#valentine's day ficathon 2018
thebarsondaily · 7 years
Love Bites by theoofoof
Title: Love Bites Author: theoofoof Rating: T/Pg-13/12A Prompt: Scarf Summary: “You’re not funny,” Rafael retorts. “And this isn’t funny either.” A/N: My first foray into one of these fic-a-thons for SVU/Barson. First time ever I’ve done a prompt too… Hope it’s not too awful.
Oh God, it’s ugly.
That is Rafael’s first thought upon seeing it. He stands, bare-chested, staring furiously at it in the en-suite mirror as if that will somehow scare it away. Parts of it are bright red, others purple and he can already tell it is only going to get worse before it gets better. It doesn’t help that the surrounding skin is unmarred, drawing further attention to it and, unfortunately, there’s no denying what it is.
He fingers the skin, glancing at Olivia’s reflection in the mirror. It’s early, just gone five-thirty but, despite the hour, she looks gorgeous. Her hair is tousled from sleep, and she’s wearing nothing but his dress shirt and her panties.
“What’s the matter?” she grins at him through the open doorway. “Want me to do the other side too so you’ll match?”
“You’re not funny,” Rafael retorts. “And this isn’t funny either.” He uses the fingers of both hands to stretch the skin, examining the damage more closely.
“It is a little, actually.” Walking up behind him she wraps her arms around his middle and rests her chin on his shoulder. She meets his eyes in the mirror. “I didn’t hear you protesting at the time.”
She’s right of course, he hadn’t. In fact, he vaguely remembers encouraging her. But that was before he realised he’d have to sit through a meeting with Rita Calhoun with an obvious hickey.
“Well, no but…”
She hadn’t meant to brand him like that; she’d just gotten carried away. It had been one of the few nights since their relationship began that they’d had the apartment to themselves. Noah stayed over at Amanda’s – she and Carisi took him and Jessie to a Sunday afternoon showing of the movie ‘Coco’ and offered to keep him overnight to allow Olivia some ‘me time’.
Needless to say, she and Rafael took full advantage of it, spending a very enjoyable afternoon and evening in bed. Olivia hadn’t even realised she’d left a mark on him until his outraged cry woke her a few moments ago.
Olivia sweeps her hair off her shoulder, exposing a similar red mark on her own skin, just below her ear. It seems she hadn’t been the only one who got carried away.
“Hey look. I got one too, but you don’t see me complaining.”
“Yours isn’t anywhere near as big as mine,” he points out. He knows he’s being difficult, petulant even, but he can’t help it. “And you have hair that can cover it.” He sighs. “You couldn’t have aimed a bit lower, so it would be underneath my collar? I can’t go to work like this; I’m meeting with Rita this afternoon. If she sees this, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Olivia rolls her eyes and steps back, retreating to the bedroom. He follows her, after a shooting a few more hard glances at the offending mark on his neck, to find her on her hands and knees – rooting in the bottom of her closet. Her position provides him with a rather tantalising view and for a second he’s transported back to the previous evening, some of his earlier annoyance fading away.
Olivia mumbles a quick, ‘a-ha’ when she finds what she is looking for. Using the bedframe for leverage, she pushes herself up off the floor and onto the bed. She hands him a small wrapped package. The paper was silver, adorned with red hearts. “I was saving this to give you for Valentine’s Day, but in light of your… situation,” she gestures at his neck, “it might be more beneficial now.”
With a small tilt of his head, Rafael takes the proffered gift from Olivia. He peels back the end flaps of the wrapping paper carefully before slowly sliding his finger underneath the seam. From inside, he removes a grey, lidded box. Upon opening the box, he finds a black, plaid scarf. His fingers run slowly over the material, enjoying its softness.
Rafael’s brow furrows. “You bought me a scarf?”
She sits on the mattress, crossing her legs in front of her. “Don’t you like it?”
“Of course I do, Liv.” He drops a kiss to the top of her head. “You have good taste mi amor; it’s exactly the kind of thing I’d have picked for myself. Thank you.”
“I know we said we weren’t going to do presents but…” she shrugs. “I saw it in a shop window and I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Why though? It’s almost Spring.”
“You’ve lost yours, and I felt sorry for you the other night, standing outside Forlini’s, waiting for our Uber. You were clearly freezing. And who knows how long this latest cold snap will last?”
“My Cuban blood is not meant for New York in winter,” he agrees. Especially this winter, the temperatures had been at a record low, thanks to the recent blast of Arctic air the city had been hit with. “But I’ve told you, my scarf isn’t lost, it’s just… misplaced.”
Olivia scoffs. “Whatever you say counsellor.”
In truth, Rafael doesn’t have a clue where it is, he just doesn’t want to admit that to Olivia. The last time he remembers having it was two weeks ago in the back of an Uber after they’d been on a date. But, he rationalises, when you’re splitting your time between your apartment, your office and your girlfriend’s apartment things are bound to go missing. He wonders if five months is too soon to be thinking about doing something about that aspect of their relationship.
He’s sure his scarf will turn up eventually. The chances are Noah has hidden it somewhere; hiding Rafael’s things has become his new favourite game. Although, usually it’s his keys or his phone; things that the five-year-old thinks that Rafael won’t be able to leave without. In his mind, if ‘Uncle Rafa’ doesn’t have them, he will stay at the apartment and play with him some more. It’s flattering – he’s amazed and humbled at the boy’s affection for him, but it has almost made him late for court on several occasions.
“Rafa?” Olivia’s voice breaks into his contemplations. “Are you listening?”
“Sorry, mi amor, what were you saying?”
“That until your misplaced scarf turns up, you’ll have another. Although I can’t believe you, of all people, only owned one scarf to begin with.” It astounds her. This is the man who owns ties and suspenders in almost every imaginable colour and pattern, yet he only had one scarf!
“When you’re finished criticising my wardrobe choices, do you think you could you explain exactly how this supposed to help me today?”
“It’s a scarf,” Olivia said, as if the answer should be obvious. “You wear it around your neck.”
“Yes, when you’re outside. Rita is coming to my office. It’s not like we’re meeting on the ski-slopes of Gstaad,” he deadpans.
Olivia holds back her eye-roll. “Wear it anyway. Call it a fashion statement.” She grins mischievously. “Or you could always turn the heaters off and tell Rita they’re broken.” She takes the woollen material from him, looping it around his neck. “See, problem solved. You can’t even see it.”
He is unconvinced, glancing over his shoulder to try and make it out in the bathroom mirror. “Really?”
Olivia pulls gently on the scarf, bringing his face down to meet hers. “Really,” she murmurs against his lips before capturing them in a heated kiss.
As Rafael pushes her back down onto the bed, he vaguely remembers that it is exactly this type of activity that got him into this predicament to begin with. But, as she rolls them over and straddles his hips, he finds he doesn’t care…
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drarryspecificrecs · 6 years
HP/DRARRY Fic Fests (part 2)
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★ From 2022 back to 2004 : PART 1 & PART 2 || #drarry fic fest || as of 2023.01 ★ Sources: @capipuff’s HP Fests + @vaysh11′s H/D Fests + potterfests + hp-masterlists + @hpfests
Halloween Creatures Fest : 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008
Harry Big Bang : 2015
Harry Holidays : 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Harry Submits Fest : 2012
Harry’s Birthday Mini Fest : 2018
HP 10K Showcase for Awareness : 2009
HP Animagus Fest : 2021
HP Big Bang : 2010
HP Bodice Ripper Fest : 2022
HP Butterfly Fest : 2019
HP Call Me Daddy Fest : 2022
HP Consent Fest : 2019 | 2018
HP Crack!Fic Fest : 2021 | 2020
HP Dark Arts - My Bloody Valentine : 2022 | 2021 | 2019
HP Darkfest : 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
HP DIDI : 2011
HP Drizzle Fest : 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
HP Emofest : Xmas Mini Prompt Fest 2011 | Fall 2010 | Winter 2009
HP Flowers : 2022
HP Fluff Fest : 2021 | 2020
HP Get Lucky : 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010
HP Harlequin : 2012
HP Holiday : 2013
HP Horror Fest : 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | Imperius Challenge | 2013
HP Inspired by Imagery Fest : 2020
HP Intoxicated : New Year Fest 2012
HP Joggers Fest : 2018 | Festive Drarry Mini Fest 2018 | H/D Cocks and Joggers Fest 2017
HP Kinkfest : 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
HP Make It Musical Fest : 2021
HP Mental Health : 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2010 | 2009
HP Mini Fest : 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
HP Porn in the Sun : 2010
HP Pride Secret Santa : 2022
HP Prisoner Fest : 2013 | 2010
HP Reversathon : 2012 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
HP Sexstars Fest : 2012 | 2011
HP Silencio Fest : 2015 | 2014 | 2013
HP Slash (Not Smut) : 2009 | 2007 | 2006
HP Soulmates Fest : 2022
HP Taste of Smut Fest : 2020
HP Traditions Fest : 2009
HP Trans Comfort Fest : 2022 | 2021
HP Trans Fest : 2022 | 2021 | 2020
HP Unfaithful : Fabulous No-Pressure Laissez-Faire Challenge 2009
HP UnHappily Ever After Fest : 2020 | 2019
HP Valensmut Fest : 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004
HP Vamp : Free Range Challenge 2008 | Be My Vampentine 2007 | Conversion Fic Exchange 2006 | Deathday Ficathon 2005 | Vamp!Draco Challenge 2004
HP Winter Smut : 2007
HP Yule Balls : 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Kill Your Darlings : 2022
Kink & Squick : Christmas Fest 2013
Lights Camera Drarry : 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
Lock Down Fest : 2020
Merry Smutmas : 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004
Owlery Exchange : To Days To Come 2022 | Love Conquers All 2021 | A Very Drarry Valentine’s Day Exchange 2020 | Summer 2019
Party for Potter : 2017
Pen15 is Mightier Holiday Gift Exchange : 2019
Potterverse Tarot Fest : 2008 | 2007
Quidditch Fest : 2022 | 2021
Salt and Pepper Fest : 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
Secrets and Wishes Fest : 2007 | Fantasy Fest 2006
Seven Shades of Drarry : ~ of Weasley 2021 | ~ of Virtue 2021 | ~ of Romance 2021 | Secret Santa Exchange 2020 | ~ of Magic 2020 | ~ of Summer 2020 | ~ of Sin 2020
Summer Kink Fest : 2010
Summer of Slaves Fest : 2013
Tarot Fest : 2022
Valentine Veela Fest : 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
Valentine’s Day Dead Dove Fest : 2022
A Very Harry Birthday : 2020
Wireless Festive Minifest : 2020
(don't get your) wand in a knot : 2017 | 2016
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kathillards · 7 years
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          Ranger Romance Ficathon 2018
Ever wanted an excuse to write your favorite rangers smooching? Tired of all the gen fic in fandom and want something more cliche and romantic? Is there a ship you just adore and want more content for? This is the fic exchange for you!
Sign-ups are now open for the first ever ranger romance ficathon! Stories will be revealed on Valentine’s Day 2018.
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rainbowlinegifs · 7 years
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         Ranger Romance Ficathon 2018
Need an excuse to write your fave rangers falling in love? Want more romantic content in your tiny sentai archive? Is there a ship you just love that you’ve always wanted more fic for? This is the fic exchange for you!
