#Juan Carlos
aru-iribe · 2 months
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Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One
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warningsine · 1 year
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It was supposed to happen that way and I had to fall in love with Mariana. It wasn't your fault. It was thanks to you.
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l0nelyappariti0n · 5 months
This was my animation final, so proud
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minhamemoriasuja · 2 years
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Juan Carlos photographed by Arnoldas Kubilius
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helloree1 · 1 month
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garbinge · 1 year
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Day 20 from these April Prompts: Picnic
Summary: Just a biker picnic gone wrong.
Words: 1.3k words
A/N: First time writing juice and I decided to go a little more fluff heavy which I think made me stuggle with this a little more than I thought so I added in some angst at the end lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of guns, bullets, shooting, blood, wounds, not too much though, but also flulff in the beginning hehe. SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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Normally the scene of hundreds of bikers in the park would turn heads but this was the one time a year where everyone in Charming accepted it. The annual Charming x Redwood fundraiser, food, raffles, contests, all to raise money for Charming schools and recreation. 
The entire Redwood charter was there obviously, but the invite had extended out to multiple charters in the surrounding areas. That’s why the park had been packed with kuttes and bikes. 
You had just laid down your picnic blanket and put out your bag full of snacks that you had bought from one of the concession stands that were set up. You pulled a book out of your bag and were about to sit down when you heard your name being called. Turning, you saw Gemma with her hands full making her way over to one of the raffle tables. 
“I need you to help me set this up.” Gemma called over to you. 
With a deep sigh that you tried to hide well you made your way over. The one ask, turned into many and before you knew it you were all over the little area of the park you were permitted to be on. 
Just as you were setting up a table full of baked goods, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You jumped back out of reflex but you relaxed when you heard his laugh and you moved back into his arms. 
“Hey, I’ve been lookin’ for you.” He squeezed you a little tighter before you turned around in his arms resting your hands on his kutte. “Where ya been?”
“I’ve been around, Gemma asked for my help setting up. I laid out some stuff over there,” You pointed to your blanket that was abandoned near one of the larger trees in the area. 
“You wanna go chill for a bit? I miss you.” His voice was chipper. 
It was true, between your job, the club, and just everyday life things, it had been a while since you just had a moment alone with your boyfriend. 
“I wish I could but Gem’s got me setting this up and then I’m on kid duty.” Your head moved over your shoulder where the swingset was to point towards the group of kids who were running around frantically, climbing on things and making havoc. 
Juice let out a laugh, his hands still wrapped around you. 
“You two go, be in love.” Gemma’s voice alerted from the other side of the table as she placed down more sweets. “I got this and I’ll have one of the girls watch the kids.” 
It was rare that Gemma offered compassion to anyone let alone you. Your brows frowned as you stared at her in question. “You sure?” 
“Yea, I’m sure. Just wrap it up,” Her brows lifted and a smile crept up on her face, “we got enough gremlins runnin’ around right now, don’t need more.” 
The comment earned a chuckle from both you and Juice. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the picnic blanket before Gemma could change her mind. 
Juice made himself at home on the blanket without a second thought, using the tree as a backrest and patting next to him for you to join. Grabbing your book from your bag you plopped down on the blanket, using Juice’s lap as a headrest. His hand came and began to caress the top of your head, causing you to close your eyes for a minute and soak in the affection. 
“Whatcha readin’?” Juice asked, looking down at the book that was now laying flat, open, and down on your chest. 
“Nothing if you keep massaging my head like that.” You hummed still with your eyes closed. 
Juice let out a chuckle and then his face went into confusion. “I’m not sure if that means I should stop or keep going.” His hand had stopped moving now, but it was still on the crown of your head. 
You smiled while grabbing the hand on your head and bringing it to your lips to place a soft kiss to it before picking back up the book. “I got snacks over there, feel free to have at it.” 
Before Juice was able to even think about grabbing a snack, his name was being called by the club. 
“Juicey!” Chibbs’ accented raised voice alerted you both to look over at the group of guys who were in the middle of getting into something. The lot of them were laughing and drinking which made you realize it wasn’t something club related they needed him for, but maybe just as much you missed him they did too. Juice’s smile grew on his face even when he looked back at you. 
