. I cry endlessly for the animation budget. But let’s get into it...
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Taichi and friends are still in pursuit of SkullKnightmon and Hikari. We found our for sure last week that the creature in the little crystal is, indeed, Millenniumon, or rather a fragment of him, and his fragments fell all around the Digital World at the end of the great war or whatever it’s called and they’re the source of the miasma and they absorb energy from the human world etc etc...
So we find this big ass crystal which seems to be the central one, I guess? because it’s the biggest? and several creepy looking acolytes (dun dun DUN it’s VADEMON my FAVORITE DIGIMON) surrounding it and chanting...
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Vademon: Find the horcux, kill Harry Potter, find the horcrux, kill Harry Potter,
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In other news, there’s a lot of doom and gloom happening with Jou, who, bereft of his underwear, is forced to censor himself with his partners head. Gomamon you don’t deserve this
Jou: I need to get away from these Nanimon before I go prematurely bald too!!
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Mimi, meanwhile, is Boxing Champion of the World.
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Koushirou is the only one working. He’s on his way to pick up Jou, so I guess that means Yamato will get Mimi? That’ll be fun lol. We saw Yamato for half a second but it was the same frame of him riding Garurumon we’ve seen five times already so why bother capping it.
Koushirou is also keeping an eye on the satellite situation but doesn’t know what to do about it yet. Kabuterimon asks if he shouldn’t take a break about now and Koushirou says “I’m okay, besides, this is the only thing I’m good for” T___T you know this would be heart-breaking if I really believed the writers have ACTUAL PLANS to make good on Koushirou-related character development.... >:[
no this honestly pisses me off so much but I STILL do believe we will get SOMETHING for him and the others and probably not too far in the future... I think... I hope ugh
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Back to Team A, they see lots of Digimon coming at them. Taichi’s like “it’s an attack!” but Sora, whose Fight Mode unlike Taichi’s has an actual Off switch, is about to figure out that they are in fact not interested in the kids at all and are running away from something.
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Taichi: I can’t believe they didn’t want to kill us. Doesn’t everything in this world want to kill us?
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The Digimon are fleeing from a suspicious crater with a familiar stone in the center. SkullKnightmon raises his own crystal fragment into the air and stuff happens.
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By stuff I mean black lightning and purple-blue light which is meant to signify Evil which is mega DUMB because blue and purple are the most awesome color combo EVER I mean it throw some turquoise in there too and I will buy it whatever it is a necklace a shawl a codpiece
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There are eight crystals that rise from the ground surrounding the central crystal and share energy with it. I thought the number eight might be significant you know for obvious reasons but it doesn’t appear to matter in this episode.
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Evil crystals or not, Taichi’s on his way to save Hikari once and for all!
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Hikari: Thanks, but no thanks, oniichan.
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Taichi: H-Hikari! You don’t understand! You’re too young to go off with a strange man!
Hikari: But oniichan I love him
Taichi: Who do you think I am, Tevye!? You’re not marrying him and that’s final!
Hikari: waaah why don’t you understand me!!
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ok back to the story...
Hikari abandons her brother for his muscular studly lover SkullKnightmon.
... >_>
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Using Hikari’s powers, SkullKnightmon evolves to Gundamon DarkKnightmon. Meanwhile there’s lots of chanting and stuff about this being SkullKnightmon’s purpose or some such. I still kinda hope we get a redemption arc for SkullKnightmon or that he has something more to do with the story...
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Agumon stops Taichi from wigging out and they go to save Hikari together, but before they can they are beset from all angles by henchmen.
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Sora: Hey, you take care of Tweedle Dee and I’ll get Tweedle Dum!
Birdramon: *gets punched in the head* I hope you brought enough aspirin...
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Then these guys appear. I’ve forgotten their names but evil as they look they literally just stand there till they get blown up and then more appear... I guess that’s a kind of talent
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Takeru: Leave the small fry to me!
Pegasusmon: Takeru when I said I wanted a Happy Meal this isn’t what I meant
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Hikari begins to be absorbed into a dark pocket dimension of DarkKnightmon’s or something like that. It seems like a very chill experience.
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Taichi: I’ll save you! Take my hand!
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Hikari: O... nii... chan... Fuck you...
ok so here’s my problem here.
This is meant to be all emotional and stuff right?? Hikari’s been blowing off her brother for an unknown reason (we all figured out what it was but look the main characters don’t know and that’s what counts) and he’s finally managed to catch up with her. His hand is inches away from catching hers and pulling her to safety. She’s got creepy glowing eyes. She mouths “o..nii...chan...” with a creepy smile before being pulled into darkness.
