maimedaffair · 4 months
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❛   i can feel you staring , you know. ❜ it's enough for the illyrian to pause &* peek over her shoulder at the redhead. an amused smirk curves her lips. it's not as if she can blame gwyn for this ------------ ever since ramiel , there's been a substantial change to emerie's physical health. namely : her wings were restored. it was something she kept to herself until now. too good to be true , she hadn't wanted to jinx it. but as she sits on the outer rim of the training area late into the night , her wings are fully extended to enjoy the wind. before , they hadn't been able to extend very much at all. truth be told , she hasn't tested flying just yet. nerves. hadn't intended to let anyone see this much yet either ----- if it had to be anyone , she's glad it's @valkyrd.
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deathsconsort · 8 months
“ you’re important to me. you hear me? you’re important. and that’s never gonna change. ”
it felt like a dam had broken inside her, she bit down on her lip to keep from sobbing as she flung her arms around gwyn and clung to her. the words were ones she didn’t realize she longed to hear. for so many years nesta has felt inconsequential, being made and starting a new life in prythian only amplified that feeling. time and time again she has failed where eventually it ate away at her, she allowed the wolves circling her mind to pounce and devour her fully because she had felt utterly useless. it was better to give up, to stop trying, rather than continue to fail. therefore, in the bloodrite when she had a chance to save her friends, to give them a shot at winning, she gladly stood under the pass of enalius with the intention of not surviving. it would be worth dying for emerie and gwyn.
and what she had done to gwyn…she was surprised the female still spoke to her. it was just another thing to add to her list of things she felt guilty for. this hug, the sobbing, it was reminiscent of their embrace on the mountain. when nesta believed it would be the last time she would see her friend. “thank you,” her words were muffled against gwyn’s shoulder, which was not damp with nesta’s tears. she repeats her words. nesta doesn’t bother to wipe the tears flowing freely down her face as she pulls back to look at gwyn. “you’re important to me too. it’s why i had to knock you out during the bloodrite. i couldn’t lose you.” a small hiccup sounded out of her. “gwyn, i don’t think you or emerie realize just how much the two of you mean to me. what the two of you have done for me.”
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starbind · 4 months
punches cassian REALLY hard in the arm for not sticking up for his mate better 😤
liiiisten...i'm BEGGING for gwyn to give him a piece of her mind lmao the man deserves it!!!
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duplicitos · 4 months
“ get up . are you dizzy ?? ” @valkyrd
deliberate injury to oneself. that is widely known as the definition of self harm. when people think of it, they think of cuts and bruises and picking at the scabs on your skin until they open and bleed again. and it is just like that; sometimes though, you don't like how simple the definition makes it seem. four words shouldn't begin to even grasp the meaning behind what you've done to yourself. maybe because, in your mind, it was never injury to yourself - it was soothing. whenever you were empty, or angry, or both, it became a valve. what people don't understand is that many a time, those cuts have kept you alive.
but it's not only cuts. here, you've met two girls already who refuse to eat, because they feel like they are doing something wrong if they do, like they're losing a battle against something bigger. they've told you so, and you've understood. you also don't eat, mostly because the meds have kept you so fucking out of it that you just nap throughout the day.
but now, the dosage has gone down, and you're more often than not awake and you forget you need to eat. there's a perpetual rock stuck in your gut that won't let anything else inside, "thanks...guess skipping breakfast was a dumb idea," your demeanor is defeated, and when the redhead woman tries to grasp onto you to help you keep balance, you recoil. you hate people touching your scars; you pretend you don't give a shit what they see anymore, but you do, "i'm fine, really. the pills will knock me out before skipping any meal today. besides, i'll probably get to craving carbs in a few hours. quetiapine, y'know?" a pause, you raise a brow, "you're the new one here, right? welcome to the first circle of hell."
