#koushiro losing speech
koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the eighteenth day, Koushiro dropped {Koushiro}'s “e”s. Tentomon no longer had a name.
Although {Tentomon} welcomed whatever made Koushiro happy, Tentomon felt somewhat uneasy about the entire thing. There was no mistake that Koushiro's face grew more serene with each passing day. But {Koushiro's} eyes… {Koushiro's} eyes looked so blank. Nowhere in them could {Tentomon} find that bright sparkle they once had, like at Andromon's factory, when Koushiro was typing into his laptop with engrossed excitement, or within the empty well in the desert. Before it had met Koushiro, Tentomon had always thought that "thinking" was a pain. But meeting Koushiro made {Tentomon} come to feel that thinking wasn't so bad after all.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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And a follow up ask: how would you describe the differences and similarities between Koushiro and Iori (as they are my 2 favorites of the Adventure 01 and 02 kids)
Since we were already talking about Iori's traditional upbringing vs. Koushirou's self-imposed correctness causing both of them to be overly polite, I will try to dig into this a little deeper. I was looking for a screenshot of them together, but then I found this pic, which I've never seen before, so I'm gonna use that one:
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About their similarities:
Since Iori is meant to be the heir of the Crest of Knowledge, they're both initially shown to be equally curious people. They both wonder about the whereabouts of the Digital World, what the Chosen Children business is all about - and that's where Koushirou himself notices Iori being a great kouhai for himself, so he offers him advice and guidance whenever he needs it. So yes - the easiest comparison to make is that they're both smart and coming up with ideas that help the others along.
On a purely physical level, when they're initially introduced, they're among the youngest AND shortest members of their respective groups. And it is yet to be seen whether they'll actually surpass any other of the male characters in height.
They're both not only very polite in their speech and approach patterns overall, but also highly responsible, studious, goal-oriented and resourceful and want to do things right - to the point of losing themselves in details and (self) doubts, when things are not going according to plan.
They both have strong moral codes, are very kind at heart and highly opinionated; they definitely know what they don't like (and are more or less able to put their feet down about it, but sometimes they get overlooked by others, unfortunately).
Despite usually being level-headed, they can both get snappy/angry/witty (read: EMOTIONAL) if someone annoys them/grinds their gears.
In regards to the former point: Something they have in common I wish didn't exist to that extent is that official art tends to depict them as "too emotionless" - which definitely contradicts their multi-faceted personalities in the anime. Yes, as mentioned, they are more level-headed and calm, less outgoing than other characters - but they can have their cheerful moments with the people closest to them (including their Digimon partners and characters such as Taichi and Takeru).
Family and their bonds mean more to them than one might assume at first, since they are generally more closed-off about their private issues.
Also very similar in choosing simple, work/school-compliant clothing (read: shirt, pants, tie, nothing TOO colourful, even if they have preferences in their colours being either more muted or autumn-based).
About their differences:
As mentioned above, they are both highly curious in nature - however, when it comes to the things they want to figure out, their approaches are a little different. While Koushirou approaches everything in a mostly rational manner, Iori's questions are a little more philosophical. While he tries to be rational too, his black-white thinking tends to actually cause him to be more emotional than he'd like to. (Which shouldn't be surprising if you encounter artificially created Digimon that destruct everything mindlessly while asking about the meaning of life... Granted, Koushirou approached an entity like that too, but he ALSO tried to answer to that one more rationally...)
Despite their polite attitudes, the respective origins of their behaviours are a little different. Koushirou's politeness was self-imposed, he forced himself to act like "the perfect son" towards his adoptive parents, not knowing why he was adopted, who his biological parents were, who he even was, and so he kept a distance to everyone else, not knowing how to interact or let alone understand others when he didn't even understand himself. When he reconciled with his adoptive parents, they let him know that he could be what- and whovever he wanted to be and he's still be loved. While Iori's biological father had passed away as well, he was mainly raised in a very traditional household, being taught the customs of kendo - and developing a very black-and-white-ish moral code at first. He may have a hard time understanding other's reasonings if they don't align well with his own - but that also applies to Koushirou if somebody is not acting in reasonable ways. So something I would assign to both of them again is that they slowly but steadily have to learn to pick up cues and to be more compassionate and less rational due to their experiences. Basically - the people they willingly surround themselves with FORCE them both to think outside the box naturally.
They're both overthinkers, mainly keep their emotional states to themselves - however, if Iori bursts out, he absolutely DOES burst out. Koushirou on the other hand is more prone to ramble and talk about non-emotional things he actually wants others to know about, whereas Iori is not that generally chatty at all.
