#valeyard!13 x reader
A Forgotten Vow Made in Love
AN: This is a two year late loose sequel to Can Never Escape Her Love. Written in one sitting in about an hour or so with no editing.
Word Count: 1338
Warnings: manipulation, unhealthy relationship, memory loss, Stockholm syndrome, dark fic
Description: Someone jogs your memory of someone that you had almost forgotten.
    You couldn’t really remember a time before you were the Valeyard’s lover. She talked sometimes of how before you got together that you didn’t like her very much, fighting her all the time over something as simple as letting her hold your hand. It was impossible to fathom sometimes now. Longing for her touch all the time, wanting to be as close as possible to her. Yearning to burrow yourself into her very being.
    Still. If she claimed that centuries ago you didn’t like her she would probably be correct. The experiences she had were deeper than the seas, more extensive than the rapidly expanding universe. Even after being taught about any topic that captured your mind for the past few decades you knew that it would take ages more before you could catch up to her knowledge on any one subject. 
    Humming to yourself you meandered further down the garden path of the estate you had found yourself to be guests of. You had asked her to let you play out a day in a historical setting this time, all long flowy gowns and simple settings void of technology. As wonderful as the constant high tech surroundings you often were taken to were, you longed for a nice, simple day. No destruction, just peace. 
    The Valeyard seemed to be fueled by taking her anger and sorrow out on the universe in a destructive manner. But you had never found this to be something that sit well with you, for some reason you always found yourself begging her to stop. Pulling away after she destroyed an entire planet. As if she had broken some long ago made promise to you. Sometimes in your dreams you could swear you remembered only starting to open up to her after she swore not to destroy a planet unless they tried to kill you first.
    “My lady.”
    Smiling up at the gentleman who greeted you, you found yourself lonely. The Valeyard barely left you alone, so being alone felt almost forign to you. The few moments that you were alone could be soothing for a short while before the crushing loneliness consumed you.
    “Join me,” you found yourself asking without thinking.
    He hesitated, an unnamed look in his eyes as he considered doing as you asked.
    With a shaky smile he offered his arm to you. Eagerly you hooked your arms together and let him lead you down a new path going further into the woods away from the more maintained area of the grounds.
    You didn’t speak a word, letting him form his thoughts. Several times he seemed about to speak before silence claimed him again. 
    “I won’t bite,” you joked. “You can talk to me.”
    “Maybe not you, my lady. But your companion- might. If she hears the thoughts in my head of what to say to you.”
    “I doubt it’s truely that bad, whatever you are thinking!”
    He didn’t answer you at all, staying silent for several more minutes. A shaky inhale was your only warning before he started to speak in a rush of words.
“As happy as we have been for generations that you chose to give into that- woman- to save our planet from her wrath, we wish that you never returned here. It’s disheartening to see the only person who could face her wrath unscathed follow her around as if they are a lovesick pet.”
“What,” you could only manage a whisper. What was he talking about? Did you visit this planet before you had become her lover? She had said that the two of you didn’t get along but not that you were fierce enemies...
“Especially as at this very moment she is killing any members of the resistance that have been outspoken against her. Letting you have this facsimile of freedom so that she can kill without your emotions souring against her again.”
“I don’t, I don’t understand. She- the Valeyard isn’t nice, but she... she promised that she wouldn’t do this anymore”
Slowly awareness flooded your veins with an icy feeling. Vaguely you remembered that as sweet as she was to you, she was cruel to the rest of the universe. Sure, you knew that but now it seemed crystal clear. You had promised, oh so long ago, to let her spoil you, to love you. And if she kept her attention on you, you would try and love her back.
Arm slipping away from the man’s you stood still. 
“Ah, here is where you ran off too! With some man no less, I’m hurt my treasure.”
Her voice was deceptively light, as her hands cradled your face.
“Don’t cry treasure,” she whipped away your tears. Licking them off of her fingers. “Did he make you cry?”
Something in you broke, the protective tone of her voice. The sheer alien-ness of licking up your tears. It screamed quirking in a way that did not fit the Valeyard. The name was on the tip of your tongue, tingling in a way that burned. It was someone else, she was acting like someone else. Someone long lost to you.
Your voice broke as you attempted to call out to her, “Doctor?”
The scowl on her face as she glared at you for just a moment, really no longer than a millisecond of time terrified you. Burning worlds and screams echoed in your mind at the sight. Trembling uncontrollably as she turned her attention from you to the man.
“You should not have done that.”
Her voice was void of emotions, a cold chilling tone that was foreboding.
“She hasn’t mistaken me for her beloved Doctor in a long, long time. I could pretend that other than her subconscious she had managed to forget all about who I used to be. You’ve made the last mistake of your life by reminding her.”
“Doc- Valeyard, please,” you were struggling to keep the memories you had almost forgotten from surfacing. You didn’t want to remember, it hurt too much. And it didn’t change a thing.
“I don’t want him to be hurt, he didn’t do anything wrong,” you could almost believe she didn’t hear you with how quiet your words were, but you knew better than to believe that.
Her hand brushed your hair from your face, calloused from all her tinkering- no from all her violent acts. From you no longer knew what. Leaning into her touch was instinct, she was warm.
“He’s hurt you, treasure. Whether you realize that or not, I refuse to let it go unpunished.”
“Please, for me. I love you, I don’t want to see you like this.”
You hated that it was true, that you did love her now. She had stolen everything from you now, including your love that you had withheld for so long. You used to think she would never feel like home when you were awake long ago, had promised yourself that while you would pretend to be open to loving her you would never allow it to happen. But now, now, she felt more like home than even the Doctor ever had. You needed her just as much as she needed you.
“Alright, I’ll let him live. Tsk. He must remind you of someone important in your subconscious, if you keep begging for him to live.”
