#vadim bobrov
boxbrained · 7 days
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who up caring about fallout 4 npcs that nobody else likes (last pic is a transfem headcanon. estrogen and a blunt would've solved travis' problems)
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "V"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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random-brushstrokes · 10 months
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Vadim Bobrov - Kiosk On the Corner (1950s)
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atonalginger · 11 hours
Sunday Snippet
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several lovely writers, @fangbangerghoul, @bearlytolerant, and @therealgchu, reminded me it is Sunday and I do have a snippet to share, of the non-starfield variety. Today we're taking a peek at Dawn and seeing what she's up to out in the Commonwealth.
Like the lovelies above, I'm going to more generally tag THe Coemancer Crew and anyone else who has a wip they might want to share a peek of. No pressure and it doesn't have to be writing either! Fang shared progress of a portrait that was top notch!
I'm going to throw a chunk of the snippet under a read more because its a little longer today.
“Alright, alright,” Ripshank popped the door open, the quick movement overpowering the squeak, “I take it the old man is struggling to get the wires to stay?”
“I heard that!” Walt shouted down from above, “get your ass up here and bring the needle nose pliers while your at it.”
“What have you been doing up there?” Ripshank asked incredulously with his head turned toward the sky. He was shaking his head while stepped outside, his nose wrinkled up like he smelled something rotten.
“Shut it and move,” Walt commanded.
Preston reached for the door but Dawn raised her hand for him to stop, “leave it. Fresh air could do me some good and it’ll make it easier to holler if I need something.”
He bowed his head and retreated from the door. If Dawn knew him well enough, Preston would be patrolling the parameter, laser musket at the ready for any hostile movements. Chloe had mentioned he’d been wearing a path in the tall grass around the old listening post, taking longer shifts than the others and worrying the team. Dawn thought about calling after him but she knew it wouldn’t do any good. He didn’t listen to her back in the Hills, he wouldn't listen to her here.
Dawn went back to sipping her water and resting her eyes. It didn’t take too long for her mind to wander to Diamond City, to the Dugout Inn tucked away in the wall. Yefim posted up near the open archway to the rooms and Vadim at his spot behind the bar with his big, welcoming smile plastered on his face. To the first night she wandered into the crowded bar.
Vadim had been regaling a customer with a tale of his adventures before coming to Diamond City. Something about facing off with one of the most dangerous creatures in the wastes, the punchline, at least to the patron, being that the creature was a mirelurk. The man scoffed at the notion, pointing out that many deal with mirelurks all the time, but Dawn was intrigued. Sure, average mirelurks and their softshell cousins were pushovers with the right equipment but even in her short time in the wastes she’d come to find very dangerous variants. The sorts of creatures many would not walk away from. His customer walked away with their beer, leaving his story unfinished.
“See this bar? I killed a man for it. Ha ha! No, no…I kid…I kid…” he had said from behind the bar as she made her approach. His smile had dropped for a moment as he cleared his throat, “He is dead, though… Now, let me know when you’re ready to order.”
From the unfinished tale to the dark humored joke, it was one of the more memorable first impressions Dawn had experienced in her life, which was saying something considering how many eccentric people she’d met since waking up in the vault. Mama Murphy and her drug fueled ‘sight’ swearing she knew where Shaun was if only she had another hit of jet. Moe Cronin and his outlandish stories of how baseball was played and how the bats, or swatters as he called them, were used to attack runners. Or the hypocrite Myrna with her paranoia over synthetics while using Percy, a well maintained Mr. Handy, for overnight sales, who started conversations with new customers with a question over whether they were human or not. And so many more traveling merchants on the roads between the Hills and Diamond City. None of them had a laugh or smile that lit up her soul quite like Vadim Bobrov. None of them had joy as infectious.
“I’d love a glass of the house special, served however the proprietor enjoys it,” Dawn had said as she sat down on the closest stool, her eyes locked with Vadim, a coy smile on her face.
