seventh-fantasy · 2 years
✨🧡🌙SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. Hope you are having a wonderful day today!✨🧡🌙
aw thank you!! 💕
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the-moral-of-the-rose · 2 months
Rilla of Ingleside created a new timeline...
Anne's House of Dreams mentioned a historical event - a federal election: “Mistress Blythe, the Liberals are in with a sweeping majority. After eighteen years of Tory mismanagement this down-trodden country is going to have a chance at last.” (AHoD).
From Wikipedia: "The 1896 Canadian federal election was held on June 23, 1896, to elect members of the House of Commons of Canada of the 8th Parliament of Canada. Though the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Charles Tupper, won a plurality of the popular vote, the Liberal Party, led by Wilfrid Laurier, won the majority of seats to form the next government. The election ended 18 years of Conservative rule."
It wouldn't be surprsing, but... it was also the year in which Jem Blythe was born! The election took place few weeks after his birth: "When Anne came downstairs again, the Island, as well as all Canada, was in the throes of a campaign preceding a general election." (AHoD).
So... according to this timeline, Walter was born a year later (1897), then the twins (1899), Shirley (1901) and Rilla (1903).
The point is... at the outbreak of the war, Walter would have been only 17 years old, the twins 15, Shirley 13, Rilla 11...
Shirley would have been too young to participate in the war and Walter would have barely turned nineteen at the time of the Battle of Flers-Courcelette in September of 1916...
Someone in one of my older posts noticed that puff sleeves fashion suggested that Anne of Green Gables took place in 1880s rather than 1870s... so it would make sense!
I wonder why Montgomery chose Rilla as her teenage heroine (according to the original chronology, Rilla should have been only 11 years old), while there were 15-year-old twins...
Can you imagine Nan and Di as the main characters of the war book? Two young girls at Queen's, trying to come to terms with rapidly changing world? Rilla and Shirley at Ingleside, growing closer in such trying times? Teenage boys - Jem and Walter - who had to choose if they wanted to sacrifice their life at even younger age - at eighteen? Walter, never reaching the age of twenty (or maybe - dare I hope - coming back home safely)? Anne and Gilbert in their 40s, trying to collect all the broken pieces that was once their family?
It would have been equally good, in my opinion. I wonder... why Montgomery felt she had to suddenly change a whole chronology?
Side note: of course, I love Rilla of Ingleside. But I am just curious... (Nan and Di of Ingleside would be a good book, too!).
@diario-de-gilbert-blythe @gogandmagog @pinkenamelheart @valancystirling48
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norashelley · 6 months
i was tagged by @grusinskayas to post my 9 favorite first watches of this year. thanks so much mari! <3
This was one of my worst years for watching movies, watched less than usual and most were very bland or bad but looking back there were some I quite enjoyed!
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I'll tag @maudeboggins @nitrateglow @chantalstacys @murderballadeer @valancystirling48 @filminghere @jwclapton @emmybrown @joanleslies
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luunie · 5 months
15 questions tag game tagged by @atelierclover!
1. Are you named after anyone?
first name was the name of a saint and my middle name came from my grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
I am a massive crybaby, I cried like twice today and like nothing even happened to warrant it. I'm the type to cry when I'm happy, even.
3. Do you have kids?
I would really like to have kids one day but, no. maybe one day if I ever get stable enough to take care of them I might try fostering or adopting.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did kendo for like, half a year.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sometimes jokingly.
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
maybe silly, but I guess clothes? I don't normally look people in the face.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
are they mutually exclusive? I guess happy endings..