Sign-ups are now open for the first ever ranger romance ficathon! Stories will be revealed on Valentine’s Day 2018.
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Another Year Older by khughes830
Title: Another Year Older Author: khughes830 Rating: General Audience Prompt(s): dessert (nice) Summary: A/N:  Since we won’t get the awesome BTS birthday pictures in September this year, I wrote my own.
If he was being honest, he always did enjoy fall on the Harvard campus.  The leaves, the cool air, the way the coffee tasted.  He had hoped that the coming fall would help him shake the feelings he had been having… well, since he walked out of New York City in February. 
He had taken 8 weeks to travel, sleep, rest, reset.  The beach, the mountains, even his old bedroom at his mother’s house.  He read.  He caught up on television he had missed.  He raved to everyone about The Crown.  But there was still this feeling that was present.  At first, he tried to ignore it, but it just never went away.  He just figured out how to live with it.  He couldn’t bring himself to admit what that feeling was.  The few times he had indulged himself, all he could see were those brown eyes filled with tears and it made his stomach drop.  So, he just did his best not to think like that. 
At first his phone was silent.  Eerily silent.  But then the calls started.  First his mother, which is how he wound up staying with her for a little bit.  Then Rita.  And then, one day, his old advisor from Harvard Law.  Begging him for a meeting.  So, he went.  The meeting turned into a one-off lecture which turned into a series which turned into him, here, having an office for the school year, teaching a special series to the pre-law students.  He only promised the year.  After having been stuck… maybe even a little trapped if he was being honest… in his job for so long, he couldn’t bring himself to commit to anything for any length of time.  Even his apartment was rented month to month.    Because admitting that would mean he was never going back.
And on today, of all days, making that decision was almost too much.  It was his birthday.  The first one in 6 years that wouldn’t be spent eating sheet cake in her office.  The first year she dragged him, almost kicking and screaming, into having one piece.  It was something, he found out, she prided herself on.  Birthdays and cakes and taking a moment to celebrate being another year older.  Another year wiser.
He laughed to himself as he crossed campus from his favorite coffee cart to his office.  He was glad for the sunglasses as thinking back to last year, with her smile and her apologies that Noah had spelled his name wrong, brought tears to his eyes.  He hadn’t told a soul what today was.  He couldn’t bear the thought of trying to celebrate it with others.  He had demanded his mother stay away.  She tried to come up, he put his foot down.  Rita sent a text that he hadn’t replied to yet.  He hoped she would understand. 
The cool air of the law building hit his face.  Students said hello as they walked past, but he was stuck in his own head.  The memories of this day were coming fast and furious.  Laughing on the couch of her office while they ate cake.  Candles and off-key singing.  The hug that he cherished each year.  The silence between them was deafening.  He wasn’t sure why he was surprised.  He walked away.  He chickened out, telling her he needed to move on when he could see in her eyes what she wanted, or maybe even needed.  He climbed the steps, mentally kicking himself for not being stronger for her.  He left.  Why he thought then that she would reach out was beyond him.  He couldn’t blame her.  He checked the headlines just about every day.  Pictures of her appeared from time to time.  It was like the universe knew today was his birthday, because he managed to catch a clip of her being interviewed before he left his apartment this morning.  Her voice was still strong, but her eyes looked tired.  Her face seemed a little sad.  Maybe the gift of hearing her voice today had to be tempered with him seeing her demeanor. 
He paused outside his office.  He would treat himself on the way home – a good bottle of scotch, a large pizza and some cheesy Netflix movie.  He sighed, grabbing the handle of his door, pulling it open.  Maybe he would start ignoring his birthday from here on out. 
But he froze as he took a step in.  His first thought was “who the hell found out!?!” as he saw the sheet cake sitting on his desk.  Then, he noticed the person behind the cake, sitting in his chair and he knew his birthday wouldn’t be ignored this year. 
“I brought dessert” Olivia choked out. 
He dropped his bag at his feet, unable to move. She pushed herself out of his chair, wringing her hands.  He couldn’t believe she was here.  Maybe he hadn’t quite woken up for the day yet. 
“Happy birthday, Rafael” she said a little louder, shaking him out of his frozen state.  He almost ran across his small office, grabbing her up in his arms, crushing her against him.  The moment he breathed her in as he buried his nose in her hair, he knew this was no dream.  They stood there, wrapped up in each other, him with his eyes closed and his face pressed into her neck, her lightly scratching her nails up and down the nape of his neck.  He finally pulled back to look at her.  It had been so long, he didn’t realize her face was like a drug to him.  He had been in recovery – a piss poor recovery where she haunted his dreams, but a recovery nonetheless – but now he fell head first and he was fine with it. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“It’s your birthday, Rafa.  I couldn’t… I couldn’t ignore it.  It felt wrong.”
“How did you know I was here?”
He smiled.  “So, you two are friends now?”
Olivia nodded, tears in her eyes.  “Yes.  We ran into each other one day and we just… well, honestly… we took solace in each other.  Made us both feel a little closer to you.”  He choked back the tears.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
She shook her head.  “Don’t be.  We understand.  We may not like it, but we understand.  Besides, Boston isn’t too far from New York.  It is closer than the beaches of Grand Cayman.”
“Liv, you have got to see that place.  It’s amazing.”
“Take me sometime.”  The fire he saw in her eyes as she said those words made his heart beat in a way it hadn’t in a very long time.  He missed it.  
“A chance to see you on the beach in a bikini?  That’s an offer I can’t refuse.”  And she laughed that laugh that he knew was reserved only for him.  He had missed that too.  This was turning into an amazing birthday. 
“Noah wanted to make sure I wished you a happy birthday too.  He drew you a picture.  He was really mad when I told him I was coming up here today and he had to stay home.”
“Lucy keeping him?”
“Actually, your mother.  You think her and I have become fast friends?  You should see those two together, Rafa.  It… well I think it has helped him, and me, heal from Sheila.”  He bit his lip, doing his best to keep the tears from falling.  She cocked her head to the side, resting her hand on his face. 
“How long are you here for?” he choked out. 
She ran her hand up into his hair.  “I’ve got a ticket back tonight and tomorrow night.  Wasn’t sure how this was going to go.” 
“I think it’s going to go well, Liv.” 
“Happy birthday, Rafa.  You want some cake?”
“In a second.  There’s something else I want first.”  He pressed his lips to hers and had to keep himself from throwing her down on his desk when she moaned loudly, tightening her arms around his shoulders.  They finally broke, panting, lips swollen and eyes blown wide. 
“Let’s get out of here” she whispered.
“In a minute.  First, we are going to eat a piece of cake on my couch over there.  It’s tradition.”  She laughed and nodded.  This was going to rank as the best birthday dessert ever. 
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Yearning for You by Roseau767
Title: Yearning for You Author: Roseau767 Rating: K Prompt: Goosebumps Summary: Olivia and Rafael decide to take some time out. Just the two of them. Together. A/N: This story was hard to complete after recent events. Barba leaving made my muse sad. Hoping this offering and all the other wonderful Barson stories will help us in the recovery process. Written for Valentine’s day ficathon contest by @thebarsondaily. Enjoy!!
Friday. Manhattan District Hospital. 4:25pm
“Mr Barba will be fine,” the doctor said for the second time.
“I know,” Olivia sighed turning away from the sleeping body lying in the bed.
“It scared you…him just collapsing like that?”
Olivia nodded. “I thought he’d died,” she said softly.
She walked away with the doctor and sat on an empty chair, trying not to cry again for what seemed like the millionth time in the last few hours. She knew Dr Francis well enough not to feel totally embarrassed by her emotions, many of the victims they dealt with were referred to SVU by her.
“Are you guys close?” she asked.
Olivia’s eyebrows furrowed. She had never fully articulated what they were. Close friends for sure, maybe something more but she wouldn’t allow her thoughts to go there, so remained silent.
“What I mean….” The doctor was choosing her words carefully. “What I mean is does he listen to you?”
“Sometimes,” Olivia replied hesitantly. “He can be very stubborn.”
The doctor leaned forward then and nodded in understanding. Lowering her voice, she continued, “Look… he’s basically exhausted. I’ve seen this happen time and time again. Not enough sleep, too much coffee. His blood pressure was through the roof.”
“It’s been a crazy couple of months,” Olivia explained.
“Seems like it’s been more than a few months,” she responded rather matter of fact, not losing eye contact. Sitting up straighter in her seat, she continued. “We’ve known each other a long time, right? You’ve been coming here for years now so I consider myself in a position to comment.”
Olivia blinked several times in quick succession.
“So, you won’t be offended when I tell you that you look like hell.”
Olivia was taken aback at the bluntness.
“Don’t get me wrong,” she continued, “It always amazed me how great you looked at 2am. But lately…. You are here all the time, or at least it seems like it.”
Olivia was tired, exhausted if the truth be known and lately the last several cases had been tough on all of them, Barba especially.
“It’s my job, the victims need me.”
“And what about what you need?”
Olivia’s silence prompted Dr Francis to continue.
 “You need to rest. So, while you’re convincing your friend to take a break, have that same conversation with yourself too.”
“I can't…”
“Or won’t? You have a beautiful little boy that needs his mother to be fit and well but right now you are one step away from joining Mr Barba in a hospital bed too.”
Olivia opened and closed her mouth several times, but no sound came out.
“Take a break, Liv. Just a week and recharge your batteries. What harm can it do?”
Her bleep went off then and she stood abruptly; squeezed Olivia’s shoulder affectionately. She turned and began to walk away, not before looking over her shoulder and waving.
“Better still take Mr Barba with you,” she added loudly before hurrying down the corridor to her next emergency.
Friday. Manhattan District Hospital. 8:00pm
“How do you feel Rafa?” Olivia asked him full of concern.
He looked bad, his skin was pale, his eyes sunken.
“You’ll be okay,” she said reassuringly, her watery eyes conveying the depths of her emotions.  “You just need to rest. We both do.”
Oliva pulled her chair closer to his bed, placed a hand on his own and began to tell him of the doctor’s concerns and her recommendations that he needed to slow down. She saw the tiredness in his eyes as she spoke, and he simply listened.
It surprisingly didn’t take too much to convince him, and any reservations he had was soon gone when she started to cry again. Olivia knew she was really tired then, and when he suggested a quiet getaway in Connecticut, she simply nodded tightening her hold on his hand.
Saturday. 10:00 am.
Lucy had agreed to stay with Noah and a temporary ADA was covering Barba in his absence. They had booked rooms the night before, too worn out to really think about the prices. It cost a small fortune, but with promises of total relaxation and inner peace they both just went with it.
Lucia Barba had packed her son a bag, dropping it at the hospital that same night relieved Rafael was finally taking a break. They had arranged for a driver, both really too exhausted to drive and concentrate on the busy roads.  Once Rafael was finally discharged, they sat back in the passenger seats as the driver took them out of the city.
“When was the last time you had a real vacation?” Rafael asked her.
“Too long.”
“Same here. But I’m glad we did this Liv, and I’m glad it’s with you. I can just be me.”
“Just don’t expect too much, I’m beat,” Olivia sighed.
“Ditto,” he smiled tiredly.