I know it’s for kids so it’s not going to be too scary or anything but there ‘just like... no build up here. The storytelling style is too mathematical. “We go from Plot Point A to Plot Boint B via Battles 1 2 and 3...” There’s nothing happening in between to make us feel Taichi’s desperation, or even to know what Hikari’s feeling in this moment. Is she really okay with this? Is she having second thoughts? It doesn’t make any sense for her not to be scared. I fully expected her to go through with it, but she can be scared and still go through with it... come on...
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It’s like that scene from Utena except sapped of any and all emotional impact.
I don’t really remember how Greymon got up there in the first place since he can’t fly but at least we get a scene of him and Taichi plummeting to the earth after failing to save Hikari. The kind of thing that would be dramatic if there were any kind of animation budget at all.
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The one thing the show is sure to do is show us Taichi’s expressions, which I guess is something... It’s just so rushed and the accompanying dialogue leaves something to be desired.
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Greymon: Don’t give up, Taichi... Taichi... um. what are you doing...
Taichi: stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
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Anyway, Taichi is Big Mad. I thought (hoped, to be honest) that we might get a glimpse of him going wild with dark energy like in the Devimon episode again... Or at least a hint that that was a possibility in the heat of the moment before Agumon snapped him out of it. But nope.
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He takes a moment to be upset and then says “There’s no time to worry about what to do” and goes to save Hikari... from inside DarkKnightmon somehow :P
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This does not go well.
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Meanwhile Hikari is surprisingly okay for someone who was just eaten alive by sentient VantaBlack. She discovers a peculiar light inside... DarkKnightmon’s intestine??? Is that where we are now??? lmao
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She recognizes the light as the voice that has been calling her and tries to head towards it, but is blocked by some purple jello.
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There’s a kind of cool thing that happens here... We just had a scene where Taichi desperately tries to grab his sister’s hand and yank her out of the clutches of evil, but fails, mostly because she doesn’t do anything to help him since she is weirdly okay with the situation. Now we get a mirror of that moment with Hikari bursting out of the jello with her arm outstretched to grab what is clearly Tailmon’s paw.
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Only Tailmon does take Hikari’s hand.
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It was really cool to see the brother and sister paralleling each other this much. It shows the ways they’re both courageous and determined and caring.
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Meanwhile Taichi finally whips out WarGreymon. Honestly, I feel like this should have been WarGreymon’s intro episode. This would have been a good time for a new evolution, rather than in a fight with a nobody that I’ve already forgotten. Idk. WarGreymon uses Brave Tornado to knock DarkKnightmon’s lances away and burrow into his armor. So, yeah, Hikari’s in his intestines, lmao.
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Hikari is being chased by a two-headed monster who is in for the migraine of its (their?) life when the tornado crashes into it.
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Hikari: Big brother! You look so cool!
Taichi: Promise me that no matter how many men come into your life, I’ll always be number one.
Hikari: okay that is creepy
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WarGreymon explodes DarkKnightmon from the inside out x’D and Taichi gets a redo of his hand-reaching scene. First he berates Hikari for running off on her own and then smiles.
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Hikari says she always believed he’d rescue her. Aww.
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Sweet sibling love.
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Then there’s this really hilarious sound which turns out to be the Vademon hivemind giving a collective cry of distress x’D it’s lmfao amazing. Then they start chanting “Next time next time next time” just in case you thought Millennium was defeated and we can go home now.
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Taichi: Sora, do you know where I can buy a leash for this kid? I can’t keep chasing her like this. Aren’t kids today supposed to be glued to their phones and never go outside?
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Patamon’s Girlfriend Radar piques at the bundle in Hikari’s arms.
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And it is indeed Tailmon, and she’s been waiting for Hikari all this time.
Tailmon: I am Tailmon, a Holy Digimon.
Patamon: oh my god you can’t just call yourself holy ugh you’re so self-centered
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They’re both sooooo cute. I’m annoyed they didn’t get a cool ending card like Takeru and Patamon did last week though. But still, this is a sweet moment.
So, there’s not a lot to complain about in this episode, comparatively speaking. I wish we had more dialogue and understood the value of a dramatic pause etc. Also wish Sora and Takeru had more to do than fight the henchmen. Like, if you can just erase an entire part of an episode and it still works fine, you clearly didn’t need that part so why waste time on it.
But at least we do get reactions from Taichi, and at least we got plot development. The Taichi/Hikari parallels were cool. And even though I had other hopes for how this arc would turn out, I’m glad it’s over because maybe we can finally do some other stuff now. Maybe. I want to get back to Koushirou SOOO bad but more than anything I am still gobsmacked by how long it’s been since Yamato’s had anything to do but ride on Garurumon. That is WEIRD. He’s YAMATO.