She looked at you with a softer expression, realizing that she had scared you. A calming reassurance pressed against the inside of your skull reminding you that she wouldn’t ever harm you. She would protect you from everything.
“I’ll deal with you later and make you wish she hadn’t begged for my mercy,” she growled at the man.
Curling into her arms you couldn’t bring yourself to care that she was going to hurt him. She promised not to kill him, and she always kept her promises to you. And even if she broke it you loved her too much to stay upset about it anyway at this point. That’s what centuries together would inspire, unconditional love and forgiveness.
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kinglivv · 4 years
Servator - Part 5
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: After your failed day out with the Master, he brings you home to your flat for the first time in months.
Warnings: Dealing with trauma, mentions of panic attacks
A/N: Wow, it has been forever since I updated this. If I’m honest, I completely forgot about it these past few months, but recently I’ve got a few requests just to do something fluffy and soft with the Master. I decided to add a pretty chilled chapter where the Master’s actually a pretty decent person for once.
Masterlist if you need a reminder of the series!
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The Master closes your bedroom door behind him and takes a moment to properly gaze around your flat.
He’d never been here before – why would he have reason to? The Doctor’s humans and their personal lives had never been of any interest to him. He only cared about wrapping them up in his evil schemes, using them to his own advantage and killing them.
So why was he here?
He runs his finger along your kitchen counter as he contemplates this, collecting a wad of dust on his fingertip. You clearly hadn’t been here in a while. There’s dishes still in the drying rack, a coat slung over the back of the sofa and a dead plant by the bathroom window. It looked for all the world like you had just got up in the middle of a normal day and left.
In fact, that was exactly what had happened, except you probably hadn’t planned to have been gone for so long. He could picture the Doctor picking you up in the TARDIS one afternoon and you hopping on board excitedly, looking forward to another adventure. You hadn’t anticipated the Valeyard killing the Doctor and taking you her prisoner.
To his surprise, his heart aches for you and he quickly shakes off the strange and alien feeling. Instead, he sits himself down at your kitchen table and pulls out his TCE – it’s needed repairing for a while. It should keep him occupied for a few hours until you arose.
You wake up with a gasp, eyes snapping open as you come back to yourself.
Looking around frantically, you try to grasp where you are. A bed, sure, but - oh.
You were in your flat.
More to the point, you were home. You hadn’t done that in a while.
And where was the Master?
“Y/N?” There’s a knock at the door and the Master opens it and sticks his head in, answering your question. “You’re awake?”
“Yeah.” Is all you can muster, looking at him blearily.
He makes his way in as you manage to sit up.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, sitting down on the side of the bed. He rests a hand on your leg and you try to ignore the heat of it through the duvet.
“Fine. Sore.”
“I think you bruised a rib when you passed out. I didn’t manage to catch you in time. Sorry.” He actually looks reasonably guilty and you furrow your brow as you manage to unpick the memories, the fog of sleep lifting.
“I thought it would be –“
“You killed that woman.” You interrupt. “Why did you do that?”
“She scared you.” He states as if it’s obvious. “She deserved it.”
“You scare me. Doesn’t mean you’re killing yourself though, does it?” You point out.
“I scare you?”
“You’re the Master.”
“I’ve never scared you before.”
“Well. That was before all this.” You motion to the space between you two as if that could encapsulate everything you’ve been through these past few months.
The Master’s mouth twists slightly – he doesn’t understand why the idea of you being scared of him makes his stomach feel so heavy.
“Why am I home?” Is your next question, and the word ‘home’ feels unusual on your lips, it being such a foreign concept to you now.
“I wanted you away from the TARDIS,” He admits. “Any TARDIS. Taking you on that trip was a bad idea. You weren’t ready for it.”
“I’m fine.”
“You passed out because I killed someone! You’ve never done that before and you’ve watched me kill whole planets!”
“I didn’t pass out because of that!” You say defiantly, but it comes out quiet and weak.
“Then why?” He asks.
“I…” You clench your jaw. “I saw her.”
“Y/N, you know it’s not real-“
“She was there! In the doorway to the café, I saw her!”
“I think you just need to rest, Y/N.”
“Piss off.” You roughly shove back the covers, paying no mind to your crumpled pyjamas and his hand falls away from your leg as you pull away.
You make your way out into the hall and you take in a sharp breath as you’re greeted with a sight you hadn’t seen in god knows how long. You walk slowly towards the kitchen, running a hand along the white wallpaper and savouring the feeling of being in such a familiar and comforting environment.
“Do you want anything to eat?” The Master asks when he finds you standing in your kitchen, hugging yourself and staring out of the window.
You glance over at him and then back to the window.
He whips out a can of soup from no where and pours it out into a pan, setting it on the hob.
“You can cook?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Warming up soup hardly counts.”
“S’more than I can do.”
He chuckles, and you find yourself laughing too as you settle down at the kitchen table, examining the various TCE parts and electrical equipment which he had littered it with.
You’re suddenly met with the heart aching and years old memory of the Doctor sitting there opposite you at the table. She had her sonic screwdriver in her hand and was attempting to turn your toaster into a clockwork squirrel, a grin on her face and her golden hair glowing in the afternoon sun. You bite your lip and look away.
Now that you thought about it, this place was full of her. You could see her wherever you looked, standing by the window, sitting on the counter, opening the fridge with that familiar scrunch of her nose. You hadn’t realised just how much her face had been committed to your memory, and you blink tears away when a bowl of vegetable soup is placed in front of you.
“You alright?” He asks warily, sitting down next to you.
“I’m going to have to sell this place.” You sigh, taking a sip from your spoon. “I can’t be here. There’s too much of the Doctor.”
He nods silently.
“There’s so many memories – everywhere I look I can see her and her stupid smile.”
He huffs a laugh. “Welcome to my world.”