Despite "The Beginning" suggesting otherwise, Iori used to be depicted as being not very computer-crazy - he had a computer, yes, but Miyako was the one who fixed it a lot and used laptop usually, paralleling Koushirou more closely in that regard.
Speaking of "The Beginning", it can be assumed that Iori is more athletic at this point in time in comparison to Koushirou - not to call the latter an office-dweller, especially since he DOES coordinate the Chosen Children business and may participate in that as well. But Iori, despite studying hard to become a lawyer, is definitely actively putting in the energy to stay physically fit as well with kendo training.
Tl;dr, I'm not sure if that makes sense and I hope I didn't forget anything crucial.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventures + Digimon Adventure tri. ~ (AUTISTIC HEADCANON!) KOUSHIRO IZUMI Character Analysis (Japanese version) {see Part 3 of Autistic!/Neurodivergent!Koushiro canonical traits here} (links to previous parts beginning from Part 1 are included in that link)
+ a Special Interest in KNOWLEDGE in general - including Tech & Computers! + STIMMING (a means of Stimulation) / In His Natural Environment
READ FURTHER: What is a Special Interest?
Special interests are (not named) literally a part of the diagnostic criteria for Autism. From the DSM-V directly: Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus Note: abnormal in intensity or focus that means that if “everyone” has special interests, they aren’t ‘abnormal’ in intensity or focus, because that’s everyone. In the examples, directly from the DSM-V, specifically referring to interests: excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests (circumscribed=restricted perseverative=repeat insistently/redundantly)
from the Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Every autistic person experiences autism differently, but there are some things that many of us have in common.
We think differently. We may have very strong interests in things other people don’t understand or [don’t] seem to care about. We might be great problem-solvers, or pay close attention to detail.
{... Do I really need more references for the above paragraph???}
It might take us longer to think about things. We might have trouble with executive functioning, like figuring out how to start and finish a task, moving on to a new task, or making decisions.
{This will be covered in the below, but keep in mind, Autistic traits can >>>VARY in Autistic people. From here, we’ll partially be focusing on “executive functioning”. Even in regards to other aspects mentioned, Koushiro isn’t necessarily bad at making decisions, [he is the one determining most of the team’s Strategy, after all] but at times even in the overall canon, he CAN take at least a little time trying to determine if he’s taking the best route.}
Routines are important for many autistic people. It can be hard for us to deal with surprises or unexpected changes. When we get overwhelmed, we might not be able to process our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, which can [also] make us lose control of our body [/body functioning].
{See: above gifs of Koushiro being most at ease & overall CALM when in his uninterrupted, daily routine.}
[and when Koushiro’s {...possibly Special} Interest in KNOWLEDGE, FAILS him...]
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[Note: I’m pretty sure “crap” was a mistranslation on Crunchyroll’s part but.]
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{he’s still repeating “I Can’t!” with increasing distress.}
{Tentomon, knowing Koushiro best, not long after helpfully points out right after that MAYBE, Koushiro-han, you are maybe just a bit overwhelmed in the moment} (see: final gif of the initial photoset, above)
We process our senses differently. We might be extra sensitive to things like bright lights or loud sounds. We might have trouble understanding what we hear or what our senses tell us. We might not notice if we are in pain or hungry.
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{We might not notice if we are [in pain] or hungry. ...Let’s be real, Koushiro Izumi is TERRIBLE at SELF-CARE.}
We might do the same movement over and over again. This is called “stimming,” and it helps us regulate our senses. [...]
{see above gifs: Koushiro in his natural environment, the gist being: Koushiro stims via means of extensive Special Interest usage.}
{In the scene from the start of Episode 06, Koushiro is quite literally moving in and exclaiming there what he misses most from home, as it’s the current topic of discussion among the Chosen.}
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We communicate {SPEECH} differently. {*may include: through the overall use of technology.} [...] Some people may also communicate with behavior or the way we act. Not every autistic person can talk, but we all have important things to say.
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{this side of Koushiro using his tech knowledge to communicate, is made a bit more prominent in Adventure 2020, but you can see it somewhat existed in the original too he clearly uses the Internet for better online socializing in a way he can’t do as effectively in offline life.}
{“I ... I want to send emails back and forth with my FRIENDS.”}
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We socialize differently.
Some of us might not understand or follow social rules that non-autistic people made up. We might be more direct than other people.
