#nonverbal koushiro
izzyizumi · 1 year
Digimon Adventure (Series) + 2020 reboot series x Zutomayo - {note: if top is not displaying properly, check the above link!}
"STUDY ME?" / "Figure it Out?" / "I'M (/KOUSHIRO'S) NOT A 'PROBLEM' TO BE 'SOLVED'"
Featuring duo/ship/O.T.P.: KouTai / Taishiro[u]; Koushiro[u] Izumi x Taichi Yagami
It is recommended you read the lyrics before or after watching! (Check under the 'read more' for more info/lyrics!)
(Characters Koushiro is otherwise involved with, like Izumi family, Tentomon, Jou, Yamato, Menoa, and Mimi; + vs. Vademon also show briefly at times but the focus is Koushiro & 2020!Koushiro + KouTai with minor spoilers from tri, Kokuhaku, BNM, Kizuna, and 2020 + its ending)
This A.M.V. was pretty much made on a complete whim after I heard this thanks to a Japanese Taishiro/TaiKou fan on Twitter recommending another by this group as "DEFINITELY a TaiKou song" and let's just say Yes I see a Theme & Patterns going {with this group's songs+lyrics!} and I am Spilling Koushiro Thoughts Via Analysis by A.M.V. As a result it IS in actuality semi canon compliant to a very strong degree, but please keep in mind the intended pairing is mainly KouTai (though I ship various other Koushiro ships too!)
{I do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdvs (C) Toei; this is FAN MADE}
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
By the seventh day, Koushiro had dropped his “t”s and “o”s. Tentomon felt somewhat sad that {it} had been reduced to nothing but an “e”.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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dominicsorel · 3 years
Digimon Autistic Masterlist
Note: This is not complete. I am hoping with the combined efforts of others it will be finished but there is absolutely no pressure to do anything. I will happily add anything you guys see in a character. Send me an ask or reply to this post. 
I want this to act as a very simple but helpful guide for what to look out for when watching each season and, if any of you would like to post examples that prove these theories be it in text, caps, or gif form, then that means this did its job.
Above anything, this is for Autism Acceptance Month and, to celebrate, I wanted to explain why each Digimon character ranging from Adventure to Tamers is autistic in my eyes. I apologize for the lack of visual examples. I’m a list person.
TAICHI YAGAMI - impulsivity, one track mind, strong sense of justice, shutdown, blunt, retreats into own world
YAMATO ISHIDA - difficulty processing emotions, irritability, sensory issues, aversion to touch, stimming, shutdown, likes to make plans
MIMI TACHIKAWA  - blunt, odd food tastes, meltdown, shutdown, hyper empathy, sensory issues, lack of volume control, special interest: cute things
SORA TAKENOUCHI - hyposensitivity to pain, sensory issues, shutdown, one track mind, hyper empathy
KOUSHIRO IZUMI - special interest: computer and learning in general, infodumping, difficulty in social situations, declarative memory, monotone
JYOU KIDO - one track mind, poor motor skills, follows rules rigorously, resistant to change, b/w morality, likes to make plans
TAKERU TAKAISHI - blunt, strong sense of justice, meltdown, hyper empathy, one track mind, special interest: writing
HIKARI YAGAMI - delayed speech, semi nonverbal, hyper empathy, resistant to change, sensory issues, stimming, monotone
DAISUKE MOTOMIYA - lack of volume control, blunt, impulsivity, difficulty focusing, difficulty understanding social cues, hyper empathy
MIYAKO INOUE - blunt, b/w morality, impulsivity, lack of volume control, difficulty picking up social cues, infodumping
IORI HIDA - avoiding eye contact, routines, strong sense of justice, follows rules rigorously, hyperfocuses, blunt, difficulty with lying, b/w morality, flat affect
KEN ICHIJOUJI - impulsivity, avoiding eye contact, blunt, declarative memory, sensory issues
TAKATO MATSUDA - special interest: digimon, impulsivity, hyper empathy, meltdown, shutdown, b/w morality, one track mind
LEE JIANLIANG - strong sense of justice, hyper empathy, difficulty with lying, routines, b/w morality
RUKI MAKINO - sensory issues, difficulty processing emotions, flat affect, blunt, irritability, aversion to touch
JURI KATOU - stimming, shutdown, echolalia, impulsivity, sensory issues
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izumiyagami14 · 3 years
enlightenmonth // [day 9-12] past or future Summary: After receiving an offer for the job of her dreams, Hikari has too much on her mind. She needs to talk to someone to…
A dimly lit phone screen engulfed Hikari’s pale face as she let out a defeated sigh. The chirping from the crickets outside wasn’t the only thing keeping her up. For the first time in a long time, she had too much on her mind.
