useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
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The rap singer Valtònyc (wearing dark green in the first photo) has returned from exile. It's the first time he steps in his homeland Mallorca in almost 6 years.
He was sentenced to 3.5 years of prison because when he was 18 years old he wrote a song where he criticized the Spanish monarchy and uploaded it to YouTube. He wasn't famous and his most listened song on YouTube had 8,000 views, but in Spain it's a crime to say "injuries against the crown", and the laws are often applied more harshly against national minorities (Valtònyc is from the Catalan Countries). His song was found and he had to go to trial over it, and was sentenced guilty of the crimes of injuries against the monarchy, praising terrorism, and threats.
Valtònyc refused to accept the so-called "justice" of the Spanish judicial system, so he decided to escape. He managed to sneak to France unnoticed by the police, and went to Belgium, where there was already a community of Catalan people on exile for their political involvement in the Catalan independence process. He has lived on exile in Belgium these last 5 years and a half.
Had he come back to any Spanish territory, Valtònyc (same as the other exiles) would have immediately been jailed. In fact, Spain issued an international order of extradition, demanding Belgium arrest him and send him to Spain to be imprisoned. But the Belgian courts found that these kind of cases should be allowed under freedom of speech and, instead of sending Valtònyc to Spain, Belgium got rid of their own law that punished "injuries against the crown" as a crime. With no Belgian law to punish him, he was allowed to stay in Belgium. This is a similar process that had happened with other Catalan exiles, who Spain has demanded be extradited multiple times but Belgian law has protected for human rights and freedom of speech reasons.
By the way, the song that got him sentenced to prison had been a commission from the Spanish politician Pablo Iglesias (leader of Podemos, the left Spanish party) for his TV show La Tuerka. Valtònyc has explained that Iglesias never called him, never showed any solidarity nor interest in his case. Iglesias was vice-president of Spain during Valtònyc's exile.
The crimes expired six months ago, meaning he can no longer be imprisoned for it. However, the Spanish courts did not notify him of it (as they should have done), so his lawyer and him just found out.
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After saying goodbye to other Catalan people on exile in Belgium, who are not allowed to come back yet (in the photos, shared by Valtònyc on his Twitter, he is saying goodbye to the politicians Lluís Puig and Carles Puigdemont), he has come back home.
He was welcomed by 200 people in his hometown. He has thanked all the people who helped him and showed solidarity. He also reminded that Pablo Hasél (a rap singer from Catalonia) is still in prison for the lyrics of his songs and the contents of his Tweets, sentenced guilty of injuries against the crown and praising terrorism. You can read more about Pablo Hasél's arrest in this post, and an explanation of the tweets and lyrics that got him sentenced in this post.
As we celebrate Valtònyc's return, we cannot forget that Spain has repeatedly ranked number 1 in the whole world for country that sent the most musicians to jail for the content of their music, in 2018 and 2020. By the way all the 14 rap singers condemned to prison for their lyrics were Catalan (Pablo Hasél and the 12 members of the band La Insurgencia from Catalonia, and Valtònyc from the Balearic islands), not one of any other culture group or from any other area. Curious, 100% of the sentenced, when the population of the Catalan Countries is less than 29% of the population of Spain. Wonder why!
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aurelifotografia · 6 months
Zoo + Valtònyc a Fires de Sant Narcís 2023 #Girona
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barba888 · 2 years
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javiroa226 · 6 years
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Sestao (Euskadi)
Dedicado a Josep Miquel Arenas, conocido por el nombre artístico de “Valtònyc”, el rapero contestatario, anticapitalista, antimonárquico y antifascista.
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no-passaran · 6 years
“Los Borbones son unos ladrones”
La resposta de desenes de cantants i MCs, grups de música, ballarins/es i d'altres contra l'empresonament de Valtònyc, Pablo Hassel i La Insurgencia.
