lylameng · 2 years
Networking Blog
Time flies! Now it comes to an end to the marketing seminar course! I have the privilege to learn from more than a decade of marketing professionals in a consecutive 12 weeks online. Our topics are very diversified from inspiring alumni stories to different focus of marketing speciality including loyalty marketing, SEO, B2B Marketing, Marketing Science, Influencer Marketing, Performance Marketing, Product Enrichment, Digital Marketing Strategy, Paid Media Marketing, etc.  Within each marketing area, our speakers have walked us through from overview, work framework, business problem that are solving, dimensions, metrics, KPIs, as well as their own experience in these practices, which, to great extent, provided us a comprehensive way from overall to in-depth to get an idea about how exactly digital marketing works within each area. In the end, each speaker provided a case study based on their own company. Within group work, we brainstormed the causes of business problems, identified the opportunities and generated solutions from digital marketing perspective to solve the business problems. It was an instant reflect from what had been covered by the speakers. Great way to practice new learnings. Each speaker provided their feedback on each team’s work. Their positive, constructive, and equally insightful feedback greatly wrap up what we learnt and what we should work more.
I have greatly benefited from these sessions from different marketing professionals. Looking back at what we all have experienced, I am so grateful to be guided by them with huge thanks to my professor Wendy Greenwood from GBC for providing great resources and planning the most organized and strategic learning.
What have I learnt most?
The overall knowledge of all marketing specialities has provided me comprehensive knowledge and encouraged me to do further research on areas that I want to dive into as career choices. Marketing science, loyalty marketing and performance marketing are areas that I want to learn and contribute more. I have connected with them on LinkedIn.
My further step to enrich my learning in these 3 areas are to follow these companies LinkedIn accounts and marketing professionals from these companies. I also did research on these companies’ competitors by learning from their websites on their services, business model, team and culture. I followed 12 professionals from these companies and now already started to benefit from their contributions from LinkedIn.
What I get from connecting with them? I would say the trends, ideas, events, and their opinion/comments on different marketing events. I find these are great learning resources in a format of real work & life experience. It is always easy to learn framework, methodology in books and very beneficial to master how to use what we learnt by watching how others are using it, learn from their experience either success or failure. All are great learning resources.
Now I am starting to search for some work opportunity in the marketing analytics area.  When I am reading JD for Marketing/business data analyst from different companies, those detailed responsibility are things that we have covered and had practiced from the marketing seminar course as well as other courses from GBC. The companies I did research for are hiring for analyst. Those roles look familiar to me which provided confidence for me to apply.
My takeaways in network building
I followed/connected with each speaker prior to our online session. Normally, I will say thank you to joining us and sharing your knowledge with us this afternoon. My name is x. Currently I am doing x. I am looking forward to meeting you!  Almost all of the speakers approved my invitation.
It is good or safer to connect with speakers after class. But I understand they know we will approach them if they share LinkedIn with us. It may be also safe to connect prior to class due to this reason. In addition, it is a good sign to show they are welcomed by us. We appreciate their time and input.
About LinkedIn connection, always good to send a note with brief intro about you and reason to connect. Be positive! Do not ask anything! It is rude to ask them to offer you a referral or information call when you just try to build a connection via LinkedIn.
Following the connection, if you feel a good fit or have a good reason to approach them, you can send them a short message to concisely share your intention and why. Perhaps you will be surprised that people agree to offer an information call to provide industry information or answer your questions.
For our speakers from the seminar, I am very happy to connect with them and appreciated the opportunity to know more professional experience about them, and their company, community etc.  As I have asked the questions I had during our session time, I did not approach them for an information call as of today. But I know who I might want to approach for a in person or virtual meetings in near future when I am ready.
Speakers and her industry that greatly inspired me on networking
Blair Roebuck, vice president, marketing science form Valtech
Paul Michel, Senior Manager, Performance Marketing, Harry Rosen
Jennifer Stoll, VP, Strategy, Valtech
I have gained great insights and explore more resources from them. Because of Valtech, I started to network with professions in digital transformation field. I am keen to understand how to provide digital services to clients to help drive business growth and increase ROI. This area looks like a more integrated work who are not just talking about influence, impressions, clicks but focusing on results from the top of pyramid, which is business result, the ROI. Now I am working on the list of predominant marketing agency with focus on marketing science.