“Go.” You rolled your eyes, if you wanted time with Juice you were going to have to plan it later, if he said no to them now, he’d just be called over later. 
“Love you.” He pecked your cheek before getting up and jogging over to the guys, leaving you alone on the picnic blanket. 
You weren’t alone for much longer before you were dragged back over to the life of the party. At least it included the group of guys, you were able to get some time in with Juice even if it wasn’t just the two of you. 
The group of you stood as you played some version of cornhole in the middle of the park, you had so many drinks that it had turned into some form of soccer and cornhole combined. 
“Come on, Tiggy, toss it over.” You called out as Juice stood behind you blocking the cornhole board as Tig kicked the bean bag over with a laugh. Before the bean bag reached halfway over to you, there was a loud popping noise causing pretty much everyone around you to get alert. That was until the popping continued and it sounded almost like cracking. There wasn’t a chance for you to get a glimpse at what was happening because Juice was moving on top of you. His arm moved over your body and he pushed you to crouch down as he blocked you from the outside world. 
Bullets. His actions made you realize you were being shot at. Some of the guys were quick to respond by shooting back while others were quick to protect the innocents around them. Juice being one to come to your protection without second thought. Your heartbeat rose as your body thumped against the ground, Juice’s body heat against your back being the only thing to bring you any sort of security or comfort until the shooting stopped.
“Holy shit, you alright?” He spoke directly to your ear as he was crouched around you. 
“Yea, yea. I’m fine.” You were now standing up with him as he checked you over eagerly, not realizing your shoulder got clipped. “Next time, let’s just have a picnic by ourselves.” You joked while a part of you was being serious. 
Juice’s eyes went wide as they zoned in on your shoulder that was leaking blood out of it slowly, nothing fatal but enough to be a cause for concern. 
“Yea, good idea.” Juice quickly used his gloved hands to apply pressure to your wound which is when the reality of everything set in and the adrenaline wore off. Your face filled with worry and scrunched up in pain. His eyes met yours and while his expression was filled with worry too, it was also filled with determination.
“Hey, once we get this cleaned up, I’m takin’ you on the best fuckin’ picnic you ever had.”
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maklodes · 4 months
Juan Carlos did two great things as king. The first was the one everyone thinks of – being the man who brought Spain out of the darkness of Franco’s fascist (or Falangist, if you’re pedantic) dictatorship, who thwarted the coup attempt of right-wing reactionaries, secured democracy, etc.
The second was engaging in a bunch of tax evasion and financial shenanigans and getting caught, thus puncturing his own mythos as the archetypal Good King and deflating the image of the monarchy down to its proper status as a tawdry, somewhat ridiculous institution.
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nonstopfandomposts · 23 days
This is specifically for one person- you know who you are
How the 31 minutos characters would learn languages
Part 1: juan Carlos bodoque
-something tells me he's a big fan of frequency vocab lists
-a thousand percent has environment vocab lists in his target language
-big fan of trying new study methods backed by science
-not learning related but he would definitely be really interested in the fact that language exclusion is a real roadblock to people getting information about the climate crisis and he would love to help with that by learning languages and imparting info onto those groups of people
-one of those people who is ridiculously organized with their learning
-probably listens to music in his tl and has God tier music taste
-his duolingo is in dark mode
- favorite app: quizlet or knowt
- favorite language youtuber: Steve Kaufman
- target language: seems like a basque guy to me
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manestjerne · 2 months
Juice Oritz
Let me save you
Let me save you pt. II
Let me save you pt. III
Let me save you pt. IV
Let me save you pt. V
Let me save you pt. VI
Bucky Barnes
I'll do that again for you - oneshot
The book of regrets part one
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d-criss-news · 11 months
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Via Juan Carlos' Instagram Story (July 26th, 2023)
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warningsine · 1 year
3x01 | Ana finds Juan Carlos's spy listening device in her bedroom. She and Mariana decide to mess with him by pretending to have sex.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Home Safe
Juice Ortiz x GN!Reader
Request by Anon: From your prompt lists can we get fluff 6, “I can’t believe you’re real and mine,” and smut 7, “i know, baby, I know,” with juicey boy and f!reader pretty please?? Thank you and I hope you’re having a great day! (Prompts are from This List)
Warnings: 18+, fluffy soft goodness
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I know that the request was for f!reader but this felt doable for me to do a gender-neutral reader, so that’s what I did! Loved writing this softness for our boy. Hope you enjoy!