You look up at him and smile slightly. It was strange, seeing a completely new side to the Master. He seemed softer, more pliant.
“But I think you should stay here for at least a few days.” He continues cautiously, knowing that he could get a punch to the jaw if he sounded too patronising. “At least ‘til you’re back on your feet. Then maybe we can think about the TARDIS again.”
“Are you gonna stay?” You find yourself asking, and you immediately cringe because you sound so bloody reliant on him.
“Of course.” He shrugs as if it’s a given. “So; I stay here, and you agree to get better, deal?”
You lean over and press a kiss to his cheek, watching as he smiles softly in response and returns to his TCE.
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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supermegapauselouca · 4 years
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softshrimpy · 4 years
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Some Valeyard 13 based on the brilliant fic @becauseseaotters fic (y’all should go read it is m a g n i f i c e n t)
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theaussietimelord · 4 years
The Valeyard x Reader
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“How do you feel?”
“Like I’m finally doing what I was born to do.”
Based on “Scream” by @becauseseaotters
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whittakerjodie · 4 years
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Some images that give me Valeyard!13 vibes, for the lovely @becauseseaotters - go read their Fic, you won’t regret it!
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Reader trapped between devious 13 and Valeyard (or Whittaker!Master?)? I know you don't write smut but some definite seductive fondling?
P.S: Love ALL your work! Kisses! *quiteFrenchthat*
Thank you anon! That means a lot :D
I did misread your request and made the a Valeyard x reader x W!Master. Hope you don't mind!
Title: An Impossible Decision
Doctor Who tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings, @yourneighbourhoodclown, @love-of-fandoms, @emilythezeldafan, @fabulous-jj-style, @theseeker945, @pleadingeyes, @kjaneway1, @truthbehindthemysteries, @im-a-muggleborn, @startrekkingaroundasgard, @mythandmagik, @geocookie21, @zerocanonlywriteshit, @thewinterpoet2, @anteroom-of-death, @night467
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian
The woman in front of you was not the woman you knew. A grin spread across her face as she stalked towards you, brushing a strand of her now brown hair out of her eyes. You swallowed thickly as you took a step back.
“Who are you?” you asked
“I don’t like stupid questions.”
“You told me that there’s no such thing as a stupid question.”
“Did I?” she paused and looked confused, “I don’t- oh,” she clicked her fingers, “I remember. You’re thinking of who I used to be.”
“Don’t,” she hissed, “Call me that. I’m not that person anymore.”
You froze at the new voice. The same and yet so different. While it was just as cold there was a hint of something else to it. An amusement and arrogance that could only come from one person. Neatly manicured hands place themselves on your shoulders and you were roughly pulled against a warm chest. Hands trailed down your shoulders and wrapped tightly around your waist as the second person rested her chin against your shoulder. Red lips were pulled in a smirk and the brown haired Doctor gritted her teeth in irritation.
“What are you doing here?” she snapped
“Interesting,” the other Doctor dug her nails into your shoulders, “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“Sorry pet,” the other woman said, her voice clipped and icy, “I’m not your precious Doctor either.”
“Then who are you?”
“Come now,” her voice turned mocking, “You know that, my clever human. I am the Doctor’s best enemy after all, I don’t waste time on people who aren’t up to my standards.”
“Best… enemy? You’re the Master.”
“Well done,” the Master pressed a kiss against your cheek, “Clever girl. I knew you’d get it.”
“But you-“
“Alternative universes, darling,” she said, “Tearing the fabric of reality, blah blah blah. Best not to think about it.”
“Why? Because I wouldn’t understand it.”
“No. Because it’s very boring and I can think and I can think of far more interesting things I’d like to do to you.”
“No. What you’re going to do is give her back to me.”
You jumped, completely forgetting the other person in front of you.
“Then who’s she,” you asked, “If she’s not the Doctor.”
“Oh y/n,” the Master stroked your hair, “She is the Doctor but only the parts that she’d hidden from you. The person who burnt a thousand civilisations to the ground. The person who destroyed Gallifrey in the name of stopping a war. On your adventures, how many people do you think are left in her path of destruction? Who can’t go back to their families or homes because she destroyed them?”
“The Doctor isn’t like that.” You said weakly
“She is,” the Master’s voice turned mocking, “The only difference between the Doctor and myself is that I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not. Tell me,” this was directed at the other woman, “Do you still go by the same name, Valeyard?”
The Valeyard smirked and nodded. A sense of dread settled in the pit of your stomach as she walked slowly over towards you.
“And you have my human.” She said
“Hmm,” the Master seemed to be in the deep thought, “No, I don’t think I do. You see, where I’m from y/n belonged to me and I intend to bring her back there.”
“Just so you can kill her all over again.”
“No,” the Master snapped, “I’ve learnt from previous mistakes. Y/n will have a better life with me as opposed to being constantly tortured by you. Whether you like it or not, you used to be the Doctor. Do you really think that y/n will accept your ne views?”
“Can you stop speaking like I’m not here.” You said softly
“Oh my dear,” the Valeyard grasped your chin and forced you to look into her eyes, “Poor little human. You look so confused. However, it’s time for you to make a choice.”
“And believe me,” the Master’s lips grazed the shell of your ear, “Neither of us are going to take no for an answer. You’re going to have a fight on your hands, so make up your mind carefully.”
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Valeyard! 13 discovering that the female reader is this pregnant by dhawan Master, after she kidnaps reader, she doesn't like it very much at the beginning but she says that now they will be a big and happy family, and that she wants to have more children with reader.( you don't need to write, please)
“What do you mean you’re pregnant?” She hissed in a dangerous tone.
Curling further away from her, trying to protect your child from her anger. No matter what you did you wouldn’t be able to stop her, but you could try.