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loath3d · 7 months
the blonde grins widely as she sees gwyn approach, and it takes everything mor has to keep herself from squealing with excitement. they'd been seeing each other more often lately, a fact that has her feeling... proud of the priestess. excited for her, even. ❝ what brings you inside the house of wind at this hour? ❞ she'd been talking to cassian for a while, had been avoiding azriel, but was now about to leave when she'd come upon the other female. not to mention, it's nearly midnight. ❝ are you here for nesta? ❞
starter for / @valkyrd
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littlequeens · 6 months
starter for gwyn @valkyrd from margaery <3
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❛ what is the night court like ? I don’t imagine it’s night constantly, though, I’m having difficulties imagining anything else. have you been living there long ? ❜
margaery asks her escort, breaking the silence of the last few minutes. that was where she was being ushered under her fathers command. velaris, the city of dreams. she could hardly believe it! very little was known about the night court, and when it’s high lord and lady had tentatively opened their boarders for trade and alliances, her father had leaped at the opportunity to send his only daughter there as a ward for the next year. to watch, listen, learn. the carriage rolled along the dirt path quietly, the beautiful hills of the spring court rolling by through the window. she’d never left her court before, and while it was easy to imagine how other seasonal courts might appear, she couldn’t help the curiosity that bubbled up inside her regarding the solar courts.
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youfought · 7 months
❛ travel is never without risk. ❜ @valkyrd
"nothing in this life is ever without risks, i've learned."
bow and quiver rest on your right shoulder, as you turn to glance at the priestess, the valkyrie, the woman who looks behind wavy auburn hair covering clear eyes. you know little about gwyneth berdara, other than what nesta has told you- which is not much, for nesta is reserved of her friend's life, and you respect it. still, what you know is enough to understand why she would be aprehensive of such a long journey. you wonder, for a moment, how can someone withstand being locked behind a barricade of books for days and nights, when does fear become your own prison, one you covet and craddle.
still, gwyneth looks like she wants to spread her wings into the world, and you smile as you offer a curt nod of your head, "i know you must think i have lost my head. perhaps i have. but i need to do this. if the high lords won't lift a fucking finger to help their people, then i will. just like you and nesta want to do."
in another life, you think, gwyneth would have made a fine archeron woman, "once i have reached sangravah, i will send you a letter. it...uh, it may not be written by me, because i'm not particuarly good at that yet," not that you will ever be, most probably, "but i'll let you know if i found the children," your smile dares to become more than a mere tug of your lips, and you take the valkyrie's hand, "until we meet again, gwyneth, please, take care of my sister."
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rosmoure · 7 months
@valkyrd asked for a starter from this meme.
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soft brown eyes are upon the woman, a small tug of her lips she's smiling at her gently, the wire poking at her delicate skin, causing some blood so spill out of her index finger. a sigh releases from her lips, after the 4th time. "would you do it for me gwyn?"
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silverflamcs · 2 years
     although nesta was no longer forced to work in the library, she continued to come down here frequently. a good amount of the females were now her valkyries, she wanted to spend time with them outside of training to really get to know them. if she wasn’t spending time with them or gwyn she was either reading or seeing if clotho had extra work that needed to be done. this particular afternoon she planned to spend it with gwyn instead of going to some lunch gathering the inner circle were having. being with all of them at once still made her feel on edge.
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     nesta was lying on one of the couches, her face twisted with pain. she let out a groan, “i don’t know how i was even able to make it down here. my legs haven’t felt this sore since i first started training.” perhaps she’d get lucky and convince cassian to let her skip tomorrow’s training. she turned her head and began to say something else to gwyn when something caught her eye around her neck. despite the library’s dim lighting she could still see the way the necklace sparkled when hit just right. ignoring the burning pain in her legs, she quickly sat up and moved to sit next to gwyn on the opposite couch. “what is that?” her eyes didn’t leave the necklace, she reached out to inspect the charm. at first glance someone may not think it to be anything special, but nesta was a merchant’s daughter. this necklace was anything but ordinary. holding the rose shaped pendant gently in her fingers, she moved it so it could catch the faelights perfectly. her eyes widened slightly at the colors shining. “it’s a beautiful necklace.” she let’s go of it to look at gwyn. “where did you get a necklace like that? is it a family heirloom?”