Olivia sat back allowing her head to rest against the cool glass of the window, watching the scenery pass them by. She turned to stare at Rafael briefly but his eyes were closed and so she took the time to really watch him. He hadn’t shaved and the stubble that had begun to form gave him a more striking appearance.
He’d certainly had a few more greys since they first met and had filled out a little, but he was still the handsome if somewhat arrogant man she first met and had grown extremely fond of.  She smiled thinking of those early days, especially the first time they were introduced.
Rafael opened his eyes then as if he heard her inner thoughts and looked at her. A small, lopsided smile on his face.
She smiled back affectionately before looking out the window once more.
His presence was comforting and they rode the entire journey in silence, both lost in their own private thoughts.
Sunday. Utopia Hotel & Spa. Connecticut. 11:00 am.
“It’s beautiful out here,” Rafael said. “Peaceful.”
Olivia hummed in response.
They were walking, no real direction in mind. Both casually dressed; they were nothing like their former city selves.
“When I was growing up, I couldn’t wait to leave home. I could never just think. Papi, Mami…. always screaming, shouting and…” Rafael paused then, took a long slow breath and relaxed his hand that he had begun to clench into a fist.
“But you live alone now, all the peace and quiet you want,” Olivia commented trying to bring his mind away from that unhappy time.
“I hate it,” he replied somewhat bitterly. “It gets lonely. You are so lucky to have Noah, cherish him.”  
Rafael had spoken of his childhood to her in the past, but the candidness of that statement surprised her. She was glad he felt able to tell her that, honoured even and she wasn’t going to take that lightly.
“Oh, I know I’m lucky to have him, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone to share it with.”
She shrugged then suddenly dismissing the notion of a relationship with any man. Her last few attempts hadn’t worked out well, but seeing as he was being so open, she decided to be also.
“You have me,” Rafael said softly. He shoved his hands in his pockets then, kept looking ahead, and she swore he was blushing.
“Squabbling till we’re 85,” Olivia laughed lightening the mood.
“Most definitely,” he replied.
“I like the sound of that.”
Monday. 3:00pm.
They must have walked for miles and still not left the vicinity of their retreat. There was always something to look at and as they stopped by a lake, Rafael stopped and stared at the view.  It felt strange being around him this way, they never spoke about work and their time so far had consisted of eating proper meals, long leisurely walks and sleeping. Slowing down seemed to be good for them, Rafael’s colour had returned as well as his wicked sense of humour.
They weren’t allowed any coffee except for Decaffeinated, which Rafael found completely offensive. Olivia laughed at his outburst when he discovered this.  So, they drank lots of herbal teas and water most of the time.
It was so easy being with him. No pretence. He was so different to Rafael Barba, ADA. She supposed she was different too. Here they were just Rafa and Liv.  They naturally came to a stop at a bench and they both sat down, watching the ducks swim. Olivia automatically scooted closer feeling his heat, linking her arm into his own. Several minutes passed before either spoke. It was Rafael that broke the silence.
“This job…. it takes away so much from you.”
“I know. I’m surprised I’ve lasted this long,” she admitted. “Fin too.”
“I think, he’s managed to get the balance right,” Rafael said.
“You might be on to something there. He’s been seeing someone for a while now. Seems really happy.”
“Good for him.”
Tuesday. Hotel Restaurant. 10:00am
Rafael chose to have a Swedish massage, after leafing through the Spas brochure.
“What about you Liv…. what are you having?”
She shook her head almost immediately. Although they had done everything together these last few days, and a massage sounded great; there was no way she’d be undressing in front of total stranger. Even now she was still uncomfortable with her scars.
“It’s all free,” he added, still looking at the list on offer.
“Rafael, I can’t….”
“Sure, you can….” he replied distractedly.
“No. I really can’t…”
Realisation suddenly dawned on him as he put down what he was reading.
He’d worked on the Lewis case, knew exactly where each and every one of her scars were. It made for uncomfortable reading, and sleepless nights for many weeks but he never told her that. 
Rafael held her gaze. Her eyes were a little misty.
“What about a neck and shoulder massage instead?” He said gently, understanding the reasons behind her apprehension.
He waited patiently for her mind to process the implications in his suggestion.
 “Yeah. That could work.” She blew out a breath.
Rafael smiled. Such a brilliant and beautiful smile that she felt something in her chest loosen.
“Great. I’ll book us both for later this afternoon.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead and moved back so quickly that she wasn’t sure what happened. But her skin tingled at the contact.
Olivia felt suddenly very warm.
Massage Therapy Room. 2:00 pm
They assumed they were a couple, and as soon as he realised Rafael tried to object at being in the same room as Olivia having a couple’s massage. There were two couches, clearly one for each of them.
“It’s okay,” Olivia said. She didn’t know when she got so brave. But it was Rafael. A decent and respectful guy. She trusted him.
True to her assessment, he turned his back as she slipped off her gown and lay under the covers with only her shoulders on view.  She turned her head when he did the same. When she felt certain he was under his own blanket she turned to face him. He was watching her and there was a moment for a split second where it was just the two of them connected.
“You okay?” He mouthed.
Olivia nodded. They stared at one another for a few more beats before his eyes fell shut as the masseuse began to work on him.
She closed her eyes too, and her last real though before she fell into a totally relaxed state between being awake and falling asleep was how glad she was doing this with Rafael.
Wednesday.  2:45 pm.
She found Rafael that afternoon, lying by the lake. It seemed to be a favourite spot of his and weather had been warm all week. His eyes were shut, his eye-pod playing an upbeat song based on the vibrations coming from his earplugs. There was a folded-up copy of the local newspaper by his side under his left hand, his right slung over his chest.
Not wanting to startle him, she placed a gentle hand on his arm.
“Hey,” he replied. Eyes bright.
“I thought you were asleep.”
“No. Just waiting for you.”
She doesn’t quite know why those simple words made her giddy but they did.
“Yeah?” She tried to sound casual.
He sat up and took the newspaper then, turned a few pages, until he found what he was looking for. “Do you feel like going out tonight?”
She looked down at the newspaper. There was an open-air show in the next town. Live music, food. Tempting.
“It’s not too far away, if you’re interested,“ he added.
They discussed it and saw it as a good opportunity to check out the area, buy gifts and get some coffee. They were both feeling much better.
They had both also had another massage that morning. Together.
 “Do you feel up to it? You don’t want to wear yourself out.” Olivia wanted to go but had to be sure that he could manage.
“I feel up to it Liv. I’m sure.”
“Okay then, why not?”
“I’ll meet you later then?”
Olivia nodded. “Ok. It will give me a chance to talk to Noah before I get ready.”
Hotel Lobby. 6:00 pm
Olivia didn’t know why she took longer than usual to get ready. She didn’t really pack anything too dressy but applied some makeup and pinned her hair up to go with her simple outfit of jeans and a sparkly blouse. She was glad she made the effort, when she saw Rafael. He looks fresh and well-groomed even in just dark trousers and a polo shirt. He wore a blazer which made him look even more handsome.
“You shaved.” Oliva placed a hand on his cheek.
“Couldn’t keep looking like a hobo. Besides, one must make an effort when in the company of a pretty lady,“ he said in his finest voice.
Olivia laughed.
Unexpectedly, he reached toward her and brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The stroke of his fingertips on her cheek set off a heat that started in her ears, down her neck and into her chest. She felt herself blushing at the contact.
“You really do look pretty tonight.” His voice sounded strange.
“Thank-you,” she whispered.
Rafael placed a hand in the small of her back and led her out to the front of the building where their taxi was waiting
The taxi drove them into the middle of the action. It was really crowded, so it made sense to hold hands so they wouldn’t lose one another. Neither questioned why they still held hands when the crowds lessened considerably.
They walked around this way most of the evening. Stopping to look at things of interest. Taking a break, they both ordered a cup of strong Colombian coffee and ate sweet pastries as they watched the world go by from the table of a small café.
Walking around some more, Rafael discovered an Italian Deli that sold the most unusual types of Pasta and Spaghetti. As soon as they saw it they said the same singular word in unison:
They both laughed at the ridiculousness of it all but purchased several packets for the little boy to try.
“You’ll have to come by and have dinner with us one night,” Olivia said. “Noah hasn’t seen Uncle Rafa in quite some time.”
“I’d love to.”
Rafael brought Carmen a pair of earrings, which Olivia helped him to choose, and a silk scarf for his mother. They purchased a few more items, before eventually finding their way to where the live band was. Finding a good space, they ordered a bottle of wine and chatted casually in between the music.
“When was your last relationship Raf? I mean I know about Yelena, but you’ve never mentioned no one else.”
“There’s been moments,” he said. “I’m a man with needs just like any other, but no real long-term relationships.”
“Oh.” Olivia let her thumb circle the rim of her wine glass as she took this new information in.
“I guess I’m not the easiest person to get along with,” he admitted.
“I find you easy to get along with. I think you are a great guy.”
The wine was making her loose lipped, but she didn’t seem embarrassed by her words.
“Ahh, Liv…. you and I. What we have is different. It’s a mutual respect and understanding.”
“Mutual respect and understanding, ” she repeated. “What does that mean in English?”
Rafael smiled. “It means we get each other.”
“I think you’re right” she smiled, refilling both their glasses.
11:00 pm
They spent the rest of the evening, drinking, laughing and joking. Olivia must have looked at him several seconds too long, because she saw a question in his eyes that she wasn’t quite ready to answer. His gaze was intense like he was really seeing into her soul.
Olivia shivered then unexpectedly, causing a plethora of goose bumps to race across her arms and chest.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“No,” she replied as she shivered again uncontrollably.
“Here.” Rafael took off his jacket, draped it over her shoulders.
His hand lingered then before placing one hesitant hand on her cheek. She leaned into his touch.
“Liv….” His mouth suddenly dry.
“Rafa….” she whispered.
He looked at her before placing a soft kiss on her lips before he pulled away.
“Was that alright?” He sounded so unsure of himself.
Olivia tilted her head up and kissed him again.
The journey home was peaceful. Rafael held her hand and she let him.  When they arrived back at the hotel, he walked her to her room, both still clearly processing what had happened that evening. It was just a kiss (several kisses to be precise) and nothing more, but it was a big deal for both of them for different reasons.
“Night Liv.”
“Night Rafa. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She let herself into her room and once he heard her lock the door behind her, Rafael walked away. His senses were overloaded, and he didn’t think he’d be getting much sleep that night.
Thursday. 1:45 am
Rafael was not sure what the time or how long he’d been awake but he couldn’t sleep. He, kept replaying the night before especially the kiss. He didn’t know what made him do it, but he was glad he did. He was scared Olivia was going to reject him but when she kissed him back he could feel his heart sing.
But then the doubts kicked in.
Doubts from long ago of being called weak, useless and a pansy. How no woman would want him. Yelena fed off his insecurities, messed him up for a long time. He always had trouble letting go of himself emotionally but being with Olivia made him want to try harder than ever before.
Rafael gets up then, he knows its late but he needed to talk to her.
He knocks on her door gently, and she opens still dressed in the clothes she was wearing earlier. Her face scrubbed clean of makeup.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
She opened the door wider and let him in.
“I don’t want to screw this up. This means too much to me.”
