#vallkary’s writing stuff
kittsu-and-company · 8 months
Self Reflection
TWs; Heavily implied Pokémon death, Implied Gore, Implied Pokemon Harm, Self Sabotaging Tendencies/Idealation.
She pondered this as she stared up at the darkened ceiling, trying to make out ghostly shapes that would hopefully snap her mind into fear, then to sleep. How many things has she lied about so far? How many more will it take to reach whatever end she was after? She sighed lightly as she scratched an itch on her neck, having quickly abandoned her goal of distracting yourself to sleep. 0212 is always the best time for some self reflection, hm?
She… Kittsu didn’t know how much she’s lied. She doesn’t like lying and tries to avoid it, but each little false remark thoughtlessly spewed weighed on her mind. Arceus, she was so fucking selfish. She claimed to value honesty above all else but crumbles under suspicious eyes, giving meaningless claims to escape confrontation by any means possible.
She really was a bad person, wasn’t she..? The fact she doesn’t feel guilty only added to that fact.
Kittsu turned her head to face the Doduo that took up half of her pillow, mindlessly reaching out to scratch one of its chins, letting her hand drop down with a small thud. It wasn’t… she didn’t lie that much, did she? The only big one was…
…The Altar.
It still chased her mind though a month has already passed since her visit. She told people that she didn’t go, but she knows if anyone had pressed the issue she would’ve broken down. Arceus. She didn’t even feel that guilty for allowing her Pokémon to get needlessly hurt. She would’ve apologized by now if she really cared at all.
She… she loves her Pokemon. Right? Or was this all a facade and she was just lying again, even to herself? Of course she doesn’t truly love them, there were others who appreciated Ember and Aeries and Hubert and Gliese far more than herself. She only hoped they would be the ones to leave her first, this time; maybe if they forgot her first it wouldn’t hurt as much when they leave.
…No, the fact that she wanted to wail at the prospect of them being in pain- of dying without living their full lives- that was proof that she loves, right? She loves them. She just doesn’t know how to. A parasite, that’s what she is, a parasite that happened to have a parasite according to the Ghost person.
Parasites should be culled, removed, but it made it so much more complicated when the hosts liked their parasite. Perhaps it was more symbiotic? But then… how would she leave? If she stays and… and loves them, it would be agony when she’s left in the dark for one final time.
She wants them all to be happy, but she wants to be happy, too. If her presence, at least at the moment is what makes them joyful, then she’ll stay.
She’ll ignore the urges to destroy it all; to destroy herself. To tear everything down just to build it back up again, and continue the cycle of continuous destruction; a cycle she doesn’t remember the beginning of.
…This isn’t healthy. She isn’t healthy, or was this how people just went about their days? Does everyone feel the innate urge to start from scratch, despite the effort and pain it will take to gain back what was lost? Yeah, she was fine. After all, why else would people be so enamored with destruction? The burning of a house, the blowing up of a car… as long as nobody was hurt, people would flock to watch the carnage with nothing but neutrality at worst.
She was fine. Of course she was. Or maybe… No it’s too late to go over that now.
She closed her eyes and a sudden heat burst through her mind, and she scratched at her arms as she quickly sat up, trying to shake the imagery from her mind. The thick smell of sweet iron and visions of sticky rust splatters caked on sun-baked stone plagued her senses.
She wasn’t fine. Or she was. She couldn’t tell as she sat there, playing the events of her Alolan “vacation” through her mind as she mulled over the memories she tried to bury. Don’t think about it, don’t bring it up, and it’s as if it never happened.
Kittsu rubbed her face. Arceus, those poor Pokemon…
She removed her hands and reached for her phone, curiosity overcoming her long lasting urge to forget about what had happened. She already had a few ideas for what may have caused the gorey scene upon the altar, but now it was just up to Sligoogle and her mind to put the pieces together.
“What would happen if your blood boiled”
“Decomposition process of flying Pokémon”
“Why would a body not decay”
“Can the heat kill all bacteria and not allow it to grow back”
“Deaths around Vast Poni Canyon”
“Why would a ghost suddenly disappear?”