(Cançó bilingüe castellà-català)
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ultimavoce · 6 years
Rapper spagnoli condannati per 'istigazione al terrorismo'
#Rapper spagnoli alle prese con la #censura e la #monarchia. #Politica #Spagna #LibertàDEspressione #FreedomOfSpeech #Musica #Hasél #Valtonyc
Mentre in Italia non si sa ancora se e quando avremo un nuovo governo e che posizioni assumerà l’eventuale futuro presidente del Consiglio in merito a temi quali l’omosessualità, le coppie di fatto, l’immigrazione e la lotta al terrorismo; all’estero le cose non sembrano andare molto meglio.La settimana scorsa la Slovacchia  è stata scossa dalla morte del giovane reporter Jan Kuciake della sua…
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unpensadoranonimo · 2 years
Las noticias (31/10/2021)
El 'dedazo' del Gobierno de España al nombrar a la jefa de Protección de Datos incumple la ley
El IPC se dispara hasta el 5,5% en octubre, su tasa más alta en 29 años, por la electricidad
El PIB del verano también decepciona: creció un 2% y anticipa una recuperación más lenta
España, séptimo país con mayor expectativa de vida al alcanzar los 93 años en 2050
Ford Almussafes eliminará el turno de noche por los nuevos planes de producción
La caída del turismo internacional acelera el colapso del transporte de mercancías
La escalada de la inflación elevará en 10.000 millones la factura de las pensiones
La Fundación Unicaja esquiva una consulta a Calviño sobre el sueldo de un patrono
Las implicaciones del cálculo del IPC: la inflación de 2021 se usará en dos subidas de las pensiones
Ribera amenaza con inhabilitar a cinco comercializadoras tras suavizar su recorte a las eléctricas
El Constitucional belga complica la entrega de Valtònyc a España por injurias a la corona
El PNV avisa a Sánchez: la cesión del IMV solo es un paso "previo para hablar" de los PGE
El PNV busca un pacto con Bildu para impulsar más el euskera en la escuela vasca
ERC y la CUP protegen al hombre de Puigdemont que negoció los contactos rusos
Independentistas y nacionalistas consiguen sus exigencias y salvan los PGE de Sánchez
La CUP exige a Aragonès que renuncie a los Juegos Olímpicos si quiere presupuestos
Sánchez frena sus planes de defensa del español para no molestar a sus socios de Presupuestos
Al menos dos muertos por "disparos" en las protestas en Sudán por el golpe
El jefe del Ejército de EEUU señala que la prueba del misil hipersónico de China es "muy preocupante"
EEUU alerta del "asombroso progreso militar" de China: "Es una amenaza que crece"
EEUU y Francia sellan su reconciliación en Roma: Biden admite su "torpeza" con Macron
Frente Polisario descarta volver al alto el fuego y acusa a la ONU de "inacción"
La presidenta de Taiwán advierte de que la amenaza de China aumenta "cada día"
Los comunistas y el 'Podemos' portugués tumban los Presupuestos y abocan al país a elecciones
Los ‘hombres de negro’ enviados a España, “asustados” al comprobar que los ministros de España no se hablan
Operación Azur: un dirigente ultra preparaba un golpe de Estado en Francia
Ribera vuelve de Argelia con el mismo compromiso que Albares y sin el respaldo de las empresas
UK convoca al embajador francés tras la detención de un barco británico en Francia
ELECTOMANIA: La madre de todas las encuestas: La ultraderecha, a un paso de poder entrar en un Gobierno de Casado
Batalla en Podemos Asturias: la dirección se resiste a 'entregar' el partido a Madrid
El PSOE entierra el pacto con el PP y conduce a Moreno a un "callejón sin salida"
IU trasladará su sede federal a Vallecas, a un edificio valorado en 670.000€
Juanma Moreno busca en Londres inversores para Andalucía
Levanta Jaén se suma a la vía Teruel Existe y se estrenará en las elecciones andaluzas
Caso Covid19
Confinamiento y cogobernanza sin control: las medidas ilegales de 14 meses de alarma
PP y Ciudadanos en Castilla y León vetan el debate para que la Junta desautorice su política sanitaria
Sanidad sabía desde septiembre que una sola dosis de Janssen era insuficiente
Caso Granados
Esperanza Aguirre solicita al juez de Púnica que no amplíe la investigación
Caso Dina
La Audiencia respalda al juez del caso Dina e impulsa el informe policial de la tarjeta
Caso Gürtel
Condena 'gratis' para Bárcenas: no pasará un día más en prisión por las obras de la sede
La Audiencia condena a Bárcenas a 2 años de cárcel y al PP por la reforma en 'B' de Génova
Caso Taula
El 'yonki del dinero' trata de dinamitar el 'caso Taula': "Manipulé las grabaciones"
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skykhandare-blog · 6 years
Valtònyc: Belgian court refuses to extradite Spanish rapper
Valtònyc: Belgian court refuses to extradite Spanish rapper
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Valtònyc is one of a number of artists to be sentenced for “glorifying terrorism” in Spain
A Belgian court has said it will not extradite a rapper who fled Spain earlier this year after being convicted over his controversial lyrics.
Josep Miquel Arenas Beltrán, known as Valtònyc, was found…
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The rapper Valtònyc was sentenced to 3 and a half years of jail for the lyrics of his rap song in the Catalan language against the monarchy. He posted that video on YouTube when he was 18 years old and nobody knew him nor listened to his music. But Spain doesn't miss any opportunity to repress the national minorities and political dissent (two elements that most of the time go together).
Meanwhile, this neonazi Spanish policeman faces no consequences for saying, while holding a knife, that he will kill underaged unaccompanied immigrants.
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That's the cop. Holding the electoral poster of Vox (the fascist Spanish supremacist party).
Spain is always like this.
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myshitblogger-blog · 6 years
Spanish 'terror lyrics' rapper Valtònyc says he has no regrets
Spanish ‘terror lyrics’ rapper Valtònyc says he has no regrets
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Rapper Valtònyc says his lyrics are aimed at provoking people into examining their attitudes
A Spanish rapper on the run in Belgium from a three-and-a-half year prison sentence has told the BBC that he does not regret any of his lyrics.