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{ Part 1 of this analysis dealt with Koushiro’s missing social cues it tends to happen with Mimi and Taichi the most. To a lesser extent, it kind of also happens with Koushiro+Tentomon. }
Eye contact might make us uncomfortable. We might have a hard time controlling our body language or facial expressions, which can confuse non-autistic people or make it hard to socialize.
from the Digimon Adventure novels by Adventure director Hiroyuki Kakudou (the novel can be found at website Digital Scratch with translation credit to onkei kun!): [Italics & bolding mine for emphasis]:
Throughout the entire bus ride, Mimi Tachikawa was so absorbed in gossiping with her friends Taako and Mi–chan that she never bothered to look at the gradually changing scenery outside her window. Nor was she interested in doing so anyway. If you were to ask her later what landmarks the bus went through to get to their campgrounds in Mikami Canyon, she would have told you that she had no idea. “Okay, we’re here!” [...] “The group you belong in is listed on the printout I gave you before we left. Your leaders will be wearing arm bands with their names on it, so find them using that and stick with your group. After that, listen to what your leader tells you. That is all.” Mimi looked down at the official–looking printout in her hands. In felt–tip pen was handwritten, “Kido Group (Leader: 6th Grade, Jou Kido)” “Hey, do you know who Kido is?” Mimi asked Taako, who was sitting next to her. Taako’s handout had “Arihara Group” written on it. “Kido–san would be…” Searching outside the window, it wasn’t long before Taako pointed, “Over there!” The boy she was indicating was dressed neatly in an open–collared shirt and an Ivy League–styled vest. Besides wearing glasses and the arm band that signified he was a leader, his shoulder was burdened by a square–shaped bag labeled “Emergency Food Supply.” Perhaps he was also feeling the heavy responsibility that came with being a leader because his face looked a little stiff. “Hmm… He doesn’t seem that reliable…” Mimi mused, but she was interrupted by Mi–chan, who motioned to them hurriedly, saying, “Look, look!” Mi–chan was pointing at the front of the bus, where a boy wearing a long–sleeved orange shirt was about to get off. Even Mimi knew who he was. They hardly ever talked together, but he was her classmate, Koushiro Izumi. Mi–chan wanted them to look at what Koushiro was carrying on his back – a wireless laptop. “Isn’t he so weird for bringing that all the way to camp?” Mi–chan sneered with mocking laughter, but Mimi didn’t laugh. She simply didn’t find any reason to.
(*Note: while the novel is a highly condensed form of the original TV series, it contained many ideas Kakudou said/claimed he could not include in the final version; he then used the novels to elaborate on those ideas in an alternative form of media/enjoyment for the series.)
{So hey, speaking of early Adventure!Koushiro & SOCIALIZING...}
Some of us might not be able to guess how people feel. This doesn’t mean we don’t care how people feel!
We just need people to TELL US how they feel so we don’t have to guess.
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{Koushiro’s issues with Communication honestly require another entire meta, because it also deals with how he speaks using overly-formal, “technically” polite but not-typical-for-actual-conversational Japanese in the original version for basically almost all of Adventure (1999). Despite this, he also clearly has many issues understanding how other people feel in regards to deeper communication, in general.}
{“What’s more appropriate for me to say at a time like this?”}
{“That’s a difficult question. But I don’t think you have to PUSH yourself to say THE WORDS.”}
We might need help with daily living. It can take a lot of energy to live in a society built for non-Autistic people. We may not have the energy to do some things in our daily lives. Or, parts of being Autistic can make doing those things too hard. We may need help with things like cooking, doing our jobs, or going out.
{Note: This can also apply to things like shopping for necessity items, like ... clothing. This can especially be the case if we’re behind on what’s considered “trendy” or “fashionable”, and being behind on said things can be due to socializing issues.}
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{Mrs Izumi didn’t exactly help in that department}
{Despite him admitting this, and even making his own clothing-choosing program for himself, which quite honestly had enough actually fashionable choices included, he ... still needs assistance from Takeru.}
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{ Honestly, some of those outfits were fine. }
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{“I never imagined!” Tentomon pls PATAMON PLS} [ok but let’s be honest, Tentomon is a BEST BUG] {also take note of Koushiro’s colorful striped socks in the scene}
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{”Yeah! Please tell him MORE, Jou-han! He won’t listen to a word I say.”}
We might be able to do things on our own sometimes, but need help other times. We might need to take more breaks so we can recover our energy.
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{Thankfully Koushiro’s friends look out for him. (Koushiro is curled up passed out on the right, under blanket) Ever since this timeframe of Tri happened, They’re also seen constantly helping picking up around his office knowing he’s overworked and stressed / or when he’s in general, out of his routines. Tentomon also routinely brings him food and drinks/Oolong tea.}
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{”I know you are overworked and have trouble with these things, including daily functioning while under stress in general, so I’m helping you because you’re my friend!” [”Even if I technically don’t fully remember you yet!”] - Tentomon, likely} - gif above, a Koushiro & Tentomon moment from the 6th & final Tri movie from the same Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Not every Autistic person will relate to all of these things. There are >>>lots of different ways to be autistic. That is okay!