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fightfirst · 2 years
@valkyrd <3
There’s a distinct hesitation to his approach, a falter in his usually confident step, a second guess. It’d been a long time since Azriel had second guessed himself as much as he did when it came to Gwyn. It was up there with Mor, and all of the accompanying emotions that came along with that, but the more that he turned his attention to Gwyn? The less all those said accompanying emotions seemed to… hurt. Worry him. It made his shadows curl around the back of his neck, whisper things he’d sooner deny than say aloud. Perhaps they had a point. 
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Still, Azriel remained unmoving in the shadows of the bookshelf, seeing the fiery orange of her hair lighting up the space around her. A breath, a teasing from his shadows. Fine. he whispered back to them. He did need help finding that parchment for Rhysand, anyway. “Hey Valkyrie.” Emerging from the shadows like a breath on the wind, he leans against the bookshelf that had once concealed him. Arms crossed and wings folded. “You busy?” 
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erobret · 3 months
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HE HAD BEEN THANKFUL TO CLOTHO , giving a deep bow when she allowed him entry to the library . he knew the book he had been sent to retrieve . . . though he hadn't the slightest idea of where to start to look for it . hooded figures walked quietly and he kept as far as the shelves would allow away from them . he had been told of the priestesses here . could only imagine what they had gone through . knew what his presence among them could cause .
feyre had said level four . that was his only clue . he slipped quickly amongst the aisles of shelves and began to scan over titles . they seemed to be organized by author ? however . . . feyre had only given him the title of the book . he glanced around and swallowed hard . he knew he could ask for help but . . . he didn't want to burden any of the females here .
a sigh left his lips , calloused hand going to rub at the back of his neck . he was hopeless in places like this .
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deathsconsort · 2 months
how can things change so drastically in such a short amount of time? one moment she was blissfully happy with her mate, excited to tell him they were expecting. she saw their future so clearly, the two of them ruling the dusk court together, their friends by their side, and them spoiling their baby with so much love. it was perfect and more than nesta could have dreamed for herself, so it shouldn’t have crushed her the way it did when that future crumbled right before her. whenever things seem to be going well and she’s happy it never lasts long, something always happens to ruin it.
however, there was one blessing; the fact that she didn’t tell cassian about her pregnancy before he made his decision. she still didn’t know all the faerie laws, didn’t know if any existed for such a situation, nor did she care. she didn’t know if she would have been stuck there in the night court or if rhysand would have forced her to stay because she was carrying cassian’s baby. not that she’d listen to him, but it would have made things more complicated. and there was no way she was going to tell cassian about the pregnancy in an attempt to get him to go with her, she couldn’t stand the thought of him only agreeing because she was pregnant.
upon rebuilding the dusk court and setting up the valkyries, as well as welcoming people to live within the court, nesta had been keeping her pregnancy hidden. using her magic she is able to disguise her scent, not covering it up completely but just enough to alter it so no one can detect she’s with child. thankfully it takes a good few months for a bump to show and when it started to it was small enough for her to cover it with looser fitting gowns and blouses. the last thing she needed was someone finding out and gossiping about her, then somehow getting to the night court. a visit from cassian was the last thing she wanted to deal with.
nesta was nearing six months now and it was beginning to be impossible to hide her bump or how easily tired she became. she knew this day would come, but she still didn’t know what to do or how to tell her friends, if they’d react badly or think her a horrible person for keeping it a secret from them and the baby’s father. nearly every night since becoming high lady she contemplated her plan, lying in bed wide awake as the thoughts nearly suffocated her. and still she doesn’t have the faintest clue on how to go about it.