Most of her questions received dubious answers, sometimes even a couple mental health lifelines showed up in her results. She doubted that Coral or anyone else in the house would check her browser history, but she made sure to wipe any possibly incriminating searches from her phone. One peek at the time and Arceus, it’s already been an hour?
She- Kittsu sighed as she looked towards Hubert once more, now both heads looking quizzically up at their trainer… She didn’t quite feel human, she now realized. Not human enough to deal with this, at least. Where did The Storyteller go..?
It was too late, she’s already spent enough time staring blankly and reflecting. She plopped back down and tucked herself deeper into her blankets, making sure to give Hubert’s heads each a little kiss.
Maybe next time she would dig deeper.
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vallkary · 11 months
Raaghgh I want my creations to be as enigmatic and compelling as things like Petscop and OFF.
I want to have theories made about the things I make I want TO make theories about things my friends make.
I want to be a good writer and I want people to see and be excited at the mystery, and have actual fun trying to make sense of it all.
I want to be a good writer :]
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illarian-rambling · 17 days
Thanks for the tags @mysticstarlightduck and @thelovelymachinery!
OC Favorites
Rules: Fill out what your oc's favorite things are and add some pictures of those things
Ivander Montane 🪙
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Color: Midnight blue
Season: Fall
Shoe Choice: Dress shoes
Weapon: Rune rifle
Food: Hobgoblin cheesy rice
Drink: Latte
Style: Sharp, formal suits
Mode of Transportation: Train, first class
Animal: Pigeon (he thinks they're fun to watch)
Pastime: Gossiping, reading, and paperwork
Breakfast: Painkillers
Personality: Brutally mean, like a catty middle schooler, but with a sensitive interior layer
I'll tag @mk-writes-stuff @serendipminie-writes @vallkary @mr-orion @bluewritesbadly and anyone else who wants to play :)
(Blanks under the cut)
Color: Season: Shoe Choice: Weapon: Food: Drink: Style: Mode of Transportation: Animal: Pastime: Breakfast: Personality: Songs:
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vallkary · 3 months
Do you think that in a world where Reincarnation is a constant part of the cycle of death, that if you find a way to bring somebody’s soul back, it’d kill the person they reincarnated into?
Neat thought idea
It’s not just morally ambiguous to bring someone back who should be dead. By bringing somebody back you’re killing them again, and ruining the lives of those who knew their reincarnated self.
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vallkary · 4 months
Two separate deities of life and death, one can only give life, and the other can only take life
But they’re still gods, right?
Life can kill, but it’s not its specialty. Death and revive, but again, it’s not its specialty.
Do you think they’d have a shared “storage” of life energy? For Life to draw from, and Death to refill when needed? They know that something is wrong if balance between the Inbetween and Mortal Plane and the Afterlife is upset
Getting killed by Life, that’s rather paradoxical, right? Same with being revived by Death.
One can only dabble with gifting life, the other with only taking it, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t try to do the opposite sometimes
What if rather than being brought back to the Mortal Plane, or sent to the Afterlife, souls killed by Life or revived by Death find themselves trapped in the Inbetween?
An endless storage expanse for life energy itself, and life isn’t always pretty, is it? What about its purest form? Your soul is already too touched by the divine for the magic to destroy it like any other soul would be, so are you just stuck?
Or maybe you can find a way, find a path and dig your way out of the Inbetween
But where will that leave you, then?
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vallkary · 11 months
Some of the things I really like in writing!
My favoritest things ever in the whole wide world (writing)
When an extremely traumatized character has all of their trauma regularly overlooked and is constantly told “someone else had it worse” and they don’t argue or nothing and just take it
When that some traumatized character snaps and does something big, and it feels like it scars the world itself from how intensely they showed the hurt others have caused them in such a visceral, or physical, way (example; someone setting like. A big, big thing on fire.)
When the people who traumatized the character feel, viscerally feel the hurt tenfold. They are forced to see the purest, ugliest reality that they created. The festering wounds that they refused to treat. They see the torment and torture and they are terrified.
Characters letting out the most guttural scream of pure anguish and rage, trying to hurt the person who hears. The one person who hears lets them. They let them take out their anger and rage because it would destroy them from the inside out if they didn’t. (subject to edits)
Adding onto before. When a character gets so fucking pissed you can like. See heat lines coming off of them. They are so full of rage that the ground quakes where they step. They can and will kill, and you’d be worse off if you got in the way. (subject to edits)
Tragedies. Any kind of tragedy.