SOA Taglist: @garbinge @masterlistforimagines @espieviolet99 @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @xladymacbethx @i-just-read-stuff @bport76 @toni9 @unicornucopia-fuckers @buckybarneshairpullingkink @shadow-of-wonder @punkgoddess-98 @paintballkid711 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @jitterbugs927​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @xeniarocks​ @choochoo284​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @juicyortiz​ @bruxasolta​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @be-my-dear​ @withmyteeth​ @passionatewrites​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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You’d been half-asleep when your phone began buzzing on the pillow beside your head, the pillow that had been cold for much longer than you liked. Club business was taking longer than the guys all bargained for, which was par for the course these days, but it still left a knot in your stomach until you finally got the message that they were all safe and on their way home. Which was why even though you weren’t fully conscious, your hand flew and grabbed your phone with no hesitation. It took an extra few beats to get the words out, to get your brain to work, but you answered.
You cleared your throat, though it did nothing to make you sound any less groggy, “Hello?”
Even though he laughed, you could hear the exhaustion in Juice’s voice, “Hey, baby. Sorry I woke you up.”
“No,” you rubbed at your eyes with your free hand, “I wasn’t asleep…all the way.”
He laughed, “Still. Sorry it’s so late.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yea,” along with the tiredness, there was relief in his voice, “Just got to the clubhouse. I’ll be heading home in a few.”
You could hear the smile on his face, “Yea.”
“I’ll unlock the door for you.”
“No,” he chuckled, “Stay in bed. I have my keys—it’s fine.”
“Okay,” you paused, butterflies still in your stomach despite all the time that had gone by, “I love you. Ride safe.”
“I love you too.”
You didn’t get out of bed, but you felt the exhaustion quickly dissolving from your body now that you knew Juice was on his way home. No matter how many times you told him to ride safe, you knew that he always went a little faster than usual when he was riding home after a run. You chastised him but part of you enjoyed it, that extra determination to get home to you as quickly as possible.
Even from the other end of the house, you could hear the sound of the front door opening. Your eyes were closed as you laid tucked up in bed, but the smile on your face grew. Rolling so that you were facing the bedroom door, you waited for him to appear. The sound of his boots against the hardwood slowly but steadily got a little louder with each stride towards the room. Your house wasn’t that big, the hall wasn’t that long, but that walk always seemed like it took him forever and a day on nights like this.
But then he was there. You smiled, propping yourself up so that you were resting on your elbows. He chuckled and shook his head, more than relieved to be home with you, the sight of you tangled up in blankets with an old shirt on of his made his heart soften after all the chaos he’d been through. The grin on his face was still genuine no matter how tired he was.
He quickly slipped out of his boots, shrugging off his kutte before flopping onto the bed with you. He didn’t even take the time to change out of his jeans and t-shirt that he’d come home in—he just wanted to hold you. He wasted no time in hooking his arms underneath yours and pulling you tight to his chest. You burrowed your face into the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around him as you did so. Neither of you said anything for a moment, just taking a few deep breaths and enjoying the fact that you finally got to hold each other again.
Pulling back, you pressed your lips to his in a searing kiss, hand sliding up to cradle the back of his head as you did. You felt his fingertips pressing harder into your back, trying to find a way to pull you closer still. His lips moved hungrily against yours, trying to make up for lost time.
When you finally pulled away, you searched his eyes, trying to make sure that everything was really okay. Tracing your thumb along his cheek, you said, “That was way longer than three days.”
His laugh was soft, tired, “I know, baby, I know. I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, “Don’t be sorry,” you paused, “You’re alright, though?”
He nodded, “I’m good. I’m just, you know,” his hand ran up and down your back, “I’m glad I’m home.”
You smiled, pressing a soft, brief kiss on his lips, “Me too.”