Performance marketing played a critical role in driving me to think further on metrics and KPIs to drive ROI. It is not just about one thing, but an integrated work. I am so honored to see the way how Paul shared his work, structure, case study, as well as key measurement with us. I am a huge fan of him in terms of how to bring the topic to the table and how to wrap it up in an efficient and enjoyable way. He knows what the main things that his audience want to learn.
He did not share LinkedIn with us. However, reading his PPT and doing further research about Harry Rosen, sign up on the email list, following social media channels also enrich my learning because of him. I highly appreciated this.
Harry Rosen is a good example of showing me how marketing strategy works for a luxury brand. Those skills are transferable which I can apply either in a job from Harry Rosen if possible, in the future or similar company in the industry.  So, I followed other Canadian companies in the retail industry, such as Canadian tire, Canada Goose at all channels and keep reading their financial and local publics to gain better understanding on their business strategy and how their marketing function to support business objectives. If I were in that role, part of their teams, what I might learn, what I might change or contribute.
Marketing is an ever-evolving journey. As marketers, we constantly learn and evolve to keep updated and drive great outcomes. Building network is great tool to help us understand what is new, what is on demand, what we can learn and what else we can contribute. How to network varies on what you are looking for. It could be just a hint on industry knowledge that could inspire you to do further research on your own and go from there. This way fits me well.  Or it could be a way for you to know more about people, and you know how to work with and learn from others especially those people with senior experience and knowledge in the area you might be quite interested in.
Lastly, thanks Professor Wendy Greenwood for providing this great opportunity to learn and reflect, and thanks all our speakers who took their own time and guided us from different areas. I am confident these learning will be stay with us and help the marketing community to train more excellent marketing professionals just like them and shine in different corner.
With thanks to all who contributed in these sessions and shared their ideas!
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impact-newswire · 5 months
Valtech is the Experience Innovation company that exists to unlock a better way to experience the world.
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Colleges in the Two Coast Conference
There are 13 schools in the Two Coast Conference, of which Cargill is a part of. Colleges will compete for a place at the eventual NCAO Div I championships.
<This information will be in the choice script stats glossary page.>
— East Coast (8) —
Cargill University (New York) - Coyotes
Empire State University (New York) - Bulls *RIVALS*
Miami State University (Florida) - Manatees
University of the Carolinas (N/S. Carolina) - Deer
Appalachia University (Virginia) - Patriots
Maryland Institute of Technology (MIT) (Maryland) - Robins
True North College (Maine) - Moose
— West Coast (5) —
North California College (NoCal) (California) - Grizzlies
State University of South California (SUSC) (California) - Suns
Valley Institute of Technology (Valtech) (California) - Vultures
Portland University (Oregon) - Lumberjacks
Pacific Northwest College (Washington) - Redwoods
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fruttisam-book · 2 years
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Diseño de e-mail para L'Oréal nivel LATAM.
Es un placer para mí comoartir uno de los proyectos más largos en los que he trabajado colaborarivamente con más de 30 compañeros de 3 países diferentes para una empresa nivel global. Cubrimos un total de 7 paises y locaciones para sus campañas de e-mail marketing.
¿Qué estoy viendo?
Resumen gráfico del proyecto de e-mail marketing. Diseño 100% hecho en Figma. Woreframe fijo oara todos y obtener una eficiencia en el proceso de desarrollo de los emails.
¿Que se trabajo?
Diseño de estrategia, contenido, comunicación, edición, manejo de datos variables, diseño gráfico y desarrollo de email branding en marcas nuevas a nivel LATAM. Entrega de documentación original, con descripciones y manual de uso y cambio, entrega de originales de diseño en archivos para Figma y documentación de los buyer's journey para cada journey de cada marca.
¿En dónde?
En los equipos de Valtech México y Brasil.
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101467964 · 6 months
"From Student to Professional: How a Marketing Seminar Shaped My Career Aspirations"
As the semester draws to a close, I am grateful for the invaluable knowledge I have gained from attending the Marketing Seminar series. I owe my sincere appreciation to Professor Wendy Greenwood, who curated an exceptional lineup of industry experts to share their insights with us.