“Please,” you quietly begged, “don’t harm them.”
The Valeyard almost seemed to soften at your plea. You didn’t trust her to be genuine. 
“The Master may not be the best sperm donor for our child but he is still a time lord. It’s not as if I could have a child with you in my current state without considerable effort.”
You shivered in fear. It may not be better that the Valeyard wanted to be a parent to your child.
“Let me grab you a blanket, treasure. You’re cold. Don’t worry about a thing I will protect you and our mini bundle of joy to be, I promise.”
(149 words)
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kinglivv · 4 years
Dhawan!Master x Reader, Valeyard!13 x Reader
Summary: The Master finds out that the Reader is now under the control of the Valeyard. He realises he must save them.
Warnings: Abusive relationship, vomiting, murder, the whole package really
A/N: I've been thinking about this concept for a while now - I'm not sure if it's been done before. Let me know if you want a part 2! I could do something to do with the Master attempting to rehabillitate Y/N? I think that would be a really interesting experience for his character.
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The Master, for once in his extremely long life, is rather lost for words.
You were his favourite companion of the Doctor's - more so even than Clara Oswald or Jo Grant. There was something distinct about your fiery personality, your fearlessness, your way with words. On more than one occasion you had overcame him and his diabolical schemes, without even the help of the Doctor. Usually, her bland, dutiful companions would follow her blindly, letting her words and knowledge wash over and soak into them like oil over cobblestone. Not you, though. Through out all your time with the Doctor, you had remained head strong and independent.
You jumped without asking the Doctor to look first. You made decisions without so much as caring what she may think. On more than one occasion he had witnessed you both arguing, the way most couples do, except it was over the fate of a planet or a species, not what was for dinner.
For example, he had just kidnapped you for what must be the dozenth time, and usually right about now you'd begin flirting, yelling or ordering him to put you back. He'd never actually hurt you - it was more for his own entertainment rather than to inflict any kind of pain. Normally when he kidnapped someone, they would cry and shake in terror at the sound of his voice. You on the other hand, would simply tell him off and then pick your handcuffs free.
Today though, you were different.
At first, he wonders if he's just caught you on a bad day. You're sat slumped by the console, not even bothering to fiddle with your handcuffs. Your massive jumper makes you look tiny as you stare at the floor, the circles around you eyes dark, implying not all is right in your tiny human world.
"Did you hear that, love?" He asks after finishing one of his brilliant speeches. "I said I'm going to kill you and mail the Doctor your body."
You don't even look as though you've heard him, still staring at the floor.
He walks over, crouching in front of you so he's all that's in your line of sight. Still you don't meet his eyes.
"Y/N." He says, waving a hand to get your attention, and you visibily jump at the sound of your name. "Are you ill?"
When you realise it's nothing important, you look back down again.
However, the movement of your head allows him a glimpse at your neck, and immediately he something catches his interest. Reaching out, his hand goes to your collar, and you flinch away, eyes widening.
"Sh," He hushes you, surprisingly softly, and tugs the neck of the jumper down slightly, revealing a vast array of bruises littering your neck and no doubt going much lower. There's also a rather nasty purple one fading on your cheekbone which he's only just noticed. None of them look exactly... friendly.
"Who did this to you?" He asks sternly, trying to keep the worry out if his voice. He's not even sure why it's there. When you don't reply, he tries again. "Did the Doctor do this to you?"
Surely the Doctor would never hurt you, especially in this way. He had seen first hand how devoted to you she was, and it had been a constant source of burning jealously for him.
Finally you say the first cohesive sentence since you got here.
"She goes by the Valeyard now." You tell him quietly.
He snatches his hand away as if you've suddenly offered him a jar of asprin.
"The Valeyard?" He asks slowly. "As in the V-A-L-E-Y-A-R-D?" He spells out, as if he doesn't quite believe you.
You nod, and he suddenly understands the dullness in your eyes. The Valeyard had got its hand on the Doctor, and subsequently got its hands on you. He isn't quite sure what to say. What do you say to that?
A quiet rage is beginning to bubble in his veins, and he's not quite sure where's it's coming from. Maybe it's because you're hurt. Maybe it's because the Doctor's dead and not at his hands. Maybe it's both.
"When did this happen?" He asks, voice sounding calm, but teetering on the edge.
You don't reply.
"When did she become the Valeyard, Y/N?" He tries, and you flinch again at your name.
"I don't know," You voice is hoarse. "Months ago? Years? The rooms she puts me in are dark. I can't feel time."
He feels his chest tighten at your words. You say it so simply, so monotonely, and he wishes that you would just suddenly look up, wink and tell him it was a trick. He can picture the triumphant grin on your face as you break out of your handcuffs, the way you always do. The way you should do.
"Does she..." He sighs. "Has she done this to you before? The bruises I mean."
"She loves me."
You say it so quick, so bluntly, as if it were programmed into you like a robot.
"She owns you."
"She loves me."
Before he can condradict you, there's suddenly a bang on the TARDIS doors and you jump, eyes going wide with terror.
"She's here," You gasp out. "She's here, she's going to get me!" You're trying to get your handcuffs off, frantic and desperate.
The bang sounds again, and there's tears forming in your eyes. The Master, always fast thinking and quick on his feet, finally jumps into action, running to type in some new co-ordiantes and make a swift exit. But he's not fast enough. On the third bang, the doors burst open to reveal the silhouette of the Doc- Valeyard. The Valeyard.
"Koschei," She sneers, and he cringes at the use of his real name. It must have accessed her memories too. "I know you have Y/N. Give her back."
She talks of you like you're an object - something to barter and haggle over. He glances down at your tiny frame, cowering against the console. Now was not the time to appear unsure, he thought. What you needed to see was the Master, not Koschei.
"Valeyard." He greets her like an old friend. "I heard you had re-emerged. How's the new body?"