Autism {overall} affects how we think, how we communicate, and how we interact with the world.
(Someone:) {often} Question: But they never used the WORD that Koushiro’s Autistic!
This may be true. However, please keep in mind: a) Digimon Adventure was a childrens’ Shounen anime series from 1999. b) Autism diagnosis happened a little differently back in 1999, and has changed to improve diagnosis drastically since. c) Koushiro is living in Japan, as he is Japanese. Please consider that Autism diagnosis has improved since 1999, this would include for Japan itself. Please consider that it was hard enough for many Autistic people to get diagnosed in the U.S. during this timeframe. This does not mean that the writers could not have recognized traits and patterns of Autistic people that were known at the time.
from the Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Autism has always existed. Autistic people are born Autistic and we will be Autistic our whole lives.
Because of myths about Autism, it can be harder for Autistic adults, Autistic girls, and Autistic people of color to get a diagnosis.
But anyone can be autistic, regardless of race, gender, or age.
Autistic people are in every community, and we always have been. Autistic people are people of color. [...] Autistic people are a part of every religion, every income level, and every age group. [...]
This post also addresses this issue quite well.
Q: I have another Neuro-divergent headcanon for Koushiro. Is this ok as long as I am RESPECTFUL towards Autistic headcanons?
YES, absolutely, so long as in regards to Autistic headcanons you are RESPECTFUL.
Specifically because a word like “Autistic” is never used directly, it’s fine for others to headcanon Koushiro with something like, for example, general Anxiety / or Social Anxiety, or A.D.H.D! There is also a lot of crossover between such Neuro-divergent traits - You can also easily headcanon him as Autistic AND A.D.H.D, for example! (I personally choose to headcanon him with Autistic & Anxiety myself.)
The problem comes from when Allistic (not-Autistic) people/fans try to completely invalidate Autistic!Koushiro headcanons as a whole, because THEY personally don’t like Autistic!Koushiro headcanons  and thus feel, for some strange reason, an intense, burning need to either a) comment on them or b) overly-harshly criticize them.
Q: Why did you create this analysis series then?
Because I want to end said stigma against Autistic!Koushiro headcanons, a stigma that’s often most pushed by either Neurotypicals or Allistic people in the Adventures fandom, and it genuinely needs to stop.
Q: I don’t mind the Autistic headcanon, but I genuinely think he’s BETTER and more INTERESTING as Autistic + (other headcanon) or (specifically not Autistic + other headcanons entirely!)! No offense meant it’s just My Opinion!
Please don’t do this. This is also very invalidating. It makes it come across as if you don’t think Autistic headcanons are “interesting” on their own and like you think Autistic headcanons are “boring” in comparison to others. {which can also come across as you thinking Autism is “boring” in itself} it costs 0.0002 cents to not compare your headcanons to Autistic headcanons.
This specific analysis I’m doing, aside from pointing out the initial generally Neuro-divergent traits; focuses purely on an Autistic!Koushiro reading of the canon. I could have also pointed out why I also genuinely feel Autistic + Anxiety headcanons can very much be a canon reading as well. I chose not to. This is because out of most Neuro-divergent headcanons, Autistic!Koushiro tends to have the most stigma against them, usually due to fans falling for myths about Autistic people and Autism diagnosis and having an extremely basic surface-level understanding of Autism as a result.
This analysis is seeking to change that.
Autisic!Koushiro headcanons on their own are perfectly fine, because Autism on its own is a perfectly fine reading of how he acts in canon.
As long as it’s portrayed RESPECTFULLY, that’s what matters.
[NOTES: THIS IS A FAN META POST. This is also my particular headcanon / analysis of Koushiro Please keep this in mind before you comment This post was made with the intention of pointing out CANONICAL character traits of Koushiro in the various media, regardless of wider headcanons. There is a bit further commentary in the tags of the original post in regards to headcanons. If you choose to read this post / commentary, please be respectful. Please be aware I am making this post and speaking as someone who is AUTISTIC & Neuro divergent MYSELF.]
{While I am grateful this series is now gaining some positive reception, I respectfully ask that you do not comment on the post or tags with canon hate or use these headcanons as reasons for further bashing canon.} {PLEASE read everything carefully before commenting. Thank you}
(FINAL NOTE: This and this are also very good posts.}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please ACKNOWLEDGE BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge!)