Throughout the series, I had the privilege of listening to speakers who generously shared their professional journeys. Attending these sessions in person has given me the confidence to pursue my career goals with determination and self-belief.
One particularly inspiring session was led by Blair Roebuck, the Vice President of Marketing Science at Valtech. Blair shared their expertise in data-driven marketing and digital experience platforms, having honed their skills over eight years of agency experience. Their commitment to driving digital transformation through data-driven strategies has earned Blair recognition in the Forbes Under 30 Class of 2023.
The key takeaways from this enlightening session include:
Embracing Change
I have learned that embracing change is crucial for personal and professional growth. By fostering an attitude of adaptability and openness, we can navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our industry with confidence and excel in our chosen paths. This insight has reshaped my approach to considering career options.
Networking and Connections
Networking has emerged as an important factor in staying competitive. Building relationships with individuals, both within and outside the industry, can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can guide my career development.
Tailoring Applications
When searching for job opportunities, tailoring my resume and cover letter to each application is a crucial factor for success. Understanding the unique needs of each organization and demonstrating my dedication and attention to detail can increase my chances of securing the desired position.
Researching Organizations
Conducting thorough research on the desired organization, including its background, vision, values, products or services, market position, and recent developments, is essential. This knowledge will not only help me tailor my approach when interacting with the organization but also demonstrate my genuine interest and dedication during interviews or networking opportunities.
Throughout this semester, I have been actively building connections in the marketing industry and exploring resources that will guide me toward finding a position in the field. I have connected with the speakers from the seminar series, many of whom are highly active on LinkedIn and share valuable content.
I have also attended events organized by marketing groups on LinkedIn, which have provided me with opportunities to network, gain references, and connect with professionals in the industry. These interactions have allowed me to receive valuable feedback on my resume and gain insights on how to make it more relevant for the positions I am interested in.
Additionally, I have joined the "Digital Marketing: Social Media, Search, Mobile & more" group on LinkedIn, which has nearly 2 million professionals in the same field. This group has helped me stay updated on the latest events and trends in marketing.
To stay connected with my network, I actively engage with my connections on LinkedIn, share industry-related content, stay updated on new job postings, and initiate informative discussions. Building and nurturing relationships is a crucial step in finding job opportunities.
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I am currently seeking a co-op opportunity, and I am optimistic that my networking efforts will help me secure a paid position. While I have received an offer for an unpaid marketing internship through my LinkedIn network, my preference is to find a paid co-op position. I firmly believe that networking will play a crucial role in helping me achieve this goal.
The digital media marketing seminar series has been an exceptional experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from a knowledgeable professor and a diverse group of industry experts. The insights I have gained will undoubtedly benefit my marketing career.
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adeolaaao · 8 months
Dive into the world of marketing science
Blair Roebuck, an experienced marketing analyst, joined the MARK 4029 class, where she walked students through what Marketing Science was.
Starting with introductions, Blair Roebuck introduced herself to the MARK 4029 class, where she seamlessly walked the students through her experience as a marketing analyst and walked them through the world of Marketing Science.
As the vice president of marketing science at a global digital agency called Valtech, Blair had a lot of knowledge to impart to the students.
Firstly, Blair introduced Marketing Science and expressed its heavy reliance on data. She went on to explain how the data sets include general information, such as the contact information of the intended audience. This data is then used to create custom content based on that demographic. Customizing this content then helps the audience personalize their experience, undoubtedly maximizing user experience.
In this field, data is valuable and can be used as a currency because marketing science aims to translate the data collected into usable business insights that drive a return on clients and investments.
The goal is to customize online and offline transactions with the commerce data that has been collected. This can help the organization retain its customers because they have personalized their experiences.
These business insights gathered from the analysis of the data that has been collected help to proffer solutions to any problems the organization may be facing.
Secondly, Blair explained how organizations measure their success using three pillars of return on investment to focus on. The first pillar is the return on client investments. The second pillar is the return on investment from data collected and how it was implemented, and lastly, the third pillar is ensuring there is a profit from sales.