"Give her back." The Valeyard practically growled, stepping into the light. It strikes the Master just how different she looks from the Doctor. It's not that her hair's brown, or that she's dressed in all black - it's her expression. So filled with hatred and a cold, hard emptiness. She looked like a woman with an objective who would do anything to acheive it.
He stalks over to her, trying to ignore your quivering form. The Valeyard's eye is trained on you, but she hasn't made a move yet. Clearly she's smarter than she looks - he would destroy her if she tried anything right now.
"I will break you." She says as he stands in front of her.
"I will kill you."
"No one else has managed it," He replies lightly. "What makes you think you can."
"Well, I killed Y/N," She smiles a sadistic smile. "She's a shell of her former self. Nothing left of the person you knew. So beautiful."
That earns her a punch to the jaw, and she stumbles back, hair obscuring her now bloodied face. However powerful a being she might be, she was still in a mere timelord's body.
There's a second blow and she catches herself on the wall, but before she can fully recover, his hand is around her throat, pinning her to it.
"I think you'll find, Valeyard," He breathes, mania and rage swirling in his dark eyes. "That I will kill you."
A knee to the stomach takes the last bit of control she had as she keels over against him, and the TARDIS takes off on it's own accord, lights flashing and flickering as it lands. Turning her around roughly, he pushes her to the doors which have swung open to reveal the twisting colours of the time vortex.
"See that," He hisses in her ear as he forces her to the edge, the wind whipping against their faces. "Take a good, long look at it..." She tries to scrabble away, but his hands keep her pinned in place. "...Because it's the last thing you're ever going to see."
It takes the lightest of shoves to topple her over the edge, and as soon as she's dropped out of view, he closes the door, not sticking around to see the mutilation of her body. There's the faintest of aches in his hearts at the knowledge that the Doctor is now well and truly dead, but he squishes it like a fly.
Instead he makes is way, very business-like, to his console, punching in some far off co-ordinates and slamming down the lever. As soon as it sets off, he's back kneeling in front of you.
You look traumatised, still shaking, pulling at the cuffs and pressing yourself further against the console as if the smooth panels could swallow you up. He reaches down, presses his TCE to them and they snap open.
"Y/N." He tries place a hand on your arm, but you scramble away.
"You killed her!" You gasp. "You killed the Doctor!"
He sighs as you stare at him accusingly. He should have known you'd be like this - human's were always so sentimental.
"Darling, that wasn't the Doctor," He tells you softly. "By the sounds of things, the Doctor's already been dead for years. That... thing, it was just something inhabiting her corpse, walking around inside of it. An illusion of life."
You go slightly green at his words, and your hand goes to your mouth, looking around frantically. The Master catches on quickly.
"Bin, behind you." He says urgently, and you turn to the tiny bin underneath the console, lean over and are very neatly sick into it. You feel him holding your hair back, such a gentle gesture you wouldn't ever expect from someone like him. When you turn back around, catching your breath, he's looking at you with a mixture of sympathy and worry on his face.
"You're right," You gasp out, your words tumbling over one another. You sound a lot more like yourself. You're thinking like yourself too - it seems turning out your insides does the world of good for clearing one's head. "You're right, that wasn't the Doctor, that wasn't ever the Doctor, the Doctor's been gone a long time," But then you frown. "What am I without her?"
He leans forward, taking your hands in his and this time you don't squirm away.
"You can stay here, with me," He finds himself offering. "You don't have to go back to Earth and be on your own. You'll be safe here, I can protect you," He sees a slight worry in your eyes and he rushes to reassure you. "But you can leave whenever you want."
You nod slowly.
"For now." You agree quietly.
He leans in, a feeble attempt to hug you, but you shift away and he pulls back. Ah. Maybe a bit early for anything beyond hand holding. You're still a stark contrast with the person you used to be, but you've still got a light in your eyes and that same smile.
Maybe he can fix this.
Taglist: @fabulous-jj-style @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway
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kinglivv · 4 years
Servator - Part 4
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: The Master decides to take you on a day out in an effort to offer you some normality. Despite this, things take a turn for the worst.
Warnings: Implied panic attack, murder
A/N: I can't remember if I mentioned in the last part, but I finally know where this fic is going, so it should all be a straight line from here!
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The planet he takes you to doesn't have a name in English. He said it translated to something like DYX-12, and after hearing that you were keeping your expectations low. The Master's version of a nice planet probably involved fire, famine and murder, so you were fully prepared to open the TARDIS doors to something akin to Chernobyl.
"Ready?" He asks as the TARDIS lands.
"Yeah," You reply, slightly nervously.
"On you go." He tilts his head towards the doors and you take the hint, cautiously walking over to them. Wrapping you fingers around the cold metal of the handles, you take a deep breath and yank it open.
To your surprise, the planet is nothing like you'd invisioned. It was... beautiful.
The grass was pink, reminding you of candyfloss, and the sky was blue like Earth's except somehow a much brighter shade. You were parked next to a path made of bright white cobblestones which seemed to lead the way through a purple forest, and an animal of some sort bounded along it. You could hear noises and chatter in the distance.
"Welcome to DYX-12, Y/N." The Master says from behind you. You can feel his breath on your neck and you resist the urge to lean back into him. "There's a town through that forest. Thought we could get lunch and explore."
You smile, tilting your head back to look at him.
"It's beautiful. Thank you Master."
"Come on then!" He pushes past you and you follow him, laughing as he begins to make his way down the path.
There's a rare, genuine smile on his face as you fall into step with him, and you realise you're mirroring it. Hesitantly, you reach out and slip your hand into his. He falters slightly, before his fingers curl around yours.
Your heart flutters and as you gaze up at the two suns, you can't help but think that in this moment, you're untouchable.