“A woman after my heart,” he had said quietly before laughing and more loudly announcing, “one Bobrov’s Best coming up.”
Neither of them had realized then how true that little off hand remark would become. At the time Dawn was simply being playful, trying to distract from her anger toward her second after the blowout fight behind ArcJet. She just wanted to drink, laugh, and lay her head down under a solid roof that wasn’t formerly a gas station. To get peace and quiet without the constant rattling of turrets. Without inconveniencing a new friend like a stay at Arturo’s would have been. And she got all she wanted that night as well as much she hadn’t bargained for.
Vadim was a charmer, with his warm smile and honeyed words. Loud and boisterous with his regulars and yet his hushed comments as he served her or passed by her stool were charged with more energy that warmed her cold heart. Then came the dancing, annoying his regulars while they swayed around the floor to Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Marty Robbins, and Kay Kyser. It was like he’d transported her back to her favorite dive bar out west, a feeling that batted all her worries away.
His strong hand on her hip leading her around was almost magical. The way his lips clumsily brushed against her ears when he leaned in to whisper his sweet nothings stole her breath every time. He made her feel like they were they only people in the bar, all his attention focused on her. All the while his regular patrons complained about the slower service and bitched at their barkeep to focus. Their complaints told Dawn this wasn’t a regular occurrence; the regulars were all accustomed to Vadim being at the bar, rarely wandering away for anything more than to restock. It made Dawn feel special, she’d stolen the dutiful bartender from his perch behind the bar, accepting their dirty looks with a smile.
Yefim, Vadim’s twin brother, appeared surprised by the evenings antics. She thought at one point that he might be mad as he reminded Vadim that it was late and they had customers who were trying to sleep but by the time Dawn retired to room 2 with Vadim in toe Yefim stood behind the bar with a smile, shaking his head. Perhaps the happiness was born out of his loud mouth brother not shouting behind the bar, perhaps he was simply happy for his brother.
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elistilldoodles · 1 year
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harlstiel · 11 months
Doing the Confidence Man quest in Fallout and I see Travis wasted no time...
After I got the whole "Vadim was kidnapped" speech by Yefim, I went to Talk to Travis. After I talked to him, I turned to leave and I shit you not, Scarlett was getting out of his bed.
Good for him. Go Travis. Woo. Bit awkward though.
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slocum-dodson · 10 months
The Dugout Inn
After knocking Moe out, I wandered in a drunken haze. Flinginging my powerful body into the Inn owned by those two Russians.
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This smiling son of a bitch saw my bloodied knuckles and still tried to sell me booze...It worked and I found myself positively dripping with the stuff.
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Naturally, I threw away my suit as it weighed me down. I picked up a chef's hat because it gave me the confidence I needed at the moment. I also mistook one of the brothers for the other. The one who doesn't smile was unfortunately the victim of my rage. For that I am sorry.
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Raw displays of masculinity were witnessed by the people of Diamond City. Displays are only exemplified by myself and the being known as Moe Cronin.
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The Dugout Inn witnessed my animal magnetism. My explosive charisma.
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I spotted a nerd hiding behind the bar and the potted plant so naturally, my rage was thoroughly aroused.
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This was a lesson that needed to be taught. Taught by a man who can shrug off heavy fire from a super mutant. This nerd had inadvertently stepped into the kitchen and as a man who knows a thing or two about doughnuts, I felt it best to show him the steps.
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callmewisteria · 1 month
Something Questioned (At The Precipice Of Something New XL)
Upon their arrival to investigate Vault 81, Sturges and Hancock are sent through the wall into the hidden Vault and find something even stranger than they had expected? The Institute Directorate, disquieted by the way Father handled the incident at Greentech Genetics, begin to question if what happened at Greentech was really an accident? Alongside the General of the Minutemen, Nick Valentine and Ellie Perkins speak with his former colleague, Kenji Nakano, to get a grip on how best to get his daughter home safe from Far Harbour? Paladin Danse, Scribe Haylen, and Knight Rhys arrive at the Castle and have a stand off with its commanding officer, Colonel Ronnie Shaw of the Commonwealth Minutemen? A night at the Dugout Inn with Piper, MacCready, and Cait leads Nora to a revelation?