#koushiro izumi#koushirou izumi#izumi koushirou#izumi koushiro#autistic koushiro#autistic koushirou#autistic koushirou izumi#autistic digimon headcanons#koushiro headcanons#digimon headcanons#izzyizumi gifs#izzyizumi koushiro gifs#izzyizumi analysis#izzyizumi posts#izzyizumi koushiro analysis#autistic koushiro series#(UM HAHA THIS ONE BECAME Kind of Long ... too)#(ANYWAY I'm just casually pointing out various traits and that well it's called a SPECTRUM for A REASON)#(but like. yeah. literally every example here I've pulled straight from the canon)#(I'M NOT THE ONE WRITING THIS SERIES)#(THAT SAID please read ALL of what's written AND THE LINKED POSTS Carefully PLEASE)#(I tried to include a small FAQ at the end because i am SO TIRED of seeing Allistic fans doing these things and GENUINELY it Needs to Stop)#(to be honest i could talk ALL DAY about Tri Koushiro's Total Lack Of Self Care but again that takes almost an ENTIRE meta in itself)#(there are various things here I could always come back around and touch upon deeper but i need to Compile Thoughts First)#(if it happens or not determines on how long I can keep this series up for myself)#(but like seriously PLEASE READ THE BANNERS AND ALL INFO ON THESE POSTS AND LINKS)#(This post is NOT Inviting you to Debate. it is meant to Inform you)#(and quite honestly it's incredibly draining having to Inform People On Autism literally all the time as an Autistic person)#(But I'm doing this specifically because I want to spread positivity for the headcanon and provide a view from an actually Autistic person)#(and because i genuinely just wanted to compile all the info because I love infodumping about Koushiro)
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witchelny · 7 years
Piecing Together Adventure tri.’s Plot, Pt. 2
A few days ago I rewatched Digimon Adventure tri. Pt. 1: Reunion and made the first post in this series. I’d like to take a second to correct myself on a few things I had wrong.
First off, I could not remember where the virus had come from, and @alicekaninchenbau reminded me it originated from Meicoomon, though the reason why is still unknown (though it’s likely a result of her being a shard of Apocalymon’s data). Second of all, I wrongly stated that Gennai was working for Homeostasis, and @aiko-isari informed me that he is, in fact, working for Yggdrasil. It has been quite some time since I’ve watched the earlier parts of tri. and consequently I have some gaps in my knowledge due to the fact that Adventure tri. is being released so slowly, so bear with me as I get my facts straight! That’s what this post is about, after all~
So, with that in mind, here’s the revised list of the four different sides in Digimon Adventure tri.:
The Chosen Children, including Meiko & their ally Daigo. Their motivation is to protect each other, their partner Digimon, and the world.
Homeostasis, represented by Huckmon. Jesmon is also on its side. Its motivation is to restore balance to the worlds by eliminating Meicoomon.
Yggdrasil, assisted by Gennai, as well as Alphamon. Motivation currently unknown to my knowledge, though it is likely that on some level Yggdrasil is opposed to human interference in the Digital World.
Maki, who gets her own category due to her unique and specific motivations. As far as I’m aware, her sole motive is to get Tapirmon back, though she cooperates with Gennai in order to achieve this.
Determination begins with a similarly vague voiceover narration like the speech about Demiurge and Idea at the beginning of Reunion, but this time it talks about “opposing creatures,” those that create and those that destroy. This speech overlays a scene in which Leomon faces off with an infected Ogremon, so it’s possible it’s referring to Vaccine types versus Virus types. However, in the context of the larger plot, this introduction could also refer to Meicoomon as a “destructive” type of Digimon as opposed to other types.
This is followed by a scene in which the infected Ogremon, after coming through a distortion, is fought off by Maki and Daigo’s organization.
Maki and Daigo, especially Maki in particular, have probably the most interesting role in Determination - in my opinion, of course. There were many things I noticed this time that I did not put as much weight on before. For example, Maki hints throughout the first half of the film that she already knows that the infected Digimon are hunting for Meicoomon. And despite her purposeful sacrifice of Meicoomon later, Maki also treats Meiko and Meicoomon with an incredible amount of cordiality and kindness at the bath house. Why? Meiko claims Maki was a big help to her while she was relocating to Odaiba; did Maki purposely choose Odaiba for Meiko so that she’d be close to the other Chosen? Or did Maki, on some level, relate to Meiko?
I think it’s possible that Maki sees herself in Meiko and pities her, especially since she has some extra behind the scenes knowledge through Gennai. She knows Meiko is going to lose her partner. She knows what that’s like. To me, this speaks volumes about Maki’s personality and motivations.
However, Maki has one priority above all else, and that is Tapirmon. She does not let her pity for Meiko get in the way of her orchestrating Meicoomon’s descent into infection, which I’m assuming is Maki’s way of instigating the reboot so she can revive her partner. And the loss of Tapirmon is something that has scarred Maki deeply; for example, Daigo even notes the shift in her personality during the school festival.