The two of you shifted around slightly on the mattress, trying to get as comfortable as possible. Juice didn’t slither underneath the blankets with you, still didn’t change out of his clothes from the day. Instead, he just rested his head against your chest and wrapped his arms around you, not caring that they’d end up losing feeling if you two laid like that for too long. You smiled, resting one hand on his back between his shoulder blades, and the other on the back of his head, your fingers raking gently over the short hair of his mohawk, over the stubble growing in on the sides of his head that he hadn’t been able to shave while he was on the road.
His breathing started to slow, and you could feel him relaxing more as he continued to lay on you. You would lay there and stare at him forever if you could. It wasn’t like you never got to have these moments, but there was something extra precious about them when he was coming back from a long stint away. He was always tired and clingy, always more soft than usual.
You were starting to think that he might’ve fallen asleep but then you heard him take a deep breath, his voice gravelly as he asked, “How were things here?”
You smiled, your hands gently roaming over his body of their own accord as you spoke, “Fine. It’s always too quiet here when you’re gone.”
“Am I that loud?” he chuckled, still not lifting his head from your chest.
“No, no,” you pressed a kiss to his head, “Well. Only when you play video games,” you gave him a light squeeze, “I just mean it feels more like home when you’re here. That’s all.”
He let out a quiet hum of approval, “Oh. Okay.”
You chuckled, “Okay.”
The room fell quiet again, just the sounds of an occasional deep breath coming from one of you. For as tired as Juice was, he knew that he wasn’t going to be falling asleep anytime soon. Whenever he came home from a run, especially one that went sideways and dragged on like that one had, he tried to stay awake for a while no matter how tired he was. There was something different about the comfort during that first night being home again.
Your hands began to slow, and eventually they stilled completely. Lifting his head, Juice looked up at you, smiling at the sight of you passed out beneath him. He managed to pull his arms out from underneath you without waking you, wiggling his fingers to try and get the feeling back into them. He started to pull away so he could get up off the bed, but you groaned, reaching out even in your sleep to pull him close to you again. He chuckled, bracing himself and carefully maneuvering out of your grasp.
Only then did he finally shed his jeans and t-shirt. Walking around to his side of the bed, he pulled the blanket back just enough to be able to crawl in beside you. He wedged himself up against you, draping one arm over your stomach as his head rested by your shoulder.
The contact began to stir you from your sleep. Your eyes were still heavy, barely open, but you still turned to look where he was laying. A sleepy smile crossed your face when you saw the way that he was looking at you. Your voice was hoarse as you whispered, “What?”
He kissed your shoulder, “You.”
“Yea,” he pulled himself a little tighter to you, “you. I just, you know, I can’t believe you’re real and mine.”
You hummed in approval as your eyes started to drift the rest of the way shut again, “Better start believing it. I love you.”
Relief coursed through his chest at the words. Finally letting his eyes close, he said, “I love you too.”
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bryandera · 1 year
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Goals: Juan Carlos
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gracie-bird · 3 months
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Clippings from Bunte magazine (Germany, June 28, 1962). Princess Grace and Prince Rainier with the newlywed Prince Juan Carlos and Princess Sophia of Spain at a gala held at the Monte Carlo Sporting Club. Among the guests were Frank Sinatra
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deltadrawro · 2 years
Imágenes de Tulio chiquito
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Me da gracia como en estas imágenes al ser antes de la película usaron los peluches.
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aitan · 5 months
Nel 2014 il re di Spagna Juan Carlos I de Borbón abdicó al trono perché la sua immagine era stata danneggiata da una serie di scandali familiari.
La sua secondogenita e suo genero furono coinvolti in uno scandalo per una ong che si era intascata milioni di euro di fondi pubblici e privati. Soldi raccolti per beneficenza.
In più, nel 2012, in piena crisi economica, aveva partecipato a una battuta di caccia all'elefante in Botswana, dove pare fosse accompagnato da un'amante.
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Storie di Spagna che mi vengono in mente in questi giorni di pandori rosa, ministre indagate per falsi in bilancio, deputati con e senza pistola che inneggiano al nazifascismo e cognati lobbisti coinvolti in scandali per appalti milionari.
Ma qua non abdica mai nessuno.
((( parola di aitan )))
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