Finally, Blair introduced the implementation of key disciplines involved in marketing science:
Measuring strategy, Data, Analytics, Data visualization, SEO and Optimization.
In choosing a strategy, it is crucial to identify the key performance indicators. These depend on the goal of the organization. Once the data has been gathered and is usable and consumable, it Is analyzed.
After the presentation, the classroom transformed into an engaging session with the case study of the in-class activity. The students split into two groups who analyzed two different sets of data.
In group one, they were able to find the state with the highest percentage of drivers who are involved in lesions and are alcohol-impaired. However, the group faced some challenges as they needed help establishing relationships between most variables. They could successfully suggest tailored content based on the established relationships.
Blair’s feedback to the group was positive as she applauded them and appreciated their honesty in navigating the relationships despite their challenges. She acknowledged that these challenges are part of being a marketer.
Reflecting on the experience, I would not necessarily like to be a marketing analyst because, as much as it seems very interesting, the mathematical aspect involved is discouraging, and I know my strengths. However, it is an exciting field if I can brush up on those skills.
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zee-playground · 8 months
eJournal #1: Blair Roebuck, VP of Marketing Science at Valtech
Blair Roebuck, VP of Marketing Science at Valtech, talks about the intersection of business challenges and data insights, emphasizing the importance of a data-first approach in driving tangible outcomes. She shares personal experiences and career journey, highlighting the impact of data and digital marketing in various organizations, leading to a role in a global digital agency, Valtech. Blair…
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atriumpr · 1 year
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Revolving Door Agency Moves: ANC, Smarts, Valtech & More, AgencySpy
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journals-itzel · 1 year
Blair Roebuck, Vice President, Marketing Science, Valtech
Do you know what "unicorn" means? Blair Roebuck, Vice President of Marketing Science at Valtech, explained this terminology with the following statement: "I am privileged to work with such amazing people. I got the glory of standing and sitting in front of you all in class. However, the team behind me are fantastic and brilliant individuals, and I learned by working with them all."
Her description of unicorns makes her think of people with an exceptional blend of analytical skills, statistical knowledge, and marketing expertise. The unicorn suggests finding individuals with marketing and data science skills. Whenever she hires or adds individuals to her team, there are some key criteria she looks for.
The technology side. Are you capable of organizing and analyzing data? Can you capture the data and analyze it?
Expertise: Do you have the technical knowledge to analyze the data?
Apply: Can you apply the technical findings to your client's project content and context?
Blair taught me three takeaways. First, we need different skills and knowledge to succeed in our company. We need analytical skills, knowledge and expertise. The most significant thing is, however, that we should strive to be unicorns and be fantastic individuals who share knowledge and learn through collaboration with others. 
Secondly, it is very critical to have a solid understanding of customers and the business model. This is because you can often apply your knowledge and skills to various industries and ensure their application in every circumstance.
Communication fosters collaboration and teamwork among employees. When individuals can clearly convey their ideas, thoughts, and expectations, it becomes easier to work together, share information, and coordinate efforts towards common goals. Effective communication promotes synergy and helps teams achieve better results.
The most interesting thing I learned through the activity was that my team and I could analyze the data in 30 minutes. I also made some suggestions and recommendations to improve awareness and emphasize safe driving. I was surprised to discover that the majority of people who suffer from a car accident have already been involved in another accident. I believe it is extremely imperative to raise safe driving awareness.
Overall, I believe a career as a marketing scientist would be an ideal fit for me. I enjoy analyzing data and have the fundamentals to make informed decisions. By analyzing data, it is possible to determine what companies are doing well and what needs to be changed. Furthermore, storytelling is one of the things I most enjoy when people collect data and present their findings in a clear, concise, and compelling manner.
My most significant actions for preparing myself for this career are to gain experience and confidence in data analysis, build a portfolio that displays my skills in data analysis and marketing, and most importantly, establish relationships with potential employers. Make connections with people who can assist me in finding a job in the industry. Be aware of the latest trends: Stay abreast of the latest developments in data analysis and marketing technology.