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It’s not long after this exchange that Maki notices “Ken’s” appearance at the festival, followed by this easily-missed scene wherein she takes an elevator to the roof in order to meet with him.
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Though Determination does not show their conversation for the sake of concealing Maki’s ulterior motives, I can pretty reasonably theorize that this is most likely when Maki and Gennai conspired to have Maki bring Meicoomon behind the school so she’d be alone when a distortion appeared, resulting in her subsequent shift to a more violent, infected form.
Determination also gives a lot of hints to Meicoomon’s tendency to become scared and hostile easily. Hindsight is interesting, ain’t it? Her behavior was a lot more clear to me after watching Coexistence. There’s a scene in the bath house in which Meicoomon becomes separated from Meiko and starts to panic, then become aggressive - but Meiko comes in to save her right on time. Meiko seems to recognize what was happening, too, as she doesn’t seem shocked or surprised. She just instructs Meicoomon to stay near her.
Later, a similar interaction happens before the fight between Togemon and Ogremon. Meiko is very reluctant to follow Mimi because she clearly doesn’t want Meicoomon to go near a battle. And later, when Meicoomon shifts and kills Leomon, she does so because she has become terrified during the battle and perceives Leomon as a threat to her safety.
This leads me back to the original voice-over referring to destructive creatures vs. creative creatures, tying this into the prophecy that Koushiro receives by email: “The two sides of the universe are like two sides of the same coin/Those who desire true power must know the darkness, and go beyond.” Koushiro believes the last part of this prophecy - “those who desire true power ... go beyond” - refers to the Digimon achieving their Ultimate evolutions. However, I think it’s a little deeper than that. The phrase “two sides of the universe” seems to harken back to the creative power vs. destructive power theme. Consequently, I think the prophecy refers partially to the Digimon partners evolving to their Ultimate level, in addition to referring to Meicoomon’s transformation. Essentially, the other partner Digimon were able to know the darkness and go beyond, but Meicoomon was not able to conquer her darkness.
During the initial scene in which Koushiro receives the email, however, a couple interesting things happen. One, the narrative - through Koushiro and Leomon - takes the time to clarify that the distortions started occurring after the Virus, suggesting to me that it’s possible Meicoomon is not causing the distortions themselves, but rather that it’s a sort of response from the Digital World to detecting a malady in its midst (I could be wrong, though). Second, Huckmon is shown spying on them for what’s probably the second or third time in Determination.
I believe that the reason Huckmon does not make a move until later is because Homeostasis requires more information. Meicoomon, the Virus, the Chosen Children, and Yggdrasil have all been involved up until this point, but Homeostasis appears to have no idea what is going on. Huckmon appears at some interesting times - watching Meiko in her own apartment, observing Leomon and Koushiro, and even appearing in the in-between space inside of a distortion during the fight between Imperialdramon, Rosemon, and Vikemon. This suggests he is gathering intel on the other “sides” involved in this ongoing conflict so that Homeostasis can make an informed decision on how to go about restoring stability.
Something that’s also bothering me is the presence of the Royal Knights. It seems to me as if the Royal Knights aren’t a “Thing” yet, for lack of a better term; their allegiences are split. We saw Omegamon and Alphamon oppose one another in Reunion, but Omegamon is not yet a Royal Knight, as he serves the human children. Alphamon is serving Yggdrasil. Jesmon, however, is aligned with Homeostasis. And in Determination, we see an infected Imperialdramon - who is a jogress of Wormmon and Veemon - fighting against his own friends and under Gennai’s (disguised as Ken) sway. So, what’s the deal with the Royal Knights? Are they still in the process of becoming the Royal Knights throughout Adventure tri.?
Also, I can’t shake the weird feeling about Gennai using the infected Digimon for his own ends. The fact that he disguised himself as Ken and used KEN’S own Digimon against the other kids makes it seem like he could be purposely exposing Digimon to the Virus to use them for his own motivations. The problem is, what ARE those motivations?
I don’t have any answers to these questions right now, personally, but I do have one last thought on my mind that has been bothering me. There is a lot of emphasis in Adventure tri. on the kids being Chosen. “We are supposed to do this because we’re Chosen” and “This is who we are and we can do this because we’ve been Chosen” are themes commonly repeated throughout Adventure tri. It becomes especially apparent in Determination as Jou struggles to reconcile his dreams to be a doctor with his destiny as a Chosen Child. However, as I mentioned in the previous post, the race known as the Agents - of which Gennai and even Homeostasis once belonged - are the ones who selected the Chosen Children and created their Digimon.
So are the Chosen kids even Chosen anymore? Is this truly their destiny, if it was manufactured for them by someone who may have had ulterior motives? How can we say that the Chosen Children are meant to be with their partners, if the whole relationship between themselves and their partners was orchestrated by a race of beings that just intended for the Chosen to be weapons against the Dark Masters?