On her phone showed an email with the subject titled: “Kindergarten Teaching Position Offered!” Of course, at first she was excited to be offered her first job in the field she just graduated from, but now, all the different scenarios played in her head, causing her stomach to turn.
She needed to talk to someone.
She scrolled through her contacts, desperately trying to find someone, anyone to talk to.
Taichi? He’s alseep.
Takeru? He’s on a vacation with his brother before he starts his career.
Sora? She’s busy with her career.
Mimi? She probably wouldn’t understand her overthinking.
Who would understand what she is going through?
Hikari kept scrolling until she landed on a familiar name on her list. She hesitated for a second before pressing the dial button.
The phone rang twice before the call was picked up.
She exhaled in relief. “Hey, Koushiro.”
“Everything alright?” His voice sounded tired but full of concern.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is good... To be honest, I didn’t think you were going to pick up…”
“I’m always up at this time.” Concerned tone turned to defeated as a pause settled in. “Are you sure you’re okay, Hikari?”
She inhaled deeply. He always knew when something was up. “Actually, can you come over? I really need someone to talk to.”
Without hesitation, he responded, “I’ll be over in ten.”
In seven minutes, Hikari’s phone buzzed next to her pillow. A text filled the screen from the man she was waiting for with one word: Balcony. She replied with a simple okay and tiptoed to the balcony, careful not to wake her brother and her parents. She unlocked the door latch.
As she slowly opened the sliding screen door, the late summer breeze brushed her skin. She cautiously walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked down. Koushiro stood there hands in his pockets in the pale moonlight, giving Hikari a soft smile. She returned the smile and waved. “Give me a minute. I just need to plan my escape route,” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
“Roger that,” he nodded.
She quietly walked back inside, put on her shoes and grabbed the nearest throw blanket. As she made it to the front door, she hesitated on grabbing her hoodie from her room. She shook her head, deciding against it as she might wake someone up, grabbed her keys, and slowly closed the door behind her, careful not to make a sound.
Hikari ran down the stairs and walked over to Koushiro. “Thanks for coming,” she huffed, out of breath.
“Of course. Did you have any place in mind to talk?” Koushiro asked, looking down at her.
“We can just sit on the roof of the complex, if that’s okay with you,” she replied.
“That’s alright with me,” he agreed and the two started their route.
For it being 2:14 in the morning, the summer cicadas sang in the crisp night air, filling in the holes of silence casted between the two. As they made their way up the complex’s stairs to the rooftop, the evening night had a slight chill, causing Hikari to shiver for a brief second. Once at the top, she walked over to a clear spot and laid out the blanket for the two to sit on. She sat down with her legs stretched forward and patted the empty spot next to her, indicating for him to join.
“So,” Koushiro started as he sat down, knees up for his elbows to rest on them. “What is it you wanted to talk about?”
There was a lingering pause. She kept her head facing toward her feet in front of her, unable to answer his question. “How are you doing? Are you liking your new career job?”
Her answering his question with a question caught him off guard. “Uh, it’s going well… Besides working late every night and the occasional all-nighters, it’s going… great.” His tone said otherwise. “How about you? You just graduated from college, so are you looking for jobs right away?”
“Yeah, I might…” she stiffly responded, leaning backward on her hands and keeping her eyes away from his. She wanted to bring up her pending email, but couldn’t.
“Hikari, are you okay?” He asked, looking down at her. He always knew when something was up.
“Yeah, I’ve just been… thinking a lot,” she responded, gazing out into the distance and trying her best to dodge his eyes.
“What about, if I might ask?” He asked, studying the girl next to him as the gears turned in his head.
“Do you ever think about our childhood?”
He was taken a little aback by her next question, still positive that this isn’t the main topic in her mind. “All the time,” he eventually responded.
She smiled softly. “Even though we were the Digidestined-“
“And still are.” He lightly added.
She giggled and nodded at his response. She looked up at the night sky to gather her thoughts. “Yes, and still are. And even though we basically had the weight of the world on our shoulders, some of us never really realized it until later. We were only kids. Our only worries were about the small things. Like what to wear to school and who would we sit with at lunch.”