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Insights and Strategies for Success in the Digital Marketing Industry to the Power of Networking: Lessons from the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series 
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After meeting and interacting with various speakers for our class Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series, the following blog is inspired by those numerous events and is an extract of it. 
Part 1: What I learned 
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As a student of the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series, I have gained invaluable insights into the marketing industry, from trends to career opportunities from the various speaks that got the chance to present their career journey and about their daily tasks and responsibilities. The series brought in industry leaders who shared their experiences and knowledge, allowing us to engage with them and gain a better understanding of the various marketing industries. 
One of the speakers who inspired me was Blair Roebuck, Vice President of Marketing Science at Valtech. The digital marketing expert discussed the importance of using data-driven marketing strategies. She emphasized the significance of analyzing consumer behaviors and using the data to create targeted marketing campaigns. This had a significant impact on how I thought about my career options, as I realized the importance of developing strong analytical skills. 
Following are a few takeaways that I got from Blair’s session about working as a Marketing Scientist -  
Apart from data analysis and data wrangling, marketing scientists are also required to have a deep understanding of how a business works and over that being a good communicator is also a requirement.  
They must collaborate with various departments in the organization such as solution architects, developers, product owners, folks from UX/creative team, project managers, and account managers. It is important because it is a highly collaborative role, and you need to manage the expectations of various departments to succeed.  
They truly allow organizations to make data-driven decisions in pursuit of their marketing goals. They have a direct impact on a company's understanding of its customers, and opportunities, and then in optimizing their marketing strategies, to achieve better business results.   
These kinds of insights would have been very hard to find if it were not for the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series. 
Another key takeaway from the seminar series was the importance of building a professional network. The speakers and alumni shared their experiences of how they developed their networks and recommended several processes and resources for building industry contacts. This was particularly helpful, as I realized that networking is critical for career growth and job opportunities. 
The most important thing I learned from the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series was the need to be adaptable in the fast-changing marketing industry. The speakers emphasized the importance of staying up to date with current trends and technologies to remain competitive and relevant. This highlighted the need for ongoing learning and professional development, which I believe is crucial for success in any industry. 
In terms of some feedback about what I got out is, the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series provided me with an excellent opportunity to engage with marketing professionals, gain industry insights, and develop my professional network. I highly recommend this course to any student looking to gain a better understanding of the marketing industry and build their career prospects. 
Part 2: Network and Resources 
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Another thing as a student in the Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series that I've learned a lot about is the importance of networking and how it can help me find a job in the industry. Here are some tips and best practices I've picked up along the way: 
First, I've networked with several industry leaders who spoke at the seminar series, as well as with other students and alumni of the program. I've connected with them on LinkedIn and attended events and activities to build relationships and gain knowledge. 
Some of the speakers with whom I have connected on LinkedIn are -  
Ashley Walsh, Account Director at North Strategic 
Danielle Humilde, Regional Digital Manager at Marsh McLennan 
Amanda Lee, Account Director at The Aber Group 
Wendy Greenwood, my professor for Digital Media Marketing Seminar Series 
I've also joined marketing groups on LinkedIn and attended virtual networking events to make new connections. Volunteering has also helped me meet new people and expand my network. 
In terms of job finding resources, I've used job boards, company websites, and LinkedIn to search for marketing positions. LinkedIn has been the most useful as it allows me to see job postings and connect with recruiters and hiring managers directly. 
To keep in contact with my network, I've made a point to stay active on LinkedIn, commenting and sharing posts from my connections. I've also set up coffee meetings and phone calls to catch up with people and learn about their current projects. 
I secured my co-op position through networking as I reached out to someone I had previously met at an industry event who worked for the company I was interested in. They referred me to the hiring manager and I was able to secure an interview and ultimately the position. 
Some networking tips and best practices I've learned include: 
Be genuine in your conversations and build relationships based on shared interests and goals. 
Attend events and activities that align with your career aspirations. 
Don't be afraid to reach out to people on LinkedIn or through email to ask for advice or information. 
Follow up with people after meetings or events to keep the conversation going. 
Be patient, as building a strong network takes time and effort. 
Overall, networking has been an essential part of my job search and career development in the marketing industry. I encourage other students to take advantage of networking opportunities and to be proactive in building relationships and expanding their professional network. 