When a young character is raised to be a hero, essentially brainwashed into believing they have to be the hero no matter what and get a hero complex. The same people who put them on this pedestal then tear them down and berate them while still bringing them higher. Like Jenga, you keep making the tower of glory and heroism better while simultaneously tormenting the prime spectacle, taking parts of their life and ruining things just to make the pillar higher. They break a child just to prove they can make a hero. And when the tower falls the hero turns into the villain in the eyes of all. The hero suffers for a fate out of their control. The hero suffers for things that were never their fault in the first place.
The hero is a child. A child that never grew up yet never had a childhood in the first place. And they are tormented and berated and blamed and tortured for the life they did not ask for. And the worst part is, there’s one person there to tell them that no; this isn’t rightful punishment. There’s only one there to tell them that they aren’t the pinnacle of evil for existing. One person… far too busy with their own matters to offer this reassurance to the hero. Their hero, their child that they love so dearly. Their only option is to watch their [son] suffer at the hands of those they call allies, or sometimes even friends.
When a character coming from nothing, perhaps poverty, leaves their 1(one) family or friend (WITH)!! Closure to go on a grand adventure. All contact is cut, (loved one) fears they may never see (character again), until they show up on the news. They see their beloved (character) injured, traumatized, probably on the news for murder, but all they can feel is relief.
Once they are able to reunite, (loved one) is met with a traumatized, marred and maimed version of their love, but they’re happy, they’re so much happier and they’re so much stronger and they’ve learned so much. When their paths part again, (loved one) isn’t worried anymore, their (character) can handle themselves now, they’ve all grown up. And (loved one) is so goddamn proud of (character)
The fucking. Theseus symbolism minus half the things that make Theseus Theseus. The hero gets killed for preforming a heroic duty. They are left to die alone and filthy and disgraced and they are not remembered. IM FROTHING TAT THE MOUTH
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vallkary · 4 months
Out of Context Line, tag from @illarian-rambling ?
Pulled from “Do You Remember me Now?”
Something clicked as her eyes finally traced over where the next journal would’ve sat, a hole in a story she swore she knew the name of. A missing journal, but who was next in line? She would’ve thought it would be Achlys’ name waiting to be filled in that missing cavity, if it weren’t for her pounding head, and a frantic, clawing desperation that she knew wasn’t her own. Remember.
The lights went out with a snap.
I have no idea how tag lines work, but @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego ? (I’m so sorry I know you write and you’re the only one I could think of)
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vallkary · 7 months
Silly goofy wanted to make edgy stuff after I remembered somethin tiny
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Under the cut is me being overly melodramatic about problems I’m 67% sure most if not all people have dealt with at least once
(I am okay I just wanted to get this off my chest, plus I wanted to be edgy lmao)
What does my heart look like? I can’t tell. Is it a scab of old wounds? A rotting, festering thing buried beneath soil of time? Or maybe it’s just that; healthy soil, scarred, yes, but healthy nonetheless.
I can’t tell but what I do know is that it bleeds, and all blood stains my hands and mine alone.
When did it start? Did it ever start? Was it that one mean teacher, or simply a result of unfortunate genes, making it prone to false pains?
Maybe it never started, and maybe it’s all a result of the blood my hands stained of; the blood of other, beating, wounded hearts?
When we all played catch, throwing around feelings and lives and showing guts under the guise of friendship, did I join in? I don’t remember; only the memory of wanting to swoop in and rescue those infinitely far away.
I remember rotting, freshly cut hearts resting there for all to see, and I held them as soft as I could to cushion the pain-
And it all fell apart, or maybe that’s just how all things go?
All I know is that it hurts and my hands are stained with blood, and I cannot stain others with mine in good faith.
I lied to say I could handle the crimson stains.
Who else would do the same?
And who’s to say it wouldn’t crumble away in their hold?
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vallkary · 11 months
I would like to make a super neat cryptic story, kind of taking notes from Petscop mainly
It seems a big part of it is to make the base story, and already have it be compelling without being too complex?