Olivia opened her mouth to reply, but he held up his hand. “Please Liv, let me finish.”
She sat down then on the edge of the bed and he sits next to her. Held both her hands in his own.
“ I need to tell you about me, tell you about my childhood….���
“No. you don’t.” She knew enough to know it wasn’t great.
“Yes, I do,” he said firmly. “Being with me might be bumpy.”
So, she let him talk, not wanting to lose the spell they were both under. Rafael spoke softly and at times pained as he spoke in great detail about the physical and emotional abuse of his father. How it affected him; drove him to become one of best lawyers in the district but also stopped him forming healthy relationships so easily.
Olivia told him about her mother, her rape and her quest for justice. Some of these things she hadn’t shared with anyone. Not her therapist and certainly not Elliott. She told him about her mother’s drinking, the beatings and her feeling of guilt at the relief she felt when her mother finally died.
They spoke for hours, and when they were both too exhausted to say anymore they did the only thing possible.
They lay down together, side by side and fell asleep.
Thursday. 8:30 am.
They both decided to forgo breakfast, content to lay in each other arms. They cuddled most of the night, falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
Olivia woke up, but Rafael had beaten her to it.
“So, are we really doing this?” He looked bright and alert for minimal sleep. Olivia on the other hand felt shattered.
“Yes, we are,” she replied, her eyelids still heavy.
“What about tomorrow when we leave here?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t thought that far ahead.”
He’s still unsure of himself that much she can tell. She does the only thing she can right then and kissed him. Its long and slow, and she tried to convey just how much he means to her.
“I just don’t want to mess this up,” he said.
“Me either… one step a time okay? I want this too. Us.”
Rafael nods and kissed her again. Burying his face into her neck and pulling her closer.
She shivered again at the contact, goose bumps popping up all over her skin.
“Are you cold again?”
“No, just happy,” she yawned.
Rafael, pulled her into a hug as she fell asleep, her exhaustion finally taking hold. There was so much more he wanted to say to her, but now wasn’t the time. Instead he dropped a kiss on her forehead and closed his eyes too.
The End.
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Take On the World With Me by A_Queen_Of_Chaos
Title - Take On the World With Me Author - A_Queen_Of_Chaos Rating - General Prompt(s) - Blush Summary - "I’ve got to move on.“ Words she never thought she’d hear from him. Never him. She’d heard other people say it of course, maybe not in so many words, but everyone moved on from her in the end. Despite this she never thought he would. She thought he’d always be there.  A/N - I loved writing this fix-it to the episode The Undiscovered Country. I’m sorry if it’s awful, I’ve not written anything in quite a while due to college commitments. As always not beta’d. Unfortunately I don’t own anything to do with SVU, if I did Barson would definitely be canon.
“I’ve got to move on”.
Words she never thought she’d hear from him. Never him. She’d heard other people say it of course, maybe not in so many words, but everyone moved on from her in the end. Despite this she never thought he would. She thought he’d always be there, in court, in Forlini’s, at home helping her with Noah. He was her constant. Her touchstone. Her sanity in a world gone mad. She loved him. Olivia Benson was in love with Rafael Barba. And she would spend every waking moment of her life regretting the fact she never told him. Squabbling at 85, that’s what they promised each other wasn’t it. That day in her office after his abuela had passed away. She really believed that is what they’d be doing. Although she really hoped by then one of them would have finally told the other they were in love, and they might even be married by then. Noah might have had his own children by then and they could dote on their grandkids together.
But it wasn’t to be. She had chickened out at every chance she had to be with him. And now he was leaving, off on a new adventure without her. And that thought was killing her. Slowly destroying her from the inside out.
He had come into the squadroom the day before to inform the rest of the squad about his absence. She remembered when he had started at SVU, when it had taken a while for each person on the squad to break through Barba’s sass and unemotional front. The front he put up as protection from all that could hurt him. Then slowly, like an ice cube under the sun, he began to melt and the team began to warm to him and his methods and they all blended together to become one finely tuned instrument. Unfortunately this meant the squad didn’t know how to function without him. Didn’t want to function without him really.
Barba had become a mentor to Carisi. He put a lot of value on the experience he had gained shadowing him in court and the advice he had offered whenever he could. Poor Sonny was rendered speechless for the first time ever when he was told that Barba was leaving. He just thanked him for everything he had done for the squad and for himself. Rollins and him had become firm friends. Running together at weekends when work allowed, and they even managed to include Jessie by pushing her in a pushchair while they jogged their regular route through Central Park. Amanda cried when Rafael made his leaving announcement, immediately getting up to hug him tightly.
Fin however was silent, in his usual way. While the pair never really bonded together outside of work, she knew how appreciative Fin was of Rafael’s influence on her. The light he brought into her life and Noah’s. He had told her that day after Barba left the squadroom that she needs to go after what she wants, that she deserves to be happy and to tell him how she feels or she’d regret it forever. Olivia had fooled herself into thinking that she could just let him walk away. That old phrase repeating through her head, ‘if you love something, you have to let it go’ over and over it ran. Until it stopped.
She was sat at the desk in her office which seemed to have the life sucked away from it since Barba walked away. Well he hadn’t quite walked away just yet, she knew he still had a day or two left in his apartment while he finished packing up and found a buyer. Not that it was hard due to his apartment being in one of the most sought after area’s of New York. She was forcing her eyes to remain on the paperwork in front of her, focusing on getting as much work done before she went home to her little boy who would no doubt be in bed at this late hour.
Olivia’s neck was beginning to go stiff because of her lent over position, and she sat up to try and work the knots out. As she did however her eyes were drawn to one of the few photos she kept on her desk. Her favourite photo. It was one of her, Noah, and Rafael at Thanksgiving. If she remembered correctly Carisi took it when the team came over for Thanksgiving lunch. The three of them looked so happy, a proper little family. All she had ever wanted.
It was at that moment it hit her. What the hell was she doing sat here? The love of her life was sat alone at home and she was at alone at work, when all they both wanted was each other. What did she have to lose by going over there? He was leaving anyway so what if he turned her down? She wouldn’t have to see him everyday,would she? Why was she missing her one chance to be truly happy?
With a newfound determination she jumped off her seat and began to gather her things together in her bag. She all but ran to the door to grab her coat, and with one last look at the photo and all the possibilities it held. She ran.
All the way to his apartment. Thank god it wasn’t far because the streets were currently being pelted with the rain that came with winter in New York. She thanked every deity there was that she didn’t fall flat on her face as she ran across the pavements towards Rafael’s apartment.
When she finally got to his building she was drenched, her hair and clothes sticking to her skin. She decided she’d made it this far on foot so she took the stairs up to Raf’s place. When Olivia reached his floor she began to slow down and walked along the hallway to his door. As she got closer to her destination she began to find second thoughts creeping in. What if she’d read everything wrong and he didn’t really like her that way? No, she shouted at herself. She had to do this, she had to make the jump into the ocean to see if she would sink or swim.
After what felt like forever she made it. Rafael Barba’s front door. Her face was flushed from the cold and rain, combined with the pace she had been running. On the other side was the man she had been through thick and thin with. The man who meant everything to her, who could make all of the pain in her life worth living because it brought her to him. So, with a deep breath, she jumped.
‘Who the hell is that at this hour?’ Rafael thought to himself. He had taken a break from packing his belongings to be put into storage so he could sit and nurse a glass of Scotch. He had sat pondering whether he had made the right decision by walking away. Specifically walking away from her. Olivia Benson, the woman he loved with every cell in his body. The woman he’d never be good enough for, not with the things he had done. She deserved so much better than him.
He dragged his tired bones over to his door to answer it and shout at whoever dared disrupt his self-loathing. Turns out exactly the one person he needed, was the one person who was there. “Liv, what…” Barba couldn’t even finish his question before a pair of soft, perfect lips locked onto his and his eyes slipped closed.
‘Finally’ thought Liv when her lips collided with Raf’s for the first of what she hoped was many times. It was perfect, and ended far sooner than either one of them would’ve liked. “I have waited so long to do that.” Olivia breathed out, her rain covered face barely centimetres from his.
“Me too. Why now?” was the first question that popped into his head once it broke through the haze of finally kissing Olivia Benson.
“Because I love you. And I couldn’t bare to let you leave without telling you. I love you Rafael Barba” As she finally said the words her lips had been dying to form, Liv was sure the blood ran from every appendage in her body straight to her cheeks as her face was dyed a vibrant shade of red.
“I love you too, so much. You are the most strong, intelligent, beautiful woman I have ever met. And no woman could ever compare to you.” The words left his lips in a flurry as they escaped his beaming smile.
Liv just buried her face into his neck. All of the anticipation and worry leaving her in a breath. ‘He love me, he loves me, he loves me’ the words repeated over in her head and became her mantra. “Don’t leave me. Stay here please, stay with me and Noah. I still haven’t told him you’re going, It’d break his heart. He loves you as much as I do.”
“I’m not going anywhere Liv. I’ve almost lost you and Noah too many times, with Lewis and Sheila. I didn’t think you felt the same as I do, I thought if I distanced myself from you it wouldn’t hurt so much that I couldn’t be with you.” Raf explained his reasons for practically running away from her. From them.
Liv raised her head from his shoulder and looked him right in the eyes, “Well there’s nothing stopping us now Rafa. You, me, and our boy, against the world.” She raised her hand to caress his cheek.
“Forever” he swore as he once again brought his lips to hers to seal his promise.
“Now then, I think we have a lot of time to make up for, and I think I could do with some help taking off these soaking wet clothes ” Liv smirked, as she grabbed Rafael’s hand and began to pull him towards where she knew his bedroom was situated. She just hoped he hadn’t taken his bed down yet.
Nothing at that moment mattered but the two of them. Together they stumbled towards an uncertain future, but with the pair of them side by side, they could take on the world.
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
jump into the heat by laurelsalexis
Title: jump into the heat Author: laurelsalexis Rating: M/NC-17 Prompt(s): Leather & Lace Summary:  “Turns out I really like the leather.” Her smile is wider that time, unable to keep it hidden.  A/N: not beta’d since i suck at writing so it’s early enough.
Rafael is entirely certain that using their resident ADA for an undercover operation is a terrible idea. Worse than terrible. Horrendous. Vaguely illegal. He clearly will not be the one to prosecute this and he has no interest in working with one of the idiots in the DA’s office. It all feels wrong and out of character.
He doesn’t like it. He is not a cop and has no interest in actually becoming one. He is not going to be Sonny Carisi in this lifetime or any other, for that matter.
None of this stops him from standing there in her office as Liv tapes the wire to him, clinging the leather jacket a little tighter to his body. He doesn’t think he ever wore a leather jacket. When he was a kid it was hardly a thing to be seen in the Bronx. Not as if he joined a gang. As an adult he knew he wanted to be a lawyer and they do not exactly where leather jackets. Or leather pants for that matter. Pants that are a little too tight. They fit him just fine, really, but he is not used to having anything cling so tightly to him he is quite certain some damage is being done.
Good thing there are no plans to have any natural born children.
He misses his suits. They are his comfort clothing. He fits them well and they feel nice against his body. Not like this. Not like he was going to burst out of them at any second. There’s something to be said in the way he fidgets near endlessly, even as Liv tells him to stop so she can properly wire him so no one detects anything.