Next week...
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... Looks like it’ll be a light-hearted undersea episode. I’m cool with that. The preview clips had a “Sebastian’s Calypso” vibe that I dig. It’s still about Taichi’s group but I think that’s to do more actual face time with Tailmon and Hikari. I hope we see the others as well and if not maybe the week after. I will be happy if this episode has some personality to it.
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Koushirou telling Taichi, “Oh so you won’t be coming back here again? Please try to contact me every once in a while,” is so heartbreaking because the only reason he got sucked into Vademon’s pocket dimension in the first place is because he separated from the group with the intention to get the answers to find Taichi and there he just is after two long months of perilous searching, safe and at home talking to Koushirou (who just almost fell into “Hell” goddamn) on his laptop screen, and even after he’s lost his inquisitive heart Koushirou just expresses the desire to be able to be in contact with him, to stay connected to Taichi, because Taichi is the one human at this point Koushirou has ever gotten even close to on purpose, the person who he regards so highly and now believes is never coming back-- but he still wants to hear from him. I’m not over this I’m never getting over this
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citrus-cactus · 5 years
Kizuna Countdown (20th Anniversary/20 Questions) #18
Favorite Tri Installment
Gotta go with Kokuhaku on this one. Of all of the Tri movies, I think this is one of the most focused. It gave us a shocking inciting incident and let things spiral outward in a very natural, emotional, and character-driven way. The scenes between Takeru and Patamon are heatbreaking, and boy, did this movie help me understand Takeru a lot better. The digimon obviously steal the show, and the fact that come to a decision without their partners for their partners was so, so sad and important. And Meiko’s dilemma! And Maki’s swooping in to take care of Hikari after Homeostasis (with That Look in her eyes!). And allllll the scenes with the digis just trying to be with the kiddos. Auuuugh!
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As was the case with everything else in Tri, I wish Koushiro had been a bit more... directly involved, somehow. Being behind a desk for almost the entire movie and only really interacting with Tentomon is an unfortunate side-effect of the office setup they gave him. But Tentomon was the real MVP of the Year, holy hell. As if he hadn’t already proven himself one of the most determined and  badass of the bunch when Kou was stuck in Vademon’s pocket dimension! Best Bug deserves a medal and a trophy and as many pink aprons as he wants.
(Crunchyroll is giving me timeout issues, but pretend I was able to insert a screenshot of Tentomon carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and join me in crying over it. TENTOOOOO!!!!)
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metalliveblogdramon · 6 years
Adventure Episode 24
It’s an Izzy Episode!
We see Izzy and Tentomon walking through some hills, Izzy trying to work out a search pattern to find Tai and Tentomon complaining about how long they’ve been walking.
Demidevimon desperately tries to set up a trap before they arrive, Myotismon having given him one last chance to secure a crest. Because obviously, send a rookie to fight 7 guys theoretically capable of being Ultimate.
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Izzy and Tentomon approach, then Demidevimon scrambles to hide and starts taking survailance photos.
Izzy wants to try to find Gennai and ask for real answers. Tentomon finds some signs left by Demidevimon that warn of fictional hazards such as rains of poop, bottomless pits of poop, trained attack poop... It’s a strange obsession this show seems to have, but I guess it dates back to it’s origins as a virtual pet franchise that rushed out a cartoon to compete with Pokemon.
Anyhow this leads them to stand on a false bit of ground and fall into a bottomless pit.
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They find themselves in a pocket dimension ruled by this fellow: Vademon. Vademon threatens them with falling until Izzy agrees to bargain away his curiosity, leaving him lethargic and disinterested. Vaderzim sucks Izzy’s curiosity into a raygun and hands him a book full of zen-like platitudes on the importance of freedom from rational thought. After he leaves, Tentomon notices someone is trying to contact them and he takes Izzy’s laptop and opens it up.
This creates a plothole: The call is the other end of the call with Tai from a few episodes back where it was Izzy contacting Tai. Still, the message to not return to the digital world is sent albeit phrased completely differently.
In Vademon’s private chambers we learn that he runs a literal curiosity shop: He trades in it as a commodity for cash. Demidevimon rings his doorbell and asks if he can buy Izzy’s crest, to which Vademon replies that that’ll be pricey as he doesn’t generally stock other items. Demidevimon offers his own curiosity in a trade, and Vademon agrees and withdraws to go fetch the crest.
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Izzy is meditating by contorting his body into the letters of the alphabet. As he reaches N, Vademon appears and tells him to discard all physical posessions besides his clothing, then grabs the crest when he tosses it and zaps Tentomon for trying to intervene.