Half an hour later, you're sitting in a courtyard outside an alien cafe with a an enourmous slice of what looks like chocolate cake in front of you. It was the only human-safe item on the menu, not that you were complaining. You hadn't had chocolate cake in months. The Master's sitting opposite you with a plate of what looks like an English breakfast, except the eggs are green, and also looks deeoly satisfyed with it.
You to take your first bite of cake, and it tastes like heaven.
"That," You say to the Master. "Is amazing."
"I'm glad," He smiles.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" You ask innocently. It's much like the question you'd asked him the other night, and much like that other night he stops in his tracks, a slice of sausage half way to his mouth.
"Well?" You probe.
"Do you need a reason?"
"Yeah, if it means I'm hanging out with a man who could kill me at any point."
"You really think I'd do that?"
"You tell me."
He places his fork back down and leans forward slightly.
"Y/N, I like you," He begins. "You're about the only companion of the Doctor's who hasn't bored me to death. I also don't like that the Doctor's dead, and I don't like the Valeyard. What she did did to you was wrong."
You process the information.
"You think that what she did was wrong?"
"And you don't?"
"Well..." You shrug, deciding not to answer that. "I just wouldn't expect someone like you to have sympathy for me. Surely you've done worse than her?"
"Maybe, but never to people like you."
You hardly think that's a justification, but you decide to let it go. You're about to ask about him apparently not wanting the Doctor dead, but suddenly there's a hand on your shoulder.
You stiffen, your eyes widening and heart beginning to hammer.
"Hello love," The voice says and you drop your fork, eyes searching desperately for the Master's help. He's doing nothing, watching on as if all is completely normal.
"Are you okay, love?" The voice asks again, and you don't want to, you can't turn around and look at them. What if it's her? It sounds like her.
To your surprise the Master waves his hand quite casually.
"It's fine. We'll call for the bill in a minute." He tells the voice, and the hand falls away. As soon as you're sure the persons gone, you try to relax slightly, staring down at your plate.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"I..." You try take a deep breath, eyes focusing on the mess of icing on your plate. "I thought it was her... She always called me that, she always put her hands on me."
At that, the Master's face turns stormy, and for a minute you're scared he's going to shout at you for being such an idiot. Instead, he throws his napkin down, stands up and makes a beeline for the waitress who had supposedly scared you.
You crane your neck around to look, wondering what on Earth he's doing. Your stomach rolls slightly when you see his hand slip into his pocket, the pocket you know has his TCE in it, and he taps her on the shoulder.
You try call out his name to stop him, but no words come out. You can't do anything but watch, frozen as he shrinks the innocent woman in front of the rest of the cafe.
The small courtyard erupts into chaos and people start screaming, abandoning their plates to run away, grabbing their children as they flee. You sit and watch, sweat in your palms as the Master saunters back over, looking incredibley smug.
"Ready to go?" He asks casually, but you hear it through six feet of water.
"Why..." You manage, mouth dry. "Why did you do that?"
"She scared you, darling. Couldn't have that, could we?"
Your head begins to spin, as you finally regain control of your bones, pulling away from him as fast as possible.
"You're just like her," You splutter, backing away. "She killed for me. You're no different, you're just like her."
"Y/N..." He tries to take your hand but you pull away sharply, the movement sending you stumbling. You look around wildly, searching for an escape. How do you get off this planet and away from him?
That's when you see her. Standing in by the doorway to cafe, the Valeyard's dark hair and black outfit unmistakable.
"Y/N!" You hear her call out your name, like a breath of wind in the air, and you feel time slow down to a stop. You want to scream, you want to run, but you can't take your eyes off her. She stands still, watching you like a predator.
"Y/N?" The Master asks. His hands are on your shoulders and you let them be as he tries to get your attention. You glance at him, and when you glance back at the cafe door, she's gone.
"Y/N, are you alright?" The Master asks.
You feel your bones give way and everything goes black.
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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kinglivv · 4 years
Servator - Part 3
Dhawan!Master x Reader, Valeyard!13 x Reader
Summary: The Master is trying his best to figure out how to help you, but you just want to take it one day at a time.
Warnings: Trauma, denial of trauma, coping mechanisms, past abusive relationship.
A/N: I now have a somewhat plan for this series, yay!! I'll hopefully be making a masterlist when next have a spare moment.
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You spend the next two days in bed. Partly because you were utterly exhausted, and partly because you just didn't want to open your eyes.
You didn't want to open your eyes and find it was all a dream. You didn't want to peak them open and find yourself back in the Valeyard's bed, with her lying next to you, watching you with cold hazel eyes and looking as though she might eat you.
That being said, you are forced to open them a few times.
Firstly to eat whatever the Master put on a tray in front of you. Secondly to use the bathroom. The bare nessecities, really. It mostly felt like a blur - you'd get up for five minutes, do what must be done, then crawl back under the covers and fall back into a dreamless slumber.
Yet somehow, despite being awake so little, you had managed to rub the space behind your ear raw, constantly checking if the cut was there. After your experience on the first night, you had unconsciously concluded that if the cut was there, that meant the Valeyard was there. Even in your sleep your hand would instinctively go there, making sure you were safe.
On day three, before you can open your eyes and find for yourself whether it was a dream or not, there's a knock at the door, and a gruff voice calls your name. The Master's voice.
"What?" You manage to call back sleepily.
"Bloody wake-up, it's 10 am. I need you in the library."
You grumble and for a second everything feels normal and simple. You'd had a couple days in bed. Now, you were feeling back to normal and you were going to get dressed and go have breakfast. It was like nothing had ever happened to you.
You appear in the library twenty minutes later to find the Master sitting on a large sofa, surrounded by books.
"What's all this?" You ask, mug of tea in hand.