“Seriously, you are worse than Noah, Rafa.” She mutters as puts the last piece of tape on him.
It only earns her a scowl as he is looking at her, eyes narrowing. He doesn’t care that Sonny and Amanda are also in the room, watching him. They both seem entirely too amused for their own good and he is about to threaten them with prosecution of something. Anything. He’s a creative man. He’ll manage to come up with something.
Liv moves out of the way and he can catch some of what he looks like in the reflection of the window. He feels more ethnic than ever before, which is entirely stupid. It does bring him a hint of amusement, however, one that he keeps carefully crafted beneath whatever he allows anyone to see.
“Act natural.” Amanda reminds him as she watches him from where she’s standing in the doorway.
He rolls his eyes in response. “You do not want me to act natural, detective.”
Sonny snickers, a glance given to Amanda. “Okay, Counselor. Act like…” a short pause as he thinks, “that gang member we arrested two weeks back.”
He is unamused, it showing in his face as he gives a look towards Sonny.  “The one guilty of raping three teen girls?”
He winces. “You know what I mean.”
“Yes, I do. I’ll figure it out.” He swallows, turning to Liv, the only person he is looking to in such a situation. “If I die you’re being haunted first.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I am making certain you know.” He doesn’t expect to die. In fact, he doesn’t expect anything to go wrong at all. He trusts her in ways that he cannot trust anyone else. She is there for him and will not let him come to harm. It doesn’t make it any less entertaining than to say such things.
She grips the opened leather jacket in her hand, giving it a tug adjusting it so it’s sitting on his shoulders properly. “One word and you’re out.”
“One word.” He agrees with a nod.
Amanda and Sonny exit the room, presumably to go back to their desks, to give them the moment.
“You scared them.” Rafael whispers, wanting to touch her in return, yet, keeping his hands to himself.
“It’s my job.”
“I’m not going to die, Liv.” He is more sincere then, not wishing for her to truly be worried. It would not do any good when it came to the job anyway. “Come on, I’m made of tougher stuff than that. You know that.”
“I know.”
His eyes search her face, allowing the silence to hang between them. “Is this being recorded yet?”
“I love you.” He smiles, just barely, this time allowing his hand to brush against her cheek.
“I love you, too.”
The door is still open and they shouldn’t, but he still does, leaning forward ever so slightly, giving her a kiss. It’s not their first kiss and it will not be their last, just one to give them both a certain reassurance that everything will be okay. It will be, no matter what. They have each other. That’s the important part.
It’s pretty obvious why he was asked as he steps foot in the questionable looking establishment. Even establishment is too kind of a word. The main language used is Spanish. He knew this, of course. Given that he had Liv run him through everything in order to not make a fool of himself.
Of course, this was after he already agreed. Given that Nick had left for California long ago, it seems they are his only option.
Sometimes self preservation is not highest on his list. Usually when it comes to Liv.
It goes with ease. He does think of how many illegal activities he’s seen, as he drinks the scotch. The one he’s allowing himself, otherwise he’d be drinking just to get him through the night. Him highly intoxicated will do them no good. As he waits for something of interest to happen he begins to think of all the charges he could give to those in the room, if given the opportunity.
The man in the corner would definitely be charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, as would half of the people in there. The cocaine is easy to see on the table and he has a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that someone would find join in killing their brain cells for a high that will not even last throughout the night.
By the front door the woman would definitely be charged for criminal sale of a controlled substance to a child. He has this urge to stop it, but knows he cannot. Knows that he needs to be more focused on what they came for. The rape and murder of a girl far younger than the sixteen year old looking for some drugs.
He makes some small talk with some of those coming in and out. Has a brief moment when he thinks someone recognizes him. If they do they say nothing. It’s not until the suspect on the radar does he stiffen, just slightly. He’s mouthing off in Spanish to the man behind the bar. Talking about some other girl. Not the girl they are seeking justice for. It makes him wonder how many girls he’s violated in such a way.
Before this they did their best to try and find someone, but now, now as he sits there he wonders if they couldn’t find more victims because he made it so they could not be found.
He drinks back the rest of his drink and hears Liv in his ear telling him to be calm. He has to bite down on the inside of his lip in order to not scoff. He needs to not draw attention to himself.
Until his friend walks in and it all goes downhill near immediately. The friend of the suspect is definitely someone he’s put in prison. It takes a few seconds for it all to go downhill. He mutters out the word he and Liv agreed upon and he’s never been so thankful to hear the yelling of cops in his entire life.
By the time they are back in her apartment Rafael can feel the swelling of the bruise on his cheek, even as she gives him ice. Noah thought the wound was amazing and showed how strong Uncle Rafa was. If nothing else that made him laugh and gave him a slightly better perspective on the entire situation. It hurts and brings up memories from his childhood he would rather not think of even with Noah’s little comment.
“I’ll interrogate him in the morning. We have something to go on, now”
“Mm,” Rafael nods, holding the ice to his cheek, a soft wince. “Can’t even prosecute this and my face is ruined.”
Liv rolls her eyes but smiles. “I don’t know I kind of like this look on you.”
“The leather or my battered face?”
“Want me to kiss it better?” She whispers, barely able to contain the amusement in her voice.
“You can kiss me better.” Even though he is smirking he is no less serious about what it is he wants.
Her .
It’s usually her, sometimes a scotch, but mostly her. No desire to drink finds him. Rather he allows for the ice pack to be set down on the table, turning to Liv. They are both older than when they met some odd years ago. No less beautiful, however. He wants her in every which way. Has a habit of spending way too much time with her locked in his apartment.
“Bedroom.” She murmurs before he has the chance to kiss her.
Liv stands first, taking his hand within her own, and moving to the bedroom. Last time they were out there Noah almost caught them and made better use of private spaces children didn’t frequent often. Then at least the door has a lock, which he uses the moment they are both inside.
“Sit. Wait. Don’t change.”
He doesn’t question it but rather sits there, trying not to think about what he is going to look like when he’s in court the next morning. Not good, maybe that will earn him some sympathy with the jury. Not that he needs it. Convictions are a lot easier than the cop work he was put through. But when the bathroom door opens he isn’t think of court, rather he isn’t thinking at all. He’s doing his best to not look like he’s a teenage boy seeing a woman for the first time.
“What is this?” His eyes roam every inch of her. She’s beautiful. So beautiful the reaction to seeing her is instant. Cursed leather pants. The whole ensemble on her is lace, of the red variety, causing him to sink his teeth into the flesh of his lower lip, keeping some semblance of him not getting entirely lost in her.
“Your thank you present.”
“You are clearly the present.” He murmurs, the soft hint of desire clear in the back of his throat.. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I know.” She steps forward so she’s standing before him, fingers gently running against the swelling of his cheek. “I wanted to.”
“And the part where I can’t take off my clothes?”
“Turns out I really like the leather.” Her smile is wider that time, unable to keep it hidden.
“As I recall you like something else, too.”
“Yeah.” She whispers, straddling him, pushing herself down against the part of him that she really does like oh, so much.
His hands move to her waist, feeling the lace beneath his touch, feeling an even greater strain in the confines of the leather pants. She doesn’t help, not with the way she moves against him, teases him, makes him want to rip the damn pants off of him without a care in the world. Suddenly the bruises on his cheek, the swelling at makes smiling even worse, is of no concern to him. Not when she’s there, touching him, melting against him.
A moan rises from the back of his throat, muffled from the sound of her lips, only for her to push him down against the bed in return. He only brings her closer to him, hand on the side of her back as they kiss, smiling against her lips.
A happiness radiates from him as he enjoys this, enjoys her, has a feeling that this is right. A feeling he has every time the two of them find themselves in bed together. Her palm against him in the confines of the leather, hard, desperate, all too willing to give her what she wants. Whatever she wants. He doesn’t care. Anything.
“You’re driving me crazy.” He whispers, burying his face in her neck. She shifted all of the power and control to herself, something he didn’t mind in the least, happy to oblige with what she wanted. He was the one being teased, the one being driven crazy, the one desperate for anything she was willing to give him.
He takes notice of her whenever they are together, always doing his best to not allow his eyes to linger for too long. Not when they are supposed to be working. But now, now here, there’s a free reign, to look and to touch, to appreciate, to get lost in everything that’s Olivia Benson. Nothing about her and her body he doesn’t enjoy.
“Liv.” He murmurs, a plea almost.
“Yes, Rafael?”
“Touch me.” Now definitely a plea. “Before I explode in these pants you enjoy so much and neither of us has much fun.”
She listens, pulling him free from the pants, stroking him with a firm grip, yet somehow still not enough grip.
He doesn’t leave her untouched. Could never. Not when he desires to feel how wet she is, how much she wants her, to not leave him having all of the fun.
Not that either of them wait, not when she pins his arms above his head, when she’s sinkin down on him as he’s still fully clothed and she’s wearing just enough. His eyes settle on the less as the the sound of skin meeting leather fills the room. He’s enjoying himself, enjoying the way she’s taking what she wants from him, what she needs, for herself.
He likes that, wants her to feel good, make them both feel good. Not at all minding giving up the small bits of control he holds onto so tightly everywhere else. It’s a good feeling, her, enclosed so tightly around him, feeling him, the way her mouth drops open, the way the moan falls from her lips. She’s a sight.
Their fingers interlace as he takes what is giving to him, a soft beg for more, to give him more.
“Please, Olivia.” He’s breathless.
She kisses him quiet, rougher than before, still with an edge of softness to it.
A constant.
The adrenaline of the night and the emotional pull shared between the two of them only pushes them further, together, the orgasm finding Liv before Rafael spills himself in side of her. His hands become his own again he pulls her close, finding themselves on their sides, easily tangling together.
“I guess that was worth it.” Rafael murmurs before kissing her, tangling fingers in her hair.
“I’ll remember that for next time.”
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kathillards · 7 years
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         Ranger Romance Ficathon 2018
Want a Valentine’s Day gift for your fave ship from the Power Rangers movie? Dying for more content while you wait for a sequel announcement? Maybe want to try out a rarepair ship or introduce yourself to the show ships? This is the fic exchange for you!
Sign-ups are now open for the first ever ranger romance ficathon! Stories will be revealed on Valentine’s Day 2018.
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
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Valentine’s Day FIC-A-THON Date: February 14, 2018 Time: 12:00 a.m CST - 11:59 p.m. CST
THEME: Naughty & Nice
Rules: 1. You must send me an ask (not submit or message) stating whether or not you wish to have a nice (non-kinky), naughty (kinky), or a naughty & nice prompt. A nice prompt will be a general prompt to be interpreted anyway in which the author deems appropriate, but it will still be centered around the theme. A naughty prompt will delve into something a little more kinky for those of us that love to add a little smut to our fanfics. A naughty & nice prompt will give you two prompts to incorporate into one fanfic. 2. The fanfiction must either be a one-shot or a complete multi-chaptered posted in its entirety on February 14, 2018. This means no work in progress pieces can/should be submitted. 3. Fanfiction must be more than 750 words but less than 100,000 words. 4. You may NOT post the fanfiction until the official Valentine’s Day Fic-A-Thon post has been put up at here at thebarsondaily. 5. We ask that you do not post at any other fanfiction hosting site until it's posted here. 6. All fanfiction are to be submitted in story format. 7. Fanfictions can be of any rating that you wish (K+, T, NC-17). We just ask that you label it correctly. 8. Copy and paste the form at the bottom into an ask to acquire your prompt. 9. Please use the phrase “Can I buy you a drink?” somewhere in your ask so that I know you read and understand the rules. 10. Your prompt will be delivered to you as soon as possible. And if for whatever reason you need me to resend it, please do ask. I’m keeping a list of who signed up and what prompt(s) they were given for a masterlist purpose later on down the road. 11. Your fanfictions must be submitted no later than 10 p.m. cst on February 13, 2018. You may submit them at any time between now and this deadline. 12. You may sign-up anytime before the submission deadline. 13. The fanfiction you submit to this ficathon must be about Barson.