9. Any talents?
I'm pretty good at coming up with recipes on the fly
10. Where were you born?
in a land of marshes and pines where flowers bloom all year and the sea meets the land
11. What are your hobbies?
video games, gardening, cooking, baking, stargazing, hiking, reading, I watch anime sometimes
12. Do you have any pets?
personally I have one cat, but I live in a multi-generational kind of set up and my family has like, a ton of animals.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
everything but Math tbh lol I guess, Social Studies, home ec, and Science would be my top picks
15. Dream job?
astronaut or botanist emphasis on "dream" lol
tagging: @mechamagica @valancystirling48 @cyberphuck and anyone else who wants to do it
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myclassicalgas · 1 month
Tagged by @chatteringfox
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party.
Next I'm gonna tag (no pressure) @mobilestates @petalpetal @birdie-is-also-a-magical-alien @valancystirling48 and whoever reads this
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valancyjane · 2 years
✨🌈☀️send this to the ten people you’re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
@valancystirling48 thank you!!! I'm sending this straight back to you 💖🌈💖
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avi-stella · 7 years
It says request are open but its ok if your busy. So, i just realized like there is zero mysmess fics/imagines dealing with their military service. Like in korea military service is mandatory but like no one ever mentions it in the fandom. Do you know by any chance any fics that do,or even better can you do a small write with zen about it. I would die, but its ok if youre busy its just i really love your work and this has been bugging me a bit. Sorry for bothering you and have a beautiful day💜
I have no idea if I imagined it or not, but I’m pretty sure I saw something (I don’t know if it was an imagine or fanart or something) that actually had this subject, but I can’t remember for the life of me where I saw it, I’m sorry. ;_;I don’t know much about conscription in Korea, so I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies. This was fun to write. Thank you for requesting!
It was only for 21 months. It really didn’t sound too long of a time, but somehow, the idea of being away from Zen for that amount of time made you uneasy, especially since you never know what could happen during the actor’s conscription. Zen had avoided his conscription for a while now, wanting to put as much of his time and effort into acting, but Zen’s fame was starting to rise. If the public found out about his negligence of duty, it would reflect poorly on his image and the backlash would be severe. In the end, Zen decided to just get it over and done with, but even so, the thought of leaving you all alone while he served in the army terrified the both of you.
“I’ll be fine,” Zen spoke softly, but you couldn’t tell if it was a reassurance for himself or for you. His hand reached out to stroke your cheek, and it pained your heart when you felt the slightest of trembles against your skin. You lifted your own hand and placed it atop the actor’s, trying to steady it with your own shaky one.
“You’ll be fine…” you repeated, and again, it was difficult to tell just who exactly you were trying to convince. After a pause, you added, “I’ll be fine.”
Zen nodded, his free hand moving to wrap around your waist. It would be a while since you would feel this warmth again, and when that realization hit you, you flung yourself towards the actor’s chest. You both stumbled back a bit, but as soon as the pair of you were able to regain your footing, you buried your face into Zen’s chest while he pushed your body flush against his.
“Promise me you’ll come back.” Your voice was muffled, but Zen was still able to pick up on the strain in your voice.
“I promise,” Zen answered firmly, running his fingers through your hair. “I promise I’ll come back to you.”
Slowly, you pulled back from the actor to properly look at him, a sad and uncertain smile etched on your features. “…I’ll be waiting.”
Overwhelmed, Zen took your face into his hands and suddenly pulled you in for an intense kiss. It took you a moment to process what was happening, but as soon as you did, you started to kiss him back with just as much vigour. Zen’s lips tasted salty, but you weren’t sure if it was from your tears or his, trying to lessen as much space between the two of you as possible. After all, there would be nothing but lots of space between the pair of you as soon as Zen leaves.
The kiss became less like a kiss and more like a desperate attempt to mold your mouths together. Tongues swirled against one other while hands roamed across everywhere and wherever they can reach. Both you and Zen tried to memorize each other once more in this small moment, not knowing just how much things might change in the span of his conscription. You wanted to commit every detail to memory. The feel of his trembling figure. The taste of his mouth. The sound of his soft sighs against you. The smell of his shampoo. The sight of his glossy eyes staring back at you.
“I love you,” the actor whispered to you, afraid of speaking any louder as his voice might betray him and waver and crack.