"I've been doing some research into humans and trauma." He replies, flicking through a book that's at least 3000 pages long.
"Trauma?" You ask. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I need to figure out how to help you."
"But I'm not traumatised."
He sighs. "Hallucinations are symptoms of trauma, Y/N."
"I'm fine." You tell him, unconciously rubbing at the spot behind your ear.
"Well, that," He points to your hand. "Is a coping mechanism. A symptom of trauma."
You snatch your hand away.
"It's not," You insist. "And I didn't hallucinate. She was there."
"I threw her into the time vortex myself, Y/N. Forgive me if I don't believe you." He's getting annoyed and you decide to promptly shut up because as nice as he was being, he was still the Master.
In an attempt to keep the peace, you sit down next to him, leaning over slightly to see what he was reading. Your muscles ached as you did so - you'd forgotten what two days in bed could do to your back.
You smile to yourself as you vaguely register the innuendo. God, it felt good to smile again.
The top of the page is titled 'Anxiety and Panic Attacks" and you wrinkle your nose. Reaching out, you close the book, and he looks up at you, confused.
"Look," You say. "I appreciate it, but it's fine."
"You're not fine, you're a human." He replies as if being a human is some sort of deadly disease.
You give him a look. "Can we just not bother will all that right now? I'd rather just enjoy myself."
He frowns. "What do you mean?"
"Take me somewhere!" You suggest, and there's a hint of flirting in your voice. You sound just like you used to. "A planet. Somewhere nice."
"I don't take human's out on day trips," He scoffs. "I'm not the Doctor."
You wince at the mention of her, and the mug in your hand sloshes a little. Hastily he reaches a hand out to rest on your leg, a vague attempt at being comforting.
"Okay, okay, we'll go somewhere," He says quickly. "Anywhere in particular?"
"Somewhere new," You reply. "Somewhere I've never been, with no memories. A blank slate."
He smiles slightly. "That I can do."
There's a bit of a silence, and you suddenly become very conscious of the fact that his hand is on your thigh. You also become very conscious of the fact that you don't exactly dislike it, and you even wouldn't mind it going a bit higher. You glance down and he blinks, then snatches it away.
"Right," He coughs awkwardly. "Somewhere you've never been. Okay. Great. See you in the console room in ten."
You nod, and watch him disappear. Finishing the last of your tea, you sit back and look at the vast array of books piled up on the floor, all in different languages but all with your apparently damaged brain in common.
Sighing, you stare down at the left over tea leaves at the bottom of the mug. You still weren't exactly sure how you were feeling, and even if you could read them, the tea leaves probably couldn't tell you. You didnt know what to think - about him, about any of this, but a day out somewhere might be just the thing to clear your head.
Taglist: @anteroom-of-death @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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kinglivv · 4 years
Servator - Masterist (Ongoing)
Dhawan!Master x Reader, Valeyard!13 x Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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kinglivv · 4 years
Servator - Part 2
Dhawan!Master x Reader, Valeyard!13 x Reader
Summary: After the Master kills the Valeyard, resultantly freeing you, he tries to help you settle in. However, he begins to realise that the Valeyard's influence on you might go much deeper than he initially thought.
Warnings: Abusive relationship, implied derealisation, dealing with trauma
A/N: As requested by @koschei-taylor and many others :) Not sure what I'd do for a part 3... suggestions?
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After your ordeal in the console room, the Master had gotten you shakily to your feet and sat you down on a sofa. While you bit at your nails, he disappeared and returned minutes later with an alien first-aid kit. He'd thrusted a pot of bruise cream into your hands which you'd applied yourself, and he'd tried to give you pills which you'd firmly refused.
You were only beginning to fully come back to yourself. It still felt a bit like everything was a dream, like you were staring at the world through a thick fog. You were also aware of how surreal this was - the Master being so soft with you, saving you from the Valeyard and offering you a home on his ship. You were too dazed to ponder his motivations - you couldn't quite believe you were free of her.
He then gives you your own room, not too far from his own. You didn't even know he had one - it seemed so human for a timelord to have a bedroom. Maybe the Doctor had had one? You couldn't remember.
He sends you there pretty quickly afterwards, ordering you to sleep a full 9 hours ("That's what human's need, isn't it?") and tells you he'll be in the library.
So, two hours after the Valeyard's been killed and you've finally been freed, you're alone with your thoughts.
You go to for bathroom first, force of habit, and you end up staring at yourself in the mirror, trying to recognise the person staring back at you.
You look like a ghost under the bright light, a shadow of the radiant person you used to be. Your skin's a pale grey shade, your cheeks hollow and eyes dark. You reach up and run your hand over your cheekbone, as if trying to confirm that you were really there, a firm, solid being.
It's then that you notice the half-healed cut.
Your hair must have obscured it from the Master's view, and you don't even recall getting it. Behind your ear, it looks much too precise and exact for it to have been an accident, and your hand glides from your cheek to your ear, flipping your hair to the other side for better access.
You press two fingers to it, cautiously.
It stings a little, and you frown. You can feel the faint grooves of stitches underneath the pads of your fingers. Definitely not an accident then.
What was it for? Who had done it? You were set on a mission now, and you apply a little more pressure. It stings again, and you press harder, determined to figure out what it was.
Suddenly a sting turns to a burn, and then a burn quickly turns to down right pain. You gasp, snatching your hand away, and you stumble, the lights flickering. When you open your eyes she's there, standing right behind you.
"Y/N," You watch her whisper in the mirror,  and it echoes, bouncing off the walls. Heart in your throat, you whisk around to face her, but she's gone. You turn back to the mirror and she's gone from there too.
"Y/N?" This time your name's in a Manchester accent, and it's accompanied by a banging on the door. Your shaking hands go to the lock, and it swings open to reveal the Master standing there.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asks. "I heard shouting."