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fellsfunbooth · 2 years
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Two events we're covering tonight. We have our Christmas Oval Booth on Northamptonshire for Valtech's Awards/Christmas night. We have our Rustic Heart Booth in Staffordshire @hawkesyard_estate for Louis &Amy's wedding reception. #fellsfunbooth #fellsfotos #ovalbooth #photobooth #photobooths #photoboothwedding #photoboothhire #photoboothparty #photoboothideas #wedding #weddings #weddingday #weddingsplanning ##weddingguest #weddingvenues #weddingplanners #weddingreceptions #weddingreceptionvenues #weddingreceptionfun #weddingreceptionsetup #weddingreceptionideas #christmasphotobooth #corporatechristmasparty #corporatephotobooth #corporateideas #selfiephoto #selfie #selfies (at Whittlebury Hall Hotel and Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl64lg-Mmsm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pranalipawarshinde · 2 years
Tricuspid Valve Repair Market Opportunities and Growth Challenges Report 2020-2030
Tricuspid Valve Repair Market Research Outlook
The study on the tricuspid valve repair market is based on robust data-driven research models to identify, understand, and draw insights on the tactical, operational, and strategic factors shaping the consumer needs, want, demands, and attitudes. The study uses industry-validated statistical methods to translate data into actional insights useful for accurate decision-making for the clients and customers.
Tricuspid Valve Repair Market: Industry Trends and Value Chain
The report on the tricuspid valve repair market presents a detailed assessment on change in socio-cultural trends shaping investment avenues in the tricuspid valve repair market. Guidance on new approaches to customer-value driven marketing strategies are offered to readers in the study.
Get Sample Copy of the Report – 
Some of the key aspects covered in the study are:
·         What are the major factors that have shaped the buyer behaviour during pandemic and which of those are likely to remain?
·         What are some of the new product development avenues in the tricuspid valve repair market?
·         What is the rate of adoption of new technologies that will shape the future growth of the market during the forecast period?
·         What are change in socio-cultural trends shaping investment avenues in the tricuspid valve repair market?
·         What are new approaches to customer-value driven marketing strategies?
·         What are the recently emerging economic and demographic trends that have influenced the opportunities in the tricuspid valve repair market?
Tricuspid Valve Repair Market: Branding Strategies and Competitive Strategies
The study on the tricuspid valve repair market presents a detailed assessment of the factors affecting branding decisions of key players. The analysts have scrutinized the various market expansion strategies such as expansion through concentration, cooperation, digitalization, integration, and diversification. The report aims to offer a comprehensive insight into aspects that motivate companies to expand their markets to untapped areas, such as rural markets. The market penetration strategies particularly distribution strategies that have changed in recent years are analyzed in detail. The study finds out how marketing strategies evolved during the product development cycle.
Some of the key questions that the report sheds light on are:
·         What are the main financial considerations that played a key role in evolution of the marketing strategies of incumbent players as well as new entrants?
·         What are some of the market warfare strategies and how have they influenced the competition dynamics?
·         Which market follower strategies will shape the intensity of the competition in the tricuspid valve repair market?
·         Which business frameworks are emerging as relevant and useful for analyzing strategic business units of some of the top players?
·         How are recent changes in monetary and financial policies shaping the entry barriers for new entrants?
Make Inquiry before Buying – 
The list of key players operating in the tricuspid valve repair market includes following names:
·         Edwards Lifesciences
·         Abbott Laboratories
·         Valtech Cardio Ltd
·         Sorin S.p.A.
Tricuspid Valve Repair Market: Assessment of Avenues and Revenue Potential in Key Geographies
The study on the tricuspid valve repair market presents insights and perspectives on current avenues in various developing and developed regions. Geographies that are expected to witness steady R&D funding are covered in the study.
Some of the key aspects and questions the report has covered are:
·         Which are some of the recent changes in regulations and policy changes that have incentivized investments there?
·         Which regional markets will witness automation in industrial processes that will open up new business opportunities in the tricuspid valve repair market?
·         Which firms have strengthened their distribution channels in rural markets?
·         Which regions are witnessing tailwinds owing to macroeconomic factors?