“I love you too.”
Throughout the entirety of Zen’s time serving his country, you both tried to keep in contact each other as much as possible, especially with video chats since those helped alleviate the ache in your heart the most. It was terrifying and painful to think about what Zen might be doing now, if he was taking care of himself, but you would remember his promise of coming back to you, and it helped get you through the days.
The first few weeks were extremely difficult, a heavy sense of anxiety anchoring down your heart to your stomach. It was lonely in the apartment, and you often found yourself going over to somebody else’s place for company. Everybody, the RFA and Zen’s fans, were very supportive and encouraging towards both you and Zen the entire time, and you felt grateful towards them.
Counting the days only seemed to stress you out, so you eventually stopped, merely holding onto the hope that Zen would come home soon. …And he eventually did.
When you open the door, about to leave for a quick stroll around Zen’s usual morning run route, you stop in your tracks just before you can crash into someone. You heart hammers against your chest as you slowly bring your gaze upwards, and familiar red eyes lovingly greet you.
At first, you’re not too sure how to react, your mind still trying to catch up with what you were seeing. You merely stand there, frozen in spot as your mouth opens and close, trying to find your voice. Your widened eyes start to gloss over, and your vision becomes blurred. Before you know it, you’re screaming and crying, throwing yourself onto the actor who catches you with ease.
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, ugly sobs leaving your lips, but you don’t care about that. All you care about is the familiar feeling of fingers threading through your hair. The familiar light and airy chuckle against your ears. The familiar flash of silvery white hair caught in the sun. The familiar sweet scent that you had grown to love and miss this entire time.
It’s only when the situation dawns on you more that you finally become aware of the wet droplets that fall onto your neck, Zen’s shoulders shaking underneath your arms. The actor tightens his hold against you, wanting to make up for all the lost time before pulling back so that he can kiss you on the lips, and you almost melt against him.
“Welcome home.”
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seventh-fantasy · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @howdaretrashships thank you!! <3
3 Ships You Like: "like" hm. "three" only hmm. :( anyway I'll limit these to dramas AND one ship one drama only: 1) dihua from 莲花楼 mysterious lotus casebook; 2) xiao dingquan and xu changping from 鹤唳华亭 royal nirvana; 3) anran and mu ze from 覆流年 lost track of time
First Ship Ever: um. pretty sure it's a pairing from a Channel 8 (local sg) drama I watched as a kid.
Last Song You Heard: oh.. I was just listening to the newly released OST of the upcoming DJT series, so I'm now on my Thai playlist. the last play is Violette Wautier's Kam Welah ข้ามเวลา from Prom Likit OST <3
Favorite Childhood Book: I was not an avid reader as a child like the majority of tunglr dot com seem to be, regrettably... but I loved Horrible Histories
Currently Reading: main ones in the current routine are my slow but steady reread of 中国哲学史 - very close to the end, and also very close to the end of Kate Buford's Burt Lancaster biography after a looong time. (I just read extremely slow.)
Currently Watching: trying to finish up the last quarter of The Starry Love 星落凝成糖 - hopefully very soon so I can move on from it lol. on top of the regular movies routine, have been taking my time with first full rewatch of Royal Nirvana, and recently started my first full rewatch of Mysterious Lotus Casebook (I very rarely do full drama rewatches so this is just a special time in my life lol)
Currently Consuming: ribena
Currently Craving: a new satisfying lakorn (i was replaying a Ratee Luang OST last night and now desperately need lakorns back in my life again!!! - you've caught me right in my lakorn mood)
Tagging (the usual note about consider yourself tagged if you see this etc etc): @bocje-ce-ustu @redemption-revenge @angryundies @seeorseem @mademoiselle-red @tytangfei @bemybabymp3 @karinyosa @valancystirling48 (also bonus tags @markiafc @ananeiah @dtriad)
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sosjimin · 7 years
Hello! Hope you are having a beautiful birthday! Happy birthday and many more! XOXO
Heyyyy, the day was prettier than i expected, so thank u for contributing to it, it’s ending now, but it was special. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
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norashelley · 2 months
Tagged by @maudeboggins to list 5 topics I can talk on for an hour without preparing any material. I agree this is hard! Like Vincent Price says in Laura "I don't know a lot about anything, but I know a little about practically everything"
Figure Skating. - I never even realize how much I can go on about it until someone makes the mistake of asking me my opinion on something about it like my friend did last night and suddenly my life long obsession for it takes over my mind and I talk more than I knew I could.