Then you just have to like
Twist it
Twist it and bend it and jumble it like a Rubix Cube, and make sure to leave all parts in, if you removed one small detail it can ruin the whole plot.
And SYMBOLISM!! Symbolism is so important!! And it may even be easy to find.
Then you find the best way for you to present your story! And then actually uh, work on presenting it!
It sounds fun but I really doubt my ability to make such a big project and see it all the way through, but I definitely want to play around with the idea more
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vallkary · 9 months
It’s weird how I’m aroace but get so invested in secret identity/romance stories
Like two people have an alter ego and it’s like
Person A crushes on Alterego B
Person B crushes on Alterego A
They’re so silly and I actually love them so much (as long as being flustered doesn’t. incapacitate a person.)
Maybe I’ll try to write something like this,,, need something other than Pokemon OCs and Clangen stuff to show off!
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vallkary · 11 months
I think I’ve discovered a new brand of little guys I like
When the little guys come from nothing, with one person seeing them off on their journey
And the little guy as they travel becomes super big and amazing and awesome and they come home and their person is so fucking proud of them
This may be the only nice writing cliche(???) i like
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tags @frostedlemonwriter and @dyoniawrites!
Writing Share Tag
@kaylinalexanderbooks reminded me that I have this scene of Sepo getting to dress up in fancy clothes, so I'll post that ;)
After a quick wash in the adjoining bathroom, Sepo pulled open the doors of the ivy-carved armoire, sighing bitterly. If he wanted these people’s help, he had to play by their rules. Just think of the power. That’ll make it better.
Looking through the options, Sepo had to begrudgingly admit that the Devarises knew their stuff. The perfectly sized clothes would have been creepy under any other circumstances, but living with a prodigy sorcerer tended to desensitize one to such things. The colors were perfectly suited to his pale complexion and lanky frame, more so than anything he could have afforded back home.
Even if he would never admit to it under anything short of thumbscrews, Sepo sometimes missed the finery he’d once worn. It’d been over a decade since he’d held the position of Singer Priest, yet he still remembered the cool press of his ceremonial mantle with fondness.
The jewelry also, seemed wrought specifically for him. Sepo was bemused to find that all of the pieces featured patterns of crashing waves and blue-black sapphires. Amusing, if a bit insulting.
Shaking himself, he dropped the ring he’d been admiring. There was no time for that! Cursing the Devarises and himself—mostly himself—Sepo raced to make himself presentable, ignoring the allure of the silks and satins around him.
Ok, mostly ignored. Snagging a ring or two wouldn’t hurt anyone. Probably.
He has a shoplifter's soul and a runway model's heart. I'll tag @renja-writes @saturnine-saturneight @pluttskutt @vallkary and anyone else who wants to play!
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vallkary · 11 months
Hiya! My name’s Allistor, your local shapeshifter!
(CDT timezone)
Hello!!! I (Allistor as you can tell) am a below-18 Shapeshifter alterhuman. I’m gender-fluid, and aroace, and I just really like Pokémon hah
My DMs and asks are ALWAYS open and I love receiving both, though I do have anons off for the sake of avoiding possible scam links,,
I am always open to discussing writing, OCs, tropes, etc, etc. I am gnawing on the bars of my enclosure if love to talk and trade constructive feedback (with permission ofc)
My tags:
Vallkary - Any post that’s not a reblog
Vallkary’s Doodles - Art that I make
Vallkary goes insane over Pokémon - Me rambling about Pokemon
Vallkary’s OCs - Posts about my OCs
Eclipsing Story: #Kittsu Chroma #Achlys Rose
Vallkary’s Writing stuff - Things I write, or save for future writing. Just things related to writing!
Vallkary plays Games - Me discussing my gaming related misadventures
Vallkary loses mind over Media - The jrwi brainrot is too strong for me to not give it a tag
Vallkary’s Worldbuilding - (new) Self explanatory I believe? From theoretical discussions to how to actually go about it, yeagh
Feel free to stick around, and if not? Farewell!
(mutuals have full permission to message me at any time about literally anything I like talking to y’all)
Can’t be obsessed with Pokémon without a couple Pokemon IRL accounts /silly
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vallkary · 11 months
Grr where’d all the writing stuff I saved and tagged #vallkary’s writing stuff go :(
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