#valley of repose arc
blue-captain-frankie · 4 months
moms i got yous a air fryer
How do... What does...
Right, you wouldn't know-
...Um. Where did you get this?
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env0writes · 3 years
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Umber Embers 9.9.21 “Red Rocks in the Valley”
American flags Whipped in the wind The same way they flew When the land and people too Were whipped, in the wind
I think that too, Lightning struck, Like in the classics of yore In the stormed displeasure of Zeus Flash-strike-crashing Across the skyline Foretold by the harbingering wind
Saving grace, like stained glass arcs Casting their gentle repose Across the sand-whipped, flag-strewn, thunderstruck fields A bough amidst the rain, Like beads, I want to thread them To tell the story I can feel that has been worked Into the very soil here
Imprinted in my palms Are marks of where flags were once held This is not where my flag, My story, My words Are to be uttered This is where I listen To stories To words, Uttered where other flags Have marked flagless places
Blood is needlessly spilt in iron-rich soil
@env0writes C.Buck Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!
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What Might Have Been - 7
I’m now getting to the plot bits of my @goodomenscelebration fic, and felt it was appropriate to add a title and also start posting each chapter separately.
You can read the previous sections here. This section is CW for aftermath of some pretty heavy violence.
(I’m also posting to AO3, but it will likely take until this weekend to get my posting schedules synced...)
Alternate Universe
Aziraphale cut off his conversation with Crowley, not a moment too soon. The ground raced towards him and he snapped his wings open, almost too late, the wind resistance straining the bones and the feathers nearly to the breaking point.
The force of the wind propelled him back up, tumbling end over end, until, twisting and flapping, he finally managed to right himself and started drifting over the ruined land.
Great cracks rent the ground, flowing with lava or magma or some such term. In between, everything was dried to the point of petrification. It might almost have been some other world entirely, except now and then he recognized a valley – flooded or burned; a river – polluted beyond recognition; even a hill – bare of trees and grass. And not a living creature to be seen.
It smelled of sulfur, and brimstone, and lightning, and death.
He glanced up, but the hole in the sky was gone. At first, he thought it had closed, trapping him in this mad landscape forever. But no. He’d drifted, and without a familiar point of reference, he didn’t know how he could find his way back.
Wheeling, he spotted the coast, the tall buildings of Brighton coming quickly towards him. He could see it in his mind now; the little brick-faced townhouses of the outer towns, with fields and parks weaving throughout; the steel buildings, rearing to the sky; holiday-makers lying along the beaches or gathered on the pier. It was too early, really, for sea bathing, but the weather had been warm and humans could be determined.
Had been nice. Now the sky was the color of an old bruise and the clouds stretched uninterrupted from horizon to horizon. And the city itself…
He flew down the flooded main roads, past townhouses and shops flooded to their first-floor balconies. The church in its little park had been torn to pieces, the telltale burn marks of lightning and worse on the few stones standing above the waters. A few larger lorries were just visible as well, and the streetlights, most snapped in half like toothpicks.
The tallest buildings had been shattered, pieces broken off and dropped onto the homes and shops below. He circled one, apartments, hoping the unbroken windows would show some sign of habitation – no luck. There were few of those, and the rooms behind them looked abandoned.
Even the pier was gone, the top of the rollercoaster still just visible, one car eternally suspended on the highest hairpin curve.
Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound.
Aziraphale landed on the top of the Grand Brighton Hotel, where he and Crowley had come for lunch just the week before. Far too many oysters, followed by spicy beef, and fresh Halibut, truffled mash and the marvelous chocolate peanut butter cake. They’d laughed over the idea of getting a room, only a few miles from home, just for the novelty, the sea breeze, the fun of playing tourist.
Now that same sea breeze ripped through Aziraphale’s feathers, flapping his coat behind him. He could see some sort of storm brewing in the distance, towards France, lightning flashing almost continuously. The corner tower had been sliced clean through, too neatly for any human tools. The Metropole next door had fared little better, brick face cracked and crumbling, the “We Love Brighton” across the roof unreadable.