her best plan had been to invite gwyn to her chambers for a girl’s night, slumber party included if she wanted to end up sleeping in the same room with her once she told her the truth. maybe it was cowardly, but she didn’t want to tell emerie and gwyn together in case the reaction wasn’t one she’d hoped for. one of the wondrous things about this palace was that it was alive in the same way the house of wind was, whether they’re connected or just similar was unknown to her, but it gave her comfort. it had laid about a bunch of sweet treats for them, books ( some of which were questionable smut ), tea and juice, materials for bracelet making, and a table filled with things for manicures. nesta wore an oversized fuzzy sweatshirt and pajama shorts, knowing it probably looked a bit ridiculous since it was still summer.
they were a little over an hour into their girls night when nesta finally conjured up enough courage…if gwyn was going to get mad at her and leave she’d rather her do it now rather than when they’re too deep into it. they sat on nesta’s bed while making bracelets, nesta now better at braiding the string than she was when gwyn first taught her. “so..” she started. her eyes didn’t stray from the bracelet she was working on. “there’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you and i waited so long because i didn’t know how to tell you or anyone. i still don’t. and i’m afraid of what you’ll say. but i know it’s impossible to keep hiding it.” nesta blew out a big sigh and looked up from her bracelet to gwyn. “i’m pregnant…nearly six months pregnant.”
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skjaldaer · 5 months
"you are strong," your voice denotes a certain amount of pleasant surprise; the sword drips on the blood of an enemy prisoner, slaughtered by the redhead, trickling to the dirt and mixing with the mud of the storm.
"you are also an exceedingly vicious warrior" you hadn't expected it, perhaps blinded by your hubris, you had underestimated the girl. Perhaps a sense of familiarity strikes upon you right now, creating a resemblance between the two of you. You have also been underestimated far too many times - shield maidens are warriors, a queen is a weapon...but nobody truly forgets what's between your legs, "you've proven me wrong, and i seldom am," a bow of your head shows your respect for the other woman, and you lean back against the rotten trunk of a tree, "watch those feelings, though. you fight with your heart burning - try not doing that next time." @valkyrd
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youbloom · 5 months
"oh! i knew your hair would look really beautiful with these flowers," you smile, wide and bright as you step back to admire your handywork. the white lilies weaved through the valkyrie's auburn hair hum and chirp with content - they feel at ease close to the other fae, you can tell.
"i may have overdone it a bit with the lilies, though, but i think it was worth it," you laugh, bringing a finger to your lips to study the long braid coiled around gwyn's head. usually, when the flowers are plucked from the ground, they cry as they know their lives run shorter now. however, the lilies seem to not mind being braided into gwyn's hair. you assume it is because of the woman's kind energy. nature knows to recognize a good soul.
"do you like it? oh, please say so! i think you look stunning!" @valkyrd
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f1ameheir · 7 months
❛   by gods . . .   ❜ her voice was near breathless when it sounded in response to the other. lost in another world as she explored the breathtaking library velaris held home to , aelin seemed to all but forget others lurked in the shelves. aelin collected herself , fixing the books that dangled from her arms from the fright , before looking back to the auburn haired girl before her. ❛   you scared the hell out of me.   ❜
@valkyrd liked for a starter
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rhysie · 8 months
" sorry, i thought i saw you doing something suspicious. " — @valkyrd
the scent of dust & old books fill his scents, his posture tense as he rifles through shelves desperately. it's clear rhysand doesn't know exactly what he's looking for, couldn't even dare to ask for help — anything, that could give him answers: how to save feyre, how to save the babe. death looms over his shoulders, nearing closer & closer as her stomach swells. for once, he's rendered absolutely helpless. every healer has given him the same answers, & every time he had to try his hardest not to completely shatter in their midst.
all he has left is to search old texts — however few & far between they are. which lead him here, barely holding himself together, a swirl of shadows subconsciously looming around his figure as to spare the priestesses from seeing him like this. it's only his search hits a wall that the fog falters, hand running through his hair, so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn't even noticed gwyn there. with an inhale, rhysand's gaze softens, head dipping down in greeting. he can be on edge anywhere else, but here ... here, he'll regain his composure, lips flickering into a polite smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes. " ah, not to worry. feyre has me searching for a romance novel, embarrassingly enough. perhaps you have some recommendations? " he'll admit: not his best lie.
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