1/3 of the story through, 350.000+ words in. Read it on AO3, ff.net, and/or wattpad!!!
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Is anyone interested in the timeline I made for the Bobrov brothers after way over-analyzing Vadim’s interaction with MacCready? It’s more sequence of events than actual dates (and took some liberties with assumptions), but that is something I have stashed in my notes app.
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vamporilla · 2 years
If Fallout 4 had Persona Social Links
Excluding the companions because they would take up most of the list. I also tried to not use faction characters (except the Minutemen).
Magician: Sturges
Priestess: Amari
Empress: Ellie Perkins
Emperor: Captain Zao
Hierophant: Arlen Glass
Lovers: Magnolia
Chariot: Fahrenheit
Justice: Nat Wright
Hermit: Travis Miles
Fortune: Mama Murphy
Strength: Vadim & Yefim Bobrov
Hanged Man: Jun & Marcy Long
Death: Vault-Tec Sales Representative
Temperance: Takahashi (because a Takahashi Social Link would be funny)
Devil: Pickman
Tower: Whitechapel Charlie
Star: Jack Cabot
Moon: Kent Connolly
Sun: Austin Engill
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danses-with-dogmeat · 7 months
Day 24 -- Yefim Bobrov
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 24 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Face Sitting with Yefim Bobrov x f!Sole
Yefim is just a big ole softy with a stern expression, if you ask me. He's also just doing his best, and definitely deserves a break once in awhile 👀
So, here's this! Hope y'all like it! 😁
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Face Sitting, face riding, oral sex, cunnilingus, comfort, overstimulation, little bit of exhibitionism kink, multiple orgasms, aftercare.
Words: 2.2k
Sole’s eyes snapped open at the slam of the door, blinking awake in the dim of the hotel room as she sat up with a start. 
A soft thud sounded from the too-dark space in front of her, a rough outline of a man leaning against the door. Another thud, and Sole realized it was her partner’s head making the noise, jamming against the back of the door as Yefim huffed out a sigh. 
“Long night?” Sole scooched forward in the bed, tossing the sheet to the side as she made to get up, but Yefim stilled her with a wave of his hand. 
“Very. Just glad it’s over with.” 
He pushed off the door, dragging his feet along the carpet as he approached the bed and sat heavily down next to her. 
“Sorry for late night.” Yefim said quietly as he looked down at his knees. “Hope I didn’t wake you.” 
“I was only dozing,” Sole said on a yawn, unintentionally, as she leaned to the side, letting her head fall into his shoulder affectionately. Yefim wrapped an arm about her, pulling her closer by the hip. 
“You wanna talk about it at all?” Sole wrapped her arms around his waist in turn, using that as an excuse to lean further into his warmth. 
“Not particularly. But…” Another sigh escaped him, and she felt the dramatic rise and fall of his shoulders with the heavy breath. 
“But?” She prodded, feeling the way his frustration was bubbling up over his skin. Almost like it was crawling out from beneath her hands. 
“But… It's just my brother. Nothing new.”
“Hmm. What did he d–”
“He asked me to try and run the bar again, when he knows I-I can’t do it. He knows this.” Yefim’s free hand gestured heavily, punctuating the irritation that accompanied every word. “First he was drinking on the job, as I’ve asked him not to do a hundred or more times.”
Sole felt his urge to pace building in him, but his reluctance to unwrap his arm from her, to pull himself away from her grasp was too strong. Instead, his one hand did the brunt of the work, continuing to flail and wave alongside the notable rise and fall of his tone. 
“Then he asks if I can be behind bar. Is he lunatic? Man the bar and babysit?” He huffed a humorless laugh, “So I am out there, running whole place. Whole place, while Vadim and friends drink until Scarlett finally makes call to give them watered down drinks instead. Already they were too wasted to even know their drinks were shit, but it’s the principle of it.”  