Easing himself over the edge, Aziraphale drifted through the hole in the face of the Grand Brighton, inspecting one of the rooms. Nearly all the furniture was gone – white carpet black with mold, bed little more than a tangle of once-luxurious sheets beside rotten wood that had once been a headboard. The walls had been burned, too, then submerged, then burned again when the waters receded.
He passed through the room slowly, folding his wings back out of reality. Only as he passed the remains of the bed did he realize there was something solid in amongst the fabric. He folded it back to find…it had once been a person, huddled deep in a leather jacket that would have been too big even before decay set in, bloated face leaving no discernable features. Aziraphale placed a hand on the shriveled arm, as if to feel for a pulse, but of course there was none – the body was cold.
He shifted the human anyway, to lie in something like repose, and pulled the sheets back over the face.
How many more were there? In a city of half a million people, how many survived?
The lightning flashed out at sea, again, again, catching his eye as it grew brighter, closer. It looked familiar, somehow, or nearly so. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it filled Aziraphale with a fear he hadn’t felt in years.
He watched the roiling mass of light and dark approach, enveloping everything in its way.
It couldn’t be lightning, he realized. The light was too continuous, too many places at once, never actually going out, just darting from cloud to cloud. Now and again two blasts struck each other, and one might fall into the sea or rise into the sky.
Dark shapes fluttered between the lightning, like birds. Only too large, he realized as the storm finally devoured the pier, bearing now on him. Much too large…
The first angel darted past, flaming sword in hand, golden ichor dripping from wounds. “Retreat!” they called, wings beating a frantic tempo. “Retreat!”
Then more, hundreds, thousands, hosts greater than any Aziraphale had seen assembled since the Fall, so very, very long ago. They screamed, to intimidate, to show fear, it mattered not, the sound was constant. And hot on their heels, riding hellhounds and wielding glowing balls of Hellfire…
An angel crashed to the floor in front of Aziraphale, jacket torn to shreds, kilt soaked with enough ichor to completely obscure her platoon’s tartan. Some of it was hers, pouring from a wound that cut through one wing – white feathers tipped with gold – and across her shoulder, deep and nasty. A human would have lost all consciousness long ago.
“Are you alright, my dear?” Aziraphale asked, bending over, stretching out fingers to inspect the damage.
She leapt to her feet, sword cutting a wide arc that sliced through the wall as if it were an illusion, blade halting just before Aziraphale’s nose. “What are you doing here?” She demanded.
“I suppose I could ask you the same,” he began.
“Why aren’t you in uniform? Where is your sword? Identify yourself!”
“I – I – I – I’m Aziraphale!” he managed, stumbling a few steps back. “Principality of Earth, Guardian of the Eastern Gate.”
“Nice try, deserter,” she snapped, grabbing him by the waistcoat. “If you’re going to give a false name, next time try one that isn’t known to every angel, human and demon in the world.”
“Wh…what?” he managed.
A blast of horns – the war cry of Heaven – shook the city, trembling the floor beneath their feet. Suddenly, the armies moved the other direction, pale shapes of angels flashing out to sea, while the dark demons retreated, lobbing Hellfire over their shoulders. Where each blistering ball struck, all was destroyed – buildings, streetlights, angels.
“Find the Beast!” someone shouted. “He has fled the battlefield! Find him!”
“What’s going on?” Aziraphale demanded, ignoring the blade in front of him to stare as an angel and demon, locked in combat, careened into the Metropole, blasting a hole straight through to the other side. “What beast? Why are they fighting?”
“What do you mean ‘what beast?’ The Beast. Their leader.” At his blank stare, she rolled silver eyes. “Who else would lead the army of the demons in the final days? The Antichrist.”