Koushiro continued to look at Hikari, determined to find the underlying meaning to their discussion. Even though he couldn’t really relate to where her part of the conversation was going because he always realized their overgrown, overwhelming responsibility, he continued to listen. “That is correct…”
She let out a sigh as she continued. “As we continue to grow older, our life choices are getting bigger… Our future is closely approaching.” And I’m terrified. “And sometimes… I wish it would slow down and go back to the way things were.”
Koushiro looked up and let out a similar sigh. “I understand that bit. I wish I had more time, too.”
Another breeze of chilly night air rushed through, causing chills to run through Hikari’s body. Before he realized what he was doing, Koushiro slowly took off his flannel jacket and lightly placed it on the girl’s shoulders.
“Thank you,” she whispered with a genuine smile.
They continued to sit on the blanket as a comfortable silence hovered over the two. Koushiro was busy analyzing her questions, actions, and nonverbal cues and trying to figure out the real reason she wanted to talk. She mentioned my career, changed the subject about her future, and bought up the past. What could it be?
There was a slight discomfort in Hikari’s breath when she finally asked, “Do you think-“
“All the time. I’m a great thinker, you know,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it” she giggled and tried again. “Do you think-“
“Yes, I do.”
Hikari gave him a quick nudge with her shoulder, causing him to go a little off balance. “Will you quit that? I’m trying to ask you something serious, Koushiro.”
“My apologies. Ask away,” he replied once he fixed his posture.
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” He joked again.
“Do you think,” she started, but paused to figure out how to word the next part. “Do you think I’ll be a good teacher?”
Koushiro twisted his head at her in disbelief. “What makes you ask that?”
She continued to look down. “I don’t know. I’ve just been… thinking…”
Koushiro dropped his shoulders when the realization of her actions rang in his head. “Hikari, what was it you really wanted to talk about?”
She exhaled sharply, unable to move around the dilemma anymore. “I was just offered a job for teaching Kindergarten.”
He smiled, his mind guessing right. “That’s prodigious! Are you going to accept it?”
She nodded her head, looking off into the distance. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll probably take it.”
Koushiro sensed her uneasy aura from the hesitation from her voice. “Hikari, are you sure you’re okay?”
And just with those simple words, Hikari’s thoughts exploded inside of her and gushed out. “I’m just so worried I’m going to fail! I’ve wanted to do this my whole life! And now that it’s finally here, I’m terrified that it might not be what I was hoping it would! What if the kids hate me! What if I’m unable to manage the classroom! What if I can’t teach math! What if…-“
Koushiro’s eyes popped out of his head at her outbursts and instinctively reached out to her. The two were now entangled in one another, Hikari’s head on Koushiro’s chest with his arms securely around her.
They remained like that for a few long minutes before Koushiro gathered his thoughts to speak. “Hikari, it’s going to be fine. You can’t think like this. It’s going to consume you. It’s going to suffocate you.” He whispered to her, thinking about all the times he was alone like this. This can’t happen to her.
“I’m just so worried…” she breathed into his shirt with her face buried into his chest. His scent started to comfort her. “I’m sorry. I’m probably just overthinking everything. I don’t need to burden you with this.”
“You’re not being a burden. No one should go these thoughts alone…” Koushiro brought her head under his chin and thought about what to say next. He needed to choose his next words carefully. “The future is always uncertain, and that’s okay. One thing that is certain is that you will be a great teacher.”
Her sniffled and pulled away to meet his gaze. “You really think so?”
“I know so. The absolute best. Take the job, Hikari. It’ll be worth it in the end.”
After a couple minutes of calming her breath, she nodded and let out a shaky exhale “Okay, I will.” She placed her head on his shoulder. He placed his elbows back on his knees and resumed his previous spot.
The two continued to sit together under the moonlight and a comfortable silence. Koushiro could still hear the the gears turning in her head when she asked, “What if a student is having difficulty reading?”
“Then you’ll think of some strategies to help with that.”
“What if a student gets gets sick?”
“Then you’ll be able to take care of them.”
“What if a child gets sees a spider and freaks out so much that they run out of the classroom and out of the school and down the street..”
Koushiro laughed at her over exaggerating thoughts, continuing to stare off in the distance. “You’re starting to sound like me.”
“Let’s talk about it. What goes on through your mind?” She whispered, sending chills down his spine.
The dark blue and purple hues from the slowly rising sun started to send a warm welcome to the new day. He wanted to continue and talk to Hikari every day if he could, but now was not the time.