Josep Miguel Arenas Beltram, known to his…
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tuportavoz · 2 years
Valtònyc volverà a casa más pronto de lo esperado si España quiere seguir en la UE
Valtònyc volverà a casa más pronto de lo esperado si España quiere seguir en la UE
El abogado de Valtònyc cree que el rapero volverá a casa más pronto de lo esperado “si España quiere mantenerse en la UE” Gonzalo Boye, que también representa la causa de Alberto Rodríguez, se ha mostrado convencido de que ganarán la cuestión judicial del diputado canario, ya sea en España o en la UE. El abogado Gonzalo Boye, ayer, en el espacio de Twitter #DemócratasContraElRégimen, organizado…
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pacienciaras · 6 years
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La Justicia belga rechaza extraditar a Valtònyc a España.
[...] "El juez rechaza la extradición en una resolución muy motivada, imaginamos que el fiscal belga la va a recurrir, pero el juez entiende que esto es libertad de expresión y que ninguna de esas frases de sus canciones tenían contenido criminal", afirmó Boye a la salida del tribunal de Gante, encargado del caso.
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no-passaran · 5 years
I have a bit of a weird question. You relate to Galician and Basque separatists, right? Is it easier for you to speak to those people in Spanish or does that feel wrong? Do you prefer to speak to them in English to distance yourself from the language of your shared oppressor? Or is English just as bad? Jut curious!
Hi, I'm all here for strange questions
Yes, I relate to Galician and Basque independentists because of our shared fight. I don't have any problem talking to them in Spanish (to them or to anyone else). In fact I feel more comfortable speaking Spanish to a Galician or Basque person than speaking Spanish to a Spanish person, because Galicians and Basques don't make me be nervous and self-conscious about my Catalan accent in Spanish. In general, I don't think anyone from Catalonia would have a problem speaking Spanish to them. Using English would be complicating things unnecessarily.
Though I must say it's common in relations between these countries to use some words from the other. For example, I have a family friend from Bilbao and when she calls we usually say "hello", "goodbye", "goodnight" etc either in the other's language or our own. Also for example today I saw the letter that a Basque organization sent to Valtònyc to give him their support, and they did the same (open the letter with "kaixo" and closed it with "ongi segi" but also told him they send "una abraçada"). I wouldn't say we do this at all for the purpose of using Spanish less, but we use some expressions if we know them as a recognition of the other, often the expressions of endearment.
I hope this answers your question ^^
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unpensadoranonimo · 5 years
Opiniones sobre el secesionismo catalán (14/8/2019)
14 de octubre: apunten esta fecha (1) - Javier Pérez Royo
14 de octubre: apunten esta fecha (y 2) - Javier Pérez Royo
Artur Mas y la serpiente del lago Ness - Miquel Giménez
Brecha entre los constitucionalistas por la invitación de SCC a la reconciliación - Álvaro Medina
Cataluña, entre la paranoia y la conspiranoia - José Apezarena
Cuando Rufián se quitó el lazo amarillo - Marta García Aller
Duros contra pragmáticos: el constitucionalismo catalán se rompe ante un nuevo otoño caliente independentista - Arturo Puente
El Cabaret de la Nada - Miquel Giménez
El independentismo se fatiga - Javier Caraballo
El (presunto) espionaje de Estado y las humildes personas - Ruth Toledano
El 'procés' espanta el ansia independentista en el País Vasco: el "no" se distancia del "sí" - Alberto Lardiés
El tiempo y los sondeos apremian a ERC - Jordi Mercader
En busca del catalanismo perdido - José Rosiñol
¿En Cataluña hay lío? ¡No me jodas! - Miquel Giménez
En plena tormenta, deberes de verano - Grup Pròleg
Firmado: Quim Torra - Miquel Giménez
La cena de los infames - Miquel Giménez
La política se mueve en Cataluña: de la Lliga Democràtica al futuro papel de Ada Colau - Francesc Moreno
La vida de los otros - José Rosiñol
Las contradicciones del Procés catalán - Pere Ortega
Lenguas en peligro - Manuel Toscano
Lenguas rituales - Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Lo volveremos a hacer, señor Sánchez - Jordi Cuixart
Matamala, Rahola, Valtònyc... La nueva corte de Puigdemont en Waterloo - Marcos Lamelas
Nacionalismos liberales y liberticidas - Guillermo Gortázar
Por la puerta - José María Albert de Paco
'Rufián i Lleida' - Gabriel Sanz
Separatismo versus franquismo - Alberto J. Gil Ibáñez
Sociedad recreativa - José María Albert de Paco
Una reunión con el presidente del Parlamento Europeo - Antoni Bayona Rocamora
Ya se puede llamar 'fill de puta' a Rufián - Miquel Giménez
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