Cats/pets. - I don't know if this counts because it's more that I like to converse and exchange cat/pet talk with other people but I could go on and on about all the cats I've had and known and converse with others about their various pets too.
Medical/Health stuff - my life time of experience and observance has led me to know a lot about a lot of different things that apparently is not normal for the average person to know? I can talk a lot about it with the right people but I don't know if this really counts since I wont talk in depth about this topic with most people, I have to be exceptionally close to someone and then it's more tmi than they ever cared for.
Old Hollywood Actresses/movies - but mostly just the movies they are in and why I like them and their movies.
Geography/maps/weather - I blame my dad it's the one thing we always connected on and I'm so interested in where everything in the world is and what the weather is like in each place.
I haven't been very active online so I'm not sure who may have done this already but I'll tag a few people and you can skip/ignore it if you want to! @nitrateglow @grusinskayas @valancystirling48 @murderballadeer @oftwodarkmoons @toyourlovemp3 @jwclapton @joanleslies
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luunie · 2 months
tagged by @saikoma
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology¹ | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs² | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library² | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild³ | opera or ballet | london or paris⁴ | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather⁵ | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
1. not really too fond of either, but Xena tips my preference towards Greek Myth 2. I like both options about the same 3. I like both but I feel like, I have to be in the mood for spicy stuff 4. not too fond of the UK, soz 5. I hate both of these
@mechamagica, @valancystirling48, @earlgreyego, @butchamy, @hueylewisandtheblues, @mellowdarkness
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sallteas · 7 years
Ok, sorry for being such a weird creep and keep on asking you stuff, but my love for you just went through the roof. Not only are you good at art, love mysmess, love anime and manga, and love other similar things, but BTS too! (I started fangirling when i saw jk's photo lol) but honestly, I know this lame but can i be your tumblr friend?
YO DON’T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT my fav thing about tumblr is meeting new people. ESPECIALLY people who share the same fandoms as me! honestly i’m such trash rn i’ll happily take anyone who wants to be my friend lmaoooo
this is too sweet haha
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97salt · 7 years
This is random but i just wanted to let you know that your art is freaking beautiful. The colors, the style, the general mood just all blend together to create such a magnificent symphony of colors. Im new to your blog but your bts drawings you can feel them in the portraits. Sorry this is really sappy but i just love your work☺️💜
no I love sappy I’m weeping thank you love I’m on the floor 
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casualpastelgay · 7 years
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4 Smiles? That is 400% SMILES. 
Thank you @valancystirling48, @serensama, @fiftyshadesofdes, and @emmie-cb
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I just watched Perry Mason TCO The Lost Love for the first time. Yuck. I now know why @valancystirling48 and @organanation do not like Laura. How could Perry have EVER liked her?!?!?
AND SHE KEPT QUIET AS HER HUSBAND WAS ACCUSED OF MURDER? Wow. That goes to show how much she cares for people.
And my opinion of Perry went down a notch when he kissed a married woman.
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c0mmonloon · 7 years
6, 71?
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment?
oh boy that is a hard one, probably Shine by Mondo Cozmo
71 - Are you a KPOP fan?
I am! not as much as some people but I enjoy the songs. I don’t really know anything about the bands though. 
Thank you for the numbers!!!!
Ask me Questions
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