Related Reports –
3D Reconstruction Technology Market: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/09/06/2510422/0/en/3D-Reconstruction-Technology-Market-to-Reach-Value-of-US-2-8-Bn-by-2031-States-TMR-Study.html
Sanitary Napkin Market: https://www.accesswire.com/714757/Sanitary-Napkin-Market-to-Rise-at-a-CAGR-of-5-during-Forecast-Period-notes-TMR-Study
About Us
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyze information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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etsiedigitaltake · 2 years
Is Marketing Science as Intimidating as It Sounds?
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Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash
Well, thanks to our Digital Media Marketing Seminar course guest speaker a couple of weeks ago, I now know that it’s not. If anything, it is a very interesting field where those with keen interest in data, business and technology will flourish. Our guest speaker, Blair Roebuck, is the Vice President, Marketing Science at Valtech.
What is Marketing Science Anyway?
Below are a couple of definitions.
“Marketing science is a field that approaches marketing predominantly through scientific methods, rather than through tools and techniques common with research in the arts or in humanities.” (Greenbook, 2020)
“Marketing science is the application of the scientific method and scientific experiments to the solution of marketing problems.” (Decision Analyst, 2017)
How do we make sense out of these definitions? Courtesy to Blair, we were able to get a much more digestible explanation that helped us gain a better understanding. Marketing science is achieved at the confluence of analytics and data, technology, and business. It takes complex data and transforms them into business insights designed to achieve an ROI.  I’m hereby sharing the key takeaways from our discussion with Blair in hopes that you will learn as much as I did.
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Photo by Callum Hill on Unsplash
The Recipe for A Great Marketing Scientist
A well-rounded Marketing Scientist will have foundational understanding of data curation/analysis, cross-cutting business objectives across industries and strategic thinking. Undoubtedly, sufficient familiarity with technology and digital initiatives in the field is equally important.
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Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash
What’s So Attractive About Component-based Architecture on A Website?
I equate component-based architecture to a process where you frontload your efforts/time to enjoy the privileges it brings after it’s built. Once software developers invest the time to create a component-based architecture, content managers can create various iterations of pages based on the initially designed modules. This allows for a repeatable process and reduces the amount of time and inter-department coordination it takes to develop multiple pages of a website. (BlueModus, 2021)
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Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash
Data Privacy: Friend or Foe of Marketing Science?
For a field that is heavily reliant on data, more specifically, consumer data, marketing science faces a threat posed by laws and regulations limiting access and/or use of personal data. Marketers have benefitted tremendously from third-party cookies to capture data that allows them to target consumers. Thus, companies like Valtech need to design cookie-less tracking approaches to adapt to the changing environment of user privacy infringement regulations. Not only do they need to adapt, but they also need to be one step ahead and anticipate potential restrictions to data access/use that could affect their business in the future.
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Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash
Harnessing The Power of Data
My classmates and I had the opportunity to put our Marketing Scientist caps on and practice how to analyze data and propose marketing strategies. We were provided with data on consumption level of various types of alcoholic beverages per country. Blair tasked us with analysing the data available to recommend marketing strategies tailored to respective regions. What I found interesting about the exercise is that despite the data only having a handful of variables, we were able to draw many insights. We did so by approaching the relatively small dataset from various angles. Based on those insights, we proposed 4 marketing campaigns, each with multiple iterations. All of this in just 20 minutes. Imagine what we could have accomplished with an expansive dataset and more time. Data truly is powerful!
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Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash
How Self-sufficient Do We Really Want Our Clients to Be?
Blair relayed to us that it is imperative for Marketing Scientists to equip their clients with the tools and knowledge they need to become self-sufficient. I asked if there was a fine line between empowering a client and making them self-sufficient enough to no longer need our services. I had often heard from businessmen that you want to create a system wherein your clients will always rely on your services. However, Blair explained that it is a testament of success for her company if their clients’ teams are proficient in using Valtech’s tailored products and systems. I’m convinced that this is a much more fulfilling perspective to have when working with clients you want to ultimately see win.
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Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
You Need to Be a Data Guru – Myth or Reality?