Another frustrated sigh left the man, and Sole released her hold to let him fall back on the bed. Yefim’s arms spread wide as he made his final gestures with his eyes tightly closed. As if that could shut out the memory of it all. 
“Now I shoo drunk customers, I clean, I close bar, close inn, I drag stupid brother to bed, and come back to you later than you deserve. Is ridiculous.”  
“That is ridiculous, Yefim.” The bed shifted as Sole laid back on the mattress beside him. “And… you’ve talked to him about his drinking?” 
“Thousand times. At least. Vadim says good for business to have bartender that is also having good time. Horseshit says me.” 
“And me.” Sole piped up, “I just… Maybe I can try talking to him.” 
Yefim’s head swiveled to the side, looking into her bright eyes in the darkness of the room. 
“You’re his brother, you know? Maybe he’d listen if it was someone else mentioning it.” 
“Maybe…” He said, unconvinced. 
“I can at least try, okay?” Sole pressed forward as she faced him, touching her lips to his as reassuringly as she could. “And for the record, you can wake me to come and help, if you want.”
Even in the darkness, Sole could see the way Yefim’s jaw dropped even at the mere thought of it. 
“Wake you for that? Never, myla moya. Could not dream of it.” 
“Look, I had a newborn not too long ago– well, relatively speaking, so I’m no stranger to being woken–”
“And I’m saying I will not have it, Sole. Not because of my idiot of a brother.”
Sole let out a light chuckle, and heard Yefim echo it sweetly, some of the night’s irritation trickling away with the bits of creeping levity. 
“Okay, baby. Well, just let me know if there is something I can do. I’d love to help you out in some way.” 
Yefim hummed at that, somewhere between a thoughtful sound and one holding a bit more… mischief. 
“Maybe is one thing.” He whispered, and Sole could hear the blush in his little voice. 
“And that is…?” She led on, allowing the fingers of one hand to brush down over his bicep playfully.
“You know, lyubov. You make me say it loud?” 
She nodded, and her teeth gleamed in the dim with the vastness of her grin. 
A dramatic sigh escaped him, and the muscles of Yefim’s arm tensed beneath Sole’s touch. 
“Fine. Fine! I say… Need you here, Sole.” 
“Where?” She teased, “I can’t see where you pointed in the dark.” 
Another groan from him had Sole shaking from her giggles, and now she could see the way her partner’s face had transformed. First from a tense and creased frustration, to a flushed embarrassment, and now to a playful delight that had butterflies dancing in her belly. 
“Want you here, schuman!” 
Sole squealed as Yefim rounded on her, his arms pulling her body over his until she straddled him; but he didn’t keep himself in place, instead shimmying his body down the mattress until her panty-covered heat lay flush over his face. 
A groan left him almost immediately, as Yefim’s hands went to her thighs, gripping tightly to their plushness as they surrounded his head. He took a deep breath in, a cooling sensation washing over Sole’s center as he sucked in, tasting her sweetness through the fabric. 
“Ahh, Yefim…” She breathed out his name as her hands grasped to the prickly top of his shaved head, holding him in place as his spit began to wet through the front of her underwear. 
“Should’ve taken these off first, baby.” Sole took a peek down at his face, to see his reaction to her words, but the man was already lost in her. His eyes were closed in bliss, his mouth already laving over her heat with reckless abandon that had her reeling in her attempt to keep up. 
“Yefim, darling, I–” Sole’s head fell back with a moan as he nipped at her, his bottom teeth catching on her clothed clit in just the right way to make her hips buck against him. 
“Will take off in moment.” He promised with a muffled voice, before the whole of his mouth was undulating against her pussy, kissing her lower lips like he would the ones upon her face. With finesse, with tenacity, he went at her until Sole was rutting against him in earnest. 
Then, as her own wetness too began to soil the cotton garment, Yefim’s deceptively strong arms lifted her clean off of him. 