I doubt Digimon Adventure tri. will delve into this issue, but it’s one that hasn’t quite sat right with me throughout this rewatch. But I will say, I enjoyed Determination a lot more this time than I did the first time! I’ll be rewatching & analyzing Confession soon - that’s sure to be a doozy.
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the seventh day, Koushiro had dropped his “t”s and “o”s. Tentomon felt somewhat sad that {it} had been reduced to nothing but an “e”.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
On the second day, Koushiro dropped his “m”s. “You   ay   ot u  dersta  d, Te  to  o  , but I feel as though a heavy weight has bee   lifted off of   y shoulders.” “I see. That’s good.” Tentomon smiled encouragingly.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
#izumi koushirou#novel koushiro#adv 24 koushiro#the inquisitive heart#koushiros inquisitive heart#koushiro losing speech#vademons dimension#the room of the mysterious universe#you may not understand#vademons pocket dimension#vademon manipulating koushiro#you may not understand but i feel as though a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders#itd be nice to not be forced to be able to speak#itd be nice if my certain way of speaking wasnt always being actively ridiculed at every turn#itd be nice if people stopped calling me cold or mean every time i opened my mouth#itd be nice if people stopped always assuming im angry at them for no reason except i missed their social cue#itd be nice if people actually listened to what i was saying {+when info dumping} {info dumping is not bad}#itd be nice to communicate in my own way#itd be nice to be able to do this without being actively manipulated and tricked by the enemy who recognizes you as#the gullible one#semiverbal koushiro#isnt that good?#koushiros second day#koushiro izumi was trapped in vademons dimension for 71 days#advs tls#advs novel#you cannot say my or me {'let me go'} and you cannot say '{m}on' you cannot say {'tentomon'} {'help me'} out loud but do you need to#(Though in J.P. Koushiro would likely be saying {Tasukete}+{Boku} but Still like Koushiro loses T and O soon after too Anyhow)#autistic koushiro#(The more letters I see dropped the more I laugh at the thought of attempting to 'read' this '~aloud~' as an Aut----- But Dang I Could Try)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
“Te  tomo  , you should trai   with me. Why wo  ‘t you?” Koushiro displayed the results of his training to Tentomon, who was watching him from the side. Tentomon tried it out for himself. “Very well, Koushiro-ha  ” but right away he said, “No, this isn’t for me. Ending at ‘Koushiro-ha’ just doesn’t feel right. It feels icky.” “I see. I  deed that is a shame.”
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
“To begin, you must discard your words. Words make you think unnecessary thoughts. Starting today, get rid of your letters one by one. For your first day, you will work on ‘n’.” “I understand.” And so, Koushiro dropped his “n”s.
Digimon Adventure Novel; "The Inquisitive Heart" Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Koushiro and Babumon left the Room of the Mysterious Training on the 71st day.
Without {Koushiro's} inquisitive heart, Koushiro was unconcerned about who Vadermon was talking to but {Koushiro} knew that the heart that they were talking about belonged to {Koushiro}. I have to take it back, Koushiro thought, and opened the door.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Koushiro felt that {Koushiro} should at least give {Babumon} a response {to Babumon's relentless vocalization}, but because {Koushiro} had lost {Koushiro's} words, {Koushiro} could not speak. As if {Babumon} could sense that, Babumon’s eyes directed Koushiro to the laptop {Koushiro} was always carrying in {Koushiro}'s backpack. When Koushiro rested the laptop in {Koushiro's} lap, {Koushiro} typed into the keyboard: >I’m sorry for making you degenerate.
"Babu, babu, babu!!" >Since I don’t have my inquisitive heart, I'm not very sure about this… but I feel that I have been {tricked}. "Babu, babu," Babumon agreed, nodding its head. >Babumon, will you help me take back my inquisitive heart? Babumon could only say "Babu, babu," but to Koushiro’s ears, he could hear the nostalgic tinge of Kansai dialect in Tentomon’s voice telling {Koushiro}, "Of course, Koushiro-han!"