Please Note: They will be queued up in the order in which they arrive in the inbox. There will be a more detailed post in coming weeks on the proper format of sending in your fanfiction.
COPY & PASTE (into an ask):
prompt type:  (choose nice, naughty, or naughty & nice)
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kathillards · 7 years
@always-a-slut-for-glitter replied to your photoset “         Ranger Romance Ficathon 2018 Want a Valentine’s Day gift for...”
I tried to sign up but it said the couples I selected weren't canon and therefore i was unable to sign up
that just means they don’t have a tag in the archive because nobody’s written them before, which is often the case for tiny ships or tiny fandoms. you can just select their characters and specify you want them as a ship in the optional details, like some other sign-ups have already done.
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kathillards · 7 years
@petty-dabbler-of-the-dark-arts replied to your photoset “         Ranger Romance Ficathon 2018 Want a Valentine’s Day gift for...”
Hey. I missed sign ups. If you need any fill-in writers, let me know!
hey thank you! we probably will need them closer to the deadline! appreciate it, and will def keep you in mind <3
0 notes
thebarsondaily · 7 years
Body Shots & Bubbles by motherbearof03
Title: Body Shots & Bubbles Author:motherbearof03 Rating:E Prompt(s): food play (naughty) and bubble bath (nice) Summary: Rafael forgets about Valentine’s Day, but Olivia has it covered. A/N: Not gonna lie, I struggled a little with this and went down to the wire to get it finished. I still think it’s cute. Hope you enjoy.
“Look at the valentines I got to hand out in school!” Noah held up a brightly colored box with pictures of elephants on them; their ears shaped like hearts.
“Valentines?” Rafael looked at the boy who had rushed up to him as he walked through the apartment door.
“Yeah, they have jokes on them. Silly ones like you tell, Papi Rafa.”
Olivia walked out of the kitchen to kiss him. “You didn’t forget that Valentine’s Day is coming up, did you?”
He glanced at the calendar hanging on the refrigerator. Valentine’s Day was two weeks away. He muttered something under his breath.
“Rafa!” she scolded, sliding her eyes in Noah’s direction. “I said it in Spanish,” he defended himself. She leaned against him and whispered in his ear.
“Yes, but I know Spanish, carino.”
The past few weeks had been exceptionally busy in the DA’s office. They were short staffed and he had been filling in on other cases as well as his own for the SVU unit. It had been another long day in a string of long days and he’d missed dinner again. He hated that. He also hated that he’d forgotten Valentine’s Day was nearing. This would be his and Olivia’s first Valentine’s Day as a couple and he’d wanted to do something special.
He shed his jacket and tie, toed off his shoes and sat down on the couch where Noah had his Valentine cards spread out on the coffee table. Picking up one of the cards, he read the joke on it. “They are silly like mine, mijo,” he told the boy. “Do you have to make a Valentine box?” Rafael remembered covering shoe boxes in colored paper to make box for his classmates to put Valentines into when he was a child.
Olivia watched the pair from the kitchen, thinking how fortunate she was the ADA with the big brass ego had come into her life six years before. Unlike him, she already had their Valentine’s Day planned. The day itself was mid-week and so most people would be celebrating the weekend before or after. Therefore, she was able to get a good price on a hotel room on the actual day and was planning on surprising Rafael with a night away; among other things. He, on the other hand, was mentally scrambling to come up with something.
The next day at work he said to his assistant Carmen, “Why didn’t you remind me Valentine’s Day was in two weeks?”
“Mr. Barba,” she replied with a smile, “I have been reminding you. Check your planners.”
The ever efficient Carmen had put reminders on both his electronic and paper calendars for the last month. Barba had the grace to feel embarrassed when he saw the notations he had missed.
“Sorry, Carmen. I should have known better. You deserve a raise.”
She turned back to the drawer into which she was putting files, smiling again. That statement was his go-to compliment. She was more than generously compensated for managing the office of the driven, often times demanding, but always kind district attorney. Carmen wondered when he would ask her to order flowers for Lieutenant Benson. She had been pleased when they finally came to their senses and acknowledged the feelings they had for each other.
“Carmen – “
“Roses? Or something different, Mr. Barba? And delivered to her office or home?”
He burst out laughing and walked back to the doorway that separated his office from area where her desk was located. Leaning against the frame he said, “Am I that predictable? Actually I was going to ask you if you knew what kind of flowers Olivia likes.”
“Now how would I know that, sir?” The use of the formal title was more of a joke between them after all these years. He shrugged.
“You’re a woman?” he offered lamely and it was her turn to laugh.
“I’ll see what I can do, Mr. Barba. Don’t you have court soon?”
He looked at his watch. “Shit! What would I do without you, Carmen?” Grabbing the files she held out, he dashed out of the offices.
Several hours later when Rafael returned to his office, there was a note on his desk in Carmen’s tidy handwriting that said, “No roses. But no one knew what are her favorite.”
A week went by and he still had no idea what kind of flowers to send Olivia nor what to get her. Finally he sought floral advice from his mother, who recommended a bouquet of mixed tulips and sent him a link to a website that explained the meanings behind the colors. He ordered a large bouquet of red (love), cream (I will love you forever), yellow (friendship and happiness) and pink (more happiness) blooms.
Rafael returned to the jewelry store where he bought her engagement ring, but nothing there screamed “Buy me for Olivia!” to him and he left empty handed. A few doors down, however, there was a new store that had just opened, specializing in bath products. He almost walked by but then decided to go in, remembering how Olivia enjoyed a long, hot bath. Not that she got the opportunity often, with work and Noah. But there had been a few times since they’d been together that she had banished the two of them and locked herself in Noah’s bathroom, the only one with a tub, and disappeared for more than an hour; emerging with pink skin that smelled of exotic scents and looking relaxed. The young blonde salesgirl flirted with him shamelessly even after he told her he was engaged. He left the store with a basket of bath bombs, oils and bubble baths complimentarily wrapped in cellophane printed with hearts, topped with a large red bow. Returning to his office, he showed it to Carmen, who approved heartily and hid it in a closet.
On Valentine’s Day he got up before Noah and Liv and brought her coffee in bed. She thanked him with a kiss.
“Thanks, counselor.”
“You’re welcome, Lieutenant. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Rafael sat beside her on the bed and ran a finger down her arm from the strap of her tank top to her wrist, raising goosebumps on her skin. She leaned into him and kissed the crook of his neck. “Mmmm. Too bad it’s a work day. We could take Noah to school and come back here and be alone……” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“Yes, well, if it wasn’t a work day, it probably wouldn’t be a school day,” she chuckled.
“True,” he agreed.
They saw Noah off to school with his Valentines and he kissed her goodbye outside her precinct before going on to his own office, knowing her flowers would be delivered shortly. He had no court appearances scheduled that day; just paperwork and a couple appointments. Rafael was into his third cup of coffee when his phone rang, showing Olivia’s smiling face.
“Hey,” he answered the phone.
“The flowers are beautiful!” He could hear the smile in her voice. “Thank you, Rafa.”
“Just like you, mi amor,” he replied. “You’re welcome.”
“Work is light here today. Can you skip out sooner and we can have an early dinner with Noah and then go somewhere for a Valentine’s dessert?” She proposed. “I already talked to Lucy and she can come over. She and her boyfriend aren’t celebrating until the weekend.”
“Sounds like a great idea. There’s not much going on here today either.”
The three of them had an enjoyable dinner of homemade pizza that Noah insisted be shaped into a heart – albeit a lopsided one and he showed them all the Valentine cards he’d received at school. When Lucy arrived, they kissed him good night and left the apartment, Rafael carrying the basket of bath products in a shopping bag to give Olivia when they arrived wherever she’d made reservations for dessert. She hadn’t told him, so he was surprised when the Uber pulled up in front of one the more pricey hotels in Manhattan. As he helped her from the car, he quirked an eyebrow at her. “What’s this?”
“We’re having dessert,” she assured him, with a seductive smile. “Just….alone. Lucy is staying the night with Noah.” She held up a keycard.
“Minx,” he said, putting an arm around her waist and pulling her close for a kiss.
Up in a room that overlooked Central Park they shed their coats and exchanged a more passionate kiss which was interrupted by a knock at the door. “That would be dessert,” Olivia said.
Opening the door, she admitted a room service waiter pushing a white linen covered cart. Rafael offered the man a tip and he disappeared, closing the door behind him. A variety of silver covered dishes sat on the cart. The green eyed lawyer was very curious as to what his lovely fiancee had planned.
“I’m going to get changed,” she said, picking up a small overnight bag he hadn’t noticed was already in the room. She certainly was prepared! When she disappeared into the bathroom, he investigated the covered dishes. Bowls each of strawberries and raspberries. Creme fraiche. Chocolate sauce. Two slices of plain cheesecake. And interestingly, a shot glass, but no liquor.
He had dipped a finger into the creme fraiche and paused with it halfway to his mouth when the bathroom door opened. Olivia’s choice of sleepwear was typically a tank top and a pair of boxers style shorts that provided enough coverage if she needed to tend to Noah in the middle of the night. It was rare that even after lovemaking she ended up naked under the covers next to him. What she was wearing now he had seen only one other time. Early in their relationship they spent a night in another hotel as a reward after some long work weeks and he was pleasantly surprised to see her wearing the same satiny negligee. It was black and short, ending mid thigh with thin straps and trimmed with a bit of lace. Nothing too frilly. Just sexy enough and very Liv, as far as he was concerned.
She paused in the doorway, then walked to him, took his hand in hers and put her lips around his finger, sucking off the sweetened whipped topping. Already partially aroused by the sight of her in the negligee, the sensation of her warm mouth on his digit created a mental image of her mouth wrapped around his cock and he pulled her close so she could feel his increasing hardness. Pressing her hips against his, she asked,
“Do you approve of dessert?”
“I do, mi amor, I do. But what’s with the shot glass?” Rafael kissed her, slipping his tongue briefly between her lips, tasting the sweetness that remained.
Olivia pulled herself from his embrace and went to another bag, removing a bottle of his preferred brand of scotch.
“Have you ever done body shots, Barba?” She challenged, brown eyes twinkling.
“Show me what you have in mind,” he countered.
“First, you are overdressed.” Putting the bottle down on the cart, she reached for his jacket and helped him remove it. She loosened and pulled his tie from under his collar while he slid the suspenders from his shoulders and unbuttoned his trousers. She stopped his hands. “Let me.”