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Vademon leaves, allowing Izzy to assert dominance over himself.
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Up above, Vademon tries to extract Demidevimon’s curiosity, which seems to prove tricky. Down below, the sapping effects of Vademon’s dimension take their toll on Tentomon, forcing him to devolve first to Motimon, then further to his baby form Pabumon. Seeing his friend suffering causes Izzy to snap out of it in a slightly trippy sequence where he sees his memories reflected in Pabumon’s floating tears.
Though no longer lethargic, Izzy still lacks his curiosity and is struggling to think clearly. Luckily, the sounds of Vademon and Demidevimon arguing lead them to Vademon’s shop area, and Pabumon is able to grab the crest and trick them into running into the dimensional pocket where Izzy is able to bar the door and lock them out.
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Whilst Vademon works to bash down the door, they locate Izzy’s curiosity and get it back into his head. In the ensuing chaos after Vademon breaks the door, Izzy and Pabumon manage to flee through the shop into the dimensional pocket where Pabumon has room to rapidly evolve an entire three stages into Kabuterimon.
Vademon begins summoning meteors which batter Kabuterimon around until Izzy is able to activate his crest and cause a fourth digivolution in the space of about a minute.
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Megakabuterimon (not to be confused with Kabuterimon’s Mega) is able to casually batter his way through the meteors...
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So Vademon tosses an entire planet at him.
Megakabuterimon is hurled back a good distance, but his Horn Buster attack destroys the planet and the shockwave sends Vademon flying. Megakabuterimon catches Izzy and we cut to above ground, where Matt and TK arrive just in time to see a kaiju-sized insect erupt violently from the ground amidst a pillar of light, causing an earthquake in the process.
Matt and TK run up to a collapsed Izzy and Motimon and ask them what happened. Motimon says that Izzy took a self help course, Izzy says he flunked out and the others laugh despite having no context for the joke.
Gennai appears briefly, tells Izzy he left a file on his computer and vanishes again. It’s a pokedex.
Myotismon calls Demidevimon up for a status report, then upon hearing “Yeah uh, funny thing happened...“ sets a flock of smaller bats on him.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the seventh day, Koushiro had dropped his “t”s and “o”s. Tentomon felt somewhat sad that {it} had been reduced to nothing but an “e”.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
On the second day, Koushiro dropped his “m”s. “You   ay   ot u  dersta  d, Te  to  o  , but I feel as though a heavy weight has bee   lifted off of   y shoulders.” “I see. That’s good.” Tentomon smiled encouragingly.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
#izumi koushirou#novel koushiro#adv 24 koushiro#the inquisitive heart#koushiros inquisitive heart#koushiro losing speech#vademons dimension#the room of the mysterious universe#you may not understand#vademons pocket dimension#vademon manipulating koushiro#you may not understand but i feel as though a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders#itd be nice to not be forced to be able to speak#itd be nice if my certain way of speaking wasnt always being actively ridiculed at every turn#itd be nice if people stopped calling me cold or mean every time i opened my mouth#itd be nice if people stopped always assuming im angry at them for no reason except i missed their social cue#itd be nice if people actually listened to what i was saying {+when info dumping} {info dumping is not bad}#itd be nice to communicate in my own way#itd be nice to be able to do this without being actively manipulated and tricked by the enemy who recognizes you as#the gullible one#semiverbal koushiro#isnt that good?#koushiros second day#koushiro izumi was trapped in vademons dimension for 71 days#advs tls#advs novel#you cannot say my or me {'let me go'} and you cannot say '{m}on' you cannot say {'tentomon'} {'help me'} out loud but do you need to#(Though in J.P. Koushiro would likely be saying {Tasukete}+{Boku} but Still like Koushiro loses T and O soon after too Anyhow)#autistic koushiro#(The more letters I see dropped the more I laugh at the thought of attempting to 'read' this '~aloud~' as an Aut----- But Dang I Could Try)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
“Te  tomo  , you should trai   with me. Why wo  ‘t you?” Koushiro displayed the results of his training to Tentomon, who was watching him from the side. Tentomon tried it out for himself. “Very well, Koushiro-ha  ” but right away he said, “No, this isn’t for me. Ending at ‘Koushiro-ha’ just doesn’t feel right. It feels icky.” “I see. I  deed that is a shame.”
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
“To begin, you must discard your words. Words make you think unnecessary thoughts. Starting today, get rid of your letters one by one. For your first day, you will work on ‘n’.” “I understand.” And so, Koushiro dropped his “n”s.
Digimon Adventure Novel; "The Inquisitive Heart" Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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