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lmv-h · 5 years
Le geste répété de la mer // The sea’s repeated gesture
Caressant son rivage bleu tout au long de la nuit, patiente, patiente, rhétorique entêtée qui jamais ne persuade, les rochers ne voulant pas être galets, les nuits et les jours et les siècles s’écoulant avant que les galets ne soient réduits en sable, le sable enfin barrant le chemin de la mer à l’intérieur des terres, une île se formant du limon. Néanmoins cette nuit toute entière et toutes les nuits de notre vie la mer caressant son rivage bleu, patiente, patiente.
Stroking its blue shore throughout the night, patient, patient, determined rhetoric that never persuades, the rocks unwilling to be pebbles, nights and days and centuries passing before the pebbles dwindle to join the sand, the sand itself at last barring the sea’s way into the land, an island forming from the silt. Yet still all this night and all the nights of our life the sea stoking its blue shore, patient, patient.
La myriade du passé, elle entre en nous et disparaît. A l’exception des fragments qui, quelque part en elle, comme des diamants, refusent d’être consumés * The myriad past, it enters us and disappears. Except that within it somewhere, like diamonds, exist the fragments that refuse to be consumed
Jusqu’à ce que parfois un esprit ou un corps ancien – – on ne voit plus vraiment lequel ce peut bien être- ces insistances indurées ayant évincé toutes les autres, devienne pur diamant, transparence dure taillée en mille facettes miroitant des lumières de l’invisible, irisation originelle, arc-en-ciel de mort.
Until sometime an ancient mind or body-it’s not clear anymore which it may be- those indurate insistences having crowded out all else becomes all diamond: hard transparence cut to a thousand facets gleaming with lights of the unseen, a primal iridescence, rainbow of death.
Le saint, béni soit-il, erre encore »,dit Jacob, « il erre à la recherche d’un lieu où se reposer
* The holy one, blessed be he, wanders again,’ said Jacob. ‘He is wandering and looks for a place where he can rest
Entre les pages une plume de roitelet pour marquer quel passage ? Du sang, pas sec, perles écarlates sur la poussière des pierres. Un regard étonné que l’on perçoit à peine au visage qui se tourne – Quelle chose, qui avait-il vu ? Des traces. Voici l’auberge froide, le voyageur l’a dépassée cherchant encore la chaleur d’une étable, un lieu où naître.
* Between the pages a wren’s feather to mark what passage? Blood, not dry, beaded scarlet on dusty stones. A look of wonder barely perceived on a turning face- what, who had they seen? Traces. Here’s the cold inn, the wanderer passed it by searching once more for a stable’s warmth, a birthplace.
J’appris qu’elle s’appelait Proverbe  * I learned that her name was Proverb
Et les noms secrets de tous ceux, rencontrés, qui nous entraînent plus loin au fond de notre labyrinthe de vallées et de montagnes, de vallées tortueuses et de montagnes plus escarpées – leurs noms cachés sont toujours, comme Proverbe, des promesses : Rune, Présage, Fable, Parabole, ceux que nous rencontrons seulement dans un instant de grâce, un regard échangé, ou côtoyons, des années, sans les reconnaître
mais dont un mot plus tard revient chanter pour nous comme d’en haut parmi les feuilles, encore tout près mais invisible
nous tirant d’arbre en arbre vers le temps et le lieu inconnu où nous pourrons apprendre ce qu’arriver veut dire.
And the secret names of all we meet who lead us deeper of valleys and mountains, twisting valleys and steeper mountains- their hidden names are always, like Proverb, promises: Rune, Omen, Fable, Parable, those we meet for only one crucial moment, gaze to gaze, or for years know and don’t recognize
but of whom later a word sings back to us as if from high among leaves, still near but beyond sight
drawing us from tree to tree towards the time and the unknown place where we shall know what it is to arrive.