She slowly unzipped his pants, taking the opportunity to press her palm against his erection. Then she knelt to help him off with his shoes and socks so he could step out of the pants. He had a clear view of her full breasts as she did and quickly shrugged out of his shirt. Standing, she tugged on the hem of his undershirt and he raised his arms to assist her in its removal. Left in his boxer briefs, his cock straining against the fabric, she pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed then ordered him to lie down.
He did and she placed the shot glass on his sternum, nestled in his chest hair. Opening the bottle, she poured some into the glass. Rafael tried to keep his breathing calm and slow so as not to spill it. Replacing the bottle on the cart, she straddled his lap and placed a hand on either side of him, placing kisses on his abs, working her way to the drink. His cock twitched against her when he realized she wore no panties and could feel her heat against him.
Finally wrapping her lips around the glass, she quickly lifted her head to dump the contents into her mouth and swallowed. Removing the glass from her mouth, she bent her head and kissed him hotly, letting him taste the liquor on her tongue. He groaned as he ran his hands through her hair and pushed his tongue into her mouth. Then he deftly flipped them over so he was looming above her.
“My turn.” She went to give him the shot glass still in her hand, but he shook her head. “Huh uh, Benson. I’ll teach you how to do a body shot.” A shiver ran through her at his use of her last name and seeing the glint in his green eyes.
Rafael removed his weight from her long enough to retrieve the bottle, then he was back, kneeling between her legs. Opening the bottle, he said, “Tip your head back.”
Obediently she did as she was told, closing her eyes, not knowing what to expect. She drew a sharp breath when she felt the liquid start to pool in the hollow of her throat.
“Be still, carina, you don’t want to waste any,” he warned.
She heard him recap the bottle and felt his hands on her hips, smoothing the satiny fabric up her hips to her breasts, before cupping them briefly, running his thumbs briefly over her nipples which were already hard beneath the fabric. Then she felt his tongue between them, blazing a path to her neck and lapping and sucking the liquid from the hollow of her throat. Olivia gasped at the sensation. Once he swallowed, he claimed her mouth and returned the favor of letting her taste the shot from his mouth. Before she could wrap her arms around his shoulders and continue the kiss, he pulled back and sat on his heels, grinning at her.
“And that, Lieutenant, is how you do a proper body shot. Although this was the first time I’ve done it with scotch. Usually it’s tequila and the salt is on you as well, and you have the lime in your mouth.”
“Tequila? No, no,” she laughed. “Tequila and I aren’t friends. I’ll stick to scotch, thanks.”
“How about a strawberry?” he asked, reaching over and pulling the cart closer to the bed.
He picked up a strawberry and dipped it into the creme fraiche. Then pulling Olivia into a sitting position he held it to her lips. She bit into it, then grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to her, offering him the other side of the fruit. His lips closed over the berry and her mouth, taking his portion. Juice dripped from their lips to between her breasts and as soon as he had chewed and swallowed, Rafael lowered his head and licked the red trail. She ran her fingers through his hair as his lips made their way from her chest up the side of her neck to her pulse point where he sucked hard enough to leave a mark. She gasped and pulled his head over so she could kiss him, biting on his lower lip. He thrust his hips against her center which was wet with wanting, but she had other ideas in mind.
“Not yet, Rafa.” She kissed him again. “There’s more dessert to be had.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Chocolate or cheesecake?”
“Always chocolate, darling.” Olivia pushed at his shoulders. “Lay down.”
He rolled off of her to lay on his back on the bed, putting his arms behind his head and watching with amusement as she got off the bed and picked up the small bowl filled with chocolate sauce and a spoon.
“Boxers off, counselor,” she ordered in her best cop voice, even though she was smiling.
He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and lifted his hips off the bed, slowly pulling them down. She watched as his cock sprang free from containment, standing hard and proud and unconsciously licked her lips. He grinned at her reaction and finished removing the pants, tossing them aside. Returning his hands to behind his head, he said, “All yours, mi amor.”
Kneeling beside him, she took a spoonful of chocolate sauce and drizzled it down his chest and stomach, as if she was putting it on an ice cream sundae. It was room temperature, but colder than his skin, so he drew a breath when the liquid first hit it. A second spoonful was used to decorate his penis, which twitched and pulsed as it was coated in chocolate. When Olivia was finished with her artwork, she replaced the bowl and spoon and crawled up onto the bed beside him. She pressed a kiss to his mouth and then began lick the chocolate from his skin, beginning with his chest. With every touch of her tongue to his skin, Rafael began to anticipate her mouth getting to his cock.
By the time she did, he groaned out loud when her tongue ran it’s length, lapping off the sticky sweetness. “Mmmm,” she said, licking her lips.
“Carina,” he hissed. “You are a tease.”
She looked up at him from her position, where she had moved to between his legs and licked his length again from base to tip before engulfing him in her mouth completely, working her tongue around him to remove the chocolate. The sensation was quickly driving him to the edge, but he didn’t want to come in her mouth. When she pulled her mouth off to swallow and take a breath, Rafael sat up and reached for the hem of her nightie, quickly pulling it up and off over her head. Then he rolled them so she was on her back and pinned her arms over her head with one hand, reaching down between his legs to position his tip at her entrance with his other. She whimpered and lifted her hips in request, trying to draw him in. She was dripping with need and aching to have him inside her.
“Desert is over,” he growled, capturing her lips and tasting chocolate. He thrust his tongue and cock into her simultaneously, both of them moaning with pleasure at the sensation.
Both of them were overstimulated and a few thrusts of his hips was enough to push them over the edge of orgasm. Olivia went first and the feel of her walls clenching around him had him groaning her name and joining her. For a moment or two they lay there, breathing hard, sharing lazy kisses. When Rafael moved to withdraw from her, there was resistance from the chocolate that remained on his chest and had created a sugary bond between them. She giggled. He frowned. What had started out as sexy and fun was now sticky and messy.
“I think we need to clean up, Rafa,” she said. “The tub in the bathroom is big enough for two.”
“Well, that’s convenient,” he replied, standing, having successfully succeeded in separating from her and moved to remove the basket of bath products from the shopping bag and putting it on the bed beside her. She sat up and untied the ribbon, allowing the cellophane to fall away.
“This is from that new store!” Olivia said, and removed a bottle of bubble bath from the basket. She took his hand and led him into the bathroom where Rafael had to admit she was right: the tub was big enough for two. Three, even. Not that he was ever interested in sharing her.
Once the tub was filling and beginning to foam with bubbles, he took her hand and helped her step in, following to sit opposite her in the hot scented water. Taking a washcloth, he gently cleaned the remaining chocolate and some strawberry juice he’d missed from her breasts and belly. Handing her the washcloth, she returned the favor. Then turning and putting her back to his chest, she drew his arms around her middle and sighed happily.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Rafa.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Liv.” He kissed her neck, encountering a sticky patch of chocolate that he’d missed. “Next time, let’s skip dessert and go straight to the tub.”
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thebarsondaily · 7 years
Ordinary Days by roseinutopia
Title: Ordinary Days Author: roseinutopia (CUtopia) Rating: T  Prompt(s): masturbate (naughty) & chocolate (nice) Summary: Valentine’s Day is approaching, and Olivia wonders if Rafael cares about the holiday at all - Barson featuring some Olivia/Amanda friendship fluff. A/N: Well, I was planning to do something smutty, but somehow this idea took over, and I’m warning you beforehand, it has no direction whatsoever XD I hope you guys still like it
“Okay, you two, now it’s really time for bed, though! Put the legos down or we’ll arrest you!” Amanda exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips as she looked down at Jesse and Noah, the two pyjama-clad children immediately pouting and begging for five more minutes like champions.
“Our castle is almost done!”
“Mummy, please!”
Olivia chuckled in the kitchen, drying the dishes from dinner, and said: “You two have the whole weekend to build your lego world. If you don’t go to bed now you’ll be too tired to play tomorrow. But if you go now I might make pancakes for breakfast.”
She winked at the two, knowing fully well that her argument would work, and Noah and Jesse glanced at each other quickly before Noah piped up: “But we get two goodnight stories now!”
The two women exchanged annoyed and knowing glances and Amanda sighed while nodding with a shrug; they both knew from experience that this could take another hour if she argued back. Cutting a deal was the best and quickest option now. “Fine. But you two get into bed now. Otherwise there won’t be a story.”
Jesse and Noah abandoned their toys with notable reluctance, their stances entirely lacking enthusiasm when they walked to Noah’s room, saying goodnight to Olivia. Amanda followed them a moment later, but only after having grumbled something like “That boy spends way too much time with Barba" towards Olivia under her breath.
While Amanda read the two goodnight stories to the kids, Olivia finished the dishes and then poured Amanda and her some wine, settling on the couch. These sleepover evenings, even though they were hard to organise sometimes, were something she cherished. One of them would have a whole weekend to herself, saving the money for the babysitter, Jesse and Noah were more than happy to have loads of time to play together, and if they were lucky like tonight, the one who would be child-free wasn’t called away for work so they could have some women’s talk.
Overall, Olivia found it quite remarkable how much Amanda’s and her relationship had changed; she still remembered vividly how they hadn’t gotten along that well when Amanda had just transferred to New York. But these times were long forgotten by now – similar experiences and mainly them both becoming single mothers had made them bond, forming a strong friendship outside work. It was one of the things in her life that she really didn’t want to miss by now.
It didn’t take as long as expected until she heard the door of Noah’s room being closed gingerly, and she glanced up when her friend entered the living room.
“They fell asleep halfway into the first story,“ Amanda said with a triumphant smirk, sinking onto the couch and grabbing her wine glass in a swift movement. “I can’t wait to get into bed and sleep with the knowledge that no one is going to wake me at six am.”
“I can imagine.” Olivia chuckled knowingly and they clinked their glasses together before taking a sip, leaning back. “So, it’s Valentine’s Day next week. You got anything planned?” Amanda asked, humour swinging in her voice, a wink crinkling the corner of her eye. With them being single mothers, their Valentine’s Days usually consisted of coming home, cooking, doing their everyday stuff and falling into bed. Even before adopting Noah, Olivia hadn’t thought that day to be particularly important, though she usually did something small if she happened to have a boyfriend. “Sure. I’ll be spending the evening with my Prince Charming and after a romantic candlelight dinner we’ll go to bed and make love passionately all night long.” Sarcasm was dripping from her every word, causing Amanda to snort and retord bluntly: “Yeah, just what I’ve been planning. Only that for me that means that I’ll be imagining it all and use the last bit to mastuarbate to.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Olivia said with a wide smirk, taking a large gulp of wine, glad that her sarcasm could mask that her words weren’t as exaggerated as Amanda might think; in fact, she was hiding from her that she did have someone else than her son to spend Valentine’s Day with. At least if that someone was into giving that particular day enough importance to consider a special evening for the two of them, especially since they had only started dating tentatively rather recently.
“Nah, I guess it won’t be that sad. I have Jesse, and I bet Carisi will come over to make sure the kid gets its weekly dose of pasta.”
Another sip of wine and Olivia could slowly feel the alcohol taking effect; raising her eyebrow, she looked at Amanda smugly over the rim of her wine glass. “Looks like someone’s not going to need to masturbate. You probably know what everyone at the precinct is thinking about the two of you.”