"I wasn't shouting." You tell him, and it feels like you're in slow motion.
"Yes you were, love," He contradicts, but it doesn't sound accusing. "What happened?"
"She was here. And there's a cut behind my ear," You say. "How did it get there? I don't understand how it got there."
He reaches out cautiously, and you let him brush away the hair around your ear. You even lean into his touch slightly.
"There's nothing there, Y/N."
"What? Yes there is. Come here." You grab his hand, fingers lacing with his and tug him back into the bathroom after you. You stand in front of the mirror, preparing to show him the cut, but when you swipe away your hair it's... not there.
"Ta da," He says dryly, hand squeezing yours. "There's nothing. What made you think there was?"
You're glare at yourself accusingly.
"I don't get it," You glance between your reflections. "It was right there, behind my ear and now it's gone."
He stares at you as you stare at yourself. You're looking at yourself as if you're a stranger, he realises. His heat twists slightly, and he's not completely sure why. All his memories of you had been brilliant - funny, confident, so clever. Now you couldn't be further from that. He'd definitely got more than he bargained for when he'd kidnapped you. And now, seeing you like this, so convinced of something non-existant, he can't help wonder if there's more wrong with you than he'd originally anticipated. The Valeyard might be dead, but it seems she's definitely left her imprint in more ways than just a few bruises on your neck.
"Y/N," He says, taking your other hand so you're forced to turn and face him. "It's late. You're not yourself. You just had a funny turn - sleep will do you good."
"Why are you being nice to me?"
He seems taken a back by the question.
"I..." He frowns, seemingly wrestling words out of thin air. "Y/N, just... go to bed." With that he drops your hands rather sharply, and you watch him leave.
You're too dazed and exhausted to consider the implications of what had just happened. Instead, you stare at the bed longingly, fingers unconciously going to rub at the empty spot behind your ear. He was right, really - you hadn't slept in forever and today hadn't exactly been plain sailing. It would be nice to just let the exhaustion take over and fall into a dreamless sleep for a few hours.
Like a zombie, you allow yourself to go to the bed, and you're asleep before your head hits the pillow.
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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Valeyard! 13 discovering that her reader fem is pure never lie with anyone never kiss even though she wanted to do these things with doc 13 but 13 no longer exists, so val and she is so lucky to be the first and the ONLY one! Having reader.thanks
“You’ve never had sex?”
The Valeyard tilted your chin up with a dangerous smile.
“You don’t sound too sure.”
“I swear. I haven’t ever done anything.”
You shook. What would she do to you, or anyone you had a relationship with if she thought they had touched you inappropriately.
“Not even kiss? I know that Doctor thought about kissing you- a lot.”
“I, no.”
You wanted to cry. The Doctor had thought about kissing you, and she never got the chance. You would have openly welcomed a kiss from the Doctor.
“Well then, my treasure. I will treasure being all of your firsts.”
(104 words) 
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kinglivv · 4 years
Hello, how are you? if you are not busy you can write a picture where the female reader has the option of taking a potion to become immortal to stay forever, next to doctor 13, but will that doctor do that (unsure reader but a happy ending, thank you )
Valeyard!13 X Reader
Summary: The Valeyard wants the reader to drink a potion of immortality, and even though the reader isn't sure, it doesnt look look like they have a choice.
Warnings: Abusive relationship/manipulation
A/N: I did in fact ignore the "13th doctor" and "happy ending" in this prompt. I'm really sorry, but I just couldn't skip out on the opportunity to write for the valeyard 👉🏻👈🏻
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"Just do it, Y/N." Her hands are on your waist as she peers over your shoulder, brown hair brushing your ear. You're too fixated on the vial of purple liquid in your palm to focus on her close proximity, too caught up in the feeling of your heart dropping and your stomach churning.
"I..." You trail off, not entirely sure what to say. Your mind is running at 100 miles an hour and you're busy trying to catch up with yourself.
The Valeyard, however, is grinning as she twirls round to stand in front of you, hands closing around yours, around the vial.
"Immortality, Y/N," She tells you, a sparkle in her eyes. "You drink this, and we can be with eachother forever. We never have to die, just me and you for all eternity."
"Valeyard..." You whisper her name as you try to process what she was saying.
You didn't particularly like the idea of dying, but at the same time, living forever was a very different extreme. You knew that if you did this, the Valeyard would never let you go and you would be stuck with her for the rest of your very long life. Could you really commit to that?
"Come on, baby," She says sweetly, stepping slightly closer and gazing at you with so much love and possession. You catch yourself thinking how beautiful her hazel eyes are, and how they still look just like the Doctor's. You shut that thought down quickly. The Valeyard and the Doctor were not the same person and you couldn't let yourself forget that.
"Forever is a long time, Valeyard," You tell her. "I don't know if I could do that - I'm human, I'm meant to die eventually."
Her expression darkens as she sees your aprehension.
"If you don't drink it, Y/N, I'll make you," Her voice lowers, dangerously. "I'll force it down your throat, and then I'll punish you for as long as I want, because we'll have eternity." Her grip on your hands increases and your stomach twists again.
"Don't you want to live forever?" She asks you. "You can do so much. Everything you wanted to do as a child - any job, any hobby - you have time to do it. You can make as much money as you want, go to as many places as you want, live in the TARDIS for the rest of your lives and see the universe."
That did sound good, and your face softens as her hand comes up to carress your cheek.
"I don't think I could live without you, Y/N. I can't let you die."
She's taking the tiny bottle from your hands, popping the cork off and holding it out to you. "Just do it."
You stare into her eyes one last time. You knew if you refused it, she would lock you up for as many years as she liked and then make you drink it as soon as she set you free. You feel your defences crack, and you take it from her hand.
"Okay," You whisper, and she grins.
You press it to your lips and drink.
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