“We’ll talk about me another day. Let’s get you to bed. You need to rest.” Koushiro whispered back to her.
The two slowly stood up and Koushiro grabbed the blanket from underneath and handed it to Hikari. She started to take off his jacket, but he held a hand up to stop her. “I’ll come back tomorrow to pick it up.”
They walked down the stairs and stopped by the front door of the Yagami residence. The comfortable silence landed between the two again. Their evening talk was coming to an end, but neither of them wanted it to.
“Thank you again for coming,” Hikari admitted. “You didn’t have to come, you know...”
Koushiro shrugged. “I know, but I wanted to. If you ever need to talk, I’m always here to lend an ear.”
Hikari took a step toward him and placed a hand on his cheek. She felt him shiver at the touch, but didn’t know if it was from her hand or if it was from the cold, crisp evening air. “Same goes for you, too. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. We’ll talk about you another night.”
Even though she was struggling tonight with her thoughts and her future, she always had time to care for others. That’s how he knew she would be the greatest teacher ever.
He nodded and unknowingly leaned into her hand. “Let me know how your first day goes, okay?”
“I will,” she said with a smile and kissed him on the cheek.
He felt his face heat up and he froze in his place. Instead of saying what was going through his genius mind, he silently watched her turn around and locate her keys in her pockets. As she turned the key and slowly opened the front door, he started to turn toward home.
“Hey, Koushiro?” Her angelic voice stopped him dead in his tracks and he turned back to her.
She gave him a soft smile that made his heart flutter. “Take care of yourself.”
He returned the smile, hands in his pockets. “Same goes for you, too.”
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astralsunset · 7 years
my adhd hell brain manifests in part as Obsessively Keeping Lists so i don’t flat-out forget my own headcanons so here’s tentatively what i’m thinking in terms of neurodiverse chosen children
things i’m p solid on:
takeru: ptsd (also abandonment issues tbh)
joe: generalized anxiety 
miyako: adhd (probably combined-type) - shoutout to @knifeoframens because we talked about this once
things i’m mostly settled on but still fiddling with:
taichi: ptsd but not to the degree of takeru (i can account for basically all the criteria but i’m not sure if he displays all the symptoms at the same time/close enough together chronologically to count from a diagnostic perspective??? idk)
yamato: anxiety? depression? idk much about avpd but maybe that from what i do know? at least in adventure, might have gotten a handle on it by 02/tri
sora: mild anxiety or depressive episodes? i don’t personally read her as struggling as much w/ that as yamato but she does tend to internalize better than he does so
still kicking around:
koushiro: asperger’s/ASD? my roommate also has tossed out OCD with mostly obsessive symptoms and not as many compulsive ones
i feel like those could account for his social anxiety in 01 and he doesn’t have social anxiety disorder by itself
mimi: ??? survivor’s guilt at least in 01 but i don’t remember if this shows up in 02 (it definitely doesn’t show up in tri but though i do like tri for the most part i also do what i want)
also maaaaaybe subclinical inattentive-type adhd but i don’t have an argument so much as a Vague Vibe u feel
hikari: some form of depression? i have seen a lot of autistic hikari hcs and would really like to hear about those (because i do see where i think y’all are coming from what with her being pretty nonverbal as a child and all iirc)
ken: ptsd??? social anxiety??? depression??? another form of anxiety??? some combination of the above??? we just don’t know
as far as i can tell daisuke and iori are the only chosen i think of as neurotypical or can’t think of any behaviors that would meet the criteria for anything which is. ha. like two (2) of your faves are neurotypical. 
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
Koushiro felt that {Koushiro} should at least give {Babumon} a response {to Babumon's relentless vocalization}, but because {Koushiro} had lost {Koushiro's} words, {Koushiro} could not speak. As if {Babumon} could sense that, Babumon’s eyes directed Koushiro to the laptop {Koushiro} was always carrying in {Koushiro}'s backpack. When Koushiro rested the laptop in {Koushiro's} lap, {Koushiro} typed into the keyboard: >I’m sorry for making you degenerate.
"Babu, babu, babu!!" >Since I don’t have my inquisitive heart, I'm not very sure about this… but I feel that I have been {tricked}. "Babu, babu," Babumon agreed, nodding its head. >Babumon, will you help me take back my inquisitive heart? Babumon could only say "Babu, babu," but to Koushiro’s ears, he could hear the nostalgic tinge of Kansai dialect in Tentomon’s voice telling {Koushiro}, "Of course, Koushiro-han!"
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
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