Amanda rolled her eyes, barely suppressing a glare. “Seriously, Liv? We’re not sleeping with each other. It’s like with you and Barba – everyone thinks you’re doing it, but you’re not.”
Olivia almost choked on her wine, feeling caught, and wondered in slight panic if Rafael and her had accidentally slipped while at work, or if someone from the squad had seen them on one of their dates.
And her worry only grew as Amanda suddenly started smirking upon nothing her friend’s reaction. “Oh, come on, Liv. We’re Detectives, did you two really think we wouldn’t notice? We just didn’t comment on it because we wanted to give you guys some time to get used to the situation.”
Still unable to believe it, Olivia downed the rest of her wine and proceeded to refill the glass immediately with an unreasonable amount of the red liquid. After another big gulp, she shook her head and grumbled: “I can’t believe it. It’s impossible to have secrets from you nosy little…”
“You gotta realise that we two have that kind of friendship now where I ask you to come to the loo with me to keep me company, if you want it or not, sweetie,” Amanda said with a satisfied smirk, obviously more than amused by Olivia’s grumpiness. “No secrets, we tell each other everything, so don’t try to wriggle out of this. So, now that we got that settled, give me the details. How is it, how is he? I mean, we all know that you two have the chemistry, but how is it to date Barba?”
“Are you seriously thinking I’ll give you details about us, Manda?”
Amanda shrugged, watching smugly how Olivia shifted a little on the couch and drank another bit of wine. “Well, there are things you want to share with people. I mean, everyone has the desire to talk about stuff at some point, and if you want to discuss something… well, I’m here. I’ll listen.”
“And tell Carisi and Fin everything I said. No thank you,” Olivia replied dryly, shaking her head, though she couldn’t hold back a smirk – these nosy chaotics were her nosy chaotics. Her family, the people she could always rely on, even though they sometimes annoyed her a bit, like right now. “I’ll have to get you sufficiently drunk before I can tell you anything because you’ll have forgotten it by tomorrow morning. Wine?”
A little frown came over Amanda’s face, but she still held her glass towards Olivia, her desire to hear everything about Olivia’s love life stronger than the desire to share the new information with everyone who would listen. “Give me all the juicy, dirty details, Lieu.”
“Amanda, have you realised that your comparison of Carisi and you to Rafael and me didn’t work out at all?”
The next evening, Olivia and Rafael were in the kitchen, cooking dinner while Jesse and Noah were watching The Little Mermaid, cuddled together under a quilt on the couch and singing along to the songs with a confidence about the lyrics that made Olivia wonder just how many times the kids had seen the movie by now. Her gaze met Rafael’s when the kids got louder with ‘Under the sea’, and the smirk on his face told her that he’d just asked himself the same question. Stepping closer to her, he wrapped one arm around her waist and pecked a kiss on her cheek before murmuring in amusement: “We gotta make sure this mermaid obsession doesn’t get worse.”
She laughed under her breath, leaning into his touch. “I think it’s too late already.”
They shared a short but sweet kiss and Rafael covered her hand with his, guiding her knife with a teasing expression. “You really should be more attentive when cutting vegetables for me. It’s my reputation that’s endangered when I use such badly chopped ingredients. My mother would scratch me from her will.”
“You’re such an a-… walnut, Rafael Felipe Barba,” Olivia hissed back, catching herself before accidentally using a bad word. The kids were more than focused on their movie and on singing, but she didn’t want to risk them hearing her. Rafael grinned, making her chuckle, and they kissed once again. “I promise to improve, chef Barba so your name won’t be tarnished because of me.”
She loved these moments in which they completely forgot about work, and they were just Olivia and Rafael, two people who were slowly moving their close friendship to something more. By now she knew that she loved him, and wasn’t afraid to say it out loud, just like him, and she felt like she would never get tired of hearing or saying these three magical words that had changed their relationship, but not as much as they would have thought.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Rafael mumbled with a smirk, taking the moment to press his face against her temple for a moment, inhaling her scent. “When does Rollins pick Jesse up tomorrow? I guess I have to be gone before then.”
Biting her bottom lip, Olivia put the knife down and turned to him; she hadn’t had the time yet to tell him that hiding wasn’t necessary anymore, and while she would have preferred to have a quiet moment to inform him about that, she knew that she didn’t have a choice now. He would survive. He’d of course noticed her expression, raising an eyebrow, and Olivia took a deep breath before confessing: “Rafa… the squad knows about us.”
His green eyes widened in shock and his jaw dropped; he looked so hilarious in this moment that Olivia couldn’t prevent a laugh from bubbling out of her – she didn’t think that this was a serious issue.
“What? How? Since when?”
“Rafi, they’re Detectives. Amanda said they knew from the start. Maybe even before we decided to give it a shot.”
For a moment, he looked seriously grumpy, almost pouty, making it hard for her to not start laughing again. She just found his reaction incredibly adorable, and she imagined a young Rafael reacting like this the first time he was beaten in the courtroom. “Seriously?”
“Yup. Though considering they’ve known all along, it’s quite astonishing that they managed to keep themselves from commenting,” Olivia said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Stop pouting, Rafa. We would have told them sometime, anyway.”
“Yeah, just… would have been nice to do it in our pace.”
“Rafi, that’s life. It never goes according to plan. Now, I’m not an expert, but I think your sauce is close to burning.”
With a yelp, Rafael stepped over to the stove and hurried to stir in the pot there, turning the heat down. “I’m still not happy. It’s our private life.”
Sighing, she ran a hand up his back soothingly before turning back to the vegetables she was supposed to be chopping. “See the positive side: we don’t have to be extra cautious anymore. It’ll be so much more relaxing.”
He reluctantly grumbled something about still not being okay with this, but when Noah yelled from the living room that his favourite song of the movie was about to start, Rafael’s grumpiness seemed to vanish immediately – a moment later he was singing along together with the kids, a carefree expression on his face. Olivia was quite sure that he would get over the fact that their relationship hadn’t been a secret at all. Maybe he would glare at Carisi and maybe Rollins, too, for some time, but eventually he would come to terms with it.
Though there was one question that was still on her mind from time to time, in the moments when she had a few minutes to spare for breathing through because Rafael had taken over chasing after the kids.
What did he think about Valentine’s Day? And what did she herself think about it? Did she want Valentine’s Day to be something special for them, or couldn’t she care less if they did something or not?
“Liv, we need you to sing the last bit!”
Rafael’s voice ripped her from her thoughts and she laughed, shaking her head in protest while the questions faded from her mind.
Hours later, when they’d put Jesse and Noah to bed – or rather, carried them from the couch, where they’d fallen asleep during The Emperor’s New Groove, to Noah’s room – Olivia had time to think about it again, though. Rafael was making them drinks, and while she watched him, she told herself that Valentine’s Day seriously didn’t matter. Every single day or evening spent with him together was special on its own already, and she didn’t think that it could get any better on a hyped, commercialised holiday.
“Mi amor, your wine,” Rafael said gently, handing her the full glass before sitting down next to her on the couch, their thighs touching, and she leaned into his side, her whole body relaxing from his warmth. She’d rarely ever felt this content in her life.
“Thank you, Rafa. Just what I needed.”
She took a sip before placing the glass on the coffee table, deciding to bluntly ask him about Valentine’s Day so she wouldn’t be annoyed by her own thoughts anymore. There were more important things to pay attention to.
“What is your opinion about Valentine’s Day?”
“Why?” he asked back carefully, raising an eyebrow, and she shrugged.
“I just wanted to know what you think about it, if you want to do something special that evening.”
He shook his head after looking at her for a long moment, as if he was trying to find out if he was potentially stepping on thin ice.
“It’s a day like any other to me, and also a weekday this year, so I can hardly take Noah and you out when he has to be in school the next morning and we two have to be at work. Also it’s mainly used to make profit,” he ultimately replied, and Olivia was glad that he was giving her his honest opinion, like she always expected him to, instead of trying to be sensitive.
“Good. I feel the same about it. Amanda just got this kind of thinking rolling in my head and I just needed an answer that would stop it again.”
“Valentine’s Day’s only good side is that on the 15th, all the chocolate in the special packages is reduced drastically. Rita, Fia and I always go to work later to be able to buy as much as possible for us. Of course Fia uses the opportunity to deliver some to Mamí and tease her. Fia just loves to piss her off.”
Olivia chuckled at the image forming in her head, featuring Rafael’s younger cousin and his mother, Lucia Barba almost losing her mind about a stack of chocolates in heart-shaped packages and yelling that Fia was supposed to receive those. “Rafi, these two… your family is just hilarious, am I allowed to say that?”
He blushed lightly, but still he smirked. “Now you find it funny. After a few years you just feel like they’ll drive you crazy one day.”
“I like your mother, and Fia and Rita,” she whispered almost sheepishly, fingers playing with the collar of his shirt as a heavy feeling spread in her stomach. “It’s a better family than… than mine.”
Rafael wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, kissing her temple. “They’re your family now, too, Liv. Even if you’ll regret that once my mother starts harassing us about getting married and having more children.”
Laughter bubbled out of her, and it was as if the cloud that had momentarily darkened her mood was pushed away immediately. He smiled at her when she tilted her head to glance up and kiss him. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“You’re crazy,” Rafael snorted, but his green eyes were twinkling with hope and affection. “I’ll bring you some boxes of your favourite chocolates for your bravery to associate yourself with this family. And as a thank you for not running away after the first dinner we had with Fia and Mamí. Mamí had a really bad day.”
“I’m looking forward to the chocolates. And I don’t know, it was quite amusing how she tried to get the waiter to marry Fia off the spot just because he kept making sure her wine glass was always filled.”
“That man heard the way Mamí talked to her and pitied her so he provided alcohol to ease the pain. But Fia really was provoking her.”
They chuckled together at the memory, lost in it together for a moment, then Olivia shifted so her legs came to rest on Rafael’s lap. “Good, then no kitschy cards, big bouquets and dinners in a booked-out restaurant. A pity, if it wasn’t for the chocolate.”
Rafael ran his fingers up her calf slowly and circled her knee teasingly, murmuring: “Believe me, mi amor, the chocolate makes up for the great annoyance this day is.”
She watched his fingers with a smirk, pushing into his gentle touch as he made his way up her thigh. “Well, Rafa, I know something else that’ll make up for having to witness all the exaggerated expressions of love. A nice activity. Just for the two of us.”
“Hm… I have no idea what that might be,” Rafael said innocently, placing soft kisses on her throat and jaw while his hand inched up higher, teasing her inner thigh before slowly undoing the button and zipper of her jeans. “Maybe we should practice, so I’ll know what to do.”
Olivia’s breath quickened, but still she found herself smirking at him mischievously. “Well, Counselor, that does sound like a reasonable suggestion. We gotta practice some to make sure that we’re good at it and our Valentine’s Day won’t go badly.”
“My thoughts exactly. Will you be my not-Valentine, Olivia Benson?”
His fingers sneaked into her underwear, and Olivia pulled him closer for a hot kiss, gasping against his lips: “Yes… yes.”
Their lips collided again, muffling any sounds, and they both found themselves looking forward to just another ordinary day of being together.
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