As soon as I heard of marketing science, I was immediately concerned about my subpar knowledge and experience of data handling and analysis. Fortunately for me, Blair debunked this misconception by sharing her personal experience. She explained how math was not her strong suit and that even in her current senior role in marketing science, she doesn’t need to be an expert in data analysis. It was reassuring to hear that the magic lies in building a solid team of experts in data analysis/science. The same goes for expertise in software development and other areas.
How Does This Play to My Advantage?
In my previous roles, I have extensive experience of managing a team of experts in fields I had subpar knowledge in. I can leverage this experience to demonstrate how I am able to lead a team of diverse expertise to build cohesive strategies aligned with any company’s and client’s business objectives.
BlueModus. (2021, May 14). Component based design and why your website needs it. BlueModus. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://bluemodus.com/articles/component-based-design-and-why-your-website-needs-it
DecisionAnalyst. (2017, September 8). Marketing science. Decision Analyst. Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.decisionanalyst.com/analytics/marketingscience/
What does marketing science bring to the table? GreenBook. (2020, May 21). Retrieved October 24, 2022, from https://www.greenbook.org/mr/market-research-methodology/what-does-marketing-science-bring-to-the-table/
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webanditnews · 2 years
Valtech Acquires Union as it Scales End-to-end Creative & Performance Marketing Capabilities
Valtech Acquires Union as it Scales End-to-end Creative & Performance Marketing Capabilities
Representing the future of performance marketing with world-class creative and data-driven insights, Union joins business transformation company Valtech to deliver innovative end-to-end customer experiences for enterprise clients across the North American region and wider group. In an industry peppered with big-bang campaigns that often fail to drive revenue or impact market share, the…
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agencias · 2 years
Adobe Experience Manager Specialist
Adobe Experience Manager Specialist
Somos una empresa global enfocada en la transformación de negocios por medio de la innovación digital. En Valtech, transformamos haciendo. Generamos cambios combinando diseño de experiencias, consultoría de negocios, tecnología y servicios de marketing. En esta oportunidad, estamos buscando sumar a nuestro equipo un/a AEM Specialist ¿Qué desafíos tendrá esta posición? Desarrollo de templates en…
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nytcap · 6 years
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Valtech Innovation Talks (VIT) dinner (NRF Week) by j- No Via Flickr: The Press Lounge, Manhattan NYC Jan. 15, 2019
Innovative "Digital disrupter" Valtech, which specializes in personalized ecommerce,  hosted a panel discussion on the digitalization of the retail market and how to best - and ethically - use the data accumulated.  Some spirited Q&A followed.  The event came at the culmination of the National Retail Federation (NRF) annual New York City conference.
Panelists included representatives from Decathlon, Samsung, Voicify, Valtech, Sitecore and True Fit.  Covered topics included:   Experiential Retail: Emergence of the physical meeting digital. Customer Data and Insights: What to do with the data you’ve gathered, and The Segue from Product to Service.
The panel was concurrent with a sit-down dinner and preceded by a social hour,  with passed hors d'oeurves and specialty cocktails.  A full open bar was maintained all evening.  The event was held at the West Side classy 16th floor Press Lounge, which offers spectacular views of the Hudson and midtown Manhattan.  It was a bit too nappy to enjoy the outside deck, but we braved it long enough to capture some of the grand scenery.
The National Retail Federation is the world's largest retail trade association. Its members include department stores, specialty, discount, catalog, Internet, and independent retailers, chain restaurants, and grocery stores.
NRF 2019 spotlighted the many innovative technologies available to retailers today, much of it involving the use of Artificial Intelligence in order to best optimize reaching and retaining their customer base.
While innovation is great, old school simplicity still has its importance.  Example: Valtech's corporate website is slow-loading, way too busy, built more for visual style than practical maneuvering.  No social media links even appear up front, which one would think would be critical for any company involved in retail.  One reason why half of the world loves Amazon, even though the company is the epitome of evil destroyer of individuality in business, is that one can find what they want quickly, make their purchase, and get out minutes later.  Having to fish around for information and wading through a lot of content-lite word soup is counter-productive.
#valtech #nrf #sitecore #thepressroom #ecommerce #ai
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