“Take off, and then come back to me.” He commanded her, and Sole followed easily. Out of breath and glistening with a light layer of sweat, Sole moved back to remove the sopping panties, as well as the longsleeve she wore with the intent to sleep. 
This was not sleeping, and the thing was much too warm for all this activity, but the main reason for it to come off sounded from below.
“Dermo, Sole, you are…” Yefim finished his… compliment? With a groan as she sidled up over his body again. His eyes followed her, her expression, as she looked down at him with half-lidded eyes, her breasts, where they jutted out pleasantly and jiggled slightly from her movements, that soft, plush stomach, her rounded hips… and she was all his. 
Sole could see that thought clearly in his rich, dark gaze, the way his mouth seemed to water just from the sight of her overtop him. 
“Ty takyj garnyj. You are so beautiful.” Yefim reached his hands out as he spoke, lovingly pressing his fingers into the give of her ass, his thumbs to her hipbones, guiding her back to her rightful place over his waiting mouth. 
Sole’s grin couldn’t be contained as he eased her down until his lips could press to the slick heat of her folds once more. At least, not until that blushy, sweet expression was dashed from her face as Yefim began his work. 
His mouth moved over her lower lips like he was trying to smother her, his tongue prodding and laving like she was a hive with delectable honey nestled deep inside, just waiting to be claimed as his. Sole had to steady her hands on the mattress to keep from toppling over with the array of sensations he poured onto her. 
“Yefim,” She breathed, “It’s like you’re starving.” 
He mumbled out his agreements from below, the grip on her thighs increasing almost to the point of pain. Her breath picked up, her hips rocked, and the point of Yefim’s nose ground against her clit in such a way, it had her legs shaking and her fingers clenching until they ached from the pressure over the bedsheets. 
“Jesus, baby, d-don’t stop.” 
Sole knew he wouldn’t, not now, as she grew closer and closer to her release, nearer to pouring out her affection over his hungry, pleading tongue. 
Yefim knew it too, with the way her movements grew jagged and erratic over him. Even with the painful ram of her clit into his nose with too much force, even with the whole weight of her riding and rutting into his mouth, damn-near smothering him, Yefim only pushed further into her– inviting the smothering, if it meant he could taste every last bit of her love, if he could bury himself in her forevermore and forget every worry, every frustration in his life in favor of this. 
If this could be his life… He would die to make it happen. If that were the price of it. 
Sole cried out as his fingers pressed bruises into her thighs, as her body stuttered one final time and yelled out his name for any still awake enough to hear. 
She didn’t care. They had her Yefim up and working until this very point, and it rubbed her all the right ways to think some of those drunken jerks might be awake right now, listening to all the ways Yefim can please his woman, even after dealing with their sorry asses all evening.  
She made him sound damn good. 
His name continued leaving her on a series of breaths, as her legs shook with sheer bliss, as her stomach tightened and released, as her toes curled and her fingers clenched and she saw colors bursting behind her eyelids against the loud darkness of the room. 
“F-fuck, baby, I can’t–” Another broken moan interrupted her, as his hands stayed locked like the unforgiving jaws of a metal clamp over either of her thighs, and his mouth continued nursing and nipping over her oversensitive clit. 
“Ahh, Yefim, that’s… you got me, I’m–” 
A weak gush of slick burst from her as her clit pulsed against his rubbing, prodding tongue, and Sole felt her head go light from the great release of pressure for the second time in such a short span. 
“You can… holy shit, you, you got me.” 
Her muscles quivered, her legs trembled and she tried to rise away from the overwhelming contact, her sore legs straining in his iron hold. 
“Yefim, can’t take any more. Please.”
The innkeeper growled at her protests, obviously far from finished in his mind, as he loudly lapped and slurped at her slickness. It had Sole flushing with more than just oversensitivity and arousal, but with embarrassment at his shamelessness. 
“Hon…” She tried one last time, weakly, as a sad little whine escaped her sore throat, as she felt herself shudder again with a muted half-climax that left her in a daze over him. 