Extrait de/ From : Breathing the Water, (pages 46-51) Denise Levertov – Traduction de Raymond Farina 
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ggdbshopcheap-blog · 5 years
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oldcityhotels · 7 years
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Town of Constantinople
On one facet, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the lifeless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human pleasure swells excessive throughout the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer just a few paces onward solely to the subsequent window and he shall be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the fantastic Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, just a few toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he could repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the stunning “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” probably the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer time palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and different scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and different scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encircling objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the vast sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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privateistanbultour · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the lifeless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human satisfaction swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer just a few paces onward solely to the subsequent window and he can be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the intense blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the fantastic Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is glad with this spirit-stirring scene, just a few ft onward he’ll discover a spot whence he could repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer time palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diverse scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diverse scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy top upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiratory metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the broad sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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oldcityistan · 7 years
New Post has been published on
The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the lifeless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human satisfaction swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer just a few paces onward solely to the subsequent window and he can be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the intense blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the fantastic Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is glad with this spirit-stirring scene, just a few ft onward he’ll discover a spot whence he could repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer time palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diverse scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diverse scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy top upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiratory metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the broad sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
0 notes
istanbularge · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
0 notes
trekkingistanbul · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
0 notes
istanbulmosque · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
0 notes
blue-captain-frankie · 4 months
The ssnow
i wasdnt expexcting it to be thhis bad...
Forggot I'mn psart plant nowq
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historicalistanbul · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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tripistanbul · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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istanbulboatours · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one aspect, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human delight swells excessive through the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a couple of paces onward solely to the following window and he will probably be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is happy with this spirit-stirring scene, a couple of toes onward he’ll discover a spot whence he might repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer season palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and diversified scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and diversified scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy peak upon the fairy wonders of the encompassing objects; the busy respiration metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the huge sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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happysofiaa · 7 years
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The city of Constantinople
On one facet, the town of Constantinople is unfold out beneath him like a map; and he gazes on its thousand domes, and its 5 thousand minarets; its majestic maples dwindled into bushes; and its darkish cypresses seeming like finger posts indicating the scattered resting-places of the useless upon its busy khans, its crowded Teharchi, its luxurious palaces, and its gloomy prisons. The hand and thoughts of man arc seen all through, and human satisfaction swells excessive in the course of the contemplation of human energy; however let the gazer transfer a number of paces onward solely to the following window and he might be immediately rebuked. There stretches away the ocean of Marmora the sunny Propontis with its rocky islets, and its glittering waves, dancing beneath the brilliant blue sky; Mount Olympus, stately with its crown of snow and its mantle of vapour, perceptible on the verge of the horizon ; and the wonderful Bosphorus, winding between its wealthy and peopled shores, guiding his imaginative and prescient onward to the Sea of Storms.
One other transfer, and the Golden Horn is earlier than him ; a thousand barks safely moored inside its land-locked limits, pouring forth the riches of different lands, or lading with the treasures of this; the flag of many countries flying proudly at their masts, and the voices of many lands swelling upon the breeze. “When bis eye is sated, and his thoughts is glad with this spirit-stirring scene, a number of ft onward he’ll discover a spot whence he could repose his excited imaginative and prescient on the darkish and arid rocks which enclose the beautiful “ Valley of the Candy Waters ;” essentially the most scrumptious spot of earth that ever was cinctured by a mountain-girdle ; and lose himself in fancy amid its woods and waters, the golden-latticed chambers of its summer time palace, and the veiled beauties who inhabit them.
Majestic and different scenes
Such is a faint define of the majestic and different scenes to be loved on the expense of the fatigue attendant on mounting the 300 and thirty steps of the Yanguen Kiosque a bodily exertion which is forgotten on the first look from its dizzy top upon the fairy wonders of the encircling objects; the busy respiratory metropolis the candy nonetheless valley the ocean channel, linking two quarters of the globe as with a silver string and the vast sea, the unfathomable, trackless, mysterious sea, bounding the imaginative and prescient, the place it blends in a single deep, wealthy, purple tint, with the far horizon.
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