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
On the 71st day, Koushiro had rid himself of the entire Japanese alphabet.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Me before: You know, I was thinking of just reading excerpts of the chapter where Koushiro literally loses speech on my own, even if it won't necessarily count as a full 'fan dub', but I hate putting my voice online so--- Me now: ... Me now: I might just do it. It'll take me like months to a year+, but I might just do---
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{DigiAdv Ep. 24} (J.P.N Version) ~ Koushiro[u] & Tentomon {+Pabumon} ~ Vademon’s Dimension ~ Koushiro[u]’s “Inquisitive” ‘Heart’ ~ Koushiros COMPASSION ~ Koushiros KNOWLEDGE
“...I’m not really sure, ...but I {THINK} I’ve been tricked.” - Inquisitive Heart!less-Koushiro
“I WANT TO {KNOW!!}” - Koushiro
{Clipped by Me} {IMGs by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} {Please ASK to Use} [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs]
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventures + Digimon Adventure: [2020 Reboot] + Digimon Adventure tri. + Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna ~ (AUTISTIC HEADCANON!) KOUSHIRO IZUMI Character Analysis (Japanese version) + DISPLAYING COMMON NEURODIVERGENT TRAITS (IN GENERAL) {see Part 1 of Autistic!/Neurodivergent!Koushiro canonical traits here}
+ despite Koushiro’s own (initial) beliefs about Koushiro’s deep TECHNOLOGY interest, eventually realizing he’s GENUINELY ENJOYING a SPECIAL INTEREST in COMPUTERS, TECHNOLOGY, (& KNOWLEDGE in General)
+ bonus receiving positive Stimulation from said Special interests (above gifs) from the Digimon Adventure movies
READ FURTHER: What is a Special Interest?:
Special interests are (not named) literally a part of the diagnostic criteria for Autism. From the DSM-V directly: Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus Note: abnormal in intensity or focus that means that if “everyone” has special interests, they aren’t ‘abnormal’ in intensity or focus, because that’s everyone. In the examples, directly from the DSM-V, specifically referring to interests: excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests (circumscribed=restricted perseverative=repeat insistently/redundantly) The below is a section from the Adventures novels, (bolding/italics by me for emphasis):
Koushiro stood facing his parents in a corner of Big Sight’s empty main lobby. “What did you want to talk to me about?” His father, Masami, spoke heavily. “While we were hiding at home, your mother and I had a talk and we decided to tell you the truth. The thing is—” He knew that this day would one day come. “We’re not your real parents.” “…I already know.” His mother, Yoshie, wasn’t surprised at all. “I knew it…” Just before they had moved to Odaiba, Koushiro had woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. His parents’ voices could be heard through the thin crack of the open door. “I decided to pretend that I hadn’t heard it. I tried to act as if everything was the same as before… but I just couldn’t do it. The more I tried, the weirder it felt… Until in the end, I became obsessed with computers… So that I could escape from reality…” “It’s okay to be obsessed with computers!” Koushiro looked up wonderingly at Masami’s sharp voice. “Is there something wrong about that? No! It’s what makes you unique.”
- Digimon Adventure Novel (written by Adventures head writer/director, Hiroyuki Kakudou) [with translation credit thanks to onkei kun of website Digital Scratch!] (*Note: while the novel is a highly condensed form of the original TV series, it contained many ideas Kakudou said/claimed he could not include in the final version; he then used the novels to elaborate on those ideas in an alternative form of media/enjoyment for the series.)
“IT’S OKAY TO BE OBSESSED WITH COMPUTERS!” - Masami Izumi, Koushiro’s father (Novels edition) of Adventure ep 38
BONUS: (from episode 33 of 02 in which Miyako goes to Kyoto), Koushiro speaking in response to Ken Ichijouji, after they have a conversation about the possible reason, and Koushiro’s theory, of why Ken’s D3 initially transformed:
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“...Because I WANTED TO KNOW.”
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Please, if you will, compare all of the above to:
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“ IS IT WRONG TO WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ? ’ {a very common theme & phrasing used within Koushiro’s wider storyline across the series & novel)
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(In the original Japanese version of Adventure episode 24, Koushiro’s Crest episode; he does not lose simply his “Curiosity” {a noncanonical-to-the-Japanese version US dub change}, he actually loses his ENTIRE {‘INQUISITIVE’ HEART}.)
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(*Maybe of note: Here, he’s saying “Gomen yo” {I’m sorry} instead of the more formal “Gomen nasai” {Koushiro in the original Japanese version is known for his overly-formal way of speaking, typically involving him being/sounding extremely polite, especially when speaking to his adoptive parents. but also even with his friends. ‘Gomen yo’ sounds a little more casual in comparison, imo. He has more significant developments in this area of speech later on, but either way you can tell his intention here is genuine.})
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{*NOTES: THIS IS A FAN META POST. This is also my particular headcanon / analysis of Koushiro Please keep this in mind before you comment.}
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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[ NOTES: This post was made with the intention of pointing out CANONICAL character traits of Koushiro in the various media. There is a bit further commentary in the tags of the original post in regards to headcanons. If you choose to read this commentary, please be respectful. Please be aware I am making this post and speaking as someone who is Neuro divergent MYSELF. ]
( FINAL NOTE: This and this are also very good posts. }
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