At last, her partner’s grip eased, and he guided her drained body from overtop him, and back onto the mattress. 
A brief few moments of darkness passed, and Sole blinked her heavy eyes open from where she rested against the plush pillows at the correct end of the bed. She barely had the consciousness left to discern how she’d gotten here at all, until Yefim’s form swam into her focus. 
“Thank you, dearest.” He whispered, and she felt the warmth of a rag pressing between her soaked thighs. Pleasure sparked from the pressure, but Yefim pulled away a moment later, after he deemed her clean. 
“The best distraction in all the wasteland.” Another– she assumed, short– blink, and Yefim was in bed beside her, shirtless and in soft sweatpants as he folded her into his arms. 
“We can sleep now, lyubov moya. Finally.”
One last blink turned to unconsciousness, as Yefim pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, and Sole drifted off into a notably heavy sleep.
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atonalginger · 1 month
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Welcome to the Help Desk. Goose here is happy to assist in finding what you were looking for today.
Looking for art? Here's a handy dandy link that can take you to her tagged posts: My Art
Looking for writing? We've got a comprehensive directory page with word counts, ratings, and summaries you can find by clicking Here.
There is also our ao3 Profile page.
our fics are mainly Starfield but we also have fics set in the Dragon Age setting, Fallout universe, and WK40K Rogue Trader (video game by owlcat)
Starborn Sagas series
!Starborn Sam Coe x oc !starborn Lila Aiza fics.
A Tale of Twin Starfarers series
Sam Coe x oc Doc Melody
currently only has stories featuring one of the twin but there are stories with Fox coming, I swear.
Tightrope Dance series
Delgado x oc Bella Cherise, Evgeny Rokov x oc Bella Cherise, eventually Delgado x Evgeny Rokov. This is the series that has Dellarov in it.
The Ranger and The Deputy
My longest fic to date, this is an AU where Delgado became a ranger instead of an outlaw/pirate. !Ranger Delgado x oc Kitty Lincoln
His Deadly Hubflower
Vadim Bobrov x Sole Survivor Phyllis. a short trilogy.
Sunrise Over the Commonwealth
Series starring Sole Survivor Dawn Faulkner.
Dragon Age
Unlikely Alliance
No ship, general fic starring Alistair and Loghain
Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader
Order in All Things
Abelard x Rogue Trader
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mars-colony · 3 years
Asked for a White Russian at the Dugout Inn, and all I got was this:
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So I just finished Confidence Man for like the third time in Fallout 4 and it's absolutely baffling to me that there aren't more Travis/ Vadim shippers out there. I mean, Travis literally risks his life to go save Vadim like homies, that's like classically romantic. Also, the fact that they explicitly make note of the fact that Travis doesn't actually end up dating Scarlett.
Anyway, I guess I'm going to have to roll up my sleeves and write a fanfic myself 😤
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slocum-dodson · 23 days
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I like you Travis, you're frail and you'll never step in the way of my empire.
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This is Vadim. I don't care for him. I punched him out in my previous life. But he wants to help Travis, so I'm game for his scheme.
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callmewisteria · 4 months
Something Traced (At The Precipice Of Something New Chapter XXXV)
A night in the Dugout Inn with the Cats leads to Cait beating Vadim's moonshine shots record and a shocking revelation about her to Nora? In a rare gesture, the Institute permit Gerald Spencer to come and hear for himself what happened to his now safe daughter and Dr. Li? Nick, Ellie, and the Minutemen discuss the Nakano case and the Minutemen's plans to retake the Castle? Tracking the so-called Mechanist, Paladin Danse, Scribe Haylen, and Knight Rhys come into contact with an unusual robot called Ada that offers to help them find the Mechanist? MacCready makes up his mind to do something about Winlock and Barnes with the help of Piper, Cait and Vadim?
Some things are a long time coming. Read it on AO3, ff.net, and/or wattpad!!!
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